TOME NEWS. » NEW-YOI* K CITY. Collector Ma-tone yesterday appointed Richard F. Ce-W and WlUlam T. Silvan clerks, al a salary ol The steemer Caledonia, from Gibraltar, was put Into Quarantine vr.st-.ntay for Inspection of the crew, and Bhoroich cleansing and disinfection. Two of thc- ama Cad boen .sick with smallpox and were convalescenK Croton water rents tor the woek, S3d,027 25. Mayor'* Marshal nyrnes las! week Issued 115 Ooensos and received iherefore »""90. Tlie Intercollegiate l-acros-o convention will be Bold at Ihe Sturtevant U*,uso on Sat unlay. February ll. Harvard. Itlnceton and Stevens Insiitute com¬ pose the Association. An uptown clothier was selling boys* trousers yes¬ terday for 10 cents a pair. They were guaranteed to be all wiuil. Onsfave Jaehne. a young (le -tran engraver, who had ¦ans,rn In H." boarding-house No 413 East Fifty-Second Bt.. tiled to kill himself on Friday by swsllowlng -some rat poison. Yesterday he was found seriously sick In his room and w*a« sent to liellevne HeefttaL Tho Olirg'*,,!," s. lc' tul_ht recover, but he iv as ino weah lo ae .i'lestioned rcgardlug hts alleiupt at sotf-de atructioii. Th" Nett*-York Alumni of Clarerack College and Hudson River Institute will dino at Clark's tumor- row night. Over loo alumni will be present and a .umber of prominent mem will respond to toasts. An)i'.ig flie speakers will be Corporation Counsel DeWItt, of KrooMyn. ex-Congre«_man John M. Kailey, Ot Albany. .laeoli P. Miller. Dr. J. ii. Oakley, e\ .-enator Warner Miller, and Ih" Kev. CW Millan! M,,it II. Eilis mil be tons11.astor and Henry K. IIi-.it h, of Hrool.lyn, will preside. A delegation of young men, representing the vailotis Kew York colleges which are .nteresicd In tho ."students' Movement*' started by Pn.fessor Drum- Binnd aa his visit to this oo:intry, will visit I'rlnceton College ta .BJ In the afternoon they will address tie studi'iils. Among the nicm-ieis ol the party are Lewis l_ BeaSSer, of ihe Medical Department of Ihe I'lilvei-slty of the CM] of BOW-Yara J l'aul K. Ames ami T. <;. Frost, of Columbia College, both S.lent of " The Columbia Kaw Times." A *olree musicale was g'ven last evening by Mr. and Riv K. August Nercsheln.er, at their residence In Lenov ave. A fine prop-amine was tendered by the lu-i'ti.,viii String Quartet. Max llclin-lrh and Mr. am! Mm. Ki, pal, bcMde*. iiiipi-ouyitu.s hy several of the gnaata New-York Clly may now feel relieved. General Hoy Moue ridicules the Idea that Montana" Point will prove a scion* OOBBfetltor to lt as a port of entry. Kew-Yoi n seem* to have (onie to May. It ls to be hoped that the public sale of the Routh Foi.y RaHwSf will result |_ tho running of Ihe Broadway horse cats to Hie South Ferry, doing away .with tlie mesa.i need of -Tapes from Howling (ireen Sown, luis cumbers*un.* arrangement has lasted lone ADOUgh. It ls a relief to tamar that Mrs. faagl|j ls no limper On the fence as it were. On Thursday evening tho La Ronrdannals Club will play a tournament with the ehe-is club of the College Of th- ( Uy "f New York. live men will contest on earl, side. Ti," Mern Worsam of Jarkaoe seminar*-*. Ha 2.o_,*> Fifi I, uv i- , ha-,,. ,,, no ii, meal £,-,,) from the receipts of th'Tr ( hr.siii.iis entertainment to Tm. Tkhiim: Ki-esl,- Alr Fund. Thia will make merry many little heart* Of ohildien win, will !,a\* s IWO Weeta' vacation given lo them by this project of THK 1 Ri ll. Nt. A. Nolan Man In will deliver a lecture tn Chlckerlng Hail on Wedn-sday. tailing for bis subject "The Attainable In Social science." The lecture will be int '.".prated in Mern hf the Rev. Pr. Oelleaaet and th" ptiKteils itiii |.. devoted to aid tho (JaIl.ti.Uet hoine fin- Deaf Mum's. The President of tie- New-York Mercantile F.xchange han appointed 1". li. Tharaor, James II. Seymour, and M. Folsom SelefOlm ta attend the Joint session of the Canal OonmMttem of iho senate and Aiusembly, to be held In Alkea]!, Keli/niaty l(. at 3 p. m., Im Hie purpose Of advo-'dtinc the ('anal Improvement bill, now pend¬ ing befoiv ihe legislature. A gi anl vocal and instrumental concert for the benefit of the (.eiuiau F.mlgrant House at No. 20 6tafe-st will be given at Steinway Hall on Thursday .vening. Seine well-known amateur and professional Maners will i«> them, a_ als. tho " Batarpo* Vocal Society, of 11 oho kc ii. Al Iho enteitalnmeikt In (tie hall of the Young Men's C_'Isilau AmoetSUea on Tuesday evening, for the benefit of Cl,an Kong Sing, th" chinese mlsslonary reccntly bumed out In the pi-eat fur at Canton, ( luna. Marie Atitnlrette Nathalie Pollard will appear a* the "."rlncess Mill Qi I." the educated Chinese lad,, ami will deliver a biographical lecture descriptive of .celies lu China. fha New-Yoi her who has S.'.O.OOO for Jo-ef Tli-fnnaniI and the l'hlladelphlan who has *r'.,(|.<Mio for (something Oise havo uo Soft ipots In their hearts for the Demo eratic City Fathers of Hie metropolis, for whom the Says of anti poverty aud tkaip work are gone, never ¦nore to return. The funeral of Mrs. J. __ Cannes, wife of tho As¬ sistant Coininlssloiiei* of Jurors, who, with km child, Sled on Thursday night, took place yesterday at fit. Pan lek's Old Cathedral, In Mott-st. M., im Kennedy, bta'e Delegate of the Ancient Order of lilternians, has Just returned from Colum¬ bia. Tioga and Dutchess Counties, In each of which he las oigH.il/.ed sc.eial breaches of ih" society. The boa:ding-house keepers lu tho nelghboi hood el West-si and Battery-flam say that the Immigrants eoni'ng nowadays aro not so much '. agin the -ovein- taent*- as ag.ilust them. "The Now-York Commercial Kullelin" says lhat the Jauuary fire loss reached tM«i.040,000. The loss ior tho Mini- h......i h last j eic wa- *11,000,000. The White Cross meeting In Association Hall, at BicfO p. m. today, will lie addressed by the Rev. Dr. B. F. De Costa, secretary of the American White Cross Committee. Young incn are specially Invited to these hu.ulai afte, ii.ii.ii meei lugs. Tbe Psi epsilon (lui, will give Its Hist annual din¬ ner ai the Hotel Bfeaaewtefe on Tkuisda) evening. l-x-Snnopate Daniel Q. Rollins will preside, and tho efforts of the long list of able speakers will be snpple- Souted by muelc, Instrumental and vocal, and is. Ta ons. seals, niay be i-served until Wednesday evening. Charles Davis, age forty live, a gu-t at the Grand Oem ral Hotel, fell In Kroadway and broke his leg last evening A police search for a large Irish setter dog WWW &l to the name "Charlie" and wearing the name S. auklln on his collar was ordered last even.ug. The police were directed last evening to make In fulries at all the hospitals In the city for Ste),hun S. Kbsoii. Who ha* la-",i missing since J.inuarv b. A. lice .feed-quarter, lt w__ said thut Mr. Dolyou was nut a New Volker. RROOKLYN. Judge Pullen yeso-iday namul Wednesday as the Say on winch to hew evidence in the caeca a gul list the Cu!,,ii Klevaled Bal Irani, to enjoin Ks coiietructlou an Adanis-#t., Myrtle-ave and elsewhere. County-Treasurer Adams n'celved, yesteiday, from Comm sHtonet Hyne-., »a,.W7, pa.d by the Itoaid of ¦S.aaSa, Michael Kossman, who was in Ihe employment of Lout* Statr, has brought suit for .f.",o.-"-o damages ag_.'i-! K " employer. Koeeemn sitpp.s. on the ROBBS Boor, fell down the elevator shaft aud sustained per¬ manent Injin Its. Tlie trial of Thomas flinn, who ls under Indictment for manslaughier in the tir.t degree, will begin to-mor¬ row. He Miii'k Tl,i,mae craddock in the abiiomeu With an axe, causing his death. P .1. Goalla was yesterday awarde dthe contract to build the extension of tb>- SSI ID-p ment Armory. at a coal of ir..'..OOO. Tim sure-Tle,- an- M,chael Dalton an<] ( ..loii'-l A. D- band, who aio each responsible for I_",,oo0. A heavy truck bn'ke down In Ailantle-ave. rester Say moni ng. cans.hg a vexatious delay to people on their BU to busmen* Passengers who wauled to Walk In the rain and slush were train,'erred lo ut Inn ears beyond the wreak. SPREADERS SMALLPOX IR TEE CITY. A BBB! AGENT IN HIS WANDKRIN'GS BRI*.MOBBS BOOBSeOf PSaaONS.PBBOAUTIOMS TaRMR A. M Isa.flh a book ee§'va.«-a»r, walked Into the Polyclinic leetMale, In Third ave., and said he deslnd treal ment foi au eruption on bis body. Ile was ex an l,es 1 and found to he recov..ring fnun a mild attack Of smnllpox. iiifi.i mal .mi of lu- caao waa sent to Baultkiis,' ¦aaaRemtem and he um ntniovcd to NoiTh Brother ______ ii, .ul i. i,., ca-ight the disea.se in e Bowery lodging house. For len days ha bad boen -Offering froui (smallpox without knowing it, aa he had such a mild at<a*k iKai Ih: was a'iK to go about the city. During thal time he hail r|. yt in ,;,,. ludgi'ig house every night, an.l R.d aaavamal for a book eeeq day v.-ung banks, msurance. and brokors' efliuee in ihe letter part of the city. Ho gave an ac. e. ii nt of hie wander! ogs, as neatly a* he eealS in-coi loci, on Fr.day evening. Ye* .*.dav ..un ai inspectors were following on bia ti all and ofle-rtng tree v*ccu,aiiou to cK-iks, bun Bert, laWTem aud nu rchants wi,,, had been in noami Kil.o.i with bim. Fro*ldent Kayle*, of the licaKh Ii-iii'! »aid yesterday thar about iso i>er»ons who kati been oip'iSed to smallpox by In adi Vu had been pioU-i -, I¦> vaec.naoou. lt ia feai-od -J, ii the book aaren! iii Ills wanderings bas "tarted seveial BSBtrm o' cm';,; "ii The dl,*esj,e wat. Introduced into thc Bowery l..<i*r!r,|t bouse by a mau who had caught it In Brooklyn. A MAD MITE CREATES HAVOC ON A VESSEL. Daniel Sm.th, first mate of the schooner John H. Tln-"ne wm y-_t«rday committed at the Tombs Court to the care et the Charity Commissioners to be ex- euiliiesl as to hts sanity Tbe schooner left Km nandi na. Fla., lourie* u days ifo loaded with lumber, hbe wm one day out at tea when Smith became violently Insane, and wm con Unod In his room. One night he broke out and the aptaln and crew with great difficulty se-ured him. n the tussle the captain was wounded In Ihe hand >y a dirk. When the schooner reached Ibe JmSQJ ¦"late yesterday ihe police host mei her aud "te oft!cen placed the mad mate under arrest. JV- (VS FROM^TBR SLR URBS. NEW -JERSEY. The suit of the Mate of New-Jersey against Alfred P. loller, the contractor of the Arthur Kill Rridge, to ©cover possession of tho land on which Hie brld.e deis test, has been removed Io the Knited States Clr- ult Court by A. Q. Kcas!iey, counsel for the defendant. The Sisters of St. Dominie, ol New-Jersey, have pur- ikeaai a RaM fl! Iaa4 seeming an mea nf thirty three tcre-s at Caldwell, on which they Intend to i red an trade my which will be one of the largest educational nstltntlons In the State. The property was owned iy Mr. Keach. Charles Siddons and .lean ilii*-ch attempted tn board i moving train at Arlington last night. The platform "fas covered with lee and th*-y fell. The wheels passed over ftlddons's head, killing bim Instantly. Ilii-sch's left arm was broken. fATBtfOR. An attempt bas been made to make a sensation out it the case of Peter Wilde, of No. 113 Jers-y-st., "rho was found dead In bed. lx-ath was caused by a lemorrhage of the limps and thero was no Indication il foul play discovered by the Coroner. Wilde had *een taking morphine In regular Semi ur.dcr a physi¬ cian's prescription for some time, which accounted or the bottle of that drug found near his body. Ex-Senator Cl. A. Hobart, receiver of the Ivanhoe NBJST Company, BOSS thal In about ten days all Iho .aw stock will have BOOB worked up, and the mills viii then be clcsed aa. the employes discharged. The vreck of tho concern ls so complete that there ls no lope of saving anything by continuing operations, md the building and plant will be BB.red for sale. Mrs. Caroline Harris, ace forty-seven, who had been "T'.-n ai'-d from her husband for nine years, died ><>s- erday at No. 15 Ward-st., having taken laudanum. I'he mot iso ls nut known. Coroner smith will hold ni In |tic8t, and ll does not uprear thnt any prt-eau- lon was taken against a Killniii'Tii of the threat she iad made to end her life. A young son of David Depnyt. of No. 100 Kiver- ;K, I'buk.d tn death on a pin e. of ines, vestcrday. JKRSKY (TTY. Miss Harriet E. Cofliii prostrated at Taylor's lofel, Jersey City, by Ih" Boers shi received from Cln innall on Friday announcing her father's (loath. She oKiains In her room an-l ref-OBS to s-** all reprirtcis. ih" ha*- determined not to alt Bad the funeral. Illidge! Harrington, a mid ilo-aged mommy was ar- a'gned yesterday before Justice St lsinp foi* art-*n,'t- ng to set lire to hm home, Bo. iib Il-udorson st., 'rldriy, hy .pouring kerosene upon a red hot stove, he ls believed to be Insane and a commission will lie ,j.pointed to decide as to hoi* sanity, lier husband led In the Mania Plains Insane Ask tum several yean go. Ile left her eotslrtsrabh* prepeity. KU/AUK.'II. Thomas Raaalgaa, of Elizabeth, an ex-captain of lollce, was yesterday sentenced to Bvo ¦mathe" Ku- rlsonment in the r linty Jail for wife b atlng. The sirlke of iii- BMmMeri M Oran! S to.'s foundry v,-r a Change fr..rn day's wort ta piece Work w.,s Bttled by ai*li|t!*.iilon I "r il ii y and the men resumed .oik yesterday. Freeholders Debbie, rit-r-on ami Howa'd )),ive beSB ppolnted a eoaunlttes bj the Boned to look after tho .pislaiion In th- int rest of this county during the makin nf tho L>gisiatu,o . Ihe wives and-daughters of (lie comrades belong ng to Judson Kilpatrick l'ost. (i. A. IL. oi gai.med a lumen's Relief Cups on Friday. Then were toity bartel' members. LOHO ISLAND. George Kaufman, WsJdle cia.sl.ng at College P,lnt, ,n Friday, had hi- bia ns dashed oul against a carriage rbeol, and du'ii Instantly. lie was eighteen years old, ind the sole support ot his mother. Thc Long Island City police yesterday put In clrru- ation a petition tot Ibo signature ol lae ellison and ax payers requesting tia- pmsam of the bill al pmen! >efi n ihe Legislature tor the Increase of the force, aud m iddiiioi. Ki their salaries, .Wet ly-ee vet pullrem-n over a teiT.tury eleven miles square. -.- *v\ _RTCHESTER OOCRTT. The Kev. W. K. Wuk.Tield, pis'iir of the North kantie! church ai Pim heater, ha> offend his r sg lation. ta take effeoi on April 19, alt r a pastorate if four peen, lt ls undoretood thal tin-re ha- Keen rouble arning the members ol lils congregation. A New-England supper and Old Folks' concert will ls» held at tlie Methodist Episcopal Church In, Moimi Vernon on Washington's Itlithday. There will be an Indian wigwam In charge of. IV-f Kiri, and a niniil/r if "braves." and also Coutincntal -soldiers In "yo alden costume." 'Ihe family of Sldn-y Vf. Mis'er-*. carri a ge mak"r. 'ort Chmtor, ha* be.n sorell afBiciod wini typhoid ineuinou a. A ten-vearoirt datipht'-r dl.-d last *.v ok, lui on Friday a little son died, aud now a daiighKr , dangerous]) 111 Will, the disease. The trustees of ihe Firs! Coagregattona] Chorafa of .ort chester, have loeated tli'- sit.* of ti, ir pii,po ed hnrch ou tli- lot roe ntl. itu rr has-rd lu W**otchoator- ive , and have engag d an u. ch Ita il to draw the plans. Tho Assembly concured on Kr.day In tho _*J.">i).0i>" a] '.propi tallon by tl,,- Senate and wirk wai imo med ycs-t'iiliy In the 'hoe and stove works of tin- -ut* prison al Bing Sing. The I .Ono ,,,. v|cts emploved In the^P Industrie** were Jubilant over tho nows. ALONG THK KOK's'D. At a meeting of tin* BepoUloen club tn Bridgeport yesterday, a conmuntcatloa wai received fran "The Ropubllraner," of New Yoi k City, lo which the editor gave assurance of the support ol the normans of the metropolis lu the coming Na.ional struggle. The fli-s! number of *'The News," Charles W. l,o<. Editor, published in Greenwich, ha- appeared. Word has been rerrived In Bridgeport thal Charles, son of S. T. Pomeroy, who salleil from .New link la*-t October for a cruise In an open boat in Hi" Gulf ol Mexico, was Browned In tlie storm of October 18, In Kural ina Kay. Mis. Ranice lltirlbtitt, ape ninety-five, tlc- old st citizen of Westport, died yesterday. The Invitation of Major II. M. Kemi to 1,000 Rrldp" port children for a fi-ee sleigh ride, wa* pmterdaj answered by about 200 children, none of whom wen allowed lo go away disappointed. The Kev. .1. H. PMlgjOreld. rector of St. peter's Church, Milford, hs,-* received a tall to thc lecloi.ahlp ol an Episcopal ______ In Saco, Me. WA NTI SC, A TREE- TRA OE OONWEEBBOB TOO son v The famous proposed Free Trade rouclave of Ihe pre.blent* of ali the Exchange* ami twenty "gentle men*1 from each bod} was not held at the Res) BMate Exchange vs,te.day. V. K. stevenson, tho handsome Windsor Hotel "Coan! of Chattanooga,*1 who warned Congress stinod up lol Its li,ucl nm in reducing the tarlir, had given Meldon! Craik1 hank, of ihe Kcal Estate jfrrhansa. tao si,on um ice to Lrlug such an august boil) ti pether and inureov er Mr. Cruikshank did not think Ike sehemo one lu exact line willi the itutie*. ol the Exchange, lt is understood that the "Count" is iinduiiiilotl iiinl Hut he tull endeavor ta show his devoiion lo th" Manhattan club Democratic principles by a lui.iee etfi it to louse real estela un thu-,l_sui in favor of cheapening the Imported clothes of Mow-York's arlitamn. at .ho aspenm ol Ameiicai, wage eai nora. ->-¦ THE COLLEGE BASEBALL RCBRBVLR. The race foi- MM psaaaM In Gie Intercollegiate Base bali Aaaoelatlm pmaSam to be nasaaBy latomoM-oj this .year. T he-tilu'-s from Yale. Harv ird and Princeton will be Ihe eealeeOmm ApsMOOMom BM niembcrshtp from AS-hemt, William*! and ike Dalverslty ol Psaaaylvaais were received, hut the lhr*-e senior BSllogm lu ihe hague decided af ld long dd I,, ia'ion no. 10 admit the applicant!,, 'i'he coiisiilutiou killi he the 6ame as laal yeal' aud liie playing riil-s of thc profcsaional ISOffM afB govern lix con;e-i_ of the Students. No O.t.cia! umpires hsve Im-cii *.|,|sjirited as yet, because .c, apjiicatlon for thi position has been received. When the would-be umpires *".d in il,cir proposal- th,- collegian* will act uimn them. Th" psaaaal aosam will begin on April 28, the Y'ale and Prtaeeem Mema playing at Prteenea. Tw«j,e games is 111 be played In all, each college playing four wllh each of th-- others lu Otc leanne. The final paine tull be played on June 20, ar, the S| in lided schedule will show : Spell ----Yale tS. Killi.' ron al IT 111'don. May 5 -Pillie, lou v. Yale at Nnv-llaven. May 7.Pilii'cton vs. ll un ard al Can-bridge. May 12.Harvard vs. Princeton st iTliicetou. May 1S-.OrVBfd vs. Yule at N\ a -Hav, 11. May 2'i-Yalc vs. Princeton a' Pr!0*0*00, May To-11.1 rv ..rd vs. Prlnc-tnn at Princeton June 2-Prince.oa vs. Kunari at Cambiidgc. June 9.Y'ale vs Han ard st Cambridge. June 16 -Princeton vs. Yale st New-HH.ui. June 28-Ysh' vs. Harvard at Csnibrldite. June 2.'-11 arv ard va. Y'ale ai Nets-Haven. A.QOUD IirSBAND TO GET DIVORCED I ROM. Bira. har_h Ann Prower, th* old wotibb win was nearly onurdered al Hampstead, I. K. h.* begua a (ult for aTvorce aga n.1 her liu.baiirl, I/uilt F IfBffW, who wss stroBgly *nap*ct«s| .f irrm- to kill har Mri. BroW*r l*y for a fort, night littering ea MM v.rge of death Her hutliai, and Mr* Marv J*,.* 1 ewl*. with wh*m th* old man was mpSOOSd IS bo usrialy miiinate ksv* been locked up In the un-.nt County Jail *idc* th* ksssnli. Mr* Hrowsr wants * divorc* and 02(1 weekly a obi nt (l*arge A. Mott ls th* eountnl fm ReoM-sea and his cu respondent Mrs. Kawl*, and ba ha* sorrod writs of titi.es* corpus bring Pi-awer ind Mr*. \_WBW *>al of Jail. J,oise Cullen adjourned the Uiruree pro eroalug* until to morrow, when tba writs are roturasbl*. Tba cn pie were taiirrled In Hie. and hay* gre*. gntndchiKl r*n Mra Urower I* *Uiy-oue y»ar* *f ag* tnt har Lothari* Boree year* ber a*i,i*r. AKt&N^Us 32 West 14th St. We will combine oar «roai closina-ont aa!e i'n!a week. All garment* ottered are this Benson's styles ¦ od handaomely made up. Price* nre reduced la make thia the mus. sn* cess, ul .nie et er beld. and as a mnlter ol" econo.ny ia stell worth Ihe attention of all careful buyers. Alt* special bargain* io Fur., lire** Trimming*, Laces. Millinery, Ureas Silas, P.ashea, IIoBlrry. Indrrtsear, Cor*et*, .c. Sealskins aud Furs. Sealskin Jackets .§55 i ware 89S ¦eal.(. Jnckeis.SN11 were §1-3 r-enlshln Sa* qurs....SI IO t were 8150 KeiilsUii, Rmsam. SW-Hi were §135 Krai-akin Snrqnrs.Bl 15 i were SI50 Sealskin Sac«iues.§185 | were §*-.)§ he.ilakia Wraps. SN) ¦ were §1'-5 sealskin tYrnps.§1«*5| were §169.50 Sealskin Newmarket*. Holms,,.. uml listers B130 to BBSSismeSStS t* -a',. Alsomealol BseeaBm tn fashtoa- able fancy fnrs, Hufl-, Bon*, (ups. Gloves, Far Trias, mings, Robes, Hugs, Ac Plush Saeques aud Wrap**. Plush Baamma.-..S15-0S| were §'Z5 Plu-h Sac.mes.S19 50; were §30 I'lush Baamma.S-l.50| were §35 Plush -s.qiirt.*_7.0Ot were S39.50 Piu-h "neques.*)37 50 i were §45 Plush Nett markets, «. i«l.*,il t reduce 1 fruni |. 0 I'lush .Inekels. §13 50| were $.'0. IV rap* from St 4."ill to S35| i-i I.-i i. All new snit elegant. Newmarkets, Jackets, cv*. Vt will nlso -how this vreelt a full lin' of Rnglans, Nt>w- mnrkets. .Inckets, sad Jer*ev*. Nett iiiiirkcia Ir.m *l -.18. lt uulnus fr-ra B7.SS Jncke s fro u BBSS All raino "a tome lowest poootble arlee to dem eek win also show a large lino nr tull ram." n .1 fro >* *-'.-¦ te Si"¦"('. lhat colt Jd 0 tu 12b I", to BSSks un. J. N. COLLINS <&, CO., Manu/artavers'of Cloaks aiul Furs, 3_ water 111 ii--*r. a iii mrmt i_tii--t. CASKS OF SMALLPOX IS BROOKLTR. TBE ll RAITH OPITCIAIS I.AX AND BBO-IOBlf. IN IIKIK D'TY. Tli* Bimbil B Health Depart ment is liaviu.'* great atnonnt nf trent, - witt, conceal*.! cases o' Snalln-x. Y*aicr av a eas* sic l* light lu a peculiar mainer and Ibiough Hie ¦ ii»rpn*aa ot a woman, -lu- wa* waking a on j (irand st, when sim ssw playing wllh a iminbar of children a lin's child of Mr*. Burn:*, of No li (.rim! ,t. The cliilfl'M face was er,ver**t wi'I, sinallpui »c;,r». Tho woman, who is un arti'.i titi tallie, ot Mrs. Hu nu, stael the lu U ur about thu child ami was toll tliat ht kid recently recovered fruin Hie disease. There are two . h -r eli il lr* n ni th* family an.l when thev were in pi,re I ai.ul vira. Bunn t,!d tiu.t tbey were j ut from ne. ll-r » |>i i.iilju,- ,lld nut belters ber, ho woree, aad weat to th. MseHh D'ptrtinsnt ami rs- portt-,1 I.i ll-** liven'. An o ticer was sent to Investigate Hie c <* s an-l lie lound a Utile girl of ten years aid ctol with li, and a y*uu<< r StStOf au rei ii; from the rt: a. «t iB,,;r,.ni of tho ilise.t.a. illly wu,' all sent lo tb. sui illpox hospital. ( harle* Kider, ot Na. lc Adams.tl., walk sd lalo the First Precinct .Station about I p m. and ttl t that he f*It 111 and uni n*t know w ,.ii w ,* ths maller witt, hun. A tiirnenn mat* a heats ei.minali'.n mid found thst he ha 1 a cate ot s.nail pox. He tm saut to Ike hospital. Much .ii-1.itu .ti.ui lt a_pmsoe_ st the reck'est nj .inner In winch Hie Health Drpirtmn- tu id* their cases, in,,in,* of aen-tinr all t!i* I'Stieins fruin their humus lo the hospita! .iiii.,fs lletely ii i-. are fr*.|ii-ut y tak*n t i ... Kullee H.ad. .luaricr*. wkero they ar * clo*, to pso;,le w!,e are constantly paaalaa tn and ont The drivers of Hie ambii'tnees that carry the patients io His hospital are allowed ( o aland in tu* don, ways and on Hie ita.rs. t , ihat persons tut-ring or leav¬ ing tbe place mutt past by them. Tm drivers Iiav.- to go lutn Ihe lufscis*! dwellinr* snd help rry nut tho diseassrl patient*. There are no* alintit seventy cate* in Hi* hospital and noane knows how many ui-ue tilers are that have been kapi from the Health SMellie METHODIST WOMEN OIROURR MISSION WORE. Tk* Woman's F.,relK. Missions!y Society of Hie M'tho lit Kp:..'., pal Inn. li hell t sr,) eMOttagS yesterday al the Trill. Ky Methodist Kul*c.jial Cu ure!- lu Bael -)..-¦!,un lie.i-.,,,,l- tweuly nilibili st., neal .-. cou lave. Tho foreauao tmeeung wss opened at 10 Vdu k by di-votio.isl sx.-rcises, conducted hf Mis. I. -ns eons, or Hr,,,..Ku. Au interesting paper wa* read by Mrs Joseph Wright, on " Wo na.is Puce Ki tin* Church.' winch wa* followe I by an ad-Ire** by tko K'V. Mr. llo->*. of SjiiIisso. Chili An Internntsion was limn held, itui lng iThlch au ampin luncheon wis served by thc ladies et thc church. Al th* aiternooB ¦IQIlBg an Inspiring ad,treas wa* deliv¬ ered tiy Mrs. .1. H Kuovles, full*w,.I by pap r- on "mir Motto," by Mit. ReAIBetm, of Ctr fslan-l; "WM 1'aga,,- :*m Does tor Woiuru," l,y Mr*. KcniBan. ot Mount Yerin.n, and "What t-iiriatiauitv L)u«s t*r Woiuen." by MissUraoo ildil. TM meeting WM clo*e I bi* an atidirss hy Mrs W.il oki Tn,,re, eormopoae.a seemtary el the New. York branch of thc Wein.m's Foreun M it>lon Sodeiy, lu wh-.cb she urned Ibe n.O'st ty of (lunn ia. a.pp*rt lr.cu Hie wouien *f the conntry. tu md r tin: the <iospjl ni.iy be pi SOObed to tue womrn n! h*aili-n lin lt by w»iu*ii niissiiui.u .«., at they aro ubi allowed le hear men pre oh. DESIGNS POE HIE GRAM BORBBBET. 1 lie *.: ant Monument Association hm Istuod a ct-cular in¬ viting ai list., sealptOfl *i"l sr, nllciT* lo sub.alt designs for ti.v ,,,...! _*ui ni uieiiio: .al lu, d.un lu li* vie. led ai inver - ame Tal -. or.r Hie loni!, of <>«ueral liraiil. ll i* mgg.lUd that SeelgM he Huhiuiltetl Based upon un estimate I vip.-uti tareelBBOOiOOO, un. th*- leta! eoet ot iheceaialeOM! straamm caiiiiol al pr.-., nt On definitely lixe.t. sh»n|.| ihe lund, of Hie lesocte.oaeamewa"_rlaoreeesdos 'o allow ot * greater expouilitnie, the sui pim may h* devote I to sldllional orua- iiieiitalu.n and tl.eorati ,_. anl au-tgealiou* oiab,"tying auch a ?.nubility sheetd arco njcnr Hie designs. PmsalOBM *f Sl.asat Sl.see, SSSS. SSeSeaS SSSSem aSbmS lor ihe flt* mus! meiaoi.cut .lea gus. The' circular s*ts f«rt!i a number of. un lions willi ttl, cl, f,u,|. "lira a iii ii it conip,y, and cop¬ ies..! il may be iud ,,n application lo th* IHIMBl J. ll,, hal.i 1'. (ii-ener, No. 146 Broadway. FOI.ICEMEN MAKE A RAID OS A DOO-PTT. Ye.(e.day 'Sa'ieiiiiteadrnt Hankinsou. of Henry KergT.'s society, with ¦evora! o.Uc ts and four ot Hie city pone*, ra.,tefl a dos pit st O'Ne.l.*s salem, lu "sunnyside, K. I. Only Uie piopi ei...' and a ear.eu.ler wore to bu seen, hut Hm pit and one du. ia readiness for ll -li''¦, ¦; vere iei/.ed. It was under¬ stood that a f! tr hi for t-iO a (Ide b*i-yean lae New Yura dog* wo* to have takvii puce. Al A Bl .\E IA I ti LUG ESC Ii. MINIATCIlK ALMANAC. se aaa -un rise* 7 02 , BOBO. Tt Ki | Moon risa 105 | M .ou i ag*.. 23 Ul I", kV ITS'!. .i.'sf.-.SBBdvrtfio.. lias I nev. lard ck uvitaate. 2i»0 P.-f.-aandr Hook. ItSSIOav. I*T4 2. in llsll UaiA S.£-'J LRCOMLNQ .* TEA il I. RR BO-BAY. Vetiel. Fruin. Sallel. nn_ Aurania.L.v.rie.oi.jal. ¦_^.r*nnar<l .A'*"10....Uvsrpsei ... .Jan ....:.White IStar apHB .I.1V..I.MIUI .Jail-.O . .Ntl ,,U.ll Salerno.(iotljenburs. ...Jsn lb.Wilson Heiser.Copeiiha-reu... Jan IS .I hmrva la KI'H-na.Haml.urg.Jan i'i Hainn-Auier Tmm.Urvmen.Ja,, 3,1.sj (i |.|.y,. Zaandsm.Amsterdam.... Jan 21... Netu- A,ur La BmtegM.Havre.ja,, ._».... rouen tram Orinoco.Benn mia..Feb 2.Wuebe- nanaar, rea .; Kthlopla.(ilsairow.Jan 28.Anchor ...tratoga.Havana.Keb |.Wara** nK-iitv. ma 7 'anad*.London.Jan 26.Nstlonsl Kibe.Bremen.Jau .S .N ll Lloyd Philadelphia.__guayra.J au Bl.Ked i> 0UTBO1RU STEAMERS. U'lMUV, IIB ti. Veuet. Line. Fur Msllteloss. sail*. Haman*. Dominican Harli. 1 p m _ _, u, 1 naenat. ran 7 Nevada, Onion, Llverpoo.10 30 a ns 1 pm WKUXKSlitV. Ftu s It-i-ub In. Whit* sitar, Liverpool .ll ulla ra 2 TO p rn -ibu. N (i Lioyd. Bisuien « s*Ui-,np'u..ll J J a ni BtM p rn SHlPl'lSo NRWS. PORT OF N_\VYoBK..BATOBbAT, PSRd, UM ABBI**no ".te*!nor KeBuhlic (Bri. l'aviton. Llvsrpool Jan 26. Queen*- town ._.,, irithBi'isn and |M paaseus-r* to J Bruce tnuar A ir.i ci *l tun Bar st SI's m. hleaui-1 Blc.-i.uii.t Hr, lia**cBsteiu, i.noa Dec 24 I^tg. hu, ii So. Naples ..au -. lloma IS, Valencia 1 *. ,, nr- ,'a, ",. willi h.,la« m l(ei,.,er*oii Bros. Arrived tt Hie Barai :..,(, , rei -lean,. I ,*,.. i . a , Mr Crasai, Part do Pata Jan 27 Cape Hat ii.li SB I -ilks Lia cl 20, with mdse tw |,.,,,| f. j__t'. tin; t eiav> WAK Uiit. i ndge A Co ArriT-,1 at th* Har al . a m. -teamer Alamo. Kisk. ii..Iveston 8 day*, with Bid te and pita,-Hirers lo ll MallulV Co .-lean.si pioneer, I'l-nningluu, Villi,.n_lon :i days, withs ni,ls., te **¦ I' *'lye- | ., "ttsamor Kioauora. Hen nen, PortUnit, wita in !se to Horan* Hall. nhip Win ll ('onn*r .of-»ars|M.rtl. Nichols. PhaugBal 120 dav* willi muse tootden tc**ci to 1'eu.lleton, Carver A Mime * ?.inp lawn. Hopkins. D minc 72 dar*, with bide* lo omen ve*»*i Ut In.mas Duahsin'a Nephew A io. . Ship i**sve'*ign i Hr, Pataese, Antwan, .*.'. lars win, iron an.l *i,,|.it nar rei. lo order, ve**el to Mnannnell litut. isl,ii' M,iitiici i. -l in'in NB,. Brown, Aatwerp 14 day*. ¦wi. mut* tu ttiti. vassal la J li Wiao-OSMu tt Ca E, J. DENNING, & CO, SOUOMSMM.I TO A. T. STEWART & CO. (RETAIL). Invite attention to their SPRING IMPORTATION OF PRINTED CHINA SILKS, PRINTED BENGALEES, SHANGHAI SILKS (WHITE AND ALL THE NEW SHADES.: ALSO* SATINS, GINGHAMS, PRINTED LAWNS, AMI OTHER COTTON DRESS FABRICS IN THE LARGEST VARIETY. They will also offer to-morrow the following 1,000 PIECES 27-INCH WHITE & LIGHT CJLORED GROUND PRINTED CANTON REAL SHANGHAI SILKS, Exquisite Chinese Handwork in Unique Designs and Fast Colors. AT 85C., $1.00, & $1.25 PERYARD; FULLY FORTY PER CENT UNDER REG¬ ULAR PRICES. 530 FIECES FINE BLACK CACHEMIRE SILKS At 75c. up to $1.75 per yard; A REDUCTION OF 25 PER CENT UNDER REGULAR PRICES. 6,000 YARDS FINE FRENCH ALL-WOOL PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, THIS SEASON'S IMPORTATION, IN LENGTHS OF 5 TO 10 YARDS, at 50c. per yard; REDUCED FROM $1, $1.25 and $1.50. Broadway, lib-are., O.t. and 10(h sts. Hark I I Smith (Hr.. Tln.l*r. Anlwer-i Dun 1. Pall.Uh. '* .'.. Tit li lion-lui e.nj.tv uji iels lo .irlel, vussol to Flinch, K-'jrt* A Co ilia: I. I.JiiilsKioiiu (of Win,la,,r. NS!. *-,i,clnir. Antwsri) ."-tr-1 .1 iva, willi irun ami empty barrels le order; vessel 8._,v & U , r . iiil* llrlsto! (of SVIii,|ft»r. BS), I.-iwiH,,, o, r.iMiilou 3", day*, wit.i ni.1i"* io onit-r; vsasel .-> >n*i*s A Kilree**, Hark A*,,,- ,,n Win,Ism. Nis,, Mil, hi ll. liri.ml ln-c 10, The Holme* VS, will, unite L.or.lrr, Veaavl io -*i.ow A Hurj--,'**. llllS "-I,sall BtVSSS, OlHSlSt, H.tr.ici j ...ITS, Willi l tli'ill- nir*!,, Homes .i Peera.iii. \,-»sei i,, Miller. Hull A ',.- liri. Ins .':iWi-i,.. 'Xv. I'oil l[,,y.il VMtr*, willi lumber le Weet (hors Hr. reese! te i v v*n reel BO-t-B ''.-A' Bern** ll «n, WU I m-ler,.-. Bl ihirk tog Al*-!.*, IsUii'l. ** in.i ll.lit, 1., i.iiu.i.i; au lilli k nilshoio. Aiiivf.il vott'-i liv Lark r*'in len Sw*.1). leltiroi,,. It," Janeiro H5 dav* with SS sc M An,s.n. k m Cn. voa** Io Knncii. h,,:ve A Co. Balk A,l,l» I. lillis liri, Jenkin*. I'M nat,, Mic , H -.sr*. nilli tat*! loonier; ve»»e. le H'-ii.iam .t Hoy, sr,,. OieMA ItBIl Steam*-! l.y.iun Monarch tlir). li ii .'sell, London.Sander¬ son A S.,11. Mejmei lii-lsrsiia (Hr), Bnothbr, Liverpool Hen.Iersoa Bros steam*-! <Tiats*.a KsrgMl (Kr), .lourneill, Hmfla_lll Kuin ri. Edy* A Oat -ir.iui*! I'muoua Hr), I.-****-. Mu>its,'o Bay, Ja, Ac.Geo Wessels A <.>. .*.:,.., in i-i Panama (loan,. Jeni*. flavana-J M <"t*b-illo*i. Co, M,..,..si N"!j_»r.t. Hii.nl*. li.iv.uj.i Isa i: Ward A to. Bt_a_nT I amirsaea. Unwell. Halve-too vis Kay Weet.0 ll Mallon ...'» lilianeai Bntf*'!'! *". Keeahle, New-Orleans-samuel H Seaman. steamer Kl Dorado, livme, NewOiT.ans-John T Vaa Sii kle. Hie.nner (.ult Silvain, Iii^r.iii,. Wilmington, SC-Wm Clyne- *'-,. Ht.uiii.-r (»1*1 Dominion. C.iii*Ii, Itirlnnoiid, City Toint sud Nol lois.Ol,I Do nu. ion Ss Cu Ute rn. Roanoke, liul.ilicis, Norfolk ann* New port NeWS . ul.I Dniiilnloii ria o. rsl**ni-r Hi, tiiuoii'l, Divls, Weat Point, Va.OM Dominion et,,amer Kle ninia, I'ennett. I'ortlsnd.Hor iii" Bett, Hirsmtr .1 I" lJi-i'.ck, Horry, Bininu -li Dun,.ck. Bart H.'" Hint (bri, D.ckle, Lia bailie, ilulonne. Fr. C VV Mirtanx. Birk Ethel (liri ,*opi>. St Johnt. XT.Iona Wi1»1i**r. Brig o/.su.a (Ital), Kana Han r.'oonns-o City.J B Vitim A Ca HA ILK D. Steamar! C. allis. Penn*rlv_:iia sn.l The Qn*is*_. for Liver¬ pool Devonia. UlaeKeW; Bohemia ami Austlslta, Maui.nus; |-c»niaii,!. Aulwern; "_» <Tiau,lianne, iI.it,,-; ,\ii;irt. Hav- ina ls»me_s_ai Oelveete«i KI Dorado aid KT.ir.erOock.'r. set* Orle-Mi Nacoochee, Havannah. Oil Dominion, Rich- """"'* THF. MOVEMENTS Of STi_AMER.*_ roaEtoa pobtts. |_T*_VOOta Kel, 4--Arrived, steamer Serra .Span). Lar.arra. rt. iroiu Now Vor* Jan *-"-'. iii KNsii'ivr-., Keb 4.Arrived, ste-iraor *'ellie (Rr), Irvlns, fr.ua New-Vork Jaa ST, on her way to Liverpool (and pro- eeede_). I asisTT, Kel, i. 2 v m. Pa*»_d, steamer servia (Bri. Mc¬ Kay, .rom New York Jan 'JH ou her way to gusenslown snd l.ivei itool. s. HAT, Keb I Paeeee, steamer La Roiir.oirne (Fr), Fran- a ,al mm New-York Jan '.'H. ,,o her war to Havre. H tMHl'B-t. P, b ¦_.Hausa, (learner Taormina tUer), Koch, for New York. ItnilSKiitM. Feb a.Arrived, steamWt Amsterdsm (Dtoh), HikU-r. ir*ni New-'i .ik J au ... HtvKi c. 4-rsailoiu .learner l.a'iatco.ne (Kr), Hantellt, lor Now-York At ur All*, NZ fem 4.Arrived, sieimer Mariposa, Hay. war-, 'rim San Iranclico. ST TH-'MAS, Ksl) 2-Arrived. (learner Allisncs. Boer*, from IS>w-Y..ik au,t Newpoi t News ou her war lo Kio Jsnoiro, Ac, ,ai, prneeededl m ti.KS, Vee '-'.*<al.«I ..eamnr Muriel (Br). I^icke, from AuUii .a. ic hence .or New-York. (J%T ialrr .slnpoin.j Sew*, i/anu. tee Fifth Pay*.) AimoiiiKPin. nt*. Beware of a Hliptit irritation of the throat. Unit* ¦.: I Oe__" I'nvt (IT* ibu*! .'.* lt.-t.'. St.J al Ih* sleTSte.'. railr.a-1 tUUsnt. (.'ANCKU.Itrs ClRF.. VerT Intirsatinf ptn.D.ilel Ireot DA FLSMIN... |M We,t4*.,i Si, New. York. ., GO-EBIC." E. -C W. " GOOEBIC.11 OUB NSW '.OAKROTS*' COLLAIl. Henrt A. KAniii.*, M. D. »1» WesT lJST.i -rr. Henri-¦> to lit., ls 7. Disease**! lb* N»rv*as Sytusa. Crnits-L C.i.sry ..rgBna. inipotencaaudttortlltf. "XoCTOfl M RAT.i." for rafe, mii*<», bu^H. 15c. ROlnH os CATARRH.*' Only aban.nie oar*. Sue. "lui.ii.i '.*< n,H>**" Hard or soft seTM. Ita. ¦TlciuMuN luoimilit" Ima**, to.lef. Ila. To MOTHKR-"." Mu. Winslow's hcm.iii.io htsup. f*r ciiii'r*** T*«tkiB». ifiea* Ihe iir**, rxlueet iBfla.natattuB. sllars all psis, st* tr** w.sJ . .no aad -lisrrUt**. Twin' an oast* S UolU* Mftea* eera* O'NEILL' 6TH-AVE., 2QTH TO 21ST ST. W_D WILT- OFFER A NUMBER OF BARSAINS TO MORROW In Every Department. Seal Garments. Dress Goods. Alaska Seal Sacques, London dyed and dressed. $95, $115, $135; former prices $169, $189 and $210. Alaska Seal Wraps, London dressed and dyed, plain and trimmed with Alaska Sable, $98; reduced from $189. Alaska Seal Newmarkets, London dressed and dyed, 68 inches long, $176, $225 and $249. 1,000 ReadymadeSuits 89.75 to $19.75; worth cfbuble these prices. Owing to out Enlarged Work RtRotHs, our i'.tvifith'H are greatig increased for getting out Fine (,ii pine nts. We <i pe pvcpa ped to tiihe orders fop ELABORATE COSTUMES OR SUITS for Ifeeeiitions op F re n in ff Wear. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE rim ES. Our Underwear Dep't occupies more space than is de¬ voted by any house to the same line of goods. Ladies'ami Infants' Trousseaux a spec ia ft ff. Cambric Corset Covers, V shape, of embroidery, 38c; good value for 75c. Cm bro ide red <' li om iso, I' o in p a d o n r, I' i ii o Tucked a ii d L a o o I' ri in nt cd (.owns, _.i.i-! hroidcrcd Un Hie Draw-j era, Tine Tucked Cam¬ bric Skirts, Medici Lace ..rsc. Covers, l-'mhroidcrcd and Larc Corset Covers; Cmhroi- dered -'.dye (Skirts lind Fine ", i:_lii Dresses. Em¬ broidered i-C aa lit*- Draw- crt. J line Qti*ilily ol" these goods, 98c. and 11.99. Samples haud-iuado I nderwoar trimmed willi Fine Cmhroidci .> and Lace, rlosin** out at 50c on tlie Dollar. Infants' long aud sliort Dresses and Cloaks. CORSETS. French Sateen Corsets _Se, all colors. Sateen C. P. Corsets, $-2, worth $:_. Coutiel ** " $1.50, foriuer price $.2.10. Mail Orders receive prompt attention. H. 0'NEIii & co., 6TH-AVE., 20TH TO 218T-8T. 59c. each. *9c. each. ALL Till. RIWHT F ABItlCS Al THC LOWCST PICK ES. Dress Silks. At Pi'icej* Loirer than any other House in the Trade. Djuan id Mm. Lace mid heavy Curtains at hall price. Guipure < ii ital ns, I rb. li Point ennis, 81.SS lo fri.-50, worth *_..>.*< to 1.'25. 6.10 pair Egyptian and French Rc naissance effects, $3.98 aud 81.50, worth St-..»>* to $8.50. Jt&OO Smyrna lings at Less than Cost. en Slip Covers made in best style, mate¬ rial included, for suite ol' 7 piece. $10.98 per suite, reduced from $19. White Goods. All Wool Basket Flannels, '_'»«*., worth 50c. Plain and laney Fro iich Flannel"), ¦ISc, 65c. to YOc for sprini* .lyle**, in Wash Fabrics, ("ambries, OtagfcM..- Ac., 10c. to "JOe per yard. Hnffata, Laces, Uirellas, etc Be Sure and Visit Our Hoisetoiisfc Dept The exhibition of the ONE MINUTE COFFEE POT Has been so successful that we wit continue it one week longer. We also oller a Aile line of english and Americau Cutlery at low prices. 1 do7.cn Knives mid Forks, tile. worth 9Sc. Ladies' Shoe Polish, I'2c, worth 16c, Ornamental Brass Candlestick-. _?<-., worth 59c. Household, Kitchen and Luiuidr) Sundries. Paid Parcels Delivered within *." miles of "tiow-Vork free of th ar*.'e. H. O'NEILL & CO.. 9TH-AVE., 20TH TO 213T ST, Early Spring Dress Goods. Wc are showing quite a large variety in Karly Spring Dress Goods, both in woolen and cot¬ ton fabrics. Special patterns in printed Challeis, printed Mo¬ hairs, Novelty Ginghams and Satteens not to be seen any¬ where else. Lord & Taylor, Eioadway and Twentieth Street. CARPETS. SPECIAL CLEARING SALE. HAVING COMP-ETEDOVR ANNUAL INVENTORY, WE AUK NOW OFFERING ALL _iKO_.CN L'.TS. PINOLE PIECES. AND PATTP.UNS Of EVKRY DE- BO.IPTIOM WE IX) NOT INTEND DU PLICATINQ. REGARDLESS OF COST. WTI.TONH, AXMINSTER**. MOQUET. KS, VELVETS IC'V AND TAPESTRY Illll'SSElS. 3-PLYS, AND INO AiNS (LA.OB LINKS IN ALL THE DIFFKRENT . __l.liF.rs). UPHOLSTERY. A MANUFACTURER'S ENTIRE PRODUCTION (A RECENT Pl It* TI ASE. OF BILK AND MOHAIR PLUSH BB "wi. 0 Ki ku io n.'isK orr qcickly at LBS* THAN COST O.MANt'l'... TIRE. BILK P'.CHHEH.AT 7.0. PER YARD*I WORTH 1160. MOHAIR PLUSHES....AT ll 25 PER YAMO, WORTH*. 75. ALSO A I. Mt. ii: LINE OF SILK AND WOOL TAPES¬ TRIES Al A BOLT ONE-HALF THE ACTUAL VALUR. LACE TIIUDMAN {TRIALS'. IN ALL TH. DH. .(.KENT VARIKTIKHAT IMPORTATION PRK ES. . . I VTU-Al E., 131 U AND 1 ATM STU. CARPETS LINOLEUMS, FUR OFFICES, ' llt.T-.ll.HI AT WIIOI.I-'SAI,B PRICKS. DOWN-TOWN CtRI'IT -TOIIK. THEHYATTCO NO. 273 CANAL-ST., SEMI-CENTENNIAL IS8UE HE TUNE. ALMAC THE ALMANAC FOR 1880 18 ROW READY: PRICB TWENTY-FIVE CENT8 A COPY, . >i'l 1* *. full it sv«r af ctr,.ti.,*i, rlotertpttr* **1 ia p,siiit*ry tttm reUiiui to Ut POLITICAL LIFE Of 'lift Unlia* ".Ut**. Thlt A1.*»a»o, lirtt *ttrto * bv R«rM( i.rss'sf, »ut « work in wm. a it* Utu.oJ* fr*«l -**l *| ttiuiUHni car*, it .Mil Ut* * STANDARD TEXT BOOK et t-l -_r. It OOO Ulm «larji}r_t« .tltUltc* o' l.« ELECTIONS OF 1887 toy BRMM Ml '".¦ittlaa, oomp-ral with pr-Titti* v*«rt tat, I,, lbs cis- if N*w.York anl N**TJ»r**/ jf Ijwati. aa ase eeilei.l altttrael ot *_aU at Ul* IMPORTANT LAWS OF CONGRESS of tk* pttl v*»r, Inaluli*. IM* A_T****iiltiir»l *.n'.--l I.tsar, i* !»h*ry. and I.ili** l».lti»ic* in* Intor sui* fo-a-aore* Hill; th* PratMoaUM Klaotiari MBi lat BM ot -r-j-fe** »*iii*i ii*-, ato., ava., oto. Ala- tu po'Hlo.l .»*.** PLATFORMS OF 1887 la th* c11-*«r*nt stat**; th* prMto*tl*a of .oil aol tilv*r 1% th* V. 8. au J tua world at lar.*. BTRBtBBi til** at all IM 1*_-1B- Al** *1I th* S*l*r, PU«*torf. Ttr!*, eat othor A*tra_o«*i«_| riatlatlo* wino* ooaiuiat* t -rat otaat Calaalar at ut* yaam. (..il la all yarta ulta* Cai* i niau*. TUE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. ABDRI-S TUE TRIBUNE, New-York.

TOME NEWS. AKt&N^Us E, J. DENNING, CO, O'NEILL'chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1888-02-05/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · TOME NEWS. » NEW-YOI*K CITY. Ce-WCollector Ma-tone yesterday

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Collector Ma-tone yesterday appointed Richard F.

Ce-W and WlUlam T. Silvan clerks, al a salary ol

The steemer Caledonia, from Gibraltar, was put Into

Quarantine vr.st-.ntay for Inspection of the crew, and

Bhoroich cleansing and disinfection. Two of thc- amaCad boen .sick with smallpox and were convalescenK

Croton water rents tor the woek, S3d,027 25.

Mayor'* Marshal nyrnes las! week Issued 115

Ooensos and received iherefore »""90.Tlie Intercollegiate l-acros-o convention will be

Bold at Ihe Sturtevant U*,uso on Sat unlay. Februaryll. Harvard. Itlnceton and Stevens Insiitute com¬

pose the Association.An uptown clothier was selling boys* trousers yes¬

terday for 10 cents a pair. They were guaranteedto be all wiuil.

Onsfave Jaehne. a young (le -tran engraver, who had¦ans,rn In H." boarding-house No 413 East Fifty-SecondBt.. tiled to kill himself on Friday by swsllowlng -some

rat poison. Yesterday he was found seriously sick

In his room and w*a« sent to liellevne HeefttaL ThoOlirg'*,,!," s. lc' tul_ht recover, but he iv as ino weahlo ae .i'lestioned rcgardlug hts alleiupt at sotf-deatructioii.

Th" Nett*-York Alumni of Clarerack College andHudson River Institute will dino at Clark's tumor-row night. Over loo alumni will be present and a

.umber of prominent mem will respond to toasts.

An)i'.ig flie speakers will be Corporation CounselDeWItt, of KrooMyn. ex-Congre«_man John M. Kailey,Ot Albany. .laeoli P. Miller. Dr. J. ii.Oakley, e\ .-enator Warner Miller, and Ih" Kev. CWMillan! M,,it II. Eilis mil be tons11.astor andHenry K. IIi-.it h, of Hrool.lyn, will preside.A delegation of young men, representing the vailotis

Kew York colleges which are .nteresicd In tho."students' Movement*' started by Pn.fessor Drum-Binnd aa his visit to this oo:intry, will visit I'rlnceton

College ta .BJ In the afternoon they will addresstie studi'iils. Among the nicm-ieis ol the partyare Lewis l_ BeaSSer, of ihe Medical Department ofIhe I'lilvei-slty of the CM] of BOW-Yara J l'aul K.Ames ami T. <;. Frost, of Columbia College, bothS.lent of " The Columbia Kaw Times."

A *olree musicale was g'ven last evening by Mr. andRiv K. August Nercsheln.er, at their residence InLenov ave. A fine prop-amine was tendered by thelu-i'ti.,viii String Quartet. Max llclin-lrh and Mr.am! Mm. Ki, pal, bcMde*. iiiipi-ouyitu.s hy several ofthe gnaata

New-York Clly may now feel relieved. GeneralHoy Moue ridicules the Idea that Montana" Point willprove a scion* OOBBfetltor to lt as a port of entry.Kew-Yoi n seem* to have (onie to May.

It ls to be hoped that the public sale of the RouthFoi.y RaHwSf will result |_ tho running of IheBroadway horse cats to Hie South Ferry, doing away.with tlie mesa.i need of -Tapes from Howling (ireenSown, luis cumbers*un.* arrangement has lasted loneADOUgh.

It ls a relief to tamar that Mrs. faagl|j ls no limperOn the fence as it were.

On Thursday evening tho La Ronrdannals Club willplay a tournament with the ehe-is club of the CollegeOf th- ( Uy "f New York. live men will contest onearl, side.

Ti," Mern Worsam of Jarkaoe seminar*-*. Ha 2.o_,*>Fifi I, uv i- , ha-,,. ,,, no ii,meal £,-,,) from the receipts ofth'Tr ( hr.siii.iis entertainment to Tm. Tkhiim: Ki-esl,-Alr Fund. Thia will make merry many little heart*Of ohildien win, will !,a\* s IWO Weeta' vacation givenlo them by this project of THK 1 Ri ll. Nt.

A. Nolan Man In will deliver a lecture tn ChlckerlngHail on Wedn-sday. tailing for bis subject "TheAttainable In Social science." The lecture will beint '.".prated in Mern hf the Rev. Pr. Oelleaaet andth" ptiKteils itiii |.. devoted to aid tho (JaIl.ti.Uethoine fin- Deaf Mum's.

The President of tie- New-York Mercantile F.xchangehan appointed 1". li. Tharaor, James II. Seymour, andM. Folsom SelefOlm ta attend the Joint session of theCanal OonmMttem of iho senate and Aiusembly, to beheld In Alkea]!, Keli/niaty l(. at 3 p. m., Im Hie purposeOf advo-'dtinc the ('anal Improvement bill, now pend¬ing befoiv ihe legislature.

A gi anl vocal and instrumental concert for thebenefit of the (.eiuiau F.mlgrant House at No. 206tafe-st will be given at Steinway Hall on Thursday.vening. Seine well-known amateur and professionalManers will i«> them, a_ als. tho " Batarpo* VocalSociety, of 11 oho kc ii.

Al Iho enteitalnmeikt In (tie hall of the Young Men'sC_'Isilau AmoetSUea on Tuesday evening, for thebenefit of Cl,an Kong Sing, th" chinese mlsslonaryreccntly bumed out In the pi-eat fur at Canton, ( luna.

Marie Atitnlrette Nathalie Pollard will appear a* the"."rlncess Mill Qi I." the educated Chinese lad,, ami willdeliver a biographical lecture descriptive of .celies luChina.

fha New-Yoi her who has S.'.O.OOO for Jo-ef Tli-fnnaniIand the l'hlladelphlan who has *r'.,(|.<Mio for (somethingOise havo uo Soft ipots In their hearts for the Demoeratic City Fathers of Hie metropolis, for whom theSays of anti poverty aud tkaip work are gone, never¦nore to return.

The funeral of Mrs. J. __ Cannes, wife of tho As¬sistant Coininlssloiiei* of Jurors, who, with km child,Sled on Thursday night, took place yesterday atfit. Pan lek's Old Cathedral, In Mott-st.

M., im Kennedy, bta'e Delegate of the AncientOrder of lilternians, has Just returned from Colum¬bia. Tioga and Dutchess Counties, In each of whichhe las oigH.il/.ed sc.eial breaches of ih" society.

The boa:ding-house keepers lu tho nelghboi hoodel West-si and Battery-flam say that the Immigrantseoni'ng nowadays aro not so much '. agin the -ovein-taent*- as ag.ilust them.

"The Now-York Commercial Kullelin" says lhatthe Jauuary fire loss reached tM«i.040,000. The lossior tho Mini- h......i h last j eic wa- *11,000,000.

The White Cross meeting In Association Hall, atBicfO p. m. today, will lie addressed by the Rev. Dr.B. F. De Costa, secretary of the American WhiteCross Committee. Young incn are specially Invitedto these hu.ulai afte, ii.ii.ii meei lugs.

Tbe Psi epsilon (lui, will give Its Hist annual din¬ner ai the Hotel Bfeaaewtefe on Tkuisda) evening.l-x-Snnopate Daniel Q. Rollins will preside, and thoefforts of the long list of able speakers will be snpple-Souted by muelc, Instrumental and vocal, and is. Taons. seals, niay be i-served until Wednesday evening.Charles Davis, age forty live, a gu-t at the Grand

Oem ral Hotel, fell In Kroadway and broke his leg lasteveningA police search for a large Irish setter dog WWW

&l to the name "Charlie" and wearing the name S.auklln on his collar was ordered last even.ug.The police were directed last evening to make In

fulries at all the hospitals In the city for Ste),hun S.

Kbsoii. Who ha* la-",i missing since J.inuarv b. A.lice .feed-quarter, lt w__ said thut Mr. Dolyou was

nut a New Volker.

RROOKLYN.Judge Pullen yeso-iday namul Wednesday as the

Say on winch to hew evidence in the caeca a gul list theCu!,,ii Klevaled BalIrani, to enjoin Ks coiietructlouan Adanis-#t., Myrtle-ave and elsewhere.

County-Treasurer Adams n'celved, yesteiday, fromComm sHtonet Hyne-., »a,.W7, pa.d by the Itoaid of¦S.aaSa,

Michael Kossman, who was in Ihe employment ofLout* Statr, has brought suit for .f.",o.-"-o damagesag_.'i-! K " employer. Koeeemn sitpp.s. on the ROBBSBoor, fell down the elevator shaft aud sustained per¬manent Injin Its.

Tlie trial of Thomas flinn, who ls under Indictmentfor manslaughier in the tir.t degree, will begin to-mor¬row. He Miii'k Tl,i,mae craddock in the abiiomeuWith an axe, causing his death.

P .1. Goalla was yesterday awarde dthe contractto build the extension of tb>- SSI ID-p ment Armory.at a coal of ir..'..OOO. Tim sure-Tle,- an- M,chael Daltonan<] ( ..loii'-l A. D- band, who aio each responsiblefor I_",,oo0.A heavy truck bn'ke down In Ailantle-ave. rester

Say moni ng. cans.hg a vexatious delay to people on

their BU to busmen* Passengers who wauled toWalk In the rain and slush were train,'erred lo ut Innears beyond the wreak.



A. M Isa.flh a book ee§'va.«-a»r, walked Into thePolyclinic leetMale, In Third ave., and said he deslndtreal ment foi au eruption on bis body. Ile was ex

an l,es 1 and found to he recov..ring fnun a mild attackOf smnllpox. iiifi.i mal .mi of lu- caao waa sent to

Baultkiis,' ¦aaaRemtem and he um ntniovcd to NoiThBrother ______ ii, .ul i. i,., ca-ight the disea.se in e

Bowery lodging house. For len days ha bad boen-Offering froui (smallpox without knowing it, aa hehad such a mild at<a*k iKai Ih: was a'iK to go aboutthe city. During thal time he hail r|. yt in ,;,,.

ludgi'ig house every night, an.l R.d aaavamal for a

book eeeq day v.-ung banks, msurance. and brokors'efliuee in ihe letter part of the city. Ho gave an ac.e. ii nt of hie wander! ogs, as neatly a* he eealS in-coiloci, on Fr.day evening.

Ye* .*.dav ..un ai inspectors were following on

bia ti all and ofle-rtng tree v*ccu,aiiou to cK-iks, bunBert, laWTem aud nu rchants wi,,, had been in noamiKil.o.i with bim. Fro*ldent Kayle*, of the licaKhIi-iii'! »aid yesterday thar about iso i>er»ons whokati been oip'iSed to smallpox by In adi Vu had beenpioU-i -, I¦> vaec.naoou. lt ia feai-od -J, ii the bookaaren! iii Ills wanderings bas "tarted seveial BSBtrmo' cm';,; "ii The dl,*esj,e wat. Introduced into thcBowery l..<i*r!r,|t bouse by a mau who had caught itIn Brooklyn.A MAD MITE CREATES HAVOC ON A VESSEL.

Daniel Sm.th, first mate of the schooner John H.Tln-"ne wm y-_t«rday committed at the Tombs Courtto the care et the Charity Commissioners to be ex-

euiliiesl as to hts sanityTbe schooner left Km nandi na. Fla., lourie* u days

ifo loaded with lumber, hbe wm one day out at

tea when Smith became violently Insane, and wm con

Unod In his room. One night he broke out and the

aptaln and crew with great difficulty se-ured him.n the tussle the captain was wounded In Ihe hand>y a dirk. When the schooner reached Ibe JmSQJ¦"late yesterday ihe police host mei her aud "te oft!cenplaced the mad mate under arrest.


NEW-JERSEY.The suit of the Mate of New-Jersey against Alfred P.

loller, the contractor of the Arthur Kill Rridge, to

©cover possession of tho land on which Hie brld.edeis test, has been removed Io the Knited States Clr-

ult Court by A. Q. Kcas!iey, counsel for the defendant.

The Sisters of St. Dominie, ol New-Jersey, have pur-ikeaai a RaM fl! Iaa4 seeming an mea nf thirty three

tcre-s at Caldwell, on which they Intend to i red an

trademy which will be one of the largest educationalnstltntlons In the State. The property was ownediy Mr. Keach.

Charles Siddons and .lean ilii*-ch attempted tn boardi moving train at Arlington last night. The platform"fas covered with lee and th*-y fell. The wheels

passed over ftlddons's head, killing bim Instantly.Ilii-sch's left arm was broken.

fATBtfOR.An attempt bas been made to make a sensation out

it the case of Peter Wilde, of No. 113 Jers-y-st.,"rho was found dead In bed. lx-ath was caused by a

lemorrhage of the limps and thero was no Indicationil foul play discovered by the Coroner. Wilde had*een taking morphine In regular Semi ur.dcr a physi¬cian's prescription for some time, which accountedor the bottle of that drug found near his body.Ex-Senator Cl. A. Hobart, receiver of the Ivanhoe

NBJST Company, BOSS thal In about ten days all Iho

.aw stock will have BOOB worked up, and the mills

viii then be clcsed aa. the employes discharged. The

vreck of tho concern ls so complete that there ls no

lope of saving anything by continuing operations,md the building and plant will be BB.red for sale.

Mrs. Caroline Harris, ace forty-seven, who had been"T'.-n ai'-d from her husband for nine years, died ><>s-erday at No. 15 Ward-st., having taken laudanum.I'he mot iso ls nut known. Coroner smith will holdni In |tic8t, and ll does not uprear thnt any prt-eau-lon was taken against a Killniii'Tii of the threat sheiad made to end her life.A young son of David Depnyt. of No. 100 Kiver-

;K, I'buk.d tn death on a pin e. of ines, vestcrday.

JKRSKY (TTY.Miss Harriet E. Cofliii l« prostrated at Taylor's

lofel, Jersey City, by Ih" Boers shi received from Cln

innall on Friday announcing her father's (loath. SheoKiains In her room an-l ref-OBS to s-** all reprirtcis.ih" ha*- determined not to alt Bad the funeral.

Illidge! Harrington, a mid ilo-aged mommy was ar-

a'gned yesterday before Justice St lsinp foi* art-*n,'t-

ng to set lire to hm home, Bo. iib Il-udorson st.,'rldriy, hy .pouring kerosene upon a red hot stove,

he ls believed to be Insane and a commission will lie

,j.pointed to decide as to hoi* sanity, lier husbandled In the Mania Plains Insane Ask tum several yeango. Ile left her eotslrtsrabh* prepeity.

KU/AUK.'II.Thomas Raaalgaa, of Elizabeth, an ex-captain of

lollce, was yesterday sentenced to Bvo ¦mathe" Ku-

rlsonment in the r linty Jail for wife b atlng.

The sirlke of iii- BMmMeri M Oran! S to.'s foundryv,-r a Change fr..rn day's wort ta piece Work w.,s

Bttled by ai*li|t!*.iilon I "r il ii y and the men resumed.oik yesterday.Freeholders Debbie, rit-r-on ami Howa'd )),ive beSB

ppolnted a eoaunlttes bj the Boned to look after tho.pislaiion In th- int rest of this county during the

makin nf tho L>gisiatu,o .

Ihe wives and-daughters of (lie comrades belongng to Judson Kilpatrick l'ost. (i. A. IL. oi gai.med a

lumen's Relief Cups on Friday. Then were toitybartel' members.

LOHO ISLAND.George Kaufman, WsJdle cia.sl.ng at College P,lnt,

,n Friday, had hi- bia ns dashed oul against a carriagerbeol, and du'ii Instantly. lie was eighteen years old,ind the sole support ot his mother.Thc Long Island City police yesterday put In clrru-

ation a petition tot Ibo signature ol lae ellison andax payers requesting tia- pmsam of the bill al pmen!>efi n ihe Legislature tor the Increase of the force, audm iddiiioi. Ki their salaries, .Wet ly-eevet pullrem-nover a teiT.tury eleven miles square.


*v\ _RTCHESTER OOCRTT.The Kev. W. K. Wuk.Tield, pis'iir of the North

kantie! church ai Pim heater, ha> offend his r sglation. ta take effeoi on April 19, alt r a pastorateif four peen, lt ls undoretood thal tin-re ha- Keenrouble arning the members ol lils congregation.A New-England supper and Old Folks' concert will

ls» held at tlie Methodist Episcopal Church In, MoimiVernon on Washington's Itlithday. There will be an

Indian wigwam In charge of. IV-f Kiri, and a niniil/rif "braves." and also Coutincntal -soldiers In "yoalden costume."

'Ihe family of Sldn-y Vf. Mis'er-*. carri a ge mak"r.'ort Chmtor, ha* be.n sorell afBiciod wini typhoidineuinou a. A ten-vearoirt datipht'-r dl.-d last *.v ok,lui on Friday a little son died, aud now a daiighKr, dangerous]) 111 Will, the disease.The trustees of ihe Firs! Coagregattona] Chorafa of

.ort chester, have loeated tli'- sit.* of ti, ir pii,po edhnrch ou tli- lot roe ntl. iturr has-rd lu W**otchoator-ive , and have engag d an u. ch Ita il to draw the plans.Tho Assembly concured on Kr.day In tho _*J.">i).0i>"

a]'.propi tallon by tl,,- Senate and wirk wai imomedycs-t'iiliy In the 'hoe and stove works of tin- -ut*

prison al Bing Sing. The I .Ono ,,,. v|cts emplovedIn the^P Industrie** were Jubilant over tho nows.

ALONG THK KOK's'D.At a meeting of tin* BepoUloen club tn Bridgeport

yesterday, a conmuntcatloa wai received fran "TheRopubllraner," of New Yoi k City, lo which the editorgave assurance of the support ol the normans of themetropolis lu the coming Na.ional struggle.

The fli-s! number of *'The News," Charles W. l,o<.Editor, published in Greenwich, ha- appeared.Word has been rerrived In Bridgeport thal Charles,

son of S. T. Pomeroy, who salleil from .New link la*-tOctober for a cruise In an open boat in Hi" Gulf olMexico, was Browned In tlie storm of October 18, InKural ina Kay.

Mis. Ranice lltirlbtitt, ape ninety-five, tlc- old stcitizen of Westport, died yesterday.

The Invitation of Major II. M. Kemi to 1,000 Rrldp"port children for a fi-ee sleigh ride, wa* pmterdajanswered by about 200 children, none of whom wenallowed lo go away disappointed.

The Kev. .1. H. PMlgjOreld. rector of St. peter'sChurch, Milford, hs,-* received a tall to thc lecloi.ahlpol an Episcopal ______ In Saco, Me.


The famous proposed Free Trade rouclave of Ihe

pre.blent* of ali the Exchange* ami twenty "gentlemen*1 from each bod} was not held at the Res) BMateExchange vs,te.day. V. K. stevenson, tho handsomeWindsor Hotel "Coan! of Chattanooga,*1 who warnedCongress stinod up lol Its li,ucl nm in reducing thetarlir, had given Meldon! Craik1 hank, of ihe KcalEstate jfrrhansa. tao si,on um ice to Lrlug such an

august boil) ti pether and inureov er Mr. Cruikshankdid not think Ike sehemo one lu exact line willi theitutie*. ol the Exchange, lt is understood that the"Count" is iinduiiiilotl iiinl Hut he tull endeavor tashow his devoiion lo th" Manhattan club Democraticprinciples by a lui.iee etfi it to louse real estela unthu-,l_sui in favor of cheapening the Imported clothesof Mow-York's arlitamn. at .ho aspenm ol Ameiicai,wage eai nora.


THE COLLEGE BASEBALL RCBRBVLR.The race foi- MM psaaaM In Gie Intercollegiate Base

bali Aaaoelatlm pmaSam to be nasaaBy latomoM-oj this

.year. T he-tilu'-s from Yale. Harv ird and Princeton willbe Ihe eealeeOmm ApsMOOMom BM niembcrshtp from

AS-hemt, William*! and ike Dalverslty ol Psaaaylvaaiswere received, hut the lhr*-e senior BSllogm lu ihe haguedecided afld long dd I,, ia'ion no. 10 admit the applicant!,,'i'he coiisiilutiou killi he the 6ame as laal yeal' aud liie

playing riil-s of thc profcsaional ISOffM afB govern lix

con;e-i_ of the Students. No O.t.cia! umpires hsve Im-cii

*.|,|sjirited as yet, because .c, apjiicatlon for thi positionhas been received. When the would-be umpires *".d in

il,cir proposal- th,- collegian* will act uimn them.Th" psaaaal aosam will begin on April 28, the Y'ale

and Prtaeeem Mema playing at Prteenea. Tw«j,e gamesis 111 be played In all, each college playing four wllh each

of th-- others lu Otc leanne. The final paine tull be playedon June 20, ar, the S| in lided schedule will show :

Spell ----Yale tS. Killi.' ron al IT 111'don.

May 5 -Pillie, lou v. Yale at Nnv-llaven.

May 7.Pilii'cton vs. ll un ard al Can-bridge.May 12.Harvard vs. Princeton st iTliicetou.

May 1S-.OrVBfd vs. Yule at N\ a-Hav, 11.

May 2'i-Yalc vs. Princeton a' Pr!0*0*00,May To-11.1 rv ..rd vs. Prlnc-tnn at Princeton

June 2-Prince.oa vs. Kunari at Cambiidgc.June 9.Y'ale vs Han ard st Cambridge.June 16 -Princeton vs. Yale st New-HH.ui.June 28-Ysh' vs. Harvard at Csnibrldite.

June 2.'-11 arv ard va. Y'ale ai Nets-Haven.

A.QOUD IirSBAND TO GET DIVORCED I ROM.Bira. har_h Ann Prower, th* old wotibb win was nearly

onurdered al Hampstead, I. K. h.* begua a (ult for aTvorce

aga n.1 her liu.baiirl, I/uilt F IfBffW, who wss stroBgly*nap*ct«s| .f irrm- to kill har Mri. BroW*r l*y for a fort,

night littering ea MM v.rge of death Her hutliai, and Mr*

Marv J*,.* 1 ewl*. with wh*m th* old man was mpSOOSd ISbo usrialy miiinate ksv* been locked up In the un-.nt

County Jail *idc* th* ksssnli. Mr* Hrowsr wants * divorc*and 02(1 weekly a obi nt (l*arge A. Mott ls th* eountnl fm

ReoM-sea and his cu respondent Mrs. Kawl*, and ba ha*

sorrod writs of titi.es* corpus t« bring Pi-awer ind Mr*.

\_WBW *>al of Jail. J,oise Cullen adjourned the Uiruree proeroalug* until to morrow, when tba writs are roturasbl*.Tba cn pie were taiirrled In Hie. and hay* gre*. gntndchiKlr*n Mra Urower I* *Uiy-oue y»ar* *f ag* tnt har Lothari*

Boree year* ber a*i,i*r.

AKt&N^Us32 West 14th St.

We will combine oar «roai closina-ont aa!e i'n!a

week. All garment* ottered are this Benson's styles

¦od handaomely made up. Price* nre reduced la make

thia the mus. sn* cess, ul .nie et er beld. and as a

mnlter ol" econo.ny ia stell worth Ihe attention of all

careful buyers. Alt* special bargain* io Fur., lire**

Trimming*, Laces. Millinery, Ureas Silas, P.ashea,

IIoBlrry. Indrrtsear, Cor*et*, .c.

Sealskins aud Furs.Sealskin Jackets .§55 i ware 89S

¦eal.(. Jnckeis.SN11 were §1-3

r-enlshln Sa* qurs....SI IO t were 8150

KeiilsUii, Rmsam. SW-Hi were §135

Krai-akin Snrqnrs.Bl 15 i were SI50

Sealskin Sac«iues.§185 | were §*-.)§

he.ilakia Wraps. SN) ¦ were §1'-5sealskin tYrnps.§1«*5| were §169.50

Sealskin Newmarket*. Holms,,.. uml listers B130 to

BBSSismeSStS t* -a',. Alsomealol BseeaBm tn fashtoa-

able fancy fnrs, Hufl-, Bon*, (ups. Gloves, Far Trias,

mings, Robes, Hugs, Ac

Plush Saeques aud Wrap**.Plush Baamma.-..S15-0S| were §'Z5

Plu-h Sac.mes.S19 50; were §30

I'lush Baamma.S-l.50| were §35

Plush -s.qiirt.*_7.0Ot were S39.50

Piu-h "neques.*)37 50 i were §45

Plush Nett markets, «. i«l.*,il t reduce 1 fruni |. 0 I'lush

.Inekels. §13 50| were $.'0. IVrap* from St 4."ill to S35|i-i I.-i i. All new snit elegant.

Newmarkets, Jackets, cv*.

Vt will nlso -how this vreelt a full lin' of Rnglans, Nt>w-

mnrkets. .Inckets, sad Jer*ev*. Nett iiiiirkcia Ir.m *l -.18.

lt uulnus fr-ra B7.SS Jncke s fro u BBSS All raino "a

tome lowest poootble arleetodemeek w» win also show

a large lino nr tull ram." n i« .1 fro >* *-'.-¦ te Si"¦"('. lhat

colt Jd 0 tu 12b I", to BSSks un.

J. N. COLLINS <&, CO.,Manu/artavers'of Cloaks aiul Furs,3_ water 111 ii--*r. a iii mrmt i_tii--t.


IIKIK D'TY.Tli* Bimbil B Health Depart ment is liaviu.'* great atnonnt

nf trent, - witt, conceal*.! cases o' Snalln-x. Y*aicr av a

eas* sic l* light lu a peculiar mainer and Ibiough Hie

¦ ii»rpn*aa ot a woman, -lu- wa* waking a on j (irand st,when sim ssw playing wllh a iminbar of children a lin's

child of Mr*. Burn:*, of No li (.rim! ,t. The cliilfl'M face

was er,ver**t wi'I, sinallpui »c;,r». Tho woman, who is un

arti'.i titi tallie, ot Mrs. Hu nu, stael the lu U ur about thu

child ami was toll tliat ht kid recently recovered fruin Hie

disease. There are two . h -r eli il lr* n ni th* family an.l

when thev were in pi,re I ai.ul vira. Bunn t,!d tiu.t tbeywere j ut from h» ne. ll-r » |>i i.iilju,- ,lld nut belters

ber, howoree, aad weat to th. MseHh D'ptrtinsnt ami rs-

portt-,1 I.i ll-** liven'. An o ticer was sent to Investigate Hie

c <* s an-l lie lound a Utile girl of ten years aid ctol with li,and a y*uu<< r StStOf au rei ii; from the rt: a. «t iB,,;r,.ni of thoilise.t.a. illly wu,' all sent lo tb. sui illpox hospital.

( harle* Kider, ot Na. lc Adams.tl., walk sd lalo the First

Precinct .Station about I p m. and ttl t that he f*It 111 and uni

n*t know w ,.ii w ,* ths maller witt, hun. A tiirnenn mat* a

heats ei.minali'.n mid found thst he ha 1 a cate ot s.nail pox.

He tm saut to Ike hospital.Much .ii-1.itu .ti.ui lt a_pmsoe_ st the reck'est nj .inner In

winch Hie Health Drpirtmn- tu id* their cases, in,,in,*of aen-tinr all t!i* I'Stieins fruin their humus lo the hospita!.iiii.,fs lletely ii i-. are fr*.|ii-ut y tak*n t i ... Kullee H.ad.

.luaricr*. wkero they ar * clo*, to pso;,le w!,e are constantly

paaalaa tn and ont The drivers of Hie ambii'tnees that

carry the patients io His hospital are allowed ( o aland in tu*

don, ways and on Hie ita.rs. t , ihat persons tut-ring or leav¬

ing tbe place mutt past by them. Tm drivers Iiav.- to go

lutn Ihe lufscis*! dwellinr* snd help rry nut tho diseassrl

patient*. There are no* alintit seventy cate* in Hi* hospitaland noane knows how many ui-ue tilers are that have been

kapi from the Health SMellie

METHODIST WOMEN OIROURR MISSION WORE.Tk* Woman's F.,relK. Missions!y Society of Hie M'tho lit

Kp:..'., pal Inn. li hell t sr,) eMOttagS yesterday al the Trill.

Ky Methodist Kul*c.jial Cu ure!- lu Bael -)..-¦!,un lie.i-.,,,,l-

tweuly nilibili st., neal .-. cou lave. Tho foreauao tmeeung

wss opened at 10 Vdu k by di-votio.isl sx.-rcises, conducted

hf Mis. I. -ns eons, or Hr,,,..Ku. Au interesting paper wa*

read by Mrs Joseph Wright, on " Wo na.is Puce Ki tin*

Church.' winch wa* followe I by an ad-Ire** by tko K'V. Mr.

llo->*. of SjiiIisso. Chili An Internntsion was limn held,itui lng iThlch au ampin luncheon wis served by thc ladies et

thc church.Al th* aiternooB ¦IQIlBg an Inspiring ad,treas wa* deliv¬

ered tiy Mrs. .1. H Kuovles, full*w,.I by pap r- on "mir

Motto," by Mit. ReAIBetm, of Ctr fslan-l; "WM 1'aga,,-:*m Does tor Woiuru," l,y Mr*. KcniBan. ot Mount Yerin.n,

and "What t-iiriatiauitv L)u«s t*r Woiuen." by MissUraoo

ildil. TM meeting WM clo*e I bi* an atidirss hy Mrs W.il

oki Tn,,re, eormopoae.a seemtary el the New. York branch

of thc Wein.m's Foreun M it>lon Sodeiy, lu wh-.cb she urnedIbe n.O'st ty of (lunn ia. a.pp*rt lr.cu Hie wouien *f the

conntry. tu md r tin: the <iospjl ni.iy be pi SOObed to tue

womrn n! h*aili-n lin lt by w»iu*ii niissiiui.u .«., at they aro

ubi allowed le hear men pre oh.

DESIGNS POE HIE GRAM BORBBBET.1 lie *.: ant Monument Association hm Istuod a ct-cular in¬

viting ai list., sealptOfl *i"l sr, nllciT* lo sub.alt designs for

ti.v ,,,...! _*ui ni uieiiio: .al lu, d.un lu li* vie. led ai inver -

ame Tal -. or.r Hie loni!, of <>«ueral liraiil. ll i* mgg.lUdthat SeelgM he Huhiuiltetl Based upon un estimate I vip.-uti

tareelBBOOiOOO, un. th*- leta! eoet ot iheceaialeOM! straammcaiiiiol al pr.-., nt On definitely lixe.t. sh»n|.| ihe lund, of Hie

lesocte.oaeamewa"_rlaoreeesdos 'o allow ot * greaterexpouilitnie, the sui pim may h* devote I to sldllional orua-

iiieiitalu.n and tl.eorati ,_. anl au-tgealiou* oiab,"tying auch

a ?.nubility sheetd arco njcnr Hie designs. PmsalOBM *f

Sl.asat Sl.see, SSSS. SSeSeaS SSSSem aSbmS lor ihe flt*

mus! meiaoi.cut .lea gus. The' circular s*ts f«rt!i a number

of. un lions willi ttl, cl, f,u,|. "lira a iii ii it conip,y, and cop¬

ies..! il may be iud ,,n application lo th* IHIMBlJ. ll,, hal.i

1'. (ii-ener, No. 146 Broadway.

FOI.ICEMEN MAKE A RAID OS A DOO-PTT.Ye.(e.day 'Sa'ieiiiiteadrnt Hankinsou. of Henry KergT.'s

society, with ¦evora! o.Uc ts and four ot Hie city pone*, ra.,tefl

a dos pit st O'Ne.l.*s salem, lu "sunnyside, K. I. Only Uie

piopi ei...' and a ear.eu.ler wore to bu seen, hut Hm pit andone du. ia readiness for ll -li''¦, ¦; vere iei/.ed. It was under¬

stood that a f! tr hi for t-iO a (Ide b*i-yean lae New Yura dog*wo* to have takvii puce.


se aaa-un rise* 7 02 , BOBO. Tt Ki | Moon risa 105 | M .ou i ag*.. 23

Ul I", kV ITS'!.

.i.'sf.-.SBBdvrtfio.. lias I nev. lard ck uvitaate. 2i»0P.-f.-aandr Hook. ItSSIOav. I*T4 2. in llsll UaiA S.£-'J


Vetiel.Fruin. Sallel. nn_Aurania.L.v.rie.oi.jal. ¦_^.r*nnar<l

.A'*"10....Uvsrpsei ... .Jan ....:.White IStarapHB .I.1V..I.MIUI .Jail-.O . .Ntl ,,U.ll

Salerno.(iotljenburs. ...Jsn lb.WilsonHeiser.Copeiiha-reu... Jan IS .I hmrva laKI'H-na.Haml.urg.Jan i'i Hainn-Auier

Tmm.Urvmen.Ja,, 3,1.sj (i |.|.y,.Zaandsm.Amsterdam.... Jan 21... Netu- A,urLa BmtegM.Havre.ja,, ._».... rouen tramOrinoco.Bennmia..Feb 2.Wuebe-

nanaar, rea .;

Kthlopla.(ilsairow.Jan 28.Anchor...tratoga.Havana.Keb |.Wara**nK-iitv. ma 7

'anad*.London.Jan 26.NstlonslKibe.Bremen.Jau .S .N ll Lloyd

Philadelphia.__guayra.J au Bl.Ked i>


Veuet. Line. Fur Msllteloss. sail*.Haman*. Dominican Harli. 1 p m _ _, u,

1naenat. ran 7Nevada, Onion, Llverpoo.10 30 a ns 1 pm

WKUXKSlitV. Ftu s

It-i-ub In. Whit* sitar, Liverpool .ll ulla ra 2 TO p rn

-ibu. N (i Lioyd. Bisuien « s*Ui-,np'u..ll J J a ni BtM p rn


ABBI**no".te*!nor KeBuhlic (Bri. l'aviton. Llvsrpool Jan 26. Queen*-

town ._.,, irithBi'isn and |M paaseus-r* to J Bruce tnuarA ir.i ci *l tun Bar st SI's m.hleaui-1 Blc.-i.uii.t Hr, lia**cBsteiu, i.noa Dec 24 I^tg.

hu, ii So. Naples ..au -. lloma IS, Valencia 1 *. ,, nr- ,'a, ",.willi h.,la« m l(ei,.,er*oii Bros. Arrived tt Hie Barai :..,(, , rei-lean,. I ,*,.. i . a , Mr Crasai, Part do Pata Jan 27

Cape Hat ii.li SB I -ilks Lia cl 20, with mdse tw |,.,,,| f. j__t'.tin; t eiav> WAK Uiit. i ndge A Co ArriT-,1 at th* Har al .

a m.-teamer Alamo. Kisk. ii..Iveston 8 day*, with Bidte and

pita,-Hirers lo ll MallulV Co.-lean.si pioneer, I'l-nningluu, Villi,.n_lon :i days, withs

ni,ls., te **¦ I' *'lye- | .,

"ttsamor Kioauora. Hen nen, PortUnit, wita in !se to Horan*Hall.nhip Win ll ('onn*r .of-»ars|M.rtl. Nichols. PhaugBal 120

dav* willi muse tootden tc**ci to 1'eu.lleton, Carver AMime *?.inp lawn. Hopkins. D minc 72 dar*, with bide* lo omen

ve*»*i Ut In.mas Duahsin'a Nephew A io.. Ship i**sve'*ign i Hr, Pataese, Antwan, .*.'. lars win, ironan.l *i,,|.it nar rei. lo order, ve**el to Mnannnell litut.

isl,ii' M,iitiici i. -l in'in NB,. Brown, Aatwerp 14 day*.¦wi. mut* tu ttiti. vassal la J li Wiao-OSMu tt Ca



Invite attention to their







They will also offer to-morrowthe following



REAL SHANGHAI SILKS,Exquisite Chinese Handwork in

Unique Designs and Fast Colors.







IN LENGTHS OF 5 TO 10 YARDS,at 50c. per yard;

REDUCED FROM $1, $1.25 and $1.50.

Broadway, lib-are., O.t. and 10(h sts.

Hark I I Smith (Hr.. Tln.l*r. Anlwer-i Dun 1. Pall.Uh.'* .'.. Tit li lion-lui e.nj.tv uji iels lo .irlel, vussol to Flinch,K-'jrt* A Co

ilia: I. I.JiiilsKioiiu (of Win,la,,r. NS!. *-,i,clnir. Antwsri) ."-tr-1.1 iva, willi irun ami empty barrels le order; vessel i« 8._,v &U , r .

iiil* llrlsto! (of SVIii,|ft»r. BS), I.-iwiH,,, o, r.iMiilou 3", day*,wit.i ni.1i"* io onit-r; vsasel .-> >n*i*s A Kilree**,Hark A*,,,- ,,n Win,Ism. Nis,, Mil, hi ll. liri.ml ln-c 10, The

Holme* VS, will, unite L.or.lrr, Veaavl io -*i.ow A Hurj--,'**.llllS "-I,sall BtVSSS, OlHSlSt, H.tr.ici j ...ITS, Willi l tli'ill-

nir*!,, Homes .i Peera.iii. \,-»sei i,, Miller. Hull A ',.-liri. Ins .':iWi-i,.. 'Xv. I'oil l[,,y.il VMtr*, willi lumber

le Weet (hors Hr. reese! te i v v*n reelBO-t-B ''.-A' Bern** ll «n, WU I m-ler,.-. Bl ihirk tog

Al*-!.*, IsUii'l. ** in.i ll.lit, 1., i.iiu.i.i; au lilli k nilshoio.Aiiivf.il vott'-i livLark r*'in len Sw*.1). leltiroi,,. It," Janeiro H5 dav* with

SS sc M An,s.n. k m Cn. voa** Io Knncii. h,,:ve A Co.Balk A,l,l» I. lillis liri, Jenkin*. I'M nat,, Mic , H -.sr*.

nilli tat*! loonier; ve»»e. le H'-ii.iam .t Hoy, sr,,.

OieMA ItBIlSteam*-! l.y.iun Monarch tlir). li ii .'sell, London.Sander¬

son A S.,11.Mejmei lii-lsrsiia (Hr), Bnothbr, Liverpool Hen.Iersoa

Brossteam*-! <Tiats*.a KsrgMl (Kr), .lourneill, Hmfla_lll

Kuin ri. Edy* A Oat-ir.iui*! I'muoua Hr), I.-****-. Mu>its,'o Bay, Ja, Ac.Geo

Wessels A <.>..*.:,.., in i-i Panama (loan,. Jeni*. flavana-J M <"t*b-illo*i. Co,M,..,..si N"!j_»r.t. Hii.nl*. li.iv.uj.i Isa i: Ward A to.Bt_a_nT I amirsaea. Unwell. Halve-too vis Kay Weet.0 ll

Mallon ...'»lilianeai Bntf*'!'! *". Keeahle, New-Orleans-samuel H

Seaman.steamer Kl Dorado, livme, NewOiT.ans-John T Vaa

Sii kle.Hie.nner (.ult Silvain, Iii^r.iii,. Wilmington, SC-Wm

Clyne- *'-,.Ht.uiii.-r (»1*1 Dominion. C.iii*Ii, Itirlnnoiid, City Toint sud

Nol lois.Ol,I Donu. ion Ss CuUte rn. Roanoke, liul.ilicis, Norfolk ann* New port NeWS

. ul.I Dniiilnloii ria o.

rsl**ni-r Hi, tiiuoii'l, Divls, Weat Point, Va.OM Dominion

et,,amer Kle ninia, I'ennett. I'ortlsnd.Hor iii" Bett,Hirsmtr .1 I" lJi-i'.ck, Horry, Bininu -li Dun,.ck.Bart H.'" Hint (bri, D.ckle, Lia bailie, ilulonne. Fr.

C VV Mirtanx.Birk Ethel (liri ,*opi>. St Johnt. XT.Iona Wi1»1i**r.Brig o/.su.a (Ital), Kana Han r.'oonns-o City.J B Vitim

A Ca HA ILK D.Steamar! C. allis. Penn*rlv_:iia sn.l The Qn*is*_. for Liver¬

pool Devonia. UlaeKeW; Bohemia ami Austlslta, Maui.nus;|-c»niaii,!. Aulwern; "_» <Tiau,lianne, iI.it,,-; ,\ii;irt. Hav-ina ls»me_s_ai Oelveete«i KI Dorado aid KT.ir.erOock.'r.set* Orle-Mi Nacoochee, Havannah. Oil Dominion, Rich-""""'* THF. MOVEMENTS Of STi_AMER.*_

roaEtoa pobtts.

|_T*_VOOta Kel, 4--Arrived, steamer Serra .Span). Lar.arra.rt. iroiu Now Vor* Jan *-"-'.

iii KNsii'ivr-., Keb 4.Arrived, ste-iraor *'ellie (Rr), Irvlns,fr.ua New-Vork Jaa ST, on her way to Liverpool (and pro-eeede_).

I asisTT, Kel, i. 2 v m. Pa*»_d, steamer servia (Bri. Mc¬Kay, .rom New York Jan 'JH ou her way to gusenslown sndl.ivei itool.

s. HAT, Keb I Paeeee, steamer La Roiir.oirne (Fr), Fran-a ,al mm New-York Jan '.'H. ,,o her war to Havre.

H tMHl'B-t. P, b ¦_.Hausa, (learner Taormina tUer), Koch,for New York.

ItnilSKiitM. Feb a.Arrived, steamWt Amsterdsm (Dtoh),HikU-r. ir*ni New-'i .ik J au ...

HtvKi c. 4-rsailoiu .learner l.a'iatco.ne (Kr), Hantellt,lor Now-YorkAt ur All*, NZ fem 4.Arrived, sieimer Mariposa, Hay.

war-, 'rim San Iranclico.

ST TH-'MAS, Ksl) 2-Arrived. (learner Allisncs. Boer*, fromIS>w-Y..ik au,t Newpoi t News ou her war lo Kio Jsnoiro, Ac,,ai, prneeededlm ti.KS, Vee '-'.*<al.«I ..eamnr Muriel (Br). I^icke, from

AuUii .a. ic hence .or New-York.

(J%T ialrr .slnpoin.j Sew*, i/anu. tee Fifth Pay*.)

AimoiiiKPin. nt*.

Beware of a Hliptit irritation of the throat.Unit* ¦.: I Oe__" I'nvt (IT* ibu*! .'.* lt.-t.'. St.J alIh* sleTSte.'. railr.a-1 tUUsnt.

(.'ANCKU.Itrs ClRF..VerT Intirsatinf ptn.D.ilel Ireot

DA FLSMIN... |M We,t4*.,i Si, New. York.


Henrt A. KAniii.*, M. D.»1» WesT lJST.i -rr.

Henri-¦> to lit., ls 7. Disease**! lb* N»rv*as Sytusa.Crnits-L C.i.sry ..rgBna. inipotencaaudttortlltf.

"XoCTOfl M RAT.i." for rafe, mii*<», bu^H. 15c.ROlnH os CATARRH.*' Only aban.nie oar*. Sue.

"lui.ii.i '.*< n,H>**" Hard or soft seTM. Ita.¦TlciuMuN luoimilit" Ima**, to.lef. Ila.

To MOTHKR-"."Mu. Winslow's hcm.iii.io htsup. f*r ciiii'r*** T*«tkiB».ifiea* Ihe iir**, rxlueet iBfla.natattuB. sllars all psis, st*tr** w.sJ . .no aad -lisrrUt**. Twin' an oast* S UolU*




ANUMBEROFBARSAINSTO MORROWIn Every Department.Seal Garments. Dress Goods.

Alaska Seal Sacques, London dyedand dressed. $95, $115, $135;former prices $169, $189 and$210.

Alaska Seal Wraps, Londondressed and dyed, plain andtrimmed with Alaska Sable, $98;reduced from $189.

Alaska Seal Newmarkets, Londondressed and dyed, 68 incheslong, $176, $225 and $249.

1,000ReadymadeSuits89.75 to $19.75; worth cfbuble

these prices.Owing to out Enlarged Work

RtRotHs, our i'.tvifith'H are greatigincreased for getting out Fine(,ii pinents. We <i pe pvcpa ped totiihe orders fop


Our Underwear Dep'toccupies more space than is de¬voted by any house to the same

line of goods.Ladies'ami Infants' Trousseaux

a specia ft ff.Cambric Corset Covers, V shape,of embroidery, 38c; good valuefor 75c.Cmbroidered <' liomiso,

I' o in p a d o n r, I' i ii o

Tucked a ii d L a o o

I' ri in ntcd (.owns, _.i.i-!hroidcrcd Un Hie Draw-jera, Tine Tucked Cam¬bric Skirts, Medici Lace..rsc. Covers,

l-'mhroidcrcd and LarcCorset Covers; Cmhroi-dered -'.dye (Skirts lindFine ", i:_lii Dresses. Em¬broidered i-C aa lit*- Draw-crt. Jline Qti*ilily ol" these goods, 98c.

and 11.99.Samples haud-iuado I nderwoar

trimmed willi Fine Cmhroidci .> andLace, rlosin** out at 50c on tlie Dollar.Infants' long aud sliort Dresses and


CORSETS.French Sateen Corsets _Se, all colors.Sateen C. P. Corsets, $-2, worth $:_.Coutiel ** " $1.50, foriuerprice $.2.10.Mail Orders receive prompt attention.

H. 0'NEIii & co.,6TH-AVE., 20TH TO 218T-8T.

59c. each.

*9c. each.


Dress Silks.At Pi'icej* Loirer than any other

House in the Trade.

Djuan id Mm.Lace mid heavy Curtains at hall

price.Guipure < ii ital ns, I rb. li Point ennis,

81.SS lo fri.-50, worth *_..>.*< to 1.'25.6.10 pair Egyptian and French Rc

naissance effects, $3.98 aud 81.50,

worth St-..»>* to $8.50.

Jt&OO Smyrna lings at Less than

Cost. en

Slip Covers made in best style, mate¬rial included, for suite ol' 7 piece.$10.98 per suite, reduced from $19.

White Goods.All Wool Basket Flannels, '_'»«*.,

worth 50c.Plain and laney Fro iich Flannel"),

¦ISc, 65c. to YOc for sprini* .lyle**, in

Wash Fabrics, ("ambries, OtagfcM..-Ac., 10c. to "JOe per yard.

Hnffata, Laces, Uirellas, etcBe Sure and Visit Our

Hoisetoiisfc DeptThe exhibition of the

ONE MINUTE COFFEE POTHas been so successful that we witcontinue it one week longer.

We also oller a Aile line of

english and Americau Cutleryat low prices.

1 do7.cn Knives mid Forks, tile.

worth 9Sc.Ladies' Shoe Polish, I'2c, worth 16c,

Ornamental Brass Candlestick-._?<-., worth 59c.

Household, Kitchen and Luiuidr)Sundries.Paid Parcels Delivered within *."

miles of "tiow-Vork free of th ar*.'e.

H. O'NEILL & CO..9TH-AVE., 20TH TO 213T ST,

Early SpringDress Goods.

Wc are showing quite a largevariety in Karly Spring DressGoods, both in woolen and cot¬ton fabrics. Special patternsin printed Challeis, printed Mo¬hairs, Novelty Ginghams andSatteens not to be seen any¬where else.

Lord& Taylor,Eioadway and Twentieth Street.











. I VTU-Al E., 131 U AND 1 ATM STU.







TWENTY-FIVE CENT8 A COPY,. >i'l 1* *. full it sv«r af ctr,.ti.,*i, rlotertpttr* **1 ia

p,siiit*ry tttm reUiiui to Ut

POLITICAL LIFEOf 'lift Unlia* ".Ut**. Thlt A1.*»a»o, lirtt *ttrto * bv R«rM(i.rss'sf, »ut « work in wm. a it* Utu.oJ* fr*«l -**l *|ttiuiUHni car*, it .Mil Ut* *

STANDARD TEXT BOOKet t-l -_r. It OOOUlm «larji}r_t« .tltUltc* o' l.«

ELECTIONS OF 1887toy BRMM Ml '".¦ittlaa, oomp-ral with pr-Titti* v*«rt tat,I,, lbs cis- if N*w.York anl N**TJ»r**/ jf Ijwati. aa aseeeilei.l altttrael ot *_aU at Ul*

IMPORTANT LAWS OF CONGRESSoftk* pttl v*»r, Inaluli*. IM* A_T****iiltiir»l *.n'.--l I.tsar,i* !»h*ry. and I.ili** l».lti»ic* in* Intor sui* fo-a-aore*

Hill; th* PratMoaUM Klaotiari MBi lat BM ot -r-j-fe**»*iii*i ii*-, ato., ava., oto. Ala- tu po'Hlo.l .»*.**

PLATFORMS OF 1887la th* c11-*«r*nt stat**; th* prMto*tl*a of .oil aol tilv*r 1%th* V. 8. auJ tua world at lar.*. BTRBtBBi til** at all IM


Al** *1I th* S*l*r, PU«*torf. Ttr!*, eat othor A*tra_o«*i«_|riatlatlo* wino* ooaiuiat* t -rat otaat Calaalar at ut* yaam.

(..il la all yarta ulta* Cai* i niau*.