What Does It Take To Be A Good Parent? Presented By: ROZITA BINTI JOHARI 721023025922001

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To be a good parent

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What Does It Take To Be A Good Parent?

Presented By:ROZITA BINTI JOHARI721023025922001


INTRODUCTION Parenting is a lifelong journey. As parents, we have an important responsibility. Every parent wants to be a good parent and role model for our children. But to be a good parent is not easy. It is a journey of trial and error, continuous learning and growing together with your child.


Definition The good parent is someone refer to father or mother who loves their children unconditionally, communicates openly with their children, is involved in their children lives as much as they can be, someone who is there for them when they need someone, some one who teaches good morals and values, someone who shows them right from wrong, strict but not too strict.


Characteristic to be a good parent

Have good moral charater. Parents should have good moral character, because they are the role models of children. It has been known that children are the reflection of their parents character. Practicing what you said is an effective method of parenting. Your child is constantly watching you for action on how to behave.


Active participants in the life of their child.Your child learns by watching you, so be aware of what your do. Embrace your parenting job with enthusiasm, compassion and a sense of humor. Take the time to know your childs personality and parent your child based on his or her strengths and weaknesses. Spend time with each child individually. Try to divide your time equally if you have more than one child. You can also attend school functions, do homework with them and visit their teacher at open house to get a sense of how they are doing in school


Understand their children All a child needs is a listening ear, a place to talk things out, and for the parent to put themselves in the childs shoes, instead of solve problems for him or her. A parent will have better chance of hearing what their child is really saying if they willing to tune into their childss words, tone of voice, and body language. Empathic listening sets the stage for open communication and can go a long way in enhancing the parent-child relationship.


Patience Patience define as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. Although children behavior gets out of hand sometimes due to certain issues like mood, parents apply extra mile of patience to comfort them with love and care. You also must control your temper as much as you can. It is important to try to be as calm and reasonable as you can when you explain your rules or carry them out. This is to unsure your children to take you seriously, not fear you or think of you as unstable.


Praise your childrenPraising your children is an important part of being a good parent. You want your kids to feel proud of their accomplishments and good about themselves. If you don't give them the confidence they need to be out in the world on their own, then they won't feel empowered to be independent or adventurous. When they do something good, let them know that you've noticed and that you're very proud of them.Make a habit of praising your children at least three times as much as you give them negative feedback. Though it's important to tell your children when they're doing something wrong, it's also important to help them build a positive sense of self.If they are too young to fully understand, praise them with treats, applause, and lots of love. Encouraging them for doing everything from using the potty to getting good grades can help them lead a happy and successful life.


Avoid comparing your children to others, especially siblings.Each child is individual and unique. Celebrate their differences and instill in each child the desire to pursue their interests and dreams. Failure to do so may give your child an inferiority complex, an idea that they can never be good enough in your eyes. If you want to help them improve their behavior, talk about meeting their goals on their own terms, instead of telling them to act like their sister or neighbor. This will help them develop a sense of self instead of having an inferiority complex.Comparing one child to another can also make one child develop a rivalry with his or her sibling. You want to nurture a loving relationship between your children, not a competitive one.Avoid favoritism. Surveys have shown that most parents have favorites, but most children believe that they are the favorite. If your children are quarreling, don't choose sides, but be fair and neutral.


Be a good role modelIf you want your child to be well-behaved, then you should model the behavior and character you hope your children will adopt and continue to live by the rules that you set. You don't have to be a perfect person, but you should strive to do as you want your children to do.It's perfectly okay to make mistakes, but you should apologize or let your child know that the behavior is not goodWant to teach kids about charity? Get involved and take your kids with you to a soup kitchen or homeless shelter and help serve up meals. Teach kids about chores by setting a schedule and having them help you outIf you want your son or daughter to learn to share, set a good example and share your things with them


Respect your child's privacy.Respect their privacy as you would want them to respect yours; for example, if you teach your child that your room is out of boundaries to them, respect the same with their room. Allow them to feel that once they enter their room they can know that no one will look through their drawers, or read their diary. This will teach them to honor their own space and to respect the privacy of others.If your child catches you snooping through his or her things, then it may take him a long time to be able to truly trust you again.


ConclusionThe characteristics needed to be a good parent are many, but here are several that can help form the foundation for good parenting. Here eight characteristics to be a good parent, which are good moral, active participant in your childrens life, understand their children, patience, praising, avoid comparing, positive role model, and respect. Your children is precious gift from god to you, you should teach them and raise them well as nothing in this world is equally same precious to your children.