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M L Willie ws lllotrMn H R Dlol


June 6 1987


H L White W S Ucbaa H I Diot Oa- llrfiro-otal Saicu IDC

lao Oiaao California

OS4eD lnlr~ leni~ (011) U uiq t bl CircalampUq ~tor (CIC) c-lou foil Unl uu~ of t oaic bauc 011 rill pc09U a ice co M U pdn t a iMuatiJ Pbull~ for U dUOal of _ WMt Mampjol aampd dtibull will iMl t

Tlrtallle --cor for ouiu r_iatto fiampM-dte aaita for dilpoal of cent0GCtou u atr- fiampMmiddot aiu rtoal MiDeraton for -11 ntor wuu dtpoeal

op lad~ kni will ~ld -middot oraca UU faciliU tJaaamp will H ule to ~aaauu dtbull tbu ampfOidiq tM of lfille _ ooauonnlbull ia cnuporU111 baau_ wutabull

-- Aa eaampira ~ bull _ lie_ _ laco u GaD M tnaapon to a alshydta ~ tcda or~ tnMII wiuot tb for epecial ~J -u Tbe bull11tbull cu H fallJ -ltlH reMy to opuau 1a fou to aU

TIM 0011paay vUl a1ao offu f tM4- dta waiu aM prod 0011pr ebeuiwa vut a shyr_tioa t COMlOl aanicee OU cao proi dte c~iacioa u u t be eolat ioa to aoU aauati OD of buardcN8 u

n ua lzwir- tampl ProtKtiOG AaMCJ (UA) bu u ced that oa r

~~= =~ -u~bull~ Jc ~~ ltYIJ 0~ cKutly --~ of thetu babullbull bMa dt-M of ia laodfillA llownar fvturbull laodfill dlspcNal or dall iajactiOG of bamprsou vutea will IN sParely cvrtailM due to -n atriaampaGt nplatory ~requir~ta puaad by coaarua JD 1914 aAd attSQdaat con iocrauaa Aa a na~alt altamatha vuta traamptaellt optiou are actibullaly MJq Paluatad for a vida bulladaty of baaardoua vutu

Theral tnatauat rapraabulltbull bull afhcdbullbull -olWM raduc~ioG thod which aaa~aru du~rwtioG of c~tiltla hadoua wuua and ~hereby ainiaiaaa potaGtial futura liUilitiaa It baa bean utiaatad that about tvo-thirda of tbe utioDamp oraanic vuta could ba daatroJampd by tbarul tnatallt

Coabullaatioaal W8ta tbe~l uaatbullat tacboolociea include liquid iaj action rotuy kilu find uut bullltiph beutbe uut conbullutioul tnbullbull of fluidiud Hde Tbua 1yc- are fnatl1 face4 with biah opauUac taautura lov tbrouahfuu bull aead for auailiary ful hiamph capitll ud operamptillamp co1t1 aapauha aftarburaen ad wt-acrubbau

A aroviq aead for tbe~ u tbullat danloat u a fauibla dbpoul dtarDatha aD4 bullrbull atriJlampeat raaulatory cODatraiDta babullbull lad to a aew cbullnshyaratioa of cOIIbuatioll tacbDolo17 kDOtiD u tbe CireulatiJlamp lad cottutor (CIC) Oallea lnbulliroautal Sante bu dnalopad aa4 il nov c~rdaliaiq the CIC for buardoua -ate iAciAaratioa This tacbDolo17 il buad Oil ~bullr 10 yean of a-cdul ~rcialiaatioa of tU CIC for bul1liq low Jrada foedl fuaU-ra air taeioae rair-au ua cially atrillampaat

Tba CIC ie aa flUiaad-bed cobuetioD ayat_ diaUact frbull comushytioul fbidia Me aiace it or-rat at U IUPr turbulaaca _ cOIIltushytiOD putida -u-

Tba key to aclaiiq ta etructioo aU ral afficiaocy (DU) ill buar4ou wac 11 tM pror-r ~iaatioa of middotu tntua aD4 tubushy1bull tM tJaamp- Ta of eollltutioD TJpicelly tU UAa rUrad HHI Dll for ~ wata 11 ---111Md ia COII9eatioaal tUIWampl traa~ t_lshyOU uiq aooobullr bull 2-- rtMaca tiM n up bullbullcr of bM ampu 1 ia cM CIC alto U r_Uoo of tS uutlor cratubull iD U o1J11 buatioo liJbar tukleeu iD tba CIC allow operatioo u low u 1uobullr ~le etil1 Ciaamp tba HHI 011 rUru

WeioM of lOx co oftbull a coualll witb cOilYntioaal cobuecon are aot a proltl- iD tba CIC Tballa lnala are kept low by affect udq ltampJad COIIiltutioa 1 ralatilJ low ~tioa t ramptUIIIbull

Walta f tajactioa ia uotbar UOrtut part of coltutor llelip Tba CIC 11 eactioully fleailllla _ cu accept aoliU UI(Qi aludamp lAd elurshyd directly iaeo tM ~tor- loop Acollidq aad bulllttpla f poru an aot rUrad The laberatly lliamph lnaU of turbulaoca aad lliaiq euur-a ampoM diatriiNtioa

Traaaport of _ta fr- a cODtUtad dta to a Ucaaead COIIINator a oftall DOt ire)1a or ~cal t_ Oadao bu dadpad a traMportabla CIC for litbull claaaupe Aftar aita r-ieUoa lAd r11torattoo tM tdular wdt te diaualad aAd to aaoctar locatioo

n CIC ie u ampftucad fluidbadbullbad cobunor that uaea Mah bullbulllocity air to utrda circuletiq aolida iA a MJhly turbulaat c-uttoll loop Tha eonfiJshyuntioa of a tnical CIC ayat- ia abotD a~tically iD Pipra 1 The coashybwltioa cbukr ia bullSO ft Mab aAd bu a 12-ta thick canaic liner Solid fu4 a iatroducad iAto tU c-utor loop at the loop aaal -era it c-dishyately coatacta tba hoc ncirculatinamp olida atnaa uitinamp tba hot eyclooa Liquid faada ace t)pically illjectad directly into tha eobulltioll aooa of the


If t


lbu - ft bullcedala coocaia CCIIIIPOQeDte bullucb u aulfur or chlodaa fon u dadAamp ~cioll bull f cua bu beaa iacorporaced iaco U CIC er-t- _ip to allow UtoM iDCroGcUOD artaa co~Necioo for iabulleiC Mi4 1M aacua Flpra 2 _ tbll a-da cUlaal nactioM 11bich caM plau ia tM CIC _ eadle U coaonrdoa of ~ acid JUM to ~ Mlu TM ri4 ~tioo Ulll -tcamp cralisatioa of add auu wttllia U _tibull --r affaatily aliahat tba DM4 fol hiP alloy ~tor ~ Ol poet tNntar cr~ uiu aach u c or diJ acniJMn for acid au captua

r-------==---r=-=-r-=-=-1 =

bull ---4 = I bull-middot l-- shy=------~ ~

-+- bull yen ____jl I tr__

Piprbull 2 Cbaalcal laacdoaa That Occur Ia CIC eobuatioa ~bullr

CIC Opoa bulltadq the CJC balerdouai bullterlampU era rapidly heated uul coabull clau to be upoaad to hiP t nturu (145obull to 16oobullr) tbroupouc tbeil raddnca tta atdnca ttaa iA the cOIIbuator ru1bull boa bull2 bullec for JUU

to bull30 aiA for larampbullr faad bulltadaU ((10 iA) The hiamph cOIIIbuttoa air nlocity aiWl circulaciq bulloli create a uaifon t~uatura (bull5obullr) uowad the ~tioa loop (cOIIItutioll chaiINr bot cycloaa ratulll laamp) rultiq ia uu-ly afficibullt c~tioa aiWl aliaiutiAJ the aaa4 for aD afurknar Dudq operatioo ull t riodically r_ed frbull che CIC u of bull car-cool ub r_al a71t- TU bot au laaYiq tba CClou t cooled ia a flu au coolar aM paniclaca ucapiq the CJCloa t collect iA fabric filter baJbouu

bullf I ~ f



CarboR aoaoai4a ad llitlOJeA oamp14a t ioiUI are cootrollable to low lnab bJ tbe ucalleAt aizAamp nlatbal7 low oparniAamp t aletuc amp04 ataaa4 aecoiUIshyary a ir iDj actiOG aloaa tba caltutioD aou laqtb at proaraiYa lJ biaber locatiou eobuatioD afficiaACJ tutioa taau padorwa4 at oallau ba abotla tbat tbe CIC U capUla of ucaa4iq IPA-raquiu4 Pdocipal OraUc Baashyartlou CoepoMDt (POBC) Otructioo azul la_al lfUciaoiaa (DU) for haaar4shyou (99991 ) ad toab 11Utaa (9999991) at opantDamp t raturaa wll balov tbe 2000bull to 22oobullr t)picallJ ua4 ill coGftlltioul iociuuton

A ~tor cooler r_-aa tba tbaral aur17 that t nlbull dariq coltua shytiOil ractiou leccrfoary of -r17 t afficintl accltbe4 iA botb the cOIIamptuator sou aU tba na-aaa cool er lD tbe cobUtiOG ~r tbe beat traufar t aAbaaca4 _ to aoli4 particle CORtact witb tba cooliAamp tuNa o

t dJlA beat t flutMc r_ frbull tba f11M au witb CCMnP-tioul beat ucbaacbulln locat ~-- U crclooa aM bapoaa filun lacaua ci4-au bullciat r- ptca witMamp tba ~tiOil Ur tba flaa-au coolacbull ara DOt aUject to U biJb ad4 au coacaKratiou pralut witb otber ta ~toea

fipca l 1a AD anttbull coct of tM trponUla CIC n aatira plaat caa be broba _ 1ato -J icb bull1 M trauponH to U dta b1 aitber trwak or traiD n U _t botb aha aDIIII wtpl Ualu to allow uruampiOil t~tuot w paclta o n -uar adta cootaiatal botb plau ~ _ atnatual n _n cu M u 1 1 _ ~17 at tiM aita 1a t to taU Uout au _ MCJl TM -uar ip 1_ coutnMtiOil tt fieU lUor aA4 tM owenll con of tiM plaat

ripra 4 abow tba 011 20 lllllioa Itabe pilot plut facilit locat in Ia Diap Califonda

Daft~ _ tbullU PUll- iD tkU facilit beYa _trat tba fleaDiUt aDIIII atfectia of tbe CIC iD trOiq a wi YadatJ ofbaau_ u(l) 1Mla 1 Uta key ta frbull a aliq of raJ c tdal ~ ~ _ otbar euccuaful t u aral applicatiou Ua _ cuaerM fu CIC uo-lov

~middot rocubocl r COiltalD balosaaa aalfar pboapboru or Ditrosu

lyudW Sit11 Soih u4 laaooaa coatalDiq hasar4oua cbatdcala o

Conporttbull llu ClttMRbull middot Iolli cootalDiq haaar4oua todc ad aomauMua bulltarialt



H-63711 1 3middot 13a6

Ppre bull 1-~dc of a TJpiaal CboalK Ctor


D 0 0 0 0

Ptcurbull 4 Tranapoctabh 16-tn Cinulattna Bed Combunoc



TampIU I ciiCUUnbull liD ~bull 1DT IIRLTICbulll

Deatnaetioe aDd a-a1 lfftcieeeJ of

ct r Stl 01 IOz bullmiddott- Pdactpa l Oraut c Basa l_ Cooedtuaotaolt I ~middot- -cctoe

wc (II (ltbull1~) ( I I lotto (-1 (I I

Oily vaur aldampbull 4 Url aical pl-t --c I 14000 middot 7ol 70 )9999 ChlortAat oraaaic a lwlampbull 14 14000 middotmiddot- )99999AluatJw potUoDp 20 1000 middot )99999 PCI aoil 10000 _Ubull) hi )tttttt


Vaata middotmiddot~

Deatnct- a-a1 lfUdcJ of

hiadpal Ckampaaic llaaar4oall COtitueaU

(II -Cptuca I ctc12 latio

CarboD Tatrachlodde fleoo Malathioa Dicblorobauane Arctc ltt rile Tdcbloroetbau

u-tbull Lt-tbull Ltu 11 TackJ eoUbull u tbull

H HI2 ttMt

middot shymiddot shymiddot shymiddot-




Cbull)bullbullbullulte vra obt a i -bull ia cu at tle oa-- a-t~ antca I M piloc plaat

(b)PCA eoncaotratioa



I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140


H L White W S Ucbaa H I Diot Oa- llrfiro-otal Saicu IDC

lao Oiaao California

OS4eD lnlr~ leni~ (011) U uiq t bl CircalampUq ~tor (CIC) c-lou foil Unl uu~ of t oaic bauc 011 rill pc09U a ice co M U pdn t a iMuatiJ Pbull~ for U dUOal of _ WMt Mampjol aampd dtibull will iMl t

Tlrtallle --cor for ouiu r_iatto fiampM-dte aaita for dilpoal of cent0GCtou u atr- fiampMmiddot aiu rtoal MiDeraton for -11 ntor wuu dtpoeal

op lad~ kni will ~ld -middot oraca UU faciliU tJaaamp will H ule to ~aaauu dtbull tbu ampfOidiq tM of lfille _ ooauonnlbull ia cnuporU111 baau_ wutabull

-- Aa eaampira ~ bull _ lie_ _ laco u GaD M tnaapon to a alshydta ~ tcda or~ tnMII wiuot tb for epecial ~J -u Tbe bull11tbull cu H fallJ -ltlH reMy to opuau 1a fou to aU

TIM 0011paay vUl a1ao offu f tM4- dta waiu aM prod 0011pr ebeuiwa vut a shyr_tioa t COMlOl aanicee OU cao proi dte c~iacioa u u t be eolat ioa to aoU aauati OD of buardcN8 u

n ua lzwir- tampl ProtKtiOG AaMCJ (UA) bu u ced that oa r

~~= =~ -u~bull~ Jc ~~ ltYIJ 0~ cKutly --~ of thetu babullbull bMa dt-M of ia laodfillA llownar fvturbull laodfill dlspcNal or dall iajactiOG of bamprsou vutea will IN sParely cvrtailM due to -n atriaampaGt nplatory ~requir~ta puaad by coaarua JD 1914 aAd attSQdaat con iocrauaa Aa a na~alt altamatha vuta traamptaellt optiou are actibullaly MJq Paluatad for a vida bulladaty of baaardoua vutu

Theral tnatauat rapraabulltbull bull afhcdbullbull -olWM raduc~ioG thod which aaa~aru du~rwtioG of c~tiltla hadoua wuua and ~hereby ainiaiaaa potaGtial futura liUilitiaa It baa bean utiaatad that about tvo-thirda of tbe utioDamp oraanic vuta could ba daatroJampd by tbarul tnatallt

Coabullaatioaal W8ta tbe~l uaatbullat tacboolociea include liquid iaj action rotuy kilu find uut bullltiph beutbe uut conbullutioul tnbullbull of fluidiud Hde Tbua 1yc- are fnatl1 face4 with biah opauUac taautura lov tbrouahfuu bull aead for auailiary ful hiamph capitll ud operamptillamp co1t1 aapauha aftarburaen ad wt-acrubbau

A aroviq aead for tbe~ u tbullat danloat u a fauibla dbpoul dtarDatha aD4 bullrbull atriJlampeat raaulatory cODatraiDta babullbull lad to a aew cbullnshyaratioa of cOIIbuatioll tacbDolo17 kDOtiD u tbe CireulatiJlamp lad cottutor (CIC) Oallea lnbulliroautal Sante bu dnalopad aa4 il nov c~rdaliaiq the CIC for buardoua -ate iAciAaratioa This tacbDolo17 il buad Oil ~bullr 10 yean of a-cdul ~rcialiaatioa of tU CIC for bul1liq low Jrada foedl fuaU-ra air taeioae rair-au ua cially atrillampaat

Tba CIC ie aa flUiaad-bed cobuetioD ayat_ diaUact frbull comushytioul fbidia Me aiace it or-rat at U IUPr turbulaaca _ cOIIltushytiOD putida -u-

Tba key to aclaiiq ta etructioo aU ral afficiaocy (DU) ill buar4ou wac 11 tM pror-r ~iaatioa of middotu tntua aD4 tubushy1bull tM tJaamp- Ta of eollltutioD TJpicelly tU UAa rUrad HHI Dll for ~ wata 11 ---111Md ia COII9eatioaal tUIWampl traa~ t_lshyOU uiq aooobullr bull 2-- rtMaca tiM n up bullbullcr of bM ampu 1 ia cM CIC alto U r_Uoo of tS uutlor cratubull iD U o1J11 buatioo liJbar tukleeu iD tba CIC allow operatioo u low u 1uobullr ~le etil1 Ciaamp tba HHI 011 rUru

WeioM of lOx co oftbull a coualll witb cOilYntioaal cobuecon are aot a proltl- iD tba CIC Tballa lnala are kept low by affect udq ltampJad COIIiltutioa 1 ralatilJ low ~tioa t ramptUIIIbull

Walta f tajactioa ia uotbar UOrtut part of coltutor llelip Tba CIC 11 eactioully fleailllla _ cu accept aoliU UI(Qi aludamp lAd elurshyd directly iaeo tM ~tor- loop Acollidq aad bulllttpla f poru an aot rUrad The laberatly lliamph lnaU of turbulaoca aad lliaiq euur-a ampoM diatriiNtioa

Traaaport of _ta fr- a cODtUtad dta to a Ucaaead COIIINator a oftall DOt ire)1a or ~cal t_ Oadao bu dadpad a traMportabla CIC for litbull claaaupe Aftar aita r-ieUoa lAd r11torattoo tM tdular wdt te diaualad aAd to aaoctar locatioo

n CIC ie u ampftucad fluidbadbullbad cobunor that uaea Mah bullbulllocity air to utrda circuletiq aolida iA a MJhly turbulaat c-uttoll loop Tha eonfiJshyuntioa of a tnical CIC ayat- ia abotD a~tically iD Pipra 1 The coashybwltioa cbukr ia bullSO ft Mab aAd bu a 12-ta thick canaic liner Solid fu4 a iatroducad iAto tU c-utor loop at the loop aaal -era it c-dishyately coatacta tba hoc ncirculatinamp olida atnaa uitinamp tba hot eyclooa Liquid faada ace t)pically illjectad directly into tha eobulltioll aooa of the


If t


lbu - ft bullcedala coocaia CCIIIIPOQeDte bullucb u aulfur or chlodaa fon u dadAamp ~cioll bull f cua bu beaa iacorporaced iaco U CIC er-t- _ip to allow UtoM iDCroGcUOD artaa co~Necioo for iabulleiC Mi4 1M aacua Flpra 2 _ tbll a-da cUlaal nactioM 11bich caM plau ia tM CIC _ eadle U coaonrdoa of ~ acid JUM to ~ Mlu TM ri4 ~tioo Ulll -tcamp cralisatioa of add auu wttllia U _tibull --r affaatily aliahat tba DM4 fol hiP alloy ~tor ~ Ol poet tNntar cr~ uiu aach u c or diJ acniJMn for acid au captua

r-------==---r=-=-r-=-=-1 =

bull ---4 = I bull-middot l-- shy=------~ ~

-+- bull yen ____jl I tr__

Piprbull 2 Cbaalcal laacdoaa That Occur Ia CIC eobuatioa ~bullr

CIC Opoa bulltadq the CJC balerdouai bullterlampU era rapidly heated uul coabull clau to be upoaad to hiP t nturu (145obull to 16oobullr) tbroupouc tbeil raddnca tta atdnca ttaa iA the cOIIbuator ru1bull boa bull2 bullec for JUU

to bull30 aiA for larampbullr faad bulltadaU ((10 iA) The hiamph cOIIIbuttoa air nlocity aiWl circulaciq bulloli create a uaifon t~uatura (bull5obullr) uowad the ~tioa loop (cOIIItutioll chaiINr bot cycloaa ratulll laamp) rultiq ia uu-ly afficibullt c~tioa aiWl aliaiutiAJ the aaa4 for aD afurknar Dudq operatioo ull t riodically r_ed frbull che CIC u of bull car-cool ub r_al a71t- TU bot au laaYiq tba CClou t cooled ia a flu au coolar aM paniclaca ucapiq the CJCloa t collect iA fabric filter baJbouu

bullf I ~ f



CarboR aoaoai4a ad llitlOJeA oamp14a t ioiUI are cootrollable to low lnab bJ tbe ucalleAt aizAamp nlatbal7 low oparniAamp t aletuc amp04 ataaa4 aecoiUIshyary a ir iDj actiOG aloaa tba caltutioD aou laqtb at proaraiYa lJ biaber locatiou eobuatioD afficiaACJ tutioa taau padorwa4 at oallau ba abotla tbat tbe CIC U capUla of ucaa4iq IPA-raquiu4 Pdocipal OraUc Baashyartlou CoepoMDt (POBC) Otructioo azul la_al lfUciaoiaa (DU) for haaar4shyou (99991 ) ad toab 11Utaa (9999991) at opantDamp t raturaa wll balov tbe 2000bull to 22oobullr t)picallJ ua4 ill coGftlltioul iociuuton

A ~tor cooler r_-aa tba tbaral aur17 that t nlbull dariq coltua shytiOil ractiou leccrfoary of -r17 t afficintl accltbe4 iA botb the cOIIamptuator sou aU tba na-aaa cool er lD tbe cobUtiOG ~r tbe beat traufar t aAbaaca4 _ to aoli4 particle CORtact witb tba cooliAamp tuNa o

t dJlA beat t flutMc r_ frbull tba f11M au witb CCMnP-tioul beat ucbaacbulln locat ~-- U crclooa aM bapoaa filun lacaua ci4-au bullciat r- ptca witMamp tba ~tiOil Ur tba flaa-au coolacbull ara DOt aUject to U biJb ad4 au coacaKratiou pralut witb otber ta ~toea

fipca l 1a AD anttbull coct of tM trponUla CIC n aatira plaat caa be broba _ 1ato -J icb bull1 M trauponH to U dta b1 aitber trwak or traiD n U _t botb aha aDIIII wtpl Ualu to allow uruampiOil t~tuot w paclta o n -uar adta cootaiatal botb plau ~ _ atnatual n _n cu M u 1 1 _ ~17 at tiM aita 1a t to taU Uout au _ MCJl TM -uar ip 1_ coutnMtiOil tt fieU lUor aA4 tM owenll con of tiM plaat

ripra 4 abow tba 011 20 lllllioa Itabe pilot plut facilit locat in Ia Diap Califonda

Daft~ _ tbullU PUll- iD tkU facilit beYa _trat tba fleaDiUt aDIIII atfectia of tbe CIC iD trOiq a wi YadatJ ofbaau_ u(l) 1Mla 1 Uta key ta frbull a aliq of raJ c tdal ~ ~ _ otbar euccuaful t u aral applicatiou Ua _ cuaerM fu CIC uo-lov

~middot rocubocl r COiltalD balosaaa aalfar pboapboru or Ditrosu

lyudW Sit11 Soih u4 laaooaa coatalDiq hasar4oua cbatdcala o

Conporttbull llu ClttMRbull middot Iolli cootalDiq haaar4oua todc ad aomauMua bulltarialt



H-63711 1 3middot 13a6

Ppre bull 1-~dc of a TJpiaal CboalK Ctor


D 0 0 0 0

Ptcurbull 4 Tranapoctabh 16-tn Cinulattna Bed Combunoc



TampIU I ciiCUUnbull liD ~bull 1DT IIRLTICbulll

Deatnaetioe aDd a-a1 lfftcieeeJ of

ct r Stl 01 IOz bullmiddott- Pdactpa l Oraut c Basa l_ Cooedtuaotaolt I ~middot- -cctoe

wc (II (ltbull1~) ( I I lotto (-1 (I I

Oily vaur aldampbull 4 Url aical pl-t --c I 14000 middot 7ol 70 )9999 ChlortAat oraaaic a lwlampbull 14 14000 middotmiddot- )99999AluatJw potUoDp 20 1000 middot )99999 PCI aoil 10000 _Ubull) hi )tttttt


Vaata middotmiddot~

Deatnct- a-a1 lfUdcJ of

hiadpal Ckampaaic llaaar4oall COtitueaU

(II -Cptuca I ctc12 latio

CarboD Tatrachlodde fleoo Malathioa Dicblorobauane Arctc ltt rile Tdcbloroetbau

u-tbull Lt-tbull Ltu 11 TackJ eoUbull u tbull

H HI2 ttMt

middot shymiddot shymiddot shymiddot-




Cbull)bullbullbullulte vra obt a i -bull ia cu at tle oa-- a-t~ antca I M piloc plaat

(b)PCA eoncaotratioa



I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140

Coabullaatioaal W8ta tbe~l uaatbullat tacboolociea include liquid iaj action rotuy kilu find uut bullltiph beutbe uut conbullutioul tnbullbull of fluidiud Hde Tbua 1yc- are fnatl1 face4 with biah opauUac taautura lov tbrouahfuu bull aead for auailiary ful hiamph capitll ud operamptillamp co1t1 aapauha aftarburaen ad wt-acrubbau

A aroviq aead for tbe~ u tbullat danloat u a fauibla dbpoul dtarDatha aD4 bullrbull atriJlampeat raaulatory cODatraiDta babullbull lad to a aew cbullnshyaratioa of cOIIbuatioll tacbDolo17 kDOtiD u tbe CireulatiJlamp lad cottutor (CIC) Oallea lnbulliroautal Sante bu dnalopad aa4 il nov c~rdaliaiq the CIC for buardoua -ate iAciAaratioa This tacbDolo17 il buad Oil ~bullr 10 yean of a-cdul ~rcialiaatioa of tU CIC for bul1liq low Jrada foedl fuaU-ra air taeioae rair-au ua cially atrillampaat

Tba CIC ie aa flUiaad-bed cobuetioD ayat_ diaUact frbull comushytioul fbidia Me aiace it or-rat at U IUPr turbulaaca _ cOIIltushytiOD putida -u-

Tba key to aclaiiq ta etructioo aU ral afficiaocy (DU) ill buar4ou wac 11 tM pror-r ~iaatioa of middotu tntua aD4 tubushy1bull tM tJaamp- Ta of eollltutioD TJpicelly tU UAa rUrad HHI Dll for ~ wata 11 ---111Md ia COII9eatioaal tUIWampl traa~ t_lshyOU uiq aooobullr bull 2-- rtMaca tiM n up bullbullcr of bM ampu 1 ia cM CIC alto U r_Uoo of tS uutlor cratubull iD U o1J11 buatioo liJbar tukleeu iD tba CIC allow operatioo u low u 1uobullr ~le etil1 Ciaamp tba HHI 011 rUru

WeioM of lOx co oftbull a coualll witb cOilYntioaal cobuecon are aot a proltl- iD tba CIC Tballa lnala are kept low by affect udq ltampJad COIIiltutioa 1 ralatilJ low ~tioa t ramptUIIIbull

Walta f tajactioa ia uotbar UOrtut part of coltutor llelip Tba CIC 11 eactioully fleailllla _ cu accept aoliU UI(Qi aludamp lAd elurshyd directly iaeo tM ~tor- loop Acollidq aad bulllttpla f poru an aot rUrad The laberatly lliamph lnaU of turbulaoca aad lliaiq euur-a ampoM diatriiNtioa

Traaaport of _ta fr- a cODtUtad dta to a Ucaaead COIIINator a oftall DOt ire)1a or ~cal t_ Oadao bu dadpad a traMportabla CIC for litbull claaaupe Aftar aita r-ieUoa lAd r11torattoo tM tdular wdt te diaualad aAd to aaoctar locatioo

n CIC ie u ampftucad fluidbadbullbad cobunor that uaea Mah bullbulllocity air to utrda circuletiq aolida iA a MJhly turbulaat c-uttoll loop Tha eonfiJshyuntioa of a tnical CIC ayat- ia abotD a~tically iD Pipra 1 The coashybwltioa cbukr ia bullSO ft Mab aAd bu a 12-ta thick canaic liner Solid fu4 a iatroducad iAto tU c-utor loop at the loop aaal -era it c-dishyately coatacta tba hoc ncirculatinamp olida atnaa uitinamp tba hot eyclooa Liquid faada ace t)pically illjectad directly into tha eobulltioll aooa of the


If t


lbu - ft bullcedala coocaia CCIIIIPOQeDte bullucb u aulfur or chlodaa fon u dadAamp ~cioll bull f cua bu beaa iacorporaced iaco U CIC er-t- _ip to allow UtoM iDCroGcUOD artaa co~Necioo for iabulleiC Mi4 1M aacua Flpra 2 _ tbll a-da cUlaal nactioM 11bich caM plau ia tM CIC _ eadle U coaonrdoa of ~ acid JUM to ~ Mlu TM ri4 ~tioo Ulll -tcamp cralisatioa of add auu wttllia U _tibull --r affaatily aliahat tba DM4 fol hiP alloy ~tor ~ Ol poet tNntar cr~ uiu aach u c or diJ acniJMn for acid au captua

r-------==---r=-=-r-=-=-1 =

bull ---4 = I bull-middot l-- shy=------~ ~

-+- bull yen ____jl I tr__

Piprbull 2 Cbaalcal laacdoaa That Occur Ia CIC eobuatioa ~bullr

CIC Opoa bulltadq the CJC balerdouai bullterlampU era rapidly heated uul coabull clau to be upoaad to hiP t nturu (145obull to 16oobullr) tbroupouc tbeil raddnca tta atdnca ttaa iA the cOIIbuator ru1bull boa bull2 bullec for JUU

to bull30 aiA for larampbullr faad bulltadaU ((10 iA) The hiamph cOIIIbuttoa air nlocity aiWl circulaciq bulloli create a uaifon t~uatura (bull5obullr) uowad the ~tioa loop (cOIIItutioll chaiINr bot cycloaa ratulll laamp) rultiq ia uu-ly afficibullt c~tioa aiWl aliaiutiAJ the aaa4 for aD afurknar Dudq operatioo ull t riodically r_ed frbull che CIC u of bull car-cool ub r_al a71t- TU bot au laaYiq tba CClou t cooled ia a flu au coolar aM paniclaca ucapiq the CJCloa t collect iA fabric filter baJbouu

bullf I ~ f



CarboR aoaoai4a ad llitlOJeA oamp14a t ioiUI are cootrollable to low lnab bJ tbe ucalleAt aizAamp nlatbal7 low oparniAamp t aletuc amp04 ataaa4 aecoiUIshyary a ir iDj actiOG aloaa tba caltutioD aou laqtb at proaraiYa lJ biaber locatiou eobuatioD afficiaACJ tutioa taau padorwa4 at oallau ba abotla tbat tbe CIC U capUla of ucaa4iq IPA-raquiu4 Pdocipal OraUc Baashyartlou CoepoMDt (POBC) Otructioo azul la_al lfUciaoiaa (DU) for haaar4shyou (99991 ) ad toab 11Utaa (9999991) at opantDamp t raturaa wll balov tbe 2000bull to 22oobullr t)picallJ ua4 ill coGftlltioul iociuuton

A ~tor cooler r_-aa tba tbaral aur17 that t nlbull dariq coltua shytiOil ractiou leccrfoary of -r17 t afficintl accltbe4 iA botb the cOIIamptuator sou aU tba na-aaa cool er lD tbe cobUtiOG ~r tbe beat traufar t aAbaaca4 _ to aoli4 particle CORtact witb tba cooliAamp tuNa o

t dJlA beat t flutMc r_ frbull tba f11M au witb CCMnP-tioul beat ucbaacbulln locat ~-- U crclooa aM bapoaa filun lacaua ci4-au bullciat r- ptca witMamp tba ~tiOil Ur tba flaa-au coolacbull ara DOt aUject to U biJb ad4 au coacaKratiou pralut witb otber ta ~toea

fipca l 1a AD anttbull coct of tM trponUla CIC n aatira plaat caa be broba _ 1ato -J icb bull1 M trauponH to U dta b1 aitber trwak or traiD n U _t botb aha aDIIII wtpl Ualu to allow uruampiOil t~tuot w paclta o n -uar adta cootaiatal botb plau ~ _ atnatual n _n cu M u 1 1 _ ~17 at tiM aita 1a t to taU Uout au _ MCJl TM -uar ip 1_ coutnMtiOil tt fieU lUor aA4 tM owenll con of tiM plaat

ripra 4 abow tba 011 20 lllllioa Itabe pilot plut facilit locat in Ia Diap Califonda

Daft~ _ tbullU PUll- iD tkU facilit beYa _trat tba fleaDiUt aDIIII atfectia of tbe CIC iD trOiq a wi YadatJ ofbaau_ u(l) 1Mla 1 Uta key ta frbull a aliq of raJ c tdal ~ ~ _ otbar euccuaful t u aral applicatiou Ua _ cuaerM fu CIC uo-lov

~middot rocubocl r COiltalD balosaaa aalfar pboapboru or Ditrosu

lyudW Sit11 Soih u4 laaooaa coatalDiq hasar4oua cbatdcala o

Conporttbull llu ClttMRbull middot Iolli cootalDiq haaar4oua todc ad aomauMua bulltarialt



H-63711 1 3middot 13a6

Ppre bull 1-~dc of a TJpiaal CboalK Ctor


D 0 0 0 0

Ptcurbull 4 Tranapoctabh 16-tn Cinulattna Bed Combunoc



TampIU I ciiCUUnbull liD ~bull 1DT IIRLTICbulll

Deatnaetioe aDd a-a1 lfftcieeeJ of

ct r Stl 01 IOz bullmiddott- Pdactpa l Oraut c Basa l_ Cooedtuaotaolt I ~middot- -cctoe

wc (II (ltbull1~) ( I I lotto (-1 (I I

Oily vaur aldampbull 4 Url aical pl-t --c I 14000 middot 7ol 70 )9999 ChlortAat oraaaic a lwlampbull 14 14000 middotmiddot- )99999AluatJw potUoDp 20 1000 middot )99999 PCI aoil 10000 _Ubull) hi )tttttt


Vaata middotmiddot~

Deatnct- a-a1 lfUdcJ of

hiadpal Ckampaaic llaaar4oall COtitueaU

(II -Cptuca I ctc12 latio

CarboD Tatrachlodde fleoo Malathioa Dicblorobauane Arctc ltt rile Tdcbloroetbau

u-tbull Lt-tbull Ltu 11 TackJ eoUbull u tbull

H HI2 ttMt

middot shymiddot shymiddot shymiddot-




Cbull)bullbullbullulte vra obt a i -bull ia cu at tle oa-- a-t~ antca I M piloc plaat

(b)PCA eoncaotratioa



I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140


If t


lbu - ft bullcedala coocaia CCIIIIPOQeDte bullucb u aulfur or chlodaa fon u dadAamp ~cioll bull f cua bu beaa iacorporaced iaco U CIC er-t- _ip to allow UtoM iDCroGcUOD artaa co~Necioo for iabulleiC Mi4 1M aacua Flpra 2 _ tbll a-da cUlaal nactioM 11bich caM plau ia tM CIC _ eadle U coaonrdoa of ~ acid JUM to ~ Mlu TM ri4 ~tioo Ulll -tcamp cralisatioa of add auu wttllia U _tibull --r affaatily aliahat tba DM4 fol hiP alloy ~tor ~ Ol poet tNntar cr~ uiu aach u c or diJ acniJMn for acid au captua

r-------==---r=-=-r-=-=-1 =

bull ---4 = I bull-middot l-- shy=------~ ~

-+- bull yen ____jl I tr__

Piprbull 2 Cbaalcal laacdoaa That Occur Ia CIC eobuatioa ~bullr

CIC Opoa bulltadq the CJC balerdouai bullterlampU era rapidly heated uul coabull clau to be upoaad to hiP t nturu (145obull to 16oobullr) tbroupouc tbeil raddnca tta atdnca ttaa iA the cOIIbuator ru1bull boa bull2 bullec for JUU

to bull30 aiA for larampbullr faad bulltadaU ((10 iA) The hiamph cOIIIbuttoa air nlocity aiWl circulaciq bulloli create a uaifon t~uatura (bull5obullr) uowad the ~tioa loop (cOIIItutioll chaiINr bot cycloaa ratulll laamp) rultiq ia uu-ly afficibullt c~tioa aiWl aliaiutiAJ the aaa4 for aD afurknar Dudq operatioo ull t riodically r_ed frbull che CIC u of bull car-cool ub r_al a71t- TU bot au laaYiq tba CClou t cooled ia a flu au coolar aM paniclaca ucapiq the CJCloa t collect iA fabric filter baJbouu

bullf I ~ f



CarboR aoaoai4a ad llitlOJeA oamp14a t ioiUI are cootrollable to low lnab bJ tbe ucalleAt aizAamp nlatbal7 low oparniAamp t aletuc amp04 ataaa4 aecoiUIshyary a ir iDj actiOG aloaa tba caltutioD aou laqtb at proaraiYa lJ biaber locatiou eobuatioD afficiaACJ tutioa taau padorwa4 at oallau ba abotla tbat tbe CIC U capUla of ucaa4iq IPA-raquiu4 Pdocipal OraUc Baashyartlou CoepoMDt (POBC) Otructioo azul la_al lfUciaoiaa (DU) for haaar4shyou (99991 ) ad toab 11Utaa (9999991) at opantDamp t raturaa wll balov tbe 2000bull to 22oobullr t)picallJ ua4 ill coGftlltioul iociuuton

A ~tor cooler r_-aa tba tbaral aur17 that t nlbull dariq coltua shytiOil ractiou leccrfoary of -r17 t afficintl accltbe4 iA botb the cOIIamptuator sou aU tba na-aaa cool er lD tbe cobUtiOG ~r tbe beat traufar t aAbaaca4 _ to aoli4 particle CORtact witb tba cooliAamp tuNa o

t dJlA beat t flutMc r_ frbull tba f11M au witb CCMnP-tioul beat ucbaacbulln locat ~-- U crclooa aM bapoaa filun lacaua ci4-au bullciat r- ptca witMamp tba ~tiOil Ur tba flaa-au coolacbull ara DOt aUject to U biJb ad4 au coacaKratiou pralut witb otber ta ~toea

fipca l 1a AD anttbull coct of tM trponUla CIC n aatira plaat caa be broba _ 1ato -J icb bull1 M trauponH to U dta b1 aitber trwak or traiD n U _t botb aha aDIIII wtpl Ualu to allow uruampiOil t~tuot w paclta o n -uar adta cootaiatal botb plau ~ _ atnatual n _n cu M u 1 1 _ ~17 at tiM aita 1a t to taU Uout au _ MCJl TM -uar ip 1_ coutnMtiOil tt fieU lUor aA4 tM owenll con of tiM plaat

ripra 4 abow tba 011 20 lllllioa Itabe pilot plut facilit locat in Ia Diap Califonda

Daft~ _ tbullU PUll- iD tkU facilit beYa _trat tba fleaDiUt aDIIII atfectia of tbe CIC iD trOiq a wi YadatJ ofbaau_ u(l) 1Mla 1 Uta key ta frbull a aliq of raJ c tdal ~ ~ _ otbar euccuaful t u aral applicatiou Ua _ cuaerM fu CIC uo-lov

~middot rocubocl r COiltalD balosaaa aalfar pboapboru or Ditrosu

lyudW Sit11 Soih u4 laaooaa coatalDiq hasar4oua cbatdcala o

Conporttbull llu ClttMRbull middot Iolli cootalDiq haaar4oua todc ad aomauMua bulltarialt



H-63711 1 3middot 13a6

Ppre bull 1-~dc of a TJpiaal CboalK Ctor


D 0 0 0 0

Ptcurbull 4 Tranapoctabh 16-tn Cinulattna Bed Combunoc



TampIU I ciiCUUnbull liD ~bull 1DT IIRLTICbulll

Deatnaetioe aDd a-a1 lfftcieeeJ of

ct r Stl 01 IOz bullmiddott- Pdactpa l Oraut c Basa l_ Cooedtuaotaolt I ~middot- -cctoe

wc (II (ltbull1~) ( I I lotto (-1 (I I

Oily vaur aldampbull 4 Url aical pl-t --c I 14000 middot 7ol 70 )9999 ChlortAat oraaaic a lwlampbull 14 14000 middotmiddot- )99999AluatJw potUoDp 20 1000 middot )99999 PCI aoil 10000 _Ubull) hi )tttttt


Vaata middotmiddot~

Deatnct- a-a1 lfUdcJ of

hiadpal Ckampaaic llaaar4oall COtitueaU

(II -Cptuca I ctc12 latio

CarboD Tatrachlodde fleoo Malathioa Dicblorobauane Arctc ltt rile Tdcbloroetbau

u-tbull Lt-tbull Ltu 11 TackJ eoUbull u tbull

H HI2 ttMt

middot shymiddot shymiddot shymiddot-




Cbull)bullbullbullulte vra obt a i -bull ia cu at tle oa-- a-t~ antca I M piloc plaat

(b)PCA eoncaotratioa



I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140

CarboR aoaoai4a ad llitlOJeA oamp14a t ioiUI are cootrollable to low lnab bJ tbe ucalleAt aizAamp nlatbal7 low oparniAamp t aletuc amp04 ataaa4 aecoiUIshyary a ir iDj actiOG aloaa tba caltutioD aou laqtb at proaraiYa lJ biaber locatiou eobuatioD afficiaACJ tutioa taau padorwa4 at oallau ba abotla tbat tbe CIC U capUla of ucaa4iq IPA-raquiu4 Pdocipal OraUc Baashyartlou CoepoMDt (POBC) Otructioo azul la_al lfUciaoiaa (DU) for haaar4shyou (99991 ) ad toab 11Utaa (9999991) at opantDamp t raturaa wll balov tbe 2000bull to 22oobullr t)picallJ ua4 ill coGftlltioul iociuuton

A ~tor cooler r_-aa tba tbaral aur17 that t nlbull dariq coltua shytiOil ractiou leccrfoary of -r17 t afficintl accltbe4 iA botb the cOIIamptuator sou aU tba na-aaa cool er lD tbe cobUtiOG ~r tbe beat traufar t aAbaaca4 _ to aoli4 particle CORtact witb tba cooliAamp tuNa o

t dJlA beat t flutMc r_ frbull tba f11M au witb CCMnP-tioul beat ucbaacbulln locat ~-- U crclooa aM bapoaa filun lacaua ci4-au bullciat r- ptca witMamp tba ~tiOil Ur tba flaa-au coolacbull ara DOt aUject to U biJb ad4 au coacaKratiou pralut witb otber ta ~toea

fipca l 1a AD anttbull coct of tM trponUla CIC n aatira plaat caa be broba _ 1ato -J icb bull1 M trauponH to U dta b1 aitber trwak or traiD n U _t botb aha aDIIII wtpl Ualu to allow uruampiOil t~tuot w paclta o n -uar adta cootaiatal botb plau ~ _ atnatual n _n cu M u 1 1 _ ~17 at tiM aita 1a t to taU Uout au _ MCJl TM -uar ip 1_ coutnMtiOil tt fieU lUor aA4 tM owenll con of tiM plaat

ripra 4 abow tba 011 20 lllllioa Itabe pilot plut facilit locat in Ia Diap Califonda

Daft~ _ tbullU PUll- iD tkU facilit beYa _trat tba fleaDiUt aDIIII atfectia of tbe CIC iD trOiq a wi YadatJ ofbaau_ u(l) 1Mla 1 Uta key ta frbull a aliq of raJ c tdal ~ ~ _ otbar euccuaful t u aral applicatiou Ua _ cuaerM fu CIC uo-lov

~middot rocubocl r COiltalD balosaaa aalfar pboapboru or Ditrosu

lyudW Sit11 Soih u4 laaooaa coatalDiq hasar4oua cbatdcala o

Conporttbull llu ClttMRbull middot Iolli cootalDiq haaar4oua todc ad aomauMua bulltarialt



H-63711 1 3middot 13a6

Ppre bull 1-~dc of a TJpiaal CboalK Ctor


D 0 0 0 0

Ptcurbull 4 Tranapoctabh 16-tn Cinulattna Bed Combunoc



TampIU I ciiCUUnbull liD ~bull 1DT IIRLTICbulll

Deatnaetioe aDd a-a1 lfftcieeeJ of

ct r Stl 01 IOz bullmiddott- Pdactpa l Oraut c Basa l_ Cooedtuaotaolt I ~middot- -cctoe

wc (II (ltbull1~) ( I I lotto (-1 (I I

Oily vaur aldampbull 4 Url aical pl-t --c I 14000 middot 7ol 70 )9999 ChlortAat oraaaic a lwlampbull 14 14000 middotmiddot- )99999AluatJw potUoDp 20 1000 middot )99999 PCI aoil 10000 _Ubull) hi )tttttt


Vaata middotmiddot~

Deatnct- a-a1 lfUdcJ of

hiadpal Ckampaaic llaaar4oall COtitueaU

(II -Cptuca I ctc12 latio

CarboD Tatrachlodde fleoo Malathioa Dicblorobauane Arctc ltt rile Tdcbloroetbau

u-tbull Lt-tbull Ltu 11 TackJ eoUbull u tbull

H HI2 ttMt

middot shymiddot shymiddot shymiddot-




Cbull)bullbullbullulte vra obt a i -bull ia cu at tle oa-- a-t~ antca I M piloc plaat

(b)PCA eoncaotratioa



I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140



H-63711 1 3middot 13a6

Ppre bull 1-~dc of a TJpiaal CboalK Ctor


D 0 0 0 0

Ptcurbull 4 Tranapoctabh 16-tn Cinulattna Bed Combunoc



TampIU I ciiCUUnbull liD ~bull 1DT IIRLTICbulll

Deatnaetioe aDd a-a1 lfftcieeeJ of

ct r Stl 01 IOz bullmiddott- Pdactpa l Oraut c Basa l_ Cooedtuaotaolt I ~middot- -cctoe

wc (II (ltbull1~) ( I I lotto (-1 (I I

Oily vaur aldampbull 4 Url aical pl-t --c I 14000 middot 7ol 70 )9999 ChlortAat oraaaic a lwlampbull 14 14000 middotmiddot- )99999AluatJw potUoDp 20 1000 middot )99999 PCI aoil 10000 _Ubull) hi )tttttt


Vaata middotmiddot~

Deatnct- a-a1 lfUdcJ of

hiadpal Ckampaaic llaaar4oall COtitueaU

(II -Cptuca I ctc12 latio

CarboD Tatrachlodde fleoo Malathioa Dicblorobauane Arctc ltt rile Tdcbloroetbau

u-tbull Lt-tbull Ltu 11 TackJ eoUbull u tbull

H HI2 ttMt

middot shymiddot shymiddot shymiddot-




Cbull)bullbullbullulte vra obt a i -bull ia cu at tle oa-- a-t~ antca I M piloc plaat

(b)PCA eoncaotratioa



I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140

D 0 0 0 0

Ptcurbull 4 Tranapoctabh 16-tn Cinulattna Bed Combunoc



TampIU I ciiCUUnbull liD ~bull 1DT IIRLTICbulll

Deatnaetioe aDd a-a1 lfftcieeeJ of

ct r Stl 01 IOz bullmiddott- Pdactpa l Oraut c Basa l_ Cooedtuaotaolt I ~middot- -cctoe

wc (II (ltbull1~) ( I I lotto (-1 (I I

Oily vaur aldampbull 4 Url aical pl-t --c I 14000 middot 7ol 70 )9999 ChlortAat oraaaic a lwlampbull 14 14000 middotmiddot- )99999AluatJw potUoDp 20 1000 middot )99999 PCI aoil 10000 _Ubull) hi )tttttt


Vaata middotmiddot~

Deatnct- a-a1 lfUdcJ of

hiadpal Ckampaaic llaaar4oall COtitueaU

(II -Cptuca I ctc12 latio

CarboD Tatrachlodde fleoo Malathioa Dicblorobauane Arctc ltt rile Tdcbloroetbau

u-tbull Lt-tbull Ltu 11 TackJ eoUbull u tbull

H HI2 ttMt

middot shymiddot shymiddot shymiddot-




Cbull)bullbullbullulte vra obt a i -bull ia cu at tle oa-- a-t~ antca I M piloc plaat

(b)PCA eoncaotratioa



I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140



TampIU I ciiCUUnbull liD ~bull 1DT IIRLTICbulll

Deatnaetioe aDd a-a1 lfftcieeeJ of

ct r Stl 01 IOz bullmiddott- Pdactpa l Oraut c Basa l_ Cooedtuaotaolt I ~middot- -cctoe

wc (II (ltbull1~) ( I I lotto (-1 (I I

Oily vaur aldampbull 4 Url aical pl-t --c I 14000 middot 7ol 70 )9999 ChlortAat oraaaic a lwlampbull 14 14000 middotmiddot- )99999AluatJw potUoDp 20 1000 middot )99999 PCI aoil 10000 _Ubull) hi )tttttt


Vaata middotmiddot~

Deatnct- a-a1 lfUdcJ of

hiadpal Ckampaaic llaaar4oall COtitueaU

(II -Cptuca I ctc12 latio

CarboD Tatrachlodde fleoo Malathioa Dicblorobauane Arctc ltt rile Tdcbloroetbau

u-tbull Lt-tbull Ltu 11 TackJ eoUbull u tbull

H HI2 ttMt

middot shymiddot shymiddot shymiddot-




Cbull)bullbullbullulte vra obt a i -bull ia cu at tle oa-- a-t~ antca I M piloc plaat

(b)PCA eoncaotratioa



I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140


I Taata wra perford iA tM CIC uaiq bulladCMU cbetcal wutu ampad aistuna of cbelcab to atalated -ta etra lealllta of eo of tbetla tutt au Hated ill Tabla 2 ne rulta iAdicau tbat the UA raquind 99 991 DU b nadUy attaiDabla for __ uical -tu lner17 rbull~bullrJ bullJbullt- caa ba utUbH for ~cal -n vitb biJh heaUq 1Ma

litt Cltempt

TM pedo~ of tb CIC _ tnatiq coataiaated eoil bu hu u utampa~ aM ~ (4) Tdal bunt tut ruWta _trated tbat utr-7 llltla ~ ()H Httl) ua atUila wiU eoila coaualaat with poluloctaeu4 ~~a (ICie) JCJ ua atMle ~ioJoaiuUy toa-U-4 ~ Uaat ~reM _ dowly Ja tM tioepben n CIC ie OM of 0amp17 tadMntoca ZWIltt ill U Dl to kn fCI tM oalJ cconshyUla -rciampl Wiaecatoc pen4U fol all 10 UA raatou

Ie Mil 4ecoeef eet toa U _te ta a u beadlll bullal IMrp rcy for UU uaaet te ia tiM fora of de prebeac tllacb tpru tM orall tMnal effic-7 of tM uit _ iDee Mil dlr~ All de pc_u ia tM flM 1M nr preMab tbe -u- aic to soobullr leU tc--- ratM fol 11 -utue ~- u - ia r~a S fol ~middotmiddot 16-ia uRMle CIC


10 20 30 40


Pipre 5 CIC Soil Throuabput f or S6middotia Tranponable Ollita

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140

afiudaa seurata a wt4a ruhty of har4oua -etta u a couequaoce of procua aupport aa4 aaniCI oparamptiOUo t U an4 COIIpampUtiramp atu4iu Juve 4--cratH that treat-at of MAJ refinery vue in a CIC ia a coat effecthe bulltbod of 4utructioo (5)

Dt list ClUMP Ppound9511

OU pcodd aite cbuwp u a aenica cetaiAJq rupoul))Uity foe all upectt of tlle proJ-t bo cootcact amp1MId to dte llilaua Clibullt rtk ia uuta throup of fbull acbHul buM oo tDDU~a proc with pushyfo~ - ~ puaac Coatracc iMluM full boMlq iuucshy 1laU la cunamp dtu a alatec ampOIIfall1 Oa4ea-llartia Corpontioa -JU it tM 0 1 laMer ia -icipal _te-to-rl1 fadliti with lS plaau bullaluM at 1 7 illioe 4ollua opecattq or uMec coutnctioD

aca Caltti it cy dte-tcific it it ao~ly baUl Ollt d__ acaff _c a aue uetcacc

A CJPfcal dte d_ project (illbulltrat LD Pipn 6) prosebullbull u foll_bull

lpJUel Damptweampw hs- Ml ep4 site Wtel CliW bull 011 will collect lafo~ia aMat tM dta 1Mla41q te of coauiutioa ita OOJOUatcatioa etta loeatioa ampDII alae Tbia will allow OU to alute tM -italtility of U CIC to cJe puticalu tita Onmiddot ecally altbull witll lbulle thea 10000 Uic yu of coecaiuted bulltedal ua aoc lup IIIIOUib to -niaa plaac iusalluioo aad r_al coeta litbull cootaiaiJtt tilu aucll u beny bulltala bull1 aoc H eppcopdate foC CIC treat-c

sv7 ltSeu 011 will pnpua a bwtsecuy uttampte of tlte coet foe aite c_ttioo Tbia caa k bull lty tiM clleac for plaashyaial kqetiq J~UMbullmiddot ltdi u Ut flui4ia Md iDdaecatioa coesa ue ~itive vLtb or bullrbull fnonllle tbaa otber iaaciMntioa proc (5)

~ roC _ ucasioaa stat bam~~ are aot reqvirH Mcaue of aitdladty to bulltbulldda prnioualy scM lboul4 a pilot plaot tut k re4(UirM foe a -ce UDlike any prnioualy trutH iA tiM CIC it wUl M parford as thia tt Dudq thit tut OtnampctiOD u4 ara1 lfficiampQCJ vill be bullerified ad opti-u~ operatiq coDditloaa will be utabUabed

Coatrest lupttUop OU aod the clia~t fo~l17 nesotiate a n ice coatract witb paruteu for acbadule tad pedo~cbull Tbbull conshytract typically iDcludaa t fee to cover ttartup coata lld e fized pdce par toa of bulltedll proceaaad








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140








Pi9ure 6 lt L1De f o r Typieal Site Cloacup

~ aAUVUBIJIIMCIY a~a IY8oIBia asoa


Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140

Ptrwit Mpllst dOM o Oadtr t a t pt ratt tibull aAd bullttdtla SODUtst thft OU pt raittilll naff Ut tll aauuery tpplisttioM and cloaaly follow proauu to taurt tbt tiMly nsdpt of optntirtJ pt ndu

tgristtioa tp4 SltJ PnpfFtUop Vorkilll sloatly vitb itt Ucbittstlqtaer Ura Oil Wtiattt ud moiton soatnstioa of tlw CIC uul tll uctattry aitt work to tllov rapid iDattllttioD ODCt ftlldcatioa ia sotlflttt

Iyullatin Tbe s~ltttd CIC ia abipptd to tb- titt by truck or r ail -1 It ia Mrt that tb- tbullutaa of tM ~ular Jp of U uarttlllt CIC btca tppartlltl ID jYott 4 to 6 weiLa U plat it u -1 ndy for atartPbull

Ini1Juamiddot n f iaal n ia tM ~ttiq prostat it a tria l knl uial the wl7 iAn U-a CIC actul tit t bullttdal to rify Ofrttiq n4t rtrua

IEIIIIISiamiddot lit e _uiattioe it a aiLillfully proaau shypr__ wtU coet-ct4 aoil broqbt to t M CIC aM a1 bull tbullmiddot rial rtt8CMit CUtampl -it oliq tuU M t btt all ~t- Ctlial u piOOeH4 nl7 d u middotcltta toll it lteanell to -- ~middot Ptllowtae tl of tbt titt tbt CIC it dit~middot r_ ~~~middot _ to tbt tit t fol the CIC en a1M1_ rtatonUoe of tbe tUt it ~let-a

l)plJtUM M4 Jeltettbull Tbt flatl it titt littiq uulat nlt nLt ia bampDdl by tbt 011 pt~ttiq ataff aad t U repmiddot luo1t7 aa-J f ollowiq tbit nep th ait a it aJlUl t for a_rtl

Opei$1 tryt wp5 of a egpSM lytt It(bull

Cttlllit_t of ouitt u trttt-t ftciUty tt a prOIIIactioG plut foll~ ttDtitlly tbt bull - proct4amplrbull u tiu slampllllfbullbull 011 ntaiu ODarshyabip of tbe U_t 1 l07t1 the opuatiq ttaff tDd tataiu coplttt rMpOOtibUitr for tbt -att trttt-t prostaa Ia itt ~s-t to prOfidshyiq tollltiODt to butr4ou wttt 1 011 it bulltry tiaUar to Oadaa-Kartia Corporashytioa whish hat tattlllitMd itttlf u tht os lttdtr iA trub-so-talIJ plutt by otmiq uul operatiq fadlititt bull atltisbull throuampbwt tht sCNDtry

IVOLOtlotf or TD CIC

Oadbulla purchtttd tht CIC ttehaoloJ7 1 pilot plant end ataff froa GA Ttcbrampoloai IDe in 19116 GA bad btu dtlopinl fluidhed btd ttsbnoloJ7 for onr 20 yean n rk wbish tint included fottil futl tnd rtcliotstbt vutt Dciurttion bM tiDct fosuatd on a vidt detr of iduatdal waatta In 19110 1 GA en4 Ahlatra of FiDJucl forMd Pyropowr CorporatiOD to aupplr cirsllbull lttiq td ~tiOD aytttbull for tht O S boiler bullrktt Thtae UAitt trt

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140

delip ed to burn a vide bulladety of fue la awh aa coel peat VDOd we t aa a ulidpa l wetea ampAd oil Four CIC boilera an curuntl7 ill opentton ta the us ampAd aeral bulln au UQdar couuwttoa A 1S HW(t) UO a 106 Jtuh) plaat ill labrafta ld Califorata wa coiadoaad in 1913 uul burna bulldiua aulfuc col ud petrol- cob ladr-tal COIIfliaace tuu aiwNM tashydoaa bull11 klow epeeifted Uatta Ia ltll Gla efforta bulln eoacaatcatad on the applieatiOil of tbe CIC techaolo17 to dutro7 buarciou vutu ad lyroshyPOMI focued oa U Mila r bullrbt

htaaate t u ttq dp ud peraittiq acttittu ba bMa pun~Md aillca tbu ea- lampwb-atal l anteu 1a prod4tq bull COIIfleta buudou wata -ua~ bullbulln ice bu Oil t be prnbull CIC tedmolocr

tbe dr-lattq Mt bullbullbullbullnor ta bull aftuced flaUia- MO at_ that baa rr iuelf -niall7 ta tiM offic tc c1 t ~ IMlndaa of 1olr P faela for at pr-UOD CIC tbullta bawl _tratM ita raashytilitJ UMI middotaftid7 ia tM tnodoe of a wt bulluiaty of baau_ watu tla ctq UA -toe atudada

tbe CIC 1a aow OM of Olll7 bciaaratora uttoawi paritt to kn fCI _ 1a U ftnt tnuponUlo bcAarator to be ndtt iA all tbull UA rapo

tbe dor tMnal afftct7 blab tllroappt _ bullbull11 atafftq raqatroshyu of tM CIC pnwUe a true-- atioa Ut ta c ~ttct witb lullfUl Ual tle at tM _ u r-tac rall lUiltt7 of tba s rator or pKeampeial riblo party

OC4ea llwi~al antcaa prt a COIIflate huu4ou u trt bull a t aoni u wttll JUUampat aUe aDd doraoca at a ~cttt coat

1 loaDer t A CorM~tt C L et al bull~aamptaeortq IIampMlraquooolt for llaaar4oua yenuta Iactaaratioa bull PUUcatiOG Jo Plll-l4111S leptampllhr 1911 US ampatr-cal Plotacttoo Ateecy

z bulltecllaolOJiu ud _t ltlataatebull for llaaarcloua Wuta Coatrol bull Office of tochoolo17 aM Uauaat Jo IS-600706 Karch 1tl3 bull

s licJca v s Bolde r 1 D ampad Youaa D T bullcirculamptiq lad Inctashyauttoa of Baaardoua Wuta bull UCII CollferaQCe Phila4olphta Paanyhania Auaut 1914

4 Jueb D D Youoc D 1 bullPCJ-Coataattampatad Soil TreatMDt iD a Traaashyportable Ctrculatiq lad cobutorbull CA TachDoloataa Iac GA-A184S1 Apdl ltU

S Vilboun 1 0 ltarltaa S A azul Vrabla D L middototrvction of Buardoua lafiaery Vue b7 Keau of Ctrculatiq lad cobuttoa bull OA TachDolost IQC Glmiddot Al8478 JIU 1986

  1. barcode 553140
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 553140