TREY C BED 10UB - Amazon S3 · thre.lenlrig character, the Bystem of the s or er being, m Bome CMeII, very ncb prostrated We do not heoltats to .. y, from the entire e denc". have

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Page 1: TREY C BED 10UB - Amazon S3 · thre.lenlrig character, the Bystem of the s or er being, m Bome CMeII, very ncb prostrated We do not heoltats to .. y, from the entire e denc". have
Page 2: TREY C BED 10UB - Amazon S3 · thre.lenlrig character, the Bystem of the s or er being, m Bome CMeII, very ncb prostrated We do not heoltats to .. y, from the entire e denc". have
Page 3: TREY C BED 10UB - Amazon S3 · thre.lenlrig character, the Bystem of the s or er being, m Bome CMeII, very ncb prostrated We do not heoltats to .. y, from the entire e denc". have

t08B~d f man-

c;r GRRAT :tUNG lixDICIlfJ: is U ALLEN's LUSG .» It Is prep.. cheml process and appnratus of mare !ban Dl'dinarily easily. nature, and It Is beyond Iill question never-faUing and thorongbly co lets cnre for eonghs Bnd atreet10Dl of the lnnga, even when the I.tter are of a very .. rloU8 and thre.lenlrig character, the Bystem of the s or­er being, m Bome CMeII, very ncb prostrated

We do not heoltats to .. y, from the entire e denc". have ill the ehsraeter of Its

letors, and the B\;>tement of eerlaln citliens who have nsed the medjclne, that It Is relilly one of the best thIngs ever yet dIscovered for the cure of the vartlenlar maJodles for ch It Is designed -1'> "",daoc. Ad_uer.

M B. Q. B.-Our ..... ODB and we trust

JUBtillcation for calling the public tentlon to MOl'IIER BAILEY'S QUIETING SYRUP, are

hcd by the freqnency and Iatlillty of the

dI_ of Infancy and cbUdbood. ~o alnrm­

iug and serious nrc the dlsenaes. hat one chlld

in three dies before tbe JIftb year ).I'hese fncts

ord conclllSiv nrgument for enforcing on

mothers tho importance of using a remedy (whl~h nlains no Morphine or olsonons

,) and never fulJa (when timely nsed) to

ect enre. It greatly ... Ists the chlld throngh th months of tee 9g, nllays Iill

pnm, reduces io.flammllUon. corrects acidItv of Ibe Stomach, and never fulls ttl rcgnlate the bowels, !l1ak.es sick and wen.k -children strong aud henlthYt produces natural. sleep for the chlld, thereby offording reet to the mother. For summer camp ts, yaentery and Dl:ll'­rhoo .. It has no eqno\. For 1Ic, Con­VUlsIOns, Grlpmg, &C, it never f Immediate relier


Thc only reliable remedy for those Brown Dis .. colorations on the fnee is "Perry'6 )[oth Frec!de Lolt.on. Prepared only by DR PERRY, 49 Bon at, New Yo ... everywhere

e the lenno, Bods glve is­sue to the foul and fiery contents of lho deep lnterlor To remove th cause oC such suffe -iog It IS only nceess~ry to vlt:ilize tho BI d by snpplying It wlth.ta Lifo Element-IiROY


(n. otected solution oC the Protonde aCIran) w do this effcctually, and gIve $trength, mgor a.nd t.w life to the whole system.

E~tract of a Letter from E~ DES, of Bolton, JIQS$

llForyellrs I was a sufferer from BoUs, thllt my Ufe became WC!lrisome through thOU' frequent and pers1ste~t recnrrence, tlnnlly a e,.arbuncle formed in the amnU of my back lJllnng Ita progresslnrge PieceS r decompQscd flesh wcre every d~y or two cu away, nd the prostratlO Ilnd general disturbance of the system were great. BerON I had recovered froOl this attack. two Smaller carbuncles rake out hlgher up, and I was agllm thre8teUf;~d with a recllrrence of tho Butren~s to which I had so long been SUbJected It IlS lit tWa tlme that I commeuced t:1klng the F RUVIAN SYRUP I continued taking It nntU I hadnsed five bottles t smce then I have had DOt.hiDg of t.be kind For years I WIl8 one Of the greatest sufferers. O~her mediclDC& gave me partial nnd t~mporar'yrellefl. btlt tb18 remarku.blerem~ OOy, Wlth a kind anll mtuitive sense. ent dI ... rectly to the root of the evil, and did It& work WJth • thoroughness worthy of Ita established chnrnctcr

..!. 32 page Pamphlet sent frec Thc gennlue-bus U PEaC\ lAS 8YRUl" '" I WD the gla8aa

J P DIS'S}tORt:), Proprietor, No 56 DeY-:lt, New York

11 druggl'ts.


all i m:mi Id forms, including Ulceri, C eers, Syphilis, Solt Rhenm, Consnmptlon,

G etc I Is DR. A~VJUt5' IODI!iE 'VATY. II. pure many ermans, solutlOn oC Iodine u:ttl!out a $o{rent, dl~oTered

ncans. after.ma.nr years of SCIentIfic research and ex ... periment For Cftl.dlCtltlng humors from the system It has n equa.l Crrculalll seDt. frec

c;r STEBIAL CosrERENcs.-The Min ... • Isterial Conference f the Seventh-day BaptiSt

Enotern Ass on ill holdj • qnarterl ses­sion Wlth the Ch~h at W a.terfo~ Conb , commenclDg on Third-day evenmg, Nov 10th, 1808, At 7 clock

J. P DUiSXORB.. 36 St., N. Ya Sold b Drng!ll'ts genc l1y.

W ATIsnmliATl'EBwnnYou?-Th'la Is the qnestlon pn to every invalid. In maDY CAICS Ihe ADlwer it, II I don't know exactly, b t on·t feel well" Look at Ibe

tenance of the mnn or woman who mokea this reply, nnd yon will generlilly find tbaI lb. eyes are dnll Illld lustreless, the complCXlon sallow, tbe cheeks flaCCid, and the wbole ex­pression of the rac. dejected. Interrogate Ihe Invalid more clotielYt and yon will d.i.8cuver

:1t Constipation, the result of 11 diaordered stomach and a. torpld llver, 18 3t the bot o( t mISchief. "Th.:lt's what's the matter."

ever has cxperienceLl the ect oC TAkR.!...W'S EFFERVESCE!'f SELTZER

-Pots i8 00@8 2,. Pearl!! 9 00 00tt.,......22}>@23}>c for Orllin. 2.@

25c. for Low Middling, 25Ji@:!6c for Thddliu~ 27@28c. for Good Middllng a'

Flour and Meal-Flour, 6 20@G 99 for .n­perfine State, 7 50@8 35 for fancy State, 7 70 @8 20 for .hlpplO"; OhlO, 8 40@10 00 r trode Ohlo, 10 OO@13 DO for at Louis extra. and donble extra ~ye Flonr G oo@ 10 rn Meal, 5 80@5 40'for yellow Western, 6 40 for Brand) 1D Buckwheat Fionr, 4 OU~ 50" 100 lb.

eot, 1 57 fo~ mixed Sprin,,;, 1 65 , 1 60@1 63 for No 2 Mll-for whIte C rnla, 2 2 60 for white Kentucky.

Bor:ey 2 Malt 2 35 R 1 5 am 70le Corn,116@117forWestemmiIed.

a!l-60@65<:- for shipping, 85e @1 85 for retnillots Strow,60@6oc for sbo Rye,8S@ 90c for ng d

HopJ-5@20c. ~ old American, 15@25c. for Dew

Pro"""",-Pork, 2350 for clty prime, 27 25 @27 50 fnt" new mess Beef, 9 OU@ltl 50 for common brands, 11 00@19 00 for laiD mcslS, 19 5O@2B 00 for extm do Dress 0 ll)li @12c. Lard 16)i@17)1ic

Seeds-Clover 13@13}>c. Tim 2a. ROUK; laxsecd 2 65@2 75

Tallo", 3@13Jic.




HH HHHIl different from man,,,,.:. HH HH pamtlons l!!!Jf HHHHHHR try Called ~ HH HH Tbey are no

butgood,ho -;~if~~~L:~,~HH~::HH-:. HHHH mtion,or any- (. ]:LLIl>~rr, Tll[0~[E8 ""rAJ~IIOJ] TheY' are

entirely vegetnble, and ccntoins no bq . I a compound of Flnld Extracts. Tbe

¥erbe, and Barks from which Ibese ex­nrc made e gathered in GermAIlY All

medlcl!lJl! 00000 vlrtnes ar. ex-meted from 00 them by • ocl-entiflc cheDllSt 00 00 esc extrude are Iben for- 00 warded to Ibl connlry'\o b. 00000 used expreB8iy for the ma.nu.. :-facture ofthese BItters There ia no nl holle ,nblltaDce of any kind UBed ill eoml'onndiug the BlUer&, hence it la the only BItters that ca used In _ here rUcohollc otimnIanls not ad-visable..


Then! Is a I nal to HoolIand'. noon B.ttcrs or Tonie .".... of DebUity.

They lDlP a ne and vigor to the whole By.tenl. .treugthen the appetlce, can .. an en-JOyment of the FFFF food, e Ie the ,tomaeh 1Ii- FF goot It,. purify the blood, give FFFFF a good, BOund, healthy com- plenon, eradi-cate the yellow FJir tingc from tb~

.J!yc, impArt a bl00 to the cheeks, d ch.:nge the tlent from a_ breathed; emael:ited, weak, and DervODB 10-valid, fnll-fn.ced, .tout, and VtgoroUl per­son I

"Wand Del1cate CbUdren are made ug by noing Ibe Bltlers or Tonic. In fact, they are Famlly Medicines. They can be admlnlo­tered ,.Qt. perfect safety to a clrlld three tIl())}tbi·o~ the most deliCate female, II f ninety.

IT,t,ul! Rem(dw are the ben

Page 4: TREY C BED 10UB - Amazon S3 · thre.lenlrig character, the Bystem of the s or er being, m Bome CMeII, very ncb prostrated We do not heoltats to .. y, from the entire e denc". have


Thcretre two Courses of In8troctloo-Nor~ DULl &.nd Academic t both e endinCl' rong tbree y . rartlcularatlentlou "ITI bo given In prep ng e.tuleuts for teo.ching or for col­lege •. I

ThOroUgb Inst'1'etion will also bo ltiveu lu Book.k<ieping, VoCal and trnmentaf lImlc, Penelling ""a Palutlng.

The d'ovemment of the etudenfa will be dly ~bnt firmly Bdmlulstered. e

Academ c BuUdlng la HDlShed, and is on. r the 0 beautiful and spaclou8 scbool bUDd· ing,ln South Jersey A good Boarding haa been fitted up for tbe accommodation 0 Ihe scbooL Rooms anlJ Board can be obtained in e Hall aud prlvatP..~ famllies at reasonable prlcea. I Tuition vanes from '6 10 $8. Extraa

usual rates. ill Term opens Wednesday 8c lembor 2<1,

ond closes Wedne&lD.Y~ De fL or further lDforma'ioD, send for rl'J-fculnrs.

l'rlnel1",I, or R V. • B. GIL­N.d.


y""" h. future of thIo LIne, therefore, la

nnusruilly PWllllSiDg. Tile


receive lIle U ted 8ta a.bout ten millloDS ACres of t.he




Rlnk and Deolen In Gove