Audition Requirements Tenor & Bass Trombones On the following pages you will find the Tenor and Bass Trombone audition excerpts for this year’s Festival of Winds and Percussion. Your band director will be notified of which instrument you were selected to play. Students must audition playing the instrument for which they were selected. Students are asked to submit a recorded audition. Recording your audition allows you the freedom to submit your BEST “take” of the audition materials. A few notes about the audition process: Auditions may be submitted via audio format (.mp3 or .wav) or video format (due to file size it is preferable that videos be uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site). Videos uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site should not be listed “private” as this may not allow our faculty to view your video. Please list as “public” or “unlisted” which will allow anyone with a link to view your video. Test the audio level before completing your recording. Audio that is too soft or too loud (distorted) may affect your overall audition raking. Remember, this is about you submitting your BEST! When you are ready to record, please follow the process below. Very clearly say your full name (first & last). Say the name of the high school you attend. Say the name of the instrument you are playing (Tenor or Bass Trombone). Scales should be performed first followed by the prepared excerpt(s). o All materials should be recorded/submitted as one file per student. When you have finished, say “End of Recording.” Example: “My name is Jeffrey Miller. I attend Tennessee Tech High School and am auditioning on Tenor Trombone.” [Play through audition materials.] “End of recording.” Recorded auditions must be received by Friday, January 24, 2020. Submit recordings to [email protected] e 57th Annual Festival of Winds and Percussion A T T E N N E S S E E T E C H

Trombones FOWAP 2020 · size it is preferable that videos be uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site). • Videos uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site should not be listed “private”

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Page 1: Trombones FOWAP 2020 · size it is preferable that videos be uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site). • Videos uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site should not be listed “private”

Audition Requirements Tenor & Bass Trombones

On the following pages you will find the Tenor and Bass Trombone audition excerpts for this year’s Festival of Winds and Percussion. Your band director will be notified of which instrument you were selected to play. Students must audition playing the instrument for which they were selected.

Students are asked to submit a recorded audition. Recording your audition allows you the freedom to submit your BEST “take” of the audition materials.

A few notes about the audition process:

• Auditions may be submitted via audio format (.mp3 or .wav) or video format (due to filesize it is preferable that videos be uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site).

• Videos uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site should not be listed “private” as thismay not allow our faculty to view your video. Please list as “public” or “unlisted” whichwill allow anyone with a link to view your video.

• Test the audio level before completing your recording. Audio that is too soft or too loud(distorted) may affect your overall audition raking. Remember, this is about yousubmitting your BEST!

When you are ready to record, please follow the process below.

• Very clearly say your full name (first & last).• Say the name of the high school you attend.• Say the name of the instrument you are playing (Tenor or Bass Trombone).• Scales should be performed first followed by the prepared excerpt(s).

o All materials should be recorded/submitted as one file per student.• When you have finished, say “End of Recording.”

Example: “My name is Jeffrey Miller. I attend Tennessee Tech High School and am auditioning on Tenor Trombone.” [Play through audition materials.] “End of recording.”

Recorded auditions must be received by Friday, January 24, 2020.

Submit recordings to [email protected]

The 57th AnnualFestivalof Winds and Percussion


Page 2: Trombones FOWAP 2020 · size it is preferable that videos be uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site). • Videos uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site should not be listed “private”

Audition Requirements

Tenor Trombone

Scales: • Concert F Major.• Concert A Major.• Perform all major scales to the fullest range of your ability.• For the chromatic scale, start on E below the bass clef staff and play up to

your highest comfortable note, then back down to E below the staff.o Students who would like to demonstrate lower range should then take

a breath and start on E below the bass clef staff, moving downward totheir lowest comfortable note. Do not play back up to E.

• All scales may be performed in a rhythmic pattern of your choosing.• All scales may be articulated or slurred.

Prepared Excerpt: • Play the excerpt taking either A or B ending. Observe all markings.


Bass Trombone

• Concert F Major.• Concert A Major.• Perform all major scales to the fullest range of your ability.• For the chromatic scale, start on E below the bass clef staff and play up to

your highest comfortable note, then back down to E below the staff.o Students who would like to demonstrate lower range should then take

a breath and start on E below the bass clef staff, moving downward totheir lowest comfortable note. Do not play back up to E.

• All scales may be performed in a rhythmic pattern of your choosing.• All scales may be articulated or slurred.

Prepared Excerpt: • Play the excerpt taking either A or B ending. Observe all markings.• Play measures 25-28 down an octave as indicated.

Page 3: Trombones FOWAP 2020 · size it is preferable that videos be uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site). • Videos uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site should not be listed “private”

? 43œ>

.œ œ .œ œbrilliante


Allegretto (q = 108)

˙ Œœ> .œ œ .œ œ ˙

Œ ˙b œdolce


˙ Œ

?7 ˙b œ œ ˙ ŒF

œ œ œ. œ. œ œ# œ œ. œ. œ œ# œ œ. œ. œœ# œ œ. œ. œ


œ ‰ Jœ .œ œf

œ‰ Jœ œ œ ˙


œ> œ> œ> œ>Œ Œ


.œJœ#œ œ œ œ œ œ

?19 .œJœ œ œ# ˙

Œœ. œ. œ

.œ. œ. œ. ˙# Œ œ. œ.

œ. œ.œ# . œ.

˙ Œ

?25 .œJœœ œ


œ œ œ œ .œJœ œ œ

Jœ ‰ Jœ> ‰ Œ

œ>.œ œ .œ œ



˙ Œ

?31 .œ œ .œ œ .œ œa.

f˙# œ

Jœ ‰3œ œ œ œ œ

ƒ.œ Jœ

œ œ œ œb .œ Jœ


œŒ Œ

?37 œ .œ œ .œ œb.


˙Œ ‰

œ œ œ œ œ œ .œ# œ .œ ‰ Jœ œ> Jœ œ œjœ ‰ J

œ‰ Œ

Timing: App. 0:59Trombone - Audition Solo 2B

© 2015 Brad Edwards. This piece may be copied freely but may not appear in another copyrighted work without permission.

Use either ending "a" or "b" ("b" is more challenging).

Piano accompaniments and duet parts available! AuditionSolos.com

(Version: 10/5/15)

2020 Festival of Winds and Percussion - Tenor Trombone Audition ExcerptPlay either ending (A or B)

If you need clarification, please contact Dr. Joshua Hauser - [email protected]

Text Box
Play either ending
Page 4: Trombones FOWAP 2020 · size it is preferable that videos be uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site). • Videos uploaded to YouTube or a comparable site should not be listed “private”

? b 43 œ> .œ œ .œ œbrilliante


Allegretto (q = 108)

˙ Œ œ> .œ œ .œ œ ˙ Œp

dolce˙b œb œ ˙ Œ

? b7 ˙b œ œ ˙ Œ

Fœ œ. œ. œ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ. œ. œ œ œ. œ. œ

? b13 œ ‰ jœ .œ œf

œ ‰ jœ œ œ ˙ 3œ> œ> œ> œ> Œ ŒP.œ jœ# œ œ œ œ œ œ

? b19 .œ Jœ œ œ# ˙ Œ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. ˙# Œ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ# . œ. ˙ Œ

? b25 .œ Jœ œ œF

œ œ œ œ .œ Jœ œ œ Jœ ‰ jœ> ‰ Œ œ> .œ œ .œ œfbrilliante

˙ Œ

? b31 .œ œ .œ œ .œ œa.

f ˙n œ jœ ‰ 3œ œ œ œ œƒjœ ‰

>̇ œ œ œ œ œP œ Œ Œ

? b37

.œ œ .œ œ .œ œb.

f˙ œ œ jœ ‰


œ œ œ œ œƒJœ ‰ ˙

Pjœ.œ> Jœ. œ.


œ Œ Œ

Timing: App. 0:59Bass Trombone - Audition Solo 2B

© 2015 Brad Edwards. This piece may be copied freely but may not appear in another copyrighted work without permission.

Use either ending "a" or "b" ("b" is more challenging).

(Version: 5/26/16)

Piano accompaniments and duet parts available! AuditionSolos.com

tTgsg8vb ____________________________________________________|

2020 Festival of Winds and Percussion - Bass Trombone Audition ExcerptPlay either ending (A or B)

If you need clarification, please contact Dr. Joshua Hauser - [email protected]

Text Box
Play either ending