TU Delft Huisstijl 2015

TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

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Page 1: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

TU Delft Huisstijl 2015

Page 2: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje
Page 3: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

Huisstijl TU DelftAlgemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn:• Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel,

Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje of visuele effecten als schaduw of blur.

• Logo en teksten worden in combinatie met beeld geplaatst. Foto’s plaatsen we zo veel mogelijk aflopend. Onder tekstvelden kunnen aflopende kleurvelden liggen die een kleurcombinatie aangaan met nevenstaande foto of afbeelding.

• De typografie bestaat uit Arial Regular, Arial Regular Italic, Arial Bold, Arial Bold Italic, aangevuld met een Ultra Light letter (TU Delft Ultra Light) die geschikt is voor gebruik in titels en koppen, zowel in print als op digitale dragers.

Media Solutions

Voor toelichting of vragen over de huisstijl: [email protected] Delft Library, kamer 3.74.

Uitleg over de huisstijl, voorbeelden en downloads zijn te vinden op: www.huisstijl.tudelft.nl.

Logo1 Voorkeurslogo: logo in zwart op witte of lichtgekleurde

achtergrond.2 Voorkeurslogo: logo in wit uitgespaard in gekleurde of

fotografische achtergrond.3 Logo voor gebruik in huisstijlset (briefpapier/visitekaartje/

etc.) of in combinatie met zwarte tekst op een witte ondergrond (vergelijkbaar/inwisselbaar met het gebruik van de bies).

4 Het logo kan met descriptor worden gebruikt wanneer het voor de doelgroep niet direct duidelijk is dat TU Delft een universiteit is.

• Het logo mag op geen enkele wijze worden aangepast, nagemaakt of gewijzigd en wordt altijd in zijn totaliteit gebruikt.

• Er mogen geen eigen logo’s worden ontwikkeld zonder uitdrukkelijke toestemming van het College van Bestuur.

• Er wordt een set A-formaten aangeboden (te gebruiken voor flyer/poster) met een geplaatst logo gepositioneerd op de juiste positie.

• De voorkeurspositie van het logo is linksonder.• De vlam mag niet los gebruikt worden, met uitzondering van

de intro bij film, zie pagina 8.11

TUDelft Delft University of Technology







Page 4: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

De corporate kleuren zijn cyaan, zwart en wit. Deze kleuren worden gebruikt in 100% en dus niet gebruikt in (grijs)tinten behalve in tabellen.

Het kleursysteem genereert kleuren (zie voorbeelden op pagina 6) die vrij zijn te gebruiken. Het combineren van een achtergrondkleur met een foto wordt een nieuw dominant stijlmiddel.

Als backupsysteem wordt er nog een aangepast aanvullend kleurpalet aangeboden, als leidraad voor het vrij kiezen van steunkleuren.


Corporate kleurenDit zijn de kleuren 100% Cyaan, zwart en wit. Cyaan is hierbij de kleur van de achtergrond. Zwart en wit zijn de kleuren van het logo.

DrukwerkC 100M 0Y 0K 0

BeeldschermR 0G 166B 214

WebsafeHex 00A6D6

DrukwerkC 0M 0Y 0K 100

BeeldschermR 0G 0B 0

WebsafeHex 000000

DrukwerkC 0M 0Y 0K 0

BeeldschermR 255G 255B 255

WebsafeHex FFFFFF




TU_100% Cyaan





























Page 5: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje


VoorbeeldBrochure2014/2015International students and PhD candidates

VoorbeeldBrochure2014/2015International students and PhD candidates

VoorbeeldBrochure2014/2015International students and PhD candidates

VoorbeeldBrochure2014/2015International students and PhD candidates









Bij deze voorbeelden zijn de kleuren uit de foto gehaald.

Groen uit gras

Bruin uit trui

Paars uit jas





VoorbeeldBrochure2014/2015International students and PhD candidates

VoorbeeldBrochure2014/2015International Students and PhD Candidates

VoorbeeldBrochure2014/2015International students and PhD candidates

VoorbeeldBrochure2014/2015International Students and PhD Candidates

Extra kleurenpaletDeze kleuren zijn vrij te gebruiken en mogen nooit geclaimd worden door faculteiten, onderwerpen, of doelgroepen. In principe worden de kleuren niet in lichtere tinten gebruikt. (alleen 100%). Met uitzondering van gebruik in tabellen.

Groen uit trui

Page 6: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje


ArialArial wordt in bodytekst en koppen als regular gebruikt. Alleen bij subkoppen - in dezelfde grootte als de broodtekst - kan Arial Bold worden gebruikt. Koppen staan nooit in Italic of Bold Italic.

TU Delft UltraLightSpeciaal voor koppen is het lettertype TU Delft UltraLight ontwikkeld. Deze kan als kop gebruikt worden in lettergroottes vanaf 24pt. De TU Delft UltraLight kan op www.huisstijl.tudelft.nl worden gedownload.

GeorgiaIn bijzondere gevallen kan het lettertype Georgia worden ingezet. Dit kan in de vorm van een “Quote”, een kadertekst of een column. Indien er een kop staat boven een kadertekst, dan staat deze kop in Arial.

TypografieLettertypeDe nieuwe typografie bestaat uit Arial (Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic). Aanvullend wordt Georgia gebruikt als quote- of columntekst. Tekst staat altijd in zwart of wit, (sub)koppen mogen in eventueel in een kleur van het kleursysteem of kleurpalet worden gebruikt. De richtlijnen zijn alleen bedoeld voor offline gebruik.


Arial RegularArial ItalicArial BoldArial Bold Italic

Georgia RegularGeorgia ItalicGeorgia BoldGeorgia Bold Italic

TU Delft UltraLightC



• De bies wordt toegepast in onderstaande omstandigheden en nevenstaande voorbeelden.

• Het is een blauwe (cyaan) balk met daarin een wit TU Delft-logo zonder descriptor.

• Het gebruik van de bies wordt aanbevolen in de combinatie van een éénbladerige uiting van zwarte tekst op een witte ondergrond (dus zonder beeld). Een poster of een flyer.

• In een PowerPoint slide wordt de bies verticaal gebruikt.• In de bies mag alléén het TU Delft-logo in wit worden

uitgespaard. Er mogen geen andere logo’s, afbeeldingen of teksten in de bies worden geplaatst.

• Er wordt een nieuwe biezenset aangeboden op de huisstijl site voor alle formaten (te gebruiken voor flyer/poster).




• De bies is vereenvoudigd. Het is nu een blauwe (cyaan) balk geworden met daarin een wit TU Delft-logo zonder descriptor.• Het gebruik van de bies wordt aanbevolen in de combinatie van een

éénbladig document van zwarte tekst op een witte ondergrond. Een poster, een flyer, een scherm of een PowerPointpagina.• In de bies mag alléén het TU Delft-logo in wit worden uitgespaard. Er mogen geen andere logo’s, afbeeldingen of teksten in de bies worden geplaatst.• Er wordt een nieuwe biezenset aangeboden op de site voor alle formaten.• De bies is geen standaard onderdeel van de vormgeving. De bies wordt toegepast in bovenstaande omstandigheden en nevenstaande voorbeelden.

Minimale afstanden tot de linker-, boven- en onderkant


De nieuwe bies is een blauwe balk met een diapositief logo.

Verticale bies op de HD-presentatie

Powerpoint 16x9


Page 7: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

PapiersoortenDe gekozen papiersoorten zijn FSC-gecertificeerd, dit betekent dat de grondstof voor het papier afkomstig is uit verantwoord beheerde bossen. Voorwaarde voor het gebruik van het FSC-logo is dat de productie wordt gedrukt bij een FSC-gecertificeerde drukker (preferred suppliers zijn bekend bij Media Solutions).

Corporate middelen, bachelor- en mastermiddelen:• Plano Superior ongestreken (80, 90, 100, 120, 160, 200,

250, 300 en 400 grs.) Dit is een matte papiersoort.

Bij overig drukwerk heeft men twee papierkeuzes(mat en glanzend):• Luxosatin gestreken (90, 100, 130, 150, 170, 200, 250,

300 en 350 grs.) Dit is een glanzend papiersoort.• Plano Superior ongestreken (80, 90, 100, 120, 160, 200,

250, 300 en 400 grs.) Dit is een matte papiersoort.

DrukwerkformatenEr wordt zoveel mogelijk gebruik gemaakt van standaard A-formaten, dus A4, A5, A6 etc. Voor boeken, eenmalige uitgaven en indien het productietechnisch niet anders kan, is een afwijkend formaat mogelijk.


PresentatiesOp de website wordt een basis stramien in Powerpoint aangeboden in het standaard formaat (4:3) en HD formaat (16:9).Op witte pagina’s met zwarte tekst staat een bies.Op pagina’s met gekleurde grafische informatie staat een zwart logo. Op gekleurde pagina’s of in aflopende foto’s staat een wit logo.Er is een corporate Powerpoint presentatie beschikbaar met algemene informatie over de TU Delft.



Biomechanical Engineering

Aerodynamics, Wind Energy, Flight Performance, Propulsion



Hydraulic Engineering


Civil Engineering and Geosciences

Applied Sciences

Design Engineering

Applied Mathematics

Industrial Design Engineering



Infrastructure Systems and Services

Architecture and the built environment

Technology, Policyand Management

Maritime Transport Technology

Control and Operations

Water Management


Industrial Design

Electrical Sustainable Energy

Architecture Engineering and Technology

Multi Actor Systems

Materials Sience and Engineering

Aerospace structures and Materials

Structural Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Product Innovation Management

Intelligent Systems


Software and Computer Technology


Values and Technology

Process and Energy

Space Engineering


Imaging Science and Technology

Real Estate and Housing

Innovation Systems

Precision and Microsystems Engineering

Geosciense and Engineering

Quantum Nanoscience

Delft Center for Systems and Control

Geosciense and Remote Sensing

Radiation Science and Technology

TU Delft Organisation

16x9 Template met wit logo.

16x9. Template met zwart logo.


16x9. Template met bies en voorbeeld van typografie.

16x9. Template met bies en voorbeeld van typografie.

Presentation Title.

This is a corporate PowerPoint®. You can change slides to your own needs. This is the 1820x1018px version. Images in high resolution.


16x9. Template met bies en voorbeeld van typografie.

16x9. Template met bies en voorbeeld van typografie.

Presentation Title.

This is a corporate PowerPoint®. You can change slides to your own needs. This is the 1820x1018px version. Images in high resolution.


Biomechanical Engineering

Aerodynamics, Wind Energy, Flight Performance, Propulsion



Hydraulic Engineering


Civil Engineering and Geosciences

Applied Sciences

Design Engineering

Applied Mathematics

Industrial Design Engineering



Infrastructure Systems and Services

Architecture and the built environment

Technology, Policyand Management

Maritime Transport Technology

Control and Operations

Water Management


Industrial Design

Electrical Sustainable Energy

Architecture Engineering and Technology

Multi Actor Systems

Materials Sience and Engineering

Aerospace structures and Materials

Structural Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Product Innovation Management

Intelligent Systems


Software and Computer Technology


Values and Technology

Process and Energy

Space Engineering


Imaging Science and Technology

Real Estate and Housing

Innovation Systems

Precision and Microsystems Engineering

Geosciense and Engineering

Quantum Nanoscience

Delft Center for Systems and Control

Geosciense and Remote Sensing

Radiation Science and Technology

TU Delft Organisation

16x9 Template met wit logo.

16x9. Template met zwart logo.

TU Delft Organisation

Biomechanical  Engineering

Aerodynamics,  Wind  Energy,  Flight  Performance,  Propulsion



Hydraulic  Engineering


Civil  Engineering  and  Geosciences

Applied  Sciences

Design  Engineering

Applied  Mathematics

Industrial  Design



Infrastructure  Systems  and  Services


Technology,  Policyand  Management

Maritime  Transport  Technology

Control  and  Operations

Water  Management


Industrial  Design

Electrical  Sustainable  Energy

Architecture  Engineering  and  Technology

Multi  Actor  Systems

Materials  Sience  and  Engineering

Aerospace  structures  and  Materials

Structural  Engineering

Chemical  Engineering

Product  Innovation  Management

Intelligent  Systems


Software  and  Computer  Technology


Values  and  Technology

Process  and  Energy

Space  Engineering


Imaging  Science  and  Technology

Real  Estate  and  Housing

Innovation  Systems

Precision  and  Microsystems  Engineering

Geosciense  and  Engineering

Quantum  Nanoscience

Delft  Center  for  Systems  and  Control

Geosciense  and  Remote  Sensing

Radiation  Science  and  Technology

> 20.000 students

2.000 – 20.000

500 – 2.000 0 - 500

340.000 subscribers from around the globe


Page 8: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

FotografieBeeld is een belangrijk onderscheidend element binnen de huisstijl. Om de beelden zo optimaal mogelijk te laten spreken, werken we in onze middelen bij voorkeur met een beperkt aantal grote foto’s en niet met een veelheid

aan kleine foto’s. We plaatsen foto’s in zijn geheel en waar mogelijk aflopend. We maken geen gebruikvan samengestelde beelden (meerdere foto’s bewerkt tot één beeld). Op covers van brochures wordt ook altijd gewerkt met één beeld.

Fotografie / Film

FilmOm de video’s binnen de TU Delft een uniforme uitstraling te geven en een duidelijke afzender hebben we templates ontwikkeld voor intro’s, outro’s en naamsvermeldingen. Het intro zal slechts 2 – 3 seconden duren waarna de video direct start. De outro kan langer aanhouden en ruimte bieden voor extra informatie.

Omdat de film zichtbaar is achter de titelaanduidingen is er voor verschillende software pakketten een animatietemplate ontwikkeld. In Windows Moviemaker, iMovie, After Effects, Premiere Pro en Final Cut Pro, zijn templates ontwikkeld waarin eenvoudig teksten kunnen worden aangepast. Behalve bij de intro van video’s, mag de vlam niet los gebruikt worden.


Page 9: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje



Dit is de titel. Er is ruimte voor 2 regels.Maak ‘m niet te lang!

Dit is de titel. Er is ruimte voor 2 regels.Maak ‘m niet te lang!

Omschrijving van de activiteiten. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet ligula sit amet ante sollicitudin consectetur.

Omschrijving van de activiteiten. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet ligula sit amet ante sollicitudin consectetur.

Gebouw 36 | HB 16.250 | 10.00 uur

Aliquam quis cursus eros.

Gebouw 36 | HB 16.250 | 10.00 uur

Aliquam quis cursus eros.

Beeldverhouding 3Lx2H Beeldverhouding 3Lx2H


Dit is de titel. Er is ruimte voor 2 regels.Maak ‘m niet te lang!

Dit is de titel. Er is ruimte voor 2 regels.Maak ‘m niet te lang!

Omschrijving van de activiteiten. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet ligula sit amet ante sollicitudin consectetur.

Omschrijving van de activiteiten. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sit amet ligula sit amet ante sollicitudin consectetur.

Gebouw 36 | HB 16.250 | 10.00 uur

Aliquam quis cursus eros.

Gebouw 36 | HB 16.250 | 10.00 uur

Aliquam quis cursus eros.

Beeldverhouding 3Lx2H Beeldverhouding 3Lx2H

TU Delft huisstijlset. Gebruik van logo met blauwe ‘U’.





Voorkant visitekaartje

Achterkant visitekaartje

Delft University of Technology

J. JanssenManager Media BibliotheekCommunication

[email protected] +31 (0)15 27 00112M +31 (0)6 2345 6789


University Corporate Office

Building 21Prometheusplein 12628 CN DelftP.O. Box 52600 AA Delft

Page 10: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

Gebruik van de bies op een poster

Titel poster

Ed etur? Pelibeaquiam sam nus ere

nobisqui consende

ne vel ilignimporit enient etur



RANKINGWorld Top in Technology

(QS) 15

VALORISATIONEuropean Research Council

Grants 7STW Technology foundation

Valorisation Grants 15Techno Starters 17

ALUMNITotal alumni


STUDENTSTotal students

20,0001st year BSc

2,8751st year MSc


STAFFScientific staff 2,580Professors 220Auxiliary staff 1,850

OUTPUTDissertatons 350Scientific

publications 5,400Professional

publications 680BSc+MSc diplomas 4,100


Bachelor insert Scientific staff

Full Professors

Auxiliary staff







Master insert

Facts and figures (2013)

Campus Education

19.000 on-campus students

Bachelor – Master – PhD degrees

Online Distance Education (ODE)

Full Master Degree / Accredited Course Certificate

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Online interaction

Certificate of completion

Open Course Ware (OCW)

Over 120 courses

Over 10.000 web lectures

Online Distance Education


Open Course Ware (OCW) Campus Education

Massive Open Online

Courses (MOOCs)


TUDelft_corporateA4-018.indd 7 19-08-14 15:23

Grafische visuele middelen

Do you want to develop your innovative energy idea and kickstart your own business?Do you need support to make this possible?

Delft Energy Initiative offers a Start-up Voucher of € 2,500,- and participation in the 1 2 Launch start-up event.


Launch your energy start-up

Win a € 2,500 start-up voucher

Poster, zonder bies.


Page 11: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

Voorbeelden van layout verhoudingen, vlakverdelingen, kleurstellingen

Research themes



Society is our continuous incentive to carry out ground-

breaking research. How can we ensure that there is sufficient

affordable and clean energy for all? Or that everyone has

a clean and safe living environment? What kind of smart

infrastructure do we need to develop in order to ensure that

ever more densely populated cities remain attractive places

in which to live and work? And how can we grow old in

good health? These are some of today’s major social issues.

In order to be able to answer these questions, TU Delft pays

extra attention to research in four domains: Energy, Health,

Infrastructure & Mobility and Environment. Fundamental

research is part of this, because TU Delft aims to find solutions

for tomorrow’s problems as well as today’s.

3mEMechanical, Maritime and Materials


• Driving and racing simulator labs

• Fluid mechanics lab

• Mechatronics lab

• Perfect reactors lab

• Process technology lab

• Robotics lab

• Thermo lab

• Water tank and towing tank

AEAerospace Engineering

• Aeroplane hangar

• Cessna Citation II jet aircraft

• Clean room for satellite building

• Flight simulator Simona

• Kite laboratory

• Laboratory for Earth Oriented Space

research (LEOS)

• Materials lab

• Wind tunnels (low and high speed


ArchArchitecture and the Built Environment

• Architectural model hall

• CAM Lab

o CNC milling machine

o 3d Printers with various techniques

o Laser cutters

o Machine workshop

• Library

ASApplied Sciences

• Chemical labs

• Fermentation labs

• Microbiology labs

• Molecular biology labs

• Nuclear research reactor

• Optical labs

• Vibration free labs

CEGCivil Engineering and Geosciences

• Construction Laboratory

• Fluid Mechanics Laboratory

• Geoscience & Engineering Laboratory

• Geoscience & Remote Sensing


• Microlab

• Recycling Laboratory

• Road and Railway Laboratory

EEMCSElectrical Engineering, Mathematics

and Computer Science

• Fabrication Center for IC/MEMS R&D

• High-voltage engineering laboratory

• INSYGHTLAB for Intelligent Systems

• Photovoltaics Laboratory

• Radar test facilities

IDEIndustrial Design Engineering

• Applied labs

• Consumer Research Product

Evaluation Lab

• Foundational labs

• ID-StudioLab

• ‘Made Of..’ materials library

• Model making and machine lab

• Perceptual intelligence lab

• Physical and ergonomics lab

Research facilities


TU Delft has extensive on-campus research facilities, ranging

from wind tunnels, chip facilities and a high-voltage lab, to serious

gaming and product evaluation facilities. These facilities are also

available for corporate research.


Nuna – the famous solar powered racing car –

won five of the last seven editions of the World

Solar Challenge in Australia. Delft students are

using their inspirational Nuna to push back the

frontiers of what is possible with solar energy.

TU Delft has always been an institute where

research and teaching go hand in hand. It is

a place to study, but we also expect more of

our students. Even during their studies, we

want them to use their inventiveness to put

technology into practice. This approach can

produce wonderful results, such as the Nuna

solar car, the Prêt-à-Loger house or the Senz

umbrella. TU Delft offers its students a tough

and demanding degree programme. But we

cannot settle for less, as our graduates have

an immense responsibility to shoulder: they

are entrusted with finding solutions to the

problems that future generations will face.



NUNA7 23.09.2013 - 12:21 between Alice Springs and Kulgera

– Solar Challenge 2013 Accross Australia


The Reactor Institute Delft

Research facilitiesThe Reactor Institute Delft (RID) is part of the Applied

Sciences faculty. The RID’s 2 MW pool-type research

reactor is the only nuclear reactor in the Netherlands

used in an academic setting. The reactor was not

built to produce electrical power, but as a source of

neutrons and positrons for research purposes. The

knowledge and expertise of RID play an important role

in fundamental and applied scientific research in various

fields – for example, health and sustainable energy –

both nationally and internationally.



Page 12: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

Voorbeelden van layout toepassingen.

Combining fundamental

research of experimental

and numerical aerodynamics

with the application of

it in the design of next

generation wind turbines.

At TU Delft we offer you a leading

academic programme in aerospace

engineering and technology in Europe.

Our internationally-oriented programme

prepares you to respond effectively and

rapidly to the needs in the aerospace

sector with solutions that are innovative,

technically feasible and commercially

viable. At our state-of-the-art test and

laboratory facilities you acquire the

engineering skills needed in advanced

industrial applications.

During your specialisation phase – the

MSc track – you will develop into an

independently-thinking, professionally-

oriented, innovative engineer and


Aerodynamics and Wind Energy

The MSc track in Aerodynamics and

Wind Energy combines fundamental and

applied research disciplines of aerospace

an wind-power systems, focusing on

development and optimisation. It is aimed

at students who want to learn about

advanced aerodynamic tools (experimental

and numerical modelling techniques) or

who wish to gain experience with the

applications of aerodynamics in design and

sustainable energy conversion.

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

MSc ProgrammeAerospace Engineering


Aerodynamics and Wind Energy

MSc Track structure

Course Description ECCore courses gain a broad view on a field of expertise ≥ 18Profile courses Focus on a particular subfield ≥ 13Elective courses Specialise in a particular area of expertise or add multi-

disciplinary elements, repair educational deficiencies or address a personal interest *

+/- 15

Literature study prepare for the thesis subject 12Research methodologies

Prepare for the thesis subject 2

Internship Acquire professional skills during a three-month internship at a Dutch or international company or institute *


MSc thesis an in-depth research project or design assignment in your subject of choice


*Optionally abroad

Our program provides a

fundamental background

in modern flight control,

human-machine systems,

air traffic management

systems, noise and

climate effects, safety and

air transport operations


At TU Delft we offer you a leading

academic programme in aerospace

engineering and technology in Europe.

Our internationally-oriented programme

prepares you to respond effectively and

rapidly to the needs in the aerospace

sector with solutions that are

innovative, technically feasible and

commercially viable. At our state-of-

the-art test and laboratory facilities you

acquire the engineering skills needed

in advanced industrial applications.

During your specialisation phase – the

MSc track – you will develop into an

independently-thinking, professionally-

oriented, innovative engineer and


The Control & Operations core course

programme provides a fundamental

background in operations research,

avionics systems, flight control and

automation. The profile courses a student

attends are associated with one of three

sections (research groups) the student

has joined. The 3 to 4 additional elective

courses are chosen after consulting

with the responsible Section head. After

completing the required course programme

and the internship, the student performs

the literature survey associated with his or

her thesis. The literature survey and final

thesis project are performed with the same

supervisor, working on a specific project

of current relevance to the field. Students

are encouraged to contact prospective

supervisors early, as they can aid in the

selection of elective courses. All C&O

students do a literature study and submit a

research paper prior to graduation.

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering

MSc ProgrammeAerospace Engineering


Control & OperationsMSc Track structure

Course Description ECCore courses gain a broad view on a field of expertise ≥ 18Profile courses Focus on a particular subfield ≥ 13Elective courses Specialise in a particular area of expertise or add multi-

disciplinary elements, repair educational deficiencies or address a personal interest *

+/- 15

Literature study prepare for the thesis subject 12Research methodologies

Prepare for the thesis subject 2

Internship Acquire professional skills during a three-month internship at a Dutch or international company or institute *


MSc thesis an in-depth research project or design assignment in your subject of choice


*Optionally abroad


University Corporate Office Outlook 2015-2020Team of Directors University Corporate OfficeDiscussion document

Outlook UCO

Department ofBionanoscience

Think big about life at the smallest scale

Facts & Figures

Department of Bionanoscience

Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft

Faculty of Applied Sciences

Delft University of Technology

Lorentzweg 1

2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands

Tel.: +31-(0)15-27 82318

E-mail: [email protected]


BN & SocietyExploiting our knowledge of the

mechanisms that operate a cell can

improve treatments for diseases and

can create advances in regenerative

and personalised medicine.

A better understanding of the cell and its behaviour is also relevant for the development of new biomaterials (e.g. food production or high-tech materials) and new energy sources (e.g. biofuels). We interact with

instrumentation companies to further develop single-molecule and optical instrumentation (e.g. “super resolution” imaging), with medical centres to further improve diagnostics and medication (e.g. novel antibiotics and drug delivery) and with companies in the pharmaceutical industry on DNA and protein sequencing.


• Young, growing, international department established in 2010

• Part of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft: www.kavli.nl

• A non-hierarchical structure: all faculty members run their own independent labs.

People (January 2015)

• 15 faculty members, expanding to 19

• 85 PhD-students, postdocs and guest researchers, still expanding

• 23 support staff (including research technicians)


• Kavli Nanolab (large cleanroom facility)

• Kavli Nano Imaging Center (microscope facility)

• Extensive general biology facilities

Page 13: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

Voorbeelden van toepassingen. Masterbrochures.

Our graduates find work with EWEM

associated partners, in wind energy

research, remain in academia or begin

their own firms.

Admission requirements and

application procedures

More details on the admission

requirements can be found on the EWEM

website: www.windenergymaster.eu

BSc degree from a Dutch university

or International degree

To be considered for admission to any MSc

Programme, you must meet the general

admission requirements of TU Delft.

1. A BSc degree (or a proof that you have

nearly completed a BSc programme)

in a field closely related to the MSc


2. A BSc Cumulative Grade Point Average

(CGPA) of at least 75% of the scale


3. Proof of English language proficiency

A TOEFL score of at least 90

(internetbased test) or IELTS (academic

version) overall Band score of at least

6.5. For international students, the

application period starts October 1

and closes at April 1. To start an MSc

application, please complete the online

application and pay the refundable

application fee of € 100 (fee refunded

when registered).

For more information about the

application procedure go to


Degree from a (Dutch) university

of applied sciences (Dutch HBO)

An HBO Bachelor’s degree does not

qualify you for direct admission to

this Master’s degree programme. EWEM

doesn’t have an own bridging minor.

Candidates who believe they have enough

experience and done a relevant bridging

programme are invited to contact the

coordinator and will be considered on

a case by case basis.

See www.hbodoorstroom.tudelft.nl

for detailed information.

Application goes through Studielink:


The coordinator can inform about which

bridging minors might be sufficient to go

through selection.

The application process is conducted

by the TU Delft International Office and


Applicants should apply online according

to the regulations and procedure described

on the TU Delft application website and

on www.windenergymaster.eu

Applicants wishing to be considered for

a scholarship in the 2015-2017 edition of

the Erasmus Mundus programme should

ensure that their files are received before

1 December 2014. Besides these

regulations, the following guidelines

will be used to consider applications.

1. Candidates must have obtained a BSc

diploma of substantial quality and level

corresponding to at least 3 years studies

at Research University, equivalent to

180 ECTS.

2. The programme builds upon a first

degree such as a Bachelor’s degree

or an equivalent qualification in a

related field. The four engineering

specializations have different degree


• For the Rotor Design track applicants

must hold a Bachelor’s degree in either

Mechanical, Aerospace Engineering,

Physics or a degree with equivalent

core content.

• For the Wind Physics track applicants

must hold a Bachelor’s degree in either

Mechanical engineering, Aerospace

engineering, Mathematics or Physics

or a degree with equivalent core


Our mission is to advance the design of

innovative aircraft configurations and

propulsion concepts, by exploration of:

• new technologies and unconventional

airplane configurations

• advanced flight physics modelling to

improve the prediction and simulation

of air-vehicle performance

• new methods and tools to improve

the quality effectiveness of the design


The research and education activities

within this Master track are pursued and

coordinated by two full time professors,

one part-time professor, four assistant

professors and five dedicated lecturers.

Each of the staff members has a different

expertise, varying from air-breathing

propulsion systems, turbo-machinery

and power systems to flight mechanics

and aircraft design and integration.

The knowledge and competences within

the Flight Performance and Propulsion

section are therefore grouped in three

key areas:

• Propulsion and Power

• Flight Mechanics

• Aircraft Design & Design Methodologies

The educational programme is designed

to provide the students with in-depth

fundamental knowledge of these key areas.


The Flight Performance and Propulsion

Master track has a single profile. The

educational program consists of a fixed

set of mandatory courses that deepens

the knowledge of the students in the

fields of propulsion and power, flight

mechanics and aircraft design & design

methodologies. Elective courses are

typically selected in consultation with the

master track coordinator such that the

student becomes an expert in one of these

fields. For example, students interested

in the field of propulsion and power are

recommended to take the courses ‘Heat

transfer problems in gas turbines’ and

‘Gas turbine simulation / application.’

Students who would like to focus on

flight performance and aircraft design

will benefit for example from courses

on computational fluid dynamics and

mathematical optimisation techniques.

Perhaps the most important part of the

Master track is the final year, where the

students have to conduct research for

their Master thesis. This is where all the

knowledge from the first year can be put

into practice and where students can

take an active part in our wide range of

research projects.

Academic staff

• Professor Leo Veldhuis

Expertise: Aerodynamic design

• Professor Piero Colonna

Expertise: Propulsion and Power

• Professor Georg Eitelberg

Expertise: Experimental aerodynamics

• Dr M. Voskuijl, Master track coordinator

Expertise: Flight mechanics

Job perspective

The job perspective for graduates of the

FPP track is great. Most graduates already

find a job prior to their graduation. Many

of our graduates decide to pursue a career

in the aerospace field, either in industry

or research institutes, both nationally

and abroad. In the Netherlands popular

employers are Fokker Aerostructures,

the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory

(NLR), Atkins, Fokker Elmo, Royal

Dutch Shell and Ke-Works. Many of our

graduates aspire an international career.

They work for example for companies

dedicated to designing and building aircraft

and propulsion systems, such as Airbus,

Rolls Royce, MTU Aero Engines, Pilatus

Aircraft and Siemens. Other students

start their own companies or work in

consultancy and finance. Finally, some

choose to pursue a PhD degree.

Engineering specialisations

EWEM offers four specialisations along

the energy conversion chain, each with

two or three areas of focus. The four

specialisations that are offered are:

Wind Physics

• Atmospheric aerodynamics and


• Wind farm aerodynamics

Rotor Design

• Aerodynamics

• Structure and design

• Composite design, material production

and manufacturing

Electrical Power systems

• Power systems

• Power electronics and drives

Offshore Engineering

• Installation, accessibility and


• Design of offshore support structures

• Modelling and optimisation of soil

mechanics and mooring Systems

As an EWEM student, you will spend your

time at least at two of the four different

partner universities. The possibility exists

to complete your internship and conduct

part of your thesis work with one of our

more than 40 partner organisations,

ranging from industrial firms to other

universities and research institutions.

Career prospects

The number of jobs in the wind energy

sector in Europe is expected to increase

from the current 200 000 to 450 000 by

2020. Globally, the growth will be even

faster: wind energy jobs throughout

the world are expected to double every

10 years, increasing from 630 000 in 2010

to 2 400 000 in 2030. The growth in wind

energy will continue to drive the demand

for qualified engineers and researchers.

Mobility path European Wind Energy Master (EWEM)

First Year (60 ECTS) Second year (60 ECTS)

1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester

Wind Physics


















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Rotor Design TU Delft DTU

Electric Power Systems TU Delft NTNU

Offshore Engineering TU Delft NTNU

TU Delft = Delft University of Technology

DTU = Technical University of Denmark

NTNU = Norwegian University of Science and Technology

UniOL = the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

1 EC = 28 hrs study, according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Total number of credits MSc programme = 120 EC

For more information on all courses: www.windenergymaster.eu

“After completing my Bachelor’s degree at the Delft University of Technology, I chose to pursue a Master’s degree at the same university, for several reasons. First, I like the open atmosphere amongst the students and academic staff. You are always welcome to ask questions to your professor or, if the professor is not available, one of his or her colleagues.

The second reason is that the programme has many electives. This allows all students to choose their favourite subjects. Another reason why I made this choice is that I am interested in topics related to modelling and numerical analysis, and the university has wide experience in this field. On an average day, I have some classes, but I am usually studying with other students by completing exercises or working on projects. Studying together helps students keep each other motivated and learn how to cooperate with others.

”Bas Verheugt

(The Netherlands)

Research programmes

AHEAD (Advanced Hybrid Engine for

Aircraft Design)

It is anticipated that with the decreasing

availability of fossil fuels, aviation will see

a significant use of non-conventional fuels

starting with synthetic fuels and biofuels

and perhaps on the longer term hydrogen

rich fuels. Such a change obviously

influences the propulsion system design

and this is why a new engine configuration

designated the ‘hybrid engine’ was

conceived within the FPP group. This

hybrid configuration has two combustion

chambers such that it is able to burn both

liquid hydrogen and synthetic/biofuel at the

same time. Such an engine could bridge

the gap between the current engines seen

in civil aviation and future engines. Liquid

hydrogen has a relatively large volume and

needs to be stored in pressurized tanks on-

board the aircraft. The choice of a hybrid

engine therefore directly affects the overall

aircraft configuration. The main objective

is therefore to develop the novel engine

for a Blended Wing Body aircraft, which

inherently has a large internal volume

compared to the conventional tube-and-

wing concept. Our group has the lead in

the AHEAD project which involves several

international partners. This is typically

a project for students focused on the

propulsion and power aspects of FPP.

RECREATE (Research on a Cruiser

Enabled Air Transport Environment)

This project is all about pioneering the

air transport of the future. It aims at the

introduction of the so-called cruiser/

feeder concept in the second half of

this century. This is an out-of-the-box

transport paradigm, where novel aircraft

configurations must be developed

to operate within a novel concept of

operation. Large cruisers transport

passengers over long distances, while

remaining airborne for very long periods.

Smaller feeder aircraft take off from local

airports, intercept the cruiser, dock and

enable in-flight exchange of passengers

and supplies. In this project, there is a

second operational concept that is being

developed, targeting a much closer

introduction timeline.

portfolio full of different aircraft design courses (and not only focusing on one area). With the program you learn a lot about air breathing engines, aerodynamics, aircraft design and design optimization. This makes you a student with a broad range of knowledge, ready for the aerospace industry! Currently I am writing my MSc thesis about the impact of control allocation (CA) techniques on trim drag for various (new) aircraft configurations. I have been able to do wind tunnel tests for my research, where I analyzed the performance of the control allocation algorithms. This is done by deflecting various control surfaces on a blended wing body aircraft model and logging the model’s coefficients. After the tests, the second part of the research consisted of implementing the CA algorithms in a conceptual design tool for (un)conventional aircraft. This software tool is developed by the department of FPP itself and by adding a trim module, I can help develop this tool further.By combining wind tunnel tests and the implementation in the design tool, I am not only working on one program for 8 months, but also have a practical touch with performing wind tunnel tests, which has been amazing and made me even more enthusiastic about the subject.

“During my BSc I discovered that my interests of study courses are very broad, I like mathematics, aircraft performance, aerodynamics, aircraft design and many more subjects. In selecting a Master Track, I first had some difficulty. Due to this wide interest, many tracks seemed like a good choice to me. However, the combination of the focus areas flight mechanics and aircraft design, offered by Flight Performance and Propulsion, seemed to be the a perfect fit for my interests.A varying Master programme can be chosen in which you can focus on your personal preference, but still have a complete

Crispijn Huijts

Voorbeelden van toepassingen. Masterbrochures.

Our graduates find work with EWEM

associated partners, in wind energy

research, remain in academia or begin

their own firms.

Admission requirements and

application procedures

More details on the admission

requirements can be found on the EWEM

website: www.windenergymaster.eu

BSc degree from a Dutch university

or International degree

To be considered for admission to any MSc

Programme, you must meet the general

admission requirements of TU Delft.

1. A BSc degree (or a proof that you have

nearly completed a BSc programme)

in a field closely related to the MSc


2. A BSc Cumulative Grade Point Average

(CGPA) of at least 75% of the scale


3. Proof of English language proficiency

A TOEFL score of at least 90

(internetbased test) or IELTS (academic

version) overall Band score of at least

6.5. For international students, the

application period starts October 1

and closes at April 1. To start an MSc

application, please complete the online

application and pay the refundable

application fee of € 100 (fee refunded

when registered).

For more information about the

application procedure go to


Degree from a (Dutch) university

of applied sciences (Dutch HBO)

An HBO Bachelor’s degree does not

qualify you for direct admission to

this Master’s degree programme. EWEM

doesn’t have an own bridging minor.

Candidates who believe they have enough

experience and done a relevant bridging

programme are invited to contact the

coordinator and will be considered on

a case by case basis.

See www.hbodoorstroom.tudelft.nl

for detailed information.

Application goes through Studielink:


The coordinator can inform about which

bridging minors might be sufficient to go

through selection.

The application process is conducted

by the TU Delft International Office and


Applicants should apply online according

to the regulations and procedure described

on the TU Delft application website and

on www.windenergymaster.eu

Applicants wishing to be considered for

a scholarship in the 2015-2017 edition of

the Erasmus Mundus programme should

ensure that their files are received before

1 December 2014. Besides these

regulations, the following guidelines

will be used to consider applications.

1. Candidates must have obtained a BSc

diploma of substantial quality and level

corresponding to at least 3 years studies

at Research University, equivalent to

180 ECTS.

2. The programme builds upon a first

degree such as a Bachelor’s degree

or an equivalent qualification in a

related field. The four engineering

specializations have different degree


• For the Rotor Design track applicants

must hold a Bachelor’s degree in either

Mechanical, Aerospace Engineering,

Physics or a degree with equivalent

core content.

• For the Wind Physics track applicants

must hold a Bachelor’s degree in either

Mechanical engineering, Aerospace

engineering, Mathematics or Physics

or a degree with equivalent core


Our mission is to advance the design of

innovative aircraft configurations and

propulsion concepts, by exploration of:

• new technologies and unconventional

airplane configurations

• advanced flight physics modelling to

improve the prediction and simulation

of air-vehicle performance

• new methods and tools to improve

the quality effectiveness of the design


The research and education activities

within this Master track are pursued and

coordinated by two full time professors,

one part-time professor, four assistant

professors and five dedicated lecturers.

Each of the staff members has a different

expertise, varying from air-breathing

propulsion systems, turbo-machinery

and power systems to flight mechanics

and aircraft design and integration.

The knowledge and competences within

the Flight Performance and Propulsion

section are therefore grouped in three

key areas:

• Propulsion and Power

• Flight Mechanics

• Aircraft Design & Design Methodologies

The educational programme is designed

to provide the students with in-depth

fundamental knowledge of these key areas.


The Flight Performance and Propulsion

Master track has a single profile. The

educational program consists of a fixed

set of mandatory courses that deepens

the knowledge of the students in the

fields of propulsion and power, flight

mechanics and aircraft design & design

methodologies. Elective courses are

typically selected in consultation with the

master track coordinator such that the

student becomes an expert in one of these

fields. For example, students interested

in the field of propulsion and power are

recommended to take the courses ‘Heat

transfer problems in gas turbines’ and

‘Gas turbine simulation / application.’

Students who would like to focus on

flight performance and aircraft design

will benefit for example from courses

on computational fluid dynamics and

mathematical optimisation techniques.

Perhaps the most important part of the

Master track is the final year, where the

students have to conduct research for

their Master thesis. This is where all the

knowledge from the first year can be put

into practice and where students can

take an active part in our wide range of

research projects.

Academic staff

• Professor Leo Veldhuis

Expertise: Aerodynamic design

• Professor Piero Colonna

Expertise: Propulsion and Power

• Professor Georg Eitelberg

Expertise: Experimental aerodynamics

• Dr M. Voskuijl, Master track coordinator

Expertise: Flight mechanics

Job perspective

The job perspective for graduates of the

FPP track is great. Most graduates already

find a job prior to their graduation. Many

of our graduates decide to pursue a career

in the aerospace field, either in industry

or research institutes, both nationally

and abroad. In the Netherlands popular

employers are Fokker Aerostructures,

the Dutch National Aerospace Laboratory

(NLR), Atkins, Fokker Elmo, Royal

Dutch Shell and Ke-Works. Many of our

graduates aspire an international career.

They work for example for companies

dedicated to designing and building aircraft

and propulsion systems, such as Airbus,

Rolls Royce, MTU Aero Engines, Pilatus

Aircraft and Siemens. Other students

start their own companies or work in

consultancy and finance. Finally, some

choose to pursue a PhD degree.

Engineering specialisations

EWEM offers four specialisations along

the energy conversion chain, each with

two or three areas of focus. The four

specialisations that are offered are:

Wind Physics

• Atmospheric aerodynamics and


• Wind farm aerodynamics

Rotor Design

• Aerodynamics

• Structure and design

• Composite design, material production

and manufacturing

Electrical Power systems

• Power systems

• Power electronics and drives

Offshore Engineering

• Installation, accessibility and


• Design of offshore support structures

• Modelling and optimisation of soil

mechanics and mooring Systems

As an EWEM student, you will spend your

time at least at two of the four different

partner universities. The possibility exists

to complete your internship and conduct

part of your thesis work with one of our

more than 40 partner organisations,

ranging from industrial firms to other

universities and research institutions.

Career prospects

The number of jobs in the wind energy

sector in Europe is expected to increase

from the current 200 000 to 450 000 by

2020. Globally, the growth will be even

faster: wind energy jobs throughout

the world are expected to double every

10 years, increasing from 630 000 in 2010

to 2 400 000 in 2030. The growth in wind

energy will continue to drive the demand

for qualified engineers and researchers.

Mobility path European Wind Energy Master (EWEM)

First Year (60 ECTS) Second year (60 ECTS)

1st semester 2nd semester 3rd semester 4th semester

Wind Physics


















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Rotor Design TU Delft DTU

Electric Power Systems TU Delft NTNU

Offshore Engineering TU Delft NTNU

TU Delft = Delft University of Technology

DTU = Technical University of Denmark

NTNU = Norwegian University of Science and Technology

UniOL = the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

1 EC = 28 hrs study, according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

Total number of credits MSc programme = 120 EC

For more information on all courses: www.windenergymaster.eu

“After completing my Bachelor’s degree at the Delft University of Technology, I chose to pursue a Master’s degree at the same university, for several reasons. First, I like the open atmosphere amongst the students and academic staff. You are always welcome to ask questions to your professor or, if the professor is not available, one of his or her colleagues.

The second reason is that the programme has many electives. This allows all students to choose their favourite subjects. Another reason why I made this choice is that I am interested in topics related to modelling and numerical analysis, and the university has wide experience in this field. On an average day, I have some classes, but I am usually studying with other students by completing exercises or working on projects. Studying together helps students keep each other motivated and learn how to cooperate with others.

”Bas Verheugt

(The Netherlands)

Research programmes

AHEAD (Advanced Hybrid Engine for

Aircraft Design)

It is anticipated that with the decreasing

availability of fossil fuels, aviation will see

a significant use of non-conventional fuels

starting with synthetic fuels and biofuels

and perhaps on the longer term hydrogen

rich fuels. Such a change obviously

influences the propulsion system design

and this is why a new engine configuration

designated the ‘hybrid engine’ was

conceived within the FPP group. This

hybrid configuration has two combustion

chambers such that it is able to burn both

liquid hydrogen and synthetic/biofuel at the

same time. Such an engine could bridge

the gap between the current engines seen

in civil aviation and future engines. Liquid

hydrogen has a relatively large volume and

needs to be stored in pressurized tanks on-

board the aircraft. The choice of a hybrid

engine therefore directly affects the overall

aircraft configuration. The main objective

is therefore to develop the novel engine

for a Blended Wing Body aircraft, which

inherently has a large internal volume

compared to the conventional tube-and-

wing concept. Our group has the lead in

the AHEAD project which involves several

international partners. This is typically

a project for students focused on the

propulsion and power aspects of FPP.

RECREATE (Research on a Cruiser

Enabled Air Transport Environment)

This project is all about pioneering the

air transport of the future. It aims at the

introduction of the so-called cruiser/

feeder concept in the second half of

this century. This is an out-of-the-box

transport paradigm, where novel aircraft

configurations must be developed

to operate within a novel concept of

operation. Large cruisers transport

passengers over long distances, while

remaining airborne for very long periods.

Smaller feeder aircraft take off from local

airports, intercept the cruiser, dock and

enable in-flight exchange of passengers

and supplies. In this project, there is a

second operational concept that is being

developed, targeting a much closer

introduction timeline.

portfolio full of different aircraft design courses (and not only focusing on one area). With the program you learn a lot about air breathing engines, aerodynamics, aircraft design and design optimization. This makes you a student with a broad range of knowledge, ready for the aerospace industry! Currently I am writing my MSc thesis about the impact of control allocation (CA) techniques on trim drag for various (new) aircraft configurations. I have been able to do wind tunnel tests for my research, where I analyzed the performance of the control allocation algorithms. This is done by deflecting various control surfaces on a blended wing body aircraft model and logging the model’s coefficients. After the tests, the second part of the research consisted of implementing the CA algorithms in a conceptual design tool for (un)conventional aircraft. This software tool is developed by the department of FPP itself and by adding a trim module, I can help develop this tool further.By combining wind tunnel tests and the implementation in the design tool, I am not only working on one program for 8 months, but also have a practical touch with performing wind tunnel tests, which has been amazing and made me even more enthusiastic about the subject.

“During my BSc I discovered that my interests of study courses are very broad, I like mathematics, aircraft performance, aerodynamics, aircraft design and many more subjects. In selecting a Master Track, I first had some difficulty. Due to this wide interest, many tracks seemed like a good choice to me. However, the combination of the focus areas flight mechanics and aircraft design, offered by Flight Performance and Propulsion, seemed to be the a perfect fit for my interests.A varying Master programme can be chosen in which you can focus on your personal preference, but still have a complete

Crispijn Huijts

Voorbeelden van layout stramienen en grafische verhoudingen


Page 14: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje


Highlights 2014



VoorwoordArjan van TimmerenJouke Verlinden Caspar ChorusJosien Kruizinga en Tim JonathanJenny DankelmanErnst ten HeuvelhofRonald HansonNick van de Giesen Alexandru IosupChris Verhoeven, Guido de Croon en Bart RemesEwoud de Kok en Siem KokErnst-Jan Bakker
















Dr. Jouke Verlinden is universitair docent Innovatieve Ontwerponder-

steuning bij de faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen (IO). Op 17 oktober

2014 promoveerde hij op zijn onderzoek naar digitale prototypes; dat

zijn prototypes waarin de werelden van het fysieke en het digitale bij

elkaar komen. ‘Dat werkt heel goed, vooral in de samenwerking met

niet-ontwerpers,’ aldus Verlinden.

Het fysieke met het digitale combineren

Tijdens mijn studie…

in Amerika ben ik begonnen met onderzoek

naar Virtual Reality. Dat vond ik fantastisch.

Je kunt in VR dingen doen die je in het

echt niet kunt doen, met de zwaartekracht

spelen bijvoorbeeld. Tegelijkertijd zei mijn

geweten, leuk, maar het draait om het

echte, niet om die droomwereld. Het leek

me interessant om die twee werelden te

combineren. Die fysieke werkelijkheid kun

je verrijken met digitale gegevens, je kunt

hem ook interactief maken. Dat heb ik in

mijn promotietraject gedaan. Ontwerpers

doen al heel veel digitaal met behulp van

computer-aided design. Tegelijkertijd is er

die mooie traditie van het modelmaken. Ik

ben op zoek gegaan naar betere methoden

om prototypes te gaan maken door die twee

bij elkaar te laten komen.


spelen daar een grote rol in. Je kunt allerlei

digitale informatie projecteren op fysieke

modellen, zoals kleur of textuur. Je kunt het

ook interactief maken. Heb je bijvoorbeeld

een 3D-print of een piepschuimmodel van

een mobieltje, dan kun je daar schermen op

projecteren en bedienen alsof het een echte

smartphone is. Die tactiele elementen van

het model kun je niet los van het digitale

gebruik toetsen, dat moet je samen zien. Dat

werkt vooral goed als je met niet-ontwerpers

om de tafel zit. Ontwerpers weten meestal

wel wat je met een bepaald type materiaal of

functioneren bedoelt.

Verschillende ontwerpdomeinen…

kwamen aan bod in mijn proefschrift.

Interieurontwerp onder andere, om precies

te zijn het interieur van een museum.

Daar zijn heel veel mensen bij betrokken

die nog nooit van hun leven iets hebben

ontworpen en dat ook nooit zullen doen,

denk aan een curator of een directeur. Dan

werkt zo’n interactief prototype heel goed.

Het gaat namelijk niet om de kleur van de

muur, maar veel meer om het functioneren,

bijvoorbeeld hoe de bezoekers zich langs

de objecten bewegen. Verplaatste je

het museummeubilair – van blokjes of

lego – dan paste de simulatie zich zo aan,

dat de effecten van de verandering op

de bezoekersstromen meteen zichtbaar

werden. Je kunt zo’n simulatie wel helemaal

op een beeldscherm doen, maar op het

moment dat je het tactiel maakt, wordt het

heel toegankelijk. Iedereen pakt dan die

blokjes; het gaat spelenderwijs.

Een spin-off…

is er ook uit voortgekomen. Twee

studenten hebben een bedrijf voor

3D-projectietechnieken opgericht. Hun

eerste grote klant was een bedrijf dat grote

vliegtuigen opnieuw ombouwt tot luxe-jets

voor VIP-klanten. Een vliegtuig heeft een

bepaald soort geometrie, het is een tube. Op

een normale plattegrond zie je dat niet, maar

in zo’n simulatie wel. Je kunt er figuurtjes

in plaatsen en het interieur vanuit hun

gezichtspunt bekijken. Verder kun je zien wat

er met de gewichtsverdeling gebeurt als je

het meubilair verplaatst. Je merkt dan dat de

beveiliger op een hele andere manier naar

zo’n toestel kijkt dan de zakenman.

Mijn zoektocht....

naar betere manieren om prototypen te

maken kwam heel mooi samen met de

ontwikkeling van de 3D-printer. Toen ik hier

begon in 2000 was dat nog een niche van

een niche. Ontwerpbureaus maakten in de

allerlaatste fase van het ontwerpen nog een

3D-print, bijvoorbeeld om te controleren of

de mallen wel goed zouden worden. Het

was heel duur; iets van het formaat van

een mobieltje kostte duizenden euro’s. Het

werd rapid prototyping genoemd, maar erg

snel was het ook al niet. Vijf jaar geleden

kostte zo’n printer nog 60.000 euro of meer,

nu koop je ze voor 2.000 euro. Dat heeft te

maken met opensource-ontwikkelingen

en met het verlopen van een aantal grote

patenten. Binnen een paar jaar is 3D-printen

gemeengoed geworden; het is ook steeds

meer een rol gaan spelen in de dingen die ik


Als faculteit...

Industrieel Ontwerpen hebben we daar

veel profijt van. Er zijn nu studenten die

in hun projecten prototypes maken voor

ontwerpbureaus, maar ook studenten die

kijken wat je kunt doen met een 3D-printer,

dat niet met andere technieken kan. Daar

komen hele interessante dingen uit. Een

Jouke Verlinden

Voorbeelden van layout toepassingen. Highlight brochure.


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Page 16: TU Delft Huisstijl 2015...Huisstijl TU Delft Algemene kenmerken van de huisstijl zijn: • Technisch en Onderzoekend, Grafisch en Functioneel, Plat en Overzichtelijk, zonder franje

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