Topic: Marketing Research Gokul M Presenter 1

Topic: Marketing Research

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Page 1: Topic: Marketing Research

Topic: Marketing Research

Gokul M



Page 2: Topic: Marketing Research

Marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.


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Exploratory Research-

Conducted to generate insights about a particular problem or situation.

Conclusive /Descriptive Research

Conducted to come out with conclusive insights through research.


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Syndicated-service research firms Custom marketing research firms Specialty-line marketing research



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The Marketing Research Process Define the problem

and research Objectives

Develop the Research Plan

Collect the Information

Analyze theInformation

Present the Findings

Make theDecision


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Define the problem, the decision alternatives, and the

research objectives First we have to decide (select) the problem.

That is existing or new product.

It should not be broad. A very broad definition leads to excessive Wastage of Resources.


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Marketing problem

Enhance sales of Fairever in twin city market [ which is declining] ?Enhance sales of Fairever in twin city market [ which is declining] ?

Sub Marketing ProblemSub Marketing Problem

Ineffective ads of fairever Ineffective ads of fairever

Marketing Research ProblemMarketing Research Problem

To study the To study the purchasing behavior of Fairness purchasing behavior of Fairness cream cream in twin city.in twin city.


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Marketing Research Problem definition  Growth of Sales of Ariel is low where as is

competitors sales i.e. surf is double than that of Ariel in the premium segment.

  Why are sales of Ariel low?????


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Develop the Research Plan

The plan for gathering the required Information are, Data source

Research Approaches

Research Instruments

Sampling Plan

Contact Methods


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The researcher can gather secondary data, primary data, or both.

a) Primary Data: The data are freshly gathered data for a specific purpose or for a specific research project.

b) Secondary Data: The data that were collected for different purpose which already exists.


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Government AgenciesGovernment Agencies

Trade and Industry AssociationsTrade and Industry Associations

Marketing Research FirmsMarketing Research Firms

Commercial PublicationsCommercial Publications

News MediaNews Media

Internal Corporate InformationInternal Corporate Information


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2. Research Approaches:In research approach primary data can be collected in 5 ways,a) Observational Research: Researchers can gather fresh data by Observing the relevant customers. Ex- Many retail stores like big bazaar, more observe customers shopping, how and what they choose???

b) Focus Groups: It is a gathering of 6 to 10 people who are invited to spend a few hours with a skill moderator in order to discuss a product/market.Ex- Fair and lovely cream ..Asking girls how and why they use the cream for ??? Whether fairness, moisturization , beauty, glow etc. [VIDEO]

c)Survey Research: The companies are undertake surveys to learn about people’s knowledge, beliefs, preferences, and satisfaction.Ex- Lakme surveys its audience and comes up with innovative shades colours, waterproof make up , long lasting. 13

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4. Behavioral Data Research: Customers’ actual purchases reflect preferences and are normally more reliable than memory-based statements made in survey.

5. Experimental Research: The most scientifically valid research experimental research. The purpose of experimental research is to capture cause and effect relationship by eliminating competing explanations of the observed findings.

Ex: Reliance Fresh allows some discounts for 2 days and finds out customers responses.


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3. Research Instruments:a. Questionnaires: There is set of questions presented to respondents,

And this is common instrument use to collect primary Data.Types of Questions: 1. Closed-End-Questions

Ex: Global Business School Faculty ?

2. Open-End-Questions

Ex: What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the

following ? Infosys_______________________________________ Air India______________________________________ Cricket_______________________________________


Very Good





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b. Qualitative Measures: Some marketers prefer more qualitative methods for

acquire customers opinion, its leads to a range of possible responses. Qualitative research can often be a useful first step in exploring consumers brand and product perceptions.

c. Technological Devices: Using technological devices to measure the

viewership of advertisements.Ex: Galvanometers TACODA an ad company is trying to come up with a

technology that can read eye movements and understand brain science


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4. Sampling Plan:

a. Sampling Unit : Who should we survey ?

Ex: MBA students in Hubli & Dharwad

b. Sample Size: How many people we should survey ?

Ex: Size is 12 Colleges, 10 students from each college

c. Sampling Procedure: How should we choose the respondents ?

Ex: convenience sampling , Judgmental sampling


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UniverseUniverse SampleSample


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5. Contact Methods

a. Mail Questionnaire: This is the best way to reach people who would not give personal interview.

It should be simple and clear questions

b. Telephone Interview: It is the best method for gathering information quickly.

It should be short and not too personal

c. Personal Interview: It is the most versatile method or also expensive method.

• Arranged • Intercept

Ask more questions and record additional observations about the respondents


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Online Interview:

Questionnaires on website Conduct chat


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Collect the Information

The data collection phase of marketing research isgenerally the most expensive and prone to errors. Data collection methods are improving by computers and telecommunications .

Ex: If Big Bazaar is conducting surveys about customer Interests through personal interview they can start off byInterviewing customers.


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Analyze the Information

The researchers now need to tabulate the information, compute averages by using Measures of dispersion for the major variables and apply some advanced statistical Techniques and decisions models to discover additional findings.


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Valid Perce


Cumulative Perce

ntValid T.V 93 71.5 71.5 71.5


18 13.8 13.8 85.4

News paper


11 8.5 8.5 93.8


8 6.2 6.2 100.0

Total 130 100.0 100.0

To find which is the most effective medium for the Ads.Effective medium of Ad

Effective medium of Ad


New s papers



Interpretation:From the above results obtained we can say that most effective medium of the Ads is TV, followed by Magazines, then the News paper and finally hoardings.


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Present the Findings

The researcher presents findings relevant to the majormarketing decisions facing management. Researchers increasingly are being asked to play a more proactive, Consolation role in translating data and information in to insights and recommendations they are also considering ways to present research findings in as understandable and compelling a passion as possible .


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1. There is low awareness of Fairever

2. The top of the mind recall in fairness cream is fair & lovely

3. Message of the ad is the important factor for a ad to be effective

4. Fairever is weak in attribute like freshness & sunscreen.

5. The preference of Fairness cream differs across gender.

6. People of different age prefer different Fairness cream.

7. From perception map we came to know there is similarity between Fair & Lovely,

8. Fairever & Fairone, Where as Vicco & Fair & handsome are totally different.

9. There is a relation between the gender & attributes like freshness, Fairness, sunscreen & oil control of Fairness cream.

10. There is a relation between the age & attributes like freshness, sunscreen & oil control of Fairness cream.

11. There is no relation between the age & Fairness.25

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Make the Decision

Research findings only provide additional information and insight to the managers. Depending on their confidence in the findings, managers decide use it, discard It, or carry out more research. EXAMPLE :

Recommendations 1.Cavinkare need’s to create its identity through it’s logo on its pack.2.Cavinkare needs to create more awareness through print ads or magazines like women’s Era, Grahasobha, Saheli etc.3.Cavinkare should come up with frequent ads on television with the right message.4.Cavinkare should improve on attributes like Freshness & Sunscreen.


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Practical Survey

Research Product : Idea (Telecommunication)

Research Problem : Decreasing in Sales of Idea Sim & Currency

Research Objectives : 1. To know competitors of Idea 2. To know customer satisfaction 3. To know the satisfaction of call rates 4. To know the voice Clarity & Network


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Research Methodology :

Data collection method : Primary data and Secondary data collection method is used to carry out this research work.

Measurement Technique : Questionnaire

Selected Sample : Sample Size –100 Selected Area—College students of Hubli and Dharwad


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Executive Summary : The purpose of this study is to know the brand preferred by the customer and also to know the factors affecting the buying behavior of the customer.

Back Ground : To design the marketing strategies in accordance with the changes occurred in the market and also in accordance with the changes in expectations of the customers


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Questionnaire1) Name:______________________________________________________________

2) Mobile No:_______________________

3) Which college you are studying?_______________________________

a) Student b) Basic

c) Life Time

4) Which plan you are using?

5) Feeling towards network service of Idea

a) Excellence b) Good c) Bad





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6) Do you want to more facility regarding ?

a) News & Job Alerts

d) Horoscopec) Cricket

b) Entertainment

7) If you want any additional facility other than above ?

If Yes specify_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) Noa) Yes

8) The pricing for call rate of Idea comparative to other services ?

c) Reasonable

a) Very High

b) High

d) Low





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9) How do you feel about the service rendered by our customer care ?

10) Do you like to suggest your friends to use Idea connection ?

11) Do you want change our Idea connection to other connection ?

a) Good b) Satisfactory c) Not satisfactory

a) Yes b) No

a) Yes b) No

Give Reason_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________





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Findings and Recommendation


So the company has to concentrate on Basic plan and Lifetime plan Sims and providing more unique features to above Sims.


So the company have to increase there Network coverage more in the village Areas


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3. Opinions of customers regarding the facilities in the phone is

So the company has to provide more and more facilities and with their free services.

4. Other than above facilities 38% of the customers suggested that they want additional facilities and remaining 62% customer suggested they don’t want any additional facilities.

So the company should develop the providing of additional facilities. They suggested to us that they want additional facilities regarding business news, SMS @ cheaper rate etc,


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5. Opinion about the price of call rate of Idea is, Very High 10%, High 12%, Reasonable 69%, Low 08%.

By considering the feelings about call rates most of customers are satisfied.

6. Customers satisfaction of service rendered by customer care is, 10% Good 60% Satisfactory 30% Not satisfactory

Most of the customers i.e. 60 out of 100 customers told that the response of the customer care is satisfactory


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8. By asking change of Idea connection customers response is 46% is YES 54% s No.

Most of the customers are satisfied with Idea connection and some are not satisfied.

By conducting this survey 60% of customers are satisfied with Idea connection and its service remaining 40% of customers are not satisfied. To reach the 100% Satisfaction leading in market the company has to develop in some areas.

7. Customers informed that they are ready to suggest their friends to purchase the Idea connection. 58% students are ready to inform to Buy Idea connection.


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1.Develop the Network

2.SMS pack @ cheaper rate

3.Increase technology of customer care

4.Speed service

5.Provide the additional facilities like Business News, Job Alerts, Entertainment etc.

6.Provide more festival offers

7.More facilities in recharge plan


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Coding Sheet

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Thank you

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