Style and Costume By Kelly Morris I Wanna Be Adored Treatment Sheet

Treatment Sheet - Style and Costume

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Page 1: Treatment Sheet - Style and Costume

Style and Costume

By Kelly Morris

I Wanna Be Adored Treatment Sheet

Page 2: Treatment Sheet - Style and Costume

Throughout the video, the characters will be

wearing costumes commonly associated with

the genre alternative rock. The main character

(Alex) will be mainly wearing a green Parka

coat, dark blue jeans and Adidas shoes. For this

particular costume, I took inspiration from Liam

Gallagher in the video for “D’ya Know What I

Mean” as I know Liam

takes a lot of his style

from this genre and is a

fan of the Stone Roses.

The band in my video will be representative of

The Stone Roses themselves. For example, the

drummer will be wearing a similar hat to the

drummer in The Stone Roses, Reni. The

frontman of the band (Alex) will be wearing a

similar outfit to Ian Brown in the original video

for “I Wanna Be Adored” and will also perform

in a similar way to Ian. I will try to fit the rest

of the band to who they represent accordingly however; this will all

depend on whether the costume for them is available.

My first influence for my music

video and the way in which I will

theme the video itself comes

from the original video by the

Stone Roses for “I Wanna Be

Adored”. A very interesting

editing technique is used in the

video that I would like to use in

my own video; the overlaying of



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shots and changing the opacity, as seen to the left in this screen shot

from the video. In this shot, we see Ian Brown as the dominant image

with another image of a texture overlapping him. I also like the colours

and lighting in this video. The use of a purple toned theme contrasts

the colour against the sand dunes and the band’s clothing, Ian’s in

particular. I’d like to try to achieve this effect myself however, my

budget for the video is low and therefore I may not be able to achieve

such an effect.

Another music video that influenced the ideas in my own video was

“The Scientist” by Coldplay. The aspect in this video that grasped me

immediately was the locations.

Throughout the video, locations

such as a forest, fields, streets

and a railway are all used to

accompany the action of Chris

Martin. I like the locations

particularly as I think they would

be suitable for a wandering male

who’s trying to find space to

think and a place to live. The costumes within the video are also

idealistic for my genre. Various camera angles used in the video also

appealed to me and I wish to use some of them in my video. Tracking

shots, establishing shots, close ups and zooms would all be suitable for

my own video.

In terms of locations, I plan to use

such places that are either rural

or derelict. The idea behind such

locations is been alone and shut

off from the world. The narrative

of the story starts with a male


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character been shut out by his family, friends and girlfriend due to his

drug abuse. For this, I want the character wandering aimlessly, on his

own with emphasis on the fact that his is alone and has no one. My

main location for the narrative part of the video will be fields. Fields

are a commonly associated with alternative rock music videos and are

used a lot as they are an open space and the director can put their

own ideas and interpretations into the open location to create the

feeling that they want. A further location I would like to use is a

forest. Forests, even in bright daylight, still have a doom and gloom

feeling to them with shaded lighting which would be good in

representing the characters situation of been alone and the darkness

could represent that his

actions were wrong and he

is reflecting on this.

However, the scene for the

band will be shot inside a

rehearsal studio. I have

took the convention of

bands performing inside

rooms from the alternative

rock genre and applied this

to my own. However, the only problem I may encounter is the lighting

been too dark and not been able to see the action within the shot. If

this problem did occur, I plan to shoot the band outside in a car park

and add any lighting effects that may be necessary to tone down the
