© The Bulletproof Executive 2013 Transcript of “Bulletproof Radio Q&A - #192” Bulletproof Radio podcast #192

Transcript - Bulletproof Radio Q&A - #192 · Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A 2 Warning and Disclaimer The statements in this report have not been evaluated

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Page 1: Transcript - Bulletproof Radio Q&A - #192 · Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A 2 Warning and Disclaimer The statements in this report have not been evaluated

© The Bulletproof Executive 2013

Transcript of “Bulletproof Radio Q&A - #192”

Bulletproof Radio podcast #192

Page 2: Transcript - Bulletproof Radio Q&A - #192 · Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A 2 Warning and Disclaimer The statements in this report have not been evaluated

Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


Dave:   Hey,  everyone.  It's  Dave  Asprey  with  Bulletproof  Radio.  Today's  cool  fact  of  the  day  is  that  shark  skin  is  actually  made  up  of  tiny  teeth-­‐like  scales  called  dermal  denticles.  That's  actually  a  tongue-­‐twister.    

  They  help  reduce  friction  and  they  make  it  easier  for  sharks  to  swim,  and  that's  why  when  you  rub  sharks  one  way  they're  really  rough  and  the  other  way  they're  really  smooth.  All  of  my  attempts  to  grow  shark  skin  on  my  arms,  because  that  would  be  cool,  have  failed  to-­‐date,  so  I  apologize,  I  don't  have  an  answer  for  how  you  could  have  dermal  denticles,  but  if  we  ever  get  one,  it's  going  to  be  cool.  

  Today's  episode  is  part  two  of  our  Q&A.  I'm  still  here  at  JJ  Virgin's  Mindshare  event  with  my  buddy,  Zak,  and  we  are  going  to  be  going  through  your  questions.  You  can  get  your  questions  submitted  and  answered  by  doing  it  on  Twitter,  our  Facebook  page,  or  by  going  to  the  bottom  of  the  blog  posts  that  contain  the  podcasts  on  bulletproofexec.com  and  just  entering  your  question  in  the  field  there.    

  I  love  it  when  you  ask  these  questions.  It  really  helps  me  know  what  you  care  about,  and  I'll  do  my  best  to  answer  all  of  them,  or  at  least  the  best  ones.    

Zak:   All  right.  Picking  up  where  we  left  off,  we  got  a  lot  of  questions  about  water,  and  so  the  best  one  we  chose  is  from  Philip,  and  it's  kind  of  like  four  or  five  questions  in  one,  so  do  your  best.  Tap  water  versus  water  filters?  How  much  water  should  you  drink  per  day?  Do  you  really  need  to  drink  your  body  weight  in  ounces?  The  effects  of  fluoride,  pH,  and  alkalinity?  This  guy's  asking  specifically  about  the  Kangen  water  systems  as  well.    

Dave:   Kegel  water?  All  right.  We'll  explain,  or  I  guess,  I'll  explain  all  that  stuff,  but  we're  going  to  have  to  maybe  go  through  those  one  at  a  time,  because  I  think  I'll  probably  forget  one  of  those  in  the  middle.  The  first  one  is,  how  much  water  should  you  drink?  All  right.  There's  this,  an  amazing  biohacker  signal  that  a  lot  of  people  miss,  and  it's  called  thirst,  and  it's  the  most  important  thing  you  can  listen  to.  

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


  Now,  you  might  need  a  little  bit  more  water  than  your  thirst  would  dictate,  but  probably  not  that  much  more.  There  isn't  great  evidence  that  says  over-­‐drinking  water  is  good  for  you.  In  fact,  it  says  there's  good  evidence  that  says  it  washes  electrolytes  and  it's  not  that  good  for  you.    

  If  you  just  habitually  become  used  to  being  thirsty  and  you  don't  really  recognize  the  signal,  you  might  want  to  drink  more  water.  It's  also  interesting  that  the  more  toxins  that  you're  exposed  to,  the  more  water  you're  likely  to  want  to  drink.  One  of  the  biggest  signals  of  your  hydration  status  and  your  toxin  exposure  is  your  pee.  Since  we're  talking  about  water  in,  we've  got  to  talk  about  water  out.  

  When  you,  say,  drink  a  bad  cup  of  coffee  or  you  drink  beer,  we  know  these  are  things  that  make  you  pee.  The  difference  between  drinking  a  cup  of  lab-­‐tested  coffee,  which  doesn't  have  a  potent  toxin  that  irritates  the  bladder  and  kidneys,  this  would  be  ochratoxin  A,  one  of  the  more  common  micro-­‐toxins  in  coffee.  When  you  drink  beer,  which  also  has  OTA,  or  coffee  that  has  OTA,  the  body  goes,  "Oh  my  God.  Get  this  out  of  here,"  and  it  makes  you  have  to  pee  urgently,  and  then  you  go  pee  and  there's  not  that  much  pee.    

  If  you  had  to  go  to  the  bathroom  and  you  went  and  you  peed  for  two  minutes  and  you're  peeing  half  a  gallon,  you  actually  had  to  pee.  When  you  go  and  you  have  a  small  amount  of  urine  and  an  urgent  need  to  go,  either  you  an  irritation  of  the  urethra,  which  can  be  like  an  infection  or  something  else,  or  likely,  you  have  something  that  your  body  is  trying  to  dilute  and  get  rid  of.    

  To  prevent  cancer  and  damage  to  the  kidneys  and  to  the  bladder,  your  body  will  gladly  pull  water  out  of  plasma  and  put  it  in  to  dilute  these  nasty  chemicals.  You  know,  the  solution  to  pollution  is  dilution?  That  applies  in  your  body  as  well.  This  means  that  if  you  have  just  a  little  bit  of  pee  and  it's  a  very  light  color,  you're  dealing  with  toxins  and  you  need  to  drink  more  water  anyway.  If  you're  dealing  with  a  normal  volume  of  pee  and  it's  a  normal  level  of  yellow  that's  not  super-­‐concentrated  that's  not  super  dilute,  you're  doing  it  right.    

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


  If  your  pee  is  super  light-­‐colored  and  you  have  a  lot  of  it,  you're  actually  drinking  too  much  water.  The  idea  of  drinking  so  much  water  that  your  pee  is  always  light  doesn't  make  a  lot  of  sense,  and  if  you're  going  to  do  that,  at  least  add  a  little  bit  of  salt  to  the  water,  because  you're  probably  messing  with  your  electrolytes.  

  I  remember  one  time  on  the  trail  near  the  Annapurna  Circuit  in  Nepal,  I  was  dehydrated  and  super-­‐altitude  does  that  to  you  because  you  just  lose  it  through  your  skin  and  your  breath,  so  I  pounded  like  a  whole,  I  don't  know,  probably  1.5  liters  of  water  and  got  super-­‐lightheaded  and  dizzy,  and  I  actually  had  to  go  to  the  next  guest  house  and  I'm  like,  "Salt,  give  me  salt,"  and  like  ate  salt  until  I  felt  better,  but  I  felt  really  unwell,  and  that's  what  happens  when  you  get  just  way  too  much  water.  

  Is  there  a  number  of  ounces  per  day?  No  way.  It  depends  on  the  altitude,  the  temperature,  your  activity  level,  but  you  have  this  thing;  thirst  and  pee  are  the  two  things  that  will  tell  you  what's  going  on.  You'll  also  see  dehydration  in  the  face  and  whatever,  but  over-­‐consuming  water  doesn't  work,  and  you  can  only  absorb  water  so  quickly  through  the  digestive  track,  so  pounding  a  large  thing  of  water  the  way  I  did  before  doesn't  allow  you  to  absorb  it  nearly  as  well  as  actually  sipping  water.    

  If  you're  concerned  about  hydration,  have  a  cup  of  water  on  your  desk,  have  a  bottle  of  water  with  you  and  just  drink  throughout  the  day.  That's  going  to  be  better  than,  "It's  2:00,  time  for  my  8  ounces,"  drink,  and  then,  "It's  4:00,  time  for  my  8  ounces."  You're  not  a  robot.    

Zak:   Tap  water  versus  bottled  water  or  filtered  water?  What  do  you  recommend?  

Dave:   There's  some  really  good  reasons  not  to  drink  tap  water.  Chlorine  is  bad  for  the  gut  bacteria  in  your  body.  There's  lots  of  things  that  associate  chlorine  and  cancer.  In  fact,  the  EPA  actually  says,  "Oh,  we  know  we're  causing  cancer  with  chlorine  in  water;  we're  just  causing  less  death  from  cancer  than  would  happen  from  having  contaminated  water  with  bacteria  in  it."    

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


  Given  that  you  don't  want  bacteria  or  chlorine  death,  maybe  you  ought  to  filter  that  tap  water  before  you  drink  it.  I  would  recommend  at  minimum  a  whole  house  block  carbon  filter  and  an  RO  filter  for  what  you're  going  to  be  drinking.  This  is  ideal,  and  if  not,  you  can  drink  bottled  water,  but  glass  bottled  water  doesn't  have  BPA  and  other  plasticizers  in  it.    

  You  want  to  get  rid  of  fluorine  in  your  water.  Fluoride  is  not  good  for  you.  I  wrote  extensively  about  fluoride  and  IQ.  Fluoride  does  not  prevent  tooth  decay.  It  just  doesn't.  You  put  it  topically  on  the  teeth  and  you  get  a  short-­‐term  benefit,  but  it's  an  anti-­‐thyroid  drug,  and  we  have  mass  problems  in  the  U.S.  with  thyroid  dysfunction,  and  fluoride  use  is  a  part  of  that.    

  Getting  rid  of  fluoride,  getting  rid  of  chlorine  and  if  you're  in  one  of  the  parts  of  the  country  that  uses  chloramine,  you're  doing  something  even  worse  to  you.  Chloramine  is  a  very  interesting  molecule.  It's  a  really  nice  disinfectant.  It's  what  happens  when  you  mix  Clorox  or  chlorine  and  ammonia.  It  makes  chloramine,  a  super-­‐small  molecule,  and  it's  bad.    

  They  used  to  use,  in  Sweden,  actually,  where  my  wife  is  from,  they  used  to  use  chloramine  as  hospital  disinfectant  because  it  works  so  well  to  disinfect.  Just  one  problem:  the  nurses  started  getting  allergic  to  chloramine,  so  they  banned  its  use  in  hospitals.  Now  in  the  U.S.,  because  chloramine  is  cheaper  than  using  straight  chlorine,  and  you  can  save  money  as  a  water  treatment  provider,  they  use  chloramine.    

  This  has  a  negative  effect  because  chloramine  is  stable  in  UV,  which  means  when  it  exits  into  the  watershed,  it's  still  there  and  it's  sterilizing  water,  and  it's  actually  killing  frog  populations.  They've  been  declining  in  places  with  chloramine.  It's  bad  for  the  environment,  but  worst  of  all,  you  pretend  like  you  have  little  tadpoles  in  your  stomach,  you  should  be  drinking  water  with  chloramine  in  it.  This  is  why  tap  water  is  just  a  bad  thing.    

  We  also  have  things  like  lead  pipes,  which  are  common,  and  pipes  with  leaks  in  them,  and  we  have  situations  where  bacteria  actually  form  on  the  inside  of  the  pipes  and  they  can  reinfect  the  water.  Then  we  have  

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


those  plastic  pipes.  They  also  can  be  off-­‐gassing.  There's  tons  of  reasons  that  you  have  no  idea  what's  in  that  tap  water,  and  though,  whatever's  in  there,  you  probably  don't  want  to  drink  unless  you're  dying  of  thirst,  in  which  case,  all  bets  are  off.    

Zak:   What  about  chlorine  in  pools  versus  like  saltwater  pools?  

Dave:   Chlorine  pools  is  also  not  good  for  your  skin.  You're  covered  in  bacteria,  and  they  have  a  function.  When  you  swim  in  a  pool  with  chlorine,  especially  if  it's  not  one  with  good  filtration,  you  can  actually  get  compounds  that  are  made  when  the  chlorine  interacts  with  organics.  These  things  are  particularly  nasty  for  you  to  breathe.  Chlorine  pools  are  actually  tied  with  things  like  asthma  and  skin  problems.    

  It's  much  better  to  use  a  salt  pool  or  best  of  all,  an  ozone-­‐treated  pool.  Unfortunately,  a  lot  of  municipalities  banned  those  much  healthier  forms  of  filtration  for  a  pool  and  they  mandate  that  you  have  chlorine,  which  is  unfortunate,  but  that's  the  way  it  is.  

Zak:   Okay.  For  people  that,  let's  say  they're  renting  an  apartment  or  a  house  and  they  don't  have  the  ability  to  put  in  one  of  the  whole  house  filtration  systems,  are  those  Brita  water  filters  and  things  like  that  okay?  Or  is  it  better  to  get  bottled  water  if  that's  the  situation  you're  in?    

Dave:   I  would  recommend  ...  I  know  the  guys  over  at  SOMA,  the  water  ...  If  you  haven't  seen  a  SOMA  filter,  I  don't  have  any  deal  with  these  guys.  It's  just  a  much  better  thing  than  Brita.    

  Brita  is  a  plastic  filter  and  you  pour  water  through  the  top  of  it,  and  it  goes  through  what  is,  magically,  an  activated  charcoal  filter,  the  same  stuff  that's  in  upgraded  coconut  charcoal,  believe  it  or  not.  It's  just  the  upgraded  coconut  charcoal  is  a  much  finer  particle  and  it  goes  beyond  normal  food-­‐grade  standards  and  much  less  filtration  grade.  

  The  problem  is  you're  still  using  plastic,  whereas  the  SOMA  is  a  really  attractive  glass  thing,  and  they  just  mail  you  the  filter  every  month.  It  just  kind  of  replaces  itself.  It's  less  work  and  it  looks  really  elegant.  It's  less  of  a  kind  of  an  eyesore.    

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


  When  you  use  a  filter  like  that  you're  getting  rid  of  most  of  the  lead.  You're  not  getting  rid  of  some  of  the  potential  viruses  that  come  through,  but  for  the  most  part,  bang  for  the  buck-­‐wise,  it's  pretty  good,  and  it's  a  minimum  thing.  If  you're  making  coffee  or  tea  and  you're  not  filtering  your  tap  water,  you're  totally  doing  it  wrong.  Filtered  water  is  a  requirement  for  good  quality  coffee.    

  In  fact,  that's  one  thing  that  Starbucks  does  really,  really  well.  They  filter  the  heck  out  of  the  water  that  they  use,  so  if  you  want  to  get  the  cleanest  cup  of  hot  water  ever,  go  into  a  Starbucks,  and  they'll  totally  give  you  steaming  hot  water,  super-­‐super-­‐hot,  really  good  water.  

Zak:   All  right.  The  next  question  is  from  Hugo,  who  asks,  is  kombucha  good  for  you?  

Dave:   Kombucha.  Is  kombucha  good?  It  tastes  pretty  good.  It  has  alcohol  in  it.  In  fact,  in  California,  I  believe,  you  have  to  be  18  to  buy  your  kombucha,  or  21  or  some  sort  of  ridiculous  thing.  Here's  the  deal,  kombucha  isn't  always  the  same.  It  depends  where  you're  getting  it.    

  Kombucha,  if  you've  never  heard  of  it,  it's  what  happens  when  you  get  a  weird  mix  of  yeast  and  bacteria  that  feeds  off  sugar  and  green  tea.  I  used  to  grow  my  own  kombucha  back  when  I  was  a  raw  vegan  and  all,  and  frankly,  it's  disgusting.  You  get  a  bowl  and  you  put  this  green,  or  black  tea  actually  even  works,  but  you  put  this  tea  in  there  and  this  thing  forms,  and  you  get  little  nodules  from  someone  else  and  they  grow.    

  It  looks  kind  of  like  a  giant  organ,  and  it's  really  rough,  and  what  it  is,  it's  a  multi-­‐celled  organism.  What  it  spits  out  is  kind  of  like  vinegar,  and  that's  what  kombucha  is,  is  basically  the  waste  fluid  from  this  thing.    

  Now,  does  it  have  probiotic  effects?  It  does  have  probiotic  effects.  However,  there  are  several  antibiotics  that  are  novel  that  have  been  identified  in  kombucha  and  a  lot  of  them  haven't  been  studied.  You  also  don't  know,  especially  if  it's  homegrown,  you  don't  know  what  species  of  yeast  is  entirely  in  it.  If  you  go  to  the  store  and  you  buy  kombucha,  they  at  least  tell  you.    

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  A  lot  of  the  times,  it's  saccharomyces  boulardi,  which  we  talked  about  in  a  podcast  with  Joel  Kahn,  is  something  that  lowers  your  cardiac  risk,  at  least  the  risk  of  having  congestive  heart  failure.  Saccharomyces  boulardi  eats  gut  candida,  so  bad  yeast  in  the  body  can  get  eaten  by  this  good  yeast,  so  if  that's  in  there,  that's  good,  but  you  don't  know  what  else  is  in  it.    

  I've  seen  kombucha  trigger  candida  outbreaks  in  people.  I've  seen  it  trigger  some  yeasty  things.  Most  kombucha  you  can  buy  is  full  of  sugar.  If  you  want  something  delicious,  the  most  common  brand  of  kombucha,  their  mango  flavor  is  crazy,  but  it's  also  like  drinking  a  soda  kind  of.    

  I  would  say,  it's  hard  to  say  it's  good  or  bad.  A  low-­‐sugar  kombucha  might  be  good  for  you,  but  it  also  has  stuff  in  there  that  we  haven't  really  studied,  so  I  would  say,  use  it  occasionally  and  monitor  the  effects  for  the  next  two  days.  Does  it  cause  a  rash?  Does  it  cause  you  to  feel  different?  I  enjoy  it  on  occasion  and  sparingly  and  consider  it  to  be  a  suspect  food,  but  definitely  not  a  Kryptonite  food.  It  can  be  useful.  

Zak:   What  about  the  serving  size?  Because  they  give  it  to  you  in  a  16-­‐ounce  bottle  usually.  Are  you  supposed  to  have  a  small  amount  of  it?  Or  is  it  beneficial,  if  it's  a  good  one,  to  have  that  much?  

Dave:   Zak,  that's  a  good  question.  I  don't  know  the  optimal  serving  size,  and  it's  funny  because  there's  a  number  of  colony  forming  units  and  all  when  you're  looking  at  probiotics,  so  more  is  better,  right?  If  kombucha  itself  doesn't  have  all  these  other  things  that  are  harmful  to  you,  it's  probably  better  to  have  16  ounces  than  not,  but  I  think  there  is  a  lack  of  science  around  kombucha,  but  we  all  know  it's  good.    

Zak:   Fair  enough.  I  know  that  I  did  my  own  ...  When  I  was  doing  a  ketone  analysis,  it  totally  took  me  out  of  ketosis  when  I  had  kombucha  because  of  the  sugar.  That  was  something  that  I  ...  I  didn't  think  of  that  before,  but  when  I  saw  my  ketone  levels  go  way  down  after  I  drank  it,  I  was  like,  "Okay,  so  don't  drink  that  if  you  want  to  stay  in  ketosis  for  sure."  

Dave:   Agreed.  

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Zak:   This  next  question  is  kind  of  an  open-­‐ended  one.  It's  from  Kevin,  and  he  just  wants  to  know  what  ...    

Dave:   We  forgot.  You  can't  go  on.  We  haven't  talked  about  Kegel  water.    

Zak:   Oh,  right.  Yes.  I  think  it's  Kangen,  but  okay.  

Dave:   Ah,  I  keep  getting  it  wrong.  All  right.  If  you're  a  Kangen  multilevel  marketing  distributor,  I  apologize  if  I've  offended  you,  because  actually,  Kangen  has  some  cool  infrared  socks  I  believe,  if  I'm  remembering  that  right.  Don't  they  sell  those  as  well?    

Zak:   I  have  no  idea.  

Dave:   I'm  99%  sure  it  was  also  Kangen,  but  whoever  it  was  that  makes  those  Far  infrared  reflective  infrared  socks,  they  work.  My  feet  were  never  so  hot,  but  I  have  size  16  feet,  so  the  socks  like  stuck  off  the  end  of  my  foot,  but  whatever.  The  infrared  stuff  was  cool,  and  there's  actually  some  evidence  around  surface  tension  for  putting  magnets  around  your  water,  and  you  can  affect  the  surface  tension,  and  water  that  has  a  lower  surface  tension  does  absorb  better.  That's  all  good.  

  Being  a  biohacker,  in  the  late  '90s,  I  bought  a  Jupiter  Mavello,  which  is  a  very  high-­‐end  Japanese  sourced  type  of  alkaline  water  maker,  and  I  bought  it  and  I  religiously  used  it,  and  I  mean,  we  talk  about  poop  a  lot  on  Bulletproof  Radio,  and  I  apologize  in  advance,  but  I  stopped  digesting  my  food.  Why?  Because  you  need  stomach  acid  to  digest  your  food.  The  person  who  said,  "Oh,  your  body  has  to  be  alkaline,"  what?  No.    

  Your  body  is  like  a  battery.  Part  of  it  is  acidic  and  part  of  it  is  alkaline.  If  you  put  alkaline  in  the  acid  parts  you  should  expect  to  get  what  I  got,  which  was  pieces  of  undigested  food  in  your  stool.  It  was  not  pleasant,  and  I  didn't  know  what  was  going  on,  and  it  didn't  help  my  health  at  all.    

  That  said,  there  is  a  daily  circadian  acid-­‐alkaline  rhythm,  and  you  can  influence  that  and  you  can  influence  your  endurance  with  alkaline  water.  There's  another  way  you  can  do  it;  it's  called  baking  soda,  which  is  also  alkaline.  As  much  as  I  would  like  alkaline  water  to  be  a  magic  thing,  I  don't  think  it  is  for  a  lot  of  people.    

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  I  also  know  other  people  where  it  has  measurably  and  over  time  reduced  joint  pain.  I  would  say,  never  take  alkaline  water  with  food  or  around  a  meal,  at  least  a  half  hour  before  the  meal  and  not  within  a  couple  hours  after.  It  may  give  you  diarrhea,  even  away  from  food,  and  it  may  also  make  you  feel  light-­‐headed  and  dizzy,  and  this  means  it's  not  good  for  you.  Some  people  are  too  alkaline,  some  people  are  too  acidic,  and  even  then,  we're  talking  about,  what?    

  On  the  Bulletproof  Diet,  which  is  supposed  to  be  an  acid-­‐forming  diet  because  we  have  all  that  meat  and  butter  and  tons  and  tons  of  veggies,  which  people  seem  to  forget,  our  blood  tends  to  be  a  little  bit  too  alkaline,  even  though  I  don't  drink  alkaline  water,  which  is  kind  of  interesting.  If  I  add  alkaline  water  to  my  system,  bad  things  happen.    

  For  you,  especially  like  halfway  through  an  endurance  race,  you  might  want  to  do  that,  and  it's  old  trick  to  add  baking  soda  to  water  as  well.  Alkaline  water  is  not  the  same  as  baking  soda  in  water,  but  it's  a  similar  effect  in  that  you're  changing  the  alkalinity  of  your  system.    

  I  don't  think  it's  necessary  or  even  advisable  to  drink  Kangen  water  all  day  long,  only  if  you  feel  a  profound  difference  should  you  do  it.  

Zak:   All  right.  Back  to  Kevin's  question,  it  is,  what  keeps  you  inspired?  

Dave:   What  keeps  me  inspired?  It's  getting  the  emails  at  like  2:00  in  the  morning  that  say,  "Hey,  Dave.  You  don't  know  me.  You  never  met  me,  but  I  lost  50  pounds.  I  got  my  brain  back."    

  One  email  that  I  still  remember,  this  guy  said,  "Dave,  I  need  your  help.  Your  shipment  to  me  in  London,  it  didn't  arrive.  In  fact,  it  arrived  in  Argentina."  I  was  like,  "I  have  no  idea  how  a  customs  agency  could  do  that,"  but  anyway  ...  He  said,  "I'm  just  reaching  out  because  it's  an  emergency."    

  He  said,  "I'm  about  to  lose  my  father,  and  he's  dying  of  some  degenerative  brain  condition.  When  I  give  him  Bulletproof  coffee,  I  get  an  hour  day  of  quality  time  when  I  can  have  conversation.  If  I  don't  get  it,  like,  he's  dying.  He  won't  be  there  anymore  and  like  it's  important."    

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  When  I  realize  that  something  that  I've  made  or  better  yet,  some  knowledge  that  I've  shared  that  no  one  needed  to  buy  anything  for  that,  that  it's  meaningfully  impacting  people's  lives,  I'll  get  up  every  morning  to  do  that.  That's  the  whole  reason  that  I  started  doing  the  Bulletproof  blog.    

  It  wasn't  to  start  a  company.  I  was  a  VP  at  a  big  company  when  I  started  this,  and  I  still  could  have  that  job  or  something  similar.  It's  that  I  spent  so  much  time,  Zak,  and  you  know  this  because  we're  friends,  because  we  work  together,  so  much  time  and  effort  like  forcing  myself  to  do  the  things  I  wanted  to  do,  just  through  sheer  willpower  because  my  biology  was  messed  up.    

  There  was  no  source  of  information  for  this.  I  could  not  figure  out  how  to  do  it.  Now,  with  the  Web,  there  is  a  lot  of  information  out  there,  but  it's  so  byzantine  and  it's  out  there,  and  it's  not  related  to  a  system  to  make  it  easy  to  use  and  easy  to  understand.  If  you  want  to  be  as  much  of  a  biohacker  or  researcher  as  me  ...  They  shouldn't  have  to  be  in  order  to  live  a  life  full  of  energy  and  willpower  and  productivity.    

  What  keeps  me  going  is  when  someone  takes  five  minutes  to  say,  "Hey,  Dave.  Your  work  made  a  difference  for  me,"  that's  why  I'm  doing  this.  That's  the  short  answer  is  that  I've  got  to  know  that  I'm  helping  people,  and  when  I  know  that,  that  inspires  me  every  single  day,  and  that  and  like  watching  my  kids  grow;  that's  pretty  inspiring,  too,  but  that's  the  same  sort  of  thing.  I  made  a  difference.  It's  that  making  a  difference  thing  that  just  does  it.  

Zak:   Awesome.  Your  gratitude.    

Dave:   There  you  go.  It  was  gratitude,  man.    

Zak:   Yeah.  All  right.  Jordan  asks,  can  electrical  stimulation  replace  workouts  and  how  do  you  use  e-­‐stim?  Maybe  just  talk  about  what  it  actually  is,  because  most  people  are  like,  "Wait.  What?"    

Dave:   Electrical  stimulation,  well,  there's  many  kinds  of  it,  of  e-­‐stim,  but  this  is  a  way  of  telling  your  muscles  to  fire  without  you  having  to  consciously  

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do  it.  At  least  most  forms  don't  require  conscious  work  there.  You  probably  saw  the  podcast,  at  least  I  hope  you  saw,  the  podcast  with  Brandon  Routh.  I  had  him  out  at  the  prototypical  biohacking  lab  on  Vancouver  Island  where  I  live,  and  we  hooked  him  up  to  this,  and  you  could  see  him  going,  "Aaaah."    

  Brandon  Routh,  if  you  don't  know  him,  he's  on  Arrow  this  season,  and  he  also  played  Superman  in  one  of  the  big  movies.  We've  gotten  to  be  friends  because  of  the  Bulletproof  thing,  and  so  I  shocked  him  really  heavily  and  you  could  see  like,  he's  pretty  ripped,  but  these  like  giant  muscles  pulsating.  You've  got  to  watch  that  video.  This  is  one  of  the  podcasts  with  Brandon  Routh.  

  What  you  can  do  is  you  can  cause  muscle  growth  and  even  cause  nerve  growth  fairly  dramatically  with  muscle  stim.  You'll  find  Compex  makes  a  great  unit.  They  sent  me  a  demo  unit.  I  don't  have  a  deal  with  them,  but  they're  one  of  the  big  manufacturers.  MarcPro  was  at  the  Bulletproof  Conference.  They  also  have  a  really  nice  unit.  Those  are  sort  of  the  two  mainstream  ones  that  use  normal  TENS  style  stimulation.  These  are  really  good  quality  units,  and  you  can  see  muscle  growth  and  you  can  see  vascularization  from  those.    

  Will  those  flat-­‐out  replace  exercise?  No,  they  won't  replace  lifting.  There's  something  that  comes  from  functional  movement,  from  integrated  movement,  from  having  balance.  Now,  can  you  have  quite  adequate  muscle  growth  from  muscle  stimulation  with  electronics,  you  can.  I've  found  that  the  wave  forms  that  work  best  are  not  commercially  available  very  much,  or  if  so,  they're  available  only  in  very  high-­‐end  medical  equipment  that  costs  more  than  $10,000.    

  The  stuff  that  you've  seen  me  use  in  probably  a  few  random  videos,  one  that  I  might've  used  in  a  few  bars  that  made  the  security  people  very  scared,  is,  it's  a  Russian  prototype  of  a  unit  that  I  hope  to  make  commercially  available  soon.  It  causes  very,  very  deep  muscle  stimulation,  very,  very  deep  tissue  stimulation.    

  The  way  that  works,  and  this  is  what  you  saw  me  use  on  Brandon,  is  you're  looking  to,  say,    do  a  curl,  you  put  so  much  intensity  into  the  

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


muscle,  that  the  propioceptors  in  the  joint  will  tell  you  ...  They  tell  you  in  the  form  of  pain,  "I  can't  do  it."  Then  you  in  the  form  of  an  adult  in  your  brain  say,  "No,  you  can  do  it,"  and  then  you  force  yourself  against  that  resistance  to  do  it,  and  all  of  the  sudden,  what  was  painful  stops  being  painful,  and  you're  like,  "I  guess  I  could  do  it."  Your  body  was  lying  to  you.    

  You  go  through  this  process  and  you  get  incredibly  sore.  The  vast  majority  of  the  muscle  that  I  have  in  my  chest  right  now  and  in  my  biceps  comes  from  either  playing  with  my  children,  occasional  plank  pose  on  the  Bulletproof  Vibe,  whole-­‐body  vibration  platform,  and  electrical  stimulation.  In  other  words,  I  haven't  gone  and  done  official  barbell  curls  or  even  like  a  kettlebell  thing  in  quite  a  while.  It's  amazing,  but  it's  also  a  very  specialized  form.  

  I  would  say,  can  you  heal  faster,  can  you  recover  from  exercise  faster,  can  you  warm  up  better  with  electrical  stim?  Yes,  you  can  with  commercially  available  stuff,  starting  at  $6  for  like  the  really  cheap  things  that  sort  of  just  give  you  a  TENS  kind  of  massage,  all  the  way  up  to  the  really  nice  muscle  stimulation,  things  like  Compex  and  MarcPro  make.    

  From  there,  there's  stuff  that  doctors  are  allowed  to  do  that  is  pretty  amazing,  and  some  of  it  gets  pretty  out  there.  At  the  end  of  the  day,  we're  electrical  beings  as  much  as  we're  chemical  beings,  and  you  can  influence  the  flow  of  electrons.  You  can  influence  ATP  even,  just  with  electrical  current.  This  by  the  way  is  not  talking  about  things  like  micro-­‐current  stimulation  which  I've  personally  seen  completely  reverse  macular  degeneration,  as  in  it  was  there  and  now  it's  gone.    

  Our  cells  will  heal  with  electrical  currents,  and  if  you  read  Robert  Becker's  book,  which  came  out  in  the  late  '90s  about  electromagnetism  and  what  it  does  in  the  body,  you  realize  that  a  broken  bone  heals  because  of  the  electrical  current.  There's  a  current  of  injury.    

  One  of  my  goals  in  popularizing  biohacking  is  to  get  lots  of  people  paying  attention  to  what  electricity  in  all  of  its  various  flavors  does  in  

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


different  parts  of  the  body,  because  we  can  do  things  to  our  bodies  we  didn't  know  about  with  electricity,  and  it's  awesome.  

Zak:   There's  another  question  that's  actually  related  to  the  Vibe,  and  this  is  from  MJTD,  and  he  says,  the  Bulletproof  Vibe,  before  or  after  squats  or  both?  Also,  how  many  times  a  week  if  weight-­‐training  is  four  to  five  times  a  week?    

  To  kind  of  tie  it  into  e-­‐stim,  how  would  you  use  those  two  technologies  to  enhance  the  effectiveness  of  your  workouts  or  the  recovery?  Talk  a  little  bit  about  that.    

Dave:   Bulletproof  Vibe  runs,  it  vibrates  up  and  down  30  times  a  minute,  so  ...  Sorry,  30  times  a  second.  Why  would  you  do  this?  Why  would  you  want  to  feel  that?  Whole-­‐body  vibration  is  well-­‐documented.  Actually,  it  was  in  the  space  program  that  looked  at  doing  this.  You  remember  back  in  the  '70s,  they  had  these  like  belts  you  could  put  on  and  you'd  go  to  the  health  club  and  they  would  massage  your  stomach,  which  is  hilarious  because  that  didn't  do  that  much.  

  But  it  turns  out,  when  you  stand  on  a  platform,  and  the  platform  doesn't  rock  side  to  side  like  the  sort  of  cheap  ones  that  tend  to  damage  your  hips  and  make  your  low  back  hurt  ...  You  want  something  that  vibrates  straight  up  and  down  or  something  maybe  with  an  orbital  motion  when  you  get  into  the  $10,000  or  $15,000.    

  The  Bulletproof  Vibe  is  about  $1,500,  and  it's  something  that's  solid  steel  that  vibrates  at  the  frequency  that  NASA  used  the  most  to  stimulate  healthy  bones,  because  the  problem  with  astronauts  is  their  muscles  and  bones  go  away  because  they're  not  getting  any  stimulation.  When  they  come  back  and  before  they  go,  they  can  use  whole-­‐body  vibration  to  speed  healing.    

  It  really  helps  with  lymphatic  circulation.  It  helps  with  warming  up.  You  do  a  forward  full,  you  do  stretches  on  whole  body  vibration,  and  it's  amazing.  If  I  was  going  to  do  squats,  I'd  want  to  do  just  a  couple  light  squats  on  the  whole-­‐body  vibration  and  warm  up  for  five  minutes.  It's  a  really  effective  warm-­‐up.    

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


  Then  after  you've  done  your  squats,  you  want  to  cool  down,  you  basically  want  to  increase  tissue  circulation  so  that  you  can  remove  lactic  acid  and  you  can  basically  get  oxygen  and  your  glucose  or  ketones,  depending  on  what  you're  burning  at  the  time,  to  get  that  into  the  muscles  so  you  can  have  quicker  recovery.  You  would  use  whole-­‐body  vibration  before  and  after  heavy  exercise.  The  first  one  is  basic  warming  up.  The  second  one  is  cooling  down.    

  It  feels  ...  It's  hard  to  explain,  but  it  feels  good  to  do  it.  You  stand  on  it,  you're  energized.  The  lymphatic  drainage  thing,  plus  just  the  signal  to  your  body  that,  "I  just  did  something  30  times,"  it's  kind  of  interesting.  Even  if  you  just  take  like  a  dumbbell  or  a  kettlebell  and  you  stand  rigid  and  you  hold  it,  you're  vibrating  like  this  a  little  bit,  and  that  sends  a  signal  to  your  body  that  it's  like,  "I'm  doing  this  at  very  rapid  intervals."    

  It's  not  like  electricity  where  you  might  be  doing  500  times  a  second.  This  is  30  times  a  second,  but  compared  to  what  you  could  do  even  if  you  were  throwing  a  dumbbell  around,  you  would  just  be  flopping  the  muscle  all  over.  This  is  like  a  stabilization  thing.  

  I  would  suggest  that  you  use  whole-­‐body  vibration  that  way.  Same  thing  with  the  electrical  stimulation  of  the  muscles.  They  actually  have  warm-­‐up  protocols  that  you  can  run  and  there  are  cool-­‐down  protocols  you  can  use.  The  day  after  I  have  you  work  out,  you  can  use  it  to  speed  recovery,  basically  to  get  tissue  oxygen  flow.    

  It's  kind  of  a  long  answer  that  says  before  and/or  after  are  going  to  be  beneficial.  If  I  could  only  do  one,  I  would  probably  want  to  use  it  for  a  faster  recovery,  because  I'm  such  a  fan  of  recovery.  Recovery  is  more  important  than  the  exercise.  You  can  have  the  right  stimulus,  but  if  you  get  the  stimulus  without  the  recovery,  you  don't  get  the  benefits.  

Zak:   Okay.  The  next  question  comes  from  Dana,  and  she  asks  what  to  do  if  you're  craving  everything  you're  allergic  to  or  sensitive  to?  Also  curious  about  dairy  allergies  and  do  you  have  any  help  or  wisdom  you  can  share  on  sort  of  hacking  dairy  allergies?    

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


Dave:   Dairy  allergies  are  annoying,  and  the  thing  to  understand  about  dairy  is  that  there's  lactose  intolerance  and  there's  casein  intolerance.  Lactose  intolerance  isn't  technically  an  allergy.  A  lot  of  people  who  say  they're  allergic  to  milk  just  are  allergic  to  milk  sugar.  That  one's  easy  to  hack;  you  can  take  bacteria  that  help  you  digest  lactose,  and  you  can  take  lactaid  as  the  enzyme  and  magically,  you  can  handle  dairy  again.  You're  lucky  if  you  have  lactose  problems,  because  they're  so  easily  hack-­‐able.    

  If  like  me,  you  have  casein  problems,  then  your  immune  system  reacts  to  casein.  Now,  gluten  and  casein  are  similar,  and  most  people  who  react  to  one  have  a  great  chance  of  reacting  to  the  other.  Funny,  environmental  toxic  mold  exposure  is  shown  to  trigger  gluten  and  casein  intolerance.    

  My  gluten  and  casein  intolerance  got  much  worse  after  I  had  mold  growing  in  a  kitchen  where  I  was  staying.  It  was  growing  behind  the  dishwasher  because  of  a  faulty  installation.  Magically,  I  was  somewhat  tolerant  of  these  things,  and  then  after  that  exposure  I  became  much  less  tolerant.  

  If  you're  intolerant  of  it,  one  thing  that  can  help  is  taking  probiotics.  You  might  experiment  with  resistant  starch  in  the  evening  like  I  talk  about  in  the  Bulletproof  Diet  book,  and  there's  no  guarantee  it's  ever  going  to  fix  it.    

  You  could  also,  if  you're  going  to  take  a  little  bit  of  protein  like  that,  you  could  try  binding  the  protein  with  some  activated  charcoal,  which  the  upgraded  coconut  charcoal  is  a  good  way  to  do  that.  That  way  if  you're  accidentally  exposed  or  you  just  get  a  little  bit,  you're  just  going  to  reduce  your  absorption  of  it.  It's  not  a  fix  or  anything  like  that.  It's  just  a  way  of  potentially  blocking  it.    

  There  are  also  a  few  types  of  enzymes  out  there  that  you  could  take,  digestive  enzymes  that  help  to  break  down  protein,  so  proteases  that  are  specific  for  milk.  You  also  would  be  well-­‐advised  to,  any  time  you're  going  to  have  milk  protein  of  any  sort,  take  betaine  HCL.    

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  Now  betaine  HCL  is  basically  stomach  acid,  and  it's  something  that  I  recommend  taking,  especially  if  you're  over  30,  because  pretty  much  every  meal  that  has  fat  or  protein,  a  little  bit  of  betaine  is  going  to  help,  and  this  is  because  your  natural  production  of  stomach  acid  goes  down  over  time.    

  This  helps  to  sterilize  your  food.  It  helps  to  start  your  digestion  process,  and  if  you're  low  on  stomach  acid,  you're  more  likely  to  have  leaky  gut.  If  you  have  enough  stomach  acid,  you're  more  likely  to  properly  digest  these  proteins  so  they  don't  affect  you  as  much.    

  At  the  end  of  the  day,  though,  you  might  want  to  look  at  some  desensitization  protocols.  There  are  traditional  allergy  shots.  There's  a  protocol  called  NAET,  natural  allergy  elimination  technique.  I've  seen  ...  I  know  practitioners,  really  good  practitioners,  who've  had  fantastic  results  with  NAET.    

  It's  extremely  out  there  from  the  way  it's  done,  and  I've  actually  gone  through  NAET  and  I  didn't  experience  any  benefits  from  it.  That  doesn't  mean  it  hasn't  worked  for  some  people  because  I  know  people  where  it  has  and  I  know  very,  very  good  practitioners  who've  found  it  works  for  a  substantial  portion  of  their  population.  It  didn't  work  for  me.    

  I  think  it  should  be  on  your  list  of,  "Is  it  possible  that  it  might  work  for  me?"  It's  possible,  but  it's  pretty  far  out  there.  There's  things  ...  Avoid  being  in  the  presence  of  this  thing,  within  six  feet  of  it,  for  24  hours  after  your  treatment  and  it  sort  of  involves  acupuncture  and  some  other  things,  but  it's  interesting  thinking  at  least,  and  it  has  its  roots  in  Ayurveda.    

Zak:   Cool.  The  other  part  of  her  question  was  what  to  do  when  you're  craving  the  things  that  you're  allergic  to.  Is  there  any  advice  on  that?    

Dave:   When  you're  craving  that,  it's  oftentimes  a  yeast  problem  in  the  body.  I  don't  know  if  you're  suffering  from  yeast  or  not,  but  this  weird  thing  can  happen.  You  crave  it.  You  have  a  yeast  that  wants  to  eat  these  things  you're  sensitive  to,  and  if  the  yeast  doesn't  get  the  fuel  that  it's  looking  for,  then  it  makes  additional  toxins,  because  when  you  stress  a  bacteria  

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or  when  you  stress  yeast  in  the  body,  it'll  make  more  toxins  as  it  runs  out  of  food.  Then  you  get  food  and  it  makes  less  toxins  and  you  feel  better.  This  is  one  of  those  things  that  can  lead  to  these  cycles  and  these  cravings.    

  I  would  suggest  actually  that  if  you  have  uncontrollable  cravings  for  all  these  things  that  you're  allergic  to  that  you  also  get  a  GI  pathogen  screen.  You'll  understand  if  you  have  a  parasite  going  on,  something  like  Blastocystis  or  if  you  have  dysbalanced  or  imbalanced  ...  They  call  it  dysbiosis,  and  this  is  basically  the  bacteria  in  your  gut  that  aren't  functioning  the  way  they  should,  because  if  you  have  these  persistent  cravings,  that  can  oftentimes  be  a  big  trigger  for  it.  

  I'd  also  look  at,  does  having  a  high  fat  diet,  like  say,  try  Bulletproof  coffee  in  the  morning,  does  it  turn  off  cravings  for  a  while?  If  it  does,  that's  a  sign,  not  a  sure  sign,  but  a  good  sign  that  it  could  mediated  by  your  gut  bacteria,  because  you  tend  to  suppress  the  bacteria  that  cause  problems  when  you  have  that  combination  of  fat  and  you  tend  to  promote  with  the  coffee  the  growth  of  some  of  the  bacteria  that  don't  cause  those  problems,  the  bacteria  that  feed  on  polyphenols.  These  are  called  the  bacteria  DD's  group.    

  I  wrote  in  more  detail  about  that  in  the  Bulletproof  Diet  book,  but  any  cravings  should  be  a  focus  of  this,  and  if  you're  craving  the  foods  you're  allergic  to,  there's  a  reason  for  it  and  you  get  to  the  bottom  of  it.  

Zak:   Awesome.  We've  got  enough  time  for  one  more  question.  This  comes  from  Nicholas.  He's  asking  about  a  lot  of  this  ...  There's  a  news  story  that's  going  around  right  now  about  a  new  sugar  molecule  in  red  meat  that  can  cause  problems,  and  it's  another  one  of  those,  "Red  meat's  bad  for  you,"  and  so  this  guy  is  particular  curious  of  your  thoughts  on  that  study  about  the  NEU5Gc  sugar  molecule  in  red  meat.  

Dave:   NEU5Gc  is  something  that  was  recently  talked  about  in  a  study.  This  was  a  pretty  cool  study  because  what  they  did  is  they  took  some  mice  and  they  bred  them  to  have  a  specific  problem.  Then  they  triggered  the  specific  problem  and  said,  "Well,  that's  how  it  affects  all  of  us."    

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


  It's  a  little  bit  suspicious,  but  okay,  this  is  a  protein  that's  been  in  meat,  it's  been  in  dairy,  basically  animal  products,  for  a  very  long  time.  If  it  triggers  inflammation  the  way  ...  This  is  this  one  study.  It's  a  very  early  study,  sort  of  a  hypothesis  that  says,  "Well,  it  could  trigger  an  autoimmune  cell  and  inflammation  because  we  can't  have  an  auto-­‐antibodies  to  this."  If  we  have  antibodies  to  this  and  it  gets  incorporated  into  our  endothelium,  basically  the  lining  of  your  arteries,  then  it  could  trigger  this  inflammation.  

  There's  just  one  problem:  it  doesn't  trigger  that  inflammation.  What  do  we  do  about  that?  Well,  we  I  think  should  explore  the  problem  a  little  bit  more.  The  reason  I  say  it  doesn't  trigger  inflammation  is  that  when  people  go  on  a  diet  that's  higher  in  red  meat,  at  least  red  meat  from  healthy  animals,  the  inflammatory  markers  that  I  track  aren't  there.  

  Also,  we  could  look  at,  let's  see,  what  society  ...  Zak,  you  might  know  this,  it's  a  trivia  question.  What  society  eats  almost  exclusively  meat  and  dairy  and  blood?    

Zak:   There's  the  Maasai  Warrior  people.    

Dave:   There  you  go.  

Zak:   Yeah,  that  ...  

Dave:   Zero  inflammation  on  a  diet  that's  extremely  high  in  NEU5Gc.  Given  that  we  have  use  cases  from  ancestral  people  who  don't  have  this  problem,  when  I  see  my  own  results  and  that  of  all  of  the  people  who  talked  about,  "Gee,  I  went  on  the  Bulletproof  Diet  and  my  C-­‐reactive  protein  went  down,"  and  very  specifically,  LPPLA-­‐2,  which  is  a  marker  of  damage  to  your  endothelium,  the  stuff  that  these  mice  have  problems  with  when  they  were  fed  a  certain  way  and  bred  a  certain  way,  we  see  LPPLA-­‐2  go  down  in  a  typical  person  who's  reduced  inflammation.    

  What  do  I  look  for  in  my  own  biomarkers  when  I'm  on  the  Bulletproof  Diet  and  when  someone's  doing  it  and  it's  working  is  LPPLA-­‐2  goes  down,  C-­‐reactive  protein  goes  down,  homocysteine  goes  down.  If  you're  

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


listening  to  this  going,  "What  are  all  these  things?,"  these  are  all  markers  of  inflammation  that  you  can  get  in  a  lab  panel.    

  If  eating  red  meat  causes  this  problem,  we  should  see  this  result,  and  we're  not  seeing  it,  and  we  don't  see  it  in  ancestral  people,  therefore,  it's  an  interesting  study,  but  if  you're  going  to  quit  eating  red  meat  because  there's  a  chance  that  in  mice  it  might  trigger  an  immune  response  to  the  lining  of  your  arteries  that  could  lead  to  inflammation,  look  for  the  evidence.  I'm  not  seeing  it.  

Zak:   All  right.  That  is  it  for  part  two  of  the  Q&A.  I  just  want  to  say  thank  you  to  all  of  you  that  submitted  your  questions  through  the  blog  on  the  podcast  blog  posts,  at  the  bottom  of  the  post,  on  Twitter,  on  Facebook.    

  Also,  I  want  to  encourage  you  to  go  the  forums  if  you  have  some  questions  that  didn't  get  answered  on  this  or  previous  Q&As.  There  are  people  in  the  forums  that  have  been  doing  the  Bulletproof  Diet  for  as  long  as  Dave's  been  talking  about  it  who  have  asked  a  lot  of  the  same  question  that  you  have,  and  they've  been  answered,  either  by  Dave  or  by  other  people  in  the  community.    

  If  you  go  to  the  bulletproofexec.com/forums,  you'll  find  a  ton  of  information.  If  you  have  a  question  there  that  you  want  a  quick  answer  to,  the  people  there  are  awesome.  Jason  Hooper  moderates  it,  just  a  great  place  to  go  for  more  info.  

Dave:   Zak,  thanks  for  doing  this.  If  you  enjoyed  this  ...  I  spend  a  great  amount  of  time  focusing  on  Bulletproof  Radio.  We've  had  almost  11  million  downloads.  We're  regularly  ranked  number  one  on  iTunes  in  Health  &  Fitness.  I  work  really  hard  to  give  you  actionable  useful  information,  whether  it's  stuff  that  I  know  or  stuff  that  other  experts  know,  even  people  I  don't  always  agree  with,  but  people  who  are  leaders  in  their  field,  people  who  are  going  to  help  you  perform  better  and  think  better  and  feel  better.    

  If  this  podcast  has  been  helpful  to  you,  my  ask  is  not  that  you  buy  another  bag  of  coffee,  I'm  grateful  if  you  do  that,  but  my  ask  would  be  

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


just  tell  other  people  that  it's  good.  Go  to  iTunes,  log  in  and  say,  "I  liked  this  show,  and  here's  why."    

  If  you  do  that,  that  helps  other  people  find  the  show  and  it  creates  kind  of  a  virtuous  cycle  where  it  gives  me  the  ability  to  help  more  people,  and  as  you've  heard  in  this  podcast,  that's  what  gets  me  up  in  the  morning.  Please  help  me  do  more  of  this  by  leaving  a  good  ranking.  Thank  you.    



Saline  pool  

Ozone  filtration  pools  

SOMA  water  filter  

Kangen  water  

Infrared  socks  

Jupiter  Water  Ionizers  

Compex  Electrical  Muscle  Stimulation  

MarcPro  -­‐  Use  code  "BPE"  for  a  discount!  

TENS  Electronic  Pulse  Massager  

Bulletproof  Vibe  Whole  Body  Vibration  Plate  


Upgraded™  Coffee  

Upgraded  Activated  Coconut  Charcoal  

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


Betaine  HCl    

Digestive  Enzymes  

JJ  Virgin  Mindshare  Summit  

Fluid  and  Electrolyte  Balance  

Ochratoxin  A  (Molecular  Nutrition  &  Food  Research)  

One  Ugly  Mug:  The  Science  Behind  Just  One  Mold  Toxin  in  your  Coffee  

The  Bulletproof®  Diet  Book  




Saccharomyces  boulardii  

Dr.  Joel  Kahn  


Electrical  muscle  stimulation  

Biohacking  Live  with  Superman,  Brandon  Routh:  Hacking  Hollywood  &  Avoiding  Kryptonite  –  #162  


Adenosine  Triphosphate  (ATP)  

Microcurrent  stimulation  

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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A


The  Body  Electric:  Electromagnetism  and  the  Foundation  of  Life  by  Robert  Becker  

Lymphatic  circulation  

Lactic  acid  

Lactose  intolerance  (Mayo  Clinic)  

Dairy  intolerance  (Mark's  Daily  Apple)  

The  Definitive  Guide  to  Resistant  Starch  (Mark’s  Daily  Apple)  

Leaky  Gut  (Dr.  Andrew  Weil)  

Natural  allergy  elimination  technique  (NAET)  

GI  Pathogen  screening  test  


Intestinal  Dysbiosis  (Alternative  Medicine  Reviews)  

Polyphenols:  antioxidants  and  beyond  (The  American  Journal  of  Clinical  Nutrition)  

Bacteroides  (Microbe  Wiki)  

Neu5Gc  –  Sugar  molecule  links  red  meat  consumption  and  elevated  cancer  risk  in  mice  (UC  San  Diego  Health)  

Maasai  diet  

C-­‐reactive  protein  (CRP)  

Lipoprotein-­‐associated  phospholipase  A2  (LPPLA-­‐2)  

Elevated  Homocysteine  (Dr.  Andrew  Weil)  


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Bulletproof Toolbox Podcast #192, Bulletproof Radio Q&A