Tpp Summarizing

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  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing



    On October 4, 2015, Ministers of the 12 Trans-Pacic Partnership(TPP) countries Austraia, !runei "arussaa#, $ana%a, $hie, &apan,Maa'sia, Meico, e* +eaan%, Peru, inapore, .nite% tates, an%/ietna# announce% concusion of their neotiations The resut isa hih-stan%ar%, a#bitious, co#prehensie, an% baance%aree#ent that *i pro#ote econo#ic ro*th support the creationan% retention of 3obs enhance innoation, pro%uctiit' an%co#petitieness raise iin stan%ar%s re%uce poert' in ourcountries an% pro#ote transparenc', oo% oernance, an%enhance% abor an% eniron#enta protections e enisionconcusion of this aree#ent, *ith its ne* an% hih stan%ar%s fortra%e an% inest#ent in the Asia Pacic, as an i#portant step to*ar%our uti#ate oa of open tra%e an% reiona interation across thereion


    ie %enin features #a6e the Trans-Pacic Partnership a an%#ar621st-centur' aree#ent, settin a ne* stan%ar% for oba tra%e*hie ta6in up net-eneration issues These features incu%e7

    $o#prehensie #ar6et access The TPP ei#inates or re%uces tari8an% non-tari8 barriers across substantia' a tra%e in oo%s an%serices an% coers the fu spectru# of tra%e, incu%in oo%s an%serices tra%e an% inest#ent, so as to create ne* opportunities an%benets for our businesses, *or6ers, an% consu#ers

    9eiona approach to co##it#ents The TPP faciitates the%eeop#ent of pro%uction an% supp' chains, an% sea#ess tra%e,enhancin e:cienc' an% supportin our oa of creatin an%supportin 3obs, raisin iin stan%ar%s, enhancin conseratione8orts, an% faciitatin cross-bor%er interation, as *e as openin

    %o#estic #ar6etsA%%ressin ne* tra%e chaenes The TPP pro#otes innoation,pro%uctiit', an% co#petitieness b' a%%ressin ne* issues,incu%in the %eeop#ent of the %iita econo#', an% the roe ofstate-o*ne% enterprises in the oba econo#'

    ;ncusie tra%e The TPP incu%es ne* ee#ents that see6 to ensurethat econo#ies at a ees of %eeop#ent an% businesses of asi

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    co##it#ents on %eeop#ent an% tra%e capacit' bui%in, to ensurethat a Parties are abe to #eet the co##it#ents in the Aree#entan% ta6e fu a%antae of its benets

    Patfor# for reiona interation The TPP is inten%e% as a patfor#for reiona econo#ic interation an% %esine% to incu%e a%%itionaecono#ies across the Asia-Pacic reion


    - The TPP incu%es >0 chapters coerin tra%e an% tra%e-reate%issues, beinnin *ith tra%e in oo%s an% continuin throuhcusto#s an% tra%e faciitation sanitar' an% ph'tosanitar' #easurestechnica barriers to tra%e tra%e re#e%ies inest#ent sericeseectronic co##erce oern#ent procure#ent inteectuapropert' abour eniron#ent ?hori0 chapters che%ues an%annees are attache% to the chapters of the Aree#ent reate% tooo%s an% serices tra%e, inest#ent, oern#ent procure#ent,an% te#porar' entr' of business persons ;n a%%ition, the tate-O*ne% nterprises chapter incu%es countr'-specic eceptions inannees

    1. Initial Provisions an G!n!ral D!"nitions


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    Man' TPP Parties hae eistin aree#ents *ith one another The;nitia Proisions an% Benera "enitions $hapter reconi

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    i##e%iate', athouh tari8s on so#e sensitie pro%ucts *i beei#inate% oer oner ti#efra#es as aree% b' the TPP Parties Thechapter aso incu%es specic rues of oriin that re=uire use of 'arnsan% fabrics fro# the TPP reion, *hich *i pro#ote reiona supp'chains an% inest#ent in this sector, *ith a Eshort supp' istF#echanis# that ao*s use of certain 'arns an% fabrics not *i%e'aaiabe in the reion ;n a%%ition, the chapter incu%esco##it#ents on custo#s cooperation an% enforce#ent to preent%ut' easion, s#uin an% frau%, as *e as a tetie-specicspecia safeuar% to respon% to serious %a#ae or the threat ofserious %a#ae to %o#estic in%ustr' in the eent of a su%%en surein i#ports

    '. R(l!s o) Ori*in

    To proi%e si#pe rues of oriin, pro#ote reiona supp' chains, an%hep ensure the TPP countries rather than non-participants are thepri#ar' beneciaries of the Aree#ent, the 12 Parties hae aree%on a sine set of rues of oriin that %ene *hether a particuaroo% is EoriinatinF an% therefore eiibe to receie TPPpreferentia tari8 benets The pro%uct-specic rues of oriin areattache% to the tet of the Aree#ent The TPP proi%es forEaccu#uation,F so that in enera, inputs fro# one TPP Part' aretreate% the sa#e as #aterias fro# an' other TPP Part', if use% topro%uce a pro%uct in an' TPP Part' The TPP Parties aso hae set

    rues that ensure businesses can easi' operate across the TPPreion, b' creatin a co##on TPP-*i%e s'ste# of sho*in an%erif'in that oo%s #a%e in the TPP #eet the rues of oriin;#porters *i be abe to cai# preferentia tari8 treat#ent as on asthe' hae the %ocu#entation to support their cai# ;n a%%ition, thechapter proi%es the co#petent authorities *ith the proce%ures toerif' cai#s appropriate'

    +. C(sto,s A,inistration an Tra! Failitation

    $o#pe#entin their TO e8orts to faciitate tra%e, the TPP Partieshae aree% on rues to enhance the faciitation of tra%e, i#proetransparenc' in custo#s proce%ures, an% ensure interit' in custo#sa%#inistration These rues *i hep TPP businesses, incu%ins#a- an% #e%iu#-si

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    aso aree to %iscipines on custo#s penaties that *i hep ensurethese penaties are a%#inistere% in an i#partia an% transparent#anner "ue to the i#portance of epress shippin to businesssectors incu%in s#a- an% #e%iu#-si

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    confor#it' assess#ent proce%ures to infor# their reuator'processes an% to ensure tra%ers un%erstan% the rues the' *i nee%to foo* The' aso *i ensure a reasonabe intera bet*eenpubication of technica reuations an% confor#it' assess#entproce%ures, an% their entr' into force, so that businesses haesu:cient ti#e to #eet the ne* re=uire#ents ;n a%%ition, the TPPincu%es annees reate% to reuation of specic sectors to pro#oteco##on reuator' approaches across the TPP reion Thesesectors are cos#etics, #e%ica %eices, phar#aceuticas,infor#ation an% co##unications technoo' pro%ucts, *ine an%%istie% spirits, proprietar' for#uas for prepac6ae% foo%s an% foo%a%%ities, an% oranic aricutura pro%ucts

    6. Tra! R!,!i!s

    The Tra%e 9e#e%ies chapter pro#otes transparenc' an% %ue processin tra%e re#e%' procee%ins throuh reconition of best practices,but %oes not a8ect the TPP Parties@ rihts an% obiations un%er theTO The chapter proi%es for a transitiona safeuar% #echanis#,*hich ao*s a Part' to app' a transitiona safeuar% #easure%urin a certain perio% of ti#e if i#port increases as a resut of thetari8 cuts i#pe#ente% un%er the TPP cause serious in3ur' to a%o#estic in%ustr' These #easures #a' be #aintaine% for up to t*o'ears, *ith a one-'ear etension, but #ust be proressie'iberai

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    #ore restrictie in the future, an% to bin% an' future iberaisation,an% (2) sectors an% poicies on *hich a countr' retains fu %iscretionin the future

    TPP Parties aso aree to a%#inister #easures of enera appicationin a reasonabe, ob3ectie, an% i#partia #anner an% to acceptre=uire#ents for transparenc' in the %eeop#ent of ne* sericesreuations !enets of the chapter can be %enie% to sheco#panies an% to a serice suppier o*ne% b' non-Parties *ith*hich a TPP Part' prohibits certain transactions TPP Parties aree toper#it free transfer of fun%s reate% to the cross-bor%er supp' of aserice ;n a%%ition, the chapter incu%es a professiona sericesanne encourain cooperatie *or6 on icensin reconition an%other reuator' issues, an% an anne on epress %eier' serices

    11. Finanial S!rvi!s

    The TPP inancia erices chapter *i proi%e i#portant cross-bor%er an% inest#ent #ar6et access opportunities, *hie ensurinthat Parties *i retain the abiit' to reuate nancia #ar6ets an%institutions an% to ta6e e#erenc' #easures in the eent of crisisThe chapter incu%es core obiations foun% in other tra%earee#ents, incu%in7 nationa treat#ent #ost-faore% nationtreat#ent #ar6et access an% certain proisions un%er the;nest#ent chapter, incu%in the #ini#u# stan%ar% of treat#ent

    ;t proi%es for the sae of certain nancia serices across bor%ers toa TPP Part' fro# a suppier in another TPP Part' rather than re=uirinsuppiers to estabish operations in the other countr' in or%er to setheir serice sub3ect to reistration or authori

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    inest#ent arbitration ;t incu%es specic proisions on inest#ent%isputes reate% to the #ini#u# stan%ar% of treat#ent, as *e asproisions re=uirin arbitrators to hae nancia serices epertise,an% a specia tate-to-tate #echanis# to faciitate the appicationof the pru%entia eception an% other eceptions in the chapter inthe contet of inest#ent %isputes ina', it incu%es eceptionsto presere broa% %iscretion for TPP nancia reuators to ta6e#easures to pro#ote nancia stabiit' an% the interit' of theirnancia s'ste#, incu%in a pru%entia eception an% eception ofnon-%iscri#inator' #easures in pursuit of #onetar' or certain otherpoicies

    1#. T!,&orar/ Entr/ )or 5(sin!ss P!rsons

    The Te#porar' ntr' for !usiness Persons chapter encouraesauthorities of TPP Parties to proi%e infor#ation on appications forte#porar' entr', to ensure that appication fees are reasonabe, an%to #a6e %ecisions on appications an% infor# appicants of %ecisionsas =uic6' as possibe TPP Parties aree to ensure that infor#ationon re=uire#ents for te#porar' entr' are rea%i' aaiabe to thepubic, incu%in b' pubishin infor#ation pro#pt' an% onine ifpossibe, an% proi%in epanator' #aterias The Parties aree toonoin cooperation on te#porar' entr' issues such as isaprocessin A#ost a TPP Parties hae #a%e co##it#ents onaccess for each other@s business persons, *hich are in countr'-

    specic annees1$. T!l!o,,(niations

    TPP Parties share an interest in ensurin e:cient an% reiabeteeco##unications net*or6s in their countries These net*or6s arecritica to co#panies both are an% s#a for proi%in sericesTPP@s pro-co#petitie net*or6 access rues coer #obie suppiersTPP Parties co##it to ensure that #a3or teeco##unicationsserices suppiers in their territor' proi%e interconnection, ease%

    circuit serices, co-ocation, an% access to poes an% other faciitiesun%er reasonabe ter#s an% con%itions an% in a ti#e' #annerThe' aso co##it, *here a icense is re=uire%, to ensuretransparenc' in reuator' processes an% that reuations %o notenera' %iscri#inate aainst specic technooies An% the'co##it to a%#inister their proce%ures for the aocation an% use ofscarce teeco##unications resources, incu%in fre=uencies,nu#bers an% rihts-of-*a', in an ob3ectie, ti#e', transparent an%non-%iscri#inator' #anner TPP Parties reconi

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    aree that, if a Part' chooses to reuate rates for *hoesaeinternationa #obie roa#in serices, that Part' sha per#itoperators fro# the TPP countries that %o not reuate such rates theopportunit' to aso benet fro# the o*er rates

    1'. El!troni Co,,!r!

    ;n the ectronic $o##erce chapter, TPP Parties co##it to ensurinfree Do* of the oba infor#ation an% %ata that %rie the ;nternetan% the %iita econo#', sub3ect to eiti#ate pubic poic'ob3ecties such as persona infor#ation protection The 12 Partiesaso aree not to re=uire that TPP co#panies bui% %ata centers tostore %ata as a con%ition for operatin in a TPP #ar6et, an%, ina%%ition, that source co%e of soft*are is not re=uire% to betransferre% or accesse% The chapter prohibits the i#position ofcusto#s %uties on eectronic trans#issions, an% preents TPP Partiesfro# faorin nationa pro%ucers or suppiers of such pro%uctsthrouh %iscri#inator' #easures or outriht boc6in To protectconsu#ers, TPP Parties aree to a%opt an% #aintain consu#erprotection a*s reate% to frau%uent an% %eceptie co##erciaactiities onine an% to ensure that priac' an% other consu#erprotections can be enforce% in TPP #ar6ets Parties aso arere=uire% to hae #easures to stop unsoicite% co##ercia eectronic

    #essaes To faciitate eectronic co##erce, the chapter incu%esproisions encourain TPP Parties to pro#ote paperess tra%inbet*een businesses an% the oern#ent, such as eectroniccusto#s for#s an% proi%in for eectronic authentication an%sinatures for co##ercia transactions A nu#ber of obiations inthis chapter are sub3ect to reeant non-confor#in #easures ofin%ii%ua TPP #e#bers The 12 Parties aree to cooperate to heps#a- an% #e%iu#-si

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    technica specications, to a*ar% contracts base% soe' on theeauation criteria specie% in the notices an% ten%er%ocu#entation, an% to estabish %ue process proce%ures to =uestionor reie* co#paints about an a*ar% ach Part' arees to apositie ist of entities an% actiities that are coere% b' the chapter,*hich are iste% in annees

    1. Co,&!tition Poli/

    TPP Parties share an interest in ensurin a fra#e*or6 of fairco#petition in the reion throuh rues that re=uire TPP Parties to#aintain ea rei#es that prohibit antico#petitie businesscon%uct, as *e as frau%uent an% %eceptie co##ercia actiitiesthat har# consu#ers

    TPP Parties aree to a%opt or #aintain nationa co#petition a*s thatproscribe antico#petitie business con%uct an% *or6 to app' thesea*s to a co##ercia actiities in their territories To ensure thatsuch a*s are e8ectie' i#pe#ente%, TPP Parties aree to estabishor #aintain authorities responsibe for the enforce#ent of nationaco#petition a*s, an% a%opt or #aintain a*s or reuations thatproscribe frau%uent an% %eceptie co##ercia actiities that causehar# or potentia har# to consu#ers Parties aso aree tocooperate, as appropriate, on #atters of #utua interest reate% toco#petition actiities The 12 Parties aree to obiations on %ue

    process an% proce%ura fairness, as *e as priate rihts of actionfor in3ur' cause% b' a ioation of a Part'@s nationa co#petition a*;n a%%ition, TPP Parties aree to cooperate in the area of co#petitionpoic' an% co#petition a* enforce#ent, incu%in throuhnotication, consutation an% echane of infor#ation The chapteris not sub3ect to the %ispute sette#ent proisions of the TPP, butTPP Parties #a' consut on concerns reate% to the chapter

    14. Stat!-O9n! Ent!r&ris!s SOEs2 an D!si*nat!3ono&oli!s

    A TPP Parties hae Os, *hich often pa' a roe in proi%in pubicserices an% other actiities, but TPP Parties reconi

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    ensure that a%#inistratie bo%ies reuatin both Os an% priateco#panies %o so in an i#partia #anner TPP Parties aree to notcause a%erse e8ects to the interests of other TPP Parties inproi%in non-co##ercia assistance to Os, or in3ur' to anotherPart'@s %o#estic in%ustr' b' proi%in non-co##ercia assistance toan O that pro%uces an% ses oo%s in that other Part'@s territor'TPP Parties aree to share a ist of their Os *ith the other TPPParties an% to proi%e, upon re=uest, a%%itiona infor#ation aboutthe etent of oern#ent o*nership or contro an% the non-co##ercia assistance the' proi%e to Os There are so#eeceptions fro# the obiations in the chapter, for ea#pe, *herethere is a nationa or oba econo#' e#erenc', as *e as countr'-specic eceptions that are set out in annees

    16. Int!ll!t(al Pro&!rt/

    TPP@s ;nteectua Propert' (;P) chapter coers patents, tra%e#ar6s,cop'rihts, in%ustria %esins, eoraphica in%ications, tra%esecrets, other for#s of inteectua propert', an% enforce#ent ofinteectua propert' rihts, as *e as areas in *hich Parties aree tocooperate The ;P chapter *i #a6e it easier for businesses tosearch, reister, an% protect ;P rihts in ne* #ar6ets, *hich isparticuar' i#portant for s#a businesses

    The chapter estabishes stan%ar%s for patents, base% on the TO@s

    T9;P Aree#ent an% internationa best practices On tra%e#ar6s, itproi%es protections of bran% na#es an% other sins that businessesan% in%ii%uas use to %istinuish their pro%ucts in the #ar6etpaceThe chapter aso re=uires certain transparenc' an% %ue processsafeuar%s *ith respect to the protection of ne* eoraphicain%ications, incu%in for eoraphica in%ications reconi

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    ;n cop'riht, the ;P chapter estabishes co##it#ents re=uirinprotection for *or6s, perfor#ances, an% phonora#s such as sons,#oies, boo6s, an% soft*are, an% incu%es e8ectie an% baance%proisions on technooica protection #easures an% rihts#anae#ent infor#ation As a co#pe#ent to these co##it#ents,the chapter incu%es an obiation for Parties to continuous' see6 toachiee baance in cop'riht s'ste#s throuh a#on other thins,eceptions an% i#itations for eiti#ate purposes, incu%in in the%iita eniron#ent The chapter re=uires Parties to estabish or#aintain a fra#e*or6 of cop'riht safe harbors for ;nternet ericeProi%ers (;Ps) These obiations %o not per#it Parties to #a6esuch safe harbors continent on ;Ps #onitorin their s'ste#s forinfrinin actiit'

    ina', TPP Parties aree to proi%e stron enforce#ent s'ste#s,

    incu%in, for ea#pe, cii proce%ures, proisiona #easures,bor%er #easures, an% cri#ina proce%ures an% penaties forco##ercia-scae tra%e#ar6 counterfeitin an% cop'riht or reate%rihts pirac' ;n particuar, TPP Parties *i proi%e the ea #eans topreent the #isappropriation of tra%e secrets, an% estabish cri#inaproce%ures an% penaties for tra%e secret theft, incu%in b' #eansof c'ber-theft, an% for ca#-cor%in

    17. La:o(r

    A TPP Parties are ;nternationa Labour Orani

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    participation in i#pe#entation of the Labour chapter, incu%inestabishin #echanis#s to obtain pubic input

    The co##it#ents in the chapter are sub3ect to the %isputesette#ent proce%ures ai% out in the "ispute ette#ent chapter Topro#ote the rapi% resoution of abour issues bet*een TPP Parties,the Labour chapter aso estabishes a abour %iaoue that Parties#a' choose to use to tr' to resoe an' abour issue bet*een the#that arises un%er the chapter This %iaoue ao*s for epe%itiousconsi%eration of #atters an% for Parties to #utua' aree to acourse of action to a%%ress issues The Labour chapter estabishes a#echanis# for cooperation on abour issues, incu%in opportunitiesfor sta6eho%er input in i%entif'in areas of cooperation an%participation, as appropriate an% 3oint' aree%, in cooperatieactiities

    #8. Environ,!nt

    As ho#e to a sinicant portion of the *or%@s peope, *i%ife, pantsan% #arine species, TPP Parties share a stron co##it#ent toprotectin an% conserin the eniron#ent, incu%in b' *or6intoether to a%%ress eniron#enta chaenes, such as poution,iea *i%ife tra:c6in, iea oin, iea shin, an%protection of the #arine eniron#ent The 12 Parties aree toe8ectie' enforce their eniron#enta a*s an% not to *ea6en

    eniron#enta a*s in or%er to encourae tra%e or inest#ent The'aso aree to fu their obiations un%er the $onention on;nternationa Tra%e in n%anere% pecies of i% auna an% ora($;T), an% to ta6e #easures to co#bat an% cooperate to preenttra%e in *i% fauna an% Dora that has been ta6en iea' ;na%%ition, the Parties aree to pro#ote sustainabe forest#anae#ent, an% to protect an% consere *i% fauna an% Dora thatthe' hae i%entie% as bein at ris6 in their territories, incu%inthrouh #easures to consere the ecooica interit' of specia'protecte% natura areas, such as *etan%s ;n an e8ort to protect

    their share% oceans, TPP Parties aree to sustainabe sheries#anae#ent, to pro#ote conseration of i#portant #arine species,incu%in shar6s, to co#bat iea shin, an% to prohibit so#e ofthe #ost har#fu sheries subsi%ies that neatie' a8ect oershe%sh stoc6s, an% that support iea, unreporte%, or unreuate%shin The' aso aree to enhance transparenc' reate% to suchsubsi%' prora#s, an% to #a6e best e8orts to refrain fro#intro%ucin ne* subsi%ies that contribute to oershin oroercapacit'

    TPP Parties aso aree to protect the #arine eniron#ent fro# shippoution an% to protect the o

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    #utiatera eniron#enta aree#ents (MAs) the' hae 3oine%The Parties co##it to proi%e transparenc' in eniron#enta%ecision-#a6in, i#pe#entation an% enforce#ent ;n a%%ition, theParties aree to proi%e opportunities for pubic input ini#pe#entation of the niron#ent chapter, incu%in throuh pubicsub#issions an% pubic sessions of the niron#ent $o##itteeestabishe% to oersee chapter i#pe#entation The chapter issub3ect to the %ispute sette#ent proce%ure ai% out in the "isputeette#ent chapter The Parties further aree to encouraeountar' eniron#enta initiaties, such as corporate sociaresponsibiit' prora#s ina', the Parties co##it to cooperate toa%%ress #atters of 3oint or co##on interest, incu%in in the areas ofconseration an% sustainabe use of bio%iersit', an% transition too*-e#issions an% resiient econo#ies

    #1. Coo&!ration an Ca&ait/ 5(ilin*The econo#ies of the 12 TPP Parties are %ierse A Partiesreconise that the TPP esser-%eeope% Parties #a' face particuarchaenes in i#pe#entin the Aree#ent, an% in ta6in fua%antae of the opportunities it creates To a%%ress thesechaenes, the $ooperation an% $apacit' !ui%in chapterestabishes a $o##ittee on $ooperation an% $apacit' !ui%in toi%entif' an% reie* areas for potentia cooperatie an% capacit'bui%in e8orts Parties@ actiities are on a #utua' aree% basis

    an% sub3ect to the aaiabiit' of resources This $o##ittee *ifaciitate echane of infor#ation to hep *ith re=uests reate% tocooperation an% capacit' bui%in

    ##. Co,&!titiv!n!ss an 5(sin!ss Failitation

    The $o#petitieness an% !usiness aciitation chapter ai#s to hepthe TPP reach its potentia to i#proe the co#petitieness of theparticipatin countries, an% the Asia-Pacic reion as a *hoe Thechapter creates for#a #echanis#s to reie* the i#pact of the TPP

    on co#petitieness of the Parties, throuh %iaoues a#onoern#ents an% bet*een oern#ent, business, an% cii societ',*ith a particuar focus on %eepenin reiona supp' chains, toassess proress, ta6e a%antae of ne* opportunities, an% a%%ressan' chaenes that #a' e#ere once the TPP is in force A#onthese *i be the $o##ittee on $o#petitieness an% !usinessaciitation, *hich *i #eet reuar' to reie* the TPP@s i#pact onreiona an% nationa co#petitieness, an% on reiona econo#icinteration The $o##ittee *i consi%er a%ice an%reco##en%ations fro# sta6eho%ers on *a's the TPP can further

    enhance co#petitieness, incu%in enhancin the participation of#icro, s#a- an% #e%iu#-si

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    $o##ittee to assess supp' chain perfor#ance un%er theAree#ent, incu%in *a's to pro#ote M participation in supp'chains an% reie* of sta6eho%er an% epert input

    #$. D!v!lo&,!nt

    The TPP Parties see6 to ensure that the TPP *i be a hih-stan%ar%#o%e for tra%e an% econo#ic interation, an% in particuar to ensurethat a TPP Parties can obtain the co#pete benets of the TPP, arefu' abe to i#pe#ent their co##it#ents, an% e#ere as #oreprosperous societies *ith stron #ar6ets The "eeop#ent chapterincu%es three specic areas to be consi%ere% for coaboratie *or6once TPP enters into force for each Part'7 (1) broa%-base% econo#icro*th, incu%in sustainabe %eeop#ent, poert' re%uction, an%pro#otion of s#a businesses (2) *o#en an% econo#ic ro*th,incu%in hepin *o#en bui% capacit' an% s6i, enhancin*o#en@s access to #ar6ets, obtainin technoo' an% nancin,estabishin *o#en@s ea%ership net*or6s, an% i%entif'in bestpractices in *or6pace Deibiit' an% (>) e%ucation, science an%technoo', research, an% innoation The chapter estabishes a TPP"eeop#ent $o##ittee, *hich *i #eet reuar' to pro#oteountar' cooperatie *or6 in these areas an% ne* opportunities asthe' arise

    #'. S,all- an 3!i(,-Si;! Ent!r&ris!s

    TPP Parties hae a share% interest in pro#otin the participation ofs#a- an% #e%iu#-si

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    pubic o:cia, as *e as other acts of corruption a8ectininternationa tra%e or inest#ent Parties aso co##it to e8ectie'enforce their anticorruption a*s an% reuations ;n a%%ition, the'aree to en%eaor to a%opt or #aintain co%es or stan%ar%s ofcon%uct for their pubic o:cias, as *e as #easures to i%entif' an%#anae conDicts of interest, to increase trainin of pubic o:cias, tota6e steps to %iscourae ifts, to faciitate reportin of acts ofcorruption, an% to proi%e for %iscipinar' or other #easures forpubic o:cias enain in acts of corruption ;n an Anne to thischapter, TPP Parties aso aree to proisions that pro#otetransparenc' an% proce%ura fairness *ith respect to istin an%rei#burse#ent for phar#aceutica pro%ucts or #e%ica %eices$o##it#ents in this anne are not sub3ect to %ispute sette#entproce%ures

    #4. A,inistrativ! an Instit(tional ProvisionsThe A%#inistratie an% ;nstitutiona Proisions $hapter sets out theinstitutiona fra#e*or6 b' *hich the Parties *i assess an% ui%ei#pe#entation or operation of the TPP, in particuar b' estabishinthe Trans-Pacic Partnership $o##ission, co#pose% of Ministers orsenior ee o:cias, to oersee the i#pe#entation or operation ofthe Aree#ent an% ui%e its future eoution This $o##ission *ireie* the econo#ic reationship an% partnership a#on the Partieson a perio%ic basis to ensure that the Aree#ent re#ains reeant to

    the tra%e an% inest#ent chaenes confrontin the Parties Thechapter aso re=uires each Part' to %esinate an oera contactpoint to faciitate co##unications bet*een the Parties, an% createsa #echanis# throuh *hich a Part' that has a specic transitionperio% for an obiation #ust report on its pans for, an% proressto*ar%, i#pe#entin that obiation This ensures reatertransparenc' *ith respect to the i#pe#entation of Parties@obiations

    #6. Dis&(t! S!ttl!,!nt

    The "ispute ette#ent chapter is inten%e% to ao* Parties toepe%itious' a%%ress %isputes bet*een the# oer i#pe#entationof the TPP TPP Parties *i #a6e eer' atte#pt to resoe %isputesthrouh cooperation an% consutation an% encourae the use ofaternatie %ispute resoution #echanis#s *hen appropriate henthis is not possibe, TPP Parties ai# to hae these %isputes resoe%throuh i#partia, unbiase% panes The %ispute sette#ent#echanis# create% in this chapter appies across the TPP, *ith fe*specic eceptions The pubic in each TPP Part' *i be abe to

    foo* procee%ins, since sub#issions #a%e in %isputes *i be #a%eaaiabe to the pubic, hearins *i be open to the pubic uness the%isputin Parties other*ise aree, an% the na report presente% b'


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    panes *i aso be #a%e aaiabe to the pubic Panes *i consi%erre=uests fro# non-oern#enta entities ocate% in the territor' ofan' %isputin Part' to proi%e *ritten ie*s rear%in the %ispute topanes %urin %ispute sette#ent procee%ins

    hou% consutations fai to resoe an issue, Parties #a' re=uestestabish#ent of a pane, *hich *ou% be estabishe% *ithin G0 %a'safter the %ate of receipt of a re=uest for consutations or >0 %a'safter the %ate of receipt of a re=uest reate% to perishabe oo%sPanes *i be co#pose% of three internationa tra%e an% sub3ect#atter eperts in%epen%ent of the %isputin Parties, *ith proce%uresaaiabe to ensure that a pane can be co#pose% een if a Part'fais to appoint a paneist *ithin a set perio% of ti#e Thesepaneists *i be sub3ect to a co%e of con%uct to ensure the interit'of the %ispute sette#ent #echanis# The' *i present an initia

    report to the %isputin Parties *ithin 150 %a's after the ast paneistis appointe% or 120 %a's in cases of urenc', such as cases reate%to perishabe oo%s The initia report *i be con%entia, to enabeParties to o8er co##ents The na report #ust be presente% noater than >0 %a's after the presentation of the initia report an%#ust be #a%e pubic *ithin 15 %a's, sub3ect to the protection of an'con%entia infor#ation in the report

    To #ai#i

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    The chapter incu%es a sef-3u%in eception, appicabe to theentire TPP, *hich #a6es cear that a Part' #a' ta6e an' #easure itconsi%ers necessar' for the protection of its essentia securit'interests ;t aso %enes the circu#stances an% con%itions un%er*hich a Part' #a' i#pose te#porar' safeuar% #easures (such ascapita contros) restrictin transfers such as contributions tocapita, transfers of prots an% %ii%en%s, pa'#ents of interest orro'aties, an% pa'#ents un%er a contract reate% to coere%inest#ents, to ensure that oern#ents retain the Deibiit' to#anae oatie capita Do*s, in the contets of baance of pa'#entsor other econo#ic crises, or threats thereof ;n a%%ition, it speciesthat no Part' is obiate% to furnish infor#ation un%er the TPP if it*ou% be contrar' to its a* or pubic interest, or *ou% pre3u%ice theeiti#ate co##ercia interests of particuar enterprises A Part'#a' eect to %en' the benets of ;nestor-tate %ispute sette#ent

    *ith respect to a cai# chaenin a tobacco contro #easure of thePart'

    $8. Final Provisions

    The ina Proisions chapter %enes the *a' the TPP *i enter intoforce, the *a' in *hich it can be a#en%e%, the rues that estabishthe process for other tates or separate custo#s territories to 3ointhe TPP in the future, the #eans b' *hich Parties can *ith%ra*, an%the authentic anuaes of the TPP ;t aso %esinates a "epositar'

    for the Aree#ent responsibe for receiin an% %isse#inatin%ocu#ents

    The chapter ensures that the TPP can be a#en%e%, *ith thearee#ent of a Parties an% after each Part' co#petes itsappicabe ea proce%ures an% noties the "epositar' in *ritin ;tspecies that the TPP is open to accession b' #e#bers of the Asia-Pacic cono#ic $ooperation oru# an% other tates or separatecusto#s territories as aree% b' the Parties, aain after co#petinappicabe ea proce%ures in each Part' The ina Proisions

    chapter aso species the proce%ures un%er *hich a Part' can*ith%ra* fro# the TPP

    T0!o 999.(str.*ov


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    Ton t?, t@t Hi& Bn0 TPP :n* tin* it

    TJN /; PJP L.QT in %Rch toSn n bUn tV# tWt JiXp YRnh Z[i t\cTh]^n #_i u'`n Th\i !nh "]^n (TPP) san tin /iXt nh] sau7

    /So nS' 4K10K2015, ! tr]dn ca 12 n]c tha# ia TPP g# c,!runei, "arussaa#, $ana%a, $hie, ht !Un, Maa'sia, Meico, e*+eaan%, Peru, inapore, Mj, S /iXt a# Yk tu'`n b[ 6t thlc YS#ph\n i 6t =uU S #t JiXp YRnh cV nhmn ti`u chun cao, tha#n, toSn %iXn S cn bqn i #c ti`u thlc Y' tn tr]dn 6inht, h tr t_o ra S %u' tr iXc S# tn c]n Yvi #i, nn suwt,S sxc c_nh tranh nn cao #xc s[n iU# YVi nhyo d c\c n]c6z 6t Ygn thi thlc Y' =uUn z hiXu =uU, #inh b_ch, bUo X n]iao Yn, S bUo X #{i tr]n $hln t{i 6| n rqn iXc 6z 6t

    TPP i c\c ti`u chun cao #i cho th]^n #_i S Y}u t] t_i 6hu ~c$hu Th\i !nh "]^n s S #t b]c }n h^n Yn #c ti`u cu[icn S #d ca th]^n #_i S hi nhp cho toSn 6hu ~c


    $V n# Yc Yi# chnh Yk S# TPP trd thSnh #t JiXp YRnh =uantrn ca th 6 21, Yt ra c\c ti`u chun #i cho th]^n #_i toSnc}u, Ygn thi tip tc iUi =u't c\c wn Y ca thi Y_i #ihmn Yc Yi# YV bao g#7

    - Tip cn thR tr]n toSn %iXn TPP Yk Va b hoc iU# thu =uanS c\c rSo cUn phi thu =uan #t c\ch Y\n 6 Y[i i #ua b\nhSn hVa S %Rch , bao tr# #t #Un n th]^n #_i, baog# hSn hVa, %Rch , S Y}u t] nhq# t_o ra c\c c^ hi #i S ich cho %oanh nhiXp, c{n nhn, S n]i ti`u %n ca c\c n]c6z 6t

    - $\ch tip cn c\c ca# 6t 6hu ~c TPP h tr s~ ph\t trin sUnuwt, chui cun xn, S th]^n #_i in #_ch, tn c]n hiXu

    =uU, t_o S h tr iXc S#, nn cao #xc s[n, tn c]n c\c n~c bUo tgn, h tr hi nhp u'`n bi`n ii, cn nh] #d ca thRtr]n tron n]c

    - BiUi =u't c\c th\ch thxc th]^n #_i #i TPP thlc Y' s~ Yvi#i, nn suwt, S tnh c_nh tranh nh So iXc e# t iUi =u'tc\c wn Y #i, tron YV cV ph\t trin 6inh t 6j thut s[ S ai trca c\c %oanh nhiXp nhS n]c tron nn 6inh t toSn c}u

    - Th]^n #_i toSn %iXn TPP bao g# c\c 'u t[ #i nhq# YU# bUo

    c\c nn 6inh t d c\c #xc Y ph\t trin 6h\c nhau S c\c %oanhnhiXp cV =u' #{ 6h\c nhau Yu cV th Y_t Y]c i ch t th]^n#_i JiXp YRnh bao g# ca# 6t ilp Y c\c %oanh nhiXp a S


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    nh hiu Y]c JiXp YRnh, nW# bWt c\c c^ hi, S buc chnh =u'nc\c n]c tha# ia TPP phUi chl z Yn nhmn th\ch thxc Yc th ca#nh JiXp YRnh cn bao g# nhmn ca# 6t c th ph\t trinS ' %~n nn ~c th]^n #_i Y YU# bUo rqn twt cU c\c !`n cVth tun th ca# 6t tron JiXp YRnh S tn %n Y]c nhmn ich

    - n tUn hi nhp 6hu ~c TPP Y]c YRnh hnh nh] #t nn tUncho hi nhp 6inh t 6hu ~c S nhW# Yn cU nhmn nn 6inh t6h\c tron 6hu ~c $hu Th\i !nh "]^n

    P0, vi J& n*

    - TPP bao g# >0 ch]^n th]^n #_i S c\c wn Y i`n =uan Ynth]^n #_i, t th]^n #_i hSn hVa Yn hUi =uan S tr ilpth]^n #_i biXn ph\p X sinh %Rch t rSo cUn 6j thut Y[i ith]^n #_i biXn ph\p phn X th]^n #_i Y}u t] %Rch th]^n#_i YiXn t #ua sW# c{n sd hmu tr tuX ao Yn #{i tr]n c\cch]^n EnanF nhq# #c Ych YU# bUo TPP tn %n Y]c c\cti# nn ph\t trin, nn ~c c_nh tranh, S s~ toSn %iXn iUi=u't tranh chwp, c\c Yiu 6hoUn no_i X, S Yiu 6hoUn thi hSnh

    - oSi cp nht c\c ph]^n ph\p tru'n th[n Y[i i wn Y cac\c hiXp YRnh th]^n #_i t~ %o tr]c Y', TPP cn Y]a So c\c wnY th]^n #_i #i S c\c wn Y u'`n su[t, bao g# c\c wn Y

    i`n =uan Yn ;nternet S nn 6inh t 6j thut s[, s~ tha# ia cac\c %oanh nhiXp nhS n]c tron Y}u t] S th]^n #_i =u[c t , 6hUnn ca c\c %oanh nhiXp nh Y tn %n i th ca c\c hiXpYRnh th]^n #_i, S c\c ch Y 6h\c

    - TPP 6t n[i #t nhV# g# nhiu n]c Ya %_n #t YRa z, n{nnm S Rch s, 6ch th]c S #xc Y ph\t trin Twt cU c\c n]c 6z6t TPP nhn thw' rqn s~ Ya %_n S #t tSi sUn Yc th, nh]ncn Yi hi s~ hp t\c cht ch, ' %~n nn ~c cho c\c n]cTPP 6# ph\t trin h^n, S ph\t trin nn ~c Y th~c hiXn nhmn

    nha #i tron #t s[ tr]n hp tron thi ian chu'n tipYc biXt S cV c^ ch cho php #t s[ !`n th`# thi ian


    "]i Y' S tV# tWt ca >0 ch]^n tron TPP $\c bUn biu S phc Y]c Ynh 6y# c\c ch]^n ca JiXp YRnh i`n =uan Yn th]^n#_ihSn hVa S %Rch , Y}u t], #ua sW# c{n, S t_# nhp cUnhcho %oanh nhn oSi ra, ch]^n %oanh nhiXp nhS n]c cnbao g# ph c c\c =u[c ia no_i X c th

    1. (/ Bn0 0(n* v< J Bn0 n*0a


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    hiu !`n 6z 6t TPP (sau Y' i S !`n) hiXn Yk cV c\c tha thuni nhau $\c =u' YRnh ban Y}u S YRnh nha chun tron ch]^nnS' tha nhn rqn TPP cV th tgn t_i son son i c\c tha thunth]^n #_i =u[c t ima c\c !`n, bao g# JiXp YRnh TO, c\c hiXpYRnh son ph]^n S 6hu ~c $h]^n nS' cn cun cwp YRnh nhaca c\c thut nm Y]c s %n tron nhiu ch]^n 6h\c ca JiXpYRnh

    #. T0VWn* ,i 0

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    $\c !`n Ygn z o\ b thu =uan Y[i i hSn %Xt S #a' #c, c\cnSnh c{n nhiXp cV YVn Vp =uan trn cho tn tr]dn 6inh tt_i thR tr]n ca #t s[ !`n J}u ht c\c sWc thu s Y]c Va bna' p txc, #c % thu Y[i i #t s[ sUn ph# nh_' cU# sY]c Va b tron 6hun thi ian %Si h^n theo tha thun ca c\c!`n $h]^n nS' cn bao g# c\c =u' YRnh c th uwt x, tronYV cV '`u c}u iXc s %n ca c\c o_i si S Ui tron 6hu ~cTPP nhq# thlc Y' chui cun xn S Y}u t] So nh ~c nS' tron6hu ~c nh c^ ch \p %n %anh s\ch nWn c\c nhS cun cwp chophp iXc s %n c\c o_i si S Ui nhwt YRnh [n 6h{n cV sntron 6hu ~c oSi ra, ch]^n nS' cn bao g# c\c ca# 6t hp t\c hUi =uan S th~c thi Y nn chn tnh tr_n tr[n thu, bu{nu S ian n, cn nh] c\c biXn ph\p t~ X Yc biXt Y[i i nSnh%Xt Y xn phV i thiXt h_i nhi`# trn hoc Ye %a thiXt h_inhi`# trn cho nSnh c{n nhiXp tron n]c tron tr]n hp

    nhp 6hu g _t'. (/ t@ %(Xt %

    Z cun cwp c\c =u' tWc uwt x Y^n iUn, thlc Y' chui cun xn6hu ~c, S ilp YU# bUo rqn c\c n]c tha# ia TPP S nhmn !`nh]dn i chnh ca JiXp YRnh chx 6h{n phUi c\c n]c 6h\c, 12 !`nYk nhwt tr #t b =u' tWc uwt x Y \c YRnh iXu #t hSn hVac th cV uwt x t TPP S %o YV Y Yiu 6iXn Y nhn Y]c ]u Ykithu =uan TPP $\c =u' tWc uwt x c th Y]c Ynh 6y# i toSn

    n JiXp YRnh TPP cV =u' YRnh tch ', cho n`n nVi chun,nu'`n iXu Y}u So t #t tron c\c c\c n]c 6z 6t Y]c e# nh]nu'`n t iXu t #t n]c 6z 6t 6h\c nu nu'`n iXu YV Y]c s%n Y sUn uwt ra #t sUn ph# t_i bwt 6| n]c 6z 6t nSo $\c!`n cn Yk Yt ra c\c =u' tWc nhq# YU# bUo %oanh nhiXp cV th% %Sn ho_t Yn tr`n toSn 6hu ~c TPP bqn c\ch t_o ra #t hXth[n chun tron TPP cho php hin thR S \c #inh hSn ho\ sUnuwt tron 6hu ~c TPP Y\p xn c\c =u' tWc uwt x hS nhp 6hus cV th '`u c}u \p %n ]u Yki thu =uan, #in S h cV tSi iXuchxn #inh Y Yiu 6iXn \p %n oSi ra, ch]^n nS' cn cun

    cwp cho c^ =uan cV th# =u'n c\c th tc Y \c #inh c\c '`u c}unS' #t c\ch thch hp

    +. H>i Z(an v< t0([n l\i 0?a t0VWn* ,i

    hq# bv sun cho c\c n ~c t_o thun i cho th]^n #_i 6hi ianhp TO , c\c !`n Yk nhwt tr =u' YRnh tn c]n thun i hVath]^n #_i, nn cao tnh #inh b_ch tron th tc hUi =uan, S YU#bUo s~ chnh tr~c ca c^ =uan hUi =uan hmn =u' YRnh nS' s ilpc\c %oanh nhiXp thuc TPP, bao g# cU c\c %oanh nhiXp nh S

    a, bqn c\ch 6hu'n 6hch iXc Y^n iUn hVa th tc hUi =uan Sth tc t_i bi`n ii, S thlc Y' chui cun xn 6hu ~c $\c !`n Yknhwt tr c\c nu'`n tWc #inh b_ch, bao g# uwt bUn =u' YRnh


  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    ph\p ut hUi =uan ca #nh, ban hSnh =u' YRnh iUi phVnhSn #S 6h{n cV nhmn tr hokn 6h{n c}n thit, S =u' YRnh 6h ]c hoc thanh to\n bWt buc@ nu c^ =uan n^i hUi =uan nch]a cV =u't YRnh s[ tin thu hoc ph cn n $\c !`n Ygn z =u' tWc \c YRnh tr]c trR i\ hUi =uan S c\c wn Y 6h\c cV thilp %oanh nhiXp n nh cV th %~ Yo\n tr]c tron th]^n #_i$\c !`n cn Ygn z i c\c =u' YRnh ph_t tron nh ~c hUi=uan nhqn YU# bUo c\c ch tSi Y]c th~c hiXn #t c\ch c{n bqnS #inh b_ch "o t}# =uan trn ca n chu'n nhanh Y[i i c\cnSnh 6inh %oanh bao g# cU c\c c{n t' nh S a, c\c n]c TPPYk Ygn z th~c hiXn th tc hUi =uan rlt n cho c\c { hSn nhanhZ ilp phn ch[n bu{n u S tr[n thu, c\c !`n Ygn z cuncwp th{n tin 6hi Y]c '`u c}u Y ilp Y nhau th~c thi ph\p uthUi =uan t]^n xn ca #nh

    . 5in &0J& v sin0 0 t] SDT2hi ' %~n c\c =u' YRnh /"T, c\c !`n Yk n`u #[i =uan t#chun tron iXc bUo YU# s~ #inh b_ch, =u' tWc 6h{n phn biXt Y[i %~a tr`n 6hoa hc, S t\i 6hn YRnh =u'n ca c\c n]c Y[i iiXc bUo X con n]i S Yn th~c t d n]c #nh TPP Y]c '%~n %~a tr`n c\c =u' tWc /"T ca TO Y \c YRnh S =uUn z riro sao cho 6h{n cV h_n ch th]^n #_i =u\ #xc c}n thit $\c !`nYgn z cho php c{n chln YVn Vp z 6in c\c biXn ph\p /"TY]c Y uwt tron =u\ trnh ra =u't YRnh ca #nh, S Y YU# bUo

    th]^n nhn hiu c\c =u' tWc #S h c}n tun th $\c !`n Ygn zrqn c\c ch]^n trnh nhp 6hu Y]c ' %~n %~a tr`n c\c ri roi`n =uan Yn nhp 6hu, S iXc 6i# tra d 6hu nhp 6hu Y]cth~c hiXn #S 6h{n cV nhmn tr hokn 6h{n c}n thit $\c !`n cnnhwt tr rqn c\c biXn ph\p 6hn cwp c}n thit Y bUo X con n]i,Yn t cV th Y]c \p %n i Yiu 6iXn n]c th~c hiXn phUith{n b\o cho twt cU c\c !`n cn _i Mt n]c 6hi \p %n #t biXnph\p 6hn cwp s rS so\t c^ sd 6hoa hc ca biXn ph\p YV tronn s\u th\n S c{n b[ 6t =uU cho c\c !`n 6h\c theo '`u c}uoSi ra, c\c !`n ca# 6t cUi thiXn iXc trao Yvi th{n tin i`n =uan

    Yn c\c '`u c}u t]^n Y]^n hoc 6hu ~c hVa c\c '`u c}u Sthlc Y' 6i# to\n %~a tr`n c\c hX th[n Y Y\nh i\ tnh hiXu =uU 6i# so\t =u' YRnh ca n]c uwt 6hu Tron n ~c nhanh chVniUi =u't c\c wn Y /"T ph\t sinh, c\c n]c Yk nhwt tr thit p#t c^ ch tha# wn ima c\c chnh ph

    4. Rn ^_ t0([t B`i vi t0VWn* ,i RCKTT32

    Tron =u\ trnh ' %~n c\c =u' YRnh 9$TTM, c\c !`n Yk nhwttr nu'`n tWc #inh b_ch S 6h{n phn biXt Y[i tron iXc

    ph\t trin c\c ti`u chun, =u' chun 6j thut, S =u' trnh Y\nh i\s~ ph hp, Ygn thi n cho php c\c !`n theo Yuvi nhmn #cti`u chnh Y\n ca #nh $\c !`n Ygn z hp t\c Y YU# bUo rqn


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    c\c ti`u chun, =u' chun 6j thut nS' 6h{n t_o ra c\c rSo cUn6h{n c}n thit Y[i i th]^n #_i hq# iU# chi ph cho c\c%oanh nhiXp TPP, Yc biXt S c\c %oanh nhiXp nh, c\c !`n Ygn zi c\c =u' YRnh t_o thun i cho iXc chwp nhn c\c 6t =uU ca=u' trnh Y\nh i\ s~ ph hp t c\c tv chxc Y\nh i\ s~ ph hpca c\c n]c TPP 6h\c, t_o Yiu 6iXn thun i cho c\c c{n t' tipcn c\c thR tr]n TPP Theo TPP, c\c !`n phUi cho php c{n chlnYVn Vp z 6in c\c ti`u chun, =u' chun 6j thut, S c\c thtc Y\nh i\ s~ ph hp Y]c Y uwt Y th{n b\o cho c\c =u'trnh =uUn z ca #nh S YU# bUo th]^n nhn hiu c\c =u' YRnh#S h s c}n phUi tun th $\c !`n cn s YU# bUo #t 6hoUnthi ian hp z ima thi Yi# c{n b[ c\c =u' chun 6j thut S=u' trnh Y\nh i\ s~ ph hp S thi Yi# cV hiXu ~c ca c\c =u'chun, =u' trnh nS' Y %oanh nhiXp cV Y thi ian Y Y\p xnnhmn '`u c}u #i oSi ra, TPP cV Ynh 6y# c\c ph c i`n =uan

    Yn =u' YRnh nhmn nSnh c th Y thlc Y' c\ch tip cn ph\pz chun tr`n toSn 6hu ~c TPP $\c nSnh nS' g# #j ph#, thitbR ' t, %]c ph#, c\c sUn ph# c{n nhX th{n tin S tru'nth{n, r]u S thxc u[n ch]n cwt, c{n thxc Yc =u'n cho c\co_i th~c ph# YVn Vi sn S ph ia th~c ph#, S c\c sUn ph#n{n nhiXp hmu c^

    6. 5in &0J& &0bn* v t0VWn* ,i

    $h]^n biXn ph\p phn X thlc Y' tnh #inh b_ch S =u' trnh

    chun tron th tc t[ tn phn X th]^n #_i th{n =ua iXcc{n nhn c\c =u' trnh t[t nhwt #S 6h{n S# Unh h]dn Yn=u'n S nha c\c !`n tron 6hu{n 6hv TO $h]^n nS' =u'YRnh #t c^ ch t~ X chu'n tip cho php #t !`n \p %n #tbiXn ph\p t~ X chu'n tip tron #t 6hoUn thi ian nhwt YRnh6hi nhp 6hu tn %o cWt iU# thu =uan theo TPP ' thiXt h_inhi`# trn cho nSnh c{n nhiXp tron n]c hmn biXn ph\pnS' cV th Y]c %u' tr Yn hai n# S cV th ia h_n #t }n th`##t n#, nh]n phUi %}n %}n t~ %o hVa nu 6o %Si h^n #t n#$\c !`n \p %n c\c biXn ph\p phn X phUi tun th '`u c}u

    th{n b\o S tha# wn $h]^n nS' cn Y]a ra c\c =u' YRnh '`uc}u #t !`n \p %n biXn ph\p t~ X chu'n tip bgi th]n theotha thun $\c !`n ch Y]c php \p %n #t tron nhmn biXnph\p bUo X Y]c TPP cho php Y[i i cn #t sUn ph# t_i #tthi Yi# $\c !`n 6h{n Y]c \p %n #t biXn ph\p t~ X chu'ntip Y[i i bwt 6| sUn ph# nSo nhp 6hu theo h_n n_ch thu=uan TPP, S cV th o_i tr c\c sUn ph# TPP ra 6hi #t biXn ph\pphn X tron 6hu{n 6hv TO nu c\c sUn ph# nhp 6hu YV6h{n phUi S nu'`n nhn ' ra thiXt h_i nhi`# trn hoc cVnu' c^ ' thiXt h_i nhi`# trn

    7. c( tV


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    S thanh to\n ph ut s] #inh b_ch tron =u' YRnh th tc e#t #t =u't YRnh t_# thi =u' YRnh rSn buc Y c\c n]c TPPY_t Y]c s~ th{n hiu n nhau =u' YRnh thi h_n np Y^n `n toSS c\c nu'`n tWc 6h{n cho php !`n nu'`n Y^n tha# ia #t 6iXn t]^n t~ S %in ra son son i 6iXn #S !`n YV Yan tha#ia

    18. T0VWn* ,i 0 v %(/dn :idn *ii

    t thw' t}# =uan trn nS' cSn tn ca c\c %Rch tron =uanhX th]^n #_i ima c\c n]c TPP, 12 =u[c ia thSnh i`n s cnnhau ca# 6t th~c hiXn th]^n #_i t~ %o tron nh ~c nS' JiXpYRnh TPP bao g# nhmn nha c[t i Yk Y]c tha thun tronJiXp YRnh TO an% c\c hiXp YRnh th]^n #_i 6h\c nh] nha Y[i =u[c ia, Y[i t[i huX =u[c ia nhp thR tr]n, tron YV =u'YRnh c\c =u[c ia 6h{n phUi thSnh i`n ca TPP cV th \p Ytnhmn biXn ph\p ch tSi iXc cun cwp %Rch (chn h_n nh] iih_n s[ ]n nhS cun cwp hoc s[ ]n iao %Rch) hoc cV th '`uc}u =u' YRnh #t hnh th\i t] c\ch ph\p nhn Yc tr]n hoc i`n%oanh S s~ hiXn %iXn ca c\c '`u t[ =u[c ni, tron YV =u' YRnh6h{n #t =u[c ia nSo cV th '`u c}u nhS cun cwp t =u[c ia6h\c thSnh p n phn ha' chi nh\nh, hoc phUi S Y[i t]n c]trl tron knh thv ca #i =u[c ia Y cun cwp %Rch $\c n]cthSnh i`n ca TPP cV nha ban hSnh c\c %anh #c cw# Y bUoYU# thR tr]n ca c\c =u[c ia u{n c{n 6hai Y[i i c\c nhS Y}u

    t] no_i, tr tr]n hp nhS Y}u t] chwp nhn #t Yiu 6hoUn no_iX (biXn ph\p 6h{n t]^n thch) nSo YV Y]c =u' YRnh t_i #t tronhai ph c c th ca tn =u[c ia nh] sau7 (1) c\c biXn ph\p hiXnhSnh =u' YRnh c\c n]c tha# ia phUi cV nha 6h{n \p Ytth`# bwt 6| biXn ph\p ch tSi nSo 6h\c tron t]^n ai cn nh]tun th tha thun t~ %o hVa tron c\c ho_t Yn sau nS', S (2)c\c nh ~c S chnh s\ch =u' YRnh =u[c ia thSnh i`n cV Y}' Y=u'n t~ =u't tron c\c ho_t Yn tron t]^n ai

    $\c n]c thSnh i`n ca TPP cn s th[n nhwt th~c hiXn c\c biXn

    ph\p \p %n chun tr`n c^ sd YU# bUo tnh hp z, 6h\ch =uan S6h{n thi`n R chwp nhn c\c Yiu 6iXn tnh #inh b_ch trontrin 6hai c\c =u' YRnh i`n =uan Yn c\c %Rch #i $\c =u'n in`u ra tron ch]^n nS' cV th s bR t ch[i nhq# bUo X cho c\cc{n t' S nhS cun cwp %Rch %o nhmn !`n 6h{n phUi S thSnhi`n ca TPP sd hmu cV #t Si iao %Rch #S c\c n]c TPP nn cw#th~c hiXn $\c n]c TPP nhwt tr tha nhn iXc chu'n [n i`n=uan Yn iXc cun cwp %Rch oSi ra, ch]^n nS' bao g# ph}nph c c\c %Rch chu'`n #{n nhq# 6hu'n 6hch ho_t Ynhp t\c c{n nhn =ua iXc cwp iw' php S c\c wn Y chnh

    s\ch 6h\c cn nh] ph c %Rch chu'n ph\t nhanh

    11. D0 v t

  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    $h]^n %Rch tSi chnh ca TPP cun cwp nhiu c^ hi tip cn thRtr]n =ua bi`n ii S Y}u t] =uan trn nh]n n YU# bUo rqnc\c n]c TPP n cV Y nn ~c Yiu hSnh thR tr]n S c\c tv chxctSi chnh cn nh] th~c hiXn c\c biXn ph\p 6hn cwp tron tr]nhp 6hn hoUn $h]^n nS' bao g# c\c nha c[t i t# thw'tron c\c hiXp YRnh th]^n #_i 6h\c, bao g# Y[i =u[c ia Y[i t[i huX =u[c tip cn thR tr]n S #t Si =u' YRnh c th cach]^n Z}u t] bao g# Ti`u chun Y[i t[i thiu $h]^n nS'cn =u' YRnh iXc cun cwp %Rch tSi chnh =ua bi`n ii cho #tn]c TPP t #t nhS cun cwp ca #t n]c TPP 6h\c #S 6h{n '`uc}u nhS cun cwp %Rch phUi thSnh p c^ sd ho_t Yn t_i #tn]c 6h\c Y b\n c\c %Rch ca #nh nh]n phUi ph hp i =u'YRnh Yn 6z hoc ' =u'n cho c\c nhS cun cwp %Rch tSi chnh=ua bi`n ii ca #t n]c TPP 6h\c nhq# YU# bUo cho c{n t\cYiu hSnh S i\# s\t ph hp Mt nhS cun cwp %Rch ca #t

    n]c TPP cV th cun cwp #t %Rch tSi chnh #i t_i thR tr]nca n]c TPP 6h\c nu c\c c{n t' tron n]c ho_t Yn t_i thRtr]n nS' Y]c php cun cwp %Rch YV $\c n]c thSnh i`n caTPP phUi ban hSnh =u' YRnh tr]n hp no_i X Y[i i #t s[ =u'tWc tron hai ph c Ynh 6y# theo TPP ph hp i Yiu 6iXn catn n]c7 (1) c\c biXn ph\p hiXn hSnh =u' YRnh !`n tha# ia phUicV nha 6h{n \p Yt th`# bwt 6| biXn ph\p ch tSi nSo 6h\ctron t]^n _i cn nh] tun th tha thun t~ %o hVa tron c\cho_t Yn sau nS', S (2) c\c biXn ph\p S chnh s\ch =u' YRnh !`ntha# ia cV Y}' Y =u'n t~ =u't tron t]^n ai

    $\c n]c TPP cn Yt ra c\c nu'`n tWc c{n nhn chnh thxc t}#=uan trn ca c\c =u' trnh th tc ph\p z nhq# 6hu'n 6hchiXc cun cwp c\c %Rch bUo hi# ca c\c nhS cun cwp Y]c cwpphp S c\c =u' trnh Y Y_t Y]c #c ti`u nS' oSi ra, JiXp YRnhTPP cn Y cp Yn c\c ca# 6t c th =uUn z %anh #c Y}ut], c\c %Rch th thanh to\n YiXn t S chu'n iao th{n tin Yphc #c Ych z %m iXu

    $h]^n c\c %Rch tSi chnh cn =ui YRnh c\ch thxc iUi =u't

    c\c tranh chwp ph\t sinh i`n =uan Yn #t s[ Yiu 6hoUn th{n =ua=u' YRnh trun p S #inh b_ch trn tSi Y}u t] $h]^n nS'cn Y]a ra nhmn Yiu 6hoUn c th c\c tranh chwp tron Y}u t]i`n =uan Yn ti`u chun Y[i t[i thiu S c\c Yiu 6hoUn '`u c}uc\c trn tSi phUi cV chu'`n #{n c\c %Rch tSi chnh S c\cYiu 6hoUn c^ ch Y[i Yc biXt ima c\c =u[c ia thSnh i`nnhq# t_o Yiu 6iXn thun i cho iXc \p %n c\c =u' YRnh no_i X#S tn =u[c ia thSnh i`n c}n e# t #t c\ch thn trn Sc\c =u' YRnh no_i X Y]c Y cp tron ch]^n nS' tron tr]nhp ph\t sinh tranh chwp tron Y}u t] $u[i cn, ch]^n nS'

    cn Y cp Yn c\c tr]n hp no_i X tron iXc bUo h =u'n t~ch ca c\c nhS =uUn z tSi chnh ca c\c n]c TPP, tron YV h sY]c =u'n ch Yn th~c hiXn c\c biXn ph\p cn c[ tnh vn YRnh


  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    tSi chnh S tnh th[n nhwt ca hX th[n tSi chnh ca #nh, baog# nhmn =u' YRnh no_i X #S c\c =u[c ia thSnh i`n e# t#t c\ch thn trn S nhmn =u' YRnh no_i X c\c biXn ph\p6h{n phn biXt Y[i tron =u\ trnh thit p S th~c thi c\c chnhs\ch tin tX ha' c\c chnh s\ch 6h\c

    1#. N0[& >n0 t, t0fi 0o oan0 n0gn

    $h]^n nhp cUnh t_# thi cho %oanh nhn 6hu'n 6hch c\c c^=uan cV th# =u'n ca c\c n]c TPP cun cwp th{n tin hg s^Yn 6z nhp cUnh t_# thi nhq# YU# bUo ph Yn 6z d #xc hpz S Y]a ra c\c =u't YRnh hg s^ Yn 6z S th{n b\o n]i npY^n Yn 6z 6t =uU iUi =u't hg s^ tron thi ian s# nhwt cVth $\c n]c TPP tha thun i nhau Y YU# bUo th{n tin i`n=uan Yn c\c Yiu 6iXn nhp cUnh t_# thi u{n Y]c c{n 6hai Yni toSn %n, tron YV bao g# iXc c{n b[ th{n tin s# nhwt ha'nu Y]c th cV th c{n b[ =ua #_n, son son YV phUi cun cwpc\c tSi iXu r rSn, % hiu $\c n]c TPP tha thun tip tc hpt\c c\c wn Y nhp cUnh t_# thi nh] hp t\c tron =u\ trnhiUi =u't hg s^ in thR th~c J}u ht twt cU c\c n]c TPP Yk tha#ia ca# 6t cho php nhp cUnh ca c\c %oanh nhn ca n]cthSnh i`n 6h\c t' thuc So c\c ph c ca ri`n tn n]c

    1$. i]n t0hn*

    $\c n]c TPP Yu bS' t =uan t# Yn iXc YU# bUo tnh hiXu =uUS tin c' ca #_n in th{n ca #nh $\c #_n nS' YVn aitr =uan trn Y[i i c\c c{n t' cun cwp %Rch bwt 6 =u' #{ho_t Yn n ha' nh $\c nhS cun cwp %Rch %i Yn cn thucY[i t]n Yiu chnh ca c\c =u' tWc tru' cp #_n c_nh tranh h^nY]c tha thun tron JiXp YRnh TPP $\c n]c TPP ca# 6t YU# bUoc\c nhS cun cwp %Rch in th{n n d #i =u[c ia s cun cwpc\c %Rch 6t n[i, thu` %' %n tru'n ca nhau, cho thu` ch Yt#\' ch S Y]c php s %n ct ph\t tn hiXu S c\c tran thit bR6h\c theo Yln i c\c Yiu 6hoUn i`n =uan S Yln thi Yi# $\c

    =u[c ia cn ca# 6t S 6hi Y]c cwp iw' php th #i =u[c ia sYU# bUo c\c =u' trnh S =u' YRnh ph\p z ca #nh 6h{n phnbiXt Y[i i bwt 6| c{n nhX c th nSo !`n c_nh, h cn ca#6t th~c hiXn c\c =u' trnh phn bv S s %n c\c nugn tSi nu'`nin th{n Yc Y\o ca ri`n #nh, bao g# t}n s[, s[ hiXu S=u'n ]u ti`n tr`n c^ sd 6h\ch =uan, Yln lc, #inh b_ch S 6h{nphn biXt Y[i $\c n]c TPP c{n nhn t}# =uan trn ca c\ct\c nhn thR tr]n S c\c tha thun th]^n #_i tron nh ~c inth{n $\c =u[c ia cn tha thun s hSnh Yn thao c\c b]cnhq# 6hu'n 6hch c_nh tranh tron c\c %Rch chu'n n %i

    Yn =u[c t S t_o Yiu 6iXn thun i cho iXc s %n c\c iUiph\p tha' th cho %Rch chu'n n =u[c t $\c n]c TPP cnth[n nhwt rqn tron tr]n hp #t n]c thSnh i`n =u' YRnh #xc


  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    thu suwt \p %n cho iXc b\n bu{n c\c %Rch chu'n n %iYn =u[c t, n]c YV s cho php c\c nhS 6hai th\c %Rch ca c\cn]c TPP 6h{n =u' YRnh #xc thu suwt nS' cV Y]c c^ hi nhnY]c ]u Yki 6hi \p %n #xc thu thwp h^n

    1'. T0VWn* ,i Bin t

    Tron ch]^n th]^n #_i YiXn t, c\c n]c TPP ca# 6t bUo YU#ugn th{n tin S %m iXu #an tnh toSn c}u Y]c ]u hSnh #tc\ch t~ %o ilp ph\t trin nn 6inh t ;nternet S 6j thut s[ Y\pxn c\c #c ti`u chnh s\ch c{n i`n =uan nh] chnh s\ch bUo #tth{n tin c\ nhn 12 n]c TPP cn th[n nhwt 6h{n rSn bucc\c c{n t' ca c\c n]c TPP phUi ' %~n c\c trun t# %m iXunh] #t Yiu 6iXn c}n thit Y ho_t Yn tron thR tr]n ca nhaucn nh] 6h{n '`u c}u phUi cV #k nugn ph}n ## 6hi c}nchu'n iao ha' tru' cp $h]^n nS' cn nhi`# cw# iXc \p Ytc\c o_i thu uwt nhp 6hu Y[i i iXc tru'n tin YiXn t S nn6h{n cho c\c n]c TPP ]u Yki cho c\c nhS sUn uwt hoc nhS cuncwp sUn ph# tru'n tin YiXn t ni YRa bqn c\ch \p %n c\c biXnph\p #an tnh phn biXt Y[i ha' 6hVa chn hoSn toSn iXctru'n tin hq# #c Ych bUo X n]i ti`u %n, c\c n]c TPPth[n nhwt th{n =ua S %u' tr c\c Yiu ut i`n =uan Yn c\c ho_tYn iU #_o, ian %[i tr`n #_n cn nh] YU# bUo c\c biXn ph\pbUo X tnh ri`n t] S c\c biXn ph\p bUo X n]i ti`u %n 6h\c cVth Y]c \p %n So thR tr]n ca c\c n]c TPP $\c n]c TPP

    cn phUi Y]a ra c\c biXn ph\p nhq# chw# %xt c\c tin nhWnr\c hq# #c Ych t_o Yiu 6iXn thun i cho th]^n #_i YiXn t,ch]^n nS' bao g# c\c Yiu 6hoUn 6hu'n 6hch c\c n]c TPPph\t trin hnh thxc iao %Rch th]^n #_i ima c\c %oanh nhiXp Schnh ph nh] c\c hnh thxc hUi =uan YiXn t cn nh] Y]a ra c\c=u' YRnh chxn th~c S chm 6z YiXn t tron c\c iao %Rch th]^n#_i Mt s[ nha tron ch]^n nS' phUi ph hp i c\c biXnph\p 6h{n t]^n thch ca tn n]c thSnh i`n TPP Twt cU 12n]c TPP Ygn z ph[i hp cn nhau Y h tr c\c %oanh nhiXp aS nh tron iXc tn %n i th th]^n #_i YiXn t $h]^n nS'

    cn 6hu'n 6hch s~ hp t\c c\c =u' ch i`n =uan Yn bUo #tth{n tin c\ nhn, bUo X n]i ti`u %n tha# ia th]^n #_i =ua#_n, c\c #[i Ye %a Yn an toSn th{n tin S nn ~c bUo X antoSn th{n tin

    1+. 3(a s@, hn*

    $\c n]c TPP chia s i ch chun tron iXc tip cn thR tr]n #uasW# c{n ca nhau th{n =ua nhmn =ui YRnh #inh b_ch, cV th %~Yo\n, S 6h{n phn biXt Y[i Tron ch]^n #ua sW# c{n,

    c\c n]c TPP s ca# 6t nhmn nu'`n tWc =uan trn Y[i S6h{n phn biXt Y[i ima c\c =u[c ia $\c n]c TPP cn th[nnhwt iXc c{n b[ 6Rp thi c\c th{n tin i`n =uan nhq# ilp cho c\c


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    nhS cun cwp cV Y thi ian nhn hg s^ #i th}u S tha# ia %~th}u, tip nhn S z hg s^ %~ th}u #t c\ch c{n bqn S 6h{nthi`n R, Ygn thi bUo #t th{n tin tron YV oSi ra, c\c n]cTPP tha thun s %n th{n s[ 6j thut #t c\ch c{n bqn S6h\ch =uan, ch ~a chn nhS th}u (6z hp Ygn) %~a tr`n c\c ti`uch Y\nh i\ Y]c hi tron c\c th{n b\o S hg s^ #i th}u, S '%~n c\c th tc ph\p z ph hp Y chwt wn hoc e# t nhmn6in nhR iXc ~a chn nhS th}u Mi n]c TPP Ygn z Y]a ra%anh s\ch c\c tv chxc S ho_t Yn Y]c Yiu chnh tron ch]^nnS' (tron ph c Ynh 6y#)

    1. C0en0 sJ0 n0 tran0

    $\c n]c TPP cV #t #[i =uan t# chun tron iXc YU# bUo #t6hu{n 6hv c_nh tranh c{n bqn tron 6hu ~c th{n =ua c\c =uiYRnh Yi hi c\c n]c TPP phUi %u' tr c\c ch Y ph\p z nn cw#hSnh i 6inh %oanh phi c_nh tranh cn nh] c\c ho_t Yn th]^n#_i ian n S a YUo S# tvn h_i Yn n]i ti`u %n

    $\c n]c TPP Ygn z \p %n hoc %u' tr ut c_nh tranh nhq#nn cw# hSnh i 6inh %oanh phi c_nh tranh S \p %n ut nS'So twt cU c\c ho_t Yn th]^n #_i tron knh thv ca #nh ZYU# bUo c\c ut nS' Y]c th~c thi #t c\ch hiXu =uU, c\c n]c TPPYgn z thit p hoc %u' tr c\c c^ =uan chRu tr\ch nhiX# thi hSnhut c_nh tranh =u[c ia, \p %n hoc %u' tr ph\p ut hoc =ui

    YRnh ch[n _i c\c ho_t Yn th]^n #_i ian n S a YUo S# tvnh_i Yn 6h\ch hSn $\c n]c TPP cn Ygn z hp t\c nhmnwn Y i ch Y{i b`n i`n =uan Yn c\c ho_t Yn c_nh tranh nuph hp

    oSi ra, c\c n]c TPP Ygn z hp t\c tron chnh s\ch c_nh tranhS thi hSnh ut c_nh tranh th{n =ua iXc th{n b\o, t] wn S traoYvi th{n tin $h]^n nS' 6h{n thuc c\c Yiu 6hoUn iUi =u'ttranh chwp ca TPP nh]n c\c n]c TPP cV th tha# 6hUo nhmn wnY #nh =uan t# i`n =uan Yn ch]^n nS'

    14. CJ oan0 n*0i& n0< nV v< J BWn v Bj Z(/kn

    Twt cU c\c n]c TPP Yu cV %oanh nhiXp nhS n]c YVn ai trcun cwp %Rch c{n S c\c ho_t Yn 6h\c nh]n c\c n]c cnnhn ra i ch ca iXc th[n nhwt #t 6hun ph\p z c\c %oanhnhiXp nhS n]c $h]^n nS' Yiu chnh nhmn %oanh nhiXp nhSn]c n tha# ia So c\c ho_t Yn th]^n #_i $\c b`n cn YU#bUo rqn c\c %oanh nhiXp nhS n]c ca #nh s th~c hiXn iXc#ua b\n tr`n c^ sd c\c e# t th]^n #_i tr 6hi iXc S# YV

    6h{n nhwt =u\n i bwt 6| #t nhiX# nSo #S #t %oanh nhiXpnhS n]c Yan ho_t Yn theo YV $\c n]c TPP cn tha thun sYU# bUo c\c %oanh nhiXp nhS n]c hoc nhmn Y^n R Yc =u'n


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    ca #nh 6h{n phn biXt Y[i Y[i i c\c %oanh nhiXp, hSn hVaS %Rch ca c\c n]c cn _i $\c n]c TPP Ygn z trao cho ta \n=u'n tSi ph\n Y[i i c\c ho_t Yn th]^n #_i ca c\c " n]cnoSi tr`n knh thv ca #nh, S bUo YU# rqn c\c c^ =uan hSnhchnh =uUn z ca c\c " S %oanh nhiXp t] nhn cn S# nh]' #t c\ch c{n bqn $\c ]c TPP Ygn z s 6h{n t_o ranhmn Unh h]dn ti`u c~c Y[i i i ch ca c\c n]c TPP 6h\c 6hicun cwp h tr phi th]^n #_i cho c\c ", ha' S# tvn h_i YnnSnh c{n nhiXp tron n]c ca thSnh i`n 6h\c th{n =ua iXccun cwp c\c h tr phi th]^n #_i cho " sUn uwt S b\n hSnhVa tr`n knh thv n]c YV ]c TPP Ygn z chia s %anh s\ch c\c" ca #nh i c\c n]c TPP 6h\c S 6hi Y]c '`u c}u s cuncwp c\c th{n tin bv sun #xc Y sd hmu hoc 6i# so\t cachnh ph S nhmn h tr phi th]^n #_i cun cwp cho c\c "$h]^n nS' cn =u' YRnh c\c tr]n hp no_i X , % tron

    tr]n hp 6hn cwp =u[c ia hoc toSn c}u, cn nh] nhmn no_iX c th ca tn n]c Y]c n`u c the tron c\c ph c 6y#theo

    16. S 0m( tre t(

    d hmu tr tuX tron TPP bao g# bqn s\n ch, th]^n hiXu, bUn=u'n, thit 6 c{n nhiXp, ch %n YRa z, b #t th]^n #_i, c\chnh thxc sd hmu tr tuX 6h\c, S th~c thi =u'n sd hmu tr tuX cnnh] c\c nh ~c #S c\c n]c TPP Ygn z hp t\c $h]^n nS' s

    ilp cho c\c %oanh nhiXp % %Sn h^n tron iXc t# 6i#, Yn 6zS bUo X =u'n sd hmu tr tuX tron nhmn thR tr]n #i [n YcbiXt =uan trn cho c\c %oanh nhiXp nh

    $h]^n nS' cn thit p nhmn chun #~c cho c\c bqn s\n ch%~a tr`n JiXp YRnh TO c\c 6ha c_nh i`n =uan ti th]^n #_ica =u'n sd hmu tr tuX ca (T9;P Aree#ent) S nhmn th{n X=u[c t t[t nhwt / th]^n hiXu, nV ilp bUo X c\c nhkn hiXu Snhmn biu t]n Yc th 6h\c #S c\c %oanh nhiXp S c\ nhn s%n cho hSn hVa ca #nh tr`n thR tr]n $h]^n nS' Yi hi s~

    #inh b_ch nhwt YRnh S c\c =u' trnh bUo X ph hp i`n =uan YniXc bUo X nhmn ch %n YRa z #i 6 cU nhmn ch %n YRa z Y]cc{n nhn hoc Y]c bUo X th{n =ua c\c Yiu ]c =u[c t /iXcbUo X nS' bao g# cU iXc phn YRnh r #[i =uan hX ima th]^nhiXu S ch %n YRa z, cn nh] iXc bUo X iXc s %n nhmnthut nm th]n %n

    oSi ra, ch]^n nS' cn cV nhmn Yiu 6hoUn i`n =uan Yn %]cph# thlc Y' s~ ph\t trin c\c o_i thu[c cxu sinh #i cn nh]iXc phv bin c\c thu[c [c (eneric #e%icines), cV tnh Yn thi

    ian tn thSnh i`n c}n Y Y\p xn Y]c c\c ti`u chun nS'$h]^n nS' cV cU nhmn ca# 6t i`n =uan Yn iXc bUo X 6t =uUth nhiX# S nhmn %m iXu 6h\c Yk Y]c YX trnh Y in cwp php


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    ]u hSnh #t sUn ph# %]c hoc hVa chwt n{n nhiXp #i $h]^n nS' cn t\i 6hn YRnh ca# 6t ca c\c b`n Tu'`n b[ caTO n# 2001 JiXp Nc T9;P S xc he cn Ygn, S \cnhn #t c\ch c th rqn c\c b`n 6h{n bR nn cUn s %n c\cbiXn ph\p bUo X sxc 6he cn Ygn, bao g# cU tron tr]n hpcV nhmn Y_i %Rch nh] J;/KA;"

    / bUn =u'n, ch]^n sd hmu tr tuX ' %~n nhmn ca# 6t i`n=uan Yn iXc bUo h Y[i i c\c t\c ph# S c{n trnh nh] bSi h\t,phi#, s\ch, S ph}n ##, S bao g# nhmn Yiu 6hoUn cn Y[i ShiXu =uU c\c biXn ph\p bUo X c{n nhX S th{n tin =uUn zbUn =u'n

    $h]^n nS' cn bao g# #t nha cho twt cU c\c n]c TPP tiptc c[ Wn Y_t Y]c s~ cn bqn tron hX th[n bUn =u'n th{n=ua nhmn no_i X S h_n ch, bao g# cU nhmn ni %un tron#{i tr]n s[, S c\c biXn ph\p 6h\c $h]^n nS' '`u c}uc\c thSnh i`n phUi th{n =ua hoc %u' tr #t 6hu{n 6hv nan toSn cho c\c nhS cun cwp %Rch ;nternet (;P) $\c nha nS' 6h{n cho php c\c n]c TPP t_o ra c\c n an toSn nunhi`n Y i\# s\t hX th[n ca c\c ;P t# 6i# ni %un i ph_#

    $u[i cn, c\c n]c TPP Ygn z cun cwp c\c hX th[n ch tSi #_nh,bao g# cU nhmn =u' trnh th tc %n s~, c\c biXn ph\p t_# thi,

    c\c biXn phUp =uUn z bi`n ii, c\c th tc S ch tSi hnh s~ Y[i iti iU #_o th]^n hiXu #an tnh th]^n #_i S i ph_# bUn=u'n hoc c\c =u'n i`n =uan $h]^n nS' '`u c}u c\c n]c TPPcun cwp c\c c{n c hp ph\p Y nn na iXc _# %n c\c b#t th]^n #_i, ' %~n c\c th tc S ph_t hnh s~ Y[i i tiph_# tr# cWp b #t th]^n #_i, bao g# cU tr# cWp =ua #_nhoc =ua' phi#

    17. Lao Bjn*

    Twt cU c\c n]c TPP Yu S thSnh i`n ca Tv chxc Lao Yn =u[c t(;LO) S c{n nhn t}# =uan trn ca iXc thlc Y' c\c =u'n aoYn Y]c =u[c t c{n nhn Tron TPP, c\c thSnh i`n Ygn zth{n =ua S %u' tr tron ut S th{n X ca #nh c\c =u'n c^bUn ca n]i ao Yn nh] Y]c tha nhn tron Tu'`n b[ 1IICca ;LO, YV S =u'n t~ %o i`n 6t S =u'n th]^n ]n tp thVa b ao Yn c]n bxc Va b ao Yn tr e# S cw# c\c hnhthxc ao Yn tr e# tgi tX nhwt S o_i b s~ phn biXt Y[i iXc S# S nh nhiXp $\c thSnh i`n cn Ygn z cV ut =u'YRnh #xc ]^n t[i thiu, s[ i S# iXc, an toSn S sxc 6he nh

    nhiXp hmn ca# 6t nS' \p %n cU i c\c 6hu ch uwt M]ihai n]c TPP Ygn z 6h{n #in tr hoc iU# hiXu ~c ca ph\put =u' YRnh iXc th~c thi c\c =u'n c^ bUn ca n]i ao Yn Y


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    thu hlt th]^n #_i hoc Y}u t], S th~c thi #t c\ch hiXu =uU ph\put i`n =uan Yn ao Yn #t c\ch bn mn hoc Yu Yn cV thcV Unh h]dn ti th]^n #_i hoc Y}u t] ima c\c n]c TPP !`nc_nh c\c ca# 6t ca c\c n]c TPP nhq# Va b ao Yn c]n bxctron n]c #nh, ch]^n Lao Yn cn bao g# nhmn ca# 6t6h{n 6hu'n 6hch iXc nhp 6hu hSn hVa Y]c sUn uwt bqnao Yn c]n bxc hoc ao Yn tr e#, hoc s %n nu'`n iXuY}u So Y]c sUn uwt ra bqn ao Yn c]n bxc, bwt 6 n]c uwtx cV phUi S n]c TPP ha' 6h{n Mi n]c TPP Yu ca# 6t bUoYU# 6hU nn tip cn i hX th[n th tc hSnh chnh S t] ph\pc{n bqn, 6h{n thi`n R S #inh b_ch S s cun cwp c\c biXnph\p 6hWc phc hiXu =uU nhmn i ph_# ut ao Yn ca #nh $\cthSnh i`n cn Ygn z cho php s~ tha# ia ca c{n chln SoiXc th~c thi ch]^n Lao Yn, bao g# cU iXc ' %~n c^ ch tipnhn z 6in YVn Vp ca c{n chln

    $\c ca# 6t t_i ch]^n nS' phUi tun th c\c th tc iUi =u'ttranh chwp Y]c =u' YRnh t_i ch]^n BiUi =u't tranh chwp Z thlcY' iXc iUi =u't nhanh c\c wn Y ao Yn ima c\c n]c TPP,ch]^n Lao Yn cn ' %~n c^ ch Y[i tho_i #S c\c thSnh i`ncV th ~a chn \p %n Y iUi =u't #i wn Y ao Yn imac\c thSnh i`n $^ ch Y[i tho_i nS' cho php e# t nhanh c\cwn Y S cho php c\c thSnh i`n cn nhwt tr i ch]^n trnhhSnh Yn Y z wn Y $h]^n Lao Yn t_o ra #t c^ ch hpt\c c\c wn Y ao Yn, bao g# cU c\c c^ hi Y c\c nhS Y}u

    t] \c YRnh ph_# i hp t\c S tha# ia So c\c ho_t Yn hp t\cnu thw' ph hp S cn th[n nhwt

    #8. 3hi trVfn*

    /i t] c\ch S c\c =u[c ia chi# #t ph}n Y\n 6 %n s[, Ynt hoan %k, th~c t S sinh t bin tr`n th ii, c\c n]c TPPcn 6z #t bUn ca# 6t bn mn iXc bUo X S bUo tgn #{itr]n, bao g# hp t\c tron iXc iUi =u't c\c th\ch thxc #{itr]n nh] { nhi# #{i tr]n, bu{n b\n tr\i php Yn t hoan

    %k, 6hai th\c bwt hp ph\p S tron iXc bUo X #{i tr]n bin12 n]c nhwt tr th~c thi cV hiXu =uU ph\p ut #{i tr]n can]c #nh S 6h{n Yi n]c _i i hX th[n ph\p ut #{itr]n Y 6hu'n 6hch th]^n #_i S Y}u t] $\c n]c cn Ygnz th~c hiXn nha ca #nh theo ${n ]c !u{n b\n =u[c tc\c oSi hoan %k Yn th~c t ($;T), cV biXn ph\p Y[i phV Shp t\c nn chn bu{n b\n Yn tr\i php t hoan %k oSi ra,c\c n]c th[n nhwt Y' #_nh =uUn z rn bn mn S Y bUo XS bUo tgn Yn th~c t hoan %k S th~c t #S c\c =u[c ia Yk\c YRnh S Yan p nu' hi# tron knh thv ca #nh, 6 cU c\c

    biXn ph\p Y bUo tgn tnh toSn n sinh th\i ca 6hu ~c t~ nhi`nY]c bUo X Yc biXt, chn h_n nh] n Y}# }' /i n ~c YbUo X Y_i %]^n chun ca #nh, c\c n]c TPP th[n nhwt =uUn


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    z bn mn nh c\, thlc Y' bUo tgn c\c oSi sinh t bin =uantrn, bao g# oSi c\ #p, Y ch[n _i iXc Y\nh bWt c\ tr\i phpS Y nn chn #t s[ tr cwp nh c\ cV t\c Yn nu' h_i nhwt,tip ta' cho c\c ho_t Yn Y\nh bWt c\ tr\i php, 6h{n Y]c b\oc\o S 6h{n Y]c =u' YRnh, t_o ra Unh h]dn ti`u c~c %n Ynnugn c\ bR 6hai th\c =u\ #xc %n Yn c_n 6iXt $\c n]c cnYgn z nn cao tnh #inh b_ch i`n =uan Yn c\c ch]^n trnh trcwp n`u tr`n S n ~c ht #nh Y 6h{n Y]a ra c\c 6hoUn tr cwp#i cho iXc 6hai th\c =u\ #xc hoc =u\ tUi nugn c\

    $\c n]c TPP cn tha thun bUo X #{i tr]n bin t { nhi#tSu th' S bUo X t}n {

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    ca TPP `n 6hU nn c_nh tranh ca c\c n]c th{n =ua c\c cucY[i tho_i i~a chnh ph c\c n]c S ima chnh ph, %oanh nhiXp,S k hi %n s~, Yc biXt tp trun YSo su chui cun xn 6hu ~c,Y\nh i\ tin Y, tn %n c^ hi #i S iUi =u't twt cU th\ch thxccV th nU' sinh #t 6hi TPP cV hiXu ~c $^ ch nS' bao g# cU 'ban T_o thun i 6inh %oanh S nn ~c c_nh tranh cV nhiX# p th]n u'`n Y e# t t\c Yn ca TPP `n 6hU nnc_nh tranh tron 6hu ~c S =u[c ia S hi nhp 6inh t 6hu~c ' ban s e# t i 6hu'`n S 6hu'n nhR t c\c nhS Y}u t]ca c\c n]c c\ch thxc TPP cV th tip tc tn c]n 6hU nnc_nh tranh, bao g# tn c]n s~ tha# ia ca %oanh nhiXp i#{, %oanh nhiXp nh S a tron chui cun xn 6hu ~c $h]^nnS' cn thit p #t 6hu{n 6hv c^ bUn cho ' ban Y Y\nh i\hiXu suwt ca chui cun xn theo JiXp YRnh nS', bao g# c\ch Ythlc Y' s~ tha# ia ca %oanh nhiXp c\c n]c S chu'`n ia

    #$. P0Jt trin

    $\c n]c TPP t# c\ch YU# bUo rqn TPP s S #t #{ hnh cao cwpcho th]^n #_i S hi nhp 6inh t, S Yc biXt Y YU# bUo rqn twtcU c\c n]c TPP cV th cV Y]c nhmn i ch Y}' Y ca TPP hoSntoSn cV th th~c hiXn c\c ca# 6t ca #nh S trd n`n phgn thRnhh^n i thR tr]n #_nh # $h]^n Ph\t trin bao g# ba nh ~cc th Y]c e# t cho c{n iXc hp t\c #t 6hi TPP cV hiXu ~cY[i i #i n]c7 (1) tn tr]dn 6inh t tr`n %iXn rn, bao g#

    ph\t trin bn mn, Va YVi iU# nhyo S s~ ph\t trin ca c\c%oanh nhiXp nh (2) ph nm S iXc tn tr]dn 6inh t , bao g#cU iXc ilp ph nm nn cao nn ~c S 6j nn, tn c]n tipcn ca ph nm i c\c thR tr]n, Y_t Y]c c{n nhX S tSi chnh,thit p #_n ]i knh Y_o nm, S \c YRnh c\c th{n X t[t nhwttron s~ inh ho_t t_i n^i S# iXc S (>) i\o %c, 6hoa hc S c{nnhX, nhi`n cxu S Yvi #i $h]^n nS' thit p #t ' ban Ph\ttrin TPPcV nhiX# hp th]n u'`n nhq# thlc Y' iXc hp t\ct~ nu'Xn tron c\c nh ~c nS' S c\c c^ hi #i

    #'. Doan0 n*0i& vpa v< n0q$\c n]c TPP cV #[i =uan t# chun ti iXc thlc Y' s~ tha# iaca c\c %oanh nhiXp nh S a tron th]^n #_i nhq# YU# bUorqn c\c %oanh nhiXp nh S a chia s nhmn i ch ca TPP$n i c\c ca# 6t tron c\c ch]^n 6h\c ca TPP tip cn thRtr]n, iU# c{n iXc iw' t, tru' cp ;nternet, thun i th]^n#_i, chu'n ph\t nhanh, ,, ni %un ch]^n c\c "oanhnhiXp nh S a bao g# c\c ca# 6t ca #i n]c TPP Y t_o ra#t tran *eb thn thiXn i n]i %n, nhq# So c\c %oanh

    nhiXp nh S a Y cun cwp th{n tin TPP cV th % %Sn tru'cp S c\ch #S c\c c{n t' nh cV th tn %n nV, bao g# #{ tUc\c =u' YRnh ca TPP cV i`n =uan Yn %oanh nhiXp nh S a c\c


  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    =u' YRnh S th tc i`n =uan Yn =u'n sd hmu tr tuX =u' YRnh Y}ut] n]c noSi th tc Yn 6z 6inh %oanh =u' YRnh iXc S# Sth{n tin thu oSi ra, ch]^n nS' s thit p #t ' ban "oanhnhiXp nh S a, tv chxc nS' s p th]n u'`n Y e# t6hU nn phc %oanh nhiXp nh S a ca TPP, e# t c\chY nn cao h^n nma i ch ca nV, S i\# s\t iXc ho_t Yn nncao nn ~c S hp t\c Y h tr %oanh nhiXp nh S a th{n=ua t] wn uwt 6hu, h tr, S c\c ch]^n trnh YSo t_o cho c\c%oanh nhiXp nh S a chia s th{n tin tSi tr th]^n #_i Sc\c ho_t Yn 6h\c

    #+. S Bn* n0Xt vk Z(/ Bn0

    $h]^n s~ Ygn nhwt =u' YRnh s ilp YU# bUo #t #{i tr]nph\p z #d, c{n bqn, S cV th %~ Yo\n cho c\c %oanh nhiXpho_t Yn tron thR tr]n TPP bqn c\ch 6hu'n 6hch s~ #inhb_ch, c{n bqn, S ph[i hp ima c\c chnh ph Y Y_t Y]c #tc\ch tip cn =uUn z cht ch $h]^n nS' nhq# #c Ych t_o Yiu6iXn cho s~ cht ch ca c\c =u' YRnh d #i n]c TPP bqn c\chthlc Y' c^ ch tha# wn i`n nSnh cV hiXu =uU S s~ ph[i hp cac\c c^ =uan V 6hu'n 6hch c\c th{n X =uUn z t[t Y]c chwpnhn rn rki, chn h_n nh] Y\nh i\ t\c Yn ca c\c biXn ph\p=uUn z Y uwt, tru'n th{n tron nhmn cn cx Y ~a chn c\ciUi ph\p tha' th =u' YRnh ~a chn S bUn chwt ca c\c =u' YRnhYan Y]c ban hSnh $h]^n nS' cn bao g# c\c Yiu 6hoUn Y

    YU# bUo c\c =u' YRnh Y]c it r rSn S chnh \c, c{n chln cVth tip cn th{n tin c\c biXn ph\p =uUn z #i ( tr~c tu'n nucV th), S c\c biXn ph\p =uUn z hiXn t_i theo YRnh 6| Y]c e# tY \c YRnh e# iXu c\c biXn ph\p nS' n S ph]^n tiXn hiXu =uUnhwt Y Y_t Y]c #c ti`u #on #u[n ha' 6h{n oSi ra, ch]^nnS' 6hu'n 6hch c\c n]c TPP cun cwp #t th{n b\o c{n 6haihSn n# twt cU c\c biXn ph\p =uUn z %~ 6in s \p %nJ]n ti nhmn #c ti`u nS', ch]^n nS' thit p #t ' ban cVnhiX# cun cwp cho c\c n]c TPP, %oanh nhiXp S k hi %n s~c^ hi i`n tc Y b\o c\o iXc th~c hiXn, chia s 6inh nhiX#

    c\c th{n X t[t nhwt, S e# t c\c 6hu ~c ti# nn hp t\c$h]^n nS', %]i bwt 6 hnh thxc nSo, 6h{n Unh h]dn Yn =u'ni ca c\c n]c TPP tron iXc Y]a ra =u' YRnh sxc 6he cnYgn, an toSn, an ninh, i ch c{n cn S c\c z %o 6h\c

    #. S ,in0 :0 v< hn* tJ 0`n* t0a, n0n*

    $h]^n ~ #inh b_ch S c{n t\c ch[n tha# nhn tron TPPnhq# #c Ych thlc Y' #c ti`u chun ca twt cU c\c n]c TPPtron iXc tn c]n =uUn trR t[t S iUi =u't nhmn t\c Yn ti`u

    c~c ca iXc h[i S tha# nhn cV th ' n`n cho nn 6inh tca c\c n]c Theo ch]^n nS', c\c n]c TPP c}n phUi YU# bUorqn c\c ut, =u' YRnh S c\c =u't YRnh hSnh chnh \p %n chun


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    Y[i i bwt 6| wn Y nSo =u' YRnh tron TPP Y]c c{n b[ c{n 6haiS, d #xc Y cV th, c\c =u' YRnh cV 6hU nn Unh h]dn Ynth]^n #_i S Y}u t] ima c\c n]c cV th Y]c nhn thw' S nhnt $\c n]c TPP tha thun YU# bUo c\c =u'n i theo Yln thtc cho c\c nhS Y}u t] ca c\c n]c TPP i c\c tranh chwp hSnhchnh, bao g# iXc e# t nhanh chVn th{n =ua ta \n hocth tc c{n bqn t] ph\p hoc hSnh chnh $\c n]c cn Ygnz th{n =ua hoc %u' tr ph\p ut hnh s~ hVa c\c Y nhR, hoc'`u c}u, c\c i ch 6h{n chnh Y\n ca c{n chxc, cn nh] c\chSnh i tha# nhn Unh h]dn Yn th]^n #_i S Y}u t] =u[c t$\c n]c cn ca# 6t th~c thi hiXu =uU c\c ut S c\c =u' YRnhca c\c n]c ch[n tha# nhn oSi ra, c\c n]c Ygn z n~c \p %n hoc %u' tr c\c =u' tWc hoc c\c ti`u chun xn ca c{n chxc n]c #nh, cn nh] c\c biXn ph\p Y \c YRnh S=uUn z un Yt i ch nhq# tn c]n YSo t_o c{n chxc, th~c

    hiXn c\c b]c Y nn chn iXc tn =uS, 6hu'n 6hch iXc b\oc\o c\c hSnh i tha# nhn S =u' YRnh c\c biXn ph\p 6 ut hocc\c biXn ph\p 6h\c Y[i i c{n chxc tha# ia So c\c hSnh i tha#nhn Tron #t ph c ca ch]^n nS', c\c n]c TPP cn Ygn zi c\c Yiu 6hoUn thlc Y' tnh #inh b_ch S c{n bqn th tci`n =uan Yn iXc ni`# 't S bgi hoSn cho c\c sUn ph# %]cph# hoc c\c thit bR ' t $\c ca# 6t tron ph c nS' 6h{nphUi tun th =u' trnh iUi =u't tranh chwp

    #4. CJ Bik( ^0o>n vk 0i Z(/t tran0 0X&

    $h]^n BiUi =u't tranh chwp nhq# cho ilp Y c\c n]c TPPnhanh chVn iUi =u't c\c tranh chwp ima h tron =u\ trnh th~c

    hiXn JiXp YRnh TPP $\c n]c TPP s th~c hiXn #i n ~c Y iUi=u't tranh chwp th{n =ua hp t\c, tha# wn S nhmn c^ ch iUi=u't tranh chwp tha' th ph hp 6h\c hi nhmn n ~c tr`n thwt


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    b_i, tranh chwp Y]c iUi =u't th{n =ua c\c !an hi th# c{nbqn $^ ch iUi =u't tranh chwp =u' YRnh tron $h]^n nS' \p%n cho toSn b JiXp YRnh, no_i tr #t s[ tr]n hp cth ${n chln ca #i n]c TPP cV th theo %i tin trnh t[ tn twt cU c\c YX trnh, c\c phi`n Yiu tr}n (tr 6hi c\c n]c TPP cVtha thun 6h\c) Yn b\o c\o cu[i cn ca ban hi th# Yu Y]cc{n 6hai i c{n chln $\c !an hi th# s e# t c\c '`u c}ucun cwp =uan Yi# i`n =uan Yn tranh chwp t c\c tv chxc phichnh ph nq# tron knh thv ca n]c cV tranh chwp

    u =u\ trnh tha# wn thwt b_i, c\c n]c TPP cV =u'n '`u c}uthSnh p #t ban hi th# tron n G0 nS' 6 t nS' nhnY]c '`u c}u tha# wn hoc tron n >0 nS' nu tranh chwp cVi`n =uan Yn hSn hVa % hn !an hi th# g# > chu'`n ia th]^n #_i =u[c t S nh ~c i`n =uan Yn tranh chwp, Yc p

    i c\c n]c TPP tranh chwp, cn i =u' ch thSnh p ban hith# 6 cU tr]n hp #t n]c thSnh i`n 6h{n bv nhiX# hith# i`n tron #t thi h_n nhwt YRnh $\c hi th# i`n phUi tunth #t b =u' tWc xn Y YU# bUo tnh th[n nhwt ca c^ chiUi =u't tranh chwp !an hi th# s i b\o c\o Y}u ti`n cho c\cn]c TPP tranh chwp tron n 150 nS' 6 t nS' bv nhiX# hith# i`n cu[i cn hoc 120 nS' tron tr]n hp 6hn cwp,chn h_n nh] c\c tr]n hp i`n =uan Yn hSn hVa % hn !\oc\o Y}u ti`n s Y]c im b #t Y n]c TPP tha# ia YVn Vp z6in !\o c\o cu[i cn phUi Y]c i 6h{n =u\ >0 nS' sau b\o

    c\o thx nhwt S phUi Y]c c{n 6hai tron thi h_n 15 nS', t'thuc So Y bUo #t ca b\o c\o

    Z t[i Ya hVa s~ tun th JiXp YRnh, ch]^n nS' cho php \p %ntrU Ya th]^n #_i ( %, t_# %n cun cwp c\c i ch) nu #tb`n 6h{n tun th c\c nha #nh S cn 6h{n cV biXn ph\p6hWc phc Tr]c 6hi biXn ph\p trU Ya th]^n #_i Y]c \p %n,b`n i ph_# cV th th]^n ]n hoc '`u c}u #t 6hoUn thi ianhp z Y 6hWc phc i ph_#

    #7. TrVfn* 0\& n*oi l$h]^n Tr]n hp no_i X YU# bUo c\c n]c TPP cV =u'n inhho_t \p %n TPP #in S c\c n]c TPP YU# bUo Y}' Y c\c i chc{n cn, 6 cU i ch an ninh thit 'u S z %o phlc i c{n cn6h\c $h]^n nS' 6t hp c\c tr]n hp no_i X chun Y]c =u'YRnh t_i Ziu ca JiXp YRnh chun Thu =uan S Th]^n #_i1II4 =u' YRnh th]^n #_i hSn hVa, theo YV JiXp YRnh nS'6h{n nn cUn c\c n]c TPP \p %n hoc thi hSnh c\c biXn ph\pc}n thit Y bUo X Y_o Yxc c{n cn, bUo X cuc s[n S sxc

    6he ca con n]i, Yn t hoc th~c t, bUo X tSi sUn tr tuX,th~c thi c\c biXn ph\p i`n =uan Yn c\c sUn ph# %o t nhn t_o


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  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    Hqi BJ& tp A Bn vk TPP

    N0mn* t0qa t0([n t0VWn* ,i 0in Bi n0V TPP :ao 0

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    Tu' nhi`n, TPP cn t\c Yn Yn nhiu 6ha c_nh 6h\c Tha thunnS' '`u c}u c\c =u[c ia th~c hiXn ut ao Yn S #{i tr]n chtch h^n, cn c[ rSo chWn ph\p z cho c\c c{n t' %]c, 6o %Si thi6| bUo h =u'n sd hmu tr tuX

    Vi #t c\ch nWn h_n, nhmn tha thun th]^n #_i hiXn Y_i nh]TPP bao hS# rwt nhiu thx d b`n noSi ph_# tr th]^n #_i $hlnYk trd thSnh #t tron nhmn con Y]n chnh Y Yiu hSnh 6inh ttoSn c}u ZV cn chnh S z %o n nhwt 6hin TPP ' ra nhiutranh cki / %, c\c nhV# bUo X =u'n sd hmu tr tuX 6j thut s[

    ha' c\c nhV# ' t cn Ygn - [n 6h{n =uan t# Yn c\c wn Y th]^n #_i Yk n tin cUnh b\o nhmn Unh h]dn ti`u c~ct TPP Y[i i tin b 6hoa hc c{n nhX cn nh] c{n cuc chinYwu i bXnh A;" tr`n toSn c}u

    TPP cn ' nhiu tranh cki bdi c\c cuc YS# ph\n Y]c th~c hiXnb #t $\c nhV# i ch cV 6t n[i i nhau Y]c tip cn i ]nth{n tin nhiu h^n S cn cV nhiu c^ hi ' Unh h]dn `n =u\trnh YS# ph\n

    #. Ti sao TPP li &0 t& Bn v[/yTh{n th]n, c\c hiXp YRnh th]^n #_i s tp trun So iU# thiuhSn rSo thu =uan nh] c\c o_i thu, ph S h_n n_ch Tu' nhi`nc\c hiXp YRnh th]^n #_i hiXn Y_i cV th S# Y]c nhiu h^n th

    !]c not ca ho_t Yn th]^n #_i =u[c t %in ra So n#1II4, i s~ ra Yi ca TO Tv chxc nS' Yk Y]a ra #t =u\ trnhhoSn toSn #i cho iXc iUi =u't c\c tranh chwp th]^n #_i u#t n]c tin rqn n]c 6h\c Yk 6h{n hoSn thSnh c\c ca# 6t

    th]^n #_i, h cV th t# 6i# #t trn tSi phn tr]c 6hi Ye# iXc ra TO u hi Ygn t tranh chwp d TO nhi`n


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    b`n Yi 6iXn, n]c bR 6iXn s trin 6hai c\c Xnh cw# n th]^n #_iY]c thit 6 Y ' \p ~c `n n]c 6ia

    Mi n]i nhanh chVn nhn ra rqn c^ ch nS' cn s hiXu =uUY[i i c\c tranh chwp d nhmn nh ~c 6h{n i`n =uan nhiu Ynth]^n #_i / %, c\c c{n t' %]c Yi hi bv sun So c\c hiXpYRnh th]^n #_i nhmn ut X nhq# tn bUo X bUn =u'n cho c\co_i thu[c Vi c\ch 6h\c, c\c nhV# i ch cV th s %n =u\ trnhiUi =u't tranh chwp d TO Y bv sun nhmn Yiu 6hoUn cV i choh

    TPP s cV c^ ch %Sn p tranh chwp t]^n t~ nh] TO, bdi 'nhiu nhV# i ch Yan 6`u i bv sun c\c Yiu 6hoUn cV i choh Theo %~ tnh, TPP s bao tr# nhiu nh ~c7 %]c ph#, c\cnSnh c{n nhiXp thuc sd hmu nhS n]c, Y}u t] n]c noSi, =u'n

    ca n]i ao Yn, bUo X #{i tr]n, ut bUn =u'n, th]^n #_iYiXn t 9wt nhiu tron s[ c\c wn Y nS' Yk Y]c =u' YRnh tronc\c tha thun ri`n r Tu' nhi`n, Wn chln i #t tha thunth]^n #_i ilp YU# bUo rqn c\c =u[c ia s nhi`# tlc th~c hiXnca# 6t

    $. TPP sz *i& *i>, :t J rn t0VWn* ,i. Hi& Bn0n

  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    " nhi`n twt cU s ph thuc So c\c tha thun chi tit / %, #ttron nhmn cu hi n nhwt n ch]a cV i iUi Y\p S TPP s =u'YRnh nh] th nSo Y[i i c\c %Rch nh] nn hSn, bUo hi# Si\o %c Tron nhmn tr]n hp nS', rSo cUn th]^n #_i S c\cut X tha' hSn rSo thu =uan, %o YV =u\ trnh t~ %o hVa s phxct_p h^n nhiu S cn ' ra rwt nhiu tranh cki

    '. ISDS l< *xy Ti sao Eli;a:!t0 {arr!n li t0Xt v|n* vk ISDSn0ik( Bn v[/y

    Th]n nhR s Mj i

  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    ;", tron YV 50 tha thun cV i`n =uan Yn Mj Tu' nhi`n Mj #ich Y[i #t i 1> S ch]a tn thua Ziu 6hoUn ;" tron TPPcn Y]c cho S cht ch h^n S s t bR _# %n h^n so i ;"tron c\c hiXp ]c tr]c YV

    /S, Yiu =uan trn S ;" 6h{n th buc c\c =u[c ia tha' Yviut ph\p ca h #S ch cV th trn ph_t tSi chnh !di ' r rSn;" 6h{n th buc n]c Mj phUi tha' Yvi ut X

    +. Ti sao J n0?, / t jn* Bn* &0>n B`i TPPy

    $\c nhV# ' t c{n cn nh] "octors ithout !or%ers S a#fA9(chu'`n nhi`n cxu A;") Yk cUnh b\o TPP cV th 6hin i\ thu[ctn cao S tr hokn s~ ph\t trin ca thu[c [c (eneric %rus)

    Mj S tr`n 6hWp th ii, ut =u' YRnh c{n t' Y}u ti`n ph\t #inhra #t o_i thu[c #i s Y]c cwp bqn s\n ch S nhmn Yc n6h\c Z' Y]c coi S Eph}n th]dnF Y 6hu'n 6hch iXc nhi`ncxu S ph\t trin au #t thi ian, Yc n chw# %xt S c\c c{n t'6h\c cV th sUn uwt c\c phi`n bUn 6h\c nhau ca o_i thu[c YV ichi ph r h^n rwt nhiu

    Twt nhi`n, c\c c{n t' n ht Yiu nS' J Yk n Yn hSnh anY cV th`# Yiu 6hoUn tr hokn iXc tun thu[c [c So thR tr]n/ %, c\c c{n t' %]c n tr`n thR tr]n cV th 6in nhR #d rn

    %anh s\ch c\c o_i thu[c Y]c bUo h s\n ch bqn c\ch Yiu chnhnhmn chi tit rwt nh

    oSi ra cn #t Yiu 6hoUn i`n =uan Yn thu[c sinh hc(biooics) Tr]c 6hi o_i thu[c nS' Y]c tun ra thR tr]n, c^ =uan=uUn z '`u c}u c\c nhS sUn uwt phUi chxn #inh chln an toSn ShiXu =uU Th{n th]n, %m iXu t #t phn th nhiX# s rwt hmuch Y[i i c\c c{n t' #u[n tun ra nhmn sUn ph# t]^n t~Tron TPP cV Yiu 6hoUn '`u c}u c\c nhS sUn uwt thu[c phUi Yi 12n# tr]c 6hi h cV th s %n %m iXu nS' h] ' c\c nhS sUn

    uwt thu[c s 6hV tin So thR tr]n h^n, 6hin i\ cU tn `nVi #t c\ch nWn nn, TPP s 6hin \p ~c c_nh tranh iU# u[nS %o YV 6hin i\ thu[c d #t s[ n]c tn `n

    . TPP sz >n0 0Vn* Bn l([t :>n Z(/kn n0V t0 n

  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    Yi ca t\c iU cn th`# H0 n# nma Ziu YV cV nha S #in]i phUi Yi h^n 2 thp 6 tr]c 6hi nhmn t\c ph# Yk ra Yi tth 6 20 trd thSnh #in ph i bwt 6| ai

    Mt Yiu 6hoUn 6h\c '`u c}u c\c n]c phUi \p %n ut cw# #in]i can thiXp So c\c ch]^n trnh bUo X c\c b phi#, ca 6hlchoc c\c t\c ph# 6h\c cV bUn =u'n

    4. }n0 0Vn* ~a TPP Bn nhn* n*0i&y

    {n nhiXp S #t tron nhmn thR tr]n nh_' cU# nhwt Y[i ic\c n]c tha# ia TPP, Yc biXt S Mj S ht !Un Mj Yan cV rSocUn n Y[i i Y]n, tron 6hi ht !Un bUo h c\c sUn ph# nh]thRt n, thRt b S _o u TPP iU# bt nhmn rSo cUn nS', n]iti`u %n Mj s Y]c #ua Y]n S nhmn sUn ph# cV Y]n ii\ r h^n, Ygn thi c^ hi uwt 6hu thRt n S thRt b Mj s rn#d

    $\c nSnh 6h\c nhau s cV nhmn =uan Yi# 6h\c nhau iXc t~%o hVa th]^n #_i ThRt b, thRt n S c\c sUn ph# b^ sma ca Mjs trSn So ht !Un, Ygn thi c\c n]c cn #on #u[n Mj #dca thR tr]n h^n nma

    Tu' nhi`n, nSnh Y]n [n Yan Y]c bUo h s phUn Y[i Yu nS'hmn nhV# c\c nhS sUn uwt 6o cV i 6hi i\ Y]n r, bdi ' h

    thch #d ca thR tr]n6. TPP ? :>o v BV\ Z(/kn l\i ~a n*Vfi lao Bjn*y

    Mc % phUn Y[i TPP, c\c tv chxc c{n YoSn d Mj _i coi TPP S #tc^ hi Y buc c\c Y[i t\c th]^n #_i ca Mj cun cwp nhiu =u'ni h^n cho n]i ao Yn J cho rqn t~ %o hVa th]^n #_i nu6h{n Yi 6y# i c\c ti`u chun 6hWt 6he =u'n ca n]i aoYn s 6hin n]i ao Yn Mj #wt Yi i th c_nh tranh

    hS TrWn nhwn #_nh rqn TPP s chw# %xt iXc _# %n ao Yntr e#, bUo X =u'n i ca n]i ao Yn S nn cao c\c ti`uchun an toSn ao Yn

    7. (/kn % tin t0VWn* ,i TPA2 l< *x v< ti sao li Z(antr|n* B`i vi TPPy

    hn chun c\c hiXp YRnh th]^n #_i phUi Y]c u[c hi th{n =uatr]c 6hi cV hiXu ~c, tu' nhi`n #t wn Y s nU' sinh7 c\c n]c on_i u[c hi Mj cV th tha' Yvi c\c Yiu 6hoUn ca hiXp YRnh sau

    6hi 6t thlc YS# ph\n


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    TPP v< it Na, GDP t=n* %(Xt ^0( *i>,

    Tn tr]dn B"P ca c\c =u[c ia #i nvi d Z{n a# , tron YVcV /iXt a#, cV th s Y_t 2,1 nh]n uwt 6hu cn cV th s bR

    iU# slt ZV S nhn YRnh ca Trun T# hi`n $xu inh T S$hnh \ch

    au 6hi JiXp YRnh nS' Y]c th{n =ua i s~ tha# ia ca 12 =u[cia [n chi# 40 B"P ca cU th ii, /iXt a# Y]c cho S #ttron nhmn =u[c ia s h]dn i nhiu nhwt cho iXc thlc Y' tntr]dn B"P nh]n cn S =u[c ia phUi Y[i #t i nhiu th\chthxc tron nh ~c uwt 6hu u'`n nhn S %o /iXt a#S =u[cia cV #t nn 6inh t =u' #{ t]^n Y[i nh S #xc Y t~ %o hVath]^n #_i rwt thwp " tn tr]dn B"P rwt Y\n 6| n nh]n6i# n_ch uwt 6hu cV th s thwt tho\t 6hoUn >,5 t Y{-a, tron6hi h}u ht c\c =u[c ia 6h\c tha# ia JiXp YRnh 6| n s thlcY' tn tr]dn %oanh thu t uwt 6hu ca h $\c nSnh uwt6hu ca /iXt a#t th~c ph# Yk =ua ch bin Yn YiXn t S #\'#Vc thit bR s 6hV cV th c_nh tranh i c\c =u[c ia n nh] Mj Sht !Un

    oSi ra, c\c =u[c ia #i nvi, bao g# /iXt a#, i nhmn h_nch nhn ~c, Ywt Yai, S [n rwt 6hV cV th Y\p xn '`u c}u ph\ttrin rwt nVn tron #t thei ian nWn 6hi h tha# ia TPP

    /iXt a# % Yan rwt hSo hxn tha# ia TPP nh]n cn rwt 6hV cVth hu' Yn Y nugn ~c tron #t s# #t chiu

    (Theo Channelnewsasia


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    N0mn* l\i e0 it Na, ? t0 t0( BV\ tp TPP

    au Y' S nhmn i ch #S /iXt a# cV th thu Y]c t JiXp YRnhTPP7


    I. N0?, J l\i e0 ^0ai t0Jtp t0 trVfn* nV n*o

  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    6hu ( % nh] %Xt #a', i}'%p), nV cn S Yn ~c Ynhiu nhV# #t hSn 6h\c hiXnch]a cV 6i# n_ch Y\n 6 cVYiu 6iXn Y ia tn sxc c_nhtranh Vi #t c\ch 6h\c, i thnS' 6h{n ch nhn t Vc Y hiXnt_i #S cn Y]c nhn thw' d cUti# nn tron t]^n ai

    Tu' nhi`n, i ch nS' c}n Y]cY\nh i\ #t c\ch chn #~ch^n, Yc biXt 6hi =u't YRnh Y\nhYvi =u'n tip cn thR tr]n /iXta# ca hSn hVa n]c noSi YcV Y]c nhmn i ch nS' $ th7

    Th~c t, c^ hi tn #_nh uwt6hu 6h{n phUi cho twt cU 6hi#S % Y[i i Joa |, hSnth' sUn ch]a ch bin ha' Yg (hai nh ~c uwt 6hu ch 'uca /iXt a# san thR tr]nnS') th~c t Yk Yan Y]c h]dn

    #xc thu suwt }n bqn 0, 'cV TPP ha' 6h{n cn 6h{n=uan trn $n nh] ', %rqn t]^n ai 6h{n hn chWcchWn nh]n #t s[ #t hSn cVth Y]c Joa | e# t choh]dn BP E#in phF nu chlnta cV n ~c n Yn t[t #S6h{n c}n TPP i nhmn c\i i\phUi trU cV th n (bqn iXc #d

    ca thR tr]n ni YRa cn nh]nhmn rSn buc 6h\c) Z[i ic\c nSnh thuc nhV# nS', ich thu =uan S 6h{n Y\n 6(hoc 6h{n cV) Tnh tr_n t]^nt~ i #t s[ thR tr]n 6h\c (% c, e* +eaan%, Peru hiXn Yk\p %n #xc thu 0 cho c\csUn ph# th' sUn nh] c\, t{#,cua ca /iXt a#)

    Z[i i nhmn #t hSn 6h\c,tron 6hi c^ hi tn uwt 6hu

    ha ima c\c =u' YRnh ph\p ut,tnh c_nh tranh, wn Y h trph\t trin %oanh nhiXp nh Sa, chui cun xn, h tr ph\ttrin Z' S nhmn i ch u%Si S u'`n su[t c\c 6ha c_nhca Yi s[n 6inh t - k hi, YcbiXt cV z nha Y[i i nhV#%oanh nhiXp chi# t trn nnhwt (%oanh nhiXp nh S a)S %o YV S rwt Y\n 6

    (iv) Li ch n t# vi$c m?ng mua s@mcAng"Mc % #xc Y #d caY[i i thR tr]n #ua sW# c{ntron 6hu{n 6hv TPP ch]a Y]c\c YRnh c th nh]n nhiu 6hUnn c\c ni %un tron JiXpYRnh #ua sW# c{n tronTO s Y]c \p %n cho TPP,S nu Yiu nS' S th~c t th ich #S /iXt a# cV Y]c t Yiu

    nS' s S trin n #inh b_chhVa thR tr]n =uan trn nS' TPP th cV th S #t Yn ~ct[t Y iUi =u't nhmn bwt cptron c\c hp Ygn #ua sW#c{n S ho_t Yn Ywu th}u uwtph\t t tnh tr_n thiu #inhb_ch hiXn na'


  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    i i\ c_nh tranh S cV tht Srwt n ( % %Xt #a', %a i}'),nhmn rSo cUn %]i %_n =u'YRnh 6j thut, X sinh %Rch t ha'6iXn phn X th]^n #_i i =u'ch nn 6inh t phi thR tr]n #SJoa | th~c hiXn rwt cV th s {hiXu hVa i ch t iXc iU# thu

    =uan $n nh] ' nhmn Yiu6iXn nt nhyo ao Yn, uwt x nu'`n iXu cn cV th6hin hSn hVa /iXt a# 6h{ntn %n Y]c i ch t iXc iU#thu tron TPP

    Vi #t c\ch 6h\c, nhmn i ch(ii)Li ch ti' c&n th0t>?ng (i vi thng mi

    /0ch v1 v -u t)/ z thu't /iXt a# s Y]ctip cn thR tr]n %Rch cac\c n]c Y[i t\c thun i h^n,i t c\c rSo cUn S Yiu 6iXnh^n Tu' ' tr`n th~c t %Rch ca /iXt a# h}u nh] ch]acV Y}u t] Y\n 6 d n]c noSi%o nn ~c cun cwp %Rch

    ca c\c %oanh nhiXp /iXt a#cn 'u 6# Tron t]^n ai,tnh hnh nS' cV th tha' Yvi Y{i

    (v) Li ch n t# vi$c thBcthi c*c tiu chun vD lao

    Eng. mAi t>?ng"Mc % c^bUn nhmn '`u c}u cao wnY nS' cV th ' 6hV 6hn cho/iXt a# (Yc biXt S chi ph tvchxc th~c hiXn ca hS n]c Schi ph tun th ca %oanhnhiXp) nh]n t #t c\ch 6j]n #t s[ ti`u chun tron YV( % #{i tr]n) s S c^ hit[t Y /iXt a# S# t[t h^n wn

    Y bUo X #{i tr]n (Yc biXttron Y}u t] t c\c n]c Y[i t\cTPP) S bUo X n]i ao Yn


  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    chlt (i nhmn n ~c troniXc uwt 6hu ph}n ##, Y}ut] in th{n ha' #t s[ nh~c %Rch 6h\c) tu' nhi`n 6hUnn nS' t]^n Y[i nh

    oSi ra, i hiXn tr_n #d cat]^n Y[i rn %Rch cac\c Y[i t\c =uan trn tronTPP nh] hiXn na', i ch nS' cVth 6h{n cV z nha (bdi cVha' 6h{n cV TPP th thR tr]n%Rch ca h cn Yk #d snrgi) Z' cn chnh S z %onhiu z 6in cho rqn c\c n]cph\t trin s Y]c i %Rch tron TPP tron 6hi nhmn n]cnh] /iXt a# h}u nh] 6h{nh]dn i t iXc nS'

    ni YRa

    T0!o / :an tV vXn vk CST3T

    188 bn* t0( sz vk 8 ^0i TPP ^ ^t

    Ea' t lc nS' %oanh nhiXp (") c}n e# t t# 6i# nugncun tron c\c n]c tha# ia TPP (JiXp YRnh Th]^n #_i Y[i t\cchin ]c u'`n Th\i !nh "]^n) Y cV th h]dn ]u Yki 6hi TPPchnh thxc Y]c 6z 6tF

    ZV S z 6in ca {n Tr}n !\ $]n, Tr]dn phn TO, / $hnhs\ch th]^n #_i Ya bi`n (! ${n Th]^n), t_i buvi hi thUoETh]^n #_i /iXt a# - Joa | tr]c th# TPP7 Trin n S th\ch

    thxcF %o ! ${n Th]^n tv chxc nS' 1C-11

    u nugn cun d c\c n]c =u\ a nh] Meico ha' Joa |, chi phn chu'n n s S# iU# sxc c_nh tranh hSn hVa, Unh h]dnYn i\ uwt 6hu !`n c_nh YV, na' b' i " n`n trau %gi tinAnh Y nW# mn ut X =u[c t

    n Tr}n !\ $]n cho rqn th\ch thxc n Y[i i /iXt a# 6hitha# ia TPP S trnh Y ao Yn S c\c ti`u chun 6hWt 6he ao

    Yn c\c 6iXn hoc nu' c^ bR 6iXn th]^n #_i chxn nhnnugn [c uwt x, tha# ia chui cun xn toSn c}u


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    !S Mar'beth Turner, chu'`n i`n 6inh t, Z_i sx =u\n Joa | t_i JSi, cho bit TPP Y]c 6z 6t S c^ hi cho /iXt a# tip cn thRtr]n, nhwt S 6hi 100 %n thu s iU# u[n 0 hiu #thSn /iXt a# cV i th c_nh tranh t[t h^n, tn c]n 6hU nntip cn hSn hVa, #t hSn #i TPP 6z 6t th uwt 6hu ca /iXt

    a# cV th tn th`# GC t ." So n# 2025, Ygn thi /iXt a#cV th`# 2C t ." t thu hlt Y}u t] n]c noSi $\c #t hSn sY]c h]dn i n nh] th' sUn YVn hp Yan chRu #xc thu >5ha' #t hSn tr\i c', n{n sUn thu >0-1>0 s iU# 0

    Tu' nhi`n, theo bS Mar'beth Turner, TPP cn Yt ra nhiu th\chthxc n i c\c " /iXt a# "a iS', %Xt #a' S #t hSn ch ~ctron 6i# n_ch uwt 6hu ca /iXt a# san Joa | nh]n #u[nY]c h]dn ]u Yki thu th phUi Y\p xn '`u c}u S si phUi uwt x

    t c\c n]c tron TPPTR PHQNG


  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    N0mn* :Xt l\i t0 trVfn* nji Ba ^0i it Na, t0 0in TPP

    au Y' S nhmn bwt i d thR tr]n ni YRa 6hi /iXt a# th~c hiXnJiXp YRnh TTP7

    1. 5Xt l\i tp vi *i>, t0( Z(an B`i vi 0

  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    %oanh nhiXp /iXt a# 6hi tha# ia TPP /i TPP, s~ tha# ia #_nh# S t~ %o h^n ca c\c nhS cun cwp cV ti# ~c n, cV 6inhnhiX# u n#, cV ]u th %Rch tr`n th ii (Yc biXt S c\cnhS cun cwp %Rch Joa |) cV th 6hin cho c\c Y^n R cun cwp%Rch ca /iXt a# p 6hV 6hn nhi`# trn

    Tu' nhi`n, 6Rch bUn th~c t cV th 6h{n toSn bwt i nh] ' $ thc_nh tranh cV th S Yn ~c Y c\c %oanh nhiXp t~ Yvi #i Snn cao nn ~c Y ph\t trin t[t h^n $_nh tranh cn ilp Vanhmn Y^n R sUn uwt 'u 6#, 6h{n thch hp i tnh hnh #i(Y' cn S Yiu n`n U' ra, % rqn /iXt a# ch]a =uen i tnhtr_n ph\ sUn ca c\c %oanh nhiXp 'u 6#) oSi ra, 6h{n th6h{n nhWc ti nhmn 6hU nn hp t\c ima %oanh nhiXp /iXt a#S Y[i t\c t TPP Y cn ph\t trin Md ca thR tr]n cn S c^ hiY thu hlt Y}u t] So c\c nSnh %Rch , Yc biXt c\c nSnh c}n [n

    S c{n nhX =uUn z cao Z' cV th S c^ sd Y ph\t trin nhiunSnh %Rch d /iXt a# tron t]^n ai

    $. 5Xt l\i tp vi t0 t0i J /d( c( ao lidn Z(an Bn vi:>o 0j Z(/kn s 0m( tre t(

    Joa | S Y[i t\c cV tin S cxn rWn tron nhmn wn Y i`n =uanYn bUo h =u'n sd hmu tr tuX cU tron TO n tron c\c TA can]c nS' Z[i i TPP, wn Y nS' cn Yk Y]c Joa | th hiXnt]^n Y[i r rSn (i #on #u[n Y_t Y]c T9;P tron nh ~c

    nS')Tu' nhi`n, Y' _i S wn Y n Y[i i /iXt a# tron hoSn cUnhth~c t i ph_# cn n S c\c thit ch bUo h cn thiu hiXu =uU/iXc bUo h cht ch c\c =u'n sd hmu tr tuX cn s %n ti nhmn6hV 6hn tr]c #Wt cho nhiu %oanh nhiXp /iXt a# (6hi phUi b[n nhiu h^n cho nhmn sUn ph# thuc o_i nS') S n]i ti`u%n (6hi phUi trU i\ YWt h^n cho %Un ph#)

    Tu' nhi`n, wn Y nS', cn c}n nhn thxc Y}' Y rqn tnh tr_n

    hiXn t_i c}n tha' Yvi %}n %}n Y chw# %xt tron t]^n ai nu /iXta# #u[n cV #t nn 6inh t c{n nhiXp hVa, hiXn Y_i hVa (bdibUo h t[t =u'n sd hmu tr tuX S Yn ~c Y ph\t trin s\n t_o d/iXt a# S thu hlt Y}u t] c{n nhX cao S# c^ sd cho hiXn Y_ihVa) "o ' th~c hiXn T9;P S T9;P tron t]^n ai S cV i cho/iXt a#, S th c}n e# Y' nh] S #t c^ hi t[t Y thlc Y'c{n iXc 6hV 6hn nS' d /iXt a#

    Tu' nhi`n, iXc th~c hiXn na' S toSn b c\c '`u c}u d #xc T9;P S 6h{n 6hU thi Y[i i chln ta / ' s rwt t[t nu $^ =uan

    YS# ph\n cV th chwp nhn nhmn '`u c}u t]^n Y[i cao sd hmutr tuX tron TPP nh]n i c\c Yiu 6iXn ti`n =u't nh]7


  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    L trnh th~c hiXn %Si

    $V s~ h tr 6j thut c}n thit Y th~c thi (/iXt a# cn YanphUi nhn s~ h tr 6j thut t nhiu nugn Y th~c hiXn '`u c}utron nh ~c nS' theo T9;P ca TO)

    $V nhmn no_i X thch hp (ri`n Y[i i tr]n hp nS', /iXta# cV th %~a So nhmn u h]n Yan `n hiXn na' tr`n th iii`n =uan Yn wn Y tn c]n bUo X i ch ca n]i ti`u %ni`n =uan Yn %]c ph#, bUo X sxc 6he tr]c nhmn '`u c}u bUo h =u'n sd hmu tr tuX tron c\c nh ~c nS')

    '. 5Xt l\i tp vi t0 t0i J /d( c( ao vk ,hi trVfn* laoBjn* n0 tran0 v< J r

  • 7/25/2019 Tpp Summarizing


    #an _i cho chln ta, c}n cn nhWc ph]^n \n YS# ph\n thch hpsao cho Y[i t\c cV th chwp nhn nhmn E#xc Y ca# 6tF #S /iXta# cV th chRu Y~n Y]c Theo nhiu chu'`n ia th Y cV Y]c6t =uU YS# ph\n cV i nhmn wn Y nS' c}n ]u z7

    - Th nht, /iXt a# c}n thu't phc Y]c c\c Y[i t\c rqn chln taYk cV rwt nhiu tin b tron c\c nh ~c #{i tr]n S ao Yn/S ' iXc ch]a th Y_t Y]c c\c '`u c}uKti`u chun cao #{itr]n 6h{n phUi %o /iXt a# 6h{n #on #u[n nh] ' #S S %o6hU nn hiXn t_i ch]a th Y\p xn /i nhmn thu't phc nh] ',iXc '`u c}u ti`u chun thwp h^n hoc trnh \p %n %Si h^nSKhoc nhmn h tr 6j thut Y trin 6hai S 6hU thi h^n nhiu

    + Th hai, /iXt a# c}n ch Yn chwp nhn tr]c nhmn '`u c}u #{i tr]n S ao Yn #S /iXt a# hiXn cV th Y\p xn Y]c(6h{n im =uan Yi# bUo th tron toSn b wn Y) / %, theonhiu %oanh nhiXp, hiXn na' h Yk Yan Y\p xn nhiu ti`u chun ao Yn i`n =uan Yn o_i b ao Yn c]n bxc, cw# ao Yntr e#, cw# phn biXt Y[i tron tu'n %n S s %n ao Yn,YU# bUo =u'n tip cn c{n z tron th~c thi ph\p ut ao Yntheo '`u c}u ca 6h\ch hSn, S ' iXc c\c ti`u chun nS' Y]c\p %n chun cn s 6h{n ' ra 6hV 6hn ha' bwt cp n chonhmn %oanh nhiXp nS' S cU nhmn %oanh nhiXp 6h\c (nu hS# Y]c th su' Yo\n S c\c %oanh nhiXp 6h\c cn cV th c[ WnY th~c hiXn Y]c)

    +. 5Xt l\i tp vi , a t0 trVfn* ,(a s@, hn*

    Mua sW# c{n S #t wn Y phxc t_p S hiXn n Yan S nh ~ct]^n Y[i YVn Y[i i t~ %o th]^n #_i Tron TO, JiXp YRnh #ua sW# c{n cV s~ tha# ia ca #t s[ ]n rwt h_n ch c\cn]c S #c % bR Joa | 6`u i hoc thlc p, nhiu n]c n im=uan Yi# thn trn Y[i i nh ~c nS' Tron TPP, cV nhiu z6in cho rqn Joa | s _i Y]a ra '`u c}u nS' cho c\c Y[i t\c tha#ia YS# ph\n ( % bqn iXc '`u c}u c\c Y[i t\c TPP tha# ia JiXp

    YRnh #ua sW# c{n ca TO hoc Y]a c\c =u' YRnh ca JiXpYRnh nS' So TPP)

    Z[i i /iXt a#, iXc #d ca thR tr]n #ua sW# c{n theo c\chnS' cV Y]c su' Yo\n S s ' ra nhmn t\c Yn bwt i (i nhmno n_i t]^n t~ nh] o n_i ca nhiu n]c s~ Etwn c{nF ca c\cnhS cun cwp n]c noSi 6hin %oanh nhiXp ni YRa 6h{n c_nhtranh nvi tron c\c Ywu th}u n) tron 6hi 6hU nn /iXt a#tip cn Y]c i thR tr]n #ua sW# c{n ca c\c Y[i t\c TPP Sh}u nh] 6h{n cV (%o h_n ch nn ~c c_nh tranh)


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    Tu' nhi`n, cn c}n cV nhn nhn tch c~c h^n wn Y nS' $ th,iXc #d ca thR tr]n #ua sW# c{n cV th #an _i nhmn i chnhwt YRnh tron hoSn cUnh ri`n ca /iXt a#7

    - $V th S c^ hi Y #inh b_ch hVa thR tr]n nS' (hiXn na' #c %Yk cV Lut Ywu th}u cn c\c n bUn i`n =uan nh]n #ua sW#c{n n S nh ~c cn rwt nhiu bwt cp ph\t sinh t iXc thiu#inh b_ch tron c\c =u' trnh i`n =uan ' c\c '`u c}u #inhb_ch hVa #ua sW# c