ttnbdt ;ltuitw !PENDENT NEWSPAPER Green belt, Maryland 20770 Thurs . .N>ril 4, 1991 t Proposal Scheduled April Work Sessions The eootzaetor is now working on an IIICCelerated aebedule U..t WU.On was "hopeful" woold permit the eompany to complete tile pool b7 the contract date. C...al- RepiDrl.o Cotmcil eccopted Advisory Board (APB) Report 91-8 reprding Capitol Caclilhc'o propoeat that it be permitted to reacquire an adjacent pareel of IOoDCI purebued by the state for a new I'MDP to the Baltimore W&11bh>gton P.r!cway. The com· pany ·waota to acquire a second dealership abowroctm and lot ad- to the Codlllac: dealership. Altlboap the ...... ramp Ia obown on eouoty it baa not been funded. APB recommended a- pinat . the proposal,· l!lat tbe property remain reo -...! for publie 1190/open "P""" uutil tile ra;mp ja removed from the cooaty muter plae- Tbe Coamnm'ity Relations Ad· vieory Bawd (<lRAB) Jl"COm- mended that the Northway flelda not be expallilled and that DO lieht4 be lutalled. The iMDe waa conaidefed at the requeat o1 one m...t>er nf tho board. The report --11oM. "wbila tbere may be a need for additicrnal ballilelde and_ that these i>e liaftted ... tha popalation at large Ia not well served by such improve- mente." In reaponee to a, ques- tion from Oocncilmember Jb.. aepb 1--. Citv Manaeer .James K.. Gie.re •id. tb&.t the iuu.e waa m.ea..aed at a aina'le. meeting aDd that there bMt been no Raft' -- .... tile laene. Two addltioDal CRAB reporta A GREINIB.T PltOALE . were accepted for consideration at the next meeting. One eDdor- ses Giese's petition to name the proposed community eenter for Rexford: Guy TugweH. the Re- aettllemeDt Administrator who 'llliW.S instrumental in creation of the city. The other report dis- euuea several proposaM for me- morializing fonner Councilmem- ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei! introduced an ordin- ance to reduce restrictions on parking in eul-de-saca lacking interior lancbtea·ping islands. Final approval was given, under suspension of the rules. to a new shift schedule and overtime pro- eeduree for police oft\eers. The 'changes are designed to reduce the atreaa resulting from chang- ing ahitt schedules. Other ActJoaa CouDOit deterred aetion on a requeat for departure from par- kine loading standards for the commercial buildinp in Rooeevel.t Center until after an April 2 workseesion with owner George Christacos and compte- Con· legal J&g'l'ee- meJrt.s regarding improvement• to the existing buildings. The owner wanta to expand the Can.. ter without being required to provide additional parking. Wil- son recommended approva!l t1 the owner agreea to covenants en- suring the renovation and up. keep of the e:ziatiog buildines- Christac:oa agreed to request a two-week delay in the county hearing. Community Center Design To Be Presented April J by Mary Loa WU!iamson The formal entrance into the proposed communitv cen- ter in the Center School building could offer ,·{s:t,,r, and reaidents an open lobby with displays of historica: interest and information on current activities. Senior c1t zens and the youngest children could share the ground floor during the day; others could Ulle the same space in the even· ing. . Keys Condon Florance will present their revised outtine for use of space in the city's community on Thursday: Apr!! 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Munic:pa: Bmldmg. The pubhe is mvited to view the draft plan.< and participate in the diseuasion. Programmed for tha old flnt .floor are all senior activttle1 - lounge, game and elasarooms - and a-diJlt day care '"\,00 a warm- ing ki'be'hen and dining room. The gym would remain a gym and could double as a theater for a time. (See drawing on pap 5-l Upstair&, in the origtn...t. baild- ing, could be workspace for the Greellbelt Muaeu.m, studios for artists, a eon1erenee room and ehiJd;ren'• art olaurooma. The newer wina eould house a nu!'8ery Khool aDd child care using rooms that exit to the playground. Acroaa the ha.Jl and on the second ftoor eould be s.peeialised rooms for the perfonninar aria: scene shop, eostame room, rebe1rsal room. dance studio with wood ftoon and mirrors. on the .econd floor, with to the theater, eould be a eable TV •tudio· Ae- rou the hall would be offtee space and a large conference room for GreeDbelt CARES. \ Plana for the baaement in- clude space for the Newa Re- view, a multimedia room to in- clude dea:t-top equip- ment,. a eeramics studio. dark. room and photography cla .. - Preview Held User groups met informally with the Community Center Task Force and the areh1t.eeta to get a preview of the plana. Ar- chitect Naney Epstein, of KCF, deKribed the reviaed plane. "The changes.'' .l'be aaid, "have made a better ftt f1f the build· in&'·" The only use that rt>qui:-E'g an addition is a "black box'' the- ator for the perlonni:1R" although budget :imitatiOil.i m .• y require a de-lay in tion. The only program tion. said ig b M"hool-ehild day CBT"f'. wi·,,,, .. ·wo competing organJVltions hav-e planned 11early 1dentica-l (and the Task Fot'<'e tapping) programs. Stud;:, for artists wa.s .. AA.d, and made morE' functional Handicapped acces.s t<i ! he building would be at the east door (facin-4 and at doon on both tiH· building wherf' the rww joins the old biuldinf':' E>\·atrcn are planned at both 1!\ order to provtde to a:: fivt' levels o! the bu1idmg. Child car(' dr'•P· otr for parents :h" t':hild to the program an<i a !;afe walk from the t<J :h•• pl'&yground- The walk cuuld separated from the oar'k1ng are-a by landscaping. Greenbelt CARES fwd been moved from a location near the eYm. whic-'h might nn1q• The large conf.:::rt>nC'e r•i'3:T'. :'•"<'. door. which ('ARES would >r.,,. on Wednesday ('rl!J:d be used by the band on night. Cable TV v.:ll hav{' the upper theater s.n can be cablecast later use. The Late Charles F. Schwan, Jr. Mar-y Linstrom, seum, expressed intert·st in a itors eenter that cou:d ofFo>r historical dhplaya. Commun;:y Center Task For<::e Chair B.:J Stratt9n said hi! Cflmmi·ttee's concept of the main entrance in- eluded both a lol::*'y where p<"O- ple .could view displaY'S ,)1-;- tain information about C"Urrent actjvitiea and al8o a. separat-e room that mig-ht !O<"Us on h< Community Leader, Public Servant By Saadra :au- Tbroullhout the 64 years of Greeubelt'a hilltory, there have been maDY men and women whoee wiadom, ener- flY and eommitmeDt have abaped the city. Rexford TuaweH. hem. of the Beeet- tlemeDt Admlnlsl:ratkm UD- der P'ratlklin Delano· Rooee- velt, had the vision .,.to ccmviDee the President to build garden eltiee 8Ueh as Greenbelt. Roy Braden, the ftrat town adminlatrator, wae a &'OV8I'DIJl<!Dt bureau- cnt who anderstood how to DlaDaa'e a piODeer communi- ty. Greenbelt's early mayor, Allea Jloni8oD, and other ltrat famlie8, fubloned the Greeabelt IIPirit ol comman- ky mtdv.... -.t. Darinlr the ct--. of the l.9lfo. . and 19'7011, a.ioJea .F. Schwan, Zr. Greepbelt a-lie - lot. --- -., Greenibelt Homeo, '- and the city CO'NIWDent. He .-r- ved .. car. board pnftdeDt and 1aoter on city COUDeil. He wu involved in ...,.,.. ..,._,. im- portant decmon ....ru. dnriD&" tbooe franaled ,_. nf deYelop- meut b&ttlee, zoiiiDc wan.. .-ehool board lla'bU. - freedom nf lbe preaa Tbe eity and Gill are !- eoftlkleri:nc aa eppropriat.e ··me. moria] to CM.atia, who died on Aopril 5, 111116. The followlnc is an ux:el'pt froa the obituary l wrote about ObuUe, whom ...... , re._tec! aa a eervaut and- I wu honored to know aa a. Oll!!nd- < For moN ..;. two ..... Seo. fnJIII 1968 ..... lt81. a.arlio Sdnran ._. a - ID tlut po- litlleal aDd elvie- at. a- - He - fG<t ten· - IJI"'l-11181, ... tile - City Ooaaelli and eipt )"Mn OD the -rdnfdinetonai.Greoabelt Ho- IDe. (GRI), olz , ..... u Ita pnoldeat. ID JJI82 tile Gna- belt Da:r Com- ml- umed am- G.--. belt'o Oatotaodlnc Citloan . . . Bornc on Mal'Oh 12. 11117 iD Fre- donia. N- York, Sdrwaa and hlo family moved to 7-A Crea- eent in 1968. Sctrwan•• wife, Ag- atbo, died In 19jl6 OoDCl he deYoted himself to raloinc hla - ebil· dren., CbarlN ill, Paul and Pec- gy. Coaaanlt:v 1D 191!11 blo nelcbbor, lben mayor Alan Xiatler. appointed him to tile ebairmanoblp of. t!Je eomml- ebarpd wi1ll Mtab- liobiu&" tile eity'a Adnoory Plao- nina' - --ted tile pcmtlon with oome tnpldatloa. aa bo aald. ainee blo fdow com- mittee m.-. lnelnded Rex- ford Tqwell. a m.... ,.r nf Pr&nklin RooNYelt"a .,._ID trut" and iutrament.al in the - nf the to .... pi'Oject; Ilana a - at. tile GBl board; Paal c..q,lleD, the Gill ...,...I al>tl- laW7"1" widl the lu- 'od lbe A.PB and-- oa the elty-- .. SCBW.AN,- c See CENTER, page .5 Park Group Meets tbe Comnri'l::toee to Save the Green Belt will meet on Tue.sda.y, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Grffn- bett Library lower level m-eeting room. The public ia invited. WHAT GOES ON Sat., April 6, 10 a.m. -3 p.m. Recyei;ng FestJh-al Kick I Off City /Oounty Recyding Coi-n Prorram - c.m- Sd>ool MOIL, April 8, 8 p.m. City OooncU Meeti:rJI', Municip&t Buikllac Wed.. April I o. 8 p.m. Couneii w..-.,., on Budget for Poloiee, G-reenbelt CARES. I'1Amlkor -. Police Station n.ra.. April II, 7:30 p.a. Oommuoity c.._. Desicn-

ttnbdt Community Center Design ;ltuitw To Be Presented April Jgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19910404.pdf · ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei!

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Page 1: ttnbdt Community Center Design ;ltuitw To Be Presented April Jgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19910404.pdf · ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei!


;ltuitw !PENDENT NEWSPAPER Green belt, Maryland 20770 Thurs . .N>ril 4, 1991

t Proposal Scheduled April Work Sessions

The eootzaetor is now working on an IIICCelerated aebedule U..t WU.On was "hopeful" woold permit the eompany to complete tile pool b7 the contract date.

C...al- RepiDrl.o Cotmcil eccopted Advisory

Pla~miD&' Board (APB) Report 91-8 reprding Capitol Caclilhc'o propoeat that it be permitted to reacquire an adjacent pareel of IOoDCI purebued by the state for a new I'MDP to the Baltimore W&11bh>gton P.r!cway. The com· pany ·waota to acquire a second dealership abowroctm and lot ad­~ to the Codlllac: dealership. Altlboap the ...... ramp Ia obown on eouoty ~ it baa not been funded. APB recommended a­pinat . the proposal,· m~nreeti:r.­l!lat tbe property remain reo -...! for publie 1190/open "P""" uutil tile ra;mp ja removed from the cooaty muter plae-

Tbe Coamnm'ity Relations Ad· vieory Bawd (<lRAB) Jl"COm­mended that the Northway flelda not be expallilled and that DO lieht4 be lutalled. The iMDe waa conaidefed at the requeat o1 one m...t>er nf tho board. The report --11oM. "wbila tbere may be a need for additicrnal ballilelde and_ that these i>e liaftted ... tha popalation at large Ia not well served by such improve­mente." In reaponee to a, ques­tion from Oocncilmember Jb.. aepb 1--. Citv Manaeer .James K.. Gie.re •id. tb&.t the iuu.e waa m.ea..aed at a aina'le. meeting aDd that there bMt been no Raft'

-- .... tile laene. Two addltioDal CRAB reporta


were accepted for consideration at the next meeting. One eDdor­ses Giese's petition to name the proposed community eenter for Rexford: Guy TugweH. the Re­aettllemeDt Administrator who 'llliW.S instrumental in creation of the city. The other report dis­euuea several proposaM for me­morializing fonner Councilmem­ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.)

LecWatioa ConDei! introduced an ordin­

ance to reduce restrictions on parking in eul-de-saca lacking interior lancbtea·ping islands. Final approval was given, under suspension of the rules. to a new shift schedule and overtime pro­eeduree for police oft\eers. The 'changes are designed to reduce the atreaa resulting from chang­ing ahitt schedules.

Other ActJoaa CouDOit deterred aetion on a

requeat for departure from par­kine ~ loading standards for the commercial buildinp in Rooeevel.t Center until after an April 2 workseesion with owner George Christacos and compte­Con· o!~satistaetory legal J&g'l'ee­

meJrt.s regarding improvement• to the existing buildings. The owner wanta to expand the Can.. ter without being required to provide additional parking. Wil­son recommended approva!l t1 the owner agreea to covenants en­suring the renovation and up. keep of the e:ziatiog buildines­Christac:oa agreed to request a two-week delay in the county hearing.

Community Center Design To Be Presented April J

by Mary Loa WU!iamson The formal entrance into the proposed communitv cen­

ter in the Center School building could offer ,·{s:t,,r, and reaidents an open lobby with displays of historica: interest and information on current activities. Senior c1t i~ zens and the youngest children could share the ground floor during the day; others could Ulle the same space in the even· ing.

. Arelri~ts Keys Condon Florance will present their revised outtine for use of space in the city's community ce~~ on Thursday: Apr!! 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Munic:pa: Bmldmg. The pubhe is mvited to view the draft plan.< and participate in the diseuasion.

Programmed for tha old flnt .floor are all senior activttle1 -lounge, game and elasarooms -and a-diJlt day care '"\,00 a warm­ing ki'be'hen and dining room. The gym would remain a gym and could double as a theater for a time. (See drawing on pap 5-l ~

Upstair&, in the origtn...t. baild­ing, could be workspace for the Greellbelt Muaeu.m, studios for artists, a eon1erenee room and ehiJd;ren'• art olaurooma.

The newer wina eould house a nu!'8ery Khool aDd child care progra~ using rooms that exit to the playground. Acroaa the ha.Jl and on the second ftoor eould be s.peeialised rooms for the perfonninar aria: scene shop, eostame room, rebe1rsal room. dance studio with wood ftoon and mirrors. At~ on the .econd floor, with ~eaa to the theater, eould be a eable TV •tudio· Ae­rou the hall would be offtee space and a large conference room for GreeDbelt CARES.

\ Plana for the baaement in­clude space for the Newa Re­view, a multimedia room to in­clude dea:t-top publl~ing equip­ment,. a eeramics studio. dark. room and photography cla .. -

Preview Held User groups met informally

with the Community Center Task Force and the areh1t.eeta to get a preview of the plana. Ar­chitect Naney Epstein, of KCF, deKribed the reviaed plane. "The changes.'' .l'be aaid, "have made a better ftt f1f the build·

in&'·" The only use that rt>qui:-E'g an addition is a "black box'' the­ator for the perlonni:1R" a.~~. although budget :imitatiOil.i m .• y require a de-lay in i~.s tion. The only program tion. said Eps~t!ln. ig b M"hool-ehild day CBT"f'. wi·,,,, .. ·wo competing organJVltions hav-e planned 11early 1dentica-l (and the Task Fot'<'e tftr,:;~\-.t tapping) programs. Stud;:, sp~«'t· for artists wa.s reduct~d .. ~he AA.d, and made morE' functional

Handicapped acces.s t<i ! he building would be provid~d at the east door (facin-4 <:.h~ and at doon on both .~idt:·3 tiH· building wherf' the rww wi~.JO!' joins the old biuldinf':' E>\·atrcn are planned at both lcc-at\.~·n~ 1!\

order to provtde a.cce~!! to a:: fivt' levels o! the bu1idmg.

Child car(' requir..,~ ea~y dr'•P· otr for parents brmgm~ :h" t':hild to the program an<i a !;afe walk from the d.a~c'!room t<J :h•• pl'&yground- The walk cuuld f;.~ separated from the oar'k1ng are-a by landscaping.

Greenbelt CARES r~>om~ fwd been moved from a location near the eYm. whic-'h might b·~ nn1q• The large conf.:::rt>nC'e r•i'3:T'. :'•"<'. door. which ('ARES would >r.,,.

on Wednesday evenin~. ('rl!J:d

be used by the band on ~tn.}ther night.

Cable TV v.:ll hav{' the upper theater s.n can be cablecast later use.

The Late Charles F. Schwan, Jr.

Mar-y Linstrom, Gn·t-nbpi~ ~Ll seum, expressed intert·st in a \'.~· itors eenter that cou:d ofFo>r historical dhplaya. Commun;:y Center Task For<::e Chair B.:J Stratt9n said hi! Cflmmi·ttee's concept of the main entrance in­eluded both a lol::*'y where p<"O­ple .could view displaY'S ~nd ,)1-;­tain information about C"Urrent actjvitiea and al8o a. separat-e room that mig-ht !O<"Us on h< !~ Community Leader, Public Servant

By Saadra :au-Tbroullhout the 64 years

of Greeubelt'a hilltory, there have been maDY men and women whoee wiadom, ener­flY and eommitmeDt have abaped the city. Rexford TuaweH. hem. of the Beeet­tlemeDt Admlnlsl:ratkm UD­der P'ratlklin Delano· Rooee­velt, had the vision .,.to ccmviDee the President to build garden eltiee 8Ueh as Greenbelt. Roy Braden, the ftrat town adminlatrator, wae a &'OV8I'DIJl<!Dt bureau­cnt who anderstood how to DlaDaa'e a piODeer communi­ty. Greenbelt's early mayor, Allea Jloni8oD, and other ltrat famlie8, fubloned the Greeabelt IIPirit ol comman­ky mtdv....-.t. Darinlr the ct--. of the l.9lfo. . and 19'7011, a.ioJea .F. Schwan, Zr. ~the Greepbelt ~.~ .·

a-lie - lot. ---

-., Greenibelt Homeo, '­and the city CO'NIWDent. He .-r­ved .. car. board pnftdeDt and 1aoter on city COUDeil. He wu involved in ...,.,.. ..,._,. im­portant decmon ....ru. dnriD&" tbooe franaled ,_. nf deYelop­meut b&ttlee, zoiiiDc wan.. .-ehool board lla'bU. - freedom nf lbe preaa ~

Tbe eity and Gill are ! -eoftlkleri:nc aa eppropriat.e ··me. moria] to CM.atia, who died on Aopril 5, 111116. The followlnc is an ux:el'pt froa the obituary l wrote about ObuUe, whom ......, re._tec! aa a ~- ~ eervaut and- I wu honored to know aa a. Oll!!nd-

< For moN ..;. two .....Seo. fnJIII 1968 ..... lt81. a.arlio Sdnran ._. a - ID tlut po­litlleal aDd elvie- at. a-- He - fG<t ten· -IJI"'l-11181, ... tile - City Ooaaelli and eipt )"Mn OD the -rdnfdinetonai.Greoabelt Ho- IDe. (GRI), olz ,..... u Ita pnoldeat. ID JJI82 tile Gna­belt ~ Da:r ~ Com­ml- umed am- G.--.

belt'o Oatotaodlnc Citloan . . . Bornc on Mal'Oh 12. 11117 iD Fre­

donia. N- York, Sdrwaa and hlo family moved to 7-A Crea­eent in 1968. Sctrwan•• wife, Ag­atbo, died In 19jl6 OoDCl he deYoted himself to raloinc hla - ebil· dren., CbarlN ill, Paul and Pec­gy.

Coaaanlt:v ~ 1D 191!11 blo nelcbbor, lben

mayor Alan Xiatler. appointed him to tile ebairmanoblp of. t!Je eomml- ebarpd wi1ll Mtab­liobiu&" tile eity'a Adnoory Plao­nina' - --ted tile pcmtlon with oome tnpldatloa. aa bo aald. ainee blo fdow com­mittee m.-. lnelnded Rex­ford Tqwell. a m....,.r nf Pr&nklin RooNYelt"a .,._ID trut" and iutrament.al in the - nf the •cn-~>e~ot to .... ~ pi'Oject; Ilana ~­a - at. tile GBl board; Paal c..q,lleD, the Gill ...,...I -.andLoa~an al>tl- laW7"1" widl the lu­tll:e~wllolalilr~

'od lbe A.PB and-- oa the elty--

.. SCBW.AN,- c

See CENTER, page .5

Park Group Meets tbe Comnri'l::toee to Save the

Green Belt will meet on Tue.sda.y, April 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Grffn­bett Library lower level m-eeting room. The public ia invited.

WHAT GOES ON Sat., April 6, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Recyei;ng FestJh-al Kick I Off ~ City /Oounty Recyding Coi-n Prorram - c.m­Sd>ool

MOIL, April 8, 8 p.m. City OooncU Meeti:rJI', Municip&t Buikllac

Wed.. April I o. 8 p.m. Couneii w..-.,., on Budget for Poloiee, G-reenbelt CARES.

:'~A~ I'1Amlkor -. Police Station n.ra.. April II, 7:30 p.a. Oommuoity c.._. Desicn­=..:~.11(~

Page 2: ttnbdt Community Center Design ;ltuitw To Be Presented April Jgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19910404.pdf · ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei!

Volume 54, Number 20 Thursday, April 4, 1991

Arts Cent• Annual Mtg. The annoal meetiDK of the

Greenbelt Arto Center wm be held next Weduuda:y, April 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Yoo.tb Cen­ter art& and era!ta room. All members and others interested ih the performing art.a are in­vited to attend.

Put It Back

Some Compan~ N..decl For Retarded Citizens TM~foTJietardood

c-.... <>f Pru... Georaw c...... t7 i.a -.... ... 1..- to p.o. 'rid.e eom;pa.moa.irip in • ~ at aettritiu for i:Ddirid:ual.a with lla.eDt&l ree.Qati.oa.. Volu.&een ea..n a.:iet m t:a.e JMdial _,._ """----­....... aDd~ - Aloo ...- ... _. or OU?ieo __ ... __ ~ --. ...... - komc"'. --Tboo A.oda- -- froo ..................... ~ --Doo:r ............ boun"" ..-r---­tiM . .--.. ...._... .. PriDce c.o,..._ v-.,. -c-u~

~ Co111111ity Cuter llli!!i!!!! Desip Workshop •· 2

The second of two planned public worla!hops to de. velop a program for the Community Center planned for. Green:belt Center School will be held THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1991 in the Municipal Building in the City Council Room &tarting a.t 7 :30 p.m.

The workshop will consUrt of the presenta.tion of al­ternative program plans which were developed following the first workshop whieh was held on January 12, meet­ings with interested users of the community center, the public forum and meetings of the Community Center Task Foree.

These presentatione wilt include suggested loeations of uses in the building, budget, phasing and operatioDa.l impl;catious of the locatiODII a.nd a. site plan for the ex­terior of the building. Diacussmn will follow oeeking COD8eD8U8 OIJl 8. plan..

The pubtie is invited to attend and partieipate In· the procees. For more information, call Michael Mc~hlln or Celia Wileon at the city oftlee. 47 4-8000.

Letters So Similcrr

lit - like llfr. a.-a·. ual­dent.ifted~-....-1

-~-.. .... - ... <>! -~_._idea. I-be - - .,...,_ for PviDir It to him. TbeneJ~tbimetheeo-oplaaa

meeting oa a day other thaD a

Saotoinla:r. I am aoimc to-­the ~: t.or $1 • :r-, I w~Y-..cme<>ftioelilelneiln the eo-op olure. I will Mil an:r­thlnor thaot I-- tbot obelf, ...... u NASA. plet;aroN <>f Sad­dam H~'a golf CIOCJI'Se. skber tltrinp (in tria" cleomadl) ood

pa.-t. for m:r - -· I - to build tibia llhelt 10 feet biKt>er than the 1'00f <>f the ..,_. I expect no dlllleWt:r In ~thMo"'''PJ''vedby the«>­op boa.rd and maulw'lllhip. u it .. llimilar to - """" ......

Doa1 ~RYe

Mol<ing Greenbelt Nicer This letter il in praise of the

P It G Old G-lt Theaue. The cost of admiNion. the ebo.iee of Alma and eapeeial'ly the eta« are all excellent. From the re­fru:hment stand peraonvl, the polite ticket takers. to the smil­ing t'edhe:ad in the box omce.. a more pleasant eroup would be hard to And.

The theater malcoa Gneal>elt even nicer.




This Is the second In a series of prDfiTIIITIS

outlining the construction progrt!iss of the new Indoor swimming pool.

Tune in and check out the many Changes since the last progrllnJ.



City Council has 8Cheduled a·


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10,1991"C.t8;oc,P.M.. to review the operating budgets .for the

PoHce Departmeut; and Greenbelt CARES Y 01>th Services Bureau

Other budget work sessioD!! In April have been scheduled for:

Thursday, April 18 - Public Works, Mipe!J ......... Capital Improvementa ~

Tbqrsday, April 25- Reeerves, GEGeral Gcnetiwdito Recreatlcnf" ~t

The meetiqs will be held ill the First Floor Conference Room, :Munlcipal BuiJdiDir

26 Creaeent Road The public Is invited. For information, pl.- ed


Gllllran B. 11J11a. CIIC . CiQ' a.n :

"Evaiar .Amoag Frieads" Featares Reels Tnunpet

Z.... tnm>pet star Ken Reed - hla quartet will be the head­tmen at the "Evening Among Friende., variety ehow this Sat­unlay ~right. The show start. at 8 p.m. aDd will be- held at the SpriDcbil] Ln:e Fountain Lodge.

Reed be reeen.tly been plav­iDe at the Takoma Station jazz elub. He baa aloo pi<oyed at the Pllbllck Playhouoe with fellow Greenbelter Buek Hill and on the Cbarlin Jazz Society's "Louis

~ """Tmstrong Retrospective. 11 Reed deseribee hill mosie •• "lnein­.tream jam. H ita got a good

·melody, :ru play it." He haa ·been playing trumpet for 3iO :yean.

Reed and his wife Kathy have lived i11 Gree~lt f.or more than 10 vean. Wben not playing, Reed is aa electron.ie engineer at Godclal'd.

Otber talented ' Greenbelten appearing at thia event include Al Herling, doing a piano eom~ ed7. Bill M:a-rilew. telling stories. aDd <Karen DuoSold and John Ward performing chamber mu. de- The p~m eontinutl!l with

~n~~ ~~s"t:J:a::~ trio of voea.l rmmben by the Art& O>Dter's Trix W'lfltehaL 'l'be audience will join in 'W'ith a eemi-b&nnony Iring-alone with Betty Allen aDd Pbll Brandis accompanied by Lucille Lusbine.


'nlo llar:rlaud,.National Cap!­. t&l Park snd Planainc Commis­- wDJ boat • "Celebration al die Oatdoon, • ineludiDe a tam­~ fan wallt on Satmda:r, April 27 at aoon. Tile wallt w!B becln at die llelt.rille ~ a..areh Center .KrON from the

' I-. Loclp. Partieipo.Dbo 1DIIA ~r b:r

· 19. For iDiorm&ticm a.ncl ~~~~~-'~ ~ TDD

N- Bpace a c..ftllll­-7 Clledt out thla 'BB TB W/laree deck, wallreut

I Me· l'OOIIl!t ~UD.try Wt,..

-- w/pool a -eoart faen-. suz.-

r.,.-" Gerpoaa ~ , 1111--. tub, DB w/ deok, pluah carpel. ,~t,2car_., · -.;r w/-.edral ceil· ' ._ -iooldDc .:formal

LB w/PP pl1u PB "-'>­&llln w/-n.aat to patio. WOW! OBI:r ..,_ Call~-­~) Ul-:11272 far -

Blood Drive Oll Saoday Ia Support of Troops


Reclreatioo Review

Tibe. Greenbe)t; J"s.~ a:re IJ'POI'l-80ring a blood drive in eupport of lthe ..._ &till in the P........, Gulf on Sutalay, Alpril 7, 1-6 p.m., a<t t'-! Gree!lbeJt Oommonity Oburch, Hil!oide """ er-eut lbJads.

Althoogh 1Jhe fi~ 'i>M end­ed, tbe GWC area ia lltlill oonsid­ered • danger ZJOne wi1:lh thou­...,.. of U.S. Service penoonnel

- -ned in - A.ral:lie, K\JW8it, on Slhipe in the Pereian Gulf, and in lmoq. Fred> blood is .stHl a need. Labest repo1'ts have the -- _,_ng U1Jilil Jl>ly, longer if boolbilitieo aeaOn erupt due to the eivil ~ now raging inside Iraq. A fonm.l, pennanent SetttlemPT"It ecrreemeut to tile· ·~er­sian Gulf War" has yet to be agreed to. Give the gift of life. .

The Greenbeh Jeyoeees. Leader­mip Development d>~ C<>m­mu.r.t:r Invo)vement, roo« tbe tm.d -r.-by . .... h -. a<t 8 p.m.., o.t their Olubh.._, 14 7 A er-.nt Road (ad;iolooEmt "" St. Hugh'e Sebool). EverTOne it: in­vited. For fl.IZitlher infoml'altion. 001'Jt:aat Barbara. Fisher, eveniDg'8, O>t 2l20-04411.

Dieeoant Amueemea.t Park. Tick ...

The Rec-reation Depart. is pro-­viding at a coet savings, amuse­ment park tickets to Hershey Park, King's Dominion, Dorney Park,. Great Adventure, Wild World, Sesame Place end Busch Gardens.

Ticlc:ets mav be purchased at the Y.outh Center Business Of­fice, Mc.ndav-Friday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ~yment may be made by cash, monev order or certified check onlv. No personal checks. For additional information, call 474-<1878-

Vollerball - Competitive Co-Tecreational competitive

vclle)llball i.s played at Center gym every Mon., from 6:30-10:30p.m. Everyone 16 yean of age and over :~ welcome.

Eaater Ec~t Hunt Winne-n Congratulations to the findere

of the Go)den Easter Eggs: 0 -3 years: Ronnie Strauss; 4 -kindergarten: A-my Best; grades 1 and 2: Kevin Boteler; grades 3 and 4: Bobby Co-rd; and grades 5 anrl 6: Ti'"mv Leeeh.

City Atllletle Field Uoe First priorit ... for practice and

games on city fields will be for yootb and city le.guee. Permits are effective April 1. All other




ATTEND THE RECYQ.ING FESTIVAL Beginning the middle of April, recyclable refuse will be collected by a contractor for Prince George's County from ALL townhome and single-family housing areas in the City:

Charlestowne Village

Greeubeit Homes, Inc.

Greenbrook Townhomes

Greenwood Village

Boxwood Vi1192e



Lakewood Windsor Green (Glen Ora) Woodiad Hills I Residents from aD of thet~e locations are ura-ed to attend the Recyding Festival Saturday, April 6, 1991 at Green­belt Center School from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to learn the details of the program and pick up recycling eontaine"f.


EAT DINNER~ Men's Club of Mishkan Torah

Where: Miahkan Torah - 10 Ridge Road

When: A~ 14

fl'Qm 4 -to 7 P.M.

What: Homemade Spaghetti Ditmer with Trimmings, Drinks Sold ~

Ooet: $4.60 each - for Adult Club Jl-ber and member of family.

~60 ~ - Adult non Member

~00 for children 10 and IIDIMr.

FaJ IDfAimlation: Pleue CaB 474-42:11

Spaghetti Dinner At Mlshkan Torah

The Men's Club of Mishkan Tona:h will serve a all-you-oa:n-eat hom-emade ~ dinner an Sunday, April 14, from 4 to 7 p.m. Mieblaan Tol'&h is located aA: 10 Ridge Road (·the c:u-ner of Ridge 88 w e<>tway) .


Local Police Sponsor Eastar Seal Drive

For inf01"'1D81tion caB 474-4223.

The 1991 Ea~t~r S.:•a: ;'"·J;,,;;.J

er, sponsore-d bv t :.;,, Fratt•rna! OrdPr 1:f P.) has he10-n a ~U<:'<"(•s~ .. !{'(

ing to it..<.~ pr~sldt•nt. Cl",r ~ F Field thanks :ol'al cc:m~~:~-'..Jt. f'Spt-c-:ally firmi! wh,•r<· •h,• Jection canni'i!<'"r"- Wl'rf' r-<a-·• !

use is on a first come, lint served GreenhC'~t F 0-P. :TH'mlwr« basis. nated mo!""te'-' t..., a '"'.~ll•· · .... ~ f:

City Tennis Court Use- of th<:> F O.P a:-::! th;:·y Tennis playe-rs should check teered th~lr time ':.<'~ '-~ ~·k:

the posted rules regarding sign- phcne3 L)r a b·-a; t(··.P:·-_.,. ir. and reservation procedures for cast from Vi.'JLA-TY 1:1 \\"., the city's tennis courts located ington. ~tari.a. Art.f-,nr, un F.-, at Braden Field and Lakecre15+, member c.1ord:na~p··! ~:,., Drive. Greenbelt rt!Sidents have paign for the foc.Jrth Yt'a:·





~ 1 !J 'J J J SUNDAY, APRIL 7 1


o::amee ...... ees:::t=eeeAAQ)OOJ"""""""""""*""""'"""""JOOOOi)OOOOOOQ~~~~·..:.:.~


Regular Meeting of City Council

Monday, April S. 1991 8:00p.m.

1. ORGANIZATION 1. Call to Order 2. Roll C.ll 3. Medi-.tion and

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 4. Consent Agenda ~ Approval of St.a.ff .RC'..:DmnH'ndnti(\n-,.

(The eonaent agenda coneiats of tho~e 1tems whl•:h ho~·r a:~terisks (•) placed beside the~, suiJ)f>{'t to 3U("h re>l!-. u may be made by the Council prior w appr,,valJ

6. Approval of Acenda and Additions II. COMMUNICATIONS

6· :~·:r ~~:;:u and Skate-boarders' •·P_ark"

(Petiticml reeeived M: the .m~tin~ will not r,~ ac-t~·d :~·~ by the CitJ" Council at thts meet.mg unh?-M .nP ·~ TUlea are waived by the Council)

7. Mi.- of Me«inp 8. Admini.tN.tiv-e Repor:bl 9. eoamuttee Reports - PTeaentation.

m. ;O~~!tt~~ to Amend Sectwn 11~9(3J(cJ of Arc.-:., III. Stopping, Sta-nding and Parkmg of Ch~ptN ~ 11 "Motor Vebk:la and Tratfk" of t.he Greenbelt C~·ty C..-:x; to Provide Parkinc R.egu-~etions in Cul-de-Sacs and : Clarify l..aD8'Uace Perot.a.ining to Pa.rking on Roa(lwu:.' ShouldeN • Second Beadlnc

IV. ?{HJ!,!~~I~!S P..-king and Loading S<andar<le

- CeDII.ft 12. ~ Co.dilloc Expanoion

~: ~!!: !lflDPro~ Green-belt Community Cer.tec f, • Rexford C..:r TUifWell

16. lleaa>rlal for Oh..-leo F. Scllwan. Jr. . 16. Propoeal few Senior Citizene Co-op Housmg On Libr-ary

l'llrkinc Lot 17. Project Open Space Pro-perty Re-place-ment · 2 .32 ncr•·~ ·

Aad>orize Eucution of Ag-reemen< 18. Swlmmine Pool Marketing Plen 19. BI>Dd:r of -- Benefit& 20. JIETBO -.. and Land Uoe 21. Coant:r LotrWMt-

- 011 14 aDd CB 11-1991 Seetllo.-. Jlap Amendment Revisory ProceM-

. CB 11-19t1- A- to Ten You Water end ---.. -011111 Pille Da:r - 1991 21. ~ from Pvk. -and R.ecrea.tion Advi~ Board



I'UBTQB INPOBJlATION, ~.m: ~~~~u:.7-:;:~o. Cit:r Clerk

Page 3: ttnbdt Community Center Design ;ltuitw To Be Presented April Jgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19910404.pdf · ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei!


Schwan, Community Leader 'Z)a~:t f7"a"a'a" Former Gre-enbe~t City Counc."!l

:\lemt~ David M. Granahan. 81, (~~ L·T.Jvers:...::y Park, di.ed of c-ancer )fJ.rc:-h 28 at Washington Adven­t'..s.t Ho;·pit:aL A me-mb-er of C"ounci; from 1947 to 1W9, Mr. Granahan aLso s-erve-d on the Cni­vers"ty Park town counc-il.

( Continu.e-d from pa~~ one)

: r"- -. :r.-: :-e<j:.Jest :,J :-u .. d ser::or · z,;-. --: ~ as.:-.g. :--... :· .- .. )w:r:.; 1}-3~.

~ ., N·a:-. a,;r:-ee_d :.) :"-''- ~ ):- thf:' •..,:-:: 3,:~.:-::: ::J! D::-e: A r::J.; .; '.l~pa.g:. :ss..;"' · Jr:~· .. r:-.e-::

--: .:--. -:~ :."1.0: <.":•r,J<:;".J.:: ;- ; re-. ~ ',.":.,,. ~e:-n·.<::-' 5~ttwa;.

.• · ,_;:- ·::-. .,-:- ::3.:-.~---!-:l:,;~ ,(::-::;w-:

~.::-. :-:e .a'l"g­.0.>3•.· v~:"'"· :-. GHrs

: . .,;;~ ::-.a:; a yea:- :a:t>r . ..,.l-. wa;:; .:r:ar:::-r.;cB.y -:'ec:-

:;:"' ;:.. ~~ . .::::r:.·r : c H: -~- .-. ·.5 :·::!"~e; ~:-e~.:!e!": :-e­. .;-."'-: a-.: :r. :.\·eC:. ):J: -;:' G:-ee:-.-

'1!: a ::.as;:;:·.·e ;:;:g-.J.::J!"e .... :·-..:-.!<a ~.:-:g carr.;n. g- The

- -••a~ :.:; .-.ft...1e:-. :e : ·-.1:.:·: :.!-~:-.ar:,;r"-' :::e _:J!"JpD~ed

\[a.;·.:-:- ?:.1:- !):- (_~~e:-.-

·" ... '!:-!" de!"3•:y ~.:-:w:~.n

.T."'r' .:·ee :ne:nJ<:::"S '''"-'e -~"'''- :'';;(' :::. 1":":;ra~.2t> a ::: •

·>em.;--: a ·~ ::"!'::n-1:. :y e!­~e·.-p' ;iJ ·.~.:.~ · :y a:­

·,.;:- ;:>.an v.·-: wa!':: ·:·y•:J. ~ -a~ ~na: w.;:

..:5.-.<'"i T:-.. ~ ;o, n.):: a :0:..1·..:-:"lj' :--.;;;:-·.: pep n::\· ·•

.'•e-•••.;; Review L•~l Stilt

:- : ••V : -:e Greenbelt ~ews t{e,·•e"' ·,o,·.B 5..;~.1 ~;~ t::.: :-r.:::ton

J'a. ~ev?i'Jpe~ c:.:ar:e~ .'-;c..>'-:- 3,"":"4"..1.:': &""~ ".5 :',>!:.1w "._.,.. "':t>r A' Her:.:.g ·;n·ar.g tc.

·-"' -::"':~ .. ~ .. ::· :ne :H.;>er e-;-:ab-~-. -.z Fl"ee-:k'!":"; 'Jf :.i":e

?·cc-~ ':: )m:n.::ee T:-:e paper -.-: :ws deC":3.;"lns. ~ :i":e lower

ar-:.d :n the :Mary:"'l:-:.::1 C .... :-: Jf Appe:1:3 T:'\e c-ase wa3

c-arr:e:! t.:· ::-. • ., Supieme 'N:'IE-re a :.1~a"';:!TJ)'.l3 d.?­

·: "';ri:c-a:e-! :!-:e :Se,.,.s Re­'lew a-.~ :~ ;:aur:·~n ;:;uppol"t-

3~p;:;:er ~ s.::;;--:-:.e-;.· :a::ed • • ·- .o • .-a:-. : .... ~ .. .,, ::c1pa: ::p;:.•:;ner.t" · -. :.~e r:.gh 3C~;)·:.. and :z:oc;;r.g

=::·..::-·ng Scr!wa:-:'s :e:-:•Jre Dn ···.e CiHI '::0ard. GHI ~o.ned :h~ ·:::: a:-:d a .::::ze:-:~· gr0'.lp <n ··a:: .. :..g :~ P!":71~ Ge'J<g"e3 , •. J'.l '": ::: Boa:-d of E.~:J~.a::or. ~o -;: ~--= :i':e 5: :e ;;elec-:ed "!o~ :he n;~;~rx~ior. c,f :he :-.ew h.gn


Baltimore Bh·d. at Powdf'l" Mill i

Rd .. Belt.sv•!le

~ 3•) a :-r:. E );y Eu~:-:ar.3-t

:) ?.•; a_m. H'.):y Euc::1ar:st and S.:..:.day Sc-hool

Rc'l.· .J :.r:~. G Ba:.s. Rec:or-93'7 -4292

C>( Catholic

Community of Greenbelt

MASS M::lnu::ipal Bai!ding. Sundays.

10,00 A.)(.


ar.::l no•;~,·

a :ie: ~ 1 : i a mo: ~e J.c-cessible ,'::.i~. -, Lega.: ma:-:euver,ng

~ >1'"';<5-.lre Oy ~'1e Save Our C<;;mm.::ee- en~.;ei

F::-:a .. :,· :"'.e s-c-hc.ol :•Jad. re!er.t-;J ... r.:-;,ag:ng ~~fJperty and

::,.~:ld.:-.~ E:eanor Rooseve:t H.gh :-i ":".·>J a~ ::g presen: :oea:wn '-. .:--:.ree:-;,t"le!t R::oad rn~ :-) Jp€rat1Ve 'g Long Range

P:a~--.:-:g Cnnmt~tee wa;:; formed :,y S-::r.wan :r. 19>39 a;; he saw :he -e€: :-.:: prepare a b:uepnnt :,:- Gt-!Ts physJ::.•a: rehabil:•ta­:.o:-:

T:-: l?71 Sc:!-l.war. c:-.a:red :he -·~ ·.:..:-.s:Jcc:essta: move to con­

~::·.:.-.:: ar. :::-~dJvr s·~"m:ntr.g pool. T".~ •: J:e:-s turned ::1e :.HUe dawn ~:-: .1 c::Jse<y !::>ugh· :-efere:-.durn . .-\ 5/ .-. :.::.71 s,- ........ ..1:-' , ... ·as ele=ted

:-""' Green8e:: ,-,:y C~ur:cd \1.-"-::.e !-!e re-~:>t'lb· · :s-.E>: ~r.:ere;;: :". e:derly

a--:.Q W.)!'~ed to :;Jrir:g r~~.,..,.~ .:ll:e H.:;:;,s-~ :r.:; rE.ll.ty L:::.~ ::!:·::! .~.e th1~;.. he wou.d be­~.J:n~ a :-e~:de~.t G:· Green R:dge H :'.J.5<: "":::n'-e:f He .. ved ::~ere

::~ )m Lh2 t.:J lSI~~

Schwar. was a·. ader.t ;;up­~ ,:-:t":- -~ Gra~Je:: CARES : ... s: . .:':,· ng a: P'.lCJ: . .-· ~ear:~.gs at :h-:- <a:c :e ... ·e! He wa_,; 1~.:;::--·.l­

:n,r::_t: .:1 es:a::. .. ~h:.-.g CARES a~ a -.:: :y depar:me:-.t. He ;ao;,:ed 5:r:,~g.y hr the G:-eer.~e:~ .Me:­,,~ :erm:~a: a:;d e::1d.Jrsed ::'1e­:~e:!-2:;:r.'l:-. overna:B ,)ver the Ba:­~::nne-Washlnitor. Parkway at :-:<:- GJ.r::le~way ;; :e Il; :1ea::h :-)~c-:>~ .".:m to :--e::re fr:,m the : :;· ~:·.<r:~~l wh€:-: h:s :.erm end-'2-.:. .- lo18l.

Outst.andinj{ Citizen Cn,;,~e:-. as G:-eenbe-:t';; Ou:­

-;:and::-:g C:trzen .n 1982. ne was i)l) a.J i~ :i for hl.! .r.s:gh: and

.ea -.!e~s:'1:p a~il1~:€s his L·r:h­:-:;;z-:-:: ~:.u:d on :s5ues, his c:ap-a­c:.:y :e> De obje=:;ve- and con­_;;:r·.:c::ve As one ;Jerson cu:n­:r.~ :- :eJ. ·•The part:c:u:ar<y nuta­.::o-e thir.g about Mr. Schwa:1's >er.gthy .!ervice to our commun­t:y has been rus capacJty to !ace

:Mr. Granah3.n retired as a-ss-i!'.­tar.t direC"tor in the AgTiC"Ulotuxe Depar.mer.t's Office of Communi­ca- .em :n 1976. He rec-eived the Departme:- "':'! St.:-~:or s.e-rv..ce ~w3rd U'?Qn re-t1rement.

He is surv:v.:-:::1 by his wife Lo~ !·~a. Cmversity Park, sons David. C2":fornh. Pe<::er, Bowie; and James. "'"eE:<t Rive....; nine grand­c-h::.:!ren and two gTe-at-grandchil­dr~n

Frten:::ls may c-3.11 at the Gran­ahan home on Sundtay. April 7 af~e:- 2 p.m Con~rib'.ltion-s may f:t· made to one's favorite charity.

1;:sues in an e>biect:ve. construc­tlve spirit. He did not seek easy 0!" popr.;!ar solution:'!; rather. he >'OlJ~ht b .. s:udy and reflection

solve difficult si-tuations :hroug~ 1ntell:ger.ce and integ­r.~y"

May:n· Gil Weidenfe:d said: "When faced with a politically contre>versia! deci.s:c:1. he could be counted on to take a stand ar.d 5!1::-k to it even to his po­::t:c:a: detri:nent, so long as he wa.:; sure it was best for the pe'Jp~e 'Jf Greenbe!~. Whether or r ): ":ts positbns 0n 1ssue::; were a.!ways cor ect, i~ was always .:-:ear tha~ he was g:v-:ng of hlm­i'f'~! unc;elfishly and not for any personal gam or recognttion. but .-,n;y ~o serve his C"'Jmmunity."


321.1 Powdf"r ~ill Road (near Cherry Hi:l Road)

Sun., Apr. i, 9:30 & 11:15 a.m. Pu:p1: Ex,..hange. Rev. R.o:fe Ber-;ha!'dt, Richmond. ,., Churc-h SC"h-ool 9:30 a.m.

Rev. R.W Ke::ey 937-3666

New Hope Korean Church 11 a-=Jt~~ 2..11Ji. -- . ' ....... '" •i

... ~ •• :. ' i:~ ' :ll ~ _. '4 .;.i,ij ,.a I X:

,,.,>1 .... .;; .. ,.; :i.l Sl

~ " • II" l; ~. X. I , .. >! .. ~ ' ". ; :ll ! -~ ~IS" ~ II '2 a .II

'&l.i:~ ~:dl "'~ 6 J:

t-,' =~~"~:~;~PI~=~·"~

~~Q~~f:5R~L'8:JQ ~.:J.S)AJeJ,~Ato ~-c~H-f~J.Ll~~) .£:1>.) 7J5'.~r'l ~ •JJ'!:'l/.2 8tL1L £f ~.~.ts~.y~ ~ ~. ~ ~ot.&.l1f !tJLh::.

"H~~~..t ~I ~ ~ Pni.<W Byung Mo Choe

40 R10GE R0 G.R£ENB£LT. MD 20770

'C•.IIi:l01)474-941Q .tlt4(30+)513-5454

Greenbelt Community Church ~ l'~ITED CHCRCH OF CHRIST

_;-/-\ :~

j H1ll!'lide & Crescent Roads Phone: 474-13171 morning-s Learning for all ages

10:15 a.m. Sunday Wol'9hip 11 :20·11 :40 "Coffee Break" 11 :40-12:30 Fellowship and

.:....:~-.1~·~~~~-~S.,"':I& :Sursery Care Provided

"A church of the open mind, the ~carm heart, the a.spzr­mg soul., and the social r-Lorion .•. "


' Greenbelt Baptist Church j B:ble Study For All Ages (Sun.) 9:45 AM

I Worship Service~~ (Sun.) 11:00 AM • 7~00 PM


Vidweek Pnlyer Serviee (Wed.) 8:00 PM For transportation questions. call 474-4.212

g,ao AX - 1.2 PX c-t A G..-JUII JleUo

?lt4or9 ?'f,, ?ltuna9 .Mary Ann Murray, 67, <If Green

Rit!ge HoU&e di-ed March 22 at Fa-!rlax Hospital. A native of Philadelphia. she moved with her husband, the late Edwin J. Mur­ray. and children to Greenbelt in 1952. Th-e family 'WI3.8 transferred to Sew York City th::ree years La­ter but relt~ in 1971.

Mary Ann was an acstive mem.. ber of St. Hugh'.s Oatholk Cbureh. She was a re-cent nad~~'"'e of EPS pl"''>gT'a.m M. Trinity Co]i.ege and was currerJtly attending clas­ses at the DeSales School of Th€­o~y.

She IS survived by a son Den· r.is of Bo!':ton, MA. cbughtt.er, Marilyn Low of Greenbelt and three grandchildren.

A MJl~s of crrr·~~~3.n Burial wa3

held on :March 25 at St. Hugh's Church. Interment wa'S at Gate of He::..ven cemetery.

Tour the Green Belt Tours of the 'Green Belt', spon~

sored by the Committee to Save the Green Belt. will be held each Saturday at noon. Meet at the playground at the end of Gar­r!enway. Refreshments wi11 be provided. For information, cal! ~74-4863.


Ridge & Westway Rds. Greenbelt, Md. 474-4223/4224

Conservative/ Reconstructionist

Services: Friday 8 p.rn. Saturday 9:30 a.m.

Rabbi: Saul Grife

Thurs7ay, April 4, 1991

~etr#Ul.'Ul ~""9 Bernard Krug, 73, of Washing­

ton, died Maxch 27 at George W..asbington Universirty HoepitG..l.

M-r. Krug WI3S ed.itor af the News Review in 1953. An i:ofut­mation gpecialist at. the Rural Elect:r:.fieation Administration fron:l. 1939 urrtil his retirement in 1!>73, he ......, _. of the Ag Reporter. He worir:ed as a free lance repor.ter and was also one of the editors af the N..tionol Prei!S Club's wee'kly newsletter and a colnb p~. He was a voluniteer edXor of the Jewish Community Cent:«. of Washing. ten's publication.

H-is nnrri3.ge to Vera Krasner Krug ended in divorce. He is sur~ viv~ by sons Mare, Alexandria and Stephen, Springfield.

At the Library Wednesday, April 10, 7:30 p.m. • Babysitting workshop for ages 12 - 16. Thursday, April 11, 11 a·m· ~ Drop-in storytime, ages 3 - 5.

Baha'i Faith "Do not allow difference of opinion. or diversity of thought to separate you from your fellow-men,. or tD be the cause of dispute, hat­red and strife in your hearts.

-Baha'i Sacred Writing-s

GreeniM:It Baha'i Community P.O. Box 245

Greenbelt, MD 20770 345~2918 I 474-4090


Sunday 8, 9:30, 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. Saturday 6 p.m.

Daily Mass: 7:30a.m. Monday .. Friday. 9 a.m. Monday-Saturday Sacrament o-f Reconciliation: Saturday 4~6 p.m.

'Rev. Thomas F. Crowley, Paator Rev. Charles McCann. Associate Pastor


40 Rid&e R~d • Cr .. nt..ll • 474·9410

Montlng Worship

11:00 AM. «:/Utsety PrOYided)

Holy Cross Lutheran. Church . 6905 Gr<eDioelt Road

Worship Services: Saturday. 6:30 p.m. . Saoclay, g,ao &11,15 a.m. Infant care ~ ..t -h oorvice)

Sunday School and Bible C1aaaea 9:60 .a.m. Pre-School Depart:ment 9:60 aDd 11:16 a.m.

For infonnation ~ pro,rramo for _.., - adalt8. siagleo. &Del - eitbeaa, pluM call tile - .....

Ed ...... B. -. - -.nt1

Thursday, April 4, 1991

CENTER (Continued from page one)

torieal exhi.bilts and information. Corridors could Muse changing displ'ays also. An administrative office for the building would be adjacent to the lobby.

Problems to Solve Many problems remain. There

is muoh asbestos in the build-ing. some of which wi•n need to be removed. Some, however. may be encapsulated.

Historic preservation laws mandate that on the firM ftoor we "touch as little as possible and restore as much as possi~ ble:• Epstein explained. The re­fJtrict.ions for the second ftoor are less severe. J Davis. Advis­ory Planning Board (APB). ex­pressed her pleasure in the plans to save the beautiful oak woodwork. She requested that the site plan be referred to APB at the appropriate time.

Epstein told the group that




~4~ -r:_,..,Jf


M..-ch20, 19'91




Textiles and Sewing Tools on Exhibit

" "' " " " "'

Of'HCE VlSOORS CE!'o'lTR GREEl'o'DELT Ml SlL''-4 DISPLAY ARI:A LODDY /RI CEP'T10N <>f'.:NlORS A:"D (,E.o,;ERAl. PlJR!'O'>l: CL\5'>RO! l"'' ADL"LT ART rt.A<t..'>ROO"''


Greenbriar News "Women Collecting "\\"omen: in collecting ortifads used or Annu.d Homeowners meetJn~:-

Tracing Patterns Through created by v.omen spans 40 were heid m Mal"ch at Gre('ll-He3.rth, Hand, and Home," an years. briar. Elections of Board of Dl-cxhibition of coverle-ts, quilts, The Parents' Association Gal- rectors were held and the re-

~~;;:~e;:i do~~~!ts ~~d':e7e~~j lery hours are ~!onda;,--Thursday ~ults are: Phase I - President.

text Will be on d·isplay a.t the ~ :-~:m~ z~·r;·~t~~~:;;:• ~:·~ t:~~~; ~~~:~ta~~~e S~~:Sl~~·n/ Parents Association Gallery in 5 pm. The Ga!lt>ry is located on Treasurer. Ann PHkins; and Dl-the Ad.ele H. Stamp Union at the first fioor, n.ext to the in- rector. Gilbert Meadt.> Phase II the University of Maryland from formation desk. The Stamp L""n- PrE3ident, Kathleen McTternan;

'-·'·,110! -~-t t 'II

1\\-..<1 l.lf.Jd <·!!!['.),[


'·'-\' I 1<. ''I

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\· r·. ',J

' there is "no dou-bt that addition­al parking will be needed." An indepth study o! uses of the buil-ding and traffic generation is needed. The draft plan shows in­creased parking (by 50 percent) on the library side and an idea to include a drive along the west side of the parking lot that would extend to the Youth Cen­ter. This could allow for replac­ing the current drive next to the pool with a pedestrian walk­way. The playground area would be smaller and fenced. while the basketball court would remain and could be used occasionally for ov~rfl.cw parking for some spec-ial event. The parking area .on the east side needs to be re­designed, said Epstein. both to indude more spaces and for es­thetics.

Senior Citizen Housing

March 1-April 17. This exhibi't ion is located nex.t to Cole Field 1st V1ce Pres1dent. Chad Bruc{•;

~s be-en ~eated_t~~h sp~nsor~ Hoo~u::•::;;•·'------ 2nrl Viee President. M1cki Ba'::'.:.· _;'.;.:'"::;<i:....:,I::,'~~::.'_·::."::.' :....:,H.:_,·;_··-·-·..:._..:_..:__:_

~~~~~~~=r:~d·".:.:::~: -~~ 0 ..... ~~~~<(. GREENBELT ARTS CENTER rllts S4~::''_, "On your site plan,'• said Jim

Cassels. "addi tiona} land is ta­ken up for parking.'' He propos­ed a three-level parking garage on the library side - one for the library. one for the commun~ ity center and one for a senior citizen cooperative apartment building that could be buil·t on top. The present Center S!:hool kitchen and dining room could be us.ed for the apartment residents for meals and be ~bared. with the community center needs.

in this exhibit are drawn from 4!.11'-' IV fl.'b the choice collection of Catherine •"-\45. presenh 'J1 .. Hawthorne, whose involveY!lent '"- T

Stratton told Cassels that nei~

ther the Task Force nor the ar­chitects had been directed by council to look at plans for sen­icr housing. Assistant City Man­ager Mich3e! McLaugh~in, the city's liaison to the Task Force. suggested that Cass£>ls take his request to the city council


ARE PQSTER CONTEST WINNERS The "third annual McCarl Family Dental Office PoRter

Contest scheduled to coincide with National Children•s Dental Health Month was held in an effort to raiRe our children's awareness of their dental health. The children were asked to show at least three things which improve dental health: a healthy diet, cleaning their teeth well and regular check. ups.

The number of entries was outstanding, with some very cre;ltive efforts. Richard Castaldi presented the two grand prize winners Katy Roberts, Grade 6, and Brigitte Lippert, Grade 3, both of Center School with a fifty dollar savings bond in an awards ceremony at the office on Ridge Road. The other children that participated recei,·ed a­wards and prizes for their efforts. Cami Baer coordinated the contest, and local artist Barbara Simon and her mo­ther Dorothy McGee judged the posters. Refreshments, creative po!fl;ers and an upbeat group 00. people made the event a tremendous success.

Special thanks to all of the Children who participa­ted, the judges, Richard Castaldi and especially the Drs. McCarl, for without them and their continued dedication to the Greenbelt community the contest wouTd not have been possible.

"c_Att 8vettittg q;vith CCJ'tdench~·· AN OLD-TYME VARIETY SHOW






FABULOUS JAZZ with Ken Reed and his Quartet

FOLK MUSIC with the 6-member Works in Progress

ZITHER MUSIC with Doug Love

SING-ALONGold-tyme tunes with Betty Allen, Phil Brandis, & Lucille Lushine- and you.

CHAMBER MUSIC by Karen DuSold & John Ward

GREAT SONGS by Attorney Trix Whitehall

YOUR HOSTS: Konrad Herling&, Tina Castaldi

TICKETS AT CO-OP, FOUNTAIN LODGE, OR AT THE DOOR $8.00/$6.00 Seniors/Studeilfs · Information' 441-8770

Roll over, Ed Sullivan

Page 4: ttnbdt Community Center Design ;ltuitw To Be Presented April Jgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19910404.pdf · ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei!

Pap 8 GREENBELT Nn8 REY . ..;;l!:;;;;.;,;W __ __.Th=IU'B!h::=; y, April 4, 1991·······

Crime Prevention Committee CITY NOTES F Dro k D Trdle """".... ~w~ -ocuses on n riving ~a• ':e ~::t

..,. J1dlaJo w-. :."i.!::. -::n ~-Sometime )n their live&, one of every two ~ will made 1hia ....... _,., other

be involved in an alcohol-related accident_ Thill and other tio,. an Cezlteria7. no. astonishing facta are included in> a handy pocket guide to baa pwd>aaed tt. ....., drinking aDd driving. This convenient li8t of do's and don'ts <levi-. is being distributed locally by tJ>e Greenbelt Crime Preven- The -ial detano tion Committa (GCPC). The guide ia dMtrilmted by the ed at the New York baaed National Crime Prevention Council.

Drunk drmoc - ... rlainc' the poocibilit]' "' - lrlWDc COIII>i loeall7. "Tbia cuide will - G ........ l .. bai - a DOW a fact lac pole tope ai the your eyea,.,.. •TI GCPC chair- of lite, .. he notef. '*Tbe pocitln penon Hal sn.en. "Tor e:z.am- .we o1 uu. ia that we caa d:o The -:t .. m":., ~ ~ ~ ~·;.,coo;:.-:..: ..:l .... clrains,

draiJiace ....o...--.a OD Creecent •lt. pile and

won't do tH tziek..• Hat SiJTen atte.t to G:reeabelt"a Sally RobbiJtS. QCPC ehairper- apirit &Dei llllique npa.tation in

ocm. auisted Ia nloinc !a:ndo ficloiiac oilier problema -. arclmd it aDd coo-ao:t<od lor t:he headwall far • Tbe­

De«ura.r"J to pareba8e Hftl'a1 c:itbe!l iJtterat ia ,cenerated. hundred of 12>• podtei .­

cuidea- Each - hal a -known eelebrity Oil the flovD.t llide, :ilce llleGruff, the felot]' doe who urc- eita.. to .. tab a bite OUt of era..,•

ll(oGruff ....Wd feel ~bt ai home in G...-Jt. Tbe Crime Prevention Comm.itta ha.a an .c.­t:i-Te Pl'OST&DI to help :residellt.l curb c-ri:rae in a eity o-. "kDowD tor daTi• "DO crime. 8tlYen hu laid out an aetmt aa-c:1a for the eomm:it&M.. "We bel:irre tba.t. there ia a lot peGpe can do to rtop .......-~ .... before thQ perpeCn.te erimes. A lot of simple thiop. like let. tine your nei&"bbon bow i1 yoQ're on va.catiao,. will p a lon• way.'"

Thi• is why the eommjttee b a:eited about the driDki• aDd ch-i:vi~ pidee.. )( o • t people eaapt drivinc w1tile into%ieated don't knaw when to atop. Tb.ia li&'htweicht. euil7 ea.rried m­ere-nee pide lays it oat strai~rht.

Cpl. Darid Baerpr~ committee representat.:iYe tor tile eity po.. liee, point~: oat that tiM Polke Depart~aeat will become mon «lmmu.Di.ty oriem.d: UaaD eYer.

New eo"Dditioaa fadDc dUa rapW.. l:J crc...tac cit]' ....,..ate -otratec* Oil the p&rl of Cbief Craze a.ad the 42 officen. lrt­sista. Sil"Ten, "TbaTTe done a fil"...e job., and we have to baek them ap in the miclai of bud;cet elft.bacU a:Ueetinc all pnue. of e: :y activity."

In k:eepintr with this change. Sil"Ven e=a-ded" an iDvitatkm to a.:: resideD.b to sit ia em romali\-­tee meeti~~p. wb:icb are held oa the third Tbunday of f!YW7 moot!t at 7:30 p.m.. at the new paliee atati011. at Cre.eent aDd &idee a-. .

"The po&o .... willbla to work r.th ruidema in~ aQto theft, break-Ina, aaaaula aDd other erimes." aays Cpl. Bnet-· ~· Raeqer ia kDowD. around Maryland !01' Iris landmark ef. tort with DARE (Dral" Aware­llUI!I RehAbilitation and Educa­tion)

City Councilman Ed Patel'lS is :iaieon ':>etween the eity eouncil and GCPC. "It's IIUiden.iDg to many people to ena ecmaider

Peliee Bleuer

On Xareh 21 an a,rvuaeat be-­tween two people in the 500 block of en ..... t Rd. ended when one af the d~u:tant. hit the othn with a nhiele. The atruek penon suft'ered miDor knee injuries. The imutiptioD il eontina.inc.

ed p&Mies. wol'iked on teTs irriptioa Q'atem moved deM- aDd smmps from ooma pla.;rci;;,odo.

The apeclal -qajdt ......... Ia -.m. ~ a lire Ia the 82 "' ltiqe Road.

The s- Hiebwa:J A.dmild­.tzatio~~o hu e:rMted a bani .. pbali oarfaee area In the -dian of GI'MDbelt Roed at s­ove:r ParkwaJ'. .. requuted b Groenbriar aDd tbe city,

On X.rdl 23 a 28-:r--old traftlc atop. Tbe man ---' ruident male ... arratecl and before a Diatriet Court ~ e.ba..raed with poaMSsioD. of mar~ si.oner &Dd wu held on ....,. i- and __.ion of clrac bond pendlac trial pan>pheranlia after 1M poli.. A bladt 198'7 CadillAc ~ smellecl :marijuana oominc trom MD taca XXll &ee, wu reported the penon'• vehicle duril>c a otolen from the 111100 blodt <tl traMe stop. C.pital Dr. oa. llardt 2S.

On Kueh :U three J>Oilreoi- Vandal'...., to, tbetto :r.-. denta - a 19-:rear-old male, a aDd attempted 1lbefta of :N-~-oid ~ ... a l~yeu· were reported in the old _ were aJTHUd far ...-.. areas: the pe.r1dDa lot al Gftea.. sion of dnlc paraphernalia in _..,. Shopping Ceuter, tbe 200 Beltw.7 Pma after a _,..;ty bloe& "' IAitaide Dr, 111e n. caan1 obae.....,.j tbem IIIIIOitDqr bloek of lilandaJ> Rd, tile .,.. marijuana and summoned the blom: ol Jlorriaon Dr., t1lte -police. block r.l ~Drinftlll Dr.

-~ ::-'liZ,Ml:.""[,. ~t I NOW IS THE TIME I wen arrated and. eb&rcecl "'lriill « tWf£ SPECIALIST 1H EVERY F'IEL.D

~~~.A:-:-~~ ,_,_.. 9KW.~ puller, belt eottera, artd varioullftiOCII~ ...:&WOIIIr. other tool• of that ilk were ob-...,. ..,.. ~ 'lii!AIIU: '-\.Acr.

aerred in their Yebiel.e duriDc~ = === a tramc stop. ..., --..us ._,

Around 2:11 a.m. a.c Jlarda •••~ ~ 22, a man ,.... aeen tz'7'iDI' to~~ bn!lak in to the Co-op pa •ta.. liMIT ..._ MDUK tion (Southwa7 B.d.) b7 1dc:ldDc a-.c Tru: ill a window. ODee he .reaHsed ..,...,. •~C~J~: CoiiSl

that he wu bebac W'lotelled. he ---:fted. He m o..eribed .. wll.i:te. - --6'5". U-18 yean old. modlam _ _ ~!~!:&:e ~~ =~~.:!':e~ TEEL =::- • l:Oo:---· ..

On llazoeh 27 a brealciDC and -- --enteri:nw W'U reported in the !iiELIABL£ HC:iell( tEII'I1CE 9100 bloek of EdmonM»n Court. Entl"y was pined by breeking a window. A VCR and eompu­ter eq-.1ipment were reported stolft.

A 23-year-old male of DO 6.ud address wu arres&ed. and: eharc­e4 with auto '!heft follo....-in~r a

Atlontit Mortgage Corporation ""-iding FWst and Second Mortgag1



Compelillw Rat. (16 IUid 30 )'n. Lo&Da)


CHUCK DONALDSON Ofllce - 301-929-0444 ...... - 301-510-4476


a-oo•• -~wl-boMtca..._,cliohwosher,W&O.!-

- and lots ol co- _... c- ........ b&ndo ................ F.- yon!. Ow-. ha• 1nowd & WGnh to M1 ASAP! $64,-

.lUST USnD . l.owR pric.d 3 JR END orit. Large yard wllh big ......

- bonlen open - _... Oponod ~. d'-- & lighted e<o;ing ian. Sepa...,.launclry.....,... wlwoolter & -dryer. $64,-

o-- aoys - .... 3 bedn.oml This .... ""' l al; qulol -· -'?eO· and;.- pric.d 3 1><. W'"'-r & dryer. 2 boMt-<n AIC'• & breakfast bar. Lob of counter spoce & storage. $63,900

~ & ~ home wOh upgO'Gdod ~ and ..-.., loft In drNoog

a..... Sepa""" laund.., room wllh W&D. Tattelully - MJR. Romodelod bath, WIW ca ...... 2 buat-in A/C'•· $64,-

-Hy ·-- - -Mih laundry room and '-" oiiW;oe addaiooo. lndudos ........., ~ wOh d'nhwaoher, ,.panoted drNoog

a...,, am-I doo.......,. and d<yGghh In lho fny«. ~.-

IND tow..._• with huge fenced in yard and new storage sheet. New WNI corptlt, new wcnh.r, dryer, c:lishwoshw, fresh paint ond

In rrtOYe in condition & ready to go. amucau $67,900

2·--··· WOOD STOVEJ Saw big on olectridly. END ...., bacb ta woodo. Modom l:itchon wldhhw'"'-r. W&D;, _..,.. laundooy n>Om.

Beautiful wood lloon. 2 AJC'• & ohod, Ow-.-· $62,-

alock U•lt Kitchen • compliltely r.novat.d. Florida rootrt ocldtion. N- ca..,..- flooring. F.- back yon!. o.._. Included coot.&o..

$3.- IN CLOII- HIU' • OWNU. U.'YI SILU $71,-

WW. •alt is conwnientt, ~.d near the CMtter wilh J.nc:ad bad yanl. OpoftOd ~ wOh lots ol ......- _... Upgnoded tao bath. ltorop shed. washer, dryer & pretty azaleas in &oM. $59,900

!IlliCit ...,;o In miftl condiian. I!!ls!h .....,...o.d ~ and bath In

ooodom E....._n Olyt;ng. e..rything ;, """'"" colan. La..ge MBI ,.pa......, d"""".....,... & HALF BATH Oft htlloo<l $89,-

0PsN -SIIUN 1417) I-5PM • ao-. OlscaNI' 80AD

--yanl......, wOh co- IYont porch,......, and lots cl flowers & aza&.os. 8ockyard il fenc.d and hat o deck. 8uitt-ln buff.t ~ d"ming areo, window A/C, WID, ond trod. lighting. $59,900

IIMI U•lt Prime locatioft; Mar USDA. Lorge d.O: and storaglt sMcl. Remodeled kitchen wldishwasher, WID & wood count.r tops. Enlorged

dining areG. 2 A/C.'s and fenced yard. UDUCm $58,900

1'111a DID U•h is in top of tn. Sine condition. OpeMd up kitchen, WID, d'oohwaohor, and WIW ca ..... wldelux• padd'"''l· -.oiluly decorated. Same sia os a 3 br-more living ~pam. ~$e7,900

&rick Tow..._• Separate d""tning room w/porquet floors. New an-pet, WID, lkHit-in AC, 4 ..-.., !oM & d.ck. Hanlwaod 11oon up

and HUGE 11Xl7 MBR. $2.- CI.OSINe HILP $82,-

u- ...... - Affic _.., ..,_,. hoottno b •. 1'"-Y and no - abo.., youl N-ty ~- \itchen _ 0<1t-. .,.. -· double bow! Ani<, ........... & ...,.., ·La_.o.&ontyont. $39.-



·r.w ..• ··--··~·· .... !l.qe& w.~ .... <-

ThoiBdaz, April 4.•1991 GREENBELT.NEWS REVIEW


COSMETIC Bonding, porcelain laminates, and whitening techniques.

"Soothing Dentistry"






COMPLETE FAMILY DENTISTRY You'll discover a warm, family oriented atmosphere and a friendly stan dedicated to your dental needs. Providing the highest quality of technical and personal care for your extended family-- children, adults and seniors.

PREVENTIVE Cleanings, sealants, flouride treatments, and cancer screenings.

RESTORATIVE Crowns, bridges, ~ full and partial dentures, and fillings.

Senio.r Citizen Discounts PLUS:

I ~ GI£ENI!EI.T ROAD ~ r i Q &st•



TM~IIIoclled.,.._~ .... ofHASA(~on~ _ln .. &llooJ-......-.The-llt_E.., .. BW_ Md2.S ..... &IIclhi!Cenllladl,...,.edcl ... ....,..

ENDODONTICS Root Canal Therapy


Call Now For An Appointment:

=ss2-44BB Dr. Robert Zebrowski

8503 Greenbelt Road Brittany Place Apartments

Greenbelt, Mal)'land 20770

Our Gift To You And Your Family Call our office before April30 and our Qift to you will be a complete

consultation, exam and x-ray* (if neededl. There will be a $5.00 charqe to you with this certificate. Dr. Robert Zebrowski welcomes you and your family to join his

practice of complete family dentistry. His staff will be complimented to have you choose his office for all your dental needs.

* Bitewing (cavity) x-ray New Patients

Page 7

Page 5: ttnbdt Community Center Design ;ltuitw To Be Presented April Jgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19910404.pdf · ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei!


GI-ll Board l=ills Vacancy, ~ ~ ..!.~- be ~~=:-=!'. held A.priJ 7 aDd 21, 1 p~ Tbe ~lop -

Revises ~Shed Regulations :E-:::!-~.:.,~ ~~~=== by Leslie RobiJBln mation at tonwdoeo -;,;;;;;'~ at (;~ABFE.!..,. will on w-~

The Board of Directors of Greellbelt Homes Inc. (GHI) ther • .....,. foree, will be A>pril 10 ... 12:15 p.m. -chose Ala.n Freas (2-A Southway) to ruJ the uncxv..re" •~nn .-.. April 13, 1 p.m. C.-Jdi, Gn.ellbelt'• -­of Ken Mileski, who rezigned recently. Freas is a former On April 13. 11 ...... and 2 p.m. tive M>d ebair .... - Pn-~-board member. He will bold oftlee until the May electio1111, a walking tour will be bold. ges ~ CoaDcil. wi& be tbe when his and four other bao.nl seats (out of Dine) will be ..,..._er. on the ballot. The bao.nl considered four other persons work. Beltwav win handle tbe All ...- aDd nllliNd fedeni who volunteered to fill the vaeancy-Keith Ja.hoda (45-C in.stallation. Beltway al.ao bao tile ~-NA.JD'Z_,_ Ridge), Jim Maher (!>-A Hillaide), Robert Rashkin (2-A ccntnct to install window glau ~~~DOt,...,_.,.-Research) and Leonard Wallaee (65-A Ridge). for GHI memben. ~ --

Fiaaadel State..ftt. sheda in all •tacH of 11e8'1ect. For the J't&r 1990. preliminary She remarked that she didn't

ur.audi"'.ed Uta slwlw that GHI have to step out of her ear to :.::~oK in slitfbtly over $5 million take ibem. Sbe wo!"''dere1 aln'ld !rom •t• members and paid oat about what the abedl. looked like sh&'htly lesa ~n $5 mi::.ion, in the rear ~ th": homes. :eav-mg a nna~l surplus of $21 In the .diSCUSSIOn on 5heds, ~housand., ae::ordinc to Paul Sin- Cotton pomted o~t that GHI ner, DirMtol" · afi"'f'tn.ance. ~ent ha6 etted numerous

llonthl7 pay:ment.a. by mem- GHI homeowners !or rusty or boers accounted for by t:aT the otaenri:se .unaiK"btly 11heds. M~ny :.a_rg"est share of receipts. llajor of the e1ted homeowners. JU•t erpeoruaet wen pa)'l"'ll and friqe don"t .teem to eare. be 1a.1d. ·c:.e-~e.fits 13'2 percent). ta.xes 124 GBI LuwH.11 !M'reent}. and internt on debts The landfill ~.iDd the GHI f20 p~reent). The otaer import- headquarten btuid1ng has been a::~ erpenN-S "'lne're for tra~h ~ht t~ the attention . of :=c!:ectio~ m.ateria4, inaUTa.l'lCe. Prinee. Georges County agencle11· a.nd contl'llet work. As a result there wili be no

Summing up the years iina.n- mare landfill in a few month•. e:a: preture, Ron Colton.. GHI GHl ~1~ grade the :andfi:l to General Kan.ager, said i~ was a the or.gtna~ slope of the land, year •hen GHl basieaJ1 .. b-roke then seed and re~orest the area. e.,·e!'l. a:fter ereating a number Ja- Freedman. Direetor of Teeh­a! :mprovement.s of last:ng val- nin! Service&, pointe~ cut that ue !.:.r :ta mem'oe-r's. Colton men- GHT is doing everyt'htng it ean !.w~ed a fe-w - repl~ement of to foUow county directions be­de:enoratinl' storm se"Wer and cause the County eoul<i. make it ~ewer pipoes with }OnJ lasting very. eos:ly for GHl. 1f county PVC p1pes, repavinc a number !lpeelfieatloM .are not followed. of parkinc Jots.. repl.uing ft.at Blod: Bo.w Sicl.inc rMh on the porehe.-s of fnme Colton reported on tht:!: pro-homes with slopin&'. ahiD.I'led gram to install insulation and !'?V!>J. covering wood trim with vinyl siding on ·bloek home•· He v::;y! &.nd a~umiDum so that no •id 36 pecple residing in bloek ;la:.'!:;ng is required. repairinc homes have replied to GHI's let­muonry on bride: and Oh bkJek ter on the subject. A iaeet.ing hc:nes, arrd puttin• a new roof i:s eebeduled with these people on :he GHI administration build- soon.. but the n:aet date wu not lr...g available at this time.

St.oran- SIM4a Stor.. Doon. I:: t:l.e last f"' months the Storm doon st.ocked by local

Board b.ad considered opposing building supplv ftrme do not fit a::.:,.- new metal Bhede. but in the outaide doors in GHI houses. ~n..i. new meta: she& wen ap- Tbe pl"'blem. is that Otd Town pl")'Jed by -:he Board under See- Greenbelt wu built before the :lun IX of the llemben Hand- Federal Government completed :.>:.ok. Sew met.a.l sheds must be the Depression era projeet of. .,~.,..,.,ed. wi.!h pressure treated standarisill&' entry door !lz.es,

:a~~ce or w1th plazrtinp that a«<rding to Co)ton's memoran­w:;; N!'&C'h the eaves when ma- dum to the Board. ~:J::-e W·J-oder: sheds. on the oth- The Boa-rd unanimoous'!y 3!1)­

er ~and., are treated more lerli- proved the Manager's suggested er.t.y. w:th the requirement that motion to enter into a contract p:an::1".gs n~ only reaet!. 12 wi.th Bettway Window Sys!ems <n<:~es m he:ght at maturity. for eustom-made st.orm doors.

Before the vo:e. board mem- It is planned tbat GH1 wil1 ot'rer ~r Bettv Deit.eh passed around the doon on a fee-for-service r. :".l.zmbe.r of color pbotoa of basis. GH1 will do the paper-

Greenbelt Travel Services (Formerly Travel-On)

Fabulous Memorial Weekend Get-Away!

Meet friends in New Orleans


Tak&a Cruise To Bermuda LaborDayW..a.

inclu:esdays$ 7 9 9. transportation to New York City, cruise amenities, all taxes.

Gnenbelt's Oldest Travel Agency ConveDieatly Joeated 1112'0118 from Superfresh

345-9003 TDD S.ltalola ..-17910 ~woocl Ln-

CANTWELL, SMITH & COMPANY Certified Public Accountants




474-1167 James R. CantweU, CPA Brian P. Smith, CPA

Greenbelt Thanks Merchants The Greenbelt Recreation Department wishes to aclaoowl­edge the generous contnbutions of prizes f<>r the 1991 Annual Ea.Ster Egg Hunt made by local merchants. The following merchants provided pl'izes, which were hidden in the "eggs" and found by lucky children:

Greenbelt American Legion Post 136 TGI Fridays

Jasper's tt-of Hunan Giant Foods, Inc. Capitol Cadillac

Chesapeake aag.l Bakery Domino's Piua

Greenbelt Carryout AMC Academy 8 Theatre

7-Eieven TCBY

Please patronize these stores. Merchants like these are ' what makes Greenbelt a great place to live, Thanks! l


Old Greenbelt Theatre 129 Centerway 474-9744

(-to eo.op food-., across from High's)

All Seats 9CJC Giant Screen & Dolby Ste...o Sound 5}'ldelml

-Shown-- I Fri-. s..t., Sun. - 1, 3 :05, 5 :10, 7:25, 9:80

MoD. - Th1D"8. - 7:25 and 9:30

ltP-..a:r 8' BD 2 IIA eompietel:r --ovated. Larp - lot. Price redm:ed for quick

Ead~~,t:;:,._ - ali ...... appl- -amdoutr to ..u.

--·Pt..-1.18 .....,. on a.optlaolk -· 70 mlm&te drift, Z car --~


.·~=· =·===~·=Aprii=="'=·:-=1::99::1====:-=:=--=-:::-::==__;G~RE~ENB=:!l!!li.;~T~NEW~~S~RE~::.!v~IE~W!!..... _______________ _JP~~

....... · • PEIESTRIAI SAFETY Greenbelt: CARES Plans Public Flea Market The Spring Speakers '.. .. ·_.··~. ., .•. can·· ...... m Wendy Weld... started llwo .1- ill. - - Spring ........,_ Toastmasters Meet ~ groupe at Eieanor Roosevelt YJc! A pubfte fiE& merkat il b&- The next meeting of t},t'

High Sebool. Meetinga weM held ine held 011 Saturday. Haly 4, Spring Speaker-s Toastma;!.ter~ by DiaDe Oberg ~=venW~y aftern<>OII8 !or ~ •:.:..t ~- ~the will be TuesdAy. April ~. at

aarl :=: =-=~::..~~~.;: ~m:: t!~ th~~rin C:"'k~ ::-:..~-~ ~ u.:~= :?£~:::;~~:::;;,~::~:: ~ ~~e Mareh 25 regular meeting of the Green- (llbryland AMod&tion of Youth a c.tde. TIMre...., 61i placeo open Phannaney in Sp,inghil1 La.l<e.

· ~ .... Tra8ie CouueUmetnber Edward PuteiUI ~=- wi~~rd ;::;::::. ~--:-'-=-.:!:k1•u!f For in:::fonnation call Joy.ce at

ll'oUoowbolr • - pedeM:rbD arcued that the oaly aign that. coot'-er<liAnadtovl~ tbeCournciluyem. ·~~... o t'her ~ ...n the 474


· ~ 011. C.....m ~ coan- wiD lneTeaae peciKtrian eafety i.s - -·• ~u Greenbelt -- I>epar. - Itt 474-6878. ttl dlraeled the dtr .ata« · to •'No Th:ru Traftle.'' &ion centered on the put. pre-~ ali NCeD:t .pedHtrian ~i- r.Anotber ··problem. cited by sent.. ami future ot relationahipe

: deil.tL ID · a4ctitioa.. & pe.ti~ CcnUrcihnember Antoinette M. of the YoGth Service Bureaus ..,.. 108 ~ WU PI'Qell- Bram, ia the il.l'IC'reaeed volume wit& the Department of Juvenile ted to .-..8 a<t Ita -· 11 and ~ at ereaeeat Road Servlcee, now headed by Dr. _...., -.,., reqaeotiac a - wbk:b mae it diftleult Nan<:y Graomlek.

.. ~....,-·.~ aicD at ~ in. for can to turn orato Creacent An a.vence o:f 25 t.mitia • - <II G-y. C...- from 'the various alc!Htreeto and - pMtielpMed m ...,....., ~ Wl!l ~ eoort& Sbe noted tbat drivers aebedoled CO\U1I8IIIeltin durin a

At the llaJoeh 116 mMting, City have lJOOr vld>illty for many of F"""'-7. Fifty...,. I,_ ....... 1- E. Gino aam- 6eae tame .and tlut Creocent is were ""'"lo'Od, 44% at -~ u.. ..... of bia anal- not very wen lit. - - y-h - 18 sWa ol :the efPt ~ .::.- Leonie Penney complained )"eRa ol -.e. Weekl7 "t:ultiOriallr - - 11180. - ~ hat ~ and illegal uae of -.. in .-m.r . ..- a>d t:rta. ~ Wiled and one critic- the llboulder 011 Crescent makes English were provided to 47. IIIJ' illllal'ed m - -.idetlto. ~ - ... of Oreocent 'Dw8 additioaat pild..triaDa n- even more daDprOQI. She ar- ae!~n ~~~3r:} .... ~k = - -paellliltma' bajurle"' cued etroncl:r for odditional · ·---~ - }IOIJrted 011t t:bat atop agna to reduce - opeed. relocation of tha boa atop with

c.- ·Road Ia eeenDd to Gieaa •id tbat trallle •tudiea Metro. ~ Ro.l In fnqwacy of imlleate 'tMt atop lligno only re­·~ -. Sb: at llbe duce. opeedo for a very amall ...... ~ B4 - oe- area around the aip. Sbe said - - lllailt - alx of eiatat thai: tbe • yell..... -~ ....,. ~ · )ledeoillri&Da .,......... Northway provldee a faloe -.. &WIOJ' - aa -o ... Ollly of ....mty, u motorlsta do not aae ..s.loat -.eel "a mark- otop - it lo flawblng. ed ...-.a:. Gl- - that tha Irene HenoeJ aloo charged """ - f- In t:be eial>t tbet - motor!Ma do not bon­~ Ia - tile·~ or ,...,.._nc.. She requaoted a -·failed to oee or ~ 1arp .... otat1Jqr tbat llaey­t:ba . ..,... or - of tile ,.._ tODd - reqaireo driven to bon· '*'-- Ia lob< at tbe eiatat the or the CI'OOOW'Iilk. Pollee Chief - <lid - oee the pedeMiriaa .lamea Craze Wd that pedestri­..ta 16" -. too - 11o a'IIOid .- U..e the ~on of ate tbe -., ...... u..r - in a -k

· G1o!te eM - - ·~ ID bat that they are expected to

---- llo - ··- ....... -.. pntdet>ee. a ~,...,..__ with Cree- ()pL Mark Polk, Prim:e Geor· - --. ·-· be COIICooJecl sa County Pollco told the Newo - ...... I'I!IIOl. '-""'-- - tbet pedestriuo alwa:ro ~ ·~~onre -.red pedoa- have the rlebt of _,. lu. a...,._ ~ l:o -.,... their bebe-.lor walk. How.,..M, he aoid, tile peel­and ._ a-Id _. -· eotrlan .bao die ,dotY not k> oad-0.. PI0'1ilooa with er--t Road dealy leave the curl> and walk ·ia IbM·- pod-.... jay- hi froJJt of .,. cm-eomJnc :.. -:=,. ~~ "G:: .hlc==le.:;... ________ •

Elderb Roa.U.c .lamee Canela. ehairman of the

Housing Coa.rittee of ~ Gree~ Co..umer Cooperative, Inc.. asked for a meetine with eouneU to diamu its newea't propoaal for a .enior how.lng c:oopeT&tlve _.,tmont bul.ldinc. The committee'• latest propou.l calle for eonat:nac'tinc approlrl­matety 100 ,..rtmata in six lltoriea atop three levele of atruc­t.ured PlllidDc on the library parlm>tr lot. ~nt to CeDter Scbool. The baildlng would be rouci>IJ' 90 f- tall.

Under tbo p_.l, tbe ._er two t....a of puldnc woold; be liftil..,le tor community ae, In exC'hlu:lce for tbe eftr'e agiee­meJJt to 1- the lud to the co-op for one dollar per year.

"ftle requested .-tine W"U not acheduJ.ed. Howwer, the couneil i-.ol that tho propooal mlcllt be dilfeoued at the next com­munity. center meetinc.

AUCTION Saturday, April 6, 1991

Commencing at 10:00 a.m. To eloforce our liens for storage and 'Or other

charges, we will sell by public auction the complete contents of approx. 17 household shpts. Consisting of fumiture, piano, freezer, cribs, toys, stereos, TVs, bikes, rup. Aloo apprQx. 100 box lots of small ap­pliances, glaMware, books, bric-a-b~ac.

Bryan Moving & Storage 5005 Cook Rd., Beltsville

Greenbelt Federal Credit Union Spring Special

Home Improvement Loan• up to $7000 at a low cost rate.

Call 474-5900 for details

112 Centerway R-elt Center Greenbelt, MD .... ..._


""""" - Mdoleata -.to be ............. c-1: Road - alleol for both· pedeot.riana --k>-.. ...... tSon. -

·. -..,... a foar--y atop at tbe. ·a....r.-:v.or-at.eem-..

. ,. M ,. t.i D wtthowt reJo.. ...... .. - ollop woald ..,_

....... -., - im-e oafe­q,, -...... l:o OleA. Wtila a

Listen~ .. Up rl

Attention GHI Members GHI NEEDS YOU -at the-· c.-ent Road

~----atop oip ...... motonata on Ganleft­___ _,c-t,

Tbe ..... -O!Ided --~ ...... te-l:oKeliro, wblel. ·bM nJeeted t11em aU = =·:..:<,!.;:,~ .'! 10 -. .... the -u. .. _...,_ -- .... - ,_. X.

White ..W - Gieee's -­·- fit--- lmpHed -l:be- ... ...-,.u,.-ed..,. tile -..nor of !6e .,..._.

-- • re,leeW - eondu­llloa.~-the-of .................. _er-..t - -..- ..,~ . ..-.. ~·...--­-of .. .-- • ..,.,. -.......B•--U...cle-ldplofU.. __ .,.....

1rioila to- • ....,. ,..,. -.......," __ .. __ vldoa• ..... --toM .... .• =:.w.·-~-~ ----..·-'-.... . ..

0 7.11 1 SMIIIor-. = .:..r..:. I .!' •• l:. :-:= _.......,.. .. _

FR.EE Hearing

Screening Saturday, Aprll13 1Ch30am- 3J30pm

College Parle Am.lcan '-ion ms-....limt.

( -4:pn-T)

NeA.......,..._ N_,.,.

- ... ~~~~-.CaB: 277-2100 Oilleger.k.

......... s.m-

Is . .,- eo.op being run the way you want? We all h-r complaints f.- tillle to time - and maybe we have some of our own as well. What_ ..... ,

If - eo.op Is to lie run the way we want, if decisions ore to be made that nlflect the fM!ings of the molarity - well we can't just sit back and expect .. _ else" to do it. Why not make democ·

racy wM fcw you? Make liVre yow voice and the voice of your fellow GHI ......._. are heard, and your ,;... reflected in decisions made.

Why nat run fcw ofllce? Or tolk to y- -ighbors, and - if maybe there ia ..a- out there who could do a pod Job of representing

you. Ia May t"-e will be --- 011 the Board of Directors, the Audit <=-•1111 ... , and the Nominations and Electlona Committee. Call

-of • and -·n lie glad to tell y;.., more about what is involved, and '-you can play an Important part In llhaplng our community.

Diana UebecMr I 220-1247 Swan w .... - 345-3597 "--"' ..._- 220-1026 ............... 4744914

Page 6: ttnbdt Community Center Design ;ltuitw To Be Presented April Jgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19910404.pdf · ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei!

Page 10

GRAPHIC ART SERVICES -C opyfittmc. layout, paate ap ODd design 345-.3872. Lie!ensed ehildean, old Grembelt. }(onday-Friday, Full time. 2 yn. , llp. Ex])eriertced. ref. :J46...3221. G"L""ITAR-LESSONS-- Seal.., ~bordo, theory. ....tinc. F1111 ~ime instnlctor. 91'7-81'70. WA"STED: 3 BR Bric-k unit. or ;ingle family home in Greenbelt. Can Httle by Ju.ne. Avoid brok­erage- fee. Call •74-088& 1868 SWTXXING POOL $Mil

Warehouse eleanmee of new 1990 p.oots. 24' x 32' iMtallatJon avail­at-:e. Includes hace deck. ladder. !encmg, filter and skimmer- Fi­l'!ancing available. Other pools a 'i ailable-. can toll free 24 houn P00-523-0400. HHIC #34431.


House Cleaning Do yoa aee4 h'f'lp wit~!~

yoar hoa~~e dr::a.Jria«?' I~t u.s help. We are a husband and wife team wol"killg in your area fo'f' over ih·e yean- with exeel1ent Greenbelt references.

We pro...;de w-Hkly, bi-month­Y and a spring type c\ear.;ng.

Also available is win<kw clean­ing &.nd interiM painting

RESCO)I SERVlCES ;:5 r.::1 ::1.sured, reputable eon·pany.

Call John or Tammy for ,... estimates at (301) 721-3788

FOR SALE BY OWNER: U>ed­room briek: UDit. Completely re-­Mn.ted. Kiteheft i3elt:Jdn ~­er 6 dryer. Powder room down­Hairs. CoDVen:ieatly loeated nert to N.oppinc aDd Metro. Must .ee­to appreciate. Call Andrea. days 474--4161-

c.r,.t ftr .... 100~ Wool

BEIGE 910' X 70", tin new

nto Al80 Eoreka vacuum in cellent eonditioa, $100.


In:t'.ant Care Needed. Couple seek• iovine' experienced penon to care for ._moDtb old in ou:r home or yoan: beainning in May. Son-smoker. Eneli.C speaking. References required. Cali Gail 982-9'751. CHILD CARE, 14 yn. experi­ooee, GreeDbelt, any bow-s, aU ages, 3-45-2083.


IndiTidual aDd

Small Businas Return&

A!l phases of .tcc:oonting

Reuonable Rates

(301) 513-9437



(301)-441-2727 6411 IVY LANE, SUITE 108


FlNE PRINT 54031\nnapotis Rood -.-..g.I"'I 20710

FINE PRINT, INC. makes you look good in print with

• High speed copying to meet your deadline • Quality offset printing

Complete typesetting and graphics laser fax service

• Charge accounts on approved credit and

Daily. Free Pick-Up & Delivery to Greenbelt CALL

301-779-6000 to arrange a pick-up

Mention this ad for 211% off your lint order!

Th!!l'!!ll:ar. AprR 4, 1991 CBILD OA;RE - Expvieaeed babywitter with 1J1.&J17 references &Vailable ~DCS and week­ends. Eliz&betl>.-794-70'11. CASH PAID !or .aoed ODd brok­en T.V."• and VCR'--.will pick up. 794-5808-1'B.ANSYZR"-=FI=LII=~. ~8~mm-,-=su_per_

CLAIS~I,FIE. 8, 16mm to VBS. Fi~ title, mtaic and ea.eette free. Con­sumer editing . . . Copies Tape Repair. 8 Track to Cas­sette. HLM Prodoetion IDe. (301) 474-6748.

BICYCLE REPAIR Spring Tune upe naw at

Special Rates. Bou.se Calls a vail. Reconditioned bikes !!~lso avail. Details


ROOMMATE FINDERS: U you have a place to share or need a place to l;ve, call 79(..7686. CALDWELL'S APPLiANCE SERVICE - All makes repaired. C&ll after & p.m. 840-8043. KENT'S CARPET CAAE J.ow price& DD ilhampoo, .team, aDd dual - C&ll fO. !No er.i­mateL 474-31211. GiUlAT TillE TO BUY! Get a good ini:erHt rate on this 3 levei TH with !JUlliten LR, 3 BR. 2.5 Bath., Aniab.ed ibsmt lc fenced yd. Only '139,000. Call Jaequ; to He. ReKax Suburt.n 441-

~~·T;;;--A.--,S"'U""ITE=-.-.B"R".--:den= priv. BA. $400/mo. plus Y., utila OR1BR~mo.and1 BR S275 plu '4 utils in Lax TH. Cal! Jacqai <141 1111


is now unde:rway l!eadmc­hoHday eelebn.ticma

warm eariDtr ~t.


ELLERS TYPEWRITER ~ PAIR - E1ectrie, otaDdard ·aDd portable. Call 474-06N.. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR Expert aDd Kemble Piano S.r­nce to Greenbelt.. Benjamlo Ber­ko!sky. '7..-,

I I Open Mon. thra Fri.

Evenings and Saturdays

I available

CaU 345-7068 ___ ,


Service for an major appliances in the home.

GROUP KEYBOARD CLASS. Register now for Keyboard Lea.­sons in College Park. $25 month-­ly. AU ages. Cantens Music Studio. 34-Jj-2752. Also piano, or­gan, and guitar.


All brands & aQ"la at Rli!A­SONABLE Prieea. C&ll w ·AppoiDtment Aaytime. U DO

lansooer, pleue call '-ek. I'm out selliq to your neichhon.

SU,MMER SUBLET. 1 BR, far. nished apt. Charlesto'llme North~ '700/mo. + Security Depoorit -No Peta. Available end of Kay thra Aug Cali 98U718.

Missy's Decorating WALLPAPERING



Xcl. Home Imp. Lie. ;tl!6408

lloDdecl - lDsan4

Scott's ~lumbing and Heating

Electric Drain Cleaninst Repairs and hmocWing

W'SSC 1048

CALL 345-1921


AdditiOnS • Kllchenl allaltla ;)5 """"HOW.....,..,_ :~--. Capenlafs-


o-.....n-.gocnPoot and--and-0~-

o---b~ Q 301-441-9669 d "'""- --.._ __ --

FRANK .IOIINSON IS ALlYl AND Wll1LL. ~ llidl ud ...,Ullded TV's lllld VCR'a ud STEB­EOS - -ny m :roar home - da;ya ad eve&. ud WeekeDds - witJl the IllUDe oJd promptuellll, faa- ud eourtes:y. OeaDt Gil it. .

ALSO - p.. don't trash :your old VCR or Ste.. I buy 'em, ne,yJe 'em, IUid ....n 'em for ~ ad up 1rith a for-real llllck~ome guarantee. '

ALSO - I eoaeh flxii;Jrounelfera over tbe pboDe on Ma.&tereanl or Vlaa.. .JUIIt ask. c.a.-2111-N88.

"11[/Wtt.. s. ~ ~~K JoN~....,


Accurm. Accounting ~ belp to -u --·-­Tazeo, . -~. liD. . ~. pa;rzall. --C&II "- (Hl) ~

CAR Ezeel, Silver, 4 DR with -­back. hieh mileqe, . - -. MD~ Great for ol;a-. dento. $2800 or - affer. 4'U-5182.


---~ CALL l

Dellcat. Balance i 301-474-0182 . i


3BR.lflillbatll,ll~ hardwood-., CAC, DW W /D. CftMIDd..lnel

~ VlllaP ...... ;

141-Zlft I

For Satel Cooop Ualt,

lllockT........._ 3-·

~­Batll,ha-W&ll to .Wall ~ ;r--,-­

GeM -y--­~·"'"'--' Gnat l'Ac8IIIIDI

21 ............ tOIIIIIN at.llciCR

MALTY 577~ .. ......



Ole Year Free Belle Poomt.e Dr!..,, 1000 sq. tt.


XOVING SALE. Sofa/love OM.!. reeliDer cllalr, 80-pl. Aquarium ..,_Jete oet w/ota.Dd. Ouio Joey­board - ..... lltaDd. Exec. - - - - patio aet. 474-42&7. FOR RENT: New 1 bedroom, ~-apt. in ~ PrivMe .... ~ 474-1'1'1'7- UtiHtl .. iDelodecl.


Portraits e Vid-Reuonable & Profeuional

FRANK 3. NEUMAIER' at Acadtmy Studio

GREENBELT WINDOWS a PAINT INc.-&ep!aeement win­dowa and doora aDd villl'l oidlnc. Phone 474-11434. IIBIC 26087. Cl!lltTrli'JED tadler and J.oviDe •- will watch childral qn ~ ap for ~.00 an hoar. 474-

LIGR.N.itb OWLDCARE - LOT­Inc eaviromllent; Elooellont ref. ereoea; 12+ ,eara experie,xe. Oae _..me for 18 moo./up. N.....,.4'14-.'1111115. ~-u.....-.-t.ild IDO'thel' to ,..,ydt at her home. Good ref-. CoDIIaet 474-24611. ODD lOBS AND ERRAND SERVICES: Paint, ,_u., yard ........, mo.., routine ~ -. - Call Gary 1180-01124.

FOr Sale Oae --. - level, ODd unit.. A.C. W /W carpet, new­lY ,_inted tllroqh-oat, obad:tr feaeed-ln yard (poden olde). ComenJeatly located to eoboola. oboppinc. bu. ...­:!u!reetro. Some closlnc help


Mobir Greenlielt SerVice

<:.new, Inc. Aato JiepUn • 'lloU Senlco

let CeDterway lloU c..abelt, HD 20770

(lel) 474-U48

Now Offering


SbaU:Ie s...ice .to Your llome or~~~-)

Call 474-8348

cbildcare - Es.p. lovlnc mom will eare for )"'Ur iDfant or toddler in her Lanham/New Carrollton

-· 562-1171. ~MPORARY-PART-TIME BI­OLOGICAL AIDE needed to work at USDA LAb in Beltsville. GS 2-4, $6.0047..'10/hr. Student or person reentelinc work fo.ree wel.come. Must be U.S- citizen. Contact J. Lynch, ~9~. Re­fer to RB-1E2:018.

ALL Hame Improvements,

Inc. Carpentry • Painting • Decks

Etc. Free Estimates Maintenance & RepairS

MHIC ~- Hanyok, Preo.

Lieense # (301)277·2-

HoWiecleaning - Weekly. bi­weekly, monthly. Private homes. ot!Sces and move-outs alao. Ex­cellent references, free estimate.. Debbie 562-~18. LAWN MOWI''N"'G,--.,.SER""'-;;VIC"""E,... Greenbelt yards promptly Hr'Yic­ed. Cali Gla:vde 982-34'7'7. YARD WORK/LEA;-F;;::.:RAK;c.,.=IN"'G"'. Faat, efftcient, chee.p References Andy. 474-7786. Need mature woman to take or-~ em the phone. Must have plea.aant voice, good pe~nship. will traln - 5-day week - eollege area. 34S-7300 Roz. HELP WANTED: Bookkeeper for CPA flrm. Moot be experi-eoeed in CJtient Write Up, Bank Reea. and PR Retu~. Part time 25-30 Hn per week. Greem:telt 220-Z800.

WEDDING DRESS 11M"W /m"'t.ey, Wt. of nqaciu

fit. .Uea 7, 9, or 11

Aloo Veil ~nd ! IH>toqueu of .W. /U>w .... All trw 1100


SPECIAL $5.00 ~on all TV, VC & 5terea

Repair Warlc With This Ad

f CALL 441-9116

145·2220 WANTED - Women softball playera. for MNCPPC 14C" 1-coe

m. 84~.

QJ.LU!PY'E!T!PECT.S .f..:if!!{'pSCJ(p I!!{(j

· f.ATvn !Main.ttnQIIU .Contracts · i.atuUcapine ~/T><staffatilm · 'Mufcliina, Pruning, 'FAfeinB, etc ...

!Tru 'E.stimate.s

Commucial / ~identia[ l&OILL {301)474·5163

~·w .. ••t~ Two Ho:Uda:v Spa. Mem. Free racquetball, aerobics, circuit weight training and more. Both onlv $1,000 or $600 ea. Susan at 322-7060 or leave mess. at 474-6608. FOR SALE. Greenbelt, To;:n: home, niee 2 br, quiet cui de sac, 58.9K 301-474 3738 o 286 4378 - r

Welding Cerbifled & IMured

No Joo too Sllldl!l Ladder. Racks, Hitches, a.ua,

Truck & .A.ui>o &epa; ...



Federal Elec:tronle FIUnc

Graham Leadbetter, CPA

474-7270 Eve-nin~•

Edgeweod· TVA:Aadlo

uependable Gu~nteed. Soniee 9917 RHODE ISLAND AV.


Ueenaed & Bonded


A.S.E. Certi11ed Teehnlclans Serving Computerized Electronic

Ignition & Emission Control Systema All Major &: Minor Repair&

On Foreign & Domestic Autos Locat.d iD N&r of

PHONE: 982-2582 Mobil Seniee Statton lnRooeonltCenter w.,Aeeept 159 CentenrQ- ltoad

Visa and Maatereard Greenbelt. llD ID'I70


~== .. ee...ezdal •a.w..t~a~ •Senice Bataurant. ltenofttio• Violation• Corrected CooUDI Wlrlnc Add! tiona ~ir WiriDc ~Dt Repair Smob Deteeton Llchtin&' Malntena-Eieetzlc llotora He&VJ'-UP. Appliance Rook·ap r-a..tap._ Additional Clreaite Baae-rd Heat Wlrlnc

-~ Doa .... 474-7198 'AllthonJ' ~ - Viee-P....wen~

Greenbriar 2 bel. 2 ba, den, eondo to 10blet. Immediate oocupaoey to .Juiy/Aucaat. fll*}/- CaU after 6 p.m. - 301-982-7128. FO~RENT---Wl!lSTOHESTER PARK. 2 BR eoa.f.o in prden unit.. EzeeUent condition. $780 Includes atmu... 341-8040.

Window Cleaning

Aleet Services, Inc. INSURED



• portraHs +porl1bloo

• advertlllng + cornmerclol photography

J. Henson phologra;:>Mf


GHI NOTES Tbe next Board ot Dlrecton1

meeting will be held April 11 at 8 p.m. i.J the Board Room. Members are invited to attend.

H. P. & I DRAINS • Electric Drain Cleaning

Kitchen • Bath • Reasonable Pnces • Prompt & Personal Serv:('e • Licensed & Insure-d


498-6263 Call Any Time

The Gigliotti Company

Lancl•c•JM Con•trucHon O..lgn ·Burl<:!· lnltlfl

Bowie. MO 301-Ml-4·1V71

• Stona/Brick Walkt W11i1 1nd PallOI

e Preuure Trlated Retaor,•ng Wa!r3

• Lanct.eap. De''"" and tr.atalf.r•o" e Water Fall• and Ponda • Deckl and Fences e Cuatom Cor'lcrete WorY. • 8oboc:at and Dump Truck Ser'<•cn • looluleh and Top!otl Oailvered • Commerc1al Snow ~emov1l

Conlrec'-• E.wterlor Ou.mage Control


Prince Q.orge·•. Anne Arundel. C.lven ar'ld Montgomery Couf\tlee

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Domino's Pizza Large Pepperoni



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Page 7: ttnbdt Community Center Design ;ltuitw To Be Presented April Jgreenbeltnewsreview.com/issues/GNR19910404.pdf · ber Charles F. Sehwan, Jr. (See separate story.) LecWatioa ConDei!



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ww. F..:_yer ~~rts 49c 1 cbocliDc ~

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~:: ~t:Or~- $1

·~: I r::::_1;E?~_:.:::~ ---------------•-- __ Pork Chops $2.29 Sac Gco~o I :b O·of VaJue 4 roll pk. Kounty K;st CORN & 15 oz.

,_;-~;--8;--.;~-=- --- ----cB. ~r~:~~E;J~c~Ro" 1 2/99c Bath Tissue 69c Sweet Peas 2/79c Crab Meat $9.99 Rec &- WhJt.e-----3--0z :-::ar KlSt Chunk 6l~ oz. HUnts 27 oz. miii. "'"" Teo LB T~111ato Sauc~L99c Light Tuna. 59c Spagh. Sauce 89c Hot Dogs 99c Welchs Grape 2-lb.

W".ote Hou>e regular '" gaL Jelly or Jam $1.29 3c:):t:.e3 !75's

51 iced Bacon

R;;.u;.:i Hlli

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Chick Breast



LB $2.49

LB $3.99

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Skin Lotion 99c

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Corn Flakes $2.19 Due-: 30 OZ-

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Yogurts ___ 2/89c .Sut.ny Del:ght

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Atm & Hamm-er Liq. LAL'"DRY



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24 oz.

$1.89 QT.

69c Ke-ebLe:- 1 1b-

Ciub Crackers $1.19 Our \"a:ue 16 oz.

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Oreo Cookies $2.49 Thrive a;o lb.

Cat Food $2.49



~e~~e:!~----70100...9 in. White Plates 99c White House 46 oz. min.

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Large· Anjou PEARS lb.


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••• 79


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Volum<> ..... Number 21 P.O. Box 68, G -yland 20768 Thurs., April 11, 1991

Council Discus With Traffic, P

'> • .1blic Concerns ::Manners

by Pat Scully Police Chief James R.

Craze discussed the speeding and traffic enforcement prob­lem on Greenbelt Road, along

1 with other enforcement is­sues, with the city council a.t a work session on March 20. The session was held in the newly completed ground floor conference room at the municipal building.

Complaiata Council members reported to

Craze that they had reeeived complaints from citizens about a perceived leek of courtesy and friendliness on the part of some po.liee otfh:ers. Instances cited included delays or laek of help­fulness in dealing with the dis­patcher and officers delaying in tening motorists why they had been .stopped.

Oraze said he was a ware of some of the instances cited. Be acknowledged that there have been problems with d.iltpatcher" and he haa taken action in a situation where human error b-y a dispatcher was invo1ved.

Police dispatching is a high stress jO<b, he noted, having to respond to telephone and radio calls. as well as officers in the station and the walk-in public, all with potential emergencies. Shift work also causes imreased stress, which the new scheduling policy is designed to help alle­viate.

Dispal:ehers do not receive the

~~:~~~v:r~r~i:;n!e~o~~d.of~=~= is also a high turnover rate, with m&l'lly of the best dispatchers moving on to become police of­t'ieers.

& ~ ~ :Ma eomplaints arise because ~ Traffic: Stope

~ 1 • citize are unfamiliar with po-, · li-ce oeedu~:e. It is standard

pra'Ctiee,. aa taught in most coun­ties~ ac:adem~ for an officer Wbo baa made a traffie stop to get the driver's license and registration before telling the driver why the stop was made. An officer muat use judgment to deeide -whether to tell the reaaon for the stop before run­ning a license and registration e-heek to see if there are any outstanding viola tiona.

At every traffic stop, there is the potential for dis-covering vio­lations beyond the immediate eauae of the atop, including stol-

What Goes On Moa-. April 15, 8 p.m. W<>rlt­

aeaerion with Roosevelt Cen­..,. ~. Munioip&l BaSdh>or. n....._, April 18. 8 ,_._ Budget w....-,, P.ub­lieWorb~ M;..­cel--..,. Oaopi.tlal 1m. prov......ta Program, Mu.­OiiioipM llloildmg

en ears. outstanding arrest war­rants and evidence of drug pos­session. An officer who has in hand the driver's license and registration has more colltrol and pc.tential evidence if th~ motor­ist flees. Running th~ licen~ and registration cheek fets the offic-er know whether the stop is more t.han a rputine traffic violation and whether to request backup, before alerting the of­fender.

Greenbelt is a suburb of a major metropolitan area with a majc.r crime problem. Just be­cause this is Greenbelt, Craze said., there is no reason to as­sume immunity from these crimes and every reason to be alert. The arrest rate -is up 300 percent, there have been 26 rob­b~ries within calendar 1991 and crimes against persons are up 33 percent. There are indications of cocaine dealing within the old part of town. An altereation in a mcvie theater led to a drive­by shooting ln the parking lot at Beltway Plaia. While traffic violators. trt ~Y not be habito.al criL.:.:n,.,s~ -~~_.ituat. crh!ninals d.o viola ~e traffic: ·f8.ws and are St3pped.

C!ty Manager James Giese emphasized that not all com­plaints have foundation. Police offkers rc.utinely deal with em­ergencies and are trained to han­dlt" them objectively and calmly. Ft>r the citizen experiencing the c:·isig, however. this objectivity n:ay be perceived as a lack of ·,qJrtesy.

Training and tounseling Greenbelt police officers are

trained to maintain high stan­dards of professionalism. Treat­ing citi-zens with courtesy is a part of those standards, aaid Craze. Council member Joseph Isaacs noted the need for a balanee between caution and courtesy. Police have both a safety -and a public communica­tions role, he said. recommend­ing communications training es­pecially for diapatehers.

Came Explore the History Of Prince Georges County

.A trip to ezplore the history of Prince Georaes County i.e planned tor Tuesday, May 14. TranJJportation will leave from the Park and Recreation Admin­istration Building located at 6600 Kenilworth Avenue. Riverdale. at 9 a-m. and will return at ap­proximately 4 p.m. The cost in­eludes coach bus tramsportation, admission and lunch at Mont-­pelier Mansion. Participanta will see three centuries ol hiatory aa they tour Bel Air and Marietta Mansion and learn the history of Greenbelt. Pre-registration is necessary by May 1.

For further information call 445-4600; TDD No. 446-4607.

This activity is spon&ared by The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission. Department of Parks and Rec­reation,' Prince Georges Coanty.

"We're working on it." said Craze. Communications and cross-::ultural trainin~ programs ure being developed.

The increase in the arrest rate means officers are spendmg more time in court, he ~.Lid, help­ing to create long stretches of wc.rk without a day off. The scheduling of court date.:> does not take into t pnsideration whether an officer 1s supposed to have a day off; working 24 and 25 days in a row is not un-

T·ne police department 1s try­ing to address the s~ress~indu ·ed prob:ems, with th.e new scl,~·dul­ing policy the most rC':-cn: ..::.~ amplr Traming in cris1s inter­vention. peer counseling and the city's Employee Ass:stance Pro~

gram are among th.e ongoing efforts.

Radar Readings Following up on the 1-'ebr~ry

12 public meeting to discuss Greenbelt Road traffic. Cpl. Tom Kemp spent approxlm.l.tely one to two houn , day for five dai'•

~;i~:e·~i~n ~fi~e~t •::~ at the crest c.f dle hill east of Hanover Parkway.

Eastbound traffic tends to move in a pack, having" been stopped at the light, with the

See COC~CIL, page 9

Fire in Parcel One by Doug Love

F1re departments from three cities joined to put Out a brush fire in the 100 acre woods at the end of Plateau Place late Wednesjay. Residents saw the firetrucks arrive at about 4 p.m. Four wheel drive .. brush trucks" fn.m Glenn Dale and Bowie \':ere able to reach the fire with damage to comparatively few trees. Hundreds of feet of hoses were stretched from the pump­er trucks at the end of Pla­teau Place, and reached 150 teet into tthe fire. enough to re­fill the '"brush trucks' and drench the area well- One firefighter was overheard to say that "21 cana were on the way," a.s another firefighter went into the woods with a large (water) can and hose strapped to his back. Two large trees were cut down in the fire area, one of which knoc­ked down a third tree. This was considered necessary to save. the rest of the woods.

The fire was out before dark, althcugh Committee to Save the Green Belt mem'bers were up all night putting out ftareups.'' high winds pushed the tlames downhill to the north of the Hilltop Trail. AJaut 5 acre.11 were scorched. but nO large trees were lost other t'!lan the ones cut dcwn by firE:!ighters.

This was the s::~.me site a.s tb.• n">rth ha]f of the fire Of 1988. The origin of the fire i1 unknown.

Resident Virginia Beauchatnp Iodu,eted Into Hall of Fame

'"Virginia Waleott Beauchamp emiJI,rfir'-' w: 'h.l ·r~tu3 'Zttd Umgheld memoria we keep in OlU hearts rur th(,sc teachers who always 1114de ti:me for the fager minds of students" -fre-m the pr•:ntt.~ progrn::·, ,.! ~>:+ ~~:\nr~· G~>­orges County Women's Han of Fame ln•Jtlctiun l:eren:,Jny.

by Mary Lou William~<Jn For her role as teacher, as innovator in wom._·n'.:: ~·;; :: .. ..-

and in building bridl'eB, especiaHy for \\• Dr. B1 :1 i-

ehamp was indUcted into the Princt:: c~~·t,r~:t··" \\· .. ,> ep's Han of Fame. This wav of n•, (,,cl ~~·. 1 : •• · :·~~ women of this county was deveJ,,;)• ,:: ·1_ ~~~!t:t•r ... f which she herself was a member.

The cereomony was held at Prince Georges C.:>mmunity Col­lege on Mareh- 27. Four other wom-en were also inducted.

A resident of Gr-eenbelt since 1~57, faculty member of the Uni­versity of Maryland in the Eng­lish Department, and later a membeT in m.any women's or­ganizations in this eounty, she h.as played Q \tey rnle in each.

In Greenbelt she rai~ed a fam­ily, two sons. George and John and a daughter Edith. and hall parti.::-ipated in community activi. ties. Beauchamp has served as editor, reporter and board mem­ber of the Sews Review for over 30 y~P.ars. She- has served on the outstanding e i t i z e n selection committee and was called upon to author GrHnbelt'a aueeesaful bid in 1986 to compete in the .-\]1 America Cities program.

At the Univers:ty s.he helped to found the Center for Inter­disciplinary Feminist Studies and develcped the followina eounes: "Introduction to Literature bv Women," "Writing by Worr . the Maryland ArP-in Original P-Aging in LJ' ters as & F. receDt putriicc... in& A Private h. .. , ._ Duarits of Mada'e Pres 1887, a collection o~ papers by a M: and "The Sister-· diers." :\farylan..< ;i azine. Summ<-r received ''',\fr" for a .;,-~.o.-·.~:~y art1c:~ ~1. Jan~ h1s~ory m cel.,.b!·at.or. the 350th anniversarY fr,unllmg of Maryland. .

Now retired, Beauchamp con­tinues to teach gorne of her fa. vorite class~s. do re:.earch and

Greenwood Village Meets April 17 to fleet Officers

Greenwood Vil!ag~ will hold its annual Homeowners' Meet­ing on Wed:s.esday, April 17. The me(: :ing will commence at 7:30 p.m. in the mum-purpol!.e room cf Eleanor Roosevelt High School. The annual election of t:he Board of Directors will be conducted. Association goals for the coming year will be dis­cusaed.

Sch-1 Budget Forum At Kenm-r Middle

Prince Georges TAG (Talented and Gifted) will hold a Workshop on "How to Help Schools through the Budg~t Cr:i.is" on Wednesday,- May 8 at 7:30 p.m. at Kenmoor Middle School. Mar­cy Canavan, school board mem­ber. Daniel Saltrick, assistant superintendent' for Area VI. Jan Stocklinski, Comer process coor· dinator, Pa.trieia Brook~ prin· cipal of Heather Hills elemen~ tary. and Judy McC'.)rmack, TAG Ccordinator at Henry G. Fergu· son Elementary, will work with parenta aDd other jfttereat.d per­sons to develop a Ht ot -....... tioDB for •ohmteer aet:Tritia that. can help the echools aurviTe the budget erisea.

h3.!> ('d

r,f thl• \V •r.an pur·, ~: ea • .~f'. lll ... i n,.

~~~n~V,,1~a~ I·

<'Onfvn.>r.:-, c~ntered ':1 ;,t . :, •ers, matt•·r., =-~·' thl' studPnt~· I<' ,w,•,:

S~ BE.\lT·I.\\lJ>. p.1~~

Schooi-SasedManagement Subject of Public Hearing

Th•· BrHHd 0f Edu('tl:. Pnne<' (;eorgt>~ (' 1u•.ty ..... .­an <)V.-;'r!"lght mf·e~:n.or

based manag•,mer:t. Th~

meeting will be ht< i day, April lH at (i p m ;o. t:~.

Board Meeting Room ~.-,., S&s.scer Admln.!!tratwr: 14201 Schr,.-,] Lune, Cp)H'l Ma: .. boro.

A bnef pr.-st>ntatJon '·'· R('hool­based managemt nt w ~i-H• Pr:nci' Gec.rges. County Pu!:lhc Schoo! will be j,pven IJy Dr Lou:se \\'aynant. ass-x:ate ~>upennt.end· ent for inl'ltructwn: Dr. M1chaf'l Grady, direct<Jr, offa·e of re­search and evaluation; Ja:nes W. Beall, dire<::Wr of budget. and a. number of pnnc:pals whv have been :nvclved Wlth S<."ho:ii­based management.

School-based managemf'llt. is a process which enab:p:w; k••:a.l school personnel t.1 d~c1do2 h•;W the resourcPs (pen0nnel. m<HI~·

rials, budget) allocated to the school will be used

Individuals who wish to tea­tify at the hearing Mould regls· ter in advance by cal:ing the Board Office at 301-96~115.