"There a deadlier thin the n ghosts and demons. One man in tl place can topple an Empire " - Shosuro Yudoka, Ninja Mas Secrets of the Scorpion explores the most sinister Great Clan, illustrating their customs, holdings, and way of life. Explore the secrets of the Scorpion if you dare ... Within, you will find: * Insight into the culture of the Scorpion Clan and the families that comprise it. Mechanics for secret orders within the clan: Yogo Ward masters, the guardians of dark secrets; the sinister Shadowed Tower, revolutionaries willing to use the darkest magic to further their ends; and more! 9 Information on the Ashalan, enigmatic nonhumans who followed the Scorpion across the Burning Sands. * The Compound, a hidden den of vice and corruption where the Shadowed Tower conduct their basest, most insidious rituals. The darkest secrets of the Scorpion Clan - ones even the clan of secrets would be surprised to learn. This book is a dual-system supplement for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Flaying Game, Second Fdition,TM and Rokugan?' the d20 Companion for Legend of the Five Rings. Players and DMs may also find it a useful source of feats and abilities for any d20 SystemTM campaign. Game Masters running the Second Edition L5R RPG will need a copy of the Legend of the Five Rings Game Master's GuideTM and the Player's Guide? Players need only the Player's Guide. Dungeon Masters running d20 SystemTM games will need a copy of the Player's Handbook? the Dungeon Master's GuideY Oriental Adventures:"+ and RokuganF Players will need only a Player's Handbook?' , lSBN 1887953 79 5 52495 I 9 781887 953795 1 us MSRP 524 95 Sample file

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"There a deadlier thin the n ghosts and demons. One man in tl place can topple an Empire " - Shosuro Yudoka, Ninja Mas

Secrets of the Scorpion explores the most sinister Great Clan, illustrating their customs, holdings, and way of life. Explore the secrets of the Scorpion if you dare ... Within, you will find:

* Insight into the culture of the Scorpion Clan and the families that comprise it.

Mechanics for secret orders within the clan: Yogo Ward masters, the guardians of dark secrets; the sinister Shadowed Tower, revolutionaries willing to use the darkest magic to further their ends; and more!

9 Information on the Ashalan, enigmatic nonhumans who followed the Scorpion across the Burning Sands.

* The Compound, a hidden den of vice and corruption where the Shadowed Tower conduct their basest, most insidious rituals.

The darkest secrets of the Scorpion Clan - ones even the clan of secrets would be surprised to learn.

This book is a dual-system supplement for the Legend of the Five Rings Role-Flaying Game, Second Fdition,TM and Rokugan?' the d20 Companion for Legend of the Five Rings. Players and DMs may also find it a useful source of feats and abilities for any d20 SystemTM campaign.

Game Masters running the Second Edition L5R RPG will need a copy of the Legend of the Five Rings Game Master's GuideTM and the Player's Guide? Players need only the Player's Guide.

Dungeon Masters running d20 SystemTM games will need a copy of the Player's Handbook? the Dungeon Master's GuideY Oriental Adventures:"+ and RokuganF Players will need only a Player's Handbook?'


lSBN 1887953 79 5

5 2 4 9 5

I 9 7 8 1 8 8 7 9 5 3 7 9 5 1 us MSRP 524 95




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15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License vl.Oa Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document (draft version) Copyright 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards ofthe Coast, Inc. Authors JonathanTweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams, based on original material hy E. Gary Gygav and Dave Arneson. Player's Handbmk, B ZOO0 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Dungeon Master's Guide, 0 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc Oriental Adventures, 0 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Rokugan, 0 2001 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc CreaNres of Rokugan, 8 2001 Alderac Entertainment Gmun Inc. Magic of Aokugan, 0 2001 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Way of the Samurai, 0 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Way of the Ninja, 0 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Way ofthe Shugenja, 0 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Fommes and Winds, 0 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Secrets of the Lion, 0 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Secrets of the Mantis, 0 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.

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Shosuro Furuyari ................... 41 Ryoko Owari Prison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 . 42 Important Yogo NPCs ...................... 70

The Kochako Family ..... . 42 Yogo Ichiba ........................ 70 Introduction .......... 4 The Tokagure Family ............... 44 Yogo Koji .......................... 71

No Secrets (1) ....... 4 Skosuro Mechanics ........................ 44 Yogo Tjeki .......................... 72

Shosuro Butei Academy ............... 44 The Tansaku Family ................. 73

COKT SKT S Vassals of the Shosuro Famil

4 5


Thunder's Dagger Dojo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Vassals of the Yogo Family ............. 73

5 New Kata ............................ 45 The Naganori Family Gempukku .................. Tools of the Shosuro Ninja ............. 45 Yogo Mechanics ........................... 75 Courtship ........................... 6 New Ancestors ....................... 45 Whispered Secret D Superstition ......................... 6 War .................... Shosuro Hyobu ..................... 46 N

Shosuro Ikawa ...................... 46

Shosuro Sushanume ................ 46

Yogo Towers Dojo . .

Funerals ............................ 7 History of the Scorpion Clan ........... 7 New Mechanics ...................... IO Complete Scorpion Feat List ........... 11 New Courtier Abilities ................ 12

The Bayushi ............................ 13 No Secrets (2) ........................ 13

Thc Bayushi Provinces ...................... 14 Major Bayushi Holdings ............... 14

Kyuden Bayushi .................... 14 Shimomura ........................ 16

Minor Bayushi Holdings .............. 17 Hotei Seido ........................ 17 Shutai ............................. 17

Important Bayushi NPCs ................... 18

The Soshi ............................... 47 No Secrets (4) ........................ 47

The Soshi Provinces ........................ 48 Major Soshi Holdings ................. 48

Shiro no Soshi ..................... 48 Pokau ............................. 50 h s h i Mura ..... ......... 51

Minor Tsuruchi Holdings ............. 51 .......... 51

shrine of the shad

......... 53

Yogo Junzo ......................... 76 Yogo Asami ......................... 76

Yogo ward Magic ..................... 77 The Yogo Shugenja School ........... 77

New Spells ........................... 78 Detect Ward ........................ 78 Ward of the Elements I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Ward of the Elements 11 ............. 78 Ward of the Elements 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Ward of the Elements IV ............ 78 Ward of the Elements V . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

Yogo Ward Masters ................... 78 Ward Master (Prestige Class) ......... 79

Ichiba's Consortium ................... 80 Ichiba's Consortium (Prestige Class) . . 80

Bayushi Yojiro ...................... 18 Soshi Uidori .... 57 Ichiba's Consortium (New Path) Bayushi Sunetra ..... Bayushi Kwanchai ...... Bayushi Toru .........

58 The ShadowedTower Compound ....... 8 1 using the Compound in an Adventure .................... 81

Vassals of the Yoritomo F ....... 22 New Ancestors .............. How to Use This Information 82 ShadowedTower Forces ............. 82 The "Public Area" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Observation Chambers and Passages . . 84

........ Soshi Takasho .........

Bayushi Mechanics ........................ 24 The Temple and Quarters ............ 84 The Shadowed Tower Map ........... 85

Pawns of the Scorpion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Contacts of the Scorpion ............ 87

Soshi's Anger ....................... 62 The Ashalan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Behind the Veil ......................... 87

The Dojo of Bitter Lies ..... Reveal the Darkness ................. 62

Yukimi's Smile ...................... 62 The Ashalan and the ScorpionToday .. 88 ............ 31 The Yogo ................................ 63 Ashalan Materials .

The Shadowed Tower Major Shosuro Holdings .............. 33 The Yogo Provinces ......................... 64 Origins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Major Yogo Holdings ................. 64 Purpose ............... Kagoki ............................. 64 Organization . . . . Yogo Shiro ......................... 65 The Shadowlands Towers of the Yogo .................. 65 The Shadowed Towe

Minor Shosuro Holdings .............. 36 Karandetsu Market ................. 67 New Advantage .. Shadowed Powder .................. 93 The Howling Fields ................ 36

Ginasutra ......................... 37 .................... 67 TypicalTower Enforcerflitness 94 Important Shosuro NPCs ................... 37 Fushin, Onisu of the Scorpion . . . . . . . . . 94

Shosuro Higatsuku ................. 39 Extra-territorial Holdings ............. 69

.... 67

....................... 67 . . . . .

Shosuro Yudoka ... 37 Dokugumo Mura ................... 68 The Scorpion Territory Map ............. 96




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“1 do not like this, Hatori-sama,” Otomo Taneji said in a low voice. “we have no business here. We should leave.”

Hatori knelt in the shadows ofthe abandoned shrine, head bowed in deep thought, or perhaps prayer. Taneji paced impatiently behind him.

“we learned precious little about the Phoenix during our time here:’ Hatori said eventually, peering over one shoulder at his vassal. “The note you received at Kyuden Asako gave us ourfirst opportunity to peer beneath the sutface, to perhaps learn more than the daimyo are willing to tell us.”

%And so we sit in an abandoned shrine, waitingfor Fortunes- know-who, on the basis of an anonymous note someone stuffed in my bags at Kyuden Asako,” Taneji snapped impatiently. “How do we know this is not an ambush?”

Hatori chuckled. “You know that it is not. Most of my enemies think too little of me to bother killing me. The rest prefer more direct methods.”

Taneji nodded, conceding the point. Their journey through the Lion provinces had staggered from one sticky political situation to another, barely ahead of Hatori’s old nemesis Ikoma Surne. In contrast, their time in the Mantis lands had concluded with both self-proclaimed champions deeming the old shisha unworthy of their concern.

“Still, this makes no sense,” Taneji said, tugging his mustache with one hand. “It is unlike the Phoenix to be clandestine. when they seek an alliance, they ask for one openly. They do not scuttle about in the shadows.”

“Perhaps the one we are waiting to meet i s not a Phoenix,” said Fuzake Sekkou. The young shugenja had been sitting silently in the chamber’s corner for several minutes. Taneji had nearly forgotten his presence.

”Not a Phoenix?“ Taneji said. “what are you talking about?” “The Phoenix lands are largely unexplored,” Sekkou said. “Count-

less of these small shrines are scattered about the mountains and forests. A man with something to hide can vanish here quite easily by finding religion, and the Phoenix ask no questions so long as their research and tranquility are undisturbed. I think you might be surprised how many of the wandering monks and shugenja in these mountains were once outlaws.”

“That seems uncharacteristically grim coming from you,” Hatori said, looking up at the young Monkey shugenja.

“The grandfathers of the Monkey were ronin, Miya,” said a dry voice from the shrine’s threshold. “Perhaps the boy speaks from experience.”

Taneji looked quickly at the door. A small, wiry man stood in the shrine’s entrance, clutching a staff in one hand. He wore the short- sleeved robes of a wandering monk, his bald pate gleaming in the candlelight. His skinny limbs were corded with muscle; he looked to be made out of tanned leather. Hatori remained kneeling.

“Miya Hatori-sama,” the monk said, staffthumping the stone poor as he strolled inside. “I am glad you have come.”

“Who are you?” asked Hatori, not looking back. “My name is Chian. Once I was a favored vassal of the Shosuro

family. In old age, 1 have found serenity in the Tao.” “I have never heard of you,” Hatori said. “As a former ninja, I take that as a compliment,” Chian said. “Ninja!” Taneji hissed, watching the old man warily. Chian gave the courtier a lopsided smile and proceeded to ignore

him. He strode toward Hatori and knelt with a groan, jointspopping.

“I am glad you came, &tori:’ Chian said. “I have much to tell you.” “who are you and what do you want?” Hatori said, his practiced

voice taking a slightly irritated edge. “This is highly irregular, Chian-san.”

“Of course it is irregular,” Chian said. “This meeting is not happening.”

Hatori looked at the old ninja curiously. “Taneji, Sekkou, leave.” Taneji opened his mouth to protest but Chian spoke first.

“No. k t them remain. Ifthe three of you will go to Scorpion lands, there should be no secrets between you.”

“Scorpion lands?” Taneji said sharply, “Why would we go to Scorpion lands on the word ofa retired ninja?”

“Because I believe that you may be able to prevent civil war fwm destroymg my clan,” Chian said. “There is a conspiracy against the rightful rulers of my clan.”

“civil war?” Sekkou said with some surprise. “1 had heard nothing about a civil war within the Scorpion.”

Chian looked back at the shugenja. “You would not have heard about it unless we willed it. Even in war, we are the Scorpion.” The old monk chuckled. “Especially in war.”

“You would think that with the Scorpion’s legendary intellect you could find better pawns than us,” Taneji said quietly.

Chian looked at Taneji with some surprise. “what do you mean, Otomo-san?“ he asked.

“Taneji speaks of the bitterness we all feel,” said Hatori. “The Lion belittle us. The Mantis seek to use us. The Phoenix ignore us. It i s becoming clear that in an Empire without an Emperor, the Great Clans have little respect for the Imperial Families. How do you expect a simple shisha and his vassals to help?”

“It is a matter of trust,” Chian said. “Precisely because you have been so mistreated by the daimyo of the Great Clans, I believe the conspiracy would have little use for you. Thus, you can be trusted. You could root out this conspiracy and expose it to the light, where it will swiftly wither.’’

“I thought the Scorpion policed their own:’ Hatori said. “Impossible in this case,” Chian said. “The stakes have become

personal, the judgment of our leaders clouded by ambition. only an impartial outsider can bring an end to this. will you aid us?”

“Becoming involved in a Scorpion politics is a good way to end up dead,” Hatori said bluntly.

“Would not letting the Scorpion destroy themselves bring even greater harm?” Chian countered. “Where is your courageous Lion’s heart, Hatori?”

Hatori grimaced. Taneji knew his master did not like to be reminded of his Lion origins, and that the monk knew of them suggested he had researched their backgrounds. “say what you have come to sa$‘ Hatori said, “and I will decide ifthis errand is worth my time.”

“So be it,” Chian replied. “Listen well, and I will tell you of the Shadowed Tower,. .”


Secrets ofthe Scorpion is for players and GMs who are interested in adding more depth to their visions of the Scorpion Clan. Unlike way of the Scorpion, which described the history and major institutions of the clan, this book gives finer detail to the different families, their organization, holdings, vassal families, and lesser-known schools.

Secrets of the Scorpion is broken down into chapters as follows:




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The Introduction deals with the Scorpion Clan’s history, some customs that the clan embraces, and several new rules options for Scorpion characters.

Chapters One through Four each deal with an individual family of the Scorpion Clan: the Bayushi, Shosuro, Soshi, and Yogo families. Each chapter presents information on the family’s holdings, including several points of interest for each holding, and adventure hooks for GMs; major NPCs within that family and descriptions of the vassal families that serve them; and new rules for characters from that family

Chapter Five delves into a hidden stronghold of the Scorpion: the sinister Shadowed Tower. It contains all the information a GM needs to use the Shadowed Tower head- quarters as the centerpiece of a campaign, or a player needs to have a background involving the Shadowed Tower.

Chapter Six details the darkest, most unpleasant truths about the Scorpion. Every clan has some shame buried deep within its histories, and this chapter explores the tragedies and secrets that the Scorpion hide from everyone, even themselves.

BRTH Childbirth is a welcome event in Scorpion lands. It is an event to be remembered, with the lucky parents celebrating for several days. The lords of the Scorpion often excuse the father of an infant from his duties for a few days so that he may commemorate the birth properly

Scorpion peasants are generally not treated as well as peasants from other clans, so this custom mitigates their resentment toward the samurai caste. In large villages someone, somewhere, is always having a child, so there are constant festivities. In the samurai caste this custom strengthens the bonds of loyalty within the family. A newborn Scorpion is welcomed from the first moment of his life. Relatives and friends pay their respects and offer their protection.

If there is one thing Scorpion take very seriously, it is a celebration. Though most serve as mere excuses to invite guests into the household (and perhaps gain some advantage on them by loosening their tongues with sake and entertain- ment) childbirth is an exception. only family members and close friends may visit the household following a Scorpion birth. An outsider is only admitted if trusted utterly He who participates in honoring a Scorpion birth is a Scorpion in the clan’s eyes. Needless to say, this does not happen often.

Twins are lucky, representing Scorpion friends or lovers from a past life so loyal to each other that they died at the same instant, thus re-entering life together. Also, as Bayushi himself was Shiba’s twin, the birth of twins invokes the clan’s founder.

Triplets are not viewed with the same joy The number three is extremely unlucky to the Scorpion, so the birth of three children at once is a dire omen.

Csn?urcltu Though some clans are secretive about their gempukku ceremonies, the Scorpion are not. Everyone is invited, including visitors from other clans and even strangers who

happen to be in the area. A placard is posted outside a household for a week before a gempukku ceremony begins, giving the samurai-to-be’s name, parents, sensei, and dojo, and inviting all to attend.

The candidate is introduced to everybody in attendance, and personally presents a gift to every guest. Ideally the candidate will have created these gifts with his own hands, though extremely wealthy families sometimes “lend their children koku to purchase expensive &s. A large number of generic gifts are set aside for guests who wander in, called “face gifts” (i.e., guests need only show their faces to receive one). Face &s are invariably of much lower value than those intended for invited guests, and need not have been created personally by the samurai-to-be. This is no insult to the unexpected guests, but rather a sign of respect toward the invited guests.

Following the young samurai’s rather traditional initiation ceremony, sake flows freely and all present take off their masks to enjoy themselves. The highest-ranking samurai never removes his mask, symbolizing that the Scorpion Clan must always retain some secrets. Entertainment is provided and a good time is had by all.

Later that evening, after the guests depart, the true ceremony begins. The young samurai is not informed of this phase in advance, so this often comes as a surprise. The samurai is taken to a private room by his sensei, and is asked the guests’ names and what he learned by how each one reacted to their gift. If the young samurai’s answers are satisfactory, then he is given his first mask and welcomed as a true Scorpion. Those who fail are given only a scrap of cloth to cover their face, symbolic of the rough scrap Bayushi wore until he could find a true mask. This scrap is immediately recognizable by any adult Scorpion but meaningless to everyone else. Some samurai choose to continue wearing this simple mask even after they have proven themselves to their sensei’s satisfaction, as a symbol of the progress they have made. Scorpion are forbidden to speak of this ceremony, and vehemently deny its existence. To talk about it would ruin


