Rabinder Nath Bhandari was born on 26th Dec 1950 and is a science graduate from Punjab University. He has been studying astrology since 1978 in which 28 years he has spent in extreme deep study of Lal Kitab. Being well versed in Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi & English he has delved deeper into Present day Palmistry along with Indian Samudrik Shastra apart from doing vast amount of readings for people. His interests likes in nature photography & the exactly how nature is simple, this simplicity reflects in his persona being an extremely humble and loving human being. He is considered one of the foremost authorities on Lal Kitab alive today. Travel in Human Life as Per Lal Kitab By Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India Volunteer: Maurício Avila, Brazil owadays, where technological development has been playing a major role to providing to men the chance to go to several places. Either inside own country or between countries, traveling is becoming a common event in our society where globalization allied to technology makes our world increasingly smaller in a sense. Along with this phenomenon grows the concern about the safety and good fortune connected with it. But what knowledge LAL KITAB could share regarding this kind of event? This article demonstrates how these different journeys can be seen and analyzed through the palm of our hands. How it is represented on palm through lines and planets in native’s horoscope. Let’s not forget that the original science of Lal Kitab is a science of astro palmistry though nowadays even experts follow the watered down versions of only upayas via Lal Kitab. N


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Rabinder Nath Bhandari was born on

26th Dec 1950 and is a science graduate from Punjab University. He has been

studying astrology since 1978 in which 28

years he has spent in extreme deep study

of Lal Kitab. Being well versed in Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi & English he has delved

deeper into Present day Palmistry along

with Indian Samudrik Shastra apart from

doing vast amount of readings for people. His interests likes in nature photography

& the exactly how nature is simple, this

simplicity reflects in his persona being an

extremely humble and loving human being. He is considered one of the foremost

authorities on Lal Kitab alive today.

Travel in Human

Life as Per Lal

Kitab By

Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India

Volunteer: Maurício Avila, Brazil

owadays, where technological

development has been playing a

major role to providing to men

the chance to go to several places. Either

inside own country or between countries,

traveling is becoming a common event in

our society where globalization allied to

technology makes our world increasingly

smaller in a sense. Along with this

phenomenon grows the concern about

the safety and good fortune connected

with it. But what knowledge LAL

KITAB could share regarding this kind

of event? This article demonstrates how

these different journeys can be seen and

analyzed through the palm of our hands.

How it is represented on palm through

lines and planets in native’s horoscope.

Let’s not forget that the original science

of Lal Kitab is a science of astro

palmistry though nowadays even experts

follow the watered down versions of only

upayas via Lal Kitab.


First of all, let’s talk about planets responsible for different modes of journey:

1. Moon (water) is representative of journey by ship across ocean.

2. Journey by air is under control of Jupiter (air).

3. Land travel is governed by Venus (earth). On human palm, when there is a horizontal line (--------) on mount of Moon, frequent land traveling or linked with works of Venus will be there in the life of native, because a vertical line on palm represents planet Venus. Such traveling will always be beneficial. Image 1.

When Sun Line starts from mount of Moon or a vertical line (vertical line on palm represents planet Jupiter) with direction toward mount of Sun traveling will be necessarily of utmost importance and may be linked with government duty. If direction of this line is towards mount of Mercury, the journey will be business trading related. This line is supposed to be restricted to the boundaries of mount of Moon only, when beneficial results are expected otherwise if it enters the mounts of Sun or Mercury, progeny will be affected. Similarly, direction of such lines towards other mounts, results may be linked with business or works related to these mounts. Image 2.

When Life Line turns around mount of Venus without sending branches to mount of Moon, the native will love to reside at his native place and will spend his last days of life at birth place. (Image 3) Image 3.

When Life line sends branch or branches to the mount of Moon and main line maintains curve towards mount of Venus, the native will go abroad, but will come back to his native place in last days. (Image 4.)

Image 4.

In case Life line sends its branches mainly towards mount of Moon or terminates there without going towards mount of Venus, the native will remain away from his native place and he will have to reside abroad, away from his home in his last days.

Image 5.

Obs.: Travel less than 100 days is not considered as travel.

Travel in under mentioned circumstances is considered giving adverse results.

No. Days of

week Direction

When in annual transit chart (Varshphal) as per Lal Kitab, planetary conditions are:

01 Tuesday

Wednesday North

(H. No. 6)* Ketu, Mars – Ketu or Mercury planets are

placed in house No. 6

02 Friday Sunday

West (H. No. 10 –


Ketu, Sun – Ketu, or Venus – Ketu are placed in house No. 10 or 11.

03 Monday Saturday

East (H. No. 1 – 5)*

Ketu, Moon – Ketu or Saturn – Ketu are place in house No. 1 or 5.

04 Thursday South (H. No.

3)* Ketu or Jupiter – Ketu in house No. 3.

*the house numbers quoted here represent the direction as per house horoscope. When, according to Lal Kitab system Varshphal, Moon or Ketu are placed in positive (benefic) houses or Ketu is placed in prior houses and Moon is placed in adjoining house, the travel will never be against the will of the native and will always be benefic, provided the Moon is not destroyed.

Result of travel generally depends on placement of Ketu (Varshphal chart) in various Houses, i.e. when Ketu occupies house number 1 to 12 as per detail given in chart below:

Ketu in Houses No.



Even though preparations for journey are completed, order for transfer has been issued and he may be ready to shift his bag and baggage, but ultimately journey will not take place and will have come back from air port. If already left for journey, he may have to return back within a time period of 100 days, which is treated as a temporary journey, especially when house no. 7 is vacant.

2 Transfer with promotion, both things will take place together; otherwise nothing will take place till negative influence is not affecting house no. 2 from house no.8.

3 Will have to live alone, away from his kith and kin, when house no.3 is dormant.


First of all there will be no travel, if on the contrary travel does take place, it will only be up to the place where his/her mother is living. If it happens, first of all no change in residence is expected and if journey takes place it will always be beneficial to the native provided 10th house is not afflicted.

5 No transfer of city, only there may be an interdepartmental change or may be a change of room, without going away from residing place. Even if it takes place, it will be beneficial provided Jupiter is positive.

6 Transfer / travel orders, outside the city, will be cancelled once after being issued from high officials, provided Ketu is awake.

7 Certain transfer to the native place (transfer is must with no guarantee of promotion). However, if native does not comply with the transfer

order gladly, he may fall seriously ill or have to face some health hazards. As a result, there will definitely be a travel and its results will always be positive, provided house no. 1 is not malefic and Ketu is awake.


Unpleasant and unhappy travel and would be against the will of native, if house no.11 is occupied by inimical planets (Moon or Mars) to Ketu. Adverse effects of Ketu in such case will be felt in the form of ailments of ear, legs, back bone, or joint pains (rheumatism or gout) and even this adverse influences may extend on to pet dog of native or three relatives (worldly representatives of dog) i.e. sister/daughters son, status of brother at his sisters in-laws house, and native self at the house of his in-laws. Remedy of Moon, donate milk in temple and give equal quantity to dogs (stray dogs) for continuous 15 days, or improve house no. 2 or if some other planets improves effects of house no. 2.

9 Most auspicious, full of happiness travel, transfer on promotion to native place willingly with best placement, provided ill influences from third house are not affecting Ketu adversely.


Doubtful travel, if Saturn is good, favorable in horoscope, it will be twice auspicious, if Saturn is adversely placed or is negative in its influence, travel will be twice negative, untimely travel. If house no. 8 is occupied by malefic planets, results will be more adverse. House no. 2 will be of help or remedy of Moon via House no. 5, pour water mixed with milk towards Sun in morning hours. (DOODH-PAANI KA ARGH).


Orders for transfer will never reach the individual after being issued by high officials, Because lord of travels, Ketu (DUNIYAVI KUTTA- WORDLY DOG), will be laying on the way, so one would have to move to another place, from where onward journey will take place and this will be a temporary movement. If it takes place, journey will be 11 times auspicious so long as no adverse effects of 3rd house affect.


Time to live with family members, promotion is certain without transfer. Ketu will give its exalted results, if ever transfer takes place, it will be very beneficial provided it is not ill affected by poisoning of house no. 6 and 2 and both these houses should be good in position.