Transcription and Regulation of Gene Expression

Transcription and Regulation of Gene Expression

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Page 1: Transcription and Regulation of Gene Expression


and Regulation

of Gene


Page 2: Transcription and Regulation of Gene Expression


• Transcription in Prokaryotes

• Transcription in Eukaryotes

• Regulation of Transcription in Prokaryotes

• Transcription Regulation in Eukaryotes

• Structural Motifs in DNA-Binding proteins

• Post-Transcriptional Processing of mRNA

Page 3: Transcription and Regulation of Gene Expression


• Usually single-stranded

• Has uracil as a base

• Ribose as the sugar

• Carries protein-encoding information

•Can be catalytic


• Usually double-stranded

• Has thymine as a base

• Deoxyribose as the sugar

• Carries RNA-encoding information

• Not catalytic

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Types of RNA

• mRNA, tRNA and rRNA

• These three kinds of RNA are present in

both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells as

well as in mitochondria

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The secondary structure RNA

• is a random coil, or is determined by its interaction

with proteins

• occasionally there are complementary regions

with the same RNA molecule



• RNA - does not exist as a large double helix -

does not show hyperchromicity under denaturation

• does not have well-defined melting point

• show large changes in viscosity

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Messenger RNAs (mRNA)

• mRNA carries the genetic information

coded in DNA into the cytoplasm

• The order of nucleotides in the mRNA

determines the order of amino acids in

the protein translated from it.

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Transfer RNAs (tRNAs)

• This class of small RNAs

transfers amino acids to the protein-

synthesizing machinery and translates

the nucleic acid “language” into amino acid


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Ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs)

• This class of RNAs plus a large number of

ribosomal proteins are assembled and make

up ribosomes, the enzymatic machinery

on which protein synthesis takes place.

• Ribosomes engage the mRNAs and form a

catalytic domain into which the tRNAs

enter with their attached AAs.

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Other Forms of RNA

rRNA and tRNA only appreciated later

• All three forms participate in protein synthesis

• All made by DNA-dependent RNA polymerases

• This process is called transcription

• Not all genes encode proteins! Some encode

rRNAs or tRNAs

• Transcription is tightly regulated. Only 0.01% of

genes in a typical eukaryotic cell are undergoing

transcription at any given moment

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TranscriptionThe new RNA molecule is formed by incorporating

nucleotides that are complementary to the template strand.

DNA coding strand

DNA template strand











GG U C A U U C3’

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RNA synthesis and processing

All 3 major classes of RNA rRNA, tRNA and mRNA:

are synthesized in the nucleolus (by copying of


are modified after synthesis and before being

transported into the cytoplasm → PROTEIN


the selection of the segment to be copied – is the

major control point in this process!

as synthesis proceeds, the RNA is released and

the DNA reforms a normal helical structure

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Transcription in Prokaryotes Only a single RNA polymerase

• In E.coli, RNA polymerase is 465 kD complex,

with 2 , 1 , 1 ', 1

' binds DNA

binds NTPs and interacts with

recognizes promoter sequences on DNA

subunits appear to be essential for assembly

and for activation of enzyme by regulatory


• RNA polymerases contain no nuclease activity

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Stages of Transcription

See next Figure

• binding of RNA polymerase holoenzyme

at promoter sites

• initiation of polymerization

• chain elongation

• chain termination

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Properties of Promoters See Figure

• Promoters typically consist of 40 bp region

on the 5'-side of the transcription start site

• Two consensus sequence elements:

• The "-35 region", with consensus TTGACA

- sigma subunit appears to bind here

• The Pribnow box near -10, with consensus

TATAAT - this region is ideal for unwinding

- why?

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Initiation of Polymerization • RNA polymerase has two binding sites for NTPs

• Initiation site prefers to binds ATP and GTP (most RNAs begin with a purine at 5'-end)

• Elongation site binds the second incoming NTP

• 3'-OH of first attacks alpha-P of second to form a new phosphoester bond (eliminating PPi)

• When 6-10 unit oligonucleotide has been made, sigma subunit dissociates, completing "initiation"

• Note rifamycin and rifampicin and their different modes of action

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Chain Elongation Core polymerase - no sigma

• Polymerase is accurate - only about 1 error

in 10,000 bases

• Even this error rate is OK, since many

transcripts are made from each gene

• Elongation rate is 20-50 bases per second -

slower in G/C-rich regions (why??) and

faster elsewhere

• Topoisomerases precede and follow

polymerase to relieve supercoiling

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Chain Termination Two mechanisms

• Rho - the termination factor protein

– rho is an ATP-dependent helicase

– it moves along RNA transcript, finds the "bubble", unwinds it and releases RNA chain

• Specific sequences - termination sites in DNA

– inverted repeat, rich in G:C, which forms a stem-loop in RNA transcript

– 6-8 As in DNA coding for Us in transcript

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Transcription in Eukaryotes• RNA polymerases I, II and III transcribe rRNA,

mRNA and tRNA genes, respectively

• Pol III transcribes a few other RNAs as well

• All 3 are big, multimeric proteins (500-700 kD)

• All have 2 large subunits with sequences similar

to and ' in E.coli RNA polymerase, so

catalytic site may be conserved

• Pol II is most sensitive to -amanitin, an

octapeptide from Amanita phalloides

("destroying angel mushroom")

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Transcription Factors More on this later, but a short note now

• The three polymerases (I, II and III) interact

with their promoters via so-called

transcription factors

• Transcription factors recognize and initiate

transcription at specific promoter sequences

• Some transcription factors (TFIIIA and TFIIIC

for RNA polymerase III) bind to specific

recognition sequences within the coding


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RNA Polymerase II Most interesting because it regulates

synthesis of mRNA

• Yeast Pol II consists of 10 different peptides

(RPB1 - RPB10)

• RPB1 and RPB2 are homologous to E. coli RNA

polymerase and '

• RPB1 has DNA-binding site; RPB2 binds NTP

• RPB1 has C-terminal domain (CTD) or PTSPSYS

• 5 of these 7 have -OH, so this is a hydrophilic and

phosphorylatable site

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More RNA Polymerase II

• CTD is essential and this domain may project away from the globular portion of the enzyme (up to 50 nm!)

• Only RNA Pol II whose CTD is NOT phosphorylated can initiate transcription

• TATA box (TATAAA) is a consensus promoter

• 7 general transcription factors are required

• See TFIID bound to TATA

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Transcription Regulation in


• Genes for enzymes for pathways are

grouped in clusters on the chromosome

- called operons

• This allows coordinated expression

• A regulatory sequence adjacent to such

a unit determines whether it is

transcribed - this is the ‘operator’

• Regulatory proteins work with operators

to control transcription of the genes

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Induction and Repression• Increased synthesis of genes in response to a

metabolite is ‘induction’

• Decreased synthesis in response to a metabolite is ‘repression’

• Some substrates induce enzyme synthesis even though the enzymes can’t metabolize the substrate - these are ‘gratuitous inducers’ -such as IPTG

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Structural Motifs in DNA-Binding Regulatory Proteins

• Crucial feature must be atomic contacts between

protein residues and bases and sugar-phosphate

backbone of DNA

• Most contacts are in the major groove of DNA

• 80% of regulatory proteins can be assigned to

one of three classes: helix-turn-helix (HTH),

zinc finger (Zn-finger) and leucine zipper


• In addition to DNA-binding domains, these

proteins usually possess other domains that

interact with other proteins

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Alpha Helices and DNA

A perfect fit!

• A recurring feature of DNA-binding proteins

is the presence of -helical segments that fit

directly into the major groove of B-form DNA

• Diameter of helix is 1.2 nm

• Major groove of DNA is about 1.2 nm wide

and 0.6 to 0.8 nM deep

• Proteins can recognize specific sites in DNA

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The Helix-Turn-Helix Motif First identified in 3 prokaryotic proteins

• two repressor proteins (Cro and cI) and the E.

coli catabolite activator protein (CAP)

• All these bind as dimers to dyad-symmetric

sites on DNA (see Figure)

• All contain two alpha helices separated by a

loop with a beta turn

• The C-terminal helix fits in major groove of

DNA; N-terminal helix stabilizes by

hydrophobic interactions with C-terminal helix

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Helix-Turn-Helix II

See next Figures

• Residues 1-7 of the motif are the first helix

(but called "helix 2")

• Residue 9 is the turn maker - a Gly, of course

• Residues 12-20 are the second helix (called

"helix 3")

• Recognition of DNA sequence involves the

sides of base pairs that face the major groove

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The Zn-Finger Motif

First discovered in TFIIIA from Xenopus laevis, the

African clawed toad

• Now known to exist in nearly all organisms

• Two main classes: C2H2 and Cx

• C2H2 domains consist of Cys-x2-Cys and His-x3-

His domains separated by at least 7-8 aas

• Cx domains consist of 4, 5 or 6 Cys residues

separated by various numbers of other residues

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More Zn-Fingers Their secondary and tertiary structures

• C2H2 -type Zn fingers form a folded beta

strand and an alpha helix that fits into the

DNA major groove

• Cx-type Zn fingers consist of two mini-

domains of four Cys ligands to Zn followed

by an alpha helix: the first helix is DNA

• recognition helix, second helix packs

against the first

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The Leucine Zipper Motif First found in C/EBP, a DNA-binding protein in

rat liver nuclei

• Now found in nearly all organisms

• Characteristic features: a 28-residue sequence

with Leu every 7th position and a "basic


• (What do you know by now about 7-residue


• This suggests amphipathic alpha helix and a

coiled-coil dimer

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The Structure of the Zipper

and its DNA complex

• Leucine zipper proteins (aka bZIP proteins)

dimerize, either as homo- or hetero-dimers

• The basic region is the DNA-recognition site

• Basic region is often modelled as a pair of

helices that can wrap around the major groove

• Homodimers recognize dyad-symmetric DNA

• Heterodimers recognize non-symmetric DNA

• Fos and Jun are classic bZIPs

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Post-transcriptional Processing

of mRNA in Eukaryotes

• Translation closely follows transcription

in prokaryotes

• In eukaryotes, these processes are

separated - transcription in nucleus,

translation in cytoplasm

• On the way from nucleus to cytoplasm,

the mRNA is converted from "primary

transcript" to "mature mRNA"

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Eukaryotic Genes are Split • Introns intervene between exons

• Examples: actin gene has 309-bp intron

separates first three amino acids and the other

350 or so

• But chicken pro-alpha-2 collagen gene is 40-

kbp long, with 51 exons of only 5 kbp total.

• The exons range in size from 45 to 249 bases

• Mechanism by which introns are excised and

exons are spliced together is complex and

must be precise

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Capping and Methylation

• Primary transcripts (pre-mRNAs or

heterogeneous nuclear RNA) are usually first

"capped" by a guanylyl group

• The reaction is catalyzed by guanylyl


• Capping G residue is methylated at 7-position

• Additional methylations occur at 2'-O positions

of next two residues and at 6-amino of the first


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3'-Polyadenylylation • Termination of transcription occurs only after

RNA polymerase has transcribed past a

consensus AAUAAA sequence - the poly(A)+

addition site

• 10-30 nucleotides past this site, a string of

100 to 200 adenine residues are added to

the mRNA transcript - the poly(A)+ tail

• poly(A) polymerase adds these A residues

• Function not known for sure, but poly(A) tail

may govern stability of the mRNA

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Splicing of Pre-mRNA Capped, polyadenylated RNA, in the form of a RNP

complex, is the substrate for splicing

• In "splicing", the introns are excised and the

exons are sewn together to form mature mRNA

• Splicing occurs only in the nucleus

• The 5'-end of an intron in higher eukaryotes is

always GU and the 3'-end is always AG

• All introns have a "branch site" 18 to 40

nucleotides upstream from 3'-splice site

• Branch site is essential to splicing

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The Branch site and Lariat • Branch site is usually YNYRAY, where Y =

pyrimidine, R = purine and N is anything

• The "lariat" a covalently closed loop of RNA is

formed by attachment of the 5'-P of the intron's

invariant 5'-G to the 2'-OH at the branch A site

• The exons then join, excising the lariat.

• The lariat is unstable; the 2'-5' phosphodiester is

quickly cleaved and intron is degraded in the


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The Importance of snRNP • Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles -

snRNPs, pronounced "snurps" - are involved in


• A snRNP consists of a small RNA (100-200

bases long) and about 10 different proteins

• Some of the 10 proteins are general, some are


• snRNPs and pre-mRNA form the spliceosome

• Spliceosome is the size of ribosomes, and its

assembly requires ATP

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