TOEIC 600 WORDS L1 Contracts Abide by v. to comply with, to conform ตตตตตตตตตต Agreement n. a mutual arrangement, a contract Agree v. agreeable adj. Assurance n. q guarantee, confidence Cancel v. to annul, to call off Determine v. to find out, to influence Engage v. to hire, to involve นนนนนนน นนนน,นนนนนนน Establish v. to institute permanently, to bring about Obligate v. to bind legally or morally นนนนนนนนนนนนนนน,นนนนนนนนนน, Obligation n. obligatory adj. Party n. a person or group participating in an action or plan, the persons or sides concerned in a legal matter Provision n. a measure taken beforehand, a stipulation Provider n. provision n. Resolve v. to deal with successfully, to declare Specify v. to mention explicitly Specification v. Specific adj. L2 Marketing Attract v. to draw by appeal Attraction n. attractive adj. Compare v. to examine similarities and differences Comparison n. comparable adj. Compete v. to strive against a rival Consume v. to absorb, to use up Consumer n. consumable adj. Convince v. to bring to believe by argument, to persuade Current adj. Happening or existing at the present time, adv. To be on top of things Fad n. a practice followed enthusiastically for a short time, a craze Inspire v. to spur on, to stimulate imagination or emotion. Market v. the course of buying and selling a product, n. the demand for a product Marketing n. marketable adj. Persuade v. to move by argument or logic Productive adj. Constructive, high yield Satisfy v. to make happy L3 Warranties Characteristic adj. Revealing of individual traits Consequence n. that which follows necessarily Consider v. to think about carefully Consideration n. considerable 1

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L1 ContractsAbide by v. to comply with, to conform ตกลงก�บใคร Agreement n. a mutual arrangement, a contractAgree v. agreeable adj.Assurance n. q guarantee, confidenceCancel v. to annul, to call offDetermine v. to find out, to influenceEngage v. to hire, to involve นั�ดหมาย จ้�าง,ว่�าจ้�างEstablish v. to institute permanently, to bring aboutObligate v. to bind legally or morally เป็�นัภาระหนั�าที่��,ให�ค�าม��นั,Obligation n. obligatory adj.Party n. a person or group participating in an action or plan, the persons or sides

concerned in a legal matterProvision n. a measure taken beforehand, a stipulationProvider n. provision n.Resolve v. to deal with successfully, to declareSpecify v. to mention explicitlySpecification v. Specific adj.

L2 MarketingAttract v. to draw by appealAttraction n. attractive adj.Compare v. to examine similarities and differencesComparison n. comparable adj.Compete v. to strive against a rivalConsume v. to absorb, to use upConsumer n. consumable adj.Convince v. to bring to believe by argument, to persuadeCurrent adj. Happening or existing at the present time, adv. To be on top of thingsFad n. a practice followed enthusiastically for a short time, a crazeInspire v. to spur on, to stimulate imagination or emotion.Market v. the course of buying and selling a product, n. the demand for a productMarketing n. marketable adj.Persuade v. to move by argument or logicProductive adj. Constructive, high yieldSatisfy v. to make happyL3 WarrantiesCharacteristic adj. Revealing of individual traitsConsequence n. that which follows necessarilyConsider v. to think about carefullyConsideration n. considerableCover v. to provide protection againstExpire v. to come to an endFrequently adv. Occurring commonly, widespreadImply v. to indicate by inferencePromise v. n. to pledge to do, bring about, or provideProtect v. to guardProtection n. protective adj.Reputation n. the overall quality of characterReputable adj. Reputed adj.Require v. to deem necessary or essentialRequirement n. requisite adj.


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Vary v. to be different from another, to change

L4 Business planningAddress v. to direct to the attention ofAvoid v. to stay clear of, to keep from happeningDemonstrate v. to show clearly and deliberately, to present by exampleDemonstration n. demonstrative adj.Develop v. to expand, progress, or improveDevelopment n. developer n.Evaluate v. to determine the value or impact ofEvaluation n. evaluator n.Gather v. to accumulate, to concludeOffer v. to propose, to present in order to meet a need or satisfy a requirementPrimary adj. Most important, first in a list, series, or sequenceRisk n. the chance of loss or damageStrategy n. a plan of actionStrategize n. strategic adj.Strong adj. Powerful, economically or financially soundSubstitute v. to take the place of another

L5 ConferencesAccommodate v. to fit, to provide with something neededAccommodation n. accommodating adj.Arrangement n , the plan or organizationAssociation n, an organization of persons or groups having a common interestAttend v, to go to, to pay attention toAttendee n., attendance n.Get in touch v, to make contact withHold v, to accommodate; to conductLocation n, a position or siteOvercrowded a, too crowdedRegister v, to recordRegister n. registration n.Select v, to choose from a groupSelection n. selective adj.Session n, a meetingTake part in v, to join or participate

L6 computersAccess v, to obtain, to gain entryAccess n. accessible adj.Allocate v, to designate for a specific purposeCompatible a, able to function togetherDelete v, to remove; to eraseDisplay n, what is visible on a monitor; v, to showDuplicate v, to produce something equal; to make identicalDuplicate n. duplication n,Fail v, not to succeed; not to work correctlyFailure n. fallible adj.Figure out v, to understand , to solveIgnore v, not to notice; to disregardSearch v, to look for; n, investigationShot down v, to turn off; to cease operationWarn v, to alert; to tell about a danger or problemWarning n. warning adj.


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L7 Office TechnologyAffordable a, able to be paid for; not too expensiveAs needed adv, as necessaryBe in charge of v, to be in control or command ofCapacity n, the ability to contain or hold; the maximum that something can holdDurable a, sturdy, strong, lastingInitiative n, the first step; an active roleInitiate v. initiation n.Physical a, perceived by the sensesProvider n, a supplierProvide v. provision n.Recur v, to occur again or repeatedlyRecurrence n. recurring adj.Reduction n, a lessening , a decreaseReduce v. reducible adj.Stay on top of v, to know what is going on; to know the latest informationStock n, a supply; v, to keep on hand

L8 Office ProceduresAppreciate v, to recognize, understand the importance of; to be thankful forAppreciation n. appreciated adj.Be exposed to v, to become aware of; to gain experience inBring in v, to hire or recruit; to cause to appearCasual a, informalCode n, rules of behaviorGlimpse (กล�มซฺ ) n, a quick lookMade of v, to consist of Out of a, no longer having, missingOutdated a, obsolete; not currently in usePractice n, method of doing somethingPractice v. practical adj.Reinforce v, to strengthen, supportReinforcement n. reinforcing gerundVerbal a, oralVerbalize v. verbally adv.

L9 ElectronicsDisk n, an object used to store digital informationFacilitate v, to make easierNetwork n, an interconnected group or systemPopularity n, the state of being widely admired, soughtPopularize v.popular adj.Process n, a series of operations or actions to bring about a resultReplace v, to put back in a former place or positionReplacement n. replaceable adj.

Revolution การป็ฎิ�ว่�ต� n, a sudden or momentous change in a situation

Revolutionized v. revolutionary adj.Sharp a, abrupt or acute; smartSkills n, developed abilitySoftware n, the programs for a computerStorage n, the safekeeping of goods or informationStore v. n.Technical a, special skill or knowledge


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L10 CorrespondenceAssemble v, to put together; to bring togetherBeforehand adv, early, in advanceComplicated a, not easy to understandComplication n. complicated adj.Courier n, a , a messenger Express a, fast and direct

Fold v. to bend paper พั�บ ห�อLayout n, a format; the organization of material on a pageMention v, to refer to; n, something read or writtenMention n. mentionable adj.Petition การร�องเร�ยนั,การอ�อนัว่อนั n, a formal, written request; v, to make a formal requestProof v, to look for errorsProofreader n. proofing gerund.Registered a, recorded and trackedRegistration n. registered adj.Revise v, to rewrite

L11 Job Advertising and RecruitingAbundant อ$ดมสมบ&รณ์(, มากเก�นัคว่าม ต�องการ a, plentiful, in large quantities; n, a large numberAccomplishment n, an achievement, a successAccomplish v. accomplished adj.Bring together v, to join, to gatherCandidate n, one being considered for a position, officeCome up with v, to plan, to invent, to think ofCommensurate a, in proportion to, corresponding, equal to adj. ซฺ)�งเที่�ยบเที่�า,พัอเพั�ยงMatch n, a fit, a similarityProfile n, a group of characteristics or traitsQualifications n, requirements, qualities, or abilities needed for somethingQualify v. qualified adj.Recruit v, to attract people to join an organization of a causeRecruitment n. recruiter n.Submit v, to present for considerationSubmission n. submittal n.Time-consuming a, taking up a lot of time เส�ยเว่ลามาก

L12 Applying and InterviewingAbility n, a skill, a competenceApply v, to look forApplicant n. application n.Background n, a person’s experienceBe ready for v, to be preparedCall in v, to requestConfidence n, a belief in one’s abilityConfident adj. Confidently adv.Constantly a, on a continual basis, happening all the timeExpert n, a specialistExpertise n. expert adj.Follow up v. to take additional steps, to continueHesitate v, to pause, to be reluctant ล�งเลใจ้Present v. to introduce, to show, to offer for consideration


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Presentation n. presentable adj.Weakness n, a fault, a quality lacking strength

L13 Hiring and TrainingConduct v, to hold, to take place, to behaveGenerate v, to create, to produceHire v, to employ, to offer a job or positionHire n. hiring gerundKeep up with v, to stay equal withLook up to v, to admire เคารพั , to think highly ofMentor n, a person who guides ที่��ป็ร)กษาที่��ชาญฉลาดและไว่�ใจ้ได�On track a, on scheduleReject v, to turn down, to say noRejection n. rejecting gerundSet up v, to establish, to arrange; a , arrangedSuccess n, reaching a goalSucceed v. successful adj.Training n, the preparation or education for a specific jobTrainer n. trainee n.Update v, to make current. N, the latest information

L14 Salaries and benefitsBasis n. the main reason for something, a base or foundationBe aware of v. to be conscious of, to be knowledgeable aboutBenefits n. the advantages provided to a employee in addition to salaryBenefit v. beneficial adj.Compensate v. to pay, to make up for.Compensation n. compensatory adj.Delicate ละเอ�ยดอ�อนั adj. Sensitive, adv. With sensitivityEligible adj. Able to participate in something, qualifiedFlexible adj. Not rigid, able to change easilyNegotiate v. to talk for the purpose of reaching an agreement, especially on prices or

contractsNegotiation n. negotiator n.Raise n. an increase in salaryRetire v. to stop working, to withdraw from a business or professionRetirement n. retired adj.Vested adj. Absolute, authorized ครอบครองโดยสมบ&รณ์(Wage n. the money paid for work done, usually hourly

L15 Promotions, Pensions and AwardsAchieve v, to succeed , to reach a goalAchievement n. achiever n.Contribute v, to add to, to donate, to giveContribution n. contributor n.Dedication n, a commitment to somethingDedicate v. dedicated adj.Look forward to v, to anticipate, to be eager for something to happen ต�1งใจ้จ้ดจ้�อรอคอยLooked to v, to depend on , to rely onLoyal จ้งร�กภ�กด� a, faithful ซฺ2�อส�ตย(, believing in something or somebodyMerit n, experience, high quality ค$ณ์คว่ามด�Obvious a, easy to see or understand ช�ดเจ้นั,ช�ดแจ้�งProductive a, useful, getting a lot donePromote v, to give someone a better job; to support, to make known


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Promotion n.promoter n.Recognition n, credit, praise for doing something wellValue n, worth

L16 Shopping Bargain n, something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer

Bear v, to have a tolerance for, to endure อดที่นั ใจ้กว่�างBehavior n, the manner of one’s actionCheckout n, the act, time, or place of checking out, as at a hotel or a supermarketComfort n, a condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentmentComfortable adj. Comfortably adv.Expand v, to increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; to enlargeExpansion n. expanded adj.Explore v, to investigate systematicallyExploration n. exploratory adj.Item n, a single article or unitMandatory a, required or commanded, obligatory

Merchandise n, items available in stores ส�นัค�าStrict a, precise. Exact แม�นัย�า,แนั�นัอนัStrictness n. strictly adv.Trend n, the current style

L17 Ordering SuppliesDiverse a, different; made up of distinct qualitiesDiversify v. diversity n.Enterprise n, a business; a large projectEssential a, indispensable, necessaryEveryday a, common, ordinaryFunction v, to perform tasksFunction n. functional adj.Maintain v, to continue, to support, to sustainMaintainability n. maintainable adj.Obtain v, to acquirePrerequisite n, something that is required or necessary as a prior conditionQuality n, a distinguishing characteristicSmooth a, without difficulties; deliberately polite and agreeable in order to win favorSmooth out v. Smoothly advSource n, the originStationery n, writing paper and envelopes

L18 ShippingAccurate a, exact; errorlessAccuracy n. accurately adv.Carrier n, a person or business that transports passengers or goodsCatalog a, a list or itemized display; v, to make an itemized list ofFulfill v, to finish completelyFulfilling gerund fulfillment n.Integral adj, necessary for completion ที่�1งหมด,สมบ&รณ์(Inventory n, goods in stock; an itemized record of these goodsMinimize v, to reduce, to give less importance toMinimal adj. Minimum n.


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On hand a, availableRemember v, to think of againShip v, to transport; to sendShipper n. shipment n.Sufficient a, as much as is neededSupply v, to make available for use

L19 Invoices Charge n, an expense or a cost; v, to demand paymentCompile v, to gather together from several sourcesCustomer n, one who purchases a commodity or serviceDiscount n, a reduction in price; to reduce in priceEfficient a, acting or producing effectively with a minimum of wasteEstimate v, to approximate the amount or value of something; to form am opinion About somethingEstimation n. estimating gerundImpose v, to establish or apply as compulsory; to force upon others ก�าหนัดโที่ษ, บ�งค�บเอาImposition n. imposing adj.Mistake n, an error or a faultMistaken v. adj.Order n, a request made to purchase something ; v, to command or directPrompt adj being on time or punctual, carried out without delay รว่ดเร3ว่,ฉ�บพัล�นั, n. a

reminder or a cue เว่ลาจ้�าก�ดในัการช�าระหนั�1 การกระต$�นัPromptness n. prompt v.Rectify v. to set right or correct ที่�าให�ถู&กต�อง,แก�ไขให�ถู&กต�องTerms n. conditions

L20 InventoryAdjust v. to change in order to match or fit, to cause to correspondAdjustment n. adjustable adj.Automatic adj. Operating independentlyAutomation n. automatically adv.Crucial adj. Extremely significant or important เด3ดขาด ระยะส�าค�ญDiscrepancy n. a divergence or disagreement คว่ามไม�ลงรอยก�นั,คว่ามไม�ตรงก�นั,Disturb v. to interfere with, to interruptDisturbance n. disturbingly adv.Liability n. an obligation a responsibilityReflect v. to given back a likenessReflection n. reflector n.Run v. to operateScan v. to look over quicklySubtract v. to take away, to deduct ลบออก,ลบ,Tedious adj. Tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness, boring นั�าเบ2�อ,นั�าร�าคาญVerify v. to prove the truth of

L21 BankingAccept v. to receive, to respond favorablyAcceptance n. acceptable adj.Balance n. the remainder, v. to compute the difference between credits and debits of

an account.Borrow v. to use temporarilyCautious adj. Careful, wary ระม�ดระว่�ง,รอบคอบDeduct v. to take away from a total, to subtractDeductible n. deduction n. ห�กลบ,Dividend n. a share in a distribution


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Down payment n. an initial partial payment เง�นัม�ดจ้�าMortgage n. the amount due on a property, v. to borrow money with your house as

collateral. การจ้�านัอง,จ้�านัองRestriction n. a limitation การจ้�าก�ดว่ง,Restrict v. restricted adj.Signature n. the name of a person written by the personSign n. v.Take out v. withdraw, remove เอาออก, ลบออกTransaction n. a business deal

L22 AccountingAccounting n. the recording and gathering of financial information for a companyAccountant n. account n.Accumulate v. to gather, to collectAccumulation n. accumulated adj.Asset n. something of valueAudit n. a formal examination of financial records, v. to examine the financialBudget n. a list of probable expenses and income for a given periodBudget v. budgetary adj.Build up n. to increase over timeClient n. a customerDebt n. something owed, as in money or goodsOutstanding adj. Still due, not paid or settled (หนั�1ส�นั) ที่��ย�งต�ดค�างอย&�Profitable adj. advantageous, beneficialProfit (v. n.) ก�าไรReconcile v. to make consistentTurnover n. the number of times a product is sold and replaced or an emloyee leaves

and another employee is hired

L23 InvestmentsAggressive adj. Competitive, assertiveAttitude n. a felling about something or someoneCommitment n. a promiseCommit v. noncommittal adj.Conservative adj. Cautious, restrained ที่��ม� �นัคง และระม�ดระว่�ง ไม�กล�าเส��ยงใดๆFund n. an amount of money for something specific, v to provide money forInvest v. to put money into a business or activity with the hope of making more

money, to put effort into somethingInvestment (n). investor n.Long-term adj. involving or extending over a long periodPortfolio n. a list of investmentsPull out v. to withdraw, to stop participating, n. a withdrawal, removal การด)งออก,การถูอนัResource n. assets, valuable thingsReturn n. the amount of money gained as profitReturns n. returnable adj.Wise adj. Knowledgeable, able to offer advice based on experience ฉลาด ม�สต�ป็7ญญาWisdom n. wisely adv. สต�ป็7ญญา,คว่ามฉลาด

L24 TaxesCalculate v. to figure out, to computeCalculation n, calculator n.Deadline n. a time by which something must be finishedFile v. to enter into public record, n. a group of documents or information about a

person or an event


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Fill out v. to completeGive up v. to quit, to stopJoint adj. Together, sharedOwe v. to have a debt. To be obligated to pay เป็�นัหนั�1Owner n. owing gerundPenalty n. a punishment, a consequencePenalize v.ลงโที่ษ penal เก��ยว่ก�บการลงโที่ษ adj.Prepare v. to make readyPreparation n. preparatory adj.Refund n. the amount paid back, v, to give backSpouse n. a husband or wifeWithhold v. to keep from. To refrain from ระง�บ,ย�บย�1ง

L25 Financial StatementsDesired adj. Wished or longed for คว่ามต�องการ,Desire n. v. คว่ามต�องการ,Detail v. to report or relate minutely or in particularsForecast n, a prediction of a future event .v. to estimate or calculate in advanceLevel n. a relative position or rank on a scaleOverall adj. Regarded as a whole, generalPerspective n. a mental view or outlook คว่ามสามารถูในัการมองที่ะล$ในัเหต$การณ์(Projected adj. Estimated, or predicted based or present data ซฺ)�งว่างแผนัไว่�Project n. v.Realistic adj. Tending to or expressing an awareness of things as they really areReality n. realistic adj.Target v. to establish as a goal, n. a goalTranslation n. the act or process of translatingTranslate v. translatable adj.Typical adj. Conforming to a typeYield n. an amount produced, v. to produce a profit ให�ผล,ผล�ต,ให�

L26 Property and departmentAdjacent adj. next to ใกล�,ช�ด, ต�ดต�อก�นั,Collaboration n. the act pf working with someoneCollaborate v. collaboration n.Concentrate v. to focus, to think aboutConducive adj. Contributing to, leading to ม�ส�ว่นัช�ว่ย,นั�าไป็ซฺ)�งDisrupt v. to interrupt, to disturb ที่�าให�ย$�งเหย�ง,ที่�าให�ส�บสนั,รบกว่นัDisruption n. disruptive adj. การที่�าให�แตกแยกออกเป็�นัช�1นัๆHamper v. to impede or interfere ที่�าให�ชะง�ก,หย$ดย�1ง,Inconsiderate adj. Rude, impolite. ไม�เกรงใจ้, ไม�ค�านั)งถู)งคนัอ2�นั,Lobby n. an anteroom, foyer, or waiting roomMove up v. to advance, improve positionOpen to adj. Receptive to, vulnerable เตร�ยมพัร�อมที่��จ้ะร�บOpt v. to choose, to decide on เล2อก,ค�ดเล2อกOption n. optimal adj.Scrutinize v. to look at carefully and closely พั�นั�จ้พั�เคราะห(,ตรว่จ้สอบอย�างละเอ�ยดScrutiny n. inscrutable adj.

L27 Board Meetings and committeesAdhere to v. to follow, to pay attention to ย)ดม��นัAgenda n. a list of topics to be discussedBring up v. to introduce a topicConclude v. to stop, to come to a decisionConclusion n. conclusive adj.


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Go ahead v. to proceed with, n. permission to do something การอนั$ญาตให�ด�าเนั�นัการต�อไป็Goal n. objective, purposeLengthy adj. Long in time, duration, or distance ยาว่มากMatter n. an item, issue, topic of interestPeriodically adv. From time to timePeriod n.  periondic adj.Priority n. something of importance, something that should be done before other

thingsPrioritize v. prior adj.Progress n. a movement forward, v. to move forward on something, especially work or

a projectProgression n. progressive adj.Waste b. not to use wisely, n. not worthwhile.

L28 Quality controlBrand n. an identifying mark or label, a trademarkConform v. to match specifications or qualities ที่�าให�เข�าก�บ,ที่�าตามDefect n. an imperfection or flawDefect n. defective adj.Enhance v. to make more attractive or valuableGarment n. an article of clothingInspect v. to look at closely, to examine carefully or officiallyInspection n. inspector n.Perceive v. to notice, to become aware of, to see ส�งเกต,มองเห3นัPerception n. perceptive adj.Repel v. to keep away, to fight against ข�บไล�Repellent n. adj.Take back b. to return something, to withdraw or retract ส�งกล�บ, ส�งค2นั,Throw out v. to dispose of Uniform adj. Consistent in form or appearanceWrinkle n. a crease, ridge, or furrow, especially in skin or fabric รอยย�นั,รอยย�บ,

L29 Product DevelopmentAnxious adj. Worried ห�ว่งใย,นั�าห�ว่งAnxiety n. anxiously adv.Ascertain v. to discover, to find out for certain เสาะหา, ค�นัคว่�าAssume v. to take upon oneself, to believe to be trueAssumed adj. Assumption n.Decade n. a period of ten yearsExamine v. to interrogate, to scrutinize ที่ดสอบ,ตรว่จ้สอบExperiment v. to try out a new procedure or idea, n. a test or trialExperimentation n. experimental adj.Logical adj. formally valid, using orderly reasoningResearch n. the act of collecting in formation about a particular subjectResponsibility n. taskResponsible adj. Responsibly adv.Solve v. to find a solution, explanation, or answerSupervisor n. an administrator in chargeSystematic adj. Methodical in procedure, organized เป็�นัระบบ

L30 Renting and LeasingApprehensive adj. Anxious about the future หว่��นัว่�าบางส��งบางอย�างอาจ้เก�ดข)1นั,กล�ว่Apprehend v. apprehension n.Circumstance n. a condition, a situation สถูานัการณ์(Condition n. the state of something, a requirement


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Conditional adj. Condition v.Due to prep. Because ofFluctuate v. to go up and down, to change ผ�นัแป็ร,ข)1นัๆ,ลงๆFluctuation n. fluctuating gerund.Get out of v. to escape, to exit เล�กIndicator n. a sign, a signalIndicate v. indication n.Lease n. a contract to pay to use property for an amount of time, v. to make a

contract to use property n. ส�ญญาเช�าLock into v. to commit, to be unable to changeOccupancy n. the state of being or living in a certain place การครอบครอง การอาศั�ยอย&�Option n. a choice, an alternativeSubject to adj. Under legal power, dependent ม�แนัว่โนั�มไป็ส&�, ม�ที่�าว่�าจ้ะไป็ส&�

L31 Selecting a RestaurantAppeal adj., to be attractive or interesting ร�องขอ,อ�อนัว่อนัArrive v., to reach a destinationCompromise n., a settlement of differences in which each side makes concessionsDaring adj., to have the courage required กล�า,อาจ้หาญ,Familiar adj., often encountered or seen; commonGuide n., one who leads, directs, or gives adviceGuidance n., guidable adj.,Majority n., the greater number or part ส�ว่นัใหญ�,ส�ว่นัมากMix v., to combine or blend into one mass; n., a combinationMixture n., mixable adj.,Rely v., to have confidence in; to depend onReliability n., reliable adj.,Secure v., to get possession of; to obtainSubjective adj., particular to a given person; highly personal; not objective ข)1นัอย&�ก�บต�ว่บ$คคลSuggest v., to offer for consideration or actionSuggestion n., suggestible adj.,

L32 Eating outBasic adj., serving as a starting point or basisComplete adj., having all necessary or normal parts, components, or stepsCompletion n., completely adv.,Excite v., to arouse an emotionExcitement n., exciting adj.,Flavor n., a distinctive taste รส,กล��นั,รสชาต�Forget v., to be unable to rememberForgetful adj., forgettable adj., ชอบล2ม,สะเพัร�า,ไม�สนัใจ้Ingredient n., an element in a mixtureJudge v., to form an opinionMix-up n., a confusion; v., to confuse ง$นังง, ส�บสนัPatron n., a customer, especially a regular customer n. ผ&�อ$ป็การะ,ผ&�อ$ดหนั$นั,ล&กค�าPredict v., to state, tell about, or make known in advancePrediction n., predictable adv.,Random adj., having no specific pattern, purpose, or objectiveRemind v., to cause to remember

L 33 Ordering LunchBurdensome adj., of or like a burden; onerous ยากล�าบาก,ย$�งยากCommon adj., widespread, frequent, usualIn common n., commonlyDelivery n., the act of conveying or delivering


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Elegant adj., exhibiting refined, tasteful beauty งดงาม,เก:Elegance n., elegantly adv.,Fall to v., to become one’s responsibility เร��มก�นั ลงม2อImpress v., to affect strongly, often favorablyImpression n., impressionable adj.,Individual adj., by or for one person; special; particularIndividualize v., individually adv.,List n., a series of names, words, or other items; v., to make a listMultiple adj., having, relating to , or consisting of more than one partNarrow v., to limit or restrict; adj., limited แคบ,จ้�าก�ดPick up v., to take on passengers or freight ร�บข)1นัรถูSettle v., to make compensation for, to pay; to choose จ้�ายเง�นั,ช�าระ

L34 Cooking as a career

Accustom to v., to become familiar with, to become used to ที่�าให�ค$�นัเคยApprentice n., a student worker in a chosen field v., ผ&�ฝึ<กงานั,เด3กฝึ<กงานัApprenticeship n.,Culinary adj., relating to the kitchen or cooking เก��ยว่ก�บคร�ว่,เก��ยว่ก�บการที่�าอาหารDemanding adj., requiring much effort or attention เร�ยกร�องมากเก�นัคว่รDraw v., to cause to come by attracting ด)งออก,ช�กนั�าIncorporate v., to unite one thing with something else already in existence รว่มก�นั (รว่มต�ว่ก�นั)Incorporation n., incorporating gerund.,Influx n., a flowing in การไหลเข�าMethod n., a procedureMethodology n., methodical adj.,Outlet n., a means of release or gratification, as for energies, drives, or desires ที่างออกProfession n., an occupation requiring considerable training and specialized study อาช�พัProfessional adj., professionally adv.,Relinquish v., to let go; to surrender ละที่�1ง สละส�ที่ธิ์�>Theme n., an implicit or recurrent idea; a motif เนั21อหาส�าค�ญ สาระส�าค�ญ

L35 EventsAssist v., to give help or support to Assistance n., assistant n.Coordinate v., to adjust or arrange parts to work togetherDimension n., a measure of width, height, or length ขนัาดกว่�างยาว่และหนัาExact adj., characterized by accurate measurements or inferences ถู&กต�อง,เที่��ยงGeneral adj., involving only the main feature rather than precise detailsGeneralize v., generally adv.,Ideal adj., imaginary; existing as a perfect model เพั�อฝึ7นั, เก��ยว่ก�บอ$ดมการณ์(Idealize v., ideally adv.Lead time n., the time between the initial stage of a project and the appearance of

resultsPlan n., a scheme for making something happen; v., to formulate a schemeProximity n., the state, quality, sense, or fact of being near or next to; closeness บร�เว่ณ์ที่��

ใกล�เค�ยงก�นัRegulation n., rules, laws, or controls; v., to control Regulate v., regulatory adj.,Site n., a place or settingStage v., to exhibit or present

L36 General TravelAgency n., an establishment engaged in doing business


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Announcement n., a public notificationAnnounce v., announcer n.,Beverage n., a drink other than plain waterBlanket n., ผ�าห�ม a covering for keeping warm, especially during sleep; any full

coverage; v., to cover uniformly ห�ม,คล$มBoard v., to enter a boat, plane, or train; to furnish to see the roads v.,Onboard adj.,Claim v., to take as rightful; to retrieveDelay v., to postpone until a later time; n., the period of time during which one is

delayed n.,Embark v., to go onboard a flight or ship; to begin เอาลงเร2อ,เอาข)1นัเคร2�องบ�นั,Itinerary n., a proposed rout for a journey, showing dates and means of travelProhibit v., to forbid by authority or to preventValid adj., having legal efficacy or correctnessValidate v., validation n.,

L37 AirlinesDeal with v., phrase, to attend to; mange; to see to ต�ดต�อเก��ยว่ข�องก�นัDestination n., the place to which one is going or directedDistinguish v., to make noticeable or different ที่�าให�แตกต�าง,จ้�าแนัก,ร& �ถู)งข�อแตกต�างDistinguishable adj., distinguishably adv.,Economical adj., intended to save money, time, or effortEconomy n., economize v.,Equivalent adj., equal ม�ค�าเที่�าก�นัExcursion n., a pleasure trip; a trip at a reduced fare การเด�นัที่างระยะส�1นั,การเด�นัที่างพั�เศัษExpensive adj., marked by high pricesExpense n., expensively adv.,Extend v., to make longer; to offerProspective adj., likely to become or be อนัาคต,ซฺ)�งหว่�งไว่�Situation n., the combination of circumstances at a given momentSubstantial adj., considerable in importance, value degree amount, or extent มากมาย,ย��งใหญ�Substance n., substantially adv.,System n., a functionally related group of elements

L38 TrainsComprehensive adj., covering broadly; inclusive กว่�างขว่าง,ครอบคล$มComprehensiveness n., comprehensively adv.,Deluxe adj., noticeably luxurious หร&หราDirectory n., a book or collection of information or directionsDuration n., the time during which something lastsEntitle v., to allow or qualify ให�ส�ที่ธิ์�Fare n., the money paid for transportationOffset v., to counterbalance ถู�ว่งให�เที่�าก�นัOperate v., to perform a functionOperation n., operational adj.,Punctual adj., prompt ตรงต�อเว่ลาPunctuality n., punctually adv.,Relatively adv., somewhat ค�อนัข�างRemainder n., the remaining partRemote adj., far removedRemoteness n., remotely adv.,

L39 HotelsAdvance n., a move forwardChain n, a group of enterprises under a single control


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Check in v., to register at a hotel; to report one’s presenceConfirm v., to validateConfirmation n., confirmed adj.,Expect v., to consider probable or reasonableExpectation n., expectant adj.,Housekeeper n., someone employed to do domestic workNotify v., to reportPreclude v., to make impossible; to rule out ที่�าให�เป็�นัไป็ไม�ได�Quote v., to give exact information on; n., a quotationQuotation n., quotable adj.,Rate n., the payment or price according to a standardReserve v., to set asideReservation n., in reserve n.,Service n., useful functions

L40 Car RentalsBusy adj., engaged in activityCoincide v., to happen at the same time เก�ดข)1นัพัร�อมก�นั,Coincidence n., coincidentally adv.,Confusion n., a lack of clarity, order, or understandingContact v., to get in touch withDisappoint v., to fail to satisfy the hope, desire, or expectation ofIntend v., to have in mindIntention n., intent adj.,License n., the legal permission to do or own a specified thingNervous adj., easily agitated or distressed; uneasy or apprehensive เก�ดข)1นัพัร�อมก�นั,Nervousness n., nervously adv., Optional adj., not compulsory or automaticTempt v., to be inviting or attractive to ช�กนั�า, ด)งด&ด,Temptation n., tempting adj.,Thrill n., the source or cause of excitement or emotion ส��งที่��ที่�าให�ต2�นัเต�นัเร�าใจ้Tier n., a rank or class แถูว่,ช�1นั,ระด�บ

L41 MoviesAttain v., to achieveAttainment n., attainable adj.,Combine v., to come togetherContinue v., to maintain without interruptionContinuation n., continual adj.,Description n., a representation in words or picturesDescribe v., descriptive adj., Disperse v., to spread widely, to scatter ที่�าให�กระจ้ายไป็Entertainment n., a diverting performance or activityEntertain v., entertaining adj.,Influence v., to alter or affectRange n., the scopeRelease v., to make available to the pubic; to give permission for performanceRepresent v., to typify แที่นั,พั&ดแที่นั,เป็�นัต�ว่แที่นัSeparate adj., detached; kept apartSuccessive adj., following in order

L42 TheaterActing n., the series (连续,系列) of events that form the plot of a story or play


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Approach v. เข�าใกล�, ป็ระช�ด to go near; to come close to in appearance or quality; n., a way or means of reaching something

Approachable adj., approach n.,Audience n., the spectators at a performanceCreate v., to produce through artistic or imaginative effortCreation n., creative adj.,Dialogue n., a conversation between two or more personsElement n., fundamental or essential constituent ป็7จ้จ้�ยส�าค�ญExperience n., an event or a series of events participated in or lived through v.,Experienced adj., Occur v., to take place; to come aboutPerform v., to act before an audience, to give a public presentation of Performance n., performer n.,Rehearse (排演,预演) v., to practice in preparation for a public performance; to direct in

rehearsal ซฺ�อมละคร ดนัตร�Review n., a critical estimate of a work or performance; v., writing a criticism of a

performanceSold out adj., having all tickets or accommodations completely sold, especially ahead

of time; v., to sell all the tickets

L43 MusicAvailable adj., ready for use; willing to serveBroad adj., covering a wide scope(活动范围)Category n., a division in a system of classification; a general class of ideasCategorize v., categorical adj.,Disparate(全异的) adj., fundamentally distinct or different ที่��ไม�เหม2อนัก�นัDivide v., to separate into partsFavorite adj., preferredFavorable adj., favorably adv.,Instinct n., an inborn pattern that is a powerful motivation ส�ญชาตญาณ์Preference n., someone or something liked over another or others การชอบมากกว่�าPrefer v., preferential adj.,Reason n., the basis or motive for a action; an underlying fact or causeRelaxation n., the act of reacting or the state of being relaxed; refreshment of body or

mindRelax v., relaxed adj.,Taste n., the ability to discern what is excellent or appropriateUrge(促进,催促) v., to advocate earnestly; a., a natural desire เร�ง,กระต$�นั

L44 MuseumsAcquire v., to gain possession of; to get by one’s own effortsAdmire v., to regard with pleasure; to have esteem or respect forCollection n., a group of objects or works to be seen, studied, or kept togetherCollect v., collector n.,Criticism n., an evaluation, especially of literary or other artistic works การว่�จ้ารณ์(Criticize v., critic n.,Express v., to give an opinion or depict emotion แสดงเป็�นัค�าพั&ด,Fashion n., the prevailing style or customLeisure ล�'เชอะ n., freedom from time-consuming duties; free time เว่ลาว่�างRespond v., to make a reply; to reactResponse n., responsive adj.,Schedule n., a list of times of events; v., to enter on a scheduleSignificant adj., meaningful; having a major effect; importantSpecialize v., to concentrate on a particular activity


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Specialist n., specialized adj.,Spectrum n., a range of related qualities, ideas, or activities แถูบแสงแยกส�

L45 MediaAssignment n., v., something, such as a task, that is assignedChoose v., to select one thing over anotherChoice n., choosy adj.,Constant n., something that is unchanging or invariable จ้�านัว่นัคงที่��, ป็ร�มาณ์คงที่��Constitute(制定,建立) n., to be the elements or parts of ป็ระกอบเป็�นัDecisive adj., characterized by decision and firmness แน่�วแน่�, เด็�ด็ขาด็Disseminate(散布) v., to scatter widely; to distribute ที่�าให�กระจ้�ดกระจ้าย,Impact n., a strong, immediate impressionIn depth adj., in complete detail; thorough ล)กซฺ)1ง, ถู��ถู�ว่นัInvestigativeadj., specializing in uncovering and reporting hidden informationInvestigation n., investigate v.,Link n., an association; a relationshipSubscribe v., to receive a periodical regularly on orderSubscription n., subscribers n.,Thorough (十分的,彻底的) adj., exhaustively complete เธิ์อ' โร adj. ถู��ถู�ว่นั,ที่��ว่ไป็หมดThoroughness n., thoroughly adv.,

L46 Doctor’s OfficeAnnual adj., yearlyAppointmentn., arrangements for a meeting; a position in a professionAssess v., to determine the value or rate of somethingAssessment n., assessable adj.,Diagnose v., to recognize a disease; to analyze the nature of something ว่�นั�จ้ฉ�ย,ตรว่จ้โรค,Diagnosis n., diagnostic adj.,Effective adj., producing the desired effect; being in effectInstrument n., a tool for precise work; the means whereby something is achievedManage v., to handle; to deal with; to guidePrevent v., to keep from happening; to hinderPrevention n., preventiveRecommend v., to present as worthy; to endorseRecommendation n., recommendable adj.,Record(挡案) v., to set down in writing; n., a official copy of documentsRefer v., to direct for treatment or information; to mentionSerious adj., weighty

L47 Dentist’s officeAware adj., having knowledgeCatch up v., to bring up to date จ้�บก$ม, เกาะต�ดDistraction n., the act of being turned away from the focus ภาว่ะจ้�ตว่�าว่$ �นั, ส��งที่��ที่�าให�เส�ยสมาธิ์�Distract v., distracted adj., Encouragement n., inspiration or support การให�ก�าล�งใจ้, การสนั�บสนั$นัEvident adj., easily seen or understood; obvious ช�ดแจ้�ง ที่��บ�งบอกได�ช�ดEvidence n., evidently adv., Habit n., a customary manner or practiceHabitual adj., habitually adv.,Illuminate(照明,照亮) v., to provide or brighten with light ให�คว่ามสว่�าง,

Irritate(激怒,刺激) v., to chafe or inflame, to bother ที่�าให�โกรธิ์Irritation n., irritable adj.,Overview n., a summary; a survey; a quick look


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Position n., the right or appropriate placeRegularly adv., occurring at fixed intervalsRestore v., to bring back to an original condition

L48 Health InsuranceAllow v., to let do or happen; to permitAllowance n., allowable adj., จ้�านัว่นัเง�นัที่��ให�(ส�าหร�บใช�จ้�าย)Alternative n., the choice between two mutually exclusive possibilitiesAlternate v., alternatively adv., สล�บก�นั, ผล�ดก�นั,Aspect n., a feature element; an appearance ล�กษณ์ะ,ร&ป็ร�างหนั�าตาConcern v., to be of interest or importance toEmphasize v., to stress เนั�นั,ให�คว่ามส�าค�ญEmphasis n., emphatic adj.,Incur招致 v., to acquire or come into ก�อให�เก�ด, ที่�าให�เก�ดPersonnel n., a group of employees or workersPolicy n., a set of rules and regulationsPortion一部分 n., a section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a wholeRegardless adv., in spite of ไม�ระม�ดระว่�ง,ไม�ค�านั)งถู)งSalary n., a fixed compensation paid regularly for work done; one’s paySuitable adj., appropriate to a purpose or an occasionSuit v., suitably adv., L49 HospitalsAdmit v., to permit to enter ให�เข�า,ร�บเข�าAdmittance n., admission n., Authorization n., the act of sanctioningDesignate v., to indicate or specify ก�าหนัด,ระบ$Designation n., designator n.,Escort n., a person accompanying another to guide or protect ผ&�ที่��ไป็เป็�นัเพั2�อนั,ผ&�ค$�ม

ก�นั Identify v., to ascertain the name or belongings ofIdentifiable adj., identification n.,Missing n., an inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a servicePermit v., to allowPermissible adj., permission n., Pertinent adj., having relevance to the matter at hand เข�าเร2�อง,เก��ยว่ข�องProcedure n., a series of steps taken to accomplish an endResult n., an outcomeStatement n., an accounting showing an amount due; a billUsual adj., ordinary, expected เป็�นัธิ์รรมดา,เป็�นัป็กต� L50 PharmacyConsult v., to seek advice or information ofConsultation n., consultative adj., Control v., to exercise authoritative or dominating influenceConvenient adj., suited or favorable to one’s purpose; easy to reachConvenience n., conveniently adv.,Detect v., to discover or ascertainDetection n., detectable adj.,Factor n., a contribution to an accomplishment, a result, or a processInteraction n., an influence; a mutual activityLimit n., the point beyond which something cannot proceedMonitor v., to keep track ofPotential adj., capable of being but not ye in existence; possibleSample n., a portion, piece, or segment that is representative of a wholeSense n., a judgment; an intellectual interpretation


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Volunteer n., one who performs a service without pay; v., to perform as a volunteerVolunteerism n., voluntary adj.,