THE EVENING STAR. DE»ERKKI) LOiAL AKrKI.KS. FoilCI >1 *TT> irfi . /Vrt? Prrcin Picker*-], 1Lusing faailJi j»u] u. d.faui: o: rcurity. .*»«-*<! FrtrxnrX..(>, Sihni>ll, NiDaiilj w.'ijc i without Mem*-*: fin#«d So". .«- Morrison, do.; 4Mni««rd. M Fnl!i\ftn, baling Governm'-nt wood W. J-nelJ, Irtrc^ny; J. Jf. Hfdc'. drunk, turuni ov*r to *»Uitnry. k:J^r, John H*c«»rty, drank: Kh k«*d up. John M, Graw, drank »ud disorderly; do. Mary Nuthail and Harr Thornton, ili-dn^riy; further henriur. W. «5Mnlt and battery fined* 10 >t. Marjr»r»»t Cunningham, Anna OtUiniu^iini, Cathattne Dunawin, profanity: df*missei. 1*. Na*^-ellinj: on Sunday: do. l>o., ».'Iliac wvVm' licence fln^d M. Murphy, riding on pavement: lined ?i. ikriliT, John H. j^fcnmt-. W. H. Steward, W. OL Johnson, runwnf w*a^on witlvotit license-. ifei«»d £3J>-i. Goo. Pnrrotr, driTin? on pav*meBt; nn»>d *2.y». W. If. Robinson. -ellinsr Iiqnor to «oldi*r.-; di-mi.«'-»>< y. H<'iioh»-ll and 1).' Ilurk, drunk; looked up till so^xr. TinrJ Frtcinct.. I»» nnla Ril»»y, vrithor.t license dmniMfd. Charles Carroll, dmn it; do. Marv Thomi-, Kll»*n Conner, do.; wortimu^*. ^ cr «« Tv. » . UnWP) UMII-Hiur, tic*.. di>mi*««»d. Jas. Taylor,disorderly; -53.11. Jn.<. Marrin, do^ $1.41. W. Rosenthal, without Ijc*n*»*; dismw^d. Edwnrd Crwcy. do.; *2.H. P. Itnnran, drunk: C.Varroll, larc*ny; vrortehou^ W. Clurk»». di^ord^rly: *l.tt*. Mar? Thomas, John Small, drunk: "W. H. ¥xl**. without lict-n^f. di>inis^i1. K. Wlkrailry, iniMncr: $1.14. "VV\ Nichvi.*. larceny; jail. P. Malay, di-or.l- rly; workhouse. Fourth rr'rtm t..C. Honaflns. C. W«»bst«?r, larceny: M»cnritv for court. Nancy M"<4uin», awanli and battery: do. H. Jono*, U*. StalUnjr«, at^aulr nnd battrry witU intrnt to kill: iail for court. Mary MeX«vr, vagrant: di.-«:wi>«-»»d. John Wrrd#»n, rirtiuk; *2. li. Millar. fa«-t driving: diraifc^d. W. Flynn, a**anlt and battery; «»*ci;rity for court. John McNnlty. drunk an«l di*orcW-rly; tum»»«4ov« r to zuard. Apn« * lilt*-, iln.uk :uid dkordi Fly: workhouse. Thomas Minna. vagrancy; do. J;::ne« Norwood, crtuik: turned o%»r to gurird. Anna <hkuky« assorlt and battery: security for i ourt. A'»<jhtk Prr> inr*.. P. K>T;iftn,rX|»r.-> i;.t . ve.^h **-n:»m» nts: turned ov«*r U> th- military. W. Fittinger, disorderly; dismh^i. Chart*-'<\>1yer. do.; do. W. Hogan and W. l>»laney. dmnk: do. rharle*. MoOarry, drunk and tiif-ord-rlv. turned over to the military. W. Fitiini^r. VI. Hulun. W. Ho>man. O^'orfp Slough. obstructing railroad: tfT>nu-«»d. W. O'Brien, drunk: do. T. Hen.-on. selling liquor to Boldi»r-: do. M. >'»'2tilkuwhki, drunk and disorderly: fineti ft.i1!. Gt-orge Dari.-, disorderly; fin*-d *4.'-I. CharI*,-< Holland, disorderly; di-mi.-y^d. W. H. Figgs~ stealing a hor*e; turned over to the military. Timothy McCarthy, drunk: d.». Phillip I*e»- mid \V. J. Westbrook. p»»tty larceny: do. "W. Jones, larceny: dismissed. Joseph n v: . i « * : iw(»r-s< ixr> ihk con- w. apons: u->. JOii . Drunk, drunk: Turned over 10 the military. T. Connally. iKx: do. John Connallv, hauling ^inri ouf ol *tr»-et; di«mi«*Mt. R. Smith. drnnk do Winnie Gibson aud Ann Walk» rT di-orderly. do. A'intK Frtrimr'..Chas. Holland, uhstrticving fnneral; dismissed. Jelt'McKiusev, I»Hn'l H-ll. W. WeMerlleld, A. William-, Kllen Br-ltrod, A. Johnson, larceny: do. W.rnmn, f1> .; l'uriber hearing. Ed w'd C'h-ment*, Mr-. Clements and Mrs. Dougherty. do.: bail lor court. T. Caiwn. drunk:k>cked tipanddiMiii^-fd. Johnson, do.; hxked up. S. Ii.-athk»y, throwing «tone-; dismissed. Mr. MrKeiden, selling light br» ad: do. Tho$. Oorlin, drnnk: do C. I^eilerer, resisting officer and selling lish: bread: bail for court and fined iW. Peter Ntr.ttWrd and John ililes. larceny: further hearing. H. \l ^ *11 14 si A , uipun^nu. i'laiv ' isnuT unci Mrs. Churn, disorderly; workhou««e. John Smith, a.-sault: dismissed. F. Keethly, putting stone* on the triu k; do. Jrs. Lynch and James B Bayley, a^«ault and hatu*ry:"jail for rourt. Truth 1'rtrincL.S. Hofm.ni and T. Bri»\vr., disorderlv: fined John Hays. John Lundy. Edward Smedley and John Flanigan. do.; dismissed. Jame* Harney, «te:i!ing- jail lor court. John Magnire, do.; further hearing. Aioa/o Klein, disorderly: fined *!.&!. John Hayes, vagrant; dismissal. W. H. 1>«.\ is, flphnnr. do. Jonathan Dillon, do.; fined £2.H!. Marearet Rnssell. drunk: do. Km ma lK)wrt^. do.: dismiMied. D«-nnis Ready, driving on pavement; fined *2.00. Catharine Madiran. tbreats: further hearing. W. B. Smith and ISenl Campbell, deserters; taken to Navy Yard. D. FarralL, drunk and asleep in the street; dismissed. Nancy Rawler, profanity: fined £3.*>l. *)ornelms Tuomy, drunk and disorderly; turntd. orer to military. E. Hinckney, drunk; do. R. TTateT, breaking in door: dismissed. C. I>. T) . .A »: ».* » * . in***-, n»-ia ior nearing. Jo-ephine Rhoade*. filing liquor without license: ruled for trial. C. Miller, disorderly; dismissed. j Sarah Veniue and Eliza Smith, do.; fined Oscar Belaske, throwing stones; further hearing. John O'l.'onmll, assault; security for court. Louisa Eckert; do.; lined 81.!*!. Rose ConnelL, tlchtmgr: dismissed. Mary Allen, -teaJinp: do. E. L»-man, James Williams, F. Carson, John Simons, witness1*; do. Mary ! Brown, Rfea:»rjjr: locked up. Conrad Smith, ; drunk and profane: lined f- M. l*i- ROVKMr.>"T«..Much needed improvements ar** b«*inz made in the city at this tim«\ In the Fir^t Ward side loot-walks have bemi laid on the west side ol Eighteenth street, between F street and Pennsylvania avenue. Thi« pavetrn nt leads directly to the school ol the Sisters of Charity, at the corner ol" Ki*h. tee nth street and New York avenue. On the ; north side ol K street, between SiM'-^nth and Seventeenth tr<-ets. a side-waJk h*i been laid, wbi.'h pives the preat thoroughfare be'Wfeu Georgetown and New Jersey aveniu a con' ,iuor.« pavement. Our Commissioner of l'ublic Buildings has also caused to be opea» d !*» :n».-ylvama avenue, between Twenty-sn'h ?ti- >*t and Georgetown. and had the road-hi>rf and paved wiih cobble 5tone. He has. :sl>u had I «even*l lamps placed along this popular I thorough fan-, wbich communicates with th»' I aqoedu: acftM Stock cwk. The alleys in I Miliar** 1*21, tn-iwei-ii Nineteenth and Twenty I ttrih *tr% ft;*, and F»ndG*werts, have been I jrra«l*-d and paved.an excellent improvement. I In the Second Warda pavement hn^ be*a laid I on the Math >-!de of WirtrfciMtti a\ < BM, h.-I tVMI Thirt*H-nth and VnHMHlfc itlffts. On I ihi» avenu** there now ivinnius but or.e squar* I to be gradcU to make it completely open for I travel between North Cupitol street and FifI teeath Mr»*et VHt Flat* footways are abor: to I be laid on the VMl aMw of Fourteenth Street, I between I' street north and Boundary street. I In the Third Ward, Ki^rhth street wt*>t, b4 I Iween M st. and Rh«xir Island avenue, is bein^ gTadedand eravelfd. tind snitable fla? t Mt«ay« I and cutter- ha\e also been cuuilictrd. The I Northern L:t-.»-rtv M-iri»o».h.«ti.n - .... II uuri iy 1 directum of the cotauJ^iout-r.- of the sam^ia also in cours* «.f iupruT«mnit. The dhed.s on S»\euih stTr«.t &.> '.jeiaii removed, and new sheds are in pr- ^lfs** of erevtiou on the «outh side of the main building, betw en Seventh and F.ijjhth streets. Flag footways are to be laid Immediately on the west side of Seventh street, between 1* and ihe boundary. Th»? street lias also boon trimmed and /raveled between I, ^r»ei north and the boundary.u. improWii.cnt which wa> very much needed in consequence cf the manner in which the «tre»-'wo* cut up duru.* the laM winter uj army wr.fi-u«. seventh street *iC'.V ruuKs tlv,most imporiaui httHW* streets of tV city, ?ti the J'f prt)t \\"aru A p&VM&ent h:t> been laid on the «r»st side of Second street, between D strvet and New Jersey avenue. This imjiroven.ent pni* the thorough Utre between Indiana and >ew Jersev avpnnpw «> <»w«^r.»«- |?l:r;r condition. First .»tr<~«;t has also be»-« rrad< d anti Kravt-kd between Indiana and Nov/ J»n» y *.v» >. Tn »h»» Fiftl: Ward. Fir*t »rrc<M, b»:\v«*<»n O M I> ^Mll r.orth. vhkl VV mu. »i d.imap« d by h< avv rains, in conr.-f of ihoruutli npair. A fiiwt i-uu'li, brivtfB '[bird and Ir'oi.riii b'.Krij rust, ha» bri-n «rra.<WM and grav rl*d. and a ini'a)> yv.tTf-r will at oin-»»"con«trtti ?»«l rln* Tvr*<t mi!i' of fourth t'a**. at th«» in » r-^rtion of Aftwltooth. Tbebri<jU* o^t-r ihv canal af N w Jersey a\t*nu«* i* ir fonr- 01 ivp*ir. Tb«* alleys iu ?qvar>! 7-7, Iwwii 'third and Fourth «U». east, and So-itb ii ami t-i-- «'aj »t©| *tr»'<*ts. haw Iwn ;rra»:.»d aad an i*upro\»*m. m hiphly ci'n'lr.e»\>* to lb*' b'tilth ol that neighborhood. In lb- Si\th Ward a j>-iytj^ni ba~ hern. laid onKMif»: .-oiiih. betv..«*u miU Xui'h »lr»-t -»a-t. I'ntortun tN-lv tb* want of lunuto il»»*<r»*ui? of :his wnrd ba= otfer much ww)»il improv»f!i»*nt ir. this u«-\v popular.* ward. In tb«* St\*i:ih Ward a wrn^y way jo id«* ba< br*-n made on Ck\>-uiUeii >a v..v. t*t*(vu Maryland avenue anil ih«» nv- r. Half >»trr« t u'Mt i.m. .n ^ -1 v. IITL BVUIU :um lilt 1Pot<ir.av. ha* b»>-u par* tally jrrad«*d and piylfd for th* width of 1+*t. This. improvement Ka»1* u> aao«.h»*r recently mudf by J. P. Bartholow. F.-q., in ih«.'<uiisiruction ot a>pl«nriid whart and tin*' war^hons^- at lii*ntrrwcuoii o? S and Halt -tr-'.-t!-. and adjoinnifth- wharf «»l < aptuln NmI. th'Mtovmm^nt now having laid a railroad rrwcic b*:iwrn this wharf and the arsenal and Si-.th »lr»ot wharf. A sidr-A-nlk iia>- »>. »!» hi id < n :? eat: #iU»*o: I'.l^v^nth 'tiwt.b*t*-~Mi Mi» \laud aTennr ana t* -jfTi-or »mith The "Ke'-i lap."' t kt..F<i,f<tr Mir. i ivfiTft e\c*ev.jfi;rly U> *>« * :0 « * pin;* a «» nunc)I »<!/ » f ! » V/%» j f ,.:r- "I MiKS tt'ttWllly aVU1 Ui 'l° Uli ^ K W<l ***" *Tbly one, a* *&* madr agauiM tin- \L-»itinc trmbrr- ci asssocfcuion* by th* cvimtuuni<»;ion rf » A t>u* S: 'r 1 would pay for ih«* inforxr.ation of all #ri.iii., M uyl:md» i>, V if)f >nianv. cr oih*-r» irom or rr:t»«ri« * a l.n'L lmv«* no rein 1 cijrmt/.»t. v4j«« in tin® n'v, "ai»o may b»* sli hur nunrnkti the ho*pi>jrain rtr I aV.ut V.' v biCrlou and Ai« \andr - iLv .. .* *1" - vO#*hi«. oi r J.ar» Association to aid and prc^ld? thfin With **.ich liiilf vom forts a* tl; *ir m-an: may of. In ?h»» pratuifoii* l'-ykor and lim« which th ' diif*r»nt boards ol \fjkitor? give to th»? patients of th^vfiriou® ho$» vtn|p,lt cannot bri xpvl d that *ery inraat' jo.-n or spoken to: br.t tJ»«* Prifidriit of ih*f <r»ri«.in K'-lf-l' Association would happy to h«iv«' invalids ilk*" " A K' r«lar,^» no matter wk«*re fh^y may b-' from, wiif ><\ nim and -tat«* th>'ir want's wM'h, :i foiiU<\ reasonable, will certainly meet with a pi' V*i>tTvs|w>iw. in r-frard to such nrti-W'n a* pjwr*, co«'D«,cunun nui<nrl drawer#. woollen >l»ir»«, ktut jackal-*, «ock", bl;mk»*t»s ctc.» *tc-. xvo would itif'TTn ' \ R»»jmiarM if he i- ill ' m-f-d cl tht-m b*> uwd no' > for" i>mi h:u. a jx rfrct rijrht to Jrmandnf tb*» urp-on in eharpr, who, upon proper reqni»iticn, cau obiain thou*, at one*1, without any difficulty, ^i'her at th<Mi iiiral Purveyor's* or J>ep«.; for \r;ny Clothing and Etjuipa^e. FROM THE JAMEf* RIVER. The "VIerriniar No. 2 The Iran*i<le« Rti-uuuuilrr nip. [C«trm*)Mu:tl>' !». of :h ' Ifaltiniotv Americuu.J Xkm tort Kkh h, \ .i., Oct. :il. .A coiipV days tkici* ib«a flotilla «rot wind of a movement of th«* rebel -, by which it \vu> intended tha* th* Mi*t: imar N«>. 'J, «>r Richmond, :i~ iIih r-'h-Is call npr, Willi iiv> gunboats, ifuiioim them tin* JaintMov nand Yorktow n,) were coining down to aita« k the liotiila and do a!l ii» their po wer to cripple the Government and ulv.inci? th« ir own iutriv.-t . The report that (Jon. Wi«e, vitn 2I\ik-< in^i:, w a jroing toaitacn Yorktown would s«em to verify thi« intelligence. and lead to the beiiel thai the land and naval lores intended to art in concert. Ni»ht before la-t the K«be]s on the ~outti b:u:k of J:im» - river wa« M£ualiu£ more or >s during the j;i»:ht. Tl>« re were no than 11.r« e alariru on board the liosilla before moTr.in^-. Thi> led to many extravagant rumor- on shore, and warn ^uch heavy tiring was beard, proceeding from Yorktown, I supposed ihn. place was attacked, and according to the phv ibe Rebel fleet was expected to shortly a-v..r. The firing: continued at Yorktown for*a ;inJ- ol hour* silt' r 1 wrote to you. AL-out 0!u- f'clock she Iron*itlt*-, lonvMird iiiu tuT :i%d *lowly «pvd up the riv»r for t.'uor i«)>lr)> miW, and n*trrn« «i uhnut fouroVlcck lBtb^ntiuui;. This trip was made mnr" for ilw purpose of trying ine ran^e ot her guns than a?- a r»'connoissan.-e. She lired som* tw« nty »bots and, lor aueht I know, !aiT«>rV on^f. The rftiliU* utf the flrirnr :ir Vc.ri/ town I have nor beard. Since yf>tfrt!fty 1 have gained -omr information roncfruins me Merrnnac No. *J. and her futur* intention*. It nHcss to deiiy that - tie i- a -very formidable craft, her armor b^injj tev* n inches thick. The people of iSouth have made ovry Hon ;o ma'rc h* r a perfect Loth u> regard- armor and machinery. Particular attontion has been paid to her rats, by whii'h the s»"Ct*rti feel confident that «h«» can rim down and = 12 k all our Monitor*-, lor i; is ih»-m they mostly f<>nr With an armor of *< v«»n inches I very much dot:hi, Hrst, their ability ro haudhc her with any machinery suitable for -"t*' " v»*.*!H*1, while her speed would be very ?lo\v: eecond. rhe possibility ol h>'r mining City Point. Tif .v r;ige Jfpth of wnvr ih'-w, 1 believe, »;;:!> Ilfn-en fi r;. It ie ditfioi'lt t> tay whether she will come (town the Jati'.«. " n\er a? an early da v. There are reft-ons f«»r fielievinjc either way. 1 ha\e it from authority that a crew 01 ;»l«' men have already }tone aboard her, and that she, with her consort liao* come belo w I'ort Darling. TLis would augur sp*cdy work. Again, the R<-b»%l Capital has now become, in a manner, the ki-y :o the rebellion, and lie ossariiy the defenec will be a- stubborn a-. possible. "Th" Minimal' could greatly av-j»: in defending the city, while, if she should meet th»* same fate oi ht-r predecessors it would b<- b'f" almost defenceless against a wa?er attack, lor K«»rt Ihilintrcotild not stand before our mortar flee* and iron-clad.'*. ANOTHER HRILLIANT SKIH>1ISH. St. Lt»n«, Nov. 1..The following »>pe.i:ti dispatch ha? inon received: riKAlHjr \I«TKRS. -?. Mitjr.r-fitnfral t'urtis: I have th«- honor to report that on the evening of the'Jltth 1 r»v»*i wi information o 1 a parly ol Rebels moving up Xiuga creek. making towards a point right mih - east of this place, and «»ii route to join the K»*bel fore* in ih" Southwest. 1 immediately took one hundred and five m«n ol the Tenth Illinois Cavalry, and ftarted at live o'clock p. m.. to intercept th<*ic. I came on their pick* t% at about eight and-a-balf o'clock, drove th-*m iu and attacked their main force, about two iiundred strong, and kilLol fo- r, wounding agoodmanv, I aft- rwards understood, and capturing twcn»y-seven priion^:. among thftn a captain, who informed me that Col. I/ersey was in command. We likewise captured a number of horses, saddle?, shotguns and rilles. My lo.-s wan on«' killed an t one wounUfd. Tin; party was or*rani£ed by Rnckn^r a-id Hughes, v.ho M^n themselves Majors in the K»-bei anny. They scattered in BVPrV rfiro/'tinn _ v^>»v>» i..>vuf.u iur !iiuuni:i:iu*. A larjre portion returned in tin- j-nmo direction thny came* tut they never tried to collect together apan. Th<« lar^-.s! trail I could find in ore party v. a* of ten of the party. I followed it for mile* the n«»xt da}-, when they lik«>wi*<? t attered in every direction, and "I ordered ('apt. Mediation's company of K.S. M. togath<-r then; in. Th«*y are completely disorganized. 1 am, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant. J&y.y. Sti*art. L.t. Col. 10th III®. Commanding the Post. FROM FORTRESS MO>ROK. Koktklsh Monkok, Oct.31..The steamboat (ieorjrta. trom Washington, arrived this morning. with ttfty rob^l pri. on»rs to i>e «er»t up the rivi-r for exchange. Major G»>r»eral Dix arrived tru* morui gfroxn \Vu -hington. Th»- rta«r o; trtK-*- Imk.i Mei unora, in charge of Major R. W. Shejik, rMurin-fl a' :i o'clock ihis p. in. J' om Aik*>n'« Landing, bringing down n , ar !m! I'uioii prisoner* and Mr. W. 1'. Wood, si.jw-rinU'ii'N »i of ih»» Old Capitol Pri-on. A portion ol th*1 Vuiou priion^rs from Sali.-bury, N«>rtU Carolina, had r.-stcbed Iliclimond. but \\ **r»- not allowed to proceed front bu! uere remamK-d to prison at iba.; place. A^i.^tant Surgeon Geo. 1>. Sloeum, of tii«» San .lannto, captured at City I'oni!. ha* bvon unconditionally released. lio wa. brought down by i it*' Metamora. Koktrms Monkok, Nov. 1..Tlie tn^-ond rtiaii' and wen of tl»»* sailor ^ lruj.i tli»? All«"_:aniar. (th#-. ye »i*| r<*c«'iuiy burn> t u«*ar ih«» mouth of th<- Rappahannock.) arrived li. jv today from Yorktown, undor arrest. The cr-.v/ of tin* Alleganian numtH-r»-d twenty men. Thc«»* eiirht n wcr;' picked up by th«- C. S. guubon' Moniiollo. and tak«*n toYorktown. All rh." ri si of tbe iitv ar^ mining. IIOKRIKIV. < 'l'TTJ NT.E AND Ml'KUKK..The \ -* i>< mi.n (im.i.j msi siar« that oa he "St'i ult, :t little daughter <>t Kdzar IMmnmer. Km., raiding mar Itridgetown, in iIhil comity, whil'trnnmincbomf irom scho<il,waa attacked in a pieiv ol v. oods by the roadside, her person \ tainted. and ih» n utally :ur.rderi-d -lu»r neck btinp plact-d undvr a heavy piece i»i limber. Tli** Journal »dd«: A mulatto man, named Jim Wilson, aged ubout : - yeflr>-. \vds arrest.»' upon suspicion ol being the (h ipt-Mainr ol Uu* horrible d*»d. II«* ut CsbfaWvl his P"d'. and was taken to (.irH-iifborcnpli. wlei^ ^ y'j "oiiiir.iited t<j jail by l>qulre liarifkron. lie v.'.V vi> ilu.s phu'O by d' jttt!y Coustabl'1 \Vi\, at t !,,>liour on Tliurs' : y"ni£l»r, and lodged m jail. He Fays thai oi" Wednesday evening th* little giil.ap«u l«'?i i.1 .in nine year -passed liwi o.i I., r vtay home UvMji . chool, and spoke to him: »l,a* l?>. a? oiii't' tcrtniui il f.i i. . ..m,iiici> v>. w ... . .III-. npon her person. lie caught hrr hy ihf v||.i;}.-<» j-«< ami threw h»*r violently I'pvn tlif ^onnd, which h**r inv:ii9ib!*'. H»* then to. '.c hor on hi* shoulder *onv uialanit uilo li. wo>d.-, \vh«iv h«- attempted l»t.« flfnd^h pnr]«v»» upon her almost per»on. lit* then placed her ueck beneath a jiircf of Umb«»r, rir. al^uvt1 sU.ti d, and lei! h *r. The p^opU- intN u< i^hl>'.'ili«>od w»t«*naturally \«-ry u»u«h..\ m-ri, and it \ya_- anticipated :Lat upon th« urnval ot tlv iuau aiGri'-n-boiongh, lie would tr- liting. 1 L«- ltalnnior* Sun wl tin*- morning that ci.i/fii- ol ' il ill*? imowading country a-fiut>i' d at L>. ..lou oil Saturday with Ui«* a\u\vt 'i internum ol i>m uir.g the prisoneri/*m lad and hau^inc t. nn on the spot. u- Wht ii ti»«' mt*n*d Palmyra, Mo , n old resident nam- d Andr.:\v Alloman di.j.u|>i»arcd, aud «a< supposed lohave o^n uiur:> d. V. Leu <Jrr». McNifl returni'd t-> Palmvra euiuvtl a nuticf to b>» issumi that it th«* ml-* ii:;Muan\vat n«»t 1. tnrned within r«*n days lu» would r^ialiati' on itio ivtxM prisoucrc in hi* I :«nd. Wtic 11 ili»- tiiu«' rxpiivd. t«»n m»»n - Itcttd anil informed it Mr. Alloronii wms not r- tiiinfd by l o'clock th»- >:t day th*y would >* sUot. Tin- u( day th»*y i»1 ' » «! on a w a^ou \n nt» anu Uikt-u ont of town, v. I.-i» »a«. out v.i. iuudn to ok oil fMs nirtin 1. "At a tllo - f '. - . * » uieu (irawa out facing th« m. At 'h° v. ord oj commnn.i two ol ifao | r»r!»«-«> f-tl dead, .*?nd thf mu-uati»r \vern p&tclicu :>j itir r<-\ui\trs of :ii- r 'Mr»e. * 0*t-y«V.~-Th<> u.; < »urn.'«l <<n ;!». 17th. oi Ocw»b*-r. Thf principal nv-:imii~* .,i ih«> "#!»flon v. » rn til* < f a r:\ il co<i«' 5iu«l jr«n»r:.l corporation iuvta, a. uM.ry law, ttukinj? Irpyl int* r»n i»»n p#r cent., :inJ allow- \ tug coi.tra* ' p- r i*.«nt., a hmiu- l partnership law, Hud a military law. «T?" The *271h of r l»a* b»*«-n apj-nnt»-tl Ttsnnl -rivir-c d.iy by ;i».' CroV«*rnors of N>w | %<-rh. Mu -:ic»tu «Mt. , P< uO~-y 1 VUUiii, Maine, > fv. Hamj.- ture aiui iiarjl.uuL *if' TL»- bLip-cuulk*-rn of New Y«>rk ar« on i finke, and *u-ti>r.n<i au mor^a?*? ««f pi' irem M/it to |9 r firry. I »y ESTABLISH KD IN WASHING TO NTH 7"SINC£ MAY I, I^l.^a Y r JOHNSON & > AGLE, 2*9 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Sooth *M«,) BKTWF.F.N SiSTH t TE.\TU c>TS.t i « InTit« li« attention of i GROCERS, SUTLERS, AND THE T&APB IN GENERAL, I 1 TO THEIH UNSURPASSED STOCK 2 Of WINES, i LIQUORS, S E U A R S , A N U i FANCY GROCERIES. i * I ^ | Champagnes i or AM. l'HK WELL KNOWN BRANDS. BEIDSICK, CLJQUOT, MCMM, HI TART. l>KOl*Kr. f i TVe ornr.'.end Hghly to ronr.oi I DE ST. MARCEAUN CHAMPAGNES, CARTE ? :\OIKR, CAHTJ6 BLANCHE, RED LAV, j tli« rrofit f:»vorito brands in th ; N«*w York >u»rk-.t, ! sm-l "5 highly appreciat.l f.jr their ri'rhncft.-4 aii'l doli.'ate ria\or. I i POCK AND MOSELLE WINES, full Mi'l Sp&rkiinfc. j CI. \HETS oi Gilhou i'rvrv, Bordeaux. BVR«.«rSDY ASD TOKAY WINKS, i COON AC of ibe choicc-1 brands auti bv-i. HOC HF.LLE BRANDY. Pellvuisiuand A.Si^n«tt«. ; MADEIR A, SHERRY, P0K1'.very «M an-' b^lily recommended for tn^ii Id*> 1 purp< c-. i UA1 ¥ A Vn 4 Vn » ron nil 11 xi^i«liqii iri>, i in "wco«i aiiu cfl&r-*. monongahela and liou illjon wlilakeys?. i rcnco fx tracts and essence?, oi ftu kind". j apple brandy and whiskey. ! i jamaica and st. croix rum. 1 ! batavia aiirac. ^ 1 l Ti' ' i ' f hayasa ati) domestic seuds or the best brands. ( J.ILL1ESTHAL, GOODWIN CORN IS II, AND ANDBRFON FINE-CUT TOB1CCO. SMOKING TOBACCO of Gfcli A A* .u Ba'tin:ore.At C»lticiore pr' y<-. i t i (.ROCKKIES FORTHECinPP. I1KHMETICALLY-?KAL*D GOODS of overy <!#>-cription G AMR, POCLlllY. MR \T?, OY HTKR9. MILK, FRUITS, hi: 1 \ EGETABLl-S. PICKLKS \ND 0ATSUP8, in Wooi as 1 ADAM AXT1XK AND PARAFKINJi <_'A S'DT.K t MAILLABI' S CHOCOLATE. . C^\J>IErt AN J) DROPS, in V\RU I* P.A>PBfcRKY, LtMON and OOMMfj. * CHERRY, G'-SGF.R. RASPBERRY an I DT.ACR BERRY WINES. liAM AND at Baltimore i 1 T* I* a hi A V 1 » \r V* t l *\ T n «« «. <. i \.v r.Di.MJL h<j alb i knox a son £ sparkling aloa ale. yocnfjkr's india l'ale alf. london porter. | london brown stout. chorea blackwell'9 english pickles *n.j sau<:e.m. i bT RllAM &n.t VKENCH MUbTAKD. 13< rtDKAUX AND NICK 01L, OLIVES, OA l'ERS, ANCHOVIES* SARDINE*,.V DUTt 11 HERRING S^l£8 CUKEPK, cf priiri j quality. FIM« E?, FANCY 60A.JM, i'<. T M 3 O A s }I . "%« JOllNHON & NAGI,p., I -> tctf tf *" » « b -Nti I,. .\i I ,v EDUCATIONAL. PLAIN FIELD ACADEMY, Nrin P». . Thirty thir«l i 2* »<'-'Vsl coi ..i»fiw»^fNoT. ' *1. Kntire St"i. Oi;vwl%r. vt Ft*r «r 4111 f- : j « IV till » It'W T»r»BCI'1 IlU'ir^VJ H. R. BITRNS. or J.S lroeo* PKinfii>i<1. Cum Inland On.,"P* C if KG AHA Y IN8TITUTK, FOR YOUNG LADIBS. 1927 and l?'j9 Hpruw »tM rbiUielphit. The regular tcur»e of inatruetion embrace* the Kstflirb and French Lan«ria*e* ani Literature, Latin if required, aud all the braehes wbinh cnngtitut» a thorough Knirliith and French eduction. Frerch i* the lai;tpwi*e of the family, and »» oonitantly spoken in the Institute. It la the ©b>ect of particular aiteMion.and in tauarht from the rutimentM to the hiche*t courne of literature and cofn- Cpition. The neholaatie y«ar commence* Septemr lftth and doae* July l»t. CirtuUra, A.C., can he obtained from MhUma DURRVlLLT, Principal ofChe**r»y Institute. tony 71 <>ni OFFICIAL. Department oe state, WA9HIN0T09, J&naarr25, IWt. The Secretary of State will hereafter receire Mem oern of Ounffr<>afl on businrM on Saturday*, com u-ncmj; with Saturday, the flr«t of n»»xt month. Jan 77 tf WILL1AM H. REWARD. JUNE GROCERIES, E1NE GROCERIES, FINE GROCERIES, FINE GROCERIES at AUCTION TRICES, AT AUCTION PRICES, at AUCTION PRICES. The remainder of the cargo of the SCHOONER " AID,'' Confriftin* cf ererr de>criu;i</n of ! FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, Will he for sale until the Schooner is discharged FAMILIES Jo net J of a Winter Supply, at lb® TR \DE PRICE. Cun be supplied by the Pa>ka«e. FRED. 9. C0ZZEN9 Ccn*ifrr.e«, corner Pa. avenue and 14lh st. CAPT. HUTgillNGS, or M-tf Schooner "Aid,"' foot of 11th *t. JAMES V. H AT. I DAY. fi KAL KS TA TE \(f F V T. CCKNKH Or* I'A. A\ ENUb" AND Tl'NTH FTHEET, over Bank inn Houstcf J.. Johnson Sr Co. tt ft >2m' R COAL.COAL! ADIATOB. FUKNACK, GRATE. RANGE, LATRORE r O .4 J. S ! toecittlly prepared *«« * and qualities fur th« kind of Ktove usttd. for halt.1 at low fat poi-sifolw rattr.s for cash only. W.M. '1 HALT. 'J.*'2 Pa. av.;il4«?. c 21-oolot between l!th and 12th stc. /raa C A B INtTFUHNirU RK, f7\ AT 01.0 FKICH3. Ui w naming purrha«ed onr entire fcalv gflgX^Ftock for cash before the advance, /II wo am enabled to offer unprecedented bargain* to all who are ia nant ot CABINET FURNITURE. ; Oor stock i* now complete in every particular, j and we cordially invite all who contemplate fur, nibbing, promising a rinvinc of nt b-nnt 25 p> r cent., to all *ho uiak:; their ameution of us. It it not i necessary to particularize, an our vast stock embrace* every article neceu^ary to furninh a house «cmplete. All we ask is a call to satisfy yourselves. BOTELER &i WILLSON, Iron llall. No. 31®* Fa. avenue. o<^ 2*V-eotJanl Between 9th and loth «i*. O.t rARD. AK HALL CLOTHING ROOM?.-MR. BRUCE 'formerly at the Odeon Hall) h«H now opened a More at No. 4t> 1 Seventh street, just below P St., where he htn a line selection of MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING, at very low prices. He is desirous of having? all bis old customers call on him,as they can buy goods at lower prion than at any other store In the city. J. BRUCE A. CO., Clothiers, oeS No. 164 Seventh at., betw. F and E. 1 59 tXKENOTici. 59 M T PARK E It. No. LOUISIANA AVENUE, Respectfully &nd cheerfully returns thanks for the liberal patronage hitherto received. Having every facility for doing (TTHK B E 3 f HOUSE, SIGN, 1)EC0RATIVEDPAINTINQ, Together with all work perlainin* to a FIRST CLASS PAINTING ESTABLISHMENT, He has no hesitancy in seliciting a continuance o!" the public's favor. Ulii nmrva t Q V U L' 1 tv > 1) T V 3 E" ft">RK UN E \ C KV T ION A B L B AlJ ^'uMPTSEMif^fiiLlVKRT. '* J9 locisiASA AVENCE. oriM-JJin Between Sixth an1! S«T<atl> j pINE GROCERIES, riNE GROCERIES, FINE GROCERIES, FINE GROCIRIES, AT AUCTION PRICES, AT AUCTION PRICE?, AT AUCTION PRICES. TL* balance of tin? cargo of :be BCHOO.NKR 44 AID, ' Ccneifitirp of ov ry description of FINE FAMILY GROCERIES, >\ ill be lor fikle nntil the S boon"? discharged, j _ I ^ FAMILIES _ i xu U'.r l or a Winter Supply, at the TRADE PRICE, CciU b<; vjppiir<l by tho Packn*;<». FKEU. 8. C0ZZEX3, C-.u- »tfnt><», corner Pa avenue mi'l 1-ith st. W CAPT. I1UTCHING3, ©e 11 tf Schooner "AM," feet of 11th fit. VI W Cl"VK<. NEW BHAWLS AND NEW 1>RE*S KOOl'S. A1ho; lIU,|l, i-KlRTd, th« modern nhapo-. best Tin-day received n> w and stylish BALMORAL SKIRTS. \ .n in a* an» «» 111 kt i n! u af « ! 1 t V». 1 ' *.»u tu « -it ru jij" j «'i n . wu»* \uii; in aii'i Winter 1); > Goods rwiui-ile lor u-jua! curreut V silt-. On" pri-1 only, marked in pis in FEHKY Jc BRO., < <" r i t Pa r. vo. ;iixi NinthI IVTOTICE.-THK C0PA&TNJCR8HIP tMratofoi* j carrici on by the name ©f K. J. liKIDHKOKH A CO. w*s DiH>oiv«'d by mutual consent on the 3^th of August All indebted tt> the flriu are nrK< ntly r<*<4Uc«ted to flettla without delay: at th« o'J idnce uf busfneM. K. J. IIEIUKROKK, J. II KING. o NOTICF.The subscriber, F.J. Heiherger. neaior jPMrtii^r of the late firm, tak«v,» pVn^ur" in informiri his friend* and the pnblie generally that II *1. X *_ -11 t* % 1 » ii ci'uiii u nif in an 1^3 ur&ucuei uuier tbn fonnor uaiuo and title, and will endeavor to itferit the continued favors of fheir former patrone. F. J. IIEIBEKGER 3c CO., . Pncc« -*or» to H. P. Loudon A. Co.) «.>p 1 Military >vnd Naval Tailor. Banks ot'iTst' E in "WAlflllNUTON AND GEORGETOWN. WASinNQTO*. OKORGarOWM. Pauk of Metropolis. Farmer*' and Mechanics' Dank of Washington. Bank. Patriotic Bank. Bank of Commerce. Bullion llank. _ n..l1i 11 V I «1. . . «? /V. - I'D'' ouuimi i>k>» >u'i oa "i v.urar.iT,!i; w- j ^u«> B'lt^sof the i!.-»iuraiualieu of oce dollar and a»V«rfe_ tt-lm* ,my NOTICE 1 0 B0TKL8, GROCERS RKdTAl'HANTS, PRIVATE FAMILIES, Ac. ft« Subscribers kar« Just receded a frwh ihfpmeat of *>» CASES ST JULIKN AND FLORRAO r L .4 h E T S , wfcich th«y ofler for sr1i» at Now York prices. Al^o, they have constantly baud .4 Larnt and Wtll ScUcttd SlcJf <J Choice BRANDIES, OLB MADEUIAS, PORTS, SnFRRlEP, BOFRBON, OLD KiE, bCOTCU, and IRISH CH AMP AON KB of all favorit* brandi, ENGLISH AND SCOTCH AI.KS, LONDON ANB DUBLIN PORTERS, HAVANA CIOARS. ENGLISH PICKLES. SAUCES. . _ CH IUTON .,,CHKDDER uid ENGLISH DAIRY SARDINwf.'kKMP'aHERMETICALLYSlALED j |i«ji)TW ' i fRKNCll, OFRMAN abd ENGLISH CORDIALS, ~^^&IST»1tM18S,1n0,1n "* "!<a- ChoTc* OOLONG, WUClttNO, IMPBRIAL, HY- j HON^VOUNd IJYPON TEAS, with ilo extejmre arwortinPiit of , ^ fANOY ttROCKRIKS. jfort&tobT BININUBK H. OOj, (K-Ut>linh,j.l 1776.) Branch.t!19 Pa *Tanu»»,onpt>pit» Wiflani*'Wa*rnntfton. *y Jn<rt T«wi*ed a 'wall lot of 0*1e,-r«' Liqaoi o^. irjL. iir*AfPI>0 PAPBR. VV .y, « »»** v*r rp»nn. *,11 'HANOI! TAYVWL NOT AlAX>HOI.lC. " A HIGHLY OOWCENCRATED TEORTABLB EXTRACT. A PURE TUNIC. IKK IOR H GERMAN B1TTKK.S, PRF.PA hkb BY Db c. IX. JACKSON, Philadelphia, P*, Will KFFECTWAI.I.Y CURB LTVFR COMPLAINT, DY8PKPHI A.J \UN DICR, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, VIAEASE? or THE KIDNEY?, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISOR DKKI*» LIV Eli OH STOMACII. ouch s Con«ilip«tinn V iiVuPil » u , < T> n 1 m »«*»- Fulne«« <»r to tne Head. Aridity of the Stemach. Nausea, Heartburn, Uicyu-t for Food, Fulness or Weight in Stomach. Sour Eructations, linking or Fluttering at the i'it of the j Stomach, Swimming of the H«'*^!, Hurried and Difj fccult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocative &en*ation« when in a Ivin^ p.«ture, Dimce^t* of vision. I>otn or We before th» Si*bt, Ferer and Dull P»»in in the 11 t od, Deficiency of Per-piration. Yellowne** of theSkioand . Eye*. Pain in the Side, Bae*,Cbenl. Limb®, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat. Burning in the Flesh, \ Constant Imnsinir.g* rf Evil, Mi l tjr«at Dej;res*ion of Spirit*. .4/l'J Will rcstliv-ly rr«re*t \rliow F'.r r, FitiQUi r>w. &r. They Contain AVehel »r Bad Wh!«key! They will cure the above diceac?* in ninety-nine i (nr-ca out of a hundred. Indued hy tbe eak'i.wiv* *»»! ' and universal pop- ; ularity «;1 Hoofiitiid'fl (»rnnan Hitters,) purt-ly ve^c- table.) hosts of ignorant Qusi-kii mid unscrupulous advmturcr*. hMcn^fiifd upon -ufT.-rinc humanity ih*» Uottd-rnti'* of Nostrum* in tli<» shap-' of po^r whi«ky. rile!} coiuj.ouuded with injurious dru<r«, | aud chriftem-d Tonics, Stomachics and Bitu^n. bvnare of th<* innumerable array of Alcoholic rr» pa rat ion# -n pbthyric bottba and Mc-bflUi(4 K»fe*. und«-r the modest appellation of Bitters; which, instead of curing. only »**ravate disease, hh'l lea*e the disappointed "offerer in d».'"pair. .. HOOFLAND S GERMAN EIJTERS are not a n»*w and untried article. V.it have -tood the test. of fifteen y*a trial by the American pub- j lie; and their reputation and se.le, are not rivalled by any similar preparation. The pr »pri« Jor* have thou-andd of Letters frc:a the umst eminent CLKRAYMEN, LAWYERS. PHYSICIANS, and CITIZENS, Testifying of their o*n r*r«onftl knowledge, to the beneficial effect* »n<i medical virtues ef tiie?e Dit- tcr*. Do You Want Something !o Strength*n Youf Do You IFanf a Gn^vi Appetite? Do Yf-u Want to Build Up Your Constitution? Do Yuu Want to Ftd Writ? Do You »rant to Git Hid of Xtrzousncit? Do You H'anf Energy? Do You Want to Slop Well f Do You a Krislc and Vigorous F'. uingf | IF YOD DO, ChF. iirinrr »vn w ficuviv ttttvcc 4 * V v A a ^ */ *** 1 AA Lrf II From 11'i*. ' fittttc* firoim, D /)., F.diior cf th*. Eii'i/ciof'lia uf Ktitgtuu:< Knoici'J*. Although not di«po«e<l to favor or r#-ora»nend Patent Medicine in general, through di«truftt of their ingredients m »«1 efle^t*, I yet km>w of no *ufTW»nt reason" why a man may not testify To the ! b*-netitf» he believe* himself to hare rvceiv-d from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus etmtrilmt'- to the bt-nefit of others. I do this th.- more re»di!y in regard to Hoofland's t German Hitter*, prepared by Dr. I\ M. Ja«*kson.of this city, because I wa-; prejudiced r gainst them for many ) >»«, under the impredion that they wer« ehietlv an aieohoiie mixture. 1 urn indebted my friend Robert Shoemaker. Ksq.,for the removal of this prejudice by proper te«t«. and for encouragement to try them, vhen fuHi-ring from groat and long ' oHtinued debility. The use of three bottles : of these Hitter^, at th* beginning of the pr-sent i year. » as f«ll«>wed by evident relief, mid re>«:iir«tinfi to ««f bodily and menljil vi^or which I had net l«-ll for ftix mouths bitfore, and hud almost dt- j fphir»-d of retraining. I therefore thank God and my f'rien i for directing mo to th«» u** «>f th^m. J. NEWTON BKOWN. Pbi'adilpbift, Jun»» 22.1R61. PARTICULAR NOTICE. Ther$ are many preparation'* sold under the nam* of Bitt«r*, rut in q-.iart holtlrs, compounded of the ' ( h<'ap«*ct w lii>iky or common rum, eo*tit:g fri»m ! to ii> Ci-uth y«r gallon, the tacte di*fuift«*d by Anice Coriander Seed. This cla^a of Bitter* hns ouvi! and will continue A _ 1 * t * * - io car^r. iiinr ^ >ne> «niJ do ftun<lr<>d9 to die the death of the drunknrd. By thvir use the &yi>tetn is k«pt cootinuaUy under the <ntlu> dc« «t Alcoholic Stnuul&nt* of tho worst kinl the desire for Liquor created and kept up, and the r^ult is nil the horror* attendant up««n a drunkard"h life and ] d»atb. For those who de«ir<» and irill Kare a Liquor Bitter*. we tiublihh ihe following receipt. <»et one to:'I Hotjtand's German Filler* and mi\ with thr« qwirt* nf food Rran-fy or Whi.'ky, RB-i the r«*ult will t>e h preparation that will f+r trctl in medical virtue* «n.) true excellence any of the numerous Li« cor Bitters in ths market, ana will coal mw% it^s. Yuu v ill li»r« all th» virtues r,f f- connection witk * trnvl article of Liquor, at a much 1«*-h price th.,u these inferior preparations will » Of t )t'U. ATTENTION, 801.DTFR.*' AND THE FRIENDS OF SOLDIER?. We- all the attention of all liaviu^ relation* or fri'-nds in the army to the fact that "IlOOFL YNI>'S GERMAN BITTERS" will cure nine-tenth!* of toe divean** induced by exposures and privation* incident to camp life. In the list*, publish) d almost daily in the newspaper*, on the arrival of the nick, it will be noticed that a very large proportion are suffering from debility. Every ca*e of that kind can be readily cured by Hootland'n German Bitter*, T>ifiensen resnl tine from fii»<ini»'r« of t organ* are spe.-dilv removed. We have no hesitation in stating that, if thefts Bitter* w.-re freoiy iif.'d ttuu.nit our soldier®, hundred of livei might to *tved that otherwise will be loft. We call particular attention to the following remarkable and well authenticated cnre of one of the uation'; heroes, whr.ge life, to u§e his own lan*ua*e 4"hat been saved the ttittert1 < l'HiLADEl.PLiiA. Au(fuet,23d, 18d2. M'ttrs. JoMfs 4' Evans.. Well, gentlemen, your Iloonantf * German Hitter? has **ved my life There is no mistake in this. It is Touched for bv numbers of my comrades, tome of whose names are appended, : and who were fn-tly cognizant of a!l t hod renin stances of my case. I am, and hare br*en f r the In fit fah r xrt. nra a mutn !>* > * a < > no* (wui /ratn, a, Ul' Ui WTi VI pUVTIUHIi B CflfOriXCl battery. sod under the immediate command of Captaw; R. B. Ayre«. Through the exposure attendant upon my arduous duti" *. I wa<» attn^ked in Noven;- i ber last with inflammation of tl«e lungs, and for n-vonty-two daya in the hospital. Ttiii* wj* fol- ! lowed by *reat d. 1-ility, heightened by an atta>-fc of dysentery. I w an then removed from th« Whito \ llouso and sent to thin city on board the steam»r J "Stat*- of Maine." from which I landed oa the 28Ui of June. Pince that time I have been about as low J pny »ne could be and still retain a "park of vitality For a week or more I wm scarcely nble to * ft-, allow anything, and if I did force a morsel down, , i:.< i . « U : . ji \%S.1 lJUEUV'Jiainy luruwu up tiguiu. I 1 could not *>Tfn keep a glass of water on my 1 *tums<*h. Life could not last under the-e Circumstance*, and. accordingly, the phyndon- Trhoh.i l been Avorkirir faithfully, though unsuccessfully to r^one me from the rrasp of the dreai Archer, ! frankly told roc they conld do no more for me, and advised »ue to see a clergyman, and to make sach diopokilion ot my limited fund-a-i be*t «:ilt»»d me An acquaintance who visited mo at the hosiital .Mr. Frederick Stvinbron. of Sixth, below Arch at ' advivd rr.e as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitter*' ! and kindly procured a bottle. From the time i commenced taking them the gloomy shadow of , death receded, and I am now, thsnfc Q..4 for it, getting belter. Though I have tsken but two bot- { - * * .x -* * ,4 « r f i . 4 XW*. L K&iiitfu wii p'juHUB, Aim A, ICCI *'1111)0 .if being permitted to rejoin my wife ad i JnaAte-r from whom I have hearl nothing for »-iKhw?ea mo»th«; for. irentl'men. I am a lojal Virginian 1 from the vicinity of Front Royal. To your lnvalii.' able Bitter* I owotbe certainty <.( lif* whioh hn taken the place of Taen»* learv-to your Bitters »-ill r owe th.« Klonour pnv.legv.f « «<iiu .'la'pin* . « bosom thine who are dearest to me in life ' Very truly your.-, Isaac Maioss. We fully concur in »he trnth of th-» above affluent, as had despair, d of heeintf our coinrU« Mr. Malone, restored to h.-alth coraraO, JOHN CTDM.KItACK,lat N»w York GEORGE A. ACK LEY, Co. C 11th Main? ^ I.KW1£ ('HKV AL1EK. t>ad New York I E. 8PENCER. 1-t Artillcrr. Bitter*. P 1 J. IV FA*KWEI L, Co. B, >i Vermont. nKVBY B. JELOME.Co. B. do. HENRY T MACBONALD.Co. C,6th Maise. JOHN F. WARD, Co K,Sth M«.n*. HERMAN KOCH . Co. H,7>1 New York. NATHANIEL B. THOMAS,Co. F.OSth P*nn. ANDREW J. K IM BALL. Co. A,M Vermout. JOHN JENKINS, Co. B, 106th Penn. ' I BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS I S*® th&t the >i<n»t»r« of "C. M JACKSON"' Is cd tho WRAPPER of e*ch bottle. ^ ' PRICE PER BOTTLE 7 5 CENTS, OR nALF DOZ. FOR $4. Should your nearest dru«i*t not hareth' article, * « 4T Ka an*- aF «U nui ur J)UU VII » j mi J Wl ^u-3 iuvv»Ktuu| ration* tbat way be »KVred in its place, hut «« nd to ca and we will forward, securely packed.by ei press. P&ibcifal OvricK a>u Mamokacior/, No. 631 ARCH BT. JONK8 4. EVANlJ, (Pucocwor* to C. M. Jackson 4. Co.,) Proprietors. i.-T| W vv ' P wl io*r#ry 2 -<. # ii » in > v *. DENTISTRY. I /g=> P«"TI_(T»T rta ^'"T1 C*Jl At »»«MW.W»»rrBCTP ITh and 1 Tfh *U . ua cXMUM I'M LK. « 1 K'.s *.- H ;£Tt««(ij«"tvwl "'"tuc- I vWn4nir«4. Tarm* «* l"l<* M UX-Mlc W ^U^'VbVru Wri I " I of lb* MINMiAl FI.ATF. TtETH att. inwulWtt bt'offUeis th»« eKy I ptrton* nui wear ihe** te*tb *H» »""*'* mu olb*m, m<1 dm p»tm>o ea» waar <u»«r» w»w asDot wi ar lh*-M>. ....1 I P«r*ou ealha« at ray «Se« b* aee*W»®*'*** Witt any rtyle and prict of Taalh th»y aja* H bat to to©#* wh«» are yarticwlar arxt » * t*a llMMCt. rtrr n|*«t aa4 m««t »erf«xt A !«* * m procure, im MINkRAL PLATS viU to I sor* folly w*i r»nt*d Rodnif in 1hi»ri1> . No. SS* P*uii*y|TMiikifMM 9th «!Ml )4itfc ntr««t* A'iku u0 7 Ar:k Hi., H PbiMclplii*. mar 4 ly H G~AS FITTING, *c- AWX. T. Kofi * uo I EX Nov momM to ttMvto any ot4»n vttk H «h>- B they m*f bf ftTor*<t to th* PLUMBING. GAS, OR STKAM FITTI5U BCSI- NB8S. CTftor* od Ninth rtrNt.t lw4«ori morth «f P«DD*yWuU »T«Dn«. wkfr* ibitIm 1mm« mm. let# awrtment of Cfl AN L>KL1 KM »d4 other OAS H STEAM and WATER ElXTCBBft. )au 71ly W TJ.4S FIXTURES.^ I X IitT* la Store, and ir« dart? reoeirina, OAR FIXTURES of entirely New Patten* and Uf«i«w I tod Finish .tupfrior in ety la to uytkiac hereto for* offered in thift market. I We invite citirroii wrally to call and fiamiw oar Ktock of <i A* and V AT ICR FIXTURE* fcelia* aonfldent that va have the beat ealootnd atoak ta I Waahlnrtnn. %f All Work ia the above liaa iatraatod ta oar aare will be Brorptly attended to. I mar 6-Vf MYER8 ft MctiHAN. ST6 D atreet. I IRON HALL, I 32© PENNSYLVANIA AVINUt. I EM1LE DIPRK | Would Inform hi* frt«n4« as4 «uVomer* that, having juct returaad to this city frrm New York, ha offer* a m»»»4 a**<»rtm*^t of FINEST FAMILY SROCER1U, CooaiBtin# of PCGAR6, TEA. A, OOfFXl, 8PI0B8, FLOUE, BCTTEB AMD. Aba, a fin# asaortm^at of HAVANA CIOAK9, which, twin* from » »riw rnaMra ub to r < ell at tM» low r»tM. EUTfKM, BCTLIEA, BT7T1RRH, If yon want to PnrcluLM 6KGCER1KS, LIQUORS. SiQARJ, u4 TORACCO, Of P «t Quality ar.4 at Low Frieoa, You Muft Call at BM1LE DUPRB'B, 3-20 PKKSSTLTAXIA ATIKU*.. Iron Building, bo '.a!! 5n a iwg'* »>t .ck of Gctmih before the IB* heard of riae in prices had taken place. at N K M Y 8UFPL1S0. OrriCK orTHiCaicr Qcartbrm A*eaa, ) Arm» < lAc Pot*mmt. I Wasbixqtos, September >>, 1HL> Paoro&ALS are invited for furnishing for th« uaa Of thf army of the Potomac tha following article* : 8,«00 ton* b«*t quality Timothy Hay, aeeorel* haled,the weight of each hale to market thervon. IJXJQ.nOb buf.hrIn of Oata. of tha baat quality, is strong MicWs, well eew*»d. 7,000 cords 0*k anu Uickury Wood, well *eaaoaa# and of the bent quality. Each bid must b* %<v>-mpanied by the end or. merit of two re«pon«iblr pr^ins that the contracts if awarded witt be fulfilled. Bidf will be opened from time to time as the articles may be needed, and contract# will be awarde* for the qunntitieM needed tho loweat re«)K)iMih)» bidder up to the time of opening. The right is reserved to aeeept all or any part sf any bid. Proposal* rhnuM bo endoreed "Propoaals for Haw or Oats, or Waod," as tha cane may be, and eu< in separata envelopes. RUFU5 IN0AI.L8, Eleut. Col. and A. D. C.. ecl3-tf Adams express company. OffICE 614 PA. A>KSri, W**kinftm City. D. C. GREAT EASTERN. NORTHERN AND WESTERN EXPRESS FORWARDERS! KERCH AN DISK, MONEY. JEWELRY, VALUABLE NOTES, STOCKS. BONDS, *«. fonrwdtd with 8AKTY AND DISPATCH U kB iece*elbl« scctiouB 01 th« country. Thil CoBfUf hif tfencie* in tfet pried**] ftaiivtr T»vu im ^NORTH, EA!"T. WEST, AND NORTHWEST. It# grineip*]i uflem arr WAPMI>t»TUN, D O., NEW Y«»KK, BOS TOM, PH1LADKT.PHIA, BALT1MORK CIN CINNATI.JiT. LOLIS, LOL'18 VILLE, I.KXINOTON Connection* are made at New York and Bo«tot with lin** forwarding to the CANADAS and the BRITISH PRoVINCRJ*. and with M«tmihm 11m to LIVERPOOL, SOUTHAMPTON and UAV&I, and thence by European «XDrf*M to all prominent commercial to wok in Great Britain and on the Com* tinent. Collection of NOTES. DRAFTS and BILLS ma4* at all acceaxible part* of tha United Stat»<*. Q C. DINN. A cent, 24 WMhincton. D. 0. DRTljODFBKYS ANTIDOTE WILL ^CURA UONORKH(EA in six day* N o cbau«« of l«et required. It is an Enc'.ifth Specific of vixtr Bvw yearn' ftandin*. and will not harm tha delicaW constitution. It contain* *n «r * Bold fcy S. C. CPHaM, 403 Cheenut ftreet, Phil* delphi»,and in Washington kyB C. FOED. corn* 11th street and Pa. avenue. in Alexandria. by HKNRY DOOR A PO . ftraccUt* m«Si «nlF A T E RNOT ICI. Id ec.naequenc* of the liiwne"« of thr ««U>r in the (itntrfcl Reservoir it will ner<>«nary. ui.lets greet economy of water io practiced, for the Government Boor to *hut offfh. "Mpply to citirf-n* . i t rely. All ptrv>Di ere, therefore, forbidden to nttth* hydrants on Penn? > lvania avenue. or on any «tree<w or avenue* under the care and eu»arvi»mn ,,f ik» CnmnuMtitner of Public HiiwUiu*»> for wny-rin* H»«» ntreets or paremtnts, or fur »uy prw parpot* whatever. And *11 r+TFonn n«ln* th« water ar« orc°ntly moliriud to t«e as economical in it* u»e a* po**ible. B H FRENCH, M> 29 Cnmmiiwioner of Public Bnildin®«. Jl'PT RECEIVED, at No. 16 Market Space. PennnylTanaa avcnue, between ftth and !*tk str»-et», Ladies' LASTING BALMORALS. Kren-b La-t-u*, La^. Oon? rrrMi and Button GAITERS, Fr»*nrh Kid SLIPPEIW, MiNs^» and Cbi!dr.-n'« 8HOEi} «>f < r.-rr icrintion: Gent«" French CalfAin.Glcv* Cal/. Pat« »nt Leather, Morooeo, and L«j«tiu* G A IT KRa &u«l TIEP Alw.a «reat rarietyof BOYS SHOES, at iiiM-Mlirf low trirH J ROSENTHAL m ¥'-«o ^ECRET DISEASES! SECRET DISK A.SK«! SA VARIVAX'S GIFT' SAMAKITAN'S fr/JT.' rHE MOST CERTAIN KEMKDY EVER U.-RD. "Yrt,'" * po?-itive cure for SECRET DrsE.iSES, GONORRH(EA, (JLEET. STRICTI*RKf, Jkc. Contain* no Mineral, no Balaam no M rcury. Only t»»n pills to he taken to effc-et a euro. They are entirely vegetable, baring no tnWl nor my unpleasant ta«V*. and will n <a in any way mjura llio etc naeh or bowel* of th.- mo?t 4. licat«*. Curea in from two to four daya. and recent caaea n "twentjr four hour*." Prepared bjr a cralmat# )f the University of Ponnajrlv uiia one of the moat iainent Doctor® and Chetmata of the pretit day. DiUtlllTIII'W III »» Will core any c^'in'Yr^m \wo"to' four day., u* rvctnt CM*"T,WENXY-F0rE HOURS! .Y®tTperure. mc iron'I*. ho tka v*«**r»r. l.«*t thot»e who hare denjkaired of cnr^a, di who have gorged with Bal*au» Oojiavia or Merturr, tN,OI,T. Sertbymaii in % plain Price male pack**? ,®2. P' l0* i,v k*eea, $3. SAMARITAN S £ Ok >ND 1DKRB JT'jjr M run bit 1(lgK^K8 Her»iBajK>«itir«e,i-''*-7uo ^ «i -XT_ .,.* idi juici*" "> *». m> 7*au neron eoinmnHi. This form ot th«* ia»k«s iu im nor«n ou tlir orc»"* ' jr«'U<*rat»<.n, or in y mny occur on other purti of the body, which hippco* mostly OB t*ie f0'1^ 7 «ftMi ulo^r* of the mouth, letter*. «pot§. cnrrien and nod« « of th» bouvF Ac . A- e. Any and all uf thcM symptom* «ill yifld to th<l SAMARITAN B ROOT AND HERB JUTCHS. ' Bent by express. Trice f 1 » bottle, or 6 bottl«B fvf *b'SAMARITAN « CHANCRE WASH. Price 9S rente. Full dirMtioaK. DKhMOND A CO., Bo* ftfti p>.iU<V- ia>m Port 0®'*. fold by S. CALVERT f>ORi>, c«rn«r of tub %u* 1'eun. merop. CO F.MAN A ROGERS, 17 3 Baltimore «treet, Bkltioiore, °® H~EAVY~8I1a\VL.j OR MARTLO. for <toU« men. Antw«upply,o»enedtoR^ brq oc 14-10 Fa.Mi. ^ Ninth flrwt i'i WTU/> «> iriirvty rill.'» ** U1a ** I.m JfJ AV Bins V * w «« * w « 1' m C5 keeping the miebin# alwajr* brifht an<* cUtn. KINO A. B RCHKLL, ** 23 Corn#* Vermont »t nn<* isth *t 1~7«ANCY CASSlMJCHRrt KOK Hi* IT.*. N-w h»*»W.«. I'CRHT K RRO . f " *t Pi. JVf Ml Nitlb . *t, A -A _ . - ^

;£Tt««(ij«tvwl C M ^U^'VbVru I B1TTKK.S, Wri · 2017. 12. 26. · 1 directumof the cotauJ^iout-r.-- .... of theIIuurisam^iaiy also in cours* «.f iupruT«mnit. The dhed.s on S»\euih

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Page 1: ;£Tt««(ij«tvwl C M ^U^'VbVru I B1TTKK.S, Wri · 2017. 12. 26. · 1 directumof the cotauJ^iout-r.-- .... of theIIuurisam^iaiy also in cours* «.f iupruT«mnit. The dhed.s on S»\euih


FoilCI >1 *TT>irfi . /Vrt? PrrcinPicker*-], 1Lusing faailJi j»u] u. d.faui: o:

rcurity..*»«-*<! FrtrxnrX..(>, Sihni>ll, NiDaiilj w.'ijc i

without Mem*-*: fin#«d So". .«- Morrison, do.;4Mni««rd. M Fnl!i\ftn, baling Governm'-ntwood W. J-nelJ, Irtrc^ny; J. Jf. Hfdc'. drunk,turuni ov*r to *»Uitnry. k:J^r, JohnH*c«»rty, drank: Kh k«*d up. John M, Graw,drank »ud disorderly; do. Mary Nuthail andHarr Thornton, ili-dn^riy; further henriur.W. «5Mnlt and battery fined* 10 >t.

Marjr»r»»t Cunningham, Anna OtUiniu^iini,Cathattne Dunawin, profanity: df*missei. 1*.Na*^-ellinj: on Sunday: do. l>o., ».'IliacwvVm' licence fln^d M. Murphy, ridingon pavement: lined ?i. ikriliT, John H.j^fcnmt-. W. H. Steward, W. OL Johnson, runwnfw*a^on witlvotit license-. ifei«»d £3J>-i. Goo.Pnrrotr, driTin? on pav*meBt; nn»>d *2.y». W.If. Robinson. -ellinsr Iiqnor to «oldi*r.-; di-mi.«'-»><y. H<'iioh»-ll and 1).' Ilurk, drunk;looked up till so^xr.

TinrJ Frtcinct.. I»» nnla Ril»»y, vrithor.t licensedmniMfd. Charles Carroll, dmn it; do.Marv Thomi-, Kll»*n Conner, do.; wortimu^*.

^ cr «« Tv. » .

UnWP) UMII-Hiur, tic*..di>mi*««»d. Jas. Taylor,disorderly; -53.11. Jn.<.Marrin, do^ $1.41. W. Rosenthal, without Ijc*n*»*;dismw^d. Edwnrd Crwcy. do.; *2.H.P. Itnnran, drunk: C.Varroll, larc*ny;vrortehou^ W. Clurk»». di^ord^rly: *l.tt*.Mar? Thomas, John Small, drunk:"W. H. ¥xl**. without lict-n^f. di>inis^i1. K.Wlkrailry, iniMncr: $1.14. "VV\ Nichvi.*. larceny;jail. P. Malay, di-or.l- rly; workhouse.

Fourth rr'rtm t..C. Honaflns. C. W«»bst«?r,larceny: M»cnritv for court. Nancy M"<4uin»,awanli and battery: do. H. Jono*, U*. StalUnjr«,at^aulr nnd battrry witU intrnt to kill:iail for court. Mary MeX«vr, vagrant: di.-«:wi>«-»»d.John Wrrd#»n, rirtiuk; *2. li. Millar.fa«-t driving: diraifc^d. W. Flynn, a**anlt andbattery; «»*ci;rity for court. John McNnlty.drunk an«l di*orcW-rly; tum»»«4ov« r to zuard.Apn« * lilt*-, iln.uk :uid dkordi Fly: workhouse.Thomas Minna. vagrancy; do. J;::ne«Norwood, crtuik: turned o%»r to gurird. Anna<hkuky« assorlt and battery: security for i ourt.

A'»<jhtk Prr> inr*.. P. K>T;iftn,rX|»r.-> i;.t .ve.^h**-n:»m» nts: turned ov«*r U> th- military. W.Fittinger, disorderly; dismh^i. Chart*-'<\>1yer.do.; do. W. Hogan and W. l>»laney. dmnk:do. rharle*. MoOarry, drunk and tiif-ord-rlv.turned over to the military. W. Fitiini^r. VI.Hulun. W. Ho>man. O^'orfp Slough. obstructingrailroad: tfT>nu-«»d. W. O'Brien, drunk: do.T. Hen.-on. selling liquor to Boldi»r-: do. M.>'»'2tilkuwhki, drunk and disorderly: finetift.i1!. Gt-orge Dari.-, disorderly; fin*-d *4.'-I.CharI*,-< Holland, disorderly; di-mi.-y^d. W.H. Figgs~ stealing a hor*e; turned over to themilitary. Timothy McCarthy, drunk: d.».Phillip I*e»- mid \V. J. Westbrook. p»»tty larceny:do. "W. Jones, larceny: dismissed. Josephn v: . i « * :iw(»r-s< ixr> ihk con- w. apons: u->. JOii .

Drunk, drunk: Turned over 10 the military. T.Connally. iKx: do. John Connallv, hauling^inri ouf ol *tr»-et; di«mi«*Mt. R. Smith. drnnkdo Winnie Gibson aud Ann Walk» rT di-orderly.do.

A'intK Frtrimr'..Chas. Holland, uhstrticvingfnneral; dismissed. Jelt'McKiusev, I»Hn'l H-ll.W. WeMerlleld, A. William-, Kllen Br-ltrod,A. Johnson, larceny: do. W.rnmn, f1> .; l'uriberhearing. Edw'd C'h-ment*, Mr-. Clementsand Mrs. Dougherty. do.: bail lor court. T.Caiwn. drunk:k>cked tipanddiMiii^-fd.Johnson, do.; hxked up. S. Ii.-athk»y, throwing«tone-; dismissed. Mr. MrKeiden, sellinglight br» ad: do. Tho$. Oorlin, drnnk: do C.I^eilerer, resisting officer and selling lish: bread:bail for court and fined iW. Peter Ntr.ttWrdand John ililes. larceny: further hearing. H.\l ^

*11 14 siA , uipun^nu. i'laiv ' isnuT unciMrs. Churn, disorderly; workhou««e. JohnSmith, a.-sault: dismissed. F. Keethly,puttingstone* on the triu k; do. Jrs. Lynch and JamesB Bayley, a^«ault and hatu*ry:"jail for rourt.

Truth 1'rtrincL.S. Hofm.ni and T. Bri»\vr.,disorderlv: fined John Hays. JohnLundy. Edward Smedley and John Flanigan.do.; dismissed. Jame* Harney, «te:i!ing- jail lorcourt. John Magnire, do.; further hearing.Aioa/o Klein, disorderly: fined *!.&!. JohnHayes, vagrant; dismissal. W. H. 1>«.\ is,flphnnr. do. Jonathan Dillon, do.; fined £2.H!.Marearet Rnssell. drunk: do. Kmma lK)wrt^.do.: dismiMied. D«-nnis Ready, driving onpavement; fined *2.00. Catharine Madiran.tbreats: further hearing. W. B. Smith and ISenlCampbell, deserters; taken to Navy Yard. D.FarralL, drunk and asleep in the street; dismissed.Nancy Rawler, profanity: fined £3.*>l.*)ornelms Tuomy, drunk and disorderly; turntd.orer to military. E. Hinckney, drunk; do. R.TTateT, breaking in door: dismissed. C. I>.T) . .A »: ».* » * .

in***-, n»-ia ior nearing. Jo-ephineRhoade*. filing liquor without license: ruledfor trial. C. Miller, disorderly; dismissed. jSarah Veniue and Eliza Smith, do.; fined

Oscar Belaske, throwing stones; furtherhearing. John O'l.'onmll, assault; security forcourt. Louisa Eckert; do.; lined 81.!*!. RoseConnelL, tlchtmgr: dismissed. Mary Allen,-teaJinp: do. E. L»-man, James Williams, F.Carson, John Simons, witness1*; do. Mary !Brown, Rfea:»rjjr: locked up. Conrad Smith, ;drunk and profane: lined f- M.

l*i- ROVKMr.>"T«..Much needed improvementsar** b«*inz made in the city at this tim«\In the Fir^t Ward side loot-walks have bemi

laid on the west side ol Eighteenth street,between F street and Pennsylvania avenue.Thi« pavetrn nt leads directly to the school olthe Sisters of Charity, at the corner ol" Ki*h.tee nth street and New York avenue. On the ;north side ol K street, between SiM'-^nth andSeventeenth tr<-ets. a side-waJk h*i been laid,wbi.'h pives the preat thoroughfare be'WfeuGeorgetown and New Jersey aveniu a con' ,iuor.«pavement. Our Commissioner of l'ublicBuildings has also caused to be opea» d !*» :n».-ylvamaavenue, between Twenty-sn'h ?ti- >*tand Georgetown. and had the road-hi>rfand paved wiih cobble 5tone. He has. :sl>u hadI «even*l lamps placed along this popularI thorough fan-, wbich communicates with th»'I aqoedu: acftM Stock cwk. The alleys inI Miliar** 1*21, tn-iwei-ii Nineteenth and TwentyIttrih *tr% ft;*, and F»ndG*werts, have beenI jrra«l*-d and paved.an excellent improvement.I In the Second Warda pavement hn^ be*a laidI on the Math >-!de of WirtrfciMtti a\ <BM, h.-ItVMI Thirt*H-nth and VnHMHlfc itlffts. OnI ihi» avenu** there now ivinnius but or.e squar*I to be gradcU to make it completely open forI travel between North Cupitol street and FifIteeath Mr»*et VHt Flat* footways are abor: toI be laid on the VMl aMw of Fourteenth Street,I between I' street north and Boundary street.IIn the Third Ward, Ki^rhth street wt*>t, b4 IIween M st. and Rh«xir Island avenue, is bein^gTadedand eravelfd. tind snitable fla? t Mt«ay«I and cutter- ha\e also been cuuilictrd. TheINorthern L:t-.»-rtv M-iri»o».h.«ti.n- .... II uuri iy1 directum of the cotauJ^iout-r.- of the sam^iaalso in cours* «.f iupruT«mnit. The dhed.s onS»\euih stTr«.t &.> '.jeiaii removed, and newsheds are in pr- ^lfs** of erevtiou on the«outh side of the main building, betw en Seventhand F.ijjhth streets. Flag footways are tobe laid Immediately on the west side of Seventhstreet, between 1* and ihe boundary.Th»? street lias also boon trimmed and /raveledbetween I, ^r»ei north and the boundary.u.improWii.cnt which wa> very much needed inconsequence cf the manner in which the «tre»-'wo*cut up duru.* the laM winter uj armywr.fi-u«. seventh street *iC'.V ruuKs tlv,mostimporiaui httHW* streets of tV city,?ti the J'f prt)t \\"aru A p&VM&ent h:t> beenlaid on the «r»st side of Second street, betweenD strvet and New Jersey avenue. This imjiroven.entpni* the thoroughUtre betweenIndiana and >ew Jersev avpnnpw «> <»w«^r.»«-

|?l:r;r condition. First .»tr<~«;t has also be»-«rrad< d anti Kravt-kd between Indiana and Nov/J»n» y *.v» >.Tn »h»» Fiftl: Ward. Fir*t »rrc<M, b»:\v«*<»n OM I> ^Mll r.orth. vhkl VV mu. »i d.imap«d by h< avv rains, in conr.-f of ihoruutlinpair. A fiiwt i-uu'li, brivtfB '[bird andIr'oi.riii b'.Krij rust, ha» bri-n «rra.<WM and gravrl*d.and a ini'a)> yv.tTf-r will b« at oin-»»"con«trtti?»«l <» rln* Tvr*<t mi!i' of fourth t'a**.at th«» in » r-^rtion of Aftwltooth. Tbebri<jU*o^t-r ihv canal af N w Jersey a\t*nu«* i* ir

fonr- 01 ivp*ir. Tb«* alleys iu ?qvar>! 7-7,Iwwii 'third and Fourth «U». east, and So-itb iiami t-i-- «'aj »t©| *tr»'<*ts. haw Iwn ;rra»:.»d aadan i*upro\»*m. m hiphly ci'n'lr.e»\>* tolb*' b'tilth ol that neighborhood.In lb- Si\th Ward a j>-iytj^ni ba~ hern. laidonKMif»: .-oiiih. betv..«*u miU Xui'h»lr»-t -»a-t. I'ntortun tN-lv tb* want of lunutoil»»*<r»*ui? of :his wnrd ba=otfermuch ww)»il improv»f!i»*nt ir. this u«-\v popular.*ward.

In tb«* St\*i:ih Ward a wrn^y way joid«* ba< br*-n made on Ck\>-uiUeii >a v..v.t*t*(vu Maryland avenue anil ih«» nv- r. Half>»trr« t u'Mt i.m. .n ^ -1v. IITL BVUIU :um lilt1Pot<ir.av. ha* b»>-u par* tally jrrad«*d andpiylfd for th* width of 1+*t. This. improvementKa»1* u> aao«.h»*r recently mudf byJ. P. Bartholow. F.-q., in ih«.'<uiisiruction ota>pl«nriid whart and tin*' war^hons^- at lii*ntrrwcuoiio? S and Halt -tr-'.-t!-. and adjoinnifth-wharf «»l < aptuln NmI. th'Mtovmm^ntnow having laid a railroad rrwcic b*:iwrnthis wharf and the arsenal and Si-.th»lr»ot wharf. A sidr-A-nlk iia>- »>. »!» hi id < n :? <»eat: #iU»*o: I'.l^v^nth 'tiwt.b*t*-~Mi Mi» \laudaTennr ana t* -jfTi-or »mith

The "Ke'-i lap."' t kt..F<i,f<tr Mir. i ivfiTfte\c*ev.jfi;rly U> *>« * :0 « * pin;* a «» nunc)I»<!/ » f V« _» ! » V/%» j f,.:r-"I MiKS tt'ttWlllyaVU1 Ui 'l° Uli ^ K W<l ***"*Tbly one, a* *&* madr agauiM tin- \L-»itinctrmbrr- ci asssocfcuion* by th* cvimtuuni<»;ionrf » A t>u* S: 'r 1 wouldpay for ih«* inforxr.ation of all r« #ri.iii., M uyl:md»i>, V if)f >nianv. cr oih*-r» irom orT« rr:t»«ri« * a l.n'L lmv«* no rein 1 cijrmt/.»t. v4j««in tin® n'v, "ai»o may b»* sli hur nunrnkti .» theho*pi>jrain rtr I aV.ut V.' v biCrlou and Ai« \andr- iLv .. .* .» *1" - vO#*hi«. oi r J.ar»

Association to aid and prc^ld? thfin With **.ichliiilf vom forts a* tl; *ir m-an: may of.In ?h»» pratuifoii* l'-ykor and lim« which th ' diif*r»ntboards ol \fjkitor? give to th»? patients ofth^vfiriou® ho$» vtn|p,lt cannot bri xpvl d that*ery inraat' jo.-n or spoken to: br.t tJ»«*

Prifidriit of ih*f <r»ri«.in K'-lf-l' Associationwould happy to h«iv«' invalids ilk*" " AK' r«lar,^» no matter wk«*re fh^y may b-' from,wiif ><\ nim and -tat«* th>'ir want's wM'h, :ifoiiU<\ reasonable, will certainly meet with api' V*i>tTvs|w>iw. in r-frard to such nrti-W'n a*

pjwr*, co«'D«,cunun nui<nrl drawer#. woollen>l»ir»«, ktut jackal-*, «ock", bl;mk»*t»s ctc.»*tc-. xvo would itif'TTn ' \ R»»jmiarM if he i- ill

' m-f-d cl tht-m b*> uwd no' > for" i>mi h:u. ajx rfrct rijrht to Jrmandnf tb*» urp-on in eharpr,who, upon proper reqni»iticn, cau obiain thou*,at one*1, without any difficulty, ^i'her at th<Miiiiral Purveyor's* or J>ep«.; for \r;ny Clothingand Etjuipa^e.

FROM THE JAMEf* RIVER.The "VIerriniar No. 2 The Iran*i<le« Rti-uuuuilrrnip.[C«trm*)Mu:tl>' !». of :h ' Ifaltiniotv Americuu.JXkm tort Kkh h, \ .i., Oct. :il..A coiipV o»days tkici* ib«a flotilla «rot wind of a movementof th«* rebel -, by which it \vu> intended tha* th*Mi*t: imar N«>. 'J, «>r Richmond, :i~ iIih r-'h-Is callnpr, Willi iiv> gunboats, ifuiioim them tin*JaintMov nand Yorktow n,) were coining downto aita« k the liotiila and do a!l ii» their po werto cripple the Government and ulv.inci? th« irown iutriv.-t . The report that (Jon. Wi«e, vitn2I\ik-< in^i:, w a jroing toaitacn Yorktown woulds«em to verify thi« intelligence. and lead to thebeiiel thai the land and naval lores intendedto art in concert.Ni»ht before la-t the K«be]s on the ~outti

b:u:k of J:im» - river wa« M£ualiu£ more or I« >sduring the j;i»:ht. Tl>« re were no than11.r« e alariru on board the liosilla before moTr.in^-.Thi> led to many extravagant rumor- onshore, and warn ^uch heavy tiring was beard,proceeding from Yorktown, I supposed ihn.place was attacked, and according to the phvibe Rebel fleet was expected to shortly a-v..r.The firing: continued at Yorktown for*a ;inJ-ol hour* silt' r 1 wrote to you.AL-out 0!u- f'clock she Iron*itlt*-, lonvMird

iiiu tuT :i%d *lowly «pvd up the riv»r for t.'uori«)>lr)> miW, and n*trrn« «i uhnut fouroVlccklBtb^ntiuui;. This trip was made mnr" forilw purpose of trying ine ran^e ot her gunsthan a?- a r»'connoissan.-e. She lired som*tw« nty »bots and, lor aueht I know,!aiT«>rV on^f. The rftiliU* utf the flrirnr :ir Vc.ri/town I have nor beard.Since yf>tfrt!fty 1 have gained -omr informationroncfruins me Merrnnac No. *J. and her

futur* intention*. It i« nHcss to deiiy that - tiei- a -very formidable craft, her armor b^injjtev* n inches thick. The people of iSouthhave made ovry Hon ;o ma'rc h* r a perfectLoth u> regard- armor and machinery.Particular attontion has been paid to her rats,by whii'h the s»"Ct*rti feel confident that «h«» canrim down and = 12 k all our Monitor*-, lor i; isih»-m they mostly f<>nr With an armor of *< v«»ninches I very much dot:hi, Hrst, their ability rohaudhc her with any machinery suitable for-"t*' " v»*.*!H*1, while her speed would bevery ?lo\v: eecond. rhe possibility ol h>'r miningCity Point. Tif .v r;ige Jfpth of wnvr ih'-w,1 believe, i» »;;:!> Ilfn-en fi r;.

It ie ditfioi'lt t> tay whether she will come(town the Jati'.«." n\er a? an early da v. Thereare reft-ons f«»r fielievinjc either way. 1 ha\eit from authority that a crew 01 ;»l«' men havealready }tone aboard her, and that she, withherconsort liao* come below I'ort Darling. TLiswould augur sp*cdy work.Again, the R<-b»%l Capital has now become, in

a manner, the ki-y :o the rebellion, and lie ossariiythe defenec will be a- stubborn a-. possible."Th" Minimal' could greatly av-j»: in defendingthe city, while, if she should meet th»*same fate oi ht-r predecessors it would b<- b'f"almost defenceless against a wa?er attack, lorK«»rt Ihilintrcotild not stand before our mortarflee* and iron-clad.'*.

ANOTHER HRILLIANT SKIH>1ISH.St. Lt»n«, Nov. 1..The following »>pe.i:tidispatch ha? inon received:riKAlHjr \I«TKRS. -?.

Mitjr.r-fitnfral t'urtis: I have th«- honor toreport that on the evening of the'Jltth 1 r»v»*iwiinformation o 1 a parly ol Rebels moving upXiuga creek. making towards a point rightmih - east of this place, and «»ii route to jointhe K»*bel fore* in ih" Southwest. 1 immediatelytook one hundred and five m«n ol theTenth Illinois Cavalry, and ftarted at liveo'clock p. m.. to intercept th<*ic. I came ontheir pick* t% at about eight and-a-balf o'clock,drove th-*m iu and attacked their main force,about two iiundred strong, and kilLol fo- r,wounding agoodmanv, a» I aft- rwards understood,and capturing twcn»y-seven priion^:.among thftn a captain, who informed me thatCol. I/ersey was in command. We likewisecaptured a number of horses, saddle?, shotgunsand rilles. My lo.-s wan on«' killed an tone wounUfd. Tin; party was or*rani£ed byRnckn^r a-id Hughes, v.ho M^n themselvesMajors in the K»-bei anny. They scattered inBVPrV rfiro/'tinn

_v^>»v>» i..>vuf.u iur !iiuuni:i:iu*. Alarjre portion returned in tin- j-nmo directionthny came* tut they never tried to collect togetherapan. Th<« lar^-.s! trail I could find inore party v. a* of ten of the party. I followedit for mile* the n«»xt da}-, when they lik«>wi*<?t attered in every direction, and "I ordered('apt. Mediation's company of K.S. M. togath<-rthen; in. Th«*y are completely disorganized.1 am, General, very respectfully, yourobedient servant.

J&y.y. Sti*art. L.t. Col. 10th III®.Commanding the Post.

FROM FORTRESS MO>ROK.Koktklsh Monkok, Oct.31..The steamboat(ieorjrta. trom Washington, arrived this morning.with ttfty rob^l pri. on»rs to i>e «er»t up the

rivi-r for exchange.Major G»>r»eral Dix arrived tru* morui gfroxn\Vu -hington.Th»- rta«r o; trtK-*- Imk.i Mei unora, in chargeof Major R. W. Shejik, rMurin-fl a' :i o'clockihis p. in. J' om Aik*>n'« Landing, bringingdown n , ar !m! I'uioii prisoner* and Mr. W.1'. Wood, si.jw-rinU'ii'N »i of ih»» Old CapitolPri-on. A portion ol th*1 Vuiou priion^rs fromSali.-bury, N«>rtU Carolina, had r.-stcbed Iliclimond.but \\ **r»- not allowed to proceed frontbu! uere remamK-d to prison at iba.;place.A^i.^tant Surgeon Geo. 1>. Sloeum, of tii«» San.lannto, captured at City I'oni!. ha* bvon unconditionallyreleased. lio wa. brought downby i it*' Metamora.Koktrms Monkok, Nov. 1..Tlie tn^-ond

rtiaii' and wen of tl»»* sailor ^ lruj.i tli»? All«"_:aniar.(th#-. ye »i*| r<*c«'iuiy burn> t u«*ar ih«»mouth of th<- Rappahannock.) arrived li. jv todayfrom Yorktown, undor arrest. The cr-.v/of tin* Alleganian numtH-r»-d twenty men. Thc«»*eiirht m» n wcr;' picked up by th«- C. S. guubon'Moniiollo. and tak«*n toYorktown. All rh."ri si of tbe iitv ar^ mining.IIOKRIKIV. < 'l'TTJ NT.E AND Ml'KUKK..The\ -* *«

i>< mi.n (im.i.j msi siar« that oa he "St'iult, :t little daughter <>t Kdzar IMmnmer. Km.,raiding mar Itridgetown, in iIhil comity,whil'trnnmincbomf irom scho<il,waa attackedin a pieiv ol v. oods by the roadside, her person\ tainted. and ih» n b» utally :ur.rderi-d -lu»r neckbtinp plact-d undvr a heavy piece i»i limber.Tli** Journal »dd«:A mulatto man, named Jim Wilson, agedubout : - yeflr>-. \vds arrest.»' upon suspicion ol

being the (h ipt-Mainr ol Uu* horrible d*»d. II«*ut CsbfaWvl his P"d'. and was taken to(.irH-iifborcnpli. wlei^ ^ y'j "oiiiir.iited t<jjail by l>qulre liarifkron. lie v.'.V vi>ilu.s phu'O by d' jttt!y Coustabl'1 \Vi\, at t !,,>liouron Tliurs' : y"ni£l»r, and lodged m jail.He Fays thai oi" Wednesday evening th* littlegiil.ap«u l«'?i i.1 .in nine year -passed liwi o.iI., r vtay home UvMji . chool, and spoke to him:»l,a* l?>. a? oiii't' tcrtniui il f.i i. . ..m,iiici> v>.

w ... . .III-.

npon her person. lie caughthrr hy ihf v||.i;}.-<» j-«< ami threw h»*r violentlyI'pvn tlif ^onnd, which r«h**r inv:ii9ib!*'.H»* then to. '.c hor on hi* shoulder *onvuialanit uilo li. wo>d.-, \vh«iv h«- attemptedl»t.« flfnd^h pnr]«v»» upon her almostper»on. lit* then placed her ueck beneath ajiircf of Umb«»r, rir. al^uvt1 sU.ti d, and lei! h *r.The p^opU- intN u< i^hl>'.'ili«>od w»t«*naturally\«-ry u»u«h..\ m-ri, and it \ya_- anticipated:Lat upon th« urnval ot tlv iuau aiGri'-n-boiongh,lie would tr- liting.1 L«- ltalnnior* Sun wl tin*- morningthat ci.i/fii- ol ' il ill*? imowading countrya-fiut>i' d at L>. ..lou oil Saturday with Ui«*a\u\vt 'i internum ol i>m uir.g the prisoneri/*mlad and hau^inc t. nn on the spot.u- Wht ii ti»«' mt*n*d Palmyra, Mo ,n old resident nam- d Andr.:\v Alloman di.j.u|>i»arcd,aud «a< supposed lohave o^n uiur:>d. V. Leu <Jrr». McNifl returni'd t-> Palmvraeuiuvtl a nuticf to b>» issumi that it th«* ml-* ii:;Muan\vatn«»t 1. tnrned within r«*n days lu»would r^ialiati' on itio ivtxM prisoucrc in hi*I :«nd. Wtic 11 ili»- tiiu«' rxpiivd. t«»n m»»n- Itcttd anil informed it Mr. Alloronii wms notr- tiiinfd by l o'clock th»- n« >:t day th*y would>* sUot. Tin- u( day th»*y i»1 ' » «! on aw a^ou \n nt» anu Uikt-u ont of town,v. I.-i» »a«. 1» out v.i. iuudn to ok oil fMsnirtin 1. "At a tllo - f '.

- . * » uieu (irawa out facingth« m. At 'h° v. ord oj commnn.i two ol ifao |r»r!»«-«> f-tl dead, .*?nd thf mu-uati»r \vernp&tclicu :>j itir r<-\ui\trs of :ii- r 'Mr»e.*0*t-y«V.~-Th<> u.; < »urn.'«l <<n ;!».17th. oi Ocw»b*-r. Thf principal nv-:imii~* .,iih«> "#!»flon v. » rn til* < f a r:\ il co<i«'5iu«l jr«n»r:.l corporation iuvta, a. uM.ry law,ttukinj? Irpyl int* r»n i»»n p#r cent., :inJ allow- \tugcoi.tra* '

p- r i*.«nt., a hmiu- lpartnership law, Hud a military law.«T?" The *271h of r l»a* b»*«-n apj-nnt»-tlTtsnnl -rivir-c d.iy by ;i».' CroV«*rnors of N>w |%<-rh. Mu -:ic»tu «Mt. , P< uO~-y 1 VUUiii, Maine,> fv. Hamj.- ture aiui iiarjl.uuL*if' TL»- bLip-cuulk*-rn of New Y«>rk ar« on ifinke, and *u-ti>r.n<i au mor^a?*? ««f pi' iremM/it to |9 p« r firry.



7"SINC£ MAY I, I^l.^aY r



BKTWF.F.N SiSTH t TE.\TU c>TS.ti «

InTit« li« attention of







S E U A R S ,



I ^





TVe ornr.'.end Hghly to ronr.oi


:\OIKR, CAHTJ6 BLANCHE, RED LAV,jtli« rrofit f:»vorito brands in th ; N«*w York >u»rk-.t,


sm-l "5 highly appreciat.l f.jr their

ri'rhncft.-4 aii'l doli.'ate ria\or.Ii

POCK AND MOSELLE WINES,full Mi'l Sp&rkiinfc.

jCI. \HETS oi Gilhou i'rvrv, Bordeaux.

BVR«.«rSDY ASD TOKAY WINKS,iCOONAC of ibe choicc-1 brands auti bv-i.

HOC HF.LLE BRANDY. Pellvuisiuand A.Si^n«tt«.;

MADEIR A, SHERRY, P0K1'.very «M an-' b^lilyrecommended for tn^ii Id*> 1 purp< c-.


UA1 ¥ A Vn 4 Vn » ronnil 11 xi^i«liqii iri>,i

in "wco«i aiiu cfl&r-*.

monongahela and liou illjon wlilakeys?.i

rcnco fxtracts and essence?,oi ftu kind". j

apple brandy and whiskey.!i

jamaica and st. croix rum.1 !

batavia aiirac.

^ 1l Ti' '

i ' fhayasa ati) domestic seuds

or the best brands.(



Ba'tin:ore.At C»lticiore pr' y<-.








. C^\J>IErt AN J) DROPS, in

V\RU I* P.A>PBfcRKY, LtMON and OOMMfj. *


liAM AND at Baltimorei 1

T* I* a hi A V 1» 1 » \r V* t l *\ T %» n «« «. <.

i \.v r.Di.MJL h<j albiknox a son £ sparkling aloa ale.

yocnfjkr's india l'ale alf.

london porter.|london brown stout.

chorea blackwell'9 english pickles*n.j sau<:e.m. i



ANCHOVIES* SARDINE*,.V DUTt 11 HERRINGS^l£8 CUKEPK, cf priiri j quality.

FIM« E?, FANCY 60A.JM, i'<.

T M 3 O A s }I . "%«

JOllNHON & NAGI,p.,I ->

tctf tf *"» « b -Nti I,. .\i I ,v


Nrin P».. Thirty thir«l i 2* »<'-'Vsl coi ..i»fiw»^fNoT.' *1. Kntire St"i. Oi;vwl%r. vt Ft*r«r 4111 f- : j «IV till » It'W T»r»BCI'1 IlU'ir^VJ

H. R. BITRNS.or J.S lroeo* PKinfii>i<1. CumInland On.,"P*C if KG AHA Y IN8TITUTK,

FOR YOUNG LADIBS.1927 and l?'j9 Hpruw »tM rbiUielphit.

The regular tcur»e of inatruetion embrace* theKstflirb and French Lan«ria*e* ani Literature,Latin if required, aud all the braehes wbinh cnngtitut»a thorough Knirliith and French eduction.Frerch i* the lai;tpwi*e of the family, and »» oonitantlyspoken in the Institute. It la the ©b>ect ofparticular aiteMion.and in tauarht from the rutimentMto the hiche*t courne of literature and cofn-

Cpition. The neholaatie y«ar commence* Septemrlftth and doae* July l»t. CirtuUra, A.C., can heobtained from MhUma DURRVlLLT, PrincipalofChe**r»y Institute. tony 71 <>ni


Department oe state,WA9HIN0T09, J&naarr25, IWt.

The Secretary of State will hereafter receire Memoern of Ounffr<>afl on businrM on Saturday*, com

u-ncmj;with Saturday, the flr«t of n»»xt month.Jan 77 tf WILL1AM H. REWARD.




The remainder of the cargo of theSCHOONER " AID,''

Confriftin* cf ererr de>criu;i</n of! FINE


Will he for sale until the Schooner is discharged

FAMILIESJo net J of a Winter Supply, at lb®

TR \DE PRICE.Cun be supplied by the Pa>ka«e.

FRED. 9. C0ZZEN9Ccn*ifrr.e«, corner Pa. avenue and 14lh st.

CAPT. HUTgillNGS,or M-tf Schooner "Aid,"' foot of 11th *t.



Bank inn Houstcf J.. Johnson Sr Co.ttft>2m'


r O .4 J. S !toecittlly prepared *«« * and qualities fur th« kind

of Ktove usttd. for halt.1 at low fat poi-sifolw rattr.s forcash only.

W.M. '1 HALT. 'J.*'2 Pa. av.;il4«?.c 21-oolot between l!th and 12th stc.

/raa C A B INtTFUHNirU RK, f7\AT 01.0 FKICH3. Ui

w naming purrha«ed onr entire fcalvgflgX^Ftock for cash before the advance, /II

wo am enabled to offer unprecedentedbargain* to all who are ia nant ot CABINETFURNITURE. ;Oor stock i* now complete in every particular, jand we cordially invite all who contemplate fur,nibbing, promising a rinvinc of nt b-nnt 25 p> r cent.,to all *ho uiak:; their ameution of us. It it not i

necessary to particularize, an our vast stock embrace*every article neceu^ary to furninh a house«cmplete.All we ask is a call to satisfy yourselves.

BOTELER &i WILLSON,Iron llall. No. 31®* Fa. avenue.

o<^ 2*V-eotJanl Between 9th and loth «i*.


'formerly at the Odeon Hall) h«H now opened aMore at No. 4t> 1 Seventh street, just below P St.,where he htn a line selection of MEN'S and BOYS'CLOTHING, at very low prices. He is desirous ofhaving? all bis old customers call on him,as theycan buy goods at lower prion than at any otherstore In the city. J. BRUCE A. CO., Clothiers,oeS No. 164 Seventh at., betw. F and E. 1

59 tXKENOTici. 59M T PARK E It.

No. LOUISIANA AVENUE,Respectfully &nd cheerfully returns thanks for theliberal patronage hitherto received.Having every facility for doing(TTHK B E 3 f

HOUSE, SIGN,1)EC0RATIVEDPAINTINQ,Together with all work perlainin* to a

FIRST CLASS PAINTING ESTABLISHMENT,He has no hesitancy in seliciting a continuanceo!" the public's favor.Ulii nmrva t Q V U L' 1 tv > 1) T V


oriM-JJin Between Sixth an1! S«T<atl> j




TL* balance of tin? cargo of :beBCHOO.NKR 44 AID, '

Ccneifitirp of ov ry description ofFINE


>\ ill be lor fikle nntil the S boon"? i« discharged, j_ I^


xu U'.r l or a Winter Supply, at theTRADE PRICE,

CciU b<; vjppiir<l by tho Packn*;<».FKEU. 8. C0ZZEX3,

C-.u- »tfnt><», corner Pa avenue mi'l 1-ith st.W

CAPT. I1UTCHING3,©e 11 tf Schooner "AM," feet of 11th fit.VI W Cl"VK<. NEW BHAWLS AND NEW

1>RE*S KOOl'S.A1ho; lIU,|l, i-KlRTd, th« modern nhapo-. best

Tin-day received n> w and stylish BALMORALSKIRTS.\ .n in a* an» «» 111 kt i n! u af « ! 1 t V». 1 '*.»u tu « -it ru jij" j «'i n . wu»* \uii; in aii'i

Winter 1); > Goods rwiui-ile lor u-jua! curreutV silt-.On" pri-1 only, marked in pis in

FEHKY Jc BRO.,< <" r i t Pa r. vo. ;iixi NinthIIVTOTICE.-THK C0PA&TNJCR8HIP tMratofoi* jcarrici on by the name ©f K. J. liKIDHKOKHA CO. w*s DiH>oiv«'d by mutual consent on the 3^thof August All indebted tt> the flriu arenrK< ntly r<*<4Uc«ted to flettla without delay: at th«o'J idnce uf busfneM. K. J. IIEIUKROKK,J. II KING.

oNOTICF.The subscriber, F.J. Heiherger. neaior

jPMrtii^r of the late firm, tak«v,» pVn^ur" in informirihis friend* and the pnblie generally that h«II *1. X *_ -11 t* % 1

» ii ci'uiii u nif in an 1^3 ur&ucuei uuiertbn fonnor uaiuo and title, and will endeavor toitferit the continued favors of fheir former patrone.

F. J. IIEIBEKGER 3c CO.,. Pncc« -*or» to H. P. Loudon A. Co.)

«.>p 1 Military >vnd Naval Tailor.

Banks ot'iTst' Ein


Pauk of Metropolis. Farmer*' and Mechanics'Dank of Washington. Bank.Patriotic Bank. Bank of Commerce.Bullion llank._ n..l1i 11 V I «1. . . «? /V.-I'D'' ouuimi i>k>» >u'i oa "i v.urar.iT,!i; w- j

^u«> B'lt^sof the i!.-»iuraiualieu of oce dollar anda»V«rfe_ tt-lm*,my NOTICE1 0 B0TKL8, GROCERS RKdTAl'HANTS, PRIVATEFAMILIES, Ac.

ft« Subscribers kar« Just receded a frwh ihfpmeatof*>» CASES ST JULIKN AND FLORRAO

r L .4 h E T S ,wfcich th«y ofler for sr1i» at Now York prices.Al^o, they have constantly baud



fRKNCll, OFRMAN abd ENGLISH CORDIALS,~^^&IST»1tM18S,1n0,1n "* "!<a-ChoTc* OOLONG, WUClttNO, IMPBRIAL, HY- jHON^VOUNd IJYPON TEAS,with ilo extejmre arwortinPiit of ,^ fANOY ttROCKRIKS.

jfort&tobTBININUBK H. OOj,(K-Ut>linh,j.l 1776.)Branch.t!19 Pa *Tanu»»,onpt>pit»Wiflani*'Wa*rnntfton.*y Jn<rt T«wi*ed a 'wall lot of 0*1e,-r«' Liqaoio^. irjL.iir*AfPI>0 PAPBR.VV .y, « »»** v*r rp»nn.







Db c. IX. JACKSON, Philadelphia, P*,Will KFFECTWAI.I.Y CURB



ouchs Con«ilip«tinnV iiVuPil

» '«u , < T> n 1 m »«*»-

Fulne«« <»r to tneHead. Aridity of the Stemach.

Nausea, Heartburn, Uicyu-t for Food,Fulness or Weight in Stomach. Sour Eructations,linking or Fluttering at the i'it of the j

Stomach, Swimming of the H«'*^!, Hurried and Difjfccult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, Chokingor Suffocative &en*ation« when in a Ivin^ p.«ture,Dimce^t* of vision. I>otn or We b« before th» Si*bt,Ferer and Dull P»»in in the 11 t od, Deficiency of

Per-piration. Yellowne** of theSkioand .

Eye*. Pain in the Side, Bae*,Cbenl.Limb®, Ac., Sudden Flushes ofHeat. Burning in the Flesh, \Constant Imnsinir.g*

rf Evil, Mi l tjr«atDej;res*ion of

Spirit*..4/l'J Will rcstliv-ly rr«re*t \rliow F'.r r, FitiQUi

r>w. &r.They Contain AVehel »r Bad Wh!«key!They will cure the above diceac?* in ninety-nine

i (nr-ca out of a hundred.Indued hy tbe eak'i.wiv* *»»! ' and universal pop- ;ularity «;1 Hoofiitiid'fl (»rnnan Hitters,) purt-ly ve^c-table.) hosts of ignorant Qusi-kii mid unscrupulousadvmturcr*. hMcn^fiifd upon -ufT.-rinc humanity

ih*» Uottd-rnti'* of Nostrum* in tli<» shap-' of po^rwhi«ky. rile!} coiuj.ouuded with injurious dru<r«,| aud chriftem-d Tonics, Stomachics and Bitu^n.bvnare of th<* innumerable array of Alcoholic

rr» paration# -n pbthyric bottba and Mc-bflUi(4K»fe*. und«-r the modest appellation of Bitters;which, instead of curing. only »**ravate disease,hh'l lea*e the disappointed "offerer in d».'"pair.


HOOFLAND S GERMAN EIJTERSare not a n»*w and untried article. V.it have -toodthe test. of fifteen y*a trial by the American pub- jlie; and their reputation and se.le, are not rivalledby any similar preparation.The pr »pri« Jor* have thou-andd of Letters frc:athe umst eminent


CITIZENS,Testifying of their o*n r*r«onftl knowledge, to thebeneficial effect* »n<i medical virtues ef tiie?e Dit-tcr*.

Do You Want Something !o Strength*n YoufDo You IFanf a Gn^vi Appetite?Do Yf-u Want to Build Up Your Constitution?Do Yuu Want to Ftd Writ?Do You »rant to Git Hid of Xtrzousncit?Do You H'anf Energy?Do You Want to Slop Well fDo You a Krislc and Vigorous F'. uingf |

IF YOD DO, ChF.iirinrr »vn w ficuviv ttttvcc4 *V v Aa ^*/ *** 1 A A Lrf II 3»

From 11'i*. ' fittttc* firoim, D /)., F.diior cf th*.Eii'i/ciof'lia uf Ktitgtuu:< Knoici'J*.

Although not di«po«e<l to favor or r#-ora»nendPatent Medicine in general, through di«truftt oftheir ingredients m »«1 efle^t*, I yet km>w of no*ufTW»nt reason" why a man may not testify To the !b*-netitf» he believe* himself to hare rvceiv-d fromany simple preparation, in the hope that he maythus etmtrilmt'- to the bt-nefit of others.

I do this th.- more re»di!y in regard to Hoofland's tGerman Hitter*, prepared by Dr. I\ M. Ja«*kson.ofthis city, because I wa-; prejudiced r gainst them formany ) >»«, under the impredion that they wer«ehietlv an aieohoiie mixture. 1 urn indebted t« myfriend Robert Shoemaker. Ksq.,for the removal ofthis prejudice by proper te«t«. and for encouragementto try them, vhen fuHi-ring from groat andlong ' oHtinued debility. The use of three bottles :of these Hitter^, at th* beginning of the pr-sent iyear. » as f«ll«>wed by evident relief, mid re>«:iir«tinfito ««f bodily and menljil vi^or which I hadnet l«-ll for ftix mouths bitfore, and hud almost dt- jfphir»-d of retraining. I therefore thank God andmy f'rien i for directing mo to th«» u** «>f th^m.

J. NEWTON BKOWN.Pbi'adilpbift, Jun»» 22.1R61.

PARTICULAR NOTICE.Ther$ are many preparation'* sold under the nam*of Bitt«r*, rut in q-.iart holtlrs, compounded of the '

( h<'ap«*ct w lii>iky or common rum, eo*tit:g fri»m !to ii> Ci-uth y«r gallon, the tacte di*fuift«*d by AniceCoriander Seed.This cla^a of Bitter* hns ouvi! and will continueA _ 1 * t * * -

io car^r. iiinr ^ >ne> «niJ do ftun<lr<>d9 todie the death of the drunknrd. By thvir use the&yi>tetn is k«pt cootinuaUy under the <ntlu> dc« «tAlcoholic Stnuul&nt* of tho worst kinl the desirefor Liquor i« created and kept up, and the r^ult isnil the horror* attendant up««n a drunkard"h life and ]d»atb.For those who de«ir<» and irill Kare a Liquor Bitter*.we tiublihh ihe following receipt. <»et oneto:'I Hotjtand's German Filler* and mi\ with thr«

qwirt* nffood Rran-fy or Whi.'ky, RB-i the r«*ult willt>e h preparation that will f+r trctl in medical virtue*«n.) true excellence any of the numerous Li« corBitters in ths market, ana will coal mw% it^s. Yuuv ill li»r« all th» virtues r,f f-

connection witk * trnvl article of Liquor, at a much1«*-h price th.,u these inferior preparations will» Of t )t'U.


We- all the attention of all liaviu^ relation* orfri'-nds in the army to the fact that "IlOOFL YNI>'SGERMAN BITTERS" will cure nine-tenth!* of toedivean** induced by exposures and privation* incidentto camp life. In the list*, publish) d almostdaily in the newspaper*, on the arrival of the nick,it will be noticed that a very large proportion aresuffering from debility. Every ca*e of that kindcan be readily cured by Hootland'n German Bitter*,T>ifiensen resnl tine from fii»<ini»'r« of t

organ* are spe.-dilv removed. We have no hesitationin stating that, if thefts Bitter* w.-re freoiyiif.'d ttuu.nit our soldier®, hundred of livei mightto *tved that otherwise will be loft.We call particular attention to the following remarkableand well authenticated cnre of one of theuation'; heroes, whr.ge life, to u§e his own lan*ua*e

4"hat been saved b» the ttittert1 <

l'HiLADEl.PLiiA. Au(fuet,23d, 18d2.M'ttrs. JoMfs 4' Evans.. Well, gentlemen, yourIloonantf *German Hitter? has **ved my life Thereis no mistake in this. It is Touched for bv numbersofmy comrades, tome ofwhose names are appended, :

and who were fn-tly cognizant of a!l thod reninstances of my case. I am, and hare br*en f r theIn fit fah r xrt. nra a mutn !>* > * a<>no* (wui /ratn, a, Ul' Ui WTi VI pUVTIUHIi B CflfOriXClbattery. sod under the immediate command ofCaptaw;R. B. Ayre«. Through the exposure attendantupon my arduous duti" *. I wa<» attn^ked in Noven;- iber last with inflammation of tl«e lungs, andfor n-vonty-two daya in the hospital. Ttiii* wj* fol- !lowed by *reat d. 1-ility, heightened by an atta>-fc ofdysentery. I w an then removed from th« Whito \llouso and sent to thin city on board the steam»r J"Stat*- of Maine." from which I landed oa the 28Uiof June. Pince that time I have been about as low Ja« pny »ne could be and still retain a "park of vitalityFor a week or more I wm scarcely nble to *ft-, allow anything, and if I did force a morsel down, ,i:.< i. « U :.ji \%S.1 lJUEUV'Jiainy luruwu up tiguiu. I

1could not *>Tfn keep a glass of water on my1

*tums<*h. Life could not last under the-e Circumstance*,and. accordingly, the phyndon- Trhoh.i lbeen Avorkirir faithfully, though unsuccessfully tor^one me from the rrasp of the dreai Archer, !frankly told roc they conld do no more for me, andadvised »ue to see a clergyman, and to make sachdiopokilion ot my limited fund-a-i be*t «:ilt»»d meAn acquaintance who visited mo at the hosiital.Mr. Frederick Stvinbron. of Sixth, below Arch at


advivd rr.e as a forlorn hope, to try your Bitter*' !and kindly procured a bottle. From the time icommenced taking them the gloomy shadow of ,death receded, and I am now, thsnfc Q..4 for it,getting belter. Though I have tsken but two bot- {- * * .x -* * .« ,4 « r f i .4XW*. L K&iiitfu wii p'juHUB, Aim A, ICCI *'1111)0.if being permitted to rejoin my wife ad i JnaAte-rfrom whom I have hearl nothing for »-iKhw?eamo»th«; for. irentl'men. I am a lojal Virginian 1from the vicinity of Front Royal. To your lnvalii.'able Bitter* I owotbe certainty <.( lif* whioh hntaken the place of Taen»* learv-to your Bitters »-illr owe th.« Klonour pnv.legv.f « «<iiu .'la'pin* .


bosom thine who are dearest to me in life 'Very truly your.-, Isaac Maioss.

We fully concur in »he trnth of th-» above affluent,as had despair, d of heeintf our coinrU«Mr. Malone, restored to h.-alth coraraO,

JOHN CTDM.KItACK,lat N»w YorkGEORGE A. ACK LEY, Co. C 11th Main? ^

I.KW1£ ('HKV AL1EK. t>ad New YorkI E. 8PENCER. 1-t Artillcrr. Bitter*. P 1J. IV FA*KWEI L, Co. B, >i Vermont.nKVBY B. JELOME.Co. B. do.HENRY T MACBONALD.Co. C,6th Maise.JOHN F. WARD, Co K,Sth M«.n*.HERMAN KOCH . Co. H,7>1 New York.NATHANIEL B. THOMAS,Co. F.OSth P*nn.ANDREW J. K IM BALL. Co. A,M Vermout.JOHN JENKINS, Co. B, 106th Penn.


BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS IS*® th&t the >i<n»t»r« of "C. M JACKSON"' Is

cd tho WRAPPER of e*ch bottle. ^'


Should your nearest dru«i*t not hareth' article,* « 4T Ka an*- aF

«U nui ur J)UU VII » j mi J Wl ^u-3 iuvv»Ktuu|ration* tbat way be »KVred in its place, hut «« nd toca and we will forward, securely packed.by ei press.

P&ibcifal OvricK a>u Mamokacior/,No. 631 ARCH BT.

JONK8 4. EVANlJ,(Pucocwor* to C. M. Jackson 4. Co.,)

Proprietors.i.-T| W vv

' P wl io*r#ry2 -<. # ii » in > v


DENTISTRY. I/g=> P«"TI_(T»T rta^'"T1 C*Jl At »»«MW.W»»rrBCTPITh and 1 Tfh *U . ua cXMUM I'M LK. « 1 K'.s *.- H

;£Tt««(ij«"tvwl "'"tuc- IvWn4nir«4. Tarm* «* l"l<*

M UX-Mlc W ^U^'VbVru Wri I" Iof lb* MINMiAl FI.ATF. TtETH att.

inwulWtt bt'offUeis th»« eKy Iptrton* nui wear ihe** te*tb *H» »""*'*mu olb*m, m<1 dm p»tm>o ea» waar <u»«r» w»wasDot wi ar lh*-M>.

....1 IP«r*ou ealha« at ray «Se« *» b* aee*W»®*'***Witt any rtyle and prict of Taalh th»y aja* Hbat to to©#* wh«» are yarticwlar arxt » * t*allMMCt. rtrr n|*«t aa4 m««t »erf«xt A !«* *m procure, im MINkRAL PLATS viU to Isor* folly w*i r»nt*d

Rodnif in 1hi»ri1> . No. SS* P*uii*y|TMiikifMM9th «!Ml )4itfc ntr««t* A'iku u0 7 Ar:k Hi.,HPbiMclplii*. mar 4 lyH

G~AS FITTING, *c-AWX. T. Kofi * uo IEX Nov momM to ttMvto any ot4»n vttkH«h>- B they m*f bf ftTor*<t to th*

PLUMBING. GAS, OR STKAM FITTI5U BCSI-NB8S.CTftor* od Ninth rtrNt.t lw4«ori morth «fP«DD*yWuU »T«Dn«. wkfr* ibitIm 1mm« mm.let# awrtment of Cfl AN L>KL1 KM »d4 other OAS HSTEAM and WATER ElXTCBBft. )au 71ly

W TJ.4S FIXTURES.^IX IitT* la Store, and ir« dart? reoeirina, OARFIXTURES of entirely New Patten* and Uf«i«w Itod Finish .tupfrior in ety la to uytkiac heretofor*offered in thift market. IWe invite citirroii *» wrally to call and fiamiwoar Ktock of <i A* andVAT ICR FIXTURE* fcelia*aonfldent that va have the beat ealootnd atoak ta IWaahlnrtnn.%f All Work ia the above liaa iatraatod ta oar

aare will be Brorptly attended to. Imar 6-Vf MYER8 ft MctiHAN. ST6 D atreet. I


EM1LE DIPRK |Would Inform hi* frt«n4« as4 «uVomer*that, having juct returaad to this city frrmNew York, ha offer* a m»»»4 a**<»rtm*^t of






a fin# asaortm^at ofHAVANA CIOAK9,

which,twin* from » »riw

rnaMra ub tor <

ell at tM» low r»tM.


If yon want to PnrcluLM6KGCER1KS, LIQUORS. SiQARJ, u4

TORACCO,Of P «t Quality ar.4 at Low Frieoa,

You Muft Call atBM1LE DUPRB'B,

3-20 PKKSSTLTAXIA ATIKU*..Iron Building,

bo '.a!! 5n a iwg'* »>t .ck of Gctmih before the IB*heard of riae in prices had taken place. at N

K M Y 8UFPL1S0.OrriCK orTHiCaicr Qcartbrm A*eaa, )Arm» < lAc Pot*mmt. I

Wasbixqtos, September >>, 1HL>Paoro&ALS are invited for furnishing for th« uaaOf thf army of the Potomac tha following article* :8,«00 ton* b«*t quality Timothy Hay, aeeorel*

haled,the weight ofeach hale to b« marketthervon.IJXJQ.nOb buf.hrIn of Oata. of tha baat quality, is

strong MicWs, well eew*»d.7,000 cords 0*k anu Uickury Wood, well *eaaoaa#and of the bent quality.Each bid must b* %<v>-mpanied by the endor.

merit of two re«pon«iblr pr^ins that the contractsif awarded witt be fulfilled.Bidf will be opened from time to time as the articlesmay be needed, and contract# will be awarde*for the qunntitieM needed U» tho loweat re«)K)iMih)»bidder up to the time of opening.The right is reserved to aeeept all or any part sf

any bid.Proposal* rhnuM bo endoreed "Propoaals for Haw

or Oats, or Waod," as tha cane may be, and eu<in separata envelopes. RUFU5 IN0AI.L8,Eleut. Col. and A. D. C..ecl3-tf

Adams express company.OffICE 614 PA. A>KSri,W**kinftm City. D. C.


VILLE, I.KXINOTONConnection* are made at New York and Bo«totwith lin** forwarding to the CANADAS and theBRITISH PRoVINCRJ*. and with M«tmihm 11mto LIVERPOOL, SOUTHAMPTON and UAV&I,and thence by European «XDrf*M to all prominentcommercial towok in Great Britain and on the Com*tinent.Collection of NOTES. DRAFTS and BILLS ma4*at all acceaxible part* of tha United Stat»<*.

Q C. DINN. A cent,}« 24WMhincton. D. 0.

DRTljODFBKYS ANTIDOTE WILL ^CURAUONORKH(EA in six day* N o cbau«« of l«etrequired. It is an Enc'.ifth Specific of vixtr Bvwyearn' ftandin*. and will not harm tha delicaWconstitution. It contain* *n «r *Bold fcy S. C. CPHaM, 403 Cheenut ftreet, Phil*delphi»,and in Washington kyB C. FOED. corn*11th street and Pa. avenue. in Alexandria. byHKNRY DOOR A PO . ftraccUt* m«Si «nlF

A T E RNOT ICI.Id ec.naequenc* of the liiwne"« of thr ««U>r in the(itntrfcl Reservoir it will b« ner<>«nary. ui.lets greeteconomy of water io practiced, for the GovernmentBoor to *hut offfh. "Mpply to citirf-n* . i t rely.All ptrv>Di ere, therefore, forbidden to nttth*hydrants on Penn? > lvania avenue. or on any «tree<wor avenue* under the care and eu»arvi»mn ,,f ik»

CnmnuMtitner of Public HiiwUiu*»> for wny-rin* H»«»ntreets or paremtnts, or fur »uy prw parpot*whatever.And *11 r+TFonn n«ln* th« water ar« orc°ntly moliriudto t«e as economical in it* u»e a* po**ible.

B H FRENCH,M> 29 Cnmmiiwioner of Public Bnildin®«.Jl'PT RECEIVED, at No. 16

Market Space. PennnylTanaa avcnue,between ftth and !*tk str»-et», Ladies' LASTINGBALMORALS. Kren-b La-t-u*, La^. Oon?rrrMi and Button GAITERS, Fr»*nrh Kid SLIPPEIW,MiNs^» and Cbi!dr.-n'« 8HOEi} «>f < r.-rricrintion: Gent«" French CalfAin.Glcv* Cal/. Pat«»nt Leather, Morooeo, and L«j«tiu* G A IT KRa &u«lTIEP Alw.a «reat rarietyof BOYS SHOES, atiiiM-Mlirf low trirH J ROSENTHAL m ¥'-«o

^ECRET DISEASES! SECRET DISK A.SK«!SA VARIVAX'S GIFT'SAMAKITAN'S fr/JT.'rHE MOST CERTAIN KEMKDY EVER U.-RD."Yrt,'" * po?-itive cure forSECRET DrsE.iSES,GONORRH(EA, (JLEET. STRICTI*RKf, Jkc.Contain* no Mineral, no Balaam no M rcury.Only t»»n pills to he taken to effc-et a euro.They are entirely vegetable, baring no tnWl nor

my unpleasant ta«V*. and will n <a in any way mjurallio etc naeh or bowel* of th.- mo?t 4. licat«*.Curea in from two to four daya. and recent caaean "twentjr four hour*." Prepared bjr a cralmat#)f the University of Ponnajrlv uiia one of the moatiainent Doctor® and Chetmata of the pretit day.DiUtlllTIII'W III »»

Will core any c^'in'Yr^m \wo"to' four day., u*rvctnt CM*"T,WENXY-F0rE HOURS!

.Y®tTperure. mc iron'I*. ho tka /» v*«**r»r.l.«*t thot»e who hare denjkaired of cnr^a,

di who have gorged with Bal*au» Oojiavia orMerturr,

tN,OI,T.Sertbymaii in % plain

Price male pack**? ,®2. P' l0* i,v k*eea, $3.SAMARITAN S £ Ok >ND 1DKRB JT'jjrM

run bit1(lgK^K8

Her»iBajK>«itir«e,i-''*-7uo^ «i -XT_ .,.*

idi juici*" "> *». m> 7*au neron eoinmnHi.This form ot th«* ia»k«s iuim

nor«n ou tlir orc»"* ' jr«'U<*rat»<.n, or in y mny occuron other purti of the body, which hippco*mostly OB t*ie f0'1^ 7 «ftMi *« ulo^r* ofthe mouth, letter*. «pot§. cnrrien and nod« « of th»bouvF Ac . A- e. Any and all uf thcM symptom*«ill yifld to th<lSAMARITAN B ROOT AND HERB JUTCHS. '

Bent by express. Trice f 1 » bottle, or 6 bottl«Bfvf *b'SAMARITAN « CHANCRE WASH.Price 9S rente. Full dirMtioaK.DKhMOND A CO., Bo* ftfti p>.iU<V- ia>m Port0®'*.fold by S. CALVERT f>ORi>, c«rn«r of tub %u*

1'eun. merop.CO F.MAN A ROGERS, 17 3 Baltimore «treet,Bkltioiore, °®

H~EAVY~8I1a\VL.j OR MARTLO. for <toU«men. Antw«upply,o»enedtoR^ brq

oc 14-10 Fa.Mi.^ Ninth flrwti'iWTU/> «> iriirvty rill.'» ** U1a

** I.m JfJ AVBins V * w «« * w « 1' m

C5 keeping the miebin# alwajr* brifht an<* cUtn.KINO A. B RCHKLL,

** 23 Corn#* Vermont »t nn<* isth *t

1~7«ANCY CASSlMJCHRrt KOK Hi* IT.*.N-w h»*»W.«.


f " *t Pi. JVf Ml Nitlb . *t,

A -A _ .- ^