5/19/2011 1 Ensuring the success of crowdsourcing initiatives: key governance issues Isabel Ramos Isabel Ramos Isabel Ramos Isabel Ramos University of Minho, Portugal http://www.dsi.uminho.pt/~iramos [email protected] University of Minho University of Oulu Topics covered 19-05-2011 Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 2 O Motives to participate in Crowdsourcing Initiatives O Incentive Mechanisms O Building Reputation O Principles Guiding the Design of Web Platforms O IP and Legal Issues O Risks of Crowdsourcing O Measures of Success University of Minho University of Oulu

Topics covered - dsi.uminho.pt€¦ · Topics covered Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 19-05-2011 2 O Motives to participate in Crowdsourcing Initiatives O Incentive Mechanisms

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Ensuring the success of crowdsourcing initiatives:

key governance issues

Isabel RamosIsabel RamosIsabel RamosIsabel Ramos

University of Minho, Portugal


[email protected]

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Topics covered

19-05-2011Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 2

O Motives to participate in Crowdsourcing Initiatives

O Incentive Mechanisms

O Building Reputation

O Principles Guiding the Design of Web Platforms

O IP and Legal Issues

O Risks of Crowdsourcing

O Measures of Success

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

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University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Why do people participate?

19-05-2011Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 4


Altruism and Ideology Sense of efficacy, influencing

Care for community, attachment to the


Monetary rewards

Recognition and reputation Need, software improvements, technical


Friendships, relationships, social support Recreation

Knowledge exchange, personal learning,

social capital

Adapted from Antikainen et al., 2010

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

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Role of Incentives

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Activation Behavior

Adapted from Rosenstiel (2007)

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Incentive Mechanisms (1/3)O Altruistic InitiativesAltruistic InitiativesAltruistic InitiativesAltruistic Initiatives, where people are cooperating with each other or

providing information at large just because they think it’s important (caring

and collaborative)

19-05-2011Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 6

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu





Achieved Results

Of Peers

Of the Organizer

Individual Contribution

Collective Contribution

Contributions to the cause/others

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Incentive MechanismsO CollaborativeCollaborativeCollaborativeCollaborative, where people are interacting with each other with a clear

output invites and a cordial tone.

19-05-2011Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 7

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu






Knowledge of Mentors

Knowledge of Experts

Peer Recognition Contributions

Knowledge of Peers

Incentive MechanismsO EgocentricEgocentricEgocentricEgocentric, participants may want to show that they are better than others,

to be masters…(competitive and combative)

19-05-2011Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 8

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu



Personal Branding



Links to Personal Web Pages

Scoring of contributionsOf contributions to potential


Recognition through Leader Boards

Blogging Opportunities

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Examples of Mechanisms for Incentives/Reputation

O What kind of mechanism should be deployed to support

INNOCENTIVE, Buzzbnk.org and Peer-to-Patent initiatives?

Think about it and make some notes.Think about it and make some notes.Think about it and make some notes.Think about it and make some notes.

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University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu


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University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

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University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Intrinsic Motivation to Do GoodIntrinsic Motivation to Do GoodIntrinsic Motivation to Do GoodIntrinsic Motivation to Do Good


19-05-2011Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 12

“It “It “It “It makes public participation relevant to actual makes public participation relevant to actual makes public participation relevant to actual makes public participation relevant to actual decisiondecisiondecisiondecision----making “(ideology)making “(ideology)making “(ideology)making “(ideology)

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

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Reputation is Key

O Build Build Build Build Trust.Trust.Trust.Trust. Encouraging good behaviors and discouraging bad ones within the context of aims of the initiative.

O Promote Promote Promote Promote qualityqualityqualityquality. Recognizing and featuring high quality contributors that usually are only a few from the online community linked to the initiative.

O Facilitate Facilitate Facilitate Facilitate Member Matching.Member Matching.Member Matching.Member Matching. Helping community members assess the expertise of other members so that they can decide how much to trust someone’s posting or whether to initiate collaboration.

O Sustain Sustain Sustain Sustain Loyalty.Loyalty.Loyalty.Loyalty. Loyalty is connected with the member’s reputation built within the initiative. Once a member has built a reputation, it becomes harder to leave the initiative or move to another where he/she is not known yet.

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University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Monitoring Behavior

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• Never let people rate or comment on other people, only


• Foster self-control – mechanisms to build reputation and therefore,

have easier access to resources and knowledge;

• Define clear norms for participation and use social pressure to

support compliance;

• Respond quickly to remove inappropriate contributions.

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

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Designing a Platform

O Focus the task that provide most value for all involved;

O Support the business model that renders the collaboration


O Individuals vs network vs community – what is best to get high

quality contributions?

O Add functionalities that ensure people return;

O Remember motivation remains for a short time: be creative in

defining online incentives

O “Bad guys” will show up… implement functionalities to detect them

and to help counter act them;

19-05-2011Crowdsourcing Creative Tasks | Isabel Ramos 15

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Please, use the analytical tool provided with the documentation to analyze

one initiative of your choice.

19-05-2011 16

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing Crowdsourcing








� What drives the initiative meaningful


� Crowd Wisdom

� Crowd Creation

� Crowd Voting

� Crowd Funding

� Crowd Democracy

� Crowd Reviews


� Alliances,

� Partmerships,

� Endorsements,

� Clients,

� Participations


� Scope,

� Usability,

� Amount ofInformation

� Collaborationsupport


� One time/continuous

� Level of Effort (low, med, high)

� Individual/Group

� Expertise (generalist, amateur, specialist)

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University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

IP and Legal Issues

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• As in any case of open innovation, crowdsourcing should be used to seek

innovations that are not strategic;

• The value of IP generated in more complex tasks may be difficult to


• Contributors may be in any place in the world; different countries may tax

rewards differently and crowd members may not declare earnings;

• Contracts are necessary to define obligations of both requestors and

providers; it may be difficult to deal with situations where the contract is not


• The originality of contributions must be ensured; the crowd may be

requested to verify originality.

• Labels matter in the eyes of the law. Initiatives that draw heavily on crowd

contributions have to pay close attention to legal nuances that govern how

contributors/volunteers/members are treated.

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

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Some of the Risks

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O Disclosure of the innovation strategy;

O Weak control of Intellectual Property Rights;

O IP Fraud

O Lack of control regarding the participation of the crowd;

O Contractual conflicts that are not easy to solve due to geographical dispersion of the community and client companies

O Solutions rely on immature technologies

O Resistance to the solution by employees from the client company

O Security leaks

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Measuring Success

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• The majority of tasks receive high-quality contributions;

• The crowd keeps constant in numbers (or is growing according to the necessity

of tasks) – usually only 1% of members create high-quality contributions;

• Complex tasks find small teams within the crowd easily;

• Collaboration and interaction norms and rules are followed;

• A minimum of contractual conflicts arise;

• The crowd and clients/users are loyal to the initiative;

• Tasks are always available and trigger the interest of the crowd.

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

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Identify an initiative you are working on or have worked in the past

and identify how Crowdsourcing could be used

5 mn for notes

5 mn to explain to your neighbor

5 mn to reverse roles

Open discussion – 5 mn

University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu

Thank you!

O Isabel Ramos, www.dsi.uminho.pr/~iramos,

[email protected]

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University of MinhoUniversity of Oulu