Total Quality Management


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  • 1. Total Quality Management

2. Introduction Total Quality Management (TQM) - originated inthe 1950s Become more popular since the early 1980s. Total quality is a description of the culture,attitude and organization of a company thatstrives to provide customers with products andservices that satisfy their needs. The culturerequires quality in all aspects of the companysoperations, with processes being done right thefirst time and defects and waste eradicated fromoperations. 3. Definition of Total Quality Management :- TQM is a philosophy that says that uniformcommitment to quality in all areas of anorganization promotes an organizational culturethat meets consumers perceptions of quality.An integrated effort designed to improve qualityperformance at every level of the organization.Application:-Production, marketing, finance, and informationsystems. 4. Focus on-Doing Right from 1st Time 5. Principles of TQM The concept of TQM rests largely on fiveprinciples: Produce quality work the first time. Focus on the customer. Have a strategic approach to improvement. Improve continuously. Encourage mutual respect and teamwork 6. The process begins by listening to customerswants and needs and then delivering goodsand services that fulfill these desires. 7. TQM Model 8. Key elements for successEthicsIntegrityTrustTrainingTeamworkLeadershipRecognitionCommunication 9. Benefits of TQMFinancial benefits:- Lower costs Higher returns on sales and investment Ability to charge higher rather than competitiveprices.Other benefits:- Improved access to global markets Higher customer retention levels Less time required to develop new innovations Reputation as a quality firm.