Periodical postage (ISSN 1052 2433) Electric Power Associations of Mississippi 2 14 4 15 Student leaders tour Washington, D.C. Mississippi Cooks: Recipes from Green House elders Weekend getaway: Oxford’s unique offerings Summertime reading with a Mississippi focus

Today in Mississippi August 2012

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Today in Mississippi August 2012

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Page 1: Today in Mississippi August 2012





Electric Power Associations of Mississippi




Student leaderstour Washington, D.C.Mississippi Cooks: Recipesfrom Green House elders

Weekend getaway:Oxford’s unique offerings

Summertime readingwith a Mississippi focus

Page 2: Today in Mississippi August 2012

2 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012

Fifty-eight of Mississippi’s finest high school juniors spent part of their summervacation exploring the nation’s capital and making new friends, courtesy of their elec-tric power association.As participants in the 26th annual Electric Power Associations of Mississippi Youth

Tour, the students visited many of Washington’s most significant historic and culturalsites during the week-long trip. They also took part in special events with more than1,500 other Youth Tour participants from other states.A highlight was a visit to the U.S. Capitol, where Rep. Gregg Harper took the Missis-

sippi students to the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives before the Congressmenconvened. Each student also had the opportunity to meet his or her Congressman.“This experience has not only impacted my life, but it will impact the lives that Iand everyone in this program touch,” said participant Alise Mathews of Laurel. “I willtreasure this experience forever.”Mathews was selected during the Youth LeadershipWorkshop in March to represent

Mississippi on the national Youth Leadership Council. The workshop and Youth Tour arecomponents of the Electric Power Associations of Mississippi Youth Leadership Pro-gram. Participants are chosen through a competitive process sponsoredby their electric power association.“We want to challenge these young leaders to make a dif-ference in their schools and communities,” said Ron Stew-art, senior vice president of the Electric Power Associationsof Mississippi. “In order to do this, they need proper train-ing. This program gives them the tools necessary to sharpentheir leadership skills.”

Stewart, statewide coordinator for the program, said the program was establishedto transform lives and to equip young people to make good choices and take advan-tage of opportunities.“Thanks to the board and management of electric power associations, we havemade a difference in the lives of more than 1,000 young people since the programbegan,” he said.2012 Youth Tour delegates and their sponsoring electric power associations are

Alcorn County EPA: Rebecca Lee, Austin Powell; Central EPA:Whitney McCoy, Court-ney Moore; Coast EPA: Teddi Brown, Raygan Necaise, Jessica Smith; Dixie EPA: R’tesHayes, Alise Mathews, Lindsay Miller; East Mississippi EPA: Alona Doolittle, JoshuaEverett, Jessie Roeland, Taylor White; 4-County EPA: Alison Cooper, Leah Gibson;Magnolia EPA: Caroleah Brister, Sydney Stogner; Natchez Trace EPA: Sydney Harrell,Madison Smith; North East Mississippi EPA: Emily Gardner, MeganWootten; North-central EPA: Caleb Armour, Austin Baker, Anna Brewer, Meghan Galtelli, HunterGibbs, Hamza Mian, Wood Morris, Kim Neal; Pearl River Valley EPA: Eric Upton, JonLukeWatts; Singing River EPA: Harley Byrd, Sydney Spradlin; South Mississippi EPA:

Carleigh Roberts; Southern Pine EPA: Bethany Eubanks, Cady Jones,Josh Vowell; Southwest Mississippi EPA: Aaliyah Cole, MichaelHerring; Tallahatchie Valley EPA: Erika Chapman, Erin Chap-man, Hunt Howell, Caleb Kile, Colton Robison, Clayton Sib-ley, Jalen Taylor; Tombigbee EPA: Claire Cash, PrenetiaClark, Mallory Clouse, Zack Hamm, Tanner Newman, ShaylaPeden, Chelsea Tucker; Twin County EPA: Keshia Brady,

Anthony Tate; Yazoo Valley EPA: Mia Fort, Taylor Neely.


Washington, D.C.


Participants in the 26th annualYouth Tour meet with Rep. GreggHarper, left, at the U.S. Capitol.

Page 3: Today in Mississippi August 2012

he electric lineman faces realdanger every time he works on apower line. But thanks to theknowledge he gains throughextensive training and experi-

ence, he can take control of the situation to pro-tect himself.

One aspect of his safety he can not control,however, is the danger presented by the carelessor inattentive driver.

Fortunately for the lineman and the publicalike, the Mississippi Legislature has taken animportant step toward protecting utility workersfrom traffic accidents.

First, a little background: In 2007 legislatorspassed a law to help protect law enforcementofficers, firefighters and highway constructionworkers. >e law required motorists to move atleast one lane away or slow down whenapproaching emergency vehicles stopped on theside of the road with lights flashing. Driverscould get ticketed for not complying.

>is year, legislators passed a law to give elec-tricity, water, gas and telecommunications work-ers and utility contractors the same protectionwhile working from roadsides.

To warrant move-overs by drivers, utilityservice vehicles must be parked with flashinglights to warn oncoming traffic.

If changing lanes is not possible or unsafe,drivers should proceed with caution, slowing toa safe speed for the road conditions while keep-ing an eye out for workers.

When drivers comply, the “Move Over Law”will save lives.

Our electric linemen may be called out torepair a power line at any time of day or night,and in every kind of weather. Many times theywork from a bucket truck on the side of a busyroad, with cars zipping by in the dark of night.

>e inconvenience of slowing down a bit is asmall price to pay if it makes the difference inwhether a worker returns home safely at the end

of the day.>e “Move Over Law” is the most recent

effort by the legislature, the Mississippi Depart-ment of Transportation and others to makeMississippi’s roads safer for everyone.

Electric power associations supported thepassage of the “Move Over Law,” and we aregrateful for the support from legislators and thegovernor. (See photo on page 12.)

•••Electric power associations have cautioned

members in recent weeks about several scamsconcerning the payment of utility bills.

Some residents in Mississippi and other stateshave been contacted by phone or other meansby scammers who ask for personal financialinformation, including their Social Securitynumber. >e caller instructs the victim to makea payment to what turns out to be a fakeaccount number.

Please, never give out personal informationover the phone, by email or text message. If youreceive a call from someone claiming to be fromyour electric power association and you feelpressured for immediate payment or personalinformation, hang up and report it to your elec-tric power association.

Always ask utility employees for proper iden-tification, and never let anyone into your hometo check electrical wiring unless you requestedthe inspection yourself.

‘MoveOver Law’passedto protect utilityworkers


Today in MississippiOFFICERSDarrell Smith - PresidentKevin Doddridge - First Vice PresidentBrad Robison - Second Vice PresidentWayne Henson - Secretary/Treasurer

EDITORIAL STAFFMichael Callahan - Executive Vice President/CEORon Stewart - Senior Vice President, Co-op ServicesMark Bridges - Manager, Support ServicesJay Swindle - Manager, AdvertisingDebbie H. Stringer - EditorAbby Berry - Communications SpecialistRickey McMillan - Graphics SpecialistLinda Hutcherson - Administrative Assistant

EDITORIAL OFFICE & ADVERTISING601-605-8600Acceptance of advertising by Today inMississippi does not imply endorsementof the advertised product or services bythe publisher or Mississippi’s ElectricPower Associations. Product satisfactionand delivery responsibility lie solely withthe advertiser.• National advertising representative:National Country Market, 800-626-1181

Circulation of this issue: 432,860Non-member subscription price: $9.50 per year

Today in Mississippi (ISSN 1052-2433) ispublished eleven times a year (Jan.-Nov.) by Electric Power Associations ofMississippi, Inc., P.O. Box 3300, Ridge-land, MS 39158-3300, or 665 HighlandColony Parkway, Ridgeland, MS 39157.Phone 601-605-8600. Periodicalpostage paid at Ridgeland, MS, andadditional office. The publisher (and/orits agent) reserves the right to refuse oredit all advertising.POSTMASTER: Send address changesto: Today, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS39158-3300

The Official Publication of theElectric Power Associations of MississippiVol. 65 No. 8

Fifty-eight high school juniorsfrom across Mississippi took partin the annual Youth Tour ofWashington, D.C., in June. Thetour is part of the Electric PowerAssociations of Mississippi YouthLeadership Program, one of themost exciting and beneficialopportunities for students in thestate. See story page 2.

Visit us at:www.todayinmississippi.com

Mississippi is . . .>e scent of sweet magnolia blossoms in the air,Family reunions and the country fair,Old Glory flown from every pole and ledgeWhere people salute and repeated the honored pledge.Where Sunday is for church and family dinner,Where every boy and girl can be a winner,Where people say excuse me, thank you and helloWhether your skin is black, white or yellow.Where we still can pray and say “Have a blessed day”To everyone as we thankfully go on our way.Where we can thank those in uniform for what they’ve doneAnd where freedom of speech is for everyone.

— Dell Magee Clawson, Kokomo

Mississippi summer hot and dryNot a cloud to be seen in the western sky.As a youngster I remember I would bringcold water from the spring.

Now the hill is much steeper and I’m a lot weaker.I just sit in the front porch swing and listen,and watch a mockingbird singand feed her babies in a magnolia tree.

>at’s what Mississippi is to me.—Barney Morgan, Winona

Our Homeplace

Laurel’s Pinehurst Park was built on the site of the old Hotel Pinehurst, a down-town landmark built in 1914. The hotel was the first in Mississippi to have airconditioning. After the brick hotel and its fountain were demolished in 1989,the city built the park to commemorate its historical significance. In 2009 agroup of Leadership Jones County participants added a gazebo, a historicalmarker and other enhancements to the park.

What’s Mississippi to you?What makes you proud to be a Mississippian? What do you treasuremost about life in our state? Send your thoughts to Today in Missis-sippi, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158, or email them [email protected]. Please keep your comments brief. Submissions aresubject to editing.

My OpinionMichael Callahan

Executive Vice President/CEOEPAs of Mississippi

On the cover

August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 3


Page 4: Today in Mississippi August 2012

4 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012

By Debbie StringerSummer afternoons are made for relaxing in the

shade with a good book and an icy cold glass oftea.But which book to choose? We suggest bypass-

ing the usual beach novels to explore some mind-expanding nonfiction titles with a Mississippi con-nection. With topics ranging from extreme weath-er to true crime to history, these books promise tobe so engrossing, you’ll forget the heat—unlessyou want to read about it.Here are a few suggestions, available in book-

stores and online:

�Mississippi Weather and ClimateKathleen Sherman-Morris, Charles L. Wax, MichaelE. Brown; $26, hardback; University Press of Missis-sippi; www.upress.state.ms.usWeather nerds rejoice! Mississippi’s fickle weath-

er finally gets a book of its own.Accessible and easy to read, “Mississippi Weath-

er and Climate” presentsexplanations, stories, dataand graphics on everyaspect of the state’s weath-er. It’s all here, from rou-tine cold fronts and fog tohurricanes and ice storms.Fe authors discuss factorsaffecting our weather andexplain why both weatherand climate change withthe topography.Fey discuss historic weather events in detail,

including catastrophic tornadoes, hurricanes,floods and ice storms.Fe final chapters reveal how the weather and

climate affect people, from the way homes werebuilt in Mississippi’s early days to the way weatherinformation is collected and reported.Black-and-white photographs, charts, illustra-

tions and more than 100 maps accompany thetext. An index makes finding topics easy.

�'e Legs Murder ScandalHunter Cole, with postscript by Elizabeth Spencer;$38, hardback; $22 paperback; e-book $22; Univer-

sity Press of Mississippi; www.upress.state.ms.usOn a dark winter morning in 1935, Laurel resi-

dent Daisy Keeton is murdered, her body mutilat-ed and destroyed.Her 35-year-old daughter, Ouida, dumps a

bundle containing thighs and a pelvis in a ruralarea north of Laurel. A few hours later, a hunterand his dogs discover the bundle.Fe “Legs Murder” case ensnared not only the

unmarried Ouida but also her (married) employ-er/suitor, a prominent Laurel businessman whomOuida fingered as the mur-derer. Fe case attractedintense national media cov-erage during two standing-room-only trials conductedin the Jones County Court-house.Using legal records,

medical files and newspaperaccounts as primarysources, author HunterCole presents the entire story of the murder, themadness and its tragic aftermath. His engrossingnarrative reconstructs events while debunkingrumors and misinformation.“... Fe complicated story of Ouida Keeton and

William Madison Carter, so highly charged bycontradictions and by the ambiguities of love,crime, punishment and vengeance, deserves fairexamination, a just recounting of the murder, theenormity and the shame,” Cole writes.As interesting as the story of the crime is the

author’s vivid portrait of Depression-era life in asmall lumber town in south Mississippi.

�Pieces From the Past: Voices ofHeroic Women in Civil Rights

Joan H. Sadoff, editor; Robert L. Sadoff, LindaNeedleman, co-editors; $14.95 paperback; TasoraBooks; www.itascabooks.comFis collection of stories is unique in that it

presents little known incidents, personal anecdotesand heroic behavior of 12 women, black andwhite, who became leaders in the civil rightsmovement in Mississippi.

Fese are stories of personal awakening, sacrificeand bravery in the segregated South of the 1960s.Among the subjects of

the book are Unita Black-well, Betty Pearson, Con-stance Iona Slaughter-Har-vey, Fannie Lou Hamer andHazel Brannon Smith.Some of the stories are

first-person accounts. Oth-ers were written by promi-nent historians and writerssuch as Joanne PrichardMorris, Constance Curry, Bill Minor and StanelyDearman.Fe volume includes black-and-white photos

and a historical timeline of women in civil rights.

�Mississippi’s American IndiansJames F. Barnett Jr.; $40 hardback; University Pressof Mississippi; www.upress.state.ms.usMore than 20 different American Indian tribal

groups once lived in the lands that became Missis-sippi. Today, Mississippi is home to only one tribe,the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians.In “Mississippi’s American Indians,” author and

historian James F. Barnett Jr. explores the causes ofthis sweeping change.Barnett begins his narrative with an overview of

the hunter-gatherers that inhabited Mississippi’soak forests around 10,000 B.C., and the mound

builders the first Euro-pean explorers encoun-tered in the 16th centu-ry.European coloniza-

tion in the New Worldbrought profoundchange to the nativepeoples, including newtrade relationships,infectious diseases, con-

flicts and wars.By the early 19th century, government treaties

had ousted all but Choctaw and Chickasaw tribesfrom the state. Soon they too faced land cessionsand removal.

this summer, readmississippi

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August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 5

“Mississippi’s American Indians” offers detailedinformation on tribal culture, as well as stories ofindividual leaders, conflicts, treaties and removalto western lands.Barnett continues his narrative of tribal strug-

gles in Mississippi through the 20th century, con-cluding with the 2011 election of Chief PhylissAnderson, the first female chief of the MississippiBand of Choctaw Indians.Barnett is director of the Division of Historic

Properties for the Mississippi Department ofArchives and History. He is also the author of“Ie Natchez Indians: A History to 1735.”

�Wilder WaysDonald C. Jackson; illustrated by Robert T. Jackson;$26 hardback; University Press of Mississippi;www.upress.state.ms.usIis collection of essays will captivate anyone

who shares Jackson’s deeply felt personal connec-tion to the outdoors.A hunter, fisherman and rambler, Jackson

shares personal experi-ences, observances, mean-derings and perspectives—all deeply rooted in wildplaces.Since childhood, Jack-

son has yearned to betotally “melded with thespirits and rhythms of theearth in some wild place.”Although he may have legal title to his land, “Icannot possess it because I am actually part of it.”Ie wild places of which he writes range from

his own woodland pond in north Mississippi to acrabbing hole in the Pascagoula River estuary to aColorado sagebrush meadow. His stories aredescriptive, harrowing, funny, reflective, moving,interesting. Above all, they are well told.Jackson, of Starkville, is the Sharp Distin-

guished Professor of Fisheries at Mississippi StateUniversity. He is also the author of “Tracks.”

�Mississippi John Hurt: His Life,His Times, His Blues

Philip R. Ratcliffe; forward by Mary Frances HurtWright; $35 hardback; University Press of Mississip-pi; www.upress.state.ms.usIe son of impoverished former slaves living in

Carroll County, Mississippi John Hurt (1892-1966) became an icon known the world over forhis southern folk music. How did this happen?Ie author sets out to find the answer in this newbiography of Hurt, starting with his parents’ slav-ery.Using information obtained in part through

personal interviews and correspondence, Ratcliffe

traces Hurt’s career beginning with his first record-ing session, in 1928 in Memphis, and sessions inNew York where herecorded “Avalon Blues”and “Stack O’leeBlues.” Hurt’s musicfound a new audiencewith the rise of folkmusic in the 1960s. Heperformed at major folkfestivals, in CarnegieHall and on NBC’s“Ie Tonight Show.”But in late 1965 orearly 1966, citinghomesickness, Hurt moved back to Mississippi,where he lived in Grenada until his death in 1966.Ratcliffe’s biography includes a complete

discography and black-and-white photos.

�Hogs, Mules, and Yellow Dogs:Growing Up on a MississippiSubsistence Farm

Jimmye Hillman; forward by Robert Hass; $19.95paperback; 4e University of Arizona Press;www.uapress.arizona.eduHardscrabble farming was once a way of life for

many rural Mississippians living during the GreatDepression. Yet few people today remember thatvanished world with as much clarity as 88-year-old Jimmye Hillman.Hillman gathered accounts of his family and

other people of Greene County to preserve memo-ries of that long-ago time. He describes in detail alife of poverty, with per-sonal observances ofagriculture, food, trains,politics, religion, family,childhood and commu-nity. His tales areenriched by colorfulcharacters, humor, wis-dom and sympathy.Ie result is an enter-

taining, fascinating readbut also a hard-nosedlook at the realities of living on a dirt farm.Hillman survived the poverty of his childhood

to become head of the University of ArizonaDepartment of Agricultural Economics for 30years while doing groundbreaking work in agricul-tural and trade policy.

�.e Battle of Brice’s CrossroadsStewart L. Bennett; $21.99 paperback; 4e HistoryPress; historypress.netAn insignificant crossroads in Lee County, Mis-

sissippi, became on June 10, 1864, an unlikelybattleground for one of the most spectacular Con-federate victories in the western theater of theCivil War.Ie battle stemmed

from Union Gen. WilliamT. Sherman’s attempt tostop Confederate Brig.Gen. Nathan Bedford For-rest’s cavalry raids onUnion supply lines in Ten-nessee. Sherman sent acavalry commanded byUnion Brig. Gen. SamuelD. Sturgis. For Sturgis, capturing or killing Forrestwould boost his own career. Forrest, however,aimed to drive the Union out of Mississippi or dietrying.Although the Confederate force was outnum-

bered almost two to one, the Union attack failedand Sturgis was demoted.Blue Mountain College assistant professor of

history Stewart L. Bennett retells the Battle ofBrice’s Crossroads through first-person soldieraccounts, photographs and maps. Ie book is partof Ie History Press Civil War SesquicentennialSeries.

�Images of America: Building theNatchez Trace Parkway

Natchez Trace Parkway Association; $21.99 paper-back; Arcadia Publishing;www.arcadiapublishing.comCenturies of travel by foot, horse, carriage and

wagon left a barren, rutted pathway spanning Mis-sissippi from Natchez to the Nashville, Tenn.,area. Iis primitiveinterstate highway,carved from a series ofIndian trails, served as amajor route for the set-tlement of the South-west Territory in the19th century, and gaverise to settlements thateventually becametowns.Ie Natchez Trace Parkway Association formed

in 1934 to promote the development of a federalparkway commemorating the old road. Ie last ofthe Natchez Trace Parkway was paved in 2005.“Building the Natchez Trace Parkway” presents

a pictorial history relating the development of the444-mile parkway over a 70-year period, as well ashistoric sites and communities along its route.Each of the black-and-white photos is accompa-nied by descriptive and historical details.

Page 6: Today in Mississippi August 2012

6 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012

here is a joke that I use sometimeswhen I speak about a fellow whostood up to give a talk, cleared histhroat and said, “Well, I don’t reallyknow where to start.” And someone

in the back shouts, “Start toward the end!”Well, on the subject of Prospect Hill Plantation, I

have to start toward the end to fit the story in this issueof Today in Mississippi. It would take a book to tell thewhole story. And besides, Alan Huffman has alreadywritten it in his book, “Mississippi in Africa.”

So I’ll start where I came in. The first time I sawProspect Hill Plantation was while I was flying toNatchez in the WLBT helicopter back in 1997. PilotCoyte Bailey made a wide circle east of Lorman andtold me he wanted to show me this old house he hadspotted from the air many times. Rising up from theforest was an expansive roof in poor repair over a housethat looked as if it were coming and going at the sametime. Some of it looked to be fixed up while otherparts of it looked to be falling in. It appeared to havebeen deserted for maybe a hundred years, except for atall television antenna.

But what attracted my attention more than thehouse was a huge monument in the side yard in acemetery. It even looked impressive from 1,500 feet upin the air with its marble columns rising from a solidblock base, supporting a circular marble roof. It reallyseemed out of place just sitting out in the yard of afast-fading relic in the deep woods somewhere east ofLorman. I really wanted to find out about the houseand whose grave that was.

After a few years of describing what I had seen fromthe air, Al Hollingsworth and Doug Lum of Port Gib-son told me the house was Prospect Hill Plantation

and the monument marked the grave of Isaac Ross.Ross stipulated in his will that his slaves be freed andProspect Hill be sold to pay their passage to Liberia inWest Africa (specifically, to a place called “Mississippiin Africa” I recently discovered from Huffman’s book).

Ross’ grandson, Isaac Ross Wade, protested the willall the way to the Mississippi Supreme Court, whichupheld it. However, Mr. Wade somehow managed tohang onto the land and the house. But 300 slaves went

to Africa, this after a slave revoltand the burning of the originalhouse and a 6-year-old niecebeing killed in the fire—and alot more that I can’t fit in.

That fancy monument I hadseen was commissioned inhonor of Isaac Ross by the Mis-sissippi Branch of The Ameri-can Colonization Society, push-ing for the freedom of slavesand their deportation to Africa.

Now, to come in at the endof the story, just in the past few

weeks I finally got to see Prospect Hill Plantation upclose thanks to Jessica Crawford, Southeast regionaldirector of the Archeological Conservancy. The grouprecently acquired the house and some of the propertywith the hope of stabilizing the deterioration until abuyer willing to restore the house can be found.

Cosmetically, Prospect Hill is in sad shape. But ithas good “bones.” But time is really short for it to besaved.

The next year will tell if we actually did come in atthe end of the story, or if this is just the beginning ofthe next chapter.


Walt Grayson is the host of “Mississippi Roads” onMississippi PublicBroadcasting television, and the author of two “Looking AroundMissis-sippi” books and “Oh!That RemindsMe:MoreMississippiHome-grown Stories.”To contact Grayson, send email [email protected].

Grandmonumenthonorsman’sbenevolent legacy


byWalt Grayson

Isaac Ross' monument cost $25,000 in themid 1800s. I went to a web-site that suggests modern equivalents for values from past years. If Iread the information correctly, that would be about $700,000 today.Looking at the workmanship, I don't know if you could order one foreven that amount. Photo: Walt Grayson

Page 7: Today in Mississippi August 2012

August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 7


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those combos placed in full sun.Since ornamental sweet potatoes are

vigorous growers, they can become a lit-tle unruly and overrun less vigorousplants. Simply prune back to keep themin bounds. The pruning will not impactplant health and will help maintaingood, dense growth.

About the only serious pest ornamen-tal sweet potatoes have is the flea beetle.Check with your local Mississippi StateUniversity Extension office for the bestcontrol measures for these pests.

Plant your sweet potato vines in fullsun for the best color development.When planted in the shade, the colorstend to fade with green tints. The plantsalso benefit from well-drained, high-quality organic soil.

When preparing the planting bed,mix in about 2 pounds of a slow-releasefertilizer per 100 square feet of bed. Thismay be a bit wasteful since the orna-mental sweet potatoes spread out quite abit. Alternatively, drop a tablespoon ofslow-release fertilizer into each planting

heart-shaped. Thecolors available inthe cut-leaf forminclude bronze,green-yellow, lightgreen, purple andred.

The Sweetheartseries has heart-shaped leaves incolors that includelight green, purple,red and black.

I really like the darker colors availablein sweet potato vines, especially thosewith the reddish hues. Red foliage is agreat way to add color contrast with theprimary green foliage of our ornamentalplants.

Illusion Garnet Lace has deeply cutfoliage, and new leaves emerge lightgreen before turning an attractive bur-gundy. Illusion Midnight has foliage thatis a deep, almost black purple.

I love using sweet potato vines incombination container plantings. Thevines cascade out over the containeredges and work their way around,between and sometimes over the otherplants in the container. Coleus plantshave a wide variety of foliage colors andmake good planting partners for orna-mental sweet potatoes, especially for

Dr. Gary Bachman is MSUhorticulturist at the Coastal Researchand Extension Center in Biloxi.

f you’re looking for avigorous and uniqueground cover for yourlandscape, consider apopular ornamental that

I really enjoy, the colorful sweet potatovine.

Longtime favorites include Margarita,which is lime green with large leaves;Blackie, a cut-leaf variety with dark pur-ple to black foliage; and Tricolor, whichhas leaves of green, pink and white.

New selections have introduced amaz-ing color selections and leaf shapes.

The Sweet Caroline series offers awide selection for the landscape. Theseries has two leaf shapes, cut-leaf and


hole to supply nutrients throughout theseason.

Ornamental sweet potatoes need con-sistent moisture. Be sure to irrigate, espe-cially in dry periods, to help maintaingood plant health.

Ornamental sweet potatoes are realsweet potatoes that breeders have select-ed for their vivid colors and attractiveleaves. The plants produce a flower thatis hidden by the foliage. The flowerresembles a morning glory, which is notsurprising since the two are closely relat-ed.

Ornamental sweet potatoes are annu-als in Mississippi, except in the coastalcounties where the vines will come backunless the winter was extremely cold. Inother areas, vines may overwinter in pro-tected microclimates.

Ornamental sweet potatoes add annu-al color to landscapes, so why not enjoythem in yours?

Sweet potato vine adds unique colors

SouthernGardeningby Dr. Gary Bachman



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from raisin’ cane to raisin’ crops

Ornamental sweet potato plants produce a flower that is hiddenby the foliage. The flower on this Illusion Midnight resembles amorning glory. Photos: MSU Extension Service/Gary Bachman

Page 8: Today in Mississippi August 2012

8 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012

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Page 9: Today in Mississippi August 2012

Kay Grafe is the author of “Oh MyGosh, Virginia.” To order, send name,address, phone number and $16.95, plus$3.50 S&H to Kay Grafe, 2142 Fig FarmRoad, Lucedale, MS 39452.

precious gems scattered throughout ourstate. So this year we chose Vicksburg,Greenwood and Indianola. It had onlybeen 40 years since our last visit to theVicksburg National Military Park. Mr.Roy is a Civil War buff and has readtons of books on that period of history.So when he began planning our trip, hereread Winston Groom’s book,“Vicksburg, 1863.”He tutored me on the battle strategies

as we drove. Even though I taught highschool American history six years (speechtherapy for the last 22), his tutoring pre-pared me forbattle; it madethe tour moreenjoyable. TheMilitary Park hasmore monu-ments and worksof art than anybattlefield in thecountry. Morethan 1,300 mon-uments pay trib-ute to the brave soldiers, bothConfederate and Union, who foughtthere.If you go, my suggestion is to arrange

here’s our house upyonder! And look howthe grass has grown.Thank you, Lord, for asafe trip."Folks in Mississippi

like to travel—and the proof is in thepuddin’. My readers write by PostalDeliveries and Email Rocket Express;that keeps me clued in to their druthers.I’m downright happy to receive sug-

gestions, dear readers, regarding yourfavorite topics. Travel and pets are in thetop five. Therefore, madams and sirs, Iaim to please. As you know, my storiescome straight from the horse’s mouth,and I’m the horse!Last summer I wrote that high fuel

prices influenced Pops and me to stayfairly close to home. We parked themotor home in our favorite RV camp-ground in Tupelo. Our youngest daugh-ter’s family has a home in Saltillo, onlyeight miles away. We hung out withthem, inspected our granddaughterLealand’s college, UNA, and went to theShiloh National Military Park and theAmish community in Ethridge, justacross the line in Tennessee.We’re intensely partial to Mississippi’s


Grin ‘n’Bare Itby Kay Grafe

for a guide at the park’s Visitors Center.He’ll drive your car or either ride withyou for three hours and explain the bat-tle sites, plus drive you around town.We had an awesome experience andthe cost was very reasonable.Mr. Roy and I completed a

perfect day by toddling(Australian for “walking”)through the Old Court HouseMuseum, the BiedenharnCoca-Cola Museum and theold downtown area.The next day we rolled off

toward the Delta andGreenwood. What a treat! Muchbetter than we had hoped.Greenwood is the home of thefamous Alluvian Hotel and Spa, andViking Corp. (cookware, kitchen appli-ances and cooking school). Many of thescenes of the recent hit movie “TheHelp” were filmed in Greenwood, so Itook that tour while Mr. Roy toured alarge catfish farm. Both are a must-see.Another highlight of our trip was vis-

iting Indianola, just a few miles fromGreenwood, and the new B.B. KingMuseum. The facility includes an oldcotton warehouse that was renovated. Ifyou are a blues fan as I am, you wouldagree this is a great museum and a finetribute to this Mississippi legend. Wepurchased B.B.’s “Greatest Hits Album”and also Robert Johnson’s “King of theDelta Blues Singers.” Johnson playedauthentic Delta Blues in the 1930s.

Backhome in LucedaleI’m in the kitchen frying okra andsquash, cooking fresh corn that I cut offthe cob, cooking green butterbeans andtomato pie, and chopping green onionsfor a cucumber salad—while butteringcornbread and slicing watermelon fordessert. No meat needed. Sweet tea isoptional. Aren’t you glad we live in ruralMississippi? If you’re coming for supperlet me know, ‘cause it’s almost ready.Traveling is like Sweet ‘n’ Low, but

home is bona fide sugar.

Our excursion startswhere the Delta begins:


Little Zion M.B. Church, nearGreenwood, was one of the local siteschosen for the filming of “The Help.”

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August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 9

Page 10: Today in Mississippi August 2012

Do-it-yourself (DIY) offers agreat way to save money and learnnew skills. But before you tacklethat home improvement project yousaw online or on cable TV, practicethese safety measures to avoid in-jury while getting game-winningresults.

Score points withsafety equipment

Just like a helmet and pads are re-quired on a football field, safety itemsare essential for DIY tasks. Read andfollow directions on every power toolyou use. Wearing eye and ear protec-tion and gloves, as well as tying backloose hair and securing loose clothing,are all important to keeping you safe.If renting a tool, ask the store for safetytips.

Look up, downand all around

For outside projects, first check thearea where you will be working. Iden-tify potential hazards and take time toavoid or correct any problems. Don’tforget to look up for power lines, andavoid using long poles or ladderswithin 10 feet of overhead wires.

Will your project involve any dig-ging? Call 811 before you dig even ifyou think you know where under-ground lines may be. The 811 servicewill mark all underground lines in yourarea free of charge before you startwork.

Avoid the blitzWater and electricity don’t mix, so

avoid running cords through wet areas.Inspect cords for fraying or damage

before use, and be sure outlets can

handle any extra load from powertools. Overloading outlets can lead tomore than a shock: Fire hazards mayresult from demanding too much froman electrical system.

Be honest with yourselfIf a job seems like it might be too

much to handle, leave it to a profes-sional. Take into consideration heavylifting, expensive tools that will only beused once, and whether you really havethe time. That way, you won’t betempted to skip safety measures.

For more safety advice around thehome, visit www.safetyathome.com.

Tacklehomeprojects safely

Using compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in outdoorlights can savemoney and energy because these lightsstay on the longest. ENERGY STAR-qualified CFLs use 75percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs.To save evenmore, look for fixtures designed for outdooruse that have automatic daylight shutoff andmotion sensors. Learnmore at www.ener-gysavers.gov.Source: U.S. Department of Energy

ENERGY efficiency tip

10 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012



Page 11: Today in Mississippi August 2012

Did you know lightning can strikeeven if it’s not raining? Lightningstrikes kill 55 to 60 people every year,according to the National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration (NOAA).More than 400 people are hit by a bolteach year.But if you prepare before an

outdoor event and know how toprotect yourself, you can keep yourfamily safe from lightning.

Be Alertto Avoid Lightning

• Plan ahead. Just as you have an emergencyplan for fires and weather events like tornadoesand hurricanes, form an action plan for light-ning. Choose a safe shelter, and time how long ittakes to get there.

• Check the weather. A simple forecast cantell you whether you should delay outdoor activ-ities, such as golfing or fishing, to avoid a dan-gerous situation.

• Look to the sky. Dark skies, whippingwinds and lightning flashes are all signs that youshould seek shelter.

• Seek shelter. As soon as you hear a rum-ble of thunder, head for a safe place—an en-

closed structure, one with plumbing and wiringis best, or a car. Open-air shelters, sheds and cov-ered porches are often not safe places. Avoid talltrees that stand alone, towers and poles, as wellas metal fences and other conductors of electric-ity. And keep out of open areas, so that you’renot the tallest object in a field.

• Wait it out. Leaving safe shelter too quicklymakes you vulnerable to lightning strikes. Waitat least 30 minutes after the last rumble of thun-der before you head back outdoors.

• Avoid corded phones and appliances.If you’re indoors when a storm hits, do not usecorded phones or appliances. Lightning can

travel through your home’s wiring. Also, water isa great conductor of electricity, so don’t take abath or shower.

If someone near you has been struck by light-ning, call 911 immediately. A certified personshould begin CPR right away if necessary—thevictim will not have an electric charge and is safeto touch.

Find information on how to stay safe in alightning storm at www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov.

Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-ministration

Follow these tips fromNOAAto protect yourself from lightning

August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 11

Page 12: Today in Mississippi August 2012

12 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012

Share an unforgettable moment forour next Picture This theme,“Gotcha—Great Moments in CandidPhotos.”Photos selected for publication will

appear in the October issue of Today inMississippi.Submissions must be postmarked or

emailed by Sept. 17.Photographers whose work is select-

ed for publication are eligible for adrawing for a $200 cash prize, to beawarded in December.Requirements for eligibility• Photos must be the original work ofan amateur photographer (of any age).• Photos eligible for publication may beeither color or black and white, print ordigital.• Photos must be in sharp focus.• Digital photos should be high-resolu-tion JPG files. Please do not use photo-editing software to adjust colors ortones. (We prefer to do it ourselves, ifnecessary, according to our printer’sstandards.)

• Please do not send a photo with adate on the image.• Photos must be accompanied byidentifying information, including pho-tographer’s name, address, phone andelectric power association (if applica-ble). Include the name(s) of any recog-nizable people in the picture.• Prints will be returned if accompa-nied by a self-addressed, stamped enve-lope. We cannot, however, guaranteetheir safe return through the mail, soplease do not send irreplaceable photos.How to submit your workMail prints or a photo CD to

Picture This, Today in Mississippi, P.O.Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158-3300.

Or, email photos (as an attachmentto your email message) to [email protected]. If submitting more thanone photo, please attach all photos toonly one e-mail message, if possible.Questions? Call Debbie Stringer,

editor, at 601-605-8600 or email yourquestions to [email protected].

Gov. Phil Bryant signs the “MoveOver Law,” designed to improve safety for utility crewsworking alongsidehighways and local roads. The law requiresmotorists tomove at least one lane away or, if that is not possi-ble, to slowdownas they approach utility or emergency vehicles parked on the roadsidewith lights flash-ing. Standing from left are Rep. Scott Bounds, of Philadelphia, co-author of the bill; Rep. JimBeckett, ofBruce, chairman of theHouse Public Utilities Committee and author of the bill; and Rep. Robert Johnson, ofNatchez, chairman of theHouse Transportation Committee. “I believe this legislation is awin-win. The trav-eling publicwill be safer and the utility crewswill bemuch safer,” Rep. Beckett said. “Also, this could allowutility crews to respond quicker andmore efficiently to emergency situations.My primary concernwas thesafety of the utility crews.” Sen. HobBryan, of Amory, chairman of Senate Judiciary B,was instrumental inthe passage of the bill in the Senate.


State ‘Move Over Law’ protects utility workers

Page 13: Today in Mississippi August 2012

August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 13

ome will argue that theonly purpose for August inMississippi as the monthrelates to outdoor activitiesis to fill the space betweenJuly and September. There

is an element of truth in such thinking.To make the point, look at some familiaroutdoor pursuits that fit quite well into ahost of other months.

Tent camping: Miserable and swelter-ing in August.

Hunting: Not available.Hiking: Tolerable if done early in the

morning or on rare occasions, late in theafternoon. But a full day of it in August isjust about more fun than most folks areallowed to have!

Biking: See hiking. The list goes on.The reader will note, however, that

fishing was notincluded in theabove. That isbecause it is anexception. Augustis the month whenone unique fishingexperience beginsto blossom.Specifically, this isfishing for bass onlow-water creeks

and rivers. Let’s break this activity downinto various parts and see what ingredi-ents are required for some outstandingsummer fishing across the state.

August streams are traditionally low.Heavy rains can change this, but suchrains are rare. And if they come and don’tstay for long periods, the streams willreform quickly and become productiveagain almost overnight. What we are

looking for are shallow runsbroken by deeper holes inbends and spots where thewater runs through log jamsand downed timber. Therethe bass will be.

Anglers visiting mostMississippi streams willencounter two types of bass:the largemouth and theKentucky, also called spotted bassor redeyes. The latter is not generallyas hefty as its largemouth cousins, butwhat it lacks in size is made up for inspunk.

There is, however, one major glitchfacing most anglers who want to do thislow-water fishing. And that glitch is thelow water itself, that perfect condition forfinding and locating stream bass. Thisalways creates an access problem. Evenwhere there is public access, seldom willanglers be able to put a motor boat inand navigate up or down stream. Thatleaves only the canoe or kayak as a viablecraft to use at public-access points in aneffort to move about the stream. Butregardless of what you must do to get tothe streams, the effort will likely berewarded.

Early mornings and late afternoons aregenerally the best times to fish, but basswill often bite all day. Slower at sometimes and enhanced at others, but all dayjust the same. Of course, the sun will behigh and pouring down into otherwiseshaded streams at midday, and this can beuncomfortable. But if you choose tobrave the heat, fish at any point in theday you want. If I were forced to selectone time, that would be late afternoonsjust when the sun begins to cast long

shadows across the water.Where and how to catch bass are twins

and can be isolated into a very few likelyspots and methods. One spot is whereshallow, relatively fast water rushes over asandbar and drops into a dark spot justbelow that sandbar. How? Cast so thatthe lure runs parallel to that sandbar andlet that lure cover the entire length abouta foot or so into the current where thewater is deep enough to be dark. AKentucky bass will probably be hangingaround there.

Another good spot is along a steepbank on the offside of a bend. And likethat sandbar regimen, fish the length ofthe bend, not from the middle of thestream and across. That latter approachallows the angler to prospect only a tinyportion of the bank, where a lengthwisetactic covers practically all of it.

Log jams can be good. If the water ispouring through/over these, fish the bot-tom side. And cast so that the lure runsthe length of the logs. This will often befrom the bank back toward the middle.Submerged jams, their skeletal fingers theonly things giving evidence of the jams,can be good. Fish them thoroughly. Andif the path of a single log can be deter-mined, fish its length, even if it is in shal-

low water. Bass will hold in surprisinglynondescript places.

Tackle for this fishing is fairly basic.Spinning and/or casting reels on a goodrod will work fine. Do, however, keep itall sturdy. Excessive strength is notrequired, but some backbone will beneeded to coax bass from the tangles.This is not a game for ultralights. Line inthe 14-pound class is in order.

Lures? Spinnerbaits get the nod frommost anglers, and they are hard to beat.The simple white-skirted H&H will workperfectly. And take plenty. You are goingto break off and lose more than you canimagine, for if you are not fishing the tan-gles and rough spots, you are not fishingfor stream bass in August.


Tony Kinton has been an active outdoors writerfor 30 years. His books, “Outside and OtherReflections,” “Fishing Mississippi” and his newChristian historical romance novel, “SummerLightning Distant Thunder,” are available inbookstores and from the author atwww.tonykinton.com, or P.O. Box 88, Carthage,MS 39051.

MississippiOutdoorsby Tony Kinton

Even small streams can produce bigresults. Fish the dark spots along-side logs in lowwater. These are

generally deeper and are good spotsfor bass. Photos: Tony Kinton

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TurnAugustmiseries into summerdelight

Page 14: Today in Mississippi August 2012

14 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012


When you open a cookbook and see recipes from folks named MaeMae and Mary Sue, you know there’s some good Southern cookin’between its covers.“Recipes from Our Home” presents some 60 pages of recipes con-

tributed by people living, working or volunteering at Martha CokerHome Green Houses, in Yazoo City. Proceeds help supplement thehome’s activity department, and in turn benefit the residents.A program of Methodist Senior Services and an Eden Alternative

Community, the Martha Coker Home is the nation’s first stand-aloneGreen House skilled nursing facility. Ge Green House concept isdesigned to de-institutionalize nursing home care and improve well-being

by providing a residential com-munity that encourages engage-ment in meaningful activities.

For more information on theMartha Coker Home GreenHouses, call 662-746-4621 orgo towww.mss.org/marthacoker.

To order a copy of “Recipesfrom Our Home,” mail acheck or money order for $10plus $2 S&H per book toMartha Coker Home GreenHouses, 2041 Grand Avenue,Yazoo City, MS 39194.

‘Recipes fromOur Home’

Maple Oatmeal Pie with Cinnamon Whipped Cream

2 eggs, lightly beaten3/4 cup maple syrup1/2 cup granulated sugar1/2 cup packed brown sugar1/2 cup milk1/2 cup butter, melted1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup flaked coconut3/4 cup rolled oats1/2 cup chopped walnuts1 (9-inch) pie crust, unbaked1 recipe Cinnamon Whipped Cream,


Cinnamon Whipped Cream:1 cup whipping cream2 Tbsp. powdered sugar

1 tsp. vanilla1/2 tsp. ground cinnamonDash ground nutmeg

Preheat oven to 375 F. In a large bowl, combine eggs, maple syrup, granulated sugar,brown sugar, milk, melted butter and vanilla. Stir in coconut, oats and nuts. Pourinto unbaked pie crust. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until knife inserted near centercomes out clean. Cool on wire rack. Refrigerate within 2 hours. Cover for longerstorage. Serve with Cinnamon Whipped Cream.

Beat with chilled beaters of electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form(tips curl).

Lemony Avocado Dip

1 ripe avocado, seeded and peeled1 Tbsp. lemon juice or lime juice1/2 cup sour cream

1 clove garlic, minced1/8 tsp. saltSweet pepper strips

In a medium bowl, combine avocado and lemon juice; mash with a fork. Stir insour cream, garlic and salt. Serve immediately or cover surface of dip with plasticwrap and chill for up to 4 hours. Serve dip with sweet pepper strips. Makes 8 (2-tablespoon) servings.

Watermelon, Feta and Mint Salad

4 cups seedless red and yellowwatermelon, cut into 1- to 2-inchchunks

1 cup (4 oz.) feta cheese, coarselychopped

1/4 cup loosely packed fresh mint leaves,torn into pieces

2 Tbsp. olive oilFreshly ground black pepper

In a large bowl, combine watermelon, feta cheese, mint and oil. Season to taste withblack pepper. Cover and chill 2 to 4 hours to blend flavors. Makes 6 servings.

Veronica’s Famous BLT Dip

2 (12-oz.) pkgs. bacon2 can mild Ro-Tel tomatoes

1 cup sour cream1 cup mayonnaise

Cook bacon; drain and crumble into pieces. Combine bacon and remaining ingredi-ents, mixing well. Serve with corn chips.

Fresh Fruit Parfaits

4 oz. reduced-fat mixed berry yogurt3/4 cup reduced-fat whipped topping1 cup sliced ripe bananas1 cup sliced fresh strawberries

1 cup fresh pineapple chunks1 cup fresh blueberries4 whole strawberries

In a small bowl, combine yogurt and whipped topping; set aside 4 teaspoons fortopping. Spoon half the remaining yogurt mixture into 4 parfait glasses. Layer withhalf the banana slices, strawberry slices, pineapple and blueberries; repeat layers. Topeach parfait with reserved yogurt mixture and a whole strawberry. Chill until serv-ing. Yield: 4 servings.

Pat’s Ratatouille Casserole

1 eggplant, peeled and sliced4 yellow squash, sliced4 Roma tomatoes, thickly sliced1 bell pepper, chopped1/2 large onion, chunky cut (preferably


3 slices bread1 (8-oz.) pkg. shredded Mozzarella

cheeseSharp Cheddar cheese, shreddedSalt, pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 F. Place eggplant and squash in salted water. Cover and bring toa boil; cook until tender. Drain. In a large mixing bowl, mix eggplant, squash, toma-toes, bell pepper and onion. Cut bread into cubes. Stir into the mixture. Place halfto a whole package of mozzarella cheese in the mixture; stir well. Pour mixture intoa greased 9-by-13-inch casserole dish. Cover with foil and bake approximately 45minutes. Remove foil and sprinkle casserole with Cheddar cheese to taste. Return tooven, uncovered, for 15 minutes.

Page 15: Today in Mississippi August 2012

August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 15

My power walk develops into a strollupon approaching The Square and restau-rant choices run the gamut from casual tofine dining. Old Venice Pizza Companyoffers delicious food in a nice but casualatmosphere. For a more formal experi-ence, City Grocery sports the menu ofChef John Currence, a James Beard awardwinner, who owns four Oxford eateries.

Ya-ya’s Frozen Yogurt on the north sideof The Square catches my attention, and Iopt to buy something sweet and to strollwhile I eat.More restaurants and shops offering

clothing, paintings, pottery and gifts dotthe landscape that circles the courthouse.Other retailers wedge into the offshootstreets and alleys.

While countless quality stores pull peo-ple through their doors, the J.E. NielsonCompany has been doing it longer thananyone else in Oxford. In fact, they’vebeen in business longer than any otherdepartment store in the South. The storestarted in 1839, and though it might beold its stylish window displays prove it isnot old-fashioned.Nielson’s store has been in Oxford

longer than the University of Mississippi,which opened in 1848 and sits a milefrom The Square.Oxford has 19,000 residents and when

Ole Miss is in session that number dou-bles. On Rebel game days 60,000 peopleconverge on the town for food, fun andfootball.My frozen yogurt is finished and the

stroll around the famed square is com-plete. While the walk didn’t brush meagainst legends like John Grisham or EliManning, it did connect me to life—theluscious and large life of Oxford.

For information about activities, festi-vals, lodging and dining in Oxford, visit thewebsite of the Oxford Convention andVisitors Bureau at www.oxfordcvb.com.


uniqueofferingsAstrollaroundtheheartofthecityreveals itsspecialappeal

A walking tour of The Square in Oxford should include stops at the stately Lafayette County Courthouse, top, aswell as Square Books, above, an independent bookstore and the venue for the live broadcast of the ThackerMountain Radio show. Photos: Hello Delta Photography for Oxford CVB

By Nancy Jo MaplesA walk in Oxford is a walk among leg-

ends and life.Writers, artists and scholars tread

alongside the streets surrounding thefamous Courthouse Square. Even footballheroes walk these sidewalks.During a weekend getaway, a power

walk leads me along South Lamar Street’scanopy of trees and stylish old homes.A few blocks off South Lamar lies one ofthe town’s most visited homes, RowanOak. About 25,000 people a year tourthe home of the late William Faulkner.Nestled among acres of oaks, cedars andmagnolias, it’s easy to see why the Nobeland Pulitzer winning author often movedhis typewriter to the porch to find inspi-ration for his writings.As my steps steer me into the heart of

Oxford, the stately white-columnedLafayette County Courthouse stands on aknoll and draws me to what’s affection-ately known as The Square. Shops andcafes pop up like popcorn and as Iapproach the corner of The Square anindependent bookstore, Square Books,lures me inside. Books are everywhereand everywhere you turn is a nook or acomfy old chair for lounging and reading.It can take hours for a book lover to leavehere.On Thursday nights the bookstore’s

sidekick, Off Square Books, hosts theThacker Mountain Radio show, whichMississippi Public Broadcasting stationsair the following Saturday nights.Readings of poetry and prose by literaryartists and music by bluegrass bandsentertain crowds that spill into the side-walks and street.Yes, Oxford is a literary town, but it’s

also a town of epicureans.

Page 16: Today in Mississippi August 2012

16 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012

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Mississippi MarketplaceType or print your ad clearly. Be sure to include your telephone number.Deadline is the 10th of each month for the next month’s issue. Mail payment with your ad to Today inMississippi, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158-3300. Have any questions? Phone (601) 605-8600.


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Page 17: Today in Mississippi August 2012

All persons preparing to dig mustcall Mississippi 811 or utilize our

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August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 17

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Page 18: Today in Mississippi August 2012

18 � Today in Mississippi � August 2012


Want more than 400,000 readers to know about your event? Send it to us at least two months prior to the event date.Submissions must include a phone number with area code for publication. Mail to Mississippi Events, Today inMississippi, P.O. Box 3300, Ridgeland, MS 39158-3300; fax to 601-605-8601; or email to [email protected]. Eventsof statewide interest will be published free of charge as space allows. Event details are subject to change, so we stronglyrecommend calling to confirm dates and times before traveling. For more events, go to www.visitmississippi.org.

Admission. Register by Aug. 24. CrosbyArboretum. Details: 601-799-2311.Mid-South Toys for Tots Golf Tournament,Aug. 25, Olive Branch. Eighteen-hole fundrais-er with shotgun start at 8 a.m. Plantation GolfClub. Details: 662-895-8894;www.midsouth.toysfortots.org.Cruisin’ the River 21st Annual Car Show,Aug. 25, Columbus. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Gravityslow drag race. Raffle, live auction, trophies at2 p.m. Registration fee; spectators free. Lockand dam, East Bank. Details: 662-324-1251,662-574-2678; [email protected] Mississippi Annual Car and BikeShow, Aug. 25, Southaven. Benefits Mid-SouthWoundedWarrior Project. Open to allvehicles. Entertainment, vendors. Admission.Landers Center. Details: [email protected]; www.mswwpr.com.Mississippi Sacred Harp SingingConvention, Aug. 25-26, Forest. Singing 10a.m. - 2:45 p.m.; potluck lunch. AntiochPrimitive Baptist Church, Miss. Hwy. 21.Details: 601-940-1612; [email protected] Annual Ernest and Evan TheriotMemorial Calf Roping Challenge, Aug. 25-26, Hattiesburg. Includes live/silent auction onSaturday. Proceeds for scholarship fund; 9 a.m.Multi-purpose Center. Details: 601-466-0548;[email protected] Sigma Phi 81st Annual Beginning Day,Aug. 26, Columbus. Details: 662-243-2097.17th Annual Howlin’Wolf Memorial BluesFestival, Aug. 31,West Point. Indoor bluesconcert featuring Lightnin’Malcolm withCameron Kimbrough and others; 7 p.m.Admission. Mary Holmes College auditorium.Details: 662-605-0770; www.wpnet.org.Gospel Singing Jubilee, Aug. 31 - Sept. 1,McCall Creek. Miss-Lou Gospel Singers, SingingEchoes, New Ground and more. RV hookups.McCall Creek Community Center. Details: 601-835-3229, 601-757-1263.34th Annual Prairie Arts Festival, Sept. 1,

26th Annual Mississippi WildlifeExtravaganza, Aug. 3-5, Jackson. Admission.Mississippi Trademart. Details: 601-605-1790;www.mswildlife.org.City Wide Rummage Sale, Aug. 4, Laurel.Some 100 families selling items; concessionand door prizes; 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Free admis-sion. South Mississippi Fairgrounds. Details:601-319-6086; www.myrummagesales.com.Bikes, Blues & Bayous Cycling Event, Aug. 4,Greenwood. Three course distances for all skilllevels; Mississippi’s largest with more than600 riders predicted; 7 a.m. Details: 662-453-4152; www.bikesbluesbayous.com.37th Annual Harrison County Gem, Jewelryand Mineral Show, Aug. 10-12, Long Beach.Begins at noon Friday. Admission.WestHarrison County Civic Center. Details: 228-586-5279; [email protected] Paisley Virtual Reality Tour, Aug. 17,Southaven.With guests The Band Perry andEaston Corbin; 7 p.m. Snowden GroveAmphitheater. Details: 800-745-3000; www.snowdengroveamphitheater.com.Memphis Tri-State Blues Festival, Aug. 18,Southaven. Entertainment by Bobby Rush, SirCharles Jones and more; 6:30 p.m. Admission.Landers Center. Details: 800-982-2787.Delta Clues of theWrittenWord andImages at the Mississippi Department ofArchives and History, Aug. 21, Rolling Fork.Lower Delta Talks presentation by ClintonBagley; 6:30 p.m. Free. Sharkey-IssaquenaCounty Library Fine Arts Room. Details: 662-873-4076.Sounds of Summer Music and Art Fest, Aug.25, Byhalia. Arts and crafts, Kids’ Zone, trac-tor/ATV/golf cart run, 5K family run/walk, livemusic, Cornhole Tournament; 5-10 p.m.ByhaliaWalking Track. Details: 662-838-8127;www.facebook.com/byhaliachamber.Summer Arboretum FieldWalk, Aug. 25,Picayune. Director Pat Drackett to lead walkand discuss native plants; 10-11 a.m.

West Point. Music stages, Kidsville, 5K run, finearts, car show and more. Downtown. Details:662-552-7835; [email protected] & Feast BBQ Competition and Festival,Sept. 7-8, Yazoo City. Food, arts, crafts, livemusic, BBQ competitions with cash prizes.Yazoo County Fairgrounds. Details: 800-381-0662; www.fireandfeast.org.Hummingbird Migration Celebration andNature Festival, Sept. 7-9, Holly Springs.Hummingbird banding, live animal shows, birdexperts, author Doug Tallamy, artisans, nativeplant sale, nature walks, wagon rides andmore. Admission. Strawberry Plains AudubonCenter. Details: 662-252-1155; strawberryplains.audubon.org.Craftsmen Festival, Sept. 8, Hernando.Featuring fiber-to-fabric demonstrations, liveanimals, jambalaya, music by DeSotoSongwriters Guild. Free. DeSoto Arts Council.Details: 662-404-3361; www.desotoarts.com.Muscadine Jubilee, Sept. 8, Pelahatchie. Arts,crafts, children’s rides, food and muscadines forsale. Muscadine stomp at noon. Larry Gatlinand the Gatlin Brothers at 3 p.m. Admission.Downtown. Details: 601-854-5224.Fourth Annual Country, Bluegrass and MoreConcert, Sept. 8, Bassfield. Indoor event fea-turing LarryWallace Band, Delta Reign andothers; 1-9:30 p.m. Admission. MG Dyess Inc.Details: 601-792-5142, 601-792-5196.CelticFest Mississippi, Sept. 9-11, Jackson.Traditional Irish music, dance and culturalworkshops. Admission. Mississippi Agricultureand Forestry Museum. Details:www.celticfestms.org.Tony Kinton Book Reading/Signing, Sept.11, Columbia. Kinton to read from his novel“Summer Lightning Distant Thunder”; 5:30-7p.m. Columbia-Marion County Library. Details:601-736-5516.Twice As Nice Children’s Consignment Sale,Sept. 13-15, Biloxi. Gently used children’sclothing, toys, baby equipment, maternityneeds; also crafts and some new items. Dr.Frank Gruich Sr. Community Center. Details:

850-341-1676; www.2asnicekidsresale.com.Joppa Shriners Steak Night, Sept. 14, Biloxi.Joppa Shrine Temple; 6-8 p.m. Admission.Details: 228-392-9345.Betty Allen Festival, Sept. 15, Toccopola.Arts, crafts, music, food and more. Details:662-509-0903, 662-509-8707.28th Annual Arts and Creative Crafts Show,Sept. 15-16, Diamondhead. Selected high-quality arts and crafts for purchase.Diamondhead Country Club grounds. Details:228-255-1900, ext. 118.Third Annual Mississippi Gourd Festival,Sept. 15-16, Raleigh. Gourd crafting classesand activities, tools, supplies, gourd art, driedgourds. Admission. Smith County Ag Complex.Details: 601-782-9444;www.mississippigourdsociety.org.

Coming up:12th Annual Archery Deer Hunt, Oct. 12-13,14-15, 26-27, 28-29. Two-day sessions for atotal of 88 hunters, to be chosen in drawingon Sept. 5. Deadline for receiving applicationsis Aug. 29. Arkabutla Lake. Details: 662-562-6261 ext. 14562, 601-631-5052.

Sept. 7-9, 2012Holly Springs, Mississippi� Hummingbird Banding� Live Animal Shows & Bird Experts� Doug Tallamy, author of

Bringing Nature Home� Antebellum Davis Home� Nature Vendors & Artisans� Native Plant Sale� Guided NatureWalks &

Wagon Rides SSoouutthh’’ss PPrreemmiieerreeOOuuttddoooorr NNaattuurree FFeessttiivvaall!!

Call (662) 252-1155or visit



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Page 19: Today in Mississippi August 2012

August 2012 � Today in Mississippi � 19

























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Page 20: Today in Mississippi August 2012

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