DEBBIE LYN TOOMEY AUTHOR | INTERNATIONAL SPEAKER | COACH 617-433-8814 INFO@HEALTHANDHAPPINESSSPECIALIST ,COM HEALTHANDHAPPINESSSPECIALIST.COM SIGNATURE TOPICS CONTACT Debbie Lyn Toomey is a “Health & Happiness Specialist and founder of Ultimate Healing Journey, LLC. Her passion exudes when she shares her insights along with scientific information about living a life of balance, health, and harmony. She intuitively blends science and successful life stories to empower the audience to lead an abundant and joyful life. Debbie’s international speaking programs are both educational and experiential in order to provide her audience with the best way to understand and retain her message. Her enthusiasm and dynamic presence have made her a highly sought after speaker for many groups. Debbie’s varied experience in the health care field, alternative complementary medicine, and positive psychology makes her the perfect speaker to discuss the various ways of leading a positive life. Debbie is a member of the National Speakers Association, and Toastmasters International. HEALTH AND HAPPINESS SPECIALIST fb.me/debbielyn.toomey @UHJDebbieLyn LIGHTS UP THE ROOM LAUGHTER: THE BEST MEDICINE & THE BEST EXERCISE POSITIVITY IN THE WORKPLACE MINDFULNESS FOR WORK-LIFE BALANCE MINDFULNESS FOR INNER PEACE AND PEAK PERFORMANCE GRATITUDE AND THE CANCER JOURNEY GREATNESS THROUGH GRATITUDE “I’ve had the pleasure of facilitating programs where Debbie has spoken and been a guest in her audience. She is amazing. She grasps the audience with her energy and lights up the room. All her lectures are always evidence-based, so she really captures the intellect while keeping it light and fun. And at the same time, her tone is always so soothing that she really creates a healing environment.” – Karen Dowler, Professional Development Manager of Perioperative Services at Tufts Medical Center © 2016 Ultimate Healing Journey, LLC linkedin.com/in/DebbieLynToomey


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  • D E B B I E L Y NT O O M E Y

    A U T H O R | I N T E R N A T I O N A L S P E A K E R | C O A C H

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    I N F O @ H E A L T H A N D H A P P I N E S S S P E C I A L I S T, C O M

    H E A L T H A N D H A P P I N E S S S P E C I A L I S T . C O M

    S I G N A T U R E T O P I C S

    C O N T A C T

    Debbie Lyn Toomey is a “Health & Happiness Specialist™”and founder of Ultimate Healing Journey, LLC. Her passionexudes when she shares her insights along with scientificinformation about living a life of balance, health, andharmony.

    She intuitively blends science and successful l ife stories toempower the audience to lead an abundant and joyful l ife.

    Debbie’s international speaking programs are botheducational and experiential in order to provide heraudience with the best way to understand and retain hermessage. Her enthusiasm and dynamic presence have madeher a highly sought after speaker for many groups.

    Debbie’s varied experience in the health care field,alternative complementary medicine, and positivepsychology makes her the perfect speaker to discuss thevarious ways of leading a positive life. Debbie is a memberof the National Speakers Association, and ToastmastersInternational.

    H E A L T H A N D H A P P I N E S S S P E C I A L I S T



    L I G H T S U P T H E R O O M


    “ I ’ v e h a d t h e p l e a s u r e o f f a c i l i t a t i n g p r o g r a m sw h e r e D e b b i e h a s s p o k e n a n d b e e n a g u e s t i n h e ra u d i e n c e . S h e i s a m a z i n g . S h e g r a s p s t h e a u d i e n c ew i t h h e r e n e r g y a n d l i g h t s u p t h e r o o m . A l l h e rl e c t u r e s a r e a l w a y s e v i d e n c e - b a s e d , s o s h e r e a l l yc a p t u r e s t h e i n t e l l e c t w h i l e k e e p i n g i t l i g h t a n d f u n .A n d a t t h e s a m e t i m e , h e r t o n e i s a l w a y s s o s o o t h i n gt h a t s h e r e a l l y c r e a t e s a h e a l i n g e n v i r o n m e n t . ”

    – K a r e n D o w l e r , P r o f e s s i o n a l D e v e l o p m e n t M a n a g e ro f P e r i o p e r a t i v e S e r v i c e s a t T u f t s M e d i c a l C e n t e r

    © 2016 Ultimate Healing Journey, LLC

    l inkedin.com/in/DebbieLynToomey