TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION 108 North Clinton Avenue Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M. 1 Completed September 28, 2017 Convened at 5:30 P.M. Call to Order Board President Gene Bouie called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance President Bouie led the salute to the flag. Roll Call Present: Gene Bouie Addie Daniels-Lane D. A. Graham Fiah Kwesseu – arrived 5:43 p.m. Yolanda Marrero-Lopez Jane Rosenbaum – arrived approximately 6:00 p.m. Gerald Truehart II – departed 8:10 p.m. Lucy Vandenberg Heather Watson Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Fredrick H. McDowell Jr. - Present Business Administrator/Board Secretary – Jayne Howard - Present New Jersey Sunshine Law - Read by Board President Bouie The New Jersey Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right to the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted on. On the rules of this act, the Trenton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by publicizing the date, time and place, therefore posted in the Central Services Building, 108 North Clinton Avenue, City Clerk’s Office, City Hall and the Times. Anyone whose name is on the mailing list should receive a notice. Formal action will take place at this meeting. Mission Statement - Read by Board President Bouie All students will graduate with a vision for their future, motivated to learn continually and prepared to succeed in their choice of college of career.


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Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Completed September 28, 2017 Convened at 5:30 P.M. Call to Order Board President Gene Bouie called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance President Bouie led the salute to the flag. Roll Call Present: Gene Bouie Addie Daniels-Lane D. A. Graham Fiah Kwesseu – arrived 5:43 p.m. Yolanda Marrero-Lopez Jane Rosenbaum – arrived approximately 6:00 p.m. Gerald Truehart II – departed 8:10 p.m. Lucy Vandenberg Heather Watson Superintendent of Schools – Dr. Fredrick H. McDowell Jr. - Present Business Administrator/Board Secretary – Jayne Howard - Present New Jersey Sunshine Law - Read by Board President Bouie

The New Jersey Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the right to the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted on. On the rules of this act, the Trenton Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting by publicizing the date, time and place, therefore posted in the Central Services Building, 108 North Clinton Avenue, City Clerk’s Office, City Hall and the Times. Anyone whose name is on the mailing list should receive a notice. Formal action will take place at this meeting.

Mission Statement - Read by Board President Bouie

All students will graduate with a vision for their future, motivated to learn continually and prepared to succeed in their choice of college of career.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Adoption Of Agenda President Bouie advised of the following changes to tonight’s agenda:

• There is an addendum to the agendas for Curriculum & TAD • Correction to TAD New Hires – Name should read Amy Coplan, NOT Copland • PULL Student Awards from Presentations – rescheduled to October

Motion was made by Dr. Graham and seconded by Ms. Vandenberg to adopt the agenda with the above changes. Agenda was adopted by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X D. A. Graham X Fiah Kwesseu not present for vote Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Jane Rosenbaum not present for vote Gerald Truehart X Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

PERFORMANCE OF EXCELLENCE The TCHS Main Orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Joseph Pucciatti, performed two selections in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month – La Vida es un Carnival with a tenor sax solo by student Cesar Gonzalez, and a medley of songs from Carlos Santana. SUPERINTENDENT’S REMARKS Dr. McDowell thanked the community members, students and families in attendance tonight. He acknowledged the people in Mexico City, which was recently devastated by an earthquake, along with those affected by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. He also stated that the District reached out to the Superintendent in Houston to provide support to the students and staff impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The District has adopted Scarborough Elementary School in Houston, Texas. The initiative was rolled out to the school leaders on September 14, and more information on the relief effort will be coming soon. Dr. McDowell gave special thanks to Vice Principal Greg Green of Hedgepeth Williams Middle School of the Arts, for leading the effort to provide meaningful support to Scarborough Elementary. He then discussed many happenings in the District which are positively impacting instruction and student learning. The Superintendent reported that Comcast and The United Way distributed over 50 computers to students and families of Gregory Elementary School on September 23. This is the first of such distributions. Dr. McDowell thanked Principal Mike Rosenberg and his team for their work on this endeavor.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


The Superintendent spoke about a private scholarship covering all college expenses for Hispanic high school seniors from low income backgrounds who believe they have strong leadership credentials. Applications began on July 15 for this scholarship from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The program is open to other racial and ethnic minorities. The Superintendent thanked Principal Hope Grant and her staff for assisting 25 qualified students in applying for this scholarship. Dr. McDowell reported that for the first time, Trenton Public Schools will be participating in SAT School Day on Wednesday, October 11. Through a partnership with The College Board, the District is able to administer the PSAT and SAT to all Trenton Public School students in Grades 8-12. The Superintendent said that the new Director of Special Education, Mr. Mike Donnelly, has been working collaboratively with community organizations such as the Special Parent Advocacy Group (SPAG), led by Ms. Nicole Whitfield and her colleague Ms. Kerri Kane; and the Trenton NAACP, led by Ms. Jonette Smart and her colleague Ms. Coreen Grooms. This collaboration will ensure that our students’ needs are being addressed in a timely and appropriate manner. The Superintendent thanked both organizations for their feedback, leadership and continued support of our students. Dr. McDowell gave an update on the early bell times. Per Principal Ron Edwards at Daylight/Twilight HS, there have been no unusual problems and the school has always employed a 7:30 start time. For the few students who are arriving tardy, there are a multitude of reasons which are being addressed. Principal Mark Hoppe at TCHS West reports that students are adjusting to the new schedule and that students who use public transportation are arriving early. The school will continue to monitor attendance and tardiness. Per Principal Hope Grant at TCHS Main, students are adjusting to the new bell schedule as well. The leadership team at the school has developed a positive message for the new schedule entitled #RiseandGrind. The school leaders will be reviewing attendance and tardiness data in October. Regarding the P.J. Hill/Robeson merger, the Superintendent reported that Principal Talaya Wilson has received many accolades about the school climate. The P.J. Hill leadership team continues to work together to refine school procedures and expectations. Additionally, several community organizations have reached out to partner with the school in support of our students and families. Dr. McDowell reported on the new QSAC scores the District received under the State’s monitoring system to ensure quality in schools through a series of indicators. The District achieved 100% in four of five areas – Fiscal Management, Operations, Personnel and Governance. The District scored 27% in the area of Instruction, which requires the development of a long term plan to address the failed indicators. Dr. McDowell said that Chief Academic Officer Ms. Elizabeth DeJesus will be working to submit the plan by December 1, 2017.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


The Superintendent spoke about District priorities based on feedback from stakeholders in a series of school visits and data review. Some of the priorities are:

• Instructional leadership focusing on the Connection Action Roadmap as a framework for school improvement and, ultimately, how do we build effective data culture in each school?

• Educator effectiveness with an emphasis on observations and feedback, coaching and development of instructional staff and, ultimately, leadership development for our school and District leaders

• Culture – building highly reliable schools that support learning and prevent failure • Central Office transformation with an emphasis on total quality management, tiered

school supports and parent empowerment In closing, Dr. McDowell announced The Taste of Preschool event on October 2 at the South River Walk Park/Route 29 tunnel, located at One Thunder Road in Trenton. This event aims to support the preschool program in Trenton, affording parents in the community an opportunity to meet staff, learn about openings for students in the program, and taste a variety of delicious foods from all the preschool locations. COMMENTS BY BOARD COMMITTEE CHAIRS Addie Daniels-Lane, School Operations Committee – the committee reviewed the agenda, PARCC scores and site-specific scores. The public participation policy was discussed and is on tonight’s agenda for a first reading. The policy has been revised in an effort to strike a balance between the public’s right to be heard and the Board’s need to do the business at hand at Board Meetings. The QSAC scores were reviewed, and the committee’s focus will be on working with the Curriculum Department and the Chief Academic Office to improve the score in Instruction and Programs. The half day policy was discussed, and an update will be forthcoming after a meeting that is scheduled in an effort to reach a compromise on this policy. The Chief of Staff position, also known as the Public Information Officer, was discussed regarding concerns that have arisen about the selection process for the position. All accounts relative to the Budget were reviewed, along with the Treasurer’s Report, the Bill List and the Budget Calendar for 2018-2019. It was noted that additional aides are being placed on the school buses. The committee also asked for and received information and feedback about the early start times. The committee also received initial feedback about the merger of P.J. Hill and Robeson schools. D.A. Graham – Talent Acquisition and Development Committee – Dr. Graham advised that tonight will be his last Board Meeting. Jane Rosenbaum – Curriculum and Special Ed Committee – the committee discussed the PARCC results and the QSAC scores. The discrepancy between what was reported and the scores that were received was discussed. It is hoped that the issues are mostly of reporting versus compliance. The District is below State standards, but there are many areas of improvement where we are ahead of the State in terms of the level of improvement that is being achieved.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Gerald Truehart – Family and Community Engagement/Policy Committee – there is some overlap with the Operations Committee in terms of policy. The primary focus is school support, in addition to family and community engagement. The Office of School Support is focused around the priorities for the District, set by the Superintendent: highly reliable schools, total quality management, tiered school support, as well as parent empowerment. The committee discussed how to interact/engage with the parents and students, as well as with the teachers. Work is underway to hold a consistent series of meetings throughout the year with parents, students and teachers. The meetings will focus on the supports that are available and on developing relationships. Mr. Truehart thanked the various outside organizations for their ongoing support of the schools. Fellow committee members Ms. Watson and Ms. Marrero-Lopez encouraged community involvement and feedback. Lucy Vandenberg – Facilities Committee – progress on the new high school is continuing. The targeted move-in date is on track for Fall 2019. The foundation and structural steel construction is now completed, and the building enclosure and interior construction is underway. The Facilities Advisory Board (FAB) is distinct from the Facilities Committee. The FAB will hold a public meeting in the fall in coordination with the SDA to continue engaging the public on the construction of the high school. The date will be noted and announced on the District website. The committee reviewed the Department of Education Health & Safety Evaluation Checklist. All completed checklists for each building used for instructional purposes will be submitted to the County by the October 1 deadline. Ms. Vandenberg acknowledged and thanked Facilities Administrator Mr. Dwayne Mosley for the 100% QSAC score in Facilities. The seven proposed Capital Improvement Projects for 2017-2018 are still not able to move forward due to City Council failing to approve bonding in the amount of $2.9 million, as required by Statute given Trenton’s status as a Type I District. Unfortunately, the delays mean health and safety problems, including continuing presence of asbestos, poor sidewalk conditions, outdated fire alarm systems, inefficient heating and cooling systems costing the District money, and an aging roof. Ms. Vandenberg said the committee remains hopeful that City Council will approve the necessary funding for the health and safety of our students and staff. Lastly, the committee members will be scheduling regular visits to the schools, in coordination with the Superintendent, to stay apprised of health and safety conditions in the schools. PRESENTATIONS TO THE BOARD Dr. Bari Erlichson, Chief Performance Officer, reported to the Board on PARCC Data (handout attached). Board questions and comments were in the following areas:

• Collaboration with Curriculum to improve the scores • Data comparing Trenton to others in the same District Factor Group

Mr. Darius Dove, Associate Director of the New Jersey Youth Corps, presented to the Board on the Youth College Program at Mercer County Community College (handout attached). Board questions and comments were as follows:


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


• Status of students who do not graduate college within six years • Appreciation for the benefits of the program to our students

Ms. Michelle Russo, CEO and President of Young Audiences, spoke about the Adopt-A-School 10-Year Anniversary (handout attached). There were no questions or comments from the Board. Dr. Jason Klugman, Director of the PUPP Program at Princeton University, reported to the Board on the program outcomes (handout attached). There were no questions or comments from the Board. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Principal Hope Grant, President of the Trenton Administrators and Supervisors Association (TASA), welcomed everyone to the 2017-2018 school year. She also thanked Dr. Graham for his service, on behalf of TASA. Ms. Grant expressed TASA’s concerns with the appointment to the position of Chief of Staff, followed by the title change and appointment to Special Project Assistant/Public Relations Officer. Ms. Susan Nardi, New Jersey Education Association, requested that the Board set aside the job description for General Counsel/Labor Relations, which is on tonight’s agenda. She expressed concern about possible ethics violations, and she felt the Board should consult an outside attorney prior to voting on the job description. Ms. Naomi Johnson-Lafleur, President of the Trenton Education Association (TEA), took issue with the Superintendent’s Back to School Letter and felt it should be taken down from the District webpage. She also stated that the District received an extra million dollars-plus in aid from the State, and she felt a revised Budget should be made available to the public. She asked how the funding was allocated. She also asked for an updated Organization Chart, including the date it was approved by the County. Ms. Johnson-Lafleur stated there are items that TEA has requested to be removed from tonight’s agenda, with a demand to bargain, specifically: Distance Learning Courses at the high schools and the In-Service Days Policy. Ms. Janice Williams, Grievance Chair of TEA, felt that police officers at Board meetings are unnecessary. She also stated that supervisors have been directed not to speak to union members, and she said this does not aid in collaboration. She also expressed concern with the Chief of Staff position and said that proper hiring practices were not followed. Ms. Twanda Taylor, First Vice President of TEA, said that schedule changes were made that affect the students and that parents were not notified of this. Ms. Talithea Duncan, Communications Vice President of TEA, expressed concern with proposed changes to the Attendance Policy.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Ms. Marlena Ventura, Executive Committee Member of TEA, felt that speakers should not need to state in writing their desire to yield their speaking time to another for Public Participation. She also expressed concern with the requirements of the In-Service Days Policy. Ms. Yutende Araromi, Teacher, expressed concern about outsourcing direct services to students, i.e. Paraprofessionals. Mr. Chris Werner, Teacher, said some of the proposed changes are making it more difficult for Teachers. Mr. Lee Ingram, Vice President of Amalgamated Transit Unit 540 at New Jersey Transit (NJT), said that NJT did not receive proper scheduling from the District with the new bell times. He also said that some students are fighting on the buses, and the drivers and the public must be protected. Mr. Ingram also spoke about a police matter involving Gregory School and his family. Mr. Billie Hayes, Community Member, said his right to speak was violated at the August 28 Board Meeting. He said the proposed Bylaw 0167 is discriminatory and discourages public comment. Ms. Nicole Hamlet, Teacher, had concerns about students trying to get to school early in the morning prior to sunrise. She also said it is not safe for staff members to walk by drug activity on their way to work. She asked that Drug Free School Zone signs be placed on Hanover Street. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Ms. Vandenberg and Dr. Rosenberg thanked Dr. Graham for his service on the Board and wished him well in his future endeavors. Ms. Kwesseu asked the Superintendent to reach out to the Police Department regarding crossing guards, and also to contact NJT to address the transportation issues. She also thanked Dr. Graham for his service and said he will be greatly missed. Ms. Daniels-Lane also thanked Dr. Graham and wished him well. She echoed Ms. Kwesseu’s requests to the Superintendent. Dr. Graham expressed appreciation for the opportunity to serve the community. He said there are great organizations, programs and hopes in Trenton. President Bouie thanked Dr. Graham for his service and said he will miss him greatly. He also spoke about his commitment to the students and said he has great grandchildren in school in the District. Mr. Bouie expressed his confidence in the Superintendent’s leadership. Lastly, he echoed Ms. Kwesseu’s requests to the Superintendent.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Ms. Watson said her goal as a Board Member is to find ways to address areas of concern, and she encouraged people to attend the community venues and also to follow the chain of command in reporting issues. She said all the Board Members care deeply. BOARD DISCUSSION & ACTION ON CONSENT AGENDA Meeting Minutes: August 10 & 11, 2017 Board Retreat Minutes August 28, 2017 Regular Meeting & Executive Session August 31, 2017 Board Retreat Minutes There were no comments or questions on the Meeting Minutes. Superintendent’s Recommendations: Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development, Assessment & Accountability/

Special Services Talent Acquisition & Development Finance & Facilities There were no comments or questions on the Superintendent’s Recommendations. Board Committee Reports: Curriculum/Special Ed, 9/19/17 FACE, 9/18/17 Facilities, 9/20/17 Operations, 9/20/17 Talent Acquisition & Development, 9/19/17 (Confidential) There were no comments or questions on the Board Committee Reports. Note to Minutes – The Board Policies were voted upon separately.

Motion was made by Dr. Graham and properly seconded to approve the Consent Agenda minus the Board Policies. The motion was approved by all Board Members present.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X D. A. Graham X Fiah Kwesseu X Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Jane Rosenbaum X Gerald Truehart not present for vote Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


ADDENDUMS: Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development, Assessment & Accountability

S. A Proposal for NAVIANCE - REVISED BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves NAVIANCE a college and career readiness platform that helps students connect their academic achievement to post-secondary goals; cost not to exceed $24,473.00. (Revised total cost and GAAP Codes) GAAP Codes: 15-190-100-610-0000-00-05, 15-190-100-610-0000-00-04 and 15-190-100-610-0000-00-35

Talent Acquisition & Development BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools,

approve the following personnel transactions: a. TRANSFERS/REASSIGNMENTS LAST NAME







Yarde Jennifer Manager, School Support

School Support Acting Principal

Franklin $147,885, step 12, TASA

9/26/17-TBD, pro-rated

Reason on file in TAD





Beverly Parent Liaison Robbins/Robbins Annex

$40,625 10/2/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Replacing D. Passerella who retired




Wright Adrienne Confidential Secretary

Talent Acquisition and Development

$59,255, CSCTY 10/9/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Replacing L. Murray who resigned


111542 Personal Without pay 9/26/17-10/30/17 102132 FMLA – intermittent With pay based on availability of




Agrawal Natasha Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Robbins $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Ayling Jennifer Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Robbins $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Branham Ronnette Afterschool Reading Wilson $42.00 20-034-100-101- 10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Intervention Program for 2nd graders

0009-18-82 per teacher

Brozena Lorraine Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Hill $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Clayton Irene Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Wilson $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Eure Marilyn Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Washington $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Grant Debbie Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Grant $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Gresko Nicole Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Parker $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Grube Sharon Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Grant $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Harmon Sharon Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

King $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Henderson Stephanie Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Franklin $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher


Bahiyaa Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Jefferson $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

King Whitney Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

King $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Lewis Barbara Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Columbus $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Majeed Rehan Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Hill $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Nassif Eman Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Columbus $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Rice Jacqueline Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Gregory $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Rowell Tamala Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Mott $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Shaw Tamara Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Parker $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Stephens Nicole Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Mott $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Tomlin Mary Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Jefferson $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher


Shakia Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Franklin $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Washington Myra Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Washington $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher

Winthrop Janet Afterschool Reading Intervention Program for 2nd graders

Gregory $42.00 20-034-100-101-0009-18-82

10/1/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,200 per teacher


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


SUPERINTENDENT’S RECOMMENDATIONS: Curriculum, Instruction, Professional Development, Assessment & Accountability A. Proposal for Strategic Writing Instruction for Grades 2 through 12 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Strategic Writing Instruction for Grades 2 through 12 based on the Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) from the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning (KUCRL) from October 2017 through May 2018; Cost not exceed $6,750. GAAP Code: 20-275-200-300-0000-18-18/20-275-200-610-0000-18-18 B. Proposal for CBAL – All Middle Schools BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves CBAL (Cognitively Based As For and As Learning) to implement a mathematical challenge program in all middle schools for the month of October 2017; no cost to the board. C. Proposal for Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) Physics Cohort 2017- 18 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Progressive Science Initiative (PSI) Physics Cohort facilitated by the New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning (NJCTL). Teachers will take part in a Physic Certification program beginning in November 2017 and ending in May 2018. These teachers will begin teaching Algebra-based physics at the Middle Schools in September 2018. Embedded coaching will be provided by NJCTL. Cost not to exceed $11, 580. GAAP Code: 20-275-20-300-0000-18-82. D. PROPOSAL for Rosetta Stone Language PLC \Workshops 2017-18 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the administration of district-wide workshops for Computer Teachers, World Language Teachers and ESL teachers in the implementation of the Rosetta Stone (RS) Language Learning and Culture Computer Software. These teachers will serve students in grades 2 - 5 district-Wide. In addition, RS in English will serve middle and high school English Language Learners (ELLs) to facilitate and expedite the acquisition of the English language from October 2018 thru June 2018; Cost not to exceed $6570.00. GAAP Codes: 15-120-100-101-0009-00-14 JEFFERSON - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-17 COLUMBUS - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-19 FRANKLIN - .ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-20 GRANT - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-21 GREGORY - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-23 MLK - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-26 MOTT - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-27 PARKER - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-28 ROBBINS - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-30 WASHI NGTON - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-31 WILSON - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-120-100-101-0009-00-32 PJ HILL - ELEMENTARY TEACHER STIPENDS $ 365.00

15-130-100-101-0009-00-08 HED/WMS MIDDLE - TEACHER STIPENDS GRADES 6-8 $ 365.00

15-130-100-101-0009-00-10 DUNN MIDDLE - TEACHER STIPENDS GRADES 6-8 $ 365.00

15-130-100-101-0009-00-24 KILMER MIDDLE - TEACHER STIPENDS GRADES 6-8 $ 365.00


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


15-140-100-101-0009-00-04 TCHS WEST - TEACHER STIPENDS GRADES 9-12 $ 365.00

15-140-100-101-0009-00-05 TCHS MAIN - TEACHER STIPENDS GRADES 9-12 $ 365.00

15-140-100-101-0009-00-35 DAY/TWI - TEACHER STIPENDS GRADES 9-12 (CREDIT RECOVERY)

$ 365.00

TOTAL $ 6,570.00

E. A Proposal for NEF-SUNY STEM+ Academy BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, gives permission for the STEM Supervisors to apply for the NEF-SUNY STEM+ Academy Grant. If awarded this grant, the district will receive funding to enhance personalized learning opportunities for students, mentoring support, teacher training and motivational rewards at no cost to the board. F. A Proposal for 2017-18 Online CCSS-M math tool, Tenmarks (K-5) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves 2017-18 Online CCSS-M math tool, Tenmarks (K-5). This program will ensure that all students K- 5 have ongoing access to quality online intervention and enrichment learning opportunities in both English and Spanish; cost not to exceed $28,500.00. GAAP Code: 20-285-100-610-2000-18-82, G. A Proposal for Above and Beyond Learning Group (ABLG) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Above and Beyond Learning Group (ABLG) to provide a BCBA District Consultant who will provide 251hours of District wide support for all of the Autistic Classes and Pre-school Disabled classes; cost not to exceed $38,000. GAAP Code: 20-250- 100-300-0000-17-84/ GAAP Code: 20-252-100-300-0000-17-84 H. A Proposal for Supplemental Extended Day Support for ELLS BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Supplemental Extended Day Support program for ELLS for the 2017/2018 School Year. This program will extend the instructional day for ELLS by providing language development and t u t o r i n g opportunities in preparation for State mandated standardized testing ACCESS and PARCC in conjunction with school based programs; cost not to exceed $60, 858.00 GAAP Codes: 11-240-100-101-0009-00-81 I. A Proposal for the ESSA Initiative for the School Year 2017-18 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the ESSA Initiative for the School Year 2017-18 to engage in department related activities and professional development with the goal to enhance ELL performance across all content areas, benchmark tests, and state standardized assessments; cost not to exceed: $ 38,554. GAAP Codes: 20-245-200-101-0009-18-82/20-246-200-106-0009-18-82. J. A Proposal/Resolution for Evening Adult English as a Second Language

Classes for Parents/Guardians of ELLs BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Evening Adult English as a Second Language Classes for Parents/Guardians of ELLs. Parents attending the Adult ESL classes will receive instruction in ESL, and their children will participate in Civics course from October 2017 through June 2018; cost not to exceed $18,162. GAAP Code: 20-246-100-600-1000-18-82/20-246-200-890-0000-18-82/20-246-200-106-0009-18-82/20-246-200-890-0000-18-82. K. A Proposal for Revising and Improving All CAO Curricula BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


of Schools, approves for the CAO’s office to revise and improve all CAO Curricula to better align them to the New Jersey Student Lea rning Standards from October 2017 through 2018; cost not to exceed $50,000. GAAP Code: 11-000-221-110-0009-00-81 L. A Proposal for Re-Hire Two Marching Band Consultants BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves to re-hire two Marching Band Consultants. There is a need to continue demonstrating the many Talents of Students in the Tren ton Pu blic Schools 6-12 District Wide Marching Band in association with our Athletic department; cost not to exceed $2500. GAAP Codes 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05/15-401-100-110-0009-00-08/15-401-100-110-0009-00-10 15-401-100-110-0009-00-15/15-401-100-110-0009-00-04/15-401-100-110-0009-00-24 M. A Proposal for National Junior Tennis and Learning of Trenton (NJTLT) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves for the National Junior Tennis and Learning of Trenton (NJTLT) and the Academic Creative Engagement Program (ACE) to work with 3rd through 5th grade students in all of the elementary schools to enhance and support academic achievement, health/well ness and social/emotional ski l ls as well as the game of Tennis. The program will run two days out of the week from 3:30 to 5:30pm from October, 2017 to May 2018 at no cost to the board. N. A Proposal for HEE2 Trenton Basketball League BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the HEE2 Trenton Basketball League. The league will introduce basketball skills and games to students starting in grade 4. This league will serve as a feeder program for the middle and high school basketball programs at no cost to Board. O. A Proposal for Bloomberg Workplace Mentoring Program BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Bloomberg Workplace Mentoring Program will enrich the lives of students in the Hospitality, Restaurant Management, Tourism and Business Academy to achieve their highest potential. No cost to the Board. P. A Proposal for TCHS/TCC Comprehensive After School Choral Program BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves TCHS/TCC (TCHS and Trenton Children’s Chorus) to implement a comprehensive after school choral program for high school students. This program will run from October 2017 through June 2018 at no cost to the Board. Q. A Proposal for Trenton High School Distance Learning Program BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Trenton Central High School Distance Learning Program. Student will be given the opportunity to recover failed courses and/or take new classes that is needed to meet graduation requirements through a virtual setting with a virtual teacher from October 2017 through June 2018; cost not to exceed $46, 600. GAAP Code: 15-190-100-610-0000-00-05/15-140-100-101-00009-00-05 R. A Proposal for Trenton High School Chapter of International Thespian Society BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Trenton High School Chapter of International Thespian Society to provide training and resources for career minded Drama students from 2017-18 school year at no cost the Board. S. A Proposal for NAVIANCE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


of Schools, approves NAVIANCE a college and career readiness platform that helps students connect their academic achievement to post-secondary goals; cost not to exceed $3,825.00. GAAP Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-05 T. A Proposal for 2017 -18 Daylight Twilight Intervention, Enrichment through Online

Learning. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2017 -18 Daylight/Twilight Intervention and Enrichment program through Online Learning. The students identified for the intervention/enrichment through online learning program are students who are at the cusp of moving to the next instructional level or towards graduation as determined by the credit hours and coursework required at cost not to exceed $11,340.00. GAAP Code: 11-240-100-101-0009-00-81, $11, 340.00 U. A Proposal for DREAM CATCHERS- INSPIRING STUDENTS TO REACH THEIR FULL

ACADEMIC POTENTIAL BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves DREAM CATCHERS-INSPIRING STUDENTS TO REACH THEIR FULL ACADEMIC POTENTIAL to provide (9) innovative workshops to expose students to the possibilities, opportunities and benefits of going to college. These workshops will consist of sharing information and experiences expanding the imaginations of what 's possible and how students can connect their gifts, talents and abilities and apply them in life. The Dream Catchers workshops will be for Dunn students and will consist of interactive activities and group discussions; cost not to exceed $4,350. GAAP Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-10 V. A Proposal for JOYCE KILMER MIDDLE SCHOOL & TRENTON CENTRAL HIGH


BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Joyce Middle School and Trenton Central High School-West to conduct Physical Education classes at Cadwalader Park. The fields and courts will be utilized during normal school hours from October 2017 through June 2018 at no cost to the board. W. A Proposal for PLAY SOCCER BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves PLAY SOCCER Nonprofit International's (PSNI) to work with all of the elementary schools in the implementation of social and soccer skills from October 2017-May 2018 at no cost to the Board. X. A Proposal for The College of New Jersey's Tutoring Program for ELA and Mathematics BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves for students from The College of New Jersey's to provide tutoring support for ELA and Mathematics to ensure successful school experiences for students in grades K through 5 at Columbus and PJ Hill Elementary Schools from October 2017 to May 2018 at no cost to the Board. Y. A Proposal for Princeton University Art Museum Education Program BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves for the Princeton University Art Museum Education Program to help third grade students at Martin Luther King, Parker, Columbus, and Washington schools to learn about art, art history, and culture by examining world-class works of art. Each session both fall and spring will participate in 8 museum classes and 5 hands on art classes. All students will attend a performance at Nassau Presbyterian Church in Princeton and participate in the final mini museum exhibit and awards ceremony in June. The program will run from October 2017 through June 2018; cost not to exceed $2,625. GAAP Codes: 15-000-270-512-0000-00-27/15-000-270-512-0000-00-17/15-000-270-610-0000-00-17/15-000-270-610-0000-00-27, 15-000-270-512-0000-00-23, 15-190-100-610-0000-00-23


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Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Z. A Proposal for Trenton Education Dance Institute (TEDI) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Trenton Education Dance Institute (TEDI) to teach the art and life lessons of dance and to reinforce skills students need for classroom success and individual productivity at Parker Elementary School at a total cost not to exceed $5,000. GAAP Code: 15-90-100-320-0000-00-27 AA. A Proposal for Parker School Extended Day Program BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Parker School Extended Day Program to provide an opportunity for the students to receive additional language arts literacy and math support in small groups of 10 to 15 students to improve reading comprehension, writing skills, and problem-solving skills at a total cost not to exceed $13,230. GAAP Code: 11-240-100-101-0009-00-81, 15-120-100-101-0009-00-27 BB. A Proposal for HOPE Project Girl’s and Boy’s Mentoring BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves The HOPE Project Girl's and Boy's Mentoring program at Robbins Elementary School to enrich the personal lives of its students through mentoring, character education, literacy clubs, and health and wellness; cost not to exceed $2,000. GAAP Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-28 CC. A Proposal for Parent and Community Involvement and Partnership Program BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Parent and Community Involvement and Partnership Program at Washington School for training and workshops that include technology, English language arts strategies, mathematics learning activities, grade-level assessment, modeling of home learning activities (between parent and child), and career and resource awareness from October 2017 through June 2018;cost not to exceed $3,300. GAAP Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-30, 15-000-240-610-0000-00-30 DD. A Proposal for Minding Our Business (MOB) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools , approves Minding Our Business (MOB) at Rivera Middle School to advance the personal and vocational development of its students through entrepreneurship education and mentoring with the purpose of improving team and communication skills, academic involvement, self-confidence and self-efficacy, and interest in attending college pursuing careers in business from October 2017 through June 2018; cost not to exceed $3,000. GAAP Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-15 EE. A Proposal for Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP) at Rivera Middle School to promote the successful transition of at-risk students to employment, continued learning opportunities, and independent living by providing mentoring support for the 2017-18 school year. No cost to the board. FF. A Proposal for Jubilee Children's Entertainment/Dreamcatchers BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Jubilee Children's Entertainment/Dreamcatchers at Kilmer Middle School to provide workshops and assemblies to empower students with behavioral support while inspiring, developing, and motivating pre-teen, teens, and educators. The program addresses social and emotional health, conflict prevention, and stress management at a cost not to exceed $4,350. GAAP Code: 15-190-100-320-0000-00-24 GG. A Proposal for Mathia by Carnegie Learning BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves Mathia by Carnegie Learning. Teachers will receive training in how to teach Carnegie


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Math using both the textbooks and the software; cost not to exceed $2,500.00 GAAP Code:15-190-100-320-0000-00-24/15-190-100-320-0000-00-08/15-190-100-320-0000-00-10/15-190-100-320-0000-00-35/15-190-100-320-0000-00-10 HH. A Proposal for Twilight Adult Night School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves the Twilight Adult Night School. The program will assist adults seeking a high school diploma; cost not to exceed $194,040. October 3, 2017 through June 20, 2018. GAAP Code: 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35, 13-601-240-101-0009-00-35, (Administratively Approved August 31, 2017) II. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the amendments to pages 1-2 of the grade 7 science curriculum to be implemented in September 2017. (See attached 1-II)

JJ. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the Assessment Calendar and Professional Development Plan for the 2017-18 school year. (See attached 1-JJ)

KK. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the District K-12 Core Content Textbooks and Intervention Materials for the 2017-18 School Year. (See attached 1-KK)

LL. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the implementation of professional development, which will be provided by Sharon L. Thomas, Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Professional Developer, for strategic writing instruction for grades 2 - 12 in accordance with the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning (KUCRL) at a cost not to exceed $3,750. October 2017 through June 2018

GAAP CODE: 20-275-200-300-0000-18-82/20-275-200-610-0000-18-82 MM. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves professional development to be provided by Richard Gentry, Inc.in Kid Writing. The purpose of this professional development is to bring a higher level of literacy success and consistency in the implementation of teaching beginning reading and writing across schools, grades K -1; cost not to exceed $13,690.00.

October 2017 through June 2018. GAAP CODE: 20-275-200-300-0000-18-82/20-275-200-610-0000-18-82 NN. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves professional development provided by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for Read 180 and System 44 launch and implementation at a cost not to exceed $8,850. October 2017 through June 2018

GAAP Code: 11-240-100-320-0000-00-81 OO. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the Grade 2 Curriculum Guide to be implemented in September 2017. (See attached 1-OO)

PP. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the amendments to the Grade 6 Accelerated Math Curriculum to be implemented in September 2017. (See attached 1-PP)

QQ. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the Proposal for Partnership with Bayada Home Health Care for the pe1iod of October 1, 2017-June 30, 2018 at the cost not to exceed $50, 0000.00. Contracted preschool sites will have the oppo1tunity to receive additional health/wellness supp01is, professional development and transitional screenings for preschool age children. GAAP Code: 20-218-200-330-0000-00-59


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


RR. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves TPS Media Specialists' monthly meetings to held on September 28, 2017, October 10, 2017 or October 26, 2017, December 5, 2017, January 25, 2018, February 1, 2018 or February 22, 2018, March 22, 2018, April 26, 2018, May 24, 2018 and June 7, 2018 from 1:00PM to 3:00PM.

SS. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the acceptance of funding from the State of New Jersey, Department of Children and Families, Office of School Linked Services, for the school based youth services program (SBYSP) – Parent Linking Program (PLP for FY 2017/2018 for $85, 367.

TT. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the proposal for Kid Bridge Tolerance Center Mobile Outreach Program to partner with Kilmer Middle School to implement Positive Behavioral Support Program for the period of October 2017 through May 2018; at no cost to the board.

UU. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the Recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the acceptance of a donation to run 17 Club Invention STEM Programs, sponsored by National Inventors Hall of Fame for 5th grade students in all elementary schools, for the 2017-2018 school year; at no cost to the board.

VV. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Partnership with Teresa LaSala, consultant with Positive Discipline Association for the period of October to November 2017; at a cost not to exceed $10,020.

Gap Code: 20-218-200-330-0000-00-59 WW. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Partnership with Lakeshore Learning for the period of October 2017 to February 2018 at no cost to the board.

XX. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Partnership with Music for the Very Young for the period of October 2017 to February 2018; at no cost to the board.

YY. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Partnership with School Specialty to provide professional development for the pre-school instructional staff on utilizing resources and materials to improve classroom learning for the period of October 2017 to February 2018 at no cost to the board.

ZZ. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the Proposal for Dissertation Research to document the effectiveness of preschool coaches by Susan Bruder of Delaware Valley University during the 2017-2018 school year; at no cost to the board.

AAA. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the proposal for Kidsbridge Tolerance Center Mobile Outreach Program to partner with Gregory Elementary School whereby its students will learn social-emotional skills such as diversity appreciation, self-regulation, calming, and bullying prevention for the period of October 2017 through May 2018; at no cost to the board.

BBB. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the meeting dates for lead ESL teachers; October 10, 2017, January 10, 2018 and June 7, 2018 (See Attached 1-BBB).


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


CCC. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves Omega Psi Phi Fraternity along with Partnerships for Trenton Organization to collaborate in mentoring with Woodrow Wilson School students for the 2017-2018 academic school year.

DDD. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the administration of the PSAT 8/9, PST/NMSQT/ and SAT on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 for students in grades eight through twelfth grades. Schools will create an appropriate schedule for testing.

EEE. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves substitute coverage for Read 180 training on October 10, 2017 for ESL and Resource Special Education Teachers teaching ELA at the secondary level.

FFF. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, accepts the MOU between Trenton Central High School and Center for Women and Work. Leadership for Equity and Access with Peers (LEAP). At no cost to the Board. (See Attached 1-FFF)

GGG. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves the continued collaboration with Trenton Public Education Foundation in Support of Robotics After-School Programs. TPEF with fund after-school program costs. Teacher stipends will be covered by schools choosing to participate in the program.

HHH. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves The A.M. Programming for School Year 2017-18. (Administratively Approved August 31, 2017) (See Attached 1-HHH)

III. BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent, approves to continue collaboration with the Boys and Girls Club of Mercer County on the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grants (21st CCLC), Columbus ES, PJ Hill, M.L. King, Hedgepeth/Williams and Rivera. At no cost to the Board. (Administratively Approved August 31, 2017)

JJJ. Student Study Trips BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the following field trips:

Agenda Applicant School Destination Purpose No. of Students

Date Funds Cost GAAP Code

Sept. Sandy Jimenez Suzanne Hatley

Tyrone Robinson Lorenzo Gonzalez

Columbus ES

Princeton Art Museum

Princeton, NJ Nassau Presbyterian

Church Princeton, NJ

Trenton Board of Education

Trenton, NJ

Students will be introduced to the

world of ancient and modern art.

25 10/4 thru 12/20/2017

on Wednesdays; 5/23/2017, 6/11/2017

Board $1,313 15-000-270-512-


Sept. Lindsay Bernstein Karen Abrams

Michelle Bejunga Rita Diggs

Joyceth Russell

Gregory ES

Franklin Institute Philadelphia, PA

Students will learn about solids, liquids

and gases

100 11/14/2017 Board $505 15-000-270-512-

0000-00-21 15-190-100-590-

0000-00-21 Sept. Mia McRae

Curdell Denton Samone Brown Sheryl Hassan Derrell Sapp Babi Harris

Patricia Flowers

King ES Terhune’s Orchards Princeton, NJ

Students will learn the behavioral &

structural adaptions of plants

70 10/26/2017 Board $1030 15-000-291-270-

0000-00-23 15-190-100-590-


Sept. Sandy Jimenez Parker ES Princeton Art Students will be 25 10/4 thru Board $1,313 15-000-


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Suzanne Hatley Tyrone Robinson Lorenzo Gonzalez

Jenn Renshall

Museum Princeton, NJ

Nassau Presbyterian Church

Princeton, NJ Trenton Board of

Education Trenton, NJ

introduced to the world of ancient and

modern art.

12/20/2017 on

Wednesdays; 5/23/2017, 6/11/2017


Sept. Chief Barbara Konig

Ariel Rivera

DTHS MCCC W. Windsor, NJ

Students will learn research and explore the various culinary


20 3/28/2018 Grant $275 20-361-270-512-


Sept. Chief Barbara Konig

Ariel Rivera

DTHS TBOE – Principal’s Meeting

Trenton, NJ

Students will be able to apply knowledge of event planning and volume food


18 4/12/2018 Grant $275 20-361-270-512-


Sept. Chief Barbara Konig

Ariel Rivera

DTHS TBOE-Business Dept.

Trenton, NJ

Students will be able to apply knowledge of event planning and volume food


18 4/26/2018 Grant $275 20-361-270-512-


Sept. Chief Barbara Konig

Ariel Rivera

DTHS TBOE-TAD & other Depts.

Trenton, NJ

Students will be able to apply knowledge of event planning and volume food


18 5/10/2018 Grant $275 20-361-270-512-


Sept. Chief Barbara Konig

Ariel Rivera

DTHS Cherry Grove Farm Lawrenceville, NJ

Students will learn a variety of sustainable

food practices

20 5/25/2018 Grant $745 20-361-270-512-

0000-18-05 Sept. Chief Barbara

Konig Ariel Rivera

DTHS Vonthun’s Farm Monmouth Junction,


Students will learn a variety of sustainable

food practices

25 6/1/2018 Grant $535 20-361-270-512-

0000-18-05 Sept. Dale Archie

Amy Scott DTHS Montclair State

Montclair, NJ Students will a

production at college level

15 11/3/2017 Board $275 15-000-270-512-

0000-00-35 Sept. Dale Archie

Amy Scott DTHS Philadelphia Eagles

Stadium Philadelphia, PA

Students will see professional broadcasting

15 1/5/2018 Board $275 15-000-270-512-

0000-00-35 Sept. Dale Archie

Amy Scott DTHS Trenton Thunder

Stadium Trenton, NJ

Students will see professional broadcasting

15 5/4/2018 Board $275 15-000-270-512-

0000-00-35 Sept. Angelo Mitala

Nicole Marino TCHS-West

NovoNordisk Pharmacuticals Princeton, NJ

Students will attend monthly seminar to increase analytical


30 10/17, 11/14, 12/12/2017, 1/23, 2/20, 3/20, 4/17,

5/15, 6/12/2018


Sept. Nicole Marino Gerald Fennel Damon Green


St. Francis MC Trenton, NJ

Students will be mentored by a health

care professional

45 10/12, 10/26, 11/16, 12/7, 12/14/2017,

1/1, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1,

3/15, 4/12, 4/26, 5/3,

5/31, 6/7/2018


Sept. Nicole Marino TCHS-West

Lincoln Financial Mural Arts Center Philadelphia, PA

Students will create a STEM mural

45 10/25/2017 $0 BBBS

Sept. Christina Forshey Katrina Smith Andy Seabert


McCarter Theater Princeton, NJ

Students will learn synthesize training

36 9/28/2017 $500

Student Activities

Sept. Christina Forshey


Montclair State Montclair, NJ

Students will connect high school theater training with

college theater training

15 10/20/2017 $500

Student Activities

Sept. Elizabeth Zwierzynski

Katrina Smith


Washington School Trenton, NJ

Students will be able to perform in dance


30 10/31/2017 $0 Walking Trip

Sept. Elizabeth Zwierzynski

Katrina Smith


Washington School Trenton, NJ

Students will be able to perform in dance

showcase and recruit students

30 10/31/2017 $270 15-000-270-512-


Sept. Elizabeth Zwierzynski

Katrina Smith


Montclair State Montclair, NJ

Students will experience collegiate level dance technique

20 12/1/2017 $750 15-000-270-512-

0000-00-05 Sept. Christina Forshey TCHS- Rowan University Students will 30 11/5/2017 $750 Student


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Elizabeth Zwierzynski

VPA Glassboro, NJ synthesize performance experience to compete for scholarships


Sept. Karen Barksdale Michael Allen Barry Conboy


Bloomberg LP Skillman, NJ

Students will gain knowledge of

financial company through mentoring


20 10/16, 10/30, 11/13, 11/27,

12/4, 12/18/2017, 1/10, 1/24,

2/7, 2/28, 3/7, 3/21, 4/11, 4/25, 5/23, 6/6/2018


Bloomberg Partner

Sept. Barry Conboy TCHS-HRTB Staff


Various Trenton Locations

Trenton, NJ

Students will go on walking trips

throughout Trenton to learn historical and instructional


45 10/1/2017 thru




Sept. Michael Allen Barry Conboy


Pines Manor Edison, NJ

FBLA Fall Leadership Conference

5 10/13/2017 $350

Student Activities

Sept. Karen Barksdale Michael Allen Barry Conboy

Nathan Mayfield


Kean University Union, NJ

DECA Officer Leadership Training


6 10/18/2017 $144

Student Activities

Sept. Helen Cravo Stephanie Wakefield


FEA Conference Center

Monroe, NJ

Skills USA Fall Leadership Conference

7 10/27/2017 Board $450 15-0027512-

0000-00-05 Sept. Helen Cravo


Gregg Training Center

Linden, NJ

Student will learn the hair coloring


50 11/7/2017 Board $270 15-0027512-

0000-00-05 Sept. Scott Munro

Nicole Hamlet Adam Behr

Jessica Massenat Daniel Monzon Gretchen Uray

Trinidad Escalante Marsha Martin

Dana Jetter Bridget

McManus Jessica

Massenat Lakisha Nelson

Mark Peroni Joseph Purvis


James Kerney Campus

Trenton, NJ

Students will collaborate with

partners from MCCC

75 10/8/2017 thru 6/6/2018

$0 Walking Trip

Sept. Marsha Martin Ben Falsetti

Ronald Wallace Nate Mayfield Scott Munro


CONJ Ewing, NJ

Students will tour the college campus

50 10/18/2017 Board $540 15-000-270-512-


Sept. Daniel Monzon TCHS-STEM

Widener University Chester, PA

Students will learn about engineering


20 10/27/2017 Board $270 15-000-270-512-

0000-00-05 Sept. Daniel Monzon TCHS-

STEM Liberty Science

Center Jersey City, NJ

Students will use the engineering design process to improve the accuracy of a


30 11/17/2017 Board $1562.5 15-000-270-512-

0000-00-05 15-190-100-590-

0000-00-05 Sept. Keith Wallace

Marc Freeman Bridgett McManus

Mia Verdini Veronica Love


Philadelphia Convention Center Philadelphia, PA

Students will attend National College


100 11/12/2017 Board $1390 15-000-270-512-


Sept. Scott Munro Nicole Hamlet

Adam Behr Jessica Massenat Daniel Monzon Gretchen Uray

Trinidad Escalante


Carnegie Center Princeton, NJ

Students will collaborate with

partners from Boy and Girls Club –

Mercer and Solvay USA

23 10/8/2017 thru 6/6/2018

$0 BBBS-Mercer

Sept. Countess Irvin Terry Troup


Fort Dix Fort Dix, NJ

Students will learn about the JROTC

25 10/27 thru 29/2017

Board $540 15-000-270-512-


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


program 0000-00-05 Sept. Countess Irvin

Terry Troup TCHS/ JROTC

Hillside HS Hillside, NJ

Students will be measured on level of

discipline and competence in hands

on competition

35 11/4/2017 Board $500 15-000-270-512-


Sept. Countess Irvin Terry Troup


Pleasantville HS Pleasantville, NJ

Students will be measured on level of

discipline and competence in hands

on competition

45 11/18/2017 Board $750 15-000-270-512-


Sept. Countess Irvin Terry Troup


Delsea HS Delsea, NJ

Students will be measured on level of

discipline and competence in hands

on competition

45 12/9/2017 Board $750 15-000-270-512-


Sept. Joseph Pucciatti Norberto Diaz


Students will perform before TBOE Board


38 9/25/2017 $270 15-000-270-512-


Sept. Joseph Pucciatti Norberto Diaz

TCHS City Hall Trenton, NJ

Students will perform at City Hall

38 10/3/2017 $0 Board Meeting


Sept. Melda Grant Corey Laramore

Joy Walker Danielle Johnson Patrick Williams


TCHS Campuses Trenton, NJ

Students will participate in

Trenton SBYSP “It’s All About Me and Brothers United

groups Peer Educators

20 9/27/2017 $0 SBYSP

Special Services

a. Resolution for Payment to Loving Care/EPIC BE IT RESOLVED; that the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools hereby authorizes $168, 480.00 payments to Loving Care/EPIC for services provided to medically fragile students beginning September 2017 until the end of school year June 2018. Total cost not to exceed $168,480.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant. Funding Source: GAAP #11-000-213-330-0000-00-56

b. Resolution for Payment to Star Pediatrics

BE IT RESOLVED; that the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools hereby authorizes $56,160.00 payment to Star Pediatric for services provided to medically fragile students beginning September 2017 until the end of school year June 2018. Total cost not to exceed $56,160.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the TRENTON BOARD OF EDUCATION, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant. Funding Source: GAAP #11-000-213-330-0000-00-56

c. Resolution Approving Participation in the Wellness Program with Capital Health System at Hopewell Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Participation in the Wellness Program with Capital Health System at Hopewell for the period September 26, 2017 to June 30, 2018 at no cost to the Board. This afterschool program will teach students how to eat a healthier diet and increase physical activity.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


d. Resolution Approving the Services of Rutgers Cooperative Extension Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Services of Rutgers Cooperative Extension for the period September 26, 2017 to June 30, 2018 at no cost to the Board. The NJ Expended Food and Nutrition Education Program will be offered to students in PreK through Grade 12 to provide nutritional lessons.

e. Resolution Approving Oral Health Workshops for Students Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Oral Health Workshops for Students for the period September 26, 2017 to June 30, 2018 at no cost to the Board. Services will be provided by registered dental hygienists through the NJ Department of Health.

f. Resolution to Approve a Non-Public Nursing Service Contract with the City of Trenton WHEREAS, Chapter 26 requires that the Trenton Board of Education shall provide nursing services to

non-public school students within its School District; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that it is in the best interest of the Trenton Board of Education to

contract for said service with an outside agency; and WHEREAS, the City of Trenton, Division of Health provides nursing services to the non-public schools

students; Therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Trenton Board of Education approves the contract between the Trenton Board of

Education and the City of Trenton, Division of Health for non-public services for the period September 25, 2017 through June 30, 2018;

RESOLVED: the cost of the non-public nursing services will not exceed the state allocation of $9,118.00. Funding Period: September 25, 2017 – June 30, 2018 Funding Source: 20-509-200-300-0000-18-56 Garvey

20-509-200-300-0001-18-56 Islamic 20-509-200-300-0001-18-56 Sprout Univ Child Dev

g. Resolution Approving Renewal of the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Renewal of the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan in accordance with OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations 1910.1030 for the 2017-2018 school year.

h. Resolution Approving Stroke Education by Capital Health Care System Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Stroke Education by Capital Health Care System for the period September 26, 2017 to June 30, 2018 at no cost to the Board. Students will gain knowledge of a stroke and be able to recognize the symptoms of a stroke in an adult and call 911.

i. Resolution Approving Renewal of Standard Procedures for First Aid Treatment BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Renewal of Standard Procedures for First Aid Treatment in accordance with New Jersey Administration Code 6:29-2-3 Care of Injured Pupils for the 2017-2018 school year.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


j. Resolution Approving Participation in the Mobile Dentist/Smile Program Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Participation in the Mobile Dentist/Smile Program for the period September 26, 2017 to June 30, 2018 at no cost to the Board. Mobile Dentist team members will provide preventive dental care at the schools upon receipt by the School Nurses of a completed permission slip.

k. Resolution Approving Heart Education by Capital Health Care System Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Heart Education by Capital Health Care System for the period September 26, 2017 to June 30, 2018 at no cost to the Board. Students will gain knowledge of the heart and symptoms of a heart attack and be prepared to initiate the 911 system for help.

l. Resolution Approving Dental Education by Hamilton Dental Associates Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Dental Education by Hamilton Dental Associates for the period September 26, 2017 to June 30, 2018 at no cost to the Board. School Nurses will schedule dental lessons for students, which will include free toothbrushes and educational information to take home to parents.

m. Resolution for the Services of Accredo Health Group, Inc. Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Services of Accredo Health Group, Inc. for the 2017-2018 school year at no cost to the Board. Certified Hemophiliac Registered Nurses will provide administration of intravenous medication to two students on a routine basis.

n. Resolution Approving Bicycle Safety Program by Capital Health Care System Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for Bicycle Safety Program by Capital Health Care System for the period September 26, 2017 to June 30, 2018 at no cost to the Board. Students will gain knowledge of safe bike riding rules and the importance of wearing a helmet.

o. Resolution to Approve Home Instruction Vendors for 2017-2018 Be it resolved; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, authorizes vendors as follows for Home Instruction during the 2017-2018 school year at a cost not to exceed $250,000.00: The School at Lighthouse Hampton Academy UMDNJ- University Behavioral Health Care Education, Inc. New Hope Treatment Center P.A. Clinical Schools Brookfield Schools/Academy New Hope Carolinas Bergen County SSSD Carrier Clinic & Educational Development Center Inc. Day Top Union County Educational Services Commission New Hope Foundation Professional Education Services, Inc. Bancroft Neuro Foundation Embrace Kids Foundation Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia St. Peter’s Hospital, New Brunswick St. Christopher’s Hospital, Philadelphia Burlington County Special Services Capital City Children’s Collaborative Bridgeton Board of Education Shelter of Hope at Ranch Hope, Inc. Children’s Specialized Hospital, New Brunswick Middlesex Regional Educational Services Commission Straight & Narrow, Inc. Fairmount Behavioral Health System The Horsham Clinic/UHS of Pennsylvania Inc. Bucks County Intermediate Unit #22 Silvergate Prep American Tutor, Inc. Monmouth Ocean Educational Commission Newark Renaissance House, Inc BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provide to the vendor/provider prior to receiving goods or services from the said vendor/provider. FUNDING SOURCE GAAP: 11-150-100-320-0000-00-84


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


p. Resolution for Collaboration and Partnership with the Henry J. Austin Health Center

WHEREAS, Students and Families in the Trenton Public Schools who would benefit from the partnership with Henry J Austin Health Center’s various professional services such as Dental, Asthma (AIM), Immunization for students who are uninsured or underinsured program and the ongoing collaboration with staff; and

WHEREAS, In an effort to decrease Emergency Department visits, and school absences related to

asthma and Oral Health in the underserved communities of Trenton, and Immunization compliance.

WHEREAS, Students and families will also receive educational information to take home and learn

the importance of good dental hygiene (Smile For A Day) and Asthma management (AIM) program; and uninsured and underinsured students will benefit from immunization compliance.

WHEREAS, It is in the best interest of students to have access to Asthma, Dental and Immunizations

compliance resources. School Nurses will provide the identified family/caregiver of the child with a referral to a HJAHC Healthcare Provider, if needed, for Healthcare services, and for AIM Case Management services. School Nurses will provide the AIM program with a location within the school facility to conduct Community Education workshops for families that have children with asthma. Student will participate in the Smile For A Day program in February 2018 and uninsured and underinsured students will be identified with parental consent to benefit from Free immunization

Therefore, be it RESOLVED: by the Trenton Board of Education approval collaboration and partnership with Henry J

Austin Health Center to provide professional services to the students in the Trenton Public Schools covering the period August 18, 2017 through June 30, 2018


Talent Acquisition & Development BE IT RESOLVED that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approve the following personnel transactions: a. ABOLISHMENT OF POSITIONS TITLE NUMBER



Bilingual Elementary, Grade 5 1 Hill Annex Administratively approved 9/7/17. Chief of Staff 1 Superintendent’s Office Administratively approved 8/31/17. Computer Teacher 1 TCHS-Chambers Administratively approved 8/31/17. Photography Teacher 1 Daylight/Twilight Administratively approved 8/31/17. b. CREATION OF POSITIONS TITLE NUMBER



English Teacher 1 TCHS-Chambers Administratively approved 8/31/17. General Counsel/Labor 1 General Counsel


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Relations Special Project Assistant/Public Relations Officer

1 Superintendent’s Office Administratively approved 8/31/17.






Covell Donna Secretary Rivera 13 11/1/17 Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Hernandez Ivonne Bilingual Attendance Officer

Central Administration 25 11/1/17

Reid Sheryl School Psychologist Specialized Services 34 1/1/18 d. RESIGNATIONS LAST NAME




Costa Genevieve Music Teacher Hill/Hill Annex 10/20/17 Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Glickman Alexa Language Arts Teacher Rivera 10/27/17 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Leonard Kimberly Part-time Bus Driver Transportation 9/28/17 Murray Lisa Confidential Secretary Talent Acquisition

and Development 10/7/17




Ball-Britt Toni Special Education (Resource-Math) Teacher

TCHS-Chambers $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy. Replacing J. Ambriz. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Ciccone Anthony Music Teacher Washington $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy due to resignation of L. Constantino. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Copland Amy Music Hill/Hill Annex $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy due to the resignation of G. Costa. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Costabel Rudolph Mathematics Teacher TCHS-Chambers $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy due to the promotion of J. Dunston. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

DeSimone Jonathan Supervisor, Guidance and Assessment

Chief Academic Office $105,000 – Step 1, TASA 9/16/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Gonzales Jessica Bilingual Elementary, Gr 3 Robbins $55,515 - BA, Step 1, TEA

9/16/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Habib Marianna School Psychologist Special Education $69,512.80 ($62,065 MA+60 +12% - Step 1, TEA

10/1/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Filling a vacancy due to the retirement of P. Parker.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Halperin Elyse LDTC Special Education $69,512.80 ($62,065 MA+60+12% - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Filling a vacancy – E. Guion. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Hascomb Kendra Language Arts Teacher Rivera $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/26/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Filling a vacancy due to the resignation of A. Glickman

Hinninger Kevin Science Teacher Hedgepeth/Williams $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy due to the resignation of E. Spieker. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Jackson Keysha Manager, Grants Development

Superintendent’s Office $80,000-Confidential Administrator

9/26/17-6/30/18 New position

Jackson Melissa Social Studies Teacher for Bilingual Students

Dunn $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Julliet Watson Part-time Bus Driver Transportation $25.00 per hour 9/12/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy. Administratively approved 9/7/17. Correction to name.

Kaplan Hollie Special Education (Autism) Teacher

Rivera $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 New position. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Lehner Robert Science Teacher for Bilingual Students

Hedgepeth/Williams $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Longo Sarah Elementary, Gr 5 Washington $55,515 - BA, Step 1, TEA

9/16/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Administratively approved 9/7/17.

McGrath Elise Math Teacher for Bilingual Students

Hedgepeth/Williams $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Medley Carla Part-time Bus Driver Transportation $25.00 per hour 9/26/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy. Menegay Chad Language Arts Teacher Hedgepeth/Williams $55,515 BA - Step 1,

TEA 9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy

due to the resignation of N. Hankh. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Miglis Charisse ScienceTeacher Hedgepeth/Williams $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy due to the resignation of A. Golden. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Taylor Leigh Ann Special Education Teacher (CMI)

Rivera $55,515 - BA, Step 1, TEA

9/16/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Welsh Raquel English TCHS-Chambers $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 New position due to increased enrollment. Administratively approved 8/31/17.


Ursula Mathematics Teacher TCHS-Chambers $55,515 BA - Step 1, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy due to the reassignment of K. Mea. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Yarde Jennifer Manager, School Support School Support $91,535 – Confidential Administrator

09/11/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Administratively approved 9/7/17.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.



112206 Religious With pay, 9/21, 9/22, 10/5

Without pay, 10/6, 10/12, 10/13, 4/6, 5/21 100706 Military With pay, effective 9/5/17-9/29/17 104547 Medical Without pay, effective 9/1/17-9/18/17 111819 FMLA Without pay, effective 9/1/17-9/29/17 100459 Medical With pay, effective 9/1/17-10/31/17 104835 Administrative With pay, effective 9/1/17-TBD 100504 Medical With pay, effective 9/1/17-9/15/17 107156 Medical With pay, effective 9/1/17-9/30/17;

Without pay, effective 10/1/17-10/20/17. 107135 Medical With pay, effective 9/7/17-10/9/17. 101878 Medical With pay, effective 9/6/17-9/29/17;

Without pay, effective 9/30/17-6/30/18. 111933 Maternity With pay, effective 10/30/17-12/14/17;

Without pay, effective 12/15/17-1/5/18. 111927 Intermittent

FMLA With pay, effective 9/1/17-9/6/17; Without pay, effective 9/7/17-9/30/17.

105895 Medical With pay, effective 9/1/17-9/30/17. 102221 Medical With pay, effective 9/22/17-9/29/17. 112428 Personal Without pay, effective 9/8/17-9/15/17 111474 Maternity With pay, effective 10/16/17-2/9/18;

Without pay, effective 2/10/18-3/23/18. 104251 Medical With pay, effective 9/1/17-9/29/17. 106333 Personal Without pay, effective 8/25/17-9/19/17. 112011 Medical With pay, effective 9/1/17-9/18/17.



103874 Medical 9/1/17 103730 Medical 8/21/17 101838 Medical 9/1/17 103782 Medical 9/1/17 112340 Medical 9/1/17 104449 Medical 9/1/17 111450 Medical 9/1/17 105991 Medical 9/1/17 105798 Medical 9/1/17 105062 Medical 9/5/17 102992 Medical 9/1/17 105568 Medical 9/1/17








Alexandrea Chief of Staff

Superintendent’s Office

Special Project Assistant/Public Relations Officer

Superintendent’s Office

$125,000, CFA No change in salary

9/1/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Administratively approved 8/31/17.



Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.








Ahmed Mohamed Family and Community Engagement Specialist

Performance and Accountability

Family and Community Engagement Specialist

Superintendent’s Office

$68,053, BST Step 11 No change in salary

9/12/17-6/30/18 Relocation of responsibilities

Anderson Duane Head Custodian

Gregory Head Custodian

Wilson No change in salary 9/1/17-6/30/18

Aranguren William Head Custodian

Hill Annex Head Custodian

Gregory No change in salary 9/1/17-6/30/18

Casey Claudia Bilingual, Gr 5

Hill Annex Bilingual, Gr 1

Grant $65,440 MA, Step 10, TEA No change in salary

9/8/17-6/30/17 Position abolished due to lack of student enrollment. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Ciaccia Robert Elementary, Gr 4

Franklin Elementary, Gr 4

Columbus $89,815 MA-Step 15, TEA No change in salary

9/1/17-6/30/18 Reason on file in TAD. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Courtney Mary Vice Principal

King Vice Principal TCHS-Chambers

$118,653, Step 6, TASA No change in salary

9/1/17-6/30/18 Returning to former position. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Hale Marquita Custodian Gregory Custodian King No change in salary 9/1/17-6/30/18 Jefferson Geary Light

Cleaner Hill Annex Light Cleaner Gregory No change in salary 9/1/17-6/30/18

Mack Randolph Custodian Hill Annex Custodian Gregory No change in salary 9/1/17-6/30/18 Mea Kouao Math

Teacher TCHS-Chambers

Math Teacher for Bilingual Students

TCHS-West $67,390 MA+60-Step 9, TEA No change in salary

9/1/17-6/30/18 Filling a vacancy. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Reyes Carmen Secretary Chief Academic Office

Secretary Superintendent’s Office

$65,047 ($63,247 +$1,800 longevity)-TESA, Step 16 No change in salary

9/1/17-6/30/18 Relocation of responsibilities

Richardson Jabar Heavy Cleaner

Gregory Heavy Cleaner

Wilson No change in salary 9/1/17-6/30/18

Rogers Joseph Custodian Wilson Custodian Hill Annex No change in salary 9/1/17-6/30/18 Stroman Ronald Head

Custodian Wilson Head

Custodian Hill Annex No change in salary 9/1/17-6/30/18


Berkeley Valerie LDTC Specialized Services Hill Castillo Raul Social Worker Specialized Services Grant Gaynor Gail LDTC Specialized Services TCHS-West Gillard Colleen LDTC Specialized Services King Gonzalez-Orozco Lourdes LDTC Specialized Services Grant Habib Mariana School Psychologist Specialized Services Hill Annex Halperin Elyse LDTC Specialized Services Rivera Haluszka Natalie Social Worker Specialized Services Dunn Hannibal Joyce LDTC Specialized Services Hill Annex Hobbs-Ginsberg Tammy School Psychologist Specialized Services Jefferson Holmes Marella Social Worker Specialized Services Kilmer Hunter Terry Social Worker Specialized Services Hill Johnson Nafeesah School Psychologist Specialized Services Rivera Lyons-Robinson Suzette School Psychologist Specialized Services TCHS-West Mann Mindy LDTC Specialized Services Dunn Miles-Bell Shirley LDTC Specialized Services Kilmer Narkaus Danielle School Psychologist Specialized Services Kilmer Parker Phyllis School Psychologist Specialized Services King Polite Sheila LDTC Specialized Services Jefferson Powell Debra Social Worker Specialized Services TCHS-West


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Reid Sheryl School Psychologist Specialized Services Gregory Rosa-Leone Sonia Social Worker Specialized Services Gregory Rudd Louise Social Worker Specialized Services King Scarborough Eileen Social Worker Specialized Services Hill Annex Schmitt Lillian School Psychologist Specialized Services Grant Smith Matilda LDTC Specialized Services Gregory Washington Denise School Psychologist Specialized Services Hill White Mittie Social Worker Specialized Services Jefferson Williams Susan Social Worker Specialized Services Rivera Wilson Robyn School Psychologist Specialized Services King Young Elizabeth School Psychologist Specialized Services Dunn k. RESCIND APPOINTMENT LAST NAME




Berzanski Lisa Science Teacher Kilmer 9/1/17 Declined offer of employment

Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Kogan Julia Special Education (CMI) Teacher

Rivera 9/1/17 Declined offer of employment





Aitken Antoinette Social Studies Teacher

TCHS-West $57,565-BA+30, step 5-TEA

$58,965-BA+60, step 5-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Amonu Ugochi Special Education Teacher (Math Resource)

Kilmer $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$56,265-BA+30, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Barreto Liliana Science Teacher TCHS-West $56,665-BA+30, step 3-TEA

$58,165($56,665-BA+30, step 3+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification

Barzczewski Kathryn Special Education Teacher (Inclusion)

Dunn $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$56,815-BA, step 5-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of previous experience

Behr Adam Science Teacher TCHS-Chambers

$57,465-MA, step 3-TEA

$57,875-MA+30, step 3-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Borota Stefan Elementary Teacher Gr 4

Parker $56,815-BA, step 5-TEA

$57,565-BA+30, step 5-TEA

9/7/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Brady Sarah Music Teacher Dunn $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$70,290-MA, step 12-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of in district experience and Master’s degree

Brown Deidre Math Teacher TCHS-Chambers

$89,015-BA+30, step 15-TEA

$89,815-MA, step 15-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Butka Ronald Health/Physical Education Teacher

TCHS-West $91,715($90,215-BA+60, step 15+$1,500 dual certification)

$91,915($90,415-BA+90, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/7/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Byrne John Media Specialist Jefferson $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$67,890($66,390-BA, step 11-TEA+$1,500 dual certification

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification and previous experience

Byrne Lori Elementary Teacher Gr 1

Washington $90,515($89,015-BA+30, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$91,715($90,215-BA+60, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Byrnes Beth Special Education Teacher (Inclusion)

Dunn $59,465($57,965-MA, step 4-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$59,875($58,375-MA+30, step 4-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Cannon Lisa Elementary Teacher Gr 1

Washington $88,265-BA, step 15

$89,018-BA+30, step 15

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Carpenter Damien Special Education Teacher (Inclusion)

TCHS-West $90,225-MA+30, step 15-TEA

$94,814-MA+60, step 15-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Carsella Anthony Health/Physical Education Teacher


$91,315($89,815-MA, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$91,725($90,225-MA+30, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Cawley Alexa ESL Teacher Dunn $55,595 BA-step 3, TEA

$56,415 BA-step 4, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Salary correction. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Cocuzza Alexandra Art Teacher TCHS-Chambers

$55,915-BA, step 3-TEA

$57,415($55,915-BA, step 3-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification

Cohen Nathan Music Teacher Dunn $58,065-BA+30, step 6-TEA

$59,465-BA+90, step 6-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 60 additional credits

Curtis Tara Elementary Teacher Gr 4

Robbins $89,015-BA+30, step 15-TEA

$90,215, BA+60, step 15-TEA

9/7/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Dacas Njelama Dance Teacher Hedgepeth/ Williams

$55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,065-MA, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Daguizan Harry Special Education Teacher

Columbus $58,865-MA, step 6-TEA

$60,365($58,865-MA, step 6+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification

Davis Denise School Literacy Leader

Rivera $61,265($59,765-MA, step 8-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$61,675($60,175-MA+30, step 8-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Deitch Heather Media Specialist Hedgepeth/ Williams

$55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$69,440($67,940-MA, step 11-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree, dual certification, and previous experience

Diamandidis Amanda Math Teacher Kilmer $79,340-BA+30, step 14-TEA

$80,540-BA+60, step 4-TEA

9/11/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits


Annmarie Kindergarten Teacher

Franklin $90,065($88,265-BA, step 15-TEA+$300 longevity+$1,500 dual certification)

$92,215($90,415-BA+90, step 15-TEA+$300 longevity+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 90 additional credits

Donaghy Hugh Elementary Teacher Gr 5

Wilson $54,021-BA+30, step 9-TEA

$62,790-BA+60, step 9-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Epifan Carrie Elementary Teacher Gr 1

Columbus $60,765($59,265-BA+60, step 6-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$60,965($59,465-BA+90, step 6-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Espenshade Jeffrey ESL Teacher Hedgepeth/ Williams

$55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$56,415-BA, step 4-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of previous experience

Figliano Anthony Music Teacher Parker $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,265-MA, step 2-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree and previous experience

Figueroa Luis Bilingual Math Teacher

Dunn $57,465-MA, step 3-TEA

$58,965($57,465-MA, step 3-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification

Foley Karen Language Arts Teacher

Hedgepeth/ Williams

$72,740-DOC, step 10-TEA

$75,240-DOC, step 11-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of previous experience

Francis Alvin Chairperson TCHS-Chambers

$98,856($88,265-BA, step 15-TEA+12%)

$100,592($89,815-MA, step 15-TEA+12%)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Fullard Roy Computer Teacher


$90,515($89,015-BA+30, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$91,715(90,215-BA+60, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Gabriel Carmel Social Studies Teacher

Dunn $66,940($65,440-MA, step 10-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$71,940($70,440-MA+60, step 10-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/13/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 60 additional credits

Garnjost Britton Art Teacher TCHS-Chambers

$70,290-MA, step 12-TEA

$70,700-MA+30, step 12-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Gillins Tara Kindergarten Teacher

Franklin $56,415-BA, step 4-TEA

$57,165-BA+30, step 4-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits


Barbara Special Education Teacher


$64,300($62,800-MA+30, step 9-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$68,980($67,390-MA+60, step 9-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Gonzalez Rosa Science Teacher (Sheltered)

Dunn $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,415($55,915-BA, step 3-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification and previous experience

Gordon Elanna Elementary Teacher Gr 4

Wilson $55,915-BA, step 3-TEA

$57,465-MA, step 3-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Goulburn Andrew Special Education Teacher (Inclusion)

Rivera $63,090($61,590-BA+30, step 9-TEA+$1,500 dual certification

$63,890($62,390-MA, step 9-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/6/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Green Brittany Math Teacher TCHS-Chambers

$59,265-MA, step 7-TEA

$59,675-MA+30, step 7-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Hall Daniel Music Teacher Hedgepeth/ Williams

$55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,065-MA, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Hanna Wafik Science Teacher Dunn $72,640-BA, step 13-TEA

$74,190-MA, step 13-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Haqq Anjanae Elementary Teacher Gr 2

Washington $65,440-MA, step 10-TEA

$66,940($65,440-MA, step 10+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification

Harrison Monifa English Teacher TCHS-Chambers

$67,490-MA, step 1

$68,350-MA+30, step 11-TEA

9/7/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Hauselt Brenda Kindergarten Teacher

Columbus $88,265-BA, step 15-TEA

$89,015-BA+30 step 15-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Hernandez Milca Special Education Teacher

Dunn $88,265-BA, step 15-TEA

$89,815-MA, step 15-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Hoffman Karla Elementary Teacher Gr 2 (Sheltered)

Parker $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,065-MA, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Hoplock Edward Social Studies Teacher


$58,375-MA+30, step 4-TEA

$62,965-MA+60, step 4-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof 30 additional credits

Hopson Lauren Elementary Teacher Gr 3

Gregory $57,315-BA, step 6-TEA

$58,865-MA, step 6-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Hornyak Nikki Special Education Teacher (Resource)

Hedgepeth/ Williams

$59,465($57,965-MA, step 4-TEA+$1,500 dual certification

$59,865($58,365-MA, step 5-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/6/17-6/30/17, pro-rated

Submitted proof of previous experience

Jackson Melissa Bilingual Social Studies Teacher

Dunn $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,065-MA, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Johnson Dora Teacher Liaison Early Childhood

$75,252($65,850-MA+30, step 10-TEA+12%+$1,500 dual certification)

$80,392($70,440-MA+60, step 10-TEA+12%+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits


Marsha Math Teacher Kilmer $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$67,890($66,390-BA, step 11-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification and previous experience

Jones Loredana Special Education Teacher (LLD)

Kilmer $59,875($58,375-MA+30, step 4-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$64,465($62,965-MA+60, step 4-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Kelly Makenzie Social Studies Teacher

TCHS-West Campus

$55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,065-MA, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Litynsky Eugene Elementary Teacher Gr 4

Wilson $89,015-BA+30, step 15-TEA

$90,215-BA+60, step 15-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Maldonado Williams Elementary Teacher Gr 4

Columbus $80,140-MA, step 14-TEA

$81,640($80,140-MA, step 14-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification

Mankowski Alissa ESL Teacher Hedgepeth/ Williams

$55,515-BA, step 1-Tea

$57,015($55,515-BA, step 1-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of dual certification


Corey Math Teacher Dunn $58,375-MA+30, step 4-TEA

$62,965-MA+60, step 4-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits.

Martin Marsha School Counselor


$68,350($65,850-MA+30, step 10-TEA+$2,500 national board certification)

$72,940($70,440-MA+60, step 10-TEA+$2,500 national board certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

McGrath Elise Math Teacher for Bilingual Students

Hedgepeth/ Williams

$55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$59,765-MA, step 8-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree and previous experience

McNeil Bridget Special Education Teacher (Inclusion)

Rivera $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,065-MA, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree


Sandra Bilingual Elementary Teacher Gr 3

Robbins $90,515($89,015-BA+30, step 15- TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$91,715($90,215-BA+60, step 15- TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Nassif Eman Media Specialist Parker $70,040($68,540 BA+90, step 11- TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$74,440($72,940-MA+60, step 11-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree and 60 additional credits

O’Keefe Megan Language Arts Teacher

Rivera $54,895 BA-step 1, TEA

$55,715 BA-step 2, TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Salary correction. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Oliveto Cara Language Arts Teacher

Hedgepeth/ Williams

$58,065-BA+30, step 6-TEA

$60,365($58,865-MA, step 6-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree and dual certification

Olmeda Laksmi ESL Teacher Dunn $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$56,265-BA+30, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Oyefeso Caroline Special Education Teacher (Inclusion)

Dunn $65,365($63,865-MA+60, step 6-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$65,765($64,265-MA+60, step 7-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of previous experience

Peralta Ingris Bilingual Elementary Teacher Gr 2

Wilson $66,140($64,640-BA+30, step 10-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$66,940($65,440-MA, step 10+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Polizzi Melanie School Nurse Jefferson $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$59,675-MA+30, step 7-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree, 30 additional credits, and previous experience

Ramos Debra Bilingual Elementary Teacher Gr 2

Robbins $59,865($58,365-MA, step 5-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$60,275($58,775-MA+30, step 5-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/5/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Sabol Nicole Special Education Teacher – Autism

Grant $58,815($57,315-BA, step 6-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$59,565($58,065-BA+30, step 6- TEA+$1,500 dual certification))

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Sanasac Ronald Health/Physical Education


$66,140($64,640-BA+30, step 10-

$67,350($65,850-MA+30, step 10-

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree plus 30


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Teacher TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

additional credits

Sanderson Diana Art Teacher Mott $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$59,765-MA, step 8-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree and previous experience

Scheer Jordana School Counselor

Parker $58,365-MA, step 5-TEA

$58,775-MA+30, step 5-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Shetty Sonali Science Teacher Kilmer $55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$62,065-MA+60, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree and 60 additional credits

Stabile Kelly Elementary Teacher Gr 5

King $67,940-MA, step 11-TEA

$68,350-MA+30, step 11-TEA

9/6/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Steele Dana Music Teacher Wilson $88,265-BA, step 15-TEA

$89,815-MA, step 15-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Stremlo Elena Elementary Teacher Gr 2

Jefferson School

$59,865($58,365-MA, Step 5-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$60,275($58,775-MA+30, Step 5-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Taylor Jane School Counselor

Jefferson $57,465-MA, step 3-TEA

$57,875-MA+30, step 3-TEA

9/7/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Thomas Brittany Elementary Teacher Gr 3

Robbins $59,565($58,065-BA, step 6-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$60,365($58,865-MA, step 6-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/7-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree


Miriam School Counselor

Parker $91,315($89,815-MA-Step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$91,725($90,225-MA+30, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/5/17-6/30/18, pro-rated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Tracchi Traceyann Elementary Teacher Gr 4

Wilson $109,192.80($94,815-MA+60, step 15-TEA+12%)

$108,768.80($97,115- DOC, step 15-TEA+12%)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Doctoral degree

Troup Terry JROTC Assistant Instructor


$84,988($72,640-BA, step 15+17%)

$85,866($73,390-BA+30, step 15+17%)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits


Wanda Bilingual Elementary Teacher Gr 4

Wilson $89,765($88,265-BA, step 15+$1,500 dual certification)

$90,515($89,015, BA+30, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Verdini Mia English Teacher TCHS-Chambers

$73,390-BA+30, step 13-TEA

$74,590-BA+60, step 13-TEA

9/6/17-6/30/18, prorated

Submitted proof of 30 additional credits


Denise Kindergarten Teacher

Hill/Hill Annex

$89,765($88,265-BA, step 15-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

$90,515($89,015-BA+30, step 15 TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of 30 additional credits

Watson Kyle Special Education Teacher (Social Studies)


$55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$59,865($58,365-MA, step 5-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree, previous experience, and dual certification

Williams Megan English Teacher TCHS-Chambers

$55,515-BA, step 1-TEA

$57,065-MA, step 1-TEA

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of Master’s degree

Yoon Joan Science Teacher TCHS-West $65,365($63,865-MA+60, step 6+$1,500 dual certification)

$86,640($85,140-MA+60, step 14-TEA+$1,500 dual certification)

9/1/17-6/30/18 Submitted proof of previous experience




Dix Derrick Secretary Special Services 15 $600 2/28/17 Flaherty Michael Custodian TCHS-West 25 $800 7/1/17 Foggia Nicholas Plumber Foreman Buildings and Grounds 25 $600 7/1/17 Green-Edwards

Marcia Secretary Special Services 25 $600 7/2/17


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Keel Eric Custodian Rivera 30 $800 7/8/17 McDaniel Raymond Mason Foreman Buildings and Grounds 25 $600 7/1/17 Saganowski Lynda Secretary Dunn 20 $600 5/20/16 n. CONTRACTUAL ENTITLEMENTS LAST NAME





Clemons Von CUST 0 97.5 $20,128.50 Howard Kathryn TASA 30.67 27 $28,899.41 Jarkowski Nina CUST 12 79 $19,416.60 Llano Alfonso TASA 0 25.66 $15,425.72 Ortiz Wilfredo CFA 0 21.3 $12,493.27 Ribon Nelson CFA 0 10.02 $6,840.55 o. SUMMER APPOINTMENTS


Eligibility Meetings Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Brozena Lorraine Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Burns Kristine Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Chrusz Katherine Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Eure Marilyn Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Gillins Tara Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Hernandez Myra Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Howlen Dawn Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Jacobs Erica Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Kurlander Michael Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Lynch Elina Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Mobilio Karyn Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


approved 8/31/17. Rubino Robert Identification/

Eligibility Meetings Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Shah Preeti Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Sharma Kulbhusan Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Smeresky Richard Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Stephens Nicole Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.


Shakia Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.

Zepeda Donita Identification/ Eligibility Meetings

Special Education Department

$36.00 11-000-219-104-0001-00-84 8/19/17-8/31/17 Not to exceed $205 per teacher. Administratively approved 8/31/17.




Lester Spencer Assistant Football Coach

TCHS-Chambers $6,524 11-402-100-101-0009-00-55

9/26/17-12/1/17, pro-rated





Daguizan Harry AM Enrichment (substitute) Columbus $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-17

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Epifan Carrie AM Enrichment Columbus $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-17

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $3,822 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Vizenfelder Shawn AM Enrichment Columbus $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-17

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $3,822 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Bamba Mamadou Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Coleman Annie Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Delaney Jamie Supervisor for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Escalante Trinidad Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Fabisch Deidre Supervisor for Adult High School – Trimester 1 (substitute)

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Fisher Wayne Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Fisher Wayne Supervisor for Adult High Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101- 10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


School – Trimester 1 (substitute)

0000-00-35 per person

Hamlet Nicole Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Johnson Ola Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Jones Anthony Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Lowery Sheri Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Lozano Alex Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Muse Althia Guidance Counselor for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Nelson Fateema Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Simmons Matt Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Truppo Shawn Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Waluk Michael Teacher for Adult High School – Trimester 1

Daylight/ Twilight $42.00 13-601-100-101-0000-00-35

10/3/17-12/18/17 Not to exceed $5,040 per person

Adams Crystal AM Enrichment Franklin $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-19

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Ciavarella Michael Physical Education Club Franklin $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-19

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,000 per person

Grube Sharon AM Enrichment (substitute) Grant $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-20

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

McKinney Christine AM Enrichment (substitute) Grant $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-20

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Tymczysyn Natalie AM Enrichment Grant $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-20

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Abrams Karen AM Enrichment Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,069.17 per person

Bernstein Lindsay Power Hour Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,537.24 per person

Cabell Tamika Power Hour (substitute) Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21


Campbell Diesha Power Hour Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,537.24 per person

Christie Kim Literacy Club Advisor (substitute)

Gregory $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-21


Christie Kim Reading Club Advisor (substitute)

Gregory $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-21


Dennis Lori Literacy Club Advisor Gregory $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-21

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,500 per person

Hopson Lauren Power Hour (substitute) Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21


McLaughlin Karen AM Enrichment Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21


Not to exceed $7,644 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

McLaughlin Karen AM/PM Supervision (substitute)

Gregory $42.00 15-421-200-110-0009-00-21


McLaughlin Karen Power Hour Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,537.24 per person

Rice Jacquelynn AM Enrichment Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21

09/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,069.17 per person

Russell Jayceth Power Hour Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,537.24 per person

Slipp Erin AM Enrichment (substitute) Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101- 9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


0009-00-21 approved 9/7/17. Slipp Erin AM/PM Supervision

(substitute) Gregory $42.00 15-421-200-110-

0009-00-21 9/26/17-6/30/18

Stilwell Sarah Power Hour (substitute) Gregory $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-21


Wheeler Claudia Reading Club Advisor Gregory $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-21

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,500 per person

Brozena Lorraine AM Enrichment (substitute) Hill/Hill Annex $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-32

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Plunkett Carolyn AM Enrichment Hill/Hill Annex $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-32

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $3,822 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Steele Jocelyn AM Enrichment (substitute) Hill/Hill Annex $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-32

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Williams Rhonda AM Enrichment Hill/Hill Annex $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-32

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $3,822 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Williams Shirley AM Enrichment Jefferson $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-14

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Arrington Arlana AM Enrichment (substitute) King $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-23

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Arrington Arlana AM/PM Supervisor King $42.00 15-421-200-110-0009-00-23

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $3,822 per person

Gaud-Moro Yesenia AM Enrichment (substitute) King $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-23

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Harmon Sharon AM Enrichment (substitute) King $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-23

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Luttrell Michelle AM Enrichment (substitute) King $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-23

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Peters Kristin AM Enrichment King $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-23

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Rowell Tamala AM Enrichment (substitute) King $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-23

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Brunell Brian AM/PM Supervision (substitute)

Mott $42.00 15-421-200-110-0009-00-26

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 total program

Conrad James AM Enrichment Mott $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-26

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Gammone Stephanie AM/PM Supervision (substitute)

Mott $42.00 15-421-200-110-0009-00-26

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 total program

Johnson Ola AM Supervision Mott $42.00 15-421-200-110-0009-00-26

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 total program

Stephens Nicole AM Enrichment (substitute) Mott $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-26

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Austin Tasha AM Enrichment (substitute) Parker $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-27

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Childs Lucy AM/PM Supervision Parker $42.00 15-421-200-110-0009-00-27

9/6/17-6/30/18 Name omitted from August agenda

Flowers Kathy AM Enrichment Parker $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-27

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Robinson Donna AM Enrichment (substitute) Parker $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-27

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Agrawal Natasha AM Enrichment Robbins/ Robbins Annex

$42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-28

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,548 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Ayling Jennifer AM Enrichment (substitute) Robbins/ Robbins $42.00 15-120-100-101- 9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.



0009-00-28 approved 9/7/17.

Estrada Sandra AM Enrichment Robbins/ Robbins Annex

$42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-28

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,548 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Fitzpatrick Jessica AM Enrichment (substitute) Robbins/ Robbins Annex

$42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-28

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 total program

Grant Anne AM Enrichment Robbins/ Robbins Annex

$42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-28

9/12/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,548 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Lewis Catherine AM Enrichment (substitute) Robbins/ Robbins Annex

$42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-28

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 total program

Little Catherine AM Enrichment (substitute) Robbins/ Robbins Annex

$42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-28

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 total program

Thomas Brittany AM Enrichment (substitute) Robbins/ Robbins Annex

$42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-28

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Tindall Laurie AM Enrichment (substitute) Robbins/ Robbins Annex

$42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-28

9/12/17-6/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Barksdale Karen DECA Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,680 per person

Behr Adam Cyber Patriot Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,680 per person

Brooks Aaron Choir Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,520 per person

Capo Doris International Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260 per person

Cocuzza Alexandra Art Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,680 per person

Cravo Helen Cosmetology Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260 per person

Forshey Christina Theatre Troup Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,520 per person

Francis Alvin Channel 19 Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260 per person

Gray Dorita Cosmetology Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260 per person

Hamlet Nicole Class of 2018 Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,940 per person

Irvin Countess JROTC Color Guard Advisor

TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,520 per person

Irvin Countess JROTC Raider Team Advisor

TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,520 per person

Love Veronica Class of 2018 Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,940 per person

Massenat Jessica Technical Student Assistance Advisor

TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260 per person

Massenet Jessica Robotics Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,100 per person

Monzon Daniel Robotics Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,100 per person

Monzon Daniel Technical Student Assistance Advisor

TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260 per person

Morris Monica Baking Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,470 per person

Mulcahey Kathy Class of 2019 Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,680 per person

Oliver Dana Ladies of Distinction Advisor

TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260 per person

Peroni Mark Technical Student Assistance Advisor

TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260 per person

Pollock John Culinary Club Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-0009-00-05

9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,680 per person

Pucciatti Joseph Orchestra Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110- 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,520


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


0009-00-05 per person Troup Terry JROTC Drill Team Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-05 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,520

per person Zwierzynski Elizabeth Dance Troup Advisor TCHS-Chambers $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-05 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,520

per person Armani Sossi After School English Tutor TCHS-West $42.00 15-421-100-101-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,100

per person Armani Sossi International Club Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $672 per

person Bohn David Music Club Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $672 per

person Fennell Gerard Anime and Magma Club

Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $672 per

person Fennell Gerard National Honor Society

Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $672 per

person Koshar Heather Yearbook Club Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $1,260

per person McCamy Ryan Model United Nations Club

Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $672 per

person Mea Kouao After School Math Tutor TCHS-West $42.00 15-421-100-101-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $2,100

per person Merkin Joel Stock Market Club Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $672 per

person Mitala Angelo Before/Afterschool Online

Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-140-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $3,570

per person Montanari Thomas Art Club Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $672 per

person Nadadhur Raman Computer/STEM Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-401-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $672 per

person Winthrop Janet Before/Afterschool Online

Advisor TCHS-West $42.00 15-140-100-110-

0009-00-04 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $3,570

per person Barstow Lori AM Enrichment (substitute) Washington $42.00 15-120-100-101-

0009-00-30 9/12/17-06/30/18 Administratively

approved 9/7/17. Cannon Lisa AM Enrichment (substitute) Washington $42.00 15-120-100-101-

0009-00-30 9/12/17-06/30/18 Administratively

approved 9/7/17. Eure Marilyn AM Enrichment Washington $42.00 15-120-100-101-

0009-00-30 9/12/17-06/30/18 Not to exceed $3,822

per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Fogg Lajuana AM Enrichment Washington $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-30

9/12/17-06/30/18 Not to exceed $3,822 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Kurlander Michael AM Enrichment (substitute) Washington $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-30

9/12/17-06/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Washington Myra AM Enrichment (substitute) Washington $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-30

9/12/17-06/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Curry Rujay AM Enrichment (substitute) Wilson $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-31

9/12/17-06/30/18 Administratively approved 9/7/17.

Fisher Carla AM Enrichment Wilson $42.00 15-120-100-101-0009-00-31

9/12/17-06/30/18 Not to exceed $7,644 per person. Administratively approved 9/7/17.

r. JOB DESCRIPTIONS TITLE NOTE Confidential Secretary for Talent Acquisition and Development Administratively approved 9/7/17. General Counsel/Labor Relations Special Project Assistant/Public Relations Officer Administratively approved 8/31/17. Vice Principal Administratively approved 9/7/17. s. STUDENT INTERNS LAST FIRST POSITION LOCATION SCHOOL/COLLEGE EFFECTIVE


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.



Abrams Robert Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Acosta Julianna Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Allen Brianna Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Amarosa Deanna Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Amerman Jennifer Practicum Columbus The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Anderson Rachel Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Baldi Alyssa Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Barone Mary Kate Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Bennett Gabriela Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Best Tyreek Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Byrnes Kelsey Practicum Columbus The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Cammarata Mia Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Carlson Sarah Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Chen Eliza Public Health Districtwide

The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18

Chuang Sara Chemistry TCHS-Chambers (9th Grade)

Princeton University 10/1/17-10/30/17

Comey Sarah Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Craig Stephen Biology TCHS-Chambers

(VPA) Princeton University 10/1/17-10/30/17

Da Silva Diana Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Delucia Emi Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Desantis Danielle Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Devizio Joseph Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Dixon Alyssa Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Edgell Rachel Social Studies TCHS-Chambers

(Communications) Princeton University 10/1/17-10/30/17

Ferrara Elizabeth Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Fischer Madina Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Fleischman Jessica Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Garcia Jeffrey Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Gerahty Kimberly Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Gervasi Alyssa Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Giacobbo Andrea Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Giordano Kat Theatre TCHS-Chambers

(VPA) Princeton University 10/1/17-10/30/17

Greene Gabrielle Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Hernandez Horacio Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Hopkins Casey Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Htoo Wahday Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Huth Erin Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Hwang Jessica Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Irfan Sara Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Iyer Ananya Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Jaeger Kathleen Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Jang Ryan Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Jenkins Edward Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Joseph Riana Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Kaye Rachel Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Kilgore Abigail School Districtwide University of Colorado 9/26/17-6/30/18


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Psychologist Kley Morgan Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Knapp Molly Rae Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Lesnick Winter Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Lewis Kimberly Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Liang Brenda Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Lombardi Trevor Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 McCann Emma Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 McGrorry Maggie Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Moor Abigail Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Moscato Anthony Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Muha Molly Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Nathi Navighna Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Olivacce Quentin Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Oliveira Amanda Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Patel Aman Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Paulose Melvin Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Paxos Zoe Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Pellegrino Haley Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Petruzela Sam Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Pierre-Jacques

Armonie Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18

Pierro Kara Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Przygoda Kelly Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Quinn Chelsea Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Robinson Robert Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Rojas Jessica Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Semon Nicole Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Serabian Tammy Elementary Jefferson The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-12/31/17 Shamy Brandon Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Shapiro Alexandra Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Smith Ian School

Counselor Clinical

TCHS-Chambers The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18

Sokoloff Cassie Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Straub Keri Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Tattory Madeleine Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Tung Natalie English TCHS-Chambers

(Communications) Princeton University 10/1/17-10/30/17

Turi Angela Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Welch Brooke Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Yacovino Santiago Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 Zaeh Katie Engineering

and Design TCHS-Chambers (STEM)

Princeton University 9/25/17-12/15/17

Zaleski Amelia Public Health Districtwide The College of New Jersey 9/26/17-6/30/18 t. VOLUNTEERS LAST NAME



Barna, Jr. Paul Volunteer Coach TCHS-Chambers 9/26/17-12/31/17 Bliss Walt Literacy Tutor Columbus 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Booker Jamar Volunteer Coach TCHS- Chambers 9/26/17-12/31/17 Bullock Ed Literacy Tutor Wilson 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Catanese Carm Literacy Tutor Robbins 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Delgado Luz Volunteer Grant 9/26/17-6/30/18 Feria Lucy Literacy Tutor Hill 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Flythe Barbara Literacy Tutor Mott 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Hall Patricia Literacy Tutor Gregory 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Hamilton Keith Literacy Tutor Parker 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Herndon Fred Literacy Tutor Jefferson 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Jackson Sean Literacy Tutor Grant 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. McClure Louise Volunteer Columbus 9/26/17-6/20/18 Munn Christopher Volunteer Coach TCHS-Chambers 9/26/17-12/31/17 Norris Kirk Literacy Tutor Washington 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Palmer Doug Literacy Tutor Hill 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Smart Jonette Literacy Tutor King 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively

approved 8/31/17. Smith Marcellus Literacy Tutor Franklin 9/1/17-6/30/18 Administratively




Farina Peter $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,186 total program Hinninger Kevin $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,186 total program Jackson Melissa $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,186 total program Miller Sarah $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,186 total program O’Keefe Megan $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,186 total program Thelisma Diana $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $4,186 total program v. MENTOR TEACHERS LAST NAME



Cohen Nathan $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Exner Brian $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Fannin Vondalyn $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Farnath Victor $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Franz Bettina $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Fuccello James $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Gonzalez Elena $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Labato Andrea $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Magie Kathleen $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Merkin Joel $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Mikhail Nivin $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Ramcharan Nadia $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Riely Dan $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Royster Kira $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Scott Shanda $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Spencer Glynis $36.00 11-000-223-101-0009-00-52 9/26/17-6/30/18 Not to exceed $11,161 total program Finance & Facilities

a. Appropriation Transfers – July 2017 WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A requires that the Board of Education approve appropriation transfers; and; WHEREAS, the Superintendent has authorized the budget adjusted to reflect the appropriation transfers; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, does ratify the transfers approved by the Superintendent of Schools. (Attachment 3-A)

b. A-148 Secretary’s Report – July 2017 WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-9, the Secretary of the Board of Education shall report to the Board at each regular meeting but no more than once each month, the amount of total appropriations and the cash receipts of each account, and the amount for which warrants have been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations been drawn against each account and the amount of orders and contractual obligations incurred and chargeable against each account since the date of the last report; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner has prescribed that such reporting take place on Form A-148; WHEREAS, in compliance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11©3, the secretary has certified that, as of the date of the report(s) no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education accepts the above referenced reports and certifications and orders that they be attached to and made part of the record of this meeting; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in compliance with N.J.A.C 6A:23-2.11©4, the Board of Education certifies that, after review of the secretary’s monthly financial reports for July 2017, and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, to the best of its knowledge, no major account or fund has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23-2.11(b), and that sufficient funds are available to meet the district’s financial obligations for the remainder of the fiscal year. (Attachment 3-B)

c. A-149 Treasurer’s Report – July 2017 WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A-17-31 et seq. boards of education are required to have the appointed position of Treasurer of School Monies; and WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall serve in trust to receive and hold all school monies belonging to the district; and WHEREAS, the Treasurer shall report to the Board of Education on a monthly basis on the Form A-149, which is prescribed by the Commissioner of Education; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, for the period ending July 31, 2017, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, adopt the A-149 and cause it to become a part of the official minutes of this meeting. (Attachment 3-C)

d. Staff Travel BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, ratified staff attendance/participation in the following professional conferences, workshops,


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


seminars or trainings with the requirements, that staff turn-key as required by administration those issues addressed at the approved professional development events which have relevance to improving instruction and/or operation of the school district. *Indicates prior administrative approval

Agenda Applicant Position School/ Dept. Purpose Location Date Funds Cost GAAP

Code Sept. *

Revised from August for

date & costs

Dr. Fredrick McDowell Jr.

Superintendent CSB NCAC National Conference

Nashville, TN 10/29/17 to 11/01/17

Board $2,000.00 11-000-230-580-0000-00-

51 Sept. *

Revised from August for

date & costs

Jayne S. Howard

Chief Finance/ Operations

Officer/Board Secretary

CSB NCAC National Conference

Nashville, TN 10/29/17 to 11/01/17

Board $2,000.00 11-000-251-580-0000-00-

60 Sept. *

Revised from August for

date & costs

Nelson Ribon Chief Schools Officer, Secondary

CSB NCAC National Conference

Nashville, TN 10/29/17 to 11/01/17

Board $2,000.00 11-000-211-580-0000-00-

57 Sept. *

Revised from August for

date & costs

Ali Robinson-Rogers

Chief of Staff/Public Information


CSB NCAC National Conference

Nashville, TN 10/29/17 to 11/01/17

Board $2,000.00 11-000-230-580-0000-00-

51 Sept. *

Revised from August for

date & costs

Hope Grant Principal TCHS - Main

NCAC National Conference

Nashville, TN 10/29/17 to 11/01/17

Board $2,000.00 15-000-240-580-0000-00-

05 Sept. Brita

Theadford Manager – Talent

Development CSB NJPSA Council

& Board of Directors Meetings

Monroe, NJ 9/27/17 12/8/17 3/23/18

No cost to the Board

Sept. Leo Yanogacio

Assistant Comptroller

CSB NJASBO Training –

Payroll Fundamentals &

Audit Review

Rockaway, NJ 12/7/17 4/12/18

Board $254.12 11-000-251-580-0000-00-


Sept. Leo Yanogacio

Assistant Comptroller

CSB NJASBO Training –


Rockaway, NJ 12/19/17 Board $106.45 11-000-251-580-0000-00-

60 Sept. Todd

Schechter Assistant

Comptroller CSB NJASBO

Training – New Title I


Rockaway, NJ 10/5/17 Board $124.58 11-000-251-580-0000-00-

60 Sept Michael Tofte Supervisor CSB Mercer Co.

Parks Administrators’


Pennington, NJ 11/2/2017 $0

Sept Michael Hodnicki

Supervisor CSB Literacy Coaches Collaboration Consortium

W. Windsor, NJ

10/ 6 & 19/2017


Sept Leslie Septor Supervisor CSB Literacy Coaches Collaboration Consortium

W. Windsor, NJ

10/ 6 & 19/2017


Sept. Keshia Gaymon

Teacher CSB Interpreting ACCESS 2.0

Score Reports

Edison, NJ 10/5/2017 $0

Sept. Maritza Abreu

Teacher CSB Interpreting ACCESS 2.0

Score Reports

Edison, NJ 10/5/2017 $0

Sept. Maritza Abreu

Teacher CSB Mercer Co. ESL/Bilingual


W. Windsor, NJ

10/17/2017 $0

Sept. Lisette Bethea Supervisor ECC NJPSA Fall Conference

Long Branch, NJ

10/19 thru 20/2017


Sept. LouShawna Hill

Secretary ECC 2017 FEA/NJPSA/NJ


Long Branch, NJ

10/ 20/2017 $0


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Conference Sept. Latricia

Cooley Compliance Specialist


ASCD Fall Conference

Long Branch, NJ

10/ 20/2017 Grant $25 20-218-200-580-0000-00-

59 Sept. Monica

Carmichael Director ECC 2017

FEA/NJPSA/NJASCD Fall Conference

Long Branch, NJ

10/19 thru 20/2017


Sept. Monica Carmichael

Director ECC NJDOE workshop on

GOLD Instruction

Piscataway, NJ 9/28/2017 and



Sept. All ECC Staff Director And Team

ECC “Taste of Preschool”

Parent (community)

outreach event for 2017 ASSA


Trenton, NJ 10/ 2 &3/2017


Sept. Paul Toussaint

Teacher ECC 2017 FEA/NJPSA/NJ

ASCD Fall Conference

Long Branch, NJ

10/ 20/2017 Grant $155 20-218-200-580-0000-00-

59 Sept. Paul

Toussaint Teacher ECC NJDOE

workshop on GOLD


Piscataway, NJ 9/28/2017 and



Sept. Sheree Dublin CPIS ECC 2017 FEA/NJPSA/NJ

ASCD Fall Conference

Long Branch, NJ

10/20/2017 Grant $155 20-218-200-580-0000-00-

59 Sept. Gail

Fountaine Teacher Dunn MS Beyond Looking Long Branch,

NJ 10/1 thru

3/2017 $0

Sept. Nadia Ramcharan

Teacher Dunn MS Bilingual Advisory Board

Trenton, NJ 10/11,12/13/2017, 2/28,

4/11, 6/6/2018


Sept. Donna Green Lit. Leader Dunn MS edConnect NJ Instructional Improvement

System Workshop

Sewell, NJ 11/15/2017 $0

Sept. Andrew Gouldburn

Teacher Rivera MS NJ Council for SS Annual Conference

N. Brunswick, NJ

10/23/2017 $0

Sept. Debra Amon Teacher Rivera MS NJ Council for SS Annual Conference

N. Brunswick, NJ

10/23/2017 $0

Sept. Crystol Dyous Parent Liaison Rivera MS Community Schools

Fundamental Conference

New York, NY 10/18 thru 20/2017


Sept. Naeem Muse Teacher Rivera MS NJ Council for SS Annual Conference

N. Brunswick, NJ

10/23/2017 $0

Sept. Hope Grant Principal TCHS NJPSA Fall Conference

Long Branch, NJ

10/19 thru 20/2017


Sept. Marsha Martin

Counselor TCHS College Board Workshop

Ewing, NJ 9/29/2017 $0

Sept. Marsha Martin

Counselor TCHS HESAA Annual Training Institute

Newton, NJ 10/6/2017 $0

Sept. Ben Falsetti Counselor TCHS HESAA Annual Training Institute

Lawrence,, NJ, 10/16/2017 $0

Sept. Ronald Wallace

Counselor TCHS HESAA Annual Training Institute

Mt. Laurel, NJ 10/31/2017 $0


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Sept. Frances Maye Librarian TCHS NJASL Fall Conference

Long Branch, NJ

11/16 thru 17/2017


Sept. Karen Barksdale

Teacher TCHS DECA South Advisor’s Meeting

Cherry Hill, NJ 10/19, 11/16,

12/21/2017,1/18, 2/15,

322, 5/17/2018

Board $132.68 Cost for all trips



Sept. Barbara Episale

Librarian TCHS Central Jersey Book Review

Neptune, NJ 10/6,12/1/2017, 2/2,



Sept. David Tindall Teacher TCHS National Soccer Coaches Assoc.

Philadelphia, Pa.

1/18 & 19/2018


Sept. Nicole Marino Health Science Chair

TCHS Rutgers School of Health Annual


Scotch Plains, NJ

12/7/2017 $0

Sept. Sarah Stilwell Math Leader Gregory ES Eureka Math PD Philadelphia, Pa.

10/27/2017 $0

Sept. Jacquelynn Rice

Teacher Gregory ES Community School


New Brunswick, NJ

10/20/2017 $0

Sept. Shavonne Carter

Counselor Gregory ES Community School


New Brunswick, NJ

10/20/2017 $0

Sept. Michael Rosenberg

Principal Gregory ES Community School


New Brunswick, NJ

10/20/2017 $0

Sept. Denise Davis Literacy Leaders Rivera FEA: PARCC ELA Prep: Essential

Literacy Work

Monroe Township, NJ

10/2/2017 $0

Sept. Paula Bethea Principal Kilmer FEA: 2017 NJASCD Fall


Monroe Township, NJ

10/20/2017 $0

Sept. Paula Bethea Principal Kilmer CONJ Middle School Advisory


Ewing, NJ 10/4,11/1,12/6/2017, 1/3, 2/7, 3/7, 4/11,

5/2, 6/6/2018


Sept. Stacy Weiss Counselor Kilmer Training for NAEP Arts Assessment

NJDOE Trenton, NJ

10/5/2017 $0

Sept. Jodi Glashow Media Specialist Kilmer NJ Assoc. of School

Librarians Fall Conf.

Long Branch, NJ

11/16 & 17/2017/

Board $280 15-000-223-580-0000-00-

24 Sept. Katherine

Chrusz Language Arts

Teacher Kilmer FEA: PARCC

ELA Prep: Essential

Literacy Work

Monroe Township, NJ

10/2/2017 $0

Sept. Nicole A. Carmichael

PD Interventionist

Central Services

FEA: 2017 NJASCD Fall


Monroe Township, NJ

10/19/2017- 10/20/2017


Sept. Kathryn Graf PD Interventionist

Central Services

FEA: 2017 NJASCD Fall


Monroe Township, NJ

10/19/2017- 10/20/2017


Sept. Mary Courtney

Vice Principal TCHS Chambers

FEA: Trends and Issues in High School Scheduling

Monroe Township, NJ

10/5/2017 $0

Sept. Mary Courtney

Vice Principal TCHS Chambers

FEA: The New Professional

Standards for Education Leaders

Monroe Township, NJ

10/12/2017 $0

Sept. Sharron Grady

Director Bldgs & Grnds

FEA: Reimaging Inclusion with

Monroe Township, NJ

10/3/2017 $0


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Special Olympics Unified

Champion Schools

Sept. Anthony Carsella

Teacher TCHS FEA: Reimaging Inclusion with

Special Olympics Unified

Champion Schools

Monroe Township, NJ

10/3/2017 $0

Sept. Donna Lombardo

Teacher TCHS FEA: Reimaging Inclusion with

Special Olympics Unified

Champion Schools

Monroe Township, NJ

10/3/2017 $0

e. Facilities Report – September 2017

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools approves School and Community Organizations to use Trenton Board of Education Facilities.








Outside Usage













Rider University/MSF - A

Day of Giving

09/09/17 Friday Rivera MS 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

A16-10210 TBOE X

Purchasing - Bid Opening

09/26/17 Tuesday Administration 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

A16-11818 TBOE X

Talent Acquisition and Development -

Arbitration Hearings

09/13/17, 10/05/17, 10/30/17, 11/02/17, 12/01/17, 12/05/17

Various Administration 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

A16-9033 TBOE X

Denyce Carroll - Arbitration Hearing

12/12/17 Tuesday Administration 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

A16-9032 TBOE X

Hill ES - Parent/Student


08/30/17 Wednesday Hill ES 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

A16-11809 TBOE X

TEA Community Information/Press


08/31/17 Thursday Administration 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM


Hill ES - Parent/Student


08/31/17 Wednesday Hill ES 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

A16-11808 TBOE X

Franklin ES- Annual Principal Meeting

08/24/17 Thursday Franklin ES 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

5233 TBOE X

Curriculum - Math Professional Development

09/05/17 Tuesday Kilmer MS 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

A16-11802 TBOE X

Curriculum - Music and Arts Professional


09/06/17 Wednesday Kilmer MS 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

8336 TBOE X

Capital City Academy/Nextgen

After-School Program

9/6/2017 - 06/22/18

Monday - Friday

Grant ES 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM



Dawn of Hope Inc./The HOPE Project for Girls

09/01/17 - 06/22/18

Tues. & Thurs.

Franklin ES 1:00 PM - 5:30 PM



Dawn of Hope Inc./The HOPE Project for Girls

10/01/17 - 06/29/18

Mon. & Wed.

Dunn ES 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM



Dawn of Hope Inc./The HOPE

09/11/17 - 06/30/18

Monday - Friday

Robbins Annex ES

2:00 PM - 6:00 PM




Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Project for Girls Dawn of Hope

Inc./The HOPE Project for Girls

09/11/17 - 06/22/18

Monday - Friday

Robbins ES 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM



Dawn of Hope Inc./The HOPE Project for Girls

09/18/17 - 06/29/18

Monday - Friday

Jefferson ES 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM



GGrant94ft ASA After-School Program

09/04/17 - 06/25/18

Monday - Friday

Wilson ES 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM



GGrant94ft ASA After-School Program

09/01/17 -06/29/18

Monday - Friday

Hill ES 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM



GGrant94ft ASA After-School Program

09/01/17 -06/29/18

Monday - Friday

Robeson ES 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM



GGrant94ft ASA After-School Program

09/01/17 - 06/21/18

Monday - Friday

Hedgepeth-Williams MS

3:00 PM - 6:15 PM

Ends 8:00 PM - Once a Month



GGrant94ft ASA After-School Program

09/04/17 - 06/25/18

Monday - Friday

Washington ES 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM



GGrant94ft ASA After-School Program

09/06/17 - 06/25/18

Monday - Friday

Franklin ES 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM



Trenton YMCA After-School Program

09/07/17 - 08/08/18

Monday - Friday

King ES 3:15 PM - 6:00 PM



Boys & Girls Club After-School Program

09/01/17 - 06/28/18

Monday - Friday

Jefferson ES 3:15 PM - 6:15 PM



Boys & Girls Club After-School Program

09/01/17 - 06/28/18

Monday - Friday

Rivera MS 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM



Boys & Girls Club After-School Program

09/06/17 - 06/21/18

Monday - Friday

Mott ES 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM



Boys & Girls Club After-School Program

09/01/17 - 06/20/18

Monday - Friday

Hill ES 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM



Boys & Girls Club After-School Program

09/11/17 - 06/22/18

Monday - Friday

Robbins ES 3:00 PM - 6:15 PM



Boys & Girls Club After-School Program

09/11/17 - 06/21/18

Monday - Friday

Gregory ES 3:15 PM - 6:15 PM



Trenton Community Music School

Orchestra Program

09/25/17 - 06/30/18

Mon., Tues. & Thurs.

Dunn MS 2:45 PM - 5:30 PM



TCHS - Preparation for District and

Community Choral Events

09/06/17 - 06/23/18

Mon. - Fri. TCHS - 171 Division St.

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM



Talent Acquisition and Development -

Arbirtration Hearing

11/16/17 Thursday Administration 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM



Early Childhood - Districtwide Professional Development

10/09/17 Monday Grant ES 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

8373 TBOE X

Early Childhood - Districtwide Professional Development

02/02/18 Friday Grant ES 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

8374 TBOE X

School Support - Leadership

Professional Development

09/14/17 Thursday Administration 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

A16-10201 TBOE X

Princeton University Preparatory SAT

After-School Program

09/07/17 - 10/05/17

Thursdays TCHS - 520 Chestnut Ave.

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM



Princeton University Preparatory

Enrichment Sessions and College Admission


09/06/17 - 06/22/18

Monday & Wednesdays

TCHS - 520 Chestnut Ave.

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM



Princeton University Preparatory SAT

After-School Program

09/15/17 - 10/27/17

Fridays TCHS - 135 E. Hanover St.

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM




Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Princeton University Preparatory

Enrichment Sessions and College Admission


09/06/17 - 06/22/18

Tuesdays TCHS - West 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM



Special Parent Advocacy Group -

Parking Usage

09/13/17 - 06/30/18

Mon. - Fri. Hedgepeth-Williams MS

5:45 PM - 6:00 PM

A16-9172 OUTSIDE X

TESA - Annual Membership Meeting

09/14/17 Thursday Grant ES 3:30 PM - 5:45 PM


TCHS - West Hispanic Heritage


09/14/17 - 10/27/17

Mon. - Fri. TCHS - West 2:00 PM 4:00 PM

A16-9125 TBOE X

TCHS - SAT Prep 10/07/17, 12/02/17, 03/18/18, 05/05/18, 06/02/18

Saturdays TCHS - West 6:30 AM - 2:00 PM

10041 TBOE X

Curriculum - District Arts Integration with

TPS Arts Leaders

09/18/17 Monday Administration 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM

7763 TBOE X

TCHS - Ivy League College Night

10/12/17 Thursday TCHS - 520 Chestnut Ave.

6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

10068 TBOE X

School Support - District Security


09/19/17 Tuesday Administration 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

A16-10209 TBOE X

School Support - Climate and Culture

Leaders' Meeting

09/19/17 Tuesday Administration 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM



Partnerships for Trenton - After-School Program

09/18/17 - 06/29/18

Tues., Wed., & Thurs.

Wilson ES 3:15 PM - 5:00 PM



f. List of Bills

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 18A:19.1 and N.J.S.A.18:6-31 provides for the Board of Education to authorize the payment of bills; and WHEREAS, the Business Administrator/Board Secretary has reviewed the documentation supporting the attached lists of bills; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, authorize and approve the payment of bills on the attached lists for the Monday, September 25, 2017 Board meeting in the amount of $23,794,431.63. (Attachment 3-F – Bill Lists of 8/31/17 & 9/15/17)

g. Out of District Placements – September 2017 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Out of District Placements for September 2017:

Initials Placement Cost ESY Cost School Year

Related Services

KS Commission for the Blind $1,900.00

AE Somerset Alternative Middle School $31,900.00

AW Somerset Secondary Academy $53,900.00

BH Burlington Cty Sp Ser $39,631.00

JL Burlington Cty Sp Ser $41,963.00

DS Burlington Cty Sp Ser $41,963.00

QB Burlington Cty Sp Ser $39,631.00

IC Burlington Cty Sp Ser $39,631.00

AS Burlington Cty Sp Ser $39,631.00


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


KA Burlington Cty Sp Ser $41,963.00

JJ Burlington Cty Sp Ser $47,791.01

MC Burlington Cty Sp Ser $39,631.00

RJ Burlington Cty Sp Ser $41,963.00

SK Bonnie Brae $72,000.00

TT Bonnie Brae $64,800.00

HP Cambridge School $1,700.00

SN Delaware Valley $62,609.71

HA Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

AA Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

YB Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

AB Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

DB Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

QB Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

WB Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

LC Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

KC Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

NC Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

SC Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

AD Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JD Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

DE Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JF Titusville Academy $9,202.20

KF Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

TG Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

ZG Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

IH Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JH Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

BH Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

NH Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

AI Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

PJ Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

IJ Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

CJ Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

YJ Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JJ Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JJ Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JJ Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


TJ Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

DM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

EM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

KM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

EM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

DM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

KM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

RM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

ZM Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

TR Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

QS Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

AT Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JT Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

MW Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

DW Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

CW Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

NW Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

JW Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

BB Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

AS Titusville Academy $9,202.20 $49,586.16

ZC Titusville Academy $49,586.16

AW Titusville Academy $49,586.16

TM Titusville Academy $49,586.16

BC Titusville Academy $49,586.16

BB Titusville Academy $49,586.16

DB Titusville Academy $49,586.16

TJ Titusville Academy $49,586.16

AC Titusville Academy $49,586.16

AC Titusville Academy $49,586.16

PD Titusville Academy $49,586.16

NG Titusville Academy $49,586.16

RH Titusville Academy $49,586.16

ZL Titusville Academy $49,586.16

NM Titusville Academy $49,586.16

DM Titusville Academy $49,586.16

JM Titusville Academy $49,586.16

JP Titusville Academy $49,586.16


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


DW Titusville Academy $49,586.16

ES Delaware Valley $62,609.71

JC YCS - Fort Lee $56,680.20

RF Commission for the Blind $1,900.00

DS Honor Ridge Academy $2,779.00 $72,651.00

TOTALS $472,091.20 $4,266,607.51 $1,700.00

h. Acceptance of Donations BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, accepts funding from the following generous donors:


The College of NJ 2 Top Loaders and 2 Hanging Analytic


TCHS West Educational support for the Science Department

Costa Family Athletic Training Equipment

Athletic Department To support high school athletic teams

Jersey Cares Benches, Murals, Games, Workshops

Robbins Elementary To Benefit students and beautify the school campus

i. Resolution Awarding Contract for Emergency Required Maintenance Project – W.R.

Burnett (Admin Approval 8/31/17) WHEREAS, the Trenton Board of Education entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Contract with the following vendor

• W.R. Burnett Paving Inc. - Parking lot sink hole, drains, and asphalt repairs/replacement at Dunn Middle School at a cost not to exceed $96,474.40 ($87,704.00 + 8,770.40 10% contingency).

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of Dunn Middle School approves the Resolution for payment and services to the vendor’s noted above. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0005-00-61

j. Resolution Awarding Contract for Emergency Required Maintenance Project – Mondernfold Styles (Admin Approval 8/31/17) WHEREAS, the Trenton Board of Education entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Contract with the following vendor

• Mondernfold Styles - Remove the existing electronic (damaged) partition and replace with new electronic partition wall at the PJ Hill School at a cost not to exceed $91,362.70 ($83,057.00 + 8,305.70% contingency).

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of PJ Hill School approves the Resolution for payment and services to the vendor’s noted above. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0005-00-61


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


k. Resolution Awarding Contract for Emergency Required Maintenance Project –

Anderson Roofing (Admin Approval 8/31/17) WHEREAS, the Trenton Board of Education entered into a contract per N.J.A.C. 18A:18A-7 Emergency Contract with the following vendor

• Anderson Roofing Contractors - Remove the existing wet & damaged insulation and roofing membrane from specified roof areas/sections and replace with new insulation and new GAF Everguard membrane roofing at the PJ Hill, Grant, and Monument Schools at a cost not to exceed $196,460.00 ($178,600,00 + 17,860.00% contingency).

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for emergency services affecting the health or safety of occupants of PJ Hill, Grant and Monument Schools approves the Resolution for payment and services to the vendor’s noted above. Account Code: 11-000-261-420-0005-00-61

l. Revised Resolution to Hire Transportation Consultant Ed Treadaway (Admin Approval 8/31/17) BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Revised Resolution for Transportation Consultant Ed Treadaway to provide services from July 1, 2017 through October 31, 2017 at a revised cost not to exceed $20,000.00. This item was Board approved on June 27, 2017 for $10,000.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-270-390-0000-00-65

m. Self-Assessment for Determining Grades Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Self-Assessment for Determining Grades Under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act, to be submitted to the NJ State Department of Education by September 30, 2017. (Attachment 3-M)

n. Resolution to Pay Employees and Benefits Under Schedule A of the Preschool Budget WHEREAS, the following district employees are funded through the Preschool Budget, BE IT RESOLVED:

that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution to Pay Employees and Benefits Under Schedule A of the Preschool Budget as follows:

Employee Name Job Title Account

Brown, Elizabeth Preschool Teacher 20-218-100-101-0000-00-59

Ennis, Ashlee Preschool Teacher 20-218-100-101-0000-00-59

O’Hara, Bridgett Preschool Teacher 20-218-100-101-0000-00-59

Samonski, Rose Preschool Teacher 20-218-100-101-0000-00-59

Brown, Paul Pre-K Paraprofessional 20-218-100-106-0000-00-59

McIntyre, Terri Pre-K Paraprofessional 20-218-100-106-0000-00-59

Shabazz, Vernell Pre-K Paraprofessional 20-218-100-106-0000-00-59

Young, Darryl Pre-K Paraprofessional 20-218-100-106-0000-00-59

Robinson-Logan, Netti Asst. Director 20-218-200-102-0000-00-59

Bethea, Lisette Supervisor of Early Childhood 20-218-200-102-0000-00-59


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


Carmichael, Monica Director 20-218-200-103-0000-00-59

Davis, Tracy Learning Consultant 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

VACANCY Learning Consultant 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

VACANCY Learning Consultant 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

Cosgrove, Deanna Psychologist 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

Madreperl, McKenzie Psychologist 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

VACANCY Psychologist 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

Haluszka, Natalie Social Worker 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

Muneer, Renee Social Worker 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

Woolford, Terri Social Worker 20-218-200-104-0000-00-59

Cooley, Latricia Compliance Specialist 20-218-200-105-0000-00-59

Hill, LouShawna Secretary 20-218-200-105-0000-00-59

Mendenhall, Teresa Sr. Information Systems Control Specialist 20-218-200-105-0000-00-59

VACANCY Fiscal Specialist 20-218-200-110-0000-00-59

VACANCY Head Custodian 20-218-200-110-0000-00-59

Dublin, Sheree Community/Parent Liaison 20-218-200-173-0000-00-59

Bennett, Pamela Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

Bridgewater, Melissa Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

Clark, Gena Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

D'Emidio, Dominique Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

Johnson, Dora Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

Moore, Donna Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

Toussaint Paule Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

Tracchi, Traceyann Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

VACANCY Teaching Liaison 20-218-200-176-0000-00-59

o. Resolution to Pay Employees and Benefits from Grants - IDEA WHEREAS, the following district employees are funded through Federal Grant

Programs, NOW BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the

Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution to Pay Employees and Benefits from Grants as follows:

Grant Employee

Name Salary Job Title Location Date

IDEA Basic

Andrea Harris $ 96,315.00 (50%) Instructional Intervention Teacher

Administration 9/1/17-6/30/18

IDEA Basic

Andrea Harris $ 96,315.00 (50%) Instructional Intervention Teacher


Administration 9/1/17-6/30/18

p. Resolution to Pay Employees and Benefits from Grants – NCLB Title I, II & III

WHEREAS, the following district employees are funded through Federal Grant Programs,

NOW BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution to Pay Employees and Benefits from Grants as follows:

Grant Employee

Name Salary Job Title Location Date

NCLB - Title I

Ariel Rivera $ 88,265.00 School Climate & Culture Leader

Daylight/ Twilight 9/1/17-6/30/18


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


NCLB - Title I

Walter Kelly $ 78,590.00 School Climate & Culture Leader

Dunn Middle 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Shari Allen $ 66,265.00 School Climate & Culture Leader

Hedgepeth/ Williams


NCLB - Title I

Leyone Royster $ 65,765.00 School Climate & Culture Leader

Kilmer Middle 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Victor Farnath $ 60,165.00 School Climate & Culture Leader

Rivera Middle 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Hussain Haqq $ 90,225.00 School Climate & Culture Leader

TCHS- Chambers 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Talithea Duncan

$ 94,815.00 School Climate & Culture Leader

TCHS-West 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Octavia Lee $ 62,800.00 School Literacy Leader Columbus 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Jamie Delaney $ 94,815.00 School Literacy Leader Daylight/ Twilight 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Donna Green $ 96,315.00 School Literacy Leader Dunn 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Sampson-Clark, Christine

$ 96,315.00 School Literacy Leader Franklin 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Nancy Livesey $ 96,315.00 School Literacy Leader Grant 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Kim Christie $ 96,315.00 School Literacy Leader Gregory 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Dawn Howlen $ 76,790.00 School Literacy Leader Hedgepeth/ Williams


NCLB - Title I

Jeanne Ternowchek

$ 96,615.00 School Literacy Leader Hill 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Mary Tomlin $ 96,315.00 School Literacy Leader Jefferson 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Marva Downer-Baird

$ 96,315.00 School Literacy Leader Kilmer 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Olivia Russo $ 66,165.00 School Literacy Leader King 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Stephanie Gammone

$ 79,190.00 School Literacy Leader Mott 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Gayle McClure $ 97,815.00 School Literacy Leader Parker 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Cassandra Holcomb

$ 100,039.00 School Literacy Leader Robbins 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Leslie Sanders $ 86,640.00 School Literacy Leader Wilson 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Denise Davis $ 61,265.00 School Literacy Leader Rivera Middle 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Marilyn Eure $ 94,815.00 School Literacy Leader Washington 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Dawn Hendryx $ 96,315.00 School Mathematics Leader

Columbus 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Wayne Fisher $ 70,440.00 School Mathematics Leader

Daylight/ Twilight 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Michael Braveman

$ 82,050.00 School Mathematics Leader

Dunn Middle 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Bonita Johnson $ 94,815.00 School Mathematics Leader

Grant 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Sarah Stilwell $ 71,940.00 School Mathematics Leader

Gregory 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Dolores Anthony-Musa

$ 89,765.00 School Mathematics Leader

Hedgepeth/ Williams


NCLB - Title I

Karen Leno $ 94,815.00 School Mathematics Leader

Hill 9/1/17-6/30/18


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


NCLB - Title I

David Phillips $ 85,140.00 School Mathematics Leader

Jefferson 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Tara Conrad $ 94,815.00 School Mathematics Leader

Kilmer Middle 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Melanie Taylor $ 73,390.00 School Mathematics Leader

Rivera Middle 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB – Title I

Mariola Morawski

$ 63,058.00 Senior Accountant Administration 7/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title I

Carmen Reyes $ 13,010.00 Admin II Secretary Administration 7/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title II

Carmen Reyes $ 26,019.00 Admin II Secretary Administration 7/1/17-6/30/18


Carmen Reyes $ 6,505.00 Admin II Secretary Administration 7/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title II

Nicholas Barbato

$ 96,315.00 Instructional Technology Teacher

Administration 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title II

Kathryn Graf $ 96,315.00 Instructional Intervention Teacher

Administration 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB - Title II

Nicole Carmichael

$ 94,815.00 Instructional Intervention Teacher

Administration 9/1/17-6/30/18

NCLB – Title I

Keysha Jackson $80,000.00 Manager, Grants Development

Administration 9/26/17-6/30/18

q. Joint Transportation Agreement with Old Bridge Public Schools

BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2017/2018 Joint Transportation Agreement between Old Bridge Public Schools and Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for one student to Lakeview School in Edison for Special Education needs. Trenton Public Schools will pay Old Bridge Public Schools the annual cost of $23,437.80. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Board President and Board Secretary are authorized and directed to execute said jointure on behalf of the Trenton Board of Education. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65

r. Resolution Approving Cost for Addition of Bus Aides – Rick Bus Company BE IT RESOLVED: that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the addition of bus aides on Routes RIV3 and IATCS1 effective September 14, 2017 at a cost of $92.00 per route.

s. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organization to Provide Case Management, Education and Support Services for Expectant Teens Attending Trenton Central High School BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation for the Superintendent of Schools, authorizes the School Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared a Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide Case Management, Education and Support Services for Expectant Teens Attending Trenton Central High School (TCHS) for 2017-2018 which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4.

t. Resolution to Accept Expansion and Enhancement Funding from the State of New Jersey, Department of Children and Families Whereas, the Trenton SBYSP seeks permission to accept expansion and enhancement funding from the State of New Jersey, Department of Children and Families, Office of School Linked Services for the SBYSP Parent Linking Program (PLP) and, Whereas, the overall function of the Trenton SBYSP PLP is to minimize the barriers associated with teen parent educational success by offering free and confidential, on-site, supportive services,


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


including Individual Case Management, Childcare Services, Transportation, and Parenting Education and Support, and, Whereas, as stipulated, the expansion and enhancement funding shall be used to benefit students served in the following areas: • Improve child and maternal health outcomes • Improve pregnancy spacing and reduce the likelihood of repeat teen pregnancies • Increase parenting skills for mothers, fathers, and families • Strengthen father involvement and co-parenting relationships, as appropriate • Increase education and prevention of intimate partner violence • Increase awareness and coordination of available state and local resources to better support

expectant/parenting teens and their families THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Trenton SBYSP PLP acceptance of expansion and enhancement funding from the State of New Jersey, Department of Children and Families, Office of School Linked Services School, and to receive from the State of NJ DCF, at a minimum, $85,367.00.

u. Acceptance of QSAC Scores for 2016-2017 BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, accepts the QSAC Scores for 2016-2017. (Attachment 3-U)

v. Resolution Awarding Transportation Quoted Route for 2017-2018 – St. Mary Transportation LLC BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, awards the following quoted route to St. Mary Transportation LLC based on the lowest quote:

Per Diem Per Diem Route # Route Cost Bus Aide Cost BFE1 $ 222.00 $ 60.00

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, directs administration to obtain a purchase order and have it provided to the vendor/consultant prior to receiving any goods or services from said vendor/consultant. Account Code: 11-000-270-514-0000-00-65

w. Joint Transportation Agreement with Somerset County Educational Services Commission BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the 2017/2018 Joint Transportation Agreement between Somerset County Educational Services Commission and Trenton Board of Education for the provision of transportation services for special needs and displaced students. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Board President and Board Secretary are authorized and directed to execute said jointure on behalf of the Trenton Board of Education. Account Code: 11-000-270-515-0000-00-65

x. Authority to Level Student Class Sizes BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, grants authority to the Talent Acquisition & Development Department


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


and the Business Office to level students and transfer or hire staff according to class size limits until the October 15, 2017 ASSA report submission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all employee transfers/hires will be submitted for Board approval on the October 16, 2017 agenda.

y. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organization to Provide Professional Development, Coaching and Support to Social Studies Teachers of ESL Students, as well as an Online Platform for Adaptive Informational Text in Grades 6 through 12 for 2017-2018 School Year BE IT RESOLVED: that Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, authorize the School Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared a Request for Proposal for an organization to provide professional development, coaching, and support of disciplinary social studies teachers of ESL students, as well as an online platform for adaptive informational text in grades 6 through 12, which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4.

z. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organization to Provide Behavioral Support Services for Grades K through 12 for 2017-2018 School Year BE IT RESOLVED: that Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, authorize the School Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared a Request for Proposal for an organization to provide job embedded professional development, coaching, and modeling in behavioral support services, which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4.

aa. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organization to Provide Job Embedded Professional Development, Coaching and Modeling in Literacy and Mathematics for Grades K through 12 for 2017-2018 School Year BE IT RESOLVED: that Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, authorize the School Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared a Request for Proposal for an organization to provide job embedded professional development, coaching, and modeling in literacy and mathematics, which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4.

bb. Request for Proposal (RFP) for Prospective Organization to Provide Job Embedded Professional Development, Coaching and Modeling in Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) for Grades K through 12 for 2017-2018 School Year BE IT RESOLVED: that Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, authorize the School Business Administrator/Purchasing Agent to prepare or have prepared a Request for Proposal for an organization to provide job embedded professional development, coaching, and modeling in Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP), which shall include all items set forth in 18:18A-4.4.

cc. Resolution for Change Order #1 with EACM Corporation WHEREAS, the Trenton Board of Education entered into a contract with EACM Corporation for the TCHS West new HVAC equipment installation; and WHEREAS, the initial contract was not to exceed One Million, Three Hundred Eighty Four Thousand, Four Hundred Ninety Four and Forty Five Cents ($1,384,494.45.) and WHEREAS, the proposed Change Order includes the following proposed supplemental work outlined in more detail in the Contractor Change Order Request proposal and WHEREAS, the Total proposed Change Order increases the Contract amount by .07% or $87,219.45; and


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


WHEREAS, this proposed Change Order has been reviewed and is recommended for approval by the Buildings & Grounds Department; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Trenton Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, approves the Resolution for execution and payment of Change Order No. #1 for the TCHS West new HVAC equipment installation: Account Code 11-000-261-420-0005-00-61.

Board Policy: First Reading 0155 Board Committees 0167 Public Participation in Board Meetings (PULLED) 3216 Dress and Grooming – Teaching Staff Members (Revised) 4216 Dress and Grooming – Non-Certified Staff Members (Revised) Second Reading 3244.1 In-Service Days – Certificated Staff Ms. Watson asked that Bylaw 0167 be pulled from tonight’s agenda for further review. She felt that more work needs to be done on the policy and did not feel comfortable voting on it tonight. President Bouie asked for a motion.

Motion was made by Ms. Watson and seconded by Ms. Marrero-Lopez to pull Bylaw 0167 from tonight’s agenda for further review. With four (4) Yes votes, three (3) No votes and one (1) Abstention, the motion was approved. Bylaw 0167 is pulled.

ROLL CALL YES NO ABSTAIN Addie Daniels-Lane X D. A. Graham X Fiah Kwesseu X Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Jane Rosenbaum X Gerald Truehart not present for vote Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

Motion was made by Ms. Kwesseu and seconded by Ms. Marrero-Lopez to approve the remaining Policies, minus Bylaw 0167. With seven (7) Yes votes and one (1) Abstention, the motion was approved.



Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


D. A. Graham X Fiah Kwesseu X Yolanda Marrero-Lopez X Jane Rosenbaum X Gerald Truehart not present for vote Lucy Vandenberg X Heather Watson X Gene Bouie X

ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION President Bouie read the Executive Session Resolution:


WHEREAS, The Open Public Meetings Act, codified as N.J.S.A. § 10:4-6, et seq., permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting under certain circumstances; and, WHEREAS, the Trenton Board of Education is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist, indicated as follows:

Personnel matters related to the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of the performance of, promotion, or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee employed or appointed by the public body, unless all individuals who could be adversely affected request, in writing, that the matter be discussed at a public meeting;

DESCRIPTION OF MATTER(S): Tenure Charges; Fit for Duty Exams; Staff Conduct; Superintendent’s Merit Goals

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trenton Board of Education, County of Mercer, State of New Jersey, that an Executive Session will be held on September 25, 2017 for the statutorily permissible purposes indicated in this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that action may be taken by the Board when it reconvenes in Open Session. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that the minutes of the Executive Session with regard to the above subject matter shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved, no longer adverse to the public interest, or does not endanger any individual’s right to privacy.

Motion was made by Dr. Graham and seconded by Ms. Kwesseu to adjourn the meeting into Executive Session. All were in favor, 0 opposed 0 abstentions.


Trenton, New Jersey 08609 BOARD MEETING MINUTES

Monday – September 25, 2017 – 5:30 P.M.


ADJOURN 8:05 p.m. The Board did not take any public action following Executive Session. Respectfully submitted Jayne S. Howard Jayne S. Howard Business Administrator/Board Secretary