Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy shortage, there is no energy crisis, there is a crisis of ignorance R. Buckminster Fuller It is a common defect of men in fai weather to take no thought of storm Machiavelli An addict cannot force his pusher t change his criminal habits. L. Kleveman

Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

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Page 1: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

TransitionsOur civilization has achieved

marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered?

There is no energy shortage, there is no energy crisis, there is a crisis of ignorance

R. Buckminster Fuller

It is a common defect of men in fairweather to take no thought of storms


An addict cannot force his pusher tochange his criminal habits.

L. Kleveman

Page 2: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

What Transitions?• Demographic transition

– NOT ONLY developing world problem. Developed world esp. NA burdening ALL w/ promise of hi-tech solutions that haven’t come

• Only prosperous countries ”fix” pollution– “fix” often by exporting waste activities to developing world– Daunting complexities are defeating even developed world

• “science” has failed 80% of humanity. Seeding our civilization’s destruction, but also preserving more for the next?

• Energy transition– Short term choices: hard & soft path (bet on nukes

because of Kyoto)– Waiting for fusion. Will the next civilization be interplanetary?

– Transition is MUCH BIGGER than Apollo program … need

• Mental transition: most fundamental!– From planet restricted exp. growth to powerdown

Page 3: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

Conserve our Way Through Demographic Transition?If conservation was the answer, then Bangladesh wouldbe the most prosperous nation on earth.

J. Pournelle

Page 4: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

How Much Longer for Exp. Growth? How Much Longer to Hubbert Peak/Transition?

• Ongoing regional collapse• All projections need unproved

technologies to extend depletion. No plan B

• e.g. North Sea



Page 5: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

ANWR’s RoleWhen US demand contracts becauseof deep recession/depression, ANWRwill maintain domestic supply for 15 yrs

Page 6: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

World Prospects Remainder involatile regionsof ancient feuds

Experience from 70+ countries is that Conventional oil drops 6-14% annually after peak!

Page 7: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

But They Have No Excess Oil Extraction Capacity!

China sucks‘em dry


This trend is unsustainable. Conventionalwisdom says China growth will soon slowdramatically, regulated by tight oil. BUT

1. China building nukes, dams, & NG deals w/ e.g. Iran as fast as possible.2. Has huge US debt & $ holdings. Hence $ collapse most likely. How respond?

Page 8: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

… an Expensive Contest

Still much growth possible in military budget, necessary to confront Iran & esp. China overresources. Military draft for occupation forces?

US budget problems due to tax cuts & imports, not military budget.

Page 9: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

“My life was shit and it was going to short anyway. So I took up a gun to have a bit of fun before I die. I have

nothing to lose.”

Mayor Black Man,Revolutionary United Front, Sierra Leone

Page 10: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

Angry, Unemployed Young Men

• US’s colossal energy waste, alliances w/ corrupt leaders, & global media control targets us, underscores economic disparity

• Devil’s Tears (oil) / Breath (NG) drive regional corruption & conflicts, produces Blowback

• Religion fans the conflagration



M F2050 w/ cheap oil


Page 11: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

No More Oil Exploring, Just Consolidation

Switching rigs fastfrom oil to NG

Page 12: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

More US Nukes?• Make sense only if most housing retrofitted for

electrical heat• Displaces oil & NG. But, displaced is unsuitable for

vehicles– Massive electrification of road transport necessary, more

use of trains– Improved battery technology for short trips

• Electric-gas hybrids (reverse of today)

• Once thru fuel-cycle moves to reprocessing, (breeders?) – But needless complexities (fission prob. beyond our

wisdom anyway) if dispense w/ world growth (cancer)

Page 13: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

But Nukes Making H2 is Stupid

H2 production is good use of wind

Page 14: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

Wind is Exponentiating• All Europe’s power from two 5 MW turbines

every km2 over 200x200 km shown (err, 80,000)

Cheaper. But wind & othernon-depleting can’t maintain exp. growth, just slow decline

Such a concentratedfacility is VERYvulnerable

Page 15: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

Advancing the Transition• Impose C tax, or at least price fuels to

discourage use of those soon scarce

• Focus on electricity grid transport for max flexibility– Long-distance, High-Voltage DC transmission

(Fuller world grid) Demand demo– Some in situ electricity generation & local energy

storage for security. Spread to developing world!– Smart machines programmed to draw grid power

during off-peak times. Minimizes storage & peaking powerplants

• Powerdown, buy time for mental transition

Page 16: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

When? world oil US NG

NOW!< 5 yrs

Page 17: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

Will the Developing World Wait?

• Don’t understand their coming crisis either (food production) & have no means to

• See us grasping what is left, shutting them out– Democrat/Republican govt responds same way– Historical notions of our “peace to all mankind” are

obsolete. US becoming despised as wasters/imperialists

• “Stateless terrorists” will soon have biowar means to bring us down– Our WMDs do not work against them– Confronting them on own terms will further militarize US– Religious nuts on both sides fan flames exactly when

extreme rationality is critical

Page 18: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

2 Routes Down the Slope

• Endless War from failing Empire– Carter Doctrine, Rumsfeld 10-30-30 policy

• “Preserve American Way of Life”

• Cooperation– E.g. Uppsala Oil Depletion Protocol

• Recognize underlying cause, rationalize response• Educate, manage decline/transition• Plan for the worse and hope for the best

Stay mentally agile & alert, seek alternatives to corporate media for data to minimize brainwashing. While pursuing dreams, avoid debt traps and prepare for hard times. A bad storm is coming, few are ready, and little of what fills our lives today will be relevant.

Page 19: Transitions Our civilization has achieved marvels due to cheap fossil fuels. Now we test our true measure. How will we be remembered? There is no energy

Was this inevitable after we discovered the Devil’s Tears & Breath?