tort law- VNFI

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  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI



    Project on Tort Law:

    Volenti Non Fit Injria!A "etaile" St"#

    Submitted by: Ankita Sen

    Roll No.:2013/BBA.LLB/10

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI



    We are very thankful to Prof. Mr. Yogesh Pratap

    Singh ( Assistant Professor of Law), National Lawniversity, !"isha, for giving us a topi# in whi#hwe #oul" e$pan" our knowle"ge through %ooks,&ournals an" ol" #ases. 'his not only in#rease"our knowle"ge, %ut also sharpene" ourresear#hing skills. We are also very thankful toour #lassates, who have tie an" again helpe"

    us %y provi"ing %ooks an" whatever possi%leaterial that #ae to our help. We woul" alsolike to thank all those who helpe" us in gatheringinforation ne#essary for the aking of thispro&e#t, rather aking this pro&e#t presenta%le.

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI



  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI



    The word tort! i" deri#ed $rom the Latin term tortum! whi%h mean" twi"ted!. Thu"& a tort

    ba"i%ally re$er" to an a%t whi%h i" wron' or twi"ted. (enerally ")eakin'& it i" an in*ury that

    one )er"on or entity in$li%t"+a%%identally or intentionally, on another )er"on.

    A tort is a violation of a right of a person or a breach of duty of another towards him. The

    right and duty arise under the general law as between a person or persons in a particular


    A tort i"&

    a civil wrong for which the remedy is a common law action for unliquidated damages, and

    which is not exclusively the breach of a contract or the breach of a trust or other merely

    equitable obligation.

    A tort may be defined as a civil wrong independent of contract for which appropriate

    remedy is an action for unliquidated damages.!

    Tort law i" mainly ba"ed on the le'al ma-im& ubi *u" ibi remedium!& whi%h mean"& that

    where a ri'ht e-i"t"& there lie" a remedy too. The )rimary $un%tion o$ the Law o$ Tort" i" to

    )ro#ide remedie" to %laimant" who ha#e "u$$ered harm& lo""& or an in$rin'ement o$ ri'ht". The

    harm in%lude" )hy"i%al in*ury to )er"on" or )ro)erty& dama'e to )er"on"! re)utation" or

    $inan%ial intere"t"& and inter$eren%e with )er"on"! u"e and en*oyment o$ their land. hen

    thi" le'al ri'ht o$ a )er"on i" #iolated& the in*ured )arty %an a"k $or remedy in the $orm o$

    dama'e"! or %om)en"ation. Now& %om)en"ation %an be o$ a $ew ty)e" %om)en"atory

    A Lakshinath , M Sri"har, an" *aasway +yer. -- .The Law of Torts.


    01ones Lu#y.-/. Introduction To Business Law. A##esse" August -, -/"516!#A7AA78A19":5'he;priary;fun#tion;of;the;Law;of;'orts;is;to;provi"e;ree"ies;to;#laiants;who;have;su

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    dama'e" and )uniti#e dama'e". The $ormer aim" at %om)en"atin' the in*ured+%alled

    )lainti$$! in tort law, and the latter aim" at )uni"hin' the wron'doer+%alled the de$endant!

    in tort law,. Some tort %a"e" "eek" "omethin' %alled an in*un%ti#e relie$!. An in*un%ti#e relie$

    re$er" to a %ourt order that reuire" the de$endant to do "omethin' or )re#ent" him $rom doin'

    "omethin'. Tortiou" liability ari"e" $rom the brea%h o$ a duty )rimarily $i-ed by law4 thi"

    duty i" toward" )er"on" 'enerally and it" brea%h i" redre""able by an a%tion $or unliidated


    Thi" brin'" u" to di"tin'ui"h between liuidated and unliuidated dama'e". The liuidated

    dama'e" re$er to the dama'e" the #alue o$ whi%h are $i-ed and had been de%ided be$orehand.

    herea"& unliuidated dama'e" re$er to tho"e dama'e" the #alue o$ whi%h are not $i-ed and

    they are not )rede%ided one".

    The ori'in" o$ tort law %an be $ound in old 6n'li"h )ro%edural law. To $ile an a%tion in a

    %ourt& one needed a writ& whi%h %ould only be obtained $rom the head o$ the *udi%iary& the

    Lord 7han%ellor. The law o$ tort" i" "tron'ly in$luen%ed by it" hi"tory: the $o%u" i" not

    )rimarily on rule" but on the ri'ht %au"e o$ a%tion8. 9n 9ndia& tort law ha" de#elo)ed mainly

    a" a )art o$ the %ommon law "y"tem that in$luen%ed 9ndia a$ter 9ndia wa" %olonied by the

    Briti"h. ;owe#er& tort law ha" not de#elo)ed mu%h 9ndia. The law o$ tort" admini"tered in

    9ndia i" the 6n'li"h %ommon law o$ tort" "o $ar a" it i" a#ailable to the 9ndian "o%iety and

    %ir%um"tan%e".< Thu"& the a))li%ation o$ %ommon law& more ")e%i$i%ally tort law in 9ndia ha"

    a "ele%ti#e a))li%ation.

    6#ery tort i"a %au"e o$ a%tion& whi%h i" "im)ly a le'ally a%%e)ted rea"on $or brin'in' a "uit =

    But& the law o$ tort" al"o )ro#ide" %ertain de$en%e"! to the de$endant by u"in' whi%h the

    de$endant %an e"%a)e liability. Thi" i" done mainly to en"ure the *u"t a))li%ation o$ the

    )rin%i)le" o$ tort law. The word de$en%e ...i" "ometime" u"ed to re$er to any ar'ument that

    B A Lakshinath , M Sri"har, an" *aasway +yer. -- .The Law of Torts.

    C Da, Eees. -/. European Tort Law. !$for" niversity Press.

    Mehta, Faura#. --. Universals Master Guide to Judicial Service Examination.

    niversal Law Pu%lishing.

    ?Statsky, Willia. --. Torts !ersonal In"ur# Liti$ation !ersonal In"ur# Liti$ation.West3'hoas Learning.

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    )er"uade" the %ourt to $ind that the de$endant i" not liable.> The"e de$en%e" whi%h a))ly to

    mo"t o$ the tort" in 'eneral& are %alled the 'eneral de$en%e".! The #ariou" ty)e" o$ 'eneral

    de$en%e" in%lude #olenti non $it in*uria& a%t o$ (od& ne%e""ity& %ontributory ne'li'en%e& )ubli%

    )oli%y et%. 9n thi" )a)er& we will ")e%i$i%ally deal in detail with the de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it


    @ Fou"kap, 1aes. -. GA Ta-onomy ?$ Tort Law @e$en%e". ;ar#ard Law S%hool.

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    +*'eanin o- Volenti Non Fit Injria

    The le'al ma-im olenti Non it 9n*uria i" a Latin term. 9n "im)le lan'ua'e it mean" that one

    %annot %om)lain a'ain"t an in*ury "u$$ered i$ he ha" #oluntarily )la%ed him"el$ in "u%h a)o"ition where "u%h in*ury mi'ht re"ult. 9t i" u"ed a" a %om)lete de$en%e in tort law. olenti

    non $it in*uria re$er" to the #oluntary a""um)tion o$ ri"k by a )er"on. ...a""um)tion o$ ri"k

    embodie" the )rin%i)le that one who #oluntarily a""umed the ri"k o$ an in*ury $rom a known

    dan'er %annot re%o#er in an a%tion $or ne'li'en%e or when an in*ury i" in%urred.10 The

    e""ential element" o$ olenti non $it in*uria in%lude the a''rie#ed )arty mu"t ha#e knowled'e

    o$ the ri"k" in $ull detail. Coreo#er& the in*ured )arty mu"t al"o ha#e $reely %on"ented to the

    harm "u$$ered.;owe#er& a" we 'o alon'& we will $ind %ertain intri%a%ie" in the %on%e)t o$

    a%tually %on"entin' to the ri"k and it" %on"euent harm. olenti non $it in*uria& in a way

    attem)t" to )rote%t the de$endant $rom bein' unne%e""arily hara""ed be%au"e o$ the )lainti$$!"

    a%t o$ #oluntarily )la%in' him"el$ in a )o"ition "o a" to be in )ro-imity to the in*ury "u$$ered.

    The )rin%i)le e-)re""ed by the ma-im i" brie$ly thi": that no man ha" a ri'ht to %om)lain o$

    an in*ury to the in$li%tion o$ whi%h he ha" him"el$ %on"ented. 11 (oin' ba%k to the two

    %om)onent" o$ #olenti non $it in*uria& it mu"t be mentioned that knowled'e o$ the ri"k"

    in%lude the )lainti$$!" under"tandin'& a" a rea"onable man would& o$ the nature o$ the ri"k o$

    the a%t and the e-tent o$ the %on"euen%e" that %an $ollow. ;ere %ome" the ue"tion o$

    a""um)tion o$ the ri"k in#ol#ed. A""um)tion o$ ri"k traditionally wa" an ab"olute de$en%e

    that %om)letely barred a )lainti$$!" %laim. The rationale $or the de$en%e wa" e-)re""ed in the

    an%ient ma-im volenti non fit in*uria a )er"on who %on"ent" to the doin' o$ an a%t %annot

    maintain an a%tion in re")e%t o$ the dama'e whi%h re"ult" $rom that a%t.12 Coreo#er& the

    %on"ent "hould be $ree& %on"ent that i" #itiated by $raud& %oer%ion& mi"re)re"entation and

    undue in$luen%e i" %on"idered to be in#alid. Thi" i" to "ay that the ...ri"k mu"t be $reely taken

    -Sang#o, EeHar. @@0. !hilippine Law on Torts and %ama$es. Foo"will 'ra"ing Eo.

    &'LE(TI ('( )IT I(JU*I+,+ JU%I-I+L *E&IE./

    Lalor, an" 'hoas. @@-I@@. GAssuption of risk in new york un"er #plr02#oplete %ar or #oparitive fault4JTouro law *eview. A##esse" August , -/.http233heinonline.org3K!L3Page4

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    $or the de$en%e to "u%%eed. There will be no de$en%e where the )lainti$$ had no %hoi%e but to

    a%%e)t the ri"k.13

    ... the de$en%e at lea"t in%lude" the %a"e where there i" an a'reement& not ne%e""arily

    %on"titutin' a %ontra%t& between the )lainti$$ and the de$endant under whi%h the )lainti$$

    $ore'oe"& in ad#an%e& a %laim $or ne'li'en%e whi%h mi'ht otherwi"e a%%rue to him& that i"& the

    )lainti$$ a'ree" that %ondu%t o$ the de$endant whi%h would otherwi"e be a%tionable will not be


    The de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria o$ten o#erla)" with the de$en%e o$ %ontributory

    ne'li'en%e. Both #olenti non $it in*uria and %ontributory ne'li'en%e are ba"ed on the %ondu%t

    o$ the )lainti$$. The de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria i" a %om)lete de$en%e& be%au"e in thi"

    de$en%e& the )lainti$$ ha" )la%ed him"el$ #oluntarily in a )o"ition "o a" to "u$$er $rom the

    in*ury. herea"& $or the de$en%e o$ %ontributory ne'li'en%e& it ha" to be )ro#ed that the

    )lainti$$ ha" him"el$ been ne'li'ent and ha" %ontributed to the harm that he ha" "u$$erred

    $rom. ;owe#er the de$endant %an "u%%eed in a %a"e in#ol#in' #olenti non $it in*uria& only i$ it

    %an be "hown that the )lainti$$ a%%e)ted the ri"k #oluntarily& not under any )re""ure or

    emer'en%y "ituation.

    /'urner, Ehris. --. Unloc0in$ Torts 1. *outle"ge.

    0A.1.>. 1a

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    The le'al ma-im& #olenti non $it in*uria& a" we know& "ay" that& i$ a )er"on #oluntarily

    %on"ent" to a ri"k& no liability %an ari"e a'ain"t the de$endant $or the "ame. ;owe#er& there

    %ome" a need to %lari$y what e-a%tly %on"ent mean".



    The e""en%e o$ the #olenti de$en%e i" that the %laimant #oluntarily a""ented to the

    %ommi""ion o$ the tort and there$ore %annot %om)lain about the dama'e. Sometime"

    #oluntary a""ent to a %ru%ial element o$ the tort will a))ear to be enou'h...but "u%h a""ent

    only work" i$ it i" im)o"ible to "e)arate that element $rom the dama'e "u$$errred by the

    %laimant.15Thi" )oint be%ome" %lear when we talk about the %a"e o$ 9lott #" ike" in 1=20.

    The $a%t" o$ the %a"e 'o on "omewhat like thi" a tre")a""er who wa" aware o$ ")rin' 'un"

    bein' )la%ed in a $ore"t& a%%identally treaded on the latent wire %ommuni%atin' with a 'un

    and thereby lettin' it o$$. The tre")a""er& now the )lainti$$ "u$$ered in*ury. ;owe#er&

    it wa" held that a landowner who )la%ed ")rin' 'un" on hi" land to kee) o$$ )oa%her" wa"

    not liable to a tre")a""er.18

    Thi" *ud'ement wa" ba"ed on the $a%t that the )lainti$$ had knowled'e o$ the )la%in' o$

    ")rin' 'un" in the land and had #oluntarily a""ented to the in*ury that he had "u$$ered $rom.

    ;owe#er& there wa" a "torm o$ )ubli% di"a))ro#al a$ter thi" *ud'ement. Thi" made the

    Darliament %ome u) with an A%t that "aid& "ettin' o$ dan'erou" de#i%e"+ like& ")rin' 'un",

    would %on"titute a %rime. Later& in 1=2& while de%idin' the %a"e o$ Bird #" ;olbrook183& a %a"e wa" de%ided in a manner "imilar to the %a"e o$

    ;all #" Brookland Auto Ra%in' 7lub& that took )la%e thirty year" ba%k. Thi" wa" the %a"e o$

    oolrid'e #" Sumner28. 9n thi" %a"e& the )lainti$$& a )hoto'ra)her attended a hor"e "how.

    @urin' the %om)etition& he wa" kno%ked down and in*ured by a hor"e owned by the $ir"t

    de$endant and dro#en by the "e%ond de$endant. The %ourt held that in thi" %a"e& the de$en%e o$

    #olenti non $it in*uria will a))ly be%au"e& it wa" not a matter o$ mere knowled'e& by bein'

    )re"ent at the hor"era%e& the )lainti$$ had a%tually %on"ented to the )o""ible harm". Coreo#er&

    the de$endant wa" e-)e%ted to %on%entrate on the ra%e and not on the ")e%tator". 9n both the

    abo#e %a"e"& the the amount o$ knowled'e the )lainti$$ had& wa" %on"idered enou'h to uali$y

    a" %on"ent. 9n the %a"e o$ 7ulter #" Inited @airie"2

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    thi" %a"e. ;owe#er& thi" wa" di$$erent $rom a "ub"euent %a"e in the year 1>35& ;ayne" #


    9n the %a"e o$ @an #" ;amilton2>& where& the )lainti$$ enter" into a %ar bein' dri#en by the

    de$endant who i" in a drunken "tate and then the %ar meet" with an a%%ident. 9n thi" %a"e the

    )lainti$$ %an %learly not a"k $or %om)en"ation be%au"e the de$endant will "u%%e""$ully %laim

    the de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria be%au"e the #ery $a%t that the )lainti$$ had knowled'e o$

    the drunken "tate o$ the de$endant& "ati"$ie" the %ondition o$ knowled'e a%%om)anied with

    %on"ent& whether e-)re""ed or not. Thi" a'ain uali$ie" im)lied %on"ent i$ not e-)re""ed.


    Now& knowled'e a" we ha#e di"%u""ed earlier& i" a "ub*e%ti#e %on%e)t. 9t i" a loo"e idea. or

    e-am)le& we know o$ the ri"k" and dan'er" that %an be there in our home"& in the o$$i%e area

    or in other )la%e". e know o$ %ar dri#er" bein' ne'li'ent30& or may be we ha#e e#en "een

    dri#er" who are habitually %are$ul and "teady& be%omin' ne'li'ent "ometime"31. ;owe#er& i$

    "u%h 'eneral knowled'e i" %on"idered to be a uali$yin' %riteria $or the de$en%e o$ #olentinon $it in*uria& then no "ituation will remain in whi%h a )lainti$$ %an "u%%e""$ully "ue the

    de$endant $or the tort o$ ne'li'en%e. But& the )lainti$$ mu"t ha#e the $ull knowled'e o$ the

    nature and e-tent o$ the ri"k. Thi" wa" hi'hli'hted in the %a"e o$ ?"borne #" London and

    North e"tern Railway 7o.32So&it i" im)ortant that the a%tual knowled'e o$ the ri"k mu"t be

    ?Kaynes vs Karwoo" @/BQ O8 @

    @Dann vs Kailton @/@Q O8 B-@

    /- Me%ery v Freat Western *ly Eo ??@Q 0 AE @

    / Woo"ley v Metropolitan Distri#t *ailway Eo ?Q >$ D /?0

    / ???Q 78D -

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    )ro#ed& not *u"t ne'li'en%e.33or in"tan%e& in the %a"e& Nettle"hi) # e"ton 3& Lord @ennin'

    ha" "tated&

    Enowled'e o$ the ri"k o$ the in*ury i" not enou'h. Nor i" a willin'ne"" to take the ri"k o)$

    in*ury . Nothin' will "u$$i%e "hort o$ an a'reement to wai#e any %laim $or ne'liu'en%e. The

    )lainti$$ mu"t a'ree& e-)re""ly or im)liedly & to wai#e any %laim $or any in*ury that may be$all

    him due to the la%k o$ rea"onable %are by the de$endant.35

    ;owe#er& thi" %on%e)t i" not a%%e)ted in all %a"e".389n the %a"e o$ hite # Bla%kmore3

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    $a%tor" and i" not %on"idered to be $ree. There ha#e been $a%tor" in whi%h %on"ent i" #itiated

    by $a%tor" like undue in$luen%e and %oer%ion The $a%tor o$ undue in$luen%e i" e#en more

    e#ident in a ma"ter"er#ant relation"hi)& in $a%t in the"e %a"e"& #olenti non $it in*uria i" a

    dead or dyin' de$en%e.0The de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria a" a whole be%ome" null when

    ne'li'en%e on the )art o$ the de$endant i" )ro#en. But& undue in$luen%e and %oer%ion are

    %ertain $a%tor" that nulli$y the a))li%ation o$ #olenti non $it in*uria. Thi" "hould al"o in%lude

    %oer%ion in the $orm o$ e%onomi% )re""ure. Thi" wa" brou'ht about in the %a"e o$ Semble

    %ontra Latter #" Braddell1& in the $orm o$ threatenin' an em)loyee to di"mi"" him. or

    in"tan%e& in the %a"e o$ Bowater # Rowley Re'i" 7or) 2& the )lainti$$ wa" $or%ed by hi" ma"ter

    to dri#e in*uriou" hor"e" and a" a re"ult o$ that& he ended u) in*urin' )eo)le. But& the

    )lainti$$!" %on"ent in thi" %a"e %annot be %on"idered a" a )rereui"ite $or #olenti non $it in*uria

    be%au"e& he $all" under the undue in$luen%e o$ the ma"ter. A" S%ott LH had )ointed out in thi"


    or the )ur)o"e o$ the rule...a man %annot be "aid to be truly willin' & unle"" he i" in a

    )o"ition to %hoo"e $reely& and $reedom o$ %hoi%e )redi%ate"& not only $ull knowled'e o$ the

    %ir%um"tan%e" on whi%h the e-er%i"e o$ %hoi%e i" %onditioned& "o that he may be able to

    %hoo"e wi"ely & but the ab"en%e $rom hi" mind o$ any $eelin' o$ %on"traint& "o that nothin'

    "hall inter$ere with the $reedom o$ hi" will.3

    9n the year 1>58& there %ame u) the %a"e o$ Slater # 7lay 7ro"" 7o. Ltd & where a lady while

    walkin' throu'h a tunnel wa" "tru%k by a train. 9n thi" %a"e& #olenti non $it in*uria a" a

    de$en%e did not a))ly& be%au"e there wa" ne'li'en%e on )art o$ the de$endant". To 'i#e

    another e-am)le o$ the e$$e%t o$ undue in$luen%e on %on"ent& we %an talk about the landmark

    %a"e o$ R # illiam"5. 9n thi" %a"e& a minor 'irl wa" ra)ed by her mu"i% tea%her& on the

    ad#i%e o$ the tea%her that "u%h an a%ti#ity would im)ro#e her #oi%e uality. The )roblem with

    0-Lunney, Mark, and Ken Oliphant. 2008. Tort Law: Text and Materials

    0 Latter v. 8ra""el ??-Q B- L178 CC

    0 8owater v. *owley *egis Eorp @00Q O8 0C

    0/>"ito , Feneral,an" Oen !liphant. --. The Law 'f Tort. Le$is Ne$is


    00 Slater v. Elay Eross Eo. Lt"@BCQ 78 C0

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    %oer%ion and i" that& the"e $a%tor" render the %on"ent 'i#en by the )lainti$$+under the"e

    %ir%um"tan%e", null and #oid. To 'i#e an e-am)le& em)loyee" who ha#e no %hoi%e but to

    %om)ly with their em)loyer"! in"tru%tion" do not %ount a" ha#in' %on"ented willin'ly.8

    a%tor" like $raud and mi"re)re"entation al"o #itiate %on"ent or rather $ree %on"ent& that i"& i$

    the %on"entor doe" not ha#e $ull in$ormation o$ what he i" %on"entin' to. 9n thi" re")e%t we

    %an re$er to the %a"e o$ 7hatterton #" (er"on. Kopkins an" Sons Lt". @B@Q / All >* B

    B/ !gwo v. 'aylor @??Q AE 0/

    B0 *eeves v. Metropolitan Poli#e Eoissioner ---Q AE /C-

    BB >"ito , Feneral,an" Oen !liphant. --. The Law 'f Tort. Le$is Ne$is 8utterworths.

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    ?ne o$ the earlie"t tort law %a"e" in 9ndia took )la%ed in the year 1>15&(anda Sin'h # 7huni


    The de$endant had le$t hi" hor"e& that wa" )ro#ed to be a #i%iou" animal& thi" hor"e bitthe )lainti$$. 9n a %laim $or %om)en"ation it wa" held that the )lainti$$ would 'et

    %om)en"ation be%au"e he wa" not aware o$ the #i%iou" nature o$ the de$endant!" hor"e& "o the

    #olenti non $it in*uria would not a))ly& thou'h initially there a))ear" to be a "%o)e $or the

    ma-im to be a))lied. Thi" %a"e wa" $ollowed by the %a"e o$ Bai Con'hibai #" @oon'er"ey

    Lakhmida"5123& where& not mere knowled'e& but knowled'e $rom the )er")e%ti#e

    o$ a rea"onable man be%ame im)ortant South 9ndian 9ndu"trie" Ltd #" Alamelu Ammal 5>. 9n

    thi" %a"e& the de$endant" were %arryin' on the bu"ine"" o$ breakin' u) o$ %a"t iron& whi%h

    in#ol#ed dro))in' o$ hea#y wei'ht on the iron. Thi" %au"ed the broken iron )ie%e" to $all at a

    di"tan%e o$ around 5 yard". ?ne o$ the"e )ie%e" "tru%k the )lainti$$ who wa" "tandin' at a

    di"tan%e o$ e#en more than

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    #oluntarily took the ri"k. That the de$endant had "ome knowled'e o$ the dan'er i" not

    "u$$i%ient. A man %annot be "aid to ha#e #oluntarily undertaken a ri"k the e-tent o$ whi%h he

    doe" not a))re%iate.809n the year& 1>382& the )lainti$$ wa" Cukul @utta (u)ta & wi$e o$ Sanat

    @utta (u)ta who died in a aero)lane %ra"h& in#ol#in' the air%ara$t o$ the 9ndian Airline"

    7or). The mo"t im)ortant debate in thi" wa"& whether the )lainti$$ had knowled'e o$ the

    %ondition" o$ the %arria'e and had %on"ented to it. The %on%e)t o$ im)lied %on"ent! wa"

    ra""i"ed on thi" )oint . 9t wa" "aid that& by the a%t o$ buyin' the ti%ket"& the de%ea"ed& Sanat

    @utta (u)ta had im)liedly %on"ented to all the %ondition" o$ the %arria'e. The ue"tion wa"

    C-Singh, SP. --. Law of tort Includin$ -ompensation Under the -onsumer !rotection+ct.

    CSe#retary of State v. *ukhini 8ai @/Q A+* /B0

    COallulal v. Ke#han" @B?Q A+* 0?

    C/ M. Mi#hael, A. 1ones, Elerk an" Lin"sell. -.Torts.

    C0 St. Mukul Dutta Fupta v. +n"ian Airlines Eorporation @CQ A+* /

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    whether #olenti non $it in*uria will a))ly a" a de$en%e& howe#er& e#en thou'h the %on%e)t o$

    im)lied %on"ent wa" *u"ti$ied& a new %on%e)t o$ "tatutory ne'li'en%e! 85%ame u). 9n thi" %a"e&

    the de$endant had been ne'li'ent in $ul$illin' the "tatutory duty o$ "a$e %arria'e o$ all it"

    )a""en'er" and "o& the de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria will not a))ly. The rule 'i#en in thi"

    %a"e 'oe" a" thi"&$or action of statutory duty neither the defence of volenti non fit in"uria nor common

    employment affords a good defence.##

    Talkin' about the de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria in the 9ndian %onte-t& it i" im)erati#e $or

    u" to di"%u"" the landmark %a"e o$ Dadma#ati #" @u''anaika 8

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    *ud'ement 'i#en by a @i#i"ion Ben%h o$ the (u*arat ;i'h 7ourt in the %a"e o$ Sakinabibi

    wd/o Belim (ulamhu""on Cohammadmiya J ?r"8>. 9n thi" %a"e& the 7ourt had re"tri%ted

    it"el$ to the traditional meanin' o$ #olenti non $it in*uria and held that the )lainti$$"u))lyin'

    milk $rom Amul @airy& Anand& to the Imreth 7on"umer" 7oo)erati#e So%iety will not be

    %om)en"ated. ;owe#er& thi" *ud'ement o$ the (u*arat ;i'h 7ourt wa" toned down& thou'h

    not o#erruled by a Su)reme 7ourt *ud'ement in the year 1>

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    "%enario& a do%tor o$ the Calar ;o")ital& while treatin' her $or a lum) in the brea"t&

    remo#ed her uteru" without any *u"ti$i%ation. The de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria i"

    %learly a#ailable in thi" %a"e& be%au"e remo#al o$ the uteru" wa" beyond what "he had

    %on"ented $or. Thi" "how" that the de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria %an be u"ed to

    e"%a)e liability in %a"e" o$ ne'li'en%e& it %annot be u"ed to e"%a)e liability in %a"e" o$

    'ro"" ne'li'en%e& ")e%ially in %a"e" o$ medi%al ne'li'en%e. The"e ty)e o$ ne'li'en%e

    %a"e" in%lude& )re"%ribin' wron' medi%ine that ha" led to an in*ury

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    #olenti non $it in*uria to a))ly& it wa" ne%e""ary to "how that the #illa'er" had #oluntarily

    entered the lorry& but th*ere wa" not enou'h e#iden%e to )ro#e %on"ent on )art o$ the #illa'er".

    Thi" wa" unlike the %a"e o$ Dadma#ati #" @u''anaika& where "u$$i%ient e#iden%e wa"

    a#ailable to uali$y #oluntary ri"ktakin' on the )art o$ the )lainti$$. The )re"ent %a"e %ould

    not e#en be de%ided on the line" o$ the de%i"ion in the %a"e& (an'amma #" New 9ndia

    A""uran%e 7o.=1& where& %om)en"ation wa" not )ayable be%au"e the )lainti$$" were not

    )a""en'er" but tre")a""er". But& in the )re"ent %a"e& it %ould not be "hown that the in*ured had

    entered the lorry $or%ibly with any threat to the dri#er. So& #olenti non $it in*uria a" a de$en%e

    did not a))ly+al"o be%au"e& by boardin' the tru%k& they had not %on"ented to meet with an

    a%%ident and "u$$er $rom in*ury, and the 9n"uran%e 7om)any had to )ay %om)en"ation. 9n the

    year 2002& %ame u) the %a"e& Du))ala Seetaramaiah # Su)erintendent Sub Hail=2& where& the

    )etitioner!" "on wa" "tayin' in *ail %u"tody and had %ommitted "ui%ide. 9t wa" %onte"ted that

    the *ail authoritie" were ne'li'ent in tryin' to hel) him )re#ent "ui%ide& but #olenti non $it

    in*uria a))lied here& be%au"e it wa" due to the wron'$ul a%t o$ the )ri"oner that he wa" in *ail.

    Let u" now talk about the %a"e o$ Adhikarala Ha'adee"wara Rao #" (o)ala Eri"hna Tran")ort

    and ?ther"=3& where& there wa" an a%%ident due to ne'li'en%e on the )art o$ the dri#er&

    in*urin' the )a""en'er" and the dri#er him"el$. The de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria i" not

    #alid in thi" %a"e& be%au"e& there ha" been ne'li'en%e on the )art o$ the dri#er. So&

    %om)en"ation wa" awarded to the in*ured. Sub"euently in the year 2005&e u) the %a"e o$ Ali

    Ehan # i*ay Sin'h and ?ther"=. 9n thi" %a"e& the de%ea"ed wa" "ittin' near a %abin at a bu"

    "tand on the BarmerHai"almer Road. And he wa" then hit by the "udden $lyin' o$$ o$ a tyre

    $rom a #ehi%le nearby.The )lainti$$& Ali Ehan+"on o$ the de%ea"ed, $ile" a "uit a'ain"t the

    de$endant& i*ay "in'h+owner o$ the #ehi%le,. Thou'h a))arently it mi'ht "eem that #olenti

    non $it in*uria %an be taken a" a de$en%e& on a %lo"er look& we will "ee that& it ha" to be

    ? Fangaa v. New +n"ia Assuran#e Eo. @@/Q AL' /B/

    ?Puppala Seetaraaiah v. Superinten"ent Su% 1ail --/Q ALD B?0

    ?/A"hikarala 1aga"eeswara *ao v. Fopala Orishna 'ransport an" !thers --BQ


    ?0 Ali Ohan v. i&ay Singh an" !thers --Q AE1 /B-

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    en"ured by the owner o$ the #ehi%le that the tyre" and $or that matter e#ery )art o$ the #ehi%le

    remain" in )ro)er re)airband doe" not 'o o$$ $rom the #ehi%le.=5

    Sometime"& "tri%t liability o#er)ower" the a))li%ation o$ #olenti non $it in*uria. Thi" ha))ened

    in the %a"e o$ Smt. Can*ula @e#i idow o$ Awadhe"h Eumar #" 7ommer%ial Cotor"=8.9n thi"

    %a"e& the de%ea"ed wa" tra#ellin' in a tru%k& on the way he 'et" hurt by a 'rou) o$ unruly

    boy" and die" "ub"euently. There wa" no ne'li'en%e a" "u%h on the )art o$ the de$endant&

    7ommer%ial Cotor"& "o #olenti non $it in*uria wa" one o$ the de$en%e" a"ked $or& but thi"

    de$en%e will not "a#e the de$endant" $rom liability& be%au"e they will be liable under the

    )rin%i)le o$ no $ault liability. 9n the year 200=& %ome" u) a %a"e& that i" di$$erent $rom the

    "imilar %a"e" o$ #olenti non $it in*uria 'oin' on $or a lon' time in 9ndia& Somnath 7hhabra

    and ?ther" # The 7ommi""ioner and ?ther"=>=. There were many other "u%h %a"e o$ medi%al ne'li'en%e& where the 7ourt" ha#e in

    'eneral held that #olenti non $it in*uria thou'h %onte"ted will not be a))li%able $or the main

    rea"on that )atient+)lainti$$ in the"e %a"e", %on"ent" to the o)eration and not to the in*ury

    re"ultin' $rom ne'li'en%e in "u%h an o)eration.

    The %a"e o$ (o'uloth Ehanna in 2001 on%e a'ain ti'htened the "%o)e o$ #olenti non $it

    in*uria a" a de$en%e. Inlike the old u"a'e o$ the ma-im& it i" now not enou'h to *u"t "ay that

    the )lainti$$ had )la%ed him"el$ in a )o"ition "o a" to "u$$er harm. a%tor" like e#iden%e to

    "how whether the )a""en'er had a%tually %on"ented to enter the #ehi%le& whether there wa"

    ?@ St. Ohaushnua 8egu an" !thers v the New +n"ia +nsuran#e Eopany

    Lt". --Q SEE @

    @- National +nsuran#e Eopany v. *a&%ir Singh an" !thers -/Q AE1 0-/

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    #oluntary ri"ktakin' on their )art al"o ha#e to be %on"idered. ;owe#er& the a))li%ation o$

    #olenti non $it in*uria di$$er" $rom %a"e to %a"e& the *ud'ement o$ thi" %a"e wa" %ontrary to the

    *ud'ement" 'i#en in the %a"e" o$ Dadma#ati #" @u''anaika and (an'amma #" New 9ndia

    A""uran%e 7o. on di$$erent 'round".

    Ne'li'en%e on the )art o$ the dri#er o$ a #ehi%le ha" attra%ted "imilar *ud'ement". Su%h %a"e"

    in%lude the %a"e o$ Smt Ehau"hnuma Be'um and ?ther" #" The New 9ndia 9n"uran%e

    7om)any Ltd. 9n 2001& Adhikarala Ha'adee"wara Rao #" (o)ala Eri"hna Tran")ort and

    ?ther" in 200& Ali Ehan #" i*ay Sin'h and ?ther" in 2005& Smt. Can*ula @e#i idow o$

    Awadhe"h Eumar #" 7ommer%ial Cotor" in 200

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    in*uria& but #olenti.>1Thi" ha" been $ound true $or the %a"e" like Smith #" Baker& Cembery #

    (reat e"tern Railway 7om)any & oodley # Cetro)olitan @i"tri%t Railway 7om)any et%. 9$

    we look at the de#elo)ment o$ #olenti non $it in*uria %a"e" we will $ind that #olenti non $it

    in*uria i" mu%h more re"tri%ted now than it )re#iou"ly wa". There wa" a time when %ourt"

    were all too ready to $ind that the )lainti$$" had #oluntarily a%%e)ted the ri"k" in ue"tion&

    )arti%ularly where the )lainti$$ had "u$$ered in*ury in the %our"e o$ em)loyment. But& now

    #olenti non $it in*uria had many re"tri%tion" the ma*or one bein' there i" a di$$eren%e

    between a%%e)tin' the ri"k o$ in*ury& and a%%e)tin' the le'al %on"euen%e" o$ the in*ury.

    ;owe#er& in %ertain %a"e"& knowled'e i" %on"idered "u$$i%ient to %on"titute %on"ernt. hen

    knowled'e i" %on"idered to be "u$$i%ient $or %on"titutin' $ree and #oluntary %on"ent& it i"

    a%tually the do%trine o$ a""um)tion o$ ri"k that %ome" to )lay. The real ue"tion under the

    do%trine o$ #oluntary a""um)tion o$ ri"k i" what i" the dan'er that i" normally to be

    anti%i)ated $rom the )o"ition taken u).>2

    or in"tan%e& the duty o$ an o%%u)ier o$ )remi"e" whi%h ha#e an element o$ dan'er u)on

    them rea%he" it" #ani"hin' )oint in the %a"e o$ tho"e who are %o'niant o$ the $ull e-tent o$

    the dan'er and #oluntarily run the ri"k>3. Thi" i" be%au"e when a )er"on ha" $ull knowled'e

    o$ the $a%t" and %ir%um"tan%e" o$ the $uture ri"k" o$ an a%t& he i" a""umed to ha#e %on"idered

    the ri"k" and thu" %on"ented to the harm and in*urie". To 'i#e an in"tan%e o$ a "ituation when

    %on"ent i" %on"idered to be )re"ent& e#en thou'h it i" not "aid e-)li%itly i" where the %on%e)t

    o$ im)lied %on"ent %ome". Like it i" ri'htly )ointed out in the %a"e o$ Smith # Baker by

    Lord ;er"%hell&

    ?ne who ha" in#ited or a""ented to an a%t bein' done toward" him %annot when he "u$$er"

    $rom it& %om)lain o$ it a" a wron'. The ma-im ha" no ")e%ial a))li%ation to the %a"e o$

    em)loyer and em)loyed thou'h it" a))li%ation may well be in#ol#ed in "u%h a %a"e.>

    @ Lakshinath , A, an" M Sri"har, *aasway +yer. --. The Law of Torts.

    Le$isNe$is 8utterworths

    @ U(I&E*SIT6 ') !E((6S6L&+(I+ L+. *E&IE. +(% +ME*I-+( L+.*EGISTE*/http233www.&stor.org3sta%le3///-?C

    @/'hoas vs 7uarterine ??Q ? 78D C?B

    @0Sith v. 8aker ?@Q AE /B

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    The "ame )rin%i)le o$ im)lied %on"ent ha" been en$or%ed in the %a"e" o$ ;all # Brookland &

    ooldrid'e # Sumner & 7utler # Inited dairie" & @ann # ;amilton.

    The de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria al"o ha" e-%e)tion" in the $orm o$ the do%trine non

    a%tu" inter#enion"! or in a layman!" term& #olenti non $it in*uria doe" not work $or re"%ue

    %a"e". Thi" ha" been u"ed in the %a"e" o$ ;ayne" # ;arwood & 7hadwi%k # Briti"h Railway

    Board& a'ner # 9nternational Railway". 9t i" %on"idered that a )er"on who #oluntarily 'oe"

    to a re"%ue "ite and 'et" in#ol#ed in the ri"k" and ha" no %hoi%e a" "u%h. 9n thi" re")e%t it i"

    %on"idered that& the )er"on who )ut" at ri"k hi" own "a$ety to "a#e another "hould be

    a$$orded a remedy i$ harmed.>5

    Ne'li'ien%e on )art o$ de$endant i" a nulli$ier $or #olenti non $it in*uria be%au"e the )lainti$$

    %on"ent" to the %on"euen%e" o$ a )arti%ular a%t but not to the %on"euen%e" that re"ult $rom

    ne'li'en%e on the )art o$ the de$endant.. or in"tan%e& Smoldon # hiteworth and Nolan>8&

    the lord Bin'ham had )ointed&The )lainti$$ had o$ %our"e %on"ented to the ordinary in%ident"

    o$ a 'ame o$ ru'by o$ the kind in whi%h he wa" takin' )art...he %annot )o""ibly "aid to ha#e

    %on"ented to a brea%h o$ duty on the )art o$ the o$$i%ial who"e duty it wa" to a))ly the rule"

    and en"ure "o $ar a" )o""ible who"e duty it wa" to a))ly the rule"... >

  • 7/25/2019 tort law- VNFI


    9n the de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria %on"ent mu"t be $ree. hen %on"ent i" obtained by

    $raud& undue in$luen%e or %oer%ion& it i" not $ree.>>A" %on"ent i" not $ree& reuirement" o$

    #olenti non $it in*uria are not met and "o the de$en%e doe" not a))ly. Thi" ha" been "een in

    %a"e" like R #" illiam" and Bowater #" Rowley Re'i" 7or). So& we "ee that the ma-im i"

    )ut to it" )ro)er u"e when it i" em)loyed a" one amon' other te"t" $or the "olution o$ the

    ue"tion whether the de$endant under all the %ir%um"tan%e" o$ a )arti%ular %a"e wa" or wa"

    not 'uilty o$ ne'li'en%e.100

    4* $ON$LUSION!

    A$ter the entire "tudy on the de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria& we %an %on%lude that thi"

    de$en%e i" #ery im)ortant in %a"e" in#ol#in' ne'li'en%e. ;owe#er& on takin' a %lo"er look at

    the ma-im& we ha#e "een that it ha" a "%o)e little wider than thi". There are %ertain "ituation"

    when +e#en when all the reuirement" are met, the de$en%e doe" not a))ly and the"e

    "ituation" are "een a" e-%e)tion to the ma-im. The"e& a" di"%u""ed earlier in%lude& re"%ue

    %a"e"& $raud& %oer%ion& mi"re)re"entation and al"o "tatutory obli'ation. Talkin' in the 9ndian

    %onte-t& thi" de$en%e ha" a lot more to de#elo). 9n the )re"ent "%enario& it i" not #ery widelyu"ed in 9ndia& one o$ the rea"on" bein'& it i" a )art o$ tort law& that i" un%odi$ied. So& like other

    tort law )rin%i)le"& thi" de$en%e i" u"ed in 9ndia a" and when "uited to the 9ndian "o%iety. 9n

    thi" "tudy& we ha#e di"%u""ed both the 6n'li"h %a"e" and the 9ndian %a"e". rom the "tudy it i"

    %lear that& 6n'li"h "o%iety u"e" thi" de$en%e more ")ontaneou"ly than the 9ndian "o%iety.

    ;owe#er& in $uture year"& #olenti non $it in*uria mi'ht de#elo) in 9ndia& kee)in' in mind the

    in%rea"in' ne'li'ent attitude in the %ommon man& that would lead to di")ute" whi%h would in

    turn %all $or "ettlin' o$ di")ute". Thi" would now in#oke the de$en%e o$ #olenti non $it in*uria.

    @@niversalRs Fui"e to All +n"ia 8ar >$aination2 Eovering Eoplete Sylla%us- (-)

    --JU*I%I-+L *E&IE. (@-B)http233www.heinonline.org3K!L3Page4


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