Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A

Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

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Page 1: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

Topic 2 Section ATopic 2 Section A

Page 2: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

health | helθ| n .健康,卫生healthy adj 健康的 , 健壮的 tonight | tə’nait | adv .& n .今晚,今夜 too much 太多 ( 表数量 , 修饰不可数名词 ) fingernail |’fiŋgəneil | n .手指甲 (可数名词) without | wi’ðaut | prep .没有

habit |’ hæbit | n. 习惯 , 嗜好 ( 可数名词)


Page 3: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

Staying up late is bad for our health.

We shouldn’t watch TV too much at


We should go to bed early.

Page 4: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

be bad for… 有…有害 eg: Smoking is bad for our lungs.

be good for… 对…有益 Running is good for our health.

be good at… = do well in 在某方面做得好,擅长于…

eg: He is good at English.

= He does well in English.

I am good at playing basketball.

= I do well in playing basketball.

be good to… 对…友好(这里的 good 相当于 nice 、 kind 、 friendly 等)

eg: He is good to his friends.

Page 5: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

A:what’s wrong with him?B:He has a sore throat.A:What should he do?

B:He should drink some hot tea with honey…

A:What’s the matter with him?

B:He has a backache.

A:What should he do?

B:He shouldn’t lift heavy things…

Page 6: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

Do you know how to keep us healthy?Why are they ill?

Page 7: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

Are these habits good or bad ?Are these habits good or bad ?

(Mark T or F)(Mark T or F) 1. Getting up late.

2. Going to bed early.

3. Doing morning exercises.

4. Keeping long fingernails.

5. Washing hands before meals.

6. Playing sports right after meals.

7. Going to school without breakfast.

8. Brushing teeth twice a day.









Page 8: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

1) Getting up late

2) Keeping long fingernails

3) Playing sports right after meals

4) Going to school without breakfast

Look at these bad habits , please give good ones.

Getting up early

Keep short fingernails ,and keep fingernails clean.

Don’t play sports right after meal.

Don’t go to school without breakfast.

Page 9: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |


Use “Is ……good or bad for our health?

It’s …”

A:Is reading in the sun good or bad for our health?

B:It’s bad.

A:Is having breakfast before going to school good or bad?

B:It’s good.


Page 10: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

1. Getting up late.

2. Going to bed early.

3. Doing morning exercises.

4. Keeping long fingernails.

5. Washing hands before meals.

6. Playing sports right after meals.

7. Going to school without breakfast.

8. Brushing teeth twice a day.

A: Is…good or bad for our health?

B: It’s…

Page 11: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

If we want to be healthy, what should we do?

You may begin like these:

We should……..

We shouldn’t………

Don’t ………….

Page 12: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

How to keep healthy

1.go to bed early.

2.do morning exercises every day.

3.drink lots of water every day.

4.Don’t watch too much TV.

5.eat a lot of vegetables and fruits every day.

6.wash hands before meals.

7.Don’t eat much meat.

8. Don’t smoke.

9.Don’t keep long fingernails.

Suggestions( 建议) :

Page 13: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

Do you know?Do you know?健

Do you know?Do you know?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

每天一只苹果,健康有保障每天一只苹果,健康有保障 ..

a close mouth catches no flies.a close mouth catches no flies.病从口入病从口入 ..Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.

音乐是医治心灵创伤的好药。音乐是医治心灵创伤的好药。Health is not valued till sickness comes.Health is not valued till sickness comes.

有疾病方知健康的可贵。有疾病方知健康的可贵。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.


Page 14: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

Drinking a lot of tea or coffee before sleep.

Eating too little.

Having a bad cold or the flu.

Staying up late at night.

Reading too much.


How did Wang Junfeng get a headache?

Page 15: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

too little 太少, little 修饰不可数名词 eg: There is too little milk in the bottle.

I ate too little at noon.

too much 太多, much 修饰不可数名词或修饰动词放在句末 eg: I have too much money, so I want to buy a new coat.

There is too much boiled water in the cup.

I ate too much at noon.

too many 太多, many 修饰可数名词的复数 eg: I have too many books in my room.

There are too many people on the playground.

much too 很,非常.表程度 , 修饰形容词或副词 eg: The coat is much too old.

You shouldn’t eat too much. You are much too fat.


Page 16: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

1) ---It’s bad for you to eat _____ meat.


A. too many B. many too

C. too much D. much too


2) ---I am ____ hungry, I think I can eat ten bowls of rice.

A. much too B. too little

C. too much D. too many


Page 17: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |

Let’s chantLet’s chant

Wash your hands, have a bath.

Open the window, take a fresh breath.

Early to bed, early to rise.

Makes a man healthy,

wealthy and wise.

Page 18: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |


1 、 Do you have any good habits and bad habits?

Write a passage about how to keep us healthy.

2 、练习册 Unit 2 Topic 2 Section A

Page 19: Topic 2 Section A Topic 2 Section A. health | helθ| n healthy adj, tonight | tənait | adv n too much (, ) fingernail |fiŋgəneil | n without | wiðaut |