Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems 048961 Lecture 2, Fall 2004-2005 Dr. Idit Keidar

Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems 048961 Lecture 2, Fall 2004-2005 Dr. Idit Keidar

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Page 1: Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems 048961 Lecture 2, Fall 2004-2005 Dr. Idit Keidar

Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems


Lecture 2, Fall 2004-2005

Dr. Idit Keidar

Page 2: Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems 048961 Lecture 2, Fall 2004-2005 Dr. Idit Keidar

Introduction to Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lookup Systems

Page 3: Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems 048961 Lecture 2, Fall 2004-2005 Dr. Idit Keidar

What Does Peer-to-Peer Mean?

Characterization from CFP of IPTPS 2004: – decentralized, – self-organizing – distributed systems, – in which all or most communication is


Page 4: Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems 048961 Lecture 2, Fall 2004-2005 Dr. Idit Keidar

Typical Characteristics

• Lots of nodes (e.g., millions).• Dynamic: frequent join, leave, failure.• Little or no infrastructure.

– No central server.

• Communication possible between every pair of nodes (cf. the Internet).

• All nodes are “peers” – have same role; don’t have lots of resources.

Page 5: Topics in Reliable Distributed Systems 048961 Lecture 2, Fall 2004-2005 Dr. Idit Keidar

The Main Challenge

To design and implement a robust and scalable distributed system

composed of inexpensive, individually unreliable

computers in unrelated administrative domains.

“Looking up Data in P2P Systems”, Balakrishnan et al., CACM Feb 2003.

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It All Started with Lookup

• Goal: Make billions of objects available to millions of concurrent users– e.g., music files

• Need a mechanism to keep track of them– map files to their locations

• First There was Napster– centralized server/database – pros and cons?

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Traditional Scalability Solution

• Hierarchy– tree overlay: organize nodes into a spanning

tree; communicate on links of the tree– structured lookup: know where to forward the

query next– e.g., DNS.

• Pros and cons?

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Overlay Networks

• A virtual structure imposed over the physical network (e.g., the Internet)– over the Internet, there is a (IP level) unicast

channel between every pair of hosts– an overlay uses a fixed subset of these– nodes that have the capability to communicate

directly with each other do not use it

• What is this good for?

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Symmetric Lookup Algorithms

• All nodes were created equal

• No hierarchy– overlay not a tree

• So how does the search go?– depends….

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Searching in Overlay Networks Take I: Gnutella

• Build a decentralized unstructured overlay– each node has several neighbors;– holds several keys in its local database

• When asked to find a key X– check local database if X is known– if yes, return, if not, ask your neighbors

• What is the communication pattern?

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How Come It Works?

• Search is fast– what people care about

• People don’t care so much about wasting bandwidth– may change as ISPs start charging for bandwidth

• Scalability is limited – normally no more than ~40,000 peers

• Files are replicated many times so flooding with a small TTL usually finds the file– even if there are multiple connected components

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Take II: FastTrack, KaZaA, eDonkey

• Improve scalability by re-introducing a hierarchy– though not a tree– super-peers have more resources, more

neighbors, know more keys– search goes through super-peers

• Pros and Cons?

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Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs)

• Nodes store table entries

• Good abstraction for lookup? Why?

• Requirements for an application being able to use DHTs?– data identified with unique keys– nodes can (agree to) store keys for each other

• location of object or actual object.

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The DHT Service Interface

lookup( key )

returns the location of the node currently responsible for this key

key usually numeric (in some range)

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Using the DHT Interface

• How do you publish a file?

• How do you find a file?

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What Does a DHT Implementation Need to Do?

• Map keys to nodes– needs to be dynamic as nodes join and leave– how does this affect the service interface?

• Route a request to the appropriate node– routing on the overlay

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Lookup Example













K V(K1,V1)


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Mapping Keys to Nodes

• Goal: load balancing– why?

• Typical approach: – give an m-bit identifier to each node and each

key (e.g., using SHA-1 on the key, IP address)– map key to node whose id is “close” to the key

(need distance function). – how is load balancing achieved?

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Routing Issues

• Each node must be able to forward each lookup query to a node closer to the destination

• Maintain routing tables adaptively– each node knows some other nodes– must adapt to changes (joins, leaves, failures)– goals?

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Handling Join/Leave

• When a node joins it needs to assume responsibility for some keys – ask the application to move these keys to it– how many keys will need to be moved?

• When a nodes fails or leaves, its keys have to be moved to others– what else is needed in order to implement this?

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Stoica, Morris, Karger, Kaashoek, and Balakrishnan

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Chord Logical Structure

• m-bit ID space (2m IDs), usually m=160.• Think of nodes as organized in a logical ring

according to their IDs.N1









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Assigning Keys to Nodes

• Key k is assigned to first node whose ID equals or follows k – successor(k)











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Moving Keys upon Join/Leave

• When a node joins, it becomes responsible for some keys previously assigned to its successor – local change– assuming load is balanced, how many keys

should move?

• And what happens when a node leaves?

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Simple Routing Solutions

• Each node knows only its successor. – routing around the circle

• Each node knows all other nodes– O(1) routing– cost?

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Chord Skiplist Routing

• Each node has “fingers” to nodes ½ way around the ID space from it, ¼ the way…

• finger[i] at n contains successor(n+2i-1)• successor is finger[1]










How many fingers in the finger table?

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Chord Data Structures (At Each Node)

• Finger table

• First finger is successor

• Predecessor

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Forwarding Queries

• Query for key k is forwarded to finger with highest ID not exceeding k

K54 Lookup( K54 )N0









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How long does it take?

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

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Routing Time

• Node n looks up a key stored at node p• p is in n’s ith interval

p ((n+2i-1)mod 2m, (n+2i)mod 2m]

• n contacts f=finger[i]– RPC closest_preceding_node

• f is at least 2i-1 away from n• p is at most 2i-1 away from f• The distance is halved

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Joining Chord

• Goals?• Steps:

– Find your successor– Initialize finger table and predecessor– Notify other nodes that need to change their

finger table and predecessor pointer• O(log2n)

– Learn the keys that you are responsible for; notify others that you assume control over them

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Join Algorithm: Take II

• Observation: for correctness, successors suffice – fingers only needed for performance

• Upon join, update successor only• Periodically,

– check that successors and predecessors are consistent

– fix fingers

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Failure Handling

• Periodically fixing fingers • List of r successors instead of one successor• Periodically probing predecessors:

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The Model?

• Failures can be accurately detected!• Properties hold as long as failure is bounded:

– If we use a successor list of length r = (logN) in a network that is initially stable, and then every node fails with probability 1/2, then with high probability find successor returns the closest living successor to the query key.

– In a network that is initially stable, if every node then fails with probability 1/2, then the expected time to execute find successor is O(logN).

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What About Moving Keys?

• Left up to the application

• Solution: keep soft state, refreshed periodically– every refresh operation performs lookup(key)

before storing the key in the right place

• How can we increase reliability for the time between failure and refresh?