This work has been digitalized and published in 2013 by Verlag Zeitschrift für Naturforschung in cooperation with the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Dieses Werk wurde im Jahr 2013 vom Verlag Zeitschrift für Naturforschung in Zusammenarbeit mit der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. digitalisiert und unter folgender Lizenz veröffentlicht: Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 Lizenz. Topological Resonance Energy of Linear Polyaeenes Ivan Gutman Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Yugoslavia Z. Naturforsch. 37 a, 248—250 (1982); received January 28, 1982 A method for computation of the topological resonance energy (TRE) of linear polyaeenes is described. When the length of the polyacene chain increases, TRE tends to 0.02 ß units per 71- electron, contrary to a previous prediction [1]. The ionization potential and the energy of the p-band of linear polyaeenes are found to be excellently correlated with TRE. In a recent paper [1] the topological resonance energy of very large (infinitely large) benzenoid hydrocarbons has been estimated using a semi- empirical two-parameter topological formula T R E = f a J/2 n6 (log K)& + b, (1) with riß and K being the number of six-membered rings and the number of Kekule structures, respec- tively, of the corresponding hydrocarbon. In addi- tion, a = 0.3541 and b = 0.0679. The validity of the above equation in the case of small and medium size benzenoid systems (i.e. Wß^lO) has been verified on a large number of examples [2]. On the basis of (1) one concluded [1] that the resonance energy per 71-electron of linear polyaeenes tends to zero w r hen the number of six-membered rings tends to infinity. In the present paper the exact topological resonance energy of linear poly- aeenes will be determined and it will be shown that, contrary to the previous estimate, lim n-> 00 TRE 0.019 (2) This result indicates that one must be rather cau- tious with the application of (1) to very large benzenoid systems. In the present communication we shall fully fol- low the notation and terminology of our previous papers [1, 3], where also further references about TRE can be found. Hence, the topological reso- nance energy will be presented in the form TRE = E - Reprint requests to Prof. Dr. Ivan Gutman, Faculty of Science, P.O.Box 60, 34000 Kragujevac, Yugoslavia. with E being the total 7r-electron energy n i= 1 and E n being the reference energy E*=29i*i (3) i= 1 of the pertinent conjugated system. The molecular graph of the linear polyacene with k six-membered rings will be denoted by A^. In addition, we shall need two auxiliary graphs Yk and Zk. O3C--0 c a The Total n-Electron Energy of Linear Polyaeenes Closed analytical expressions for the HMO energy levels of linear polyaeenes are long known [4] and read (in ß units): e, = (/, + l)/2, i = l,...,k+l, ejc+i+i = ih — l)/2, i=l,...,k, e^k+i+i = — ( / « — l ) / 2 , i=l,...,k, (4) e3k+i+i = — {ft + l)/2, i=l,...,k+l, where fi = 9 + 8 cos in k -f- 1 Note that the number of jr-electrons in a linear polyacene with k rings is n = 4 k -f- 2. From (4) it immediately follows that E(Ak) = 2 + 22ft. (5) 0340-4811 / 82 / 0300-0248 $ 01.30/0. — Please order a reprint rather than making your own copy.

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Page 1: Topological Resonance Energy of Linear Polyaeeneszfn.mpdl.mpg.de/data/Reihe_A/37/ZNA-1982-37a-0248.pdfrings and the number of Kekule structures, respec-tively, of the corresponding

This work has been digitalized and published in 2013 by Verlag Zeitschrift für Naturforschung in cooperation with the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science under a Creative Commons Attribution4.0 International License.

Dieses Werk wurde im Jahr 2013 vom Verlag Zeitschrift für Naturforschungin Zusammenarbeit mit der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung derWissenschaften e.V. digitalisiert und unter folgender Lizenz veröffentlicht:Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 Lizenz.

Topological Resonance Energy of Linear Polyaeenes

I v a n G u t m a n Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Yugoslavia

Z. Naturforsch. 37 a, 248—250 (1982); received January 28, 1982

A method for computation of the topological resonance energy (TRE) of linear polyaeenes is described. When the length of the polyacene chain increases, TRE tends to 0.02 ß units per 71-electron, contrary to a previous prediction [1]. The ionization potential and the energy of the p-band of linear polyaeenes are found to be excellently correlated with TRE.

I n a recent paper [1] the topological resonance energy of v e r y large (infinitely large) benzenoid hydrocarbons has been est imated using a semi-empirical two-parameter topological formula

T R E = f a J/2 n6 (log K)& + b, (1)

with riß and K being the number of s ix-membered rings and the number of K e k u l e structures, respec-t ive ly , of the corresponding hydrocarbon. In addi-tion, a = 0.3541 and b = 0.0679. T h e v a l i d i t y of the above equation in the case of small and medium size benzenoid systems (i.e. W ß ^ l O ) has been verified on a large number of e x a m p l e s [2].

On the basis of (1) one concluded [1] t h a t the resonance energy per 71-electron of l inear polyaeenes tends to zero wrhen the number of s ix-membered rings tends to infinity. In the present paper the exact topological resonance energy of l inear poly-aeenes will be determined and it will be shown t h a t , contrary to the previous est imate,

l im n-> 00

T R E 0.019 (2)

This result indicates that one must be rather cau-tious wi th the application of (1) to v e r y large benzenoid systems.

I n the present communicat ion we shall ful ly fol-low the notat ion and terminology of our previous papers [1, 3], where also further references about T R E can be found. Hence, the topological reso-nance energy will be presented in the form

T R E = E -

Reprint requests to Prof. Dr. Ivan Gutman, Faculty of Science, P.O.Box 60, 34000 Kragujevac, Yugoslavia.

with E being the tota l 7r-electron energy n

i= 1

and E n being the reference energy

E * = 2 9 i * i (3) i= 1

of the pert inent conjugated system. T h e molecular graph of the linear polyacene

w i t h k s ix-membered rings will be denoted b y A^. I n addition, we shall need t w o auxiliary graphs — Yk and Zk.

O 3 C - - 0 c a

The Total n-Electron Energy of Linear Polyaeenes

Closed analyt ica l expressions for the H M O energy levels of linear polyaeenes are long k n o w n [4] and read (in ß units):

e, = (/, + l)/2, i = l,...,k+l,

ejc+i+i = ih — l)/2, i=l,...,k, e^k+i+i = — ( / « — l)/2, i=l,...,k, (4)

e3k+i+i = — {ft + l)/2, i=l,...,k+l,


fi = 9 + 8 cos in

k -f- 1

N o t e that the number of jr-electrons in a linear polyacene with k rings is n = 4 k -f- 2.

F r o m (4) it immediately follows t h a t

E(Ak) = 2 + 22ft. (5)

0340-4811 / 82 / 0300-0248 $ 01.30/0. — Please order a reprint rather than making your own copy.

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I. Gutman • Topological Resonance Energy of Linear Polyacenes 249

B y numerical calculation it can be easily verified that for k being sufficiently large (say k ^ 8), E(Ajc) is practically a linear function of k and

E(Ak+1)-E(Ak) = 5 .611 . (6)

In addition, the sum on the right-hand side of (5) can be approximated as

k k n

2 ii — J1/9 + 8 cos x dx, i=i n o

which yields

4 l/l7 E(Ak+1)-E(Ak) ^ £(1/16/17) = 5.622,


where */2

E(u) = j"}7! - M2 sin2 £dt o

is the complete elliptic normal integral of the second kind.

The Matching Polynomial of Linear Polyacenes

According to (3), in order to calculate one has to determine the zeros Xi of the matching poly-nomial of the molecular graph. The matching polynomial of Ak can be recursively evaluated as follows:

In [3] it has been shown that the matching poly-nomial of a graph G satisfies the identity

d (x(G) = XOL(G — v) — — V — V)}).


Applying this relation first to the vertex v\ and then to the vertex of A k, we arrive to the equation

cf.(Ak) = <x.(Ak~i) — 2xtx(Yk-i) + ( * 2 - l ) a (Z*_i). (7)

W h e n a completely analogous procedure is applied to the graphs Yk and Zk, one obtains

a ( Y k ) = M ( i H ) - (2.-r2 - l )a (F* - i ) + (x3-2x)a(Zk.1) (8)


a(Zk) = ^a(^-i) -(2x3- 2)x(Yk-1) + { x A _ 3 x 2 + 1 ) ( x { z k ^ ) . (9)

The Eqs. (7) —(9) form together a system of three coupled recurrence relations. Let us introduce the notation

^ - ( ^ 4 - 5 x 2 + 3 ) ^ - ! + (x* - 3 z 2 + 3) Mk-2 - Mk-3 = r(Mk)

for Mk being an arbitrary function (of the variable x), depending on the parameter k. Then it can be shown that the solution of the system (7) —(9) are the following three recurrence relations:

r(Ak) = 0 , r(Yk) = 0 , r(Zk) = 0 . (10)

The result (10) has been first derived by Farrell and Wahid [5] using a somewhat different w a y of rea-soning.

Using (10) the polynomials a (Ak) can be easily evaluated for relatively large values of k. Their zeros are then readily computed b y standard meth-ods. On the other hand, we were not able to find an analytical expression for the zeros of v.(Ak). I t can, however, be shown [6] that the zeros of x(Ak) are all mutual ly distinct.

The Reference Energy of Linear Polyacenes

W e show first that the reference energy of linear polyacenes is bounded as follows:

J/20 < E*(Ak+1) - E*(Ak) < |/20 + 8^/3.


The starting point in our proof is the integral ex-pression for i?R

+ oo

E^ = — / ^-\og[l+p(G,l)xZ + p(G,2)x* + ---71 J X*

+ p(G,n/2)x»], (12)

which is essentially the same result as the formula already used for total 7r-electron energy [7]. From (12) follows that E R is a monotonically increasing function of all parameters p (G, j), j = 1, . . . , n/2.

The graph Ak+\ can be obtained from Ak by joining the vertices v\ and V2 of Ak with the ter-minal vertices of a path graph P4 with four vertices. Hence A k -f- P4 is a subgraph of A jt+i, and con-sequently

p(Ak+1,j)^p(Ak +P4,?') for all j . Then because of (12),

E*(Ak+1)>E*(Ak + P4) = E*(Ak) + E*(P4),

Page 3: Topological Resonance Energy of Linear Polyaeeneszfn.mpdl.mpg.de/data/Reihe_A/37/ZNA-1982-37a-0248.pdfrings and the number of Kekule structures, respec-tively, of the corresponding

250 I. Gutman • Topological Resonance Energy of Linear Polyaeenes

and the left-hand side of (11) fol lows f rom the f a c t t h a t ER (P 4 ) = E { P t ) = j 20 .

F r o m the recurrence relation (10) it is immedia-te ly seen t h a t p(Ak+i, j) is equal t o the respective coefficient of (a;4 — 5 a;2 + 3) a (A k) minus the respec-t i v e coefficient of (a;4 — 3a;2 - f 3)a(^4fc-i) plus t h e respective coefficient of a(^4£-2)- Since the coef-ficients of a{Aic-2) are m u c h smaller t h a n the respective coefficients of (a;4 —3a;2-j-3)a(^4fc-i), we conclude t h a t p (A , j) is smaller t h a n the respec-t i v e coefficient of (a;4 — 5a;2 + 3)oc(^lfc)- T h e n be-cause of (12),

E*(Ak+1)<EK(Ak) + 2

• [|/(5 + j / 1 3 ) / 2 ' + }/(5 — j/l3)/2]

where ± |/(5 ± |/l3)/2 are the zeros of a;4 — 5 x 2 + 3. T h e right-hand side of the inequal i ty (11) fol lows n o w after e lementary algebraic transformations.

T h e topological resonance energies of Ak for k were first reported b y A i h a r a [8]. I n T a b l e 1 the E , E R and T R E values for the first ten members of the linear polyacene series are presented. I t can be seen that for k being suff ic iently large, En(Ak) is also a linear funct ion of k, a n d

E*>(Ak+1) - E*(Ak) = 5 .534. (13)

Combining (6) and (13) we get

TRE(-4fc+i) - T R E ( ^ f c ) = 0.077,

f rom which the limes (2) fol lows stra ightforwardly .

Correlation of TRE with Experimental Data

Quant i tat ive experimental d a t a on ionization potential , electron spectra a n d chemical r e a c t i v i t y

Table 1.

k E(Ak) TRE {Ak)

1 8.000 7.727 0.273 2 13.683 13.294 0.389 3 19.314 18.839 0.475 4 24.931 24.378 0.553 5 30.544 29.914 0.630 6 36.156 35.450 0.706 7 41.768 40.985 0.783 8 47.379 46.519 0.859 9 52.990 52.054 0.936

10 58.602 57.589 1.013

are avai lable for the first six linear polyaeenes [9]. These correlate excellently with the c o m p u t e d T R E P E values (of course, T R E P E (A k) = T R E (A k) / (4fc-f 2)). T h e following linear relations h a v e been established:

I P = 155.5 T R E P E + 2.15 [ e V ] ,

Ev = 219.5 T R E P E - 4.06 [eV] ,

where I P and Ev are the ionization potential a n d the energy of the p-band (in gas phase), respec-t ive ly . T h e correlation coefficients in the a b o v e equations are 0.9996 and 0.9995, respect ively . Hence the resonance energies of the linear poly-aeenes wi th more than six rings (which are g iven in Table) can be used for a reliable prediction of some of their physico-chemical properties.

A cknowledgement

T h e author thanks Dr. E d w a r d J. Farrell (St. August ine , Trinidad) for communicat ing h im t h e results of the paper [5] prior to publication.

[1] I. Gutman, Z. Naturforsch. 36a, 128 (1981). [2] I. Gutman and S. Petrovic, Bull. Soc. Chim. Beograd

46, 459 (1981). [3] C. D. Godsil and I. Gutman, Z. Naturforsch. 34 a, 776

(1979). [4] C. A. Coulson, Proc. Phvs. Soc. London 60, 257 (1948). [5] E. J. Farrell and S. A. Wahid, to be published.

[6] 0 . J. Heilmann and E. H. Lieb, Commun. Math. Phys. 25, 190 (1972); C. D. Godsil, J. Graph Theory 5, 285 (1981).

[7] I. Gutman, Theor. Chim. Acta 45, 79 (1977). [8] J. Aihara, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 99, 2048 (1977). [9] D. Biermann and W. Schmidt, J. Amer. Chem. Soc.

102, 3163 (1980); P. Eilfeld and W. Schmidt, J. Elec-tron Spectr. 24, 101 (1981) and references cited therein.