-&^j£^j ^•Sill 0 ' 111 : //*]m :L W .'_.-' , B. ,, .* . . •* ' .. a' . . '•.- l \*'r t '\JJ}Ti: t y'* t U} ^kfhljpfr £ -j.^ rrr^-23E; ," \- " *'" /•/ JL- .1 Wf i y&MJPW M BROCKPORT, NEW YORK, THURSDAY, fJl^LT 16, J925 IN 4778 -m-cpsrr COPK. B0EA. TION RETARDS PROGRESS Afitmnariet Ajrrived in 1820. Ii- "'-' lands Annexed to United States. in 1898. AKen Race* CONSOLIDATED JUNE 25, 1925 FAKE TRAFFIC OFFICERS ^According tot °the-HoHey» Standard, two fake traffic officers hare' been" li6.iaS5g"Tip^motorists on the Million r* IKC '__• Honolulu", May 9;. "After arrjvaT" arHpablulu ancTlhe close of the, great mimic war between the Blues and the Blacks,-the former representing the great Armada or American Navy consisting of about 130 vessels of all types, and" the latter representing the defense of the Ha^ wallah islands, including Army, Navy and air forces, .-it was the privilege of the BewsjjiSiieroCQrrespondejite^aTMonfc. panitig the 'fleet. on this; expedition ;to peuda week fnrinolt Ihterestini and delightful travel and sight-seeing around the islands and to learn much about theJiafiits" of the people, to en- jorxheir ritarjelous" hospitality aid study some of their problems. In this r of a series "of letters covei- ing the islands the writer will give a _^jrief.jOutlin : e-«of—their- history and-of |-^-r^he-pepple^ho^habft-them.-~ - ~ - Thenprightal Hawaiian™people Tvere -bMuuj)l_oMhat widespread Polype-' ^an-race^hatJiihahits^ne^sIands^ofcK Dollar highway, and .extracting money from them as a compromise in lieu oTJ being haled iutoliourt, with the nec- essary delays, etc. In some eases the robbers gave the real name of officers, which proved their undoing, as one of the motorists "held up was .acquainted with the officer whose name was given. Upon investigation ItJwas dis* Been WOMAN -P €he Eastern Pacfic from New Zealand t o Hawaii, and includes the Maori, the TTonggn, the TaBftiarii the Samdan, and "^mainy other Island plaices. ' The scat- •^teredrbrancherof^he^QPolyireslaff-Tace^l c^nmrfse a.distinct people of the three or four that inhabit the entire Pacific area. Although there are some~3oUbt- ful points it is generally conceded that ]^e,Iolynesiaj46,a«e^a;.Dr«nch and -des- cendant* of -the fado-Aryan racerthus kin to the - European peoples who came from" the same rbot. ^~ TRe^ewly history oJT^^rawalian '+»«.- Islands, as handed down by. word, of 1 —- mouth,, is a stirring tale of long ocean " voyages from '-the Southern;, -group to -these islands; of battles - and intrigues Covered that the practice had going on for some lime. "Police-offi- cers along the line are requested to locate persons robbed if possible, and report" to'State Troopers, or the Police Department of Middleport, 'ftrhere the fake officJrjs^are.^w^6ing held;, await- ing identification; _J - . ' : - ' * - . . H ^ . ANNUAL CONVENTION OF tyAC- . CABEES ; Thousands of . automobiles have oward-Washing-| ton for participation in- the annual Maccabee convention, which, is to be held from July '20 tg 24th. A caravan consisting of 2,500 ears^ containing more than lO.OQuJSIacabees ,and their families from all sections of the United States, are reported on the way, and will take their places in the largest automobile parade that hW ever been he^d' in .any city. J^jLE TOWNSEfr0 OF HAMLIN IN ^-DF KICKSTAjlj MATRIMONIAL BURCH^-DINN . , ^ ling bMhterest to many of this vicinity was! th&t of Vfavrim fr Wife of Albwtis Beadle Has Him Arretted. Townsend's Condi- . tion Said to Be. Serious •As a result of interfering to-save Mrs. Albertis Beadle of Hamlin-from an alleged attack by her husband, Jule Tfownsend who was employed by Beadle is at the county hospital suffer- ing from kicks which may prove fatal' kffiejQBdiageto-asitholStoes. Bufch, formerly of Brockport to Tranche E. Binn of Philadelphia, Pa., at the First Baptist jdmrch at Hendon, NO. 42 INDUSTRY Beadle- was later arrested on com- plaint of his wife, and lodged in. 3ail land r -Jtrly-««t] Mr: Burch is connected with thesj United States , Department of Com- merce at London,* Ejifeland. AmonglRF many friends and rela- tives . who "acchfopkttfad thp brMe to _^___ er "Bon Voy age" was Geo. A, Beedle of Brockport - ' '• -'^"jfey GALLAGHER—NOON ... Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, at St Mary's Catholic church in Holley, a prettr g Buininer wading took place _fidwardMe-Keonr^feo>-inoved-from- j-BrockpTn-t-^o^fa%dfflgia^Bout ten FOLD-EASY BOX COMPANY years j^go, died at hisr-liome- in that j f FWE FORD^^OUrE rtH UN jtprace Monday, July 13th. He-had been I " p - "" jjlljince last April. ._£.._•_•_ ____!__ He is sucviVed^ by his wife, Anna Connors McKeon, and three sisters, [Mm -CfaarleS" PI,Doyle and Mrs. Mar-"| BECUN D E R A T I O N S NH^EAR^I Lockport Busineps Men Intereated. Have Taken Over Old Line. ,. \ Have 24 Inventions a* a resuu of being unable to furnish,^^ ^ MrBt _^ tep ^ ^ ^ ^ Among the outstanding events of the conven- tion wjll be the initiation of- 5.QQ0 slja to be-the-isrgest-clasfii "Candida in—the—history—ofr-#Faternal-organiiia-| tions^- . 450- ball imposed .by Justice Dauchy» [A hearing is to-be-held today ajHLj^jg-l probable Beadle will be held awaiting the outcome of injuries suffered by- Townsend. What led to-'the attack on Mrs,^ Beadle Jis not known. The- sheriffs office was notified and- «everal de- puties were sent to the scene to in- vestigate. Dr. Hazen attended. Town- 1 send and found him In such bad con ditl&njfrohFklcTcs*linfie"sl;bmaqh that he ordered him taken to the hospital i^wlie^snrs Iffldfed^iarNobh, daught- er of Wtivand Mrs. l^chael J. Noon, of Hdlley, and Charles jj s Gallagher, son this village,' we> cKportistb'fiave^ £n^w indastry and the jvheels of -the former - Mc- Laughlin plant will soon_be__put_ia-j motion^ During the past week the plant was"purchased by The Fold-Easy BoiTBompajiy^nc^^ron^ttie-^leeves Compjihy^ JEhe offlcera and directors of the. hew concern «re well known business men of Lockport, who have larel (Sbodison, of Rochester, and Mrs. William J, Welch, of Brockport The 0FJIMMYC *** •* RMHTJ0H1 WHEN DlSCOVERp^A^ ROWERS CQAt 0|*I^E o'clock, With burial at Caledonia. _ '-- '•. '' -•' Mrs. Fred 1 Caswell was called to Port Jervls early last week by the One Alleged Culprit Caught, 'Mb ' A robber^ of an usually hervynftt--' —mrft-feok place in Brockportr l a s t - ^Sf A solemn nuptial brated ( by ReVi 9VTT^ Burke, pastor of St. Mary's church* assisted by Rev. M. J. Kreig, pastor-of the Nativity church of tftfa' v l l f ® ' as deacon and James Y. Ennls : of"Tffolley^ as ^suih deagon. *" ~^~ •." " ~ . j^jver an old line of-buslhesss—— The new concern will, manufacture < noon . Mrs. Gumaer is. survived by her hus- band; two .daughters, Mrs^Caswell of united In marriageJi _„„ _^„ „„,^«v, l^ n ^ s / wat i fa>^xrensive line of boxes, a large" percentage of which will be_made in accordance, with the inventions of His condition late yesterday was ser- lOUS; : •- •*- UGHTING tTenter-i-esjdents held {Editor Republic Brockport, N. YE fr IS CHERISHED ^ J ^., „ , +. , .tended by Mr.iWright of Medina: Mr. Dear Sir and R-ienaM-F nave J u ^ r o w n ; repre^entative.if' the Western seen and; read, in The„Baptist, our de- Irrominational publication, a picttife anq-descripUoii.' ! of j the new g0ciai"gndt Educatibtfstf'bOiiaing just jaedlcateK iwith such appropriate exercises, by the Baptis|srof Brockport, my fbirmer church, home. anTafemroTiiS-ehTeTsn-d W t l i r « r ^ with such great to meeting at the school house Friday evening for the purpose of obtaining additional informatjbn concerning the jeleetrlc lighting proposition" through their district. The meeting was at- The bride, preceded by the ushers, John. Collins of this village and James |-Tr*Bonergsn-of'HollieyranTd'-her brides -niald, MiW Winifred Noon, entefej the-church escorted by her cousin, Nqrbertf. Noon, and was met at the altar—by-the groom, his attendant, Thursday noon, when two knights ^i the TfinrajTbrbke In the ceUar door' Uerious Illness of her-^ether,- *frs, °l - Gordon Lumber office* anCheh>,~- '" Gmmex^Jwhosfi^eath.^jeeuHfedf 6 ^«*»*»ta» to; the coait^Jpitlift, cash _ S ^ f E . sfiffltefh'tog ^mUdMC= ; The same day, 'during the noon hour, an aifempt^was; made^by'twy men_lftJbxejakLJntxMldwe-'s-cc«^HSce^ Sunday morning, follotog-a.-lingerjag . -. illness. Mr. Caswell and Miss Eliza- formeli a new compaiiy and^tekenThefe feft-for-port Jervif Sunday, and:| 42he funeral- this place and Miss Elizabeth Gumaer Herbert JBIandford, of Elmira.* Thexe-|pf Port Jervls, and one granddaughter, are twenty-four of these inventions, ^patents, and-controll- eS by Mr. Blandford. 'James;Mack oOaiavra;.a!id.^^herTfath» ? r * "^hp^gave'her in marjjagfe. ^ h e bride w i s most attractive in a N. Yrutilitiesrofr this place, and a,| Rochester representative, _-TbAJUne f^~ -concentration of government in ,the hands of Island kJngfl. ' -•••- At the time-when the great English ^g^lOre^Cjap&in— Jaines-^Gookr -dis-j ^U—covered the Hawaiian-falands in, 1778, -Ahe. gnottp-waB .almOst-denaely inhab- ited. The people were in a high state of- civilization with many analogies to the feudal-age of ^Europe. The Haw- ^-aiian culture -hadV^nany -pralsewortiiy points, but limitations of environment [7^",^ m d isolation had retarded their pro- ' --g^elf^-ibln^ lErJni: to^the^diseovery of the-coun' the chief families"were "nrafingj fterest, that I am-minded to writejyou a short-account of my reasons for lov« ing the church, and for watching with' Sjnuch-interest—and-pleasurer-its^pftstf rental and jpiteage. rates which-wilLhej charged,-In addition to the regular minimum s,ervlce rate were explained. The setting of poles ahd side arms has been completed and wiring started [Wednesday" morning. The new ssone picks up^iheriine at ClarK FfeacbTs farnirand+cfrrle^ it^td the Fred Clark property, covering between pne_ani vrhi iipon each other in the attempt "to establish'- one government for all Hawaii. Within a few yeari "from the i^iniB "Captain Coog fSst'stgBferUa"' [^-*wafir-^a^neha^ehar-^hadr%stabltebed '"himself WruTer oveTifie entire group! ^/ Following him.came a line of mon- —archs that ruled Hawaii for about a hundred years. The kingdom became, ^through" foreign .infllitence^anor'advici. onstitutional nronarchy whose inde- |aE^endeacerwa^s-ftcogn$zedl*by" theITnit- fid Statesr Great Brltian "arid France; ^ r JSndfiOJEs benign role i all peoples were welcomed to "the; country and . were -extended—equal-privileges with the- present and future history, growth and usefulness to your enterprising Nor- mal School center. It* was at that church "where 1 bad my second church home and member- tedwtt of.wnite emDi?oidered^georgette draped with tulie caught with orange blossoms and lace hat to match. She carried a bridal bouquet of bridete loses and lilies of, the valley. The bridesjpptid was goapneiin nile green. PARK AVE; BRIDGE CHANGE WRIGHT he death of William H. Wright occurred Tuesday at his home on Park AVeTiue"f6116wing W long InpggT'Mr.'J [-Wrlp^-wasneorn in 'HajaiST.in 1847, Sylvester and Fanny the son of In accordance with the new canal o _ w 0 , I¥tSB(JBr ana ^^y rulfng applying to bridge tenders, Mr. Wrl g h t. Until about two years and Douglass of Fairport. qualified electrl-U ...x.^- i? ;..^—. !»-«_ i^w^? 0 ^^^^ the town of Clarfc ^-Menjffinsfefred^h^eb^^ -removed cMffon-with^drai^eTlTaT^ sir ver rose buds-and Wore -a lace "hat the Barge Canal, by~havlng someone rarapped with "chiffon and lacexand)™ 1 the bridge--who undestandsTepalr- half and two miles of-CQnstmctJon."" SROCKPORT GRAJsjfiE At the July meetjpg of the BroGk- cofl/mittpp, was appointed to make ar- ship^beginning-ln-Aprar 48$!* when-I'-j, f angements for The" annual pTcme, which; wilhiiH-lield August ^ at Point Breeze. The committee consists of ehah:man,,Mra,:_Giffc^lawtonf--Mrs, Wright. Mrsr^nriSng; LTBT. Johns- ton., and E- A. Northrupj -Gn^SsSiurday-evening at 8 o'clocfk there \#1. be a meeting of this com- mfttee atthe home orMrs.jWright on caught at the yrlBt, She carried an arm bouquet of-butterfly roses. Following the'ceremony a reception was^ held at the home of the bride's parents, which was beautifully. dec- orated with roses and sweet peas, a color scheme of pink and white being carried cut, after which a "wedding, breakfast was served by ji Rochester ca^eTSss ;to.about forty^ ©tests, covers being, lald-for twelve at the bride's table;-? 1 --- ";.'-' ----i-^r-- aujaiorttIes-^Br-thy"X5a^city~of chief, operator of the Park Ave, bridge.. He has taken^the . place of Cornelius Foleyi.who was; appointed to thenosP tion of chief operator pf the Park Ave. bridge in the spring. . Changes Itt this, nature are being made all along the canal,-thfr object- being i^imwdve"smpplhg fac^Huesvia first removed, to Brockport, a young boy from my father's .farm home, in Ogden township^ ; same county, and unJted^here by*~iP^etteri "from the pfdeh Baptist cTiurclir.of'which. 1 had been a member for Two-years. —— Within a few months thereafter, preparations were begun for replacing ._ jttiie -oWh wooden "aThurefr,; wttlrtlrerhigjr|l®g street fiont.steps, by the 'present brick fs^r^Tire, tBSOS§"T6T 01 years seood as-.a loved" and useful chtifch jfojtne fpr the thousands of .chrisffen tvorahipers who have cosie to its memlJership, , manyof whom have since '*gone on before.*' During the afternoon the bride and poh 'Grange held Saturday evening^*|sT0om-left on a motor trip to New York, Atlantic City and other points!:] TheyTVffl-b^-arireEe after^ Aupsl W, at tteir home on King street" this vil= lage. „Blfi^groQni is finip>^e6%-by~the~A&P- ^rc^ihJt "Corp." S£Mte" village" as pay- master and theoride for several years has been^mployed as a comptometer operator with that concern. - The pfenuptial events included a ISBore^^ai^eF"- at "tf'oatburg .by Miss Qnnole^ Myhill £>f Brockport [_a ittn Ing_arid adjusting the electrical, equip, ment, "thereby" preventing shipping craft and" catgael. _ • Two fleets: of four boats each of Hedger.Company of New Ynrl cleared Brockport one day re^Snuy on the canal, which is an uniusaal occur- rence. They are the largest boats that ply ,this jVa_terway^Jtnd c SjryiJ!* r 59^ of at feast flV^htnidred toriBr That would figure x --something like four,] thousanjKtons of freight being; trafis^ portediat one time. * Methp.dJat=jepiscopal_i5hj!rch. - -He^Ifr^urvivedHay-hia- wlte, Mrs. FTpra Chattia. Wright, ..three, sons, Maurice, JtfiHIam C. * and .OrviWe Weight all of Brockport-fitnd a^rother, Philip; Wright and four grajidsons, all qt this village? • y ^ ~;TAJBn^rlI^^ylc^ajEere heid; this afternoon at 2 l$<M§g fjrom_his late home, Rev--,,L^B.'filler officiating. Interment,! Mrs, Rowe, whose home Is near th<5^-,^ office, §aw a couple of men apparently ,. .* abQUt'to enter the building. "Whej;;.;i Mr.»R6we arrived, one of them had a key in the lock, and upon questioning them, was told Jhey wanted to see the ' superintendent. Wjhen he, hrformed, tSein that he was' the superintendent, one manjtfade a dajh.fox. the-rall tracks and the-other down Main OfflcenHpsner was ^omptly>5otified r and upon .taking up the^trail,'dils 1 covered two men along the tracks. Upon taking t6fim^^,ck..t.o-the-4lowe?r office for IdejtffflcatiQBt they .iaJUed;-; to_j»ri}v=e -unhand ^were-releasedT^^He" leSrned Ja^rjffi^aT'a^inaH jdad-boardad fr^g>it tratn.jgeat- of t h e "Villi Dear Bill: Do you remember CAREN-PICNIC The annual outmg of the .Hese.Gompany ^and Capen Auxiliary, and their families and friends iehedjilfid= inrBetlean.-Wo0d»i:.=^fire night when Bob-Chanty saved his entire platoon ^y__?Mtarln£-_Jtogls -handed- that frightful machine gun nest Perhaps you don't like to have me remind you. But I shall neve.r *fotget the look on _^ ,your face when by \the* dim*-candle n ligMJcLpur dugontj. Bgb.di£dln your arms.—Remeniber those Jattt e tfain was stoppedat Eagle Har- ~ bof, and as the search, proceeded to- ward the end:of the lopg string of freight cars, a man jumped and ran r> but they made -better time, than he • and brought him^back^fojr a night lit;-, the IbSfc-iip. \ ' L ^ The^barglars had parksd their, J'ofd^ "coupe" under'The raHroad bridge, aiul- a searchureyealed ?fcwo JImmlea t *and-a-: j|aj*b->»gj»t,- -T^B-reny ^tgeT«ipH^Br^ -" County ^License, which it' was learned had been issued to Frank, Plechbckl. .. A charge of third degfee burglaryhan:d.-7-:- , , lareeny^wM placed^aiamlBt^ the-msar^ 3n^u?lK"e-€ourt-ijy-" Judge ^eneaicfj.l __^_ a Ihe-Jollowlng—morningr and 'the caire ~" that terrible night adjourned untiLJlonday-afternoctn. Jto ; =^hirs nfrKr ^ ^ , t h e - m e a n t i m e ^ 8 - T « c o r ^ ^ Parhia, Center. oo^iNcaiio -_*J words-] beautifully;, .'sojaintly._sjtQken? I ^L x gated, and it developed he Jiad served |time-|or various 'offenses* in the Erier County Penitentiary. When the case was called Monday, [afternoon, HechnpkiLy'&Iyi^ lion Tor the Grand Jury and was held in one "thousand dollars bait His'wife. md sister from "Buffalo attended the Hrlai-- B3s compaftfOn has "not been" |^ hativfe^people. L^„;iJ^_;arrival of the missipnaTies iir 182Q brought instruction in. thefChrist* t establishment of schools aJm ^^eTEch^mra^OOeaa^a5a wrlg ^IngT Tfie^fawWans were quick to prhicFI lekof Western clyHlttttah, and made marvelously rapid strides in adapting themselves to.the new-eultufe. Toda> 'they hold their own as an. import infant cititen {actor in the economic and .f social Ufe of the. coniniunltyi Wiffi J I,some distinctive elements, their stand' _, ^afias 1 aha customs are those -of their |°* " ^ fathei^mothfir and brother^who fellow-Americans from any other part -of tfieTJnited: States. J Xi was my privilege "ahd~pleasure" to" then subsliribe and pay toward the [new bnildlngj a l l ^ e salarvi, I earned 'or received for one moafh—and that, wasn't vejy much; for r was wojfHngj as a clerk In a §tore, on a thre^yeai contract. At one time, during my residence there,.! was Ubfarjan of the Baptist Sunday School. " '"---—^—r - Then,-after-1 had-lOBatea ffi a far Western State,' I fetUrned to Brocfo jiort.-ln:; 1881; l& tforry the dearest girl in the" church or "the village, Miss Minnie Fi|ki the marriage being per- formed^by hef rectort tneTtev. Mr. Mills, anjd that church wait, and still isviay church home whenever I.'bave visited Brockport, or; do' visit there. It also became later, the-chur< The. newly elected officers of- Moit Instaifed Friday evening, and the ;1n». staUajtiOn eerenionial wilL he put on by D. D. G.. M, Sable and suite oi Rochesterv-' Brother -Raymoird Wrigfit:; ^The Daily Vacation - Bible will be in charge .o-ftfae-re^^shmej^s, j^of Holley of which the bride Is a : A Orand Encamynient committee Jheetihg- will be Kejld ^ednesday'even- |tefr-TJuly 22nd, s andaiHf'ast GranoTs wboHhave nat Sttalneat^hel£3ist |mehiperi.gjfarle.t^^^ girls of the' A&P Products fiorp., In 1893 Queen Liliuokalanl was de- ( throned,anfl'a Republic!yM-e«ta!»lls)a-| ed^ which cohtnTued Until the Spanish American3rar,. apd in 1898> Hawaii; wiosfe destiny fdf ^6,me ^ a j * was dflfting inevitably ^ »--—-- led' "States art of the ("Tfwas anhexed to Hie*.tf: ' "Thiiis Hawaii became > United States b y j ^ ^ M W j G a d was --prganite* sr aT territory 6n a parley with Arizona, Oklahonia and Ijlew Mex- ico and !with even a greater degree ,of selt-g^byernment. At that time all Hawaiian citizens were granted full American^ franchise. , , •'"^s the industries of the country were developed and .trade relations were established, mainy fiaore people arrived to- live In the .group, the Continued on lsaTpage removed to Brockfeort from Ogden, and later removed to Michigan. My last appearance at the dear rild church Was in 1916—nine yeaxs-ago^ but I still retain all et my interest in it, and am glad to congratulate each and every member on their past pro- gress antTSsefulhess, and in their add- ed-equipment for stfl|_ greater sefvice for the Master in theyears that are to come.- *."•'"_, ~ Very-respectfully, yourirtend - Edwin S. Hoskinil 1934 First Street, N. W-, ' Washington, D. C. July «ri92&,- e«r may receive them at that :Bme. B; & G,' MV Sable will ixbiduct the meeting.'' :,; _____ The annual frolic and picnic of the Odd Fellows winjeiljlUi at Sfeaighf lake Saturday, J u l y ^ P ^ J | M ^ i i i | j Norrls Wessel'-wlll be Iri chkrge br tlie^picnlc arrangements.. Vip-Grand'i Shultz wlll_have charge of the transportation cheon by Miss FloriTAllen^*f Holley;, a variety shower by: Mrs. James T. tonergan and Mrs,. Ralph - M.- ;T_ce, of -Honfiy-at tSe^oltn^cT^^former; a breakfast by James MacTcand^Ter- ence J5ej»wn of Batayia, at the home of M!f. and Mrs-wM. J. Dugpan of Ba- tavia,'a variety shower by Mns.M. J. j attendance;-TIIP WiroITttieni the first Dtfrgap of Bat^via; a kitchen shower| day Was Just one hundred and is lh- by-^ss^Agatha-Ryan of HoBey; alunr.j creasiag daib't It- is hoped the enrofl- ^^-T.-^^-—-- n- «- --' ment wm reach 150.' TbnfseEeoris graded and Under the, leadership of •capable teachers, sfflZsffiEft the^spleri- 7 u ^_ -.. -,.-fm**.- xuus compaiuon Long^oint, C o n e s u s - b a k e ; — ^ ; - £ f » ? ^ ^ u f ^j^ a ^p^lm l PT^mm ^ : ^^ The dinner arrangements^wili be L ^ e « n f '^ sl «f bjr y ° u / 0 * he Auxiliary, and a general committee mtie jnore-tban-rterrible aehe^ toj composed of Messrs.-Riley, Caley and, harts- " ~* -«" "• ' Tighe wffl have. chafge"oTtrahIp6rta-i £ . .' .. lie .'_"..* r.. tion snorts etc J > Forget ^ hat if ^' e ^ ast ^ u t n o t tbe ^__! ___— '. -,'j-y_-;.. —ylatep--andV-equally-- vivid "extielflettCfc" r t f*i \r A /t-A rrt_rkmi . .* ~, 4 w ft e J 1 y Qa * and J visited the widow -y- That -was a tough^oner wasn't it? ! That rather threadbare Sottage and j that little mother struggling to Iteep- Schoolrit-togetherv opened Monaay morning with a good |—Bill did-yoiHrear^how^ it ftt'aBy'got Bfieon ancfaEbwer.by the-. Bridge Club JWdhamr-of Brockport arrangements. «—C^dd Fellows driving their own cars are re- quested to report to him not later than Friday evening. Transportation will be provided for all who- can attena. Members are requested to meet at the Temple at one 6'clock.r Mr." and" "Mrs. Peter Gallagher, Hugh Gattagher-r—F,—Wv ^BaHy-RevT -M;.—Jr Kreijg, John Collins., Martin L. Me [Auaaffrj^f^ro€kpo*t; Misjtv Mary Gallagher," MissTMayme Lawler? of pRocliesler; Mr. and Mrs. M, J, Dug- gin and James Mack of. Batavia v and MIBSL Marie MAOrath *>t j; It is assumed that they are inuatt"-' probability resjponsibjle for the Gordpnx__; < Luniber office robbery^' ...'-"-".-!..____; RICHARPi5^ifJiMUil-AQAf Fred Richards Diioted' Ms-bot^ioxC -its secondl^FteJof the season agatost I Chant-y-sndthe kidaiesl M^ andJim. *'** ; «» ,s »'» « t h e lake Sunday;' The i»v... ffiu__ _.- _—i _•• . . . Taces hejr_? X i n ^ w all' about it because of my recent Interest in the case. TJncl.e Sam hasladne a^ lot- fgr' tSe wounded and drsablecT vets, but no»t so much f or the orphans. That it seems* Is up WBiBT_egion Boys, and they, are doing" were FttnTinder" this direction of \~--z:. the Brockport Yaeht ClUD "which plan's - L to-have^them-at~short intervals dur* jjng_.^elsummer.—- - ~-~ '--'----zzr-' Mri and Mrs. E s Jff, Crippen followea-r iii t h e sp*»ay of the Richards craft for second position and* "Frank WiIsoi»»* [getting avvay to abad start- nosedbih^r 'their - plaW--BothypHotsr^Dger-?ana t Raleigh claim fourth-p^iiffo^'with but labput-thftee-feet sep«ratingT Raleii ^PQ3fite^^r3^^i^s^ done. TTTeDally VacaUon Bible. School ^^/^ e ^?«»ml»ts^er^ work and.play that the bc^s arnLglgls have a ha^pynhne ah<r at ^ie~8ame time learn many vibiabltelhinss^ do^btflirif the Apmmuptity ye,t It is doi realized * --V STOP* LOOK AND, I-I8TEN If youjwant tp locate in Brockport call on WilUs Wilson, 14 Park Ave^ 1 have| some very desirable places to show you* priced right ..- .;<-• - » - — — * 8UB8CRIBE FOR -THE REPUBLIC PRESBYTERIAN PICNIC TODA\ AT TROUTBURG•-, _ The annual Church' picnic' of the Presbyterian' Church is being held to- jday.at Ontario »-Imi, Troutburg;- Ar- rangements were made to leave' the"! church promptly at one o'clock, and automobiles provided forj ail those who are planning to participate., The refreshments are- in charge of; "i%q ladies of the Guild) Mrs>Wyatt Suli _„„„„„. **^ aiov ouuea « » t convic- actiWg as chairman of the committee, tion iif ggherftlly. accepted ? would place Rev. E..D. Webster has charge ,<jf the Jan lnternretatloh on the mnwr ^ h w i , transportation facilities; .Mr. Costlch, of the Sports committee and Professor Tooley* in charge of the funds. w^ifald, A-*E8T CASE fOR MOTORISTS A test case of specttt Interest to motorists was tried out in the town of Gates recently. Ifr concgrned Lee Richmond, president of'the Southwlck- 011 company and a director of the Au- tomobile X31ub of. Rochester, r%hb was arrested by State troopers on the charge » of reckless driving. The charge was based on the fact that he passed automoblles'proceeding In the same ' direction. He repotted the ar- rest to the Automobile ClultJind at the request'of Club officials decided to make a test case of it. Louis Fuller^ defendant's attorney, criticJl^r-Tthle; Trobpers *>r failure to obtain *it- nesses. Efe also stated that convlc- realizes' what a. valuable asset the school is. How much better It is for the boys and girls to give them this rendid-program-of-woFth-whSe actt- j3j(JUnmys4us^^HN^hey=ari s5arM.'"BWn 5 F-*now.". there-were so manyt Neither did t untn iave'stlgfe Hon pravld.that figure. to be ••correct* pMiMJhejight to-eater the-ereek i buoy. 'rich United. States starving-to death unless we help them 1 An'4 their only sin that they had daddies -who fought In the A. JE. F, tgsjinjcm.boat was s forced to take afxth place, « "T" vlties than'it w ls for* them to loaf and perhaps llt^helrjoainds" with trash just wh^t they, may ^chance to pick Up! The Daily Vacation Bible School makes a real contribution to oar .com- munlty/life>"—H r de American Legion Drive is .for. a! ft makes, a.'better.'Brock- interpretation on the motor vehicle law that might require -days to make the trip between Rochester and Buff ^ character, port 'in anintervieWj Miss Adanis, prln> clpfl^of the school says, '<The Brock- ['port/Community Dally Vacation" .Bible ScK^oT'has started t off splendldlyv|pprtJ^egionaires- 4eeV that w e should Th^re is .a fine spirit in the school and good "work is being.done. On the closing night which is planned for Sunday, August 2nd, there will be ah eihibition of the work done and a demonstratibij, of the daily; program. Certificates will be awarded for per> feet attendance, and good work. -The folks out in Ohio, are you t'o meet your quota?.'-We are here in Brockport. $iSdp.60~ seems'a pretty big chunk for Our little village. But, we'll go'over the top, Bill;—You" can depend on that. There are easily a*^pzen men In JBrpckport wha_cpuld g#ve fthe entire sum' and never miss It- But we're not going to conduct, our drive that way, . Many of t h e Brock- ll^lfflps^r-Mve^nTBde^he^^ [•^*=iiiffeten^^^(!JnTerTE^^ wis the last to finish w j % UpBmi'x,•'- ^boa^-a-ishort dfetaiice^^KadT - ^ ^ i TSe~ ^PEe race was veryexiitnigahdheld all spectators tiH the lasVobat nutr putted in. The interest in the races ^fitting tnerican T*ri n h t»n^ u *Z ^Zi"^ wttt-piultaldy aee several aooeir ^?^|.starters who think Richards. they can beat Y. W. C. A . INTRODUCES DANCING AT CHAUTAUQUA coHect our |15(i0.00 quota among 4 ^0ur own membership. So we are not; go^ ing to do-ariot--of shoutlng-^justi de^ pending on every citizen'to makehls" own;' donation without an urgent 1 ap- peal, Will ttAy^eome through? WeU BUI, the old slogan, "Brockport Come Through!'' never^fiad a "better chance. 7 «*:3^##|v ^,,;_^ -/„:. •" i - lr :\-- :,-.-J.;,.'.;•/''t/y- t: school will last for three weeks oniyv-Wha can remeih^rtie thousand^ of so all who have nd^enrdlleclTare eases like Bob Chanty, and noT/do his urged to come at once. There ie room bit for tittle Ksie jnd JiBan^yw^ *./,', and a welcome tor alL I " ' — B o b ^Booster, ,-.s. 7 f ; Dancing4ias received the o^claire- cognlilon for ^eftest time In ita history, and it Is now planned to make dancing a weekly^ feature. President Arthur S. Bestorof the Chautauqua jin^itatijpi.wJbiclb^ orlgin-aa-a- Methodist camp meeting, announced! that tickets would be on sale for the dance conducted Saturday evening by t h e Y . W.jC 1 , A, to the GeltClab l»oaW_ just outside the Chautauqua ground*r Upholeterod v^JR^Tfar^OvmSmr' of all fcmdsy Ta^elitry,-: aeats In Dtaktw Ohair*, splint seat* woren oato Pressed work; and miaterial* able.^ Alii work cosraMsedc- a58»Jrior"©*flimaiaii;';ie. P. X T few- t

tnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88074072/1925-07-16/ed-1/seq-1.pdfIN 4778 -m-cpsrr COPK. B0EA. TION RETARDS PROGRESS Afitmnariet Ajrrived in 1820. Ii-"'-' lands Annexed to United

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IN 4 7 7 8


Afitmnariet Ajrrived in 1 8 2 0 . Ii-

"'-' lands Annexed to United States.

in 1 8 9 8 . AKen Race*



^According tot °the-HoHey» Standard, two fake traffic officers hare' been" li6.iaS5g"Tip^motorists on the Million

r* IKC

'__• Honolulu", May 9;. "After arrjvaT" arHpablulu ancTlhe close of the, great mimic war between the Blues and the Blacks,-the former representing the great Armada or American Navy consisting of about 130 vessels of all types, and" the latter representing the defense of the Ha wallah islands, including Army, Navy and air forces, .-it was the privilege of the BewsjjiSiieroCQrrespondejite^aTMonfc. panitig the 'fleet. on this; expedition ;to

peuda week fnrinolt Ihterestini and delightful travel and sight-seeing around the islands and to learn much about the Jiafiits" of the people, to en-jorxheir ritarjelous" hospitality aid study some of their problems.

In thisr of a series "of letters covei-ing the islands the writer will give a

_^jrief.jOutlin:e-«of—their- history and-of |-^-r^he-pepple^ho^habft-them.-~ - ~ -

Thenprightal Hawaiian™people Tvere -bMuuj)l_oMhat widespread Polype-'


Dollar highway, and .extracting money from them as a compromise in lieu oTJ being haled iutoliourt, with the nec­essary delays, etc. In some eases the robbers gave the real name of officers, which proved their undoing, as one of the motorists "held up was .acquainted with the officer whose name was given. Upon investigation ItJwas dis*



€he Eastern Pacfic from New Zealand t o Hawaii, and includes the Maori, the

TTonggn, the TaBftiarii the Samdan, and "^mainy other Island plaices. ' The scat-

•^teredrbrancherof^he^QPolyireslaff-Tace^l c^nmrfse a.distinct people of the three or four that inhabit the entire Pacific area. Although there are some~3oUbt-ful points it is generally conceded that ]^e,Iolynesiaj46,a«e^a;.Dr«nch and -des­cendant* of -the fado-Aryan racerthus kin to the- European peoples who came from" the same rbot. ~

TRe^ewly history oJT^^rawalian '+»«.- Islands, as handed down by. word, of 1 — - mouth,, is a stirring tale of long ocean

" voyages from '-the Southern;, -group to -these islands; of battles-and intrigues

Covered that the practice had going on for some lime. "Police-offi­cers along the line are requested to locate persons robbed if possible, and report" to'State Troopers, or the Police Department of Middleport, 'ftrhere the fake officJrjs^are.^w^6ing held;, await­ing identification; _J -

. ' : - ' * - . — . — H ^ .


; Thousands of . automobiles have oward-Washing-|

ton for participation in- the annual Maccabee convention, which, is to be held from July '20 tg 24th. • A caravan consisting of 2,500 ears^ containing more than lO.OQuJSIacabees ,and their families from all sections of the United States, are reported on the way, and will take their places in the largest automobile parade that hW ever been he^d' in .any city.



^ - D F KICKSTAjlj


BURCH^-DINN . , ^ ling bMhterest to many of

this vicinity was! th&t of Vfavrim fr

Wife o f Albwtis Beadle Has Him

Arretted. Townsend's Condi-

. tion Said to Be. Serious

•As a result of interfering to-save Mrs. Albertis Beadle of Hamlin-from an alleged attack by her husband, Jule Tfownsend who was employed by Beadle is at the county hospital suffer­ing from kicks which may prove fatal'


Bufch, formerly of Brockport • to Tranche E. Binn of Philadelphia, Pa., at the First Baptist jdmrch at Hendon,

NO. 42


Beadle- was later arrested on com­plaint of his wife, and lodged in. 3ail

landr-Jtrly-««t] Mr: Burch is connected with thesj

United States , Department of Com­merce at London,* Ejifeland.

AmonglRF many friends and rela­tives . who "acchfopkttfad thp brMe to

_ ___ er "Bon Voy age" was Geo. A, Beedle of Brockport

- ' • '• - ' ^ " j f e y GALLAGHER—NOON ...

Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock, at St Mary's Catholic church in Holley, a prettrgBuininer wading took place

_fidwardMe-Keonr^feo>-inoved-from-j-BrockpTn-t-^o^fa%dfflgia^Bout ten

FOLD-EASY B O X COMPANY years j^go, died at hisr-liome- in that j f F W E F O R D ^ ^ O U r E rtH UN jtprace Monday, July 13th. He-had been I " p - "" jjlljince last April. ._£.._•_•_ _ _ _ _ ! _ _

He is sucviVed^ by his wife, Anna Connors McKeon, and three sisters,

[Mm -CfaarleS" PI,Doyle and Mrs. Mar-"|


Lockport Busineps Men Intereated.

H a v e Taken Over O l d Line.

, . \ Have 2 4 Inventions —

a* a resuu of being unable to f u r n i s h , ^ ^ ^ M r B t _ ^ t e p ^ ^ ^ ^

Among the outstanding events of the conven­tion wjll be the initiation of- 5.QQ0

slja to be-the-isrgest-clasfii "Candida in—the—history—ofr-#Faternal-organiiia-| tions^- .

450- ball imposed .by Justice Dauchy» [A hearing is to-be-held today ajHLj jg-l probable Beadle will be held awaiting the outcome of injuries suffered by-Townsend.

What led to-'the attack on Mrs,^ Beadle Jis not known. The- sheriffs office was notified and- «everal de­puties were sent to the scene to in­vestigate. Dr. Hazen attended. Town-1

send and found him In such bad con ditl&njfrohFklcTcs*linfie"sl;bmaqh that he ordered him taken to the hospital

i^wlie^snrs Iffldfed^iarNobh, daught­er of Wtivand Mrs. l^chael J. Noon, of Hdlley, and Charles jjs Gallagher, son

this village,' we>

cKportistb'fiave^ £n^w indastry and the jvheels of -the former - Mc­Laughlin plant will soon_be__put_ia-j motion^ During the past week the plant was"purchased by The Fold-Easy BoiTBompajiy^nc^^ron^ttie-^leeves Compjihy^ JEhe offlcera and directors of the. hew concern «re well known business men of Lockport, who have

larel (Sbodison, of Rochester, and Mrs. William J, Welch, of Brockport The


*** •*


WHEN D l S C O V E R p ^ A ^

ROWERS C Q A t 0 | * I ^ E

o'clock, With burial at Caledonia. _ '-- ' • . '' -•'

Mrs. Fred1 Caswell was called to Port Jervls early last week by the

One Alleged Culprit Caught,

'Mb ' A robber^ of an usually hervynftt--'

— m r f t - f e o k place in Brockportr l a s t -^Sf

A solemn nuptial brated (by ReVi 9 V T T ^ Burke, pastor of St. Mary's church* assisted by Rev. M. J. Kreig, pastor-of the Nativity church of tftfa' v l l f®' as deacon and James Y. Ennls : of"Tffolley^ as ^suih deagon. *" ~^~ •." " ~ • .

j^jver an old line of-buslhesss—— The new concern will, manufacture <noon

. Mrs. Gumaer is. survived by her hus­band; two .daughters, Mrs^Caswell of

united In marriageJi _„„ _^„ „ „ „„,^«v, l ^ n ^ s / w a t ^ « i f a > ^ x r e n s i v e line of boxes, a large"

percentage of which will be_made in accordance, with the inventions of

His condition late yesterday was ser-lOUS; : •- •*-


tTenter-i-esjdents held

{Editor Republic Brockport, N. YE


IS CHERISHED ^ J ^ . , „ , +. , .tended by Mr.iWright of Medina: Mr. Dear Sir and R-ienaM-F nave J u ^ r o w n ; repre^entative.if' the Western seen and; read, in The„Baptist, our de-

Irrominational publication, a picttife anq-descripUoii.'!ofjthe new g0ciai"gndt Educatibtfstf'bOiiaing just jaedlcateK iwith such appropriate exercises, by the Baptis|srof Brockport, my fbirmer church, home.

anTafemroTiiS-ehTeTsn-d W t l i r « r ^ with such great to

meeting at the school house Friday evening for the purpose of obtaining additional informatjbn concerning the jeleetrlc lighting proposition" through their district. The meeting was at-

The bride, preceded by the ushers, John. Collins of this village and James |-Tr*Bonergsn-of'HollieyranTd'-her brides -niald, MiW Winifred Noon, entefej the-church escorted by her cousin, Nqrbertf. Noon, and was met at the altar—by-the groom, his attendant,

Thursday noon, when two knights ^i the TfinrajTbrbke In the ceUar door'

Uerious Illness of her-^ether,- *frs, °l - G o r d o n Lumber office* anCheh>,~-'" Gmmex^Jwhosfi^eath.^jeeuHfedf6^«*»*»ta» to; the coa i t^Jpi t l i f t ,

c a s h_ S ^ f E . sfiffltefh'tog ^mUdMC= ; The same day, 'during the noon hour, an aifempt^was; made^by'twy men_lftJbxejakLJntxMldwe-'s-cc«^HSce^

Sunday morning, follotog-a.-lingerjag . -. illness. Mr. Caswell and Miss Eliza-

formeli a new compaiiy and^tekenThefe feft-for-port Jervif Sunday, and:| 42he funeral-

this place and Miss Elizabeth Gumaer Herbert JBIandford, of Elmira.* Thexe-|pf Port Jervls, and one granddaughter, are twenty-four of these inventions,

^patents, and-controll-eS by Mr. Blandford.

'James;Mack oOaiavra;.a!id.^^herTfath» ?r* "^hp^gave'her i n marjjagfe. ^ h e bride w i s most attractive in a

N. Yrutilitiesrofr this place, and a,| Rochester representative, _-TbAJUne

f ~ -concentration of government in ,the hands of Island kJngfl. ' -•••-

At the time-when the great English ^g^lOre^Cjap&in— Jaines-^Gookr -dis-j

^U—covered the Hawaiian-falands in, 1778, -Ahe. gnottp-waB .almOst-denaely inhab­

ited. The people were in a high state of- civilization with many analogies to the feudal-age of Europe. The Haw-

^-aiian culture -hadV^nany -pralsewortiiy points, but limitations of environment

[7^",^md isolation had retarded their pro-' - - g ^ e l f ^ - i b l n ^

lErJni: to^the^diseovery of the-coun' the chief families"were "nrafingj

fterest, that I am-minded to writejyou a short-account of my reasons for lov« ing the church, and for watching with' Sjnuch-interest—and-pleasurer-its^pftstf

rental and jpiteage. rates which-wilLhej charged,-In addition to the regular minimum s,ervlce rate were explained. The setting of poles ahd side arms has been completed and wiring started

[Wednesday" morning. The new ssone picks up^iheriine at ClarK FfeacbTs farnirand+cfrrle^ it^td the Fred Clark property, covering between pne_ani

vrhi iipon each other in the attempt "to establish'- one government for all • Hawaii. Within a few yeari "from the i^iniB "Captain Coog fSst'stgBferUa"'

[^-*wafir-^a^neha^ehar-^hadr%stabltebed '"himself WruTer oveTifie entire group!

^ / Following him.came a line of mon-—archs that ruled Hawaii for about a

hundred years. The kingdom became, ^through" foreign .infllitence^anor'advici.

onstitutional nronarchy whose inde-|aE^endeacerwa^s-ftcogn$zedl*by" theITnit-

fid Statesr Great Brltian "arid France; ^rJSndfiOJEs benign rolei all peoples were

welcomed to "the; country and . were -extended—equal-privileges with the-

present and future history, growth and usefulness to your enterprising Nor­mal School center.

It* was at that church "where 1 bad my second church home and member-

tedwtt of.wnite emDi?oidered^georgette draped with tulie caught with orange blossoms and lace hat to match. She carried a bridal bouquet of bridete loses and lilies of, the valley. The bridesjpptid was goapneiin nile green.


WRIGHT he death of William H. Wright

occurred Tuesday at his home on Park AVeTiue"f6116wing W long InpggT'Mr.'J

[-Wrlp^-wasneorn in 'HajaiST.in 1847, Sylvester and Fanny the son of In accordance with the new canal o _ w 0,I¥tSB(JBr a n a ^ ^ y

rulfng applying to bridge tenders, Mr. W r l g h t . Until about two years and Douglass of Fairport. qualified electrl-U v » ...x.^- i? ;.. —. !»-«_

i ^ w ^ ? 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ the town of Clarfc ^ - M e n j f f i n s f e f r e d ^ h ^ e b ^ ^


cMffon-with^drai^eTlTaT^ sir ver rose buds-and Wore -a lace "hat the Barge Canal, by~havlng someone

rarapped with "chiffon and lacexand)™1 the bridge--who undestandsTepalr-

half and two miles of-CQnstmctJon.""

SROCKPORT GRAJsjfiE At the July meetjpg of the BroGk-

cofl/mittpp, was appointed to make ar-ship^beginning-ln-Aprar 48$!* when-I'-j,fangements for The" annual pTcme,

which; wilhiiH-lield August ^ at Point Breeze. The committee consists of ehah:man,,Mra,:_Giffc^lawtonf--Mrs, Wright. Mrsr^nr iSng; LTBT. Johns­ton., and E- A. Northrupj

-Gn^SsSiurday-evening at 8 o'clocfk there \#1 . be a meeting of this com-mfttee atthe home orMrs.jWright on

caught at the yrlBt, She carried an arm bouquet of-butterfly roses.

Following the'ceremony a reception was^ held at the home of the bride's parents, which was beautifully. dec­orated with roses and sweet peas, a color scheme of pink and white being carried cut, after which a "wedding, breakfast was served by j i Rochester ca^eTSss ;to.about forty^ ©tests, covers being, lald-for twelve at the bride's table;-?1--- ";.'-' ----i-^r--

aujaiorttIes-^Br-thy"X5a^city~of chief, operator of the Park Ave, bridge.. He has taken^the . place of Cornelius Foleyi.who was; appointed to thenosP tion of chief operator pf the Park Ave. bridge in the spring. .

Changes Itt this, nature are being made all along the canal,-thfr object-being i^imwdve"smpplhg fac^Huesvia

first removed, to Brockport, a young boy from my father's .farm home, in Ogden township^ ;same county, and unJted^here by*~iP^etteri "from the pfdeh Baptist cTiurclir.of'which. 1 had been a member for Two-years. ——

Within a few months thereafter, preparations were begun for replacing ._

jttiie -oWh wooden "aThurefr,; wttlrtlrerhigjr|l®g street fiont.steps, by the 'present brick

fs^r^Tire, tBSOS§"T6T 01 years seood as-.a loved" and useful chtifch jfojtne fpr the thousands of .chrisffen tvorahipers who have cosie to its memlJership,,

manyof whom have since '*gone on before.*'

During the afternoon the bride and poh 'Grange held Saturday evening^*|sT0om-left on a motor trip to New

York, Atlantic City and other points!:] TheyTVffl-b^-arireEe after Aupsl W, at tteir home on King street" this vil= lage. „Blfi^groQni i s finip>^e6%-by~the~A&P-^rc^ihJt "Corp." S£Mte" village" as pay­master and theoride for several years has been^mployed as a comptometer operator with that concern. -

The pfenuptial events included a ISBore^^ai eF"- at "tf'oatburg .by Miss Qnnole^ Myhill £>f Brockport [_a ittn

Ing_arid adjusting the electrical, equip, ment, "thereby" preventing shipping craft and" catgael. _ •

Two fleets: of four boats each of Hedger.Company of New Ynrl cleared Brockport one day re^Snuy on the canal, which is an uniusaal occur­rence. They are the largest boats that ply ,this jVa_terway^Jtnd cSjryiJ!*r59^ of at feast flV^htnidred toriBr That would figurex--something like four,] thousanjKtons of freight being; trafis^ portediat one time. *

Methp.dJat=jepiscopal_i5hj!rch. --He^Ifr^urvivedHay-hia- wlte, Mrs.

FTpra Chattia. Wright, ..three, sons, Maurice, JtfiHIam C. * and .OrviWe Weight all of Brockport-fitnd a^rother, Philip; Wright and four grajidsons, all qt this village? • y ^ ~;TAJBn^rlI^^ylc^ajEere heid; this afternoon at 2 l$<M§g fjrom_his late home, Rev--,,L^B.'filler officiating. Interment,!

Mrs, Rowe, whose home Is near th<5^-, office, §aw a couple of men apparently ,. .* abQUt'to enter the building. "Whej;;.;i Mr.»R6we arrived, one of them had a key in the lock, and upon questioning them, was told Jhey wanted to see the • ' superintendent. Wjhen he, hrformed, tSein that he was' the superintendent, one manjtfade a dajh.fox. the-rall tracks and the-other down Main OfflcenHpsner was ^omptly>5otifiedr

and upon .taking up the^trail,'dils1

covered two men along the tracks. Upon taking t6fim^^,ck..t.o-the-4lowe?r office for IdejtffflcatiQBt they .iaJUed;-; to_j»ri}v=e -unhand ^were-releasedT^^He" leSrned Ja^rjffi^aT'a^inaH jdad-boardad

fr^g>it t r a t n . j g e a t - o f t h e "Villi

Dear Bill: Do you remember

CAREN-PICNIC The annual outmg of the

.Hese.Gompany ^and Capen Auxiliary, and their families and friends iehedjilfid=

inrBetlean.-Wo0d»i:.=^fire night when Bob-Chanty saved his entire platoon ^y__?Mtarln£-_Jtogls -handed- that frightful machine gun nest Perhaps you don't like to have me remind you. But I shall neve.r *fotget the look on

_^ ,your face when by \the* dim*-candle n ligMJcLpur dugontj. Bgb.di£dln your

arms.—Remeniber those Jattt

e tfain was stoppedat Eagle Har- ~ bof, and • as the search, proceeded to­ward the end:of the lopg string of freight cars, a man jumped and ranr>

but they made -better time, than he • and brought him^back^fojr a night lit;-, the IbSfc-iip. • \ ' L^

The^barglars had parksd their, J'ofd^ "coupe" under'The raHroad bridge, aiul-a searchureyealed ?fcwo JImmleat*and-a-: j|aj*b->»gj»t,- -T^B-reny ^ t g e T « i p H ^ B r ^ -"

County License, which it' was learned had been issued to Frank, Plechbckl. .. A charge of third degfee burglaryhan:d.-7-:-

, , lareeny^wM placed^aiamlBt^ the-msar^ 3n^u?lK"e-€ourt-ijy-" Judge ^eneaicfj.l

__^_a Ihe-Jollowlng—morningr and 'the caire ~" that terrible night adjourned untiLJlonday-afternoctn. Jto ;

=^hirs nfrKr ^ ^ , t h e - m e a n t i m e ^ 8 - T « c o r ^ ^

Parhia, Center.

oo^iNcaiio -_*J

words-] beautifully;, .'sojaintly._sjtQken? I

^L x

gated, and it developed he Jiad served |time-|or various 'offenses* in the Erier County Penitentiary.

When the case was called Monday, [afternoon, HechnpkiLy'&Iyi^ lion Tor the Grand Jury and was held in one "thousand dollars bait His'wife. md sister from "Buffalo attended the

Hrlai-- B3s compaftfOn has "not been"

| ^ hativfe^people. L^„;iJ^_;arrival of the missipnaTies iir

182Q brought instruction in. thefChrist* t establishment of schools

a J m ^^eTEch^mra^OOeaa^a5a wrlg IngT Tfie^fawWans were quick to

prhicFI lekof Western clyHlttttah, and made

marvelously rapid strides in adapting themselves to.the new-eultufe. Toda> 'they hold their own as an. import

i n f a n t cititen {actor in the economic and .f social Ufe of the. coniniunltyi Wiffi J I,some distinctive elements, their stand' _,

^afias1 aha customs are those -of their |°* " ^ fathei^mothfir and brother^who fellow-Americans from any other part

-of tfieTJnited: States. J

Xi was my privilege "ahd~pleasure" to" then subsliribe and pay toward the

[new bnildlngj a l l ^ e salarvi, I earned 'or received for one moafh—and that, wasn't vejy much; for r was wojfHngj as a clerk In a §tore, on a thre^yeai contract. At one time, during my residence there,.! was Ubfarjan of the Baptist Sunday School. " '"---—^—r - Then,-after-1 had-lOBatea ffi a far

Western State,' I fetUrned to Brocfo jiort.-ln:; 1881 ; l& tforry the dearest girl in the" church or "the village, Miss Minnie Fi|ki the marriage being per-formed^by hef rectort tneTtev. Mr. Mills, anjd that church wait, and still isviay church home whenever I.'bave visited Brockport, or; do' visit there. It also became later, the-chur<

The. newly elected officers of- Moit

Instaifed Friday evening, and the ;1n». staUajtiOn eerenionial wilL he put on by D. D. G.. M, Sable and suite oi Rochesterv-' Brother -Raymoird Wrigfit:;

^The Daily Vacation - Bible

will be in charge .o-ftfae-re^^shmej^s, j of Holley of which the bride Is a :A Orand Encamynient committee

Jheetihg- will be Kejld ^ednesday'even-|tefr-TJuly 22nd,sandaiHf'ast GranoTs wboHhave nat St ta lneat^hel£3is t

|mehiperi.gjfarle.t^^^ girls of the' A&P Products fiorp.,

In 1893 Queen Liliuokalanl was de-(

throned,anfl'a Republic!yM-e«ta!»lls)a-| ed which cohtnTued Until the Spanish American3rar,. apd in 1898> Hawaii; wiosfe destiny fdf ^6,me ^ a j * was dflfting inevitably ^ » - - — - -

led' "States art of the

("Tfwas anhexed to Hie*.tf: ' "Thiiis Hawaii became >

United States b y j ^ ^ M W j G a d was --prganite* sr aT territory 6n a parley

with Arizona, Oklahonia and Ijlew Mex­ico and !with even a greater degree ,of selt-g^byernment. At that time al l Hawaiian citizens were granted full American^ franchise. , ,

•'"^s the industries of the country were developed and .trade relations were established, mainy fiaore people arrived to- live In the .group, t h e

Continued on lsaTpage

removed to Brockfeort from Ogden, and later removed to Michigan.

My last appearance at the dear rild church Was in 1916—nine yeaxs-ago^ but I still retain all et my interest in it, and am glad to congratulate each and every member on their past pro­gress antTSsef ulhess, and in their add-ed-equipment for stfl|_ greater sefvice for the Master in theyears that are to come.- *."•'"_,

~ Very-respectfully, yourirtend - Edwin S. Hoskinil

1934 First Street, N. W-, ' Washington, D. C.

July «ri92&,-

e«r may receive them at that :Bme. B; & G,' MV Sable will

ixbiduct the meeting.'' : , ; _____ The annual frolic and picnic of the

Odd Fellows winjeiljlUi at Sfeaighf lake Saturday, J u l y ^ P ^ J | M ^ i i i | j Norrls Wessel'-wlll be Iri chkrge br tlie^picnlc arrangements.. Vip-Grand'i

Shultz wlll_have charge of the transportation

cheon by Miss FloriTAllen^*f Holley;, a variety shower by: Mrs. James T. tonergan and Mrs,. Ralph - M.- ;T_ce, of -Honfiy-at tSe^oltn^cT^^former; a breakfast by James MacTcand^Ter-ence J5ej»wn of Batayia, at the home of M!f. and Mrs-wM. J. Dugpan of Ba-tavia,'a variety shower by Mns.M. J. j attendance;-TIIP WiroITttieni the first Dtfrgap of Bat^via; a kitchen shower| day Was Just one hundred and is lh-by-^ss^Agatha-Ryan of HoBey; alunr.j creasiag daib't It- is hoped the enrofl-^^-T.-^^-—-- n- « - - - ' m e n t w m reach 150.' TbnfseEeoris

graded and Under the, leadership of •capable teachers, sfflZsffiEft the^spleri-7

„u _ -.. -,.-fm**.- xuus compaiuon Long^oint, C o n e s u s - b a k e ; — ^ ; - £ f » ? ^ ^ u f ^ j ^ a ^ p ^ l m l P T ^ m m ^ : ^ ^

The dinner arrangements^wili be L ^ e « n f ' ^ s l « f b jr y ° u / 0 * h e

Auxiliary, and a general committee mtie jnore-tban-rterrible aehe^ toj composed of Messrs.-Riley, Caley and, harts- " ~* -«" "• ' Tighe wffl have. chafge"oTtrahIp6rta-i £ . . ' .. lie „ .'_"..* r . . tion snorts etc J > F o r g e t ^ h a t i f ^ ' e ^ a s t ^ u t n o t t b e

^__! ___—'. -,'j-y_-;.. —ylatep--andV-equally-- vivid "extielflettCfc" rtf*i \r A /t-A rrt_rkmi . .* ~, 4

wfteJ1 yQa* a n d J visited the widow

-y- That -was a tough^oner wasn't it? ! That rather threadbare Sottage and j that little mother struggling to Iteep-

Schoolrit-togetherv opened Monaay morning with a good |—Bill did-yoiHrear^how^ it ftt'aBy'got

Bfieon ancfaEbwer.by the-. Bridge Club

JWdhamr-of Brockport

arrangements. «—C dd Fellows driving their own cars are re­quested to report to him not later than Friday evening. Transportation will be provided for all who- can attena. Members are requested to meet at the Temple at one 6'clock.r

Mr." and" "Mrs. Peter Gallagher, Hugh Gattagher-r—F,—Wv ^BaHy-RevT -M;.—Jr Kreijg, John Collins., Martin L. Me

[Auaaffrj^f^ro€kpo*t; Misjtv Mary Gallagher," MissTMayme Lawler? of

pRocliesler; Mr. and Mrs. M, J, Dug-gin and James Mack of. Bataviav and MIBSL Marie MAOrath *>t M« j;

It is assumed that they are inuatt"-' probability resjponsibjle for the Gordpnx__; < Luniber office robbery^' ...'-"-".-!..____;

RICHARPi5^ifJiMUil-AQAf Fred Richards Diioted' Ms-bot^ioxC

-its secondl^FteJof the season agatost I Chant-y-sndthe kidaiesl M^ andJim. * '** ; «» , s » '» « t h e lake Sunday;' The i»v... ffiu__ _.- _—i _•• . . . Taces

hejr_? X i n ^ w all' about it because of my recent Interest in the case. TJncl.e Sam hasladne a^ lot- fgr' tSe wounded and drsablecT vets, but no»t so much for the orphans. That it seems* Is up WBiBT_egion Boys, and they, are doing"

were FttnTinder" this direction of \~--z:. the Brockport Yaeht ClUD "which plan's - L to-have^them-at~short intervals dur*

jjng_.^elsummer.—- -~-~ '--'----zzr-' Mri and Mrs. EsJff, Crippen followea-r

iii t h e sp*»ay of the Richards craft for second position and* "Frank WiIsoi»»*

[getting avvay to abad start- nosedbih^r • 'their - plaW--BothypHotsr^Dger-?anat

Raleigh claim fourth-p^iiffo^'with but labput-thftee-feet sep«ratingT Raleii

^PQ3fite^^r3^^i^s^ done. TTTeDally VacaUon Bible. School

^ ^ / ^ e ^ ? « » m l » t s ^ e r ^

w o r k and.play that the bc^s arnLglgls have a ha^pynhne ah<r at ^ie~8ame time learn many v ib iab l t e lh ins s^

do^btflirif the Apmmuptity ye,t It is doi realized *


STOP* LOOK AND, I-I8TEN If youjwant tp locate in Brockport

call on WilUs Wilson, 14 Park Ave^ 1 have| some very desirable places to show you* priced right

..- .;<-• - » - — — * 8UB8CRIBE FOR -THE REPUBLIC


The annual Church' picnic' of the Presbyterian' Church is being held to-

jday.at Ontario »-Imi, Troutburg;- Ar-rangements were made to leave' the"! church promptly at one o'clock, and automobiles provided forj ail those who are planning to participate., The refreshments are- in charge of; "i%q

ladies of the Guild) Mrs>Wyatt Sul i _„„„„„. **^ aiov ouuea « » t convic-actiWg as chairman of the committee, tion iif ggherftlly. accepted ?would place Rev. E..D. Webster has charge ,<jf the Jan lnternretatloh on the mnwr ^ h w i , transportation facilities; .Mr. Costlch, of the Sports committee and Professor Tooley* in charge of the funds. w^ifald,


A test case of specttt Interest to motorists was tried out in the town of Gates recently. Ifr concgrned Lee Richmond, president of'the Southwlck-011 company and a director of the Au­tomobile X31ub of. Rochester, r%hb was arrested by State troopers on the charge»of reckless driving. The charge was based on the fact that he passed automoblles'proceeding In the same ' direction. He repotted the ar­rest to the Automobile ClultJind at the request'of Club officials decided to make a test case of it. Louis Fuller^ defendant's attorney, criticJl^r-Tthle; Trobpers *>r failure to obtain * i t -nesses. Efe also stated that convlc-

realizes' what a. valuable asset the school is. How much better It is for the boys and girls to give them this

rendid-program-of-woFth-whSe actt-


s5arM.'"BWn5F-*now.". there-were so manyt Neither did t untn iave'stlgfe Hon pravld.that figure. to be ••correct*

pMiMJhejight to-eater the-ereek i buoy.

'rich United. States starving-to death unless we help them 1 An'4 their only sin that they had daddies -who fought In the A. JE. F,

tgsjinjcm.boat wassforced to take afxth place, « "T"

vlties than'itwls for* them to loaf and perhaps llt^helrjoainds" with trash just wh^t they, may chance t o pick Up! The Daily Vacation Bible School makes a real contribution to oar .com-munlty/life>"—Hr de

American Legion Drive is .for. a!

ft makes, a.'better.'Brock-

interpretation on the motor vehicle law that might require -days to make the trip between Rochester and Buff

^ character, port

'in anintervieWj Miss Adanis, prln> clpfl^of the school says, '<The Brock-['port/Community Dally Vacation" .Bible ScK^oT'has started toff splendldlyv|pprtJ^egionaires- 4eeV that w e should Th^re is .a fine spirit in the school and good "work is being.done. On the closing night which is planned for Sunday, August 2nd, there will be ah eihibition of the work done and a demonstratibij, of the daily; program. Certificates will be awarded for per> feet attendance, and good work. -The

folks out in Ohio, are you t'o meet your quota?.'-We are

here in Brockport. $iSdp.60~ seems'a pretty big chunk for Our little village. But, we'll go'over the top, Bill;—You" can depend on that. There are easily a*^pzen men In JBrpckport wha_cpuld g#ve fthe entire sum' and never miss It- But we're not going to conduct, our drive that way, . Many of the Brock-

ll^lfflps^r-Mve^nTBde^he^^ [•^*=iiiffeten^^^(!JnTerTE^^ wis the last to finish wj% UpBmi'x,•'-

^boa^-a-ishort dfetaiice^^KadT - ^ ^ • • • i


^PEe race was veryexiitnigahdheld all spectators tiH the lasVobat nutr putted in. The interest in the races

^fitting tnerican T*rinh t » n ^ u *Z ^ Z i " ^ wttt-piultaldy aee several aooeir

^?^|.starters who think Richards.

they can beat


coHect our |15(i0.00 quota among 4 0ur own membership. So we are not; go ing to do-ariot--of shoutlng-^justi de pending on every citizen'to makehls" own;' donation without an urgent1 ap-peal, Will ttAy^eome through? WeU BUI, the old slogan, "Brockport Come Through!'' never^fiad a "better chance.

7 « * : 3 ^ # # | v

^, , ;_^ -/„:. •"i-lr:\-- :,-.-J.;,.'.;•/''t/y- t:

school will last for three weeks oniyv-Wha can r e m e i h ^ r t i e thousand^ of so all who have nd^enrdlleclTare eases like Bob Chanty, and noT/do his urged to come at once. There i e room bit for tittle Ksie jnd JiBan yw^ *./,', and a welcome tor alL I " ' —Bob ^Booster,

,-.s. 7 f;

Dancing4ias received the o^claire-cognlilon for ^ e f t e s t time In ita history, and it Is now planned to make dancing a weekly^ feature. President Arthur S. Bestorof the Chautauqua

jin^itatijpi.wJbiclb^ orlgin-aa-a-Methodist camp meeting, announced! that tickets would be on sale for the dance conducted Saturday evening by theY. W.jC1, A, to the GeltClab l»oaW_ just outside the Chautauqua ground*r

Upholeterod v^JR^Tfar^OvmSmr' of all fcmdsy Ta^elitry,-: aeats In Dtaktw Ohair*, splint seat* woren oato Pressed work; and miaterial* able.^ Alii work cosraMsedc-a58»Jrior"©*flimaiaii;';ie. P. X

T few- t