TOOLMAKING STAMPING TECHNOLOGY INJECTION MOULDING ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY Kummer GmbH + Co.KG Enzberger Straße 26 75443 Ötisheim, Germany Phone +49 7041 9580-0 Fax +49 7041 9580-99 www.kummer-gmbh.de Would you like to become our customer or do you have a technical production challenge for us? Then we would like to invite you to visit us – so you can convince yourself of our working methods and our "inner" values. Take the time – those who have visited us were always convinced. Email: [email protected] One of our most convincing arguments: the company management Title picture: Precision stamped parts produced in a progressive tool

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ToolmakingSTamping Technology

injecTion mouldingaSSembly Technology

Kummer GmbH + Co.KGEnzberger Straße 2675443 Ötisheim, Germany

Phone +49 7041 9580-0Fax +49 7041 9580-99www.kummer-gmbh.de

Would you like to become our customer or do you have a technical production challenge for us?Then we would like to invite you to visit us – so you can convince yourself of our working methods and our "inner" values. Take the time – those who have visited us were always convinced.

Email: [email protected]

One of our most convincing arguments: the company management

Title picture: precision stamped parts produced in a progressive tool

Page 2: Toolmaking STamping Technology injecTion moulding …

injecTion moulding

aSSembly Technology

We are your system partner for toolma-king, stamping, injection moulding and assembly operations. Our core expertise is an integrated solution strategy for all challenges found in stamping and injection moulding applications. Starting with the design, we realise tools in our modern toolmaking department which are per-fectly adapted to the respective process. We can deliver complete stamping tools for your production or perform contract stamping for you in our company and deliver assembled components. You will be convinced by the solutions we offer.

Why complicate matters, when there is a simpler solution? This is the question we ask ourselves with every project. We usually succeed in streamlining complicated tasks to make them more economic and improve pro-cess reliability.

WE SimPliFY ThE jOb

STamping Technology

our experTiSe



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WEll-OrGaniSEd idEaS arE EaSiEr TO PrOducE

Our expertise enables us to realise com-ponents with highly complex connections and design the inside of these components efficiently to ensure their function. This is made possible by the interdisciplinary experience of our design engineers in the fields of stamping and injection moulding.

This interdisciplinary knowledge allows the creation of efficient solutions, some of which are ingeniously simple. and these inner values which our qualified employees use to realise your product so-lutions are reflected in their work environ-ment: well-organised, well thought-out and clearly structured.

have you ever seen such a well-organised design office? This organisation is our strength.


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The tool is the basis for the subsequent efficiency of the series production. now- here else is the combination of experience and modern production technology more decisive than in the construction of a tool. This is because the precision achieved here guarantees a reliable process and problem-free mass production. The high degree of trust the market has in our ability is indicated by the fact that we pro-duce around 30 % of our stamping tools on behalf of customers for their production.

This often begins with the design depart-ment where we develop existing ideas. Only concepts good enough for the customer are good enough for us.

approx. 50 toolmakers and mould makers

modular progressive stamping tools high performance stamping tools with a modular design and integrated pro-cesses: thread forming, rivet feeding, wire riveting, contact welding, part stacking, production with integrated assembly, assembly technology

Simple tools for low production volumes

prototype tools

Surely you are also fascinated by the view of a thousand details which fit perfectly together in a tool. This is where precision and know-how become aesthetic.

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STamping Technology

in-hOuSE cOmPETiTiOn

it's simple – we are focussed on continual-ly improving the efficiency and quality of all of our production processes.

To do this we have to be competitive on the market at all times. This is confirmed by having a look at our stamping department where we produce high part volumes for customers with tools we have developed ourselves.

Why is “contract stamping” also important internally for the company?

precision stamping and quality control. Fully automatic. process reliability inspected a million times over. perfectly interlocking, durable connections with elopin® press-fit technology.

This continual inspection and further de-velopment of our technical standard is an important foundation for our efficiency and continual improvement process. The result is your advantage: whether you just require stamped parts or you exploit our full range of design, toolmaking, stamping and injection moulding technologies including assembly of the finished component.

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Our development engineers have further developed the conventional reel-to-reel process and created progressive injection moulding, a production process which until today is only offered by the Kummer company. Such innovations distinguish our company.

Precise stamping for high and low volume series production is one area. The other area is the overmoulding of stamped parts with plastic and the production of hybrid parts. The combination of these two results is progressive injection moulding. already in the design phase, this process opens up possibilities which cannot be offered by conventional production processes.

creative and innovative product solutions are possible which make components smaller, more economic and functional-ly reliable. This is a Kummer innovation which makes us the technological leader in our field – with considerable quality and cost advantages.

did you ever imagine that overmoulding could be so precise and detailed – and carried out in a single step, including the stamping and bending?

injecTion moulding

PrEciSE crEaTiviTY FOr innOvaTivE PrOducTiOn PrOcESSESdetails of progressive injection

moulding: everything in a single process. bending, overmoulding, visual inspection, punching out.

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SErvicE – dEmandS WE PlacE On OurSElvES

and this is where we get involved, equip-ped with the expertise of our company. The result is service which lives up to its name. Service we would be happy to receive ourselves.

One example is the fireproof storage area for customer tools which can resist the impact of a possible blaze for approx. 90 minutes. This represents the ultimate process reliability which in the event of a real incident will save us and you an enormous amount of time and energy.

Why do we think of ourselves first when we think of "Service"? Often it's useful to think about the service we would like to have ourselves.

design participation (processing of STep files)

consultation on the choice of materials, electroplating surfaces, packaging

Further development, rationalisation projects, new "next generation" developments

injection moulding simulation data exchange possible with encryption Secure data transmission via odette

Yet our understanding of good customer care begins much earlier on: before the tool is even created. it begins with the configuration of the component to be produced. Our extensive experience in the field of metal and plastics processing allows us to support you at an early stage such as with the choice of materials or surfaces. and for us service is a consis-tently high quality standard and a process of continual improvement with develop-ments to existing solutions. We are sure you understand why we do not talk at length about “just in time”, certification, ppm or technical cleanliness.

in a visit to our company, you will see for yourself why there is no need to mention them here.

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alWaYS cOmmiTTEd

in fact this is quite easy to explain. We try to do everything possible so that you as our customer are absolutely satisfied. This includes reliability and efficient solutions. For this we need the high commitment of our employees and the ability to see the big picture. an example of this is our en-dowed professorship at the Pforzheim uni-versity of applied Science or the co-foun-ding of the Stanztec trade fair which in the meantime has become a national trade fair in our field. These provide us with a wider view and enhance our knowledge. Therefore the commitment to employees and society represents a corporate value which for over forty years has been an important component of our success.

Those who know us, stay.The situation with our trainees is similar to that of many of our employees: once they know us, they stay. This may possibly be because we treat our trainees as future employees right from the beginning. This means that excellent training in a modern environment is a matter of course for us. This is accompanied by a step-by-step learning process and the mutual solving of real challenges within the respective technical field. This is because excellent education is still the basis for success later on in life.

Why is it also important for you that we are more committed than is actually necessary? The answer is that in our opinion we are ourselves responsible for our success.


1970 company founder herbert kummer1977 Sole managing owner

Wolfgang hofmann1996 Second generation: jens hofmann,

managing partner1998 new department for metal-plastic

composite technology2000 progressive injection moulding2009 elopin® press-fit technology2011 2k overmoulding technology2012 expansion of the plastics and

assembly department to 12,000 m2