GROUP ASSIGNMENT TOURISM Bandar LampungArranged by : 1 st Group Name SRN Mala Pustika 10341109 Nuril Huda 10341123 Ratna Dewi Setyowati 10341129 Aftin Wulan Sari 10341172 MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF METRO TEACHER TRAINING AND EDUCATION FACULTY ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAM 2013 PREFACE

Tourism Bandar Lampung

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Tourism Bandar Lampung

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Page 1: Tourism Bandar Lampung



“Bandar Lampung”

Arranged by :



Name SRN

Mala Pustika 10341109

Nuril Huda 10341123

Ratna Dewi Setyowati 10341129

Aftin Wulan Sari 10341172






Page 2: Tourism Bandar Lampung

Praise and thank the presence of the Almighty Allah for mercy and hidayah-

Nya so we can finish this paper entitle “Tourism in Bandar Lampung” as one of

group assignment in tourism with time which have been determined.

The discussion can be solved, and compiler say thanks to:

1. Mr. Syaifudin Latief, M.Pd. as lecturer of Tourism

2. All of friends that give support and participation to make this paper.

Hopefully this paper can be useful and has beneficial. This paper may still

contain a lot of weakness and flaws, any suggestion and criticism for

improvement of this paper will be highly appreciated.

Metro, April 1st 2013


Page 3: Tourism Bandar Lampung


Cover ..................................................................................................................... i

Preface ................................................................................................................... ii

Table of Content .................................................................................................... iii

I. Introduction.................................................................................................. 1

II. Content ......................................................................................................... 2

III. Conclusion ................................................................................................... 23


Page 4: Tourism Bandar Lampung



A. Problem Background

Tourism sector is a major source of foreign exchange for the cash

contribution percentage and the area, which is also widely source of foreign

exchange. Lampung province is one of the provinces that have been

designated as a Tourism Destination Region (TDR) to-18, however, Bandar

Lampung in accordance with the policy persued the field of tourism providing

infrastructure support given is the capital Bandar Lampung city Lampung


Bandar Lampung has several potential areas (viewed from the perspective of

tourism) to be developed into a tourist destination since the object area

supported high topography is hilly and lowland close to the beach directed

toward supporting regional tourism. Bandar Lampung is a city, and also the

capital of the province of Lampung, Indonesia. Geographically, the city

became the main gate of Sumatra island, precisely approximately 165 km

northwest Jakarta, has a vital stake in the ground transportation logistics and

distribution activities from Java into Sumatra and from Sumatra into Java.

Bandar Lampung city has area about 197.22 km² which is divided into 20

districts and 126 urban village with a population of 879,651 people (based on

2010 census), the population density of approximately 8142 people / km² and

the population growth is projected to reach 1.8 million by 2013 . Currently

the Bandar Lampung city is an education and culture center, also the

economy center in the province of Lampung.

B. Goal

Introducing objects that exist in Bandar Lampung city.

Page 5: Tourism Bandar Lampung



A. Tourist Spots

Bandar Lampung city as the capital of the Lampung province that has several

attractions that can be used as an object of tourist destinations by local and

foreign tourists, they are:

1. Lembah Hijau

Tourism Lembah Hijau park which is located on JI. Radin Imba Kesuma

Ratu, Kampung Sukajadi, Kel. Sukadanaham, Kec. Tanjung Karang Barat,

Bandar lampung, become a mainstay for travelers who visit Lampung now.

Fresh and Natural, is the motto of Lembah Hijau object is in line with the

conditions of a clean, healthy, comfortable, safe and natural. Therefore,

pulling Lembah Hijau is a blend of a mountain recreation park and wildlife

area which occupies an area of hills, valleys and a small, fast-flowing rivers

that differences the tourist area.

The various support facilities in Lembah Hijau is complete, the various

support is about riding horses, camels, jogging routes, a relaxing family,

canoeing, enjoy and make the tourists feel enjoy at home in the holiday

season. Various facilities in Lembah Hijau started the collection as well as

breeding animals, even the protected forests and catchment areas, so that the

concept of regional nature reserve, customs, culture, and attractions, the

composition of which 80% opened area and 20% of natural building.

Water boom in Lembah Hijau only comes with a water splash. Not only that,

the Lembah Hijau is also equipped with an outdoor activity for outbound,

both for adults and children, as well as restaurants and cottages. Lembah

Hijau is also features the park flora and fauna. It can be used as a vehicle for

children's learning in exploring types of animals and plants. There is also a

herb garden cottage that comes with herbs.

Lembah Hijau weight about 30 areas, and just 10 acres that have been used

to continue to improve by building the facilities that needed tourists. To

purpose so that tourists don’t feel bored travelers traveled in the Park of

Page 6: Tourism Bandar Lampung

Lembah Hijau. Another additional facilities are there, paintball and airsoft

gun area, racing games.

2. Bumi Kedaton

Bumi Kedaton Batu Putuk Park

Bandar Lampung tourism place is the most famous as the producer of

durian, mangosteen, duku, banana and pulses, at altitude of 700-900 meters

above sea level, with recreational facilities, Lampung typical house, cottage,

camp, ride an elephant, a horse, a suspension bridge, and a collection of


Page 7: Tourism Bandar Lampung

3. Museum Lampung

Museum Negeri Ruwa Jurai

Lampung Museum is one of the places to visit historical sights that can be

used as a means of education, research and recreation. The location on jl.

Z.A. Pagar alam 5 Kilometers north side Tanjungkarang downtown and just

400 meters from the bus terminal Rajabasa and University of Lampung.

Collections that can be found are objects of art work, ceramics from Siam

and China Affairs at the time of the Ming Dynasty, ancient seals and

currency in the Dutch colonial period, etc. The collection amounted to 4652

pieces include objects Geologika 71 pieces, 89 pieces Biologika, 2040

Etnografika fruit, Arkeologika 311 pieces, 55 pieces Historika, Numismatika

/ Heraldika 1347 pieces, 44 pieces Filogika, Keramologika 666 pieces, 8

pieces and the Arts Teknologika 23 pcs. Special collections / rare form of

vessel owned Bronze, found in Sri Minosari Labuhan Maringgai East

Lampung regency.

Ruwa Jurai Museum is open every day except Monday and major holidays.

The Tourism Bandar Lampung on the road Z.A. Pagaralam, 5 km from

the center of Tanjungkarang, 400 m from the bus terminal Rajabasa,

with a collection of Siamese and Chinese ceramics of the Ming Dynasty

era, stamp and coin ancient Dutch, as well as collections of archeology,

biology, ethnography, and geology.

Page 8: Tourism Bandar Lampung

Development of Lampung museum "Ruwa Jurai" started since fiscal

year 1975/1976. Opening is held in conjunction with the

commemoration of International Literacy Day which was held in

Sydney on 24 September 1988 by the Ministry of Education and

Culture Prof. Fuad Hassan. Ruwa (two) and Jurai (descendants)

significantly Lampung society consists of two breeds, Lampung people

is Saibatin and Pepadun.

Once the position of regional autonomy museum became Regional

Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Department of Education.

Since January 1, 2008 the position of museum turned into UPTD Office

of Tourism.


Jl. H. Zainal Arifin No. Pagar Alam. 64, Sub Gulung Meneng, Rajabasa

District, Bandar Lampung City

Phone 0721-783688

Fax. 0721-701164

Website: museumlampung.org

Email: [email protected]

Time to Visit

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 to 13:30

Friday: 8:00 to 10:30

Saturday and Sunday: 08:00 to 14:00

National holiday: Close

Tickets Log in

Adults: Rp 1.500 (group Rp 750)

Children: Rp 500 (group Rp 250)

Page 9: Tourism Bandar Lampung

4. Taman Dipangga

Monument eruption of Mount Krakatau is located on jl.Wr Supratman teluk

betung occupy the park (park dipangga).

The monument is in the form of a half-ton ocean buoy that was thrown due

to a tidal wave / tsunami as high as 30 m yag caused by the eruption of

Krakatoa in 1883. At that place / park is part of Lampung resident office

locations. 2 banyan tree and ambon monuman overshadow the background

atmosphere downtown teluk betung.

5. Nuwo olok gading

Page 10: Tourism Bandar Lampung

Place of Interest in Urban Affairs Bandar Lampung fun Ivoire, West

Telukbetung District, which is a traditional Lampung Coastal house.

This house was the residence of one of the traditional leaders in the structure

of traditional Lampung kebandaran peminggir / sebatin. Forms veranda /

terrace, staircase, kitchen layout and unique rooms and a variety of heirloom /

set the house as it is, so we can see clearly and complete uniqueness of the


6. Air Terjun Sukadana Ham

Place in the Village Tourism Bandar Lampung Sukadana Ham, West

Tanjungkarang District, with a height of about 10 m waterfall.

Sukadana ham waterfall is located in the village batu putu, North Teluk

Betung district, the city of Bandar lampung. Located not far from the port city

of Lampung only took about 15 minutes drive from the town of Bandar


We can enjoy the beauty of this waterfall, but to get to the waterfall, we had

to descend about 320 steps. The waterfall is usually crowded during holidays.

The beauty of this waterfall can be enjoyed by visitors from near. Despite the

beauty of the waterfall is not lost with other attractions, but not many people

are aware Lampung port city where tourist sites. Only locals who visit tourist


Page 11: Tourism Bandar Lampung

7. Masjid Al anwar

Masjid al anwar in Bandar Lampung is on jl. Laksamana Malahayati, Teluk

Betung Barat, which is the oldest mosque in Bandar Lampung, Daeng

Sulaiman founded in 1888.

One of the oldest mosques in Lampung Province namely Masjid Jami Al

Anwar which is in Jalan Laksamana Malahayati, Telukbetung selatan,

Bandarlampung, built in the mid-19th century or the year 1839 AD.

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8. Taman Makam Pahlawan

Taman Makan Pahlawan Kedaton-Bandar lampung. The only tomb of a hero

out of Java which was inaugurated by Soekarno on June 29, 1948. The place

has historical value and inspiration always evoke a spirit of patriotism.

Remembering Heroes of services, because their struggles, Indonesia's

independence can be maintained. Their efforts will never dim. As expressions

of Sukarno was written on a memorial stone near the tomb of “Badan dapat

binasa. Djiwa besar tetap hidup!”

9. Pantai mutun

Mutun beach located in Lempasing, not far from downtown Bandar

Lampung. Just drive about 45 minutes was able to enjoy the attractions of this

beach. To enter this area, each visitor cost about Rp5.000/car. If you do not

want to shore we could rent a cottage-bamboo huts are rented at a price of

about Rp. 20 thousand - Rp. 50 thousand depending on the offer. If you want

to come on holiday try to come from the early days, because they can enjoy

the empty beaches, crowded in the afternoon the tourists who visit make you

more narrow swimming motion. There are banana boat rides, jet skis, canoes.

And the most beautiful white sand, clean up really clear sea water.

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10. Pulau Tangkil

From Mutun beach we can also cross over to Tangkil island not far from the

Mutun beach, using a motor boat rental Rp. 5000/orang, about 15 minutes.

This Tangkil island is more beautiful deserted beaches. If you get tired of

swimming, canoeing or snorkeling, you can walk around the island by way of

combing the beach. With fresh air and clean beach atmosphere that makes us

realize how much his creation that we should keep the beauty and its beauty.

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11. Pantai duta wisata

Duta Wisata beach on Jl. Laks. Martadinata, 5 km from Telukbetung city,

with crystal clear water, beautiful panorama along the beach. Duta Wisata

beach is always crowded by visitors because of the clear water and white


12. Pantai Tirtayasa

Tirtayasa beach located on Jl. Laksamana R.E Martadinata, Lempasing,

Telukbetung Barat.

One of the attractions of interest to visit is Tirtayasa beach. Tirtyasa beach is

located about 7 km from the city center precisely in wiliyah Lempasing,

Teluk Betung Barat. The travel time is needed to get to this attraction only

about 15 minutes drive motor cycle or about 30 minutes if we use ordinary


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13. Pulau kubur

Pulau kubur located is in Telukbetung Barat distric, applied for 10 minutes by

speedboat, with 200-year-old tombs. Pulau kubur claimed to be suitable as a

conservation breeding of endangered species such as sea turtles.

14. Vihara Thay hin bio

Vihara Thay Hin Bio on Jl. Kakap No. 35, Teluk Betung, founded in 1850,

and is the oldest temple in Bandar Lampung, the main altar is the goddess

Kwan Im.

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B. Shopping Centres

1. Simpur center

Address: Jl ZA Pagar Alam 12, Kedaton, Kedaton

City: Bandarlampung

Postal code: 35141

Phone number: +62.721.771559

2. Bambu kuning

Pasar Bambu Kuning is the largest traditional market in the city of Bandar

Lampung. The market is located in the center of the city consists of three

floors. The first floor specifically for merchant stall. Noted, around 270

stalls offering a variety of daily necessities, including handicrafts items

Bandar Lampung.

Meanwhile, the second floor is occupied by hundreds Merchant Street

Markets (PKL) who sell a variety of products such as fruits, vegetables,

clothes, bags, and so forth. The third floor is for food vendors. Especially

for food trader accidentally placed on the third floor because it mimics the

spatial concept in modern shopping centers in general, the food center is

located on the top floor.

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Bambu Kuning open around 04.00 until 18.00 pm, the market is always

crowded with visitors to purchase a variety of everyday purposes.

Another specialty of this market is the products offered reasonably

priced with good quality no less than other places to shop. Besides the

cheap, the goods offered in the market is available in many options.

Bambu Kuning Market is located on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Bandar

Lampung, Lampung province.

3. Kartini mall

Kartini Mall is the largest mall in the city of Bandar Lampung. Kartini

Mall stands at around 2003. Initially there are Matahari Department Store

at Kartini Mall. Then Giant Supermarket opened at Kartini Mall and

Matahari Department Store still stands. But now Matahari Department

Store and Kartini Mall have been replaced by a Center Point Department

Store, while the Matahari Department Store moved to Central Plaza

Lampung. At this mall, there are Food Court, KFC, etc. At Kartini Mall

there are also a leading furniture store.

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4. Plaza Lotus

5. Ramayana

6. Chandra

Chandra Dept Store

Address: Jl Ikan Bawal 116, Telukbetung, Tl Betung Selatan Bandar

lampung city Pos Code: 35221

Phone: 0721 483723 - 0721 484014

Page 19: Tourism Bandar Lampung

7. Central keripik pisang kedaton

Banana chips is one of many typical food in Lampung you should not miss

to taste while visiting Bandar Lampung city. Snacks are available at almost

every souvenir center in the city. One of the industrial centers banana

chips are quite well known in Pagar Alam Road or commonly also called

the Gang PU Kedaton. Noted, in the region along the 4 kilometer is more

than 50 stalls that line for the processing and marketing banana chips with

different brands. Employers banana chips in the region partly built partner

companies, and others are independent businesses.

Supply of the main ingredient for the manufacture of banana chips in the

region generally come from different areas in Lampung, Lampung regency

especially from South and East Lampung. The usual types of bananas

made them banana chips banana, plantain, and banana kepok. Among the

types of bananas, banana kepoklah made the best bargaining chips because

it's more so when mixed with spices then the banana flavor is not so

pronounced. Also, bananas have chosen is still raw or ripe banana with

texture that is still hard so young sliced. Every businessman in the banana

chips, the average produce 800 kilograms per day

Page 20: Tourism Bandar Lampung

a. Feature

Many visitors attracted because the products offered are available in a

wide selection of flavors, ranging from the original flavor, salty,

sweet, toasty janggung, strobery, melon, chocolate, vanilla, sweet

sauce, cheese, mocha, chocolate and nuts. Banana chips price varies

from Rp. 10000.00 up to Rp. 50000.00, depending on the size of the

packaging. The area also provides a variety of other chips, such as

cassava, tales, jackfruit and breadfruit chips.

Banana chips Industry Centers of Bandar Lampung is located on Jalan

Pagar Alam 1, Village Segalamider, District Kedaton, Bandar


8. Central plaza

Central Plaza is a shopping center in Bandar Lampung. Central Plaza was

founded in 2009. Central Plaza consists of 3 floors with tenants who are

known as large companies both nationally and internationally.

In the Central Plaza, there are several branches of the franchise such as

Hypermart and Matahari Department Store to meet the needs of residents

in Bandar Lampung.

Page 21: Tourism Bandar Lampung

C. Traditional Food and Crafts

Kain tapis is a woven fabric lampung typical of silk, cotton or pineapple fiber

and is done manually. The resulting fabric is embroidered with threads of

gold or silver thread embroidery plain with various motifs. Motive and the

yarn used will show the name of tapis itself.

Craft center and sales of kain tapis can be obtained in the gallery and souvenir

shops in Bandar Lampung city,etc.

Besides, it is also known as one of batik in Lampung is which have a variety

of distinctive colors and patterns with a variety of motives. The basic

ingredients in the use of silk and cotton.

Lampung traditional foods such as chili, lempok, banana chips, etc. can be

found in stores that sell authentic traditional foods around the pagoda

telukbetung lampung, supermarkets, hotels etc.

Makanan khas lampung seperti sambal, lempok, keripik pisang dll dapat

diperoleh di toko-toko yang menjual makanan khas asli lampung yaitu

disekitar klenteng telukbetung, supermarket, hotel dll.

Page 22: Tourism Bandar Lampung

D. Hotel

List of Hotel in Bandar Lampung

Hotel Names Address Phone Number Class



Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 136

Bandar Lampung 35226 +62 721 477999





Jl. Wolter Mongonsidi No.

157 +62 721 486666



Marcopolo Jl. Dr. Susilo No. 4 +62 721 262511 Hotel


Emersia Hotel &

Resort (ex. Hotel

Indra Puri)

Jl. Wolter Mongonsidi N0.

70 +62 721 258258



Sahid Bandar

Lampung Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 294 +62 721 488888



Amalia Hotel Jl. Raden Intan No. 55 +62 721 250555 Hotel


Nusa Indah Jl. Raden Intan No.132 +62 721 265242 Hotel Melati

Kurnia Perdana Jl. Raden Intan No. 114 +62 721 262030,

262471 Hotel Melati

Kurnia Dua Jl. Raden Intan No. 75 +62 721 252905 Hotel Melati

Andalas Jl. Raden Intan No. 89 +62 721 263 432 Hotel Melati

Ria Jl. Kartini No.107 +62 721 253974 Hotel Melati

Kemala Jl. Gatot Subroto No.73/75 +62 721 262548 Hotel Melati

Sari Damai Jl. Teuku Umar +62 721 701935 Hotel Melati

Parahiyangan Jl. Teuku Umar +62 721 255339 Hotel Melati

Pasific Jl. Yos Sudarso No.13 +62 721 482334 Hotel Melati

Merpati Jl. Yos Sudarso +62 721 341333 Hotel Melati

Lists of the best hotel in Bandar Lampung City

1. Hotel Novotel – Jalan Gatot Subroto No.136 Bandar Lampung

2. Hotel Seraton – Jl. Woltermonginsidi No. 175 Lampung

3. Hotel Bukit Randu - Jl Kamboja I 2 A,Kebon Jeruk,Tanjung Karang

4. Hotel Indra Puri - Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 70 Bandar Lampung

5. Hotel Marcopollo – Jln.Dr.Susilo No.4 Tl Betung Utara

6. Hotel Amalia - Jl. Raden Intan No.55 Lampung

7. Hotel Andalas – Jl. Raden Intan No.89 Bandar Lampung

8. Hotel Anugrah – Jl. Raden Intan No. 132 Lampung

9. Hotel Sahid – Jl. Yos Sudarso 294 Lampung

Page 23: Tourism Bandar Lampung

E. Transportation

1. Harbor

In this city there is a port which is the length of the import-export harbor

for the Port Srengsem Lampung and also the port for the traffic

distribution of coal from South Sumatra to Java. Approximately 92

kilometers south of Bandar Lampung, there Bakauheni, which is a port

city in the province of Lampung, precisely at the southern tip of the island

of Sumatra. Located at the southern end of Highway Traffic Sumatra,

Sumatra linking Bakauheni port to Java via sea transport.

Hundreds trip ferry crossing ferry with 24 pieces from multiple carriers

sail across the Sunda Strait that connects Bakauheni to Merak in Banten,

Java. The ferries crossing it primarily serves the pedestrian road transport

services such as buses and inter-city inter-provincial passenger, goods

trucks and private cars. The average duration of the trip takes between

Bakauheni - Merak or otherwise by ferry is about 2 hours.

2. Highways

Bandar Lampung is a major city located on the southern most island of

Sumatra, which is automatic entrance to Sumatra from Java by land. Jalan

Lintas Sumatra through town is called Jalan Soekarno Hatta (functioning

as the outer ring of the city, but unfortunately there are still many in some

sections are still severely damaged. So sometimes there are trucks that

enter the city and take in the protocol of the road, causing congestion.

Since In October 2012, the road along the 18.1 kilometer repairs are being

carried out, as well as widening the road. targeted next year, this road is

smooth again. In 2012, the city government plans to build three bridges

overpass (flyover). Thirdly fly over was fly Over at Jalan Gajah Mada to

400 meters along Jalan Juanda, then fly over the connecting road to Jalan P

Antasari Tirtayasa the 200 meters, and fly over connecting Jalan Sultan

Agung to the canal along Jalan Sultan Agung 200 meters.

Page 24: Tourism Bandar Lampung

3. Bus

Relationships served by intercity bus terminal Rajabasa. This terminal

serves routes close, intermediate and far (AKAP) which flies to cities in

Sumatra and Java. Although Terminal Rajabasa been renovated, but the

impression armature had not fully disappeared. A number of passengers

are still reluctant to enter the terminal area is the largest in Sumatra. They

prefer to stay in Bakauheni harbor more crowded by the travelers.

But the terminal is making efforts to improve the image that has haunted

impressed. So far the situation is quite conducive teminal than in previous

years. In the terminal there is no more actions that may interfere with the

comfort and safety of passengers.

4. Train

Tanjung Karang Bandar Lampung Station via railroad connected only by a

single major cities of Palembang. Bandar Lampung has 3 train stations;

Station Tanjung Karang (the largest and serves passengers), Labuhan Ratu,

and Tarakan. Tanjung Karang station serving train passengers to some of

the district in Lampung were passed by the railroad (such Kotabumi and

Blambangan Umpu), as well as to Palembang. Currently there are four

passenger trains serving passengers are Limex Sriwijaya (Executive -

Business) and Rajabasa (Economics), which are both headed Kertapati

Station, Palembang, next is Seminung serving majors Tanjung Karang -

Kotabumi, and there's another one there KRD Way Umpu the new

Page 25: Tourism Bandar Lampung

imported from PT. INKA in Madiun that will be operated for the

Department of Tanjung Karang - Blambangan Umpu. KRD is a business

that trains equipped with refrigerant, Air Conditioner (AC).

5. Transport In The City

City transportation (public transportation)

Here's a list of public transportation routes in Bandar Lampung:

Tanjung Karang - Rajabasa (blue)

Tanjung Karang - Way Kandis light yellow / beige

Tanjung Karang - Permata Biru Sukarame (gray – green)

Tanjung Karang - Kemiling (red)

Tanjung Karang - Teluk Betung (purple)

Tanjung Karang - Garuntang (green)

Rajabasa - Kemiling (dark yellow)

Rajabasa – Natar (brown)

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

BRT commenced operations on November 14, 2011 (during the free trial

on the first four days of operation) with the initial route Rajabasa-

SukaRaja. Rates are Rp2500, - for each trip (without transit / moving bus),

to transit charge Rp3500, -. Here are the routes that it operates:

1. Complexes KORPRI Sukarame - Sukaraja.

2. Rajabasa - Sukaraja.

3. Kemiling - Sukaraja.

4. Ir Sutami - Tanjung Karang.

5. Citra Garden – Panjang

6. Citra Garden – Rajabasa

7. Rajabasa - Panjang

Page 26: Tourism Bandar Lampung



Bandar Lampung has several potential areas (from the perspective of tourism) to

be developed into a tourist destination since the object area supported high

topography is hilly and lowland close to the beach directed toward supporting

regional tourism. In addition, Bandar Lampung also has shopping centers like

Simpur Center, Bambu Kuning, Kartini mall, Lotus Plaza, Ramayana, Chandra,

Central keripik pisang kedaton, Central plaza, etc. The places above can be

reached by using the transportation such as harbor, highways, buses, trains,

Transport in the city, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). Meanwhile, other existing

accommodation in Bandar Lampung city like hotels.

Page 27: Tourism Bandar Lampung


Fatah. (2011). Objek wisata bandar lampung. Retrived from:



Wikipedia. (2005). Bandar lampung. Retrived from:


Kiki. (2011). Objek wisata kota bandar lampung. Retrived from:


Mida. (2011). Tempat wisata di lampung. Retrived from:
