Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP Christian Haass 1 , Christoph Kaether 2 , Gopal Thinakaran 3 , and Sangram Sisodia 3 1 DZNE—German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, 80336 Munich, Germany; and Adolf Butenandt-Institute, Biochemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians University, 80336 Munich, Germany 2 Leibniz Institut fu ¨ r Altersforschung, D-07745 Jena, Germany 3 Department of Neurobiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637 Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] Accumulations of insoluble deposits of amyloid b-peptide are major pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer disease. Amyloid b-peptide is derived by sequential proteolytic process- ing from a large type I trans-membrane protein, the b-amyloid precursor protein. The pro- teolytic enzymes involved in its processing are named secretases. b- and g-secretase liberate by sequential cleavage the neurotoxic amyloid b-peptide, whereas a-secretase pre- vents its generation by cleaving within the middle of the amyloid domain. In this chapter we describe the cell biological and biochemical characteristics of the three secretase activities involved in the proteolytic processing of the precursor protein. In addition we outline how the precursor protein maturates and traffics through the secretory pathway to reach the sub- cellular locations where the individual secretases are preferentially active. Furthermore, we illuminate how neuronal activity and mutations which cause familial Alzheimer disease affect amyloid b-peptide generation and therefore disease onset and progression. PROTEOLYTIC PROCESSING OF APP APP Processing: The Amyloidogenic and Anti-Amyloidogenic Pathways T he 37–43 amino acid amyloid b-peptide (Ab) is generated by proteolytic processing from its precursor, the b-amyloid precursor protein (APP) in a physiologically normal path- way (Haass et al. 1992, 1993a; Seubert et al. 1992; Shoji et al. 1992; Busciglio et al. 1993; Haass and Selkoe 1993). APP is a type-I ori- ented membrane protein with its amino termi- nus within the lumen/extracellular space and its carboxyl terminus within the cytosol (Kang et al. 1987; Dyrks et al. 1988). Although APP is initially targeted into the secretory pathway (see below), it is proteolytically processed at several different subcellular sites (Weidemann et al. 1989). Three protease activities called a-, b-, and g-secretase are involved in specific processing steps (Haass 2004). The name “sec- retases” refers to the secretion of the proteolyti- cally cleaved substrates. All three protease activities have been identified and are described below. We discriminate two principal processing pathways: the amyloidogenic pathway, which leads to Ab generation; and the anti-myloido- genic pathway, which prevents Ab generation (Fig. 1). Ab is produced in the amyloidogenic Editors: Dennis J. Selkoe, Eckhard Mandelkow, and David M. Holtzman Additional Perspectives on The Biology of Alzheimer Disease available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006270 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2012;2:a006270 1 www.perspectivesinmedicine.org on March 20, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press http://perspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/ Downloaded from

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APPperspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/2/5/a006270.full.pdf(bCTF or C99), which is then cleaved by g-sec-retase. The latter cleavage

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Page 1: Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APPperspectivesinmedicine.cshlp.org/content/2/5/a006270.full.pdf(bCTF or C99), which is then cleaved by g-sec-retase. The latter cleavage

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

Christian Haass1, Christoph Kaether2, Gopal Thinakaran3, and Sangram Sisodia3

1DZNE—German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, 80336 Munich, Germany; and AdolfButenandt-Institute, Biochemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians University, 80336 Munich, Germany

2Leibniz Institut fur Altersforschung, D-07745 Jena, Germany3Department of Neurobiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637

Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected]

Accumulations of insoluble deposits of amyloid b-peptide are major pathological hallmarksof Alzheimer disease. Amyloid b-peptide is derived by sequential proteolytic process-ing from a large type I trans-membrane protein, the b-amyloid precursor protein. The pro-teolytic enzymes involved in its processing are named secretases. b- and g-secretaseliberate by sequential cleavage the neurotoxic amyloid b-peptide, whereas a-secretase pre-vents its generation by cleaving within the middle of the amyloid domain. In this chapter wedescribe the cell biological and biochemical characteristics of the three secretase activitiesinvolved in the proteolytic processing of the precursor protein. In addition we outline howthe precursor protein maturates and traffics through the secretory pathway to reach the sub-cellular locations where the individual secretases are preferentially active. Furthermore, weilluminate how neuronal activity and mutations which cause familial Alzheimer diseaseaffect amyloid b-peptide generation and therefore disease onset and progression.


APP Processing: The Amyloidogenic andAnti-Amyloidogenic Pathways

The 37–43 amino acid amyloid b-peptide(Ab) is generated by proteolytic processing

from its precursor, the b-amyloid precursorprotein (APP) in a physiologically normal path-way (Haass et al. 1992, 1993a; Seubert et al.1992; Shoji et al. 1992; Busciglio et al. 1993;Haass and Selkoe 1993). APP is a type-I ori-ented membrane protein with its amino termi-nus within the lumen/extracellular space and itscarboxyl terminus within the cytosol (Kanget al. 1987; Dyrks et al. 1988). Although APP

is initially targeted into the secretory pathway(see below), it is proteolytically processed atseveral different subcellular sites (Weidemannet al. 1989). Three protease activities called a-,b-, and g-secretase are involved in specificprocessing steps (Haass 2004). The name “sec-retases” refers to the secretion of the proteolyti-cally cleaved substrates. All three proteaseactivities have been identified and are describedbelow.

We discriminate two principal processingpathways: the amyloidogenic pathway, whichleads to Ab generation; and the anti-myloido-genic pathway, which prevents Ab generation(Fig. 1). Ab is produced in the amyloidogenic

Editors: Dennis J. Selkoe, Eckhard Mandelkow, and David M. Holtzman

Additional Perspectives on The Biology of Alzheimer Disease available at www.perspectivesinmedicine.org

Copyright # 2012 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006270

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pathway by the consecutive action of b- andg-secretase (Haass 2004). The b-secretase activ-ity initiates Ab generation by shedding a largepart of the ectodomain of APP (APPsb) andgenerating an APP carboxy-terminal fragment(bCTF or C99), which is then cleaved by g-sec-retase. The latter cleavage occurs within thehydrophobic environment of biological mem-branes. Consecutive shedding and intramem-brane proteolysis is now summarized underthe term “regulated intramembrane proteolysis”(Brown et al. 2000; Rawson 2002; Lichtenthaleret al. 2011), a cellular process, which is frequent-ly involved in important signaling pathways(Selkoe and Kopan 2003; see DeStrooper et al.2011). On g-secretase cleavage, Ab is liberatedand then found in extracellular fluids such asplasma or cerebrospinal fluid (Seubert et al.1992). In the anti-amyloidogenic pathway, APPis cleaved approximately in the middle of theAb region by the a-secretase activity (Esch

et al. 1990; Sisodia et al. 1990). This processingstep generates a truncated APP CTF (aCTF orC83), which lacks the amino-terminal portionof the Ab domain. The subsequent intramem-brane cut by g-secretase liberates a truncatedAb peptide called p3 (Haass et al. 1993b), whichapparently is pathologically irrelevant. g-Secre-tase not only liberates Ab (from C99) and p3(from C83) but also generates the APP intracel-lular domain (AICD) (Gu et al. 2001; Sastreet al. 2001; Weidemann et al. 2002), which isreleased into the cytosol and which may havea function in nuclear signaling (Cao and Sudhof2001; von Rotz et al. 2004). The amyloidogenicand the anti-amyloidogenic processing path-ways compete with each other at least in somesubcellular loci, since enhancing a-secretaseactivity in animal models of Alzheimer disease(AD) or in cultured cells can significantly lowerAb generation and even amyloid plaque forma-tion (Nitsch et al. 1992; Postina et al. 2004).











Anti-amyloidogenic pathway Amyloidogenic pathway


Figure 1. Proteolytic processing of APP within the anti-amyloidogenic (left) and amyloidogenic (right)pathways.

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Familial Alzheimer Disease–AssociatedMutations within the APP Gene Affect AbGeneration and Aggregation

A number of familial Alzheimer disease (FAD)-associated mutations have been found withinand around the Ab domain (Chartier-Harlinet al. 1991; Selkoe 2001; discussed in detail inSchenk et al. 2011). These mutations acceleratedisease progression via diverse mechanisms.The Swedish mutation at the amino terminusof the Ab region (Mullan et al. 1992) resultsin a significant increase of total Ab production(such as Ab40 and Ab42) by providing a bettersubstrate for the b-secretase activity (Citronet al. 1992; Cai et al. 1993). Mutations locatedjust beyond the carboxyl terminus of Ab (suchas the so-called Austrian, Iranian, French, Ger-man, London, and Florida mutations) causethe increased production of longer Ab species(Ab42), which aggregate more rapidly and arebelieved to be the major neurotoxic Ab species(Suzuki et al. 1994). Mutations in the midregion, such as the Arctic (Nilsberth et al.2001) and Dutch mutations (Levy et al. 1990),affect the primary sequence of Ab and appa-rently change the structure of Ab, resulting inits enhanced aggregation propensity. Some ofthese intra-Ab mutations can lead to mixedamyloid pathologies: marked cerebral angiop-athy and marked amyloid plaque formation.For the Flemish mutation, an unexpectedpathological mechanism was described recent-ly. This mutation is located in an apparentsubstrate inhibitory domain that negativelyregulates g-secretase activity by binding to anunknown allosteric site within the complex.The Flemish mutation can reduce the activityof this inhibitory domain and consequentlyincrease Ab generation (Tian et al. 2010).

The Amyloidogenic Proteases: b- andg-Secretase


b-Secretase mediates the initial and rate-limiting processing step during Ab generation(Vassar 2004). Expression cloning or biochem-ical purification led to the identification of a

unique b-secretase enzyme (Sinha et al. 1999;Vassar et al. 1999; Yan et al. 1999; Hussainet al. 2000; Lin et al. 2000). Although manydifferent names were originally used to de-scribe this activity, such as memapsin, aspartylprotease 2, or BACE1 (b-site APP cleavingenzyme-1), BACE1 is now the generally ac-cepted term for the enzyme harboring b-secre-tase activity. BACE1 is a membrane-boundaspartyl protease with its active site in thelumen/extracellular space and with structuralsimilarities to the pepsin family (Hong et al.2000). Besides BACE1, a homologous proteasecalled BACE2 was identified (Vassar 2004).However, BACE2 is not involved in amy-loidogenesis and may rather exert an anti-amyloidogenic activity in non-neuronal cellssomewhat similar to a-secretase (Bennett et al.2000a; Farzan et al. 2000; Fluhrer et al. 2002;Basi et al. 2003). BACE1 is the sole b-secretase,because its knockout completely blocks Abgeneration (Cai et al. 2001; Roberds et al.2001; Luo et al. 2003). The protease is ubiqui-tously expressed, with highest levels in brainand pancreas; the physiological relevance ofhigh pancreatic expression is currently notunderstood. Because APP is also expressed atvery high levels in the brain, the concomitanthigh levels of BACE1 and APP make the brainthe primary tissue for high Ab generation andhelp explain why AD is a brain disease eventhough APP is expressed ubiquitously.

BACE1 is an important therapeutic target(Citron 2004), because its inhibition not onlyreduces Ab levels but also prevents the accumu-lation of bCTFs, which contain the entire Abdomain and serve as the final substrate for Abproduction (see Fig. 1). This is an importantissue, because accumulation of such CTFs maycause additional, poorly understood toxiceffects. Progress has been made toward the gen-eration of BACE1 inhibitors, and clinical studiesare on the way (Citron 2004; Schenk et al. 2011).However, one must be aware that such anapproach also inhibits the physiological func-tion of BACE1. So far, only very few physio-logical substrates have been validated whosecleavage by BACE1 is associated with a clear bio-logical function. BACE1 knockout mice are

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

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viable and fertile and do not show any majorbehavioral, morphological, or developmentaldeficits (Cai et al. 2001; Roberds et al. 2001;Luo et al. 2003). However, subtle behavioralphenotypes such as some memory impairmentand changes in spontaneous activity (Harrisonet al. 2003; Dominguez et al. 2005) indicatethat a loss of function of BACE1 can have detri-mental consequences. Very high postnatal ex-pression levels of BACE1 (Willem et al. 2006)revealed a function of BACE1 in myelination,a process which occurs after birth. Indeed allavailable BACE1 knockout mice show a sig-nificant hypomyelination phenotype in theperipheral nervous system (Fig. 2A; Hu et al.2006; Willem et al. 2006). Whether myelina-tion within the CNS is also under the con-trol of BACE1, as described by Hu et al.(2006), is currently under debate. Schwann cell-mediated myelination in the peripheral ner-vous system is regulated via the Neuregulin-1(NRG1) signaling pathway (Birchmeier andNave 2008). Interestingly, proteolytic pro-cessing of NRG1 (Fig. 2B) is believed to facil-itate its signaling activity. Indeed, in theBACE1 knockout animals, uncleaved NRG1

accumulates. Thus, NRG1 is a physiologicalsubstrate for BACE1, and at least one of thephysiological functions of BACE1 concernsmyelination. BACE1 has also been shown tobe involved in the regulation of voltage-dependent sodium channels (Kim et al. 2007).Moreover, other substrates such as Type IIa-2,6-sialyltransferase, platelet selectin glyco-protein ligand-1, APP-like proteins, Ab itself,and the interleukin-like receptor type II havealso been shown to be processed by BACE1(summarized in Willem et al. 2009). However,the physiological consequences of these cleav-ages are unclear, and one should keep in mindthat most substrates were identified on overex-pression of BACE1 and/or the substrate, whichis likely to generate conditions allowing artifi-cial substrate/protease interactions.


The Ab-liberating cleavage of APP is mediatedby g-secretase and occurs within the trans-membrane domain (TMD). g-Secretase struc-ture and function is discussed in DeStrooperet al. (2011). Here, we will briefly introduce



NRG1 type III






Figure 2. Biological function of BACE1 in myelination. (A) A BACE1 knockout in mice results in a hypomyelin-ation phenotype within the peripheral nervous system. Cross-sections through the sciatic nerve of wild-typemice and BACE knockout mice are shown. (B) Proteolytic processing of NRG1 type III. NRG1 type III is cleavedby BACE1. This processing step leads to the exposure of EGF-containing domain and facilitates signaling viaErbB4 in Schwann cells.

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g-secretase and then focus on the cellularassembly of g-secretase and its subcellular sitesof activity.

g-Secretase is a protease complex consist-ing of four subunits (reviewed in Steiner et al.2008). Presenilin (PS) 1 or PS2 contain thetwo critical aspartyl residues within TMDs 6and 7, which are part of the catalytic domainof the aspartyl protease activity of g-secretase(Wolfe et al. 1999). Additional complex compo-nents are nicastrin (NCT), anterior pharynxdefective (APH)-1a or APH-1b, and the PSenhancer (PEN)-2 (Yu et al. 2000; Franciset al. 2002). These four components are neces-sary and sufficient for full g-secretase activity(Edbauer et al. 2003). Little is known aboutthe biological function of NCT, APH-1, andPEN-2. NCT is probably required as a size-selecting substrate receptor (Shah et al. 2005;Dries et al. 2009), although recent findingsmay challenge such a function (Chavez-Gutier-rez et al. 2008; Martin et al. 2009). PEN-2 appa-rently facilitates PS endoproteolysis into itsactive heterodimeric state and stabilizes PSwithin the g-secretase complex (Hasegawa et al.2004; Prokop et al. 2004). No specific functionhas so far been assigned to APH-1, although itmay act as a scaffold for the initial binding ofNCT and assembly of the complex (LaVoieet al. 2003).

The intramembrane processing of APP byg-secretase is not restricted to a single site.Rather, it appears that g-secretase substratesare cleaved several times within their TMDs.Cleavages at the so-called 1-, z-, and g-sitesthat are separated by approximately three aminoacids are postulated (Fig. 3; Sastre et al. 2001;Weidemann et al. 2002; Qi-Takahara et al.2005; Takami et al. 2009). To make things evenmore complicated, the final g-cleavage is alsonot precise and can occur under physiologicalconditions at least between amino acids 37and 43 of the Ab domain. This difference is ofgreatest relevance for the understanding of ADpathology, because the longer Ab42 species ismore aggregation prone and believed to be thetoxic building block of Ab oligomers, whichaffect memory and cell survival (Haass andSelkoe 2007). How can these multiple cleavagesbe explained? Although it is not yet finally pro-ven, it is likely that this phenomenon is due to astepwise cleavage mechanism performed by oneand the same g-secretase. Moreover, stepwiseendoproteolysis may be a general phenomenonof intramembrane proteolysis mediated by allg-secretase-like proteases (Fluhrer et al. 2006,2008, 2009). Apparently, once APP (or anothersubstrate) is bound to the active site of theg-secretase complex, intramembrane proteoly-sis begins with the 1-cleavage after amino acids

Aβ42 producing product line

Aβ40 producing product line

Extracellular space

Transmembrane domain



















21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60

Figure 3. Sequential processing of APP by g-secretase.

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

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49 or 48. This is then followed by cleavage afteramino acids 46 or 45 (z-cleavage) and termi-nates with the cleavage at the g-site mostly atamino acids 42 or 40 (but also after amino acids37, 38, 39, and 43; Fig. 3). Two product lines arediscussed (Fig. 3): one leading predominantlyto Ab42 generation (starting with the 1-cleav-age after amino acid 48 and followed by clea-vages after amino acids 45 and 42); and theother leading predominantly to Ab40 (startingwith the 1-cleavage after amino acid 49 and fol-lowed by cleavages after amino acids 46 and 43).As discussed in Schenk et al. (2011), these clea-vages may be therapeutically modulated toselectively prevent Ab42 generation.

The Anti-Amyloidogenic a-Secretase

As mentioned above, the anti-amyloidogenicprocessing of APPoccurs within the Ab domainbetween residues Lys16 and Leu17 (Esch et al.1990; Sisodia et al. 1990; Wang et al. 1991) andresults in the secretion of the large APP amino-terminal domain and the generation of a-CTF(C83). This cleavage is performed by a set ofproteases termed a-secretases. Shortly afterthe identification of the a-secretase cleavagesite, it was noted that in cultured cells this cleav-age predominantly occurs at the cell surface,suggesting that a-secretases are plasma mem-brane (PM)-bound proteases (Sisodia 1992).Activation of protein kinase C by phorbol estersstimulates a-secretase processing and secretionof the APP ectodomain (Buxbaum et al. 1990).This protein kinase C-dependent APP process-ing was dubbed “regulateda-secretase cleavage”of APP. Several zinc metalloproteinases that aremembers of the “a disintegrin and metallopro-tease” family such as ADAM9, ADAM10,TACE/ADAM17 and ADAM19 can functionas a-secretase (Allinson et al. 2003). Targeteddisruption of individual genes that encodeADAM10, TACE/ADAM17, or ADAM19 hasno effect on constitutive a-secretase processingof APP, indicating that a-secretase activity isshared by a set of ADAM proteases (Buxbaumet al. 1998b; Merlos-Suarez et al. 1998; Hartmannet al. 2002; Weskamp et al. 2002). However, re-cent evidence suggests that, at least in neurons,

the principal constitutive a-secretase activityis exerted by ADAM10 (Kuhn et al. 2010).Besides APP, Notch receptors and ligands,tumor necrosis factor a, cadherins and IL-6receptor, EGF receptor ligands, and several othertype I transmembrane proteins are cleaved bya-secretases to release their extracellular do-main. Consequently, the process of ectodomainshedding mediated by a-secretases appears tobe largely sequence independent. At a mini-mum, a-secretase cleavage of APP is deter-mined by an a-helical conformation and thedistance (12–13 residues) of the hydrolyzedbond from the membrane (Sisodia 1992).

Amyloidogenic processing appears to be thefavored pathway of APP metabolism in neurons,largely because of the greater abundance ofBACE1, whereas anti-amyloidogenic pathwayis predominant in all other cell types. Overex-pression of ADAM10 and other putative a-sec-retases in cultured cells as well as in transgenicmice increases the secretion of the APP ectodo-main ending at the a-secretase site. Interest-ingly, neuronal overexpression of ADAM10 intransgenic mice reduces BACE1 processing ofAPP and amyloid deposition (Postina et al.2004). This finding is of physiological relevancebecause ADAM10 is expressed throughout thecortex and hippocampus in the adult centralnervous system, and APP, BACE1, and ADAM10are co-expressed in human cortical neurons(Marcinkiewicz et al. 2000). Other putativea-secretases such as ADAM9, TACE/ADAM17and ADAM19 are also expressed in the adultbrain. Thus, up-regulation of a-secretase ac-tivity to promote anti-amyloidogenic process-ing of APP is potentially of therapeutic value(Postina et al. 2004).

Commitment of APP to amyloidogenic andanti-amyloidogenic pathways can be differen-tially modulated by the activation of cell-surfacereceptors such as the serotonin/5-hydroxy-tryptamine (5-HT4) receptor, metabotropicglutamate receptors, muscarinic acetylcholinereceptors, and platelet-derived growth factorreceptor (Allinson et al. 2003). Signaling down-stream from these receptors regulates APPsaand Ab secretion by engaging intermediatesincluding protein kinase C, protein kinase A,

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phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, mitogen-activatedprotein kinase kinase, extracellular signal-regu-lated kinase, Src tyrosine kinase, small GTPaseRac, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, cAMP, andcytosolic calcium (reviewed in Gandy et al.1994; Allinson et al. 2003). Lowering cholesterollevels in cultured cells stimulates a-secretasecleavage of APP through mechanisms involvingimpaired APP endocytosis and increased steady-state levels of ADAM10 (Kojro et al. 2001). Theeffect of cholesterol depletion is not specific toAPP cleavage, because the shedding of thehuman interleukin-6 receptor by ADAM10and TACE/ADAM17 is also stimulated underthese conditions (Matthews et al. 2003).


Biosynthesis and Trafficking through theSecretory Pathway

The pathways of APP trafficking in a nonpolar-ized mammalian cell are depicted in Figure 4.During its transit from the ER to the PM, nas-cent APP is posttranslationally modified byN- and O-linked glycosylation, ectodomain and

cytoplasmic phosphorylation, and tyrosine sul-phation. Only a small fraction of nascent APPmolecules reach the PM (estimated at �10%based on APP overexpression in cultured cells),whereas the majority of APP at steady-statelocalizes to the Golgi apparatus and trans-Golginetwork (TGN). APP which is not shed fromthe cell surface is internalized within minutesof arrival at the cell surface because of the pres-ence of its “YENPTY” internalization motifnear the carboxyl terminus of APP (residues682–687 of APP695 isoform) (Lai et al. 1995;Marquez-Sterling et al. 1997). Following endo-cytosis, APP is delivered to endosomes, and afraction of endocytosed molecules is recycledto the cell surface. Measurable amounts of inter-nalized APP also undergo degradation in lyso-somes (Haass et al. 1992).

Endocytic APP Sorting and Ab Production

Although attempts to characterize the role ofendocytic APP trafficking by expression ofdominant-negative dynamin mutants resultedin discrepant findings (Chyung et al. 2003; Ehe-halt et al. 2003; Carey et al. 2005), mutations












Figure 4. Intracellular trafficking of APP. Nascent APP molecules (black bars) mature through the constitutivesecretory pathway (1). Once APP reaches the cell surface, it is rapidly internalized (2) and subsequently traffickedthrough endocytic and recycling organelles to the TGN or the cell surface (3). A small fraction is also degraded inthe lysosome. Nonamyloidogenic processing mainly occurs at the cell surface where a-secretases are present.Amyloidogenic processing involves transit through the endocytic organelles where APP encounters b- andg-secretases.

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

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within the APP cytosolic YENPTY motif selec-tively inhibit APP internalization and decreaseAb generation (Perez et al. 1999). This motifand the flanking region serve as the bindingsite for many cytosolic adaptors that have phos-photyrosine-binding domains, including Fe65,Fe65L1, Fe65L2, Mint 1 (also called X11a), Mint2, Mint 3, Dab1, sorting nexin 17, and c-Junamino-terminal kinase-interacting protein fam-ily members. Overexpression of Mint 1, Mint 2,or Fe65 causes reduction in Ab generation andless deposition in the brains of APP transgenicmice, strongly suggesting a physiological rolefor these adaptors in regulating amyloidogenicprocessing of APP in the nervous system (Milleret al. 2006). In addition to binding APP, Mintproteins can directly bind ADP-ribosylationfactors, raising the intriguing possibility thatMints may regulate vesicular trafficking ofAPP by serving as coat proteins (Hill et al.2003). A conformational change introduced byphosphorylation at Thr-668 (14 amino acidsproximal to the YENPTY motif ) interfereswith Fe65 binding to APP and facilitatesBACE1 and g-secretase cleavage of APP in cul-tured cells (Ando et al. 2001; Lee et al. 2003).However, analysis of Thr-668-Ala knock-inmice indicates that the phosphorylation statusof Thr-668 does not affect physiological proc-essing of APP into Ab peptides in vivo (Sanoet al. 2006). In addition to its potential role inAPP endocytosis, Fe65 stabilizes the highlylabile AICD, which may serve as a regulatorystep in modulating the physiological functionof AICD. Fe65 is capable of interacting withAPP and LRP (a multifunctional endocytosisreceptor containing two NPXY motifs) viadistinct protein interaction domains (Tromms-dorff et al. 1998). Lack of LRP expression causesreduced APP internalization and Ab secretion(Ulery et al. 2000; Pietrzik et al. 2002; Camet al. 2005), leading to the conclusion thatendocytosis of LRP is coupled to APP internal-ization and processing, and Fe65 acts as a func-tional linker between APP and LRP in modulat-ing endocytic APP trafficking (Pietrzik et al.2004). In addition, Ran-binding protein 9 pro-motes APP interaction with APP and facilitatesAPP internalization in a Fe65-independent

manner (Lakshmana et al. 2009). Finally, thetype I transmembrane protein sorLA/LR11 (amember of the VPS10p-domain receptor fam-ily), which functionally interacts with cytosolicadaptors GGA and PACS-1, regulates Ab pro-duction by acting as a Golgi/TGN retention fac-tor for APP (Andersen et al. 2005; Offe et al.2006; Schmidt et al. 2007). Ab levels are reducedon overexpression of sorLA/LR11 in culturedcells and increased in the brains of sorLA/LR11 knockout mice (Andersen et al. 2005;Offe et al. 2006). sorLA/LR11 is also geneticallyassociated with AD and its steady-state levels aremarkedly reduced in the brains of patients withAD, further implicating this sorting molecule inthe physiological regulation of APP metabolism(Andersen et al. 2005; Offe et al. 2006; Rogaevaet al. 2007).

Polarized Trafficking of APP inNon-Neuronal Cells

Obviously, neurons are of pivotal interest forthe analysis of APP trafficking and processing.Because of the polarized nature of neurons, astrong interest emerged in understanding howAPP is targeted to selected destinations andwhere during its cellular transport APP is pro-cessed into its cleavage products by the threesecretase activities described above. Cellularmodel systems have been developed that allowanalysis of polarized sorting in relatively simpleperipheral cells. Madin–Darby canine kidney(MDCK) cells are a suitable cell system, as theyform polarized monolayers with defined apicaland basolateral surfaces on culturing in Trans-well chambers. This widely used tool in cellbiology not only allows the separate collectionof apically and basolaterally secreted proteinsbut also the detection of membrane-boundproteins on either surface, for example, viabiotinylation.

Polarized Trafficking of APP via TwoIndependent Sorting Mechanisms

Using MDCK cells, it has been shown that anumber of cleavage products of APP includ-ing soluble APP (a-secretase generated APP;aAPPs), Ab, and p3 are selectively targeted to

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the basolateral compartment (Haass et al. 1994;De Strooper et al. 1995a). In addition, surfaceAPP also accumulates on the basolateral sur-face, and APPsa shed from surface APP accu-mulates in the basolateral media (Fig. 5). Thesefindings suggested that APP contains a sortingsignal that selectively targets it to the basolater-al side of polarized cells. Deletion of the last42 amino acids of the cytoplasmic domain ofAPP (aa 654–695 according to the numberingof APP695) causes a random (default) trans-port of the resultant APP-DC to both surfaces(Fig. 5C). Moreover, Tyr 653 was identified asa critical amino acid required for efficient baso-lateral APP sorting (Haass et al. 1995a). Inter-estingly, this signal acts independently of are-internalization signal between aa 684–687(see above). Surprisingly, when a Tyr653-mutant APP was expressed, the bulk of aAPPswas still sorted efficiently to the basolateralcompartment, although the membrane-boundholoprotein was transported equally to bothsurfaces (De Strooper et al. 1995a; Haass et al.1995a). This result indicates two independentsorting mechanisms, one for membrane-boundAPP and one for soluble APPsa (Fig. 5A–C).Whereas the first sorting pathway is dependenton a cytoplasmic sorting signal similar to otherpolarized sorted proteins, the soluble ectodo-main of APP apparently contains an independ-ent basolateral sorting signal (De Strooper et al.1995b; Haass et al. 1995a). Indeed, when APPsawas expressed as a recombinant protein, it wasstill rather efficiently sorted to the basolateralcompartment (Haass et al. 1995a). Evidenceexists that alternative splicing of APP can affectpolarized secretion of soluble APP (Hartmannet al. 1996). APP variants lacking the exon 15encoded domain are sorted equally into bothcompartments. It is assumed that the 3D struc-ture by itself, not a linear sequence motif, deter-mines polarized sorting of secreted APPsa.Cellular fractionation studies show that a largeamount of APPsa is already generated bya-secretase within the Golgi compartmentlong before it reaches the cell surface of MDCKcells (Haass et al. 1995a). Based on previousfindings it was assumed that sorting of sol-uble proteins occurs within a pH-sensitive

compartment (De Strooper et al. 1995a; Haasset al. 1995a). Indeed NH4Cl treatment random-izes polarized secretion of aAPPs. Thus, twodistinct pathways mediate polarized sorting ofAPP in MDCK cells (Fig. 5A–C).

Polarized Sorting of Secretases

The above findings have major implications forthe polarized trafficking of all three secretaseactivities. As described in the first publicationon polarized secretion of Ab, only smallamounts of authentic Ab beginning with Asp1of the Ab sequence are observed in the basolat-eral media (Haass et al. 1994). This is consistentwith the finding that BACE1, which cleaves atAsp1, is predominantly targeted to the apicalsurface of MDCK, a process which markedlylimits Ab generation in polarized cells (Capellet al. 2002). Indeed, when APP is mis-sortedto the apical surface, it is almost exclusivelyprocessed by BACE-1. This also indicates thatlittle a-secretase activity is present in the apicalsorting pathway, because apparently there isalmost no competition for BACE-1 cleavage ofAPP on the apical side. Indeed ADAM-10, themajor a-secretase activity (see above), is tar-geted basolaterally (Wild-Bode et al. 2006);here, it competes efficiently with the rathersmall amount of BACE1 present within thebasolateral pathway. ADAM-10, like many othermembers of the ADAM family, contains twocytoplasmic Src homology 3 (SH3)-binding do-mains. Sequential deletion revealed critical Proresidues within the juxtamembrane SH3-bind-ing domain. This trafficking signal was requiredto target ADAM-10 to adherens junctions andto support its function in cell migration and E-cadherin processing (Wild-Bode et al. 2006).Therapeutic strategies aimed at increasinga-secretase-mediated anti-amyloidogenic pro-cessing of APP have to take this importantphysiological function—and numerous otherfunctions which depend on a-secretase-medi-ated shedding—into consideration.

In contrast to BACE1 and ADAM-10, g-sec-retase activity is found on both surfaces (Capellet al. 2002), a finding, which is consistent withthe observation that Ab and p3 can be found

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

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Apical media

Basolateral media


Basolateral plasma membrane

Apical plasma membrane


NH4CI sensitive compartment

Cell surface APP



Apical media

Basolateral media


Basolateral plasma membrane

Apical plasma membrane



NH4CI sensitive compartment

Cell surface APP





Apical media

Basolateral media


Basolateral plasma membrane

Apical plasma membrane


NH4CI sensitive compartment




Figure 5. Polarized sorting of APP in MDCK cells. (A) Two independent basolateral sorting pathways foraAPPsvia a NH4Cl-sensitive compartment (blue) and full-length APP (red). (B) Inhibition of vesicular acidification byNH4Cl leads to random secretion of aAPPs whereas full-length APP is still sorted to the basolateral membrane.(C) APP lacking a cytoplasmic signal for basolateral sorting (DC APP) undergoes random surface transport.

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in both compartments, dependent on the APPvariant expressed (i.e., with or without a baso-lateral sorting sequence) (Haass et al. 1995a).Thus the two competing proteases, ADAM-10and BACE1, are sorted differentially to the baso-lateral or apical surface, whereas g-secretase isfound on both sides (Fig. 6).

As described above, several familial autoso-mal dominant mutations were linked to APP.One of these mutations, the so-called Swedishmutation (Mullan et al. 1992) occurs imme-diately adjacent to the BACE1 cleavage site(Met-Asp). This mutation strongly facilitatesBACE-1-mediated processing of APP and there-fore results in enhanced Ab generation (Citronet al. 1992; Cai et al. 1993). In parallel, a sig-nificantly enhanced amount of the shorter var-iant of sAPP (APPsb) is secreted (Haass et al.1995). Interestingly, when Swedish mutantAPP was expressed in MDCK cells, APPsb wasfound to be secreted apically, while the endoge-nous APPs (mainly consisting of APPsa) andmembrane-bound holoAPP still underwentbasolateral sorting (Lo et al. 1994; De Strooperet al. 1995a). Based on the findings describedabove, this observation may reflect the Swe-

dish mutation-induced processing of the smallamounts of APP targeted to the apical surfaceby the predominantly apically targeted BACE1.

Trafficking of APP in Neurons

Although MDCK cells have yielded importantinsights into the polarized trafficking and proc-essing of APP, these findings had to be con-firmed in neurons, which are presumably theprimary source of Ab production in vivo. Neu-rons are highly polarized into soma, axons, anddendrites, all of which perform different func-tions and therefore are equipped with distinctsets of proteins and lipids that regulate pro-tein trafficking. To complicate matters fur-ther, axons and dendrites are subdivided intoseparate compartments, e.g., dendritic shafts,dendritic spines, axonal shaft, axonal presynap-tic endings, and others. An elaborate systemof tracks (microtubules), trucks (kinesin anddynein motor proteins), and address labels(specific sorting signals) ensures proper deliv-ery of proteins to their respective destina-tions. Disturbances in this system could affectAPP processing and have been linked to AD







Apical media

Basolateral media

Basolateral plasma membrane

Apical plasma membrane


ADAM-10 BACE1 γ-sec. activity

Figure 6. Polarized sorting APP, its processing products, and its secretases.

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

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pathogenesis (De Vos et al. 2008; Morfini et al.2009). It is therefore essential to understand indetail the trafficking and processing of APP inneurons.

The transport from ER to Golgi and TGNdescribed earlier is thought to be similar in non-polarized cells and in the neuronal soma. Butafter leaving the TGN in neurons, APP is trans-ported to axons and dendrites in post-Golgitransport vesicles (reviewed in Kins et al. 2006).APP delivery to the axon makes use of the fastaxonal transport system (Koo et al. 1990;Sisodia et al. 1993), with kinesin-1 as the micro-tubule motor protein (reviewed in Kins et al.2006). As visualized by GFP-tagged fusion pro-teins, APP is transported in vesicular and oftenelongated tubular structures which move withspecial characteristics along the axon (Kaetheret al. 2000; Stamer et al. 2002; Goldsbury et al.2006; Szodorai et al. 2009). Whereas mostother proteins are axonally transported invesicles that display a saltatory movement, oftenchanging directions, the APP tubules continu-ously move unidirectionally, with an averagespeed of 4.5 mm/s, reaching maximal speedsup to 10 mm/s (Kaether et al. 2000). This isamong the fastest transport velocities measuredin cultured neurons. Significant retrogradetransport with slightly slower kinetics was alsoobserved (Kaether et al. 2000; Stamer et al.2002). Little is known about the fate of the axo-nal transport carrier vesicles. Where do theyfuse with the axonal PM? What are their fusionkinetics? Where do the retrograde carriers go?A small fraction of the axonal APP has beensuggested to undergo transcytotic transport todendrites, but the significance and kinetics ofthis process need to be determined (Simonset al. 1995; Yamazaki et al. 1995). Likewise adetailed study of dendritic transport kineticsof APP is lacking.

What are the sorting signals mediatingaxonal and/or dendritic transport? An axonalsorting signal was mapped to a juxtamem-brane domain which includes the Ab-domain(Tienari et al. 1996); however, a recent reportshowed that APP is transported into axonsand dendrites without apparent sorting signals(Back et al. 2007). Along this line, APP lacking

the cytoplasmic domain (DC) (where the baso-lateral sorting signal is located; see above) istransported along neurites with characteristicsindistinguishable from wild-type APP (Fig. 7a;Back et al. 2007; Szodorai et al. 2009). There-fore, the basolateral sorting signal in the car-boxy-terminal region of APP documented inMDCK studies seems to have no function forpolarized sorting in neurons. What emerges atthis point is that the sorting of APP in neuronsis fundamentally different from that of otherpolarized cells, and much more work has to bedone to fully understand polarized traffickingof APP in neurons.


Subcellular Sites of a-Secretase-MediatedAPP Processing

As described above, a-secretase-mediated shed-ding occurs predominantly on the cell surface.However, substantial cleavage by a-secretasehas also been reported to occur within TGN,for example in MDCK cells (see above).

Subcellular Sites of b-Secretase-MediatedAPP Processing

As described above, BACE1 is a type-1 mem-brane protein that is co-translationally translo-cated into the ER as an immature pro-enzyme.During maturation, BACE1 undergoes a num-ber of post/co-translational modifications,including N-glycosylation, disulfide bridge for-mation, and palmitoylation (Bennett et al.2000b; Capell et al. 2000; Huse et al. 2000;Benjannet et al. 2001). The propeptide of im-mature BACE1 is removed by Furin and relatedproteases during maturation (Capell et al. 2000;Creemers et al. 2001). Surprisingly, the propep-tide seems not to significantly affect BACE1proteolytic function (Creemers et al. 2001).BACE1 reaches the PM and becomes enrichedin lipid rafts (Riddell et al. 2001; Cordy et al.2003). Rafts are discussed as potential sites forefficient Ab generation, as APP and BACE1apparently come into immediate contact withinthis compartment (Ehehalt et al. 2003; Abad-

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Presynapse Axon SpineDendrite

Sec Secα-α-β-

γ- γ-
















β β


? ?


Figure 7. Neuronal APP transport and processing. (A) Post-Golgi sorting of APP. APP as well as APPDC is trans-ported by fast axonal transport along the axon and by as yet uncharacterized transport into dendrites. Transportto and fusion with the plasma membrane in the neuronal soma is likely, but has not been characterized. (B)Transport and sorting of APP and secretases. APP and a-secretase are transported in axonal carriers that donot containb- or g-secretase. Whetherb- and g-secretase are transported together is not known. Colocalizationof APP and secretases in dendritic transport vesicles has not been studied. (C) Release of Ab occurs at presynap-tic sites, but whether it is also released from axon shafts is unknown. Ab is released from dendrites, but the exactlocation has not been determined. Where APP fuses with the axonal and dendritic plasma membrane and whereprocessing by secretases occurs remains elusive.

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

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Rodriguez et al. 2004). This would be consistentwith the finding that BACE1 undergoes palmi-toylation. However, inhibition of palmitoyla-tion and raft localization still permits relativelynormal Ab production (Vetrivel et al. 2009).Thus, the role of rafts in Ab generation is stillunder debate. On reaching the PM, BACE1undergoes internalization. Internalization andtargeting to endosomes is dependent on a di-leucine motif located within the short cyto-plasmic domain of BACE1 (Huse et al. 2000;Pastorino et al. 2002). From endosomes, BACE1can recycle to the TGN (Walter et al. 2001). Asingle phosphorylation at serine 498 withinthe carboxy-terminal domain of BACE1 issufficient for its transport from endosomes tothe trans-Golgi. Recycling requires the Golgi-localized, gamma-ear containing ADP (GGA)ribosylation-binding factor (He et al. 2005;Wahle et al. 2005, 2006), and two such GGAproteins are involved in BACE1 trafficking,GGA1 and GGA2. GGA1 is involved in endoso-mal retrieval of BACE1 and its recycling to thePM, whereas GGA2 targets BACE1 to lysosomesfor its final degradation.

As an aspartyl protease, BACE1 has anacidic pH optimum (around pH 4.5) (Vassaret al. 1999), which is consistent with a majorb-secretase activity within endosomes. Indeed,bCTFs accumulate in this compartment oninhibition of endosomal/lysosomal proteindegradation (Golde et al. 1992; Haass et al.1992). Selective processing of APP by BACE1within endosomes has been used to designand generate highly effective BACE1 inhibitors.To ensure their accumulation within endo-somes, a membrane-anchored BACE1 transi-tion-state inhibitor was linked to a sterolmoiety. Because of its selective accumulationwithin endosomes, the membrane-bound in-hibitor reduced BACE1 activity much more effi-ciently than a nonmembrane anchored version(Rajendran et al. 2008). However, BACE1 activ-ity is not exclusively restricted to endosomes.For example, Swedish mutant APP which,because of its missense mutation at the Met-Asp cleavage site is more efficiently processedby BACE1, can already be cleaved within lateGolgi compartments (see above).

Subcellular Sites of g-Secretase-MediatedAPP Processing

Early studies on APP processing indicated thatg-secretase cleaves APP to generate Ab at ornear the PM. However, initial characterizationof PS subcellular localization—before it wasclear that it is not only implicated in g-secretaseprocessing but is its catalytic subunit—sug-gested that PS is mainly localized to the ER.This apparent contradiction was coined the spa-tial paradox by Annaert and De Strooper(1999). Although still not resolved completely,the work of many labs now indicates thatmature, proteolytically active PS/g-secretase isprincipally localized not in ER, Golgi, or post-Golgi transport vesicles but rather at the PMand in the endosomal/lysosomal system, in-cluding phagosomes and autophagosomes(reviewed in Pasternak et al. 2004; Kaetheret al. 2006a; Nixon 2007; Dries and Yu 2008).The g-secretase subunits found in the ER/earlysecretory pathway most likely represent unas-sembled or partially assembled subcomplexes,but not the active enzyme. The evidence sup-porting such a model is manifold and, becauseof space constraints, only key arguments will behighlighted: (1) APP/C99/C83 are not cleavedby g-secretase in the ER (Cupers et al. 2001;Maltese et al. 2001; Grimm et al. 2003; Kaetheret al. 2006b); (2) by immuno-electron micro-scopy, PS1 is not detected in Golgi or TGNbut in ER and PM (Rechards et al. 2003);whereas the ER pool most likely reflects un-assembled PS1, the PM pool has assembled,active complex; (3) only the mature, glycosy-lated NCT, not immature unglycosylated NCT,is present in the fully assembled, active g-secre-tase complex (Edbauer et al. 2002; Kaether et al.2002), and therefore g-secretase-associatedNCTmust have passed the Golgi; (4)g-secretasehas been shown by various methods, includingcell surface biotinylation, binding of biotiny-lated inhibitors specific for the active complex,and microscopic techniques, to be present atthe PM (Kaether et al. 2002; Tarassishin et al.2004; Chyung et al. 2005). It has been shownthat the 1-cleavage of APP differs in endosomesand PM (Fukumori et al. 2006), suggesting that

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g-secretase has different properties dependingon its subcellular localization, maybe becauseof differences in pH or lipid composition. Onecan speculate that changing the ratio of g-secretase present in the different subcellularcompartments might have an impact on ADpathology. Taken together, g-secretase cleavesAPP on the surface and in endosomes/lyso-somes, but the relative contribution of the tworemains to be determined and may vary amongcell types.

Where in neurons do secretases processAPP? Given the complex morphology of neu-rons, it is not surprising that even less is knownabout the precise subcellular site of g-secretaseprocessing in neurons (axonal or somal or den-dritic endosomes/lysosomes? dendritic or axo-nal autophagosomes? other organelles?) than innon-neuronal cells (Fig. 7B). A major secretionsite of Ab seems to be distal axons/synapses(Lazarov et al. 2002; Sheng et al. 2002), butrecently it was reported that Ab can be secretedfrom axons and dendrites and can elicit localeffects on neighboring neurons (Fig. 7C; Weiet al. 2010). A detailed analysis aimed at deter-mining the ratio of axonally versus dendriticallysecreted Ab, using for example cultured neu-rons in compartmentalized chambers, has notbeen performed. It has been suggested thatAPP is transported in axonal vesicles which har-bor b- and g-secretase and that consequentlyAb is produced in these vesicles (Kamal et al.2001). This view has been challenged, and sev-eral experiments indicate that APP is not proc-essed in axonal transport vesicles, with theexception of limited processing by a-secretase.Ligation experiments in sciatic nerve indicatedthat APP, but not PS as component of the g-sec-retase, accumulated at the ligation site, indicat-ing completely different transport kinetics ofthese proteins (Lazarov et al. 2005). In addition,using video microscopy, it was shown that APPand b-secretase are not transported in the samevesicles (Goldsbury et al. 2006). Also, by analyz-ing immuno-isolated APP-carrying transportvesicles, only a- but not the other secretaseswere found to colocalize in these vesicles(Szodorai et al. 2009). g-secretase is present insynapses/distal axons (Beher et al. 1999; Ri-

baut-Barassin et al. 2003; Inoue et al. 2009;Frykman et al. 2010); therefore Ab could beproduced there, but the precise subcellularsite(s) of APP processing by b- and g-secretasein neurons remains to be determined.

Degradation of APP

It should be noted that alternative, secretase-independent processing of APP exists. Earlystudies showed that the half-life of APP is veryshort and that not all APP is secreted as APPs,suggesting secretase-independent processingpathways (Weidemann et al. 1989). Later itwas shown that APP is degraded in lysosomesto amyloidogenic and nonamyloidogenic frag-ments (Golde et al. 1992; Haass et al. 1992).In addition, APP was shown to be a caspase sub-strate (Weidemann et al. 1999; Lu et al. 2003),but the impact of this processing on Ab gener-ation and/or AD pathology is probably minor(Harris et al. 2010).

Activity-Dependent APP Processing

Emerging evidence from a variety of humanstudies has suggested that Ab levels and metab-olism might be regulated by neuronal activity.In this regard, some patients with temporallobe epilepsy, who experience elevated neuronalactivity, develop Ab-containing plaques as earlyas 30 years of age (Mackenzie and Miller 1994;Gouras et al. 1997). Moreover, regions of thebrain that develop the highest levels of Abplaques, including the frontal and parietal lobesand posterior cingulate cortex, exhibit the high-est baseline metabolic activity in the so-called“default network” (Gusnard et al. 2001; Raichleet al. 2001; Buckner et al. 2005). This high met-abolic activity is a reflection of elevated neuro-nal and synaptic activity. Parallel studies inanimal models and cell culture have linkedAPP transport, neuronal activity, and Ab me-tabolism. APP is axonally transported fromthe entorhinal cortex to the hippocampal for-mation via the perforant pathway (Buxbaumet al. 1998a), and lesions of this pathway in trans-genic mice overexpressing FAD-linked mutantAPP and PS1 transgenes results in substantially

Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

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less Ab deposition within the hippocampus(Lazarov et al. 2002). Early studies showedthat electrical depolarization increases the re-lease of soluble APP-a in rat hippocampal brainslices (Nitsch et al. 1993), and it appears thatthese effects are mediated by activation of mus-carinic M1 acetylcholine receptors which leadsto parallel decreases in Ab levels (Beach et al.2001; Hock et al. 2003). On the other hand, spe-cific stimulation of NMDA receptors up-regu-lates APP, inhibits a-secretase activity, andpromotes Ab production (Lesne et al. 2005).

To determine the effects of neuronal activityon Ab secretion, Kamenetz et al. (2003) pre-pared hippocampal slices from transgenicmice overexpressing APP harboring the FAD-linked Swedish mutation (APPSWE) and main-tained these preparations in the presence ofpharmacological agents that either decreaseneuronal activity [tetrodotoxin (TTX), highmagnesium, or flunitrazepam than in non-neuronal cells (Fig. 7B). A major secretion siteof Ab seems to be distal axons/synapses aGABA-A receptor potentiator)] or increaseit (picrotoxin [a GABA-A channel blocker]).Agents that decreased or increased activityresulted in significant reductions or elevations,respectively, in levels of Ab (both Ab40 andAb42) detected in the slice medium, indicatingthat the secretion of Ab from neuronal cells thatoverexpress APP can be controlled by neuronalactivity. Western blot analyses revealed thatincreasing neuronal activity significantly en-hanced the levels ofb-CTF, the penultimate pre-cursor of Ab peptides, and elevated levels ofsecreted APPsb, findings which suggested thatthe level of BACE cleavage can be controlledby neuronal activity. To address whether APPor its products can control synaptic function,wild-type rat hippocampal slice neurons weretransduced with viruses expressing APP or APPmutants, and synaptic responses were evokedonto side-by-side pairs of simultaneously re-corded postsynaptic neurons where only oneneuron expresses the exogenous protein. Excita-tory AMPA and NMDA responses onto neuronsexpressing recombinant APP were significantlydepressed, whereas inhibitory (GABA) currentswere unaffected. Neurons expressing APPshowed

a significant decrease in the frequency of mini-ature EPSCs, with no change in their amplitudenor in paired-pulse facilitation, suggesting thatthe depressive effects of APP overexpressionare due to a decrease in the number of func-tional synapses. Indeed, expression of an APPvariant harboring an experimental mutation(APPMV) just before AbAsp1 that blocksb-sec-retase cleavage produced no significant depres-sion of transmission. Furthermore, transducedslices treated with a highly potent and selec-tive g-secretase inhibitor (L-685,458) failed toshow synaptic depression onto nearby controlcells. These results indicate that g-secretase pro-cessing of APP is required for the depressiveeffects of APP and that this phenotype is inde-pendent of the formation of the large ectodo-main of APP following either a or b cleavageevents. The results indicate that processing ofAPP into Ab is dependent on neuronal activityand that formation of Ab results in synapticdepression. Treatment of transduced sliceswith NBQX (an AMPA receptor antagonist) orD,L-AP5, an agent that blocks NMDA-Rs, pre-vented the synaptic depression caused by APPoverexpression. Finally, Kamenetz et al. (2003)tested whether Ab produced from overexpress-ing neurons can affect neighboring neurons in acell nonautonomous manner. Here, synapticfunction in two uninfected cells, one from aregion containing many infected cells andanother from a region with no infected cells,was examined. Uninfected neurons surroundedby APPSWE-infected neurons had significantlydepressed transmission when compared to dis-tant control neurons, suggesting that uninfectedneurons in infected regions were responding tothe local high concentrations of Ab. Theseresults are consistent with the notion that highAb levels may disrupt synaptic function and,more importantly, that Ab may also have a nor-mal negative feedback function: increased neu-ronal activity produces more Ab; the enhancedAb production depresses synaptic function; thedepressed synaptic function will decrease neu-ronal activity.

How do high levels of released Ab mediatesynaptic depression? To address this issue, Hsiehand colleagues (2006) examined the effects of

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increased Ab levels on the structure of dendriticspines of CA1 pyramidal dendrites in organo-typic slices that acutely overexpress APP. Inthis setting, spine density in APP-expressingcells was decreased compared to cells expressingthe APP(MV) variant that undergoes much lessprocessing by b-secretase. Similar to earlierstudies showing that application of syntheticAb reduces the levels of surface NMDA andGluR1 receptors in dissociated cultured hippo-campal neurons (Almeida et al. 2005; Snyderet al. 2005), Hsieh et al. (2006) confirmed thatAb generated in situ also leads to decreases insurface and synaptic AMPA receptors on bothspines and dendrites. Using an AMPA-R sub-unit tagged on its amino terminus with apH-sensitive GFP variant, Hsieh revealed thatAPP overexpression led to a significant decreaseof spine and dendritic surface AMPA receptorscompared to cells expressing the APP(MV)variant.

Although these studies made clear that APPoverexpression and resultant Ab secretion canlead to synaptic dysfunction, the subcellularsites from which Ab acts remained uncertain.To examine this issue, Wei and colleagues(2010) isolated the sites of increased Ab pro-duction by selectively expressing APP in pre-or postsynaptic neurons. Using two-photonlaser-scanning imaging to monitor the synapticdeficits caused by such dendritic or axonal Ab,Wei and colleagues found that either dendriticor axonal Ab overproduction was sufficient tocause local spine loss and compromise synapticplasticity in the nearby dendrites of neuronsthat did not overexpress APP. The Ab-mediatedsynaptic dysfunction could be pharmacologi-cally ameliorated by blockade of either neuralactivity, NMDA receptors, or nicotinic acetyl-choline receptors.

Extending these latter studies to an in vivosetting, Cirrito et al. (2005) asked whether syn-aptic activity influences the levels of Ab in braininterstitial fluid (ISF). A microdialysis probewith concurrent hippocampal electrophysio-logical recording was used to assess whetherthere are dynamic changes in ISF Ab levels inconjunction with differing levels of neuronalactivity in awake, behaving mice. Here, a re-

cording electrode was attached to a microdial-ysis probe to monitor electroencephalographic(EEG) activity (extracellular field potentials)and simultaneously collect ISF Ab in the hippo-campus of Tg2576 mice at 3–5 months of age.Neuronal and synaptic activity within the hip-pocampus was enhanced by electrically stimu-lating the perforant pathway, the major afferentprojection from the entorhinal cortex to thehippocampus, conditions that created transientepileptiform discharges within the hippocam-pus noted on hippocampal EEGs. During theseelectrical seizures, ISF Ab levels increased,showing a direct relationship between increasedneuronal activity and increases in ISF Ab invivo. To determine if endogenous neural activ-ity of the perforant pathway modulates ISF Ablevels within the hippocampus, a selectivemetabotropic glutamate receptor 2/3 agonist,LY354740, was infused into the hippocampusvia reverse microdialysis, and ISF Ab levelswere monitored. This treatment caused a de-crease in ISF Ab within the hippocampus, con-sistent with the hypothesis that modulation ofendogenous neuronal activity in this pathwaycan alter hippocampal Ab production. Indeed,strong depression of local activity using thesodium channel blocker TTX revealed that adecline in EEG amplitude was paralleled bya concomitant decrease in Ab levels. Takentogether with the studies of Kamenetz and col-leagues, these studies by Cirrito et al. establishthat neuronal or synaptic activity can directlyinfluence Ab levels.

The question remained as to the mechanismby which increased synaptic activity elevates Absecretion. One possibility is that the half-life ofextracellular Ab is extended; alternatively, thiseffect may involve increased APP processing.Using a g-secretase inhibitor in TTX or vehicle-treated mice, Cirrito et al. (2005) showed thatAb half-life was unaltered by the depression ofneuronal activity. Additionally, expression ofthe Ab-degrading enzyme neprilysin was un-changed in TTX-treated mice.

In further attempts to delineate the mecha-nism(s) responsible for activity-dependent ele-vations of ISF Ab, Cirritto and colleagues(2008) hypothesized that Ab released into the

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brain ISF following synaptic transmissionrequires an intermediate event involving APPendocytosis, analogous to that shown by Kooand Squazzo (1994) in cultured immortalizedmammalian cells. To assess the influence ofendocytosis on ISF Ab levels under normalconditions, a myristylated, cell-permeable pep-tide (dynamin-DN) which inhibits clathrin-mediated endocytosis was infused into hippo-campus by reverse microdialysis. As an in vivocontrol, the dynamin-DN reduced biotinylatedtransferrin uptake into cells within the dentategyrus. Importantly, ISF Ab levels were signifi-cantly decreased. Because inhibition of synapticactivity (Cirrito et al. 2005) and inhibition ofendocytosis (Cirrito et al. 2008) each reduceISF Ab levels, there remained the question ofthe extent as to which (or both) contributesto ISF Ab levels. Cirritto et al (2008) co-admin-istered TTX and dynamin-DN. Administra-tion of dynamin-DN first led to a decrease inISF Ab levels by 70%, but if the microdialysisperfusion buffer was then switched to containdynamin-DN and TTX, no additional changein ISF Ab levels were observed. These find-ings suggested that all of the ISF Ab that is pro-duced by synaptic activity requires endocytosis.On the other hand, if animals were pretreatedwith TTX followed by dynamin-DN, ISF Ablevels were further reduced when endocytosiswas inhibited, a finding that strongly sug-gested that a “releasable” stored pool of ISFAb that is generated via endocytosis is distinctfrom an Ab pool that is acutely released bysynaptic activity.

Although these studies using hippocampalslices and in vivo microdialysis provide com-pelling support for activity-dependent Abproduction, most such studies have been per-formed in acute settings. Studies by Tampelliniand colleagues (2010) chronically reduced syn-aptic activity in vivo via unilateral ablationof whiskers or chronic diazepam treatment.For the whisker ablation experiments, bulbswere unilaterally removed in 2- to 3-month-oldTg19959 mice that express the FAD-linkedSwedish (KM-NL) and London (V717F) APPmutations and develop plaques by age 3 months.At 6 months, cytochrome oxidase (COX) stain-

ing was reduced in the deafferented versus thesynaptically active (control) barrel cortices, in-dicating that the lesion reduced synaptic activ-ity. The barrel cortices with reduced activityshowed a striking decrease in both the numberof Ab plaques and the area covered by plaquescompared to the control side. Parallel studiesin which the transgenic mice were chronicallytreated with diazepam for 1 month beginningat age 3 months also led to reduced plaque bur-den in cortex and hippocampus.

Despite evidence from these elegant in vitro,ex vivo and in vivo studies for an importantrole for synaptic activity in modulating Abproduction and subsequent synaptotoxicity,there remain gaps in our understanding of theunderlying neurobiology. For example, doessynaptic activity alter the trafficking of APPand/or the secretases to axonal and/or den-dritic compartments? How does synaptic ac-tivity elevate the steady-state levels of bCTF,the precursor of Ab? What are the pre- andpostsynaptic receptor(s) involved in bindingAb and/or its oligomeric forms (see Muckeand Selkoe 2011)? What are the signaling mech-anisms by which activated postsynaptic Abreceptor(s) lead to removal of AMPA andNMDA receptors and how do these changesalter structural plasticity? Finally, is there selec-tivity in specific neuronal circuits that underliesselectivity vulnerability of certain neuronalpopulations early in the disease process (i.e.,preclinically)?


APP is the central protein involved in AD path-ology as it serves as the precursor for Ab gener-ation. Intensive analysis of the cell biologyof this protein and its proteolytic processingled not only to a detailed understanding of Abgeneration but also allowed the generation oftherapeutically relevant secretase inhibitors.Moreover, understanding the biology of secre-tases allowed major progress in other fields ofcell biological research. For example, researchon secretases paved the road toward the under-standing of RIP and the signaling pathways trig-gered by this process.

C. Haass et al.

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February 7, 20122012; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a006270 originally published onlineCold Spring Harb Perspect Med 

 Christian Haass, Christoph Kaether, Gopal Thinakaran and Sangram Sisodia Trafficking and Proteolytic Processing of APP

Subject Collection The Biology of Alzheimer Disease

Animal Models of Alzheimer DiseaseFrank M. LaFerla and Kim N. Green

Alzheimer Disease in 2020

Dennis J. SelkoeDavid M. Holtzman, Eckhard Mandelkow and

-Peptide Clearance in Alzheimer DiseaseβNeurovascular Dysfunction and Faulty Amyloid

ZlokovicAbhay P. Sagare, Robert D. Bell and Berislav V.

The Genetics of Alzheimer DiseaseRudolph E. Tanzi

-ProteinβTreatment Strategies Targeting Amyloid

PangalosDale Schenk, Guriqbal S. Basi and Menelas N.

Fluid Biomarkers in Alzheimer DiseaseKaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg and Anne M. Fagan

DiseaseLysosomal System in Alzheimer−Autophagic

Proteasome System and the−The Ubiquitin

Ralph NixonYasuo Ihara, Maho Morishima-Kawashima and

Epidemiology of Alzheimer DiseaseRichard Mayeux and Yaakov Stern

Network Dysfunction-Protein: Synaptic andβNeurotoxicity of Amyloid

Lennart Mucke and Dennis J. SelkoeNeurofibrillary DegenerationBiochemistry and Cell Biology of Tau Protein in

Eva-Maria Mandelkow and Eckhard Mandelkow-ProteinβProteolytic Degradation of Amyloid

Takaomi Saido and Malcolm A. Leissring Deposits in Alzheimer Disease-Protein and AmyloidβBiochemistry of Amyloid

Colin L. Masters and Dennis J. SelkoeBrain Imaging in Alzheimer Disease

al.Keith A. Johnson, Nick C. Fox, Reisa A. Sperling, et Disease

The Neuropsychological Profile of Alzheimer

SalmonSandra Weintraub, Alissa H. Wicklund and David P.

Pharmacologic Treatment for Alzheimer DiseaseSymptomatic and Nonamyloid/Tau Based

SchneiderPaul S. Aisen, Jeffrey Cummings and Lon S.

Normal Biology and Roles in Alzheimer DiseaseApolipoprotein E and Apolipoprotein E Receptors:

David M. Holtzman, Joachim Herz and Guojun Bu

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