TOGETHER A word from our Rector Dear Friends, Once again, I have two messages to share. Here’s the first: This month for Thursdays at Three, Sara Fry and I are again offering the “Taking Care of Business” series, which deals with planning for important end-of-life issues, including up-to-date information on health care options, as well as funeral and estate planning. Those who have participated previously have given this series very high marks. Planning ahead in these areas is a real gift we can give to ourselves and to those we love. More information is inside this issue of Together. And now, the second: The second of our very special Angelica Center speakers for this year will be with us very soon. Kathleen Norris will be speaking at the Church of the Holy Spirit on Saturday, June 8, at 2:00 p.m. The title of her talk is: So What If God Exists? To Say God Is Love Is Like Saying Eat WheatiesHere’s a fuller description of her presentation: “Thomas Merton, a prophet of language, made the famous “Wheaties” comment referenced in the title of this talk in the early 1960s, but his perception that the language of the hard sell was endangering the language of poetry and faith is even more relevant today. So what if God exists? is a question that Christians must engage with today, in a culture that is increasingly focused on materialism and the bottom line. What difference does God’s existence make in our lives, in our churches, in our neighborhoods? And how can we speak of our faith in a way that invites others to engage with us?” It is such a remarkable blessing to have Kathleen Norris with us. Tickets are available for a suggested donation of $20. However, we don’t want anyone to stay away because of cost! Nevertheless, because seating is limited we do ask people to reserve tickets ahead of time. (We cannot guarantee that tickets will be available “at the door.”) To reserve your tickets please call or e-mail: 508-255-2656 [email protected] You’ll find further information on Norris in various places in this issue of Together. Once again, she is an outstanding speaker not only for those active in church, but also for those seeking their way in the Spirit. Bring a friend! Yours in Christ, Adam + THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 204 MONUMENT ROAD, ORLEANS, MASSACHUSETTS 02653 June 2013

TOGETHER - Church of the Holy Spirit | Orleans, Cape Cod

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A word from our Rector

Dear Friends,

Once again, I have two messages to share. Here’s the first:

This month for Thursdays at Three, Sara Fry and I are again offering the “Taking

Care of Business” series, which deals with planning for important end-of-life issues,

including up-to-date information on health care options, as well as funeral and estate

planning. Those who have participated previously have given this series very high marks.

Planning ahead in these areas is a real gift we can give to ourselves and to those we love.

More information is inside this issue of Together.

And now, the second:

The second of our very special Angelica Center speakers for this year will be with us very

soon. Kathleen Norris will be speaking at the Church of the Holy Spirit on Saturday,

June 8, at 2:00 p.m. The title of her talk is: “So What If God Exists? To Say God Is

Love Is Like Saying Eat Wheaties”

Here’s a fuller description of her presentation:

“Thomas Merton, a prophet of language, made the famous “Wheaties” comment

referenced in the title of this talk in the early 1960s, but his perception that the language of

the hard sell was endangering the language of poetry and faith is even more relevant today.

So what if God exists? is a question that Christians must engage with today, in a culture

that is increasingly focused on materialism and the bottom line. What difference does

God’s existence make in our lives, in our churches, in our neighborhoods? And how can

we speak of our faith in a way that invites others to engage with us?”

It is such a remarkable blessing to have Kathleen Norris with us.

Tickets are available for a suggested donation of $20. However, we don’t want anyone to

stay away because of cost! Nevertheless, because seating is limited we do ask people to

reserve tickets ahead of time. (We cannot guarantee that tickets will be available “at the


To reserve your tickets please call or e-mail:

508-255-2656 [email protected]

You’ll find further information on Norris in various places in this issue of Together. Once

again, she is an outstanding speaker not only for those active in church, but also for those

seeking their way in the Spirit. Bring a friend!

Yours in Christ,

Adam +








































June 2013


A word from our Pastoral Associate

“What is the duty of all Christians?”

“The duty of all Christians is to follow Christ; to come together week by week for the corporate worship; and

to work, pray, and give for the spread of the kingdom of God.” (BCP 856)

Well, here we are - ordination month. I continue to feel profoundly blessed to join in this time of anticipation

along with all of you. I ask for your continued prayers as we all prepare for this month’s ordination. This has

very much been a shared journey. It’s difficult to imagine this journey towards ordination without the support

of all of you. A million thanks for all of your support. I would love to have as many of you as possible at the

ordination on June 22.

As I continue to do my part in preparing for ordination, I was reminded that those who are ordained are called

to live into our vows, just like we are all called to live into our baptismal vows. It has been said, “God doesn’t

call the worthy. God makes worthy the called.” To put it another way, “God doesn’t call the qualified. God

qualifies the called.” God has made all of us worthy to carry out the work God has given each of us to do and

we are all called to carry out God’s mission in many different ways. As Father Adam has reminded us, God’s

mission for us starts with our heart. The more we deepen our love for God, the more our hearts will be moved

to deepen our love towards humanity.

It is with great joy and anticipation that I look forward to the further development of our ministry together.

May we all continue to discern our ministries, both together and individually.

In the love of Christ,


You are Invited! to

Sarah Kelb’s Ordination to the Transitional Diaconate on

Saturday June 22nd at 10:30 a.m. at

St. Paul’s Cathedral in Boston

If you are interested in travelling there on a bus together with other parishioners please

sign up on the list in the Reception Room (any costs to be determined.)


Vestry Highlights May, 2013

RECTOR’S REPORT: Reviewed June activity schedule; submitted the Parochial Report for 2012, which was

received and approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Jack Nixon, Treasurer, was not present, but did send the monthly budget report

which was accepted unanimously.


Church School and Youth Group: Last class is June 9.

Adult Education: Plans continue to evolve for summer series. The Thursdays at Three presentations on the

beginnings of the Anglican Church, the Book of Common Prayer by John and Jill Holmes were most

interesting, as was Adam’s leading of a Eucharist of 1559.

Angelica Center: On June 8 the next event will be speaker Kathleen Norris. This promises to be another

wonderful opportunity to attend, and/or invite a friend, to what should prove to be a lively and most

worthwhile afternoon at CHS.


Welcoming Committee: At the monthly meeting discussion was held regarding several people who need to be

welcomed with baskets in the near future

Pathfinders: Five new groups were formed and “team leaders” selected to initiate the first gatherings. The

committee addressed some of the parish ministries that had requested input of possible new members for their


Lay Pastoral Care: More drivers are needed for various services. There are 2 meetings remain for the Men’s

Lunch before the July/August break. Living with Loss monthly meeting was well attended. More EV services

in additional facilities should be considered.


Outreach: June 2nd there will be a fund raiser for Habitat for Humanity that will include a silent auction.

Justice and Peace: The Fair Trade coffee is now being used for coffee hour; beginning July 18 from 6:30 -7:30

a 7 week course “Living the Question” will be offered.

Building and Grounds: Bids have been sent out for installing automatic door openers.

Administration: Sue Sasso is working on The Every Member Conversation stewardship program. There will

be a CPR class offered on June 15 for using the 2 defibrillators we have.

Personnel Committee: Working on job descriptions.

NEXT REGULAR VESTRY MEETING: Thursday, June 20, 2013, at 7:00 pm in the Fireplace Room

Carol Call, Clerk

[Vestry Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month and anyone is welcome to attend. Please let

the Rector or a Warden know in advance if you wish to raise any items.]

Office Corner

Summer Together deadline: Monday June 10. We are planning a summer issue to cover July and August

events, so please submit your articles accordingly.

Paperless Together: Please let us know if you do not need the paper version of Together sent to you (email

[email protected].) We will send out the link to Together on the we-site.

Group Leaders: Please turn off lights, turn UP air conditioning according to the labels by the thermostats, and

lock up if it is outside normal hours (9-3 Monday through Thursday and 9-12 on Fridays.). This is your



Kathleen Norris at CHS on Saturday, June 8, 2013!

Kathleen Norris, renowned author and preacher, is the next speaker in the

Speakers Series, sponsored by the Angelica Center for Spiritual Living. She will

be speaking at 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall on Saturday June 8th and will take

questions afterwards. She will also be preaching at the 10:00 a.m. service on

Sunday, June 9th.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Kathleen Norris.

Contact Tom Dewing for tickets, suggested contribution $20, 508-255-2656, [email protected]

Some extracts from Kathleen’s books:

“Maybe the desert wisdom of the Dakotas can teach us to love anyway, to love what is dying, in the face of

death, and not pretend that things are other than they are. The irony and wonder of all of this is that it is the

desert’s grimness, its stillness and isolation, that brings us back to love.”

“For me, walking in a hard Dakota wind can be like staring at the ocean: humbled before its immensity, I also

have a sense of being at home on this planet, my blood so like the sea in chemical composition, my every cell

partaking of air. I live about as far from the sea as is possible in North America, yet I walk in a turbulent

ocean. Maybe that child was right when he told me that the world is upside-down here, and this is where

angels drown.” Dakota: A Spiritual Geography

“Laundry, liturgy and women’s work all serve to ground us in the world, and they need not grind us down.”

“The ordinary activities I find most compatible with contemplation are walking, baking bread, and doing

laundry.” The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and Woman’s Work

“For grace to be grace, it must give us things we didn't know we needed and take us places where we didn’t

know we didn’t want to go. As we stumble through the crazily altered landscape of our lives, we find that God

is enjoying our attention as never before.”

“The very nature of marriage means saying yes before you know what it will cost. Though you may say the ‘I

do’ of the wedding ritual in all sincerity, it is the testing of that vow over time that makes you married.”

Acedia & Me: A Marriage, Monks, and a Writer’s Life

“I was taught that I had to ‘master’ subjects. But who can ‘master’ beauty, or peace, or joy?” The Psalms

The following speaker, and last of this Speakers Series, is Walter Brueggemann on July 27.

Adult Education Sunday at 9:00 a.m. - Parish Hall

June 2: Habitat for Humanity special presentation on the upcoming Orleans projects

Forums with Father Adam: “Almost Everything (well, maybe not quite) You Wanted to Know About…”

This is a four-week series on lively theological topics of current interest. Adam will offer

an opening presentation, followed by conversation. Please join us!

June 9: “Atonement: What Can We Mean when We Say that Jesus Died for Us on the


June 16: “Why Do We (Still) Say the Nicene Creed?”

June 23: “Holy Communion: Why Do We Do What We Do?”

June 30: “Holy Communion: Who Is Invited?”


Thursdays at Three 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. - Parish Hall


A Four-Session Course on Everything You Need to Know About End-of-Life Choices, Funeral Planning,

Cremations, Burials, Funeral Home Arrangements, Wills, Trusts, and Planned Giving

June 6 – Making and Communicating End-of-Life Choices: Moderator, Sara T. Fry, Coordinator of

Health & Parish Nursing Ministries

Deciding the kind of care you want at the end-of-life; Selecting a health care proxy; Writing out your wishes;

Communicating your wishes to family, physician, & pastor

June 13 – Practical Funeral Planning Methods: Moderator, Fr. Adam S. Linton, Rector

Funerals versus memorial services; Wakes/viewings; Writing your obituary; Planning who gives the eulogy/

homily; Church/pastor/music costs

June 20 – The Funeral Liturgy & Legal Documents: Moderator, Fr. Adam S. Linton, Rector

Theology; Liturgical choices; Selecting music; Selecting scripture to be read; Reception planning

Wills, Trusts, and Planned Giving: Mr. Wes Dreher, Chair, Planned Giving Committee

June 27 – Funeral Home Planning and Record Keeping: Moderator, Fr. Adam S. Linton, Rector

Keeping a record of your funeral arrangements on file at The Church of the Holy Spirit

Funeral Home Planning: Mark Conroy, Pre-need Director, Nickerson Funeral Homes

Pre-need Planning; Wake/viewing arrangements; Cremation arrangement; Body Donation; Costs

Please join us for this informative program and please feel free to bring a friend.

Education for Ministry (EfM) – Sign up now!

Have you ever wanted to read the Old Testament and really try to understand it? Do you have questions about

God and what you believe or don’t believe? The EfM Program is a great place to search for answers – it’s a

journey of study, reflection, small group experience, and laughter!

EfM is a four-year journey (one year at a time) of study and reflection into the Old

and New Testaments, Church History and the development of Christian Theology,

following the EfM curriculum from the School of Theology (Episcopal) at the

University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee. We meet for about 3 hours each

week for 36 weeks, September through May, and have wonderful discussions on

the information we have read, and on what that raises for us.

If you have any interest in knowing more about EfM, please talk to one of the two Mentors (below) or any

member of the current EfM group: Kathy Goddard, Darlene Hagon, Cindy Hughes, Ginny Lucil, Nancy

Ludewig, Wilma Morris, Pat Powell, Georgia Schneider, Phil Suraci, Margaret Rappaport, or Brian Ridgeway.

Think and talk to people now, and sign-up by the end of June!

Co-Mentors: Celia Calhoun and Sharon Inger


EfM Alumni Program

A new Alumni Program for Graduates of EFM is being developed to begin in the Fall.

The program will include Worship, Study, Reflection and Fellowship, and will meet

twice a month for two hour sessions. Much more information will follow in the next

few months.

If you are interested in this new program, please get in touch with the coordinators:

Wilma Morris 508-432-6733 and Page McMahan 508-255-0831.

Stewardship Corner


You will find many hits from a web search for the definition of “Conversation”. One that

seems to capture it well is as follows:

“Conversation is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more

people who are following rules of etiquette. It is polite give and take of subjects thought

of by people talking with each other for company.”…Funk & Wagnalls Company.

Synonyms include talk, chat, discussion, dialogue and exchange. What is central to each of

these words’ definition is that the communication is informal and between two or more people.

Jesus walked and conversed with the people along the way. Through his teachings he gave the Disciples the

tools to converse and spread the Good News.

The Church of the Holy Spirit is conducting an “Every Member Conversation”. In the Fall, you will be invited

to participate in a small group gathering in a parishioner’s home. We will share a vision for our parish as well

as discuss what we need to do to achieve our goals.

Please make every effort to respond to your invitation and to attend one of these sessions.

“The true spirit of conversation consists in building on

another man's observation, not overturning it.” Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton

Do you want to make a financial pledge to The Church of the Holy Spirit?

Do you need 2013 Offertory Envelopes?

Please contact the Parish Office.

Parish Census

In June, a “Parish Census” questionnaire will be sent to your home. The information we gather from your

responses will enable us to update our Parish Registry. Please take the time to complete and return this

important document. If you do not receive one in the mail, please contact the parish office.

Luncheon for Women Thursday, June 6 at 12 Noon

Last luncheon until the fall - come join us! Bring a sandwich to share, call Peter Blank,

508-760-1516 if you need a ride.

Volunteers for the day: Anne Crocker, Betty Daiute, Sandy Marshall, Joan Proctor

and Sue Stevens.


Justice & Peace

During 2012 congregations, schools and individuals participating in selling FAIR TRADE coffee in the USA

through the interfaith business, Equal Exchange, sold 750,000 pounds of coffee or 30

MILLION cups of coffee which is equal to the entire annual harvest of 360 organic Fair

Trade family farms! Please buy our Fair Trade coffee and tea in the Parish Hall

display. When you do this you are doing an act of justice which is love at long range.

Copies of our 2nd Advocacy Alert for 2013 on the subject of "A Fair Wage for All," are

located in the Reception room. If you would like to be added to our email list for

Advocacy Alerts speak with Fr. Ken or email him at [email protected].

On Sunday, July 7th, Father Ken will speak at the ADULT FORUM at 9:00 a.m. in the

Parish Hall on the subject of The Episcopal Church's teaching on our call to be ADVOCATES for social

justice. All welcome!

The Nauset Interfaith Mentoring program, matching an adult with an at risk youth for a weekly time

together for study or other activities has begun! Several matches have been made. This program is a

cooperative effort by Nauset Interfaith, The Nauset Regional Middle School, Big Brothers, Big Sisters and

Nauset Together We Can. We have begun with middle school aged youth but expect to extend this to younger

and older children. If interested speak with Father Ken or The Rev. Wesley Williams.

"Living the Questions" a 25 minute per segment film series featuring theologians and scholars arguing for a

progressive, open, inclusive Christianity, will be presented on THURSDAYS at 6:30 p.m. in the LIBRARY

beginning July 18th, and will run for 7 weeks. Each week is a separate unit so come when you can. We will

have 30 minutes or so of discussion after each film. The focus is RECONCILIATION. Weekly topics are:

restoring relationships; the prophetic Jesus; evil, suffering and a God of Love; the myth of redemptive

violence; practicing resurrection; debunking the rapture; and honoring creation.

Anyone interested in joining the Justice and Peace Committee should speak to Fr. Ken. We meet monthly on

the second Saturday at 10 a.m. in the library. During the summer we have a picnic at a member's home on

Pleasant Bay in Chatham!

“Free Food for Kids”


Attention teachers, college and high school young people! We have 3 job openings: hours: 10:00 a.m. to

2:00 p.m., July 1 – Aug 23¸ 2013. Rate: $10:00 an hour plus mileage (must have a car and LOVE KIDS!)

Saturday, June 1, 2013: 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon, Gathering Room at Church of the Holy Spirit. The required

training for paid staff and substitutes. Volunteers are especially encouraged to attend. Lunch included!

Sunday, June 2, 2013: Brown bag lunch-all ages, during the coffee hour. See what it will be like out at the

meal sites! You might even find a book coupon in your bag to choose a free children’s book!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013: Table presentation of “Free Food for Kids” at the Episcopal City Mission Annual

Dinner, Boston University

Thursday, June 27, 2013: 1st food delivery day!

Monday, July 1, 2013: Our official start of the program at all meal sites: Chatham, Eastham, Truro, and


Questions please call Ruth Campbell 1-413-537-9200 or email: [email protected].


Toast and Jam Monday, June 10 - Parish Hall


MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2013

Bluegrass and Folk Music Parish Hall, 7 – 9 p.m.

Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

Bring your own supper, snacks, beverages and friends (Beer, wine or soft drinks)

$15 donation per person


Proceeds to benefit church and outreach ministries. Questions? Call Sandy Marshall 508-255-9971.

Featuring :Tim Dickey, Laird Boles and Julie Charland

Men’s Lunch Group Wednesday, June 19 at 12:30 p.m.

The Men's Lunch Group has been meeting from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Fireplace Room every third

Wednesday of the month. We have one more session, June 19, before we break for the summer.

The purpose of the men’s lunch group is to provide a forum where men of the parish can meet together

informally for lunch and general collegiality. The group was founded by one of the two facilitators, Bruce

Lederhouse, a long-term parishioner and organist. The second facilitator is Brian Skea. Group members are

expected to respect the confidentiality of personal material shared in the group. Members bring their own

lunch while snacks and coffee are provided.

All Parish Picnic—June 16

Sponsored by the CHS Shepherd Groups

Sunday~ June 16th ~ 12:30 -3:00 p.m. on the CHS Grounds

Hot Dogs, Hamburgers & Beverages, Plates, Utensils and Condiments, Provided

Come and enjoy gourmet food and scintillating fellowship!

Bring a dish to share as follows:

A-G: Salads

H-O: Side Dishes

P-Z: Desserts

(Bring a hat and sunscreen!)

Please Direct Questions to: Elizabeth Merritt: 508 240-6998 or Jody Mines: 508-255-4058

CPR Saturday, June 15, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. - Parish Hall

CPR Class: For all those interested in learning how to perform basic CPR for beginners

and refreshers, use of defibrillators and some basic first aid there will be a class on

Saturday morning, June 15th in the Parish Hall. If you are parish staff, nurse, teacher,

usher, leader or a junior or a senior who wants to learn how to save the life of your

partner or another, please plan to attend. Please call the parish office to register. There is

a “suggested donation” of $20 to cover costs.


Walking the Labyrinth Friday, June 28

Beginning Friday, June 28 at 10:00 a.m. Margaret Rappaport will facilitate monthly

indoor labyrinth walks in the Parish Hall. Each event will include a brief, informative

talk on the spiritual practice of walking the labyrinth which encourages an inner

equilibrium that gently opens people to God.

On June 28 we will focus on the insight of Boethius who in the 4th century said: "To

see Thee is the end and the beginning, Thou carries us, and Thou dost go before us,

Thou art the journey and the journey's end."

The labyrinth will be available for individual walks from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. that day.

In connection with the facilitated walks on Friday June 28, Friday July 19, Friday August 23 and Friday

September 27, you are welcome to participate in forming a Labyrinth Guild. More information on this

ministry will follow or you may contact Margaret at [email protected].

CHS Library Open House Sunday, June 23

You are invited!


after the 10:00 a.m. Service




Summer Fair Saturday, July 13 - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Save the date!

Join the fun! Sign-up sheets are in the Parish Hall.

We need: Paperback books in good condition – no hardcovers, Children’s books of all kinds, Adult and kids’

games, puzzles, toys, bikes, boogie boards, tennis racquets, swimming equipment, Frisbees, fresh flowers from

your garden.

Drop off your donations beginning June 10 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday -

Thursday. Books will be stored in a classroom downstairs under the Parish Hall.

All other items will be placed in the Craft House.

Returning this year: Children’s Midway, Baked goods plus, Bouquets of fresh

flowers, Cake Walk, Food Court lunch, Church history tours, Galley West kids’

toys, Paperback books & DVDs for kids and adults. Summer games & toys for all.

New this year: Live music from Toast and Jam; Nicki Blodgett and Devon McFadden; and the Lower Cape

Concert Band.

Questions? Call Marcia Bechtold 508-255-0611 or Phil Suraci 508-240-2785.


CHS Artists The Rev. Bill Heuss

Since 1974, Bill drew two cartoon strips about the “lighter” side of life in the church – THE

LAST PEW, which was featured for many years in The Episcopal Times and ORIGINAL

SINNERS, published in the Massachusetts Episcopal Clergy Association newsletter and in

many church periodicals around the country. A collection of his cartoons will be on display

in the CHS Gallery.

Bill is an Episcopal priest, retired after forty years in the parish ministry and most recently as Rector of St.

David’s in South Yarmouth. He and his wife, Margaret Anne, one of our parish nurses, have been coming to

CHS since 2009. Besides serving on the Outreach Committee and the Pastoral Care Committee respectively,

they sing, play the piano, and dance in a group of over-the-hill music lovers called “The Senior Sensations”.

Please come and enjoy this exhibit in the Gallery/Reception room. Questions? Please call Sharyn Laughton

at 508-255-7277.

Galley West - Summer Hours: June through September

Sundays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon

Monday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and Friday 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Thanks to all who have volunteered for the summer schedules. We are delighted to

welcome some new staff members and send our thanks and appreciation to all

volunteers. Your valued support makes it possible for the shop to maintain this

extended schedule. Both winter and summer volunteers have the same goal: to

provide a successful season that enables the Galley West to meet its pledge.

The Free Shop

Every June there is a sign up poster in the CHS Gallery/Reception Room – inviting

THE PARISH & REGULAR LOYAL VOLUNTEERS to choose one Monday or one

Wednesday in July & August to work the Free Shop. The summer months are busy for

everyone so this allows you to work according to your summer lives and is an

opportunity for “new volunteers” to help out! Every Monday (Noon to 3:00 p.m.) and

every Wednesday (10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) – TWO volunteers work – YOU NEVER


The Free Shop is now gladly accepting summer clothing – please NO WINTER

clothing & NO SHOES (unless in almost perfect condition). Thank you for your

donations which can be dropped off any time the Parish Hall is open. If the shop is closed there is a container

outside the Free Shop door.

Kathy Chapman: 508-255-5647 and Sharyn Laughton: 508-255-7277 – Co Directors.


Foyer Groups are Forming

The Pathfinders Team are forming five Foyer Dinner Groups as there are so many parishioners interested in

joining us. There is still room for a few more - if you would like to be part of a group call either Fay and Ike

Cole, 508-255-9542 or Sandy Marshall, 508-255-9971. The first gatherings will be scheduled before the

summer - don't miss out!

"Foyer" group members meet regularly for dinner at each others' houses, taking turns hosting and providing

part of the meal. Group members are assigned to a small group and every few months or so we rotate

membership to allow folks to meet new people. The custom of "Foyer" groups is wide-spread among churches

as a way to help members get to know one another better by inviting them into our "foyers", or homes.

Volunteer Opportunity with Local Lunch/Supper Program

The LOCAL Lunch/Supper Program is sponsored by 10 faith communities on the lower Cape, including The

Church of the Holy Spirit. LOCAL, which serves lunch on Tuesdays and supper on Fridays every week in the

St. Joan of Arc parish hall, has an important volunteer opportunity. Linda Manchon, who has served as Menu

Coordinator for 12 years, will be retiring next September and we are looking for a replacement.

The job is fairly time-consuming, but for the right person it will be both

interesting and gratifying. Duties include compiling a monthly menu based on

food available from the Greater Boston Food Bank, receiving the monthly Food

Bank order at the Harwich pantry and purchasing additional ingredients and

supplies as needed. She/he will also supervise the Tuesday lunch preparation,

serving and clean-up.

If you think you might be interested, call Linda Manchon 508-240-0047.

CHS Scholarship

The Church of the Holy Spirit offers an annual scholarship to a graduating Nauset High School senior from the

church’s scholarship fund. The Scholarship Committee members are: Phil Suraci, Chair; Ellie Brainard; Sally

Dewing; Joan McFadden; Wilma Morris; (Emily O’Reilly- recused herself this year) and

Dilys Smith. This year we read and discussed 13 applications from the Nauset Guidance

Office. We were impressed by all 13. There was an unusually high level of

accomplishment shown in their scores, grades, outside activities, maturity in writing and

Christian life. Several described the impact a new Christian Athlete Association has had

on their high school years that involved a pledge to abstain from drugs and alcohol and a

free sharing of their faith on the playing fields. Each is very involved in church activities.

What was perhaps most compelling, however, was the burden of need these teens are

carrying. We often hear or read about financial need on the Cape, but the accounts from these teenagers of

how daunting it is to find the means to afford college is a powerful, emotional read.

In the face of so many greatly deserving teens laboring under such urgent need, the Scholarship Committee

was sorely pressed not to be able to award more than a single scholarship. We asked ourselves what can be

done to do more in the future. Dilys Smith will be taking our request to the next Vestry meeting to allocate

money to the Scholarship Fund in the 2014 budget. The committee will also be giving parishioners the chance

to contribute to the Scholarship fund. These teens deserve our best effort. The winner of this year’s

scholarship will be announced in the July Together in keeping with the Nauset High School timetable. Keep

your eyes posted!


Dates to remember in June

Sunday, 2 Seafood Bar—CHS/Habitat fundraiser

Thursday, 6 Women’s Luncheon

Monday, 10 Together Deadline

Monday, 10 Toast and Jam Concert

Sunday, 16 All Parish Picnic

Wednesday, 19 Men’s Lunch

Saturday, 22 Sarah Kelb’s Ordination at the Cathedral

Sunday, 23 Library Open House

Friday, 28 Walking the Labyrinth

The Church of the Holy Spirit

204 Monument Road

Orleans, Massachusetts 02653-3512



Vestry Officers:

Chip Bechtold, Warden

Wes Dreher, Warden

Jack Nixon, Treasurer

Carol Call, Clerk

Vestry Members:

Virginia Clarendon

Ike Cole

Sally Dewing

Ernie LaFrance

David Moore

Susan Owens

Brian Ridgeway

Dilys Smith

The Reverend Adam S. Linton, Rector

Sarah D. Kelb, Pastoral Associate

Celia Calhoun, Acting Office Manager

Darlene T. Hagon, Director of Music, Adult Choir

Sandra H. Cole, Organist

John P. Hagon, Handbell Choir

The Reverend Canon Charles Morris, Youth Choir

Debbi Manning, Office Assistant

Larry Kane, Head Sexton

John Larner, Sunday Sexton

Wayne Curry, Assistant Sexton

Together June 2013 Non—Profit

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Orleans MA

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Our mission as The Church of the Holy Spirit is

to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord,

welcome all people and serve one another with love.