Topic Alfred Nobel

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  • 7/27/2019 Topic Alfred Nobel


    Topic: Alfred Bernard Nobel

    We are learning how memories of important people and events are kept alive.

    Alfred Nobel and his peace prizes

    When we hear the word explosives, it often reminds us of war. You would never really think of

    explosives and peace going together. But the memory of one man keeps the memory of peace alive in

    our minds, even though he is also remembered for dynamite, because he was the man who invented it.

    Perhaps you have heard ofthe Nobel Peace Prize without really knowing that Nobel is the name of a

    man called Alfred Nobel. Alfred was Swedish, born in Stockholm on 21 October 1833. His father was an

    engineer. Alfred became interested in explosives which were used to blast rock, which is needed for

    mining and for making roads.

    When Alfred was 33 years old, he invented dynamite. As inventors usually do, Alfred took out patents

    for his inventions in Britain and in the United States. This ensured that his method of making dynamite

    could not be used by other people. Fourteen years later, Alfred invented an even better explosive called


    Alfred Nobel was a peaceful man, and did not intend his invention to be used in war. He hoped that

    when people saw the power of the explosives they would never again want to fight in wars.But people

    wanted to make explosive weapons, and Alfred was successful in developing military explosives. In

    payment for his inventions, he made a great deal of money which was invested and turned into a huge


    He must have felt sad when he realized that his work had helped people to make war more violently. He

    decided that he would use his large fortune to help to make the world more peaceful.

  • 7/27/2019 Topic Alfred Nobel


    Before his death in 1896, he made arrangements that each year a prize would be awarded by the Nobel

    Foundation. The award would go to people who had helped others in the world and would be financed

    by his money. A special prize was to be given to the person or organization who had helped towards

    peace in the world, as well as prizes for Literature, Medicine, Physics and Chemistry. These prizes are

    awarded on 10 December each year, because that is the anniversary of Alfred Nobels death. They are

    his memorial.

    Alfred Nobels Will

    The whole of my remaining realizable estate shall be dealt with in the following way: the capital,

    invested in safe securities by my executors, shall constitute a fund, the interest on which shall be

    annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred

    the greatest benefit on mankind. The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be

    apportioned as follows: one part to the person who shall have made the most important discovery or

    invention within the field of physics; one part to the person who shall have made the most important

    chemical discovery or improvement; one part to the person who shall have made the most important

    discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine; one part to the person who shall have produced

    in the field of literature the most outstanding work of an idealistic tendency; and one part to the person

    who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or

    reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses. The prizes for

    physics and chemistry shall be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences; that for physiological or

    medical works by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm; that for literature by the Academy in Stockholm;

    and that for champions of peace by a committee of five persons to be elected by the Norwegian


    It is my express wish that in awarding the prizes no consideration whatever shall be given to the

    nationality of the candidates, but that the most worthy shall receive the prize, whether he be a

    Scandinavian or not.

    Paris, the 27th of November 1895.

    Alfred Bernhard Nobel

    Alfred Nobel is buried in Stockholm in Sweden.

    How many years up to now has the memory of Alfred Nobel lasted? ( He died in 1896)

    What is the message that Alfred Nobel wanted to make sure that people would always remember?

    Imagine that someone you know is being awarded a Peace Prize in this school.

    What did that person do to deserve this prize?

  • 7/27/2019 Topic Alfred Nobel


    Talk to your partner for 1 minute and see if you agree on the same person. They can be in this class or in

    another class in the school.

    Thank you