I wil! sell your gOods :lna for a. Discount you can have your Prices and "'llo["(II,on]"",,,,,,, Tollel

Tollel - Welcome - Municipality of Norfolk Treherne to Their etc. and a earns, on nn avernge, $1.000 a week: RCgunClltnl tOllors and carpenters have usually more pri vute-work than

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I wil! sell your gOods :lna for a. Discount you can have your s~le. Prices rca.son~blc and "'llo["(II,on]"",,,,,,,


to Their

etc. and a earns, on nn avernge,

$1.000 a week: RCgunClltnl tOllors and carpenters have usually more pri­vute- work than they have time to perform. the good marksmen may make ns much as $15 or$20 at tho regI­mental and district nllo mootmgs. !lnd the amateur teacher. in isolat.cd detachments, may havo from tcn to twenty pupils to Ilttend to in his spare evemngs. each pnylng blm, per­haps. sixpence per week

Although the regulatIons forbid sol du,rs te act ns agente for local trades men or large firms, many non com IIlhislOned officers reap subslanltnl (lommlSSlon In thiS wily Ag II III when II move IS contcmplutcd, order If-room clerks IIro enabled to Bend full partIculars to, contractors nnd trlldesmcn In the new garrison town

lhesc nro carlyon the spot With samplcs to securo tho rcgllncntlll trllde For kindly officcs 1JI thiS di reclton one firm supphed an lllfnntry quarter-mastcr with free poultry and

,'nn'nA meat for a whole year. a brewery firl1l IS Bllld to have pllld $250 to an order

sergeant for useful mforma

liko Gibraltar nnd Mal "qliiiutCl,nl'lstcrs ure ablo to choose

supplying frUit. vege etc nnd WIIX fnt on the com

<allle".. sccretly gIVen for their [nv-

Time-Tried SUvtRVare Silverware thaI stands the wear nnd 'ear of dally use Is 'he

kInd stamped

"1847 ROGERS BROS:-For s/xty-one years ,IfF, hal been the quality mJrk on /cnlves. forks. spoons. de. a .. , 'ti 3th db",s, willert,

de: • are damped MERIDEN DRIT!CO

Take n Chance lILr Hned S IInlor Wolcott nnd Jos­

'llh II Cho Ite IIere hl1 \ lllJ.l 11 It I LIe IlllnCI lit the W,tlrlOl[ Whell \\me IUd offClcd MI Chonto tllllied lila '1IlHH ,10\\1\ 'a. nLlernen' he slIlIl lloudll. '1 hnve IlI11VC<l nt th, ago' or fifly Il\e lind no\el lot hllv[ 1 t IRled \ lIlC O! touncco, nor "llll cd nnl g,ulIc ,r chalice for lI,oncl '

Wolcott hCllvcd a \cr~ nudlult! SIgh 'i\[l' hOIl I II Ish I cOllld SOl' thnt I ' '\"hv dOli t~, OU ?' (I! It\lIcd TIec.1

'Chonle did I - S\lCCC~S :ill 'gnzlllc

All 1110thcIS cnn put ,m'\l ~nxwty cglllthllg thCll Burt"llIg 011l1<1,on hen lhel 11II\c 1IIothOi 0,1\\0. \Vonn XlCllIlllllltol to £1\0 loiter Its of

eel A III c 8111 e nlld lnsllll~

Wlfo - J[ 'ou C01l10 home drnllit 19n1l1 111 nevol speal! to IOU a8 )011£ IS I hvo

HlIbul-YolI sh sh 8holl1<III I pul sh 'elllplllllOlI 1\1 Illy sh \Illy 1II1-8h dCllr

"My doclo! 01 dOl cd a trip to Europo [01 JUr. H

And ~ ou 1001, It? "No ho presonted 1m bIll and loolt

11 tJlP 10 LlIIopc hllnsu\{

AmH,ed by the breVity of Ittllc fonr­yellr old GrIICl(!'S 11 Ip her mother Hslted hcr "hl' she hnd IIwllkplled so SOOI1 Why, repited 01 nCle 1001'IIlS liP III chll(11511 nslolllshmellt. I slept nil the slcep I hlld '




Q UR 144 page Catalogue .. illustrated in colors will

be sent free upon request, This is the- finest Gua­

, logueof Diamonds, Jcwelry, Silverware, Chmn, Cu t Glass, Leathcr Goods, Stationery and Novelties ever issued.

We prepllY all exprcss charges on evcry artICle sold by us and cheerfully refund the money if goods are Dot satisfactory.

RYRIE BROS., Limited 1'4-llS Vande Street



lind do It\wlth




.. r

n rey WfIIClI t1le~ Will recelvc Im<ler he Nc\\ Covennni IS purely the mercy t the Chili ch and not the m~rey of he Falher und the SOil J.\ Idenlly he

'~ii:~:!'~~ed'~~H \ Ishes us to rPlIClIlber th It III tlllngs .b~e:~ii~;I~i Jl nre of the luther and all things are

cbarllctei..,li by the SOl] God s mercy exercIsed through ChrIst nnd ChrIst s mercy througll the Uhurch \\111 bless Isrl el undel the prOVISions of thClr Nell (Low) Covenant

Already mdeed (b~ fllllh) has the Chili eh heen made rich hy the Lord s blessmg 111 proportIOn liS Ihe exceed Ing great und prcclous promllKlS huve beon accepled lind If It \\ III shll fur ther make us Vlcll through the

chllnge of lhe 1 Irst Resurrection to glory honor und munortnhty whnt moy we noL expect of lis flehneHs nnd blessmg lowurd the Je" ~ Surely Ihe ulIc8s:mlg of tho LOld WIll 1lI111w ISIIIel

honoruhle Isruel s blessmg nlll\onul ns well us llQrsonnl

1',naCC!I, ns soon ns the MIlle 11111 1<IllH

[JI"W 111.

hnve been estnbhshed Ule of tho lord Will moun DIVllle

Iu nil the n Ilurlll IIITUlrs of hfe to all those \\ ho lire truly Ills- to the Jew flrsl As II peoplo they WIll bo lim firsl to bo re)ldy for the DIV no gmdllnce IIftor the gre II Imlo of troll ble WIth ~ hleh tillS prescnt uge wlil close (!trl.tcndom III geneml hilS lit lie kno\1 lodge of COllllng rcstltullUn to 011 h II "Ill~lt wos 10,1 11 Ld II C,llflster uom 111 genoml CX(luctS W go mUlcr to hekvr.n or Purgltlor~ 01 eter nnl torment bllt Illlny Je\\s knolV their TIlble hotler lillln tillS Ihllt the blesslIlgs proIlllsed IIro enrthlr ones­rill es of restItution o[ 1111 t1l1ngs

spoken by tho mouth t f nll Ule holy prophets SlIleG tho worhl be gUll' (Acts Iii 20)

With the close of lhls nge henvenly hopes \\111 no longer bo held forth 10 munkmd hut 011 the contr IrY e,rlh Iy hopes resl1tlltl01l lSlIIe! Ihercfol~ 1\111 be th" bettcI prcpulcd for the terms nnd eOlldltJons of the Nml (J{)vennn t BesIdes I mongat them WIll n!lJJenr Abruhlllll ISIIIC IIml Jllcob lind n I the prophets perfeoled 111 theIr re sUirecLton nnd constttullllg them the eurlhly I eprescntrtlves of the Ohurch II c hellvenl~ }\.lIIgdOUl :f:{1 turlllly they \\111 be mOlO lelldy 10 recelvc these thnn lhe lelllllllHlcl of mllnkmd be elll Be tillS IS the prOllllSO whIch God II I do to \l Olll- I Will restorc ) 0 II Judges liS ut tho Ih8t nnd YOll! hilI gIvers 116 lit lhe bcglllmng (lsllmh I ~G)

Let us not forget th It the blessmg or Lhe LOId \1 hlch mallcth llch IS 110t to stop WI th Israel but to be pussed by them liS Il blcssmg to nil nllitol S till t WIll muv uttilln I{)

through 'the ment of ancl through the

tho New CovonllnL ill11,lsr[Iel",~B It noted I 0\\ ever

o~:f~'~.i,~",Bharo 1II tho New JO~'.C1\unIL ... l!lells: It- WIll bo neoos

of nil nlltlOlls to und by so dOlI g elllldren of A hr I

'A 11(1, !.nt. WIll be II fulfillment of pronllse I hllve conal!

II futher of many nattolls 17) Remember IIlso how

1: .. W~~t~~:~~~:~i~lf~r;~ lind So

nntlons of the the Isrnchlcs

thee for <luugh old (Lllw) Cove become ISlllel 6

resl! tuLlOn tll11e the under thOlr New

81 nil brlllg uglllll vlly of Sodom tI C cllphvlty

thcn of Ihy

of them duughters

former eslute

....... :. ' ~1V~:~!~~~~i;;:J~~t~::~ shllll



Text of th~ Lasson Acts xxIv; Memory Verses 25 26--Goldon Acto "xiII 16--Commontary parod by Rev 0 M Stearns

In tllO close of tho Inst Ch~~~~:;:t!.~~ \\ bow tilC chief caplnln

LJ sins seut ruul snfely to Cllcsli'rci~Y\ with n letter 10 Il!l1x tbe l!o~el'llo,r";ln~ "bleh ho -tnted thnt thero lug nga Illst the p Isouer dcntb or oC Donlls but simply question of Ic\\ I~h In IV thnt tbo noulll hlle 111I1e<1 him If he hnd r NlIl t1 him [10m Ihom 1J.1!It ho Ullt1clr:,"\" slood Ihnt thc~ \\ ero stili UC[cr'D!lnelll'i'c to t<lll him Iud !Jelt g n Romlln clll~'):~;'): zen be hlld seut him to Cnesnrea eu,w-. m8ndlng his nccusms to nppcnr Ilg:nllnsl;" him there \f!t r (he dn~s tha priest l\IId the I Ille rs \\ Ith II ee.·",,;" orntOl to spelll, for them IIppenred fora I cllx nfld Inul \IllS brougbt • __ .• ..:, 10 11 cut theD! "Itb some whlcb e\ Illcntly \I enrled Felix thClcfole the ortt<.lr cut It told a DUDIber oC lies ubout which the hIgh I rlest nnd tho eI0'01'9 ludorsed I luttery nnd Illng nrc "uU.'·:'·, thc order of tbe dIS nmong SOOIO

glous boules Uut God Is n God trulh nnd hI duo time truth wlll ,all

Uclllg pm mlttcll to spenlt for sclt PUlll dOllll!d nil their acet1ll!itlorl8":~;;; nnd hrlefly SWtll) lhe \\ bolo the mnttel sho" 11 g tbul It 'I us WtIOlliY', n mntter of doctrine nuu or oplulon to \I hnt the Serll tures lonlly tUlII<!'llt,';'·:'\",r, thllt he he11" I ~d nil Ihnt wns wl'ltl:CD"l;::r\;) In tile In IV lind In tho III opbets looked (or n I eSllrrectlon of tho dend, botll of the jllst IIml the unjust 'Ibis meallt Jeslls ilsc I flOIll lhe dond ISluel B prollllsrd ~Icsslllh tho Son or·,I··,' Dm Id to sit on Dnvld s throuo

fulllilmel t ot ru7.ck xxx, II Je;ir;o~~~~,~~,1,C::~;~~~~ 1611 Ix Dlln I II Inti nil I he p concerning tho f Itm e of tho nnd the king \\ LIo 9hull reign III r.o,nr· eousness It mennt the rCi!Ur'I'el~t1I)l1·()tL: Ills bouJ tllO church nt Ul~ .ce'lIlllng tho air for DIs SlIllIls (I I hoss 18 I Cor XI 51 [;1) tl ougb tltnt W(IUIIIl!;.,.,l,', nol be spcritlill In hIs mll1(l ns .thoul~llt of ISIIIol It melDt the r[",ur··;", rectlon or tile unjust nnd tllo "hlle throne juuglllp.nt nt the tbo milleniliul I C'lgn 0 f Christ It 1Il"nnl tbnt Ood wlll judge tl 0 "orld III cousness by lIlnt mnn \1 hom Ho 01 daillcd ,,1111 ('of he bn til given 8urnnce unto all men In tllnt Ho raised Hill from the dend (:n II rhls \lltb justlncnllon by tbrougb the tlnlshet! 1\ 01 It or upurt from nny "orlls of Illo Inw counted helrsJ bv those zenlous Jews But JeslIs Ilimself tuugllt this lelnd or heresy \\ hen 11 C slId 0 fools n slow of henrt to !Jello\ e alt thnt prophets hnl e spoken (J ulle xxiv, m;;L':;';":';;~:\~;'.f ~odny therc nro Illtb muny 110

llable wlllIngs or !lloses no predll<i:.·':; Uon wbutovcr no fulmc for nothing euperontuml DO coming lignIn",;;';';';';; of Christ DO \\ IlIlh ot God such nro simply unbelll!vcrs stund ngnlnst Cllrlst for 1~~:/I~:~~O~~~'{,;ib thnt nil tblngs \I rltten In' I Moses nnd In thc plophols Psnlms conccrulns DIm musl bo filled (T utee xxiv 44) Feltx Is sn hn' e hnd more perfect Imowledgo

:n.i\~~Nh.'~~I~~~~~:~+· the wny (verse 22) pcrlIn.pp:s:::;,.~;~~~:I iO his wlte Drusllln wns n.1 bo postponed the cnse nntll r~,.I ••• chlet cnptnln sbould .. ,., .. , ... ' whnt he !cnew Menntimo ,~::t.;r;;~i!i~ Paul Into tho Ilecl>lng of

orders to lut him hn, 0 11 to allow oJI his frlcnds to como

soc blm oml 10 D1lnlste.r:~::::;;: •• ;::::IT'hi;;;i mnde It compnrn lIvol) and would gh e hlm"orinclrttin

tho fllllh hr(!tblreii:iit Iw I\ould

tho Lord B .;,>:,::;':'~;

: _ • • i' ......... _ ... • ~ .. -- '-- ... :- ... .-;., • '. • ... ... _. ~: ~ •• ..A;.:- _ • '"''

Our (lisplny ()f medium und heavy weight Winter Coats is complete lind comprises all [he New Styles of the lending design'ers, .und the ~

f most notuble fcatnr.! is the ex-tremely. moderate p,riec asl.cd.

from $9. SO to $22. 00 •

l' om $4.00 to $10. 00


P" '1



, I

G'1"OCeJ z'es. .

- -- • ' - • _..... - ~', .... ',~' - ;. >:: .. : ~.,


Old Will" shipment of new BUGGIES




... I'

, "


100 pairs of all kinds (If Shl,es at MallY olhers at n discount of. • 12 Sllit Cnses, Reg. $7.00, no\V


To Show ]7ozt .


C NTRACTIN Spring is gone. Slimmer is

11111 prepared ll' give estimates kinds of buildings. A fina 1I dwelling or a bachclOl'S shn

"~~t_;~'J~;\I;;\i!I~;';f;~!~ Hf~~~~~~jl;l~I~~I;~~lm~ll~~~~I~il~~ All kinds of outbuildings. <:hl',," ~ •• (,.L~D. ~ ~1~~illi~II!IIIIII~~il~~~~i~~~~~;~~;~~;~;:~~,:lwor~~ndcarpenteri~g.SBws ~":~~ •

R.F.STEELE Carpenter and Contractor ;~i\]i;!;;1ti~~1

lllspection may be yours at a time, nnd your order will bave best of skillful attentiou.


.. \

.. ;I

. ' • •



Adventurous Young Engloshwoman Who Has Comploted a Trip Through the Heart of the Dark Cant nont Tell. Her Experiences­Bearding the Lions Not to Men­bon Elephants-Rosy Rhodesul

Well I vo learned tho ruenlllng of tho oxpress on I uug ug OIl by U 0


hllck tooth Tho sponker \\ us MISS Charlotlo

Mllnsfiold til(! clllrnuug lind tl.lented IllIdy who hus Just relurnod from UD udvonlt rous journey througl Co tral Afrlcn a Id she IV IS glvu g Ul nccoun' of hor oxper cnces I You sec I II not ut all brnvo cont nued M AS Mllosfi ell nnd ev r 81 co I ell.! rOllembcr I h ve I een (ngl ton d III U 0 llrk J u Igo U en my sensat ons when I found n yself under e \I vns [or tho Brst limo In ] IY hfe u I I reahzed thnt I \'lIS o.lono 11\ t1 0 \frlCllI \\ Iidorness gu mle I oily by strnl ge I at" 0 bo~ s my dog lOd IIY e I I P ( res \1 I I } ud he Ird dlsqu 01 ng CCOUI Is of "


\cndency the I Itlves I I\VO to desert o.t IIwk\\ard Junel HeB

My fe Irs W ro not lessened hy the IIlckly on 5 of I rowhng hyCl as \I I before n Y 610 n lies II Ircl fror I Brollen Ii 11 to Ahcrcorn W 18 over I

IBurtcrod st II grc Iter t OUlors fro oe cns on Illy henrlllg iI u gn t gnll t of I han keep l! I e With t1 0 1 Id I I I • of Its p LIVS I Ono wholo light ror 1 I n smnll louse hu H I Y • 1'11110 mnn who hn I 51 bsoql C Iy Ie" rtc I It \\h 10 oulsllo II hon d I Sel Ir)' go my boys h IV ng ret ro I to t1 III r Clmp r covcrc I up tlo Willa va of

Imy nppropnute I shellor us best I could WIth tI e 1 nterl lis to h I d-n mnp lind 11 U,lOn J Ick- \lid Silt slnvor ng With only n y dog to keep m" com!>1 ny hstenmg to tho bellst s growls When d I) dn v led U e brute look h n 801! of! but my VIgIl h Id Ip Irtly turned my I nlr gray 1 I I n I on nnother ace 8 01 \l1 encounter \\ Ith 1\ young han "L1 no wnlls bet voen uS nn Its not nn experlCnce I should bo lit ull n x ous to ropeut

I "ns out wullllng y th I I)' I tUo dog n 810rt dlstunco from c \1\ p "he I tho crouture npi curo I suddCl Iy 01 the seono 01 I I 1\\ I n 01 C1 t of Ilornbio lour belore to my grc Lt ro I of U 0 hon t tr1 ed 51 10 nnd mndo ofl lOne mor 1 ng when I tUTlle lout las usunl about five 0 clock I faun I


80n 0 exc temo t nmong U C Il t vos And no wonder I A II nroun I 111 I ql to closo to tho to I w s l\ 0 al oar of elephnnts "h ch hnd passed on LI 0 r wuy to the wnter Ho v th dul I

Iwns thnt nono of tJ em I 11 blllll lered ngmllst or through lhe frull strue tllro ~

I 1 h ro wns one other frequent ~

80urco of drclLd to 1 e .llIeI I hnve. not yet n ont oned-nlln ely the orossl Ig of rlVerR \1\ lSI ps My Ibenrers would c ITry n e over \1\ 1\ ..,. ~

mnclnla [I hili I noel' sw 11Ig on u ., pole WIth 010 m n lit ollcl CI lund tl ough the uctu I beurers ,ere sup ,~ portod by others, n mther slle I wus " 1m constllllt fe r of f 11I\Il~ 11 10 tho ~ ram swollen 'liters To keel from l glvmg II yaclf IIV I~ to the nutlvcs I y r scroam ng out I I nd to ruq I HIt on 1\ my reservcs of fort tule

When we ITrlVa I lit n 1 ntive VI} lugo It wns II nevor fa hng .,I'ouree of dehght to mo lo W tcl n)' bO)'8 Ibartcr ng WltI tl 0 V lll1go womcn for tho I oecssl ry suppltcs of me II

En~h week 1 hnd to g vo y boys two III d II h tlf ynr Is of I ml 0 -lJ m clLlieo Ilue or wi te U 0 lattor bCI1l~ prcferred-\\orth IbouL 8y'd or Od

'rilCS~~I~~. X~;: ,W"~i118Ulk'(l~hlllf n yllr I of I mbo L Ilrgo i .~ of menl co lid he bougl t und I :;:;~re~.'~c,~~()~~li~ IS nccoptod hn bo 18

'c'-"'" oro"",I'" r tho oIly cloLhlng tho can gal oxcept n cOllrso

from trec bnrk "mrios';;~:;;;;;':l of tho vlllugos I } ought

qUICllY, .. n yse)! lind genernlly I ,W'OUIU &omo Cllckoos nnl eggs

nro slI\ull fowls nhout tho tho English bnnt m IIn(~ bought nt thrao for 18 III d

I'tllle,'em/us ware proportlOnntoly an nil


• t




I t;





• ,

~ • ~

~ •

~ •

Real Liver Pill.~A torpid liver ":,""l.!l1onI18,1L disordered system, 1IIenlILI de·

preSSIon, lnssltude nnd III the end, If cnle bo not taken: lJ, chrol1le sLnla of ,lebillty Tho velY best. medleme to arOllSO tho lIvor to henlthy ILctlon IS l'nrmcloo's Vegetablo PIlls ~'hey III e

tliiHr"nlnrl1n"Jompounded of purely vegetable sub. ltnnees of enreful selectIon nt,d no ;>t.bor pills hlLVO' theIr fine qunltt.ms rhey do not gnpo or pnm ILnd they 'lrl) ngleenble to the most sensItIve

/ es, he doesn't do nnylhtng

PlJ1B 1111 tho tImo \lcll, that's a quoer BUP'


DON'T BE AFRAID that Sunlight Soap will spoil your clothes. There lite, no Injurious chemicals In Sun­lI~ht SOIlP to bite holes III even the most delicate fabric. $5,OOO,are orfered 10 any­one flndln\t adulteration In

Sunllgbt Soap.

A Select Congregation. Tho llov -l\lr \VIIIU \\ns n tImId

mllll loy liuture, but IllS theologlanl Ideus 'Ioro stlOlll:ly developed, 80 much so, Indeed, thnt tho emphllBIB o[ llls til Ht Bel mon gllva offence to SOIllO I:oocl peoplo 111 tho pnllsh Evon the !

lectol \I ILS shocked u~ the defllllto cor­'IUllty \lltlt "hlch the now CUlIlt.O cOIISlllncd Il POI tlOn of Lho COllgl eg'L­\1011 to ultinllLto \\ nun qUllrtors

r.[y dum JIll WILl d," SlLld tho roc· '01, "you must tl y to 101ll0lllbOl tlUlt our pcople holC IIIC mct) [lOOllle, good peoplo, 1Il fucl, Illld III fULuro you UlUS' endelJ,vor to - Ot - or - quuilfy IlulIIo,"$ n IIttlo '

lilt) ClIruto took the losson lo halLrt and fhushed up illS next selmon Bomc­Ihll1G 11[(01 thiS fnehlon

And so, lilY dOlL! bIOLIllOI1, you WIll hnve to mpont, IlS it WOlO, lind to reo 1011ll, 80 to sP<!!lI<, 9r you Will bo dnmncd-to somo cxtont"

• The mOBl ubstmnlo corns nnd wnrts

filii lo resist Holloway'S Corn OUIO

'l'IY It. • 1 Tenoher-rolllmy, you should comb

your hill! befOlo ~ ou come to 8chool­~'olllUly-AIl1 t got 110 comb 'rcnchol-~ hon borlow yom flllher's. '!'olllllly-:b'Ilt.hor Illn'! got no comb,

nClt.hOl 'l'encher-Abstll dl Doesn't ho comb

hIS hn.lr ? TOlllmy-lIo nm't got

Ll Plllllcott.'S ---.,--'-----

Inarel'. Liniment Cures Burnl, EtG.

"'rho TIl bla Bn~ B 'lllito no lhought for the [utm e ' "

"'I'hlLt's 1111 TIght In thoory, but I 11.1. buy n 1 otut n tlcllCt \~ hen I go to

"nt'OR,' -Houston pqst - -";"""";--


# /

• >II


, ,!<

