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Gurudev Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose written by GeneralBakshi

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Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at The Art of Living International Center insatsang today. (This talk was in Hindi. Here's a translation of the talk)#SriSri - Often, it is seen that a person who is enthusiastic is not peaceful.And a person who is peaceful is not enthusiastic. A person who is peacefulwants to remain by themselves. They are not bothered about anything.They are in their own world. And the enthusiastic person gets so stressedand angry. They are not at peace within. But the most beautiful is a combination of peace and enthusiasm. Thereshould enthusiasm and awareness and with awareness, a smile too. I always say that I don't agree with the principle that if you get a slap on onecheek, you should show the another cheek. If anybody slaps you, whatshould you do? I say that you also give a slap in return, but slap with asmile. There are the four skillful ways of handling any situation. Sama (going withthe harmonious path), daan (forgiving the mistake and giving a chance),bheda (differentiating them, creating discrimination), and finally danda(taking a stick). Right at the beginning if you take a stick in your hand, thenthat is not correct. First, Sama: When someone slaps, stand in front of that person with asmile. He will melt there itself. Why? Because that person would be thinkingthat I have slapped him/her, they'll get angry and slap me four times. Now, ifyou don't even get angry in the first place, then the person thinks, 'Oh! Ihave failed. I wanted him/her to get angry, but they are not getting angry atall.' So, they fail then and there. Second, Daana: If Sama doesn't work, then move to Daana. Ignore it onceas if nothing has happened to you. If a fly sits on an elephant's leg, willsomething happen to the elephant? The elephant does not even realize. Inthis example of the elephant and the fly, consider that you are the elephantand the other person is the fly. You did not feel anything. Whatever theother person wants to do, let them do. Daana means having compassion.Someone has made a mistake once, have compassion saying, 'That poorperson is ignorant, foolish, immature.' This is what is called Daana. What isDaana? Thinking, 'Oh! What can be done? This person is ignorant, haslimited intelligence, does not have a broad vision, doesn't know that theyare also going to die.' Being compassionate, forgiving the mistake, andgiving a chance is Daana. At the end, Dand: Taking up the stick, but not with anger. If you pick up astick in anger, then the stick will fall on you. Did you understand that? Why?If you go with the intention that another's wrong deeds are hurting me, thenno one will improve. If you act with the intention that the other person'sdeed will harm them, then that person will improve. If you say, 'Your actions are hurting me, so don't do it.' Then the otherperson will say, 'How does it matter to me if my actions are hurting you?'The world does not ask how are you or what do you want? The world onlyasks 'What are you giving me'? What does the world need from you? Trythis and see. The world will not ask how are you feeling within? Whateveryou are feeling you bear it, but have you done for us? This the world asks.Who is bothered if you are feeling good or bad? The world is not botheredabout how you are feeling. For 2-3 hours, they might think 'Oh! Poor thing.'A little compassion might arise. But after that, they continue on their way. You, become strong from within. What do you have to do for that? If youwant to bring improvement in someone, you can bring improvement in theirlife with the following intention: "Your actions will hurt you, so don't do theseactions." Then we can act happily, peacefully, with a big smile. That is why I say that if you want to slap someone, you should definitelyslap. But with a smile, give them one tight slap. Why? That is the onlylanguage they understand. They did not understand when we tried toimprove them with love, by using the intellect, and by reasoning with them.So, then you should give them a tight slap. How should that slap be? That should be like the slap of a mother, a Guru.When a mother slaps a child, she does that not out of anger but with theintention that the child should develop his intellect. If a child starts crying, the mother's heart pains even more. But, doesn't themother hold the child's ear and give one or two slaps? The mother's love is

28 May at 13:33 ·

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there in her slap. Similarly, there is love in the slap of a saint or a Guru. Allof you should also become Guru in someone's life.What does it mean to become a Guru? I don't want anything from them, but I am ready to do everything for them.You might want something from your kids, but what would you want fromyour neighbour's kids? But if you do something for their benefit, then youbecome their Guru. You definitely become Guru for your neighbour's kids. So many teachers are sitting here and all the teacher's have experiencethis. (Gurudev asks the teachers.) Whatever you say, does that happen?When you give blessings to others, does their work get done? Whateveryou wish for that work gets done? What we have heard in couplets, haveyou experienced that in your life? (People answer YES with a big smile.)You have experienced it. It has sunk deep within. (loud cheering) Just remember that whatever we do, we will do it with joy, with a big smileon the face, and we will transform the world. We read in the Indian History books that Galileo found that the Earth isround and the Earth revolves around the Sun. This is such a big lie. InHindi, Geography is called Bhoo-gol. Gol means round. We knew 5000years ago that all the planets move around the Sun. Go to any temple andsee. They keep Sun in the center and the planets are all around. Have youseen Navgraha in temples? Today too, the panchang that has been writtenis absolutely accurate. (It describes) which day will be full moon day, nomoon day. We follow the panchang today too. But we read in history booksthat Galileo was the first to found out that the Earth moves around the Sun.It is not so. India has given Mathematics to the world. This has not beendescribed or discussed anywhere. They way Majot ji has written about Netaji, similarly we have published many such truths. Look into VedicMathematics, you will find that what we study as Pyhthagoras theorem nowwas already known. It was not something new. Do you know where the firstplane was flown? On the Chowpatthy beach of Mumbai. Subbaiya Shastrywas a scientist from a village close to the Bangalore Ashram. A Parsiperson from Mumbai funded him. He made the first aeroplane. The planeflew for 15 minutes. This news appeared in the newspapers in England,then after many years the Wright Brothers flew a plane. But this was hiddenin history. Britain took the entire credit of making the first plane. Theytortured them and took all the details about how to make planes. He gaveall the information with the exception of a few details. Like this, when wesearch in the past, many such new things will come to light. That isimportant. But we should not remain in the past, we must look forward.Look forward and dream of a beautiful society, a happy society, a contentedsociety. A society where people move with ethics, love, and happiness.Today 75 countries joined in for #iMeditateAfrica webcast and more than700,000 people were part of this very important event to bring peace andprosperity to the continent of Africa. Meditation is not concentration, but it is a simple technique that brings deeprelaxation. When the mind is stretched you have a sense of peace from deep within. Meditation is not concentration. It is not putting a lot of effort. It is in factcontrary to these ideas. Meditation is that which brings freshness in ourbody and mind as well.

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