1. Introduction Tropospheric ozone (O 3 ) is recognized as the most phytotoxic among the common air pollutants (Sandermann et al 1998), and is responsible for a wide range of damages to plants. The chemical characteristics at the basis of its behaviour are the high oxidizing power, a diffusion coefficient similar to the one of CO 2 (and consequently a certain facility to penetrate plant tissues), solubility in water 10 times higher than CO 2 and tendency to react with water in a sub-basic environment (Izuta 2006). Its noxious activity towards plants can occur in both direct (e.g. through liberation of hydroperoxides) and indirect ways (e.g. through liberation of hydroximetylperoxides); these aspects will be discussed in detail in the following sections. O 3 is formed in the troposphere by the energy released from electrical discharges, or can go down from the stratosphere; nevertheless, it is mainly generated through the photolytic cycle of O 3 , a series of chemical reactions triggered by hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides present in exhaust gases from vehicles (Crutzen 1973; Chameides and Lodge 1992). The cycle is started by the hydroxylic radical, a highly reactive molecule formed when a radical oxygen, generated spontaneously in the stratosphere by splitting of O 3 , reaches the troposphere and there reacts with H 2 O. At the same time, the hydroxylic radical can oxidize anthropogenic pollutants to smaller chemical specimens that are more easily eliminated. The synthesis or degradation of O 3 depends on the NO 2 /NO ratio: the higher the ratio, the higher the O 3 , and vice versa. O 3 concentrations in the troposphere regularly exceed national and international limits in Europe and North America (Hough and Derwent 1990; Flatøy et al 1996), ranging typically between 20 and 60 nl l -1 with peaks of up to 250 nl l -1 (Stockwell et al 1997), and some models predict a further increase of 0.3–1% per year over the next 50 years (Liao et al 2006). Under the stimulus of the environmental problems connected with tropospheric O 3 , many researchers have focused, during the past decades, on the study of its effects on plants, and several properties that can be utilized for convenient practical application have been brought to light (Eckey-Kaltenbach et al 1994; Sudhakar et al 2006). http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosci J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009, 125–138, © Indian Academy of Sciences 125 Review Tropospheric ozone as a fungal elicitor PAOLO ZUCCARINI Department of Crop Biology, Section of Plant Physiology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (Fax, 0039 050 2216532; Email, [email protected]) Tropospheric ozone has been proven to trigger biochemical plant responses that are similar to the ones induced by an attack of fungal pathogens, i.e. it resembles fungal elicitors. This suggests that ozone can represent a valid tool for the study of stress responses and induction of resistance to pathogens. This review provides an overview of the implications of such a phenomenon for basic and applied research. After an introduction about the environmental implications of tropospheric ozone and plant responses to biotic stresses, the biochemistry of ozone stress is analysed, pointing out its similarities with plant responses to pathogens and its possible applications. [Zuccarini P 2009 Tropospheric ozone as a fungal elicitor; J. Biosci. 34 125–138] Keywords. Elicitor; ozone; pathogens; stress Abbreviations used: ACC, 1-aminocyclopropyl-1-carboxylic acid; AOX, alternate oxidase; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; GRAS, generally considered as safe; HR, hypersensitive response; NADH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; NO, nitric oxide; NOS, NO synthase; PR proteins, proteins related to pathogenesis; PS, photosystem; ROS, reactive oxygen species; SA, salicylic acid; SAR, systemically acquired resistance; SMV, Soybean mosaic virus; US, ultrasound; UV, ultraviolet

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  • Tropospheric ozone as a fungal elicitor 125

    J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009

    1. Introduction

    Tropospheric ozone (O3) is recognized as the most phytotoxic

    among the common air pollutants (Sandermann et al 1998),

    and is responsible for a wide range of damages to plants. The

    chemical characteristics at the basis of its behaviour are the

    high oxidizing power, a diffusion coef cient similar to the

    one of CO2 (and consequently a certain facility to penetrate

    plant tissues), solubility in water 10 times higher than CO2

    and tendency to react with water in a sub-basic environment

    (Izuta 2006).

    Its noxious activity towards plants can occur in both

    direct (e.g. through liberation of hydroperoxides) and indirect

    ways (e.g. through liberation of hydroximetylperoxides);

    these aspects will be discussed in detail in the following


    O3 is formed in the troposphere by the energy released

    from electrical discharges, or can go down from the

    stratosphere; nevertheless, it is mainly generated through

    the photolytic cycle of O3, a series of chemical reactions

    triggered by hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides present in

    exhaust gases from vehicles (Crutzen 1973; Chameides

    and Lodge 1992). The cycle is started by the hydroxylic

    radical, a highly reactive molecule formed when a radical

    oxygen, generated spontaneously in the stratosphere by

    splitting of O3, reaches the troposphere and there reacts with

    H2O. At the same time, the hydroxylic radical can oxidize

    anthropogenic pollutants to smaller chemical specimens that

    are more easily eliminated. The synthesis or degradation of

    O3 depends on the NO

    2/NO ratio: the higher the ratio, the

    higher the O3, and vice versa.

    O3 concentrations in the troposphere regularly exceed

    national and international limits in Europe and North

    America (Hough and Derwent 1990; Flaty et al 1996),

    ranging typically between 20 and 60 nl l-1 with peaks of up

    to 250 nl l-1 (Stockwell et al 1997), and some models predict

    a further increase of 0.31% per year over the next 50 years

    (Liao et al 2006).

    Under the stimulus of the environmental problems

    connected with tropospheric O3, many researchers have

    focused, during the past decades, on the study of its effects

    on plants, and several properties that can be utilized for

    convenient practical application have been brought to light

    (Eckey-Kaltenbach et al 1994; Sudhakar et al 2006).

    http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosci J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009, 125138, Indian Academy of Sciences 125


    Tropospheric ozone as a fungal elicitor


    Department of Crop Biology, Section of Plant Physiology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

    (Fax, 0039 050 2216532; Email, [email protected])

    Tropospheric ozone has been proven to trigger biochemical plant responses that are similar to the ones induced by

    an attack of fungal pathogens, i.e. it resembles fungal elicitors. This suggests that ozone can represent a valid tool

    for the study of stress responses and induction of resistance to pathogens. This review provides an overview of the

    implications of such a phenomenon for basic and applied research. After an introduction about the environmental

    implications of tropospheric ozone and plant responses to biotic stresses, the biochemistry of ozone stress is analysed,

    pointing out its similarities with plant responses to pathogens and its possible applications.

    [Zuccarini P 2009 Tropospheric ozone as a fungal elicitor; J. Biosci. 34 125138]

    Keywords. Elicitor; ozone; pathogens; stress

    Abbreviations used: ACC, 1-aminocyclopropyl-1-carboxylic acid; AOX, alternate oxidase; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; GRAS, generally

    considered as safe; HR, hypersensitive response; NADH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NADPH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

    phosphate; NO, nitric oxide; NOS, NO synthase; PR proteins, proteins related to pathogenesis; PS, photosystem; ROS, reactive oxygen

    species; SA, salicylic acid; SAR, systemically acquired resistance; SMV, Soybean mosaic virus; US, ultrasound; UV, ultraviolet

  • Paolo Zuccarini126

    J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009

    This review focuses on the capacity of tropospheric O3

    to trigger the same plant reactions as fungal pathogens, and

    on the possible implications of these for agronomy and plant

    pathology. First of all, the reactions that plants mount as a

    consequence of biotic stresses are discussed. Subsequently,

    the damaging effects caused by O3 stress on the vegetable

    organism are analysed. Finally, a comparison between the

    two kinds of phenomena is performed, in order to highlight

    the activity of O3

    as a fungal elicitor, and its possible

    practical applications.

    2. Plant responses to biotic stresses

    When the interaction between a pathogen and its host is

    species-speci c, the host expresses genes of resistance with

    biochemical af nity to the genes of avirulence brought by

    the pathogen (the elicitors). When elicitors are recognized by

    the proper receptors of the plant, they trigger the activation

    of its genes of resistance, and defences are put into action

    (Hahn 1996; Montesano et al 2003).

    Elicitors present a wide range of structures, and can be

    carried by the pathogen (exogenous elicitors) or produced by

    the plant as a consequence of the plantpathogen interaction

    (endogenous elicitors); in both cases, their role is to stimulate

    the defence reaction of the plant (Ebel and Cosio 1994). The

    most frequent biochemical defence responses are fast death

    of those cells that are directly in contact with the pathogen

    (known as hypersensitive response [HR]); synthesis and

    accumulation of phytoalexins and secondary metabolites;

    systemically acquired resistance (SAR); synthesis of

    proteins related to the pathogenic event (PR proteins).

    2.1 Hypersensitive response

    HR is often the main mode of resistance in the case of fungal

    or bacterial attack, and is characterized by the formation of

    necrotic lesions in the zones involved and limitation of growth

    and spread of the pathogen.

    HR is mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) such

    as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide and the hydroxyl radical

    (Watanabe and Lam 2006). These activated species produced

    by the plant undergoing an attack (Apel and Hirt 2004) can

    directly kill the pathogens, strengthen the cellular walls by

    deposition of structural compounds such as lignin, produce

    speci c structural or elicitor proteins or destroy the host cell

    (Baker and Orlandi 1995; Lamb and Dixon 1997).

    The destruction of host cells is properly called a

    hypersensitive response, and is caused by the peroxidation of

    membrane lipids and loss of electrolytes. Cell ion imbalance

    and the subsequent breakdown of cellular components result

    in death of the affected cells and formation of local lesions.

    In this way, the plant sacri es parts of its tissues, but

    isolates the area of action of the pathogen and prevents it

    from spreading through the whole organism (Heath 2000).

    The reinforcement of cell walls surrounding the

    infection is intended to create a physical barrier to inhibit

    the spread of infection (Pontier et al 1998); this happens

    through ROS-triggered deposition of callose and oxidized

    derivates of precursors of lignin, as well as by production

    of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (Matthews 2007).

    Speci c proteins produced in connection with HR can have

    a structural or an elicitor role.

    The role of ROS in pathogen killing and host cell

    destruction has been widely demonstrated and accepted,

    but evidence exists that they do not act alone (Dangl 1998).

    Nitric oxide (NO) and NO synthase (NOS) play an important

    role in plant defence reactions against pathogens, together

    with ROS. Tobacco plants infected with a tobacco-speci c

    virus showed an enhancement of NOS activity (Durner et

    al 1998), and similar results were observed in soybean cells

    and Arabidopsis thaliana in response to a bacterial pathogen

    or a proper elicitor (Delledonne et al 1998), suggesting that

    NO signi cantly contributes to the actions performed by

    ROS in the early stages of plant defence responses.

    HR is usually the rst defence of the plant against

    pathogenic attack; when it is not suf cient to stop the

    aggression, synthesis of phytoalexins comes to the rescue.

    2.2 Synthesis of phytoalexins

    Phytoalexins are a group of phenylpropanoids whose syn-

    thesis is induced by various kinds of stress; phenylpropanes

    come from deamination of the amino acids phenylalanine

    and tyrosine produced in the biosynthetic pathway of

    shikimic acid (Hammerschmidt 1999). About 350 different

    phytoalexins are known today, all coming from the same

    common metabolic pathway; plants belonging to different

    botanical families synthesize speci c phytoalexins (Mert-

    Trk 2002). Phytoalexins often do not come from synthesis

    ex novo, but from the biotransformation of previously

    existing molecules, e.g. by conjugation, compartmentation,

    release of conjugated forms (Fuchs et al 1983; Pedras et

    al 2000); this means that bigger stores of biotransformable

    substances represent higher potential resistance for a plant.

    Phytoalexins perform their antibiotic activity through

    the destruction of pathogenic membranes, particularly the

    plasmatic ones; this action is stronger for higher levels of

    lipophilicity, hydroxylation and acidity of the molecule

    (Cowan 1999; Ishida 2005).

    2.3 Systemically acquired resistance

    This phenomenon occurs when pathogen attack on a

    certain part of the plant causes induction of resistance

  • Tropospheric ozone as a fungal elicitor 127

    J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009

    in areas that have not been directly infected (Ryals et al

    1996). The activation of systemically acquired resistance

    (SAR) is constituted by a modulation or strengthening

    of speci c mechanisms of resistance that cause the

    plantpathogen interaction to be incompatible. However,

    SAR cannot provide complete resistance from the attack

    of pathogens, since for each plantelicitor combination a

    particular induction of resistance, with its own spectrum, is


    SAR is divided in two phases: start (the transitory

    phase comprising all the events leading to resistance) and

    maintenance (semi-stationary state of resistance coming

    after the initial part).

    Salicylic acid (SA) plays a central role in the signal

    transmission for induction of SAR; in several species, a

    correlation has been demonstrated between concentration

    of SA and increased resistance to biotic stresses (Mur et al

    1996; Mauch-Mani and Mtrauxs 1998; Mtrauxs 2001). SA

    is produced in the infected tissues and transferred through

    the phloem to non-infected ones, where it induces resistance,

    acting as a signal molecule. For induction of resistance,

    SA is not only synthesized ex novo at the moment of the

    infection, but plants also have supplies of its conjugated

    form with glucose, which can be released when necessary.

    The accumulation of these conjugated forms represents a

    constitutional defence for the plant.

    Other molecules capable of conferring SAR are 2,6-

    dichloroisonicotinic acid and its methyl ester (Vernooj et

    al 1995); the S-methyl ester of benzo (1,2,3) thiadiazol-7-

    carboxylic acid (Kunz et al 1997); jasmonate and its methyl

    ester (Repka et al 2004).

    2.4 Proteins related to pathogenesis

    The contribution of proteins related to pathogenesis (PR

    proteins) to disease resistance is highly variable, and depends

    both on the plant and on the pathogen (Bowles 1990).

    PR proteins accumulate in hostile environments as

    vacuoles in the cell walls and intercellular spaces, since their

    physicochemical proprieties allow them to resist low pH and

    proteolytic scission (Datta and Muthukrishnan 1999). Their

    basic role is to limit the access of pathogens and to induce

    programmed cell death. The types and roles of PR proteins

    are discussed further in section 4.

    3. Biochemistry of ozone stress

    When the plant is attacked by O3, it puts into action a

    series of metabolic responses that can result in either

    induction of resistance or damage. Damage can be either

    acute or chronic. In this section, damage is analysed, with

    special regard to the chemical specimens that activate

    responses connected to it.

    3.1 Acute damage

    Acute damage can be de ned as damage subsequent to acute

    exposure of an organism to a biotic or abiotic stressor. The

    exposure is acute when it lasts for a short period of time,

    during which the organism undergoes severely intense

    stress. In the case of an abiotic stressor such as O3, acute

    exposure is de ned as exposure to a high concentration of O3

    for a short interval which is not repeated later; an example

    of acute exposure could be 250 nl l-1 for 5 h (Pasqualini

    et al 2007). Complexively, the three factors that interact

    to distinguish between acute and chronic damage are the

    severity and duration of the stress, and sensitivity of the

    attacked organism.

    Acute and chronic damage therefore have different

    dynamics, and usually lead to different consequences.

    While chronic exposure can provide the organism with

    an increase in tolerance and resistance, in acute exposure

    the modi cations caused to the metabolism of the host

    are represented most of the time by the damage itself,

    which in extreme cases can lead to death of the organism,

    or to partial damage of the attacked tissues. This second

    eventuality, in plants, often results in foliar necroses, and

    can be a valid strategy to con ne the noxious agent and

    prevent it from spreading to the rest of the organism. There

    are also cases in which acute O3 exposure can provide the

    plant with better resistance to further pathogenic attacks,

    through induced metabolic changes that can persist for days,

    weeks or months (Sandermann 2000). Puckette et al (2007)

    suggest that acute O3 fumigation (300 nmol mol-1 for 6 h)

    on Medicago truncatula can be a valid tool to improve the

    plants resistance to a variety of abiotic stressors, in spite of

    the damages (mainly at foliar level) caused by the treatment.

    For this reason, varieties with high tolerance to acute O3

    represent the ideal target for this kind of treatment. Soybean

    plants exposed to acute O3 fumigation while being infected

    with Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) showed acquisition of

    non-speci c resistance against the virus which is concretized

    by a signi cant slowing down of systemic infection and

    disease development, by means of increased transcription

    of fungal, bacterial and viral defence-related genes (Bilgin

    et al 2008).

    Acute damage is therefore the kind of damage that

    generally, but not always, leads to cell death. Commonly

    visible symptoms are foliar necroses, which can appear

    within 1572 h from a single acute dose of O3 (Wohlgemuth

    et al 2002; Neufeld et al 2006). These foliar necroses appear

    similar to cases of programmed cell death subsequent to

    pathogenic attacks, described by Kombrink and Somssich


    The necrotic lesions associated with acute damage

    can either be caused by direct action of O3, leading to

    oxidation of cellular components and uncontrolled cell

  • death (Pell et al 1997), or by programmed cell death

    triggered by the ROS produced by primary reactions

    (Greenberg et al 1994; Overmyer et al 2005), depending on

    the O3 concentration. A high concentration of O

    3 causes a

    rapid attack on the cell walls and membranes, with loss of

    semipermeability, plasmolysis and death. If the event is fast

    and extensive, the quick and massive liberation of enzymes

    from the tonoplast could lead to uncontrolled proteolysis and

    uncontrolled cell death (Heath 1987b; Fiscus et al 2005).

    Lower O3 concentrations can lead to a slow degradation of

    the plasmatic membrane (2448 h). This happens through

    ATP-ase inhibition (Dominy and Heath 1985), alteration of

    Ca2+ transport (Castillo and Heath 1990) and oxygenation of

    the membrane lipids (Ranieri et al 1996).

    The key molecules in acute damage are ROS and

    products of lipid peroxidation which, in cases of O3 stress,

    seem to act both as messengers of stress signals (induction

    of activity of detoxifying systems) (Puckette et al 2007) and

    as being directly responsible for the development of necrotic

    lesions (Mehdy et al 1996; Langebartels et al 2002). The

    fact that the same molecule can play both these roles at the

    same time cannot be ruled out, and the effects can depend

    on its localization in the plant. For example, tobacco

    plants modi ed for the overexpression of mitochondrial

    alternate oxidase (AOX), characterized for this reason

    by lower mitochondrial ROS concentration, surprisingly

    showed higher sensitivity to O3 fumigation, and a possible

    explanation is that ROS-scavenging systems were activated

    by the altered defensive mitochondrial-to-nucleus signalling

    pathway (Pasqualini et al 2007).

    Products of lipid peroxidation are generated by the action

    of ROS on the polyunsaturated fatty acids of the membrane

    lipids (Takamura and Gardner 1996); their direct impact on

    plant metabolism involves a series of reactions that take place

    at the level of chloroplasts and their antioxidant systems

    (Kraus et al 1995; Mano et al 2001) and at mitochondrial

    level, where the glycine decarboxylase complex is a major

    target (Taylor et al 2002).

    In acute damage, O3 enters the plant through the

    stomata, diffuses in the apoplast and, once there, is rapidly

    decomposed to hydroxylic radical, superoxide, hydrogen

    peroxide and other ROS (Heath and Taylor 1997). Formation

    of the hydroxylic radical is stimulated by the presence

    of Fe2+, amines, thiolic groups, caffeic acid (Grimes et al

    1983; Byovet et al 1995); hydrogen peroxide is produced

    by the reaction of O3 with unsaturated fatty acids (Pryor and

    Church 1991).

    These ROS can be detoxi ed by antioxidant substances

    present in the apoplast and in plant mitochondria (Mller

    2001); otherwise, they attack the proteins and lipids of

    the plasmatic membrane through the process of lipid

    peroxidation (Schraudner et al 1997). Lipid peroxide

    radicals trigger various chain reactions, and the increased

    level of conjugation of fatty acids reduces the elasticity

    and uidity of the membrane, creating eccentricities

    inside (Heath 1987a). Lipid peroxides can be detoxi ed

    enzymatically by means of hydrolysis operated by

    phospholipases (Chandra et al 1996; Schraudner et al 1997),

    while glutathione-S-transferase and glutathione peroxidase

    in the cytosol detoxify the secondary products of lipid

    peroxidation (Willekens et al 1994; Conklin and Last 1995);

    their activation is very fast after O3 treatment. Studies on the

    biphasic production of ROS in O3-treated plants, moreover,

    provide evidence for the contribution of plant endogenous


    2 in the development of necrotic lesions connected to O


    stress (Schraudner et al 1998; Castagna et al 2005).

    Some authors also theorize that O3 can cause acute

    damage through interaction with volatile molecules

    produced by the plant, which are concentrated in the

    apoplast, such as ethylene, isoprene and -pinene (Hewitt

    et al 1990). Wellburn and Wellburn (1996) showed that

    O3-sensitive plants had a higher ethylene production than

    the average, while tolerant plants tended to accumulate

    antioxidants such as polyamines, polyphenols, ascorbate

    reductase and glutathione reductase. Other research, on the

    other hand, provided evidence of a protective action of the

    above-mentioned molecules against O3 stress (Loreto and

    Velikova 2001). Cyanide, a secondary product associated

    with ethylene formation, is considered in sensitive plants to

    be an ulterior cause for necrosis (Grossmann 1996).

    Acute O3 exposure negatively affects the photosynthetic

    performance of the plant, mainly by inhibiting the

    functionality of the photosystems (PS). Strong reduction in

    photosynthetic activity, accompanied by a drop in stomatal

    conductance, were observed in both ozone-sensitive and

    ozone-tolerant tobacco cultivars after one single acute

    fumigation (300 ppb during 3 h); these reductions were

    reversible in the tolerant cv. and irreversible in the sensitive

    one, demonstrating how damage caused to the PS can be

    relatively easy to recover in tolerant plants (Pasqualini

    et al 2002a). The effects of O3 and fungal pathogens

    on photosynthesis are similar and, in both cases, affect

    mainly PS-II, but some differences exist. Inhibition of

    photosynthesis induced by O3 and by a necrotrophic fungal

    pathogen, Pleiochaeta setosa, was compared in white lupin

    leaves by chlorophyll imaging. In both cases, PS-II was the

    main target of the perturbations, but the damage caused by

    O3 became evident in a signi cantly shorter time than in

    the case of the fungus; moreover, the spatial patterns of the

    response on the surface of the leaves were totally different

    for the two elicitors (Guidi et al 2007).

    3.2 Chronic damage

    This type of damage is caused by long-term exposure to low

    O3 concentrations; a reduction in tness and competitiveness

    Paolo Zuccarini128

    J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009

  • are usually associated with it. The most common symptoms

    are premature senescence, alteration in the metabolism of

    sugars, inhibition of photosynthesis, loss of balance in the

    redox status and production of ROS in the stroma (Pell et

    al 1997).

    Acceleration of leaf ageing is the most typical response

    of plants to exposure to chronic doses of O3 (Pell and Dann

    1991; Ljubei and Britvec 2006), and is associated with

    an increased production of ethylene (Tingey et al 1976). No

    cell death occurs, since the concentration of the oxidizing

    agents is low enough to be tolerated by the plasmatic

    membrane; nevertheless, free radicals tend to accumulate

    over time, since the detoxifying enzymes of the plant

    cannot completely clean them. This shows that ageing is

    connected to an increase in oxidizing events and a reduction

    in the capacity to counter them (Sohal and Weindruck

    1996). There is a link between leaf ageing and trends in

    the concentration of Rubisco in plant tissues. As a matter

    of fact, treatment with O3 causes a reduction in the peaks

    of Rubisco (Dann and Pell 1989; Pell et al 1992, 1994;

    Kopper and Lindroth 2003) and accelerates the degradation

    of the protein (Eckardt and Pell 1994); this suggests that

    the drop in Rubisco levels, and its consequent decline in

    photosynthesis, can be one of the ways through which O3

    causes foliar senescence.

    Ethylene is often associated with senescence too, but

    its precise role is not yet clear, apart from the fact that

    it is a promoter (Miller et al 1999). The most accepted

    hypothesis considers ethylene to have a direct role both

    in accelerating the process of senescence (Reid 1989) and

    in acting as a signalling molecule (Guo and Ecker 2004;

    Setyadjit et al 2004). The role of ethylene in the process of

    senescence is closely related to that of polyamines (Pandey

    et al 2000). The actions of these two classes of molecules

    are sometimes complementary and sometimes antagonistic,

    depending on the speci c physiological phase undergone by

    the plant. Yang et al (2008) provided evidence that ethylene

    plays a key role in the regulation of several developmental

    processes connected to leaf senescence, such as petal

    necrosis and corolla abscission on transgenic Nicotiana

    sylvestris specimens. Woltering et al (2002) showed on

    tomato plant cells how the action of ethylene in inducing

    programmed cell death during leaf senescence can be

    enhanced by the concomitant application of camptothecin,

    an inducer of apoptosis, but the supply of ethylene alone did

    not lead to signi cant alterations. Karaivazoglou et al (2004)

    monitored the production rates of ethylene during ripening

    and senescence of tobacco leaves, showing how an increase

    in ethylene production coincided with the rst symptoms of

    leaf senescence such as chlorophyll breakdown and decrease

    of dry weight; the concentration peak was reached about one

    week after the start of the process and was 56-fold higher

    than basal ethylene production.

    Alteration of sugar metabolism occurs in very sensitive

    plants (such as deciduous trees), with accumulation of

    starch in the guard cells and decrease of starch in the

    mesophyll (Gnthardt-Goerg et al 1997). The accumulation

    of starch and other hexoses inhibits the activity of several

    enzymes involved in the Calvin cycle and photosynthetic

    ef ciency is reduced (Krapp et al 1993). The reduced CO2

    xation increases the pool of reducing equivalents, with the

    consequent direct reduction of O2 by PS-I (Mehler reaction).

    Therefore, the loss of balance in the redox status is the cause

    of liberation of ROS into the stroma (Melhorn et al 1990;

    Mittler et al 2004).

    Chronic O3 exposure is commonly known to affect plant

    photosynthesis (Heath 1994), and this involves a variety

    of mechanisms that can act separately or in combination,

    depending on the plant species and on the conditions of

    exposure. A central role in the inhibition process is played

    by the stomata (Incln et al 1998), the partial closure of

    which represents the most immediate form of response, but

    subsequent metabolic regulations follow, bringing about

    a general limitation of physiological performance and a

    decline in plant productivity.

    Chloroplasts are the most important targets of chronic

    O3 exposure: characteristic symptoms are represented

    by alterations in their size and functionality, and in the

    composition of the stroma. Both O3 fumigations and

    natural tropospheric concentrations induced signi cant

    size reductions in the chloroplasts of needles of Scots pine

    and Norway spruce, and an increase in the electron density

    of the stroma, especially on the upper side of the leaves

    (Kivimenp et al 2005). Serious chloroplast injuries due to

    oxidative stress were observed in sensitive clones of Betulla

    papyrifera after O3 exposure, with subsequent dramatic loss

    of functionality; no ultrastructural injuries were observed in

    tolerant clones, as O3-elicited H


    2 production is restricted

    to the apoplast (Oksanen et al 2004).

    A typical response of plants to chronic exposure to O3 is

    represented by a decrease in the quantum yield of electron

    transport. This strategy allows the plant to reduce the

    photosynthetic assimilation rate at analogous conditions of

    irradiation, and is probably intended to reduce adenosine

    triphosphate (ATP) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

    phosphate (NADPH) production in order to put the plant in

    equilibrium with the decreased demand for the Calvin cycle

    subsequent to O3 stress. Evidence of this fact is provided by

    a trial in which chronic O3 fumigation on poplar (60 nl l1 for

    5 h day1 over 15 days) resulted in a signi cant reduction in

    the CO2 assimilation rate, due not only to strong stomatal

    closure but also to limitation of the dark reactions of the

    photosynthetic process, and the connected downregulation

    of photosynthetic electron transport (Guidi et al 2001).

    As can be seen, a problem for plants exposed to chronic

    O3 concentrations is to reduce the photosynthetic rate, tune

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    it with the changed metabolic demands, and put into action

    different alternative strategies for reducing equivalents.

    Another possible mechanism of the photosynthetic

    response can in fact involve more precocious steps, such

    as the inhibition of PS-II, with no alterations in quenching

    parameters (Guidi et al 2001). Ranieri et al (2001) showed

    in poplar how chronic fumigation with O3 can induce

    alterations in tylakoid functionality and composition; the

    activity of both the photosystems (PS-II and PS-I) was

    signi cantly reduced, and so was the concentration of all

    the polypeptides analysed. This provides evidence of the

    fact that, at a chronic level, O3 generally inhibits the activity

    of the electron transport chain by lowering the PS protein

    and pigment content, and all of these are strategies to

    reduce the rate of photosynthetic activity to face the adverse


    Some similarities exist between the effects caused on

    the photosynthetic process by chronic O3 exposure and

    fungal pathogens. Carter and Knapp (2001) analysed a

    large amount of published and unpublished data to show

    that, among others stressors, fungal pathogens and O3 cause

    alterations in the optical properties of leaves at almost the

    same wavelengths.

    The results shown provide evidence of an interaction

    between the primary metabolism and the possible responses

    to O3 stress, causing changes in the cell biochemistry,

    structure of chloroplasts and composition of their proteins,

    levels of reducing substances (such as nicotinamide adenine

    dinucleotide [NADH] and other reduced equivalents) and

    the redox balance of glutathione and ascorbate in the stroma.

    These changes can affect plant productivity, shift certain

    metabolic pathways (e.g. the shikimate way, Schmid and

    Amrhein 1995) and alter the capacity of the plant to react to

    future biotic and abiotic stresses.

    O3 seems complexively to not cause direct damage

    to the plant, as already theorized by Heath (1994), but to

    activate several signal pathways in it. In this sense, O3 takes

    shape of an abiotic elicitor, capable of stimulating plant

    reactions that are similar to the ones derived from pathogen

    attacks. These responses can either cause damage or act as

    the basis for SAR; the discriminating factors are mainly the

    intensity of the exposure and the individual sensitivity of the


    4. Ozone as a fungal elicitor

    In the previous section, plant responses to O3 stress

    were analysed from the point of view of the kind of

    damage induced. This section highlights all the cases

    in which O3 elicits reactions comparable to the ones

    generated by a fungal pathogen, potentially inducing the

    plant to resist abiotic stresses. This mechanism is called


    4.1 Phytoalexins

    Several experiments conducted during the past 30 years

    demonstrate the capacity of O3 to stimulate the production

    and accumulation of phytoalexins in different species.

    O3 induces accumulation of iso avonoid phytoalexins

    in soybean plants (Keen and Taylor 1975); of stilbenic

    phytoalexins in pine (Sandermann 1996; Chiron et al 2000)

    and grape (Schubert et al 1997) (the induction occurs at the

    level of transcription, Zinser et al 1998); of catechins in

    spruce and pine (Koricheva et al 1998); of the phytoalexins

    of furanocoumarin in basil (De Moraes et al 2004). In

    conifers, catechins and stilbenes can be accumulated and

    stored for several months (Langebartels et al 1998), a

    phenomenon called memory of the ozone stress.

    The molecular mechanisms through which O3 induces

    phytoalexin biosynthesis and the genes involved are still

    an object of investigation. In leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris

    L. exposed to realistic O3 doses, an increase was observed

    in RNA accumulation of phenyalanine ammonia lyase,

    naringenin chalcone synthase and chalcone isomerase

    genes. The substances produced by these genes are involved

    in the synthesis, among others, of iso avonoid phytoalexins

    (Paolacci et al 2001). Grimmig et al (2004) provided

    evidence of the fact that at least two different signalling

    pathways for O3-induced gene expression are involved, one

    depending on ethylene and the other an independent one.

    The role of O3 in inducing phytoalexin biosynthesis

    can also be exploited in the control of postharvest decay

    of fresh fruit. In 1997, an expert panel declared O3 to be

    generally considered as safe (GRAS) for applications

    involving food contact (US FDA 1997). In table grapes, O3

    was demonstrated to induce resveratrol and pterostilbene

    phytoalexins, providing better resistance of the berries to

    subsequent infections with Rhizopus stolonifer (Sarig et al


    4.2 Cellular barriers

    O3 exposure can provide plants with a reinforced cellular

    structure, particularly by strengthening the cell walls. This

    effect is generally observed at foliar level and is connected

    in most cases with an enhancement of lignin production and

    deposition, and with the switching of the related metabolic

    pathways towards the biosynthesis of particularly resistant

    and exible species of lignin.

    O3 induces, usually at transcriptional level, the activity

    of cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (Zinser et al 1998;

    Soldatini et al 2005) leading to the production of a lignin

    with juvenile characteristics that is closely correlated

    to the extensins (Lange et al 1995). This modi cation

    results in more resistant cells, with more ligni ed and

    elastic walls. In parsley (Eckey-Kaltenbach et al 1994)

  • Tropospheric ozone as a fungal elicitor 131

    J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009

    and tobacco (Sandermann 1996), O3 induces the synthesis

    of callose. In soybean plants, O3 treatment induces

    modi cations in the metabolism of phenylpropane and in

    the phenolic composition of leaves, leading to a higher

    content of hydrocinnamic acid, lignin and suberin. This

    was, again, mainly due to the increase in cinnamyl alcohol

    dehydrogenase activity, but O3 also elicited reactions

    typically associated with wound responses and browning

    (Booker and Miller 1998).

    O3 fumigation of poplar trees induced signi cant incre-

    ase in the foliar activities of shikimate dehydrogenase,

    phenylalanine ammonia lyase and cinnamyl alcohol

    dehydrogenase, enzymes involved in various steps of the

    metabolic pathway for the biosynthesis of lignins. A higher

    proportion of Klason lignin was observed in extract-free

    leaves of treated plants, and the lignins synthesized in

    response to O3 showed a different structure with regard to

    pre-existing lignins, with more juvenile characteristics such

    as enrichment of carboncarbon interunit bonds and in p-

    hydroxyphenylpropane units (Cabane et al 2004).

    The data shown here suggest that O3 fumigation can

    provide the plant with higher tolerance to O3 itself and

    to fungal pathogens by inducing, among other effects, a

    substantial reinforcement of the cell wall by synthesis of

    higher amounts of lignins that can provide better mechanical

    performance than constitutive ones.

    4.3 PR proteins

    Fungal and viral infections are responsible for an increase

    in PR proteins among the soluble protein fraction of leaves

    of most plants (Bol et al 1990; Bowles 1990); O3 is capable

    of triggering the same response. The common factor in

    the stimulation, in the case of both O3 stress and attack by

    pathogens, is the liberation of ethylene (Sandermann 1996;

    Van Loon et al 2006), and the molecules whose production

    is stimulated more are glucanase, chitinase and glutathione-


    Both the stimulation and increase of pre-existing

    production of PR proteins have been demonstrated in

    tobacco (Ernst et al 1992; Ernst et al 1996; Yalpani et al

    1994; Van Buuren et al 2002), parsley (Eckey-Kaltenbach

    et al 1997), Arabidopsis (Sharma and Davis 1994; Conklin

    and Last 1995; Sharma et al 1996; Lim et al 2003) and

    spruce (Krenlampi et al 1994) treated with O3. RNA-blot

    analysis performed on O3-tolerant and O

    3-sensitive clones

    of hybrid poplar showed that O3-induced mRNA levels of

    O-methyltransferase, a PR protein, were signi cantly higher

    in the O3-tolerant clones (Riehl Koch et al 1998). Long-term

    induction of genes encoding stress-related proteins PR-10

    and PAL was related, in birch, to macroscopic symptoms of

    injury (necrotic ecks) and enhanced yellowing of leaves,

    and leaf injuries were connected with short-term stomatal

    closure response in a highly complex manner (Pkknen

    et al 1998). O3-induced production of PR proteins can be

    enhanced by the concomitant action of other abiotic factors:

    in potato plants susceptible to Phytophthora infestans, an

    increase in the constitutive activities of the PR proteins

    -1,3-glucanase and osmotin is mediated by the combined

    action of high O3 and CO

    2 concentrations, resulting in an

    improved resistance to the pathogen (Plessl et al 2007).

    4.4 Signal substances

    These substances have a role in transmitting information

    from the areas attacked by O3 to the rest of the plant to

    activate the defences of the organism, such as PR proteins.

    The message can be carried by a hypothetical O3 receptor, or

    redox-sensor; by the oxidative burst at apoplastic and, later,

    at symplastic level (Ernst et al 1992; Sharma and Davis

    1994) or by other messengers.

    The two most important signal molecules are ethylene and

    SA; they can either be induced directly by O3 or be secondary

    messengers. It was demonstrated that these two molecules

    can act in concert to in uence cell death in O3-sensitive

    genotypes and that, at the same time, O3-induced ethylene

    production is dependent on SA (Rao et al 2002), and SA

    production is regulated by ethylene (Ogawa et al 2005)

    The production and circulation of ethylene as a

    consequence of O3 stress has been studied in potato (Pell et

    al 1997; Schlagnhaufer et al 1998; Sinn et al 2004), tomato

    (Tuomainen et al 1998; Moeder et al 2002), Arabidopsis

    (Overmeyer et al 2000) and birch (Vahala et al 2003),

    and is testi ed by the activation of 1-aminocyclopropyl-

    1-carboxylic acid (ACC)-synthase and ACC-oxidase (Yin

    et al 1994; Glick et al 1995; Sandermann 1996; Moeder

    et al 2002). The induction of ACC-oxidase transcription is

    the fastest response to O3 in plants, occurring in less than

    30 min from stimulation (Pell et al 1997; Tuomainen et al

    1997). In tomato, exposure to O3 concentrations of 85 nl l-1

    for 5 h caused visible foliar damage by 24 h, and the activity

    of ACC-synthase started to increase after 2 h (Tuomainen et

    al 1997); however, in tomato, changes in mRNA levels of

    speci c ACC-synthase, ACC-oxidase, and ethylene receptor

    genes occurred within 15 h of treatment (Moeder et al

    2002). The effects produced by stress-induced ethylene are

    typical of both HR and SAR reactions, such as synthesis of

    PR proteins (Ernst et al 1992; Ernst et al 1996), synthesis

    of stilbene synthase (Schubert et al 1997), accelerated

    senescence (Pell et al 1997), inactivation of Rubisco (Glick

    et al 1995) and modulation of programmed cell death (Lamb

    and Dixon 1997; Greenberg 1997). Some studies also

    suggest that ethylene may react non-enzymatically with O3

    to give a superoxide radical, thereby directly determining

    the responses of plants to O3 (Elstner et al 1985; Mehlhorn

    and Wellburn 1987).

  • Paolo Zuccarini132

    J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009

    SA is considered a signal molecule capable of inducing

    both HR and SAR responses (Lamb and Dixon 1997;

    Durner et al 1997; Takashi et al 2006). Studies demonstrate

    the induction of SA and of its -D-glycosidic conjugate

    in tobacco (Yalpani et al 1994) jointly with an increase

    in resistance to Tobamovirus, and on Arabidopsis,

    with a concomitant induction of resistance to Pseudo-

    monas syringae (Sharma et al 1996). SA also

    has a role of messenger similar to that of ethylene,

    mediating SAR responses such as induction of PR proteins

    and lipoxygenases involved in the synthesis of jasmonic

    acid, which prevents the visible symptoms of O3 stress

    (Ernst et al 1992; Thalmair et al 1996; Eckey-Kaltenbach et

    al 1997; Sharma et al 1996). In some genetically modi ed

    organisms containing a bacterial salicylate hydroxylase,

    SAR responses are signi cantly affected (Sharma et al

    1996; rvar et al 1997). It is commonly accepted at present

    that high SA content could trigger the production of ROS

    with subsequent SA-mediated cell death (Pasqualini et al


    4.5 Antioxidative systems

    An important effect of O3 as an elicitor is to stimulate

    the synthesis and accumulation of several antioxidative

    enzymes located in the apoplast and plasmatic membrane,

    such as catalases, glutathione peroxidases, glutathione-

    S-transferases (Sandermann 1996; Noormets et al 2000),

    superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase; the latter

    two usually have light and delayed effects (Willekens

    et al 1994). The kind and severity of the antioxidative

    response depends on the plant species, on the onthogenic

    phase (Sandermann 1996; Heath and Taylor 1997) and on

    the compartments involved (cytosol, chloroplast, apoplast)

    (Sandermann 1996; Schraudner et al 1997; Van Hove et

    al 2001), since each of them hosts different antioxidative


    Ethylene has been shown to have an important role in

    inducing HR in hypersensitive tobacco (Greenberg 1997);

    when sensitive Arabidopsis was deprived of ascorbic acid

    the noxious effect of ROS was detected (Conklin et al 1996).

    Ascorbate has been studied for its detoxifying properties in

    spinach (Luwe et al 1993), which plays a role both as a direct

    antioxidant and reducer of -tocopherol that is activated in

    this way, and in soybean (Robinson and Britz 2001), in

    which it was shown to play a more important role than

    dehydroascorbate in enhancing plant tolerance to elevated

    levels of O3. Polyamines, both in their free and conjugated

    forms, have been demonstrated to reduce the gravity of

    lesions due to O3 in tobacco (Kangasjrvi et al 1994) by

    inhibiting lipid peroxidation and preventing premature

    senescence, and regulating adaptation of the photosynthetic


    4.6 Other abiotic elicitors

    Tropospheric O3 has been demonstrated to play an important

    role as a fungal elicitor, but it is not the only chemical with this

    action. Evidence has been collected over many years of the

    possibility that other abiotic factors could trigger mechanisms

    of plant reaction similar to the ones provoked by bacterial or

    fungal pathogens. This is due to the fact that O3 and other

    abiotic stressors can, in speci c cases, trigger analogous

    metabolic mechanisms of response in the attacked plant, most

    of which are mediated by the production of ROS, providing the

    opportunity for interesting crossed applications. For example,

    wounding prior to high exposure to O3 of tobacco reduced the

    severity of injury caused by O3, because of overexpression

    of the antioxidant enzyme ascorbate peroxidase due to the

    mechanical stress (rvar et al 1997).

    With regard to agents other than O3, a variety of biotic

    and abiotic elicitors for the production of phytoalexins have

    been identi ed (Darvill and Albersheim 1984). Davis et al

    (1986) demonstrated on cotyledons of soybean plants that

    the accumulation of phytoalexins, a typical plant response

    to microbic aggressions, is favoured by the combined and

    synergistic action of the elicitor-active hexa--glucosyl

    glucitol, and various biotic and abiotic elicitors. Treatment of

    cotyledons of Vicia faba with both ultraviolet (UV) radiation

    and freezingthawing caused a remarkable increase in the

    production of phytoalexins, particularly wyerone, giving

    results comparable with those caused by a typical biotic

    agent such as Botrytis cynerea (Soylu et al 2002).

    Low-energy ultrasound (US) was demonstrated to

    induce plant defence responses and increase the production

    of several secondary metabolites in Panax ginseng cells

    in suspension culture, effecting an elicitor-like effect.

    In particular, increased cross-membrane ion uxes and

    production of ROS were observed, as well as synthesis of

    saponins (Wu and Lin 2002).

    There is also evidence of overlap of the effects of O3

    and other stressors, both biotic and abiotic, on plants. O3

    treatment on parsley cell cultures resulted in simultaneous

    induction of the pathways of phenylpropanoid metabolism,

    usually associated with the action of fungal elicitors and

    UV irradiation, respectively (Eckey-Kaltenbach et al 1994),

    demonstrating how this gas can elicit a wide range of defence

    responses in plants. Yalpani et al (1994) showed how both

    O3 and UV light stimulated the production and accumulation

    of SA and PR proteins in tobacco, increasing the resistance

    against Tobacco mosaic virus.

    O3 is therefore not the only agent capable of inducing

    plant defence responses similar to those due to fungal attack.

    It shares this activity with numerous biotic and abiotic

    factors, but stands out for its ef cacy (Sandermann 1996,

    2004) and the wide applicability of this property. This is

    the reason why O3 fumigation is used successfully today

  • Tropospheric ozone as a fungal elicitor 133

    J. Biosci. 34(1), March 2009

    in a variety of agronomical applications, such as conferring

    resistance against fungal pathogens; for example, against

    Bipolaris sorokiniana in barley and fescue, against Phoma

    lingam in rape (Pazek et al 2001) or against Botrytis cinerea

    in strawberry plants (Nadas et al 2006).

    5. Conclusions

    The data presented here demonstrate how O3 shows the

    typical characteristics of a fungal elicitor, which can be

    utilized both with the objective of inducing resistance to

    the attack of pathogens in plants and for the study of plant

    defence reactions to the above-mentioned attacks. This

    idea is feasible by virtue of the fact that O3 application is

    economically convenient and technically easy to perform.

    O3 can be used alone or in association with other

    preparations such as active pathogens, fungal elicitors and

    signal substances. In particular, O3 and ethylene are the only

    elicitors that can be easily removed after each experiment.

    O3 is the best among various substances for performing

    the treatment, since it is the easiest to produce, apply and

    remove. Several examples exist in the literature of the use of

    O3 to induce resistance to fungal pathogens.

    In conclusion, O3 is an important instrument for the study

    of plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress, and a valid

    alternative to more expensive and complicated treatments

    for the induction of resistance to several pathogens, with no

    particular environmental impact. However, this subject has

    not been studied deeply enough yet, since each plant can

    show a different set of responses to different applications

    of O3; moreover, the constant increase in tropospheric O


    in several parts of the world is causing a huge change on a

    global scale. The two-way activity of O3, which is capable of

    both predisposing plants to the attack of viruses, pathogens

    and insects, and inducing resistance to these same factors,

    depending on factors such as the kind of plant and the nature

    of the exposure, makes us realize how the medium- and long-

    term effects of this phenomenon are not easily predictable.

    Further, capillary experimentation will be required.


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    Corresponding editor: VIDYANAND NANJUNDIAH

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