TOC Thinking Processes Workshop February 21-22, 2013 Hotel Windsor Manor, Bangalore This 2-day workshop will cover the basic tools and techniques of Dr. Goldratt’s TOC Thinking Processes along with relevant examples and case studies. Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt (1947 - 2011) Dr. Goldratt, the creator of Theory of Constraints (TOC), was an educator, author, scientist, philosopher, and business leader. But he was, first and foremost, a thinker who provoked others to think. TOC was first introduced in the best- selling book, The Goal, an intriguing business novel by Dr. Eli Goldratt. The book transformed the thinking, actions and results of managers throughout the world. TOC has been successfully applied in universities, high-tech, FMCG, hospitals, logistics, government, and retail, to name a few. “What I mean by Inherent Simplicity is that reality, any part of reality, is governed by very few elements, and that any existing conflict can be eliminated” - Dr. Eli Goldratt, The Choice (October 2008) We face conflicts at almost all stages in our life. Do you empathize with the following: Since we are unable to find completely satisfactory solutions, we compromise, and are forced to live with unsatisfactory solutions. We have many UnDesirable Effects (UDEs) in our personal or professional lives. Often we fail to find the root cause of all these negative side effects. We are forced to take actions separately symptom by symptom. Many of our current problems are the bad side effects of past solutions. All the radical solutions that Dr. Eli Goldratt created in operations (Drum Buffer Rope), projects (Critical Chain), distribution (Replenishment), marketing (Mafia Offer) etc. had one common thread. They helped expose the wrong assumptions in the apparent conflicts in all these areas. Dr. Goldratt believed that as there are no conflicts in hard sciences, similarly there should be no conflicts in other fields. In case we observe one, he would challenge: "Check your assumptions. One set of assumptions will be wrong!"

TOC Thinking Processes Workshop Feb 2013

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Page 1: TOC Thinking Processes Workshop Feb 2013

TOC Thinking Processes Workshop

February 21-22, 2013

Hotel Windsor Manor, Bangalore

This 2-day workshop will cover the basic tools and techniques of Dr. Goldratt’s TOC Thinking

Processes along with relevant examples and

case studies.

Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt (1947 - 2011)

Dr. Goldratt, the creator of Theory of Constraints (TOC), was an educator, author, scientist, philosopher, and business leader. But he was, first and foremost, a thinker who provoked others to think.

TOC was first introduced in the best-selling book, The Goal, an intriguing business novel by Dr. Eli Goldratt. The book transformed the thinking, actions and results of managers throughout the world. TOC has been successfully applied in universities, high-tech, FMCG, hospitals, logistics, government, and retail, to name a few.

“What I mean by Inherent Simplicity is that reality, any part of reality, is

governed by very few elements, and that any existing conflict can be eliminated”

- Dr. Eli Goldratt, The Choice (October 2008)

We face conflicts at almost all stages in our life. Do you empathize with the following:

� Since we are unable to find completely satisfactory solutions, we compromise, and are forced to live with unsatisfactory solutions.

� We have many UnDesirable Effects (UDEs) in our personal or professional lives.

� Often we fail to find the root cause of all these negative side effects.

� We are forced to take actions separately symptom by symptom.

� Many of our current problems are the bad side effects of past solutions.

All the radical solutions that Dr. Eli Goldratt created in operations (Drum Buffer Rope), projects (Critical Chain), distribution (Replenishment), marketing (Mafia Offer) etc. had one common thread. They helped expose the wrong assumptions in the apparent conflicts in all these areas. Dr. Goldratt believed that as there are no conflicts in hard sciences, similarly there should be no conflicts in other fields. In case we observe one, he would challenge: "Check your assumptions. One set of assumptions will be wrong!"

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The TOC Thinking Process workshop is for individuals and organizations that would like to use Dr. Eli Goldratt’s Thinking Processes tools to surface erroneous assumptions, and thereby resolve some very significant issues in their personal or organizational domain without any compromise.

Agenda | Day 1

What to Change?

� Un-Desirable-Effect (UDE) characteristics � Verbalizing UDEs correctly � Is the UDE worth resolving? � Translating UDE into an evaporating cloud/

conflict diagram

Agenda | Day 2

What to Change To?

� Surfacing hidden assumptions between effect & cause

� Challenging / invalidating assumptions surfaced � Generating injections � Evaporating the conflict / cloud

How to Cause the Change?

� Understanding the six layers of resistance � Creating an implementation plan

Past workshop participants

Session Outline

Workshop Details Date: February 21-22, 2013 Time: 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Venue: Hotel ITC Windsor Manor, 25, Windsor Square, Golf Course Road, Bangalore - 560 052. Investment: Rs. 45,000 (Workshop Fee: Rs. 40,050 + Service Tax @12.36%: Rs. 4,050) Includes course material, refreshments and lunch during the workshop. Does not include accommodation. This workshop will be highly interactive. Accordingly the total number of participants would be restricted to a maximum of 25. Confirmation for participants would be provided only after the receipt of workshop fee. Please send your nominations to Ms. Ira Lal ([email protected]). Please send the payment directly through RTGS/ NEFT to the following account: Account name: Time n Cash Account #: 10362020000177 Bank: HDFC Bank IFSC Code: HDFC0001036 Bank Branch: Sahakar Nagar, Bangalore For details, contact Ms. Ira Lal : Email: [email protected]; Mobile #: +91 96320 18261

Time n Cash

Workshop organized by

Website: www.goldrattindia.com Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-96320 18261

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Workshop Facilitator

Ravi Gilani, Founder and Managing Consultant, Goldratt India, will provide an overview of TOC Thinking Processes, step-by-step, with diverse examples and cases.

Ravi introduced TOC in India in 1998. He is a Theory of Constraints International Certification Organization (TOCICO) certified expert and served on the board of TOCICO from 2005 to 2008.

Ravi has presented several papers on TOC implementation in Indian companies at TOCICO conferences. He made his presentation on Evaporating Cash Constraint for the first time at the TOCICO conference at Miami in 2006. Since then there has been a regular ask from CEOs for a repeat presentation at every annual TOCICO conference. He has also presented his experiences on TOC implementation in cash-constrained organizations at TOCICO conferences at Las Vegas in November 2008 and at New York in June 2011.

Ravi is an alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He enjoys striving for the impossible by challenging sacred assumptions and simplifying complexity.

About Goldratt India

Goldratt India is a management consulting firm that collaborates with clients to achieve sustainable improvements in profits. Client teams achieve tangible results in weeks and months, rather than years, through the application of Dr. Elihayu M. Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (TOC).

We help our clients to grow topline by about 25%-100%, and enable them to turnaround from loss to profit making/ increasing profits by 50%-100%.

Goldratt India was the first organization to introduce TOC in India in 1998. Ravi Gilani, Founder and Managing Consultant, Goldratt India is the first ‘Jonah’ (TOC Expert) in India.

Time n Cash is a TOC training firm that collaborates with Goldratt India to organize TOC workshops.


To learn more about how we help clients achieve quantum improvement in profits, please contact:

Ravi Gilani

[email protected]

Ira Lal

[email protected]

[email protected]

Website: www.goldrattindia.com Email: [email protected] Phone: +91-96320 18261

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Theory of Constraints (TOC)

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a body of applied knowledge that treats a corporation as an interlinked, interdependent system rather than just a collection of independent processes or functions. Dr. Eli Goldratt, the creator of TOC, observed that just as the strength of a chain is dictated by its weakest link, so the overall performance of any company is dictated by its constraint.

Over 5,000 organizations around the world have achieved breakthrough results with TOC, including well-known names such as Intel, Cadillac, Texas Instruments, Boeing, Lucent Technologies, Ford Motors, Samsonite, Bethlehem Steel, Pratt & Whitney, General Electric, and Procter & Gamble.

Time n Cash

Cedar A 403, Godrej Woodsman Estate, Hebbal, Bangalore 560 024
