Growth Requirements for Microorganisms A characteristic of microorganisms is their ability to grow and form a population of organisms. One of the results of microbial metabolism is an increase in the size of the cell. The many requirements for successful growth include those both chemical and physical. Chemical requirements. In order to grow successfully, microorganisms must have a supply of water as well as numerous other substances including mineral elements, growth factors, and gas, such as oxygen. Virtually all chemical substances in microorganisms contain carbon in some form, whether they be proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or lipids. Perhaps 50 percent of a bacterium's dry weight is carbon. Carbon can be obtained from organic materials in the environment, or it may be derived from carbon dioxide. Both chemoautotrophic and photoautotrophic microorganisms obtain their energy and produce their nutrients from simple inorganic compounds such as carbon dioxide. Chemoautotrophs do so through chemical reactions, while photoautotrophs use photosynthesis. Among the other elements required by microorganisms are nitrogen and phosphorous. Nitrogen is used for the synthesis of proteins, amino acids, DNA, and RNA. Bacteria that obtain nitrogen directly from the atmosphere are called nitrogen- fixing bacteria. They include species of Rhizobium and Azotobacter, both found in the soil. Phosphorus is an essential element for nucleic acid synthesis and for the construction of phospholipids. Arti Sebuah karakteristik dari mikroorganisme adalah kemampuan mereka untuk tumbuh dan membentuk populasi organisme. Salah satu hasil metabolisme mikroba adalah peningkatan ukuran sel. Banyak persyaratan untuk pertumbuhan organisme agar sukses, termasuk persyaratan secara kimia maupun fisik.

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Growth Requirements for Microorganisms

A characteristic of microorganisms is their ability to grow and form a population of organisms. One of the results of microbial metabolism is an increase in the size of the cell. The many requirements for successful growth include those both chemical and physical.

Chemical requirements. In order to grow successfully, microorganisms must have a supply of water as well as numerous other substances including mineral elements, growth factors, and gas, such as oxygen. Virtually all chemical substances in microorganisms contain carbon in some form, whether they be proteins, fats, carbohydrates, or lipids. Perhaps 50 percent of a bacterium's dry weight is carbon. Carbon can be obtained from organic materials in the environment, or it may be derived from carbon dioxide. Both chemoautotrophic and photoautotrophic microorganisms obtain their energy and produce their nutrients from simple inorganic compounds such as carbon dioxide. Chemoautotrophs do so through chemical reactions, while photoautotrophs use photosynthesis.

Among the other elements required by microorganisms are nitrogen and phosphorous. Nitrogen is used for the synthesis of proteins, amino acids, DNA, and RNA. Bacteria that obtain nitrogen directly from the atmosphere are called nitrogen-fixing bacteria. They include species of Rhizobium and Azotobacter, both found in the soil. Phosphorus is an essential element for nucleic acid synthesis and for the construction of phospholipids.


Sebuah karakteristik dari mikroorganisme adalah kemampuan mereka untuk tumbuh dan membentuk populasi organisme. Salah satu hasil metabolisme mikroba adalah peningkatan ukuran sel. Banyak persyaratan untuk pertumbuhan organisme agar sukses, termasuk persyaratan secara kimia maupun fisik.

Persyaratan secara kimia. Dalam rangka untuk tumbuh dengan sukses, mikroorganisme harus memiliki pasokan air serta zat-zat lain yang sama banyaknya termasuk elemen mineral, faktor pertumbuhan, dan gas, sepert oksigeni . Hampir semua zat kimia dalam mikroorganisme mengandung karbon dalam beberapa bentuk, apakah itu bentuk berupa protein, lemak, karbohidrat, atau lipid. Mungkin 50 persen dari berat kering bakteri adalah karbon. Karbon dapat diperoleh dari bahan organik dalam lingkungan, atau mungkin berasal dari karbon dioksida. mikroorganisme chemoautotrophic dan photoautotrophic memperoleh energi mereka dan menghasilkan nutrisi mereka dari senyawa anorganik sederhana seperti karbon dioksida. Chemoautotrophs melakukannya(memperoleh energi) melalui reaksi kimia, sedangkan photoautotrophs menggunakan fotosintesis.

Di antara unsur-unsur lain yang dibutuhkan oleh mikroorganisme adalah nitrogen dan fosfor. Nitrogen digunakan untuk sintesis protein, asam amino, DNA, dan RNA. Bakteri yang memperoleh nitrogen secara langsung dari atmosfer disebut bakteri pengikat nitrogen. Bakteri tersebut termasuk spesies Rhizobium dan Azotobacter, keduanya ditemukan di dalam tanah. Fosfor merupakan elemen penting untuk sintesis asam nukleat dan untuk membangun fosfolipid.