Tok Presentation personality types

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Can we categorize people into personality types? How is it useful? etc.

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The Phenomenon of Personality1. Throughout history philosophers, politicians, physicians, and psychologists have developed theories to explain how and why the differences among people occur. Most had the goal of explaining or predicting human behavior. They are considerably successful in doing so, since we are all similar in many ways. More recently, techniques have been developed to assess personality. It is a subject of universal interest and continual relevance in all human interactions.2. When we seek the right person for a partner, our judgment of their personality is essential in evaluating our hoped-for compatibility. In business, people typically judge their associates on their general demeanor and personality plays a huge role in that. When we listen to political speeches, how do we rate the candidates? Yes we look at their command of the issues but isnt it essentially their charisma and presence that we appraise? It is difficult to think of any interaction in which the appraisal of personality does not play an important role. On the other hand, personality as such is also very hard to pin down. Here are some recent attempts at defining personality:3-4.People have been trying to understand each other in the wackiest ways. from horoscope traits to handwriting can show personality to what shoes you wear to what way you sleep to what hand you write with Everything has been done Birth Order Can Influence Your Personality. You've probably heard of this concept before. First born children are often described as "bossy" or "responsible," while last-born children are sometimes described as "irresponsible" and "impulsive." In Japan, blood type has long been associated with personality type. You might well be asked your blood type on a job interview! 5-6. REAL LIFE SITUATION Lets say you have a job interview today. Your resume has already displayed that you have the skills to fit what theyre looking for and more. Yet still they ask to have an interview with you, to judge your personality and make sure that fits the bill as well. Now my question to you all is is it justifiable for a personality assessment to be used in such a situation? Ok thats understandable. But first impressions arent everybodys strong point. Someone might come across a completely different way than their true nature is. The difference between personality testing and all the other examples I was giving you is in a personality assessment you are giving it the information to work with. In a sense it doesnt tell you anything you dont already know. Not like what blood type you are is completely beyond your control. This is an argument to bear in mind for the Knowledge Issue which is.7. Knowledge Issue: MAIN ONE IS To what extent can we categorize people into personality types?

Additionally what is the point of this?8 - 9. Area of Knowledge: Human Sciences One of the most well known personality assesments is The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator :a questionnaire which identifies a persons four basic type preferences that combine into one of 16 different personality types. We did one in grade 9 if any of you rememberE/IS/NT/FJ/PI know what youre thinking. I think AND feel. Whooa bro. If youre a thinker it doesnt mean you are a robot. You do not feel. Thinking is just Dominant Recessive.10. Significance of knowing personality types:Career Guidance -What types of tasks are we most suited to perform? Where are we naturally most happy? Managing Employees -How can we best understand an employee's natural capabilities, in the position they will find the most satisfaction?Inter-personal Relationships - Very important. I know Mr. Gammons personality type. therefore increase my understanding of his reactions to situations, and now know how to best communicate with him on a level which he will understand? Not to sound degrading. Watch out, next thing you know BFFSEducation How can we develop different teaching methods to effectively educate different types of people? Like figuring out if you are a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner all that jazzCounselling How we can help individuals understand themselves better, and become better able to deal with their strengths and weaknesses?We put ourselves in other peoples shoes: "But wait," you might think. "Isn't that exactly what we're supposed to do? Isn't it a good thing?" The problem, as I see it, is it only gets you halfway there. Too often you put yourself in someone else's shoes -- but you stay you. You basically Quantum Leap yourself into someone else's situation with all your knowledge and emotional resources.11-12 Counter arguements - Reason- boxing us into categories. If no one in the world has the same fingerprint how can they have the same personality type? I dont need a personality test to tell me who I am. environment and experience make up your personality. How can someone have had your experience and atmosphere an excuse for behavior. Relating back to real life situation 1. Lie to a personality test to seem more credible for job Arguments for Rebuttal: we cannot fully apprehend differences if we cannot identify our common characteristics.People need to see themselves from other persons point of view. What would I do if I met myself. How do other people see me. Someone could be in denial/oblivious to his faults.Two twins who have the same experience and environment in life yet with completly contrasting personalities. It does not measure capability like a math test. It is not designed to determine how good you are at a particular task. how are you sure that there isnt a person in the world with the same physical features as you. Someone could be walking around with ur face its a mystery how would u know? There may well be same goes with persnality. or dare i say that there may be an individual with a personality that extremely resembles your own? One desires to be "unique" "one of a kind" to be significant in this world. If there are others like you, you're awfully replaceable.ETHICS - If you divide this class up, half being the cool kids and half being the losers no one really likes. By doing what I just did I just created segregation. I just discriminated half of the classroom. So in a sense it isnt completely ethical to box someone in and label them. This would fuel the stereotypes and predejuces that already exist. This could limit a person as its ironic to what were trying to achieve.Perception- over all assessing personality enhances our perception of people and their actions. Ways of Knowing: ReasonAn American psychologist named Bertram R. Forer (19142000) conducted an interesting experiment in 1948. Loopholes and ofc its just a theory its not perfect. However I could refute to be harsh that the class was just unintelligent and could not see how broad the insights were. They were probably going with their emotion and WANTED to believe so they did. I couldve tried the experiment on you guys but I know youre too good for that. Also, do the research and check out its validity. That its not something off quizilla.comYou are the final judge of your own psychological typeUnderstand? OK14. Who are you?

According to evolutionary psychologists, in prehistoric times, the knowledge to understand others was key to our survival.

For example, the ability to choose a reliable and skillful hunting partner could mean the difference between life and death.

Knowing oneself developing a personal identity is a key question for many people.

The ancient Greek historian Diodurus recounts how, in ancient times, Chiron of Sparta inscribed key advice on a column outside the Temple at Delphi.

One of his inscriptions was, Know Thyself.

Plato records that Socrates referring to the Temple at Delphi professed an interest in self-knowledge above all else. Knowing who we are can help guide us and our thinking.

15. Real life situation YAY: Married for 10 years. Built all this time getting to know each other find out theyre incompatiable and think in completely different ways. Tricky situation! Wouldnt u want to know someones personality before u meet them that sort of commitment before diving in the deep endIn conclusion: PIE CHART FOR END: I dont want to force my opinion on anyone. There is debate over this and no definitive answer towards the role personality tests have in society. I have the answer here and here.Stay with me. This is the good part I had an ephiphanyMost of us are inclined to categorize people. Our language is full of words to describe people. Words like nerd, emo, posh and hippie are used to categorize a type of person. These are just samples of the nearly 17,000 English terms that describe personal attributes. According to psychology today. The abundance of these descriptors raises an important question: Did natural language develop to describe personality accurately? These examples illustrate the presence of informal personality assessment. This tendency to categorize people makes a great deal of sense in some contexts because it is a universal human characteristic to impose order on complex situations. As complex as human behavior can be, repeating patterns can be perceived. Personality falls under the heading of things that most people believe they understand. Most people believe they can know or understand other people. We make use of our skills in personality assessment on a daily basis; however, most of us would have a difficult time explaining exactly how we draw our conclusions about others. We all try to predict behavior, interpret conversations, and make inferences about others actions like when we watch movies. If someone offends us, acts strangely, or seems excessively kind, we will quickly try to understand their motives. We are personality experts or at least we think we are.KI: can we categorize people into personality types. Dont we already categorize people?! We assess people internally anyway, what does it matter if its done on paper a tad more scientifically? If we go to my first real life situation and attend that interview. Even if the manager or whatever doesnt give you a paper to fill out. He is still giving you a once over in his mind! KAPEESH? Type does not explain everything; humans are complex but it gives a basis something to start with. These techniques are in their infancy; but it is likely that the next generation may have powerful tools to assist them in understanding human nature. but for now this is all we have so we might as well utilize it.