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An Exploration Of The Gates Of Dreaming

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An Exploration Of The

Gates Of Dreaming

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In The Presence Of Extraordinary Actuality

Consciousness Takes The Place Of Imagination

Wallace Stevens

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A Dream – A Brief Biographical Overview

Pre Amble – Introduction

Amble – The Gates Of Dreaming

First Gate – Lucid Dreaming

Second Gate – Setting Up Dreaming A Dream Within A Dream

Third Gate – Movement Of The Energy Body

Fourth Gate – Setting Up Perceptual Worlds Intending With The First Attention

Fifth Gate – Actualisation Of The Dreaming Attention

Sixth Gate – Flying On The Wings Of Perception

Seventh Gate – Intending With The Second Attention

Post Amble – Extroduction

Appendices – Taken From A Toltec Witness – The New Mood Of Sorcery

Synopsis of The Art Of Dreaming

Manifesto of The Dreaming Cell [ Extract – Guideline Papers 1 & 2 ]

Bibliography – Essential Reading

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A Dream

A Brief Biographical Overview

The dream, a recurring one had been with me for so long now that I was often unable to tell the difference between waking and sleeping. It began so long ago that memory no longer holds its exact beginning. Perhaps childhood, a time of promise, expectations and dreams? Perhaps even before that? To begin at the beginning. I came to consciousness in a place both welcome and alien. Others welcomed me and into their outstretched hands was I delivered. This period of time evades me, however I suspect a time of plenty, of safety was my lot. I flourished and in the embrace of those who protected me, I prospered. What was this place, this time? Memory of the dark time that

preceded my coming to consciousness is vague, patchy and more a product of phantasy than actuality. My aspirations developed and over a period of many years these were fulfilled according to my abilities. In some instances success was my lot, at others disappointment poisoned me with its toxic barb. Childhood turned to adolescence and with it exploration of others truly began. Shaped and reshaped according to their expectations I began to develop the false self that whilst a curse also enabled me to survive in this, The Palace Of Exiles. Some would say I did well, others, perhaps would say that I did my best. Finally after many years of uncertainty and false starts I made a home for myself and accrued all that was required to make a person, a citizen of me. The world applauded in its own way, granting me the privileges that were its to offer. Yet still I wondered. Was this all that I could expect? Was this how my sacred life, that wondrous mystery and gift could expect of itself? I built a golden cage and threw away the key. This was safety. This was what was expected of me and pursuing the dictates of the world I entered a profound slumber, hopefully to remain undisturbed, unaffected by the passage of time. That is until the dreams began. She visited often. At the beginning there was the merest presence of her perfume, intoxicating, a toxin that invaded my mind and body with sweet delight. Promises of fulfillment. Promises of destiny she sowed into the web of my being. Latterly she visited me in form wrapping her long sensuous limbs around my reposing form. And what would you have my dreaming one? She would whisper and upon awakening the world, my world appeared hollow. And yet I

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persisted, ignoring her call, denying her presence until the torture of unhappiness engulfed me in its eternal embrace. What could I do, for I had by this time invested decades in giving form to the world, a world that now held me captive? And all my doing. How to unmake this scheme became my quest. Like all things alien this was hard for each day called me to its service. Each face a reminder of what was expected of me. My life was complete and was reflected by all I knew and those that knew me. I began to perceive the bars of my cage. Golden and fine, they were. Gossamer fine, it is a wonder I even became aware of them. This I believe to be the result of her lingering perfume and whispers. Fear finally claimed me. How could I cast it all away, take a lifetime of building and simply deny it? How could I draw deeply into my lungs her presence and expectations? The world, known and a friend began to tremble as did I. As with all beginnings I began slowly for the effort was all consuming. Each act resisted as if the world, aware of my departure held on and for a period of time I experienced its death throes until one day I learned to perceive differently. From this time on I communed with myself regularly and with the passing of time things eased and a new level of normality was entered. A normality which at one time I would have perceived and considered to be bizarre and impractical now carried all the hallmarks of sense and logic. I gazed around my world noticing each detail, each reference point until like a holograph it stood clearly around me. I measured its limits, beyond which stood the unknown and more importantly I began to make agreements with myself. Feel the fear and move on became my clarion call. My first steps were tentative for it was necessary to feel at least something beneath my feet. This had the effect of widening the possibilities before me. Finally decisions were made for the horizons that confined my world widened and deepened and with trust in my heart and my mind awash with intent I began to let go of all that I had become in the certainty that the beneficence that surrounded me would sustain me, for was I not its child? In this way did I abstractly, at first and latterly practically begin the journey that took me to the edges of my world and where once fear had created crashing water and rocks now in their place was her sweet perfume and a whisper often heard, ‘Come, for I await thee.’

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Pre Amble

Our knowledge and experience concerning the pursuit of the Toltec path of Sorcery has been explored at length in the text A Toltec Witness – The New Mood Of Sorcery, as such it suffices to address the Gates Of Dreaming in the present. Much has been written concerning this aspect of knowledge and whilst we draw upon the source material of Carlos Castaneda and his cohorts it is to be understood that our experience leads us to redefining, in part, certain aspects of this body of knowledge in keeping with our

own experience. Quotes from source material, dark red text, will be accompanied by relevant sections of our own work, likewise dark red text, for the sole purpose of clarity. The Toltec predilection of Dreaming being consummate with our own nature we are inclined to offer our own humble opinion on the matter and whilst we remain true to the original constructs we add our own text as an alternate view, one which results from our own extensive exploration of the subject.

The World of Sorcerers

The world of Sorcerers is a dream, a myth. Yet it is as real as the everyday world. In order to perceive and function in the Sorcerers world we have to remove the mask that has been strapped to our faces since the day we were born and replace it with another. That mask we have to make ourselves by Dreaming our Other Self.

Florinda Donner : Being In Dreaming

London England Sunday June 17 2012ev 8.04am

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The Gates Of Dreaming

First Gate

Lucid Dreaming

Whilst referring to the first gate of dreaming as lucid dreaming we recognise the vast body of text that exists on the subject and whilst we respect this it is to be understood that we also consider this body of text to be decoration on a subject far deeper and mysterious than that presented by the authors of such. Lucid dreaming as generally presented describes a level of awareness brought to the realm of dreaming that would suggest to the experiencer of such a deep level of meaning often prophetic in nature and whilst this is unquestionable it is also seductive and the present scribes opinion is that such also serves to consume The Dreaming Attention. We are therefore presented with a paradox, how can something of such import, sometimes touching upon the core of our being also serve as a distraction? From the perspective of those with the predilection toward Dreaming, all is a dream and we be but a dream within that dream. Should the reader read the text Being In Dreaming by Florinda Donner this is made most evident for as a text it was written within the dream realm rather than serving as a comment upon such. In the light of the above the body of this text will carry two distinct descriptions, dreaming and Dreaming. The former relates to the first gateway of lucid dreaming whilst the latter relates to Dreaming. Many altered states specifically those occurring during the wakeful hours we also refer to as Dreaming and for this reason we include the appendices, specifically, Gazing and Setting Up Dreaming.

The mind, for a Seer , is nothing but the self reflection of the inventory of man.


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Second Gate

Setting Up Dreaming / A Dream Within A Dream

The primary distinction of the second gate is that unlike the first which has an unpredictable outcome the second gate is

accessed by direct conscious intervention on the part of those who would Set Up Dreaming. Several methods exist for achieving this. The one outlined in the appendix of this text is the method employed by the present scribe and serves as a balanced and thorough means by which the second gate is accessed. Such directives as find your hands in your dream can be a little unpredictable and certainly unreliable for many have spent months or years attempting such whilst others succeed almost immediately, as such an unpredictable method. Conscious Attention during the wakeful state can incrementally prepare for the crossing over from one state to another and whilst at the outset the outlined method can prove cumbersome the time does arrive when one falls asleep, as it were, but in a conscious way, only then can the journey into Dreaming commence. To say conscious is a little misleading for in the majority of instances this first experience carries with it the confrontation with the first enemy, fear and as a consequence may disrupt initial progress for at this stage there is insufficient conscious attention present. The experience itself speaks to our primal natures and transcends so called reason and rather than being discussed is to be experienced if our meaning is to be clearly conveyed. It is at the second gate that we begin to develop the Dreaming Body and exactitude in regard of our method is demanded if we are to proceed. It is here that we consolidate the world we have created and entered and it is here that shifting our gaze from items in the landscape to a fixed point, perhaps our hands, proves most useful. The most dramatic of efforts is required and the discipline to not run ahead of ourselves, a natural instinct, is demanded, for like all things practice makes perfect. Naturally our progress at the second gate, as with all things is dependant upon the amount of Personal Power we bring to bear on the matter. In short, the crossing over is consolidated by the second gate and serves as our foundation for Dreaming.


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Third Gate

Movement Of The Energy Body As with all aspects of Toltec Sorcery a point naturally evolves where having consolidated the dreamscape we have

entered there is present sufficient Personal Power to move to the next level. This is represented by our ability to direct our movement within the dreamscape without it losing its cohesion. In short the dreamscape becomes as concrete as the everyday world we visit during our wakeful hours. Again this consolidation enables us to develop the conscious attention we have carried into the dreamscape and like all stages within the process it is vital to do this thoroughly if our journey is to be truly that of a flight into mystery as opposed to simply navigating the mind of man. It is at the third gate that we are also enabled to develope the critical faculty that serves to dispense with the illusions that naturally arise during this abstract pursuit. Were a spectre to appear to you in the everyday world it would be classed as a flight from reason and dealt with accordingly. Likewise we exercise this faculty within the dreamscape for the sole purpose of honing our Personal Power. The first three gates in many respects serve as a foundation to the Arte and as with all things the amount of preparation we undertake is equal to the results achieved. Minor shifts of The Assemblage Point, whether awake or asleep can be intense enough to sweep away our attention, so recently developed, hence the importance of the critical faculty being fully developed and deployed at this most crucial of crossroads. It can be the difference between becoming fixated at this point or evolving within the practice. Were we to be adventurous we could, as an example, deploy the methodology of Setting Up Dreaming, as described in the appendice to the dreamscape we have entered thereby crystallising the critical faculty and fine tuning the First Attention. If for no other reason than thoroughness, this would be appropriate to that which we have undertaken to do. Dreaming like all serious pursuits is undertaken over the course of an entire lifetime and as such deserves appropriate preparations.


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Fourth Gate

Setting Up Perceptual Worlds

Intending With The First Attention

For an appropriate introduction to the fourth gate to occur it is necessary to include at this point an extensive essay covering our own practice.

The Energetic Matrix

Sorcery is first and foremost a Perceptual Art

And as such totally dependant upon Personal Power. This term is very easily misconstrued as meaning having Power over people, things or circumstances. Within the inventory of a Sorcerer these elements mean little if anything at all.

To live and act Impeccably presupposes using to full advantage the amount of energy available in any given instance. To access the Double or Dreaming Attention requires a consummate effort on the part of the

practitioner. To operate in the world of power struggles is an unnecessary drain upon ones resources and as such constitutes an aspect of Sorcery which is degenerate and as such of no interest to the serious practitioner. Accessing and utilising the Dreaming Attention is vast in its implications, both individually and evolutionary. Stopping The World begins this process, a process breathtaking in its range and depth. Erasing Personal History, supported by loss of Self Importance and the application of Not Doing make this improbable task a possibility.

Sorcery as a model of Energetic Awareness presupposes several things :

There is Personal Power in the first instance.

This Personal Power can be deployed into Perceptual choices.

We can only Witness the effects of our practices, for in the main they remain within the realm of the 2nd Attention. And yet we are required to assemble, in awareness our learnings within the realm of the 1st Attention.

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As an Energetic model it can be coded, applied and refined and as a result much of the randomisation that takes place within our thinking and our acting can be eliminated.

What follows is a 1st Attention description of a series of processes that arose through the practice of Gazing. These processes were in no way consciously Intended, as such they are source material, emergent from the energetic presence of the practitioner in question, applying what appears to be a simple procedure. All components within the practice of Sorcery are intricate and multifaceted. There is the overt outcome : what it is you think you are doing. And there is the covert outcome : that which you are actually doing. Expressing this point is far from being original as the original texts of Carlos Castaneda and his cohorts make this abundantly clear on a number of occasions.

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream


Energetic Models

The Energetic configuration of The Face A series of Sorcery Passes designed to activate the Power Centres of the Face. Specifically the Rings of Power situated within the left and Right eyes.

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Intend power into the palms and fingers by rubbing them vigorously together at the location of the navel. Intend power from the navel to enter the palms and fingers.

1. The Forehead : Draw the fingertips across the forehead from the centre outwards and off the face itself.

2. The Temples : Draw circles just above the surface of the skin. First clockwise and then anti clockwise.

3. The Eyes : Draw circles just above the surface of the skin. First clockwise and then anti clockwise.

4. The Nose and Mouth : Fingertips placed each side of the bridge of the nose. Draw downwards along the sides of the nose. Meet at the lips of the mouth. Turn the palms outwards, fingertips touching. Draw the fingertips apart and move them outwards until they leave the surface of the face.

5. Upon completion : Place the Left palm over the navel. Place the Right palm over the Left. Close the eyes and experience the Energetic Configuration Intended.

The Primary Triangulation

The above is a graphic description of how it all began. During Gazing practice it was noticed how the hands became active. It was almost as if power were being stored within them. Not being prepared to ignore this all too obvious direction to

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pursue, and as a means of focussing the Attention on either the left or right sides, it was elected to place a Power Object in the palm of each hand. The Power Objects themselves were visualised and arose from the system. The Power Objects fulfilled their outcome admirably. Likewise the Spirit Animal became the third point of reference and effectively the first of the Perceptual Worlds to be explored using the methodology of Shamanic Journeying, otherwise known as Shape – Shifting.

After some time and with the beginning of familiarity the next stage suggested itself. I say suggested itself for one very simple reason. Sorcery teaches itself according to the energetic level you are operating from. Following these suggestions, which arise from the system itself is tantamount to true learning, learning that takes place at a systemic level rather than simply being a thought or an idea. This is to be directly experienced in order to understand its implications completely for it does not lie within the realm of reason. With the development of the next stage the Power Objects, having fulfilled their objectives naturally dissolved into the Perceptual Worlds that took their place.

The description that follows is the first stage of the development of the Perceptual Worlds and also serves as the primary description of what has evolved into The Energetic Matrix. A method which is now, after much primary exploration, again dissolved into the matrix of Setting Up Dreaming. This is a prime example of how Sorcery teaches itself and how the 2nd Attention communicates its Intentions to us through the reducing valve of reason otherwise known as the 1st Attention.

The Second Attention is like an ocean and the Dreaming Attention is like a river feeding into it.

The Second Attention is the condition of being aware of total worlds, total like our world is total, while the Dreaming Attention is the condition of being

aware of the items of our dreams.

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The Energetic Matrix 1

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Actualisation of The Dreaming Attention

An Example

The Energetic Matrix is an Intended action with the specific outcome of supplying an energetic template upon which the Double or Dreaming Attention can hook on to. It was devised as a Hunters strategy, the quarry in this instance being the context of Dreaming. As can be appreciated, when speaking of Dreaming we are effectively using the 1st Attention to conjecture upon something that has little if anything to do with it. The nature of reason demands that we do this in order to

establish a point of reference otherwise known as meaning. Dreaming proper is the province of 2nd Attention, as such it is approached through the methodology of Stalking in this instance through the application of Cunning. In this way the Sorcerer brings to bear the skills of the Hunter and the Stalker in pursuing Dreaming. This is one way The Dreaming Attention is approached. There are of course other ways, other descriptions, however, as indicated by Don Juan Matus on many occasions, ‘there are no rules in respect of Dreaming, only broad guidelines.’ The rest is up to the individual practitioner.

The Left and Right Sides

The Eyes and Hands

Sorcery often refers to the Left and Right sides of Awareness and their relationship to the 1st and 2nd Attentions. At an earlier stage of my research, approximately 3 years ago I underwent an experiential insight in respect of the use of the eyes. As a result, in undertaking this year long practice I elected to give an emphasis to this element. In conjoining the eyes and the palms of the hands I had effectively a powerful set of anchors in respect of the Left and Right sides. As

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outlined in the Primary Triangulation this served to associate me into an awareness of the Left and Right sides.

The Left eye relates specifically to the Nagual and is figured as an outward moving spiral not unlike flashes of lightning. The Right eye relates specifically to the Tonal and is figured as an inward moving spiral not unlike the surface of a lake.

Combining the eye and palm of the respective side drew the Attention to that side specifically. At the outset this was achieved by placing a Power Object in the palm of the hand. As previously mentioned this Power Object was visualised. Latterly the Power Object dissolved and was replaced by a Perceptual World. One that could be opened, entered and explored.

Latterly the Left and Right side anchor points - the eyes and palms of the hands, began to be referred to as Rings of Power. Though simplistic in theory the foregoing in practice proved to be very useful as it consolidated awareness to the appropriate side accordingly. As a result The Energetic Matrix began, and continues to take on form. It is to be remembered that much within the pursuit of Sorcery occurs as an act of Intent. This is an example.

The Central Pillar of Convergence

The Gateway of Assemblage and The Energetic Body’s Fibres

Initially, in order to associate to the central pillar a primary set of visualisations was employed. This consisted of : placing a Solar disc upon the forehead. A Lunar disc at the site of the genitals. A point above the head that evolved into the third Perceptual World. The feet themselves and lastly and most importantly The Gateway of Assemblage, situated at a point just below the navel. The central pillar was also activated during internal Gazing, whilst bringing the Attention

to the eyes – the Left and then the Right, the Attention finally placed upon the forehead in order to re- align. Likewise in bringing the Attention to the ears – the Left and then the Right, placing the Attention at the base of the skull likewise brought about alignment.

The locations of the forehead and genitals were conceived of as one polarity whilst the locations of above the head and the feet were conceived of as a secondary polarity. The result was to be able to shift Attention not only to the left and Right but also Above and Below. The practices to fulfil this were maintained only long

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enough to install the polarities sufficient to their task, they were then dissolved into The Matrix as a whole.

The Nexus Point for both the Left and Right sides as well as Above and Below is The Gateway of Assemblage itself. Not only serving as the ingress and egress point but also, latterly serving as the anchor point for The Matrix as a whole. The fibres which the energetic body consists of form a focus point at the Gateway and as such were used to establish a series of Triangulations connecting the respective physical elements of the body to the Perceptual Worlds that equated to them. A sophisticated structure, a Matrix.

The Rings of Power / Perceptual Worlds

Shamanic Journeying or Shape Shifting Initially three in number, they formed the Primary Triangulation, as discussed earlier. The Rings of Power situated within the eyes opened each of the worlds relevant to their side. By pulling the Attention across to that side in a very tactile way ensured full association into the process and once focussed upon the matrix formed between the eye, the palm and the Gateway of Assemblage, A Triangulation of Power formed an ingress and egress point into the Perceptual

World in question.

By the process of Shape Shifting exploration then took place, sufficient, once again to the outcome of consolidation within that World or Description. Over a sufficient period of time this practice was undertaken, yielding very interesting results. The third point of the Primary Triangulation situated above the head was opened by Intent alone.

It is to be noted that as a result of opening these three worlds the Primary Triangulation consisted of sitting with the palms upturned, an energetic presence within each and above the head a third. Latterly a crystal was placed into the heart of the void which served, through the process of turning its facets and opening, a Gateway proper. This essentially formed the structure of the Dreaming procedure which evolved at the next stage of the exploration.

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The Energetic Triangulations

The Structure of The Energetic Double or Dreaming Attention

Forming what has been described as The Energetic Matrix – 2 it was decided to explore the geometric structure I had effectively Intended into existence. In many traditions the triangle is seen as a structure of primal power for it serves as the first of the three dimensional objects to know existence. In one tradition it is described thus : out of the void of non existence a focus point is created, this point is extended into two dimensions by the formation of a polarity, opposites, which in their existence systemically create a third

emergent property. A pressure wave that causes the line to extend itself into the third dimension. The Triangulation arises and as a result is conceived of as a vehicle of manifestation. The above serves as my reasoning for adopting the Triangulation Matrix, forming as it does the foundation of The Energetic Matrix itself. As a model of Energetic Awareness, Sorcery has at its heart the developing awareness of our energetic natures. My research is thus a natural development of what is already presupposed by such a model. To grant this structure objective existence is erroneous as it is the product of Intent itself and the means of supplying a template for the Dreaming Attention to hook on to. To consider it otherwise would not only be indulgence and association to what can only be described as a 1st Attention description but would miss the essential point by a mile. Otherwise belief systems otherwise known as dogmas are formed. When describing the inexplicable on one occasion, Don Juan states It is very comforting to render something understandable. It is preferred to keep incomprehensible things incomprehensible rather than making them part of the inventory of the 1st Attention. Thus the nature of Mystery remains inviolate.

Internal strength meant a sense of equanimity, almost a sense of indifference, a feeling of being at ease, but, above all, it meant a

natural and profound bent for examination, for understanding. The New Seers called

these traits of character Sobriety.

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Active Dreaming

This all important practice is personal to the individual practitioner, for it constitutes an aspect of Dreaming itself, in this instance one ‘dreams with the eyes open.’ As such what follows is a brief description of a series of Perceptual Worlds and how they have been employed. It is to be emphasised that throughout this process I have Intentionally remained within the Human Band of Awareness as it is not my Intent to enter the realm of Inorganic Beings.

An outline of Eight Perceptual Worlds

Perceptual Worlds : 1, 2 & 3 of the preceding diagram represent the Primary Triangulation. Where it all began. They are configured upon the Left Side, the Right Side and Above the head respectively. Each side is focussed by a Ring of Power formed between the Eye and the Palm of the Hand of that side.

1 The World of the ‘Spirit Animal’ wherein nature manifests itself in tooth and claw. A jungle, golden sunlight filtered green by a vast canopy of trees.

Moisture drips from foliage causing vapour to rise from the earth, carrying rich perfumes. Arboreal splendour, primeval, untouched. Earth gives way to rock as I travel across boulders ever upwards, through mountains and reach a wide plateau. A setting Sun. A rising Moon, silver darts of light pierce eyes and skin, causing dream.

2 The World of the four elements. A mighty tree, its roots travel deep into the earth. Breeze plays upon hair, now leaves. Clouds which form and dissolve, across a rich blue sky. A golden red Sun warms the flesh causing clouds to rise precipitating moisture. Drops descend, crashing over a waterfall, tumbling over pebbles, reflecting within my body shapes and forms unknown. Seeps into the soil and nurtures the roots I cast deep within the earth. A World of Healing, Peace and Silence.

3 The World of Mystery. Opened by Intent alone. A Great Eagle flies across the sky, wings unfurled upon currents unseen, yet felt. Screeches its presence to the worlds and passes on. Opens upon the unknown. The Wings of Perception

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unfold as does the feathers of The Great Spirit. Herein all is Witnessed, not spoken or thought of.

Perceptual Worlds 4 & 5 support the Left Side and form one part of the Secondary Triangulation. The third point being Perceptual World 1.

4 Mountainous terrain. Snow capped peaks. A vast vista gives rise to a valley, grass covered and awash with the colour of wild flowers. In the foreground a willow sways gently in the breeze beside a murmuring mountain stream. Warm sunshine caresses skin. Air rich with life enters nostrils, electrifying and cleansing.

5 A night of tempest. Waves crash upon boulders and rock. A howling wind draws oceans foam into the air. Ozone and Salt. Black clouds travel across the Moon. Lightning strikes the ocean, Fire meets water. Thunder rolls across the land. Fury unleashed and cast abroad, elemental power in its rawest manifestation.

Perceptual Worlds 6 & 7 support the Right Side and form the other part of the Secondary Triangulation. The third point being Perceptual World 2.

6 A Burning Sun beats down relentlessly upon a desert plain. Waves etched by the wind form low dunes. An endless horizon for 360 degrees. Breeze lifts grains of sand into the air abrading skin, eyes and lungs. Across this desertscape a solitary figure walks. One step, then another, ever onwards.

7 A vast cavern deep beneath the earth. Cool and dank. Moisture drips down surfaces of rock. Light dim, illuminated by pools of sulphur. Stalagmites and stalactites formed over countless aeons. Cavern of cathedral like proportions at its heart a lake, ink black and still.

Perceptual World 8 is located at the Gateway of Assemblage itself, forming the anchor point of the Matrix, as well as being the operational commencement point of entry into each of the worlds.

8 ‘Standing poised at the edge of the world.’ Behind : a vast plain, desert scrub, rocks and a few stunted trees. To the left : a path wends its way upwards between vast boulders. To the right : a track winds its way downwards, a precipice beside it. Before : A vast abyss, clouds drift upwards born by currents unseen. In the distance, upon the horizon a Red Golden Sun dissolves, the last of its light sends liquid fire across the sky, blessing eyes, blessing skin. And in the void, suspended, motionless, hangs a single crystal. ‘Twilight at the edge of the world.’

The operating premise of The Energetic Matrix is simple. Each of the eight worlds exerts a pressure wave of equal power and where they meet a nexus point is formed.

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At this point emerges the ‘The Crack Between The Worlds.’ The application of this methodology has given rise to a number of interesting things.

It is the primary methodology I employ, as a by-product of Gazing, of ‘softening’ the Perceptual grip of ‘this’ world. It forms the template for The Double or Dreaming Attention itself to ‘hook’ on to. It is a unique way to Set Up Dreaming.


Setting Up Dreaming

By Accessing The Third Gate

Employing Components of The Energetic Matrix

An Example

1st Level of Practice

1. Preparations – Stage 1

Present Position. Arrive at the Gazing Point.

Standing. Perception of being at the edge of the world – Setting Sun – Twilight etc.

Close eyes. Connect to Breath : Body. Eyes. Ears. Gateway of Assemblage.

Travel to the surface of the skin and to the surface of the energetic skin.

Intend opening the Left Side - Rings of Power within the left eye and palm

Intend opening the Right Side - Rings of Power within the right eye and palm

Complete opening the field by utilising the Power Stance of Intent.

Call forth the Great Spirit – The Silent Witness and Intent.

Call Intent : The Eyes : The Voice : Silence.

Open the eyes.

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2. Preparations – Stage 2

Seated. The Thunderbolt.

Close eyes. Hands palms upwards.

Open the 1st Triangulation – Left Side – Right Side and Above the Head - Develop the sense of the Triangulation formed between the palms and above the head.

Place at the centre of the Triangulation a Crystal. Open one facet – A Perceptual World - A solitary figure traverses an endless desert.

Step into and fully associate to this World and the figure within it.

3. The Journey

Consolidate sense of Self. Scan appearance. Focus the senses.

Look to the right, left and behind, consolidate the Perceptual World. Sand dunes etched into waves and undulations by the wind. Look Ahead. Look Above. The Sun beats down relentlessly. Turn 360 degrees take in the entire vista.

Take 1 step forward and then another.

4. Completion and Return

At a specified point - A rocky outcrop at the base of which the entrance to a cavern – Turn and return to the point of entrance into the Perceptual World.

Close the eyes. Visualise the Crystal. Enter one facet exiting the Perceptual World.

Re – Associate to the figure seated in the room. Turn the head slowly Left to Right. Right to

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Left. Left to Right. Look directly ahead.

Stand. Consolidate the view. Turn and return to the physical body. Intend Integration.

Enter natural sleep.

2nd Level of Practice

At a specific points along the journey Anchor Sensory Modalities.

3rd Level of Practice

Having Set Up Dreaming. Enter the Cavern at the base of the rocky outcrop.

Comments concerning The Energetic Matrix

Today I began exploring the dynamics of the Double. An aspect currently being Intended in a number of ways. Setting Up Dreaming being the primary methodology, for in many respects it is Dreamed into being. I am also employing the Energetic Matrix as a template and today began to explore it. This is a development of enhancing the sensitivity within the Rings of Power within each palm. By alternating between left or right palm upon the Gateway of

Assemblage and its compliment extended I began to explore initially the location of the Gazing objects. My primary discovery is that whilst scanning the area with the right palm [ left palm over the gate ] sensations arose which can only be described as a field of energy emanating from the objects themselves. Upon opening the eyes my Gaze fell upon one of the objects – A small bowl of water containing a flower. The other method I employed was to scan within the Energetic Matrix itself. Again

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employing the previous methodology in respect of the palms. Placing all Attention within them I permitted them to ‘Trace’ the dynamics within the field itself. In a way this is akin to discovering the configuration of your own Energetic Being. A process which pertains to neither the body or the mind specifically. There is indeed an almost inaccessible part of our nature not known to either the mind or the body. The mind and the body already exist in fusion. The division, the duality if you prefer lies in the separation of the Mind – Body complex with what we call the Double. This, the task of Sorcery, to connect to the Energetic Being we are.

The Energetic Pressure brought to bear by each of the 8 Descriptions / Perceptual Worlds has generated a ‘focus point.’ Though the description used in the diagram is ‘The Crack Between The Worlds’ I use this term here in a slightly different way than the one normally applied. At one level the ‘Crack’ exists between each specific Perceptual World and is accessed through the application of a specific Sorcery pass during the time of Twilight. My Intended meaning of the use of the term is the ‘Crack’ as a point of entry pertains to ‘The Abstract Flight’ itself. I became aware of this during my Gazing practice, having energised each of the 8 Perceptual Worlds – each of them beckoning. A Triangulation what I refer to earlier as the 1st Triangulation went ‘Live.’ The result was the 2nd Triangulations fed into the 1st and through the conduit of the 8th Perceptual World, anchored at The Gateway of Assemblage, a pressure wave, A linguistic nicety, opened into a vacuum – ‘The Crack Between The Worlds’ itself. Further explorations, after some consolidation will doubtless throw much light upon what is in effect a startling discovery at this time.


Concluding Comments

The preceding graphic illustrations and the accompanying text serves several purposes.

They outline an example of how ‘Sorcery teaches itself’ in respect of the energetic level that is brought to such a practice by the practitioner.

It also serves as a classic example of Assembling from 2nd Attention a description for cognitive appreciation – 1st attention.

The Energetic Matrix serves as an example of the innovative approach which serves as an underlying principle of the New Mood of Sorcery.

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The existence of the process itself is a demonstration of a component of the Mood – Cunning, which states : ‘A Warrior fears nothing, relaxes and totally abandons themselves, for they know that only then will the powers that guide them, aid them – only then.’

Finally it is an example of the Hunters strategy of Stalking Dreaming. What began as a simple practice – Gazing, evolved into the process that will facilitate Setting Up Dreaming.

Once Silence Is Attained Everything Is Possible

Poetic Afterword As a child she was sensitive and precocious. Given to flights of imagination which often disconnected her from the world. Her absent mindedness, more than once, was the cause of many a mishap. She was fortunate however, in being protected by her angel and latterly by parents who cared for her in their own way without really knowing who she was. Given to musing she often wondered about the world in which she found herself and the people who lived here. She knew, for example that

people were rarely happy and wondered why? In answer to her musings came the thought that they were not who they were supposed to be and as a result of becoming someone else they mourned, albeit unconsciously the demise of their true self. This she vowed would not occur in her case. No matter what.

With the passing of time she gained her independence and found herself adrift in a world of ambiguous shapes and forms, appearing solid, yet so unreal. The people around her fulfilled their destiny in accordance with their needs rather than their expectations. She witnessed death in life. Given to dreams and creativity she became curious and over time found much in the way of useful guidelines as to how to proceed. She lived on the edges of life only occasionally entering fully, its embrace. Her dreams unfolded her creativity. She wrote Poetry that was instilled within her heart. Stories that described worlds of possibility. Became a beacon amidst the ever increasing shadows. Learned first one thing and then another, placing each new learning within her heart, something to cherish, something to care for. And yet the

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world had its own needs and through her sought to fulfil itself. To substantiate what it knew in its heart of hearts to be but a dream. It sought for her to become something and wrapped this up in the seductive words of becoming someone. One day, many years before the writing of these words she found a solution. Honour the world by honouring herself, became her clarion call. She would fulfil her curiosity, her insatiable thirst for learning and survive within this strange land. Her life would unfold a tapestry of difference. Spending time, first here, then there, moving on as she felt solidity forming around her. Thus she learned to live between things, her stability drawn from the very core of her being, no need, for her, the binding chains of meaning. No need, for her, cares and concerns about a future, a future created and unfolded by such concerns. She would do several things simultaneously thereby fulfilling the needs of the world and more importantly her own, the exploration of the richness of diversity. She became and is becoming skilled at this and with the unfolding of time will continue to live between the solid shapes that inhabit this world, dreaming as she always did of her home amidst the stars.


A Toltec Witness – The New Mood Of Sorcery Section 1 The Energetic Matrix

NemesisPublications 1996ev

We have included this extensive section from A Toltec Witness to describe both the nature of the fourth gate and to outline the creation of Perceptual Worlds which serves as its description.


The only important question is : Does this Path have a Heart? All paths are the same : They lead nowhere. They are paths going through the bush, or into the bush. In my own life I could say that I have traversed long, long paths, but I am not anywhere. My benefactors question has meaning now. If the path has a Heart, the path is good. If it doesn’t it is of no use. Both paths lead nowhere, but one has Heart, the other doesn’t. One makes for a joyful journey, as long as you follow it, you are one with it. The other will make you curse your life. One makes you strong, the other weakens you.

Don Juan Matus

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Fifth Gate

Actualisation Of The Dreaming Attention

Upon encountering the fifth gate all preparations in respect of the First

Attention have been completed. It is from this point onwards that The Ring Of Power, Reason no longer dictates its terms but is replaced by The Ring Of Power, Intent. Whilst our primary focus in the present are The Gates Of Reason it is to be understood that the entire Toltec pursuit has been engaged in order to arrive at this point. The Art of Stalking, of Not Doing and The Recapitulation have been undertaken whilst consummate with Dreaming the art of Gazing. The naming of this gate is in keeping with the unfolding process of – Stopping The World of the everyday description, Erasing Personal History, Losing The Human Form and becoming A Formless Warrior. [ see A Toltec Witness for definitions ] It is at this juncture that we cast off from the shoreline of First Attention and embark upon our journey across the mysterious ocean we call the Second Attention. Here Intent is the ring we carry and whilst the Tonal begins to shrink we must at all costs maintain, in part, its island. This is facilitated by the years of preparation in regard of developing both attentions in respect of their unique rationales. The ocean of non differentiation across which we travel is brought to a natural conclusion within the realm of Dreaming and the impeccable pursuit of its intentions is all that determines, so called, success or failure. Should we have truly practiced and to a degree mastered the prerequisites of Stalking and encountered our Petty Tyrants and the enemies of Fear, Clarity, Power and Old Age then we are assured that our preparations are at the very least adequate to our task. At this gate we begin to hone our Intent as previously we had honed Reason. Within the multiple descriptions of the Perceptual Worlds we have created, entered, stopped and collapsed we begin to exercise the versatility that bears witness to our Formlessness as warriors. It is here that we collapse the descriptions we call that of being a human being and that we call being a sorcerer within the sorcerer’s world. To fail to do so simply implies that all we have succeeded in doing is replacing one Mask for another and as our destination is Freedom all descriptions ultimately fail in their purpose, except in the instance of keeping us confined.


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Sixth Gate

Flying On The Wings Of Perception

All That Exists Is Perception

Much has been written concerning The Abstract Flight and poses a model of understanding wherein exist the possibilities of a first and second attention brought to an impeccable point through the practice of a lifetime and at the point of departure from this world, called Death we enter Freedom and reside within the third attention. Whilst this construct is neat, in human terms, it remains in essence but a description fuelled by words and thoughts and as such becomes redundant in respect to our pursuit as Toltecs. By contrast the present scribe removes the convenience of a third attention and remains focussed on the two primary attentions and their interface. A radical departure from tradition made more so when also considering the Abstract Flight being the path of ones life as a Toltec within both the everyday world and the world of Dreaming. We possess but little understanding in regard of the first attention, much less in regard of the second attention and nothing in respect of the mystery that surrounds us of which we are but a part. Stalkers consummate with their predilection work within the world of the everyday description and convert their knowledge into the power required to circumnavigate its pitfalls. Dreamers by contrast cease to acknowledge the existence of the everyday world and consummate with their predilection exercise the prerogative of recognising it as simply being a dream with the eyes open and as a consequence transform their knowledge into the power of simply recognising this. It is at this gate, where all masks have been set aside that the Dreamer communes with the Unknown whilst recognising the immensity of the Unknowable and as a consequence assumes the humility and sobriety that defines the very nature of being a Toltec. All else is a sham and reflects nothing other than the inventory of man. Freedom beckons at this gate and all else is cast aside.


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Seventh Gate

Intending With The Second Attention

It is at the seventh gate that the wise enter and maintain Silence. We neither

claim or affect this quality and as such continue with our Folly, our only consolation being that it is Controlled Folly. At the seventh gate a Toltec enters The Place Of Silent Knowledge wherein the Dreamer no longer draws distinctions within the field of Perception. Instead they bathe in the Freedom that attends this point along their ever unfolding path and celebrates such.


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Post Amble In closing we make no apology for the preceding. By contrast we celebrate our learning and adopt the mantle of simple scribe. A true understanding of what has been cast before eyes long accustomed to seeking the truth of a thing can only do so in the light of personal experience. As such there is no intellectual grasp to be attained. No truth or lie to perceive. No opinion to share. No denial or validity to celebrate. Instead within the embrace of the mystery some call life we offer one such voyagers humble opinion upon

what it means to be a Toltec and what The Gates Of Dreaming have revealed to one intrepid explorer. Unless something is experienced in blood and bone it can be but rumour and as such we leave you with one such rumour, one amongst the multitude that attend the inventory of man.

Walk With Power And Grace Into The Freedom That Beckons


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Dreaming Configurations of the Energy Body Recollecting – Assemblage Point Locations 1st Gate The Dreaming Attention … … Intent Sorcerers Concepts … … Saving Energy Items of the Dreamscape … … Awareness of falling asleep

Self Importance in reference to Dreaming 2nd Gate A Dream within a Dream The Dreaming Emissary Encounter with Inorganic Beings

Instructions Concerning Dreaming

The Shadows World … … … The Blue Scout

3rd Gate Movement in Dreaming Stalking the Energy Body … … ‘Seeing’ Energy The Hinge of Sorcery is the Mystery of the Assemblage Point Stalking the Stalkers – Energy from The Inorganic Realm Awareness as an element of the environment

Outline of – Page 200 4th Gate Lesson of The Tenant Carol Tiggs – The Dream Room

The Woman in the Church The Twin Positions of Dreaming Intending in The 2nd Attention Flying on The Wings of Intent

Crossing the 4th Gate

The Art Of Dreaming – Carlos Castaneda

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 1


The practice of Gazing is Preparation for and Supports ‘Setting Up Dreaming,’ plays a key part in ‘Stopping The World’ and is a precursor to ‘Seeing.’

Setting Up State

Seated comfortably in a favoured location. Close the eyes and become conscious of your breathing.

Breathe relaxation into the head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and fingertips. Chest, abdomen, groin and back. Thighs, knees, calves, feet and toes. Take time to do this well.

Now Bring your Attention to The Eyes as if you were breathing through them.

To The Ears. As Above.

To the Surface of the Skin as if you were breathing through the entire surface of the skin.

Opening the eyes, rest your gaze on a distant point, and as you do so, without moving the eyes, become aware of what is within your field of vision. Above you, below you, to your right and to your left. This develops and opens peripheral vision.

Gazing [ examples ]

Having set up state : gaze at the spaces between the leaves of trees : bodies of water : clouds : living trees : shadows : rocks : the play of light on water etc. Find examples of your own.

Having gained some experience in the previous practice. Set up state. Gaze at someone's face, not directly, but at a point two inches from the surface of their skin. With practice you will begin to know the difference.

Gaze at the space two inches to the left of their face. Then two inches to the right.

Begin to practice Gazing : first out of the left eye, and then out of the right eye. Do This by 'Intending' your Attention into the appropriate eye.

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The Dreaming Cell

Guideline Paper 2

Setting Up Dreaming

Operating Premise : Along the continuum between being ‘awake’ and being ‘asleep’ there is a critical point at which, if sufficient consciousness be present acceleration into Dreaming takes place. The alternative is de-acceleration into normal sleep and dreams.

Accelerating into and entering Dreaming. Awake Falling asleep and entering dreams.

Critical Point

The following methodology is designed to maintain Conscious Attention, up to and inclusive of the critical point of transference from one mode of consciousness to another.


Stage 1 Study the Structure of Practice.

Stage 2 In the world study a short journey you enjoy [ there and back ] Go over it again and again, noticing as much detail as possible. Commit it thoroughly to memory. The more detail you can recall the better.

Stage 3 Ensure that the structure of practice is clear to you. Ensure that the study of the journey is complete. Ensure that the Gazing practice has been maintained prior to the Dreaming practice and that it is continued during the practice itself. Technique

1. From the point of leaving the room or house etc. Using memory and imagination travel the route of your journey. If the journey has been set up at night make it so etc. Travel your journey step by step, as if you were walking it in your body, in the world. Upon arriving at your destination turn around and return. Entering the house or room you are situated in, integrate the imaginary body you have been

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travelling in, with the physical. It is most important that this is done as an act of ‘Intent’

2. Continuing the above methodology. After some time, and familiarity with the

journey arises, place at a specific point a visual marker or symbol. At another location place a specific sound or word that you hear. At another location touch something and feel it. Do the same with a specific smell and a specific taste at other locations.

There are no further guidelines within this process, as What it leads to is highly individualistic. As such any comment at this point is considered inappropriate.

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The Teachings of Don Juan A Separate Reality Journey to Ixtlan Tales of Power The Second Ring of Power The Eagle's Gift The Fire From Within The Power of Silence The Art of Dreaming The Active Side of Infinity Author Of The Above – Carlos Castaneda The Sorcerer's Crossing Taisha Abelar Being In Dreaming Florinda Donner Grau Turtles All The Way Down John Grinder & Judith Delozier A Toltec Witness – The New Mood Of Sorcery Damian Alexander Sinclair

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Not Doing

Is Performed by the body, Set up by Gazing and is a method of storing Personal Power.

Sorcery is the Cunning of the 1st Attention

and serves as the interface.

Gazing is the Cunning of the 2nd Attention and facilitates Active Dreaming.

Setting Up Dreaming is the Cunning

of the Double it lures the one to flesh the other, which one does

what is open to conjecture for it is a matter of

the Dreamer and the



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The Intent Of Sorcery Expanding the limits of normal perception is a concept that stems from the Sorcerers’ belief that our choices in life are limited, due to the fact that they are defined by the social order. Sorcerers’ believe that the social order sets up our list of options, but we do the rest: by accepting only these choices, we set a limit to our nearly limitless possibilities. This limitation, they say, fortunately applies only to our social side and not to the other side of us: a practically inaccessible side, which is not in the realm of ordinary awareness. Their main endeavour, therefore, is to uncover that side. They do this by breaking the frail, yet resilient, shield of human assumptions about what we are and what we are capable of becoming. Sorcerers’ acknowledge that in our world of daily affairs there are people who probe into the unknown in pursuit of alternative views of reality. They contend that the ideal consequences of such probings should be the capacity to draw from our findings the necessary energy to change and to detach ourselves from our definition of reality. But they argue that unfortunately such probings are essentially mental endeavours. New thoughts, new ideas hardly ever change us. One of the things that I learned in the sorcerers’ world was that without retreating from the world, and without injuring themselves in the process, Sorcerers’ do accomplish the magnificent task of breaking the agreement that has defined reality.

Florinda Donner : Being in Dreaming