TOWAGE OF FPSO HAEWENE BRIM AND CONNECT … Towage of FPSO Haewene Brim.pdf1 towage of fpso haewene brim and connect to stp buoy client:bluewater services uk ltd vessel: fpso haewne

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Brian Smith, Deputy Tow Master, Attendance Report 11th Dec 2013

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Table of Contents


2.PERSONNEL ATTENDING……….…………………………………………………………5

3.VESSEL PARTICULARS……………………………………………………………………6 4. DEPUTY TOW MASTERS LOG……………………………………………………………7 APPENDIX B PHOTOGRAPHS………………………………………………………………12

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1.1. Introduction

2. The FPSO ‘Haewene Brim’ had been sheltering from the weather in the Moray Firth

waiting to connect to a Submerged Turret Production (STP) buoy at the Pierce Oil Field.

The tow began at 14:50 hours on the 7th Dec 2013 in position 57* 53’N 003* 25’W total

distance 168 nm with the tow Tug on 600m tow line length and 70 tons pull. The main Tow

vessel was the AHT DP2 ‘’BB Troll’’ which had a continuous Bollard Pull of 165 tons and

the AHT Normand Neptun as the Escort Tug. The Tow was on location at 11:40 hours on

the 8th of December 2013 in position 57* 9.5’N 002* 17.5’ E average speed 8 knots.

3. Vessel was again waiting on weather and the arrival of two small tugs. The tugs arrived at

06:00 hours on the Monday 9th Dec 2013. At 14:50 the Belly Line from the STP room was

transferred to the Stand By boats FRC and passed back to the FPSO. The other two small

tugs were then connected to the Starboard side of the FPSO one forward and one aft. The

FPSO was then towed by the BB Troll to a position 3 miles from the buoy and began

waiting for daylight. At 09:15 hours on Tuesday 10th the Grampian Pride launched its FRC.

4. Work Observed: The FRC was unable to pull the rope from the FPSO towards the buoy

and returned to the Grampian Pride. The FPSO managed to grapple the buoy rope and

connect it to the STP rope. At 12:50 the buoy was in the locked position and clamped into

the hull. At 15:35 all vessels were disconnected except the ‘BB Troll’ which had trouble

disconnecting. Eventually it was disconnected however the FPSO’s tow line could not be

recovered to the bow. The ‘’BB Troll’’ then moved to the stern and again there was a

problem with the hydraulics on the after winch. At 19:40 the BB Troll was connected and at

20:00 heading control of the FPSO began.

5. Observations: The FPSO towed easily, 10 knots at times. The stand by boats FRC had a

difficult job connecting the Belly rope to the buoy rope. The seas hitting against the FPSO

sides caused it problems. The FPSO had to grapple for the buoy rope.

5.1. Conclusions: The FRC procedures should be reviewed. The forward and after

mooring winches need attention.

This report is prepared in good faith without prejudice to any or all parties concerned.

Name BRIAN SMITH, Deputy Tow Master

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. The following personnel were in attendance.

1. Deputy Tow Master, Brian Smith, for Bluewater Services Ltd

2. Tow Master Karre Haakonsen, for HM Marine

3. Master ‘Haewene Brim’, Mark Tolsen, for Bluewater Services Ltd

4. Offshore Installation Manager (OIM), Graham Watson, Bluewater

5. Marine Manager, Kees Van Beveren, Bluewater Services Ltd

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Name: Hæwene Brim

Registry: Netherlands Antilles

Call Sign: P.J.G.O.

IMO 9123178

Class: DNV (Det Norske Veritas) 1A1 Ship Shaped Oil Production Storage Unit

Length overall: 253.00m

Length PB: 233.00m

Breadth (moulded):2.20m

Depth (moulded):23.20m

Draft (Loaded): 15.00m

Gross Tonnage 66,538 te

Deadweight: 103,854.00 te

Draft Fwd 7.00 m

Draft Aft 7.00 m

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4. Deputy Tow Masters LOG


Job No: J110 Project: Tow and Mooring the Haewene Brim

Our Ref: Locations: Moray Firth - Pierce Oil Field

Reason for attendance: Deputy Tow Master and Heading Control Technician


Day: Date: Remarks

Thursday 05/12/13

05:15 Taxi to CHC Scotia Helicopters Buchan Road, Aberdeen

05:40 Arrive Scotia Heliport

05:50 Email from Ian Henderson, handover notes for Towmaster

07:20 Check In, bags scanned etc. Told to wait

11:15 Told that due to weather conditions there would be no flights to Haewene Brim today. Told to come back tomorrow at 06:00 for 07:00 flight


12:30 Get bus to Guild Street Aberdeen

13:00 Get bus home

Friday 06/12/13

05:15 Taxi to CHC Scotia Helicopters, Forties Rd, Buchan Road, Aberdeen

05:40 Arrive Scotia Heliport

07:20 Check In, bags scanned etc. Told to wait

09:10 Donned Survival suit etc.


10:10 Land on the Haewene Brim, it has two tugs made fast one ford Normand Neptun and one aft BB Troll

11:00 Met the Towmaster Kaare Haakonsen HB Master Mark Tolsen and OIM Graham Watson

18:00 On watch 18:00 till 06:00 hours, get weather report from tugs and power settings

21:00 Weather and power settings from Tugs

00:00 Weather and power settings from Tugs

Saturday 07/12/13

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Day: Date: Remarks

24:00 Had midnight meal

00:30 Back on watch

01:00 Standing by waiting on weather for the transit to the Pierce Field

06:00 Off watch


14:50 Commence towing the Haewene Brim to the Pierce Field

16:00 Posn 57’52.9 N 002’45.8 W. Wind Wly 10kts

18:25 BB informs bridge that he is changing course at WP2

18:33 HB passing WP2 change course to 110 deg

18:45 BB gives out safety message on Ch 16/09

21:15 Sign Masters night orders

Sunday 08/12/`13

24:00 Had midnight meal

00:30 Back on watch

03:00 Posn 57’28.4 N 000’11.7 E. Wind SW 20kts. BB Troll gives safety message Ch 16/09

05:00 BB Troll gives safety message ch 16/09

06:00 Pos 57˚ 20,00 N 000˚ 59,4 E , ETA location 1200 hrs, speed 8.9 knots. SW’ly 20 knots, wh 1.5- 2.0 m. Deputy Tow Master off watch

07:00 Safety drill, Vessels informed, continue towing

07:30 Drill completed

08:00 Pos 57˚ 14,4 N 001˚ 29,7 E, W-SW’ly 30 knots gusting 30, wh 3-4 m

08:20 BB Troll at WP 4, Pos 57˚ 12.7 N 001˚ 38.2 E, WSW 34 gusting 40, wh 4 – 4.5 m ETA Location 1100, new heading 090 deg, speed 9.2 knots.

09:00 Pos 57˚ 12,7 N 001˚ 45.0E, heading 090 deg, speed 8,4 knots, reducing power from 70 – 50 %, WSW 34 gusting 40, wh 4 – 4.5 m, Navigational warning given by BB Troll, vhf ch: 9/16

09:50 Given notice to Grampian Pride regarding ETA at 1200 hrs (wp 5.1, 3.0 nm zone)

09:55 BB Troll shorten up the towing wire to 500 m and reducing speed to 40 %, speed FPSO 7.5 knots. Thrusters in st-by mode

11:40 On location WP 5.1. Pos 57˚ 12 N 002˚ `22.11 E, WSW 34 gusting 40, wh 4 – 4.5 m, Tug on 400 m towing line and 30 % power

12:00 It is too rough to connect the NN to the stern, so decide to use Auto heading control and the main propulsion going astern with the BB on 400m x 25% and keeping to the port side of the HB

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Day: Date: Remarks

21:00 Pos 57˚ 11,7 N 002˚ `30 E, W x S 15 , wh 2.5-3.0 m, Tug on 400 m towing line and 25 % power

24:00 Waiting on weather

Monday 09/12/13

01:00 Called ‘Grampian Pride’ he gave Wind 240 x 25kts and sea 3.5m

01:15 BB Ocean calls HB informs he is 10 miles away. He was told to keep 3 miles from buoy and to St by

02:00 Pos 57˚ 11,7 N 002˚ `30 E, W x S 20kts , 3.5 m, Tug on 400 m towing line and 25 % power

02:05 BB Ocean informs Grampian Pride that he is on location

02:55 Engineer calls from ER, saying he may have to stop the main propulsion because of an Alarm ?

03:00 Posn 57* 12.5’N 002* 28.5 W. Wind Westerly 22kts sea 3m

04:05 Union Boxer called, he gave his ETA as 06:00 hours this morning. He was told to stand by and keep 3 miles from the buoy

05:00 BB Troll moves from port side to starboard side as the vessel is now 4.5 miles from the buoy

05:30 57* 11.6’N 002* 24’E

06:00 Pos 57˚11.5 N 002˚ 24.2 E. Wind West 10kts sea 2.6m Deputy Tow Master off watch

06:15 Vessel on location, BB Troll (Connected) Normand Neptun (Idle) Union Boxer (Idle) BB Ocean (Idle), Standing by for Daylight

07:30 Morning meeting regarding preparation for Hook-up operation. At 0930 hrs to connect Norman Neptun to the stern and proceed to the rendezvous for the Stand by Vessel Grampian Pride to install the belly line. FRC from Grampian Pride to be used for the installation

09:00 Pos 57˚12.0 N 002˚ 31.0 E, Normand Neptun moving in for connection at stern

09:30 Pos 57˚12.0 N 002˚ 31.0 E, Start connecting towing line at stern

09:45 Chain connected on AHT, FPSO start pulling chain/wire

09:50 Chain secured in stopper, Neptun start lowering towing wire and adjusting Vessel position, heading 245

10:00 350 m length of wire, heading for new wp “st-by”, power 40 % (n Neptun, Troll minimum power)

11:00 Heading for wp “st-by”to do the belly line installation

12:00 Pos 57˚12.1 N 002˚ 32.0 E, Heading for new w point, Weather wsw 15-20, wh 2,5 `m

12:45 Entering 3 miles zone, 30 % power and 250 m wire length

13:40 FRC in the water, st-by for belly line (Buoyancy)

14:05 Release failure on buoyancy system, new attempt

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Day: Date: Remarks

14:50 Belly surface buoy in surface, transfer to FPSO from FRC

14:55 Calling in assisting tugs to be connected (stb frwd and aft)

15:00 Normand Neptun on heading 245, BB Troll 045

15:15 BB Ocean alongside, connecting forward stb

15:25 BB Ocean connected, heading 080 deg and 150 m tw length

15:35 Union Boxer in position stb aft, connecting

15:45 Union Boxer connected, heading 190 deg and 150 m length of towing wire

15:50 BB Troll heading for next WP “St-by” heading 335 deg, remaining tugs follows

17:00 Pos 57˚08,8 N 002˚ 24.0 E, heading for WP, all tugs connected, BB Troll 30 %, Normand Neptun 25 %, BB Ocean minimum and Union Boxer minimum power

18:00 Pos 57˚08,8 N 002˚ 24.0 E, heading for WP, all tugs connected, BB Troll 30 %, Normand Neptun 25 %, BB Ocean minimum and Union Boxer minimum power

18:48 BB Troll less than one mile from posn reduce power to 40%

19:35 BB Troll told to change heading to 270* and the N.Neptune to 090*

19:45 NN increase power to 40%

20:00 Posn 57* 11’N 002* 22’E. FPSO heading 270* all tugs told to maintain this position as close as possible

21:00 Vessel holding position with BB Troll and N. Neptun. Vessels adjusting power to suit conditions

24:00 Holding position well waiting on weather

Tuesday 10/12/13

00:01 Vessel holding position with BB Troll and N. Neptun. Vessels adjusting power to suit conditions. Wind SW 15kts sea 2m

06:00 BB Troll on 54 tons and 301m wire out, N Neptun on 40 tons 501m wire out holding against a 20 knots wind and wave height of 2.m

06:20 Start moving into wp at 1 nm zone

07:20 Tool- Box talk and MWS issued C&A

08:02 FRC from Grampian pride in the water, start moving into 300 m zone

08:15 Permission from Shell given to enter 500 m zone

09:15 FRC in the water for connection of belly line

10:00 FRC engine failure, new FRC

10:15 FRC in water, trying to connect but the weather not feasible for the operation, back to St-By Vessel

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Day: Date: Remarks

11:05 Moving the FPSO along the line and making grapnel and recover the line to deck

11:20 Continue moving closer to the Turret target

12:50 Buoy in “Lock Position” all Vessels in minimum Power

12:55 Start pumping out water in lower room Buoy, to confirm “Optical” lock position, st-by for connecting tugs

13:30 Normand Neptun start shorten up for disconnecting

15:10 Chain released from stopper, start lowering chain/wire, AHT picking up slack of line

15:15 Normand Neptun disconnected, heading for Aberdeen, ETA Pilot station 0700 hrs 11.12.13

15:20 Union Boxer disconnected, heading for Zeebrugge, ETA 1630 hrs 11.12.13

15:30 BB Ocean disconnected, ETA Stavanger at 1200 hrs, 11.12.13

15:35 Start disconnecting BB Troll

16:45 Problems on the winch forward to pulling in the emergency wire, Vessel st-by for disconnecting

17:10 Wire released from shark jaw, pulling in on wire

17:15 Winch stopped, not managing to pull in remaining wire length (approx 60 m of 90 mm wire)

17:30 BB Troll moving to stern for connecting (Heading control)

18:00 Hook-up operation complete

18:00 Vessel on Automatic heading control using the Starboard Azimuth Thruster only, Hdg 225*. The forward towing wire is hanging of the bow, there is a danger of it coming in contact with the sub-sea equipment i.e. Risers, Mid water Arches

19:00 BB Troll asked if he could change position of his vessel, he was told to Stand By for half hour

19:30 BB Troll begin connecting aft

19:40 BB Troll connected and moving away

20:00 Azimuth thruster disabled NO Auto heading. Vessel on heading control from the BB Troll, heading 225* + - 10*. Tow wire out 400m on 20tons tension

20:15 Starboard Azimuth Thruster stopped

20:40 Island Valiant starts survey of No anchor line outside the 500m zone

21:00 Wx SW 25kts hdg 225*

23:15 Island Valiant finishes survey standing by outside 500m zone

24:00 Wx SW 25kts hdg 220*

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Appendix ‘B’ Photographs

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Two AHTS changing the FPSO’s Tow line


BB Troll and the Normand Neptun changing Tow wires

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BB Ocean


Submerged Turret Production( STP) buoy

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Graphic showing the Pierce buoy clamped inside the HB


Union Bo0xer

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STP Room hatch


STP buoy winch

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FRC trying to connect line


BB Troll

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Normand Neptun on Stern of HB with 600m of wire out


After Chain Stopper

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