Memorandum TO: All Members of the CMCOG Transportation Subcommittee FROM: Joyce Dickerson, Chairperson DATE: January 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Next Meeting: January 14, 2016 Please be advised that the business of the CMCOG Transportation Subcommittee will be conducted on Thursday, January 14th, at 12:00 p.m. in the CMCOG Conference Room. Enclosed, please find an agenda and support materials for your review. Please note that a light lunch will be available beginning at 11:45 a.m. so that we can begin promptly at 12:00 noon. Please be advised that in order for the Subcommittee to conduct business, a quorum of eight (8) members must be present. Delays in conducting business may result in delays to the flow of funding to CMCOG for carrying out transportation planning activities, so please don’t forget to mark your calendars. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Reginald Simmons of the CMCOG staff. Reginald can be reached at 803-744-5133 or by email at [email protected] . Thank you for your time, dedication, and service as I look forward to seeing each of you on January 14th. Enclosures F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 11-12-15\Transportation Subcommittee January 14, 2016-Notice Only.doc Serving Local Governments in South Carolina's Midlands 236 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 376-5390 FAX (803) 376-5394 Web Site: http://www.centralmidlands.org

Transportation Subcommittee January 14, 2016-Notice Onlycentralmidlands.org/.../uploads/Transportation...2016-Complete-Pack… · 14/01/2016  · Through our coordination and cooperation

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Memorandum TO: All Members of the CMCOG Transportation Subcommittee FROM: Joyce Dickerson, Chairperson DATE: January 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Next Meeting: January 14, 2016

Please be advised that the business of the CMCOG Transportation Subcommittee will be conducted on Thursday, January 14th, at 12:00 p.m. in the CMCOG Conference Room. Enclosed, please find an agenda and support materials for your review. Please note that a light lunch will be available beginning at 11:45 a.m. so that we can begin promptly at 12:00 noon. Please be advised that in order for the Subcommittee to conduct business, a quorum of eight (8) members must be present. Delays in conducting business may result in delays to the flow of funding to CMCOG for carrying out transportation planning activities, so please don’t forget to mark your calendars. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Reginald Simmons of the CMCOG staff. Reginald can be reached at 803-744-5133 or by email at [email protected]. Thank you for your time, dedication, and service as I look forward to seeing each of you on January 14th. Enclosures

F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 11-12-15\Transportation Subcommittee January 14, 2016-Notice Only.doc

Serving Local Governments in South Carolina's Midlands 236 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 376-5390 FAX (803) 376-5394 Web Site: http://www.centralmidlands.org

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F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 1-14-16\Transportation Subcommittee January 14, 2016 - Agenda Only.doc




12:00 PM TO 1:00 PM


1. Welcome, Introductions, and Call to Order ............................... Joyce Dickerson

2. Invocation .......................................................................................................... Open 3. Determination of a Quorum ............................................................. Entire Group

4. Approval of the November 12th Meeting Minutes ........................... Entire Group

(Enclosure 1)

5. UPWP Amendment – Kershaw County Transit Feasibility Study .. R. Simmons Staff will request to amend the UPWP to include a task for the Kershaw County Transit Feasibility Study. Central Midlands Council of Governments (CMCOG) in coordination and cooperation with the Kershaw County, Santee-Wateree RTA, and the South Carolina Department of Transportation will perform a transit feasibility study. The intent of this study is to determine the potential for transit service and to help gauge the short and long-term benefits and demands for a region-wide transit system. The study will assess the feasibility of transit within the COATS MPO portion of Kershaw County and its connection to Richland County. (Enclosure 2)

6. UPWP Amendment – Regional Growth and Development .............. R. Simmons Staff will request to amend the UPWP to include a task to conduct a scenario planning project which would involve an evaluation of the relationship between land use, transportation, water and sewer infrastructure, economic development and environmental mitigation to better plan for regional growth and development throughout the regional transportation network. (Enclosure 3)

7. Regional Transit Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study .............. R. Simmons The Central Midlands Council of Governments (CMCOG), in coordination with Lexington County and Richland County, conducted a regional transit needs assessment to assess the public’s perception of transit needs throughout the two counties. Using public input combined with an assessment of transit dependent populations and major destinations outside of the existing fixed-route transit service area, the transportation needs were identified, ranked as good, better, and best, and prioritized based on several factors relating to the ease of implementation. Staff will present this study for approval. (Enclosure 4)

8. Old/New Business .......................................................................... Joyce Dickerson

9. Public Comments ............................................................................................. Open

10. Adjourn .......................................................................................... Joyce Dickerson





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F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 1-14-16\November 12th Minutes.doc


Transportation Subcommittee

November 12, 2015

Organization Members Present Others Attending Richland County: Joyce Dickerson (Chair) Paul Livingston City of Columbia: Brian Newman Dana Higgins Eric Cassell Lexington County: Todd Cullum Holland Leger City of Cayce: Elise Partin Kershaw County: Russ VanPatten Disabled Advocate: Peggy Butler CMRTA: Derrick Huggins Robert Schneider Richland Penny: Sonny Timmerman SCDOT: Jennifer Necker

Kenny Larimore CMCOG Staff: Reginald Simmons Roland Bart Ben Mauldin Felicia Anderson FHWA Yolanda Morris HDR Phillip Hutchersen Lee Turner Stantec Richard Werts

Enclosure 1

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F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 1-14-16\November 12th Minutes.doc

1. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS, AND CALL TO ORDER Chairperson Joyce Dickerson welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m. 2. INVOCATION Derrick Huggins gave the invocation. 3. DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM It was determined that a quorum was present. 4. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 12, 2015 MEETING MINUTES A motion was made by Paul Livingston to approve the minutes of the November 12, 2015 meeting. The motion was seconded by Todd Cullum. All were in favor and the minutes were approved. 5. STATEWIDE RAIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Doug Frate provided an overview of the efforts that are currently underway in the Statewide Rail Planning and Development Program. SCDOT is coordinating with Georgia and North Carolina DOTs as part of the joint effort to establish higher speed passenger rail service from Virginia to Georgia. The overall all project is being lead by the Federal Railroad Administration and will also include the involvement of Amtrak. SCDOT as part of their joint planning effort has been participating in the development of the scope of services. The overall project is scheduled to begin in early 2016. One of the routes that will be included in this analysis is the potential passenger rail connection between the City of Columbia and the City of Charlotte. This item was accepted as information. 6. STATEWIDE ITS ARCHITECTURE Reginald Simmons requested a recommendation of approval to adopt the Statewide ITS Architecture as the Regional ITS Architecture for the Central Midlands Region. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is the application of technology to manage transportation on our roadways. CMCOG participated as a stakeholder in the development of the Statewide ITS Architecture which included the development of planning initiatives for COGs and MPOs. These planning initiatives designate COGs and MPOs to provide the following information:

Transportation planning and technical support throughout the management of arterial streets

Develop travel demand models

Provide congestion management studies

Support electronic payment for parking garages, toll ways, and transit

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Provide commercial vehicle operations data

Implement integrated corridor management strategies

Since most of these initiatives are included in the MPO 2040 LRTP, bi-annual UPWP, and/or TIP, Mr. Simmons requested for the Statewide ITS Architecture to be accepted as the Regional ITS Architecture. At this time a motion was made by Todd Cullum to adopt the Statewide ITS Architecture as the Regional ITS Architecture.. The motion was seconded by Peggy Butler. All were in favor and the motion was approved. 7. CMCOG AUTHORIZATION OF SECTION 5307 FUNDS TO CMRTA Reginald Simmons requested a recommendation of approval to transfer $3,992,562 in Section 5307 funds to CMRTA. CMCOG is the designated recipient of FTA Section 5307 funds. Through our Memorandum of Agreement with CMRTA, each year CMCOG determines the amount of funding that CMRTA will receive. In FY 2014, CMCOG received $4,192,562. CMCOG will reserve $200,000 for planning and will transfer the remaining balance of $3,992,562 to CMRTA. At this time a motion was made by Brian Newman to transfer $3,992,562 in FY 2014 Section 5307 funds to CMRTA. The motion was seconded by Peggy Butler. All were in favor and the motion was approved. 8. TIP AMENDMENT - VISTA GREENWAY PHASE II Reginald Simmons requested a recommendation of approval to add $145,000 in FY 2015 TAP Funds to Phase II of the Vista Greenway Project. The City of Columbia is in the process of transforming the former Seaboard Air Line Railroad into a 14-foot wide lighted asphalt trail with a small retaining wall. The total project cost is estimated at $1.2 million. The project is a continuation of the phase I project and will facilitate and encourage tourism through the Vista and Finlay Park. The city is requesting this funding to complete the funding package for this project. As part of their application request, the city will be responsible for providing the local match. At this time a motion was made by Paul Livingston to amend the 2013-2019 TIP to add $145,000 in FY 2015 TAP funds for the Vista Greenway Phase II Project. The motion was seconded by Brian Newman. All were in favor and the motion was approved. 9. RESOLUTION TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL AND STATE GRANTS Reginald Simmons requested a recommendation of approval to adopt a resolution that allows the Executive Director to file and execute federal and state grants. Grant opportunities are provided to CMCOG by FTA, FHWA, SCDOT, etc... CMCOG uses these grants to assist in the development to transportation plans, projects, studies, and payments of employee salaries. In order to continue our transportation planning efforts, Mr. Simmons requested approval of the grant resolution. At this time a motion was made by Elise Partin to adopt the Grant Resolution. The motion was seconded by Peggy Butler. All were in favor and the motion was approved.

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F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 1-14-16\November 12th Minutes.doc

10. OLD/NEW BUSINESS There were none. 11. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were none. 12. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m.

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Memorandum TO: All Members of the CMCOG Transportation Subcommittee FROM: Reginald Simmons, Deputy Executive Director/Transportation Director DATE: January 14, 2016 SUBJECT: Kershaw County Transit Feasibility Study

REQUESTED ACTION The Central Midlands Council of Governments’ staff requests a recommendation of approval to amend the 2015-2017 UPWP to add the Kershaw County Transit Feasibility Study. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION With the expansion of our MPO into Kershaw County, the county has expressed an interest in determining their need for transit services in this growing area. Based on their interest, staff has met SCDOT and Santee-Wateree RTA to discuss potential options to address their potential transit needs. Based on these discussions, staff will request to amend its 2015-2017 UPWP to include a task for the Kershaw County Transit Feasibility Study. Through our coordination and cooperation with the Kershaw County, Santee-Wateree RTA, and the South Carolina Department of Transportation, CMCOG will perform a transit feasibility study. The intent of this study is to determine the potential for transit service and to help gauge the short and long-term benefits and demands for a region-wide transit system. The study will assess the feasibility of transit within the COATS MPO portion of Kershaw County and its connection to Richland County. Kershaw County has also agreed to provide the local match to implement this project. ATTACHMENT UPWP Page F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 1-14-16\Kershaw County Transit Feasibilty Cover Page.doc

Serving Local Governments in South Carolina's Midlands 236 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 376-5390 FAX (803) 376-5394 Web Site: http://www.centralmidlands.org

Enclosure 2

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Kershaw County Transit Feasibility Study

OBJECTIVE: Determining the feasibility for transit service in the COATS MPO portion of Kershaw County

METHODOLOGY: Central Midlands Council of Governments (CMCOG) in coordination and cooperation with the Kershaw County, Santee-Wateree RTA, and the South Carolina Department of Transportation will perform a transit feasibility study. The intent of this study is to determine the potential for transit service and to help gauge the short and long-term benefits and demands for a region-wide transit system. The study will assess the feasibility of transit within the COATS MPO portion of Kershaw County and its the connection to Richland County.

END PRODUCT: Kershaw County Transit Feasibility Plan

Project Sponsor/Participating Agencies:

Funding Sources:

Sponsor: COATS Participating Agencies: COATS, CMCOG Member Governments, Other agencies as appropriate

FY 2015 - 2016 FHWA/FTA Consolidated $ 80,000.00 FTA (Section 5307) $ 0.00 LOCAL $ 20,000.00 TOTAL $ 100,000.00

FY 2016 - 2017 FHWA/FTA Consolidated $ 0.00 FTA (Section 5307) $ 0.00 LOCAL $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 0.00

Enclosure 2

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Memorandum TO: All Members of the CMCOG Transportation Subcommittee FROM: Reginald Simmons, Deputy Executive Director/Transportation Director DATE: January 14, 2016 SUBJECT: Regional Growth and Development Planning

REQUESTED ACTION The Central Midlands Council of Governments’ staff requests a recommendation of approval to amend the 2015-2017 UPWP to add the Regional Growth and Development planning task. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Scenario planning is an analytical tool that can help transportation professionals prepare for what lies ahead. Scenario planning provides a framework for developing a shared vision for the future by analyzing various forces (e.g., health, transportation, economic, environmental, land use, etc.) that affect growth. Scenario planning, which can be done at the statewide level or for metropolitan regions, tests various future alternatives that meet state and community needs. A defining characteristic of successful public sector scenario planning is that it actively involves the public, the business community, and elected officials on a broad scale, educating them about growth trends and trade-offs, and incorporating their values and feedback into future plans. Staff will request to amend the UPWP to include a task to conduct a scenario planning project which would involve an evaluation of the relationship between land use, transportation, water and sewer infrastructure, economic development and environmental mitigation to better plan for regional growth and development throughout the regional transportation network. ATTACHMENT UPWP Page F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 1-14-16\Regional Growth and Development Cover Page.doc

Serving Local Governments in South Carolina's Midlands 236 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 376-5390 FAX (803) 376-5394 Web Site: http://www.centralmidlands.org

Enclosure 3

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Regional Growth and Development Planning

OBJECTIVE: Development of a regional growth and development plan through scenario planning

METHODOLOGY: Scenario planning is an analytical tool that can help transportation professionals prepare for what lies ahead. Scenario planning provides a framework for developing a shared vision for the future by analyzing various forces (e.g., health, transportation, economic, environmental, land use, etc.) that affect growth. Scenario planning, which can be done at the statewide level or for metropolitan regions, tests various future alternatives that meet state and community needs. A defining characteristic of successful public sector scenario planning is that it actively involves the public, the business community, and elected officials on a broad scale, educating them about growth trends and trade-offs, and incorporating their values and feedback into future plans. Staff will develop a Regional Growth and Development Plan which would involve an evaluation of the relationship between land use, transportation, water and sewer infrastructure, economic development and environmental mitigation to better plan for regional growth and development throughout the regional transportation network. The study will include:

Regional growth and development scenarios;

Transportation, water, and sewer infrastructure needs;

Economic development; and

Environmental mitigation measures to include incorporation of low impact development/green infrastructure concepts

END PRODUCT: A Regional Growth and Development Plan.

Project Sponsor/Participating Agencies:

Funding Sources:

Sponsor: COATS Participating Agencies: COATS, CMCOG Member Governments, Other agencies as appropriate

FY 2015 - 2016 FHWA/FTA Consolidated $ 100,000.00 FTA (Section 5307) $ 0.00 LOCAL $ 25,000.00 TOTAL $ 125,000.00

FY 2016 - 2017 FHWA/FTA Consolidated $ 0.00 FTA (Section 5307) $ 0.00 LOCAL $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 0.00

Enclosure 3

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Memorandum TO: All Members of the CMCOG Transportation Subcommittee FROM: Reginald Simmons, Deputy Executive Director/Transportation Director DATE: January 14, 2016 SUBJECT: Regional Transit Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study

REQUESTED ACTION The Central Midlands Council of Governments’ staff requests a recommendation of approval to adopt the Regional Transit Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study. The full document is available on our website for review. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The Central Midlands Council of Governments (CMCOG), in coordination with Lexington County and Richland County, conducted a regional transit needs assessment to assess the public’s perception of transit needs throughout the two counties. Using public input combined with an assessment of transit dependent populations and major destinations outside of the existing fixed-route transit service area (as provided by the Central Midlands Regional Transit Authority, operating as The COMET), the transportation needs were identified, ranked as good, better, and best, and prioritized based on several factors relating to the ease of implementation. Projects that rank as “good” are considered to meet the needs of the transit dependent population with the ability to travel independently. Projects that are considered “better” meet and exceed the needs of the transit dependent to provide service for the general population. Finally, projects that are considered the “best” would be directed towards commuters and a mode shift from automobiles, providing comprehensive, countywide service. Staff will request adoption of this report. ATTACHMENT Project Overview F:\Transportation Subcommittee Meetings\Calendar Year 2015 Meeting\Transportation Subcommittee 11-12-15\ITS Architecture.doc

Serving Local Governments in South Carolina's Midlands 236 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC 29210 (803) 376-5390 FAX (803) 376-5394 Web Site: http://www.centralmidlands.org

Enclosure 4

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Central Midlands Council of Governments  

Regional Transit Needs Assessment and Feasibility Study 

Study Overview  The  Central  Midlands  Council  of  Governments  (CMCOG),  in  coordination  with  Lexington  County  and 

Richland  County,  conducted  a  regional  transit  needs  assessment  to  assess  the  public’s  perception  of 

transit needs throughout the two counties. Using public  input combined with an assessment of transit 

dependent populations and major destinations outside of the existing fixed‐route transit service area (as 

provided  by  the  Central  Midlands  Regional  Transit  Authority,  operating  as  The  COMET),  the 

transportation needs were identified, ranked as good, better, and best, and prioritized based on several 

factors relating to the ease of implementation. Projects that rank as “good” are considered to meet the 

needs  of  the  transit  dependent  population with  the  ability  to  travel  independently.  Projects  that  are 

considered  “better” meet  and  exceed  the  needs  of  the  transit  dependent  to  provide  service  for  the 

general  population.  Finally,  projects  that  are  considered  the  “best”  would  be  directed  towards 

commuters and a mode shift from automobiles, providing comprehensive, countywide service. 

Project Background The study focused mainly on the areas within Lexington and Richland Counties that are located outside 

of The COMET’s existing fixed‐route transit service area, which is primarily concentrated in the regional 

urban center of the City of Columbia. However, the assessment also reviewed those areas with limited 

transportation services available on the periphery of the fixed‐route service area. Previous studies have 

been conducted to review the transportation needs  inside The COMET service area; therefore, special 

consideration was  given  to  areas with mobility  needs  and  how  best  to  achieve  an  increased  level  of 

transportation service for those more rural communities. Some of the geographic locations studied may 

have  transportation  options  available  other  than  The  COMET  that  are  provided  through  non‐profit 

organizations.  These  services  were  also  reviewed  to  determine  the  accessibility  of  information 

describing the services and associated eligibility requirements to determine whether the requirements 

were too stringent or inapplicable to the general public. 

Report Organization The plan is comprised of eight major sections,  including an introduction. Each of the sections is briefly 

described below. 

Section  2  provides  an  overview  of  the  study  area  demographics  and  existing  conditions.  The  section 

provides information on the environment in which any proposed transportation services would operate. 

The purpose of this section is to present an understanding of the operating environment in the context 

of socioeconomics, land uses, and available transportation services.   

Section 3 summarizes  the extensive public  involvement activities  that were undertaken as part of  the 

regional  transit  assessment  for  the  outlying  areas  of  Lexington  and  Richland  counties.  Public 

involvement  activities  discussed  and/or  summarized  in  this  section  include  the  community  surveying 

effort and other stakeholder meetings that were conducted to obtain feedback relating to the mobility 


Enclosure 4

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Section 4 presents the unmet needs that were  identified collectively through  information reviewed as 

part of the assessments described in Sections 2 and 3. Unmet needs are summarized for the region as a 

whole and by each of the study area counties. 

Section 5 presents all feasible alternatives that have been identified as a result of the technical review of 

existing conditions, demographic data, and major destination and public outreach comments. Using the 

background  data  for  each  sub‐area  within  the  larger  region  comprising  the  study  area,  all  feasible 

alternatives  are  presented  in  this  section  and  later  prioritized  for  inclusion  in  the  proposed 

implementation plan. 

Section 6 provides the prioritization process that was used to rank the potential transportation options 

by  good,  better,  and  best.  The  prioritization  process  was  also  used  to  rank  the  projects  for 

implementation independent of the best transportation option(s) for the sub‐area, but based on ease of 

implementation, cost, and timeframe for project initiation.  

Section 7 includes the implementation plan for the recommended transportation options for Lexington 

and  Richland  counties.  The  recommendations  are  organized  by  the  suggested  timeframe  for 

implementation using five‐year increments from 2015 through 2040. 

Section 8 summarizes the conclusions of this regional transit needs assessment.