十和田市教育プラザ Towada Education Plaza

Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

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Page 1: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

十 和 田 市 教 育 プ ラ ザ

T o w a d a E d u c a t i o n P l a z a

Page 2: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the




Kanchogai Street is alive with the bluish

g re e n p i n e t re e s a n d p i n k c h e r r y

blossoms that l ine the street. Sakura

Plaza, with i ts horseshoe monument

(Carillon) is where Towada City residents

enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees

were planted at the site of the former

Sanbongi Branch of the Army Remounts

Supply Division and have watched over

t h e t o w n f o r n e a r l y a c e n t u r y. A

completely new comprehensive facility

has opened, one that makes the most of

the legacies from the past.

The Towada Education Plaza functions as

a library and an education training center.

I t was designed by Tadao Ando, the

world-famous Japanese architect. He is a

self-trained architect who has designed

many public facil it ies. With his strong

belief that the development of human

resources is of the utmost importance for

reg iona l c i t ies , he proposed a new

educational space that harmonizes with

the beautiful nature of Towada.

Five sun-rooms within the facility were

created as spaces wi th no spec ific

objective to be used as a place to foster

s p o n t a n e o u s e n c o u n t e r s a n d

c o m m u n i c a t i o n b e t w e e n p e o p l e .

Conversations among people of all ages,

social standings, and ways of thinking

give rise to new ideas and inspiration.

Th i s "book tha t i s no t a book , " o r

unwritten information, wi l l foster the

th ink ing power and mutua l respect

necessary from here forward. That is the

message from the architect.

It is the residents that create the future of

a community. Education Plaza supports

not on ly the sound deve lopment of

chi ldren, but helps every one of the

citizens to make use of their abilities and

lead dynamic lives.

A place for nurturing children who will create the future of the community.

From the garden of "The book that is not a book"

Page 3: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the




Kanchogai Street is alive with the bluish

g re e n p i n e t re e s a n d p i n k c h e r r y

blossoms that l ine the street. Sakura

Plaza, with i ts horseshoe monument

(Carillon) is where Towada City residents

enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees

were planted at the site of the former

Sanbongi Branch of the Army Remounts

Supply Division and have watched over

t h e t o w n f o r n e a r l y a c e n t u r y. A

completely new comprehensive facility

has opened, one that makes the most of

the legacies from the past.

The Towada Education Plaza functions as

a library and an education training center.

I t was designed by Tadao Ando, the

world-famous Japanese architect. He is a

self-trained architect who has designed

many public facil it ies. With his strong

belief that the development of human

resources is of the utmost importance for

reg iona l c i t ies , he proposed a new

educational space that harmonizes with

the beautiful nature of Towada.

Five sun-rooms within the facility were

created as spaces wi th no spec ific

objective to be used as a place to foster

s p o n t a n e o u s e n c o u n t e r s a n d

c o m m u n i c a t i o n b e t w e e n p e o p l e .

Conversations among people of all ages,

social standings, and ways of thinking

give rise to new ideas and inspiration.

Th i s "book tha t i s no t a book , " o r

unwritten information, wi l l foster the

th ink ing power and mutua l respect

necessary from here forward. That is the

message from the architect.

It is the residents that create the future of

a community. Education Plaza supports

not on ly the sound deve lopment of

chi ldren, but helps every one of the

citizens to make use of their abilities and

lead dynamic lives.

A place for nurturing children who will create the future of the community.

From the garden of "The book that is not a book"

Page 4: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the


A blissful moment when reading a favorite book sitting

on a bench beneath the light filtering through the

trees. What if you could feel the ultimate relaxation

and excitement of submerging yourself in the world of

books forever? The five sun-rooms are set up within

the Public Library and Education Training Center to

function as hubs of activity, spaces where visitors can

feel the energy of trees scattered throughout the site.

The space is filled with light and warmth even in

winter. People of all ages and generations gather here

for lively communication.

エントランスホールのサンルームは、入口は東西2か所。ベンチで飲食可能。夜はライトアップされ、ガラス屋根からもれる光が夜空をやわらかく照らす“まちの行灯”となる。The sun-room at the entrance hall has two entrances, one each in the east and west. You can eat and drink on the benches in the sun-room. It is lit up at night and the light filtering from the glass roof becomes the town's lantern that softly lights up the night sky.

Garden for communication Overflowing withLight and warmth

エントランス正面の受付カウンターは館内中央に位置し、全体を見渡せる。高くそそり立ったガラス窓からは陽光がふり注ぎ、自然の中で読書する開放感を感じさせる。The reception counter at the entrance is located in the center of the facility, offering a view of the entire complex. Sunlight filters in through the glass windows that stretch high into the sky giving visitors a sense of freedom as if reading in the midst of nature.

Page 5: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the


A blissful moment when reading a favorite book sitting

on a bench beneath the light filtering through the

trees. What if you could feel the ultimate relaxation

and excitement of submerging yourself in the world of

books forever? The five sun-rooms are set up within

the Public Library and Education Training Center to

function as hubs of activity, spaces where visitors can

feel the energy of trees scattered throughout the site.

The space is filled with light and warmth even in

winter. People of all ages and generations gather here

for lively communication.

エントランスホールのサンルームは、入口は東西2か所。ベンチで飲食可能。夜はライトアップされ、ガラス屋根からもれる光が夜空をやわらかく照らす“まちの行灯”となる。The sun-room at the entrance hall has two entrances, one each in the east and west. You can eat and drink on the benches in the sun-room. It is lit up at night and the light filtering from the glass roof becomes the town's lantern that softly lights up the night sky.

Garden for communication Overflowing withLight and warmth

エントランス正面の受付カウンターは館内中央に位置し、全体を見渡せる。高くそそり立ったガラス窓からは陽光がふり注ぎ、自然の中で読書する開放感を感じさせる。The reception counter at the entrance is located in the center of the facility, offering a view of the entire complex. Sunlight filters in through the glass windows that stretch high into the sky giving visitors a sense of freedom as if reading in the midst of nature.

Page 6: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

閲覧カウンターは官庁街通りや中庭に向いたガラス張り。桜並木や樹齢約 100年ともいわれる桜の古木をのぞみ、読書や勉強の合間に顔を上げれば、季節の移ろいを感じさせてくれる。The reading counter faces the glass windows toward Kanchogai Street and the courtyard. Look up when reading or studying and see a row of cherry trees said to be approximately 100 years old. You can feel the changing of the seasons.



閲覧カウンターは官庁街通りや中庭に向いたガラス張り。桜並木や樹齢約 100年ともいわれる桜の古木をのぞみ、読書や勉強の合間に顔を上げれば、季節の移ろいを感じさせてくれる。The reading counter faces the glass windows toward Kanchogai Street and the courtyard. Look up when reading or studying and see a row of cherry trees said to be approximately 100 years old. You can feel the changing of the seasons.

Bookshelves that follow the shape of the corridors maintain a comfortable distance from desks and chairs to create a pleasant space for visitors.


A long open-shel f space stretches para l le l to

Kanchogai Street. The calculated line of movement

and flat bookshelves are neatly organized for good

visibility. It is not only easy to find what you're looking

for, but you can face the books straight on. The

straight line of movement stretches in front of visitors'

eyes warming them up their encounter with new

books. The reading area facing Kanchogai Street is in

a straight line to offer a well-lighted, pleasant space

for reading and study.

FaceThe bookStraight on

Page 7: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

閲覧カウンターは官庁街通りや中庭に向いたガラス張り。桜並木や樹齢約 100年ともいわれる桜の古木をのぞみ、読書や勉強の合間に顔を上げれば、季節の移ろいを感じさせてくれる。The reading counter faces the glass windows toward Kanchogai Street and the courtyard. Look up when reading or studying and see a row of cherry trees said to be approximately 100 years old. You can feel the changing of the seasons.



閲覧カウンターは官庁街通りや中庭に向いたガラス張り。桜並木や樹齢約 100年ともいわれる桜の古木をのぞみ、読書や勉強の合間に顔を上げれば、季節の移ろいを感じさせてくれる。The reading counter faces the glass windows toward Kanchogai Street and the courtyard. Look up when reading or studying and see a row of cherry trees said to be approximately 100 years old. You can feel the changing of the seasons.

Bookshelves that follow the shape of the corridors maintain a comfortable distance from desks and chairs to create a pleasant space for visitors.


A long open-shel f space stretches para l le l to

Kanchogai Street. The calculated line of movement

and flat bookshelves are neatly organized for good

visibility. It is not only easy to find what you're looking

for, but you can face the books straight on. The

straight line of movement stretches in front of visitors'

eyes warming them up their encounter with new

books. The reading area facing Kanchogai Street is in

a straight line to offer a well-lighted, pleasant space

for reading and study.

FaceThe bookStraight on

Page 8: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

There are two multi-purpose training rooms, Training Room 1 (West

side) and Training Room 2 (East side). They can be partitioned in

the center. When they are not reserved for use, the partition is

removed and opened to public as a study area. Some of the

available equipment includes tables, chairs, whiteboards, a podium

and sound systems such as microphones, projectors, etc.

Use of Multi-purpose Training Room


Two multi-purpose training rooms are used as a place

of learning from a "book that is not a book." They are

used for training and meetings, but they are mostly

used for reading promotion events such as book

readings and picture-card shows by local reading

groups. The mission of the publ ic l ibrary is to

establish opportunities for direct and indirect learning

to support and nurture children who will be the ones

to create the future of the community.

Support for childrenFostering theFuture of the community



研修室1・2を合わせて、収容人員は約 40~ 50名ほどです。読書活動推進のために実施する読書会、研究会、資料展示会などは無料で使用することができます。それ以外の活動は有料です。※営利目的での使用はできません。



In the multi-purpose training rooms, local reading groups hold book readings and picture-card shows.

Tra i n i ng Rooms 1 and 2 have a comb ined capac i t y o f

approximately 40 to 50 persons. The rooms can be used free of

charge for book club meetings, workshops, exhibitions, and other

reading promotion events. Fees are charged for use for other


Note: The rooms cannot be used for commercial purposes.


The library cooperates with the local elementary

schoo l s to ho ld eve n ts tha t o f f e r s tude n ts

opportunities to experience the joy of books and

reading. Some of these events are: "Child Librarian," a

class to foster leaders in reading at home and school

through the experience of work in a library, and;

"Children's Bibliobattle," a book review battle to

introduce favorite books. Children do not merely gain

knowledge, but also gain skil ls in research and

develop their imagination, which are skills required to

live in a rapidly changing age.

There are two multi-purpose training rooms, Training Room 1 (West

side) and Training Room 2 (East side). They can be partitioned in

the center. When they are not reserved for use, the partition is

removed and opened to public as a study area. Some of the

available equipment includes tables, chairs, whiteboards, a podium

and sound systems such as microphones, projectors, etc.

Gather threads of wisdomPass them downBefore children become adults

研修室1・2を合わせて、収容人員は約 40~ 50名ほどです。読書活動推進のために実施する読書会、研究会、資料展示会などは無料で使用することができます。それ以外の活動は有料です。※営利目的での使用はできません。

Tra i n i ng Rooms 1 and 2 have a comb ined capac i t y o f

approximately 40 to 50 persons. The rooms can be used free of

charge for book club meetings, workshops, exhibitions, and other

reading promotion events. Fees are charged for use for other


Note: The rooms cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Page 9: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

There are two multi-purpose training rooms, Training Room 1 (West

side) and Training Room 2 (East side). They can be partitioned in

the center. When they are not reserved for use, the partition is

removed and opened to public as a study area. Some of the

available equipment includes tables, chairs, whiteboards, a podium

and sound systems such as microphones, projectors, etc.

Use of Multi-purpose Training Room


Two multi-purpose training rooms are used as a place

of learning from a "book that is not a book." They are

used for training and meetings, but they are mostly

used for reading promotion events such as book

readings and picture-card shows by local reading

groups. The mission of the publ ic l ibrary is to

establish opportunities for direct and indirect learning

to support and nurture children who will be the ones

to create the future of the community.

Support for childrenFostering theFuture of the community



研修室1・2を合わせて、収容人員は約 40~ 50名ほどです。読書活動推進のために実施する読書会、研究会、資料展示会などは無料で使用することができます。それ以外の活動は有料です。※営利目的での使用はできません。



In the multi-purpose training rooms, local reading groups hold book readings and picture-card shows.

Tra i n i ng Rooms 1 and 2 have a comb ined capac i t y o f

approximately 40 to 50 persons. The rooms can be used free of

charge for book club meetings, workshops, exhibitions, and other

reading promotion events. Fees are charged for use for other


Note: The rooms cannot be used for commercial purposes.


The library cooperates with the local elementary

schoo l s to ho ld eve n ts tha t o f f e r s tude n ts

opportunities to experience the joy of books and

reading. Some of these events are: "Child Librarian," a

class to foster leaders in reading at home and school

through the experience of work in a library, and;

"Children's Bibliobattle," a book review battle to

introduce favorite books. Children do not merely gain

knowledge, but also gain skil ls in research and

develop their imagination, which are skills required to

live in a rapidly changing age.

There are two multi-purpose training rooms, Training Room 1 (West

side) and Training Room 2 (East side). They can be partitioned in

the center. When they are not reserved for use, the partition is

removed and opened to public as a study area. Some of the

available equipment includes tables, chairs, whiteboards, a podium

and sound systems such as microphones, projectors, etc.

Gather threads of wisdomPass them downBefore children become adults

研修室1・2を合わせて、収容人員は約 40~ 50名ほどです。読書活動推進のために実施する読書会、研究会、資料展示会などは無料で使用することができます。それ以外の活動は有料です。※営利目的での使用はできません。

Tra i n i ng Rooms 1 and 2 have a comb ined capac i t y o f

approximately 40 to 50 persons. The rooms can be used free of

charge for book club meetings, workshops, exhibitions, and other

reading promotion events. Fees are charged for use for other


Note: The rooms cannot be used for commercial purposes.

Page 10: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the


The main street of Towada City, Kanchogai Street, is

the heart of the town where major public facilities

such as the city office and hospitals are located.

Moreover, this district is known for the marvelous

contrast of beautiful cherry blossoms and pine trees.

It is also the core of the City of Art: Towada, which

began with the establishment of the Towada Art

Center. The Education Plaza aims to create a new

center where people gather. The low building blends

with the surrounding landscape without feeling

overwhelming, and provides further depth and width

to the walking space between the lines of cherry


Draw closerBlendAdd Depth andWidth to the City



"As Japan does not have any natural or energy resources, the development of human resources is of the utmost importance for regional cities," says Mr. Ando. Mr. Ando is an honorary professor at the University of Tokyo who has p u t g r e a t e ff o r t i n t o educational initiatives, including the establishment of the Momo-Kaki Orphans Fund after the Great East Japan Earthquake. He hopes that the Education Plaza will become a place where people of all ages can communicate and share energy for life. (above photo) "Nanbu Sakiori" is a recycling method. Finely shredded old cloth is woven together with cotton thread to create clothes and other daily necessities. Using the thread from old cloth as weft yarn adds a unique texture. Sakiori expresses the thoughts of the people in the Towada region and has become an important source of inspiration for the designs of Mr. Ando.


The structure was carefully built using the local

lumber, neither eliminating nor excessively protecting

what was there already. Designer Tadao Ando was

inspired by the traditional weaving craft, "Nanbu

Sakiori," from southern Aomori. Everything at the site

was seen as valued landscape, and the new elements

were meticulously woven into the scenery. Here is a

place that is "nostalgic but new." Make use of what

we have to create new value. Find the passion of the

predecessors of Towada.

Make use ofWhat we haveCreateWhat we don't have

Page 11: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the


The main street of Towada City, Kanchogai Street, is

the heart of the town where major public facilities

such as the city office and hospitals are located.

Moreover, this district is known for the marvelous

contrast of beautiful cherry blossoms and pine trees.

It is also the core of the City of Art: Towada, which

began with the establishment of the Towada Art

Center. The Education Plaza aims to create a new

center where people gather. The low building blends

with the surrounding landscape without feeling

overwhelming, and provides further depth and width

to the walking space between the lines of cherry


Draw closerBlendAdd Depth andWidth to the City



"As Japan does not have any natural or energy resources, the development of human resources is of the utmost importance for regional cities," says Mr. Ando. Mr. Ando is an honorary professor at the University of Tokyo who has p u t g r e a t e ff o r t i n t o educational initiatives, including the establishment of the Momo-Kaki Orphans Fund after the Great East Japan Earthquake. He hopes that the Education Plaza will become a place where people of all ages can communicate and share energy for life. (above photo) "Nanbu Sakiori" is a recycling method. Finely shredded old cloth is woven together with cotton thread to create clothes and other daily necessities. Using the thread from old cloth as weft yarn adds a unique texture. Sakiori expresses the thoughts of the people in the Towada region and has become an important source of inspiration for the designs of Mr. Ando.


The structure was carefully built using the local

lumber, neither eliminating nor excessively protecting

what was there already. Designer Tadao Ando was

inspired by the traditional weaving craft, "Nanbu

Sakiori," from southern Aomori. Everything at the site

was seen as valued landscape, and the new elements

were meticulously woven into the scenery. Here is a

place that is "nostalgic but new." Make use of what

we have to create new value. Find the passion of the

predecessors of Towada.

Make use ofWhat we haveCreateWhat we don't have

Page 12: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

教育研修センターでは、常駐の相談員が随時無料で子育て・教育の相談を受け付けています。開放的なサンルームは冬も暖かなプレイルームとして活用され、様々な 適応指導が行われています。

The Education Training Center offers consultation for child-rearing and education free of charge by resident counseling staff. Guidance is provided in a spacious sun-room that can be used as a playroom that is warm even in the winter.

既存樹を活かしたバリアフリー設計。桜並木に呼応するかのように低く流れる平屋建てで、3,000 ㎡を超える広大なコンクリート建造物でありながら圧迫感を感じさせない。官庁街通りのにぎわいに面する北側に2列の図書エリア、静かな公園に面する南側に教育研修エリアがほどよい距離感で配置される。

Barrier-free design making use of the existing trees. The low one-story building blends in with rows of cherry trees. This concrete structure is huge at over 3,000 m2, yet it does not feel overwhelming. The north side facing bustling Kanchogai Street houses the library area in two rows; and the south side facing a serene park is the education training area. They are positioned just the right distance apart.


3 B



エントランスホールや閲覧コーナー、読み聞かせ、作品展示など、館内に散らばったサンルームはさまざまな用途で活用されている。目的を定めない“遊び”のスペースを取り入れることで、利用者が自由に発想を広げる余地が生まれた。自身や他者とじっくり対話できる空間でもある。Sun-rooms scattered throughout the building are used for various purposes, such as an entrance hall, book area, reading room, and exhibition space. Setting up free space with no specific purpose offers visitors room for ideas. They are also spaces to think or communicate with others.

H 21H

3H 4H



教育研修センター Education Training Center

フロアマップ Floor Map




Towada City was once known for horse breeding. During the Meiji Era (1868–1912), the former Sanbongi Branch of the Army Remounts Supply Division was established here. Outstanding remounts were raised here and supplied to the army until the end of the war. The Branch supported the regional economy. The Education Training Center is constructed on the site of the former Sanbongi Branch. In the center of the courtyard is an old cherry tree planted in the early Showa Period (around 1930). Beautiful cherry blossoms announce the arrival of spring and remind us that it had once been a "Horse Town."

Kanchogai Street. The area is slightly off the main passageway, and while it is connected to an open-shelf space, visitors can concentrate on their studies without interruption from the movement of others. Visitors can shut out the outside world to find solitude behind the semi-transparent partition, under the gentle light filtering in from the window.

This space is at the far end of the Children's Books area, and is also used as sun-room. Story Hours are held regularly by local reading groups. Sunlight softly seeps into the room to give it the pleasant atmosphere of reading outside even on a cold winters' day. The area is partitioned by a soundproof glass door, allowing energetic children to move around freely and parents to read to them.

A. Books

B. Children's Books

C. Local Materials

D. Study Area

E. Audiovisual

F. Internet

G. Reading Area

H. Sun-room

A. 一般図書コーナー

B. 児童書コーナー

C. 郷土資料コーナー

D. 学習コーナー


F. インターネットコーナー

G. 閲覧席

H. サンルーム

























サービスカウンター AV視聴コーナー/インターネットコーナー


Service counter Audiovisual/ Internet

Reading Room

Study Area

Cour tyard

Multi-purpose Training Room

Public Library市民図書館



Page 13: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

教育研修センターでは、常駐の相談員が随時無料で子育て・教育の相談を受け付けています。開放的なサンルームは冬も暖かなプレイルームとして活用され、様々な 適応指導が行われています。

The Education Training Center offers consultation for child-rearing and education free of charge by resident counseling staff. Guidance is provided in a spacious sun-room that can be used as a playroom that is warm even in the winter.

既存樹を活かしたバリアフリー設計。桜並木に呼応するかのように低く流れる平屋建てで、3,000 ㎡を超える広大なコンクリート建造物でありながら圧迫感を感じさせない。官庁街通りのにぎわいに面する北側に2列の図書エリア、静かな公園に面する南側に教育研修エリアがほどよい距離感で配置される。

Barrier-free design making use of the existing trees. The low one-story building blends in with rows of cherry trees. This concrete structure is huge at over 3,000 m2, yet it does not feel overwhelming. The north side facing bustling Kanchogai Street houses the library area in two rows; and the south side facing a serene park is the education training area. They are positioned just the right distance apart.


3 B



エントランスホールや閲覧コーナー、読み聞かせ、作品展示など、館内に散らばったサンルームはさまざまな用途で活用されている。目的を定めない“遊び”のスペースを取り入れることで、利用者が自由に発想を広げる余地が生まれた。自身や他者とじっくり対話できる空間でもある。Sun-rooms scattered throughout the building are used for various purposes, such as an entrance hall, book area, reading room, and exhibition space. Setting up free space with no specific purpose offers visitors room for ideas. They are also spaces to think or communicate with others.

H 21H

3H 4H



教育研修センター Education Training Center

フロアマップ Floor Map




Towada City was once known for horse breeding. During the Meiji Era (1868–1912), the former Sanbongi Branch of the Army Remounts Supply Division was established here. Outstanding remounts were raised here and supplied to the army until the end of the war. The Branch supported the regional economy. The Education Training Center is constructed on the site of the former Sanbongi Branch. In the center of the courtyard is an old cherry tree planted in the early Showa Period (around 1930). Beautiful cherry blossoms announce the arrival of spring and remind us that it had once been a "Horse Town."

Kanchogai Street. The area is slightly off the main passageway, and while it is connected to an open-shelf space, visitors can concentrate on their studies without interruption from the movement of others. Visitors can shut out the outside world to find solitude behind the semi-transparent partition, under the gentle light filtering in from the window.

This space is at the far end of the Children's Books area, and is also used as sun-room. Story Hours are held regularly by local reading groups. Sunlight softly seeps into the room to give it the pleasant atmosphere of reading outside even on a cold winters' day. The area is partitioned by a soundproof glass door, allowing energetic children to move around freely and parents to read to them.

A. Books

B. Children's Books

C. Local Materials

D. Study Area

E. Audiovisual

F. Internet

G. Reading Area

H. Sun-room

A. 一般図書コーナー

B. 児童書コーナー

C. 郷土資料コーナー

D. 学習コーナー


F. インターネットコーナー

G. 閲覧席

H. サンルーム

























サービスカウンター AV視聴コーナー/インターネットコーナー


Service counter Audiovisual/ Internet

Reading Room

Study Area

Cour tyard

Multi-purpose Training Room

Public Library市民図書館



Page 14: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

十 和 田 市 教 育 プ ラ ザ

〒034-0081 青森県十和田市西十三番町2-18TEL.0176-23-7808 / FAX:0176-25-3838E-mail : [email protected]






〒034-0081 青森県十和田市西十三番町2-14TEL.0176-24-0301 / FAX.0176-24-0301


Overview of the facilitiesDesign StructureScale

Construction Period


Tadao Ando Architects & Associates

1-story reinforced concrete

Building Area 3,407.85 m2 / Floor Area 3,199.04 m2

(Public Library, Approx. 2,574 m2)

Site Area 9,519.46 m2

Commencement: July 2013

January 15, 2015 Open (Grand Opening October 1, 2015)

Completion: December 2014 (First phase)

September 2015 (Second phase, Study Area and outdoor facility, etc.)

January 15, 2015 (Grand opening, October 1, 2015)

T o w a d a E d u c a t i o n P l a z a




市民交流プラザ 「トワーレ」

十和田市立中央病院Towada City Hospital

Towada Art Center

Towada City Office

Towada education Plaza

Kanchogai Street

Citizen Exchange Plaza TOWARE




平成27年1月15日開館(グランドオープン 平成27年10月1日)開館

竣工:平成26年12月(第1期工事分)  :平成27年9月(第2期工事分、学習コーナー、外構ほか)

建築面積 3,407.85㎡ 延 面 積 3,199.04㎡      (市民図書館 約2,574㎡ )敷地面積 9,519.46㎡

規模Towada Public Library2-18 Nishi-jusanban-cho, Towada-shi, Aomori 034-0081TEL: 0176-23-7808/FAX: 0176-25-3838E-mail: [email protected]: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.Closed: The fourth Thursday of each month, end-of-year and beginning-of-year holidays, library inventory inspection period

Towada Education Training Center2-14 Nishi-jusanban-cho, Towada-shi, Aomori 034-0081TEL: 0176-24-0301/FAX: 0176-24-0301

イラスト・ロゴ/安斉 将 スチール/安藤忠雄建築研究所、小原達郎Illustration and Logo: Masaru Anzai / Photo: Tatsuro Obata, Tadao Ando Architects & Associates

Page 15: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

十 和 田 市 教 育 プ ラ ザ

〒034-0081 青森県十和田市西十三番町2-18TEL.0176-23-7808 / FAX:0176-25-3838E-mail : [email protected]






〒034-0081 青森県十和田市西十三番町2-14TEL.0176-24-0301 / FAX.0176-24-0301


Overview of the facilitiesDesign StructureScale

Construction Period


Tadao Ando Architects & Associates

1-story reinforced concrete

Building Area 3,407.85 m2 / Floor Area 3,199.04 m2

(Public Library, Approx. 2,574 m2)

Site Area 9,519.46 m2

Commencement: July 2013

January 15, 2015 Open (Grand Opening October 1, 2015)

Completion: December 2014 (First phase)

September 2015 (Second phase, Study Area and outdoor facility, etc.)

January 15, 2015 (Grand opening, October 1, 2015)

T o w a d a E d u c a t i o n P l a z a




市民交流プラザ 「トワーレ」

十和田市立中央病院Towada City Hospital

Towada Art Center

Towada City Office

Towada education Plaza

Kanchogai Street

Citizen Exchange Plaza TOWARE




平成27年1月15日開館(グランドオープン 平成27年10月1日)開館

竣工:平成26年12月(第1期工事分)  :平成27年9月(第2期工事分、学習コーナー、外構ほか)

建築面積 3,407.85㎡ 延 面 積 3,199.04㎡      (市民図書館 約2,574㎡ )敷地面積 9,519.46㎡

規模Towada Public Library2-18 Nishi-jusanban-cho, Towada-shi, Aomori 034-0081TEL: 0176-23-7808/FAX: 0176-25-3838E-mail: [email protected]: 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.Closed: The fourth Thursday of each month, end-of-year and beginning-of-year holidays, library inventory inspection period

Towada Education Training Center2-14 Nishi-jusanban-cho, Towada-shi, Aomori 034-0081TEL: 0176-24-0301/FAX: 0176-24-0301

イラスト・ロゴ/安斉 将 スチール/安藤忠雄建築研究所、小原達郎Illustration and Logo: Masaru Anzai / Photo: Tatsuro Obata, Tadao Ando Architects & Associates

Page 16: Towada Education Plaza - 十和田市民図書館 with its horseshoe monument (Carillon) is where Towada City residents enjoy a relaxing moment. Old cherry trees were planted at the

T o w a d a E d u c a t i o n P l a z a