TSBURGH REPUBLICAN. UTILITY—"The Greatest Good of the Greatest JS^mbexv'—-BENTHAM. .... ^.K NO. 21, PLATTSBURGH, CLINTON CO., I\\ Y., SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1899. WHOLE NO. i.W, M UF.rt'ULICAN. T i f I p,fl It. t'l"ii ' TV.. . r r . ' ' I'l" I.I'T- \.,.r -a pi mure-rd .or* in fi,- j...,i.-.Ti ra-c. . > I- WlnCh n-'Vlltf J ill t'i>' ill. 1 Ir.inv.l • f West Ti. M\riF.KS \XD THIXCIS. -•'-• u r. r,,\rrf.\ fr.i n tl •! •-•. - till Hi tll.i\ t'f.k. "•• »..!!'»• fr..Ttt'n' ,-', !'•.« «• iv tak. n ar.. t>, i.e arnh .'' I'll st .TT,, 4 .-^ ,,f |Vj,. ,1. ti V. .J'tTll't N Ii.tl. I ' l ' T i 111 1. T i IV r ..•.!,... ,.r,i "> Tii.tr- ii,\ i ,_•! 1 ! In u Urge ,,- i Mr IhiUo.s was . II \ v in ,-• ..f < r ri- l.-.tl'v .1 in. • M s - I as t.-. •), •I, s W e . k Was • 1 !•:. i - I U'l- '. - bos; m tl ,. . i: It t' I . t U ' . -lb •1 I.- «.!-»!.. ill. a i:i.',iTi< •!• .* ill V I. .1 grow fat ' i rb I l.\ u vpi-nd.d "i.if L.il « i" •••n !• :' M adage .i j;,...t -uli-iarttnl •ill f,..m i! is performance. II 1 that Mr I>.ni,.'!> w orbit cmi- M :>•> is m i\ t-tr ill around tins in T i • V, i .... D M «... r,. ' u',.'' T'i"- i 1 W. -*T ,,'! '•. try ••» t l , • ..ft!. ••f l»i . iv' v i-ii- n,. M i* v i S 111 I'll - -1: it, IV E la •et g t v. June i" i ,.f th- of the church *e. i h i e .ng will •v R-v. and 7, •Vom- Flatis- in the or th* be an Pr. .-•. HT.I >l I'.n. -in •! Ti •r: T'.Mlr- dri>i..i. !-•• .H •-..•:,. .•Mm r i-t. .-l;i\. a 1 ,.'i •.r'ev.1- u : !••» .is. of I .:,. - i i> i v»r..i g •I t. a large .•i f . i,.i\,. 1 r. ,t, [ T the '.\'. •• •M.-.r:- m. t .. t:\ 1 t 1 : u i: w! In ra' » * , . _ Jul- .,'"- II.-....' t.ir_. !>.- M-* . . 1 -• Itkiriv 1 !. illlr..^,.;, I'.i-,-— i' i!.»-. in ••? Nf^v York City. Pr. Ca.!- i*\t< :, \.f.iti_- miii. l<at he ha-> already 'i ii- I'l.ic- .n i'. • r,rik<of I'li-mnyf i flee- p.i). Niia'nr- inilii'Mi'tliii'UstcUnrch, and .i r..r.- tri'M t . '. -u-u to hitn. Remember '.,- a 11..-* will Ii- il.'liviTi',! at tli<» meet- .i wii'v fr-'-M i.".\* Tui-<'l.iy evt'nmir. !•• •i.i.- at ~ :'••". Tm !.. \i. ;>z i> .'Mil i* fairly on iu Platls- . -• in i a!.' 1 in t;>- iMimii,' Iii-rnile road .;. I>..'.f.ir.-ti luy Tu.it w all rialit, !••:» i...u ' A il.-.'aiLru^!it j il (rertnati phy- . P.- II.'.Tm.in, of thf t r iiiversity of Kiel —n t !:i, - !_r i f p.i'<f3 of nit'mlj.'rs of a cio'iii'.; ;if;rr tl..>j I,a 1 I'lished their w ••• is no ,: n.o 1 T. L ;,' hill, and in every casi' tl ." - ' , .1 l* 'It. ll.-t..- ••'i.TiT. •• f.i•:: .•rilili't's ;ti :-- - •..•, ... t!,o T.i* :, s . .»• i s,.i. ti m t'.n- Acii.-t;i c :-" on tt.ik s!r,-.-r. li.-tv,ei-ri ,': 1 IV .••'!.•'; Tl .YV'TiU,' Iia< ,. « i"-iit!i. r t ' . -'. N .~t->wi-r. -.'<'.• ("'i i*. t-i_r,i\ Ruilroad .' . •:• >•' -t.T t t'\!i e.irr--s- i i i, .'i- • r>-_Mio.t,jr .T.ii.ii i ..! '; •• l h : l i N. V. l;.^,- !;• .' !••. r -.f." in <'•-.•' ht-r t'r^i i-.„ :.••%• T.i.-ln. r,i!,- l.L'otll to 1', I'ts'i UL'il all'l i •. s.^s ru t\ tio ;,|'t,, r W i;i . .• '', s \. .,r. i:.f\ l„i- .t f il'v or_Mi.i.:-' 1 -- it, nti.i..f th>'i..'.\ l.i.v. and "• -'I'Kjrij.tiotis e.fiiH in sue- T •• p'.i'i is to plow not Ie J s . .•• ..'i I put in a st.jni' fnan- . ' . • ••.-.• 'i »'M!n'a'i.l •travel. 1.. t.v - I'I . .i i, •'•• a-.da,. t.r. .I 1 :. II.'.ir- rid-t 1 ' liH-s. T'lis H doubted f»r the HM-IIII: in ih's \il!,i^e, in the 1 on ir- "V Mr. i:. -- II _- 1 I'.i- \ II i: ii t'l- tu.ir .1 ir- ;inir •i .ii 'r- • m tu-m !i.M , .iijrfr«iMil.viU'l s <hiniiimt" 1 • it.!- th- riitrmal rate. H- sounds ' •A.mii:,.! which i> worth lieeJIni a Visi-j k—p.ti^ ti 1( . nmulli shut and r il.ronJrh th- nosf while wheelina:. ...ure is the il.irip-r that thos-who > '-at sire,] should look out for. T u ••Ti'r.iJii-- from I'.- highway to the <!pa- - u s .in } -1-^.ito .j-.Titinis ,.f Ilotel Cham- p'u:n 'us li—ii ^r-,ul> iuiiiMvcl by a uias- iivi- s'.ori- v:al!. th- nut-r approach beintj nmrk.'.l with haii Isom- eurves. These fcrouiids sir- li-uiu: rnpr.-.- 1 -very year, and a r.inibl- throu^i, tii- p:-asant walks sires oil-ataste of th-b--t ph-ne* of Adirondack If- with freedom fr-tti it—cts which is a ru.iri.i"! drawback t" in.my of the noted re- - or:- .ti Ih- p'eat w,M-r:i-ss. When there si'- .i i I • 1 th- tin- opp irtunities for balhiojc, I. ,i" • .' A • . it ..- ii i wnuil-r that •jupriUi be- irii ,i"i> .-1 to llot-1 t.'innnpUi'm and re- n t ii v .,r it.-i \-.,:. j Tm. ':; ft ii- ! . I-.- I. • - ! ;I.'.."ISM 1 of Ciltch- ii_' lei-M." 1 [.hlrrAi'is rn; K'of n I, - '!-Ior--t "f apple, ch-rry ami •-•• '•.—s ar- busy every a m.tr'i'i '- 'tis- in which li'te-n ji.iirs of martins i^ to n-st. mid th\v never bit f.inure f.r food far Probably one kingbird wi.S d-vour more be-s than a who!- house full nf martins. Another thin •; hawks {jive t ••-•• linn,,.- ,i wide berth, and this H a h rotisjii-rinn; by poultry raisers, v. r toiu-li any lliin^ that ijrows totui'l but f—1 1'iitire.y on flying f.ivotit-jiiiii-b-ni'jc th- drairnn i- ~'i-'i ;i s.Mft ;lv-r that no other tell it. T 1 I'I' 1 :...- > itiiin-r .•sehoi'! associalion In* i—eiitli I,,', u-e.l of Mr. C. B. Winij a', • r o...- ii.„. !:.-1 r.i 1- of !ak- front adjoin- ,"_' !;• .:' ori-'inal •.'ruiilt'K til- We?teni bollfld- ,; !u- piireha— heuivr tli-highway. This - :'.i-ir tiortu I'm- to a -hurt dslance north • • W".::i • • i-e le.ivii,.' a P trip some two or 1.•::, '.!-.-1 f-,.t \\:1« 1,,-t.Veell their north a', l tii- l-'tii.iiLrtoii i-i.u/f. and titake? a .. i l.l.oi; totli-ir .loiiiaiti. .'.vin-; plenty of r ...-n tor i it-ire i-iiturjr.-.ii-nt, with aintite .,.,,..•1. f.ir ;i U"lf irr.'itil. wi.lrli. w-uuder- s ui-l. it .- •',•• iUt-;.t'ioii to hav- laid out. A pi:-, about '.ntl f—t v.. 1- is to b- r-s-ned a-. .'.I i!iil-\ay uti th- old -.'riiUMtls runtiiii-,' :.".::. :'.-• • ij; i-vay to lii- lak-, and a park is a - • t t l>- I i.lili'a.i- I ti-t.V—.l tie- AllV.'...;'.- PEUSOXAL. G. H K»-Uiii-i. Ks, . an 1 H n . B.-H-k.'s it'. arT.i-1 ir, t-.wr, li.st Mori I-ir i-\on,r.n. t'ai'l. I.o^i's WitiirHff I'le Tw-r,!y- r rs! I" .S Inf.intrj ;, ^ le^i t--.ni .{-I t< tu \( i or. r. H. B -vh pr-.s.d-iit of tl..« IT..:.-: ,,; <im. pla.r, r o n p a r i at, 1 o . p S M V ; , m-i'.i-r- < »' of th- sa-ne, h tve b—n in town f'n-s «•••->!< Tli-r- is ^ai 1 !o b > ;)l ..-• i-j,-• ••: of l 1 '- n etn- nal.fri n[ Mr II p -,. v ,| : . .-i,t..r •>'ih- .Ma'on- 'Farrier' for t-i- n-\t Mr rib, r of A<s-oilily for Frarikim r >unt) Mr. Err.-sf In-;-r-.i:i. author of Four-f" t- fd Aiiuua's ..f Auif>r;.,-i". Perls an I I'ef l- Ways. ' Tt.e Il.r U About I V "W,l 1 N", i^h- l.ors. ' KIIOI kiti^'Areu-.d the Roikie-. A'. A.\. was ir, town en Friday of lids we-k Mr IroTso'l h d s s,imi' \i ry UitHre<tin , rr<ti r-op T i- I'oii l-etures on Natural Ilistiiry and Tru-l and it H to be hoped that arraP^enn-riH nia\ b- nia.le fur otie of his leclnret* here dunnj; the coming s-a«on. We s-e by th->.m Francisco '-Chronicle" that Htm. Thomas p. Smith, formerly of Smith Rros' of this village, was one of the gnosis at the annual l»an.(Ui«t of th- Mannfac- tarers and Pro.lu.--.TS As-oeiation of Califor- nia on the 12th of April, ou which occasion the -rreut Cahfornii millionaire. Collis P. Huntington, was H lt , ijuest of honor. Mr. Smith is now •secretary of the Pacific Coast Hardware v v M-tal Association, with head- qiiirt-rs at t^an Francisco. Chief Engineer f}. B. Ransom. V. fi. N.. ha? been iransferr-d from th- F, ?. cruder Roston to the f". S. cruiser Biltimore, of the Asiatic fleet. Bjth vessels are protected cruisers, lei! the Biltimore is much the lar-;- est and fa-stes* ves^i•!, h-r spe-1 b^tim; over 2u kti'tts, wliil • that of th- 1! iston is between 1.. and l»; knots. .Mr. Riti-om has hosts of friends in Fiattsbur>:!i. his native place, who will reioie- to hear of tin- change, which is mueli iu the line of promotion. Home t o r t h e Friendless. Cl" HISTORICAL PEPABTMEtfT, -- -'—*-u-t--.,-=; rro-it'--.^- t- ,l'l - l't , 1 , I <1 - I • -I. K \". fnrnisl "'•1 t': THE WEEK. YEHMOXT. \T T W ". ,tt> r •1 - t r Iv s tn . *it, f \ ' ^ r f Anual«. Mrs. Willurd'•> F. >ar<l:rr Sc:to : j Wi'l e .ritiutt- us usua', lor th- rn-'imj «-M- s m. Tlw n-\t <]uart-r will cotnm-nce on MonUy fie lath instant. Th» t-rms ar-. for l.o.ir.liijo; urn ilollars per we-k—for tuition fr-eti thr—' to four dollars per quarter, to be regulate.; bv tit- studies th- pupils pursue. MiMWmn. May... l>*i:.. IPiattsbur^h Republican. May >\ l«lo. t:rv II.K \FI r s\,nv ST IRV. .May I'.'. l - l o - T h e snow Ml ?i\ inches deep m this town—sleighs were ?e-n passing over streets as briskly as at almost any time during the winter. iPiattsliurih Republican, May 20. Wo. ti'.l'll I ! l - W . . S ii,i.j i n i'.-r- :- t'l-re are a' i-.i-t n-stui-; or pr-.-.i'. tronble th- b.—. awav from hume. in., : i t : : wot Mc- i.- ].• iron Vi- . i- -.'••-. l' t'.V. <\\. e.i Ii 'I en, , ary . b-.i, .ti- U'll -It - 1; 1- - ...ill l.-r at i r It!.' -. L- . in r JiliV N-'.v Votiv - itia.'e, on th- M.II'.U II .i. line e.'ttai;- is b-iii- - -re-t-l .:. -i .•: N" • v Y'.rh. Improv-iu'iiN i, nil a'. ..it th- ur.'.iud.s, and all •ah'.-- fir th- op-inn.: on the An,; i' ••:". i-ii :i ,.r nr.v at w -rk on the ,'i"at.d-t.' m i i i i r.i.roal in (trand I~le . ,'.'y. At A . t, - I'o.'.t about forty rods of i- laid-.- to Cole ,• -'.> r Point is finished, it -it j-u riiekl.il. at.-t ::•• work is now in bo.it IT f'l't nt v\..'>r N >"'.ir the Kinney :<-.. .-i-t of A'la'n- 1-... , ' •: a .-'.-am shuv-l . .r* -A .ti. lo.i<i.ii_',] i,j,;..' it- for a fill across .- , ,.v laud b-tvv-—i t'.-r- and Tromp's '.,i.' a. 1 at Pelot's Po'.i.t th-r- i-i another , ._> ,.; it.-ti at work. S mi- Moubl-H b-lng .;•• i .••;:"—1 ->n North Island from land uira- . , . ,,' ,-e'. !o work l'l'oct'e'lihi on their :,,'i i_-•-are ]iaid. Th" Stat-law •• -. I-. b-it t!ie oo• tractors ar- Kuing ."-.•.. -I: r-^.tnU-SS of [irotests, ren- ••,;•. '..-',"-. of course, liable to action , •-.-, --..'. . th-v do not appear to re- •.•>..- • i i-'y. T:i-work is being done ii .-t \ • p., ,.,-. wii i app-ar to be peace- .'.:- ..:. i jo . i w..rke'.s. ijiurdin.; Ihemseh-es :, •' • in i-t pr.'u'.'ive fashion, ealitiij little i. .• ,'i l "i .... iijr d ui l'-lion greens a promi- i- t'.-ir bi,l of fare. It Is said _. r 1 .re- will -ooii be at work, Sliver Anniversary. The Twotity-llfth anniversary of the found- ing of the n ime for the Frbn lless of North- ern N-w York was celebrated on Wednesday, it.iy 21th, in a most worthy manner. The Hjuie was decorated handsnmeh, and at 3 p. in. the exercises were opened by the sink- ing of the Doxolouy, followed by prayer from Dr. A. H. Eaton, pastor of the Methodist church. Scripture reading by Rev. J. W. Mc- Ihvaine, or the Episcopal church, an address I uon will be paid to the accomodation or such by Rev. F. B. Hall, pastor of th- Peristome. I as favor him with their custom. Private gentlemen can be furnished with n une s \LK. The Subscriber beinti authorized by the Honorable th-S>eretarv of th-Navv. will sell | at Public Sale, at White-Hall, on Lake Cham plain, on the 2>th instant, the following res sels. viz: Sloops President, Montgomery, Preble, Chubb, Finch, and ten (i-uif Boats, also, the boats, cutters, A;c., belonging to the siju-ailrou on said Lake. The above vessels are all nearly new and well foaml. b-ins: fit- ted for the government service. Inventories, may be s—n on board. T-rms of sal-, cash on delivery. Geo. Beale, Jnn. June S. 1.15. [PlaUsbtirgh Republican, June 17, 1815. VH!t\[ii.VT SW.Ut-lW.U. The Public are informed that the Steam Boat has commenced running for the season. She will leave Burlington for St. J.dins every Monday and Friday morning precisely atS o'clock, and arrive at St. Johns the same eve- ning. 1-ave St. Johus every Wednesday and Sunday morning precisely at S o'clock and arrive at BorlitiKton the same eveuin.:. Her arrival and departure has been so arranged as to meet the Southern stages. Burlington, June 21, lsi,->. [Plattsburgh Republican, July 1, 1S13. rriiLIC ACCOMODATE!!:*-. The subscriber informs the public that he has opened a Tavern at Cumberland-Head, where every attention will be paid to Lhe ac- comodation of customers. He also gives pub- lic notice that lie has prepared a convenient Stage, to run Irum his house, where the Steam Boat stops, to the village or Plattsburgh, for the accomo Uiitin of passengers in the Steam Boat. This stage will be in the village every Steam-Boat day. in time to take paisengers to meet the Steam Boat. The strictest atten- W. It. twites of Riirltrcb-en will j robnbiv l.o fre renins Supervisor for ! v ,e S'a'o of Vermont. Br.iU'irtioro <?. A. It. It is j is( receive 1 It... pr---iit of a 2"-ponrel Parr-tt car.nou st'..:',- ITit i pounds which will he mounted on the common near the s.v.li. rs" monnment- B'bb,n wo.. 1 is exhaust-1 at Waterbnry and Frary Brollsi'rs, bobbin manufacturers th-r- ar- looking for a u-w l-.c.uion. Tney want ab>it l.'Wu cords of white birch, an- il i.i'Iy. and ar- l.nktng B 'thel over. Montp-lier is r\eite,l over the intelligenc- Huit her distinguish-,! son. Admiral Dewey will beat home ab nit the first of August, and great preparations are being made to welcom- Mm. Adna M. Sibley, a farmer of Milton was found dead in his field. May 2n. H- had started to mend fence, taking hi* gun along to shoot crows, and probably shot himself accidentally while getting over a fence. Thomas TV". Wood, Vermont's distinguish- ed artist has been engaged to paint a portrait of Admiral Dewey. Mr. Wood and the Ad- miral were both .Montpelier lioys and the " ' former now has a private gallery of paiutiugs in that city. Hi' -. < \V e 1 1 •-•- i M- i i-i- - U Tl- T t-TT s •1J I I V\ •it' " rst t- - '• 1 * , .- i*. Mir :;. in. ' a'i-si - .-v-'- 1 t' 1 -••' U -.TK '.- •• !• 1 Mtv .1 •!•-. 1 F-• 1 0-: CURRENT FUV. W> the- TTa\. . - r I ,.- i' r ' ,\1 1 1 'T S'>n ^> re m;r- s-at At. UleVjrg. tl . M,i> .vis-:.•>, ri ti'o- HerV'-log- e'ltrgl.v.f, i V d . - l . ' u ' "i.ls.-i 1 ',.! to t'i» 1'C l.\ 'ii'ti. .unit t'v-n m.jrd>r.> i t.o i.,> an 1 si-t f on alvtal bullet wound dd.sC "i N>- TO nil. rie-3 r i ' a e . ,'s Svm.l s from St. VICINITY NEWS. The announcement is made that Potsdam will celebrate. (i-eorge F. Chippertield has accepted an in- vitation" to deliver the Decoration Day address at Chateaugay May 30th. Airs. Caroline Breen of Fort Edward set herself on tire last Tuesday afternoon and was fatally Darned, dying the same day. She was insane, A bicycle sidepath is being corstrncted from Potsdam to Norwood under the new law, about four miles. It is thought the ex- pense will not exceed §400. Horace. W. Mitchell died at Poland St. Lawrence county, May IU from blood poison- ing caused by scratching his linger on a ' rusty nail while mending fence a week be- fore. Richard Kirby, aged 7 was drowned in the St. Lawrence at Ogdensburg May 22. He was playing with another boy on the lumber docks and stumbled and fell into the water. The body of Cornelius Whaleu, who dis- ' appeared on the night of March 5th while at- • tempting to cross the St. Lawrence river in a skiff, was found -Monday on the beach at Big Island, six miles below Ogdensburg. ; The contract for building the new dam at Saranac Lake, :or which an appropiation was Presbyterian church, prayer by Rev. Dr. Jo- seph Gamble, pastor or the First Presbyterian church, singing, and the benediction by Rev. W. S. P-ek, pa=tor of Hie B.ipti-t church. Thes-exercis.M were f.illo.ve 1 by a genera! reception, during which l!i- visitors were en- tertained with singing by the children, and au informal inspection of the institution. An interesting t'eatute of this occasion vas the issuance of a comprehensive histury of j the Home irora the beginning, from the pen Of Mrs. M. K. Plate, who has most worthily held the otlice of president of the Homo fiom the beginning, handsomely illustrated and bound in laveuder ami silver. This little book is on sale for the bent-lit of the Home, and it will be foaad well worthy of pre- "rvatiou. not only on account of its intrinsic worth but as a souvenir of this most interesting Silver Anniversary. Horses aiul Carriages at all times. John Nichols. Plattsburgh, C.-IIead, July 13, is 15. 1 Plattsburgh Republican, July 15, 1S13. THE VI I.LAI ,i: o f I'lATTSBl-RHir, Is fast recovering from the destruction of buildings by lire during its occupation by the County stores about 5,000,003,000 cubic feet made by the State a year ago, has been let by the superintendent of public works to Gil-, .. ,„,.. „.,.. M ^ „.,. leu, Hay & G-illett, of Rochester, for a little ' of Jupiter now." Jupiter is less than S7.000. The work will probably be , iau about 9 o"clock in the 1 entered upon at once. Smuggling hogs into Canada from the Fuited States has been carried on for some time, but on Saturday morning Mr. W. •launders seized a load of eight hogs in this village, and it is expected that this seizure will Hare a deterring effect upon the smug- glers.—lXuiiHii'jrtoii Eitt-tr^jrise. The dam on Indian Lake In Hamilton ; th. .- ei, ., r ,, ., ,-. n. , .trig ,.r C'.-iii t t . 1. sir.,, i.r.ij-.i-i i-.r- i ig :'; ".- e ,. '( lit' •• 1', t'i "''"• - > " t pra ;,.-\i"\ a l t' ' f •>-'•.'v,. i A-SKO-I was ,- • eed.-d. M-s Uict'T An il-re i ri V -,r t >•: 21. u-.d t' e !•, i-.s. est sir.. I>.'ies'. i- h- s',,i-stl at lie r.ibVr* tv'io -sh >; 'irti. ti,». other* an lrotr.,-1 r tir- H- w.ts f.nn 1 w."i HI h.s c'a'st. tire.\t stories of rii'\ g fro'n Cape S >m- !> »l .v.- and B-h'mg Sea. about Mie'iaei's. Alaska. Sno-.v Creek w th- name of lli" stream from which this gold Is b-ing taken. Som- acoouiifs say that from Sl'M to S2nrt a da\ per man is beini: taken out. Another account say? that ihr-e m-n gatl -r- ed Sine in one day with a nvk-r. The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark, of 159 East 05th street. New York city, disappeared mysteriously last Sun lay, togeth- er with her nurse, the lost seen of them being in Central Park. The next day a 1-tt-r W.K received by *he parents stanng'th.u th- child was safe, but that they would never see her alive again if they made any stir about it. It is b-lieved that the nurse was in the idot to kidnap lhe child. The nurse's name j* Carrie -Tones, aged 21. and she had been engaged the Tuesday before without any references. CURIOUTVACTS. It costs about Sln.OOfl to patent an in- vention all over the world- There are sixty- four countries in which a patent can b- pro- tected. More men have died and are buried in the Isthmu*; of Panama, along the line of the proposed canal, than on any equal amount of territory in the world. T!w English are building a dam across the Nile at Assuan which is of granite, 30 to 40 ft. thick, 76 ft. high at some points and over a mile long. It will cover the cataracts at that point and vessels will be passed up and down by means of locks. There was a great parade of automobile vehicles in New York City, May 24, in honor of the National Electric Light Association in session there. There were W carriages of ail descriptions tilled with delegates and the pa- rade was the largest of the. kind ever seen in this conntry. With a liel.l glass one can see the moons near the merid- evening. Oa the 1st of June at 10:30 p. m. two of the moons may be seen, one above the other west ol the planet and the other two will be seen on tha east side, and on the second of June all four moons will appear in a row east of the planet. The district around Dinard, in Brittany, is infested with kangaroos. Originally there were only some half dozen of the animals, which came from Australia in the train of an \->rt cs i v **-* ^ «=. -^ .* * '.- ' i v r : . ' n ,. -i -if> ' r- •' a'a* i't ii i' f. < 'i.' XT.-*'-,- l l ' . - l , " , 7 ' " KV * , ' - .•--,•-'. \- t , ' . M , n - *i- « « - Y t - «i - ••> s i ' - • „ . i s ' ', " .' 1 (i . o\.v-\T. vTt"s T '.-IV I '1 g - " g f 1 bog- -* '.«-.,(>rr e.v, m i- M'-'.T Y.-is'.Vi V . - 1 l;» IU .»l.t> '.i-r.-t -i-i •vl-t ' '." 1 " T iii in To i -'ta ' s* i Iv t •> v. n '. 1 t , t \ i.iio m t . ' '•'. ' ' i - T tg,' Y w vs '.i .' ••;• x • r. m "i ' '] -;",, I J'gg W'.i* w-u' I yet 1» . f i ' ' t « r- -,-i c'e.i'i.jr!* Jagg V fJi' grown > l^p'i.iif ca i c.\rr\ \ < load [ t \o ; .IK Tv.i'-'iiit ''JCCT e. Mr-. P^vs - Ttipn j . - i .»r»i r n go ogt > •- >r- into ai.ot'-T f'\t. after a" Mr- \v,s- N , I my lrj-bi'i!. wli.i i'.\ i\< t>'i's 1 ,.\ i r -> ,-\r- ' peis. wise .merle] l.u-lv. ml I I '-. : waRT 1 tO S— t'»- goo 1 m.Ul I'le^s:, le. I D. i an\bo,h ,.Te r try- t o c . v : . , ' yn ask-1 j the stratig-r. 11 i»v. unsw-re I it» i.- u v i. ' but h- v\ vs n n-ar-siglite I teti !-rfi -t v\ ,th m j out-of-ilat- gun. II- c •> i! In't sh'"- worth a , I'i.Mynne. H- -IVas your brofi-r-rjgige l m t'l-lit- I war. She—No: not untd after he cam »l,.cri.>. Mrs. Styles—Pi you read much tl.'ti >n? Mrs. Mjles- -Well. Ji's; I get Ale'tiT 1] "arlj every day from my husband when h-'s on i v .e road. Twiil I>« Pewey this <ind T>-»vvrT tha T . Ami Pnwev nerywhtre; Hii7z;.\s willspHr a m .,.,.n t'.:r. .its ati.I fill The sizjuiiie air Evi*ry day'll be Tlewev Hav For 'omPthinghXe \ week, And when we're through wi**ll h,. 5 , hoar-o Y'.'ii eannol hear us sjn-ak Who,-ires f,,- that Let <v.mi-u r-ar Anl heat the h\i 1, iss dr 111. The nation's sr-t the "di-'iri'it'i-'rcuis." F-r Dewey's coming "hum." Philadelphia Call. Mrs. Newwife -Doift vou know, Jack. I'd like tii learn to plaj purer. Mr. Newwife Holy smoke. Elsie, we can't both afford to plaj: I hear that BOOK 1. the celebrated compos- er, has been drowned. How was that? He was playing "Or. the, Bauks of the Wa- bash*' and fell in. g % - " i' " e~ ' l'» ' a ' - - < , - s ' ' " I - * s -1 . - . XI- - ". «!-.'• 1 - - , H ' . . , ' ' V -. - 1 n- v - r v . - T v ,-. 1 - It- • ' - I • f » w .- ,- T r - • » • In: - - 1 .1; "1 < T > ' . \ • f -i It :' '" V j,<h IV l . i£: " ' H w l ..v.-v si ,-, . V~ 1 t'..-I' >-!*.< s I— . ; • T. Ml is. ,''| \ - • - , n . . . - . - . .-..xi Tff . v.-a-s. i^- ,v . tl ' ' ; ; r, j . 1 , 1 • -V t - • "-'-.,- 1ST,-. "' I-' . k' '3T j; ' - ," 1 -K> • \ - n u > • - ; j «'. 1 ,-.t " M -S \ I . I 1 1 " -. l " . T * -> t ,' '• 1 " k I t • l«.. s »'- T- '. ;- -1 - Is -II'. - rs» . - -J.-t l,.-t 1, A. Word as to the eliards. Care ot Or- '•Oiefc of AVorm-s." The fruit bearing trees of the round globe have been bespoken into being, each for the reach of a faultless realization, after its own kind. But experience Huked with the immediate enemy, in September last. The court-house and gaol, formerly of wood, are rebuilding Of brick and stone and are in great forward- ness. The street, where the lire was first coru- muuicated to Judge (rrillin's house, and wuich was nearly destroved, is rapidly rebuilding. Several stores, dw-lliug houses, &c., are building in other parts of the town. [Plattsburgh Republican, August 19, 1815. The new Steam Boat has commeuced run- ning from Whitehall to St. Johns, on Lake Champlain. We understand this Boat is fitted up in a style not interior to those on the North River. [ Plattsburgh Republican, August 26, 1815. .NOTICE. The Collector of Castoms for the District of Champlain, having been informed that it is generally believed that the A'illage and Port of Plattsburgh is the port of entry of said dis- '• trict, takes this method of notifying the pub- lic that the port of entry is Cumberland Head: and that the otlice of the Customs is kept at of water. The dam is of masonry, about 47 j American gentleman of a zoological turn of feet high. Indian Lake origiuallv covered i mine 1 , who purchased an estate in the neigh- about 1,000 acres. The timber d'am, built! borhood. They have multiplied so rapidly in 1S45 increased the area to 3.007 acres. ' that kangat'O hunts are being Ol'gatliZOCl tO The area now of the lake is 5,031 acres. I set no or them. The residents of that portion of the town | The range of the human voice is quite as- of Elleuburgli lying west of the Narrows, at tonishing. I'here are about 9 perfect tones Chateaugay Lake, are taking legal steps to tones but 17,592,180,054,515dillerentsounds; compel the town to build a bridge across the ' thus, 14 dire.ctmuscles, alone or together, pro- Narrows. There are 2,000 acres of land on • dnce 16,383 sounds; 30 direct muscles pro- line west side of the lake and eighteen child- j duce 173.741.S23, and all in co-operation pro- ren of school age. There is a school house : duce the number named, and these independ- on the east side, but uo mode of travel ex- i ently of ditlerent degrees of intensity and of cept by a nontoon bridge furnished by pri- j the indefinable something called expression. rate individuals. j The principal copper fields of the United Some powerful big trout stories are float- ing down from Saranac Lake. The Enter- prise tells of one string brought over from Bog River, which contained several specimens weighing over 4 lbs. each, and none less than li pounds. Then, not satisfied with that, it tells of another string caught at Ampersand Pond, one of the trout weighing 6i lbs., two 5i lbs., two 5 pounds, and one 4 lbs. These w'ere all brook trout and we shall want to John Nichols', Innkeeper, at the house for- j see tnem weighed. If this last report is true ; merly occupied by Mr. Ransom, south of Gen. Wooisey's, aud that the entry of Merchandise present, like as with Luther, intent about the ' subject to duty, is to be. made at said otlice. Diet Of Worms, is admonishing profoundly, j *ny merchandise, therefore, subject to as 10 ri'iiti'itiiif, iit'li:ijiifnsilih\ iininUrmtt- | (••nt, xilrfry s/i/v////«,/.s' nf xijmiititli.lir i«trr- valinii, that must be maintained, with all Any i Idly, wh ddly, which shall be fouud on board of any ships and vessels, boats or carriages, or oth- erwise, beyond the said Castom-Honse, or on any road leading from it, on which the duties Ampersand Pond rivals the famous trout ure- serves oE Canada.—ibdo/ie Farmer. Percival W r . Clement, president of the Rut- land road, has been appointed receiver of the spirit of protest, as with Luther himself, suffusing with silvery sprayiugs the aforesaid Diet of Worms, wheu he so incisively nailed his Theses upon the doors ol the Church of Wertingen. Coir. J2ssex Oouuty (Jeuteuuial Cele- bration. Arrangements are completed for the cele- bration of th- 100th anniversary of founding of Essex county. The following is the pro- gramme: Tin usiiiv, .Trvc 1. :;,'!'p.m. Opei.i'i'; adJie-s, Hon. Fran .'Is A. Santii C.iJ'i p. m. ?ite.l;eal Tlistorr of Essex Comity, Dr. Lyman tJuy Marlon. :(.:;•! to.l 3'i Town Histories in Alphabetical Order of tn'.vns. fu he opened with the His- b.rv- ,.t Town i.f t'.iesterfi-U. by lion. N. i". B ..yiitou. T.'J'ip. IQ. History of Essex. County Journalism, bv i;.- irge L Brown. K to !i :•> , i To ,vii Histories continued. FRIDAY, JrxE :>. 1, -j a. ru. to ii 30 a. m. Town Histories eontin- netl. l P i t a . m. Military Histn-y of Essux County, by llei rv Harmon Xnble, JJsii . of the Ma'-"Historian's Office, Albany. J - ' to 1 "i p. m Town Histories continued. I ; > i>. m. L-K.I1 History of Essex County, b» lion. Kit-hard L. Hand. Teachers' Institute. The Teachers' Institute at Champlain this week for the Second Commissioner district of Clinton county has been carried out most successfully, the attendance being good and lhe interest fully up to the mark of former institutes. The following teachers have been in attendance: Cn.vMPLUN— HorienseAI. Ashline. Cora L. Gilbert. Helen E. Gilbert, wick, Margaret J. Lucas, TVm. C. Lewis. MOOEKS—LeonaM. McDowell, Clara J. Go- key, Hessie 0. Borworth, Lillian Armstrong, Harriet E. Bosworth, George E. Phillips, Al. B. Stewart, Edward C. Soutuwieh, Benj. E. shall not have been previously paid or -ecur- j ed to be paid, will be seized as forfeited to j the United States, and the owner or owners i dealt with according to law, anv plea that the duties were intended to be paid to the collec- tor at his place of residence notwithstanding. Collectors (Hlbe, District of Champlain, Sept. S, 1S15. Peter Saillv, Collector. [Plattsburgh Republican, Sept. 23, 1S15. LAKE ITIAMI'L.VTX STEAII-BOAT PHOEXIX. The new Steam-Boat Phoenix. J. Sherman, Master, will leave Whitehall, after the 7th of May, lsdG, -very Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, and will leave St. Johns every Satur- day morning, at X o'clock, and stop oue hour at Burlington in passing eac'i way. [Piattsbui-gh Republican, May 11, 1816. States are iu Michigan, Montana aud Arizona. The Lake. Superior proportion is about 35 per cent, of the whole. Based on a twelve- cent price, the value of the 189S American product was 369,977,137, distributed in this production: Montana. $27,504,000: Michi- gan, $18,S34.14«: Arizona, S13,5G0,600; Col- orado. 31,710,000; California, §1,880,000, and Ctah, §642,000. • It has been determined to slaughter the sea bous on the Middle California coast on ac- count of their destroying so many fish. It is estimated that there are about 25,000 of these sea lions, and that they eatSOO.OOO lbs. of lish daily. The largest of them will weigh the Ogdensburg Transit'Co., and all its pro- : about 3000 pounds, aiiil they live all along perty, and has taken possession of the boats the coast from Lower California to half way which are now running under his orders. • to Behring Sea. They are nearly \vorthles3, Prank Owen has been continued as general there being no market for their hides or other traffic manager. Mr. Clement ha3 also been ! parts. made a director and president of the com- j A locomotive headlight using acetylene i pany. This action insures the running of the gas has been devised bv a Canadian invent- j boats to Ogdensburg and their co-operation I or. The apparatus consists of a cylindrical I with the O. &. L. C. line. Louis Hasbrouck '" has been retained as counsel for the O.'T. Company and reappointed to the same posi- tion with the O. & L. O. R. R. The forest (ires which have been raging iu the Adirondack's between Loon Lake and Standish, near Lost Pond, were prettv well extinguished on Friday by the downpour of ; the gas, which is led through a small pipe in rain. Quite an amount o"f lumber belonging ; front of lhe reflector. j to the Chateaugay railroad, together with j The well known Hoosac Tunnel, near ! three camping shanties and three barns were ' Pdehburg, Mass.. will soon be thoroughly i burned. About 200 cords of pulp and boiler ventilated. One "of the largest vetuilaTiug cast iron generator, live inches in diameter and twelve inches long, together with a water reservoir and condenser. The charge consists of about ten pounds of carbide, which is put in a wire basket and placed in- side the generator. The water froai the reservoir, dropping on the carbide, generates Louise L. South- Mary A. Coonan, I.'.la'., M.lV I; Ii... r . l'.a'1-burj.l PoA-i A H . .i .j iart'-r-. —is t .rn,-riv II)' ••., '.vae.-u _-.j.s- trout u'. 1 all ii).^-l^n r.i- ,»rr,v- . n..- .- ar. 1 I .f.. !e !•.'•:• .. .' .1 I - 1 ti - _• i, ,.',.r- To- ear -r '„r.-at ar- the I'.t.g machine! ...n Company, and npahj- iiiw nceaiy ..rn-roi Bridge and Iliv- .'••.•upe 1 by tl.- First Na- i,av- bc-u till- 1 up «ith couveriteuces. 1'-* Tie-.! l.nie-r p l i ' : ' ot lia-WCss. Oil ClilltWl s'.r—t >vi 1 s,j.m In* occupi-d by F. B. Wood- vvar-l A Co., d-al-r- iu el-clnca! goods, k •. Tin P»iitts.!jurgh L'ght, Heat and Power (' ituparij b «„Mti i'J t'X'-JVate lait Wednesday roorn.t.g for th- Pont i.iuat ion of their six inch uiaiu from in front of the Witherill House 8outbwarl <J.'I Margaret street and up Broad street, ajo-l ssoon that part ot the town will be B<ippUe<I with means of testing the policy of asif!" fuel gas in place ot wood and coal. Those who havn tried the change speak high- ly of if. THE 10-mile bicyc'- f; road race for Decora- tion Hay is attracting great-attention, and as the time drawa near Interest in it increases. Tiiwe are a large number of entries and spe- culation 1* rife over the prospective winners, the lowest time named being 85 ffiliitltei, with bat te«r lafeeru. The courte will b# from rlattabur^b BwruckaSo Bluil Point mail b«elc, twice, inakiog tea mile*. Th# 8Urt will i » •tjOttt 2:30. OsK«tr thegrWt Improremeow »bo»tto tmmtti* ml CHS IUvMt i« Of mtMUitkmml Ota tm*M ol UM JiotlMfHoMd ofUMrStotin a.l Ii.,'- .- •'. • rm 1 r-.iby an 1 truly being ;l.i.-.i- I .,- i - .pi.-aritrg. Tm. ia'-st lr.m t ,e tei.t caterpillars is that tti v ar-get'i'.i_'Woise than -v-r. Oje suf- 1-r,-: saj.-h--has tu-.l all the reliii'di-B and : •; Is lao-t uf tl.'-ui li'i good. If joii attempt t , j ,i i. " • a or .his ;t, .m with kwosene Arc, •;. -.iiipiv d,.,,. to'h-ground and quietly re- t vi. • I ' I - I w.iii.aft.Tt'i-trijubleisuver, and it .- •• i • \;.'-ii-ive 'I -.',•>-}' the ui'sta off with U i-ii. ei-'i.lg.-. .- . h- 6-iids a light man or t,j> , 'o t ..• trees at daybreak or after sun- di.i'i ..•- ii-l -.ti.ply with rubber gloves or liiitt-',-, '•! "imply erus'i ih-ui in their nests. '1 ..- ie- sais, while it it a disagreeable job, ti—t,- b.i-'ii—* .-tii 1 do;-' it effectively. It is iii'.'-r—t.itg to know that these rank pests hai- fo-i,- s'ages of b'iug -a Ullle brown a id je'ii )•".' moth which lays the eggs around th- twigs in July, covering them with a coat of varnish and t'i-n dying, the worm that hatches from the egg early in the spring, and devours th- 1-ave.s, and then lies itself up in a yellow bag and goes to sleep to hatch Out th-next July into the moth, aforesaid. Of fours-, ii these nests of eggs could bo des- troyed early in the spring or late in the fall, or during the winter there would bJ an end of the trouble, bat they are hard to And, appearing like au enlargement of the twig around which they are laid, but the tents are easily found and into these tents or into clumps on lhe large limbs all the worms gather alter sundown and there remain until sunrise. ON'E TIIOf.S.VXD DoLLXRS REWA.RD. Ran away from the subscriber within a few years, his whole estate, consisting of houses, lands, &c. Tbey gradually and almost im- perceptibly stole away after being put in mo- lion by the magic art of Intemperance, who ! lived in the family. Any person who will put I me in possession of the said estate, shall be entitled to the above reward. I Toper, i N. B. All persons are cautioned to" be- ! ! )atc!les ware h out the country, where numbers of the m- cautions are daily seduced. [Plattsburgh Republican, May 25, 1S10 wood was destroyed. A special train over Chateaugay carried water in pork barrels Thursday to the scene of the fire, iu attempt I to extinguish it. t he I03S to the Chateaugay company will aggregate SS00 or $900, fully insured.—Chateaugay Journal. I Malone ia threatened with a caterpillar i plague, which bids fair to do immense dam-' l - age to fruit and shade trees. The orchards are found thus early to be covered with a ' worm, not the well known tent caterpillar which builds its nest and sallies out during the heat of the day, bat one which lays in on the trunk or limbs and strips -1. Jo. AU persons are cauuonei to oe- , y - , - , R ., g _ E Htreorsai. Intemperance, who, as I«"« to d 1 fc , - , « U? ^ ' ^ i - ' 1 ^ r «l« Z U L th .«: wornf appeared in Vermont and wrought in- . w LAKE CtLLUl'LAI-V STEAM BOATS, l'liOEXIX & CtlAOTIAIX. After the 17th of July, 181C, one of the above boats will leave Whitehall, every Wed- nesday aud Saturday, at 2 o'clock in the af- ternoon, and St. Johus, every Tuesday aud Friday, at 8 o'clock iu the morning, and stop one hour at Burlington in passing each way. Plattsburgh passengers will be landed or taken on board at Cumberland-Head. July 10. [Plattsburgh Republican, July 20, 1316. C a t h o l i c S l i m m e r Scliool "Soldier ltest." Soldier, rest! tby warfare o'er. Sleep the steep that known not breaklnir. Dream of battled fields r.o more. Day* of danKcr, uixbts of waking. In oar isle's enchanted hall, Bandit unseen they coneh are »lrewinic, Fairy strains of music IalL Uvery sense In Blumber dewmx. Soldier. ««t! thy warfare „'er. Dream of JifchUincfield*no more; Sleep the »leep that know» not brettklDic. Horn of toil, nor nitfUfcof wnkio*. Ho rude sound »b*)l r«»eb |MI»«MM, Armor'* cknjt, or waMUrtd ehimwif> Tramp nor pibroQU nammon h*re Miwltriiw filiw. or •ciuadron tnmputf Y«t the lark's »hrill «fe Bar eo«M At tk» dAybrMk from !*• fallow, Aud'tu. Uttwn tooad nW drtaaj. lUimlnAin ateU MM* jbWMfr. Oa«T^'B^aW»T<«»^irtyUai^.yiy.. _ _„_ _ Tkwk MI ol- m-mmsm. Tm t <• ••*•> » > « p t l " Berge, Ralph C. Angell, Harlo Stevenson, Leslie A. Stowe. Julia P. Brooks. ELLExuntuir-Mae Goodspeed, Mabel E. Baker. - ELLEXBI-UUII CENTRE—Mrs. Inez E. Haig, Cora B. Carpenter, Maggie E. San.'ord, R. M. Holden. At-ToSA-Cora A. Stark3, Stella E. Mor- fonl, Ethel Z. Stark, Carrie M. Ray, Stella A. Connors, Marv B. Beany, Agnes M. Kennedy, Margaret Eecleston, Mary Eccleston, J. W. Stark. CUEKfBfsro—Mary M. Ryan, Hennah Hef- fernan, Katherine Ryan, Lizzie A. Looby, Julia A. Looby, H. M. Normandeau. BEEKMAXTOWX—Ella M. Lynch, Urace M. Lynch, Margaret E. G-illroy, Katherine B. Itoouey, HoseE. Mullen, Garfield R. LaPlante, Rof.sEs POINT—Annie E. Ashliue, Lnman It. Bowdish. WEST CIIAZV—Evelyn M. n . Clark, Alice E. Jerry, Rosa Roberts, Cora L. Dusliam, Mary B.Douglass, Jennie J. Lengfeld, Eva A. Brown, Anna 0. Reay, Eita C. Harris, Orson D. Fitield, Albert E- Wood- CHAZV—Martha M. Ladd, Mrs. W. N. Sweet. CHATEACISAY—Sadie J. Connell, Sarah A. Douglass. PL-VTTSBCROU—Margaret A. Thomas, Helen B. O'Conuell, George M. La3elle, Arthur S. Hoag, Conan M. Darnby, Geo. W. Howard, Thos. J. Pitzpatrick. I'jioNTiER—Annie M. Burke, Gertrude L. Latlin, Maud E. Lockerby, f red W. Locker^ bv. Michael J. Sweeney. "Erj-EXurRGU DEPOT—AnnaB. Priest, Lulla LaSelie, Myra Hennegan, W. E. Hays, Archie C. Taylor. MOOEKS FORKS—Francis M. Armstrong, Edna A. Barney, Marga Buchanan. CooPEit\'if,LE—Ida M. Bertrand, Margaret Murnane. SCIOTA—Elizabeth A. Eooney, Esther M. Rooney. IROXA—Augusta Yelle, Nellie Parks, Or- ville D. Hodlin. STAR—Margaret M. Toohey. B1UISAKO8VK.LB—A«nea J. Keynolda, Wil- bur P. Smith. CANAAN, N. H.—Clara C. Sanger. PORT HEXRV—Mabel.Vf. BurhanB. Porsi AullocHii—B. R. Moore, S. G. Moore. MERRIIXS—Mildred C. Hall. CKOWS POLVT—Sadie Bowera, Irene E. Bowerg. MALOXE—BUncb Erwln. CuABv'g MILL,—JeMieM. Merrilt. LTTOKMOUSTAIK—MarianBllenBady, Lewto W. Lawrence. MEADKU-Frank H. Wright, Ad* F. L. Edgerton. 8AMM Iliix-John M. Colbara. Biuu—FraoeiaK. Eatoo. graautBTUXB—Leelte A. Johaftw, WrraBBBU s-Artkw Cfc Ttougam. WATUTOWI—B«ft W. 'Wmmm. QurmamiiM QtmmimM. rmWrnm- MOWAB C««T«ar-E. p. MeKM. W«w ruoimnam-rnak tU Agaav. gAmatqoagrBW Mama B. Plans for tlie Coming Season at Cli.it' Haven. H*laas are being; laid to make the coming appearc estimable damage, notwithstancling the most vigorous attempts to suppress them. He as- sisted in lighting them then and is so familiar with "the beasl" that he recognized them at once. An application of kerosene or ben- zene, it is said, will kill them instantly, and prompt measures should be taken by every one who uiids them upon his premises.—Ma- lone Farmer. GENERAL NEWS. The bills of Yorkshire and Westmorland, England, were wnitened with snow, May 22. Fourteen people were drowned May 23, by the capsizing of a ferry boat on the Danube, near Straubing, Bavaria. Four miners were killed at Rossland, B. C, by the falling of a shaft elevator car short- ly after midnight, May 21. At the annual crow hunt at Elgin, III., May tans ever built will be placed at the western end of the tunnel, and when it is in operation it will draw the smoke laden gasea aud at- mosphere from the interior. The fan will lie sixteen feet in diameter, with a capacity of 600,000 cubic feet per minute. It will be operated by electric power, aud the success of this plan will solve a problem that ha3 troubled engineers for over twenty years. Postmaster Gordon has sent to Postmaster General Smith, at Washington, a design for a ll-ag to be used as an emblem of the Post- office Department. L°roy T. Steward, assis- tant general superintendent of the city deliv- ery at the Chicago otlice, is the origiuator of the design, which is described as follows: A hite field, indicative of a civil department: superimposed on this a St. Andrew's cross of red. bearing at its center a red seal of the Postoiiiee Department, surrounded by a blue circle, with thirteen while stars. The crossed diagonal red lines are also takeu to indicate the ramifications of the postal service, reach- ing to the four extremities of lhe land and uniting the four sections into one. The red departmental seal bears the picture of a mounted post boy and the letters P. 0. D. the banner season of the Catholic Summer School at 20, in which s?Q0 men participated, over one - - •- thousand crows were killed. The Presb} terian General Assembly in Minneapolis voted down a proposition to re- duce ita membership May il. Maud Reuie, aged three, was bitten by a mosquito or some other insect, May 17, and will probably' die from the effects. The late ex-Gov. Flower left an estate of about $6,000,000. He gave away over a mil- lion during the last year of his life. Dawson City, Alaska, had another big fire, April 26, which destroyed the business pare or the city. Loss §4,000,000. No insurance. Mrs. James Wood of Rock-mart, Ga., shot and killed a negro who was trying to enter her bedroom, May 19, whiie her husband was absent. The distinguished actress -Mile. Horteuse- Barbe Loret—known a3 Rhea—died at her home iu Montmorency, France, May 22, aged 55 years. Pour negroes were killed in a fight between blacks and whites at a negro cake walk at Enid, Oklahoma, opera house, May 21. Over 50 shots were fired. Cliff Haven, Lake Champlain, year of the school. Mrs. Charles Tracey. of Albany, wife of General Tracey, visited the grounds recently and arranged for accommodations for herself and party! A number of Albanians have leased the cottage near dining hail and will occupy it daring the coming session. Mr. Augustus Healey, of New York, has leased the Washington cottage. President M. J. Lavelle and Director D. J. O'Connor have already been over the grounds and arranging for the opening. The new annex to the club has been roofed in and is progressing rapidly. An extension is also being added to the dining hall. The. Brooklyn cottage is well under way,- and ground will be broken for the Buflalo cottage j within a few days. I James E. Sullivan, secretary of the Ama- ; teur Athletic Union, and president of the Knickerbobker and New Jersey Athletic clubs, has arranghd a recreation program, 1 which will consist of out-door game3 aud , contests on the afternoon of every day during ' the entire session. Two hundred and fifty ^ w h l c h wfli s e r v e s 5 prizes fta ttaflrafand" A big tornado swept bver Titus aud Erath j A fterthe funeral the husband remarked that second competitors in' each of the events. ' couutiel, Texas, May 21, killing several peo- j )«o "did not see why Mary-Ann should have- The event3 will comprise swimming, running, jumping, rowing, bowling, golf, baseball, tennis, croquet, bicycle races, hammer and discus throwing, shot putting and in fact, every possible athletic event. Mr. Strong, formerly instructor of the Knickerbocker Athletic club, and now instructor at Berkley school at Forty-ninth street '* »•--" - lessons in swimming, rowingf'goH 1nd"cy- , '^^SS^iS^,^ 9 "^ ^ I hoover, clothed with the power to Shorten clin° r i B ' rt ItYs rumored that the Summer School has • *• The American line ocean steamer City of secured an option on the Wing property, and Park ran aground near Falmouth, England, expect to buy it, locating thereon the golf early on the morning pf *ay 22- No lives links and using part of it lor building loU? A were lost. The vessel is a complete wreck, running and bicycle track will also be built j Mi»3 Agnes Sutton, a wealthy woman, aged on tbe grounds. [The purchase of the Wing 7C years, was burned to death at Newburglj, property has been consummated.] j May 21. A lamp was overturned and set Are Dr. Lavelle has expressed himself in a high- to the house, in which Miss Sutton lived alone, ly appreciative manner of the interest taken Benjamin Crosby, who lives near Thomp-} til about two months ago, when she suddeuly by the people of Plattsburgh in the welfare ! ^ ^ jjjdge, Orange county, N. Y., fouud became blind, deaf and insane. She loft two WOMEN. Russeil Sage has just given §50,000 for the new buildiug of the Women's hospital in New York and Mrs. Sage says she will give more. Mrs. Elnora M. Babcock, of Dunkirk, N. Y., is the newly elected committee on press work for the 'National American Woman Sufirage Association. The Archbishop of Canterbury has recent- ly signed a petition to the English Paiiia- meiil, for the passage 01" a measure securing to women the right "of voting for members of Parliament on the same terms with men. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore has just destroy- ed lhe manuscripts of a huudred and twenty original poems written by her. She is going over her papers and ruthlessly burning up all her old compositions, essays, and even , the manuscripts of her lectures. ! Before 1SU0 ihere were only about half a dozen patents takeu out by women. At the recent exposition in Atlanta 25 models of women's inventions were, exhibited, among which were, some for agricultural impliments I and railroad aud mill machinery. \ The New York Slate Federation of I Women's Clubs has made Miss Susan B. Anthony chairman of ils Committee ou Political Study. At the annual meeting or ' the State Federation, to be held in Rochester I next November, au hour will be ijiven to ! this committee. I At a meeting of women's clubs iu Maine, one of the speakers told of a girl she had known early in life and who had died insane. Miss Passe—Single blessedness! Single cassedness! Benign Individual —My good friend, don't you know that indulging your appetite for strong driuk will undermine your health and bring you to death's door? De Tanque—Thatsh all right, old boy: I wou't be able to (hie) find zhe blamed keyhole. Jones—Say, Maria, I heard au awful good joke to-day. There was a man—no that's not right, I mean that a man wanted to—that is to say, er. let me think; oh, yes! A man- say, what'r you laughing at, anyway? I won't tell you the story, anyhow. You women have no sense of humor. Boy on the Fence—You ought to see the rabbit's foot I got at home. Bov iu the Next Yard—That ain't nothiii'. My little brother's got a harelip. S o F a t t i e r Says. B-j-ilon. Co-trirr, I whh that I'd been Grandpa's child That 1 could had the joy Of fishing in those go->d old days Wheu lather was a bav- 3Por then The fisli srrew- "bi^ser far Thau they do uowdays And literaUy packed the streams— At least, so father says. They never caught a sucfeer then That didn't weigh a ton. And pickerel were longer- than A modern Armstrong- sun. They used to yank oat halibut Iu hundreds from our bays. And shad ran up the baaks to bite At least, so father says. They never thought of using bait To lure the wily trout. They reached a bushel basket down And simply dipped them out. And in about an hour or two They'd fill up several drays And sow them through the neighborhood— At least, so father says, Iu short, they caught so many fish. That 'fore their sport was through The stream where they were fishing would Go down a yard or two, And not an aieler failed to come Home loaded iu those days— A habit father still pursues. At least, so mother says. SWEEP1SGS. To a crazy ship all winds are contrary. Ugly women, finely dressed, are the uglier for It. Truth may be blamed, but shall never be Shamed. There is Tjut bad choice, where the whole stock is bad- There, is more money gotbv ill means than by good acts. Though poverty may lDrlns- sorrow, riches create incmietude. Co. W. C. T .V. The summer convention of Clinton County's W. C. T. C. will be held at Lyon Mountain June 23th. All local TJuious are requested to appoint delegate as soon as possible aud report their names to Mrs. Hattie M.. Law- rence, Lyon Mountain. The general County Officers, Presidents of local Unions W's aud Y's, also Superintendents of Departments are delegates by virtue of office. By order of the Society each local Union can be re- presented by oue delegate for every ten members. Through the kindness of Mr. Stower delegates payiug full fare to Lyon Mountain at the Convention will receive a certificate issued bv the Chateaugay R. R. Co. and signed by the Co. TV. C. T. TJ. Treasurer Mrs. Emma Cavanaugh which will be the delegate's return ticket. The train for Lyon Mountain leaving early iu the morn- ing, Delegates who wish entertainment over night will please notify Mrs. Clara M. .Miller Cor. Sec. Elm St. Plattsburgh. FRAXCES D. HALL, CO. Pres. CLAKA M. MiLLEn, Cor. See. T .'l»i • -1 >.Vr - . iilni" 1-3 i-.'.'x • ' 'a * rn ->* v .- •' 1 '' - 1 ' •':• s , - .,»« ,, y . r i l t i (•!(,. .-• 1' ' ' f• ' f ' ' • ' " l * 1 1 1 U K 1 1 '' T , Wt'. '. f A i ' ' il, rjt ir. ' • t'Ti'. i*e e> y | f , T 1~' !-n*-. r-f.^,,s tt... r-1-T f --;-V"l ' ' tt|« ir-t-t I ..ti ->. n l i ' " ' i » i " . ' . i i r . . r i ' n . v i T u ' i . It t< 1 W- t . ke.-;. 1-. n n l t'il» TV I> ik -T \re -S * a I taau of liberal ..j- -.' >sw 3.s w. ;l -vs ta'*"'.*. an-1 that I t "»•' 'l l! ,<of II ' \ .tst'V'l V. - M i l I'll .1 '-I' -1 I "'I t • stt ,,\- t'i,!' »>0'.l<'t r . - " i v e l s* - - - •• 1 n!s-i» '- I -nl "1 l.si'u; .rt'i.ici-Hi'vl * of*' *'i- 1 i-i H—r>in»r..'ti;ir},—*t'.-vh iv t <'• k • f r, 1' I) VI lis. she •;. ,v I'I t -' . J.\.-T I a-i I '-ti »'• it h Alll \\t:e-l v,s ? ' rs . - ' V T X , »!"' l r »" r. * , strt'ige.rv hetri ivrvnan ' !•>.; f'Mm wi 1- ' T't" 1> >,;•>• TTYS of t'i- w >rlt ,ir<- 1 k- bun'-V bvs, Uislm-ilt tothi ikwhi* w-. •iM'uv-l 1 ti^rpli. \ IVhi'n ti-il <. Tai-Ha-ti.-a to the miteriat i-ive-re-i. 1 am last n ,w rem'alel or ttell-a Table II g- b.\-ry by a p.>ri.»lK»altv re-urring In .k'et caUel Tae Putl.stia.?. it is d <a- at Ea« Air ra. New Y.vrk. T..;im>'at ?upi»«» th-yetiM r.sc earTy emufth it plain Aurora, t'.it wh-nen* Is digging f orbatt half an h-ar's start of t he nwjrfins<\w«l one U asreat advantage. Besides it tak^s tim»i to ran a speUiuj reform. Tap Philistine is avowedly a j-ianul »f protest anl sometimes it protests too nri-h. You reai-raber that during the judicial rMveed. burs oar friend Dogberry is addressed by the threa- lettere I synonym for the mentally depleted, and desires the faet repirtel. He further defines his jMsiti.ra: "I am a wise fellow; aul. which is imre, an oai'er; a i l whieh is HI-re a hmse- u *l-l?r; and, •wttieh is more, as pretty a JH**-^ V>E il-s-h as auy is iu Messina; and oue that knows fieUw, goto: and a rich fellow enough. g> to. aal a fe'lo^v that.h.ath had losses; anl one Uiat hita two g >wns and everything handsome ab-mt him: B-in^ him away:-O. that I had been writ d own—au ass." Definitions are u?ver quite safe things to trhle with personally. Often eaoush it is n->t until we state -v-rhat we are that people really discover want we are not. The Philistine for example by -writing itself down as sach has saved others the trouble, for according to the dictionary and its own contents it Is only too well named. ,-.• ' ' M — V I < V - *s 1 1 a< .. r : . i J V • "< . t -v - it s , ' t"J-s >OKTlt ITFTtO. 1T7 ~ - s ' 5 (t-MV I- - ' IS - s.. . V - -< S03i?jaesug»?sts that if E^nperor William is anxious to exercise his army ana incidentally to tl'iarrel, it would be effective to send his new play oa a toar ot the w orld. beyond the limitatioas of lese majesty. To the raited States anyway whVh is nothing if not critical, and where the. leek, if such were the refreshment decresd. woiU l>* set before a royal playwright with high glee at the connection. One must eonfe*5 however that it is most unneijrb irly to b? presapp J^ing the versatile Williams uuality as a dramatist. "IXow," said Mr. Levelhead to his wife when they knew the house was on fire, "the principal reason for loss of life at hotel fires is that women lose their presence of min 1. As ia the present case. Of course you eai proceed to the window and jarnp, oryouean dress quietly, thmkiag mean- while of the various exits with which we are $•> familiar. There will bs no trouble an-2 we can make our way out iu nerfeet safety." Whereat they fell to work and were sooa ready, "Mr. Levelhead taking a last minute to sec his hat on firmly and adjust his caffs, not omitting 11 cheer his c impanion with continued protestations of security. When they reiched the street anl Mrs. Level head really came to herself, she looked ar-uul at her husband and she bsgan to giggle. That pe- culiarly discomfiting sigsla which has driven so many men to drink. "Ify dear," she said, "when there H another Sre, and not tlie least cause for either hurry or alarm. I do think I would take time to put oa my TrowserS."* TOWN CORRESPONDENCE. KLLBNHPKG CENTKE. T)r. B^ll of Tr.iv is home this week r-> atten 1 Eddie Mel'uerson, who is very ill W. G T»d- burst was home from his butter fa.-torv work this week Emma E^-ssware went to I'iitts'.urgU Tuesday Mr. Mei'ormiekof Lv-m M •in* ibiiu town Tiies-lay The s-ho >ls areel isei. alt tasks are done, the bo lis laid by and one by one. It.e hip;*y scholars free as air hop-sk.iji with gl-e n.r ftfela care Th.' re i -hers go to Institute t • |s'.'H. gather up the fruit. Tuey teaeh ni more, ihey jist are. tauaht. On happy days will p'eisure fraught. Such life is wreathe! wit'i fairest tl >w - ers. S.vift fly the happy wmg.ii hours while midst it all this thought is acre 1 would be older year vu year, oh f,mhsh y.uth, tln?se halcyon days are gone too soon, staid trrov the ways. Sober lh>-feel- ing aud. oh fate, thev wish for sehoolila}.s. tist^t late Traveling salesmen are very numerous. I counties, Texas, May _^, - u& r , , , -,. , , , , , , Die and wrecking a large number of houses took crazy, for to his knowledge she had and several churches. ^ t been out of that ktlclieii for tlnrty yens. Benjamin F. Deans pleaded guilty, May 1 Among the New York laws of 1890 is one 23, at Lancaster, N. H., of the murder of hi3 wife at Berdio, May 4, 1898, aud was sentenc- ed to 25 years in Slate prison. Helena, Mont, has passed au ordinance . providing that females between the ages of 15 and 30 convicted of petty larceny, drunk- enue33, immorality or misdemeanor shall be sentenced to three years in lhe houses of ref- uge for «oman at Hudson, Albion or Bed- aVenuVSewYork, has been engaged to give S S S ^ S j ^ Ma »^ rs of lheae u " tt « te0 " are the term of imprisonment in case the prison- er's behavior warrants it. "Aunt I'eggy" Bailey died at nnntington, Intl., May 22, aged 112. She wa3 born in Keutucky and died an old maid, having re- fused many oilers of marriage. She had smoked her tobacco pipe since the age of eight, always using the genuine stuff, raised on the farm. She retained her faculties tin- and development of the Summer School. It p ^ u green in his well, May 19. He has had is hoped "tat the very attractive programme muation with certain peraoui, and a large to be presented tbi» seiiioo wilt result la a "g, 0 , hig wai burned two years ago. ^ ^ » » ^ > ^ ^ J S ^ S t i ' ^ i 122 l ' Saven colored laborers were lynched near surrounding region, Tha director* of the < ^" M . . M «, Pour of them were achoolareV^at Ibe *»*«*«£* ^ . ^ A L K S r reference to denomination, will avail them- "T^«Irr»i«rv Th«v had attomntAd in as- •eivea of tbe adrantafe. olbtedln the eoone "E&fSfiE'l, *^^?*?Si£™r ofl^tura.uponlli»riry,hkHoriMlawlMiM.,»J*J^f~*?T' ^ ? *.T; U»c w b f « u ! T a « toetarea wat%»e « n i by Howard EUlott *f££™*1T£f»™* TWpro«raaiBi. aa mapp^l out by oft- lamMOO, MfiA'H JMrt. Ue WM beaWn to MkitaUtkMMlf«.aa4lbUo»i the .jpn*. ] « • I * * * * dMt«« «^« bettar a*«h year. j Jeta HontU u Ualtan a««t S*. brothers, each over 100 yean old. SPORTING, ftc. The next aensaltou in ti»lic circles is to XK> tin encounter between "Bob'' Fitziimmoim and Jeffries of California, Henry Fournier, the French bicycle rider made a mile In 1.31J at W»»hingioii, May i 24, breaking the world'* mil* record. I Studenti of Oxford and Carabriage Un- lver*ille#. Kuyland, have cballenged tboae of Yat* and ilarvard, to an international i all-aronod atuletic eoomt to lake place in 1 July, and tbe latter have accepted. i fiti! aiai»-»ji>»iM Hawilni:.) Tha iollowtac ta UM it«a4lt« ol tbe dlf- nr. Hai tf «9 tteliMnf bar, laraut in tba order imatai, l«Mnw eiaba In Sa^lW^b^y* "»»•:•»» »•»• *mm fw Uw Obm^MblB: MW Tan. The Mutual F i r e I n s u r a n c e Co. On May 20th, F. K. Moreland of Ogdens- burg, N. X., secretary of the Mutual Fire In- surance Company, issued from his office iu Ogdensburg fifty-two policies in that com- pany, making a little over four thousand aud live hundred policy holders since the organi- zation of the company two years ago. This eompauy has bud a most remarkable growth of popularity. The fact that no mercantile risk is issued to exceed S1000, and uo farm risk to exceed $2000, is a guarantee to the members that the company will sutler no large losses, and, in all probability, the as- sessment rate will be very low. The assess- ments of this company have so far compared favorably with the assessments of any other Mutual Insurance Company in the northern part of the State of New York. We predict for lhe company, judging from its past re- cord, a very great increase of membership during the balance of the year. Statement by I>r. Brings. Believes That "We Are Knterin^ a INevv Atre of the World. (X. Y. T,'iljun>'.\ During all the controversy over his advance- ment to the priesthood in the Episcopal church the Rev. Dr. Charles A. Briggs (ire- served absolute silence as to criticisms of his book aud of his acliou iu seeking ordination. Even after he was made a priest by Bishop Potter on May 14, uo statement could be se- cured from him but two days later he wrote to the lit. Rev. Dr. Thomas M. Clark, bishop of Rhode Island, and presiding bishop of the Episcopal church iu the United Stales a slato- meni for lhe personal informaifon ot the. pre- siding bishop and not for publicauun but Bishop Clark obtained his permission to use the letter at his own discretion. This, the first statement, made by Dr. Briggs as to his entrance into the ministry of the Episcopal church, Is as follows: Rt. Rev. Sir—I have not sought refuge in the Episcopal ministry; L made the change because I was assured that the banner of church unity was in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and nowhere else, and I have conse- crated my life to that cause. If I know my- self, 1 hold to all the sacred depositor Catho- lic truth in the church as well -as iu holy Scripture, and 1 shall do all iu my power u> bring out that truth aud maintain it. 1 feel that my study of holy Scripture -and of Christian history as well as my O'.vti exper- ience of God's grace has led me to see. iu holy Scripture the divine truth in somewhat diil'erent relations and proportions from those ih which I was trained. It has beeu my hap- py privilege to know aud work with some ol the noble men of our age, Roman Catholic and Prote3tant, Lutheran and Calvinlstie, Methodist, Presbyterian aud Anglican, in most of the great universities of tho world and 1 have been guided to recognize the liv- ing Christian in them all. I think we are about to enter u new age of the world, and that these things will be prom- inent in it—the immanence of God, the living reigumg Christ as priest and King, the pres- ence of the iudwelling spirit iu the Individual, and in the organism of the church; the pi ac- tios of holy love, entire sanctillcaliou, lhe communication of saints in this world and in the other world, and the reconciliation mid reunion of GhrUt's cliurcli. I have been brought to see these things and to regard them a* the great banner prin- ciple! for the future. For them I stand with all my aoul. While I do not neglect or In toy way discard auy portion of Die inherit- ance of Cbrial'a church In doctrine or iu life, I am aatarad by my pupils that I make the Bible to lawn mora real, more powerful, more •ivute. I nave never beard aainjrte oue of th* iblrt— bombed UMOlagleal etadawu I " Ml Ml> Jelieij iari»Uta. Th* wjxit-moKO. Alireoe-urrel..!! M-mlay. the -'-al >.f it iv i'i wMe'jthe dwelling houseof Mr M-»j,he;i srr«-;.i- ban With in tst of the e e,te>,ts were eee-uuiel There was sa'd t>> be eigt.t hundred d.-Hars iusar an-e on house-and furniture. The ".rism ,.f the lire is unknown . Airs Jennie Ellsworth Lhclsey who has been havirnr n-mr health for a 1-n^ lime, died at her home iuWilkhoro un Fridiy of la? T week. Mrs. Lindsey left a husband and i wos-jiatl sons torn.mm her l.»ss Little Uoward. s.,ti,.f Oaklev Hmith was quite seriously hurt l.y W tig kicked in the faee by a. horse, whieh left s.,uit* *.ad cuts and bruises al«-ur his faee aud head Miss Bertha Bent!. • of (ileus Falls aid I)r Wurn-u Ewreitenf Albi'iy visited fri.-uls hi t..wn this week Mr. Pi' i if hiving.i>- .'lt.V" built at Y at Uo.-k whieh is ..'ie hundred ,»n.I twenty feet 1 >Lg. It will s..o:i be ready |..r ir-.- : -- -, -- t «^v Hi ~t v 1 ': K HV f'u',1' • *ed ' v ' ' ' IVCSS- XT" I* "W -.-S^ 1- r»ve ' • .T I ' »- . , T-lUit r*-s y , s * I- ti'V <1V • - T l' ' rtss- „>U.. t 1 O r irpi I.' 1 t -iTT-s i f. •* »• r-1 5 ^ -1 n- , -^. . - v s - « : -» "— -v l^fiv 't--*n . i --.--- *« - -i j'i'.i tr o''(v -«r.l.!asi H ;^l *-* -w^vv. K-,t a» -v*rt veto i <<• V r 1* »•*»>! W *'' **•> s -. - .-\ T s »s 1 a - 1 •'.«! -1 " V -f '1 \* T"~t* -l ' - 1 * »- l^sa a" 1 •"• ' "*»* t 5 « t.-.T t>---* w-ss- r vi * --r-- * - --V -•s a. n >.\ « x' tt- *-, ! t I' ( 1 H- ^ I - ' " < ' 7 s .-.T #• - r 1 r t " • ' , ' » - •« ;* : *-' r .il w r-^ns t-> ii r--T ' v ' f la ..'I 'i-'ti *v't's-l H-i' ^ i-l t' i ,s \|s*sv t^i «'r-l'gh*»--'sl *-,,T W •' M l J.I I " , - , v ' l I ' flWeek. ..»tw , I'.'r-st •» •i'i 1 w *rl> j--'tsK»l -v« r*j 1 > •»* V'lri-'i t,i|t',< i i. iv-.» r." >'.^1 v.-rv sal ,>. ..'v M eijy ..f «; is"i tl i .-r ii- {-•<• ••>• I was t »ken . i v s M i< n a-tat : " ' was teal Dr BrAf h. f i,r.i»-1 Is , was a *1 »• T< f r*' «. nrr.ve-l t v i Tt'„fe , w ^ltvv»e-l S T W -H I 1ST, 1 FtM-te is imp. -\ ng«' 'W v af*er a •»{ n t i ftrjh 1 fevr 11 * da w*.»-«r. « ! > ' . ; * uj« UOKKISOXVtJ.LJi. May ,'..!>-.' Ur. Ua'sev \ a li'liu Who llisl 1 ist we.-k it Ml '.••lie. wil. 1-- r. tue.ti'.erei by many of 0..- reil,-rs ol tUeKu-i i.' is llewasas.>ai,f the ineN.tTi u, A.. Vanjl.au •: ^ est Plat tsbtrgh. He w>-,t |..t V wiroftheret.eliionasassisiaT,! s.i ri T^,, U i ri T,,.., •,, Itegt. N. V. Mate Volutiteers. He i-'t'u.*fr..'u ti •« trmv on furlough to bury h,s wife, who wis ti, liuihter uf Ui'j,.'.,u Iliest-r Bad- h .,f W, -'. I' ('ts '•urjti. He aftervv ird marr .-1 Mi-s !I i< i W it a us , ,f Maloue. He hv. 1 iu i ihf.-rnia f r it.'><- * l i—n .-A'litr l,a -ti e i-' -.t», I •—t'.-l i'. i).-'ti tr---. -. I . Whi r>' lie a .* 1 'l-i'i't-.l' V'-lt- ,!'.•• '• l- .mes I.* Us ..• t....- .1. .'., t \t r - K A '.:'• «'»ri. '.Vie. til' 1 l •• . s ,_. ., w.-st j; t ul \L "*a- v\ is f., .ii'g .' -: ' . , . i'.- v\ ;,. a - u White.•f 1'. tit-' a'-'. .. M, s. j ; v r.t.'-.r'.s ,.!i the-,,-k list ...Ali-rtll l'ty.,<r has <•• I'muMtvl vv.rki'.i the fouiturj a'i-1 is eastnig ea.'t \\c»k CITAZX. T i e ' 1- tii— Aid >. . ->tl h-'.d th.-.r s.. A i.r s , , r tvatMrs li 1'M<-ts..ii sThtirslav A!r< i,. rge Bardi.k aud daisiht^r. Mrs 11 .L.s. ,.f M. ., rs i is lied tr.ends iu tiBUl!,Hili..» U.e lal.-s t th-l'r. siiynri ni^--ttty AiUs-rn . ik- ,,!, .- -r, am Tu-stay ,-v. umg. M ti ; I'r. en ti.e p..u. a ..f Mrs. ltufus"Ui"i'.'.nSre*i b-u. e . y ».'.i".t I,UM b-r r?.;HN-t l*t attel.l tl.e et-U-rt^'.m-t.t a' I '.aui iilaiu Friday eVf't.'.g '-II.'III Ylt m rmUi-r vi.t-sf.ir I M-latb'i I'.-T ,v I 1 .- (..-: 1 lust ]..-.-p5i's It i . bureti at \\est ( < a/y .'iMi.tn M iy 2-'l. at CJ. iu sharj. 1|. liev la'terM. :. Ire 111 Will de IVer tti-M [lint -ir(;..sl rile. -I j'.en Div. MiV "•'- »iil l-'.-id at i 'ii/v t' g i- m.tt.cli.v s D. Elk-i.s M ii; .le..v,-r t'.e al ir.-- it, lot le r ippr.-pr t'.-i \. r. M-S ,>.' ,i>- tli>-l \ .-..r.lia 1 litvllal-.ti i- «-xt«!. let i,. alt. J F ... t.-rt e.e.u'ia'i.l-r.'-;H- 'ally .li-'ti- t •- ,"<-. 11>. . < t'.l ... 1 \e*. ra'.s wl„ tl,.-r ", •uu-rs,,t lit- >, A 1; . r u ,t. aSo Veter.»!.s f I) e late war. nooEits. Thee .rrup! teg.tt aui i. •.' ..'al r.i.gs. f Vlt"- i.ur„'h did their \v..rk \\«-1 l..-r.- '-V I 1 .- us- ,( f , r pal-1 hrti.-hm—i tbe s Lb.sl. T'.e ,U-.eja*.-- ar,- sueh us the 1'latts', ir>'h r.i,,, >-r !• re 1 hi n r iit,-l •l.-mmd. ..Ajoul.^ man'Mr.e I l.sv ,t,g a f. in Mooi-rs eeimtery a >ear ag... I.r vv.ii.'t 1 t • k.tlo.v how she was ir- tl *,£ tloii.^ II. tt.e ^ral- t - dugdmVll to the'- tfli'J. f'l'il every ttt rig as n-.i its could l.v ev.i.,et-t»sl under theelreuuiatati.-es ,.u Iv the outside I-ii no-de.1 as.-re,v it, iu-. ..rt.rr ai»l had Mr. Ki-uuie »uiv'y that de'j. ;t J he j.t tt« ,,'i rtie e.elin lvasl,..T s'lver as he .S'lj.;*,^,-! u lva-i j.ui wi.l sa.- »he u'ldertaurr I• r dami^es l>roJf» in el Cils r'ti'titi ov r her !«•!> i I. 1 W M ^..ll.i u»e iu ete. >'«.a -e v.-r. jt.U 1 ;i.- .l-..\'. t, f IVlSUIlklUl. alhoUgil t'lrt-i l.J dej '. .1. st, !,vn anl .-lefr.s', -avh .t>... t luv a.t' r t es •1 lim lie ha I u r.^M l" 1 • wi.it he -1 1. »• it it..- v.iuna maii'laltmH is las duty to .an- f r i.i wife after death as well as b?f..re. A USA H l-K. In last wcek«"s Ben mi' iNapjicir, I iii-alst-r lisemeutff the openbtir of the I til -n A. adeiai repriute-l from the Kn-usu, i s ••tAj.nl *' i»t.' Tneu tin* t'nluu was a llourlshbig v ulage «-"htaiu In" the uulv post office lu tho u rrit..ry Ihat « .v. .-.ustituu-s the town of Peru, beallesa More a tavern, a uie.-lius; hoiwe, several tele-jesauJ Him erous dwellings A mouth ago wei-ln :•:• -'.ed the faet that the uit-etmg house was Si.td at,i was be lus." removed, tiovv thusale ot the h- rse s'jei Is h -in,; negotiated and soi.u nothing ivbl resuiiu that lielouged to the Soelcty of Friends vx. n> 1 the three aeres if land bought of Henry inre.ii m 1S01 for ti uieett'is hou-e lot and hurjlnii j-n.utid This buryiug ground Is sooa to be enclosed with » substantial steel fence like, those, recently erected around two ceuicterlesIII Plallsbursih.. lhe irentldrain of Thursday. Friday aud Saturday was veryi.welcome even If it did keep some dclesatw from atteudiatt the 65. S. coaventiou. Thoso who got thure greatly enjoyed It however. WKST I'KKB, May IU. l«3tt. There *eenis to be a speciui call for old petirtle hi heaven- Slueeour liut oorreiiwudcuce Mrs. Iluah HOKB *«« Uld to rest liilhe Weiit Peru Wulto church cemetery, May 18th. She leaves au *tced husbaud »ad a sou to moura her loon, one sou aud two daughters are lathe west...,.,Mr. Thouuw Alien after a brief lllne** i»*««;i ***)' Sunday aiornliMt- »»•• funeral was W d Tuesday at X o'clock. »lar*e cottoouneof friends following lh« rtMuaina 10 tbe arave. He lear-w a wlf«, Iour aotu aud Ave deuxbter*, four ot Ueut. threaaon* aad ou« daasater ar* ia Momma ...Wednatday tat* fuawal of Mr*, galaboaa of J»y, fonuM-ly ot Wert rm* ma Md. Uer raawlai were taken to tfcajriaaa* j t C. ebjireb to to bjtd at t—t bartjta atlain-anlttnli i«- .\tr a-.IMn J ^rtVatk er were in \\<xr' -xgt- '1 I*s* wivfe wherf.' -T vttr.*- toraakft arn~gf"a»nts f'-r t v r * -3, «'t.n* -i t i cn»,-r tt e i . \ AI. in v j ' f i V r v »sfilv >-tv! 1 ri KhieenwT • • .Mr. au 1 Mrs. J.-'in Hawr!<-an *ti-i Weriiro-N"at;rmarrtc-l*uvegvrei-<ri a w l e r p TS inthn lle-'t. r.Uit'-hivs t->u.««Ja«t s.--atb. .f t*»v 1 ridpt Mr llawT —n to* xbn lyr^n »n ?^« cr.vaR-I for a cow 1. i_,=»v *t l »h ho *i 1.-. •aacr:- 1\ as.siioaas the rush •! farm W'TS.!s .ver -Mr llo.wnof thazv, N. Y. f-'UC'.t uji-vi tea b r l . I <-attle aid dr- •v\> them fr> -m t- -wa saUirday — , John Parker lost a vVnal'lebtrso Saturday Xr Cavanagh of KattVargh hasb-t oa shares his farm to James A. Talhojmfor <nie vnar . .Mrs Herbert Brayt'n^f Albat-gh, Mrs. Elw'n Ryder «.f st. AlbAns. and nnt'VtT>b:as. f •• ~A ks>, vKte-l relatives in t.iwa la3t ww'k Frass. Daeil whihas bcea^rio^sT rj {,. r s».. v - rt«fi<th on the ga;u anl as s vu as th« h •* ••vi'j.ner sets luwilllie on his r'ns again ...K-v .T.-Vil Angell holds serriues «ery sjniay aft«-m > -a at Jj. m. inthe'Mernsale-a'sh'.I h-vjse . Ttti-edeer were rei>ently sevn la Alhurgh «u the farm of AVitlla'a Al.Hiretr r a^rat i i j ml'.»i north of the X.irth tier > Alburgh brllco ou what H ku iwa a* Pine Island Th-*» who haire seen tbem say there is a hue hu.k and two d.ms and tmo is th-.«utht to have a ynun? tawn. The iselect men -f Albareh have given orders to * « < the. first h"'atid found running l.msi and last week. J>>9 StrOHR's doc ivhi.-h h« valaed at Siv -was fiUed full f ivli lead since which time the two other h ignis running at the same time have beeu tied up. In the Lee- islature.-f ivisYcry stri.-t laws wrre passed for theprcorrvatioui't dwrwhli-h read as follows, belisi; mimber l'is. s>octton st: "Dosts of the breed commonly IVM for humlng deer, to»se «r cari- lxiu anl does of other varieties' that are known to follow deer, in >WP xrrarroou shall no. be per- mitted by the owner >>t p e r ^ a harlftrinsr tho same, to ran at lar^e lu th<v furesta where deer, m Kis*> or r.Trih .u tukablt If auy dog «t lhe bree<l or variety named shall be found hunting. p.arstiiar or idling auy deer, in use < >r . arll»iu, or runnltuj at large in th» forests of this State where deer, moose or caribou iuhabit it shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the violation .»f this sect! >a by the jiersoa »twuins, having or harboriaRSa-h d>Mr. Xo tiers, .u shall own or have la his possess! -a any dory for the purpose of hatuinsr or chaslnf deer, moose or earib iu. Any person may lawfully kill tny dog found huntins ut'iose, de^i- ,i r cartboa, orthatiskij-t f-r that purpose contrary to the provisions of thiss»eth a' - —An agent of the It O. R. R. wis in Alburgh recently feeltnc i»f the land owners »>u Point of the Tongue The D»r- roivs, Andrew Hazcn's heirs. W E lV-ull and Capt- John O'Xelll want a square Si »t an acre and Sl'M damages for their h- 'tdngs. It sh void be r«- membere-1 that the- Albarghers were n»ver mu- h infav-rof the road cxeej.l the s- ath I-arl >ftho town and several aUwaj'tsf-i i-att utown rnertifitr was a failure. Th^litt-i wlit.-ht'.* •- aii-aiiy wilt take is the best in the t- «wtt. We > ffer One Hanlrcd Dollars Reward for strr case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. IF. J . CTTEXEY & CO, Props . Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. • heney for the last ir> years, and believe him perfeetty hon.'rab'.e in all I'-tsiw-ss traC'UeU' WMI £'tau-I- atlyalCc to carry-.at any ••••li^aTt.trs male bv their firm. \VE-T i Tm S>. Wh t-ate Drajs-st-t. T-lcl'. i». Wuauv.. Kt\N«N jc Mit:>iv. Wh legale Drag- sists. Toledii. o. Hall's I "atarrhi are Is taken intcraalty, a'*Unjr •llre-rtlj-nT->n tl-e tl.*>i ani ran-s >ns s a r f a c e s v>f the system. Price-. 2T,-. l«u- l-.tt'.e. S M by all Dmfrglsts. TestiTi .a'.a'e free Hall's Fojaily l*..*.s ;\re t h - t«-se. W o r k i n g N i j g h t a n d Day. The b is.est at, 1 nighti-st i ; n> thing tt.at ever was UIA4<> IS D.-. K ; ,g s K x L.U IMlo. Every ji.ll isasigar-cut.-Ig:,,;, tlt'ofteallh, that chai;g-s Weaki. - s i;,t , s«,r-i,gt'i, l.st- 1,^-IiCs, HtO etlergV. 1-ruU-fjg 1'itO Ut>*IiUl po.'.er. Tt.A're A-.!. 1 rlil m Liu-Hig uj! tie- I.-a'th O.lt J.",- j.. r ». .v.. s,;l ut Meli-illlal H K. U .'.-rt l»r^gg.<. Millions Civen Away. It i-s C'-rtainlj gr.itif>,i,g to P.- pi',. .• ti ku iw oluiio e-'LCeru in th- la'tl ,v'.. .«.» li.-t afra: 1 to be g-i.-rois U> t!.- i.•-•• h a-. 1 s'lilermg. ih- jn-opr.-tors ,.j ji,- K-t.g'-t N-'.v D.-eovery f r C «.-ii i,j t. n ('.igLs .iTelOoMs. iui.'.'gi.eu a"ia> Mk.-rt.-n t:,,,:, .u trial bottles of this great ni- 1...-.L- a«, 1 !av tll>" s-,ti>f l. ti lii of tjeiA,. _' ,' I is; ,', ili'.-lv i'iir."ltliiii- J '.ls..f'... 1 .... J sa. -. A- ,t.,.i. Br.uiclu'is, H , ir .,. L .— a . 1 a I I-. , t ,. s ,,f th- Ti.r...tt. i" .—' a'. 1 I. i-..-s t r- - .-- » ,.- ,r- ed In U. Call .ot I), k t. .'. V H. i . j •' ,11. 1 g-t a f,.-e ( t t ..,t I ,- . . J{.._. 4 , , r - -.- .">••'.•. au I tfl. Kv.-n !•.:!•• g tar t .'••-I, . r J'l AC refill. !• 1 For Over Fifty Years Ml.s Wl\si.e.i-s v.. ,T.(i\., M:.' ,- 1 .t I..* '.*. .1 bv tti' .'..*.s . f tu-tt.-rs t-r t'» r • * 'r.- al e tct'iit.g If d st w t - 1 at t. g-.t a' 1 tr n-",* f v.,rr,-tl.ytis. i ... Is.*!..- ga-. I . r. „•* h I'"'' -r i .'"•-- 1'--'. - « t g .,.,.,..,. , t f-".e i.fMr. \\,.,, ..YI s s . ... i, , , s, r .., ,- I ' . l . t r r n i » . ' i »._• I ' M , r, ,•.•!.• j--,- •• - slier, r ; ..i.,-i a*. , I' ' I •! 1 t ... " ' [ ' •' ' t • •-.-• * " • '•••.;••-••'!• . e ;.'o- - e s . ' .... •-. . •• . i . ... j - -,, j , ,, t.\. '. .• •- t ' " . s Hi t !r .^,- -!s '' • - »-' '-.-'- '- ..... 1 • s .r. atil ".-af. r Ml.s. A 1S-L . W - rv - .Xi-tlN.,* s xtiI j. -, Notice to AVli<-i-lnn*ii. 1'tt.i. • t 1 , • - t- , 1 • -. - t'"'l-i' • r l - t I , , ... . |P -, A 1 . ,'.- . , s V 1 . .•< I. ..- ' ,s t o \-r> ! e - ' i - . ..r,.-'.i . - 'i i . . ^ -„• , ..-raoi; -, s i-. • i o . 1- .T U. ••" ' a 11 • cation. J.t iv , ! '. - \i -t . i.l : •. " a". -•'.•• s lar^.-l.r t i . i ,"-' Mr ,-. 1 M.- . . i * i •*. 1 .. - ..x-- 3. : I < " . . i ' - i ' >• . . - t • . ' a .y 1' i • r ' » a', .*x . - A a A ', .s a' a « l- t V . 1 <• I . ' i- ' « - „t ' ' .- " t ••. , . ." l_.-.-'.S ." '• :'•• . - l-.r - • n-s as •—' ,'s immis. --•' N A V .v - i - t . '.' •! '.i »l <,l li O... MVRRIAGI:K. 1'. t'.-l;... SUM,..,,., s x - ' 1'. t ' i M i i ." . - - ' f \ ! ( l . l i,',t,{A l ii.'.Mi, I i i l W . '-•',• t 1. . i !>KATJiS. " It. >s ^ t ' . I J"' -f Mr .f.i Mrs , a-.ltv\..u. j'.. .•g» M , '.-tt' M a„. 1 I'liut'U'-'.'ii s i M*> - i-- v. - HL: i.\ Ml Hits- iu It.- .• t. v-ar . t , r a i - I'.Mi ' .- N A Miv ',: (- . >j r , H^I->v \A1..11A\M D. -, r ^ .,. s, v At iv . .- M>, i.v,,; MiWV'N a„< t -1 i. •..-. • . .. , . l » , a-'.tii. i - ' - t»'l'att-' ,,..«),., Ni-I... T- lf t .^'. I'ti fti.u % ..'i-l \\ Alt us \v . ; ..'.r I. aut Ileal JiV .- l.»s ,-rt .,s But'-j.,5 g- ui L :tic For Home Builders -OR -- Home Buyers. «..,. i to ;.-at, ..u U-'hlat.l M rt»-agi- w ut£<s v.rj,m.H an. > iLts Lasy victltly ia\iiai.ts t. lutiitr, lal t ui u l o. Jurat lit llatA . f Albat.) lllT>Fi»Ul> Jt i u r r a t 1. fal n K vtt3 aiw>« Piattstsuvh. N i' lf yvu »> s h to en,I'i-y a tix.,.l[ keejver. ite-no«r«- pl'.er..r.3)i'eiii>»:sl- ant, write »t ule gral-b to Ki, ttnd ltuu.edlate alien tun wUI bejmldlx. Suxi'iiug yvur n> xiaircuicuti For vatahguc. mldrewi . AUmny.N \ Caruell * lK-tt, M >i 1'varl hi Men Wanted. M 1KS WASTKD »t l^/on MounlMu to work la tha uiin«-» Fot turtlter tuIorm»lkiu liH|alaw at attos of Caatoaaaay UM aad Iroa Uu.. OUata* KlMtt. riatubanb, mt

TSBURGH REPUBLICAN.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031979/1899-05-27/ed...TSBURGH REPUBLICAN. UTILITY—"The Greatest Good of the Greatest JS^mbexv'—-BENTHAM. .... ^.K NO. 21,

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TSBURGH REPUBLICAN. U T I L I T Y — " T h e Greatest Good of the Greates t JS^mbexv'—-BENTHAM.



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I'.i-,-— i' i!.»-. in ••? Nf^v York City. Pr. Ca.!-i*\t< :, \.f.iti_- miii. l<at he ha-> already

'i i i - I'l.ic- .n i'. • r,rik<of I'li-mnyf i flee-p.i). Niia'nr- inilii'Mi'tliii'UstcUnrch, and .i r..r.- tri'M t . '. -u-u to hitn. Remember '.,- a 11 . . -* will Ii- il.'liviTi',! at tli<» meet-.i wii'v fr-'-M i.".\* Tui-<'l.iy evt'nmir.

!•• • i . i . - a t ~ :'••".

Tm !.. \ i . ;>z i> .'Mil i* fairly on iu Platls-. -• in i a!.' 1 in t;>- iMimii,' Iii-rnile road .;. I>..'.f.ir.-ti l u y Tu.it w all rialit, !••:» i...u ' A il.-.'aiLru^!itjil (rertnati phy-. P.- II.'.Tm.in, of thf triiiversity of Kiel —n t !:i,-!_r i f p.i'<f3 of nit'mlj.'rs of a

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. .•• ..'i I put in a st.jni' fnan-

. ' . • ••.-.• 'i »'M!n'a'i.l •travel.

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tu-m !i.M,.iijrfr«iMil.viU'ls<hiniiimt" 1 • it.!- th- riitrmal rate. H - sounds

' •A.mii:,.! which i> worth l ieeJIni a Visi-j k—p.ti ti1(. nmulli shut and r il.ronJrh th- nosf while wheelina:. ...ure is the il.irip-r that thos-who > '-at sire,] should look out for.

T u ••Ti'r.iJii-- from I'.- highway to the <!pa-- u s .in } -1-^.ito .j-.Titinis ,.f Ilotel Cham-p'u:n ' u s li—ii ^r-,ul> iuiiiMvcl by a uias-iivi- s'.ori- v:al!. th- nut-r approach beintj nmrk.'.l with haii Isom- eurves. These fcrouiids sir- li-uiu: rnpr.- . - 1 -very year, and a r.inibl- throu^i, tii- p:-asant walks s i res o i l - a t a s t e of t h - b - - t ph-ne* of Adirondack If- with freedom fr-tti it—cts which is a ru.iri.i"! drawback t" in.my of the noted re-

- or:- .ti Ih- p'eat w,M-r:i-ss. When there si'- .i i I • 1 th- tin- opp irtunities for balhiojc, I. ,i" • .' A • . it ..- ii i wnuil-r that •jupriUi be-i r i i ,i"i> .-1 to llot-1 t.'innnpUi'm and re­n t ii v • .,r it.-i \ - . , : .

j Tm. ':; f t ii- !. I-.- I. • - ! ;I.'.."ISM 1 of Ciltch-

ii_' lei-M." 1 [.hlrrAi'is

rn; K 'of n I, - ' !-Ior--t "f apple, ch-rry ami •-•• '•.—s ar - busy every a m.tr'i'i '- 'tis- in which li'te-n ji.iirs of martins

i^ to n-st. mid th\v never b i t f.inure f.r food far

Probably one kingbird wi.S d-vour more be-s than a who!- house full nf martins. Another thin •; hawks {jive t ••-•• l inn, , . - ,i wide berth, and this H a

h rotisjii-rinn; by poultry raisers, v. r toiu-li any lliin^ that ijrows totui'l but f—1 1'iitire.y on flying f.ivotit-jiiiii-b-ni'jc th- drairnn

i- ~'i-'i ;i s.Mft ;lv-r that no other

• t e l l i t .

T1 • I ' I ' 1 : . . . - > itiiin-r .•sehoi'! associalion In* i—eiitli I, , ' , u-e.l of Mr. C. B. Winij a', • r o...- ii.„. !:.-1 r.i 1- of !ak- front adjoin-,"_' !;• .:' ori-'inal •.'ruiilt'K til- We?teni bollfld-

,; !u- piireha— heuivr tli-highway. This - :'.i-ir tiortu I'm- to a -hurt ds lance north

• • W".::i • • i-e le.ivii,.' aP t r ip some two or • 1.•::, '.!-.-1 f-,.t \ \ :1« 1,,-t.Veell the i r no r th

a', l tii- l-'tii.iiLrtoii i-i.u/f. and titake? a .. i l.l.oi; totli-ir .loiiiaiti. .'.vin-; plenty of

r ...-n tor i it-ire i-iiturjr.-.ii-nt, with aintite .,.,,..•1. f.ir ;i U"lf irr. 'itil. wi.lrli. w-uuder-s ui-l. it .- •',•• iUt-;.t'ioii to hav- laid out. A pi:-, about '.ntl f—t v.. 1- is to b- r - s - n e d a-. .'.I i!iil-\ay uti th- old -.'riiUMtls runtiiii-,' :.".::. :'.-• • ij; i-vay to lii- lak-, and a park is

a - • t t l>- I i . l i l i 'a . i - I ti-t.V—.l tie- AllV.'...;'.-

PEUSOXAL. G. H K»-Uiii-i. Ks , . an 1 H n . B.-H-k.'s it'.

arT.i-1 ir, t-.wr, li.st Mori I-ir i-\on,r.n. t'ai'l. I.o^i's WitiirHff I'le Tw-r,!y- rrs! I"

.S Inf.intrj ;, ^ l e ^ i t--.ni .{-I t< tu \( i or. r . H. B -vh pr-.s.d-iit of tl..« IT..:.-: , , ;<im.

pla.r, r o n p a r i at, 1 o . p S M V ; , m-i'.i-r- < »' of th- sa-ne, h tve b—n in town f'n-s «•••->!<

Tli-r- is ^ai 1 !o b > ;)l..-• i-j,-• ••: of l1 '- n etn-nal.fri n[ Mr II p - , . v , | : . .-i,t..r •>'ih-.Ma'on- 'Far r ie r ' for t-i- n - \ t Mr rib, r of A<s-oilily for Frarikim r >unt)

Mr. Err.-sf In-;-r-.i:i. author of Four-f" t-fd Aiiuua's ..f Auif>r;.,-i". Perls an I I'ef l-Ways. ' Tt.e Il.r U About I V "W,l 1 N", i^h-l.ors. ' KIIOI kiti^'Areu-.d the Roikie-. A ' . A.\ . was ir, town en Friday of lids we-k Mr I roTso ' l hds s,imi' \i ry UitHre<tin,rr<ti r-opTi-I'oii l-etures on Natural Ilistiiry and T r u - l and it H to be hoped that arraP^enn-riH nia\ b - nia.le fur otie of his leclnret* here dunnj; the coming s-a«on.

We s-e by th->.m Francisco '-Chronicle" that Htm. Thomas p . Smith, formerly of Smith Rros' of this village, was one of the gnosis at the annual l»an.(Ui«t of th- Mannfac-tarers and Pro.lu.--.TS As-oeiation of Califor­nia on the 12th of April, ou which occasion the -rreut Cahfornii millionaire. Collis P. Huntington, was Hlt, ijuest of honor. Mr. Smith is now •secretary of the Pacific Coast Hardware vv M-tal Association, with head-qiiirt-rs at t^an Francisco.

Chief Engineer f}. B. Ransom. V. fi. N.. ha? been iransferr-d from th- F, ?. cruder Roston to the f". S. cruiser Biltimore, of the Asiatic fleet. Bjth vessels are protected cruisers, lei! the Biltimore is much the lar-;-est and fa-stes* ves^i•!, h-r spe-1 b^tim; over 2u kti'tts, wliil • that of th- 1! iston is between 1.. and l»; knots. .Mr. Riti-om has hosts of friends in Fiattsbur>:!i. his native place, who will reioie- to hear of tin- change, which is mueli iu the line of promotion.

H o m e t o r t h e F r i e n d l e s s .

C l "

HISTORICAL PEPABTMEtfT, -- -'—*-u-t--.,-=; rro-it'--.^- t-

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Mrs. Willurd'•> F. >ar<l:rr Sc:to :

j Wi'l e .ritiutt- us usua', lor th- rn - ' imj «-M-s m. Tlw n - \ t <]uart-r will cotnm-nce on MonUy fie lath instant. Th» t-rms ar-. for l.o.ir.liijo; urn ilollars per we-k—for tuition fr-eti thr—' to four dollars per quarter, to be regulate.; bv tit- studies th- pupils pursue.

MiMWmn. May... l>*i:.. IPiattsbur^h Republican. May >\ l«lo.

t:rv II.K \ F I r s\,nv ST IRV. .May I'.'. l - l o - T h e snow Ml ?i\ inches

deep m this town—sleighs were ?e-n passing over streets as briskly as at almost any time during the winter.

iPiattsliurih Republican, May 20. W o .

t i ' . l ' l l I ! l - W . .

S ii,i.j i n i'.-r- :-t'l-re are a' i-.i-t n-stui-; or pr-.-.i'. tronble th- b .—. awav from hume.

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N-'.v Votiv - itia.'e, on th- M.II'.U II .i. line e.'ttai;- is b-iii-- - r e - t - l .:. -i .•: N" • v Y'.rh. Improv-iu'iiN i, nil a'. ..it th- ur.'.iud.s, and all • a h ' . - - fir th- op-inn.: on the

An,; i' ••:". i-ii :i ,.r • nr.v at w -rk on the ,'i"at.d-t.' m i i i i r . i . roal in (trand I~le . , '. 'y. At A . t, - I'o.'.t about forty rods of i- laid-.- to Cole ,• -'.> r Point is finished, it -it j - u riiekl.il. at.-t ::•• work is now in bo.it IT f'l't nt v\..'>r N>"'.ir the Kinney

:<-.. .-i-t of A'la'n- 1-... , ' •: a .-'.-am shuv-l . .r* -A .ti. lo.i<i.ii_',] i,j,;..' it- for a fill across .- , ,.v laud b-tvv-—i t ' .-r- and Tromp's

' . , i . ' a . 1 at Pelot's Po'.i.t th- r - i-i another

, ._> ,.; it.-ti at work. S mi- Moubl-H b-lng .;•• i .••;:"—1 ->n North Island from land uira-

. , . ,,' ,-e'. !o work l'l'oct'e'lihi on their :,,'i i_-•-are ]iaid. Th" S ta t - l aw

•• • -. I-. b-it t!ie oo• tractors ar- Kuing . " - . • . . -I : r-^.tnU-SS of [irotests, ren-• • , ; • . ' . . - ' , " - . of course, liable to action

, •- . - , -- . . ' . . th-v do not appear to re-• . •>. . - • i i-'y. T:i-work is being done ii .-t \ • p. , ,.,-. wii i app-ar to be peace-

.'.:- ..:. i j o . i w..rke'.s. ijiurdin.; Ihemseh-es :, •' • in i-t pr.'u'.'ive fashion, ealitiij little i. • .• ,'i l "i.... iijr d ui l'-lion greens a promi-

i - t '.-ir bi,l of fare. It Is said _. r 1 .re- will -ooii be at work,

Sliver Anniversary.

The Twotity-llfth anniversary of the found­ing of the n ime for the Frbn lless of North­ern N-w York was celebrated on Wednesday, it.iy 21th, in a most worthy manner. The Hjuie was decorated handsnmeh, and at 3 p. in. the exercises were opened by the sink­ing of the Doxolouy, followed by prayer from Dr. A. H. Eaton, pastor of the Methodist church. Scripture reading by Rev. J. W. Mc-

Ihvaine, or the Episcopal church, an address I uon will be paid to the accomodation or such by Rev. F. B. Hall, pastor of th- Peristome. I as favor him with their custom.

Private gentlemen can be furnished with

n u n e s \LK. The Subscriber beinti authorized by the

Honorable th-S>eretarv of th-Navv. will sell | at Public Sale, at White-Hall, on Lake Cham plain, on the 2>th instant, the following res sels. viz: Sloops President, Montgomery, Preble, Chubb, Finch, and ten (i-uif Boats, also, the boats, cutters, A;c., belonging to the siju-ailrou on said Lake. The above vessels are all nearly new and well foaml. b-ins: fit­ted for the government service. Inventories, may be s—n on board.

T-rms of sal-, cash on delivery. Geo. Beale, Jnn.

June S. 1.15. [PlaUsbtirgh Republican, June 17, 1815.

VH!t\[ii.VT SW.Ut-lW.U. The Public are informed that the Steam

Boat has commenced running for the season. She will leave Burlington for St. J.dins every Monday and Friday morning precisely a t S o'clock, and arrive at St. Johns the same eve­ning. 1-ave St. Johus every Wednesday and Sunday morning precisely at S o'clock and arrive at BorlitiKton the same eveuin.:. Her arrival and departure has been so arranged as to meet the Southern stages.

Burlington, June 21, lsi,->. [Plattsburgh Republican, July 1, 1S13.


The subscriber informs the public that he has opened a Tavern at Cumberland-Head, where every attention will be paid to Lhe ac­comodation of customers. He also gives pub­lic notice that lie has prepared a convenient Stage, to run Irum his house, where the Steam Boat stops, to the village or Plattsburgh, for the accomo Uiitin of passengers in the Steam Boat. This stage will be in the village every Steam-Boat day. in time to take paisengers to meet the Steam Boat. The strictest atten-

W. It. twites of Riirltrcb-en will j robnbiv l.o fre renins Supervisor for !v,e S'a'o of Vermont.

Br.iU'irtioro <?. A. It. It is j is( receive 1 It... pr---iit of a 2"-ponrel Parr-tt car.nou st'..:',-ITit i pounds which will he mounted on the common near the s.v.li. rs" monnment-

B'bb,n wo.. 1 is exhaust-1 at Waterbnry and Frary Brollsi'rs, bobbin manufacturers th-r- a r - looking for a u-w l-.c.uion. Tney want ab>it l.'Wu cords of white birch, an­il i.i'Iy. and ar- l.nktng B 'thel over.

Montp-lier is r\eite,l over the intelligenc-Huit her distinguish-,! son. Admiral Dewey will b e a t home ab nit the first of August, and great preparations are being made to welcom- Mm.

Adna M. Sibley, a farmer of Milton was found dead in his field. May 2n. H- had started to mend fence, taking hi* gun along to shoot crows, and probably shot himself accidentally while getting over a fence.

Thomas TV". Wood, Vermont's distinguish­ed artist has been engaged to paint a portrait of Admiral Dewey. Mr. Wood and the Ad­miral were both .Montpelier lioys and the

" ' former now has a private gallery of paiutiugs in that city.

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'ii'ti. .unit t'v-n m.jrd>r.> i t.o i.,> an 1 si-t f on

alvtal bullet wound

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s f r o m S t .

VICINITY NEWS. The announcement is made that Potsdam

will celebrate.

(i-eorge F. Chippertield has accepted an in­vitation" to deliver the Decoration Day address at Chateaugay May 30th.

Airs. Caroline Breen of Fort Edward set herself on tire last Tuesday afternoon and was fatally Darned, dying the same day. She was insane,

A bicycle sidepath is being corstrncted from Potsdam to Norwood under the new law, about four miles. It is thought the ex­pense will not exceed §400.

Horace. W. Mitchell died at Poland St. Lawrence county, May IU from blood poison­ing caused by scratching his linger on a ' rusty nail while mending fence a week be­fore.

Richard Kirby, aged 7 was drowned in the St. Lawrence at Ogdensburg May 22. He was playing with another boy on the lumber docks and stumbled and fell into the water.

The body of Cornelius Whaleu, who dis- ' appeared on the night of March 5th while at- • tempting to cross the St. Lawrence river in a skiff, was found -Monday on the beach at Big Island, six miles below Ogdensburg. ;

The contract for building the new dam at Saranac Lake, :or which an appropiation was

Presbyterian church, prayer by Rev. Dr. Jo­seph Gamble, pastor or the First Presbyterian church, singing, and the benediction by Rev. W. S. P-ek, pa=tor of Hie B.ipti-t church. Thes-exercis.M were f.illo.ve 1 by a genera! reception, during which l!i- visitors were en­tertained with singing by the children, and au informal inspection of the institution.

An interesting t'eatute of this occasion vas the issuance of a comprehensive histury of j

the Home irora the beginning, from the pen Of Mrs. M. K. Plate, who has most worthily held the otlice of president of the Homo fiom the beginning, handsomely illustrated and bound in laveuder ami silver. This little book is on sale for the bent-lit of the Home, and it will be foaad well worthy of pre- "rvatiou. not only on account of its intrinsic worth but as a souvenir of this most interesting Silver Anniversary.

Horses aiul Carriages at all times. John Nichols.

Plattsburgh, C.-IIead, July 13, i s 15. 1 Plattsburgh Republican, July 15, 1S13.

THE VI I.LAI ,i: o f I'lATTSBl-RHir,

Is fast recovering from the destruction of buildings by lire during its occupation by the County stores about 5,000,003,000 cubic feet

made by the State a year ago, has been let by the superintendent of public works to Gil- , .. , „ , . . „., . . „M^ „.,. leu, Hay & G-illett, of Rochester, for a little ' of Jupiter now." Jupiter is less than S7.000. The work will probably be , iau about 9 o"clock in the 1 entered upon at once.

Smuggling hogs into Canada from the Fuited States has been carried on for some time, but on Saturday morning Mr. W. •launders seized a load of eight hogs in this village, and it is expected that this seizure will Hare a deterring effect upon the smug­glers.—lXuiiHii'jrtoii Eitt-tr^jrise.

The dam on Indian Lake In Hamilton ;

t h . .- e i , . , r , , ., ,-. n . , .trig ,.r C'.-iii t t . 1. sir.,, i.r.ij-.i-i i-.r-i i g : ' ; ".- e ,. '( l i t ' •• 1 ' , t ' i • " ' ' " • - > " t pra ;,.-\i"\ a l t' ' f •>-'•.'v,. i A-SKO-I was ,- • eed.-d.

M-s Uict'T An il-re i ri V -,r t >•: 21. u-.d t' e !•, i-.s. est sir.. I>.'ies'. i-h- s ' , , i-stl at lie r.ibVr* tv'io -sh >; 'irti. ti,». other* an lrotr.,-1 r tir- H - w.ts f.nn 1 w."i HI h.s c'a'st.

t ire. \ t s tor ies of r i i ' \ g fro'n Cape S >m- !> »l .v.-and B-h 'mg Sea. about Mie'iaei's. Alaska. Sno-.v Creek w th- name of lli" stream from which this gold Is b-ing taken. Som- acoouiifs say that from Sl'M to S2nrt a da\ per man is beini: taken out. Another account say? that ihr-e m-n gatl -r-ed Sine in one day with a nvk - r .

The baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark, of 159 East 05th street. New York city, disappeared mysteriously last Sun lay, togeth­er with her nurse, the lost seen of them being in Central Park. The next day a 1-tt-r W.K received by *he parents stanng'th.u t h - child was safe, but that they would never see her alive again if they made any stir about it. It is b-lieved that the nurse was in the idot to kidnap lhe child. The nurse's name j * Carrie -Tones, aged 21. and she had been engaged the Tuesday before without any references.

CURIOUTVACTS. It costs about Sln.OOfl to patent an in­

vention all over the world- There are sixty-four countries in which a patent can b - pro­tected.

More men have died and are buried in the Isthmu*; of Panama, along the line of the proposed canal, than on any equal amount of territory in the world.

T!w English are building a dam across the Nile at Assuan which is of granite, 30 to 40 ft. thick, 76 ft. high at some points and over a mile long. I t will cover the cataracts a t that point and vessels will be passed up and down by means of locks.

There was a great parade of automobile vehicles in New York City, May 24, in honor of the National Electric Light Association in session there. There were W carriages of ail descriptions tilled with delegates and the pa­rade was the largest of the. kind ever seen in this conntry.

With a liel.l glass one can see the moons near the merid-

evening. Oa the 1st of June at 10:30 p. m. two of the moons may be seen, one above the other west ol the planet and the other two will be seen on tha east side, and on the second of June all four moons will appear in a row east of the planet.

The district around Dinard, in Brittany, is infested with kangaroos. Originally there were only some half dozen of the animals, which came from Australia in the train of an

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I J 'gg W'.i* w-u' I yet 1» . f i ' ' t « r- -,-i c ' e . i ' i . j r ! *

Jagg V fJi' grown > l^p'i.iif ca i c.\rr\ \ < load [ t \ o ; .IK Tv.i'-'iiit ' ' J C C T e.

Mr-. P^vs - Ttipn j . - i .»r»i r n go ogt > •- >r-into ai.ot'-T f'\t. after a" Mr- \v,s- N ,

I my lr j-bi ' i ! . wli.i i'.\ i\< t>'i's 1 ,.\ i r -> ,-\r-' peis. w i s e .mer le] l.u-lv. m l I I '-. : waRT 1 tO S— t '»- g o o 1 m.Ul I ' l e^s : , le .

I D. i an\bo,h ,.Ter try- toc.v: . , ' • y n ask-1 j the stratig-r. 11 i»v. unsw-re I it» i.- u v i. ' but h - v\ vs n n-ar-siglite I teti !-rfi -t v\ ,th m j out-of-ilat- gun. I I - c •> i! In't sh ' " - worth a , I'i.Mynne.

H - -IVas your brof i - r - r jg ige l m t ' l - l i t -I war.

She—No: not untd after he cam »l,.cri.>. Mrs. Styles—Pi you read much tl.'ti >n? Mrs. Mjles- -Well. Ji 's; I get Ale'tiT 1] "arlj

every day from my husband when h-'s on iv.e road.

Twiil I>« Pewey this <ind T>-»vvrT thaT. Ami Pnwev nerywhtre;

Hii7z;.\s willspHr a m .,.,.n t'.:r. .its ati.I fill The sizjuiiie air

Evi*ry day'll be Tlewev Hav For 'omPthinghXe \ week,

And when we're through wi**ll h,. 5 , hoar-o Y'.'ii eannol hear us sjn-ak

Who,-ires f,,- that Let <v.mi-u r-ar Anl heat the h\i 1, iss dr 111.

The nation's sr-t the "di-'iri'it'i-'rcuis." F-r Dewey's coming "hum."

Philadelphia Call. Mrs. Newwife -Doift vou know, Jack. I'd

like tii learn to plaj purer. Mr. Newwife Holy smoke. Elsie, we can't

both afford to pla j : I hear that BOOK 1. the celebrated compos­

er, has been drowned. How was that? He was playing "Or. the, Bauks of the Wa­

bash*' and fell in.

g % - " i ' "

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A. W o r d as to t h e eliards.

Care ot Or-

'•Oiefc of AVorm-s." The fruit bearing trees of the round globe

have been bespoken into being, each for the reach of a faultless realization, after its own kind.

But experience Huked with the immediate

enemy, in September last. The court-house and gaol, formerly of wood, are rebuilding Of brick and stone and are in great forward­ness. The street, where the lire was first coru-muuicated to Judge (rrillin's house, and wuich was nearly destroved, is rapidly rebuilding. Several stores, dw-lliug houses, &c., are building in other parts of the town.

[Plattsburgh Republican, August 19, 1815.

The new Steam Boat has commeuced run­ning from Whitehall to St. Johns, on Lake Champlain. We understand this Boat is fitted up in a style not interior to those on the North River.

[ Plattsburgh Republican, August 26, 1815.


The Collector of Castoms for the District of Champlain, having been informed that it is generally believed that the A'illage and Port of Plattsburgh is the port of entry of said dis- '• trict, takes this method of notifying the pub­lic that the port of entry is Cumberland Head: and that the otlice of the Customs is kept at

of water. The dam is of masonry, about 47 j American gentleman of a zoological turn of feet high. Indian Lake origiuallv covered i mine1, who purchased an estate in the neigh-about 1,000 acres. The timber d'am, built! borhood. They have multiplied so rapidly in 1S45 increased the area to 3.007 acres. ' that kangat'O hunts are being Ol'gatliZOCl tO The area now of the lake is 5,031 acres. I set no or them.

The residents of that portion of the town | The range of the human voice is quite as-of Elleuburgli lying west of the Narrows, at tonishing. I'here are about 9 perfect tones Chateaugay Lake, are taking legal steps to tones but 17,592,180,054,515dillerentsounds; compel the town to build a bridge across the ' thus, 14 dire.ctmuscles, alone or together, pro-Narrows. There are 2,000 acres of land on • dnce 16,383 sounds; 30 direct muscles pro­line west side of the lake and eighteen child- j duce 173.741.S23, and all in co-operation pro-ren of school age. There is a school house : duce the number named, and these independ-on the east side, but uo mode of travel ex- i ently of ditlerent degrees of intensity and of cept by a nontoon bridge furnished by pri- j the indefinable something called expression. r a t e individuals. j The principal copper fields of the United

Some powerful big trout stories are float­ing down from Saranac Lake. The Enter­prise tells of one string brought over from Bog River, which contained several specimens weighing over 4 lbs. each, and none less than l i pounds. Then, not satisfied with that, it tells of another string caught at Ampersand Pond, one of the trout weighing 6i lbs., two 5 i lbs., two 5 pounds, and one 4 lbs. These w'ere all brook trout and we shall want to

John Nichols', Innkeeper, at the house for- j s e e t n e m weighed. If this last report is true ; merly occupied by Mr. Ransom, south of Gen. Wooisey's, aud that the entry of Merchandise

present, like as with Luther, intent about the ' subject to duty, is to be. made at said otlice.

Diet Of Worms, is admonishing profoundly, j * n y merchandise, therefore, subject to

as 10 ri'iiti'itiiif, iit'li:ijiifnsilih\ iininUrmtt- | (••nt, xilrfry s/i/v////«,/.s' nf xijmiititli.lir i«trr-valinii, that must be maintained, with all

Any i Idly, wh ddly, which shall be fouud on board of any ships and vessels, boats or carriages, or oth­erwise, beyond the said Castom-Honse, or on any road leading from it, on which the duties

Ampersand Pond rivals the famous trout ure-serves oE Canada.—ibdo/ie Farmer.

Percival Wr. Clement, president of the Rut­land road, has been appointed receiver of

the spirit of protest, as with Luther himself, suffusing with silvery sprayiugs the aforesaid Diet of Worms, wheu he so incisively nailed his Theses upon the doors ol the Church of Wertingen. Coir.

J 2 s s e x O o u u t y ( J e u t e u u i a l C e l e ­b r a t i o n .

Arrangements are completed for the cele­bration of th- 100th anniversary of founding of Essex county. The following is the pro­gramme:

Tin usiiiv, .Trvc 1.

:;,'!'p.m. Opei.i'i'; adJie-s, Hon. Fran .'Is A. Santii

C.iJ'i p. m. ?ite.l;eal Tlistorr of Essex Comity, Dr. Lyman tJuy Marlon.

:(.:;•! to.l 3'i Town Histories in Alphabetical Order of tn'.vns. fu he opened with the His-b.rv- ,.t Town i.f t'.iesterfi-U. by lion. N. i". B ..yiitou.

T.'J'ip. IQ. History of Essex. County Journalism, bv i;.- irge L Brown.

K to !i :•>, i To ,vii Histories continued. FRIDAY, JrxE :>.

1, - j a. ru. to ii 30 a. m. Town Histories eontin-netl.

lP i t a . m. Military Histn-y of Essux County, by llei rv Harmon Xnble, JJsii . of the Ma'-"Historian's Office, Albany.

J - ' to 1 "i p. m Town Histories continued. I ; > i>. m. L-K.I1 History of Essex County, b»

lion. Kit-hard L. Hand.

T e a c h e r s ' I n s t i t u t e .

The Teachers' Institute at Champlain this week for the Second Commissioner district of Clinton county has been carried out most

successfully, the attendance being good and lhe interest fully up to the mark of former institutes. The following teachers have been in attendance:

Cn.vMPLUN— HorienseAI. Ashline. Cora L. Gilbert. Helen E. Gilbert, wick, Margaret J . Lucas, TVm. C. Lewis.

MOOEKS—LeonaM. McDowell, Clara J. Go-key, Hessie 0 . Borworth, Lillian Armstrong, Harriet E. Bosworth, George E. Phillips, Al. B. Stewart, Edward C. Soutuwieh, Benj. E.

shall not have been previously paid or -ecur- j ed to be paid, will be seized as forfeited to j the United States, and the owner or owners i dealt with according to law, anv plea that the duties were intended to be paid to the collec­tor at his place of residence notwithstanding.

Collectors (Hlbe, District of Champlain, Sept. S, 1S15.

Peter Saillv, Collector. [Plattsburgh Republican, Sept. 23, 1S15. LAKE ITIAMI'L.VTX STEAII-BOAT PHOEXIX.

The new Steam-Boat Phoenix. J. Sherman, Master, will leave Whitehall, after the 7th of May, lsdG, -very Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, and will leave St. Johns every Satur­day morning, at X o'clock, and stop oue hour at Burlington in passing eac'i way.

[Piattsbui-gh Republican, May 11, 1816.

States are iu Michigan, Montana aud Arizona. The Lake. Superior proportion is about 35 per cent, of the whole. Based on a twelve-cent price, the value of the 189S American product was 369,977,137, distributed in this production: Montana. $27,504,000: Michi­gan, $18,S34.14«: Arizona, S13,5G0,600; Col­orado. 31,710,000; California, §1,880,000, and Ctah, §642,000. •

I t has been determined to slaughter the sea bous on the Middle California coast on ac­count of their destroying so many fish. It is estimated that there are about 25,000 of these sea lions, and that they eatSOO.OOO lbs. of lish daily. The largest of them will weigh

the Ogdensburg Transit'Co., and all its p ro - : about 3000 pounds, aiiil they live all along perty, and has taken possession of the boats the coast from Lower California to half way which are now running under his orders. • to Behring Sea. They are nearly \vorthles3, Prank Owen has been continued as general there being no market for their hides or other traffic manager. Mr. Clement ha3 also been ! parts. made a director and president of the com- j A locomotive headlight using acetylene

i pany. This action insures the running of the gas has been devised bv a Canadian invent-j boats to Ogdensburg and their co-operation I or. The apparatus consists of a cylindrical I with the O. &. L. C. line. Louis Hasbrouck '"

has been retained as counsel for the O.'T. Company and reappointed to the same posi­tion with the O. & L. O. R. R.

The forest (ires which have been raging iu the Adirondack's between Loon Lake and Standish, near Lost Pond, were prettv well extinguished on Friday by the downpour of ; the gas, which is led through a small pipe in rain. Quite an amount o"f lumber belonging ; front of lhe reflector.

j to the Chateaugay railroad, together with j The well known Hoosac Tunnel, near ! three camping shanties and three barns were ' Pdehburg, Mass.. will soon be thoroughly i burned. About 200 cords of pulp and boiler ventilated. One "of the largest vetuilaTiug

cast iron generator, live inches in diameter and twelve inches long, together with a water reservoir and condenser. The charge consists of about ten pounds of carbide, which is put in a wire basket and placed in­side the generator. The water froai the reservoir, dropping on the carbide, generates

Louise L. South-Mary A. Coonan,

I. ' .la'., M.lV



r . l ' .a '1-burj . l

PoA-i A H . .i .j iart'-r-.

—is t .rn,-riv II)' ••., '.vae.-u

_-.j.s- trout u'. 1 all ii).^-l^n

r . i - ,»rr,v-. n..- .- ar. 1 I .f..!e

!•.'•:• .. .' .1 I - 1 ti -

_• i, ,.',.r- To- ear -r '„r.-at ar- the I'.t.g machine! ...n Company, and npahj- iiiw nceaiy

. .rn-roi Bridge and Iliv-.'••.•upe 1 by tl.- First Na-

i,av- bc-u till- 1 up «ith couveriteuces. 1'-*

Tie-.! l.nie-r p l i ' : ' ot lia-WCss. Oil ClilltWl s'.r—t >vi 1 s,j.m In* occupi-d by F. B. Wood-vvar-l A Co., d-al-r- iu el-clnca! goods, k •.

Tin P»iitts.!jurgh L'ght, Heat and Power (' ituparij b «„Mti i'J t'X'-JVate lait Wednesday roorn.t.g for th- Pont i.iuat ion of their six inch uiaiu from in front of the Witherill House 8outbwarl <J.'I Margaret street and up Broad street, ajo-l ssoon that part ot the town will be B<ippUe<I with means of testing the policy of asif!" fuel gas in place ot wood and coal. Those who havn tried the change speak high­ly of if.

T H E 10-mile bicyc'-f; road race for Decora­tion Hay is attracting great-attention, and as the time drawa near Interest in it increases. Tiiwe are a large number of entries and spe­culation 1* rife over the prospective winners, the lowest time named being 85 ffiliitltei, with bat te«r lafeeru. The courte will b# from rlat tabur^b BwruckaSo Bluil Point mail b«elc, twice, inakiog tea mile*. Th# 8Urt will i » •tjOttt 2:30.

OsK«tr t h e g r W t Improremeow »bo» t to tmmtti* ml CHS IUvMt i« Of mtMUitkmml Ota tm*M ol UM JiotlMfHoMd ofUMrStotin

a . l I i . , ' - .- •'. • rm 1 r-.iby an 1 truly being

;l.i.-.i- I . , - i - .pi.-aritrg. Tm. ia'-st lr .m t ,e tei.t caterpillars is that

tti v ar-get'i'.i_'Woise than -v-r. Oje suf-1-r,-: saj.-h--has tu-.l all the reliii'di-B and : •; Is lao-t uf tl.'-ui li'i good. If joii attempt t , j ,i i. " • a or .his • ;t, .m with kwosene Arc, • •;. -.iiipiv d,.,,. t o ' h -g round and quietly re-t vi. • I ' I - I w.iii.aft.Tt'i-trijubleisuver, and it .- • •• i • \;.'-ii-ive ' I -.',•>-}' the ui'sta off with U i-ii. e i - ' i . l g . - . .- . h- 6-iids a light man or t,j> , 'o t ..• trees at daybreak or after sun-di.i ' i ..•- i i- l -.ti.ply with rubber gloves or liiitt-',-, '•! "imply erus'i ih-ui in their nests. '1 ..- ie- sais, while it it a disagreeable job, • t i—t , - b.i-'ii—* .-tii 1 do;-' it effectively. I t is iii'.'-r—t.itg to know that these rank pests h a i - fo-i,- s'ages of b ' iug -a Ullle brown a id je'ii )•".' moth which lays the eggs around th- twigs in July, covering them with a coat of varnish and t'i-n dying, the worm that hatches from the egg early in the spring, and devours th- 1-ave.s, and then lies itself up in a yellow bag and goes to sleep to hatch Out t h -nex t July into the moth, aforesaid. Of fours-, ii these nests of eggs could bo des­troyed early in the spring or late in the fall, or during the winter there would bJ an

end of the trouble, bat they are hard to And,

appearing like au enlargement of the twig around which they are laid, but the tents are easily found and into these tents or into clumps on lhe large limbs all the worms gather alter sundown and there remain until sunrise.

ON'E TIIOf.S.VXD DoLLXRS REWA.RD. Ran away from the subscriber within a few

years, his whole estate, consisting of houses, lands, &c. Tbey gradually and almost im­perceptibly stole away after being put in mo-lion by the magic art of Intemperance, who ! lived in the family. Any person who will put I me in possession of the said estate, shall be entitled to the above reward. I

Toper, i N. B. All persons are cautioned to" be- ! ! ) a t c ! l e s

ware h out the country, where numbers of the m-cautions are daily seduced.

[Plattsburgh Republican, May 25, 1S10

wood was destroyed. A special train over Chateaugay carried water in pork barrels Thursday to the scene of the fire, iu attempt I to extinguish it. t he I03S to the Chateaugay company will aggregate SS00 or $900, fully insured.—Chateaugay Journal.

I Malone ia threatened with a caterpillar i plague, which bids fair to do immense dam- ' l- age to fruit and shade trees. The orchards

are found thus early to be covered with a ' worm, not the well known tent caterpillar which builds its nest and sallies out during the heat of the day, bat one which lays in

on the trunk or limbs and strips -1. Jo. AU persons are cauuonei to oe- , • y - , - , R ., g_ E

Htreorsai. Intemperance, who, as I«"« to d 1 fc , - , « U? ^ ' ^ i - ' 1 ^ r « l « Z ™ U L t h . « : wornf appeared in Vermont and wrought in- . w


After the 17th of July, 181C, one of the above boats will leave Whitehall, every Wed­nesday aud Saturday, at 2 o'clock in the af­ternoon, and St. Johus, every Tuesday aud Friday, at 8 o'clock iu the morning, and stop one hour at Burlington in passing each way.

Plattsburgh passengers will be landed or taken on board at Cumberland-Head.

July 10. [Plattsburgh Republican, July 20, 1316.

C a t h o l i c S l i m m e r S c l i o o l

"Soldier l test ." Soldier, rest! tby warfare o'er.

Sleep the steep that known not breaklnir. Dream of battled fields r.o more.

Day* of danKcr, uixbts of waking. In oar isle's enchanted hall,

Bandit unseen they coneh are »lrewinic, Fairy strains of music IalL

Uvery sense In Blumber dewmx. Soldier. ««t! thy warfare „'er. Dream of JifchUinc field* no more; Sleep the »leep that know» not brettklDic. Horn of toil, nor nitfUfcof wnkio*. Ho rude sound »b*)l r«»eb |MI»«MM,

Armor'* cknjt, or waMUrtd ehimwif > Tramp nor pibroQU nammon h*re

Miwltriiw filiw. or •ciuadron tnmputf Y«t the lark's »hrill «fe Bar eo«M

At tk» dAybrMk from !*• fallow, Aud'tu. Uttwn tooad nW drtaaj. lUimlnAin ateU MM* jbWMfr. Oa«T^'B^aW»T<«»^irtyUai^.yiy.. _ _„_ _

Tkwk MI ol- m-mmsm. Tm t <• ••*•> » > « p t l "

Berge, Ralph C. Angell, Harlo Stevenson, Leslie A. Stowe. Julia P. Brooks.

ELLExuntuir-Mae Goodspeed, Mabel E. Baker. -

ELLEXBI-UUII CENTRE—Mrs. Inez E. Haig, Cora B. Carpenter, Maggie E. San.'ord, R. M. Holden.

At-ToSA-Cora A. Stark3, Stella E. Mor-fonl, Ethel Z. Stark, Carrie M. Ray, Stella A. Connors, Marv B. Beany, Agnes M. Kennedy, Margaret Eecleston, Mary Eccleston, J. W. Stark.

CUEKfBfsro—Mary M. Ryan, Hennah Hef-fernan, Katherine Ryan, Lizzie A. Looby, Julia A. Looby, H. M. Normandeau.

BEEKMAXTOWX—Ella M. Lynch, Urace M. Lynch, Margaret E. G-illroy, Katherine B. Itoouey, HoseE. Mullen, Garfield R. LaPlante,

Rof.sEs POINT—Annie E. Ashliue, Lnman It. Bowdish.

WEST CIIAZV—Evelyn M. n . Clark, Alice E. Jerry, Rosa Roberts, Cora L. Dusliam, Mary B.Douglass, Jennie J. Lengfeld, Eva A. Brown, Anna 0. Reay, Eita C. Harris, Orson D. Fitield, Albert E- Wood-

CHAZV—Martha M. Ladd, Mrs. W. N. Sweet. CHATEACISAY—Sadie J. Connell, Sarah A.

Douglass. PL-VTTSBCROU—Margaret A. Thomas, Helen

B. O'Conuell, George M. La3elle, Arthur S. Hoag, Conan M. Darnby, Geo. W. Howard, Thos. J . Pitzpatrick.

I'jioNTiER—Annie M. Burke, Gertrude L. Latlin, Maud E. Lockerby, f red W. Locker^ bv. Michael J. Sweeney.

"Erj-EXurRGU DEPOT—AnnaB. Priest, Lulla LaSelie, Myra Hennegan, W. E. Hays, Archie C. Taylor.

MOOEKS FORKS—Francis M. Armstrong, Edna A. Barney, Marga Buchanan.

CooPEit\'if,LE—Ida M. Bertrand, Margaret Murnane.

SCIOTA—Elizabeth A. Eooney, Esther M. Rooney.

IROXA—Augusta Yelle, Nellie Parks, Or-ville D. Hodlin.

STAR—Margaret M. Toohey. B1UISAKO8VK.LB—A«nea J. Keynolda, Wil­

bur P. Smith. CANAAN, N. H.—Clara C. Sanger. PORT HEXRV—Mabel.Vf. BurhanB. P o r s i AullocHii—B. R. Moore, S. G. Moore. MERRIIXS—Mildred C. Hall. CKOWS POLVT—Sadie Bowera, Irene E .

Bowerg. MALOXE—BUncb Erwln. CuABv'g MILL,—JeMieM. Merrilt. LTTOKMOUSTAIK—MarianBllenBady, Lewto

W. Lawrence. MEADKU-Frank H. Wright, Ad* F . L.


8AMM Iliix-John M. Colbara. B i u u — F r a o e i a K . Eatoo. graautBTUXB—Leelte A. Johaftw, WrraBBBU s-Artkw Cfc Ttougam. WATUTOWI—B«ft W. 'Wmmm. QurmamiiM QtmmimM. rmWrnm-MOWAB C««T«ar-E. p. MeKM. W«w ruoimnam-rnak tU Agaav. gAmatqoagrBW Mama B.

Plans for tlie Coming Season a t Cli.it' Haven. H*laas are being; laid to make the coming

appearc estimable damage, notwithstancling the most vigorous attempts to suppress them. He as­sisted in lighting them then and is so familiar with "the beasl" that he recognized them at once. An application of kerosene or ben­zene, it is said, will kill them instantly, and prompt measures should be taken by every one who uiids them upon his premises.—Ma­lone Farmer.

GENERAL NEWS. The bills of Yorkshire and Westmorland,

England, were wnitened with snow, May 22. Fourteen people were drowned May 23, by

the capsizing of a ferry boat on the Danube, near Straubing, Bavaria.

Four miners were killed at Rossland, B. C , by the falling of a shaft elevator car short­ly after midnight, May 21.

At the annual crow hunt at Elgin, III., May

tans ever built will be placed at the western end of the tunnel, and when it is in operation it will draw the smoke laden gasea aud at­mosphere from the interior. The fan will lie sixteen feet in diameter, with a capacity of 600,000 cubic feet per minute. I t will be operated by electric power, aud the success of this plan will solve a problem that ha3 troubled engineers for over twenty years.

Postmaster Gordon has sent to Postmaster General Smith, at Washington, a design for a ll-ag to be used as an emblem of the Post-office Department. L°roy T. Steward, assis­tant general superintendent of the city deliv­ery at the Chicago otlice, is the origiuator of the design, which is described as follows: A

hite field, indicative of a civil department: superimposed on this a St. Andrew's cross of red. bearing at its center a red seal of the Postoiiiee Department, surrounded by a blue circle, with thirteen while stars. The crossed diagonal red lines are also takeu to indicate the ramifications of the postal service, reach­ing to the four extremities of lhe land and uniting the four sections into one. The red departmental seal bears the picture of a mounted post boy and the letters P. 0 . D.

the banner season of the Catholic Summer School at 20, in which s?Q0 men participated, over one

- - •- thousand crows were killed. The Presb} terian General Assembly in

Minneapolis voted down a proposition to re­duce ita membership May i l .

Maud Reuie, aged three, was bitten by a mosquito or some other insect, May 17, and will probably' die from the effects.

The late ex-Gov. Flower left an estate of about $6,000,000. He gave away over a mil­lion during the last year of his life.

Dawson City, Alaska, had another big fire, April 26, which destroyed the business pare or the city. Loss §4,000,000. No insurance.

Mrs. James Wood of Rock-mart, Ga., shot and killed a negro who was trying to enter her bedroom, May 19, whiie her husband was absent.

The distinguished actress -Mile. Horteuse-Barbe Loret—known a3 Rhea—died at her home iu Montmorency, France, May 22, aged 55 years.

Pour negroes were killed in a fight between blacks and whites at a negro cake walk at Enid, Oklahoma, opera house, May 21. Over 50 shots were fired.

Cliff Haven, Lake Champlain, year of the school.

Mrs. Charles Tracey. of Albany, wife of General Tracey, visited the grounds recently and arranged for accommodations for herself and party! A number of Albanians have leased the cottage near dining hail and will occupy it daring the coming session. Mr. Augustus Healey, of New York, has leased the Washington cottage.

President M. J. Lavelle and Director D. J . O'Connor have already been over the grounds and arranging for the opening.

The new annex to the club has been roofed in and is progressing rapidly. An extension is also being added to the dining hall. The. Brooklyn cottage is well under way,- and ground will be broken for the Buflalo cottage j within a few days. I

James E. Sullivan, secretary of the Ama- ; teur Athletic Union, and president of the Knickerbobker and New Jersey Athletic clubs, has arranghd a recreation program, 1 which will consist of out-door game3 aud , contests on the afternoon of every day during ' the entire session. Two hundred and fifty

^ w h l c h wfli s e r v e s 5 prizes fta ttaflrafand" A big tornado swept bver Titus aud Erath j A fterthe funeral the husband remarked that second competitors in' each of the events. ' couutiel, Texas, May 21, killing several peo- j )«o "did not see why Mary-Ann should have-The event3 will comprise swimming, running, jumping, rowing, bowling, golf, baseball, tennis, croquet, bicycle races, hammer and discus throwing, shot putting and in fact, every possible athletic event. Mr. Strong, formerly instructor of the Knickerbocker Athletic club, and now instructor at Berkley school at Forty-ninth street '* »•--" -lessons in swimming, rowingf'goH 1nd"cy- , '^^SS^iS^,^9"^ ^ I h o o v e r , clothed with the power to Shorten clin°r i B ' rt

ItYs rumored that the Summer School has • *• The American line ocean steamer City of secured an option on the Wing property, and Park ran aground near Falmouth, England, expect to buy it, locating thereon the golf early on the morning pf * a y 22- No lives links and using part of i t lor building loU? A were lost. The vessel is a complete wreck, running and bicycle track will also be built j Mi»3 Agnes Sutton, a wealthy woman, aged on tbe grounds. [The purchase of the Wing 7C years, was burned to death at Newburglj, property has been consummated.] j May 21. A lamp was overturned and set Are

Dr. Lavelle has expressed himself in a high- to the house, in which Miss Sutton lived alone, ly appreciative manner of the interest taken Benjamin Crosby, who lives near Thomp-} til about two months ago, when she suddeuly by the people of Plattsburgh in the welfare ! ^ ^ jjjdge, Orange county, N. Y., fouud became blind, deaf and insane. She loft two

WOMEN. Russeil Sage has just given §50,000 for

the new buildiug of the Women's hospital in New York and Mrs. Sage says she will give more.

Mrs. Elnora M. Babcock, of Dunkirk, N. Y., is the newly elected committee on press work for the 'National American Woman Sufirage Association.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has recent­ly signed a petition to the English Paiiia-meiil, for the passage 01" a measure securing to women the right "of voting for members of Parliament on the same terms with men.

Mrs. Mary A. Livermore has just destroy­ed lhe manuscripts of a huudred and twenty original poems written by her. She is going over her papers and ruthlessly burning up all her old compositions, essays, and even

, the manuscripts of her lectures. ! Before 1SU0 ihere were only about half a

dozen patents takeu out by women. At the recent exposition in Atlanta 25 models of women's inventions were, exhibited, among which were, some for agricultural impliments

I and railroad aud mill machinery. \ The New York Slate Federation of I Women's Clubs has made Miss Susan B.

Anthony chairman of ils Committee ou Political Study. At the annual meeting or

' the State Federation, to be held in Rochester I next November, au hour will be ijiven to ! this committee. I At a meeting of women's clubs iu Maine,

one of the speakers told of a girl she had known early in life and who had died insane.

Miss Passe—Single blessedness! Single cassedness!

Benign Individual —My good friend, don't you know that indulging your appetite for strong driuk will undermine your health and bring you to death's door?

De Tanque—Thatsh all right, old boy: I wou't be able to (hie) find zhe blamed keyhole.

Jones—Say, Maria, I heard au awful good joke to-day. There was a man—no that's not right, I mean that a man wanted to—that is to say, er. let me think; oh, yes! A m a n -say, what'r you laughing at, anyway? I won't tell you the story, anyhow. You women have no sense of humor.

Boy on the Fence—You ought to see the rabbit's foot I got a t home. Bov iu the Next Yard—That ain't nothiii'. My little brother's got a harelip.

S o F a t t i e r S a y s . B-j-ilon. Co-trirr,

I whh that I'd been Grandpa's child That 1 could had the joy

Of fishing in those go->d old days Wheu lather was a bav-

3Por then The fisli srrew- "bi^ser far Thau they do uowdays

And literaUy packed the streams— At least, so father says.

They never caught a sucfeer then That didn't weigh a ton.

And pickerel were longer- than A modern Armstrong- sun.

They used to yank oat halibut Iu hundreds from our bays.

And shad ran up the baaks to bite — At least, so father says.

They never thought of using bait To lure the wily trout.

They reached a bushel basket down And simply dipped them out.

And in about an hour or two They'd fill up several drays

And sow them through the neighborhood— At least, so father says,

Iu short, they caught so many fish. That 'fore their sport was through

The stream where they were fishing would Go down a yard or two,

And not an aieler failed to come Home loaded iu those days—

A habit father still pursues. At least, so mother says.

S W E E P 1 S G S .

To a crazy ship all winds are contrary.

Ugly women, finely dressed, are the uglier for It.

Truth may be blamed, but shall never be Shamed.

There is Tjut bad choice, where the whole stock is bad-

There, is more money gotbv ill means than by good acts.

Though poverty may lDrlns- sorrow, riches create incmietude.

Co. W . C. T .V. The summer convention of Clinton County's

W. C. T. C. will be held a t Lyon Mountain June 23th. All local TJuious are requested to appoint delegate as soon as possible aud report their names to Mrs. Hattie M.. Law­rence, Lyon Mountain. The general County Officers, Presidents of local Unions W's aud Y's, also Superintendents of Departments are delegates by virtue of office. By order of the Society each local Union can be re­presented by oue delegate for every ten members. Through the kindness of Mr. Stower delegates payiug full fare to Lyon Mountain at the Convention will receive a certificate issued bv the Chateaugay R. R. Co. and signed by the Co. TV. C. T. TJ. Treasurer Mrs. Emma Cavanaugh which will be the delegate's return ticket. The train for Lyon Mountain leaving early iu the morn­ing, Delegates who wish entertainment over night will please notify Mrs. Clara M. .Miller Cor. Sec. Elm St. Plattsburgh.


T . ' l » i • -1 >.Vr - . i i l n i " 1-3 i-.'.'x • ' 'a * rn ->* v . - •'

1 ' ' - 1 ' •':• s , - . ,»« , , y . r i l t i ( • ! ( , . . - • 1'

' ' f• ' f ' ' • ' " l * 1 1 1 U K 1 1 ' ' T ,

Wt'. '. f A i ' ' il, r j t ir . ' • t 'Ti'. i*e e> y | f ,T 1~' !-n*-. r-f.^,,s tt... r-1-T f --;-V"l ' ' tt |« ir-t-t I ..ti ->. n l i ' " ' i » i " . ' . i i r . . r i ' n .v iTu ' i . It t< 1 W- t . ke.-;. 1-. n n l t'il» TV I> ik • • -T \ r e -S * a I taau of liberal . . j - -.' >sw 3.s w. ;l -vs ta'*"'.*. an-1 that I t "»•' • 'l l! ,<of II ' \ .tst'V'l V . - M i l I ' l l .1 ' - I ' - 1 I "'I t • s t t ,,\- t ' i , ! ' » > 0 ' . l < ' t r . - " i v e l s* - - - ••

1 n!s-i» ' -

I -nl "1 l .s i 'u; . r t ' i . i c i -H i ' v l * of*' *'i- 1 i-i H—r>in»r..'ti;ir},—*t'.-vh iv t <'• • k • f r, 1' I) VI lis. she •; . ,v I'I t - ' . J.\.-T I a-i I ' - t i »'• it h

A l l l \ \ t : e - l v , s ? ' r s . - ' V T X, »!"' l r »" r . * ,

strt 'ige.rv hetr i i v r v n a n ' ! •> . ; f ' M m wi 1- '

T't" 1> >,;•>• TTYS of t ' i - w >rlt ,ir<- 1 k- bun'-V bvs , U i s l m - i l t tothi ikwhi* w- . • iM 'uv- l 1 t i ^ r p l i . \ IVhi'n ti-il <. Tai-Ha-ti.-a to the miteriat i-ive-re-i.

1 am last n ,w rem'alel or t t e l l - a Table II g-b.\-ry by a p.>ri.»lK»altv re-urring In .k'et caUel Tae Putl.stia.?. it is d <a- at Ea« Air ra. New Y.vrk. T..;im>'at ?upi»«» th -ye t iM r.sc earTy emufth it plain Aurora, t'.it wh-nen* Is digging forbatt half an h-ar's start of t he nwjrfins<\w«l one U asreat advantage. Besides it tak^s tim»i to ran a speUiuj reform. Tap Philistine is avowedly a j-ianul »f protest an l sometimes it protests too nri-h.

You reai-raber that during the judicial rMveed. burs oar friend Dogberry is addressed by the threa-lettere I synonym for the mentally depleted, and desires the faet repirtel . He further defines his jMsiti.ra: "I am a wise fellow; aul . which is imre, an oai'er; a i l whieh is HI-re a hmse-u *l-l?r; and, •wttieh is more, as pretty a JH**-^ V>E il-s-h as auy is iu Messina; and oue that knows fieUw, goto: and a rich fellow enough. g> to. a a l a fe'lo^v that.h.ath had losses; a n l one Uiat h i t a two g >wns and everything handsome ab-mt him: B-in^ him away:-O. that I had been writ d own—au ass."

Definitions are u?ver quite safe things to trhle with personally. Often eaoush it is n->t until we state -v-rhat we are that people really discover want we are not. The Philistine for example by -writing itself down as sach has saved others the trouble, for according to the dictionary and its own contents it Is only too well named.

,-.• ' ' M — V

I < V - *s 1 1 a< . . r : . i J V • "< . t • -v - i t s , '

t " J - s

> O K T l t ITFTtO. 1 T 7

~ - s ' 5 (t-MV I- - ' IS

- s . . . V - -<

S03i?jaesug»?sts that if E^nperor William is anxious to exercise his army ana incidentally to tl'iarrel, it would be effective to send his new play oa a toar ot the w orld. beyond the limitatioas of lese majesty. To the raited States anyway whVh is nothing if not critical, and where the. leek, if such were the refreshment decresd. woiU l>* set before a royal playwright with high glee at the connection. One must eonfe*5 however that it is most unneijrb irly to b? presapp J^ing the versatile Williams uuality as a dramatist.

"IXow," said Mr. Levelhead to his wife when they knew the house was on fire, "the principal reason for loss of life at hotel fires is that women lose their presence of min 1. As ia the present case. Of course you eai proceed to the window and jarnp, oryouean dress quietly, thmkiag mean­while of the various exits with which we are $•> familiar. There will bs no trouble an-2 we can make our way out iu nerfeet safety."

Whereat they fell to work and were sooa ready, "Mr. Levelhead taking a last minute to sec his hat on firmly and adjust his caffs, not omitting 11 cheer his c impanion with continued protestations of security.

When they reiched the street an l Mrs. Level head really came to herself, she looked ar-uul at her husband and she bsgan to giggle. That pe­culiarly discomfiting sigsla which has driven so many men to drink.

"Ify dear," she said, "when there H another Sre, and not t l ie least cause for e i ther hu r ry o r alarm. I do think I would take time to put oa my TrowserS."*


KLLBNHPKG CENTKE. T)r. B^ll of Tr.iv is home this week r-> atten 1

Eddie Mel'uerson, who is very ill W. G T»d-burst was home from his butter fa.-torv work this week Emma E^-ssware went to I'iitts'.urgU Tuesday Mr. Mei'ormiekof Lv-m M •in* ibiiu town Tiies-lay The s-ho >ls areel isei. alt tasks are done, the bo lis laid by and one by one. It.e hip;*y scholars free as air hop-sk.iji with gl-e n.r ftfela care Th.' re i -hers go to Institute t • |s'.'H. gather up the fruit. Tuey teaeh n i more, ihey jist are. tauaht. On happy days will p'eisure fraught. Such life is wreathe! wit'i fairest tl >w -ers. S.vift fly the happy wmg.ii hours while midst it all this thought is acre 1 would be older year vu year, oh f,mhsh y.uth, tln?se halcyon days are gone too soon, staid trrov the ways. Sober lh>-feel­ing aud. oh fate, thev wish for sehoolila}.s. t i s t^ t late Traveling salesmen are very numerous.

I counties, Texas, May _^, - u & „ r — , , , - , . , , , , , , Die and wrecking a large number of houses took crazy, for to his knowledge she had and several churches. ^ t been out of that ktlclieii for tlnrty yens .

Benjamin F. Deans pleaded guilty, May1 Among the New York laws of 1890 is one 23, at Lancaster, N. H., of the murder of hi3 wife a t Berdio, May 4, 1898, aud was sentenc­ed to 25 years in Slate prison.

Helena, Mont, has passed au ordinance .

providing that females between the ages of 15 and 30 convicted of petty larceny, drunk-enue33, immorality or misdemeanor shall be sentenced to three years in lhe houses of ref­uge for «oman a t Hudson, Albion or Bed-

aVenuVSewYork, has been engaged to give S S S ^ S j ^ Ma»^rs of l h e a e u " t t « t e 0 " a r e

the term of imprisonment in case the prison­er's behavior warrants it.

"Aunt I'eggy" Bailey died at nnntington, Intl., May 22, aged 112. She wa3 born in Keutucky and died an old maid, having re­fused many oilers of marriage. She had smoked her tobacco pipe since the age of eight, always using the genuine stuff, raised on the farm. She retained her faculties tin-

and development of the Summer School. I t p ^ u green in his well, May 19. He has had is hoped " ta t the very attractive programme muat ion with certain peraoui, and a large to be presented tbi» seiiioo wilt result la a "g, 0 , h i g w a i burned two years ago.

^ ^ » » ^ > ^ ^ J S ^ S t i ' ^ i 122 l ' Saven colored laborers were lynched near surrounding region, Tha director* of the < ^ " M. . M « , Pour of them were a c h o o l a r e V ^ a t Ibe *»*«*«£* ^ . ^ A L K S r reference to denomination, will avail them- " T ^ « I r r » i « r v Th«v had attomntAd in as-•eivea of tbe ad ran ta fe . o lb t ed ln the eoone "E&fSfiE'l, * ^ ^ ? * ? S i £ ™ r

ofl^tura.uponlli»riry,hkHoriMlawlMiM.,»J*J^f~*?T' ^ ? *.T; U»c w b f « u ! T a « toetarea wat%»e « n i by Howard EUlott *f££™*1T£f»™*

TWpro«raaiBi. aa mapp l out by U» oft- lamMOO, MfiA'H JMrt. Ue WM beaWn to

MkitaUtkMMlf«.aa4lbUo»i the .jpn*. ] « • I * * * * dMt«« « ^ « bettar a*«h year. j Jeta HontU u Ualtan a««t S*.

brothers, each over 100 y e a n old.

SPORTING, ftc. The next aensaltou in ti»lic circles is to XK>

tin encounter between "Bob' ' Fitziimmoim and Jeffries of California,

Henry Fournier, the French bicycle rider

made a mile In 1.31J at W»»hingioii, May i 24, breaking the world'* mil* record. I Studenti of Oxford and Carabriage Un-

lver*ille#. Kuyland, have cballenged tboae of Yat* and ilarvard, to an international

i all-aronod atuletic eoomt to lake place in 1 July, and tbe latter have accepted.

i fiti! aiai»-»ji>»iM Hawilni:.) Tha iollowtac ta UM it«a4lt« ol tbe dlf-nr. Hai tf «9 tteliMnf bar, laraut in tba order imatai, l«Mnw eiaba In S a ^ l W ^ b ^ y * "»»•:•»» »•»• *mm fw Uw Obm^MblB:

MW Tan.

T h e M u t u a l F i r e I n s u r a n c e C o .

On May 20th, F. K. Moreland of Ogdens­burg, N. X., secretary of the Mutual Fire In­surance Company, issued from his office iu Ogdensburg fifty-two policies in that com­pany, making a little over four thousand aud live hundred policy holders since the organi­zation of the company two years ago. This eompauy has bud a most remarkable growth of popularity. The fact that no mercantile risk is issued to exceed S1000, and uo farm risk to exceed $2000, is a guarantee to the members that the company will sutler no large losses, and, in all probability, the as­sessment rate will be very low. The assess­ments of this company have so far compared favorably with the assessments of any other Mutual Insurance Company in the northern part of the State of New York. We predict for lhe company, judging from its past re­cord, a very great increase of membership during the balance of the year.

S t a t e m e n t b y I > r . B r i n g s .

Believes That "We Are Knterin^ a INevv Atre of the World.

(X. Y. T,'iljun>'.\ During all the controversy over his advance­

ment to the priesthood in the Episcopal church the Rev. Dr. Charles A. Briggs (ire-served absolute silence as to criticisms of his book aud of his acliou iu seeking ordination. Even after he was made a priest by Bishop Potter on May 14, uo statement could be se­cured from him but two days later he wrote to the lit. Rev. Dr. Thomas M. Clark, bishop of Rhode Island, and presiding bishop of the Episcopal church iu the United Stales a slato-meni for lhe personal informaifon ot the. pre­siding bishop and not for publicauun but Bishop Clark obtained his permission to use the letter at his own discretion. This, the first statement, made by Dr. Briggs as to his entrance into the ministry of the Episcopal church, Is as follows:

Rt. Rev. Sir—I have not sought refuge in the Episcopal ministry; L made the change because I was assured that the banner of church unity was in the Protestant Episcopal Church, and nowhere else, and I have conse­crated my life to that cause. If I know my­self, 1 hold to all the sacred depositor Catho­lic truth in the church as well -as iu holy Scripture, and 1 shall do all iu my power u> bring out that truth aud maintain it.

1 feel that my study of holy Scripture -and of Christian history as well as my O'.vti exper­ience of God's grace has led me to see. iu holy Scripture the divine truth in somewhat diil'erent relations and proportions from those ih which I was trained. It has beeu my hap­py privilege to know aud work with some ol the noble men of our age, Roman Catholic and Prote3tant, Lutheran and Calvinlstie, Methodist, Presbyterian aud Anglican, in most of the great universities of tho world and 1 have been guided to recognize the liv­ing Christian in them all.

I think we are about to enter u new age of the world, and that these things will be prom­inent in it—the immanence of God, the living reigumg Christ as priest and King, the pres­ence of the iudwelling spirit iu the Individual, and in the organism of the church; the pi ac­tios of holy love, entire sanctillcaliou, lhe communication of saints in this world and in the other world, and the reconciliation mid

reunion of GhrUt's cliurcli. I have been brought to see these things

and to regard them a* the great banner prin­ciple! for the future. For them I stand with all my aoul. While I do not neglect or In toy way discard auy portion of Die inherit­ance of Cbrial'a church In doctrine or iu life, I am aatarad by my pupils that I make the Bible to lawn mora real, more powerful, more •ivute. I nave never beard aainjrte oue of th* i b l r t — bombed UMOlagleal etadawu I

" Ml M l > J e l i e i j i a r i»Uta . Th*

w j x i t - m o K O . Alireoe-urrel..!! M-mlay. the -'-al >.f it iv i'i

wMe'jthe dwelling houseof Mr M-»j,he;i srr«-;.i-ban With in tst of the e e,te>,ts were eee-uuiel There was sa'd t>> be eigt.t hundred d.-Hars iusar an-e on house-and furniture. The ".rism ,.f the lire is unknown . Airs Jennie Ellsworth Lhclsey who has been havirnr n-mr health for a 1-n^ lime, died at her home iuWilkhoro un Fridiy of la?T

week. Mrs. Lindsey left a husband and i wos-jiatl sons torn.mm her l.»ss Little Uoward. s.,ti,.f Oaklev Hmith was quite seriously hurt l.y W tig kicked in the faee by a. horse, whieh left s.,uit* *.ad cuts and bruises al«-ur his faee aud head Miss Bertha Bent!. • of (ileus Falls aid I)r Wurn-u Ewreitenf Albi'iy visited fri.-uls hi t..wn this week Mr. Pi ' i if hiving.i>- .'lt.V" built at Y at Uo.-k whieh is ..'ie hundred ,»n.I twenty feet 1 >Lg. It will s..o:i be ready |..r ir-.-

: -- -, -- t «^v Hi ~t v 1 ': K HV f ' u ' , 1 ' • *ed ' v ' ' ' IVCSS- X T " I* "W -.-S^ 1-r » v e ' • .T I ' »- . , T - l U i t r * - s y , s * I-t i ' V <1V • - T l ' ' rtss- „ > U . . t 1 O r i rpi I . ' 1 t -iTT-s i

f. •* »• r -1

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s - . - . - \ T s » s 1 a - 1 • ' . « ! -1 " V -f ' 1 \* T"~t* -l ' - 1 * »- l^sa a" 1 •"• ' "*»* t 5 « t.-.T t>---* w-ss- r vi * --r-- * - --V

- • s a . n >.\ « x'

t t - *-, ! t

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. . ' I ' i - ' t i * v ' t ' s - l H-i' ^ i-l t ' i ,s \|s*sv t^i «'r-l'gh*»--'sl *-,,T

W •' Ml J.I I " , - , v ' l I ' f lWeek. . .» tw , I ' . 'r-st •» •i'i 1 w *rl> j--'tsK»l -v« r*j 1 > •»* V'lri- ' i t , i | t ' ,< i i . iv-.» r." >'.^1 v.-rv sa l ,>. ..'v M e i jy ..f «; is"i tl i .-r ii- {-•<• ••>• I was t »ken . i v s M i< n a - t a t : " ' was teal Dr BrAf h . f i,r.i»-1 Is , was a *1 »• t» T< f r* ' «. nrr.ve-l tv<» i Tt'„fe ,w • ltvv»e-l S T W -H I 1ST, 1 FtM-te is imp. -\ ng«' 'W v af*er a • •»{ n t i

f t r jh 1 fevr 11 * da w*.»-«r. • • « ! > ' . ; * uj«

U O K K I S O X V t J . L J i . May ,'..!>-.'

Ur. Ua'sev \ a l i ' l iu Who llisl 1 ist we.-k it Ml '.••lie. wil. 1-- r. tue.ti'.erei by many of 0..- reil,-rs ol tUeKu-i i.' i s llewasas.>ai,f the ineN.tTi u, A.. Vanjl.au • •: ^ est Plat tsbtrgh. He w>-,t | . . t V wiroftheret.eliionasassisiaT,! s.iriT^,,UiriT,,.., •,, Itegt. N. V. Mate Volutiteers. He i-'t'u.*fr..'u ti •« trmv on furlough to bury h,s wife, who wis t i , liuihter uf Ui'j,.'.,u Iliest-r Bad- h .,f W, -'. I' ('ts '•urjti. He aftervv ird marr .-1 Mi-s !I i< i W it a us , ,f Maloue. He hv. 1 iu i ihf.-rnia f r it.'><-*li—n .-A'litr l,a -ti e i-' -.t», I •—t'.-l i'. i).-'ti tr---. -. I . Whi r>' lie a .* 1 ' l - i ' i ' t - . l ' V'-lt- ,!'.•• ' • l -

.mes I.* Us ..• t....- .1. . ' . , t \ t r - K • A '.:'• « ' » r i . '.Vie. til' 1 l •• . s ,_. ., w.-st j ; ,» t u l \ L "*a- v\ is f., . i i 'g .' -: ' . , . i'.- v\ ;,. a-u White.•f 1'. t i t - ' a ' - ' . . . M, s. j ; v r.t . ' - .r ' .s ,.!i the-,,-k list . . .Ali-r t l l l'ty.,<r has <•• I'muMtvl vv.rki'.i the fouiturj a'i-1 is eastnig ea.'t \\c»k

C I T A Z X . Tie ' 1- t i i— Aid >. . ->t l h-'.d th.-.r s..A i.r s , , r

tvatMrs li 1'M<-ts..ii sThtirslav A!r< i,. • rge Bardi.k aud daisiht^r. Mrs 11 .L.s. ,.f M. ., rs i is lied tr .ends iu t i B U l ! , H i l i . . » U.e l a l . - s t th-l ' r . siiynri ni^--tt ty AiUs-rn . ik- , , ! , .--r, am Tu-stay ,-v. umg. M ti ; • I'r. en ti.e p..u. a ..f Mrs. ltufus"Ui"i'.'.nSre*i b-u. e . y ».'.i".t I,UM b-r r?.;HN-t l*t a t t e l . l tl.e et-U-rt^'.m-t.t a' I '.aui iilaiu Friday eVf't.'.g ' - I I . ' I I I Ylt m rmUi-r vi.t-sf.ir I M - l a t b ' i I'.-T ,v I 1 .- (..-: 1 lust ]..-.-p5i's It i . bureti at \\est ( < a/y . ' i M i . t n M iy 2- ' l . at CJ. iu sharj. 1 | . liev l a ' t e rM. :. I r e 111 W i l l d e I V e r t t i - M [ l i n t - i r ( ; . . s l r i l e . -I j ' . en Div. MiV "•'- »iil l - ' . - id at i 'ii/v t' g i-m. t t .c l i .v s D. Elk-i.s M ii; .le..v,-r t'.e a l ir.--it, lot le r ippr.-pr t'.-i \ . r. M-S ,>.' ,i>- tli>-l \ .-..r.lia1 litvllal-.ti i- «-xt«!. let i,. alt. J F ... t.-rt e.e.u'ia'i.l-r.'-;H- 'ally . l i - ' t i - t •- ,"<-. 11>. . < t'.l ... 1 \e*. ra'.s wl„ tl,.-r ", •uu-rs,,t lit- >, A 1; . r u ,t. aSo Veter.»!.s • f I) e late war. n o o E i t s .

Thee .rrup! teg.tt aui i. •. ' ..'al r.i.gs. f Vlt"-i.ur„'h did their \v..rk \\«-1 l..-r.- '-V I1.- us- ,( f , r pal-1 hrti.-hm—i tbe s Lb.s l . T'.e ,U-.eja*.-- ar,-sueh us the 1'latts', ir>'h r.i,,, >-r !• re 1 hi n r iit,-l •l.-mmd. ..Ajoul.^ man'Mr.e I l . s v ,t,g a f. in Mooi-rs eeimtery a >ear ag... I.r vv.ii.'t 1 t • k.tlo.v how she was ir- t l *,£ tloii.^ II. tt.e ^ r a l - t -dugdmVll to the'- tfli'J. f ' l ' i l every ttt rig as n-.i its could l.v ev.i.,et-t»sl under theelreuuiatati.-es ,.u Iv the outside I-ii no-de.1 as.-re,v it, iu - . ..rt.rr ai»l had Mr. Ki-uuie »uiv'y that de'j. ;t J he j.t tt« ,,'i rtie e.elin lvasl,..T s'lver as he .S'lj.;*,^,-! u lva-i j.ui wi.l sa.- »he u'ldertaurr I• r dami^es H» l>roJf» in e l Cils r'ti'titi o v r her !«•!> i I. 1 W M ^ . . l l . i u»e iu ete. >'«.a -e v.-r. jt.U 1 ; i . - . l - . . \ ' . t, f IVlSUIlklUl. alhoUgil t ' l r t - i l.J d e j '. . 1 . st, !,vn a n l .-lefr.s', -avh .t>...t l u v a . t ' r t es •1 lim lie ha I u • r.^M l" 1 • wi.it he -1 1. »• it it..-

v.iuna maii'laltmH is las duty to .an- f r i.i wife after death as well as b?f..re.

A USA H l-K. In last wcek«"s Ben mi' iNapjicir, I iii-alst-r

lisemeutff the openbtir of the I til -n A. adeiai repriute-l from the Kn-usu, i s ••tAj.nl *' i»t.' Tneu tin* t'nluu was a llourlshbig v ulage «-"htaiu In" the uulv post office lu tho u rrit..ry Ihat « .v. .-.ustituu-s the town of Peru, beallesa More a tavern, a uie.-lius; hoiwe, several tele-jesauJ Him erous dwellings A mouth ago wei-ln :•:• -'.ed the faet that the uit-etmg house was Si.td at,i was be lus." removed, tiovv thusale ot the h- rse s'jei Is h -in,; negotiated and soi.u nothing ivbl resuiiu that lielouged to the Soelcty of Friends vx. n>1

the three aeres if land bought of Henry inre.ii m 1S01 for ti uieett'is hou-e lot and hurjlnii j-n.utid This buryiug ground Is sooa to be enclosed with » substantial steel fence like, those, recently erected around two ceuicterlesIII Plallsbursih.. lhe irentldrain of Thursday. Friday aud Saturday was veryi.welcome even If it did keep some dclesatw from atteudiatt the 65. S. coaventiou. Thoso who got thure greatly enjoyed It however.

WKST I'KKB, May IU. l«3tt.

There *eenis to be a speciui call for old petirtle hi heaven- Slueeour liut oorreiiwudcuce Mrs. Iluah HOKB *«« Uld to rest liilhe Weiit Peru Wulto church cemetery, May 18th. She leaves au *tced husbaud »ad a sou to moura her loon, one sou aud two daughters are lathe west...,.,Mr. Thouuw Alien after a brief lllne** i»*««;i ***) ' Sunday aiornliMt- »»•• funeral was W d Tuesday at X o'clock. »lar*e cottoouneof friends following lh« rtMuaina 10 tbe arave. He lear-w a wlf«, I our aotu aud Ave deuxbter*, four ot Ueut. threaaon* aad ou« daasater ar* ia Momma ...Wednatday tat* fuawal of Mr*, galaboaa of J»y, fonuM-ly ot Wert rm* m a M d . Uer raawlai were taken to tfcajriaaa* j t C. ebjireb to to bjtd at t—t bartjta

a t l a in -an l t tn l i • i«- .\tr a-.IMn J ^rtVatk er were in \\<xr' • -xgt- '1 I*s* wivfe wherf. ' -T vttr.*-toraakft arn~gf"a»nts f'-r t v r * -3, «'t.n* -i t i cn»,-r tt e i . \ AI. in v j ' f i V r v » s f i l v >-tv! 1 r i KhieenwT • • .Mr. au 1 Mrs. J.-'in Hawr!<-an *ti-i Weriiro-N"at;rmarrtc-l*uvegvrei-<ri a w l e r p TS inthn lle-'t. r.Uit'-hivs t->u.««Ja«t s.--atb. . f t*»v 1 ridpt Mr llawT —n to* xbn lyr^n »n ?^« cr.vaR-I for a cow 1. i_,=»v * t l »h ho *i 1.-. •aacr:-1\ as.siioaas the rush • ! farm W'TS.!s .ver -Mr llo.wnof thazv, N. Y. f-'UC'.t uji-vi t e a b r l . I <-attle a id dr- •v\> them fr> -m t- -wa saUirday — , John Parker lost a vVnal'lebtrso Saturday Xr Cavanagh of KattVargh hasb-t oa shares his farm to James A. Talhojmfor <nie vnar . .Mrs Herbert Brayt'n^f Albat-gh, Mrs. Elw'n Ryder «.f st. AlbAns. and nnt 'VtT>b:as. f •• ~A ks>, vKte-l relatives in t.iwa la3t ww'k Frass. Daeil whihas bcea^rio^sT r j {,.rs»..v- rt«fi<th on the ga;u an l as s v u as th« h •* ••vi'j.ner sets luwilllie on his r 'ns again ...K-v .T.-Vil Angell holds serriues « e r y s jn iay aft«-m > -a at J j . m. in the 'Mernsa le-a ' sh ' . I h-vjse . Ttti-edeer were rei>ently sevn la Alhurgh «u the farm of AVitlla'a Al.Hiretr r a^rat i i j ml'.»i north of the X.irth tier > Alburgh brllco ou what H ku iwa a* Pine Island Th-*» who haire seen tbem say there is a hue hu.k and two d.ms and tmo is th-.«utht to have a ynun? tawn. The iselect men • -f Albareh have given orders to * « < the. first h"'atid found running l.msi and last week. J>>9 StrOHR's doc ivhi.-h h« valaed at Siv -was fiUed full • f iv l i lead since which time the two other h ignis running at the same time have beeu tied up. In the Lee-islature.-f ivisYcry stri.-t laws wrre passed for theprcorrvatioui't dwrwhli-h read as follows, belisi; mimber l'is. s>octton st: "Dosts of the breed commonly IVM for humlng deer, t o»se «r cari-lxiu an l does of other varieties' that are known to follow deer, in >WP xrrarroou shall no. be per­mitted by the owner >>t pe r^a harlftrinsr tho same, to ran at lar^e lu th<v furesta where deer, m Kis*> or r.Trih .u tukablt If auy dog «t lhe bree<l or variety named shall be found hunting. p.arstiiar or idling auy deer, in use < >r . arll»iu, or runnltuj at large in th» forests of this State where deer, moose or caribou iuhabit it shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the violation .»f this sect! >a by the jiersoa »twuins, having or harboriaRSa-h d>Mr. Xo tiers, .u shall own or have la his possess! -a any dory for the purpose of hatuinsr or chaslnf deer, moose or earib iu. Any person may lawfully kill tny dog found huntins ut'iose, de^i- , i r cartboa, orthatiskij-t f-r that purpose contrary to the provisions of thiss»eth a ' - — A n agent of the I t O. R. R. wis in Alburgh recently feeltnc i»f the land owners »>u Point of the Tongue The D»r-roivs, Andrew Hazcn's heirs. W E lV-ull and Capt- John O'Xelll want a square Si »t an acre and Sl'M damages for their h- 'tdngs. It sh void be r«-membere-1 that the- Albarghers were n»ver mu- h infav-rof the road cxeej.l the s- a t h I-arl >ftho town and several aUwaj'tsf-i i-att utown rnertifitr was a failure. Th^litt-i wlit.-ht'.* •- aii-aiiy wilt take is the best in the t- «wtt.

We > ffer One Hanlrcd Dollars Reward for strr case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care.

IF. J. CTTEXEY & CO, Props . Toledo, O. We, tho undersigned, have known F. J. • heney

for the last ir> years, and believe him perfeetty hon.'rab'.e in all I'-tsiw-ss traC'UeU' WMI £'tau-I-atlyalCc to carry-.at any ••••li^aTt.trs male bv their firm. \VE-T i Tm S>. Wh t-ate Drajs-st-t. T - l c l ' . i». Wuauv. . Kt\N«N jc Mit:>iv. Wh legale Drag-

sists. Toledii. o. Hall's I "atarrhi are Is taken intcraalty, a'*Unjr

•llre-rtlj-nT->n tl-e tl.*>i a n i ran-s >ns sarfaces v>f the system. Price-. 2T,-. l«u- l-.tt'.e. S M by all Dmfrglsts. TestiTi .a'.a'e free

Hall's Fojaily l*..*.s ;\re th- t«-se.

W o r k i n g Ni jght a n d D a y . The b is.est at, 1 n ight i -s t i ; n > thing tt.at

ever was UIA4<> IS D.-. K ;,g s K x L.U IMlo. Every ji.ll i s a s i g a r - c u t . - I g : , , ; , tlt 'ofteallh, that chai;g-s Weaki. - s i;,t , s«,r-i,gt'i, l.st-1,^-IiCs, HtO etlergV. 1-ruU-fjg 1'itO Ut>*IiUl po.'.er. Tt.A're A-.!. 1 r l i l m Liu-Hig uj! tie- I.-a'th O.l t J.",- j . . r ». .v.. s , ; l ut M e l i - i l l l a l H K. U .'.-rt l»r^gg.<.

M i l l i o n s C i v e n A w a y .

It i-s C'-rtainlj gr.itif>,i,g to P . - p i ' , . .• t i ku iw oluiio e-'LCeru in th- la ' t l ,v' . . .«.» li.-t afra: 1 to be g-i . -rois U> t!.- i.•-•• h a-. 1 s'lilermg. i h - jn-opr.-tors ,.j ji,- K-t.g'-t N-'.v D.-eovery f r C «.-ii i,j t. n ( ' . igLs .iTelOoMs. iui.'.'gi.eu a"ia> Mk.-rt.-n t:,,,:, .u trial bottles of this great ni- 1...-.L- a«, 1 ! a v tll>" s-,ti>f l. ti lii of t j e iA, . _' , ' I is; , ' , ili '.-lv i ' i i r . " l t l i i i i - J ' . l s . . f ' . . . 1 . . . . J sa . -. A- ,t.,.i. Br.uiclu'is, H , i r . , . L . — a . 1 a I I - . , t,. s ,,f t h - Ti.r...tt. i" .—' a'. 1 I. i-..-s t r - - .-- » ,.- ,r-ed In U. Call .ot I), k t . . '. V H. i . j •' ,11. 1 g-t a f,.-e (t t..,t I ,- . . J{.._. 4, , r - - . -.">••'.•. au I tfl. Kv.-n !•.:!•• g tar t . '••-I, . r J'l AC refill. !• 1

F o r O v e r Fif ty Years Ml.s Wl\si.e.i-s v.. ,T.(i\., M:. ' ,- 1 .t I . .* '.*. .1 bv tti' .'..*.s . f tu-tt.-rs t-r t'» r • * 'r.- a l e tct ' i i t .g If d s t w t - 1 at t. g-.t a' 1 tr n-",* f v . , r r , - t l . y t i s . i . . . Is.*!..- ga-. I . r . • „•* • h I ' " ' ' - r i . ' "•-- 1 ' - - ' . - « t g . , . , . , . . , . , t f -" .e i . f M r . \ \ , . , , ..YI s s. ...i, , , s , r . . , , -I ' . l . t r r n i » . ' i »._• I ' M , r, ,• .•! .• j - - , - •• -s l ie r , r ; ..i.,-i a*. , I' • ' I •!

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Ni-I... T- l f t .^ ' . I'ti fti.u%..'i-l \\ Alt us \v . ; ..'.r I. aut Ileal JiV .- l.»s ,-rt .,s But'-j.,5 g- ui L :tic

For Home Builders -OR - -

Home Buyers. «.., . i to ;.-at, ..u U-'hlat.l M rt»-agi- w ut£<s

v.rj,m.H an. > iLts Lasy victltly ia\iiai . ts t . lutiitr, lal t ui u l o. Jurat lit llatA . f

Albat.) lllT>Fi»Ul> Jt i u r r a t 1. f a l nKvtt3

aiw>« Piattstsuvh. N i'

lf yvu »>sh to en,I'i-y a tix.,.l[ keejver. ite-no«r«-pl'.er..r.3)i'eiii>»:sl-ant, write »t u le gral-b to Ki, ttnd ltuu.edlate alien t u n wUI bejmldlx. Suxi'iiug yvur n> xiaircuicuti For vatahguc. mldrewi . AUmny.N \ Caruell * lK-tt, M >i 1'varl hi

Men Wanted. M1KS WASTKD »t l^/on MounlMu to work la

tha uiin«-» Fot turtlter tuIorm»lkiu liH|alaw at attos of Caatoaaaay U M aad Iroa Uu.. OUata* KlMtt. r i a tubanb , mt