Today’s text: Luke 8: 4-18 Today’s message: Taking Care of the Seed (part 3 of 4)

Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

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Page 1: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

Today’s text: Luke 8: 4-18

Today’s message:

Taking Care of the Seed (part 3 of 4)

Page 2: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

V 5 “…and as he sowed,…”

The double steward

apple seedsgospel seeds

The Sower Sowed

Page 3: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

V 5 “…and as he sowed,…”

The unwashed heart

Story of the modern artist

The Sower Sowed

Page 4: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

V 5 “…and as he sowed,…”

The proper attitude

Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort provided by love, any fellowship in the Spirit, any affection or mercy, complete my joy and be of the same mind, by having the same love, being united in spirit, and having one purpose. Instead of being motivated by selfish ambition or vanity, each of you should, in humility, be moved to treat one another as more important than yourself. Each of you should be concerned not only about your own interests, but about the interests of others as well. You should have the same attitude toward one another that Christ Jesus had, who though he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but emptied himself by taking on the form of a slave, by looking like other men, and by sharing in human nature. (Phil. 2:1-7 NET Bible)

The Sower Sowed

Page 5: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

V 5 “…and as he sowed,…”

A closer look

The Seed was the Word of God The different Soils represented the hearts of different kinds of

people Jesus does not tell us who the sower is

The next parable

Jesus reveals…

you and I are it – we are the sowers of God’s Word!!!

The Sower Sowed

Page 6: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

V 6 “…as it grew up…”

The method and the place

Seed is no good until its sownIndiscriminate sowingSoil types

The Kernel Sprung

Page 7: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

V 6 “…as it grew up.…”

“WHOEVER WILL CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, “HOW BEAUTIFUL ARE THE FEET OF THOSE WHO BRING GOOD NEWS OF GOOD THINGS!” Romans 10:13-15

How you live your life delivers a sermon every day.

The Kernel Sprung

Page 8: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

V 8 “…produced a crop a hundred times as great…”

By the numbers

Top Five ways People are most willing to receive information about a congregation: (15,000 people surveyed)

Personal Conversation with a family friend 63%Personal Conversation with a friend or neighbor from the church 56%Informative ad in the newspaper 48%Outdoor sign or Billboard 46%Newspaper or magazine advertising 46%

The Roots Took

Page 9: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

V 8 “…produced a crop a hundred times as great…”

Building the kingdom

Be a good steward of God’s Word - partner with Him in building the church.

The Roots Took

Page 10: Today’s text:Luke 8: 4-18. V 5 “…and as he sowed,…” The double steward apple seeds gospel seeds

We are it - we are the sowers of God’s word.

Anyone “with half their brain tied behind their back” can sow seed – if you can wave your arm you can sow seed – it is not difficult so get out there and “get ‘er done.”

Are you just putting in your time at church? Or are you personally helping Jesus Christ construct the greatest kingdom the world has ever known?

Things to Consider and Do