Transformers: Windblade #3 (of 4): Dawn of the Autobots Preview

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Mairghread Scott (w) • Sarah Stone (a & c)THE FATE OF CYBERTRON! WINDBLADE learns more about the new face of CYBERTRON—and lesson number one is: never underestimate STARSCREAM! She’s trapped in a no-win situation—but what is the scheming DECEPTICON really after, and how far will he go to keep WINDBLADE out of his way? FC • 32 pages • $3.99

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THE TRANSFORMERS: WINDBLADE #3. JUNE 2014. FIRST PRINTING. HASBRO and its logo, TRANSFORMERS, and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. © 2014 Hasbro. All RightsReserved. IDW Publishing, a division of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Editorial offices: 5080 Santa Fe St., San Diego, CA 92109. The IDW logo is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Any similarities to persons livingor dead are purely coincidental. With the exception of artwork used for review purposes, none of the contents of this publication may be reprinted without the permission of Idea and Design Works, LLC. Printed in Korea.IDW Publishing does not read or accept unsolicited submissions of ideas, stories, or artwork.


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Ted Adams, CEO & PublisherGreg Goldstein, President & COORobbie Robbins, EVP/Sr. Graphic ArtistChris Ryall, Chief Creative Officer/Editor-in-ChiefMatthew Ruzicka, CPA, Chief Financial OfficerAlan Payne, VP of SalesDirk Wood, VP of MarketingLorelei Bunjes, VP of Digital ServicesJeff Webber, VP of Digital Publishing & Business DevelopmentIDW founded by Ted Adams, Alex Garner, Kris Oprisko, and Robbie Robbins

Special thanks to Hasbro’s Clint Chapman, Joe Furfaro, Heather Hopkins, Jerry Jivoin, Joshua Lamb, Ed Lane, Mark Weber, and Michael Kelly for their invaluable assistance.

Wr i t t en by :


SARAH S TONELe t t e r s b y :

CHR IS MOWRY Ed i t o r i a l A s s i s t an c e :

R EB ECCA HUARDEd i t o r :


STANDARD COV ERAr two rk by :


SUBSCR IP T I ON COV ERAr two rk by :

A L EX M I LN ECo l o r s b y :


30 TH ANN IVERSARY COVERAr two rk by :

GU I DO GU ID ICo l o r s b y :



W I N D B L A D EC i t y S p e a k e r f o r M e t r o p l e x ;

n o t f r o m C y b e r t r o n .

C H R O M I AB o d y g u a r d ;

N O T F R O M C Y B E R T R O N .

S T A R S C R E A MR u l e r o f C y b e r t r o n ;

n o t l o v i n g i t .

R A T T R A PS t a r s c r e a m ’ s l a c k e y ;

n o t h a t i n g i t .

B L U R RB a r t e n d e r / N o t - S o - E x - C e l e b r i t y .

W A S P I N A T O RL i f e ’ s f a v o r i t e c h e w t o y . . . t h a t ’ s i t .