Current Letters of Reference for Dr. Todd R. Wilkinson 816-797-3264 1 This letter is from my current supervisor at Ottawa University:

Todd Wilkinson - Current Letters of Reference

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Sept. 28, 2016 To Whom it May Concern, I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation in behalf of Todd Wilkinson. I have known Dr. Wilkinson for 16 years, first as the former chair of the Washburn University Music Department, and secondly as a colleague and friend. Dr. Wilkinson was selected for a one-year appointment as the Director of Jazz Studies at Washburn University. After a national search, he was selected by the search committee, chair and the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences as the new Director of Jazz Studies at Washburn University. Under the leadership of Dr. Wilkinson the Washburn jazz combo program tripled in size, scope and importance. The top jazz ensemble made excellent improvement and the attitude within the ensembles evolved to emulate the energy and excitement which Dr. Wilkinson constantly generated. Todd is a first-rate musician. Having attended several of his saxophone recitals, I was always impressed with his superb musicianship and expressive capabilities. His technique is superb and his musicianship comes through in every phrase. He performs equally well in both the classic and jazz mediums and his students reflect his understanding of the stylistic and artistic differences. His knowledge of the history of jazz and his present connections to professional jazz artists is outstanding. The jazz festivals and clinics which he presented were creative, efficiently organized, well-staffed and superbly educational. As the past chairman of the Washburn University Music department I was impressed with Todd’s desire to be a good colleague. I especially appreciated the fact that in addition to being an extraordinary performing artist, he remained teachable and open to suggestions and new ideas. He was consistent in his desire and efforts to become the very best teacher that was within him. We were pleased to have Dr. Todd Wilkinson on our music faculty. He brought a rare combination of creative energy, humor, enthusiasm and collegiality that produced good will and positive results. I can also attest to the fact that Dr. Wilkinson is a person who cares deeply for his students and colleagues. He is a loyal and compassionate human being. I have personally witnessed him take extraordinary measures to give assistance to a colleague when others simply chose to look the other way. I am pleased to recommend Dr. Todd Wilkinson to you. Sincerely,

Dr. Kirt Saville Director, School of Music and Professor of Music Education Brigham Young University 801-422-7423

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October 11, 2016 Members of the Search Committee: It gives me a great deal of pleasure to write to you on behalf of Todd Wilkinson. I have known Todd for twenty-five years, seven of those as his saxophone instructor while he was working on his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in saxophone performance at the University of Kansas. Since I worked with Todd individually, I can address several of his musical and personal strengths while highly recom-mending him to your search committee. Dr. Wilkinson is a fine musician who demonstrated a remarkable enthusiasm for learning during the time he studied with me. He has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and is always seeking to im-prove his musical abilities in both jazz and classical styles on all of the saxophones. He has a beautiful full tone quality, a firm grasp of playing the melodic line, strong technical facility, and a sense of per-forming stylistic nuance that goes far beyond the mere notes on the page. An outstanding graduate stu-dent, Todd completed the DMA degree and graduated with honors in the spring of 2007. While at KU he was a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the KU Jazz Studies area, teaching a big band and a jazz combo. As a doctoral student Todd was always open to criticism and worked hard to adapt new ideas to his saxophone playing. He is intelligent, diligent and he embraces life and music with enthusiasm and in-tegrity. Dr. Wilkinson takes a leadership role in talking with students about problems they are having with both technique and motivation. For this reason, I asked Todd to teach the top saxophone students at the University of Kansas School of Music while I was on sabbatical leave during the Fall 2004 and the Fall 2015 semesters. Todd has had extensive and diverse teaching experiences. As the Director of Jazz Studies and saxo-phone instructor at Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, Todd taught the top jazz ensemble, jazz combos, jazz improvisation, applied saxophone, saxophone quartet and jazz history (2001-2005). He also ran an evening jazz workshop for high school students, and recruited students in jazz and saxo-phone from high schools throughout Kansas. The students at Washburn University loved working with him. The saxophone students and the ensembles under his direction improved a tremendous amount, and he rapidly became a valuable asset to the faculty. As I told the search committee at Washburn University, hiring Todd is like hiring at least two people! Not only will you be amazed at everything he accomplishes, but he will become one of your most valued colleagues. Most recently Dr. Wilkinson is Associate Professor of Music at Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kansas, where he teaches saxophone, saxophone quartet, jazz ensemble, jazz improvisation, music theory, composition and arranging, jazz pedagogy, music business and woodwind methods. Even though the music program is small, Todd has accomplished building a music program from the ground up. He has gone to more than 100 high schools throughout the state and region to recruit students for OU’s jazz degree program.

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Among Dr. Wilkinson's many strengths are his professional jazz and commercial performances in Kansas City, where he has been a vital part of the musical scene for many years. Todd is one of the outstanding jazz saxophonists in Kansas City. He has the ability to continue growing in the many styles in which he plays, from jazz to fusion, and from pop to classical. He is a personal friend to many of the professional musicians and teachers throughout the Kansas City metropolitan area. Because of his quick wit, sense of humor, contagious enthusiasm, and limitless energy, the students enjoy and respect Dr. Wilkinson. Todd is not hesitant to put in the time and energy needed to build a program, recruit students, coordinate performances, serve on committees, and establish a strong jazz festival. I give Todd Wilkinson my highest recommendation without reservation. If your search com-mittee has questions please call so I can provide further information. Sincerely, Vincent A. Gnojek Professor of Music Saxophone Instructor School of Music KU phone: 785.864.4476