Tribomechanical Systems in Mechanical Power Transmitters

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  • 7/28/2019 Tribomechanical Systems in Mechanical Power Transmitters


    * For correspondence.


    Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association Vol. 18, No 4, 497506(2012)

    Mechanism of friction generation and different type at wear inuence

    at tribomechanical factors




    Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, 6 Sestre Janjic Street,

    34 000 Kragujevac, Serbia

    E-mail: [email protected]


    In this paper, the etaile analysis of tribomehanial systems for transmission of

    power an movement in mehanial transmitters is presente. The basi tribolo-

    ial harateristis of tribomehanial systems are frition an wear that are the

    main ases of systems strtres alterations, enery loss an losses of material.

    As natral proesses, the frition an wear, epen on a lare nmber of ifferent

    fators: systems strtres, exploitative onitions (spee an loa), mehanial-hemial properties of materials, harateristi of lbriation, aressiveness of

    environment, temperatre, toporaphy of ontat srfaes, mehanial proess-

    ing (pre-processing and nal processing), etc.

    On the basis of the relevant information, the classication of basic tribome-

    chanical systems is done. By the analysis of specic tribomechanical systems in

    certain mechanical transmitters, the identication of common wear modes, theirs

    ases an reommenations for avoiane are one.

    Keywords: tribomehanial systems, frition, wear, mehanial power transmit-


    AIMS ANd BAckgROuNd

    The tribomehanial systems, as ynami exetors of basi fntions, at in

    onitions of frition ontats an in onitions of relative movement of theirs

    elements. In the zone of frition ontat, the omplex non stationary physio-hemial an mehanial proesses are ine that are followe by frition an

    wear of ontat srfaes.

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    The number of inuential factors and complexity of their interactions in

    whih variation of one parameter ase hain alterations of ifferent parameters

    complicate the quantication of theirs inuences. This is the reason for present

    insufciency of systematic information about tribological characteristics of tribo-

    mehanial systems.

    The triboloial proesses or at basi tribomehanial systems that areompose of 2 elements in ontat in the presene of the lbriant as the thir

    element. The existin environment may, bt mst not, affet the triboloial pro-

    esses in basi tribomehanial systems.

    The nmber of tribomehanial systems in ertain instrial systems may be

    more than several tens of thosans. In orer to simplify the analysis of triboloi-

    cal processes at contact surfaces, those tribomechanical systems can be classied

    in 4 major rops110:

    Tribomehanial systems for motion transmission: tribomehanial systems for transmission of rotation in transverse iretion, tribomehanial systems for transmission of rotation in lonitinal iretion, tribomehanial systems for transmission of linear motion , tribomehanial systems for motion brain;

    Tribomehanial systems for power transmission;

    Tribomehanial systems for transmission of information: tribomehanial systems for protion of information;

    Tribomehanial systems for movement an proessin of material: tribomehanial systems for material movement, tribomehanial systems for material formin, tribomehanial systems for material proessin.


    Tribomehanial systems for power transmissions, whih are nown as mehani-

    al transmitters, are se for transmission of mehanial motion enery on is-

    tanes, so as for transformation of its parameters. Those transmitters simltane-osly transmit the rotary motions.

    The eneral se of transmitters is hihly relate to exetin the elementary

    fntions with major harateristi that are, amon them: enery istribtion,

    retion or inreasin of spee, alternation of motion type, relation of spee,

    startin, brain, iretion hanin, et.

    The transmission of power an mehanial motion an be one in many if-

    ferent ways an by ifferent transmission mehanisms, so the mehanial power

    transmitters can be classied in 2 major groups: power transmitters with trans-mission by form, an power transmitters with transmission by frition.

    The power transmitters with transmission by form act on the specic form

    of triboelements an relate priniples of meshin of ontat srfaes. The fol-

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    lowing transmitters are classied in this group of mechanical power transmitter:

    ear transmitters, hain transmitters, timin belt transmitters, worm transmitters,

    threa transmitters, planetary ear transmitters, caran transmitters, an varia-

    tors with meshin.

    In the proess of power an motion transmission, the molelarly-mehani-

    al natre of frition is involve. The mehanial transmitters that at on the basisof this principle are: belt transmitters, at belt transmitters, friction transmitters,

    planetary frition transmitters an frition variators.

    Aorin to statistial ata abot proe power transmitters, the most

    ommonly se, in area of ontinos transmission ratios, are the ear trans-

    mitters (cylindrical, at rst). The share of friction transmitter usage at mechani-

    cal power transmitter in usage is signicantly smaller than the share of usage of

    power transmitters that transmit power by form onnetion.

    The present sae of mehanial power transmitters is hihly relate to e-velopment of mehanial transmitters with ontinally variable transmission ra-

    tio, arately, with ontinal spee relation. The share of mehanial power

    transmitters in lobal protion of ontinal transmitters is the biest an, from

    that aspet the proess of power transmission by frition, has briht perspetive.

    Power transmitters are classied in the group of widely used tribomechanical

    systems that are neessary for fntionin of mehanial systems of hiher levels.

    Furthermore, the qualities of power transmitters are the major inuential factor to

    qality of the whole onstrtion1,11



    In the zone of frition ontat at mehanial transmitters an interations of sys-

    tem elements, the omplex non stationary mehanial an physiohemial pro-

    esses are ine, so as the proesses of frition an wear.

    Processes of friction and wear in mechanical transmitters are dened by

    strtre an eneral fntion of the system. As the eneral fntion of the sys-tem at all mehanial transmitters is the same (transport of enery on ertain is-

    tance), it is implicated that those processes are highly dened by system structure.

    At the mehanial transmitters that wor on the basis of eometrial form

    onnetion of elements, the external frition is present. The frition is present at

    ontat zones of elements e to relative motion: impat, rollin an sliin.

    kinematial analysis of meshin at ylinrial ears impliates that om-

    ponents of rrent spees at some ontat point on ommon tanent line to sie

    srfae of teeth of mashin ears are not an mst not be in eqivalene. Thatmeans that sie srfae of teeth of mashin ears slies on eah other. The sliin

    is not present only when ontat is at entral point an in that ase only rollin is

    present (Fi. 1).

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    External frition that is present at meshin of ears is resltant of sliin fri-tion an rollin frition. As the iretions an vales of sliin spee are alter-

    in rin meshin perio (in interval of time from enter in ontat to exit from

    ontat of teeth), it is loial that frition is also alterin rin that interval. The

    current values of force and friction coefcient, that are present, are in function of

    rrent ontat of meshin tooth1217.

    The dening of current value of friction coefcient at every contact point

    during the period of meshing is very complex. The basic parameters that inuent

    on friction coefcient and sliding speed are changeable in direction and valueduring the period of meshing. From that reason, it is sufcient to use the average

    values of friction coefcient that are presented in many systematic information,

    at oneptal proere of onstrtion proess.

    Worm transmitters, as hyperboloi ear set with axes that intersets are har-

    aterise by linear ontat of triboelements (worm-worm wheel). The linear on-

    tat is followe by relatively hih level of sliin at mashin elements, bt also

    with forming of sufcient layer of lubricant as the third element of tribomechani-

    al system. The sliin frition an be hih, so it an ine the low eree of ef-ciency, lower than 0.5 at multiplicators. In case of worm transmitter application

    at reductors it is possible to increase the degree of efciency to over than 0.9 by

    onstrtion soltions.

    Fig. 1. gear power transmitter

    pitch circle

    pitch circle

    base circle

    base circle

    gear 1

    gear 2

    pressure line

    ( = pressure angle)








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    chain transmitters are mehanial transmitters whih transmit power an

    motion by exible element chain. From the aspect of analysis of the tribologi-

    al proesses, the hain transmitters belon to the tribomehanial systems with

    omplex strtre18. chain onsists of several basi tribomehanial systems:

    pinbshlbriant; bshrollerlbriant; sie srfae of pin lin platesie

    srfae of roller lin platelbriant, et. Some tribomehanial systems at hain

    power transmitter are presente in Table 1.

    The frition as proess that opposes to motion is very intensive rin phase

    of enterin in ontat of sproet an hain an in the phase of esent of the

    hain element from the sproet.

    During the entry phase of contact of chain element and sprocket, at rst, the

    roller hits to the teeth of sproet, an after that, bsh an pin hit to the roller as ele-

    ments of joint. Impats proe estrtion of the hain an its elements, tooth of

    the sproet an proe the noise an impat-yli estrtion of hain elements.

    The onstrtional shape of the sproet teeth an its interspaes, rin the

    normal meshin provie the normal positionin of the joint on ative part of the

    teeth prole. After the impact, the rolling with sliding of roller, at roller chains,

    is ine or sliin on bsh, in ase of bsh hains is ine. By that, the pres-

    ene of roller ereases intensive wear of tooth sproet e to sliin.

    Table 1.Tribomehanial systems at hain transmitters


    Tribomehanial system Element of

    system Type of motiongure nomenlatre



    2 pinbsh

    1 pin


    sliin2 bsh

    2 2



    1 bsh


    sliin2 roller





    1 roller




    2 sproet


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    Simltaneosly, the sliin between bsh an pin is present, so as sliin

    between the roller and bush with press ts to bush link plate.

    Analoe proess of relative motions at tribomehanial elements is present

    rin the enin phase of ontat, bt withot impats an their istration effets.

    Relative motion at joint is followe by resistane to this motion, so ifferent

    frition proesses at ontat srfaes are ine (impats, rollin an sliin).Those proesses are the main ase of losses of enery in transfer, so as the

    ases of ifferent types of wear.

    Timin belt transmitter, as relatively new onept at power transmission,

    uses exible element (toothed belt) for realisation of main function. The combi-

    nation of the hain, ear an belt transmission brins a variety of the motion in

    tangential, radial and axial directions. This is especially signicant at the phase

    of enterin at ontat of belt an plley.

    The basi tribomehanial systems at timin belt transmitters are (Fi. 2): belt toothbelt plley tooth (position 1 in Fi. 2),

    belt faceange (position 2 in Fi. 2),

    the belt rooveapex of the belt plley tooth (position 2 in Fi. 2).

    Types of motion that or in these tribomehanial systems are iven in

    Table 2.

    The initial ontat of timin belt teeth in the enterin phase of ontat starts

    Fig. 2.Tribomehanial systems in timin belt rives



    Table 2.Tribomehanial systems an types of motion in timin belt rives1921

    Tribomehanial system Type of motion

    Belt toothbelt plley tooth




    Belt faceangeimpat


    The belt rooveapex of the belt plley toothsliin


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    Table. 3. common wear type at mehanial transmitters




    casegeneral reommenations for

    avoi an minimisin the mainof the proess



    ear transmitters timin belt transmitters

    planetary transmitters aran transmitters frition transmitters

    (lbriate) belt transmitters (belt) at belt transmitters

    (at belt)

    ylial loas in pro-lone perio of exploi-

    tationoverloa an stressonentration

    inlsions in material insufcient lubrication improper nal technolo-

    y proess (tehnoloyheritae)

    improper parameters ofhemial-thermial treat-ment (tehnoloy heritae)

    retion of ontat stressesan freqenies of yli loa

    retion of loa sin of material with improveresistane to wear e to fatie

    sin of lbriant with hihervisosity an with ep aitives

    sin of optimal parameters oftehnoloial proessin

    sin of optimal parameters ofhemial-thermial treatment


    all mehanialtransmitters


    overloa insufcient hardness

    of ontat srfaes

    removal of polltants sores improve sealin (se of seal-

    ants) retion of loa erease of harness of ontat

    srfaes erease of thiness of lbri-

    ant layer



    ear transmitters hain transmitters timin belt transmitters

    (plley) planetary transmitters aran transmitters frition transmitters belt transmitters

    (plley) at belt transmitters


    aressive environmentmoistre insufcient lubrication

    improve sealin sin of lbriant with orro-

    sion inhibitors sin of material with resist-

    ane to orrosion.


    ear transmitters planetary transmitters

    aran transmitters frition transmitters


    overloabonary lbriation

    inproper lbriation insufcient lubricationabsene of brea-in


    retion of loa, spee antemperatre

    se of ompatible materials inrease of lbriant qantity oolin of lbriant sin of lbriant with hiher

    visosity sin of hih pressre aitives sin of triboloy oatins


    hain transmitters(hain)

    aran transmitters(telesope)

    vibrations insufcient strength

    of assembliesaressive environment

    elimination or absorption ofvibrations

    sin of absorbin materials inrease strenth of assembly protet ontat srfaes from

    orrosion-fatie proesses improve sealin sin of lbriant with orro-

    sion inhibitors

  • 7/28/2019 Tribomechanical Systems in Mechanical Power Transmitters



    with ontat of sie srfaes an with speial interferene of timin belt teeth

    that interferes to sie srfae of the timin belt plley teeth. de to elastiity of

    the belt an riiity of plley, the initial ontat is followe by the eformation of

    the timin belt teeth. The rotation of the plley moves the ontat srfae from

    the top of the plley teeth to its basis an it is followe by relative sliin of sie

    srfaes of the plley an teeth, rin the enterin phase of ontat, means sli-in frition. Frther movements of the belt alon the irmferential anle are

    characterised by exion of timing belt teeth, small sliding speeds of side surfaces

    of teeth, but, also, with moving of the rst layer in the contact of the top surface

    of the plley teeth an interspaes of teeth of timin belt. The intensity of frition

    is very small in this perio till the en of ontat. The harateristi of the tim-

    in belt an timin belt plley with sie rins is to ompress an to psh the air

    at hih spees rin the enterin phase of ontat an by that alter the eneral

    harateristi of frition of timin belt transmitters.The presene of axial fores, ase by onstrtion of the belt an by heli-

    oially threa of plin element, proes rnnin of the timin belt on the sie

    rin of the plley. Relative motions of fae srfae of belt an sie rin of the

    pulley are the causes of sliding friction that is signicantly high at the beginning

    of the ontat an at the en of ontat.

    The wear types at mehanial transmitters that are ommon in exploitation

    are presente at Table 3. By hoosin the exetors of elementary fntions, in

    the oneptal proere of esin proess, the esiner also taes obliation tominimise the wear proesses, frther throh esin, that are navoiable in ex-

    ploitation. Lare nmber of possibilities ollete in systemati information an

    be se, bt also own reative experiene an be se.


    The analysis of the tribomehanial systems for power transmission by form on-

    nection implicates that realisation of the main function is inuenced by all com-ponents of the system strtre (elements, properties, interations). The iffer-

    enes in eometrial shape of triboelements, omplex an ifferent inematial

    motions, presents of lbriants an other fators ase ifferent mehanisms of

    friction generation. Every type of transmitter has own specic functioning, but,

    also, own characteristics of friction processes. This is specic for the tribome-

    hanial systems with omplex strtre that onsist of several tribomehanial

    systems an in whih realisation of fntion is relate to resltant in motions, an

    the resistane to those motions is far more omplex.The wear is natral, proressive proess of material lost from the ontat

    srfaes that an not be avoie an that follows every tribomehanial system

    at power transmission in exploitation. The inuence of factors and their complex

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    interations proe ifferent types of wear proesses at ontat srfaes of tri-

    bomehanial systems. Those proesses are ifferent e to its ases, intensity

    and due to signicances to inuence the duration of exploitation period of realised

    onstrtions. Wear an not be ompletely eliminate, bt it an be minimise to

    aeptable levels.


    This paper presents the researh reslts obtaine within the framewor of a proj-

    ect TR35021, nancially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of

    the Repbli of Serbia.


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    Received 22 May 2012

    Revised 21 July 2012