Travellers Brief

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  • 8/2/2019 Travellers Brief


    The dawns pink and purple tinge was beginning to give way to the birthing light of day. The starry night

    sky beginning to vanish to the mornings irrevocable advance. The deck ofMaanans Glide

    was already abustle of activity, as the sails caught a strong trade wind and pulled the vast ship gracefully across the

    glittering ocean. The crew had no time to admire the beauty and drama of the scene, and besides, this was

    something they encountered every day. The novelty wears off after a while. Talk on deck this morning

    has already turned to the exploits of the night before, the drink on this side of the world is bloody lethal it

    seems. It leads on eventually to talk of reefs, of seabirds landing on the rigging, of strange leafy islands

    and of course, the prospect of a landmass close by. Its not long that very day before the cries go out from

    the crows nest, somewhere out there, over all that roiling mass of blue and crushed beneath a burning sky

    is a brand new frontier, a continent waiting to be carved up and conquered.

    What do you do now?


    Part 1: Air & Water

    Welcome to Traveller, a 3 part mini-campaign, with the aim to get into the swing of tabletop

    roleplaying again. Im excited. In Traveller you are a part of a ships crew aboard the trade

    vesselMaanans Glide. Your motivations for being so are entirely up to you, but your ship is

    helmed by a rich trader whose aim is to brave new frontiers with the hope of discovering

    great riches. More details to come, but this is the initial brief.

    Ive chosen a new format for this because Im a stickler like that, and because Im sick of

    crumpled old, biro scrawled, character sheets that get lost and need to be rewritten every

    time, etc. Just getting organised in order to spread the RP love, and make the experience that

    little bit better. Please email character sheets to me so I can keep them safe and together

    [email protected]. There is a link to character sheets further down.

    There is also a link to an online pdf of the core rules on the group, for reference we are using

    Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: 1st edition.

    Id like to do this in a couple of weeks, perhaps Sunday 20th May?

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/2/2019 Travellers Brief


    When creating a character, please do so with the fact that you are part of a ships crew in

    mind. Ive put together a list of potential starting careers, these would all be good and Ill be

    statting with this selection in mind. If you want to play something else then let me know and

    well have a chat. Feel free to create a character and email it to me on a character sheet, I

    trust you guys to stat properly.

    Character sheets can be found here-

    Please pick from the available careers-


    Bodyguard Marine

    Outlaw Seaman Servant


    Boatman Fisherman Pilot Prospector Rat Catcher


    Gambler Entertainer Smuggler



    Scribe Trader

    On top of your starting spend and gear you will be gifted with 100 experience points and

    300 gold each, this represents your time working aboard various ships. As theMaanans

    Glide is a trading ship you can spend these earnings on commodities from the consumer

    guide on page 292 onwards. With a limit on availability, as follows- No limit on plentiful or

    common goods, up to 4 average goods, up to 2 scare goods, up to 1 rare good and up to 1

    very rare good. This represents stuff picked up from exotic markets in far flung corners of

    the globe as you make your way along the popular trade routes. You will also each have a
  • 8/2/2019 Travellers Brief


    large wooden trunk to keep it all in. Feel free to get greedy, but consider what you will need

    at sea or in an emergency, and what will hinder you.

    It would really help if you could think up a little bit of backstory, I dont want an essay but

    some defining features would really help, and add to the jeopardy of the adventures. There

    is a little box for this on the character template which is great, but expanding on that a bit

    would be cool. It doesnt have to be anything to wild.

    Ideally Id like to see-

    A positive life defining moment. A negative life defining moment. Personal strengths. Personal weaknesses. Greatest fear.

    I should add that this will be quite hard; your character may die, be maimed or visited with various

    afflictions and mental stresses. My games so far have had quite a high risk of lethality so I know you

    can handle it. Id like to be able to approach the game with this in mind, that you might not win per

    se, but hopefully you will have fun along the way, and with a bit of luck youll never be sat out of the

    game for very long.

    Wicked. Hope that wasnt too long winded or boring. Let me know if you want to play! Looking

    forward to hanging out and rolling some dice!