To Study the Assessment of Financing SME Units With Special Reference to IDBI Bank

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  • 7/28/2019 To Study the Assessment of Financing SME Units With Special Reference to IDBI Bank


    To Study the Assessment of Financing SME Units with special

    reference to IDBI Bank.


    IDBI Bank was created as a Developmental Finance Institution but has recently entered the

    SME space after conversion into a full service Universal Bank. Since its reorganization, IDBI

    has been actively engaged in providing a major thrust to financing of SMEs. IDBI Bank has

    developed a special business model to serve the SMEs in India. The bank has set up 30 City

    SME Centres (CSCs) across India. According to the micro, small and medium enterprises

    development (MSMED) act, 2006, an enterprise, in the manufacturing sector, is categorised

    as micro enterprise, if the investment in plant and machinery is up to Rs 25 lakh and for

    service sector, if the investment in equipment for rendering the service is up to Rs 10 lakh. In

    manufacturing industry, if the investment in plant and machinery is above Rs 25 lakh but less

    than Rs 5 crore the enterprise is a small enterprise and in the service sector, if the investment

    in equipment for rendering the service is above Rs 10 Lakh but less than Rs 2 crore. Medium

    units, in the manufacturing industry, have the investment in plant and machinery above Rs 5crore but less than Rs 10 Crore and in the service sector, the investment in equipment for

    rendering the service is above Rs 2 crore but less than Rs 5 crore.

    IDBI Bank is one of the aggressive players in the SME segment. In IDBI Bank, even a

    lower level officer can sanction a loan of up to Rs 5 lakh for government-sponsored schemes

    or small loans. Going ahead in the hierarchy, the Assistant General Managers of the bank are

    authorised to sanction up to Rs 1 crore, Deputy General Managers up to Rs 2 crore, General

    Managers up to Rs 5 crore and above Rs 5 crore are approved by the head/committee. IDBI

    has observed that the maximum requirement of the SME segment is up to Rs 10 crore and to

    get this amount sanctioned, SME customers get a sanction at the branch level or city centre

    level itself. IDBI Bank has entered the field of SME banking very recently. It is still in the

    initial stages as compared with other banks that have a very good branch network. IDBI Bank

    has 570 branches as on date. Branch network is one of the key factors in banking. IDBI Bank

    has long experience of project appraisals and considers this to be its differentiating factor.

    The Bank has the feel of the industry as it has played a part in financing all large industries in

    the country either directly or indirectly. Considering these factors, the Bank is in a better

  • 7/28/2019 To Study the Assessment of Financing SME Units With Special Reference to IDBI Bank


    position. Moreover, IDBI Bank has started on a strong technology platform; while most

    banks are now opting for core banking technology, IDBI Bank has mastered core-banking

    solutions and is in a position to offer world-class products and services. The USP of the Bank

    is to convey sanction decision for loans up to Rs 5 crore within 10 days of receipt of


    The bank factors in the risk profile and credit worthiness of the borrower before

    extending any financial assistance. To make business easy for the SMEs, the bank has

    introduced collateral free loans. The bank not only offers finance to its SME customers but

    also takes care of their all banking needs under one roof with specific current accounts and

    full range of other banking products and services.

    IDBI Bank MSME Finance Products:

    The bank endeavours to introduce new products with a view to offer wide array of solutions

    to the SME units.

    Sulabh Vyapar Loan (Loan for Traders/Service Sector)- Aims to provide hasslefree finance to traders and to meet their business needs at competitive interest rates

    Dealer Finance/ Dealer Solutions- To provide Liquidity to the distribution chainpartners.

    Loans to Small Road & Water Transport Operators- This product enables varioustransport operators to acquire a small fleet of vehicles/ vessels.

    Loans to Professionals & Self-employed- Special scheme to take care of financialneeds of Professionals and Self employed segment.

    Lending Against the Security of Future Credit Card Receivables- Laghu Udhyami Credit Cards (LUCC)Provides easy finance to existing

    borrowers running Small business units, retail traders, artisans and other MSE units.

    Property Power (Loan against Property)- For unlocking the potential of propertyand avail credit facility on easy terms for any business need.

    SME Smart Line of Credit- Financial assistance available to the MSMEs in the formof Pre-approved credit limits enabling them to grab unforeseen business opportunities.

    Funding under CGFMSE (Collateral Free Loans)- IDBI Bank offers Credit facilityupto Rs 1 Crore to Micro and Small Enterprises without insisting on collateral and

    third party guarantee.

  • 7/28/2019 To Study the Assessment of Financing SME Units With Special Reference to IDBI Bank



    1. What percentage of IDBI Banks overall credit portfolio caters to SMEfinancing?

    2. What are the eligibility criteria for SMEs to obtain loans?3. What all are the loan/credit schemes offered to SMEs.?4. What is the approach followed by the bank to select a cluster for investment? 5. Does the Bank provides any type of consultancy to the SMEs?6. What are the latest initiatives started by the Bank for SME financing? 7. What are the challenges faced by IDBI Bank for financing SMEs?8. What is the main purpose of SMEs that come for loans to IDBI Bank?9.

    What is your revenue generation and market share with respect to the SMEssector?

    10.Is the Bank concentrating on any specific sector in the SME clusters?