VOCAB NOTE Page 280 1. to abate = v. to lessen; to subside. (reda) e.g. : John pulled over (menyeberang) to the side of the road to wait until the storm abated. 2. to abet = v. to help; to aid. (bersekongkol dengan) e.g. : It is unlawful to aid and abet a criminal. 3. to abhor = v. to hate; to detest. (membenci) e.g. : She abhorred all forms of discrimination on the basis of (atas dasar) race or sex. 4. abject = adj. miserable; wretched. (menyedihkan) e.g. : The were living in such abject poverty that they could not even afford the bare necessities. (kebutuhan pokok) 5. abruptly = adv. suddenly; unexpectedly. e.g. : The driver stopped the cab (taxi) so abruptly that he was hit by the car behind him. 6. absorbed = adj. interested; engrossed. (asyik) e.g. : Bill did not hear the telephone because he was completely absorbed in his reading. Page 281 7. abundant = adj. plentiful. (berlimpah) e.g. : The crop was so abundant that the farmers had to store (menyimpan) half of it. 8. accessory = n. something added. e.g. : Navy blue shoes (sepatu warna biru laut) and gloves would be perfect accessories for this white suit. 9. accommodations = n. a room and meals. e.g. : The new tourist hotel will have accommodations for more than one thousand people. 10. accomplice = n. one who aids and abets a criminal. (kaki tangan) e.g. : The police are still looking for the thief’s accomplice. 11. to accost = v. to meet someone and to speak first. (menyapa) 1

TOEFL Vocabulary

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Page 1: TOEFL Vocabulary


1. to abate = v. to lessen; to subside. (reda)e.g. : John pulled over (menyeberang) to the side of the road to wait until the storm


2. to abet = v. to help; to aid. (bersekongkol dengan)e.g. : It is unlawful to aid and abet a criminal.

3. to abhor = v. to hate; to detest. (membenci)e.g. : She abhorred all forms of discrimination on the basis of (atas dasar) race or sex.

4. abject = adj. miserable; wretched. (menyedihkan)e.g. : The were living in such abject poverty that they could not even afford the bare

necessities. (kebutuhan pokok)

5. abruptly = adv. suddenly; unexpectedly.e.g. : The driver stopped the cab (taxi) so abruptly that he was hit by the car behind


6. absorbed = adj. interested; engrossed. (asyik)e.g. : Bill did not hear the telephone because he was completely absorbed in his


Page 281

7. abundant = adj. plentiful. (berlimpah)e.g. : The crop was so abundant that the farmers had to store (menyimpan) half of it.

8. accessory = n. something added. e.g. : Navy blue shoes (sepatu warna biru laut) and gloves would be perfect accessories

for this white suit.

9. accommodations = n. a room and meals.e.g. : The new tourist hotel will have accommodations for more than one thousand


10. accomplice = n. one who aids and abets a criminal. (kaki tangan)e.g. : The police are still looking for the thief’s accomplice.

11. to accost = v. to meet someone and to speak first. (menyapa)e.g. : The stranger accosted her as she was unlocking (membuka) her door.

12. to accumulate = v. to pile up; to collect. (menumpuk, bertumpuk)e.g. : While the Lawrence family was on vacation, their mail accumulated in the box.

13. accurate = adj. correct. (tepat, akurat)e.g. : Her report is accurate and well written.

14. acrid = adj. sharp; bitter. (tajam (rasa))e.g. : This cigarette has an acrid taste; I guess I have been smoking too much today.


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15. adjacent = adj. next to; adjoining. (berdekatan)e.g. : There is a parking lot (tempat parkir) adjacent to the auditorium.

16. to admonish = v. to warn about; to advise against doing something. (memperingatkan)e.g. : Her boss admonished her not to be late for work again.

17. to adore = v. to love greatly. (mencintai, memuja)e.g. : Mr. Moore is quite a family man; he adores his wife and children.

18. adroit = adj. clever; skillful. (trampil)e.g. : Under the adroit direction of coach (pelatih) Lewis, the team finished the season

with twelve wins and no losses.

19. affluent = adj. rich. (kaya)e.g. : Mr. Wilson must be very wealthy (kaya) because his address is in the most

affluent neighborhood in the city.

20. to aggravate = v. to make worse. (memperburuk)e.g. : Smoking aggravates a cold.

21. agile = adv. lively. (lincah)e.g. : Dancers must do strenuous exercises (latihan-latihan yang berat) in order to

execute (melaksanakan) the agile movements of their art.

22. to agitate = v. to disturb. (menganggu)e.g. : Rumors of a strike (pemogokan) agitated the workers.

23. aglow = adj. shining brightly. (bersinar dengan terang)e.g. : There was only one candle aglow on the baby’s first birthday cake.

24. ailment = n. a mild illness. (penyakit ringan)e.g. : Mrs. Thompson is a hypochondriac. (orang yg selalu khawatir dgn kesehatannya)

She has a new ailment every week.

25. ajar = adj. slightly open.(sedikit terbuka)e.g. : She left the door ajar so that she could hear the conversation in the other room.

26. akin = adj. similar; related. (berhubungan)e.g. : Jealousy is often akin to love.

27. albino = n. a person of animal without normal pigmentation, characterized by pale skin, hair, and eyes.

e.g. : The white rat with pink eyes is an albino.

28. alert = adj. perceptive; quick. (lekas tanggap, waspada)e.g. : Although he was almost ninety years old, he was still active and alert.

29. to alleviate = v. to lessen; to relieve. (mengurangi)e.g. : The nurse will give you something to alleviate the pain.

30. alluring = adj. tempting; enticing. (memikat)e.g. : She looked very alluring in her black evening dress.


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31. aloof = adj. reserved; indifferent. (pendiam, acuh tak acuh)e.g. : Our neighbors are so aloof and unfriendly that they never speak to anyone.

32. amateur = adj. not professional; untrained. (amatir)e.g. : In the past, only amateur athletes were eligible (memenuhi syarat) to participate in

the Olympic Games.

33. ambiguous = adj. doubtful; uncertain. (ragu-ragu)e.g. : The directions were so ambiguous that it was impossible to complete the


34. amicable = adj. friendly. (damai)e.g. : After months of negotiations, they arrived at an amicable settlement.


35. amnesia = n. a lapse of memory. (kehilangan ingatan)e.g. : He suffered from (menderita) temporary amnesia as the result of a head injury.

36. ample = adj. more than adequate; enough. (lebih dari cukup, cukup)e.g. : Richard’s scholarship includes a very ample living allowance. (tunjangan hidup)

37. to amplify = v. to make larger; more powerful. (memperbesar)e.g. : He will need a microphone to amplify his voice because the room is much too

large for us to hear him without one.

38. anguish = n. great sorrow; pain. (kesakitan)e.g. : The injured soldier moaned (merintih) in anguish until the doctor arrived.

39. ankle = n. the joint between the foot and the leg. (pergelangan kaki)e.g. : He sprained his ankle in a skiing accident. (pergelangan kakinya keseleo)

40. annual = adj. yearly. (tahunan)e.g. : The annual rainfall (curah hujan) is about twenty-five inches.

41 anomalous = adj. unusual (aneh, ganjil)e.g.: It is an anomalous situation; he is the director of the personnel office, but he does

not have the authority (wewenang) to (mempekerjakan) and dismiss (memecat) staff.

42 antique = n. a very old and valuable object (antik)e.g.: These lamps, made in England during the fourteenth century, are valuable


43 to applaud = v. to clap (bertepuk tangan)e.g.: The audience applauded at the end of the concert.

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44. appraisal = n. an estimate of the value (penaksiran)e.g.: One hundred thousand dollars would be a fair appraisal of their new house.

45. appropriate = adj. suitable (cocok, tepat)e.g.: An arrangement of flowers is always an appropriate gift for someone is the



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VOCAB NOTE46. arduous = adj. demanding great effort ; strenuous (berat)

e.g.: Shoveling (menyekop) deep snow is far too arduous a task for a man of his age

47. to arouse = v. to spur = to incite.(membangkitkan, menimbulkan)e.g.: His refusal to walk through the metal detector before boarding the plane aroused

the guard’s suspicion (kecurigaan)

48. to arraign = v. to charge = to accuse (mendakwa)e.g.: The suspects (para tersangka) will be arraigned by the district court.

49. arrogance = n. haughtiness = rudeness (kesombongan)e.g.: The union officials resented (marah) the arrogance with which the company

president dismissed their demands. (menolak permintaan mereka)

50. to aspire = v. to strive toward = to seed eagerly (bercita-cita)e.g.: Three candidates aspired to win the election.

51. to assert = v. to affirm an opinion (menegaskan)e.g.: The witness (saksi) asserted that the salesman was dishonest.

52. asset = n. a useful or valuable quality = financial resources (asset, kekayaan)e.g.: His insurance company estimates his assets at over three million dollars.

53. to assuage = v. to ease = to lessen (meredakan)e.g.: Nothing could assuage his anger.

54. to astound = v. to surprise greatly = to astonish (mengejutkan)e.g.: The results of his test astounded him; he had not expected to pass, and he received

one of the highest possible scores.

55. astray = adj. away from the correct path or direction (kesasar)e.g.: Their neighbor asked them to keep their dog tied so that it would not go astray.

56. audacious = adj. bold = daring (berani)e.g.: The people who are chosen to become astronauts must be perfectly healthy, highly

skilled in engineering, and audacious by nature. (sifatnya)

57. audible = adj. able to be heard (dapat terdengar)e.g.: She speaks so softly that her voice is not audible in the back of the room.

58. to augment = v. to increase (menambah)e.g.: Miss White augments her income by typing theses and dissertations.

59. autonomous = adj. free = independent (merdeka0e.g.: Just before the outbreak of the Civil War (pecahnya perang saudara), the south

declared (menyatakan) itself to be an autonomous nation.

60. avarice = n. greed (kerakusan, ketamakan)e.g.: She agreed to marry the aging millionaire (jutawan tua) more because of avarice

that because of love.

61. aversion = n. intense dislike (keengganan)e.g.: He must have an aversion to work because he is always out of a job.

62. to baffle = v. to confuse (bingung)e.g.: Linda was baffled by the confusing road signs; she did not know whether to turn

left or go straight.


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63. bald : adj. without hair (botak)e.g.: The bald eagle is so named for the white feathers on the top of its head which give

it the appearance of being without hair.

64. to ban : v. to declare that something must not be done; to prohibit (melarang)e.g.: The law bans selling certain drugs without a prescription.(resep dokter)

65. bar : n. a court of law; the legal profession. (pengadilan, pengacara)e.g.: After passing his exam, he will be admitted (diterima) to the bar.

66. barricade : n. a barrier; an obstruction (penghalang)e.g.: The high-way patrol (patroli jalan raya) put up (memasang) a barricade in front of

the accident.

67. to beckon : v. to signal with one’s hand (memberi isyarat dengan tangan)e.g.: She beckoned them to enter her office.

68. behavior : n. one’s actions (kelakuan)e.g.: He was on his best behavior because he wanted to impress (mengesankan) his girl

friend’s family.

69. to bellow : v. to shout loudly (meneriakkan)e.g.: Sergeant Black bellowed orders (perintah) to his troops. (pasukan)

70. beneficiary : n. a person who receives money or property from an insurance policy from a will. (ahli waris)

e.g.: Mr. Johnson’s wife was the sole beneficiary (ahli waris tunggal) of his will. (surat wasiat)

71. beverage : n. a kind of drink (minuman)e.g.: In some states, it is illegal to sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday.

72. to bewilder : v. to confuse (bingung)e.g.: Since (karena) she did not speak a foreign language, she was bewildered by the

menu at the international restaurant.

73. to bicker : v. to quarrel (bertengkar)e.g.: The meeting began with a review of the relevant issues (masalah-masalah), but it

soon dissolved (bubar) into small groups bickering over unimportant points of protocol.

74. bitter : adj. a sharp, acrid taste (pahit)e.g.: Your coffee is bitter because you forgot to put sugar in it.

75. blame : n. responsibility (tanggung jawab)e.g.: No-fault insurance does not require anyone to accept the blame for auto accident

in order to be reimbursed (dibayar kembali) by the company.

76. blandishment : n. coaxing; persuasion by flattery. (bujukan)e.g.: Despite his sister’s blandishments, he refused to lie to their parents

77. bleak : adj. cold and bare; cheerless. (suram)e.g.: In winter, when the trees are bare and snow covers the ground, the landscape is

very bleak.


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VOCAB NOTE78. blend : n. a mixture (campuran)

e.g.: This tea is a blend of lemon and herbs. (tumbuh-tumbuhan)

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79. blithe = adj. carefree; lighthearted (riang)e.g. : Connie’s father calls her his blihe spirit because she is very lighthearted and

carefree. (riang)

80. blizzard = n. a severe snowstorm. (badai salju yg parah)e.g. : Since (karena) visibility (jarak pandang) is near zero, all planes will be grounded

(dikandaskan) untill the blizzard is over. (berakhir)

81. blunder = n. an error; a mistake (kesalahan)e.g. : I think that i comitted a blunder in asking her because she seemed very upset by

my questions.

82. to blush = v. to flush (memerah)e.g. : She always blushes when she is embarrassed.

83. boulder = n. a large rock (batu besar)e.g. : The crew was able to haul away (menyeret) the smaller rocks, but there are still

some boulders at the construction site that were too heavy to move without bigger equipment.

84. boundary = n. a border; limit (batas, perbatasan)e.g. : The boundaries of the continental United States are Canada on the north, Mexico

on the south, the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west.

85. boundless = adj. without limits. (tanpa batas)e.g. : Marry Ann has boundless energy; she works full time as a secretary, goes to

school at night, and serves as a hospital volunteer (sukarelawan) on weekends.

86. to brandish = v. to shake or wave a weapon menacingly. (mengacungkan)e.g. : When he brandished a knife, the clerk agreed to give him the money in the cash

drawer. (laci kas)

87. brawl = n. noisy fight; a quarrel. (tawuran)e.g. : The brawl got louder and louder untill the police arrived.

88. bribe = n. money or gift used to influence someone to do something that he should not (uang sogok)

e.g. : Hoping to avoid a ticket (surat tilang), he offered the patrolman a bribe.

89. brim = n. the upper edge of anything hollow (tepi dari sesuatu yg berlubang)e.g. : Please do not fill my cup to the brim because i always put a lot of cream in my


90. brink = n. the edge of a high place. (tepi dari tempat yg tinggi)e.g. : The tourist walked over the brink of the cliff to take a picture.

91. brittle = adj. easily broken (rapuh, mudah pecah)e.g. : My fingernails are so brittle that they break off before they get long enough to

polish. (menyemir)

92. broom = n. an object used to sweep the floor. (sapu)e.g. : She is looking for a broom to sweep the kitchen floor.


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93. brutal = adj. savage; cruel (brutal, kejam)e.g. : The murder was so cruel that the jury was not allowed to see the police


94. to bully = v. to be cruel to weaker people or animals. (menggertak)e.g. : Eddie likes to bully the younger boys, but he never tries to fight with anyone his

own age.

95. bump = n. a light blow; a jolt (benjolan)e.g. : When the little boy fell down, he skinned his knees (kulit lututnya terkelupas) and

got a bump on his head.

96. cabal = n. a group of people united in a scheme to promote their views by intrigue; a group of conspirators (kawanan penjahat)

e.g. : All members of the cabal will be prosecuted for treason. (pengkhianatan)

97. callous = adj. insensitive; unfeeling (tidak berperasaan)e.g. : Even the most callous observer would be moved by the news report about the war.

98. captive = n. a person who is not permitted to leave; someone who is confined. (tawanan, tahanan)

e.g. : Several captives are being held pending (sambil menunggu) payment of a fifty-thousand-dollar ransom. (uang tebusan)

99. to carve = v. to slice meat (mengiris daging)e.g. : Their grandmother always carves the Thanksgiving Day turkey. (ayam kalkun)

100. to cast = v. to throw out or down (melemparkan)e.g. : Early every morning the fisherman cast their net into the sea.

101. to castigate = v. to reprove (menghukum)e.g. : Shirley was castigated by her mother for staying out too late.

102. catalysm = n. a great flood; a terrible event (banjir besar)e.g. : One of the most terrible catalysms in the history of United States was the

Johnstown Flood in Pennsylvania in 1889.

103. chaos = n. without organization; confusion (kekacau balauan)e.g. : Tornadoes left serveral Midwetern towns in a state of (dalam keadaan) chaos.

104. chasm = n. a deep crack in the earth (retak di tanah)e.g. : The chasms in this area were caused by glaciers as they receded (surut) during the

ice age.

105. chaste = adj. pure (murni)e.g. : Her parents had taught her that she should behave like a chaste and modest

(sederhana) young lady.

106. chilly = adj. cool (dingin)e.g. : According to the weather bureau, it will be chilly tomorrow with a 50 percent

chance of showers. (kemungkinan hujan)

107. chore = n. a task; a job (pekerjaan)


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VOCAB NOTEe.g. : Each of the children had chores to do before going to school; Kathy had to gather

the eggs and feed the chickens.

108. chum = n. an intimate friend (sahabat karib)e.g. : Jim is eager to see his old school chums at the class reunion.

109. cider = n. juice from apples (juice apel)e.g. : Cider and doughnuts are usually served at Halloween parties.

110. clamorous = adj. noisy (ribut)e.g. : A clamorous contingent of demonstrators marched up the hill (berbaris ke atas

bukit) to the Capitol. (Gedung DPR Amerika) Page 284

111. to clap = v. to applaud. (bertepuk tangan) e.g.: The crowd clapped and cheered (bersorak) as the football team ran onto the field.

112. clemency = n. kindness; mercy. (pengampunan, kemurahan hati)e.g. : Judge McCarthy often exercises (melakukan) clemency with first offenders.


113. cluttered = adj. confused; disorganized; littered. (bertebaran)e.g : The secretary’s desk was cluttered with papers and reference materials.

114. to coerce = v. to compel by pressure or threat. (memaksa)e.g. : The hijackers (pembajak) tried to coerce the crew into cooperating with them.

115. cogent = adj. convincing. (meyakinkan) e.g. : His ideas were so cogent that no one offered an argument against them

116. colleague = n. fellow worker; a co-worker, usually in a profession. (rekan kerja)e.g.: Dr. Smith is a colleague of Dr. Harold.

117. colloquy = n. a formal conversation, a conference (seminar, konferensi)e.g.: Although his colloquies are very interesting, I prefer a more informal class.

118. to commence = v. to begin (mulai)e.g.: The ceremony will commence as soon as the minister arrives.

119. to commend = v. to praise (memuji)e.g.: The soldier was commended for bravery (keberanian) above and beyond

(melebihi) the call of duty. (panggilan tugas)

120. compassion = n. sympathy, pity (kasihan)e.g.: She felt compassion for the people who were living in the disaster area.

121. complex = adj. complicated (rumit, kompleks)e.g.: A complex sentence may contain several simple sentences,.

122. complexion = n. the natural color and appearance of the skin. (warna kulit)e.g.: Her complexion is so flawless (tidak bercacat) that she seldom wears makeup.

123. compliment = n. an expression of praise or admiration (pujian)e.g.: She receives many compliments on her taste in clothes.

124. compulsory = adj. required (wajib)


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VOCAB NOTEe.g.: Attendance in the public schools is compulsory until age sixteen.

125. to conceal = v. to hide (menyembunyikan)e.g.: He tried to conceal his identity by disguising (menyamarkan) his voice.

126. to concoct = v. to devise, to invent (menemukan)e.g.: When Mrs. Davis was learning to cook, she concocted some rather strange dishes.


127. concord = n. agreement (perjanjian, kesepakatan)e.g.: If a concord is not reached by the end of the month, the ambassador and his staff

will withdraw (menarik diri) from the embassy.

128. concurrence = n. an agreement, usually by equals (kesepakatan antara dua pihak yang sebanding)

e.g.: The President and the Congress are in concurrence concerning (menyangkut) this appointment (pengangkatan)

129. to condone = v. overlook; to excuse. (memaafkan)e.g. : Since (karena) I can no longer (tidak dapat lagi) condone the activities of this

organization, I am removing my name from the membership.

130. to confide = v. to entrust a secret. (curhat)e.g. : When they were children, she always confided her problems to her big sister.

131. confident = adj. sure of oneself. (percaya diri)e.g. : Willie was so confident that he had passed the exam that he did not even bother

(bersusah-susah) to check the answers before handing in (menyerahkn) his answer sheet.

132. to confine = v. to limit. (membatasi)e.g. : Please confine your comments to the topic assigned. (yg ditugaskan)

133. to confiscate = v. to seize by authority. (menyita)e.g. : Any illegal goods will be confiscated by customs officers. (petugas bea cukai)

134. to congeal = v. to become hard ; to solidify. (menjadi keras, mengeras)e.g. : The Christmas candles congealed in the molds.

135. congenial = adj. pleasing in nature or character; agreeable. (menyenangkan)e.g. : Margaret is a very congenial person ; everyone likes her.

136. congenital = adj. existing at birth, but not hereditary. (bawaan)e.g. : Regular prenatal checkups (pemeriksaan sebelum kelahiran yg teratur) can help to

reduce congenital birth defects. (cacat lahir bawaan)

137. congestion = n. crowding. (kemacetan)e.g. : I always take the bus to work because the congestion in the city

makes it difficult to find a parking place.

138. conjecture = n. a supposition : a guess. (dugaan)e.g. : That is only a conjecture on your part, not a certainty. (kepastian)

139. conscientious = n. adj. careful ; honest. (teliti, jujur)e.g. : Mike is a very conscientious student ; he studies in the library every



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VOCAB NOTE140. constantly = adv. all the time. (dengan terus menerus) e.g. : We knew that the child was sick because she cried constantly.

141. contaminated = adj. polluted. (tercemar)e.g. : Hundred of cans of tuna (ratusan kaleng ikan tuna) were recalled (ditarik kembali)

by the factory because some of them were found to be contaminated.

142. to contract = v. to reduce. (menyusut)e.g. : Metal contracts as it cools. (menjadi sejuk)

143. conventional = adj. usual: ordinary. (biasa)e.g. : Shaking hands is a conventional greeting. (salam)

144. conversion = adj. a change. (konversi, perubahan)e.g. : The conversion of English system to the metric system will be difficult

for the people in the United States.

145. core = n. a center. (pusat, inti)e. g. : Overpopulation is at the core of many other problems, including food

shortages (kekurangan) and inadequate housing. (perumahan yang tidak cukup/memadai)

146. coward = n. one who lacks courage : a person who is not brave. (pengecut)e.g. : After his friends called him a coward , he agreed to fight.

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147. to crave = v. to desire greatly (ngidam)e.g.: When she was expecting her first baby, she craved pickles. (acar)

148. credulous = adj. inclined to believe too readily; gullible (mudah percaya)e.g. Donna is so credulous that she will believe anything you tell her.

149. creed = n. a belief; a faith (kepercayaan)e.g. Equal rights regardless of (tanpa memandang) sex, race or creed are guaranteed by

the Constitution. (UU)

150. crude = adj. not finished; rough (mentah)e.g. Crude oil is refined (disuling) by heating (memanaskan) it in a closed still. (bejana

yang tertutup)

151. to cruise = v. to drive slowly (mengendarai lewat dgn perlahan)e.g. A police car cruises past the school every hour.

152. crumb = n. a small piece of bread or cake (potongan roti yg kecil)e.g. The children like to feed crumbs to the birds and squirrels in the park.

153. crutch = n. a support used as an aid in walking, often used in pairs. (alat penopang)e.g. Even after the cast (gips) is removed from your foot, the doctor recommends that

you continue to use crutches for a few days.

154. cryptic = adj. secret; hidden (samara-samar, rahasia)e.g. In spite of (walaupun) efforts by several universities, the cryptic symbols on the

mural (lukisan dinding) remained (tetap) a mystery.

155. culpable = adj. deserving blame (bersalah)


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VOCAB NOTEe.g. Whether or not he is culpable will be determined (ditentukan) by the jury.

156. curt = adj. rudely brief in speech or manner (kasar)e.g. He was offended by (tersinggung oleh) the telephone operator’s curt reply.

157. to curtail = v. to limit; to shorten (membatasi)e.g. Bus service will have to be curtailed because of the transit strike. (pemogokan


158. dagger = n. a knife (pisau belati)e.g. Apparently (rupanya) the victim has been stabbed with (ditikam dengan) a dagger

or some other sharp instrument.

159. to dangle = v. to hang loosely; to swing (mengayun-ayunkan)e.g. The boys sat on the edge of the pool and dangled their bare feet (kaki telanjang) in

the water.

160. debtor = n. one who owes (orang yang berhutang)e.g. The accounting office sends a bill to all of the company’s debtors at the end of the


161. decade = n. a period of ten years (decade, periode 10 tahun)e.g. The decade from 1960 through 1970 was marred (dicorengi) by race riots

(kerusuhan ras) and political assassinations (pembunuhan politik) in the United States.

162. decency = n. modest behavior; propriety (kemurahan hati)e.g. Mr. Harris did not have the decency to give us thirty days’ notice (pemberitahuan)

before resigning. (mengundurkan diri)

163. deck = n. the floor of a ship (geladak, lantai kapal)e.g. A large ocean liner (kapal samudra) may have three or more decks.

164. decline = n. a downward slope; a declivity (lereng yang menurun)e.g. In winter the neighborhood children like to go sledding (pergi meluncur) down the

decline at the end of the street.

165. decrepit = adj. weakened by illness or age; badly used (tua)e.g. The city buses are in decrepit condition, but the transit company does not have

funds to purchase (membeli) new ones.

166. to dedicate = v. to honor someone by placing his or her name at the beginning of a literary work or an artistic performance. (mempersembahkan)

e.g. Chris dedicated her thesis to her father.

167. defect = n. an imperfection (ketidaksempurnaan)e.g. Because of a defect in his hearing, the teacher gave him a seat in the front row.

168. deformed = adj. disfigured (cacat)e.g. In spite of several corrective operations, his foot is still badly deformed.

169. deliberately = adj. in a planned way (dengan sengaja)e.g. He deliberately left the letter on her desk so that she would find it.

170. to demolish = v. to tear down completely (hancur)e.g. Although the car was demolished in the accident, no on was seriously injured.


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VOCAB NOTE171. to dent = v. to depress a surface by pressure or a blow (penyok)

e.g. Mrs. Ferris dented the fender of her car when she hit the parking meter.

172. to depict = v. to describe (menggambarkan, melukiskan)e.g. In her classic work, Gone With The Wind, Margaret Mitchell depicts the South

during the Civil War and Reconstruction period.

173. to deprecate = v. to express disapproval (menyatakan ketidaksetujuan)e.g. I feel that I must deprecate the allocation of funds (pengalokasian dana) for such an

unproductive purpose.

174. to deprive = v. to take away (mencabut)e.g. His father deprived him of his allowance as a punishment for misbehaving.

175. to deride = to make fun of; to jeer (mengolok-olok)e.g. The other boys derided him because of his funny haircut.

176. to designate = to name; to specify (menyebutkan, menunjuk)e.g. Having designated his closest friends as members of the committee, the chairman

was assured of (yakin) support.

177. deterioration = n. a gradual decline in value; depreciation (kemerosotan)e.g. A marked deterioration (kemerosotan yang ditandai) in his health forced him to

retire. (pension)

178. to detest = v. to hate (benci)e.g. Mr. Jackson eats out every night because he detests cooking.

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179. to deviate = v. to depart from; to differ. (menyimpang)e.g. : Because our speaker can not stay for the entire meeting, we will deviate slightly

(sedikit) from the agenda in order to begin with his address. (pidato)

180. diffidence = n. lack of confidence in oneself. (ketidakpercayaan diri)e.g. : Although he displays diffidence with strangers, he is very self-confident with


181. to digress = v. to stray from the main subject. (menyimpand dari topic)e.g. : The lecturer digressed from the subject so often that it was difficult to take notes.


182. to dilate = v. to become wilder, larger. (membesar)e.g. : The shutter (alat pengatur cahaya) of a camera will dilate in darkness in a way

similar to the pupil of one’s eye. (pupil mata)

183. diligent = adj. industrious; busy. (rajin)e.g. : Mr. Carson’s secretary is a very diligent worker; she always stays at the office

long after everyone else has gone home.

184. diminutive = adj. a small amount; something small. (singkat)e.g. : Bill is a diminutive form of the name William.

185. dingy = adj. dirty; shabby. (kumal)e.g. : Despite its dingy exterior, the little house was very bright and cheerful inside.

186. to disband = v. to dissolve; to discontinue. (bubar, membubarkan)


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VOCAB NOTEe.g. : After the elections, the nominating committee will be disbanded.

187. to discard = v. to throw out. (membuang)e.g. : I would like to discard the old texts and purchase the revised editions for next


188. to discern = v. to recognize; to perceive. (mengenali)e.g. : It was so dark that he could not discern the identity of his attacker.

189. to dispatch = v. to send. (mengirim)e.g. : We will dispatch a messenger immediately.

190. to dissect = v. to examine; to criticize. (mengkritik)e.g. : The literary critics (kritikus sastra) dissect every sentence in the essay.(karangan)

191. to disseminate = v. to spread; to distribute. (menyebarkan, menyiarkan)e.g. : The World Cup Soccer Games will be disseminated internationally by television


192. to divert = v. to entertain; to amuse. (menghibur)e.g. : While it was raining out, the children diverted themselves by playing games in

their room.

193. to divulge = v. to make known; to reveal. (mengungkapkan)e.g. : The reporter could not divulge the source of his information.

194. to doze = v. to sleep for a short time; to take a nap. (tidur siang sebentar)e.g. : Several passengers were still dozing when the bus pulled into (berhenti) the


195. to drench = v. to make very wet. (basah kuyup)e.g. : We were drenched by the sudden downpour. (hujan yang tiba-tiba)

196. drought = n. a long period of dry weather. (musim kering)e.g. : The water level in the reservoir (waduk) was low because of the long drought.

197. drowsy = adj. very sleepy. (ngantuk)e.g. : Since this medicine may cause you to feel drowsy, do not drive a car or operate


198. dubious = adj. doubtful. (ragu-ragu)e.g. : I am very dubious about signing this contract because I am not sure about some of

the fine print.

199. dungeon = n. a dark cell; a prison. (penjara)e.g. : The basement in the old house was so damp (lembab) and dark that it looked like

a dungeon.

200. durable = adj. sturdy; lasting. (tahan lama)e.g. : Even though leather gloves are much more expensive, they are more durable than


201. duration = n. the length of time from beginning to end. (durasi)e.g. : The duration of the examination is three hours.

202. dusk = n. evening; just before dark. (petang, senja)


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VOCAB NOTEe.g. : The fireworks display (pertunjukan kembang api) will begin at dusk.

203. earthquake = n. a shaking of the earth’s surface caused by disturbance underground (gempa bumi)

e.g. : The Pacific coast is the region in the United States most prone (paling mudah terkena) to tremors (getaran) and earthquakes.

204. eccentric = adj. strange; odd. (aneh)e.g. : Everyone who wears eccentric clothes is not necessarily a punk rocker.

205. eloquence = n. persuasive, graceful language. (kefasihan)e.g. : The actor’s eloquence moved his audience to tears.

206. to elucidate = v. to make understandable. (menjelaskan)e.g. : Professor Rhode’s explanation served (berfungsi) to obscure (mengaburkan)

rather than to elucidate the theory.

207. elusive = adj. tending to escape notice. (sulit dipelajari)e.g. : She could only remember part of the elusive melody.

208. to emit = v. to give off. (memancarkan)e.g. : Radiation is emitted as a consequence of a nuclear reaction.

209. emphasis = n. special attention; importance. (penekanan)e.g. : Some universities have been accused of placing too much emphasis on athletics

and not enough on academics.

210. to emulate = v. to try to copy or equal. (meniru)e.g. : Dennis felt that he had to emulate the success of his famous father.

211. to endeavor = v. to make an effort; to try very hard. (berusaha)e.g. : May you have good luck in everything that you endeavor to do.

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212. energy : n. vigor, strength. (energi)e.g. : Perhaps if you took vitamins you would have more energy.

213. to enervate : v. to debilitate; to awaken. (lemas)e.g. : The diplomats from both countries were enervated by the long series of talks.

214. to enhance : v. to make greater, better. (mempertinggi)e.g. : Her beautiful clothes enhance her appearance. (penampilan)

215. to entice : v. to attract; to lure (memikat)e.g. : The smell of breakfast cooking enticed him to get up.

216. envious : adj. discontent or resentful because of another’s possessions or qualities; jealous. (iri, cemburu)

e.g. : Mr. Baker is envious of his neighbor’s new swimming pool.

217. equitably : adv. fairly; justly. (dengan adil)e.g. : Mrs. Bradley’s will divides her estate equitably among her three sons.

218. equivocal : adj. ambiguous, evasive. (ragu-ragu)e.g. : His speeches are so equivocal that no one is sure of what he really means.


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VOCAB NOTE219. to eradicate : v. to remove all traces. (membasmi, memberantas)

e.g. : The Salk vaccine has virtually (hamper) eradicated the threat of polio. (ancaman polio)

220. erosion : n. wearing away. (pengikisan)e.g. : Wind and water cause the erosion of soil.

221. erudite : adj. learned. (terpelajar)e.g. : The editor did not want to publish such an erudite article because he was afraid

that no one would understand it.

222. to escort : v. to accompany. (menemani)e.g. : The president will be escorted by several secret service officers when he

participates in the Fourth of July parade.

223. essential : adj. important. (penting)e.g. : It is essential that you have these transcripts (daftar nilai) translated and notarized

(di legalisir)

224. esteem : n. a favorable opinion, respect. (penghormatan)e.g. : We hold Senator Adams in great esteem; He is one of the most respected (paling

terkemuka) members of congress.

225. eulogy : n. high praise; laudation. (pidato pada saat pemakaman)e.g. : His brother was chosen to give the funeral eulogy for the late (almarhum)

President Kennedy.

226. to evolve : v. to develop gradually. (berkembang)e.g. : According to Darwin’s theory, man has evolved from lower animals.

227. exacting : adj. detailed, meticulous. (tepat, teliti)e.g. : Accounting is a very exacting profession; there is no room for error.

228. to exasperate : v. to make angry and impatient. (membuat jengkel)e.g. : Professor Patterson was exasperated by his students’ constant lateness.

(keterlambatan yang terus menerus)

229. to exceed : v. to be greater than. (melebihi)e.g. : Our reach should exceed our grasp. (genggaman)

230. exhausted : adj. very tired; enervated. (capek, lemas)e.g. : The runners were exhausted after the marathon.

231. exorbitant : adj. extravagant; excessive. (terlalu tinggi)e.g.: Dr. Taylor’s fees are exorbitant; he charges (mengenakan biaya) twice as much as

anyone else.

232. to expand : v. to make larger. (memuai)e.g. : Heat causes air to expand.

233. expanse : n. a large area. (daerah yang besar dan luas)e.g. : Pictures of the moon show vast (luas) expanses of crater (kawah) and rock.

234. to expire : v. to cease to be effective; to terminate. (berakhir)e.g. : My driver’s license will expire next year.


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VOCAB NOTE235. explicit : adj. very clear; definite. (jelas)

e.g. : Her directions are always so explicit that everyone understands what to do immediately.

236. to exploit : v. to use for selfish advantage or profit. (mengeksploitasi, memanfaatkan secara berlebihan)

e.g. : He became rich by exploiting his workers.

237. to expound : v. to explain in detail. (menjelaskan)e.g. : Professor Mathews expounded upon her theory by giving detailed examples of


238. extempore : adj. without preparation; impromptu. (tanpa persiapan)e.g. : Since I did not expect to address (memberikan pidato) you this evening, my

remarks (ucapan) will have to be extempore.

239. extensive : adj. far-reaching. (luas)e.g. : The fire caused extensive damage to the factory.

240. extinct : adj. no longer active; having died out. (punah)e.g. : Through efforts by several environmental societies, the American buffalo is no

longer in danger of becoming an extinct species.

241. to extol : v. to praise highly (memuji)e.g. : This article extols the application of linguistics to language teaching.

242. extravagance : n. excess spending. (pemborosan)e.g. : A second car is an extravagance we cannot afford.

243. exultant : adj. very happy; full of joy. (sangat bahagia/riang)e.g. : When the home team scored the winning goal, the crowd gave an exultant shout.

244. facile : adj. easy. (mudah)e.g. : There is no facile solution to this very complicated problem.

245. to falter : v. to move hesitatingly, unsteadily. (gagap)e.g. : Since he is shy about speaking in public, his voice always falters a little at the

beginning of the speeches.

246. famine : n. starvation. (kelaparan)e.g. : Unless it rains this week, the loss of crops could result in (mengakibatkan) a


247. to fascinate : v. to attract powerfully; to charm. (terpesona)e.g. : The children were fascinated by the clown’s antics. (kejenakaan)

248. feat : n. an act requiring great strength or courage. (perbuatan)e.g. : Man’s first landing on the moon was a feat of great daring. (perbuatan yg penuh

dgn keberanian)

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249. feeble : adj. lacking strength, power. (lemah)e.g. : The old man was too feeble to walk.

250. to ferry : v. to cross a river or a narrow body of water. (menyeberangkan)


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VOCAB NOTEe.g. : Every hour the captain ferries tourists across New York Harbor to see the statue of

Liberty Island.

251. to feud : v. to engage in a long, bitter hostility. (bermusuhan)e.g. : Romeo’s and Juliet’s families had been feuding for generations.

252. to flatter : v. to praise too much. (menyanjung)e.g. : This photograph does not flatter you; you are much more attractive.

253. to flee : v. to escape swiftly. (melarikan diri)e.g. : The thieves fled when they heard the alarm.

254. to flicker : v. to shine unsteadily. (berkerlap-kerlip)e.g. : A draft (aliran udara) caused the candle to flicker and go out.

255. flimsy : adj. lacking solidarity, strength. (tipis sekali)e.g. : Newspaper is too flimsy to be used for a kite; the wind would tear it to pieces.

256. to flip : v. to overturn. (terbalik)e.g. : The truck ran off (menabrak) the road and flipped over in the ditch (parit).

257. to flounder : v. to move awkwardly. (berjalan dengan janggal dan susah)e.g. : When they tried to run in the deep snow, they floundered and fell.

258. fluffy : n. soft; airy (halus)e.g. : Baby chicks have fluffy feathers.

259. foolish : adj. silly. (tolol, bodoh)e.g.: She felt very foolish after she realized her mistake.

260. forbearance : n. self-restraint. (pengekangan diri)e.g. : Please exercise (melakukan) forbearance in dealing with (berhubungan dengan)

him because he is still very ill.

261. ford : n. a shallow place in a river which can be crossed by walking or diving. (arungan)e.g.: Before the bridge was built, people used to cross the river at this ford.

262. to foresee : v. to anticipate. (mengantisipasi)e.g.: I do not foresee any problems in transferring funds from your savings account to

your checking account. (rekening giro)

263. fowl : n. a bird that can be eaten. (unggas)e.g.: The boys went hunting for pheasant (burung) and other wild fowl.

264. fraction : n. a part of something. (bagian)e.g.: Computers solve mathematical operations in a fraction of the time that it takes a

technician to solve them.

265. fracture : n. a break. (retak)e.g.: He did not think that he had broken his arm, but the X-rays revealed

(mengungkapkan) a slight fracture.

266. fraud =n. a fault; a deception. (penipuan)e.g. : This identification is a fraud ;the signatures do not match.

267. to fret : v. to worry (cemas)


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VOCAB NOTEe.g.: Do not fret about getting job; with your qualifications I am sure that you have

nothing to worry about.

268. frigid : adj. very cold. (sangat dingin)e.g.: The frigid temperatures in the Arctic caused many hardships (penderitaan) for the

men in the expedition.

269. furtive : adj. secret. (rahasia)e.g. : While they were taking a test, Peter cast a furtive glance at (melemparkan

pandangan rahasia/ melirik) his friend’s paper.

270. futile : adj. useless. (sia-sia)e.g. : Unfortunately, all efforts to rescue the survivors were futile.

271. garb : n. clothing. (pakaian)e.g. : The actors were costumed in the original garb of sixteenth-century England.

272. garrison: n. a fortified place occupied by soldiers. (garnisun/tempat yang dibentengi/ yang ditempati oleh para prajurit)

e.g. : The garrison was built on a hill by the sea in order to protect the harbor.

273. garrulous : n. talkative. (suka ngobrol)e.g. : Paul is so garrulous that once he starts talking, no one can get a word in.

274. gash : n. a deep cut. (luka)e.g. : The gash above his eye required fifteen stitches. (jahitan)

275. gauche :n. impolite; clumsy. (tidak sopan, canggung, kasar)e.g. : His gauche manner embarrassed his family.

276. gem :n. a precious stone; a jewel. (batu permata)e.g. : I think that the gems in this ring are rubies, but they may be sapphires.

277. genial : adj. kindly; friendly. (ramah)e.g. : We received such a genial welcome that we felt at home (merasa betah)


278. genuine : adj. true. (asli)e.g. : What I thought was a copy was a genuine Rembrandt.

279. to germinate : v. to begin to grow. (mulai tumbuh)e.g. : These seeds will germinate more quickly if you put them in a warmer place.

280. gist : n. the main idea. (intisari, pokok)e.g. : I understand the gist of the document, but my lawyer will have to explain the


281. glamorous : adj. fascinating; alluring. (menarik)e.g. : The finalists in the Miss Universe pageant (kontes) are all very glamorous


282. glib : adj. spoken easily but with little thought; fluent. (fasih)e.g. : The salesman was such a glib talker that he sold her several items that she did not


283. to glitter : v. to shine with a sparkling light. (berkilauan)e.g. : Her eyes glittered with tears as she struggled to control her emotions.


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284. glossary : n. an explanation of special words at the end of a book. (daftar kata-kata)e.g. : If you do not understand some of the technical terms, refer to the glossary.

285. to glow : v. to shine. (bersinar)e.g. : The lights of the airport glowed below as we made our final approach.

286. goal = n. an objective: an aim. (tujuan, cita-cita)e.g. : His goal is to receive his Ph.D. in electrical engineering.

287. greedy = adj. excessively desirous of acquiring possessions: avaricious. (tamak, rakus)e.g. : George is a very greedy man ; the more money he acquires (memperoleh) , the

more he wants.

288. grievance = n. a complaint. (keluhan)e.g. : The representatives of the Union brought their grievance before a

team of arbitrators (wasit, penengah).

289. to grope = v. to search blindly, uncertainly. (meraba-raba (untuk mencari)) e.g. : When a storm caused a power failure (pemadaman listrik), he had to grope

around in the kitchen for candles and matches.

290. grouchy = adj. irritable. (lekas marah)e.g. : Anne thought that her brother was angry because he had been

grouchy all day.

291. grudge = n. hurt feelings :resentment. (dendam) e.g. : Despite the unfairness with which he was treated, he did not hold a

grudge against his former employer. (mantan majikan)

292. to grumble = v. to complain. (menggerutu)e.g. : Everyone grumbles about paying more taxes.

293. gust = n. a sudden, brief rush of wind. (hembusan (angin))e.g. : His hat was blown off by a sudden gust of wind.

294. hamlet = n. a small village.(desa kecil)e.g. : There are six families living in this hamlet.

295. handy = adj. easily reached. (mudah dicapai)e.g. : Keep your dictionaries handy as you write your compositions.

296. haphazard = ad j. without the fixed or regular course; indifferent : disorganized. (serampangan, sembarangan)

e.g. : It is obvious (jelas) that this paper has been written in a very haphazard way.

297. harsh = adj. cruel. (keras, kejam)e.g. : The punishment seemed very harsh for such a harmless joke. (lelucon yang tidak


298. hasty = adj. done too quickly to be accurate or wise. (terburu-buru)e.g. : After he had considered the problem more carefully. He regretted having made such a hasty decision.


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VOCAB NOTE299. hazy = adj. not clear : vague. (berkabut asap)

e.g. : Because of the hazy weather, there were only a few sunbathers at the beach.

300. heavy = adj. great amount. (padat)e.g. : Traffic is always heavy during rush hours (jam sibuk).

301. hectic = adj. very busy; active. (sibuk)e.g. : My schedule is so hectic that I have only half an hour for lunch.

302. to heed = v. to pay attention to. (memperhatikan)e.g. : If he had heeded his broker’s advice, he would not have needed to borrow money.

303. henceforth = adv. from now on. (mulai dari sekarang)e.g. : Henceforth at this university we shall observe (merayakan) the first week in

February as International Week.

304. hilarious = adj. very funny; merry ; laughable. (riang, gembira)e.g. : We laughed all through the movie : it was hilarious.

305. hinge = n. a joint on which a door a gate is attached. (engsel)e.g. : The door squeaks (mengerik) because the hinges need oil.

306. hint = n. a suggestion : a clue. (petunjuk)e.g. : I f you give me a hint, I am sure that I can guess the answer.

307. hoarse = adj. a rough; husky sound, especially a rough voice. (serak, parau)e.g. : The cheerleaders were hoarse from yelling (bersorak) at the basketball game.

308. hoax = n. a trick. (tipu daya)e.g. : The report of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) was a hoax.

309. hoe = n. a garden tool with a long handle and a flat blade used for digging. (cangkul)

e.g. : The gardeners need another hoe because the handle on the old one is broken.

310. holocaust = n. widespread destruction, usually by fire. (bencana kebakaran)e.g. : Teams of volunteers are still battling fires from yesterday’s holocaust;

meanwhile the death toll (jumlah korban) has risen to sixty.

311. homage = n. allegiance; respect. (penghormatan)e.g. : The nation paid homage to their dead leader by lowering the flag to half-mast. (menurunkan bendera sampai setengah tiang)

312. hubbub = n. noise: confusion. (suara rebut)e.g. : His opening comment caused such a hubbub that he had to wait

until the noise subsided (reda) to continue his lecture (kuliah).

313. humid = adj. damp; hot. (lembab)e.g. : A rain forest has a very humid climate.

314. hypothesis = n. a tentative theory. (teori sementara, hipotesa)e.g. : Based upon the hypothesis that the world was round, explorers sailed West in

order to reach the East.


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VOCAB NOTE315. identical = adj. exactly the same. (indentik, sama persis)

e.g. : Jean and Jane are identical twins.

316. ignorant = adj. without knowledge; unaware; uninformed. (tidak tahu)e.g. : Because Barbara had been ill, she was ignorant of the change in

the date for the final examination.

317. to ignore = v. to refuse to notice or recognize; to disregard. (mengabaikan)e.g. : She turned her back and ignored him as he went by. (lewat)

318. imminent = adj. about to occur; impending. (akan segera terjadi)e.g. : Unless it stops raining by tomorrow, a flood appears imminent.

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319. impartial = adj. not favoring one more than the other; just. (adil)e.g. : Mr. William is a good referee; he is always as impartial as possible.

320. impartible = adj. indivisible. (tidak dapat dibagi)e.g. : When the North and the South signed the treaty (perjanjian) which ended the Civil

War, they agreed the from that day forth (mulai dari hari itu dan seterusnya), the United States would be one united and impartiable nation.

321. to imply = v. to suggest. (memberi kesan)e.g. : Although he did not say so directly, he implied that he would be

able to help us.

322. impromptu = adj. without preparation; unrehearsed; extempore. (tanpa persiapan)e.g. : Since he did not have time to prepare a talk (ceramah), his comments were

completely impromptu.

323. incessant = adj. without interruption; continuous . (terus menerus)e.g. : After a week of incessant rain, the river overflowed (meluapi) its banks. (tepi-


324. incidental = adj. of lesser importance; secondary. (kurang penting, soal kecil)e.g. : Besides tuition and books, you will need about one hundred dollars for

incidental expenses. (pengeluaran-pengeluaran tambahan)

325. incisive = adj. crisp; trenchant (tajam, pedas)e.g. : After such incisive criticism from the press (pers), it is doubtful that the

city council will approve (menyetujui) the project.

326. incredible = adj. hard to believe. (sulit dipercayai)e.g. : These results are incredible, I cannot believe that they are accurate.

327. indictment = n. an accusation (tuduhan, dakwaan) e.g. : An indictment will be handed down (diputuskan dan diucapkan) by the grand jury

when it convenes (bersidang) on Monday.

328. to induce = v. to lead or move by influence or persuasion. (menyebabkan)e.g. : Television commercials induce people to buy new products.

329. inert = adj. lacking independent power to move; not active. (pasif, diam, tidak bergerak)

e.g. : This experiment can be repeated with any inert object , for example, a rock or a piece of wood .


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330. infested = adj. inhabited in large numbers by something harmful. (dijangkiti)e.g. : The picnic area was infested with mosquitoes.

331. ingredients = n. parts of a mixture, especially a recipe. (bahan-bahan)e.g. : She had planned to bake a pie, but she did not have all of the necessary


332. to inhabit = v. to live in a place.(mendiami)e.g. : More than five billion people inhabit the earth.

333. to initiate = v. to start; to begin. (memulai)e.g. : In his inauguration speech (pidato pelantikan), the new dean (dekan/ kepala

fakultas) promised to initiate many changes in the administration of the college.

334. innovation = n. a change (perubahan, inovasi)e.g. : Some of the innovations on display at the World Science Fair will not be practical

until the twenty – first century.335. inquisitive = adj. asking many questions; curious. (sangat ingin tahu)

e.g. : Stevie is a very inquisitive child; he never tires of (bosan) askin questions.

336. inseparable = adj. not able to be parted. (tidak dapat dipisahkan)e.g. : Roger and his brother are inseparable ; you never see one without the other.

337. to inspect = v. to examine closely (memeriksa dengan seksama) e.g. : In this state, every car must be inspected annually by the highway patrol.

338. to integrate = v. to coordinate, to unite. (menggabungkan, menyatukan)e.g. : It has been very difficult to integrate all of the local agencies into

the national organization.

339. to intersect = v. to meet. (bertemu, bersilangan)e.g. : There is a traffic light where Route 95 and Route 8 intersect.

340. interval = n. the time between two events. (jarak waktu)e.g. : The interval between the two playing periods of a football game is

called the halftime.

341. intrepid = adj. fearless. (berani, tidak takut)e.g. : Their leader remained intrepid event in the face of great danger.

342. intricate = adj. complicated. (rumit)e.g. : An intricate system of interstate (antar negara bagian), state and county highways

connects all of the major towns and cities in the United States.

343. to intrude = v. to enter without an invitation; to be in the way; to be an obstacle. (masuk tanpa undangan, menganggu, ikut campur)

e.g. : Please forgive me; I did not mean to intrude.

344. invalid = n. a sick person. (orang sakit)e.g. : Mrs. Warner has been an invalid since her last heart attack.

345. invariable = adj. always the same. (selalu sama)e.g. : He does his work with such invariable accuracy (ketepatan) that it is never

necessary to make any corrections.


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VOCAB NOTE346. to irritate = v. to excite to anger; to bother. (membuat marah)

e.g. : When he has a headache, even the slightest noise irritates him.

347. jeopardy = n. danger. (bahaya)e.g. : Many people put their lives in jeopardy every year by driving

under the influence of alcohol.

348. jerk = n. a sudden movement. (sentakan)e.g. : The elevator stopped with a jerk.

349. jungle = n. land covered with a dense growth of trees and vegetation. (hutan)e.g. : They found a profusion of (a large number of) trees, vines (tanaman merambat),

and tropical flowers growing in the jungle.

350. keen = adj. eager. (ingin sekali)e.g. : Because of her keen interest (minat) in ancient history, she plans to major in

(mengambil jurusan) archaeology (ilmu prubakala) in college.Page 291

351 to lament = v. to express sorrow. (meratapi)e.g. : Across the nation and around the world, people lamented the death of Dr. Martin

Luther King, Jr.

352 lanky = adj. tall and thin. (tinggi kurus)e.g. : Most basketball players are lanky.

353 to last = v. to remain usable; remain effective.e.g. : These light bulbs (bola lampu) are guaranteed to last (bertahan) for 2,000 hours.

354 to laud = v. to praise. (memuji, menyanjung)e.g. : The national anthem (lagu kebangsaan), “The Star Spangled Banner,” lauds the

American flag.

355 leisure = adj. free; unoccupied. (luang, tidak sibuk)e.g. : Bill likes to fish in his leisure time.

356 lid = n. a cover. (penutup)e.g. : Put a lid on the skillet (wajan, kuali) so that the grease (minyak lemak) won’t

spatter. (memercik)

357 to lift = v. to raise. (mengangkat)e.g. : This box is too heavy for me to lift.

358 light = adj. having little substance; not heavy. (ringan)e.g. : You should not need more than a light coat because the weather is quite warm.

359 limb = n. a large branch of a tree. (ranting pohon)e.g. : Several limbs fell from the old, dead tree during the storm last night.

360 to limp = v. to favor one leg; to cripple.(berjalan dengan pincang)e.g. : Although he said that he had not hurt his leg, he was limping when he left the

soccer field.

361 limpid = adj. lucid. (terang, jernih, jelas)e.g. : There was only one cloud in an otherwise limpid sky.


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VOCAB NOTE362 to litter = v. to strew with scattered articles. (berserakan dengan)

e.g. : After the rock concert, the cleanup crew found the campus littered with candy wrappers (kertas pembungkus permen), bottles and cans. (kaleng-kaleng)

363 lively = adj. full of energy; agile. (lincah)e.g. : Our patient seems more lively today; he must be feeling better.

364 loafer = n. an idle; lazy person.(orang yang malas)e.g. : That loafer will never get the job done.

365 to loathe = v. to hate; to detest. (benci)e.g. : She likes her job even though she loathes getting up early in the morning in order

to get to work on time.

366. loot = n. stolen goods; plunder. (barang jarahan)e.g. : The thieves hid their loot in a deserted warehouse. (gudang yg ditinggalkan)

367. lullaby = n. a song to lull a baby to sleep. (lagu utk menidurkan bayi)e.g. : The young mother hummed (mendengungkan) a lullaby to her sleeping baby.

368. luminous = adj. bright. (terang)e.g. : The dial (permukaan jam) on this alarm clock is luminous so that it can be seen in

the dark.

369. lustrous = adj. bright; shining. (bersinar)e.g. : This shampoo is guaranteed to make your hair more lustrous than any other


370. to malign = v. to slander. (memfitnah)e.g. : If she continues to malign the integrity of our company, we will sue (menuntut)

her for slander. (fitnah)

371. mansion = n. a large; imposing house (rumah yg mengagumkan); a residence. (rumah besar)

e.g. : Thomas Jefferson’s mansion, Monticello, is located near Charlottesville, Virginia.

372. mare = n. a female horse. (kuda betina)e.g. : Only three-year-old horses are eligible (adj. memenuhi syarat) to run in the

Kentucky Derby; this mare is too old to qualify. (v. memenuhi syarat)

373. margin = n. the blank space bordering the written or printed area of a page. (batas tepi (kertas))

e.g. : Dr. Briggs always writes her corrections in the margins of her students’ papers.

374. marshal = n. a law officer. (polisi (di Amerika))e.g. : The U.S. marshal will carry out (melaksanakan) the orders (perintah) of this court.

375. massive = adj. huge; heavy. (besar sekali)e.g. : The city is surrounded by (dikelilingi oleh) a massive wall with a fortified gate.

(pintu gerbang yang dibentengi)

376. to meddle = v. to interfere; to intrude. (ikut campur)e.g. : Their landlady (ibu kos) likes to meddle in her tenants’ affairs. (urusan



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VOCAB NOTE377. to menace = v. to threaten. (mengancam)

e.g. : Hurricanes (angin topan) periodically (secara berkala) menace the Gulf Coast. (pantai teluk)

378. to mend = v. to repair. (memperbaiki, menambal)e.g. : He asked his mother to mend the hole in the pocket of his jeans.

379. merger = n. a legal combination of two or more businesses. (penggabungan)e.g. : There are rumors (desas desus) of a merger involving (melibatkan) several major

railroad companies.

380. meteor = n. a celestial body smaller than one mile in diameter. (meteor)e.g. : Most meteors burn up when they enter the Earth’s atmosphere.

381. meticulous = adj. to be careful about detail. (hati-hati)e.g. : He arranged the computer cards with meticulous care, making sure that each one

was in the correct order. (susunan yang tepat)

382. to mingle = v. to mix; to combine. (bergaul)e.g. : It is not easy for him to mingle with people because he is very shy.

383. to modify = v. to change something a little. (memodifikasi, mengubah)e.g. : It will be difficult to modify the agreement after it has been signed because all

changes will be subject to (tunduk kepada) Congressional approval. (persetujuan konggres)

384. to molest = v. to annoy; to bother. (menganggu, menganiaya)e.g. : There was a sign on the gate which read : “Do not molest the dog.”

385. monstrous = adj. horrible; shocking. (dahsyat)e.g. : That such a monstrous crime could occur in their neighborhood shocked them.

386. moron = n. a foolish, silly person. (orang yg tolol)e.g. : In spite of his having graduated from a respected university (universitas

terkemuka), he often behaves like a moron.

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387. morsel : n. a small piece of food (potongan makanan yg kecil)e.g. : The dinner must have been good because there is not even a morsel of it left over.

388. to mumble : v. to speak indistinctly. (berkomat kamit)e.g. : It is hard to understand him because he has a tendency (kecenderungan) to


389. to munch : v. to chew (mengunyah)e.g. : The boys always munch popcorn while they watch the movie

390. mutual : adj. having the same relationship one to the other; shared. (saling, bersama)e.g. : Although Bob and his father do not agree on the issue (masalah), they have a

mutual respect for each other’s opinions.

391. nadir : n. the lowest point (titik terendah)e.g. : The stock market reached its nadir on Tuesday and began to rise again in early

trading on Wednesday.


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VOCAB NOTE392. nasty : adj. mean (buruk, jahat)

e.g. : Be tactful (bijaksana) when you tell him because he has a very nasty temper. (temperamen)

393. negligent : adj. extremely careless (lalai, alpa, sembrono)e.g. : Because the mechanic was negligent about fixing the brakes (rem) on her car, she

was involved in (terlibat dalam) a serious accident.

394. numb : adj. without sensation; paralyzed (mati rasa, lumpuh)e.g. : By the time the mountain climbers had reached the snowy top, their hands and

feet were numb with cold.

395. oasis : n. a fertile place with water located in the desert. (oase)e.g. : Except for a few scattered (bertebaran) oases, the desert is quite barren. (tandus)

396. oblivion : n. condition of being completely forgotten. (dalam kondisi dilupakan)e.g. : With time the author’s name faded into oblivion and his books were no longer


397. oblivious : adj. forgetful; unaware. (lupa)e.g. : The children were having such a good time that they were oblivious to their

mother’s calling them.

398. obscure : adj. not easily seen (kabur, tak jelas)e.g. : The meaning of this poem is very obscure; I really do not understand it.

399. obsequious : adj. obedient; servile (patuh)e.g. : His obsequious submission (ketundukan) to his boss’s ideas disgusted (membuat

jijik) his fellow workers. (teman-teman kerjanya)

400. obsolete : adj. no longer useful; outdated. (kuno, usang)e.g. : New computer systems have made old methods of data processing obsolete.

401. obstinate : adj. stubborn; unyielding (keras kepala)e.g. : Jan is such an obstinate person, I know that we will never be able to change her


402. to obstruct : v. to get in the way; to block (menghalangi)e.g. : Too many signs and billboards (papan iklan) obstruct the view (pandangan) along

the highway. (jalan raya)

403. ominous : adj. threatening (mengancam, tidak menyenangkan)e.g. : Those dark clouds look ominous; it will probably rain before evening.

404. to omit : v. to leave out (menghilangkan)e.g. : You may omit questions nine and ten because they do not apply to (berlaku bagi)


405. oration : n. a formal speech (pidato resmi)e.g. : Almost everyone was bored by his lengthy (panjang dan lama) oration; it seemed

that he would never stop talking.

406. orchard : n. a group of fruit or nut trees. (kebun buah)e.g. : My grandfather has a large vegetable garden and an apple orchard behind his



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VOCAB NOTE407. ordeal : n. a difficult or painful experience. (siksaan, cobaan berat)

e.g. : Even though no one was seriously injured, the plane crash was a terrible ordeal for the passengers.

408. output : n. production; yield (hasil)e.g. : In order to increase the output, a night shift (regu malam) will be hired

(dipekerjakan) at the factory

409. outrageous : adj. very offensive; shocking (menyakitkan hati)e.g. : She was offended by his outrageous remark. (ucapan)

410. overall : adj. general; comprehensive (keseluruhan)e.g. : The overall charges (tagihan) for the parts and labor (tenaga kerja) are itemized

(diperincikan) in your statement.

411. pact : n. a treaty; an agreement (perjanjian)e.g. : Even if a peace pact is signed, neither nation will be in a position to honor it.

412. palatable : adj. savory (enak)e.g. : Some foods which are considered very palatable in one country are not eaten at all

in another country.

413. pauper : adj. a very poor person (orang yang sangat miskin)e.g. : When the banks failed during the Great Depression, many formerly successful

businessmen committed suicide (bunuh diri) rather than live as paupers.

414. to peek : v. to take a brief look (mengintip)e.g. : The little boy promised not to peek at his Christmas presents while his parents

were gone.

415. to penetrate : v. to pass through; to enter (menembus)e.g. : The bullet penetrated the victim’s chest and lodged (bersarang) itself just to the

right of his heart.

416. pensive : adj. thoughtful (termenung, berpikir)e.g. : You seem to be in a very pensive mood; I hope that nothing is wrong.

417. perforated : adj. small lines of holes in something (garis yg penuh dgn lubang2)e.g. : Please tear (merobek/mengoyak) along the perforated line.

418. perilous : adj. full of danger (penuh dgn bahaya, berbahaya)e.g. : Although the acrobat’s performance seemed very perilous, it was not as

dangerous as it looked.

419. permanently : adj. constantly (dengan terus menerus)e.g. : I have had several summer jobs but I have never been permanently employed.

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420. permissible : adj. allowed (diijinkan)e.g. : It is not permissible to smoke in the front seats; if you wish to smoke, please

move to the back of the bus.

421. perpetual : adj. continuing forever; constant (abadi)e.g. : Bathing in the Fountain of Youth (Air Mancur Kaum Muda) is supposed to assure

(menjamin) perpetual beauty.


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422. to persuade : v. to convince (membujuk)e.g. : Although he offered her a higher salary, he could not persuade her to accept a

position with his firm. (perusahaan)

423. pessimist : n. one who always takes a gloomy view (pandangan yang suram) of thingse.g. : George certainly is a pessimist; he never sees the happy side of anything.

424. petition : n. a formal request (permohonan)e.g. : We need one hundred more signatures before we take the petition to the governor.


425. phlegmatic : adj. sluggish; apathetic (lamban)e.g. : Mr Jones is so phlegmatic that he never gets excited about anything.

426. to pilfer : v. to steal (mencuri)e.g. : Tom was fired (dipecat) because his boss caught hem piffering supplies from the

store room (gudang).

427. pillar : n. a column (kolom tiang)e.g. : The Lincoln Memorial is supported by thirty-six pillars, one for each of the states

of the Union at the time of Lincon’s presidency.

428. to pinch : v. to press between one’s fingers or another object. (mencubit, menjepit)e.g. : As she was getting out of the car she accidentally (dengan tidak sengaja) pinched

her finger in the door.

429. pity : n. compassion (perasaan kasihan)e.g. : She felt pity for the war orphans (anak yatim piatu akibat perang) regardless of

(tanpa memandang) what their parents’ political associations had been.

430. to placate : v. to appease (menenangkan)e.g. : The manager tried to placate the angry customer by offering to exchange his

purchase. (menukar pembeliannya)

431. plateau : n. a broad plain (dataran tinggi)e.g. : The new airport will be constructed on a large plateau overlooking (menghadap)

the capital.

432. plausible : adj. believable, but doubtful (masuk akal)e.g. : Even though it is a plausible explanation, I am not completely convinced. (yakin)

433. plea : n. an appeal (permohonan)e.g. : His plea for mercy (kemurahan hati, pengampunan) was ignored.

434. plump : adj. full, round in shape (montok)e.g. : These tomatoes are plump and juicy. (mengandung banyak air)

435. to pollute : v. to contaminate; to dirty (mencemari)e.g. : Many lakes and rivers have been polluted by industrial waste. (limbah)

436. to ponder : v. to consider carefully (mempertimbangkan dengan hati-hati)e.g. : Each chess player will have five minutes to ponder his next move.

437. posterity : n. future generations (generasi yang akan datang, anak cucu)e.g. : We ordain (mengesahkan) this constitution for ourselves and our posterity.


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VOCAB NOTE438. to postpone : v. to delay (menunda)

e.g. : The baseball game will be postponed until next Saturday because of rain.

439. prank : n. a trick; joke (tipu daya, senda gurau)e.g. : On April fools day, people like to play pranks on their friends.

440. precaution : n. an action taken to avoid a future accident or problem (tindakan pencegahan)

e.g. : The doctor would like you to be vaccinated as a precaution.

441. to precede : v. to go before (mendahului)e.g. : The playing of the national anthem (lagu kebangsaan) precedes all sports events.

442. precept : n. a rule; a command (ajaran, aturan)e.g. : The following precept is worth (pantas utk di) remembering: “If at first you don’t

succeed, try, try, again.”

443. precisely : adj. exactly (dengan tepat)e.g. : Their plane arrived precisely on schedule

444. to predict : v. to tell what will happen in the future; to foretell. (meramalkan)e.g. : Although the weatherman (peramal cuaca) had predicted snow, it was a beautiful


445. prelude : n. a preliminary event preceding a more important one (pendahuluan)e.g. : Organ music is often a prelude to church services.

446. prestigious : adj. admired; honoured (bergengsi)e.g. : She was very proud to receive the prestigious award.

447. to prevail : v. to continue in use or fashion; to succeed (berlaku)e.g. : Some of the traditional customs still prevail among members of the older


448. prevalent : adj. widespread (lazim)e.g. : Smog is more prevalent in urban centres.

449. primary : adj. most important; final (utama)e.g. : Because of cuts in the budget (pemotongan dalam anggaran), only the primary

objectives (sasaran-sasaran utama) will be funded. (didanai)

450. prior : adv. before in time, order or importance.(sebelum)e.g. : Prior to the Revolutionary war, the United States was an English colony.

451. probe : n. a thorough examination.(pemeriksaan/penyelidikan yang seksama)e.g. : A probe of the surface of the sun has revealed (mengungkapkan) a total of sixty-

four chemical elements.

452. profound : adj. deep (mendalam)e.g. : After the nurse gave him a sedative (obat penenang), he fell into a profound sleep.

453. prolific : adj. productive (banyak karyanya)e.g. : Ernest Hemingway was a very prolific writer; during his brief career (karir nya

yang singkat) he published seven major novels, six volumes of short stories and poems, and two travel sketches. (sketsa, uraian ringkas)


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VOCAB NOTE454. to promulgate : v. to make known; to declare officially (mengumumkan secara resmi)

e.g. : As soon as the mayor promulgates the new law, Market Place will be a one-way street going south.

Page 294455. prop = n. a support (penyangga)

e.g.: He used a brick (batu bata) as a prop to keep the door open.

456. proprietor = n. one who owns a shop (pemilik)e.g.: The proprietor was also the manager of the store.

457. to prosper = v. to succeed, to thrive (tumbuh baik, berhasil, menjadi makmur)e.g.: Their business began to prosper when they moved to their new location.

458. to protrude = v. to push outward, to project (menonjol) e.g.: When he saw the bone protruding through his skin, he knew that he had a very

serious fracture. (retak)

459. to provoke = v. to cause, to incite (membangkitkan, menimbulkan, menghasut) e.g.: His lectures provoked an interesting discussion.

460. proximity = n. nearness (kedekatan, dekatnya)e.g.: Proximity to the new shopping center should increase the value of our property.

461. prudent = adj. careful, wise, complete (hati-hati, bijaksana)e.g.: In order to make a prudent decision, you must consider all of the possibilities


462. to purify = v. to cleanse (membersihkan, memurnikan)e.g.: It is not necessary to boil the drinking water because it has already been purified


463. to quell = v. to make quiet, to subdue (menumpas, memadamkan, mengakhiri)e.g.: The National Guard was called in to quell the riot. (hura hara, kerusuhan)

464. quest = n. research (penyelidikan, pencarian)e.g.: The New York University research team is collaborating (bekerjasama) with the

Department of Health in its quest for a cure for arthritis. (radang sendi)

465. to ramble = v. to wander idly, without purpose (berbicara tak teratur, melantur, mengembara)

e.g.: This composition rambles from one subject to another; it does not seem to have any point.

466. rancor = n. spiteful hatred. (kebencian yg penuh dengan dendam)e.g.: Let us forget our former rancor and cooperate to solve the pressing problems at


467. random = adj. chance (acak, sembarangan, serampangan)e.g.: Although I thought that they would call our names in alphabetical order, they

called them in random order. (susunan)

468. rash = adj. with little care (terburu-buru, gegabah)e.g.: Rash judgments are often unjustified (tidak dibenarkan), it is better to give them

careful consideration. (pertimbangan)


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VOCAB NOTE469. to ratify = v. to approve, to confirm (mengesahkan)

e.g.: The Constitution of the United States was ratified by all of the thirteen original states during the years 1787 – 1790.

470. to raze = v. to destroy (menghancurkan, meruntuhkan, meratakan dengan tanah)e.g.: A flash-fire razed the office building before it could be controlled.

471. to rebut = to contradict (membantah, menangkis)e.g.: Each team will have a final opportunity to rebut before the debate is judged.

472. to recite = v. to repeat from memory (menyebutkan kembali, mendeklamasikan)e.g.: My daughter is going to recite a poem at the Mother’s Day program.

473. reckless = adj. not cautious, not careful (ceroboh)e.g.: Mark had his license suspended (dicabut) for reckless driving.

474. recluse = a person who chooses to live apart from society. (pertapa)e.g.: After his wife died, he became a recluse, refusing to see anyone but (kecuali) his

closest friends.

475. recollection = n. a memory (ingatan)e.g.: When we questioned him about the accident, he did not seem to have any

recollection of what had happened.

476. to reconcile = v. to settle on friendly terms (mendamaikan, menyelesaikan dengan hubungan yang ramah/damai)

e.g.: Since the couple could not reconcile their differences, they decided to get a divorce.

477. refined = adj. noble, attractive (berbudi halus, sopan)e.g.: A photographer encouraged her to become a model because of her slim figure and

refined features.

478. to rehearse = v. to practice (berlatih)e.g.: The actors will rehearse the play once more before performing for an audience

tomorrow night.

479. to reiterate = v. to say again, to repeat (mengulangi)e.g.: Before proceeding with the experiment, the lab assistant reiterated what the

professor had said in his last lecture.

480. relapse = n. the return of an illness. (kambuh, jatuh sakit lagi)e.g. : The doctor told her to stay in bed for a few days in order to avoid suffering a


481. reliable = adj. dependable. (dapat diandalkan)e.g. : I am happy to recommend her for this position because I have always found her to

be an efficient and reliable employee.

482. reluctant = adj. unwilling ; hesitant. (enggan)e.g. : She was reluctant to accept the invitation because she was not sure that she could

find a babysitter.

483. remnant = n. something left over. (sisa)e.g. : After she had finished cutting out the pattern, she still had enough remnants of

cloth to make a scarf. (syal)


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VOCAB NOTE484. renowned = adj. famous. (terkenal)

e.g. : Ladies and gentlemen, I am very privileged (mempunyai hak istimewa) to present this award in memory of the renowned star of stage and screen, John Wayne.

485. to repel = v. to drive away.(mengusir)e.g. : The army repelled the enemy.

486. to reproach = v. to blame. (menyalahkan)e.g. : She reproached him for drinking too much.

487. to resemble = v. to have a similar appearance ; to be like. (menyerupai)e.g. : Kathy resembles her mother more than her sister does.

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488. to reside = v. to live in a certain place (bertempat tinggal)e.g.: In order to pay a lesser fee at a state university, you must reside in the state for one


489. resolute = adj. firm; determined (tegas, teguh)e.g. Despite opposition (perlawanan) from his family, he remained resolute in his


490. to respond = v. to answer (memberikan tanggapan, menanggapi, menjawab)e.g. Please respond to this memorandum (nota, surat peringatan, catatan pendek) by


491. to restrain = v. to check; to limit (menahan,mengekang, membatasi, mengendalikan)e.g. He was so angry that he could not restrain himself from pushing them out of his


492. to retain = v. to keep in one’s possession; to hold (mempertahankan)e.g. In the United States most married women do not remain their maiden names (nama

keluarga gadis sebelum menikah)

493. to retard = v. to delay; to hold back (memperlambat)e.g. A reduction of resources (pengurangan sumber daya) will considerably retard the

progress of our project.

494. retort = n. a quick, sharp reply (jawaban)e.g. Her angry retort to his question suspended (menghentikan, menangguhkan) their


495. revenue = n. money earned; income (penghasilan, pendapatan)e.g. State universities get most of their revenue from taxes.

496. to reverse = v. to go in the opposite direction; to turn around (membalikkan)e.g. The Supreme Court (mahkamah agung) can reverse the decision of any lower


497. risky = adj. dangerous (berisiko,berbahaya)e.g. Because of advances in medical technology, heart surgery (pembedahan jantung) is

not as risky as it formerly (dulunya) was.


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VOCAB NOTE498. rivalry = n. a contest; a competition (persaingan)

e.g. Since these two teams have played each other for the championship for five consecutive years (lima tahun berturut-turut), they have built up an intense (kuat) rivalry.

499. to roam = v. to wander (mengembara, berkelana)e.g. He had to put up a fence (memasang sebuah pagar) to keep his cattle from roaming

onto his neighbor’s farm.

500. role = n. a character played by an actor in a drama (peranan)e.g. Allen Burns will play the role of Macbeth in the Shakespeare Festival.

501. to rotate = v. to circle (memutar)e.g. To cook the meat evenly (dengan rata), rotate it every thirty minutes.

502. roughly = adv. Approximately (kira-kira)e.g. Canada has an area of roughly four million square miles.

503. routine = n. the usual way of doing things (rutinitas)e.g. As soon as she learns the office routine, she will be an excellent assistant.

504. rustic = adj. typical of country life; simple (sederhana, kedusun-dusunan (sikap, cara berbicara))

e.g. When the Smiths moved to the country, they were surprised by their neighbor’s rustic manners.

505. rusty = adj. oxidized (berkarat)e.g. Charlie’s bicycle is rusty because he left it out in the rain.

506. sagacity = n. good judgment; keenness; wisdom (kebijaksanaan)e.g. Benjamin Franklin is remembered for his sagacity and wit. (kecerdasan)

507. scandal = n. a disgrace; a rumor as a result of disgraceful actions (skandal, perbuatan yg memalukan)

e.g. If this scandal appears in the newspapers, it will ruin (menghancurkan) his political career.

508. scant = adj. meager (tidak cukup, tidak lengkap, kurang)e.g. The new math gives scant attention to computation; process is considered more

important.509. to scatter = v. to throw about (menaburkan, menghamburkan (paper))

e.g. If you scatter salt on the sidewalk (trotoar, pinggir jalan), it will melt (mencairkan) the ice.

510. to schedule = v. to make a timetable of arrivals and departures; to list (menjadwalkan)e.g. Flight 220 is scheduled to arrive at 10:30 P.M.

511. to scoop = v. to dip into with a spoon or a cupped hand. (menyendok, mencedok)e.g. The boys scooped oats (sejenis gandum) out of the grain box to feed the horses.

512. scope = n. the range or extent of something (jangkauan, cakupan)e.g. This objective is beyond (melebihi, di luar) the scope of our project.

513. scornful = adj. disdainful; aloof (sinis, penuh rasa penghinaan)e.g. After he was promoted to vice-president of the company, he became scornful of his

former friends. (mantan/bekas teman-temannya)


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VOCAB NOTE514. to scrape = v. to abrade (mengikis)

e.g. It is important to scrape off all of the old paint before you refinish (menghaluskan kembali) your furniture.

515. to scrub = v. to wash vigorously by rubbing (menggosok)e.g. The maid is responsible for scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floors, vacuuming

the carpet and dusting (membersihkan debu) the furniture.

516. scrutiny = n. close, careful examination (pemeriksaan yg cermat)e.g. Although the model looks good on the surface, it will not bear (tahan) close


517. segment = n. a division; a part of something (bagian)e.g. A meter is divided into one hundred segments of one centimeter each.

518. to seize = v. to grab (merampas, merebut, mengambil)e.g. When the time limit was up, the examiner seized the tests from those students who

were still working.

519. sentry = n. a guard (penjaga)e.g. General Casey could not convince the sentry to allow him through the gate without

proper identification.

520. to sever = v. to cut into two parts (memutuskan)e.g. Unless an agreement is reached by the end o the week, the two countries will sever

diplomatic reactions.

521. shabby = adj. worn-out; faded (kumal, lusuh)e.g. Even after he had it drycleaned, his old coat still looked rather shabby.

522. to shatter = v. to break into many pieces (memecahkan)e.g. To shatter a mirror accidentally (dengan tidak sengaja) is considered bad luck.

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523. shawl = n. a covering for a woman’s head and shoulders. (syal)e.g. : Take your shawl with you because it will probably be chilly (dingin) when you

come back.

524. to shift = v. to change position or direction. (berpindah, memindahkan)e.g. : When the wind shifted from south to north, it began to get cold.

525. shrewd = adj. able in practical affairs; clever. (pintar, cerdas, lihay, licik)e.g. : Although he has had no formal education, he is one of the shrewdest businessmen

in the company.

526. to shrug = v. to raise the shoulders in a gesture of doubt or indifference. (mengangkat (bahu))

e.g. : When I asked him about his plans, he only shrugged his shoulders.

527. shutter = n. a hinged cover attached to a window to keep out light and rain. (daun penutup jendela)

e.g. : Put the windows down and close the shutters before the storm comes.

528. to simulate = v. to imitate; to copy. (meniru)e.g. : The model tests in this book simulate the TOEFL examination.


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VOCAB NOTE529. simultaneously = adv. at the same time. (dengan serentak)

e.g. : The conductor (dirijen) of an orchestra tries to assure (memastikan) that all of the instruments begin simultaneously.

530. sinuous = adj. winding; curving. (berliku-liku, berkelok-kelok)e.g. : Seen from an airplane, the river is as sinuous as a snake.

531. to sip = v. to drink a little at a time. (minum sedikit-sedikit)e.g. : I suggest that you sip your tea because it is very hot.

532. skeptical = adj. not easily convinced; doubting. (ragu)e.g. : I am skeptical of his methods; they do not seem very scientific (bersifat ilmiah) to


533. to skim = v. to read quickly and superficially. (membaca dengan cepat dan dangkal)e.g. : Since he did not have time to read the article before class, he just skimmed

through it.

534. to slap = v. to hit with an open hand. (menampar)e.g. : He slapped her because she was hysterical. (histeris)

535. to slay = v. to kill. (membunuh)e.g. : When he went hunting with his older brothers, he did not want them to slay the


536. sleazy = adj. flimsy; contemptible; cheap. (tipis, tidak kuat)e.g. : I like the style and the color, but the material seems a little sleazy to me.

537. sleet = n. a mixture of snow, hail and rain. (hujan bercampur dengan batu es dan salju)e.g. : As the temperature dropped (turun), the rain turned to sleet and snow.

538. to slit = v. to cut. (membelah)e.g. : She slit the envelope with a letter opener.

539. sluggish = adj. not easily aroused by activity; slow to respond. (lamban)e.g. : This drain (saluran) is sluggish because there is something caught (tersangkut) in

the pipe.

540. to smolder = v. to burn with little smoke and no flame. (menyala kecil)e.g. : The forest rangers (penjaga hutan) found a fire smoldering in an abandoned

campsite. (tempat perkemahan yang ditinggalkan)

541. to snatch = v. to grab abruptly or hastily. (menjambret)e.g. : As she was waiting on the corner for the light to change, a young boy tried to

snatch her purse.

542. to sneak = v. to move quietly, secretly. (menyelinap dengan diam-diam)e.g. : Bill sneaked out the back door so that no one would see him leave.

543. to soar = v. to fly high. (terbang membumbung tinggi)e.g. : Jets designed for commercial use soar at 760 miles an hour.

544. to soothe = v. to calm. (menenangkan (pain), menyejukkan)e.g. : A hot cloth pressed against your jaw (rahang) will usually soothe a toothache.

545. sorrowful = adj. sorry for a sin or mistake. (sedih, berduka cita)e.g. : Everyone felt very sorrowful about the misunderstanding.


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546. to span = v. to extend from one side to another. (membentang, menghubungkan)e.g. : The Golden Gate Bridge spans the entrance to San Fransisco Bay. (teluk)

547. species = n. a group with a common appearance. (jenis)e.g. : Pine trees (pohon cemara), of which there are almost one hundred species are

found throughout the North Temperate Zone.

548. specific = adj. defined. (khusus)e.g. : Although they had a general plan, they didn’t seem to have a specific course of


549. speck = n. a very small spot or piece of something. (bintik kecil, sedikit)e.g. : I think I have a speck of dust in my eye.

550. to spill = v. to allow a liquid to run out of the container. (menumpahkan)e.g. : The waitress spilled coffee on the counter.

551. sporadic = adj. happening from time to time.(sekali-sekali)e.g. : The candidate’s speech was interrupted by sporadic applause.

552. to sprawl = v. to stretch out. (terlentang)e.g. : Iris’ pet cat likes to sprawl out in front of the fireplace (perapian) to sleep.

553. to squash = v. to flatten; to crush. (melumatkan, menghancurkan)e.g. : The checkout girl (kasir) always puts the bread on top of the other groceries

(sembako) so that it does not get squashed.

554. to stack = v. to put several things on top of each other. (menumpukkan)e.g. : She stacked the dishes in the sink because she did not have time to wash them.

555. stale = adj. not fresh; old. (basi)e.g. : The cheese is very good, but this bread is a little bit stale.

556. static = adj. not moving. (statis, tetap (di tempat))e.g. : This part may move, but that one must remain static in order for the machine to

run smoothly.

557. storm = n. a natural disturbance of wind. (badai)e.g. : The storm is moving west across the Great Plains states.

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558. to straddle : v. to have one leg on one side and the other leg on the other side of something. (mengangkang)

e.g. : The cowboy sat straddling the fence at the rodeo (pertunjukan ketrampilan sambil menunggang kuda menjerat sapi) waiting for his turn to ride.

559. strain : n. tension; stress. (ketegangan)e.g. : The strain of meeting a daily deadline (memenuhi batas waktu) made the

columnist (penulis artikel di Koran) very nervous. (gelisah, gugup)

560. to strive : v. to make great efforts, to struggle. (berusaha, berjuang)e.g. : We must strive to finish this report before we leave because it is due (jatuh tempo)

tomorrow morning.


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VOCAB NOTE561. to stunt : v. to retard normal growth. (memperlambat (pertumbuhan))

e.g. : This one is not as large as the others; something must have stunted its growth.

562. subsequent : adj. following; later. (yg berikut)e.g. : The problem will be discussed at length in subsequent chapters. (bab-bab


563. to substitute : v. to use something in place of another; to replace. (menggantikan)e.g. : You can substitute vinegar (cuka) for lemon juice in this recipe (resep makanan),

but it does not taste quite as good.

564. to sue : v. to bring to court. (menuntut)e.g. : If he does not pay me by the first of the month, I will have to sue him.

565. sultry : adj. hot , moist weather. (lembab dan panas)e.g. : Southern Florida is very sultry during the summer months.

566. to supersede : v. to replace. (menggantikan)e.g. : A new judge will be appointed (diangkat) to supersede the late (almarhum) Judge


567. to surfeit : v. to eat an excessive amount. (makan dalam jumlah yang kelebihan)e.g. : After surfeiting himself at the banquet (perjamuan makan malam), he felt too

sleepy to enjoy the entertainment.

568. surly : adj. rude; arrogant. (kasar dan sombong)e.g. : His surly manner keeps him from having many friends.

569. to surmise : v. to guess. (merasa)e.g. : Since she is not at home, I surmise that she is on her way here.

570. swarm : n. a large number of moving insects. (sekawanan)e.g. : When the baseball landed in their hive, a swarm of bees flew onto the field.

571. to swerve : v. to turn aside; to veer. (membelokkan, membantingkan (setir))e.g. : The driver had to swerve his car in order to avoid hitting a little boy on a bicycle.

572. to synchronize : v. to cause; to coincide. (menyamakan)e.g. : In order not to be late to work, she synchronized her watch with the clock at the


573. synopsis : n. an outline. (ringkasan)e.g. : Although I have not seen the entire script (seluruh naskah), I have read a synopsis

of the plot. (alur cerita)

574. taciturn : adj. unspoken; silent. (pendiam)e.g. : He is a very taciturn person; he never speaks unnecessarily.

575. to tack : v. to fasten with a small nail. (memakukan)e.g. : The janitor (pembersih kantor) tacked the rug (permadani) to the floor so that it

would not slide. (bergeser, meluncur)

576. tact : n. diplomacy. (kemampuan utk bertindak dengan semestinya, diplomasi)e.g. : My sister has no tact; she always says the wrong thing.

577. tally : n. an account; a score. (catatan angka)e.g. : The final tally showed a score of twenty to eleven.


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578. to tamper : v. to interfere in a harmful manner; to meddle. (ikut campur menganggu)e.g. : Someone must have tampered with the TV; the picture was okay a few minutes

ago and now it is fuzzy. (kabur, tidak jelas)

579. tapered : adj. smaller at one end. (meruncing ke ujung)e.g. : The centerpiece (benda hiasan di tengah meja) is a silver candelabra (tempat lilin

dengan beberapa cabang/lengan) with red roses and six long, tapered candles.

580. tentative : adj. uncertain; probable. (sementara)e.g. : Let’s decide upon a tentative date for the next meeting; we can always change it if

we need to.

581. tepid : adj. slightly warm. (suam-suam, hangat-hangat kuku)e.g. : This tea is tepid; please bring me a hot cup.

582. to terminate : v. to bring an end. (berhenti)e.g. : This is a dead-end road (jalan buntu); it terminates at the end of the next block.

583. to testify : v. to give evidence. (memberi kesaksian)e.g. : The next witness (saksi) will testify for the defense. (pembelaan)

584. to thicken : v. to coagulate.(menjadi kental/beku)e.g. : The pudding should thicken as it cools.

585. thrifty : adj. careful, frugal (hemat)e.g. : Mr. Thompson is so thrifty that he is able to save more than half of his weekly


586. throng : n. a crowd. (keramaian orang, gerombolan orang)e.g. : A throng of well-wishers gathered at the airport to see him off.

587. thump : n. the dull sound of a blow made by a heavy object. (bunyi gebuk)e.g. : The picture fell to the floor with a thump.

588. tilted : adj. not straight. (miring)e.g. : Please straighten the lampshade (meluruskan kap lampu); it is tilted a little bit to

the left.

589. to tiptoe : v. to walk stealthily, quietly. (berjalan dengan diam-diam/sembunyi-sembunyi, berjingkat-jingkat)

e.g. : Carol tiptoed up the stairs to avoid waking her roommate.

590. tolerant : adj. inclined to tolerate others; having a fair attitude toward those who hold different views. (bersifat toleran)

e.g. : He is not tolerant of other people’s opinions; he thinks that he is always right.

591. to torture : v. to inflict (menimbulkan) extreme pain on someone. (menyiksa, menganiaya)

e.g. : The guards were accused of torturing the prisoners in order to make them confess. (mengaku)

592. touchy : adj. sensitive; irritable. (sensitive)e.g. : That is a very touchy subject and I prefer not to discuss it.

593. tranquil : adj. peaceful; quiet. (tenang, hening)e.g. : The sea was so tranquil that the little boat barely (hamper tidak) moved.


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594. to transact : v. to conduct, perform or carry out business. (bertransaksi)e.g. : Since it involves bringing plants into the country, this sale cannot be transacted

without special permission from the Department of Agriculture.

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595. to transcend : v. to rise above ; to surpass. (melebihi)e.g. : The view is so lovely that it transcends any description of it.

596. to transform : v. to change in appearance. (mengubah)e.g. : That dress transforms her from a little girl into a young woman.

597. to traverse : v. to move along. (melintasi, melewati)e.g. : The wagon trains (iring-iringan kereta berkuda) had to traverse Indian territory in

order to reach California.

598. treacherous : adj. not to be trusted ; perfidious. (berbahaya, curang (person))e.g. : Be careful driving home because the road is quite treacherous when it is icy.

599. trend : n. a course; a tendency. (kecendrungan)e.g. : Although some people work until they are sixty – five, the trend is to retire after

thirty years of service.

600. tributary : n. a river that flows into a larger one . (anak sungai)e.g. : The Ohio River is a tributary of the Mississippi River.

601. trivial : adj. of little importance. (sepele)e.g. : In general your test was very good; you only made a few trivial mistakes.

602. troupe : n. a group of singers or actors. (rombongan)e.g. : The troupe of actors will present (menyajikan, mempersembahkan) six different

plays (drama) during the season.

603. to tug : v. to pull something with effort. (menarik, menyeret)e.g. : A small boat tugged a ship into the harbor.

604. to tumble : v. to fall in a rolling manner (jatuh bergulingan)e.g. : She tripped (tersandung) and tumbled down the stairs.

605. tumult : n. noisy commotion. (keributan)e.g. : He could not be heard over the tumult of angry voices.

606. to tutor : v. to teach (mengajar (les tambahan))e.g. : Ted wants someone to tutor him before the exam.

607. twofold : adj. a double amount. (dua kali lipat, ganda)e.g. : A convertible couch (sofa yang dapat diubah) has a twofold purpose ; it can be

used for a sofa during the day and a bed at night .

608. tyro : n. a beginner. (orang baru, pemula)e.g. : He is a tyro in art, but he shows great promise.

609. ultimate : adj. final. (akhir)e.g. : Her ultimate goal is to receive her degree and return to her country to work.


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VOCAB NOTE610. unanimous : adj. in full accord ; by common consent. (dengan suara bulat)

e.g. : She was elected chairperson of the committee by a unanimous vote.

611. uncouth : adj. rude in one’s behavior. (kasar)e.g. : His uncouth manners made everyone at the table uncomfortable.

612. to undercut : v. to sell at a lesser price than a competitor. (menjual dgn harga yg lebih rendah)

e.g. : Since chain stores (toko dgn pemilik yg sama seperti matahari, ramayana, etc) buy merchandise in quantity, they are able to undercut their small competitors.

613. unsophisticated : adj. naive. (lugu)e.g. : She is very unsophisticated for a woman who has traveled so widely.

614. vacant : adj. empty. (kosong)e.g. : The neighborhood boys like to play baseball on that vacant lot. (bidang tanah)

615. vagabond : n. one who moves from place to place without a fixed abode ; a wanderer. (pengembara)

e.g. : Since he had no responsibilities he decided to take one year to lead vagabond’s life, traveling from town to town and writing about his experiences.

616. to vanish : v. to disappear. (hilang)e.g. : Dinosaurs vanished from the earth at the end of the Messozoic Era.

617. vanity : n. foolish pride. (kesombongan)e.g. : Her vanity caused her to lie about her age.

618. variation : n. a different form of something; a change. (variasi)e.g. : Nectarines are a variation of peaches. (buah persik)

619. variety : n. a collection of many different things. (keanekaragaman)e.g. : The Sears store has a variety of styles to choose from.

620. vehemence : n. forcefulness; intensity; conviction. (dengan berapi-api) e.g. : He spoke with such vehemence that everyone knew how angry he was.

621 vendor : n. one who sells something. (penjual, penjaja)e.g.: The street vendors (penjual kaki lima) sell the same item more cheaply than you

can buy it in a store.

622. to verify : v. to make certain of the truth; to confirm. (memeriksa, menguji, membuktikan)

e.g. We will repeat the experiment twice in order to verify the results.

623. versatile: adj. having varied uses; flexible. (serba guna, serba bias)e.g. : Danny is a very versatile athlete; he can compete in either soccer or track.

(olahraga lari)

624. vestige: n. a small, remaining sign; a trace. (bekas, sisa, jejak)e.g. : These ruins (reruntuhan puing) are the vestiges of an ancient civilization.

625. to vibrate : v. to move back and forth rapidly. (bergetar)e.g. : When a train comes in on the tracks (rel) below, the railroad station vibrates.

626. vicarious : adj. a feeling of identification with another; a substitute. (yg dialami orang lain)


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VOCAB NOTEe.g. : Although she had never traveled herself, she received vicarious pleasure from

reading about interesting places.

627. vigilance : n. watchfulness. (kewaspadaan)e.g. : After a week of constant (terus menerus) vigilance and intensive care, the patient

began to respond to treatment.

628. vulnerable : adj. weak. (lemah, rentan, mudah diserang)e.g. : The army’s retreat (mundurnya) left the city vulnerable to enemy attack.

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629. warily : adv. cautiously. (dengan hati-hati/waspada)e.g. Since she was alone, she opened the door very warily, leaving the chain lock

fastened. (terkait, terkunci)

630. warrant : n. a written authorization. (surat perintah)e.g. The police have issued (mengeluarkan) a warrant for his arrest.

631. waxy : adj. pliable. (lembut, lunak)e.g. The sculpture (patung) is still waxy enough to change it a little if you like.

632. wayward : adj. nonconforming; irregular. (tidak teratur)e.g. The camera followed the wayward flight of the sea gull. (burung camar)

633. wile : n. a trick. (tipu muslihat, akal)e.g. She used every wile that she could think of in order to trick (menipu,

memperdayakan) him into helping her.

634. to wither : v. to lose freshness; to dry up; to fade. (layu)e.g. The spring flowers withered under the hot sun.

635. wrath : n. great anger. (kemarahan, kemurkaan)e.g. The slaves (budak-budak) obeyed their master because they feared (takut) his


636. wrinkle : n. a crease. (keriput, kusut, lipatan (di baju))e.g. Permanent press shirts are convenient because the wrinkles hang out with little or

no ironing.

637. to yelp : v. to cry out sharply, usually in reference to dogs. (merintih (anjing))e.g. The little puppy yelped in pain as the veterinarian (dokter hewan) examined its

paw. (cakar)

638. zealot : n. an eager, enthusiastic person; a fanatic. (orang yang fanatic, pengikut setia)e.g. The new volunteer is a real zealot, and he puts in (menghabiskan) long hours.

Two – and Three – Word Verbs

639. to bring about : v. to cause to happen (menyebabkan)e. g. T cause changes to occur is to bring them about.

640. to bring out : v. to publish (menerbitkan)e. g. To publish an article is to bring it out.


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641. to brush up on : v. to review (mengulang)e. g. To review one’s notes is to brush up on them.

642. to call on : v. to visit (mengunjungi)e. g. To visit one’s fiancée (tunangan perempuan) is to call on her.

643. to come by : v. to acquire, to get (memperoleh)e. g. To acquire a fortune (banyak uang) is to come by it.

644. to come down with : v. to contract, to catch (mengidap, kena)e. g. To catch the flu is to come down with it.

645. to count on/ depend on/ rely on : v. to trust (mempercayai, mengandalkan)e. g. To trust that a good friend will help is to count on him, to depend on him or to

rely on him.

646. to cut down : v. to reduce (mengurangi)e. g. To reduce the number of cigarettes one smokes is to cut down.

647. to fall for : v. to be fooled (dikelabui, ditipu)e. g. To be fooled by a trick is to fall for it.

648. to find fault with : v. to criticize (mengkritik)e. g. To criticize a project is to find fault with it.

649. to get across : v. to make an idea understood (membuat dipahami)e. g. To make a point understood is to get it across.

650. to get away from : v. to escape (meloloskan diri)e. g. To escape from the police is to get away from them.

651. to get rid of : v. to discard (membuang)e. g. to discard an old car is to get rid of it.

652. to go over : v. to review (membuang)e. g. To review a lesson is to go over it.

653. to hand out : v. to distribute (membagikan, menyebarkan, mengedarkan)e. g. To distribute pamphlets (brosur, selebaran) is to hand them out.

654. to help out : v. to aid, to assist (membantu)e. g. To assist one’s neighbor is to help him out.

655. to jack up : v. to elevate (meninggikan)e. g. To elevate a truck in order to change a tire is to jack it up.

656. to keep on/ keep up : v. to continue (terus, melanjutkan)e. g. To continue working is to keep on working or to keep it up.

657. to lay aside : v. to save (menabung, menyimpan)e. g. To save money is to lay it aside.

658. to look up to : v. to respect (menghormati)e. g. To respect an older brother is to look up to him.


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659. to make fun of : v. to gibe, to joke (memperolok)e. g. To joke about a fellow student’s mistake is to make fun of him.

660. to muster up : v. to gather, to assemble (mengumpulkan)e. g. To gather courage is to muster it up.

661. to preside over : v. to have charge of (memimpin, mengetuai)e. g. To have charge of a meeting is to preside over it.

662. to pull through : v. to get well (menjadi sembuh)e. g. To get well after being very sick is to pull through.

663. to put off : v. to postpone (menunda)e. g. To postpone a ball game because of rain is to put it off.

664. to put up with : v. to tolerate (bertoleransi, menahan)e. g. To tolerate a situation is to put up with it.

665. to round up : v. to capture (menangkap)e. g. To capture horses is to round them up.

Page 300666. to run into : v. to meet by chance (bertemu dengan tidak sengaja)

e. g. To meet someone unexpectedly is to run into him.

667. to set up : v. to establish (mendirikan)e. g. To establish a small business is to set it up.

668. to show up : v. to arrive (tiba)e. g. To arrive at a party is to show up.

669. to speak out : v. to declare one’s opinions (mengemukakan pendapat)e. g. To state one’s beliefs (menyatakan kepercayaan) is to speak out.

670. to take after : v. to look or behave like (menyerupai)e. g. To behave like one’s father is to take after him.

671. to take pride in : v. to be satisfied (puas)e. g. To be satisfied with one’s work is to take pride in it.

672. to throw away/ throw out : v. to cause to lose, to discard (membuang)e. g To discard old newspapers is to throw them away or throw them out.

673. to turn down : v. to decline, to refuse (menolak)e. g. To decline an offer is to turn it down.

674. to turn out : v. to manufacture (menghasilkan, membuat)e. g. To manufacture toys is to turn them out.

675. to turn to : v. to ask for help (meminta bantuan)e. g. To ask one’s partner for help is to turn to him.

676. to wear out : v. to make useless by wear, to consume (memakai sampai usang)e. g. To walk so much that the soles of one’s shoes get holes in them is to wear out

one’s shoes.


Page 44: TOEFL Vocabulary